HOME Cretaceous Period (145.5MA-65.5MA) Paleogene Period (65.5MA-23.03MA) Neogene Period (23.03MA-3MA) History Timeline Index

65.5 MA
CENOZOIC 65.5 ERA (65.5 M) (67MA-p)
TERTIARY67 PERIOD (65 M) no official rank (ICS)(67-2 MA)
PALEOGENE 65.5 PERIOD (42.47) (65.5-23.03 MA)
PALEOCENE EPOCH65.5 (9.7 M) (65.5-55.8 MA)
Alpine mountain building worldwide throughout Tertiary
Third and final major stage of breakup of Panagaea - Norwegian Sea opens up (Paleocene to Oligocene)
K/T Extinction Event - dinosaurs disappear, along with ammonites (or K/Paleogene)
DANIAN65.5 STAGE (4.4 M) (65.5-61.1 MA)
65 MA
Earliest white shark teeth (-60 M)
63 MA
Haplorrhini (dry nosed) splits from more primitive Strepsirrhines (wet nosed) primate line
62 MA
Phorusrhacidae family (aka Terror Birds) appear (-2 MA)
61.1 MA
SELANDIAN61.1 STAGE (2.4 M) (61.1-58.7 MA)
60 MA
Hyracotherium ("Eohippus") - earliest known member of the horse family (-45 MA)
58.7 MA
THANETIAN58.7 STAGE (2.9 M) (58.7-55.8 MA)
56 MA
Sifrhippus - small horse that got smaller as time proceeded
55.8 MA
EOCENE55.8 EPOCH (22 M) (55.8-36 MA)
PETM - Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum - rapid global warming by 6 degrees Celsius hits peak
Mass faunal extinctions after PETM
Hammerhead sharks (Sphyrnidae) appear during Eocene
YPRESIAN55.8 STAGE (7.2 M) (55.8-48.6 MA)
55 MA
EECO begins - Early Eocene Climatic Optimum - brought on by increased volcanic activity?
No useful fossil record has been discovered for this period (55-26 m)
Anscestors of the wombat appear - Diprodontia
53 MA ELMO event - "Eocene Layer of Mysterious Origen
50 MA
EECO ends - cooling of deep water in Oceans worlwide
Cataceans - land mammals adapt to marine life - Pakicetids
Earliest known bat
Lemur/Loris Split
Notharctus - inhabited Europe
49 MA
Azolla Event - freshwater fern "Azolla" blooms in Arctic Ocean - draw down of carbon produces current "Ice House" age
48.6 MA
LUTETIAN48.6 STAGE (8.2 M) (48.6-40.4 MA)
45 MA
Tarsius syrichta (Philippine tarsier) (-present)
40.4 MA
BARTONIAN40.4 STAGE(3.2 M) (40.4-37.2 MA)
40 MA
Formation of 1st Antarctic ice
Basilosaurus cetoides ("emperor reptile") (-37 MA) Alabama state fossil
Canids first appear (dog family) ( -early Oligocene)
Old world/New World monkey split
PRIABONIAN37.2 STAGE (3.3 M) (37.2-33.9)
33.9 MA
OLIGOCENE EPOCH33.9 (11 M) (33.9-25 MA)
First felids (cats) emerge (- 25MA)
RUPELIAN33.9 STAGE (5.5 M) (33.9-28.4 MA)
33.5 MA
Grand Coupure Event (MP21 event) - major turnover of European mammalian fauna -Asian influx to follow
30 MA
South America and Antarctica separate creating Drake's Passage
28.4 MA
CHATTIAN28.4 STAGE (5.37 M) (28.4-23.03 MA)

HOME Cretaceous Period (145.5MA-65.5MA) Paleogene Period (65.5MA-23.03MA) Neogene Period (23.03MA-3MA) History Timeline Index