2325 2325
Sargon of Akkad and his army reaches the Mediterranean Sea, ca. 2325 BCE (range=2334-2279 BCE) original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915
10614 2324
2141 2141
Gutian conquest of Akkad, ca. 2141 BCE (until ca. 2050 BCE) original painting from Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 245.
10615 2140
1877 1877
Murder of Amenemhat II, third Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, ca. 1877 BCE (range=1895-1843 BCE) painted in 1913 by Winifred Brunton, from Hutchinson's Story of Nations, 1915, pg. 24.10603 1876
1766 1766
Tai Yi, "Tang the Perfect" overthrows Jie, the last king of the Xia Dynasty, and begins the 600 year Shang dynasty, 1766 (traditional date) from Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 75.
10613 1765
1755 1755
Hammurabi holds court, after promulgation of his eponymous legal code, ca. 1755 BCE, painted ca. 1952 by Robert Thom (1915-1979) University of Michigan Museum of Art.15137 1754
1535 1535
Expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt, ca. 1535 (range=1535-1470 BCE) painted by Ambrose Dudley for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 2710604 1534
1274 1274
Battle of Kadesh, Ramesses II defeats Hittites, ca. May 1274 BCE, original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 279.
10612 1273
1269 1269
Siege of Darpur, Ramesses II (his tenth regnal year) and Egyptian Army, 18th Dynasty, German color lithograph from 1879 - from original relief carving - Temple at Thebes10605 1268
1207 1207
Murder of Tijulti-Ninurta I, King of the Middle Assyrian Empire, through a conspiracy of his sons, 1207 BCE (range=1207-1197 BCE) original painting from Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 293.
10609 1206
876 876
Sangar, Hittite King of Carchemish, receives Ashur-Nasir-Pal II, Assyrian King, 876 BCE, original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 282.
10611 875
763 763
Bur-Sagale eclipse, Ashur-Dan III, King of Assyria in his tenth regnal year, witnesses, June 15, 763 BCE, from hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 300.10607 762
732 732
Tiglath-Pileser III captures Damascus after 2 year siege, 732 BCE, original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 301.
10608 731
717 717
Sargon II, King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, captures Carchemish, after revolt of Pisiri of House of Astiruwa, 717 BCE, original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 284.
10610 716
612 612
Fall of Nineveh, 612 BCE, Medo-Babylonian conquest of New-Assyrian Empire, painted in 1829 by John Martin (1789-1854) Location Unknown10634 611
609 609
Battle of Megiddo, Egypt defeats Judah Death of Josiah, King, 609 BCE, painted by Francesco Conti (1681-1760) Christie's Old Masters Sale July 10, 2002, Lot 140.10636 609
Death of Josiah at the Battle of Megiddo, 609 BCE, painted ca. 1660 by Antonio Zanchi (1631–1722) Private Collection10641 608
605 605
Battle of Carchemish - Egypt defeated by Neo-Babylonian Empire allied with Medians and Scythians, illustration from Cassel's Universal History, 1888.10635 604
586 586
Capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, Neo-Babylonian King, Destruction of the Temple, 586, painted in 1470 by Jean Fouquet, Antiquités judaïques
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Fr.247, f.213v.10637 585
399 399
Death of Socrates, 399, by Jacques Philip Joseph de Saint Quentin (1738-1762) Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris.10316 399
Death of Socrates, 399 BCE, painted in 1787 by Jacques Louis David (1748-1825) Location TBD10317 398
335 335
Timoclea uccide il capitano di Alessandro Magno, 335 BCE Sirani Elisabetta - 1659 10362 334 334
Alexander the Great visiting the grave of Achilles near Troy, 334 BCE, May, by Aert Jansz Marienhof10361 333 333
La Bataille d'Issus, 333 BCE, November 5th - Jan Brueghel l'Ancien 10360 332
322 322
Death of Demosthenes, drank poison hidden in a pen reed, October 12, 322, painted in 1879 by Alfred-Henri Bramtot (1852-1894) Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris10599 321
275 275
Triumph of Manius Curius Dentatus after the Battle of Beneventum, 275 BCE, painted ca. 1726 by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) Ca Dolfin Series, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, ГЭ-7475 12040 274
217 217
Ducarius Decapitating Roman General Flaminius 27 april 217 BCE, painted in 1882 by Joseph-Noel Sylvestre (1847-1926) Musée”des Beaux-Arts de Beziers10332 216
203 203
Sophonisba requesting help from Massinissa, 203 BCE, by Giambattista Zelotti (1526-1578) Villa Caldogno-Nordera10333 203
Death of Sophonisba, 203 BCE, by Giambattista Pittoni (1687-1767) Pushkin Museum10334 202
196 196
At the Isthmian Games - Roman Titus Quinctius Flaminius Grants Liberty to Greece after expelling the Macedonian army under Philip V, 196, painted 1780 by Jean Pierre Saint-Ours (1752-1809) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA.11964 196
Titus Flaminius offers Greece freedom under Roman protection at the Isthmian Games, 196 BCE, painted ca. 1879 by Giuseppe Sciuti (1834–1911) Private Collection11965 195
101 101
Battle of Vercellae, 101 BCE, by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) The Metropolitan Museum of New York10330 101
Marius "Victor" celebrating the defeat of the Cimbri in Northern Italy, 101 BCE, as imagined in 1863 by Francesco Saverio Altamura (1822-1897) Museo Civici di Foggia 11966 100
47 47
Cesar remet Cleopatre sur le trone d'gypte, 47 BCE, Febrary - by Pierre de C10363 46 46
The Death of Cato, 46 BCE, by Johann Carl Loth (1632-1698) National Museum Warsaw10320 46
Suicide of Cato the Younger, 46 BCE, painted in 1797 by Louis Andre Gabriel Bouchet (1759-1842) Location TBD10335 45
44 44
Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BCE, painted in 1804-1805, by Vicenzo Camuccini (1771-1844) Galleria Nazionale d'rte moderna roma10325 43 43
Lictors bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons, 43 BCE, painted in 1789 by Jacques Louis David (1748-1825) location tbd.10326 42
31 31
Battle of Actium, September 2, 31 BCE, painted in 1672 by by Lorenzo A. Castro, Location TBD.10327 30 30
Augustus visits the tomb of Alexander the Great in Egypt, 30 BCE, painted 1878 by Lionel Royer (1852-1926) Private Collection10595 29
2 2
Julia the Elder, daughter of Augustus, is exiled to Ventotene on charges of adultery, 2 BCE, by Pavel Svedomsky (1849-1904), Kyiv National Picture Gallery.10338