1100s 1200s 1300s

History Timeline Index

1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290
1201 1211 1221 1231 1241 1251 1261 1271 1281 1291
1202 1212 1222 1232 1242 1252 1262 1272 1282 1292
1203 1213 1223 1233 1243 1253 1263 1273 1283 1293
1204 1214 1224 1234 1244 1254 1264 1274 1284 1294
1205 1215 1225 1235 1245 1255 1265 1275 1285 1295
1206 1216 1226 1236 1246 1256 1266 1276 1286 1296
1207 1217 1227 1237 1247 1257 1267 1277 1287 1297
1208 1318 1328 1338 1348 1358 1368 1378 1388 1398
1209 1219 1229 1239 1249 1259 1269 1279 1289 1299

Alfonso VIII of Castile incorporates Alava and Guipuzcoa into Castile
Jews in Morocco given privileges
Rise of Sultanate of Kilwa
Hunac Ceel revolts against Maya of Chichen Itza and sets up new capital at Mayapan

Trouveres flourish in France
Minnesingers flourish in Germany
Alleluya Nativitas Perotin
Viderunt omnes et Sederunt principes Perotin
Sadi, Shiekh Musharrif ud-din 1200-1292
Chu Hsi (Xhu Xi) 1130-1200 Philosopher (Sung China)
Hugh of Lincoln 1140-1200

Humiliati Order founded (quasi-mendicant)
Al Tusi, Nasir Eddin 1201-1274
Leonin 1135-1201 (1163-1190?)
Crusaders unable to pay Venice for transport agree to conquer on its behalf
Famine in Egypt (-1204)

Canute VI - (Denmark)
Valdemar II + (Denmark) Sejr the Victorious
Sverre - (Norway)
Mieszko III the Old - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Ladislaus +- (Polish Kingdom) ***** Piast Dynasty (Spindleshanks)
Leszek the White + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty

Joachim of Fiore 1130-1202 Churchman/Intellectual
John (Lackland?) orders the murder of his nephew Arthur, Duke of Brittany
Sack of Ghana by Sumanguru of Susu

Alexius III - (Byzantine Empire) (1195-1203)
Isaac II Angelus + (Byzantine Empire) (1203-1204)
Alexius IV + (Byzantine Empire) (1203-1204)
Dirk VII - (Holland) Count
Ada + (Holland) (-1204) Countess

Nizami 1140-1203 Poet (Persia)
Crusaders sack Constantinople - city pillaged for three days - Latin kingdom formed (4/13)
Baldwin IX Count of Flanders is elected Emperor of the Latin Empire (5/9)
Baldwin IX Count of Flanders is crowned Baldwin I, Emperor of the Latin Empire (5/16)
Baldwin I's wife Marie dies of the plague in Acre - sailing to see Baldwin she heard the news of his crowning (8)
Philip II Augustus makes war on John Lackland - John surrenders Normandy, Brittany, Anjou, Maine, Touraine
Latin Empire of Constantinople - Lascarid dynasty at Nicea (-1261)
Chinese Year of the Rat

Isaac II Angelus - (Byzantine Empire) (1203-)
Alexius IV - (Byzantine Empire) (1203-)
Alexius V Murtzuphlus +- (Byzantine Empire) *****
Baldwin I + (Latin Empire) (1204-1205) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris + (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor
Emeric - (Hungary) King
Ladislaus III + (Hungary) King
Haakon III Sverreson +- (Norway) *****
Inge Baardson + (Norway)
Ada - (Holland) (1203-) Countess
William I + (Holland) Count

Maimonides, Moses 1135-1204
Battle of Adrianople - Bulgarians under Kaloyan defeat the Crusaders (Latin Empire) under Baldwin I (4/14/1205)
Baldwin I dies in captivity - news of it becomes known(7)
Henry of Flanders is crowned Emperor of the Latin Empire (8/20)
Innocent III sends Dominic into Abligensian cities
Defeat of the Latin Empire by the Bulgars

Ladislaus III - (Hungary) King
Andrew II + (Hungary) King
Amalric II of Cyprus - (Jerusalem) (1197-) 11th King
John of Brienne + (Jerusalem) (-1229) 12th King
Baldwin I - (Latin Empire) (1204-1205) Emperor
Henry I of Flanders + (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Perotin 1160-1205 (1160-1238?) Composer
Temujin unites Mongols as Genghis Khan, "Emperor within the Seas"
Qutb-ud-din Aybak assassinates Ghur - Slave Dynasty begins in India (Delhi Sultanate) (-1290)

Joanna + (Flanders) Countess
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor
Genghis Khan + (Mongol Empire) (-1227)
Qutb-ud-din Aybak + (Slave Dynasty) (-1210) India

Cantar de Mio Cid
Pope Innocent III appoints Stephen Langton Archbishop of Cantebury - John refuses to let him take office
John Asen (Kaloyan) - (Bulgaria) (1197-1207) 1st Emperor 2nd Bulgarian Empire
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Rumi, Jalal ad-din 1207-1273 Persian Poet (Balkh)
Henry III Plantagenet 1207-1272 King of England

Philip of Swabia murdered (6/21/1208)
Otto IV submits to a new election in Holy Roman Empire - wins over the princes (11/1208)
Pope Innocent III lays England under interdict
Albigensian Crusade in France (-1213)

Philip of Swabia - (Holy Roman Empire) (1198-) Hohenstaufen Dynasty (4th) (murdered)
Otto IV - (Holy Roman Empire) (1198-) Guelph antiking
Otto IV + (Holy Roman Empire) (-1215) Guelph emperor
Sverker the Younger - (Sweden) (1196-) House of Sverker and Erik (Karlsson)
Erik X + (Sweden) (-1216) House of Sverker and Erik (Knutsson)
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Pope Innocent III excommunicates John Lackland for attacks on Church property
Diploma of Speyer - Otto IV again comfirms the papacy's rights to the Papal States (3)
Otto IV crowned emperor of HRE - reverts to Hohenstaufen policy of dominance over Italy (10)
Francis of Assisi founds the Franciscan Order (mendicant)
Cambridge University founded
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Otto IV seizes lands left to the Church by Matilda of Tuscany
Otto IV invades Apulia and prepares to attack Sicily
Pope Innocent III excommunicates Emperor Otto IV
Mongols under Genghis Khan begin invasion of China

Leszek the White - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Mieszko the Stumbling + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor
Qutb-ud-din Aybak - (Slave Dynasty) (1206-) India
Aram Shah + (Slave Dynasty) (-1211) India

Frederick II is elected King of Germany in absentia by Diet of Nuremberg (9)
Mieszko the Stumbling - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Leszek the White + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor
Aram Shah - (Slave Dynasty) (1210-) India
Shams ud din Iltutmish + (Slave Dynasty) (-1236) India
Sancho I - (Portugal) House of Burgundy
Alfonso II the Fat + (Portugal) King (House of Burgundy)

Battle of Navas de Tolosa - Alfonso VIII/Sancho VII/Alfonso II/Pedro II defeat Almohades (7/16)
Frederick II crowned king of the Germans at Mainz - Hohanstaufen against a Guelph (Otto IV) (12/12)
Children's Crusade - 30,000 children from France and Germany set off for Palestine - 1000s sold into slavery

First University in Spain founded at Palencia by Alfonso VIII of Castile (1212-1214)
Frederick II + (German Kingdom) (1211-1220) Hohenstaufen (5th)
Vsevolod - (Vladimir/Suzdal) Grand Duke
Konstantin + (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Ferdinand + (Flanders) Count (from Portugal)
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Alhambra construction begins (1213-1388)
Pope Innocent declares John Lackland deposed - John hurriedly makes peace
Frederick II ... ("German Kingdom") (1211-1250) Hohenstaufen (5th)
Muhammed an-Nasir - (Almohade Dynasty) (1198-1213) Caliph
Yusuf II + (Almohade Dynasty) (1213-1224) Caliph
Pedro II - (Aragon) (1196-)King
James I + (Aragon) (-1276) King (the Conqueror)
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Battle of the Bouvines - Philip II (Ghibellines) defeats John, Otto IV, and count of Flanders (Guelphs) - (7/27/1214)
William the Lion - (Scotland) King (younger brother of Malcolm IV)
Alexander II + (Scotland)
Frederick II ... ("German Kingdom") (1211-1250) Hohenstaufen (5th) c
Alfonso VIII - (Castile) (1158-)
Henry I + (Castile) (-1217)
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Bacon, Roger 1214-1292
Alfonso VIII 1155-1214 King of Castile
Magna Carta in England - barons force John Lackland to agree to a statement of their rights
Louis VIII's 1st campaign against the Albigenses
Frederick II recrowned King of the Germans at Aachen - he takes the Cross
Fourth Lateran Council - yellow badge
St. Dominic founds the Dominican Order of preaching friars at Toulouse (mendicant)

Otto IV - (Holy Roman Empire) (1209-) Guelph emperor
Henry I of Flanders ... (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Henry I of Flanders, Emperor of the Latin Empire is poisoned by his Bulgarian wife Maria, dies (6/11/1216)
Henry III becomes king of England at age nine
Philip II Augustus sends son Louis VIII to invade England
Frederick II promises that when crowned emperor he would separate Sicily from the empire - reversed 1220

John Lackland - (England) (1199-) King (youngest son of Henry II)
Henry III + (England) (1216-1272) King
Erik X - (Sweden) (1208-) House of Sverker and Erik (Knutsson)
John I + (Sweden) House of Sverker and Erik (Johan Sverkersson)
Frederick II ... (German Kingdom) (1211-1250) Hohenstaufen (5th)
Henry I of Flanders - (Latin Empire) (1205-1216) Emperor
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Innocent III - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1198-1216)
Honorius III + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1216-1227)

Coronation of Stephen I as Czar of Serbia
Fifth Crusade against Egypt fails (-1222)
Mongols conquer Tarim Basin

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
Henry I - (Castile) (1214-)
Berangaria +- (Castile) *****
Ferdinand III + (Castile) the Saint
Inge Baardson - (Norway)
Haakon IV + (Norway)
Frederick II ... ("German Kingdom") (1211-1250) Hohenstaufen (5th)
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Rudolf I Hapsburg is born to Albert I, Count of Hapsburg and Hedwig of Kyburg (5/1/1218)
Zenith of the Second Bulgarian Empire under John II Asen
Genghis Khan conquers Persia
Ganghis Khan conquers Kara-Khitan Khanate

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
Frederick II ... ("German Kingdom") (1211-1250) Hohenstaufen (5th)
Konstantin - (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Yuri II + (Vladimir) Grand Duke
John II Asen + (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Otto IV 1175-1218 Emperor (HRE)
Louis VIII's 2nd campaign against the Albigenses - prepares the annexation of S. France by Louis IX
Egyptian Crusade I
Mongols conquer Bokhara
Hojo clan rules Japan following end of Minamoto family (-1333)

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Chartres Cathedral rebuilding completed
Frederick II is crowned Holy Roman Emperor (11/22/1220)
Mongols conquer Samarkand
Mongol invasion of Khwarezmian Empire

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
Frederick II ...+ (Germany)(Holy Roman Empire)(Sicily) (1211-1250) Emperor (Hohenstaufen) (5th)
Theodore I Lascaris ... (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Hillel of Verona 1220-1295
William of Rubruck c.1220-c1293 Francisc. Missionary/Explorer (Flanders)
Mongols ravage Persia
Mongols conquer West Turkestan and Afghanistan
Ghengis Khan destroys Old Urgench

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
Frederick II ... (Germany)(Holy Roman Empire)(Sicily) (1211-1250) Emperor (Hohenstaufen) (5th)
Theodore I Lascaris - (Nicaean Empire) (1204-1221) Emperor

Alfonso X of Castille 1221-1284
Bonaventure 1221-1274

Guzman, Domingo de 1170-1221
Genghiz Khan raids India
Singosari founded (Java)

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
Frederick II ... (Germany)(Holy Roman Empire)(Sicily) (1211-1250) Emperor (Hohenstaufen) (5th)
Theodore I Lascaris - (Byzantine Empire) (1204-)
John III Ducas Vatatzes + (Byzantine Empire) (-1254)
John I - (Sweden) House of Sverker and Erik (Johan Sverkersson)
Erik XI + (Sweden) (1222-1229)1st H. Sverker and Erik (Eriksson)

Battle of Kalka River - Mongols defeat the Russian princes and Cumans in southern Russia - return to Asia (5/31/1223)
Albertus Magnus joins the Dominicans
Mongols first invade western Europe (Russia)

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1222-1229)1st H. Sverker and Erik (Eriksson)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
Philip II Augustus - (France) (1180-) King
Louis VIII le Lion + (France) (-1226) King
Frederick II ... (Germany)(Holy Roman Empire)(Sicily) (1211-1250) Emperor (Hohenstaufen) (5th)
Abou Yacoub - (Almohade Sultanate) (1213-)
Abou Malik + (Almohade Sultanate) (-1225)
Alfonso II the Fat - (Portugal) King (House of Burgundy)
Sancho II + (Portugal) House of Burgundy

Philip II Augustus 1165-1223 King of France
War between France and England (-1227)
Vassal chieftancy sacks Ghanaian captial and enslaves the ruling family

University of Naples founded by Frederick II
Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1222-1229)1st H. Sverker and Erik (Eriksson)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
William I - (Holland) Count
Floris IV + (Holland) Count
Frederick II ... (Germany)(Holy Roman Empire)(Sicily) (1211-1250) Emperor (Hohenstaufen) (5th)

Reims Cathedral construction starts
Frederick II marries Yolande, daughter of John of Brienne - Frederick II claims the crown of Jerusalem
Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1222-1229)1st H. Sverker and Erik (Eriksson)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
Frederick II ... (Germany)(Holy Roman Empire)(Sicily) (1211-1250) Emperor (Hohenstaufen) (5th)
al-Nasir - (Abbasid Caliphate) (1180-) 34th Abbasid Caliph
al-Zahir + (Abbasid Caliphate) (-1226) 35th Abbasid Caliph
Abou Malik (Almohade Sultanate) (1223-)
Mamoun + (Almohade Sultanate)

Aquinas, Thomas 1225-1274 Churchman/Philosopher
Pisano, Nicola 1225-1278

Diet of Cremona - Frederick II reasserts imperial claim to Lombardy
Lombard League immediately revived on news of Frederick II's claim to Lombardy

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1222-1229)1st H. Sverker and Erik (Eriksson)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) King
Louis VIII le Lion - (France) (1223-) King
Louis IX (St. Louis) + (France) (-1270) King
Frederick II ... (Germany)(Holy Roman Empire)(Sicily) (1211-1250) Emperor (Hohenstaufen) (5th)
al-Zahir - (Abbasid Caliphate) (1225-) 35th Abbasid Caliph
al-Mustansir + (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

St. Francis of Assisi 1182-1226
Genghis Khan dies - his empire divides among his sons (8/18/1227)
Frederick II embarks on crusade at the insistent demand of the new pope Gregory IX (9)
Henry III begins personal rule in England
Frederick II falls ill and turns back from crusade - Gregory IX excommunicates him
Mongols conquer Hsi-hsia

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1222-1229)1st H. Sverker and Erik (Eriksson)
Henry III ...+ (England) (1216-1272)
Frederick II ... (Germany)(Holy Roman Empire)(Sicily) (1211-1250) Emperor (Hohenstaufen) (5th)
Genghis Khan - (Mongol) (1206-1227) 1st Great Khan
Leszek the White - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Ladislaus Spindleshanks + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
al-Mustansir + (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

Honorius III - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1216-1227)
Gregory IX + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1227-1241)

Genghis Khan 1167-1227
Sixth Crusade - Frederick II leads campaign - actually a "state visit" - a diplomatic victory
Treaty of Jaffa - Frederick II and Crusaders gain Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem
Treaty of Jaffa - Mosque of Omar left to the Moslems
Crusaders capture Jerusalem
Teutonic Knights begin conquering Prussia
Livonian Confederation forms from five small states by Papal Legate William of Modena (-1560)

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1222-1229)1st H. Sverker and Erik (Eriksson)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

Conrad IV 1228-1254 Emperor (HRE)
Ten Year Truce - al- Kamil and Frederick II sign, ends Sixth Crusade (2/18/1229)
James I of Aragon begins conquest of Balearic Islands (-1235)
Peace of Paris
Frederick II crowned King at Jerusalem
Pope Gregory IX denounces Treaty of Jaffa (Moslems soon violate it)
Pope Gregory IX sends papal army to invade Frederick II's kingdom
Frederick II returns from Holy Land

University of Toulouse established
Erik XI - (Sweden) (1222-1229) 1st H. Sverker and Erik
Canute II + (Sweden) (1229-1234) H. Sverker and Erik (Lange)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Ladislaus Spindleshanks - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Conrad of Mazovia + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
John of Brienne - (Jerusalem) (1205-) 12th King
Frederick II ... (Jerusalem)(Sicily)(HRE) (1211-1250) King (Hohenstaufen)
Ogadai + (Mongol) (-1241) Great Khan (son of Genghis)
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

Yaqut ????-1229 Geographer
Notre Dame nave reconstructed and flying buttresses added
Alhambra construction begins

Castile unites with Leon
Treaty of San Germano - Frederick II makes important concessions to Pope Gregory IX
Battle of Klokotnica - Epirus defeated
Accession of Sun Dyata of Mali

Canute II ... (Sweden) (1229-1234) H. Sverker and Erik (Lange)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Sundiata + (Mali)
Alfonso IX - (Leon)
Leopold VI - (Austria) Duke The Glorious
Frederick II + (Austria) Duke The Fighter
Ottokar I - (Bohemia) Premyslid King
Wenceslaus II + (Bohemia) Premyslid King (Wenzel)
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

Carmina Burana Germany
Vogelweide, Walter von der 1170-1230 Composer
Frederick issues the Liber Augustalis - a new body of laws for Sicily
Canute II ... (Sweden) (1229-1234) H. Sverker and Erik (Lange)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

Earliest known use of rockets in war between Mongols and Chinese
Canute II ... (Sweden) (1229-1234) H. Sverker and Erik (Lange)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Conrad of Mazovia - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Henry I the Bearded + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

Gregory IX establishes medieval inquisition to stamp out Albigensianism
Canute II ... (Sweden) (1229-1234) H. Sverker and Erik (Lange)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Ferdinand - (Flanders) Count (from Portugal)
Thomas + (Flanders) Count (from Savoy)
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

Henry rebels against his father Frederick II
Mongols annex the Chin Empire in China
Sunjata, a Ghanaian royal hostage and magician overthrows the usurper of 1224 - founds Mali Empire

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Sancho VI - (Navarre) the Strong
Teobaldo I + (Navarre)
Canute II - (Sweden) (1229-1234) H. Sverker and Erik (Lange)
Erik XI + (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph


Frederick II easily deposes and imprisons his son Henry
Diet of Mainz - "Land Peace" of Frederick II - a towering monument of imperial legislation
Battle of Kirina - Mandinka Prince Sundiata Keita defeats Sosso King Sumanguru Kant

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Andrew II - (Hungary) King
Bela IV + (Hungary) King
Floris IV - (Holland) Count
William II + (Holland) Count
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph
Sundiata Keita + (Mali) (-1255) King

Lull, Raymond 1235-1315
Siger of Brabant 1235-1282

Kimhi, David (Redak) 1160-1235
Frederick II launches a successful campaign against the Lombard cities
Christians capture Cordoba

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Alexander Nevski + (Novgorod) Prince
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph
Shams ud din Iltutmish - (Slave Dynasty) (1211-) India
Rukn ud din Firuz +- (Slave Dynasty) ***** India
Raziyyat ud din Sultana + (Slave Dynasty) (-1240) India

De Coincy, Gautier 1177-1236
Conrad IV elected King of the Romans at Vienna after the deposition of his brother Henry
Archbishop Siegfried II of Mainz acts as regent for Conrad IV (-1241)
Batu Khan burns Karaysk
First record of Colln (half of Berlin)

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Conrad IV + (German Kingdom) (-1254) King Hohenstaufen (6th)
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

James I of Aragon conquers Valencia
Mongols take Moscow

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Mamoun - (Almohade Sultanate)
Mahommed I + (Granada)
Yuri II - (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Yaroslav II + (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Henry I the Bearded - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Henry II the Pious + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph

Halle, Adam de la 1238-1287 Composer
Pope Gregory IX allies with the Lombards against Frederick II and excommunicates him (3)
Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)

Edward I Plantagenet 1239-1307 King of England
Chartres Cathedral begins reconstruction
Battle of the Neva- Alexander Nevski defeats the Swedes (7/15)
Skule Bardsson's rebellion in Norway fails - end of the Norwegian Civil War
Raziyyat ud din Sultana murdered by the "Forty" - only woman to rule Delhi
End of Empire of Ghana - incorporated into the Kingdom of Mali
Mongols capture Moscow
Mongols destroy Kiev

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph
Raziyyat ud din Sultana - (Slave Dynasty) (1236-)
Muiz ud din Bahram + (Slave Dynasty) (-1242)

Motet becomes important polyphonic composition
Sumer canon
Arnold of Villanova 1240-1313
Franco of Cologne 1240-1280 Musician
Pepo, Cenni di (Cimabue) 1240-1302

Fibonacci, Leonardo 1170-1240
Battle of Legnica - Mongol victory against Polish/German in Silesia - Henry II Pious is beheaded (4/9)
Battle of Mohi - Mongol victory in Hungary (4/11)
Frederick II captures a general council en route from Genoa to Rome (5)
Frederick II at the gates of Rome when Pope Gregory IX dies (8/22)
Henry Raspe acts as regent to Conrad IV at the death of Archbishop Siegfried II of Mainz
Mongol sack of the Second Bulgarian Empire
Mongol sack of Poland
Wenceslaus defends Moravia from Mongol invasion under Batu Khan
Ogedai Khan dies
Mongols withdraw from Europe following the death of Ogadai Khan

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Valdemar II - (Denmark) Sejr the Victorious
Eric IV +
(Denmark) the Plowpenny
John Asen II - (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty
Kaliman I + (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty
Henry II the Pious - (Duchy of Wroclaw) Piast Dynasty (killed in Battle)
Conrad of Mazovia + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
al-Mustansir ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph
Ogadai - (Mongol) (1229-) Great Khan (son of Genghis)

Gregory IX - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1227-1241)
Celestine IV +- (Patriarchate of Rome) *****

Sturluson, Snorri 1179-1241
Battle of Lake Peipus (Battle of the Ice)- Alexander Nevski defeats the Teutonic Knights (4/5)
Batu Khan establishes Mongol kingdom of the "Golden Horde" on lower Volga River (southern Russia)

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
al-Mustansir - (Abbasid Caliphate) (1226-1242) 36th Abbasid Caliph
al-Musta'sim + (Abbasid Caliphate) (-1258) 37th Abbasid Caliph (executed)
Muiz ud din Bahram - (Slave Dynasty) (1240-) India
Ala ud din Masud + (Slave Dynasty) (-1246) India
Batu + (Golden Horde) lower Volga

Siege of Viterbo - Cardinal Ranieri has imperial troops slaughtered even after they were to be removed (11/13)
Frederick II offers sweeping concessions to Pope Innocent IV and his allies - but the agreement is delayed
Egyptians capture Jerusalem from the Christians
Battle of Kosedagh - Genghis Khan defeats Seljuks - Anatolia under Mongol suzerainty

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Conrad of Mazovia - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Boleslaus the Chaste + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty

Innocent IV + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1243-1254) Rome
First record of Berlin
Pope Innocent IV flees to Lyons
Jerusalem falls to wandering band of Khwarezmians (Malik al-Muattam) with tacit support of Ayyubids in Cairo

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Joanna - (Flanders) Countess
Thomas - (Flanders) Count (from Savoy)
Margaret + (Flanders) Countess
Frederick II -(++) (Jerusalem)(Sicily)(HRE) (1229-) King (Hohenstaufen)

Notre Dame towers completed
I Lyons Council - Pope Innocent IV and council declare Frederick II deposed
Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Sancho II - (Portugal) House of Burgundy
Alfonso III + (Portugal) House of Burgundy

Alexander of Hales 1185-1245
Election of Henry Raspe as antiking at behest of Pope Innocent IV plunges Germany into disorder
Election of antiking Conrad IV(s. Frederick II) plunges Germany into civil war
Austria to the Empire (-1248)

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Henry Raspe + (Holy Roman Empire) antiking
Conrad IV + (Holy Roman Empire) antiking
Frederick II - (Austria) Duke The Fighter
Yaroslav II - (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Andrey + (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Kaliman I - (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty
Michael Asen + (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty
Ala ud din Masud - (Slave Dynasty) (1242-) India
Nasir ud din Mahmud + (Slave Dynasty) (-1266) India

Disorder in Germany increases after William, Count of Holland, becomes antiking on Raspe's death
Hesse emerges as a landgraviate immediately subject to the HRE under a branch of the house of Brabant
War between Frederick II and papal allies in Italy (-1250)

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Henry Raspe - (Holy Roman Empire) antiking
William + (Holy Roman Empire) antiking count of Holland

Cologne Cathedral begins construction
Sainte-Chapelle in Paris begins construction

Battle of Parma - Frederick II's forces are routed by Guelphs while he is away at a hunting party (2/18)
Egyptian Crusade II (Seventh Crusade)
- Louis IX leads campaign (-1270)
William II becomes king of Germany (Holy Roman Empire)
Almohads loses city of Seville to Christians

Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Herman von Baden + (Austria) Duke

Dies irae Thomas of Celano
Battle of Fossalta - Ghibelline forces under Enzio, K. of Sardinia are defeated by Guelphs (Bologna) (5/26)
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Erik XI ... (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Alexander II - (Scotland)
Alexander III + (Scotland)

Sicilian School of Poetry (Frederick II's Court)
Erik XI King of Sweden dies (2/2)
Battle of Al Mansurah - French Crusader victory over Ayyubid army under Emir Fakr-ed-din (2/8)
Battle of Fariskur - Ayyubid forces defeat French crusading army under Louis IX - captured (4/6)
Louis IX King of France is released by Egyptains after giving up Damietta and paying 1 million dinars (4/30)
Eric IV Plovpenning King of Denmark dies (9)
Frederick II dies of dysentery at Castel Fiorentino in Puglia - death knell fro the Hohenstaufen dynasty (12/13)
Battle of Cingoli - HRE defeats Guelphs/Papal alliance
Beginning of the HR imperial interregnum (-1273)
Conrad IV declared Holy Roman Emperor (-1254)
Anarchy in Austria - several claimants to the throne (-1253)
Saracens capture Louis IX in Egypt and hold him for ramsome
Rise of Mamluk sultanate in Egypt and Syria (-1260)
Gun first used around this time

Erik XI - (Sweden) (1234-1250)2nd H. Sverker and Erik
Valdemar I + (Sweden) (1250-1275) H. Folkung (Birgersson)
Birger Jarl + (Sweden) (1250-1266) Regent (H. Bjelbo)
Haakon IV ... (Norway) (1217-1263) King
Eric IV - (Denmark) (1241-1250) King the Plowpenny
Abel + (Denmark) (1250-1252) King
Alexander III ... (Scotland) (1249-1286) King
Llywelyn the Last ... (Gwynedd) (1246-1282) Prince
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272) in his own right 1227
Walter de Gray ... (Archbishopric of York) (1216-1255) Archbishop
Boniface of Savoy ... (Archbishopric of Canterbury) (1240-1270) Archbishop
Margaret II ... (Flanders) (1244-1278) Countess
Louis IX ... (France) (1226-1270) King (Capetian)
John I ... (Brittany) (1237-1286) Duke
Hugh II ... (Angouleme) (1249-1260) Count
Hugh IV ... (Burgundy) (1218-1271) Duke
Alfonso III ... (Portugal) (1248-1279) King
Ferdinand III ... (Castile)(Leon) (1217-1252) King
Theobald I ... (Navarre) (1234-1253) King
James I ... (Aragon) (1213-1276) King
Muhammed I ibn Alhamar ... (Granada) (1232-1273) Sultan
Umar ... (Almohade Caliphate) (1248-1266) Caliph
Frederick II - (Germany(HRE)(Jerusalem)(Sicily)(1211-1250) Hohenstaufen (5th)
John I ... (Brandenburg) (1220-1266) Margrave (Ascanian Dyn.)
Otto III ... (Brandenburg) (1220-1267) Margrave (Ascanian Dyn.)
Interregnum ... (HRE) (1246-1273)
Christian III von Weisenau ... (Archbishopric of Mainz) (1249-1251) Archbishop
Konrad von Hochstaden ... (Archbishopric of Cologne) (1238-1261) Archbishop/Elector
Arnold II von Isenburg ... (Archbishopric of Trier) (1242-1259) Archbishop/Elector
Gerhard II of Lippe ... (Archbishopric of Bremen) (1219-1258) Archbishop
Wilbrand von Kasernberg ... (Archbishopric of Magdeburg) (1235-1254) Archbishop
Conrad IV + (Jerusalem)(Germany(Sicily) (1250-1254) King
William II of Holland ... (Germany) (1247-1256) elected king after FII's excomm
Otto II ... (Bavaria)(Palatinate of the Rhine) (1231-1253) Duke/C. Palatine (Wittelsbach)
Amadeus IV ... (Savoy) (1233-1253) Count
Marino Morosini ... (Venice) (1249-1252) Doge
Adelasia of Torres ... (Guidicato of Lugudoro/Gallura) (1236-1259)(1238-1259) Last Guidicessa
Marianus II ... (Guidicato of Arborea) (1240-1297) Guidice
William of Capraia ... (Guidicato of Arborea) (1241-1255) Regent
Wenceslaus I ... (Bohemia) (1230-1253) King
Andreas von Stierland ... (Livonian Brothers of the Sword) (1248-1253) Master
?????????? (Semigallian Kingdom) ????-???? King
Mindaugas ... (Lithuania) (1236-1263) Grand Duke, King in 1253
Boleslaw V the Chaste ... (Poland) (1243-1279) Prince
Henryk III ... (Breslau Wroclaw) (1248-1270) Duke
B la IV... (Hungary) (1235-1270) King (Arpad)
??????????? (Archbishopric of Esztergom) (????-????) Archbishop
Michael II Asen (Bulgaria) (1246-1257) King
Alexander Nevsky ... (Novgorod/Vladimir) (1236-1263) Grand Prince
Danylo of Halych ... (Kiev)(Halych/Volynia) (1238-1264) Grand Prince
Batu Khan ... (Blue/Golden Horde) (1240-1255) Khan
Baldwin II ... (Latin Empire of Constantinople) (1237-1261) Emperor
John III Doukas Vatatzes ... (Empire of Nicaea) (1221-1254) Emperor
Manuel I Megas Komnenos ... (Empire of Trebizond) (1238-1263) Emperor
Michael II Komnenos ... (Despotate of Epirus)(Thessaly) (1230-1268)(1241-1268) Despotes
William II Villehardouin ... (Principality of Achaea) (1246-1278) Prince
David IV Narin ... (Kingdom of Georgia)GO (1245-1293) King (Bagrationi)
David VII Ulu ... (Kingdom of Georgia)GO (1247-1270) Co-King
Ahsitan II ... (Shirvanshah) (124?-1260)
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid
Bohemond V ... (Principality of Antioch)(Tripoli) (1233-1251) Prince/Count
Robert of Nantes ... (Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem) (1240-1254) Patriarch
Peter of Sergines ... (Latin Archbishopric of Tyre) (????-1253) Archbishop
Henry (Latin Archbishopric of Nazareth) (1244-1268) Archbishop
Lociaumes ... (Latin Archbishopric of Caesarea) (1244-1266) Archbishop
???????????? (Latin Archbishopric of Petra) (????-????) Archbishop
Ignatius III David (Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate) (1222-1252) Patriarch
Kay Ka'us II ... (Sultanate of Rum) (1246-1260) Sultan (west of Kizil Irmak R.)
Kilij Arslan IV... (Sultanate of Rum) (1248-1265) Sultan
Kay Qubadh II ... (Sultanate of Rum) (1249-1257) Sultan
Mar Sabrisho V Bar Almassihi ... (Assyrian Patriarchate) (1226-1256) Patriarch
Ala'ud din Muhammed III ... (Ismaili Imamate) (1221-1255) Hashshashin (Nizari) Imam
Al-Musta'sim ... (Abbasid Caliphate) (1242-1258) Caliph
Aybak + (Mamluk Bahri Sultanate) (1250-1257) Sultan
Al-Ashraf II + (Ayyubid Sultanate) (1550-1254)
al-Mansur Umar I ... (Rasulid Dynasty) (1229-1250) Sultan
Nasir ud din Mahmud ... (Sultanate of Delhi) (1246-1266) 8th Sultan (Slave Dynasty)
??????????? (Chutiya Kingdom) (????-????) King
??????????? (Kamata Kingdom) (????-????)
Sukaphaa (Ahom Kingdom) (1228-1268) 1st King
??????????? (Karachi Kingdom) (????-????) King
Kannara ... (Suena Yadava Dynasty) (1247-1261) King
Ganapathideva ... (Telangana Kakatiya Dynasty) (????-1261) King
Vira Someshwara ... (Hoysala Empire) (1235-1254) King
Kopperunchinga II ... (Kadava Kingdom) (1243-1279) King (Pallava descendents)
Rajendra Chola III ... (Chalukya Chola Empire) (1246-1279) Last Chola King
Maaravaramban Sundara Pandiyan II ... (Pandyan Kingdom) (1241-1251) King
Oghul Ghaimish ... (Mongol Empire) (1248-1251) Regent (w. Guyuk Khan)
Lizong ... (Song China) (1224-1264) Emperor
????????? (Kingdom of Dali) (????-????)
Gojong ... (Goryeo) (1213-1259) 23rd King
Go-Fukakusa ... (Japan) (1246-1260) 89th Emperor
Kujo Yoritsugu ... (Kamakura Shogunate) (1244-1252) 5th Shogun
Hojo Tokiyori ... (Kamakura Shogunate) (1246-1256) 5th Shikken (regent)
Kyaswa - (Pagan) (1234-1250) King
Uzana + (Pagan) (1250-1255) King
Pho Kun Si Indrathit ... (Sukhothai Kingdom) (1249-1257) 1st King (1238?)
Jayavarman VIII ... (Khmer Empire) (1243-1295) King
Thai Tong (Dai Viet) (1226-1258)
?????????????? (Srivijaya Empire) (????-????)
Shajar al-Durr + (Mamluk Bahri Sultanate) (1250-1257) Sultana (w. Aybak)

Innocent IV + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1243-1254) Pope
Ars Antiqua Style
d'Abano, Pietro 1250-1316
Dubois, Peter 1250-1312
Halle, Adam de la 1250-1306 Playwright/Trouvere (Arras, France)

Frederick II 1194-1250 Holy Roman Emperor
Conrad IV removes to Italy and is well received in Sicily - brings order by taking Capua and Naples
Bohemond V - (Principality of Antioch)(Tripoli) (1233-1251) Prince/Count
Bohemond VI + (Principality of Antioch)(Tripoli) (1251-1268) Prince/Count (-1275)
Oghul Ghaimish - (Mongol Empire) (1248-1251) Regent (w. Guyuk Khan)
Mongke + (Mongol Empire) (1251-1259) Great Khan

Gold begins to supplant silver as Europe's main currency
Mongols conquer Nan-chao and eastern Tibet

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Abel - (Denmark)
Christopher I + (Denmark)
Ferdinand III - (Castile) the Saint
Alfonso X + (Castile) (-1284) the Wise

William of Rubruck sets out on mission to Central Asia to convert Mongols - fourth Mongol mission (5)
Zenith of Bohemia under Ottokar the Great (-1258)
Dali Kingdom in Yunnan is destroyed by Mongol invasion

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Teobaldo I - (Navarre)
Teobaldo II + (Navarre)
Ottokar II + (Austria) King (of Bohemia)
Wenceslaus II - (Bohemia) Premyslid King (Wenzel)
Ottokar II the Great + (Bohemia) (-1278) Premyslid King
Andrey - (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Aleksandr Nevsky + (Vladimir) (-1263) Grand Duke

Grosseteste, Robert 1175-1253 Sholastic Philosopher (England)
Conrad IVexcommunicated by Pope Innocent IV
The Great Interregnum in Germany - Richard Earl of Cornwall vs. Alfonso X of Castile for crown (-1273)
Italy no longer subject to Holy Roman Empire
Mongols conquer Yunnan

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
John III Ducas Vatatzes -(Byzantine Empire) (1222-)
Theodore II + (Byzantine Empire) (-1258)
Conrad IV - (HRE)(Sicily)(Jerusalem) (1237-) (Hohenstaufen) (6th)

Innocent IV - (1243-)
Alexander IV + (-1261)

Polo, Marco 1254-1324
Conrad IV 1228-1254 Emperor (HRE)
Bargello Palazzo in Florence construction begins (oldest palazzo surviving in Florence)
Walter de Gray, Archishop of York dies (5/1/1255)
Albert I of Germany is born (7)
Death of Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln - precipitates persecution of the Jews in England
Last Cathar stronghold in France is defeated
Duchy of Bavaria split into Upper and Lower Bavaria
Portuguese capital is moved to Lisbon
Theodore II Lascaris campaigns against Bulgarians to regain Thrace
Mongke Khan dispatches Hulagu Khan to conquer remaining Muslim strongholds in Southwest Asia
Hulagu Khan's Suthwest Asian Expedition begins

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Sundiata Keita - (Mali) (1235-1255) King

Buoninsegna, Duccio di 1255-1319
Prince Llewellen sweeps English from Wales
Pope Alexander IV founds the Augustinian Order from several groups of hermits
Mogols conquer Assassin sect in Persia

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
William - (Holy Roman Empire) antiking count of Holland
William II - (Holland) Count
Floris V + (Holland) Count

Second Genoan War breaks out between Genoa and Venice
City of Krakow is rebuilt by Bolesas V of Poland after Mongol(Tatar) Invasion of 1241

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Michael Asen - (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty

Baghdad falls to Mongols under Hulagu Khan - Abbassids flee to Egypt - ends Abbasid secular rule (2/10/1258)
Treaty of Corbeil - James I of Aragon gives up several claims in S. France, Louis IX gives up Catalonia
Mongols conquer Korea

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Theodore II - (Byzantine Empire) (1254-)
John IV + (Byzantine Empire) (-1259)
al-Musta'sim - (Abbasid Caliphate) (1242-) 37th Abbasid Caliph (executed)
Constantine Asen + (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty

Andronicus II Palaeologus 1258-1332 Byzantine Emperor
Osman I 1258-1326 Ottoman Dynasty founder

Battle of Pelagonia - Michael VIII defeats Latins (9)
Mongke Khan killed by cannon fire in Chongqing

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
John IV - (Byzantine Empire) (1258-1259)
Michael VIII + (Byzantine Empire) (1259-1282) Palaeologus
Christopher I - (Denmark)
Eric V + (Denmark) Klipping
Mongke - (Mongol Empire) Great Khan

Battle of Ain Jalut- Mamluks stop the Mongols advance in Palestine (9/3/1260)
Battle of Montaperti - Ghibelline victory - Siena defeats Florence (9/4/1260)
Qutuz, Mamluk Bahri Sultan is assassinated while on a hunt chase with Baibars men (10/24*)
Chartres Cathedral is finally dedicated by Louis IX (10/24*)
Kublai, Mongol leader is elected khan by his army at Shan-tu in China
Yuan dynasty begins in China (-1368)
Niccolo and Maffeo Polo set out from Constantinople to Sudak in the Crimea to trade jewels and other goods

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270) King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid
Qutuz - (Mamluk Bahri Sultanate) (1259-1260) Sultan
Baibars + (Mamluk Bahri Sultanate) (1260-1277) Sultan (al-Bunduqdari)
Kublai Khan + (Mongol Empire) (-1294) Great Khan

Ars cantus mensurabilis Franco of Cologne
Eckhart, Meister 1260-1327
Michael VIII retakes Constantinople - end of Latin Empire of Constantinople (1204-1261)
Paleologue dynasty in Byzantine Empire (-1453)

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid

Alexander IV - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1254-1261)
Urban IV + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1261-1264)

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid

Le Jeu de la Feuillee Adam de la Halle (1276) (1277)
Norway gives up the Hebrides to the Scots
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Aleksandr Nevsky - (Vladimir) (1253-) Grand Duke (Novgorod)
Yaroslav of Tver + (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Haakon IV - (Norway) Magnus VI + (Norway) the Lawmender
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid

Battle of Lewes - Simon de Montfort and other English barons defeat Henry III
Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid

Urban IV - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1261-1264)
Beauvais, Vincent de 1190-1264
Battle of Evesham - Henry III's som Edward defeats and kills Simon de Montfort (8/4/1265)
De Montfort's Parliament - burgesses from major towns summoned to Parliament for first time

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid
Berke Khan ... (Golden/Blue Horde) (1257-1266)
Hulagu Khan - (Il-Khanate) (1256-1265)
Abaqa Khan + (Il-Khanate) (1265-1282)
Alghu ... (Chagatai Khanate) (1260-1266) Khan
Kubilai Khan ... (Empire of the Great Khan) (1260-1294) 5th Khagan
Kaidu ... (Empire of the Great Khan) (1260-1301) rival of Kubilai

Clement IV + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1265-1268)
Alighieri, Dante 1265-1321
Charles of Anjou arrives in Naples and begins two centuries of Angevin rule in southen Italy
Anjou cadet line in Sicily-Naples (-1268)
Marco, Niccolo, and Maffeo Polo journey eastward to Kublai Khan's eastern capital at Kaifeng (1271)

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid
Nasir ud din Mahmud - (Slave Dynasty) (1246-)
Ghiyas ud din Balban + (Slave Dynasty) (-1286)

Scotus, John Duns 1266-1308
Giotto 1267-1337 Painter
Battle of Rakovor - Russian princes defeat Livonian branch of Teutonic Knights (2/18/1268)
Muslims from Egypt capture Antioch, held by Christians (5/18/1268)
Execution of Conradin (10/29/1268)
Papacy vacant until 1271

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid
Kertanagara + (Java)

Clement IV - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1265-1268)
Niccolo and Maffeo Polo reach Acre from Ayas - coming back from Kubilai's court - 3 year journey west (4)
Niccolo and Maffeo Polo learn that Pope Clement IV is dead therefore the mission to Kubilai must wait (4)
James I of Aragon's crusade to Palestine is unsuccessful

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Hethum I of Armenia ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid
Mengu-Timur ... (Golden/Blue Horde) (1266-1282) Khan
Abaqa Khan ... (Il-Khanate) (1265-1282) Khan
Barak ... (Chagatai Khanate) (1266-1271) Khan
Kubilai Khan ... (Empire of the Great Khan) (1260-1294) 5th Khagan
Kaidu ... (Empire of the Great Khan) (1260-1301) rival of Kubilai

Vacancy (Patriarchate of Rome) (1268-1271)
Opus maius (Roger Bacon)
Louis IX dies with the word "Jerusalem" on his lips(8/25)
Condemnation of 1270- Bishop Stephen Tempier supresses Aristotle/Averroes - birth of modern science? (12)
Tunis Crusade
Sicilian Vespers
Yekuno Amlak of the Solomonid dynasty overthrows last ruler of the Zagwe dynasty in Ethiopia (-1974)

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Louis XI (St. Louis) - (France) (1226-) King
Philip III le Hardi + (France) (-1285) King (the Bold)
Teobaldo II - (Navarre)
Henry I + (Navarre)
Bela IV -
(Hungary) King
Stephen V + (Hungary) King
Hethum I of Armenia - (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1226-1270)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid
Leo III + (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1270-1289)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid

English musicians in Paris
Petrus de Cruce active
Cantigas de Santa Maria
Bamberg Codex (Motets)
Cascia, Giovanni da 1270- Musician
de Cruce, Petrus 1270-1300 Musician

Henry III ... (England) (1216-1272)
Leo III ... (Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia) (1270-1289)King (Lesser Armenia) Hethumid
Baibars ... (Mamluk Bahri Sultanate) (1260-1277) Sultan (al-Bunduqdari)
Thomas Berard ... (Knights Templar)(Jerusalem) (1256-1273) Grand Master

Gregory X + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1271-1276) Pope (of Piacenza)
Summa Theologica (St. Thomas Aquinas) (1270)
Henry III King of England dies after 45 year reign, Edward I succeeds (11/16/1272)
Enzio, illegitimate son of Frederick II Hohenstaufen, dies - bringing an end to Hohenstaufen dynasty

Henry III - (England) (1216-1272)
Edward I + (England) (-1307) King
Yaroslav of Tver - (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Basil + (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Stephen V - (Hungary) King
Ladislaus IV + (Hungary) King

Henry III Plantagenet 1207-1272 King of England
Holy Roman Interregnum ends
Rudolf I Hapsburg + (Holy Roman Empire) Hapsburg Dynasty (Emperor)
Mahommed I - (Granada)
Mahommed II + (Granada)

al Rumi, Jalal ad-din 1207-1273 Persian Mystic Poet (Balkh)
Scientia Artis Musice (Helie Salomon)
II Lyon Council - called by Gregory X - recommends that conclaves should be secret to avoid corruption
Union of Lyons
First Mogol invasion of Japan on Kublai Khan's order - Mongols fail to gain a foothold
Mongols raid Kyushu
Province of Yunnan is created

Henry I - (Navarre)
Juana I + (Navarre)

al Tusi, Nasir Eddin 1201-1274
Aquinas, Thomas 1225-1274 Churchman/Philosopher
Bonaventure 1221-1274 Churchman

Marco Polo's party reaches Cambuluc (Peiping) - enters service of Kublai Khan (-1292)
Valdemar I - (Sweden) House of Folkung (Birgersson)
Magnus I + (Sweden) House of Folkung (Birgersson) Ladulas

Marsilius of Padua (Marsiglio) 1275-1342 Political Theorist (U. of Paris)
Raymond of Penafort 1175-1275 Saint
Pope Adrian V dies five weeks after he is elected (8/18/1276)
Hapsburg Dynasty begins in Austria
Rudolf I HRE makes Braubach a free city under Count Gottfried of Eppstein
Innocent V becomes first Dominican pope - dies five months later
Pope Adrian V revokes conclave rules

James I - (Aragon) (1213-) King (the Conqueror)
Pedro III the Great + (Aragon) (-1285)
Ottokar II - (Austria) King (of Bohemia)
Rudolf I HRE + (Austria) (-1281) Duke (Hapsburg) son of Albert IV
Basil - (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Demetrius + (Vladimir) Grand Duke

Gregory X - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1271-1276)
Innocent V +- (Patriarchate of Rome) *****
Adrian V +- (Patriarchate of Rome) *****
John XXI + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1276-1277)

Giotto 1276-1337
Madhua 1197-1276
Liber Astronomicus (Guido Bonatti)
Visconti become lords of Milan - overthrow the Della Torre family (-1447)
Pope John XXI dies after eight months in office
Condemnation of 1277 - Roger Bacon, English Franciscan philosopher , is exiled for heresy (-1292)

Constantine Asen - (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty
John XXI - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1276-1277)
Nicholas III + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1277-1280)

Battle of the Marchfeld - Rudolf I of Austria defeats and kills Ottokar II of Bohemia (8/26/1278)
Ottokar II the Great - (Bohemia) (1253-) Premyslid King
Wenceslaus II + (Bohemia) Premyslid King Ivalio + (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty

Pisano, Nicola 1225-1278
YUAN + (-1368)
Battle of Yamen - Yuan navy defeats Song dynasty in Guandong - Bing drowns with his minister (3/19)
Rudolf I surrenders claims to Sicily and the papal states
Mongols conquer southern Sung
Sung dynasy ends

Ivalio - (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty
Ivan III + Asen (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty
Boleslaus the Chaste - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty
Keszek the Black + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty (Son of Casimir I of Cuyavia)
Alfonso III - (Portugal) House of Burgundy
Diniz + (Portugal) House of Burgundy
Bing - (Song China) (1278-1279) Emperor

Yuan Dynasty (-1367)
Margaret - (Flanders) Countess
Guy de Dampierre + (Flanders) Count
Ivan III - Asen (Bulgaria) King Asen Dynasty
George I Terter + (Bulgaria) King Terter Dynasty
Magnus VI + (Norway) the Lawmender
Eric II + (Norway)

Nicholas III - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1277-1280)
Martini, Simone 1280-1344
William of Occam 1280-1349 (1300-)

Albertus Magnus 1193-1280
Franco of Cologne 1240-1280 Musician

Second Mongol invasion of Kyushu (Japan) ends in disaster
Rudolf I - (Austria) (1276-) Duke (Hapsburg) son of Albert IV
Albert I + (Austria) (-1308) Duke (Hapsburg) (1282)

Martin IV + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1280-1285)
Death of Michael VIII (12/11/1282)
Andronicus II renounces union of East and West Churches established at the 2nd Council of Lyons
Mongols attack Galicia

Michael VIII - (Byzantine Empire) (1259-) Palaeologus
Andronicus II + (Byzantine Empire) (-1328)

Adam de la Halle follows Prince Charles d'Anjou to Naples
Siger of Brabant 1235-1282
Edward I defeats and kills Llewellen, Prince of Wales and executes Llewellen's brother David - Wales conquered
Kublai Khan invades Khmer Empire ruled by Jayavarman VIII

Statute of Rhuddlan - unites England and Wales after Edward I's conquest (3/3/1284)
Battle of Meloria - Genoa defeats Pisa in naval battle -spells the end of Pisa as a major naval power (8/6/1284) Su
Charles II of Naples in captured by Roger of Lauria, admiral to Peter III of Aragon
Nogai Khan leads second Mongol attack on Hungary
Qalawun, Mamluk sultan of Egypt signs ten year truce with city of Acre - broken in 1290

Alfonso X - (Castile) (1252-) the Wise
Sancho IV + (Castile) (-1295)
Arghun Khan + (Il-Khanate) (1284-1291) Khan of the Levant

Robin et Marion Adam de La Halle
Edward II Plantagenet 1284-1327 King of England
Alfonso X of Castille 1221-1284
Ifat sultanate under Umar Walashma conquers Shewa
Philip III le Hardi - (France) (1270-) King (the Bold)
Philip IV le Bel + (France) (-1314) King (the Fair)
Pedro III the Great - (Aragon) (1276-)
Alfonso III + (Aragon)

Martin IV - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1280-1285)
Honorius IV + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1285-1287)
Alexander III of Scotland dies in a horse accident - leaving infant Margaret as his only heir (3/19/1286)
Eric V - (Denmark) Klipping
Eric VI + (Denmark) Maendved
Alexander III - (Scotland)
Margaret + (Scotland) the Maid of Norway
Ghiyas ud din Balban - (Slave Dynasty) (1266-1286)
Muiz ud din Qaiqabad + (Slave Dynasty) (1286-1290)

Mongol conquest of Pagan (Burma)
Honorius IV - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1285-1287)
Halle, Adam de la 1238-1287 Composer
Battle of Bach Dang - Dai Viet forces under Tran Hung Dao defeat Mongol invasion force at Bach Dang River
Friar John of Montecorvino becomes the first archbishop of Peking

Osman I + (Ottoman Empire)
Keszek the Black - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty (Son of Casimir I of Cuyavia)
Henry Probus + (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty (Son of Henry III of Silesia)

Nicholas IV + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1288-1292)
Mamluk sultan Qalawun captures the County of Tripoli in Lebanon after a month long siege (4/29/1289)
Battle of Campaldino - Guelphs defeat Ghibellines (6/11/1289)

Struggle for the succession in Scotand after death of Margaret - thirteen people claim the throne
Edward I expels all Jews from England
Jalaluddin Firuz Khilji leads coup that ends Slave Dynasty - Second Delhi Sultanate (Khalji) established (-1320)
Ottomans break away from Seljuk rule

Margaret - (Scotland) the Maid of Norway
Ladislaus IV - (Hungary) King
Andrew III + (Hungary) King
Magnus I - (Sweden) House of Folkung (Birgersson) Ladulas
Birger II Magnusson + (Sweden) House of Folkung
Henry Probus - (Polish Kingdom) Piast Dynasty (Son of Henry III of Silesia)
Przemysi II + (Polish Kingdom)
Muiz ud din Qaiqabad - (Slave Dynasty) (1286-)
Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji +(Second Delhi Sultanate) Khilji Dynasty

de Muris, Jean 1290-1351 Musician
Rudolf I of Hapsburg dies (7/15/1291)
Federal Charter of 1291 - League of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden - begins the Swiss Confederacy (8)
Scots ackowledge Edward I of England as suzerain - he arbitrates in succession dispute
Saracens (Muslims) capture Acre - last Christian stronghold in Palestine
End of Crusades
Vivaldi brothers (Genovese) set off for ten year voyage to India - explore African coast (spring)

Rudolf I Hapsburg - (Holy Roman Empire) Emperor
Alfonso III - (Aragon)
James II + (Aragon)
Przemysi II - (Polish Kingdom)
Wenceslaus II + (Polish Kingdom) Premyslid Dynasty (from Bohemia)
Arghun Khan - (Il-Khanate) (1284-1291) Khan of the Levant
Gaykhatu + (Il-Khanate) (1291-1295) Khan of the Levant

de Vitry, Philippe 1291-1361 Musician
John Baillol becomes king of Scotland on Edward I's nomination
Marco Polo visits Perlak (Sumatra)
Marco Polo begins journey back to Venice (-1295)

John Balliol + (Scotland) King
Adolf of Nassau + (Holy Roman Empire) Emperor (count of Nassau)
George I Terter - (Bulgaria) King Terter Dynasty
Smilitz + (Bulgaria) King Terter Dynasty

Nicholas IV - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1288-1292)
Bacon, Roger 1214-1292
Sadi, Shiekh Musharrif ud-din 1200-1292

Unsuccessful Mongol invasion of Java - Empire of Majapajit founded
Demetrius - (Vladimir) Grand Duke
Andrey + (Vladimir) Grand Duke

William of Rubruck c.1220-c1293 Francisc. Missionary/Explorer (Flanders)
Kublai Khan dies (2/18/1294)
Pope Celestine V resigns after five months

Kublai Khan - (Mongol Empire) (1260-) Great Khan
Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji -(Khilji Dynasty) Second Delhi Sultanate
Ala ud din Khilji + (Khilji Dynasty) Second Delhi Sultanate

Celestine V +- hermit Peter of Morrone
Boniface VIII + (-1303)

Kublai Khan
Auld Alliance - between John B of (Scotland) and Philip IV(France) - mutual protection against England (10/23/1295)
Niccolo, Maffeo and Marco Polo return from Il-Khanate - Trebizond to Venice
Model Parliament of Edward I - knights and burgesses summond - first representative parliament

Sancho IV - (Castile) (1284-)
Ferdinand IV + (Castile)
Mahmud Ghazan + (Il-Khanate) (1295-1304) Khan of the Levant
Temur Oljaitu + (Yuan China) Ch'eng Tsung (grandson of Kublai Khan)

Hillel of Verona 1220-1295
First War of Scottish Independence (-1328)
Edward I of England deposes John Baillol from Scottish throne
Interregnum in Scotland (-1306)
Conflict between Philip IV of France and pope Boniface VIII over papal powers in France (-1303)

John Balliol - (Scotland) King (deposed)
Floris V - (Holland) Count
John I + (Holland) Count

Palazzo Pubblico begins construction in Siena
Book of Various Experiences (Marco Polo)
Battle of Cambuskenneth - Scottish patriot William Wallace defeats English army
Battle of Stirling - William Wallace defeats English army

Battle of Curzola - Genoese fleet defeats Venetian fleet in the seas of southern Dalmatia (9/8/1298)
Battle of Falkirk - Edward I defeats William Wallace and reconquers Scotland
Battle of Gollheim - Adolf of Nassau Holy Roman Emperor defeated and killed
Marco Polo dictates his Far Eastern experience to fellow prisoner Rustichello da Pisa

Adolf of Nassau - (Holy Roman Empire) Emperor (count of Nassau)
Albert I Hapsburg + (Holy Roman Empire) (1298-1308)

Reims Cathedral completed
Count of Hainut assumes control of Netherlands (Holland) as John II
Marco Polo is released from prison

Eric II - (Norway)
Haakon V Longlegs + (Norway)
John I - (Holland) Count

1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290
1201 1211 1221 1231 1241 1251 1261 1271 1281 1291
1202 1212 1222 1232 1242 1252 1262 1272 1282 1292
1203 1213 1223 1233 1243 1253 1263 1273 1283 1293
1204 1214 1224 1234 1244 1254 1264 1274 1284 1294
1205 1215 1225 1235 1245 1255 1265 1275 1285 1295
1206 1216 1226 1236 1246 1256 1266 1276 1286 1296
1207 1217 1227 1237 1247 1257 1267 1277 1287 1297
1208 1318 1328 1338 1348 1358 1368 1378 1388 1398
1209 1219 1229 1239 1249 1259 1269 1279 1289 1299

HOME 1100's 1200's 1300's