1900s 2000s

History Timeline Index

2000 2010 2020
2001 2011 2021
2002 2012 2022
2003 2013 2023
2004 2014 2024
2005 2015
2006 2016
2007 2017
2008 2018
2009 2019

G7 plus Russia summit meeting in Okinawa (7/21-23)
Euronext forms from numerous European bourses (9/22)
USS Cole is bombed in Aden, Yemen - killing 17 (10/12)
Albert Fujimori - (Peru) (1990-) President
Hovhaness, Alan 1911-2000 Composer
Hundertwasser, Friedensreich 1928-2000
Puente, Tito 1923-2000 Musician
Texaco merges with Chevron
Massacre of Nepalese Royal family purportedly by son Dipendra (6/1)
US - China Agreement (6/14)
Twin Towers destroyed in Manhattan by al-Qaeda terrorists (9/11)
US invades Afghanistan
WTO Doha Round (-present) - farm subsidies in Europe and tarrifs a big stumbling bloc to agreement
Adler, Mortimer 1902-2001
Carlevaro, Abel 1952-2001 Musician
Corso, Gregory 1930-2001 Writer
Granz, Norman 1918-2001 Musician
Kesey, Ken Elton 1935-2001 Writer
Rola, Balthazar Klossowski de (Balthus) 1908-2001
Sutton, Ralph 1922-2001
Xenakis, Yannis 1922-2001 Composer
East Timor gains independence from Indonesia (5/20)
SORT (Moscow Treaty) is signed by Bush and Putin - limits operational missiles to 1700-2200 each (5/24)
US withdraws from ABM Treaty (6/13)
Sarbanes - Oxley Act (7/30)
Cote d'Ivoire army mutiny (9)
Road Map for Peace by the Quartet of US, Russia, UK, and UN (9/17)
NORTHCOM forms (10/1)
Jose Alexandre Gusmao + (East Timor) (-present)
Cela, Camilo Jose 1916-2002
Hampton, Lionel 1908-2002 Musician
Lawrence, Jacob 1917-2002 Painter
Lindgren, Astrid 1907-2002
Rawls, John 1921-2002
Reisz, Karel 1926-2002
Rivers, Larry 1923-2002
US invades Iraq (3/19)
Baghdad falls to US troops (4/9)
200 people in Fallujah protest occupation - 15 killed by US troops (4/28)
George Bush proclaims "end of major combat operations in Iraq: "Mission Accomplished" (5/1)
Saddam Hussein captured (12/13)
Bush lifts steel tarrifs (12)
Lackawanna Six on Trial
Scooter Libby provides classified NIE information to Bob Woodward about strength of Iraq's weapons (6/27)
Joseph Wilson's Op-Ed Article debunks White House claim that Iraq tried to procure Uranium from Niger (7/6)
569 Roman Catholic Archdioceses and 2014 Dioceses
Sudanese rebel groups take up arms against Government - start of civil war
Hu Jintao + (China) President
Tempest Fantasy Moravek
Berio, Luciano 1925-2003 Composer
Brim, John 1922-2003
Kazanjoglous, Elia 1909-2003
Peck, Gregory 1916-2003 Actor
Plimpton, George 1927-2003
Said, Edward 1935-2003
The Passion (Mel Gibson)
Four private military contractors are killed in Fallujah (3/31)
Mahdi Army under Moqtada al-Sadr begins uprising in Sadr City (Saddam City) Baghdad (4/4)
Operation Vigilant Resolve - abortive attack on Fallujah (4/4) -(4/28)
Operation Vigilant Resolve ends (4/28)
George Bush elected for 2nd term - defeats Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts (11/2)
Operation Phantom Fury begins- US siege of Fallujah (11/7) (-12/23)
Operation Phantom Fury - US drops "Whiskey Pete" White Phosphorus - on Fallujah - chemical weapon (11/8)
Operation Plymouth Rock begins- US/British anti-insurgent sweep of area south of Baghdad (11/23)
Lean Back Terror Squad
College Dropout Kanye West
Bresson, Henri Cartier- 1908-2004
Charles, Ray 1930-2004 Musician
Crick, Francis H.C. 1916-2004
Jones, Elvin 1927-2004 Musician
Shaw, Artie 1910-2004 Musician
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Forty Year Old Virgin
Brokeback Mountain (Ang Lee)
Munich (Stephen Spielberg)
The Squid and the Whale
Memoirs of a Geisha
Friends with Money
The Da Vinci Code
Flight 93
Creation and Chaos Paul McCartney
Get Behind Me Satan White Stripes
X & Y Coldplay
109th US Congress (first session) convenes (1/4)
Naivasha Treaty - ends Second Sudanese Civil War between North and South (1/9)
Car bomb in Iraq kills 125 (wounds 150) in Hilla - deadliest "insurgent" attack since toppling of Saddam (2/28)
G8 Summit convenes in Edinburgh, Scotland amid mass protests (7/5)
Terrorists attack London transportation system in the morning - killing forty plus (7/7)
Terrorist Attacks in Egyptian Red Sea tourist port (7)
CAFTA passes
Bush appoints John Bolton as US ambassador to the United States
Mars Exploration Project launches probe that will orbit Mars atmosphere - Michael Myer chief scientist (8/12)
84000000 barrels a day global demand for oil - price per barrel $66 (8/12)
Hurricane Katrina pounds New Orleans (8/29)
Iraq Stampede kills 700+ on Bagdhad bridge (8/30)
Chief Justice Renquist dies (9/4) buried (9/7)
Senate Confirmation hearings of Judge John Roberts begin (9/13)
World Summit meets in New York - 191 UN member states speak (9/14-16)
John G. Roberts confirmed and sworn in as 17th U.S. Supreme Court Justice 3 PM (9/29)
Chad-Sudanese officially begins (12/23)
John Paul II - (1978-)
Benedict VI + (4/19)
Burnside, R.L. 1926-2005 Musician
Davies, Hugh 1943-2005
Diamond, David 1915-2005 Composer
Ferrer, Ibrahim -2005 Musician (Cuba) (8/7)
Giulini, Carlo Maria 1914-2005 Conductor
Jennings, Peter 1938-2005 Journalist (8/7)
Moog, Robert 1934-2005
Rochberg, George -2005 Composer
Smith, Jimmy 1925-2005 Musician
US-IRAQ WAR ... (1991-)
Alito confirmed
Iran - Russian nuclear negotiations
US recognizes India's right to be a nuclear superpower - creates international contrroversy
Hamas comes to power in Palestine - wins majority in election
Operation Swarmer - US offensive
Al-Askari Mosque Bombing - inflames Sunni Shiite violence - Iraq on the brink of full scale civil war (2/22)
Arab League meeting (3)
French Labor Protests (3/28)
Equador presidential elections -
Belarus presidential election - Alexander G. Lukashenko re-elected - "Europe's last dictator" (3/19)
Liberian president visits UN in New York
Charles Taylor, ex- Liberian president, apprehended trying to escape to Cameroon - extradited to Sierra Leone
Turkey cracks down on Kurd insurgents in Diyarbakir, Kiziltepe, &Istanbul- 15 killed - 500 detained (4/1-4/5)
Thailand Prime Minister Thaskin resigns (4)
Baratha Mosque Bombed - kills 90 and wounds 175
Immigration Bill in US stalls before two week recess (4/7)
Italian general elections - Berlusconi vs. Romano Prodi (center left) in a deadlock (4/9/4/10)
Peru holds first phase of presidential elections - none of the three contenders get majority (4/10)
Boat sinks off Bahrain - killing 150+- mainly tourists out for a dinner cruise
Immigrant Rally Day in US cities (5/1) 3
Darfur Peace Agreement signed by Sudan government and Sudanese Liberation Army (SLA) (5/5)
Saddam's trial resumes after three week hiatus (5/15)
Montenegro votes on independence from union with Serbia (5/21)
First Session of the UN Human Rights Council meets in Geneva (6/19-23)
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (5-3) - military commissions to try Guantanamo detainees are deemed illegal (6/29)
Hezbollah forces capture two Israeli soldiers in cross border raid from Lebanon - sparks war (7/12)
BP announces a shutdown of the crude oil pipeline out of Prudhoe Bay, AK for repairs (2.5% OF US) (8/8)
Israeli raid into Bodai, Lebanon to disrupt Hezbollah supply lines jeopardizes five day cease fire (8/19)
61st Session of the United Nations convenes (9/12)
Senate passes S. 3930 - allowing for indefinite detention of suspected terrorists (9/28)
Sadr City Bombing - kills 200 in Baghdad (11)
109th session of U.S. Congress ends at 4:40 AM - met for only 102 days (12/9) Saturday
EU Space program reaches Venus to go into orbit (4/11)
Ali Farke Toure 1939-2006
US-IRAQ WAR ... (1991-)
Haraj Market Bombing - kills 88 in Baghdad (1/22)
Al-Sadriya Market Bombing - kills 102 in central Baghdad (2/3)
Seven Car Bombs in Kirkuk kill 5 injure 40 - targets Kurdish Dem. Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (2/3)
Turkey cracks down on Kurd insurgents in Diyarbakir, Kiziltepe, &Istanbul- 15 killed - 500 detained (4/1-4/5)
Thailand Prime Minister Thaskin resigns (4)
Baratha Mosque Bombed - kills 90 and wounds 175
2008 US-AFGHAN WAR ... (2001-)
US-IRAQ WAR II ... (2003-)
Barack Obama is elected President of the United States - 1st African American to do so (11/4)
Obama meets with Bush at the White House for private conferrence (11/10)
Chrichton, Michael
Hubbard, Freddie
Newman, Paul
US-AFGHAN WAR ... (2001-)
US-IRAQ WAR II ... (2003-)
Barack Obama inaugurated as 44th President (1/20)
Obama gives press conference from East Room of White House on the $836 billion Economic Recovery Plan (2/9)
Somali pirates capture captain of US ship (4)
Mitt Romney wins Florida Republican Primary over Gingrich, Santorum, and Ron Paul (1/31) Tu


2000 2010 2020
2001 2011 2021
2002 2012 2022
2003 2013 2023
2004 2014 2024
2005 2015
2006 2016
2007 2017
2008 2018
2009 2019

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