1800s 1900s 2000s

History Timeline Index

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991
1902 1912 1922 1932 1942 1952 1962 1972 1982 1992
1903 1913 1923 1933 1943 1953 1963 1973 1983 1993
1904 1914 1924 1934 1944 1954 1964 1974 1984 1994
1905 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995
1906 1916 1926 1936 1946 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996
1907 1917 1927 1937 1947 1957 1967 1977 1987 1997
1908 1918 1928 1938 1948 1958 1968 1978 1988 1998
1909 1919 1929 1939 1949 1959 1969 1979 1989 1999

Art Nouveau (-1911)
Resurrection (Tolstoy)
Lord Jim (Conrad)

British Governor Frederick Hodgson demands the the Golden Stool from the Ashanti leaders (3/28)
Umberto I, King of Italy assassinated by anarchist Gaetano Bresci (7/29)
Hague Convention goes into force (9/4)
International Ladies Garment Workers Union founded in NYC (11)
Labour Representation Committee founded in Britain - leading to formation of the Labour Party in 1906
German Navy Law - provides for massive increase in sea power - starts arms race with Great Britain
British conquest and occupation of northern Nigeria begins (-1903)
Kimberly, Ladysmith, Mafeking relieved by British forces under Generals Roberts and Kitchener
Great Britain annexes Orange Free State and Transvaal
Boxer Rebellion - Nationalist forces rebel in China - besiege foreign legations - suppressed by an international force
Western envoys besieged in Peking and relieved by a European army under a German general
The "Yellow Peril" propaganda
Qing Dynasty decides to build a modernized army
Gold Standard adopted
Carry Nation raids in Kansas
US helps supress Boxer Uprising in China
Indian Territory renamed Oklahoma territory
Paris World's Fair

Umberto I -
Vittorio Emanuele III +

The Interpretation on Dreams (Freud) (1899)
Count Ferdinand Zeppelin constructs the first dirigible
Hopkins' first studies of vitamins
Philadelphia Orchestra forms
Weiner Symphoniker forms
The Dream of Gerontius Elgar
Tosca Puccini
Louise Charpentier
Nocturnes Debussy
Alkema, Wobbe 1900-1981
Allegret, Marc 1900-1973
Antheil, George 1900- Composer
Armstrong, Louis 1900-1971 Musician
Brown, Willie 1900-1952 Musician
Bunuel, Luis 1900-1983 Director
Chiarini, Luigi 1900-1975
Copland, Aaron 1900-1990 Composer
Cugat, Xavier 1900-1990 Musician
Fromm, Erich 1900-1980
Gabor, Dennis 1900-1979
Gadamer, Hans Georg 1900-
Gorky, Arshile (Adoian Vosdnik) 1900-1948 Painter
Halffler, Rodolfo 1900- Composer
Head, Michael 1900-1976 Musician
Hilton, James (Glen Trevor) 1900-1954
Johnson, Eyvind 1900-1976
Krenek, Ernest 1900- Musician
Ladnier, Thomas 1900-1939 Musician
Luening, Otto 1900-1996 Composer
Needham, Joseph 1900-1995
Neel, Alice 1900-1984
Parham, Hartzell Tiny 1900-1943 Musician
Pauli, Wolfgang 1900-1958
Potter, Stephen 1900-
Ryle, Gilbert 1900-1976
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de 1900-1944
Seferis, Giorgos (Seferiadis) 1900-1971
Tanguy, Yves 1900-1955
Weill, Kurt 1900-1950 Composer
Wolfe, Thomas 1900-1938
Bertrand, Joseph Louis Francois 1822-1900
Church, Frederic 1826-1900
Crane, Stephen 1871-1900
Daimler, Gottlieb 1834-1900
Davidson, Thomas 1840-1900
Fibich, Zdenek 1850-1900 Composer
Grove, Sir George 1820-1900 Composer
Hartmann, Johann Peter Emilius 1805-1900 Composer
Herzogenberg, Heinrich von 1843-1900 Composer
Hughes, David Edward 1831-1900
Martineau, James 1805-1900 Philosopher / Theologian (England)
Mivart, George 1827-1900
Nietzsche, Friedrich 1844-1900 Philosopher
Ruskin, John 1819-1900
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour 1842-1900 Composer
Wilde, Oscar 1854-1900 Writer (1856)

Caesar and Cleopatra (Shaw)
Buddenbrooks (Mann)
The Will To Power (Nietzsche) postumous fragments
Queen Victoria dies (1/22)
US captures Filipino insurgent leader Emilio Aguinaldo (5/23)
William McKinley shot twice by anarchist Leon Czolgosz in Buffalo - Temple of Music (9/6) Friday
William McKinley dies from gunshot wound (gangrene) to stomach (9/14) Saturday
"Terrorist" activities increase in Russia
Russia occupies Manchuria
Commonwealth of Australia established
First oil strike in Beaumont, TX
Buganda agreement - British indirect rule in Uganda through king of Buganda
Oil concession granted to W. K. D'Arcy in Iran
US Steel Corporation forms - first business capitalized at more than a billion dollars
Victoria - (England) (1837-)
Edward VII + (England) King
Marconi transmits first radiotelegraphy message across the Atlantic
Max Planck develops quantum theory
Victor Talking Machine incorporated in Camden NJ
Columbia starts producing disc records
Fourth Symphony Mahler
A Pagan Poem Loeffler
Three Nocturnes for orchestra Debussy
Second Piano Concerto Rachmaninov
Gurre-Lieder Schoenberg
"High Society" Porter Steele/Walter Melrose
Abbagnano, Nicola 1901-
Apostel, Hans Erich 1901-1972 Composer
Boyer, Jean 1901-
Bresson, Robert 1901-1999
Collins, Lee 1901-1960
Disney, Walt 1901-1966 Cartoonist
Dubuffet, Jean 1901-1985 Painter
Fermi, Enrico 1901-1954 Physicist (Italy)
Finzi, Gerald 1901-1956 Composer
Giacometti, Alberto 1901-1966 Painter/Sculptor
Heisenberg, Werner Karl 1901-1976 Physicist
Kahn, Louis 1901-1974
Lacan, Jacques Marie Emile 1901-1981
Lawrence, E. O. 1901-1958
Malraux, Andre 1901-1976
Morris, Charles W. 1901-1979
Nagel, Ernest 1901-1985
Partch, Harry 1901-1974 Composer
Pepping, Ernst 1901- Musician
Poot, Marcel 1901-1988 Musician
Quasimodo, Salvadore 1901-1968
Rodrigo, Joaquin 1901- Composer
Rubbra, Edmund 1901-1986 Composer
Scruggs, Irene 1901- Musician
Seifert, Jaroslav 1901-1986
Trumbauer, Frankie 1901-1956
Adams, Herbert Baxter 1850-1901
Bocklin, Arnold 1827-1901
Broglie, Jaques Victor Albert 1821-1901
Duhring, Eugen Karl 1833-1901
Fick, Adolph 1829-1901
Fiske, John 1842-1901
Harrison, Benjamin 1833-1901
Hermite, Charles 1822-1901
Kalinnikov, Vasily Sergeyevich 1866-1901 Composer
Koenig, K.R. 1832-1901
McKinley, William 1843-1901 President
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel 1839-1901 Composer 3/17
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 1864-1901 Painter
Verdi, Guiseppi Fortunino Frencesco 1813-1901 Composer
Heart of Darkness(Conrad)
Tales (Maxim Gorky)

Treaty of Vereenigong (Vereeniging) - ends Boer War
Anglo-Japanese Alliance forms - ending Great Britain's isolation policy
End of Philippine insurrection
British and German fleet seize Venezuelan navy to force payment of debts
Sannidhana - (Mysore) H.H. Vani Vilas (regent)
First transPacific cable
Radio invented
Pierre and Marie Curie discover radium
Caruso records 10 arias for Gramophone Red Label
Pelleas et Melisande Debussy (4/30)
Second Symphony Sibelius
"In the Good Old Summertime" Tin Pan Alley
Adams, Alibris Ansel 1902-1984 Photographer
Adler, Mortimer 1902-2001
Brattain, W. H. 1902-1987
Braudel, Fernand 1902-1985
De Sica, Vittoria 1902-1974 Director
Dirac, P. A. M. 1902-1984
Feigl, Hebert 1902-1988
Hatta, Mohammed 1902-
House, Son 1902-1988 Musician
James, Skip 1902-1969 Musician
Johnson, Blind Willie 1902-1947 Musician]
Kaper, Bronislau 1902-1983 Composer (Warsaw, Poland)
Kastler, Alfred 1902-1984
Laxness, Halldor Kiljan 1902-1998
Lindbergh, Charles Augustus 1902- Entrepreneur
Loyd, Seton Howard Frederick 1902-
Popper, Karl 1902-1994
Rodgers, Richard Charles 1902-1979 Musician
Rushing, Jimmy 1902-1972 Musician
Steinbeck, John 1902-1968 Writer
Tarsky, Alfred 1902-1983
Walton, William Turner 1902-1983 Composer
Wigner, Eugene Paul 1902-1995
Wild, John 1902-1972
Wolpe, Stefan 1902-1972
Wyler, William 1902-1981 Director
Abel, Frederick Augustus 1827-1902
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg 1834-1902 English Historian (Naples)
Bierstadt, Albert 1830-1902
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson 1829-1902
Ivanovici, Iosif 1845-1902 Composer
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 1815-1902
Stockton, Frank 1834-1902
Tissot, James 1836-1902
Zola, Emile 1840-1902 Writer
Man and Superman(Shaw)
Call of the Wild (London)
The Souls of the Black Folk (W. E. B. Dubois)
Motu proprio (Pope Pius X)

First Transcontinental automobile trip SF-NYC (5/23-8/1)
Panama declares independence with US support (11/3)
Panama Canal Treaty signed (11/18)
Kitty Hawk flight (12/17)
Iroquois Theatre fire in Chicago kills over 600 people (12/30)
Women's Social and Political Union firmed in Britian by suffragette Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst
Russian Social Democratic Party meets in London - split between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
Trans-Siberian railway completed
General agitation about appalling labour conditions in Congo Free State
Panama achieves independence from Colombia
Alaska boundary determined
Elkins Act
Wilbur and Orville Wright conduct first successful airplane flight - Kitty Hawk
Twsett's studies in adsorption chromatography
Alexander I - (Serbia) King
Peter I + (Serbia) King (Karadjordjevic) (-1921)
Leo XIII -
Pius X +
Seattle Symphony Orchestra forms (12/29)
Minnesota Orchestra forms (1903)
Jeji Pastorkna (Jenufa) Janacek
Estampes Debussy
Pagodes Debussy
Sinfonia domestica R. Strauss
Trois Pieces en forme de poire Satie
Adorno, Theodor 1903-1969
Baker, Josephine 1903- Singer
Ball, Eric (sp?) 1903-1989 Musician
Beiderbecke, Bix 1903-1931 Musician
Berkeley, Lennox 1903-1989 Composer
Cornell, Joseph 1903-1973
Crosby, Bing 1903-1977 Singer
Hepworth, Barabara 1903-1975
Hines, Earl Kenneth 1903-1983 Musician
Khachaturian, Aram Il yich 1903-1978 Composer
Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1903-1993 Director (1911)
Neumann, John von 1903-1957
Noble, Ray 1903- Composer
Onsanger, Lars 1903-1976
Orwell, George 1903-1950 Writer
Ozu, Yasujiro 1903-1963
Powell, C. F. 1903-1969
Ramsey, F. P. 1903-1930
Rothko, Mark 1903-1970 Painter
Serkin, Rudolf 1903- Classical Pianist
Dickinson, Thorold 1903-1984 Director
Walton, Ernest T. S. 1903-1995
West, Nathanael 1903-1940 Writer
Williams, Big Joe 1903-1982 Musician
Yourcenar, Marguerite 1903-1987
Abbot, Francis Ellingwood 1836-1903
Bain, Alexander 1818-1903
Gauguin, Paul 1848-1903 Painter
Gibbs, Josiah Willard 1839-1903
Mommsen, Christian Matthias Theodor 1817-1903 Historian (Germany)
Olmsted, Frederick Law 1822-1903
Pissarro, Camille 1830-1903 Painter
Sadlier, Mary Anne Madden 1820-1903
Spencer, Herbert 1820-1903 Philosopher
Stokes, George Gabriel 1819-1903
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill 1834-1903
Wolf, Hugo 1860-1903 Composer
Children of Wrath (Jeppe Aakjaer) novel
The Cherry Orchard (Chekhov)
Historique du mouvement de la paix (Passy)
Peter Pan (Barrie)
Jean Christophe (Roland)
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (Freud)
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine - presents in his address to Congress (1/6)
Russia and Japan at war (Russo-Japanese War) (-1905)
Entente Cordiale (friendly understanding) reached between Great Britain and France (Anglo-French Entente)
Belgian commission investigates labour conditions in Congo Free State
British explorer Sir Francis Younghusband enters Lhasa (Tibet) - treaty opens Tibet to western trade
Thirteenth Dalai Lama flees to Mongolia
Panama zone aquired by US on lease
First Anti-dumping Law passed in Canada
St. Louis World Exposotion
London Symphony Orchestra forms
Madame Butterfly Puccini
String Quartet in F Ravel
Little Johnny Jones George M. Cohen
Cantata for mixed choir and piano Stravinsky
"Yankee Doodle Dandy" George M. Cohen
"Give My Regards to Broadway" George M. Cohen
Addinsell, Richard 1904-1977 Composer
Basie, Count 1904-1981 Composer
Cadmus, Paul 1904-1999
Campbell, Joseph 1904-1987 Anthropologist
Cherenkov, P. A. 1904-1990
Dali, Salvador 1904-1989 Painter
Dallapiccola, Luigi 1904-1975 Composer
De Kooning, Willem 1904-1997 Painter
Hamilton, Anthony Walter Patrick 1904-1962
Hawkins, Coleman 1904-1969 Musician
Herzberg, Gerard 1904-1999
Johnson, Pete 1904-1967 Musician
Kabalevsky, Dmitri Borisovich 1904-1987 Composer
Kenp, James Hal 1904-1940 Musician
Lerner, Frederick 1904-1988
Martinson, Harry 1904-1978
McDowell, Mississippi Fred 1904-1979 Musician
Milstein, Nathan 1904- Musician
Neel, Luis Eugene 1904-
Neruda, Pablo (Neftali Ricardo Reyes B) 1904-1973
Noguchi, Isamu 1904-1988 Sculptor/Architect (Japan)
Oppenheimer, Robert 1904-1967 Physicist
Perelman, Sydney Joseph 1904-1979
Pourbaix, Marcel 1904-1998
Red, Tampa 1904-1981 Musician
Singer, Isaac Bashevis 1904-1991
Stevens, George 1904-1979
Waller, Fats 1904-1943 Musician
Wisdom, John 1904-1993
Bohtlingk, Otto von 1815-1904
Chekhov, Anton 1860-1904
Chopin, Kate O Flaherty 1851-1904
Dvorak, Antonin 1841-1904
Emmett, Dan 1815-1904 Composer
Gerome, Jean-Leon 1824-1904 Painter (Vesoul, France)
Heade, Martin Johnson 1819-1904
Heinze, Gustaf Adolf 1820-1904 Composer
Herzl, Theodor 1860-1904 Zionist
LaTour, Henri Fantin 1836-1904
Ratzel, Friedrich 1844-1904
House of Mirth (Wharton)
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (Freud)
The Cubist Decade (-1915)
Golden Dome at al-Alskari Mosque is added in Samarra
Bloody Sunday - troops fire on workers in St. Petersburg, Russia - several killed - general strike (1/22G) (1/9J)
Battle of Mukden - last major land battle of Russo-Japanese War - Japan defeat Russians (2/20) -(3/10)
Kaiser Wilhelm II arrives in Tangier, Morocco (3/31)
Battle of Tsushima - Japan destroys Russian fleet (5/27-29)
Maji Maji Rising begins (German East Africa) (7) (-1907)
Treaty of Portsmouth - ends Russo-Japanese War (9/5) (8/23J old style)
October Manifesto - issued by Tsar Nicholas II granting limited reforms (10/30) (10/17Old Style Julian)
Reforming liberal government in Britain
United Socialist Party forms in France
Pope Leo XIII's letter condemns labor conditions
Russian Revolution (-1906)
Moscow uprisings - general strike and revolution in Russia
Church and state separated in France - repudiation of Concordat of 1801 (except Alsace & Lorraine)
Norway becomes an independent kingdom separate from Sweden
First Morroccan Crisis begins - between France and Germany
Constitutional Revolution in Iran (-1909)
Bengal partitioned - arouses strong nationalist feelings in India
Chinese civil service examination system abolished
Sun Yat Set organizes a revolutionary league in Japan - the T'ung Meng Hui
Port Arthur falls to Japan
Niagra Falls Convention - US
Oscar II - (Norway)(Swenden) House of Bernadotte
Haakon VII + (Norway)
Lord Curzon + (India) Governor General (1899-)
Albert Einstein's Special Relativity Theory
Wilstatter's first chemical investigations in photosynthesis
Sime starts Variety magazine
La Mer Debussy
Suite bergamasque Debussy
Salome R. Strauss
The Merry Widow Lehar
D Minor String Quartet Schoenberg
Chamber Symphony Schoenberg
Alwyn, William 1905-1985 Composer
Anderson, C. D. 1905-1991
Arlen, Harold 1905-1986 Songwriter
Bloch, Felix 1905-1983
Bozza, Eugene 1905- Musician
Canetti, Elias 1905-1994
Chagrin, Francis 1905-1972 Composer (Romania)
De Mille, Agnes 1905-1993
Dorsey, Tommy 1905-1956 Musician
Euler, Ulf Svante von 1905-1983
Halffter, Ernesto 1905-1989 Musician
Hempel, Carl Gustav 1905-1997
Koestler, Arthur 1905-1983
Kosma, Joseph 1905-1969
Lambert, Constant 1905-1951 Composer (London, England)
Lenard, Philip Edward Anton 1905-1991
Mott, Nevill F. 1905-1996
Panova, Vera Fedorovna 1905-1973
Rand, Ayn 1905-1982 Philosopher
Rawsthorne, Alan 1905-1971 Musician
Rexroth, Kenneth 1905-1982
Sartre, Jean Paul 1905-1980 Philosopher/Writer
Segre, Emilio 1905-1989
Seiber, Matyas 1905-1960 Musician
Sholokhov, Michail Aleksandrovich 1905-1984
Tippett, Sir Michael Kemp 1905- Musician
Tubin, Eduard 1905-1982 Musician
Wiren, Dag Ivar 1905-1986 Musician
Abbe, Ernst 1840-1905
Cervantes, Ignatio 1847-1905 Composer
Haupt, Herman 1817-1905
Komzak, Karel 1850-1905 Composer
Richthofen, Ferdinand von 1883-1905
Verne, Jules 1828-1905
Webb, Charles Henry 1834-1905
Songs of the Rye (Jeppe Aakjaer) poems
The Jungle (Upton Sinclair) fiction
Lectures on Modern History (Acton)
Algeciras Conference convenes- international meeting to discuss Morocco - French rights recognized - (1/16)
Algeciras Conference ends (4/7)
First Labour MPs returned in British general election - Labour Party forms
HMS Dreadnought - first modern battleship launches in Britain
French officer Alfred Dreyfus declared innocent of treason on retrial
First Russian Duma (representative body) meets -is dissolved
Muslim League founded (India)
Liberal revolution in Persia - Shah Nasir ud-Din grants constitution
Burke Act - softens 25 yearr land ownership probationary period for Indians
San Francisco earthquake and fire - Sarah Bernhardt and Enrico Caruso both happen to be in town on tour(4/18)
Christian IX - (Denmark)
Frederick VIII + (Denmark)
Emile Francois Loubet - (France)
Clement Fallieres + (France)
Victor introduces Victrola record player
First Mozart festival in Salzburg
The Unanswered Question Ives
Kammersymphonie Schoenberg
First String Quartet Schoenberg
George Washington Jr. George M. Cohen
"You're a Grand Old Flag" George M. Cohen
Allen, Henry Red 1906-1967 (1908)
Beckett, Samuel 1906-1989
Bethe, Hans Albrecht 1906-
Bigard, Albany Barney 1906-1980
Blume, Peter 1906-
Cooke, Arnold 1906- Musician
Creston, Paul 1906-1985 Musician
Darby, Blind Teddy 1906-
Dorati, Antal 1906-1988 Conductor (Budapest, Hungary)
Frankel, Benjamin 1906-1973 Musician
Gideon, Miriam 1906-1996 Musician
Goodman, Nelson 1906-1998
Hofmann, Albert 1906-2008
Ingle, Red 1906- Musician
Jones, Curtis 1906-1971
Mayer, Maria Goeppert 1906-1972
Montgomery, Little Brother 1906-1985 Musician
Rossellini, Roberto 1906-1977
Ruska, Ernst 1906-1988
Sykes, Roosevelt 1906-1983
Sabin, Albert Bruce 1906-
Shostakovich, Dmitri 1906-1975 Composer
Smith, David 1906-1965 Sculptor (Decatur, Indiana)
Tomonaga, Shinichiro 1906-1979
Visconti, Luchino 1906-1976
Anthony, Susan Brownell 1820-1906
Arensky, Anton Stepanovich 1861-1906 Composer
Boltzmann, Ludwig 1844-1906
Cezanne, Paul 1839-1906 Painter
Curie, Pierre 1859-1906
Dresser, Paul 1859-1906 Composer (Indiana, US)
Hurlstone, William Yeats 1876-1906 Composer
Hartmann, Edward von 1842-1906
Isben, Henrik 1828-1906
Paine, John Knowles 1839-1906 Composer
Pragmatism (James)
The Playboy of the Western World (Synge)
History of Freedom (Acton)
Historical Essays and Studies (Acton)
Iran is informed of the Anglo-Russian accord which delineated Russian/British spheres of influence (9/16)
Hague Convention of 1907 signed (10/8)
Second Hague Peace Conference - Germany opposes proposed arms limitation
Entente Cordiale - between Russia and Great Britain (Anglo-Russian Entente)
Triple Entente - between Great Britain, France, Russia,
Triple Alliance - between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Second Duma dismissed in Russia - Third Duma (more conservative) forms (-1912)
Dominion of New Zealand established
Oscar II - (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
Gustavus V + (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
First music radio broadcast
The Golden Cockerel Rimsky-Korsakov
Symphony of a Thousand Mahler
Poem of Ecstasy Scriabin
Symphony in E-flat Major Stravinsky
Ammons, Albert 1907-1949 Pianist
Auden, Wystan Hugh 1907-1973 Poet (York, England)
Barzun, Jacques 1907-
Blunt, Anthony Frederick 1907-
Bohrod, Aaron 1907-1992
Calloway, Cab 1907-1994 Musician
Carter, Benny 1907- Musician
Eames, Charles 1907-1978
Fortner, Wolfgang 1907- Musician
Guarnieri, Mozart Camargo 1907- Musician
Heinlein, Robert Anson 1907-1988 Writer
Heschel, Abraham Joshua 1907-
Hoar, Thomas Percy 1907-1978
Hodges, Johnny 1907-1970 Musician
Jensen, J. Hans D. 1907-1973
Kahlo, Frida 1907-1954 Painter
Lindgren, Astrid 1907-2002
Maconchy, Elizabeth 1907- Musician
Porter, Fairfield 1907-1975 Painter
Rozsa, Miklos 1907- Composer
Sunnyland Slim 1907-1995 Musician
Yukawa, Hideki 1907-1981
Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcelin 1827-1907 Chemist (France)
Bodley, George Frederick 1827-1907 Architect (England)
Carducci, Giosue 1835-1907
Fischer, Kuno 1824-1907
Grieg, Edvard Hagerup 1843-1907 Composer
Grondahl, Agathe Backer 1847-1907 Composer
Joachim, Joseph 1831-1907 Composer
Lovreglio, Donato 1841-1907 Composer
Kelvin, William Thompson 1824-1907
Mendelejeff, Dmitri Ivanovich 1834-1907
Moisson, Henri 1852-1907
Olcott, Henry Steel 1832-1907
Perkin, William Henry 1838-1907
Peto, John Frederick 1854-1907
Prudhomme, (Sully) Rene Francois Armond 1839-1907
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus 1848-1907 Sculptor (Dublin, Ireland --->US)
Thompson, Francis 1859-1907
Neue Gedichte (Rilke)
Reflections on Violence (Georges Sorel)
Kaiser Wilhelm: "Germany must have a powerful (naval) fleet to protect that commerce"(10/27)
Bulgaria becomes an independent kingdom separate from Ottoman Empire
Austria annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina
Revolution in Ottoman Empire led by young Turk movement (Committee of Union of Progress)
Turkish Constitution restored by Young Turk revolt (-1909)
Crete proclaims union with Greece
Belgium takes over Congo Free State - changes name to Belgian Congo
Successful counter-revolution in Persia - supported by Russia
Model T Ford produced
Ferdinand - (Bulgaria) Prince (from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)
Ferdinand I + (Bulgaria) King
Carlos I - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Emanuel II + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Dezong Jing - (China) (1875-) 9th Qing Dynasty (Guangxu Era)
Tz'u Hsi - (China) Empress
Tunguska Meteorite Event - largest impact in "recorded history" (6/30/1908)
Columbia mass produces double sided discs
Mahler becomes principal conductor of the Met in NY
Das Lied von der Erde Mahler
Children s Corner Debussy
Rapsodie Espagnole Ravel
Steichquartett Nr. 1, op 7 Bartok (-1909)
"Shine on Harvest Moon" Tin Pan Alley
Alfven, Hans Olof 1908-1995
Rola, Balthazar Klossowski de (Balthus) 1908-2001
Allen, Henry Red 1908-1967 Musician
Bardeen, John 1908-1991
Beauvoir, Simon de 1908-1986
Bresson, Henri Cartier- 1908-2004
Carter, Elliot 1908- Composer
Ferguson, Howard 1908- Musician
Frank, Ilya M. 1908-1990
Gordon, Cyrus H. 1908-
Hampton, Lionel 1908-2002 Musician
Johnson, Lyndon B. 1908-1973 Politician
Landau, L. D. 1908-1968
Lion, Alfred 1908- Musician
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 1908-1961
Messaien, Olivier 1908- Composer
Levi-Strauss, Claude 1908-
Price, Sammy 1908-1992
Quine, Willard van Orman 1908-
Roethke, Theodore 1908-1963 Poet (U.S.)
Ronell, Ann 1908-1993
Tveitt, Geirr 1908-1981 Composer (Norway)
Becquerel, Antoine Henri 1852-1908
Caird, Edward 1835-1908
Cleveland, Grover 1837-1908
Dietrich, Albert 1829-1908 Composer
Libert, George Emil 1820-1908
Macdowell, Edward Alexander 1860-1908 Composer
Noskowski, Zygmunt 1846-1908 Composer (Poland)
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich 1844-1908 Composer
Sarasate, Pablo Martin Meliton de 1844-1908 Composer
Taffanel, Claude Paul 1844-1908 Composer
Frank Lloyd Wright designs Robie House
Liliom (Ferenc Molnar)
Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (Freud)
John Brown (W.E.B. Du Bois)
Drilling begins on Lakeview Oil Gusher in Kern County, California (1/1)
Columbia recognizes independence of Panama (1/5)
Shackleton Expedition reaches magnetic South Pole (1/16)
Anglo-Siamese Treaty signed in Bangkok - dividedes northern Malay states into two parts (3/10)
American explorer Robert Peary reaches North Pole after seven visits to the Arctic (4/6)
First cross English Channel flight by Louis Bleriot
Old age pensions introduced in Great Britain
Union of South Africa forms
Young Turks defeat Sultans
Sultan Abdul Hamid II of Ottoman Empire overthrown in Turkey
Indian Council Act - increases elected membership on Indian councils (India)
Morley-Minto Reforms (India)
American Manufacturer Henry Ford begins assambly line production of cheap motor cars
Mexican Indians visit Porfirio Diaz to air greivances about their land rights
NAACP founded
Freud and Jung visit the United States to lecture at Clark University
Leopold II - (Belgium) (1865) Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield (Duke)
Albert I + (Belgium) House of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield (Duke)
Abdulhamid II - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Mehmet V + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Xuantong + (China) (-1912) 10th Qing Dynasty
Theodore Roosevelt - (United States) (1901-) President
Wlliam Howard Taft + (United States) (-1913) President
Nobel Prize (Physics) - Carl Ferdinand Braun / Marconi - wireless telegraphy
Word "gene" is coined by Wilhelm Johannsen to describe a fundamental unit of heredity
Elektra Richard Strauss
Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis Ralph Vaughan Williams
Piano Pieces, Op. 11 Schoenberg
Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 16 Schoenberg
Agee, James 1909-1955 Writer
Bacon, Francis 1909-1992 Painter
Black, Max 1909-1988 Analytical Philosopher (Baku, Russia)
Constantinescu, Paul 1909-1963 Musician
Drucker, Peter Ferdinand 1909-2005 "Social Ecologist"
Goodman, Benjamin David 1909-1986 Musician
Holmboe, Vagn 1909-1996 Composer
Kazanjoglous, Elia 1909-2003
Krupa, Gene 1909-1973 Musician
Mee, Margaret Ursala 1909-1988
Mercer, Johnny 1909-1976 Musician
Nighthawk, Robert 1909-1967 Musician
Parkinson, C. Northcote 1909-1993
Tatum, Art 1909-1956 Musician
Tatum, Edward Lawrie 1909-1975 Geneticist (Boulder, CO)
Webster, Ben 1909-1973 Musician
Welty, Eudora 1909-2001 Writer (Jackson, Mississippi)
Young, Lester 1909-1959 Musician
Albeniz, Isaac Manuel Francisco 1860-1909 Composer
Buck, Dudley 1839-1909 Composer
Geronimo 1829-1909
Karlowicz, Mieczyslaw 1876-1909 Composer
Lombroso 1836-1909
Martucci, Giuseppe 1856-1909 Composer
Meredith, George 1828-1909
Red Cloud 1821-1909 Oglala Chief
Remington, Frederic 1861-1909
Swinburne, Algernon Charles 1837-1909
Synge, John Millington 1871-1909 Poet/Dramatist (Dublin, Ireland)
Tarrega, Francesco 1852-1909 Composer
L'Heresiarche et Cie (Apollinaire)
The Tragedy of Pompey the Great (Masefield)
Lectures on the French Revolution (Acton)
Principia Mathematica (Russell / Whitehead)
Willful Peggy (D.W. Griffith) (8/25) (8/29)
British suffragette movement becomes increasingly militant
Revolution in Portugal - becomes a republic
Union of South Africa becomes independent dominion within British Empire
Japan annexes Korea
Mexican Revolution begins
Madera gains power in Mexico
Edward VII - (England) King
George V + (England) King
Emanuel II + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Nicholas I - (Montenegro) Prince
Nicholas I + (Montenegro) King
Discovery of protons and electrons
International Psychoanalytical Association founded - Jung president
HMV First volume of Cowboy songs published
Mahler's Eighth Symphony "Symphony of a Thousand" premiers in Munich
Preludes, book 1 Debussy
Sea Symphony Vaughan Williams
Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis Vaughan Williams (1909)
Daphnis et Chloe Ravel
Ma Mere l'Oye Ravel
Allegro Barbaro Bartok
The Firebird Stravinsky
"Down by the Old Mill Stream" Tin Pan Alley
"Let Me Call You Sweetheart"
Ayer, Alfred Jules 1910-1989
Barber, Samuel 1910-1981 Composer
Dimas, Blas Galindo 1910- Musician
Genet, Jean 1910-1986 Writer
Glaser, Werner Wolf 1910- Musician
Kline, Franz 1910-1962
Kurosawa, Akira 1910-1998 Filmmaker (Japan)
North, Alex 1910-1991 Composer
Reinhardt, Django 1910-1953 Musician
Schaeffer, Henri Pierre 1910-1995 Musician
Schuman, William Howard 1910-1992 Composer
Shaw, Artie 1910-2004 Musician
Shockley, W. B. 1910-1989
Subrahmanyan, Chandrasekhar 1910-1995
Balakirev, Mili Alexayevich 1837-1910 Composer
Bjornsun, Bjornstjerne Martinus 1832-1910
Browne, Borden Parker 1847-1910
Clemens, Samuel (Mark Twain) 1835-1910 Writer
Cross, Henri Edmund 1856-1910
Homer, Winslow 1836-1910 Painter
Hunt, Holman 1827-1910
James, William 1842-1910
Reinecke, Carl Heinrich Carsten 1824-1910 Composer
Rousseau, Henri 1844-1910
Tolstoy, Leo 1828-1910
Zabel, Albert Heinrich 1834-1910 Composer
Ethan Frome (Wharton)
Mind of Primitive Man (Franz Boas)
Second Morocco Crisis (Agadir Crisis) begins between France and Germany (7/1)
Parliament Act - reduces power of House of Lords in Great Britain (8/11)
Pyotr Stolypin, Russian Prime Minister is assassinated (9/18) (9/5 O.S)
Italy attacks and occupies Tripoli, Lybia - war with Ottoman Empire (10/3)
Wuchang Uprising - in southern China starts the Xinhai Revolution which overthrows the Qing Dynasty (10/11)
Francisco Madero becomes president of Mexico (11/6)
Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and his team are the first to reach South Pole (12/14)
British MPs receive salaries for the first time
Germany sends gunboat to Morocco but withdraws claims
Sun Yat-sen leads revolution in China and overthrows Manchu Dynasty
Revolution in Mexico overthrows Porfirio Diaz - period of disorder follows
Mubarak Ali Khan - (Hyderabad) Nizam
Usman Ali Khan + (Hyderabad) Nizam
Sun Yat Sen + (1st Chinese Republic) (-1912) Provisional President
Porfirio Diaz - (Mexico) (1877-) President
Francisco Madero + (Mexico) President
Freud has falling out with Jung and Adler - mainly on the issue of infantile sexuality
Scott Joplin's Treemonisha performed in New York
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra forms
Das Lied von der Erde Mahler
L'Heure espagnole Ravel
Der Rosenkavalier R.Strauss
Fourth Symphony R, Strauss
Treemonisha Joplin
Duke Bluebeard's Castle Bartok
Petrushka Stravinsky
Alain, Jehan 1911-1940 Musician
Alvarez, Luis W. 1911-1988
Austin, John Langshaw 1911-1960
Ball, Lucille 1911-1989 Actress / Comedian
Bjorling, Jussi 1911-1960 Opera Tenor (Sweden)
Bourgeois, Louise 1911-2010
Cobb, Lee J. 1911-1976 Actor
Eldridge, Roy 1911-1989 Musician
Elenescu, Emanuel 1911-2003 Musician/Conductor
Elytis, Odysseus (Alepoudhelis) 1911-1996
Fowler, William A. 1911-1995
Golding, William 1911-1993 Writer
Herrmann, Bernard 1911-1975 Composer
Hovhaness, Alan 1911-2000 Composer
Jackson, Mahalia 1911-1972 Singer
Johnson, Robert 1911-1938 Musician
Kusch, Polycarp 1911-1993
Mahfouz, Naguib 1911-2006 Writer (Egypt)
McLuhan, Marshall 1911-1980
Menotti, Gian Carlo 1911- 2007 Composer
Milosz, Czeslaw 1911-2004 Poet
Monroe, Vaughan 1911-1973 Musician
Neame, Ronald 1911-2010 Filmmaker
Patchen, Kenneth 1911-1972
Red, Piano 1911-1985 Musician
Rockmore, Clara 1911-1998
Rota, Nino 1911-1979 Composer
Seaton, George 1911-1979 Screenwriter/Director
Terrell, Saunders (Sonny Terry) 1911-1986 Musician
Turner, Big Joe 1911-1985 Musician
Ussachevsky, Vladimir 1911-1990 Composer
Williams, Thomas Lanier (Tennesee) 1911-1983 Playwright
Abbey, Edwin Austin 1852-1911
Bland, James 1854-1911 Composer
Ciurlionis, Mikolajus Konstantinas 1875-1911 Composer
Dilthey, Wilhelm 1833-1911
Gilbert, William Schwenck 1836-1911 Composer
Guilmant, Felix Alexandre 1837-1911 Composer
Kopylov, Alexander 1854-1911 Composer
Mahler, Gustav 1860-1911 Composer
Pulitzer, Joseph 1847-1911
Pyle, Howard 1853-1911
Svendsen, Johann 1840-1911 Composer
Technical Manifesto of Futurist Sculpture (Boccioni)
Titanic sinks with loss of 1513 lives (4/15/1912)
Treaty of Ouchy - ends Italo-Turkish war - Tripoli ceded to Italy (10/18)
Miners' strike in Britain
Fourth Russian Duma (-1916)
First Balkan War - Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, and Montenegro against Ottoman Empire (-1913)
French protectorate established in Morocco - Spanish zone defined by agreement
Delhi becomes capital of India
Republic froms in China
Universal compulsory male suffrage law passes in Argentina

Frederick VIII - (Denmark)
Christian X + (Denmark)
Xuantong - (Manchu China) (1909-1912)10th Qing Dynasty
Sun Yat Sen - (1st Chinese Republic) (-1912) Provisional President
Yuan Shih-k'ai + (Republic of China) (1912-1916)1st President
Columbia discontinues manufacture of cylinders
Ariadne auf Naxos R.Strauss
Memphis Blues W.C. Handy
Pierrot Lunaire Bartok
Daphnis et Chloe Ravel
Antonioni, Michelangelo 1912-2007 Filmmaker
Cage, John 1912-1992 Musician
Cheever, John 1912-1982
Como, Perry 1912-2001 Musician
Evans, Gil 1912-1988 Composer
Everson, William 1912-1994
Francaix, Jean 1912-1997 Composer
Guthrie, Woody 1912-1967 Musician
Hopkins, Sam Lightning 1912-1982 Musician
Louis, Morris 1912-1962 Painter (Baltimore, U.S.)
Machito 1912-1984 Musician
Pollock, Jackson 1912-1956 Painter
Purcell, E. M. 1912-1997
Seaborg, Glenn T. 1912-1999 Nuclear Physicist
Toscano, Salvador 1912-1949
White, Patrick 1912-1990
Wilson, Teddy 1912-1986 Musician
Barton, Clara 1821-1912
Blockx, Jan 1851-1912 Composer
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel 1875-1912 Composer
Gairdner, James 1828-1912
Hasselmans, Alphonse 1845-1912 Composer
Massenet, Jules Emile Frederic 1842-1912 Composer
Passy, Frederic 1822-1912
Poincare, Jules Henri 1854-1912 Mathematician/Physicist (France)
Reynolds, Osborne 1842-1912
Strindberg, August 1849-1912
Toepler, 1836-1912
Armory Show - International Exhibition of Contemporary Art - held at the 69th Regiment Armory in NYC (2/17-3/15)
Remembrance of Things Past Vol. 1 (Swann's Way) (Marcel Proust)
Calligrammes (Apollinaire)
Les Peintres cubistes (Apollinaire)
Death in Venice (Mann)
Sons and Lovers (Lawrence)
Totem and Taboo (Freud)
Huerta's coup d'etat - Madero falls from power (2/18)s
Treaty of Bucharest - ends Second Balkan War - Bulgaria defeated - Balkan states again partitioned (8/10)
Treaty of Bucharest - Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro signed - Turkey acquiesced (8/10)
US Federal Reserve Act (12/23)
Third Irish Home Rule Bill passes House of Commons but rejected by House of Lords
Threat of civil war in Ireland
Ulster Volunteers (private Protestant army) forms in opposition to proposed Home Rule Bill
Young Turks establish dictatorship in Turkey
Treaty of London - ends first Balkan War - Balkan states victorious - state of Albania created
Greece officially takes over Crete
Second Balkan War - Serbia Greece, Romania, and Ottoman Empire unite against Bulgaria
Second Balkan War caused by Serbian claims to Macedonia
Treaty of Constantinople between Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
Sun Yat Sen leads an unsuccessful revolt against president Yuan Shih K'ai - flees to Japan -
Clement Fallieres - (France)
Raymond Poincare + (France)
George I - (Greece) Son of Christian IX of Denmark
Constantine I + (Greece) Son of George I
1st performance of Stravinsky's Le Sacr du printemps at Paris' Theatre des Champs-Elysees - Pierre Monteaux cond. (5/29)
Preludes for piano Debussy
Jeux Debussy
Descriptions automatiques Satie
La vida breve de Falla
Le Sacre du Printemps Stravinsky
Trois po sies de la lyrique japonaise Stravinsky
Souvenir de mon enfance Stravinsky
Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 10 Webern
Six Orchestral Pieces Webern
The Art of Noises (Luigi Russolo)
Britten, Benjamin 1913-1976 Composer
Camus, Albert 1913-1960 Writer
Ford, Gerald Rudolph 1913- Statesman
Guston, Philip 1913-1980 Painter
Herman, Woody 1913-1987 Musician
Lamb, Willis E. 1913-
Lloyd, George 1913- Musician
Lutoslavski, Witold 1913- Composer
Nixon, Richard Milhouse 1913-1994 President
Paul, Wolfgang 1913-1993
Perkins, Pinetop 1913- Musician
Simon, Claude 1913-
Bronsart von Schellendorf, Hans 1830-1913 Composer
Heise, Peter Arnold 1830-1913 Composer
Popper, David 1843-1913 Composer
Saussure, Ferdinand de 1857-1913
Tubman, Harriet 1820-1913
Schuppe, Wilhelm 1836-1913
Thomas, John 1826-1913 Composer
Wallace, Alfred Russel 1823-1913
North of Boston (Frost)
The Congo and Other Poems (Lindsay)
The Dubliners (Joyce)
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce)
Birth of a Nation (Griffith)
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria assassinated by a Bosnian student (6/28)
Austria declares war on Serbia and invades (7/28) Tuesday Noon
Austrians begin to bombard Belgrade (7/30)
Germany declares war on Russia (8/1) Saturday
Wilhelm II asks Moltke to cancel the invasion of Belgium to keep Great Britain out of the war (8/2) Sunday
Germany declares war on France (8/3) Monday
Germany invades Belgium as per Schlieffen Plan (8/4) Monday
Germany declares war on Belgium (8/4) Tuesday
England declares war on Germany at midnight (8/4)
Montenegro declares war on Austria (8/5) Wednesday
Austria declares war on Russia (8/6) Thursday
Serbia declares war on Germany (8/6) Thursday
Battle of Mulhouse - first French attack of the war (8/7) Friday
Montenegro declares war on Germany (8/8) Saturday
France declares war on Austria (8/12) Wednesday
England declares war on Austria (8/12) Wednesday
Battle of the Frontiers begins - French attempt to invade Germany (Plan XVII) (8/14-24) Friday
Battle of Cer begins - Serbs fight a successful defensive battle against the invading Austrians (8/14) Friday
Germans enter Brussels, capital of Belgium (8/14) Friday
Panama Canal officially opens (8/15) Saturday
Liege falls to the Germans n Belgium (8/16) Sunday
King Albert II of Belgium orders retreat to the town (fort) of Antwerp (8/20) Thursday
Battle of Mons - British Expeditionary force tries to block German advance into France (8/23) Sunday
Japan declares war on Germany (8/23) Sunday
Namur falls to the Germans in Belgium (8/24) Monday
Japan declares war on Austria (8/25)
Battle of Tannenburg - invading Russians defeated by German forces in eastern Germany (8/26)
Austria declares war on Belgium (8/28)
Battle of the Marne - Allies halt German advance on Paris (9/5-9)
First Battle of Masurian Lakes - Russians retreat from East Prussia (9/9-14)
German army begins siege of Antwerp (9/28)
German army breaks through Belgian defenses at Lier - Belgian forces abandon Antwerp (10/5)
Belgian forces retreat west frmo Antwerp toward the coast (10/6)
Mayor of Antwerp capitulates - German occupation of the town until 1918 (10/10)
First Battle of Ypres - Germans fail to reach Channel ports (10/19-11/24)
Russia declares war on Turkey (11/2)
Serbia declares war on Turkey (11/2)
England declares war on Turkey (11/5)
France declares war on Turkey (11/5)
Great Britain declares Egypt a British Protectorate (12/18)
Central and Allied troops meet in No Man's Land (Western Front) to wish each other Merry Christmas (12/25)
Irish Home Rule Act provides for separate Parliament in Ireland, with some MPs at Westminster
Position of Ulster to be decided after the War
Divisions in socialist parties on the war result in its general support - collapse of Second International
Allied Powers - Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, United States
Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
Austrian ultimatum to Serbia
Russian mobilization
German and French mobilization
Trench warfare on Western and Eastern fronts until end of World War I
Huerta resigns under US pressure
Carol I - (Romania) King (Charles Eitel Frederick)
Ferdinand I + (Romania) King
Huerta - (Mexico)
Pius X -
Benedict XV +
Detroit Symphony Orchestra forms
A London Symphony Vaughan Williams
"St. Louis Blues" W.C. Handy
Berryman, John 1914-1972
Blount, Herman Sonny (Sun Ra) 1914-1993
Burroughs, William 1914-1997 Writer
Clarke, Kenny 1914-1985 Musician
Davis Jr., Raymond 1914-
De Stael, Nicolas 1914-1955
Eckstein, William Clarence 1914-1993
Ellison, Ralph 1914-1994 Writer
Giulini, Carlo Maria 1914-2005 Conductor
Hampshire, Stuart 1914-
Lloyd Webber, William Southcombe 1914-1982 Musician
Malamud, Bernard 1914-
Paz, Octavio 1914-1998
Perutz, Max Ferdinand 1914-
Salk, Jonas Edward 1914-
Thomas, Dylan 1914-
Bierce, Ambrose 1842-1914
Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen 1851-1914
Faure, Jean Baptiste 1830-1914
Fournier, Henri Alban 1886-1914
Hall, Charles Martin 1863-1914
Heroult, Paul Louis Toussaint 1863-1914
Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig 1830-1914
Liadov, Anatoli 1855-1914 Composer
Macke, August 1887-1914
Magnard, Lucien Denis Gabriel Alberic 1865-1914 Composer
Mistral, Frederic 1830-1914 Muir, John 1838-1914 Naturalist
Peguy, Charles 1873-1914
Pierce, Charles Sanders 1839-1914
Stavenhagen, Bernhard 1862-1914 Composer
Westinghouse, George 1846-1914
Of Human Bondage (Maugham)
Birth of a Nation (D. W. Griffiths)
Rags (James Kirkwood) (8/2)
Great Britain announces naval blockade of Germany (1/5)
Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes (2/7-22)
Germany begins submarine blockade of Great Britain (2/18)
Second Battle of Ypres - Gerrmans use poison gas for the first time (4/22-5/25)
German U-boat sinks British liner Lusitania - many civilians incl. 139 Americans drown (5/7)
First Battle of Artois - begins - ends in stalemate(5/9-15)
Battle of Festubert - nets 1km advance for British under Haig with 16000 casualties (5/15-5/25)
Italy joins Allied Powers (5/22)
Italy declares war on Austria (5/23)
San Marino declares war on Austria (6/3)
Italy declares war on Turkey (8/21)
Third Battle of Artois (9/15)-(11/4)
Second Battle of Champagne (9/25)-(10/6)
Battle of Loos - Birtish and French offensive fails - 43000 British casualties(9/25-28)
Bulgaria declares war on Serbia (10/14)
Bulgaria joins Central Powers (10/15)
England declares war on Bulgaria (10/15)
Montenegro declares war on Bulgaria (10/15)
France declares war on Bulgaria (10/16)
Russia declares war on Bulgaria (10/19)
Henry McMahons second letter to Hussein ibn Ali approving Arab independence within certain limits (10/24)
Austria occupies Serbia (-1918)
Dardanelles operation
Gallipoli Campaign - Axis powers defeat Allies (-3/22 1916)
Twenty-one Demands - Japan attempts to assert political and economic dominance over China
Second formation of Klu Klux Klan
General Theory of Relativity (Einstein)
X-Rays and Crystal Structure (Bragg)
Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity (T. H. Morgan)
Three Sonatas Debussy
En Blanc et noir Debussy
Douze etudes for piano Debussy
Mozart Variations for Orchestra Reger
Concord Sonata Ives
Sonata for Unaccompanied Cello, Op. 8 Kodaly (pub. 1921)
Piano Sonatina Bartok
Steichquartett Nr. 2, op. 17 Bartok (-1917)
Jelly Roll Blues Morton
Medawar, Peter 1915-1987 Biologist / Organ transplant pioneer (2/28)
Bergman, Ingrid 1915-1982 Actor
Burns, John Horne 1915-1953
Diamond, David 1915-2005 Composer
Hofstadter, Robert 1915-1990
Holiday, Billie 1915-1959 Musician
Levine, Jack 1915-
Lilburn, Douglas 1915- Musician
Lippold, Richard 1915-
McGhee, Brownie 1915-1996 Musician
Morganfield, McKinley (Muddy Waters) 1915-1983
Persichetti, Vincent 1915-1987 Composer
Ramsay, Norman Foster 1915-
Richter, Sviatoslav Teofilovich 1915- Pianist
Shull, Clifford Glennwood 1915-
Sinatra, Frank 1915-1998 Musician
Slim, Memphis 1915-1988 Musician
Surinach, Carlos 1915- Musician
Townes, Charles Hard 1915-
Welles, Orson 1915-1985 Director/Actor

Bastian, Henry Charlton 1837-1915
Corinth, Lovis 1858-1915
Goldmark, Karl 1830-1915 Composer
Hardie, Keir 1856-1915
Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys 1887-1915
Scriabin, Alexander Nikolaevich 1872-1915 Composer
Taneyev, Sergei Ivanovich 1856-1915 Composer
Waldteufel, Charles Emile 1837-1915 Composer
Washington, Booker T. 1856-1915
Windelbrand, Wilhelm 1848-1915
Intolerance (D. W. Griffith)
Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel in Tokyo
Battle of Verdun - German offensive on Western Front - +-350,000 wounded each - stalemate (2/21/1916)-(12/19/1916)
Wilson urges Germany to stop unrestricted submarine warfare or risk break in German-US relations (3/1916)
Germany declares war on Portugal (3/9/1916)
The Pershing Expedition - US Punitive Expedition into Mexico begins (3/14/1916)
Austria declares war on Portugal (3/15/1916)
Sussex Incident - unarmed French liner is sunk (3/24/1916)
Wilson issues Sussex ultimatum (4/18)
Easter rising in Ireland - supressed after one week (4/24)
Sussex Pledge - Germany agrees to change U-boat policy - if the US can stop the British blockade (5/4)
Sykes-Picot Agreement - Anglo-French agreement for the partition of the Middle East (5/16/1916)
Battle of Jutland- only major naval battle between Britain and Germany (5/31)
Brusilov Offensive - Russian attack led by General Alexei Brusilov fails (6/4)
Arab revolt against Ottoman Turks begins - proclaimed by Sharif Husayn (6/10)
British bombardment at Somme front begins (6/24-7/1)
Battle of the Somme begins - British offensive - over 1 million killed during next four months- tanks used for first time (7/1/1916) Saturday 7:30A
Battle of the Somme - 19,000 British dead after first day of fighting (7/1/1916)
Rumania declares war on Austria (8/27)
Italy declares war on Germany (8/28)
Germany declares war on Rumania (8/28)
Paul von Hindenberg becomes Chief of the German General Staff (8/29/1916)
Turkey declares war on Rumania (8/30/1916) Bulgaria declares war on Rumania (9/1/1916)
Battle of Verdun ends - French drive Germans back to their starting positions (12/19/1916)
Rasputin murdered (12/29/1916) (12/16 O.S.)
British Parliament passes conscription
Hindenburg appointed chief of staff with Ludendorff as quartermaster general
First popularly elected president in Argentina - Hipolito Irigoyen
Woodrow Wilson/Charles Evans Hughes election race

Lloyd George + (Great Britain) Prime Minister
Francis Joseph I - (Austria)(Hungary) Emperor House of Leopold (1848-) (1867-)
Charles I + (Austria) Emperor House of Leopold
Yuan Shih-k'ai - (Republic of China) 1st President (1912-)
Hipolito Irigoyen + (Argentina) President

Einstein's general relativity theory
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra forms (2/11)
Fourth Symphony Ives
Schelomo Bloch
Goyescas Granados
America First Cole Porter
"Beale Street Blues" W.C. Handy
Babbitt, Milton 1916- Composer
Cela, Camilo Jose 1916-2002
Christian, Charlie 1916-1942 Jazz Guitarist
Crick, Francis H.C. 1916-2004
Dutilleux, Henri 1916- Composer
Ginastera, Alberto 1916-1983 Composer
Ginzburg, Vitaly L. 1916-
Gyson, Brion 1916-1986
Miller, Arthur 1916-
Peck, Gregory 1916-2003 Actor
Prokhorov, Alexander Mikhailovich 1916-
Reis, Dilermando 1916- Composer
Risi, Dino 1916-
Salgan, Horacio 1916- Composer
Weiss, Peter 1916-
Abbe, Cleveland 1838-1916
Alaichem, Sholom 1859-1916
Boccioni, Umberto 1882-1916
Butterworth, George 1885-1916 Composer
Cather, Willa 1873-1916
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard 1831-1916
Eakins, Thomas 1844-1916
Eizaguirre, Jose Echogram y 1832-1916
Granados, Enrique 1867-1916 Composer
Howison, G. H. 1834-1916
James, Henry 1843-1916
MacCunn, Hamish 1868-1916 Composer
Mach, Ernst 1838-1916
Marc, Franz 1880-1916
Munro, H. H. (Saki) 1870-1916
Munsterberg, Hugo 1863-1916
Redon, Odilon 1840-1916
Reger, Max 1873-1916
Royce, Josiah 1855-1916 Philosopher (California, US)
Strauss, Eduard 1835-1916 Composer

Wild Swans at Coole (Yeats)
De Stijlbegins publication
Surrealism coined by Appollinaire
Zimmerman Telegram - invites Mexico and Japan to join Germany against the US (1/17/1917)
Woodrow Wilson's "Peace without Victory" speech (1/22/1917)
Germany notifies US that unrestricted submarine warfare will commence post haste (1/31/1917)
Wilson administration publishes Zimmerman Telegram proposing alliance with Mexico and Japan (3/1/1917)
Workers begin strike in Petrograd (2/22/1917 O.S.) (3/7/1917)
International Women's Day - Female factory workers initiate 100,000 worker general strike in Petrograd - protesting bread shortage (2/23/1917 O.S.) (3/8/1917)
Police crack down against massive worker protests in Petrograd (2/25 O.S./1917) (3/10/1917)
Soldiers under orders from Nicholas II shoot protesters in Petrograd - killing 50 (2/27/1917) (3/12/1917)
Russian soldiers in Petrograd mutiny against comanding officer after the previous day's massacre - shooting him (2/28?/1917) (3/13/1917)
Russian sailors stationed at Kronstadt elect new Revolutionary Committee - take over barracks - killing all commanders not supporting revolution (3/1/1917 O.S.) (3/14/1917)
Nicholas II abdicates- replaced by provisional government under Prince Lvov - end of Romanov dynasty (3/2/1917 O.S.) (3/15/1917)
British capture Baghdad from Ottoman Empire (3/11/1917)
Wilson's War Address in DC(4/2/1917)
United States declares war on Germany (4/6/1917)
Panama declares war on Germany (4/7/1917)
Carranza declines Germany's proposals of the Zimmerman note
Bolivia severs relations with Germany (4/13/1917)
Lenin returns to Russia from Switzerland having formulated the " Ten April Theses" - becomes leader of the Bolshevik Revolution (4/16/1917)
Turkey severs relations with United States (4/23/1917)
Greece declares war on Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, and Turkey (6/27/1917)
T.E. Lawrence takes over command of Arab revolt against Ottoman Empire (7/6/1917)
Arabs under T.E. Lawrence take Aqaba (7/6/1917)
July Days - 500,000 march in Petrograd to protest new offensive against Germany - 700 killed by provisional government troops (7/17/1917) (7/4/1917 O.S.)
Siam (Thailand) declares war on Germany and Austria (7/22/1917)
War Industries Board is formed in the US (7/28/1917)
Third Battle of Ypres- major British offensive -little gained after German counter-attack (7/31/1917)
Liberia declares war on Germany (8/4/1917)
China declares war on Germany and Austria (8/14/1917)
Kornilov Affair in Russia (9/9/1917)
Peru severs relations with Germany (10/6/1917)
Uruguay severs relations with Germany (10/7)
Bolsheviks meet and decide on armed revolt to overthrow provisional government (10/23/1917) (10/10/1917 O.S.)
Battle of Caporetto - Italians defeated (10/24/1917)
Sailors set off for Petrograd from Kronstadt siezing control of Winter Palace - Lenin: "All power to the soviets" (11/7/1917) (10/25/1917 O.S.)
Brazil declares war on Germany (10/26/1917)
Balfour Declaration - Great Britain announces support for Jewish state in Palestine (11/2/1917)
October Revolution- Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin seize power in Russia (11/7/1917)
British capture Jerusalem (11/11/1917)
Russian Civil War begins (11/15/1917)
United States declares war on Austria (12/7/1917)
Equador severs relations with Germany (12/8/1917)
Panama declares war on Austria (12/10/1917)
Cuba declares war on Austria (12/16/1917)
Mutinies in French army
Beginning of ill-fated Brusilov offensive
German Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg forced to resign - succeded by Dr. Michaelis
Real power in Germany held by Hindenburg and Ludendorff
British Parliament announces that responsible government is the goal for India
Sun Yat Sen returns to China from exile
Mexican revolutionary constitution
Danish West Indies Purchased by United States (Virgin Islands)

Clemenceau + (France) Prime Minister
Bethmann Hollweg - (Germany) Chancellor
Dr. Michaelis + (Germany) Chancellor
Nicholas II - (Russia) Emperor
Constantine I - (Greece) Son of George I
Alexander + (Greece) Son of Constantine I

Storyville shut down
First Jazz recording ODJB (Victor)
Parade Satie
Palestrina Pfitzner
Four Songs for Voice and Orchestra(Arnold Schoenberg)
Fountains of Rome Respighi
Classical Symphony Prokofiev "Over There" George M. Cohan
Boll, Heinrich 1917-1985
Carson, Rachel 1917-1964
Clarke, Arthur Charles 1917-2008 Writer
Gillespie, John Birks (Dizzy) 1917-1993 Trumpeter
Harrison, Lou 1917-2003 Composer
Mitchum, Robert 1917-1997 (8/6/1917)
Horton, Walter 1917-1981 Musician
Lawrence, Jacob 1917-2002 Painter
McCullers, Carson 1917-1967 Writer
Monk, Thelonius Sphere 1917-1982 Composer
Rich, Buddy 1917-1987 Musician
Rainwater, James 1917-1986
Shavers, Charlie 1917-1971
Taylor, Hound Dog 1917-1975 Guitarist
Wyeth, Andrew 1917-2009 Painter

Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von 1835-1917
Brentano, Franz 1838-1917
Carreno, Maria Teresa 1853-1917 Composer
Degas, Edgar 1834-1917 Painter
Durkheim, Emile 1858-1917
Joplin, Scott 1868-1917 Composer
Leo, Alan 1860-1917
Minkus, Leon (Ludwig) 1826-1917 Composer
Rodin, Auguste 1840-1917 Sculptor
Ryder, Albert Pinkham 1847-1917

My Antonia (Cather)
Alcools (Apollinaire)
Les Mamelles de Tiresias (Apollinaire)
The Decline of the West, 1st volume (Spengler)

Fourteen Points of Woodrow Wilson (1/8/1918)
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk - Russia cedes Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc. (3/3)
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk - between Russia and Germany - Russia withdraws from the war (3/3)
Germans bomb Paris (3/25)
Guatemala declares war on Germany (4/23)
Nicaragua declares war on Germany and Austria (5/8)
Revolt of the Czechoslovak Legion in Russia begins - start of counter-revolutionary "White" army that marches west(5/14)-(8)
Costa Rica declares war on Germany (5/23)
Haiti declares war on Germany (7/12)
Second Battle of the Marne (aka Battle of Reims) - last major German offensive fails (7/15-8/6)
Tsar Nicholas II and his family are murdered (7/17/1918)
Battle of Chateau-Thierry - first American engagement of WWI (7/181918)
Honduras declares war on Germany (7/19)
Allies' offensive on Western Front begins - Germans forced to retreat (8/8)
Lenin is shot three times outside "Hammer and Sickle" factory - he survives (8/30)
New German government of Prince Max von Baden askes President Wilson for 14 Points armistice (10/6)
Argonne-Meuse Front - heroism of Alvin York of Tennessee (10/8)
Battle of Vittorio Veneto - Italian victory - Austria-Hungary surrenders (10/24)
Mutiny at German naval base of Kiel (11/3)
Revolution in Germany - William II abdicates - republic declared (11/7)
World War I ends - Germany signs Armistice - (11/11)
Russia adopts Gregorian calendar
Women over 30 years of age receive vote in Great Britain
Foch named commander-in-chief of Allied forces in France
Bulgaria receives armistice
Armistice with Turkey
Allies sign armistice with Austria-Hungary
Allies occupy Aachen (-1930)
Ottoman Empire collapses at end of Great War
Austria becomes a republic
Serbia becomes part of Yugoslavia
Croatia becomes part of Yugoslavia
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes forms - union of Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia
Treaty of Versailles
Cabinet of Prime Minister Hara in Japan - first to be headed by a member of the House of Representatives
Student movement begins in Cordoba, Argentina

Charles I - (Austria) Emperor House of Leopold
Ferdinand I - (Bulgaria) King
Boris III + (Bulgaria) King
Nicholas I - (Montenegro) King
Peter I + (Yugoslavia) King
Alexander + (Yugoslavia) Regent
Mehmet V - (Ottoman Empire) (1909-) Sultan
Mehmet VI - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
First radio station broadcast
King Oliver s band arrives in Chicago
Debussy dies in Paris while city is being bombed by German artillery (3/25)
OkeH records formed in NY by Otto Heinemann
Cleveland Orchestra forms
Il Tabarro Puccini
L Histoire du soldat Stravinsky
Classical Symphony Prokofiev
L'homme et son desir, op 48 Milhaud
Althusser, Louis 1918-1990
Bergman, Igmar 1918-2007 Director
Bernstein, Leonard 1918-1990 Composer
Brockhouse, Bertram N. 1918-
Byrd, Henry Roeland (Professor Longhair) 1918- Musician
Davis, Wild Bill 1918-1995 Musician
Feynman, Richard 1918-1988 Physicict
Fitzgerald, Ella 1918-1996 Singer
Granz, Norman 1918-2001 Musician
Houston, Cisco 1918-1961 Musician
James, Elmore 1918-1963 Musician
Lerner, Alan Jay 1918-1986 Composer
Morante 1918-1985
Quebec, Ike 1918-1963 Musician
Rochberg, George 1918- Musician
Rulfo, Juan 1918-1986
Reines, Frederick 1918-
Ryle, Martin 1918-1984
Schwinger, Julian 1918-1994
Siegbahn, Kai Manne Borge 1918-
Solszhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich 1918-2008

Zimmerman, Bernd Alois 1918-1970 Musician
Adams Jr., Charles Francis 1835-1918 Economist/Historian (Boston, MA)
Adams, Henry Brooks 1838-1918 Historian (Boston, MA)
Apollinaire, Guillaume 1880-1918 Poet (France)
Boulanger, Juliette Maria Olga Lili 1893-1918 Musician
Braun, Carl Ferdinand 1850-1918 Physicist (Germany)
Cantor, George 1845-1918 Mathematician (Germany)
Cui, Cesar 1835-1918 Composer
De la Blache, Paul Vidal 1845-1918
Debussy, Claude Achille 1862-1918 Composer Klimt, Gustav 1862-1918 Painter (Austria)
LeCocq, Charles 1832-1918 Composer
Owen, Wilfred 1893-1918
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings 1848-1918 Composer
Rostand, Edmond 1868-1918 Poet/Dramatist (France)
Schiele, Egon 1890-1918 Painter (Austria)
Simmel, Georg 1858-1918 Philosopher/Sociologist (Germany)
Taneyev, Alexander Sergeievich 1850-1918 Composer (Russia)
Tobias, Rudolf 1873-1918 Composer
Ysaye, Theophile 1865-1918 Composer
Prussianism and Socialism (Spengler)
Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud)
Sunnyside (Charlie Chaplin) (6/15/1919)
Male and Female (Cecil B. DeMille) (11/23/1919)

Faisal-Weizmann Agreement - Faisal conditionally accepts the Balfour Agreement (1/3/1919)
Paris Peace Conference begins (1/18/1919)
Habibullah Shah, King of Afghanistan is assassinated (2/20/1919)
19th Amendment passes Senate - US Women's right to vote (6/4/1919)
Treaty of Versailles signed by Germany (6/28/1919)
Woodrow Wilson embarks on 8,000 mile tour to promote League of Nations (9/3/1919)
Treaty of Saint-Germaine - between Austria and Allied Powers (9/10/1919)
Woodrow Wilson has a stroke (10/2/1919)
BETWEEN WARS PERIOD begins (1919-1939)
Rebellion in Ireland led by Irish nationalist movement Sinn Fein
League of Nations founded
Germany to lose Alsace-Lorraine and colonies and to pay reparations to Allies (Treaty of Versailles)
Treaty of Saint-Germaine - Hapsburg monarchy ends
Treaty of Saint-Germaine - Austria to recognize independence of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Hungary
Treaty of Neuilly - with Bulgaria
Kingless monarchy established in Transylvania
Romania annexes Old Kingdom of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Burkovina (-1920)
Weimar Constitution adopted in Germany
Spartacist (Communist) rising in Berlin crushed by the Friekorps- socialist leader Rosa Luxembourg murdered
Italian nationalist Gabriel d'Annunzio seizes Fiume from Yugoslavia
Fascist movement founded in Italy by Benito Mussolini
Turkish war of liberation against Greek and Allied forces (-1922)
Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi (Mohatma) begins campaign of passive resistance to Great Britain
Amristar massacre - British troops fire on nationalist rioters in India
Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms in India
May Fourth Movement in China
US Senate rejects League of Nations treaty
Red Scare
Volstead Act - Eighteenth Amendment (prohibition) ratified
East St. Louis Race Riots
First transatlantic flight by John Alcock and Arthur Brown
Third Anglo-Afghan War

Joseph of Austria +- (Transylvania) Regent
Sydney Bechet celebrated in Europe
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra forms
Prohibition starts
The Royal Guest Hakon Borresen
Hitchy-Koo of 1919 Cole Porter
Swanee Gershwin
Sinbad Gershwin
Blakey, Art 1919-1990 Musician
Cunningham, Merce 1919- Dancer
Duncan, Robert 1919-1988
Edison, Harry Sweets 1919-1999 Musician
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 1919-
Jackson, Shirley 1919-1965
Lessing, Doris 1919-
O day, Anita 1919- Singer
Salinger, Jerome David 1919- Writer
Seeger, Pete 1919- Musician
Weinberg, Moise 1919- Musician
Baum, Lyman Frank 1856-1919 Writer (Chittenango, NY)
Carnegie, Andrew 1835-1919
Gjellerup, Karl Adolph 1857-1919
Gunton, George 1845-1919
Haekel, Ernst 1834-1919
Haverfield, Francis John 1860-1919
Leoncavallo, Ruggero 1857-1919 Composer
Parker, Horatio William 1863-1919 Composer
Rayleigh, J. William Strut 1842-1919
Renoir, Pierre August 1841-1919 Painter
Roosevelt, Theodore 1858-1919 President
Sabine, W. C. 1868-1919
Sienkiewicz, Henryk 1846-1919
Villoldo, Angel 1861-1919 Composer
Age of Innocence (Edith Wharton)
Within Our Gates (Oscar Micheaux) (1/12/1920)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Robert Weine) (2/26/1920)
The Flapper (Alan Crosland) (5/10/1920)

League of Nations meets for first time (1/10/1920)
Paris Peace conference ends (1/21)
Sanremo Conference - confirmed the mandates in former Ottoman Territories (4/19-26)
Battle of Maysalun- French defeat Syrian forces 12 miles west of Damascus (7/23)
French forces enter Damascus (7/25)
Treaty of Sevres - between Allies and Turkey - opposed by Turkish nationalists led by Mustafa Kemal (8/10)
League of Nations admits Ethiopia as member state (9/28)
Harding wins US Presidential Election vs. Brian Cox (11/2/1920)
Civil war in Ireland - situation aggravated by British auxiliaries - the Black and Tans
Northern Ireland accepts Home Rule Act
Treaty of Rapallo between Italy and Yugoslavia
Russia and Poland at war (-1921)
Treaty of Trianon - with Hungary
Palestine established as Jewish state under British administration
Great Britain assigned mandate over Palestine, Iraq, and Transjordan
France assigned mandate over Lebanon and Syria
M. K. Gandhi becomes leader of the Indian National Congress
US Senate rejects League of Nations
Prohibition in the United States
Nineteenth Amendment (Womens Suffrage) ratified
Republican Party returns to power
US Census shows that country is predominantly urban

Raymond Poincare - (France)
Paul Deschanel +- (France)
Alexandre Millerand + (France)
Miklos Horthy + (Transylvania) Regent (Hungary) (from Nagybanya)
Alexander - (Greece) Son of Constantine I
Constantine I + (Greece) Son of George I (rethroned)
Charlie Chaplin, D. W. Griffith, Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford form United Artists
"That Thing Called Love" Perry Bradford Maime Smith Crazy Blues
You Can t Keep A Good Man Down Perry Bradford Mamie Smith
Fletcher Henderson arrives in New York
Pulcinella Stravinsky
Serenade, op. 24 (/1923) Schoenberg
Abzug, Bella 1920-
Bloembergen, Nicolaus 1920-
Brubeck, Dave 1920- Musician
Asimov, Isaac (Paul French) 1920-1992 Writer
Bradbury, Ray 1920- Writer
Bukowski, Charles 1920-1994 Writer
Celan, Paul 1920-1970
Chamberlain, Owen 1920-
Fellini, Frederico 1920-
Fetler, Paul 1920- Musician
Leary, Timothy Francis 1920-1996
Parker, Charlie Christopher 1920-1955 Composer
Rohmer, Eric 1920-
Thiebaud, Wayne 1920-
Ardigo, Roberto 1828-1920 Philosopher
Bruch, Max 1838-1920 Composer (Germany)
Griffes, Charles Tomlinson 1884-1920 Composer
Howells, William Dean 1837-1920 (1939)
Jackson, Tony 1876-1920
Lockyer, Joseph Norman 1836-1920
Modigliani, Amedeo 1884-1920
Perez Galdos, Benito 1843-1920
Weber, Max 1864-1920
Wundt, Wilhelm 1832-1920

The Kid (Charlie Chaplin) (2/6/1921)
The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse (Rex Ingram) (3/6/1921)

Kronstadt Rebellion ("the 3rd Revolution") led by Petrichenko opposes Bolsheviks - fails (3/7-17/1921)
Treaty of Riga signed- ends Russo-Polish war (3/18/1921)
Tulsa Race Massacre - white mob attacks 35 block area ("Black Wall Street") killing at least 36 (5/31/1921)
Irish Free State established - Irish Republican Army (IRA) continues opposition
Mutiny of Russian sailors at Kronstadt, Finland, is put down
New Economic Policy in USSR
Greece attacks Turkey but is ultimately rebuffed (1921-1922)
Turkish nationalist government set up at Ankara
Riza Khan establishes control over Iran - deposes Ahmed Shah and founds Pahvlavi dynasty (-1925)
First Non-cooperation Movement in India
Sun Yat Sen elected president of self-proclaimed national government at Canton, s. China
Washington Conference held to discuss naval armaments (-1922)
Pacific Treaty - between four powers Great Britain, France, Japan, and United States

Peter I - (Serbia) King (Karadjordjevic) (1903-)
Peter I - (Yugoslavia) King
Alexander - (Yugoslavia) Regent
Alexander I + (Yugoslavia) King
Katya Kabanova Janacek
Pastoral Symphony Vaughan Williams
The Love for Three Oranges Prokofiev
Symphony for Wind Instruments Stravinsky
King David Honegger
Saudades do Brasil Milhaud
"Carolina Shout" (James P. Johnson)
Arnold, Malcolm 1921- Composer
Basarab, Mircea 1921- Musician
Beuys, Joseph 1921-1986
Freed, Alan 1921- Musician
Garner, Erroll 1921-1977 Musician
Piazzolla, Astor 1921-1992 Composer
Rawls, John 1921-2002
Sakharov, Andrei Dimitrievich 1921-
Schawlow, Arhur Leonard 1921-
Simpson, Robert 1921- Musician
Steinberger, Jack 1921-
Blackwell, Antoinette Brown 1825-1921
Boutroux, Emile 1845-1921
Caruso, Enrico 1873-1921 Singer
Huber, Hans 1852-1921 Composer
Humperdinck, Engelbert 1854-1921 Composer
Lippman, Gabriel 1845-1921
Meinong, Alexius 1853-1921
Petri, Richard 1852-1921
Saint-Saens, Charles-Camille 1835-1921 Composer
Severac, Deodat de 1872-1921 Composer
The Forsyte Saga (Galsworthy)
Duino Elegies (Rilke)
Sonnets to Orpheus (Rilke)
Ulysses (Joyce)
The Wasteland (Eliot)
Tess of the Storm Country (John S. Roberttson)
British Archaeologist opens King Tut's tomb (11/26)
March on Rome - King Victor Emmanuel III invites fascist Benito Mussolini to be prime minister (3/28)
Churchill's White Paper - states British view on the Balfour Declaration (6/3)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics established (USSR)
Stalin named Secretary General of Communist Party
Last Ottoman sultan Mehmet VI flees - deposed by Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk)
Britain declares Egypt independent from British and French influence
Nine Power Treaty
Washington Naval Conference (-1923)
Constantine I - (Greece) Son of George I (rethroned)
George II + (Greece) Son of Constantine I
Mehmet VI - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Benedict XV -
Pius XI +
Discovery of insulin
Schoenberg develops twelve-tone serialism
Louis Armstrong moves to Chicago joins King Oliver
Fifth Symphony Nielsen
Piano Concerto No. 1 Antheil
Basov, Nikolai Gennadiyevich 1922-
Bohr, Aage N. 1922-
Brim, John 1922-2003
Brubeck, Dave 1922- Composer
Byard, Jaki 1922-1999
Dehmect, Hans Georg 1922-
Diebenkorn, Richard 1922-1993
Foss, Lukas 1922- Composer
Freud, Lucian 1922-
Kerouac, Jack 1922-1969 Writer
Khan, Ali Akbar 1922-
Lederman, Leon Max 1922-
Olsen, Poul Rovsing 1922-1982 Composer
Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1922-1975
Penn, Arthur 1922-
Petit, Pierre 1922- Musician
Raid, Kaljo 1922- Musician
Resnais, Alain 1922-
Saramago, Jose 1922-
Sutton, Ralph 1922-2001
Vonnegut Jr., Kurt 1922- Writer
Xenakis, Yannis 1922-2001 Composer
Yang, Chen Ning 1922-
Abbot, Lyman 1835-1922
Bajer, Fredrik 1837-1922
Bell, Alexander Graham 1847-1922
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen 1840-1922
Hallwachs, Wilhelm 1859-1922
Proust, Marcel 1871-1922
Sokolov, Nikolai 1859-1922 Composer
Sorel, Georges 1847-1922
Ziehrer, Ludwig August 1843-1922 Composer
The Ego and the Id (Freud)
Our Hospitality (Buster Keaton)
French and Belgian troops occupy Ruhr district, west Germany, after Germany fails to pay reparations
Hitler-Ludendorff Beer Hall Putsch in Munich (11/8-9/1923)
Adolf Hitler, founder of the National Socialist Party, attempts to overthrow Bavarian government - imprisoned
Virtual Spanish dictatorship in Spain under General Primo de Rivera (-1930)
Mussolini creates a fascist state in Italy
Treaty of Lausanne - between Greece and Turkey
Turkey proclaimed a republic - deposition of Ottoman sultan - Mustafa Kemal is first president
Karol Rathaus' 2nd Symphony premieres
Cotton Club opens in New York
First Recordings of: King Oliver, Freddie Keppard, Louis Armstrong, Jelly Roll Morton, Sidney Bechet, Bennie Moten, Bessie Smith (2/16)
Sixth Symphony Sibelius
Valse for piano Schoenberg
Fugal Concerto Holst
Les Noces Stravinsky
Pacific 231 Honegger
La Creation du Monde Milhaud
Das Marienleben Hindemith
Anderson, Lindsay 1923-1994
Behan, Brendan 1923-1964
Anderson, Phillip Warren 1923-
Calvino, Italo 1923-1985
de Los Angeles, Victoria 1923- Opera Singer
Fitch, Val Logsoon 1923-
Garland, Red 1923-1984 Pianist
Gordimer, Nadine 1923- Writer/Policital Activist
Gordon, Dexter 1923-1990 Musician
Jackson, Milt 1923-1999 Saxophonist
Kaempfert, Bert 1923-1980 Composer
Kilby, Jack S. 1923-
Levertov, Denise 1923-
Lichtenstein, Roy 1923-1997 Artist
Ligeti, Gyorgy 1923-2006
Mailer, Norman 1923- Writer

Mennin, Peter 1923-1983 Composer
Navarro, Fats 1923-1950 Musician
Puente, Tito 1923-2000 Musician
Rivers, Larry 1923-2002
Rorem, Ned 1923- Composer
Szymborska, Wislawa 1923-
Taylor, Eddie 1923-1985 Musician
Whalen, Philip 1923-
Williams, James Clifton 1923-1976 Musician
Barnard, Edward Emerson 1857-1923
Bernhardt, Sarah 1844-1923
Bosanquet, Bernard 1848-1923
Hamerik, Asger 1843-1923 Composer
Harding, Warren Gamaliel 1865-1923
Hasek, Jaroslav 1883-1923
Loti, Pierre 1850-1923 Novelist (France)
Morley, Edward William 1838-1923
Morley, John 1838-1923
Pareto, Vilfredo 1848-1923
Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad 1845-1923
Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquin 1863-1923
Steinmetz, Charles Proteus 1865-1923
Troeltsch, Ernst 1865-1923
Van der Waals, J. D. 1837-1923
Heimdal's Wanderings(Jeppe Aakjaer)
Saint Joan (George Bernard Shaw)
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann)
The Trial (Franz Kafka)
Sherlock, Jr. (Buster Keaton) (4/21/1924)
Greed (Erich von Stroheim) (12/4/1924)

First Labour government in Great Britain
Dawes Plan settles reparation payments to be made by Germany
Stabilization of the Weimar economy in Germany
Italian socialist, Giocomo Matteotti is murdered by Fascists
Death of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin succeeds him
Greece forms a republic(-1935)
New Republic of Turkey forms - Ataturk expels all sultanate sympathizers
Ibn Saud conquers Hijaz and establishes rule over most of Arabian Peninsula
Reorganization of the Kuomintang in China
Chinese government set up at Canton under Sun Yat-sen - it includes Communist members
Full citizenship granted to Native Americans
First airplane flight around the world by US army planes
British pass law prohibiting travel north or south of the 10th parallel in Sudan
Alexandre Millerand - (France)
Gaston Doumergue + (France) (-1931) President
Vladimir Lenin - (Russia)
Joseph Stalin + (Russia) (-1953) Premier
George II - (Greece) Son of Constantine I
Ataturk + (Republic of Turkey)
Ernst Bloch becomes an American citizen
Louis Armstrong joins Fletcher Henderson in NY
Papa Charlie Jackson records first blues
Turandot Puccini
Mercure Satie
Suite for Piano (1st wholly atonal work) Schoenberg
Serenade Schoenberg
Woodwind Quintet Schoenberg
Concertino for Piano and Orchestra H 55 Honegger
Rhapsody in Blue Gershwin
"Fascinatin Rhythm " Gershwin
Lady Be Good Gershwin
Atkins, Chet 1924- Musician
Bacall, Lauren 1924-
Baldwin, James 1924- Musician
Braun, Gunter 1924- Musician
Brown, Clarence Gatemouth 1924-
Carter, James 1924-
Charpak, Georges 1924-
Desmond, Paul 1924-1977 Musician
Hewish, Antony 1924-
Landes, David S. 1924-
Lyotard, Jean Francois 1924-1998
Mancini, Henry 1924- Composer (Taurus)
Nono, Luigi 1924- Musician
Pearlstein, Philip 1924-
Powell, Bud 1924-1966 Musician
Presti, Ida 1924-1967 Musician
Tomlinson, Ernest 1924- Musician
Vaughan, Sarah 1924-1990 Singer
Vollmer, Joan 1924-1951
Washington, Dinah 1924-1963 Singer
Bradley, Francis Herbert 1846-1924
Busoni, Ferruccio Dante Michel. Benvenuto 1866-1924 Composer
Chardonett, Louis 1839-1924
Conrad, Joseph 1857-1924 Novelist
Duse, Eleanor 1859-1924
Faure, Gabriel Urbain 1845-1924 Composer
Gompers, Samuel 1850-1924
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor 1869-1924
Herbert, Victor 1859-1924 Composer
Kafka, Franz 1883-1924
Lenin, Vladimir 1870-1924
Liapunov, Sergei Mikhailovich 1859-1924 Composer
Marshall, Alfred 1842-1924
Natorp, Paul 1854-1924
Nesbit, Edith 1858-1924
Pasculli, Antonino 1842-1924 Composer
Stanford, Charles Villiers 1852-1924 Composer
Puccini, Giacomo Antonio Domenico 1858-1924 Composer
Scharwenka, Franz Xaver 1850-1924 Composer
Spitteler, Carl Friedrich Georg 1845-1924
Sullivan, Louis 1856-1924

Thibault, Jacques Anatole (France) 1844-1924
Wilson, Woodrow 1856-1924 President
An American Tragedy (Dreiser)
The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
The Big Parade (King Vidor) (11/5/1925)
The Freshman (Sam Taylor / Fred Newmeyer)
The General (Buster Keaton)
The Gold Rush (Charlie Chaplin)
Potemkin (Sergei Eisenstein)

Yves Tanguy joins the original Surrealists
Locarno Conference - the great powers agree to put disputes to arbitration-Briand chief architect (Locarno Pact)
Arab uprising in Morocco led by abd-el-Krim (-1926)
John T. Scopes found guilt teaching evolution in Dayton, Tennessee (7/24)
Matrix Mechanics developed by Heisenberg, Born etc. - major step in formulation of quantum theory
Keilin's discovery of cytochromes and the beginning of molecular biology

Louis Armstrong back in Chicago
Bessie Smith and Louis Armstrong record together (1/24)
Concerto Grosso Bloch
Wozzeck Berg
Music for the Theater Copland
Berio, Luciano 1925-2003 Composer
Boulez, Pierre 1925- Composer
Delerue, Georges 1925-1992
Deleuze, Gilles 1925-1995
Dieskau, Dietrich Fischer 1925-
Bukley, William F. 1925-2008 (11/24)
Esaki, Leo 1925-
Kaufman, Bob 1925-1986
King, B.B. 1925- Musician
Lamb, Peter 1925- Musician
Mishima, Yukio 1925-1970
Mitchell, Joan 1925-1992
O Connor, Flannery 1925-1964
Peterson, Oscar 1925- Musician
Rauschenberg, Robert 1925-2008 Painter
Schuller, Gunther 1925- Composer
Smith, Jimmy 1925-2005 Musician
Tinguely, Jean 1925- Sculptor (Fribourg, Switzerland)
Van der Meer, Simon 1925-
Wetherell, Eric 1925- Musician

Bellows, George 1882-1925
Bryan, William Jennings 1860-1925
Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob 1848-1925
Haggard, Henry Rider 1856-1925 Writer (England)
Heaviside, Oliver 1850-1925
Hugel, Friedrich von 1852-1925
McTaggart, J. M. E. 1866-1925
Moszkowski, Moritz 1854-1925 Composer
Posse, Wilhelm 1852-1925 Composer
Reymont, Wladyslaw Stanislaw (Rejment) 1867-1925
Sargent, John Singer 1856-1925 Painter
Satie, Erik 1866-1925 Composer (France)
Sun Yat Sen 1866-1925 Chinese Revolutionary (Canton)
Winnie the Pooh (Milne)
The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway)
For Heaven's Sake (Sam Taylor)
Metropolis (Fritz Lang)

General strike in Great Britain
Imperial Conference defines nature of British Commonwealth of Nations
Germany is admitted to the League of Nations
Army in Portugal overthrows government
Stalin establishes control in USSR
Zinoviev, Trotsky, and Kamenev removed from Soviet Politburo
Arab uprising in Morocco led by abd-el-Krim crushed by France and Spain
Northern Expedition - reunification of China under the Kuomintang (-1928)
Canberra becomes the federal capital of Australia
NOBEL PEACE PRIZE : Aristide Briand (France) & Gustav Stresemann
First liquid rocket launched- Dr. Robert H. Goddard (3/16)
Savoy Ballroom opens in Harlem
Okeh switches to electric microphone recording method
Melody Maker magazine first published
Thomas Fats Waller records
Ellington s first electric recordings for Gennett (4)
Madagascan Songs Ravel
Hary Janos Kodaly
The Girl Friend Rodgers & Hart
Cardillac Hindemith
Piano Concerto Copland
First Symphony Shostakovich
Abernathy, Ralph David 1926-
Berry, Chuck 1926- Musician
Blamont, Jacques 1926-
Burnside, R.L. 1926-2005 Musician
Coltrane, John 1926-1967 Musician
Creeley, Robert 1926-
Davis, Miles 1926-1991 Musician
Donaldson, Lou 1926- Musician
Feldman, Morton 1926-1987 Musician
Fo, Dario 1926-
Foucalt, Michel 1926-1984
Fowles, John 1926-
Ginsberg, Allen 1926-1997 Poet
Glaser, D. A. 1926-
Henze, Hans Werner 1926- Musician
Holmes, John Clellon 1926-1988
Kendall, Henry Way 1926-
Koshiba, Masatoshi 1926-
Lee, Tsung Dao 1926-
Mottleson, Ben R. 1926-
O Hara, Frank 1926-1966 Novelist/Writer
Queen Elizabeth 1926-
Reed, Jimmy 1925-1976 Musician
Tjader, Cal 1925-1982 Musician
Reisz, Karel 1926-2002
Salaam, Abdus 1926-1996
Smith, Jimmy 1925-2005 Musician
Thornton, Big Mama 1926-1984 Singer
Tudor, David Eugene 1926-1996
Welch, Lew 1926-1971
Wertmuller, Lina 1926-

Abbott, Edwin Abbott 1838-1926 Clergyman/Author
Cassatt, Mary 1844-1926
Debs, Eugene V. 1855-1926 Socialist Leader (Terre Haute, IN
Euken, Rudolf Christolf 1846-1926
Monet, Claude 1840-1926
Moran, Thomas 1837-1926
Onnes, Heike Kamerlingh 1853-1926
Pennell, Joseph 1857-1926
Rilke, Rainier Maria 1875-1926
Sun Yat Sen 1866-1925 Chinese Revolutionary (Canton)
Tilden, William Augustus 1842-1926
Turro y Darder, Ramon 1854-1926
Giants in the Earth (Rolvaag)
To the Lighthouse (Woolf)
Strange Interlude (O'Neill)
The Future of an Illusion (Freud)
It (Clarence Badger / Zukor)
The Jazz Singer (Alan Crosland)
The Kid Brother (Ted Wilde)
The King of Kings (Cecil B. DeMille)
Napoleon (Abel Gance)
The Student Prince of Old Heidelberg (Ernst Lubitsch)
Sunrise (F. W. Murnau)
Wings (William A. Wellman)

Simon Commission in India
Chiang Kai-shek, successor to Sun-Yat-sen, purges Communists, sets up government at Nanking
Communists and Kuomintang split into separate political factions - each claiming legacy of Sun Yat Sen
Chinese Civil War between Communists and Nationalists
American Charles Lindbergh makes first solo trans-Atlantic flight
Ferdinand I - (Romania) King
Michael + (Romania) King
First television transmission
W. Heisenberg and others propound "uncertainty principle" in quantum physics

International Musicological Society founded at Basle
Bristol TN Sessions with Jimmy Rodgers & Carter Family (Aug. 1st) Ralph Peer Victor
Ellington moves to Cotton Club
Schwanda, the Bagpiper Weinberger
Steichquartett Nr. 3 Bartok
Oedipus Rex Stravinsky
Second Symphony ( 1917 ) Shostakovich
Show Boat Kern & Hammerstein
A Connecticut Yankee Rodgers & Hart
Jonny spielt auf Krenek
Aufstieg und Fall der stadt Mahagonny Weill
Argento, Dominic 1927- Musician
Gielen, Michael 1927- Musician<
Grass, Gunter 1927-
Henry, Pierre 1927-
Jones, Elvin 1927-2004 Musician
Kienholz, Ed 1927-1994
Kolakowski, Leszek 1927-
Konitz, Lee 1927- Musician
Lamantia, Philip 1927-
Milburn, Amos 1927-1980 Musician
Muller, Karl Alex 1927-
Perl, Martin Lewis 1927-
Plimpton, George 1927-2003
Taniyama, Yukata 1927-1958
Yepes, Narisco 1927- Guitarist

Adams, Brooker 1848-1927
Arrhenius, Svante August 1859-1927
Bury, John Bagnell 1861-1927 Historian
Duncan, Isadora 1878-1927
Fuchs, Robert 1847-1927 Composer
Gris, Juan 1887-1927 Painter
Salmon, Lucy Maynard 1853-1927
Stenhammar, Wilhelm 1871-1927 Composer
Titchener, Edward Bradford 1867-1927
Lady Chatterley's Lover (D.H. Lawrence)
Point Counter Point (Huxley)
John Brown's Body (Benet)
The Last Command (Josef von Sternberg) (1/28/1928)
The Crowd (King Vidor) (3/3)
The Patsy (King Vidor) (4/22/1928)
Lights of New York (Bryan Foy) first full-length "talkie" (7/21/1928)
The Docks of New York (Josef von Sternberg) (9/16)
Pandora's Box (G. W. Pabst)
Passion of Joan of Arc (Carl Theodore Dreyer)
The Wedding March (Erich von Stroheim)
The Wind (Victor Seastrom)

Kellog-Briand Pact - signed in Paris - great powers denounce ("outlaw") war (Pact of Paris)
Adoption of First Five-Year Plan in Russia
Muslim Brotherhood founded in Egypt as a self-declared Salafi movement
China Rebublic unified under Chiang Kai-shek
Dirigible Graf Zeppelin crosses Atlantic
Big Bull Market
Muslim Brotherhood forms
Ras Tafari + (Ethiopia) (-1930) Negus
Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
First radio broadcast of New York Philharmonic
Albert Ammons, Pinetop Smith, Meade Lux Lewis live in same boarding house in Chicago
Variations for Orchestra Schoenberg
Bolero Ravel
Steichquartett Nr. 4 Bartok
Symphony, Op. 21 Webern
Three-penny opera Weill
The Nose (Opera) Shostakovich
Abrikosov, Alexei A. 1928-
Albee, Edward 1928-
Alpert, Richard (Ram Daas) 1928-
Bussard, Robert W. 1928- Nuclear Physicist (United States)
Chomsky, Noam 1928- Political Theorist
Damone, Vic 1928-
Dolphy, Eric 1928-1964 Musician
Druckman, Jacob 1928- Musician
Frankenthaler, Helen 1928-
Hundertwasser, Friedensreich 1928-2000
Kroemer, Herbert 1928-
Kubrick, Stanley 1928-1999 Filmmaker
Laye, Camara 1928-1980
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 1928-
Reich, Charles 1928-
Richardson, Tony 1928-1991
Rivette, Jacques 1928-
Roemer, Michael 1928-
Silver, Horace 1928- Musician
Stockhausen, Karlheinz 1928- Composer
Toffler, Alvin 1928-
Twombly, Cy 1928-
Warhol, Andy 1928-1987
Wiesel, Elie 1928-
Abbe, Robert 1851-1928
Besant, Annie 1847-1928
Foy, Edwin Fitzgerald 1854-1928 Actor/Comedian (US)
Fuller, Loie 1862-1928
Gilbert, Henry Franklin Belknap 1868-1928 Composer
Granados, Enrique 1894-1928 Composer
Haldane, Richard Burdon 1856-1928 Statesman/Philosopher (England)
Janacek, Leos 1854-1928 Composer
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 1853-1928
Scheler, Max 1874-1928
Svevo, Italo 1861-1928
Wien, Wilhelm 1864-1928
The Sound and the Fury (Faulkner)
You Can t Go Home Again (Wolfe)
Look Homeward Angel (Wolfe)
Mies Van der Rohe's German Pavilion
Young Plan- reassesses German reparation payments - replaces Dawes Plan
Lateran Treaties - between Italy and the papacy
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes changes its name to Yugoslavia
Bukharin ousted from Politburo
United States stock market collapsesin New York, leading to worldwide economic depression (10) (-1939)
American explorer Richard Byrd flies over South Pole
First Safety Engineered Super Highway intersection built in US at US RT 1 and Rt 35 Woodbridge, New Jersey

Sir Alexander Fleming accidentally discovers penicillin
Hubble's Law- Sir Edwin Hubble posits that the universe is expanding

John II + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Francis I de Paula + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Decca Records formed
Neues vom Tage Hindemith
Cassavetes, John 1929-1989 Director/Actor
Crumb, George 1929- Composer
Evans, Bill 1929-1980 Musician
Gehry, Frank 1929- Architect
Gell-Mann, Murray 1929- Physicist
Giaever, Ivar 1929- Physicist
Habermas, Jurgen 1929- Philosopher
Kertesz, Imre 1929-
Lauterbur, Paul C. 1929-2007 Chemist
Leighton, Kenneth 1929-1988 Musician
Lenoir, J.B. 1929-1967 Musician
King, Martin Luther 1929-1968
Mossbauer, R. L. 1929-2011
Muczynski, Robert 1929- 2010 Musician
Oldenburg, Claes 1929- Visual Artist (Stockholm, Sweden)
Pass, Joe 1929-1994 Musician
Salih, Tayeb 1929-2009 Writer
Sculthorpe, Peter 1929- Musician
Taylor, Cecil 1929- Musician
Taylor, Richard E. 1929- Physicist
Berliner, Emile 1851-1929 Engineer
Bode, Wilhelm von 1845-1929
Hastings, Thomas 1860-1929
Lehman, Lilli 1848-1929
Messager, Andre Charles Prosper 1853-1929 Composer
Sepharial (Walter Old) 1864-1929
Smith, Pinetop 1899-1929 Musician
The Revolt of the Masses (Ortega y Gasset)
The Bridge (Harol Hart Crane)
As I Lay Dying (William Faulkner)
Civilization and It s Discontents (Freud)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Lewis Milestone)
Anna Christie (Clarence Brown)
Earth (Alexander Dovzhenko)
King of Jazz (John Murray Anderson)
L'Age d'Or (Luis Bunuel)

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act (6/17)
Bloodless coup d'etat in Brazil topples Washington Luis Pereira de Sousa (10/24)
London Naval Conference - great powers fail to agree on naval limitations
Reichstag election marks the emergence of the Nazi Party as a major power
Treaty of Ankara - between Greece and Turkey
Civil Disobedience Movement in India
World depression reaches Japan
Getulio Vargas begins 15-year rule in Brazil
The Great Depression comes to Latin America

Pluto discovered
Michael - (Romania) King
Carol II + (Romania) King
Fourth Symphony Prokofiev
Symphony of Psalms Stravinsky
Christophe Colomb Milhaud
"Get Happy" Harold Arlen
Third Symphony ( May the First )
Achebe, Chinua 1930- Writer
Alferov, Zhores I. 1930-
Austin, Larry 1930- Musician
Bailey, William 1930-
Branden, Nathaniel 1930-
Brown, Clifford 1930-1956 Musician
Chabrol, Claude 1930-
Charles, Ray 1930-2004 Musician
Coleman, Ornette 1930- Musician
Cooper, Leon N. 1930-
Corso, Gregory 1930-2001 Writer
Derrida, Jacques 1930- Philosopher
Dubois, Pierre Max 1930-1995 Musician
Friedman, Jerome Isaac 1930-
Godard, Jean Luc 1930-
Gray, Reginald 1930-
Guattari, Felix 1930-1992
Hooker, Earl 1930-1970 Musician
Hope, Peter 1930- Musician
Jacobs, Marion Little Walter 1930-1968 Musician
Johns, Jasper 1930-
Pinter, Harold 1930-
Snyder, Gary 1930- Poet
Sondheim, Stephen 1930- Composer
Spann, Otis 1930-1970 Musician
Stein, Ronald 1930-1988 Musician
Takemitsu, Toru 1930-1996 Composer
Tormis, Veljo 1930- Musician
Walcott, Derek 1930-
Aakjaer, Jeppe 1866-1930
Balfour, Arthur James 1848-1930
Calkins, Mary Whiton 1863-1930
Dow, Herbert Henry 1866-1930
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 1859-1930 Novelist
Jefferson, Blind Lemon 1897-1930 Blues Musician
Lawrence, D. H. 1885-1930 Novelist
Mayakovsky, Vladimir 1893-1930 Futurist Poet (Baghdati, Georgia) (4/13)
Ramsey, F. P. 1903-1930
Taft, William Howard 1857-1930 President
Wagner, Siegfried 1869-1930 Composer
Warlock, Peter 1894-1930 Musician
Mourning Becomes Elektra (O'Neill)
The Dream Life of Balso Snell (Nathanael West)
Man and Technics (Spengler)
City Lights (Charlie Chaplin)
La Chienne (Jean Renoir)
M (Fritz Lang)

Labour Party defeated in general election - National Government (coalition) forms in Great Britain
Statute of Westminster - clarifies status of Great Britain and dominions
Great Britain abandons the gold standard
Second Republic in Spain - King Alfonso XIII flees the country
Mukden Incident - leading to Japanese conquest of Manchuria
Japanese occupy Manchuria
Gaston Doumergue - (France)
Paul Doumer + (France)
Alfonso XIII - (Spain) House of Bourbon
Ionisation Edgar Varese
Of Thee I Sing George Gershwin
Belshazzar's Feast William Walton
Brendel, Alfred 1931-
Burrell, Kenny 1931- Musician
Cronin, James Watson 1931-
Demy, Jacques 1931-1990
Giacconi, Riccardi 1931-
Green, Grant 1931-1979 Musician
Gubaidulina, Sofia 1931- Composer
Kagel, Mauricio 1931-
Lee, David M. 1931-
Morel, Jorge 1931- Musician
Morrison, Toni 1931- Writer
Motian, Paul 1931- Musician
Richter, Burton 1931-
Schreiffer, John Robert 1931-
Scola, Ettore 1931-
Turner, Ike 1931- Musician
Veltman, Martinus J. G. 1931-

Beiderbecke, Bix 1903-1931 Musician
Belasco, David 1859-1931
Blumenfeld, Felix 1863-1931 Composer
Bolden, Buddy 1877-1931 Musician
Chadwick, George Whitefield 1854-1931 Composer
d Indy, Paul Marie Theodore Vincent 1851-1931 Composer
Edison, Thomas Alva 1847-1931
Karlfeldt, Erik Axel 1864-1931
Michelson, Albert Abraham 1852-1931
Nielsen, Carl August 1865-1931 Composer
Petit, Buddie 1895-1931 Musician
Rolvaag, Ole Edvart 1876-1931
Ysaye, Eugene 1851-1931 Composer
Matisse, Picasso, and Gertrude Stein (Stein)
Voyage au bout de la nuit (Celine)
Boudu Saved From Drowning (Jean Renoir)
Grand Hotel (Edmund Goulding)
I Am a Fugitive from the Chain Gang (Mervyn LeRoy)
Love Me Tonight (Rouben Mamoulian)
Mata Hari (George Fitzmaurice)
The Phantom President (Norman Taurog)
Trouble in Paradise (Ernst Lubitsch)

Imperial conference at Ottawa - Great Britain gives limited trading preference to Commonwealth
Disarmament conference meets at Geneva but accomplishes nothing
Reichstag elections - Nazis emerge as largest party but without a majority
Portuguese finance minister, Antonio de Oliveira Salazar becomes dictator of Portugal
Iraq granted independence
Japan sets up puppet state Manchukuo in Manchuria
Japanese occupation of Shanghai
Abandonment of party cabinets in Japan
War between Paraguay and Bolivia over the Chaco region (-1935)
Democratic Party has majority in November U.S. elections
Paul Doumer - (France)
Albert Lebrun + (France)
Antonio Salazar + (Portugal) Dictator (de Oliveira)

Discovery of the neutron
Cyclotron developed

Art Tatum arrives in NY, makes first records
Moses und Aron Schoenberg
Two Piano Concertos Ravel
Fifth Piano Concerto Prokofiev
Botero, Fernando 1932
Castiglione, Niccolo 1932- Musician
Cranshaw, Bob 1932- Musician
Gennes, Pierre Gilles de 1932-
Glashow, Sheldon Lee 1932-
Gould, Glenn 1932- Pianist
Hodgkin, Howard 1932-
Kitaj, Ronald Brooks 1932-
Lester, Richard 1932-
McClure, Michael 1932-
Naipaul, Vidiadhar Surajprasad 1932-
Norgard, Per 1932- Composer
Paik, Nam Jun 1932-
Richter, Gerhard 1932- Artist (Dresden, Germany)
Schwartz, Melvin 1932-
Tartovsky, Andrei 1932-1986 Director
Truffaut, Francois 1932-1984 Director (France)
Williams, John 1932- Composer
Briand, Aristide 1862-1932 Statesman (France)
Crane, Harold Hart 1899-1932 Writer
D Albert, Eugene Francis Charles 1864-1932 Composer
Ehrenfels, Maria 1859-1932
Gide, Charles 1847-1932 Economist (France)
Ostwald, Wilhelm 1853-1932
Sousa, John Philip 1845-1932 Composer
Turner, Frederick Jackson 1861-1932
Wallas, Graham 1858-1932
La Condition humaine (Malraux)
Miss Lonelyhearts (Nathanael West)
The Hour of Decision (Spengler)
A Study of History (Toynbee)
New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (Freud)
Cavalcade (Frank Lloyd)
Counsellor-at-Law (William Wyler)
Dinner at Eight (George Cukor)
Duck Soup (Leo McCary)
42nd Street (Lloyd Bacon)
King Kong (Merian C. Cooper)
Lady for a Day (Frank Capra)
Little Women (George Cukor)
The Private Life of Henry VIII (Alexander Korda)
Queen Christina (Rouben Mamoulian)
She Done Him Wrong (Lowell Sherman)
Zero for Conduct (Jean Vigo)

Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor by German President Paul von Hindenburg (1/30)
Burning of the German Reichstag (2/27)
Reichstag Fire Decree (2/28)
FDR inauguration (3/4)
Mohammed Nadir Shah of Afghanistan is assassinated (11/8)
International economic conference in London
Germany withdraws from League of Nations
National Socialists begin to eliminate all opposition and gain control of Germany
Anarchist uprising in Barcelona put down by Spanish government
Communist Party in USSR purged by Stalin
Prohibition (Volstead Act) repealed in the United States
Bank crisis
Beginning of New Deal
Fifth Party System in the United States (-?)
Hundred Days
Legal Tender Act
US officially recognizes USSR
Adolf Hitler + (Germany) Chancellor (-1945)
Franklin D. Roosevelt + (United States) President (-1944)

Astatic Corporation manufactures it's first microphone
London Philharmonic Orchestra forms
Schoenberg moves to LA as Nazis seize power in Germany
Arabella R. Strauss
Persephone Stravinsky
Mathis der Maler Hindemith
First Piano Concerto Shostakovich
Bacalov, Luis Enriquez 1933-
Costa-Gavras 1933-
Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj 1933- Composer
Jones, Quincy 1933- Composer
Kosinski, Jerzy 1933-1991
Mansfield, Peter 1933-
Ono, Yoko 1933-
Orlovsky, Peter 1933-
Penderecki, Krzyzstof 1933- Composer
Penzias, Arno Allan 1933-
Roerer, Heinrich 1933-
Roth, Phillip 1933-
Rosenquist, James 1933
Shorter, Wayne 1933- Musician
Smith, Byther 1933-
Sontag, Susan 1933-
Subotnick, Morton 1933-
Tannoudji, Claude Cohen 1933-
Weinberg, Steven 1933-
Babbit, Irving 1865-1933
Coolidge, Calvin 1872-1933 Statesman (US)
Galsworthy, John 1867-1933
Keppard, Freddie 1889-1933 Musician
Moore, George Augustus 1852-1933
Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman 1845-1933
Schillings, Max von 1868-1933 Composer
Tiffany, Louis Comfort 1848-1933
Joseph and His Brothers (Mann)
A Cool Million (Nathanael West)
It Happened One Night (Frank Capra)
It's a Gift (Norman Z. McCleod)
La Atalante (Jean Vigo)
The Lost Patrol (John Ford)
Man of Aran (Robert Flaherty)
The Thin Man (W. S. Van Dyke)
Twentieth Century (Howard Hawks)

President Hindenburg dies - Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany (8/2)
Austrian chancellor Dolfuss killed by the Nazis
Purge of the Nazi party
Assassination of Kirov - beginning of Great Purges in USSR
Balkan Pact - between Turkey, Greece, Romania, and Yugoslavia
Mao Tse-tung leads Chinese Communists northward on Long March from Kiangsi (-1935)
Gold Reserve Act - US adopts modified gold bullion standard
Lazaro Cardenas stabilizes Mexico - implements the revolution (-1940)
Albert I - (Belgium) House of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield (Duke)
Leopold III + (Belgium) House of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield (Duke)
Paul von Hindenburg - (Germany) President
Adolf Hitler + (Germany) Fuhrer
Alexander I - (Yugoslavia) King
Peter II + (Yugoslavia) King
Paul + (Yugoslavia) Regent

Adrian's studies in the electric nature of nerve impulses
Joliet discovers phenonmenon of induced radioactivity

American Musicological Society founded in New York
Benny Goodman forms his own band
Ella Fitzgerald joins Chick Webb band
Streichquartett Nr. 5 Bartok
Three Sisters Hammerstein & Kern
Lieutenant Kije Prokofiev
Anything Goes Cole Porter
Four Saints in Three Acts Thompson
Porgy & Bess Gershwin
Lady Macbeth of Mzensk Shostakovich
Birtwistle, Harrison 1934- Composer
Cherry, Don 1934-1995 Musician
Chowning, John 1934-
Cohen, Leonard 1934- Poet
Davies, Peter Maxwell 1934- Musician
Di Prima, Diane 1934-
Jones, Leroy (Amanu Amiri Bakara) 1934-
King, Freddy 1934-1976 Musician
Mathias, William 1934-1992 Musician
McLeod, John 1934- Musician
Moog, Robert 1934-2005
Rubbia, Carlo 1934-
Rush, Otis 1934-
Sagan, Carl 1934-
Schnittke, Alfred 1934- Composer
Soyinka, Wole 1934-
Tenney, James 1934-
Curie, Marie Slodowska 1867-1934
Delius, Frederick Theodor Albert 1862-1934 Composer
Elgar, Edward William 1857-1934 Composer
Holst, Gustav Thoedore 1874-1934 Composer
Jerome, Jerome Klapka 1859-1934
Patton, Charley 1887-1934 Guitarist
Widor, Charles Marie Jean Albert 1844-1934 Composer
Murder in the Cathedral (T. S. Eliot)
Black Reconstruction (W.E.B. Du Bois)
Anna Karenina (Clarence Brown)
Bride of Frankenstein (James Whale)
David Copperfield (George Cukor)
The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (Henry Hathaway)
Mutiny on the Bounty (Frank Lloyd)
A Night at the Opera (Sam Wood)
Ruggles of Red Gap (Leo McCarey)
A Tale of Two Cities (Jack Conway)
Top Hat (Mark Sandrich)
The 39 Steps (Alfred Hitchcock)

Hitler renounces Treaty of Versailles - announces policy of rearmament
Nuremberg Laws - persecution of Jews begins in Germany
Italian forces invade Ethiopia (Abyssinia) - League of Nations fails to intervene effectively
Monarchy restored in Greece
Persia officially called Iran
Government of India Act - passed by British Parliament - sets up provincial councils
Long March reaches Yena
Second Hundred Days
Social Security Act and welfare state
First neutrality legislation in the US

Georgios Kondylis +- (Greece) Regent
George II + (Greece) King (rethroned)

Count Basie takes over Bennie Motens Band in Kansas City
Benny Goodman and his Orchestra usher in the Swing Era at the Palomar Ballroom in Los Angeles (8/21/1935)
Fourth Symphony Vaughan Williams
Violin Concerto Berg
Joan of Arc at the Stake Honegger
Porgy and Bess Gershwin
Brautigan, Richard 1935-1984
Cotton, James 1935-2017
Dalai Lama 1935-
Kancheli, Giya 1935-2019 Composer
Kesey, Ken Elton 1935-2001 Writer
Lewis, Jerry Lee 1935-2022 Musician
Maw, Nicholas 1935-2009 Musician
Oe, Kenzaburo 1935-2023
Part, Arvo 1935- Composer
Presley, Elvis Aron 1935-1977 Musician
Sagan, Francoise 1935-2004
Said, Edward 1935-2003
Young, LaMonte 1935-

Addams, Jane 1860-1935
Berg, Alban 1885-1935 Composer
Bourget, Paul 1852-1935
Cowen, Sir Frederic Hymen 1852-1935 Composer
Demuth, Charles 1883-1935
Dukas, Paul 1865-1935 Composer
Halvorsen, Johan 1864-1935 Composer
Hassam, Childe 1859-1935 Painter
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mihaylovich 1859-1935 Composer
Loeffler, Charles Martin Tornow 1861-1935 Composer
Malevich, Kasimir 1878-1935 Painter/Art Theorist (Kiev) (5/15/1935)
Moten, Bennie 1894-1935 Musician
Pessoa, Fernando Antonio Noguieira 1888-1935
Richet, Charles Robert 1850-1935
Russell, George William (AE) 1867-1935
Sohlberg, Harald 1869-1935
Suk, Josef 1874-1935 Composer

U.S.A. (Dos Passos)
Follow the Fleet (Mark Sandrich)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (Frank Capra)
Dodsworth (William Wyler)
Libeled Lady (Jack Conway)
Olympia (Leni Riefenstahl)
Swing Time (George Stevens)
These Three (William Wyler)

Edward VIII, King of England, abdicates after 325 days - George VI throned
Germany reoccupies Rhineland
Stalin Constitution approved
Spanish Civil War begins - military revolt led by General Francisco Franco against government (7/17/1936)
Italy and Germany support Spanish rebels - USSR sends sends aid to Republicans
Rome-Berlin Axis - agreement set up between Italy and Germany
Italians take Addis Ababa - annex Ethiopia
Abortive February Mutiny in Japan

George V - (England)
Edward VIII +- (England)
George VI + (England)

First television broadcast
A440 adopted as the standard pitch
Lester Young s first recording with Basie Band
Violin Concerto, Op. 36 Schoenberg
Fourth String Quartet, Op. 37 Schoenberg
Music for Strings, Percussion & Celesta Bartok
Peter and the Wolf Prokofiev
On Your Toes Rogers & Hart
The Limpid Stream (ballet) Shostakovich
Fourth Symphony Shostakovich
Angelopoulos, Theo (1936-2012)
Bennett, Richard Rodney (1936-2012) Musician
Goodman, Sidney (1936-2013)
Hesse, Eva (1936-1970)
Holly, Buddy (1936-1959) Musician
Jones, Eric. L. 1936-
Kirk, Rashaan Roland 1936-1977 Musician (1935)
Kymlicka, Milan 1936- Musician
LaFaro, Scott 1936-1961 Musician
Reich, Steve 1936- Composer
Ting, Samuel C. C. 1936-
Wilson, Kenneth Geddes 1936-
Wilson, Robert Woodrow 1936- Astronomer

Bruce, Patrick Henry 1881-1936
Chesterson, Gilbert Keith 1874-1936
Deledda, Grazia Madesani nee 1871-1936
Gorky, Maxim 1868-1936 Novelist/PW (Nizhni, Novgorod)
Diepenbrock, Alphons 1862-1936 Composer
German, Sir Edward 1862-1936 Composer
Glazunov, Alexander Kostantinovich 1865-1936 Composer
Han-min, Hu 1886-1936
Housman, A. E. 1859-1936
Kipling, Rudyard 1865-1936
Korn, Alejandro 1860-1936
Lorca, Frederico Garcia 1898-1936
Michels, Robert 1876-1936
Morgan, C. L. 1852-1936
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 1849-1936
Pennell, Elizabeth Robins 1854-1936
Pirandello, Luigi 1867-1936
Respighi, Ottorino 1879-1936 Composer
Rickert, Heinrich 1863-1936
Schlick, Moritz 1882-1936
Spengler, Oswald 1880-1936 Historian
Thomas, George W. 1885-1936 Composer
Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de 1864-1936
Weston, Edward 1850-1936
Xun, Lu 1881-1936
The Late George Apley (Marquand)
Captain Courageous (Victor Fleming)
The Good Earth (Sydney Franklin)
The Grand Illusion (Jean Renoir)
Harvest (Marcel Pagnol)
Life of Emile Zola (William Dieterle)
Lost Horizon (Frank Capra)
Pepe le Moko (Julien Duvivier)
Prisoner of Zenda (John Cromwell)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Ben Sharpsteen)
Stage Door (Gregory La Cava)
They Won't Forget (Mervyn LeRoy)
Un Carnet de Bal (Julien Duvivier)
German planes bomb Guernica, Spain (4/28)
Coalition formed in Great Britain under Neville Chamberlain (5/28)
Camille Chautemps becomes prime minister in France in the Second Popular Front Ministry (6/22)
Japanese invade China - capture Shanghai and Peking (7/7)
Great Britain adopts policy of appeasement (10)
Inauguration of provincial autonomy in India
Incident at Marco Polo Bridge precipitates full scale war between Japan and China
Second Sino-Japanese War (-1945)
Sit down strikes in the US
Constitutional crisis
Economic recession
Carl Anderson discovers a muon particle - a lepton 207 times heavier than an electron
Krebs discovers metabolic pathways
Hill demonstrates chloroplast reaction in plants
Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion Bartok
Lulu Berg
Carmina Burana Orff
Babes in Arms Rogers and Hart
I d Rather Be Right Rogers and Hart
Fifth Symhony Shostakovich
Baechler, Jean 1937-
Carter, Ron 1937- Musician
Glass, Philipp 1937- Composer
Haden, Charlie 1937- Musician
Harrison, Jim 1937-
Henderson, Joe 1937- Musician
Hill, Andrew 1937- Musician
Hockney, David 1937- Painter
Jennings, Waylon 1937- Musician
John, Little Willie 1937-1968 Musician
Richardson, Robert C. 1937-
Thompson, Hunter S. 1937- Writer/Journalist
Workman, Reggie 1937- Musician
Adler, Alfred 1870-1937
Artzibushev, Nikolai 1858-1937 Composer
Barrie, James M. 1860-1937 Novelist/PW (Kirriemuir, Scotland)
Boeck, August de 1865-1937 Composer
Dalen, Nils G. 1869-1937
Dunn, Johnny 1897-1937 Musician
Foote, Arthur William 1853-1937 Composer
Gershwin, George 1898-1937 Composer
Gramsei, Antonio 1891-1937
Hadley, Henry Kimball 1871-1937 Composer
Haskins, Charles Homer 1870-1937
Hubay, Jeno 1858-1937 Composer
Marconi, Marchese Guglielmo 1847-1937
More, Paul Elmer 1864-1937
Pierne, Henri Constant Gabriel 1863-1937 Composer
Ravel, Maurice 1875-1937 Composer
Rockefeller, John D. 1839-1937
Roussel, Albert Charles Paul Marie 1869-1937 Composer
Rutherford, Ernest 1871-1937
Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott 1864-1937
Schreker, Franz 1878-1934 Composer
Smith, Bessie 1894-1937 Singer
Szymanowski, Karol 1882-1937 Composer
Tanner, Henry Ossawa 1859-1937
Vierne, Louis 1870-1937 Composer
Wharton, Edith 1862-1937
Moses and Monotheism(Freud)
Adventures of Robin Hood (Michael Curtiz)
Alexander Nevsky (Sergei Eisenstein)
Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks)
Lady Vanishes (Alfred Hitchcock)
Pygmalion (Anthony Asquith)

Neville Chamberlain's "appeasement" speech
Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg announced a plebiscite on the independence of Austria (3/8)
Troops of the German Wehrmacht and the SS crossed the German-Austrian border (3/12)
Hitler announces in Linz the Anschluss (annexation) of Austria (3/13)
Munich Pact - signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, and Edouard Daladier (France) (9/29)
Munich Pact - Germany to gain Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia (9/29)
LSD first synthesized in Basel laboratory by Dr. Albert Hoffman while studying ergot alkaloid derivatives (11/19)
End of New Deal reforms
Lazaro Cardenas of Mexico expropriates foreign oil properties
Francis I de Paula - (Liechtenstein) Prince
Francis Joseph II + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Energy Production in Stars (Hans Bethe)
Discovery of nuclear fission
Penecillin developed
John Hammond s From Spirituals to Swing concert at Carnegie Hall
Billie Holiday joins Artie Shaw s band
Pete Johnson teams up with Joe Turner (Boogie Woogie Trio)
Violin Concerto Bartok
The Incredible Flutist Piston
I Married an Angel Rogers & Hart
The Boys from Syracuse Rogers & Hart
Billy the Kid Copland
Behman, David 1938-
Corigliano, John 1938- Composer
Dolhenty, Jonathan 1938-
Eustache, Jean 1938-1981
Harbison, John 1938- Musician
Jennings, Peter 1938-2005 Journalist (Canada)
Leggett, Anthony J. 1938-
Lightfoot, Gordon 1938- Musician
Mazur, Barry 1938- Mathemitician
Morgan, Lee 1938-1972 Musician
Tyner, McCoy 1938- Musician
Wuorinen, Charles 1938- Composer
Alexander, Samuel 1859-1938
Barlach, Ernst 1870-1938
Bluemner, Oscar 1867-1938
Capek, Karel 1890-1938
Glackens, William 1870-1938
Godowsky, Leopold 1870-1938 Composer
Guillaume, Charles Edouard 1861-1938
Hale, George Ellery 1868-1938
Jackson, Papa Charlie 1885-1938 Musician
Johnson, Robert 1911-1938 Musician
Kirchner, Ernst 1880-1938
Oliver, Joe (King) 1885-1938
Stanislavsky, Konstantin 1865-1938
Twardowski, Kazimierz 1866-1938
Wolfe, Thomas 1900-1938
Finnegan's Wake (Joyce)
Captain Horatio Hornblower (Forester)
The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck)
The Day of the Locust (Nathanael West)
The Cat and the Canary (Elliot Nugent)
Destry Rides Again (George Marshall)
Drums along the Mohawk (John Ford)
Four Feathers (Zoltan Korda)
Gone with the Wind (Victor Fleming)
Gunga Din (George Stevens)
Midnight (Mitchell Leisen)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (Frank Capra)
Of Mice and Men (Lewis Milestone)
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (Michael Curtiz)
The Roaring Twenties (Raoul Walsh)
Rules of the Game (Jean Renoir)
Stagecoach (John Ford)
The Stars Look Down (Carol Reed)
The 39 Steps (Alfred Hitchcock)
Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming)
Wuthering Heights (William Wyler)
Yves Tanguy emigrates to the United States
Nationalists under General Franco capture Barcelona (1/26)
Germany annexes Czechoslovakia (3/10)
Madrid surrenders - ends Spanish Civil War (4/1)
National Conference on Interstate Trade Barriers is held in Chicago - 44 states attend (4/6-8)
Italy invades Albania (4/7)
Goering states that no enemy bombing raids could penetrate Germany's air defenses (8/9)
Ribbentrop-Molotov Nonagression Pact (8/23)
General Horace Fuller cables Washington that Germany was poised for an attack on Poland (8/26)
Germany invades Poland - beginning of World War II (9/1) (-1945)
Great Britain and France declare war on Germany (9/3)
Russia invades Poland (9/17)
Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact - Poland partitioned between USSR and Germany (9/28-29)
Hitler addresses the Reichstag - declares that the war might end since Poland was the main issue (10/6)
Anglo-French coordinating Committee (11)
Russo-Finnish war - Russia invades Finland (11/30)
Naval battle between Admiral Graf Spee and a British cruiser squadron off the coast of Uruguay (12)
USSR is expelled from the League of Nations (12/14)
"Phony War - Sitzkrieg during the winter of 39-40
Congress ministries resign on war issue in India
Pius XI -
Pius XII +
Betatron developed (D.W. Kerst)
Steichquartett Nr. 6 Bartok
Alexander Nevsky Prokofiev
Very Warm for May Hammerstein & Kern
Too Many Girls Rogers & Hart
Concerto for Double String Orchestra Tippett
Of Mice and Men Copland
Cherokee (Ray Noble, Charlie Barnet & Orchestra)
Charlie Christian joins Benny Goodman
Body & Soul recorded by Coleman Hawkins
Strange Fruit Billie Holiday records
Blue Note Records first recording date (Albert Ammons & Meade Lux Lewis) (1/6)
Brower, Leo 1939- Musician
Heaney, Seamus 1939-
Nobre, Marlos 1939- Musician
Serra, Richard 1939- Painter
Tsui, Daniel C. 1939-
Young, Al 1939- Writer (Mississippi)
Zwilich, Ellen Taaffe 1939- Composer
Abbot, Grace 1878-1939
Bazarov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1874-1939
Blondel, Maurice 1861-1939
Foulds, John 1880-1939 Composer
Freud, Sigmund 1856-1939 Psychologist
Ladnier, Thomas 1900-1939 Musician
Mucha, Alphonse 1860-1939
Rainey, Gertrude Ma 1886-1939 Singer
Schmidt, Franz 1874-1939 Composer
Yeats, William Butler 1865-1939
For Whom the Bell Tolls(Hemingway)
You Can t Go Home Again (Wolfe)
Dusk of Dawn (W.E.B. Du Bois)
Abe Lincoln in Illinois (John Cromwell)
The Band Dick (Dr. Eddie Cline)
Foreign Correspondent (Alfred Hitchcock)
Gaslight (Thorold Dickinson)
The Grapes of Wrath (John Ford)
His Girl Friday (Howard Hawks)
The Philadelphia Story (George Cukor)
Pinocchio (Ben Sharpsteen)
Pride and Prejudice (Robert Z. Leonard)
Rebecca (Alfred Hitchcock)
The Sea Hawk (Michael Curtiz)
Thief of Baghdad (Ludwig Berger)

Finland capitulates to Russia (3/12/1940)
Great Britain and France mutual agreement not to make treaties without the other's approval (3/28)
Allies announce they laid mine fields in Norwegian territorial waters (4/8)
Germany invades Denmark and Norway (4/8-9)
Japan joins Axis Powers (4/30)
Nazi attack on Rotterdam - 30,000 civilian deaths (5)
Germany invades Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxemburg (5/10) dawn
Prime Minister Chamberlain resigns (5/10)
Winston Churchill becomes Britain's Prime Minister (5/11)
Germans enter France through Sedan (5/15)
Germany invades France (5/17)
British army evacuated from Dunkirk, in France (5/27)
King Leopold of Belgium unconditionally surrenders his army to the Germans (5/28)
Russia annexes Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia (6)
Churchill delivers speech "We shall fight on the beaches" to Parliament - House of Commons (6/4/1940)
Organized Norwegian resistance against Germany ceases (6/9)
Italy declares war on Great Britain and France (6/10)
General Wyegand - "This is the last quarter hour. Hold fast! (6/10)
French government leaves Paris and designates it an "open city" to avoid air devastation (6/10)
French army leaders advise civil government for immediate armistice (6/12)
Reynaud and Churchill meet for conference at Tours (6/13)
Germany occupies Paris - France surrenders (6/14)
Reynaud resigns and is succeeded by Petain (6/16)
France formally asks for an armistice (6/17)
French delegates under Petain accept German armistice terms - Vichy State forms (6/22)
French delegates accept Italian armistice terms (6/24)
Russia demands Bessarabia and the northern portion of Bukovina from Romania (6/26)
Romania surrenders Bessarabia and part of Bukovina to USSR - 20,000 sqare mile (6/27)
Italy begins bombing raids on British bases at Alexandria, Malta, and Gibraltar (7)
British squadron appears at Oran Harbor in Algeria and destroys large French fleet (7/3)
Battle of Britain begins - British R.A.F. air victory prevents German invasion (7/10) -(10/31)
French National Assembly authorizes Petain to draft a new constitution for plebiscite approval (7/10)
De Gaulle tried in absentia for treason and desertion and sentenced to death (8)
Italy attacks British forces in Somaliland (8)
German air invasion of England begins in full force (8/8)
Winston Churchill - "This war is, in fact, only a continuation of the last." (8/21)
Romania is forced to cede northern part of Transylvania to Hungary and southern Dobruka to Bulgaria (8)
Italy attacks British forces in Egypt (9)
Free French cooperate with British in unsuccessful attempt to seize Dakar, Vichy stronghold in West Africa (9)
Italy declares war on Greece (10/28)
FDR: "You boys are not going to be sent in any foreign wars" (10/30)
R.A.F. successfully attacks some of the chief units of the Italian fleet at Tarento (11)
German nighttime air raids pound Coventry (11/15)
Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia formally join Axis (11/20-24)
British forces in Egypt under Archibald Wavell route the Fascist armies - drive them west (12/9)
Vichy Regime in France
Charles de Gaulle launches Free French movement
Destroyer-bases deal between US and Great Britain
FDR reelected for a third term
Battle of the Atlantic

Neville Chamberlain - (Great Britain) Prime Minister
Winston Churchill + (Great Britain) Prime Minister
Albert Lebrun - (France)
Henri Philippe Petain + (France) (1940-1944) Head of French State
Carol II - (Romania) King
Michael + (Romania) King (rethroned)
Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV - (Mysore) Nalvadi
Jayachamaraja Wodeyar + (Mysore)

First commercial electron microscope
Microwave radar developed

Stravinsky leaves for California, as German invasion of France becomes imminent
First broadcast of the Metropolitan Opera
Symphony in C Major Stravinsky
Pal Joey Rogers & Hart
Piano Quintet in G Minor, Op. 57 Shostakovich
Brodsky, Joseph 1940-1996
Cale, John 1940- Musician
Coetzee, John Maxwell 1940-
Gilberto, Astrud 1940- Singer
Josephson, Brian D. 1940-
Kiarostami, Abbas 1940-
Murray, Elizabeth 1940-
Sanders, Pharoah 1940- Musician
Sheridan, Tony 1940- Musician
Xingjian, Gao 1940-
Zappa, Frank 1940-1993 Musician
Alain, Jehan 1911-1940 Musician
Bohlau, Helene 1859-1940
Bulgakov, Mikhail 1891-1940
Dodds, Johnny 1892-1940 Musician
Driesch, Hans Adolf Eduard 1867-1940
Dusen Jr., Frankie 1880-1940
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 1896-1940 Novelist
Frederic, Leon 1856-1940
Heidenstam, Carl Gustaf Verner von 1859-1940
Kenp, James Hal 1904-1940 Musician
Klee, Paul 1879-1940 Painter
Lagerlof, Selma Ottiliana Lovisa 1858-1940
Lindsay, Vachel 1879-1940
Lodge, Oliver Joseph 1851-1940
Peixotto, Ernest Clifford 1869-1940
Prall, David Wright 1886-1940
Revueltas, Silvestre 1899-1940 Composer
Thompson, Joseph John 1856-1940
Trotsky, Leon 1879-1940
West, Nathanael 1903-1940 Writer
Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene 1867-1940
Zinsser, Hans 1878-1940
Citizen Kane (Orson Welles)
The Devil and Daniel Webster (William Dieterle)
Dumbo (Ben Sharpsteen)
Here Comes Mr. Jordan (Alexander Hall)
How Green Was My Valley (John Ford)
Major Barbara (Gabriel Pascal)
The Maltese Falcon (John Huston)
Sergeant York (Howard Hawks)
Sullivan's Travels (Preston Sturges)
FDR's message to Congress - calls for establishment of Four Freedoms (1/6/1941)
FDR's 3rd inauguration (1/20/1941)
Bulgaria formally joins the Axis Powers (3/1/1941)
Lend Lease Act (US) (3/11/1941)
SS Robin Moor , US merchantman, is sunk by Germans off the west coast of Africa - first of World War II (5/21/1941)
Clothes rationing in Great Britain introduced (6/1941)
Operation Barbarossa begins - Germany invades Russia with 3 million troops (6/22/1941)
Japan forces Vichy France to give it bases in Southern Indochina (Vietnam and Cambodia) (7/1941)
US freezes Japanese and Chinese assets (7/25/1941)
Atlantic Charter signed (Roosevelt - Churchill) - 8 points of fundamentals of peace (8/14/1941)
Italy and Germany invade Egypt (9/1/1941)
USS Greer Incident - first boat to fire on German ship in the North Atlantic (9/4/1941)
First Moscow Conference begins (9/29/1941)
First Moscow Conference ends (10/1/1941)
USS Kearny torpedoed off Iceland - 17 crew members killed (10/17/1941)
Hideki Tojo becomes Japan's 40th Prime Minister (10/18/1941)
USS Reuben James is sunk by German U-boat 552 - first US warship sunk in WWII (10/31/1941)
Russia receives $1 billion in lend lease aid (11/1941)
Japanese fleet leaves Kuril islands bound for US Pacific Fleet in Hawaii (11/25/1941)
Last Italian stronghold in East Africa, Gondar surrenders (11/29/1941)
Russian counter-offensive in Ukraine (12/1941)
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 7:55 AM - 2400 killed (68 civilians) (12/7/1941)
United States declares war on Japan (12/8/1941)
Churchill arrives in Washington D.C. for the Arcadia Conference - Europe first strategy (12/22/1941)
Churchill addresses a joint session of the American Congress (12/27/1941)
Leningrad besieged by German forces - not relieved until January 1944
Central and eastern European rearrangements
Croatia gains independence from Yugoslavia
Lend-Lease legislation
Yugoslavia and Greece overrun
Germany occupies Greece (-1944)
Germany and Italy declare war on US
Germans reach Caucasus (-1942)
Anglo-Soviet troops occupy Iran
Riza Shah deposed and replaced by his son
Japanese spread over Southeast Asia, Indochina, and the Pacific (-1942)
Japan at war with Western Allies

Henri Philippe Petain ... (France) (1940-1944) Head of French State Paul - (Yugoslavia) Regent
Aimone of Spoleto + (Croatia) King
George II - (Greece) rethroned
Riza Shah - (Iran)
Piano Sonata Copland
A Child of Our Time Tippett
Argerich, Martha 1941- Musician
Baez, Joan 1941- Musician
Bloomfield, Mike 1941-1981 Musician
Chihuly, Dale 1941- Sculptor/Painter
Dylan, Bob 1941- Musician
Jaglom, Henry 1941-
Lupertz, Markus 1941-
Polke, Sigmar 1941-
Redding, Otis 1941-1967 Musician
Taylor, Joseph Hooten 1941-
Vliet, Don van 1941- Musician
Anderson, Sherwood 1876-1941
Babel, Isaac 1894-1941
Bergson, Henri 1859-1941
Bridge, Frank 1879-1941 Composer
Delaunay, Robert 1885-1941
Frazer, James George 1854-1941 Classicist/Anthropologist (Glasgow)
Gaubert, Philippe 1879-1941 Composer
Harty, Herbert Hamilton 1879-1941 Composer
Husserl, Edmund 1859-1941
Joyce, James 1882-1941 Novelist
Lewis, Steve 1896-1941 Musician
Lissitzky, El 1890-1941
Morton, Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) 1885-1941 Composer (1890)
Mosca, Gaetano 1858-1941
Nernst, Walther Hermann 1864-1941
Paderewski, Ignace Jan 1860-1941 Composer
Pryde, James 1866-1941
Sabatier, Paul 1854-1941 Chemist (France)
Sinding, Johann Christian 1856-1941 Composer
Tagore, Rabindranath 1861-1941
Underhill, Evelyn 1875-1941
Woolf, Virginia 1882-1941
L'Etranger (Camus)
Bambi (David Hand)
Casablanca (Michael Curtiz)
Going My Way (Leo McCarey)
In Which We Serve (Noel Coward)
The Magnificent Ambersons (Orson Welles)
The Pride of the Yankees (Sam Wood)
Talk of the Town (George Stevens)
Yankee Doodle Dandee (Michael Curtiz)
Japan captures Manila, Singapore, Rangoon, Mandalay, and the Philippines (1)
Twenty-six United Nations reaffirm the Atlantic Charter in Washington - agree to form the UN (1/2)
Arcadia Conference in DC ends (1/14)
Combined Chiefs of Staff forms - joint command of US and British - Marshall and Hooke (2)
Japanese forces reach Guadalcanal (5)
Battle of the Coral Sea begins (5/4)
Battle of the Coral Sea ends (5/8)
USS Yorktown (CV-5), damaged US aircraft carrier makes it back to Pearl Harbor for repair (5/27/1942)
Battle of Midway- US Navy defeats the Japanese Navy - a decisive battle in Pacific War (6/4/1942)
Operation Rutter cancelled - initial raid on Dieppe(7/7/1942)
Battle of Guadalcanal begins - Allied landing meets little resistance at first (8/7) (-1943)
Battle of Tulagi and Gavutu-Tanambogo begins (8/7)
Battle of Tulagi and Gavutu-Tanambogo ends (8/9)
Second Moscow Conference begins - planning of the African Campaign (8/12)
Second Moscow Conference ends (8/17)
Dieppe Raid (Operation Jubilee) - Axis victory against Anglo-Canadian forces - "unmitigated disaster" (8/19)
Battle of Stalingrad ends - Germans defeated (9/6)
Battle of Cape Esperance (Second Battle of Savo) - US defeats Japanese fleet off of Guadalcanal(10/11)
Battle of El Alamain - Germans under General Rommel defeated by Allies in Egypt (10/23)
Operation TORCH begins - British American North landings in North African (11/8)
Germans retreat from North Africa
Anglo-American forces take Tripoli and Tunis
All France occupied
United Nations Alliance
Last civil disobedience movement in India - August upri

Henri Philippe Petain ... (France) (1940-1944) Head of French State
Recording Strike(-1942)
Billboard creates first national black music chart - Harlem Hit Parade
3rd Symphony Karol Rathaus
Piano Concerto, Op. 42 Schoenberg
By Jupiter Rogers & Hart
Choros No. 11 Villa-Lobos
A Lincoln Portrait Copland
Rodeo Copland
Seventh Symphony Shostakovich
Barenboim, Daniel 1942- Pianist/Conductor (Buenos Aires, Arg.)
Franklin, Aretha 1942- Singer
Garcia, Jerry 1942-1995 Musician
Hawking, Stephen 1942- Astrophysicist
Hendrix, Jimmy 1942-1970 Musician
Herzog, Werner 1942- Director
Jintao, Hu 1942 President (Jixi, Anhui Province, China)
Reed, Lou 1942- )-( Musician
Rees, Martin 1942-
Scorcese, Martin 1942- Director
Boaz, Franz 1858-1942
Bragg, William Henry 1862-1942
Christian, Charlie 1916-1942 Musician
Cohan, George M. 1878-1942 Composer
Elling, Catharinus 1858-1942 Composer
Gilson, Paul 1865-1942 Composer
Hettner, Alfred 1859-1942
Musil, Robert 1880-1942
Perrin, Jean Baptiste 1870-1942
Petrie, William Matthew Flinders 1853-1942
Schulhoff, Ervin 1894-1942 Composer
Tufts, James Hayden 1862-1942
Weingartner, Felix 1863-1942
Wood, Grant 1892-1942 Painter
Zemlinsky, Alexander von 1871-1942 Composer
Thomas Jefferson Memorial is dedicated
Four Quartets (Eliot)
Ivan the Terrible, Pt. 1 (Sergei Eisenstein)
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (Michael Powell)
The Ox-Bow Incident (William A. Wellman)
The Song of Bernadette (Henry King)
Stormy Weather (Andrew L. Stone)
Casablanca Conference - FDR meeting Giraud (1/19)
Tripoli falls to the Allies (1/23)
German forces at Stalingrad surrender (1/31)
Guadalcanal is secure according to US authorities (2/9)
Albert Hoffman ingests "threshold level of LSD" - first trip (4/19)
End of Axis resistance in North Africa (5)
ENIAC construction contract signed between US Army and Upenn s Moore School (6/5)
United States begins recapture of Japanese Islands in the Pacific (7/1)
Operation HUSKY - Allied Invasion of Sicily - Italian Campaign begins (7/9)
Operation HUSKY - Allied Invasion of Sicily ends (8/17)
Italian government surrenders (9/3-8)
Third Moscow Conference begins - Moscow Declaration and the European Advisory Commission (10/18)
Third Moscow Conference ends (11/11)
AVNOJ Conference - Democratic Federative Yugoslavia constituted (11/29) -(12/4)
Germans control Croatia (-1945)
USSR withdraws recognition from Polish government in exile
French Committee of National Liberation in Algiers
Allied invasion of Sicily
Collapse of the Fascist regime in Italy
Meeting of Allied foreign ministers in Moscow
Discovery of Katyn massacre
Teheran Conference of the Big Three
Cairo Declaration - on China
Revolution in Argentina led by Juan Peron
Juan Peron dominates Argentina (-1955)
Henri Philippe Petain ... (France) (1940-1944) Head of French State Boris III - (Bulgaria) King
Cyril + (Bulgaria) Regent
Simeon II + (Bulgaria) King
Aimone of Spoleto - (Croatia) King
Symphony No. 5 in D Major Vaughan Williams
Concerto for Orchestra Bartok
Oklahoma Rodgers & Hammerstein
Carmen Jones Hammerstein
Connecticut Yankee (revised) Rodgers & Hart
What s Up Lerner & Lowe
Amacher, Maryanne 1943- Composer
Attlali, Jacques 1943-
Benson, George 1943- Musician
Bruzdowicz, Joanna 1943- Musician
Bryars, Gavin 1943- Composer
Davies, Hugh 1943-2005
Kitzing, Klaus von 1943-
Lauridsen, Morten 1943- Composer
Morrison, Jim 1943-1971 Musician
Benet, Stephen Vincent 1898-1943 Poet/Novelist (U.S)
Collingwood, R. G. 1889-1943
Cornford, Francis M. 1874-1943
Dachenko, Vladimir Ivanovich 1859-1943
Feure, Georges de 1868-1943
Hart, Lorenz 1895-1943 Composer
Hartley, Marsden 1877-1943
Hilbert, David 1862-1943
Parham, Hartzell Tiny 1900-1943 Musician
Pontoppidan, Henrik 1857-1943
Rachmaninov, Sergei Vasilievitch 1873-1943 Composer
Soutine, Chaim 1894-1943 Painter
Tesla, Nikola 1856-1943 Physicist
Vigeland, Gustav 1869-1943
Waller, Fats 1904-1943 Musician
Zeeman, Pieter 1865-1943
Arsenic and Old Lace (Frank Capra)
Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder)
Gaslight (George Cukor)
Hail the Conquering Hero (Preston Sturges)
Laura (Otto Preminger)
Meet Me in St. Louis (Vincente Minelli)
Miracle of Morgan's Creek (Preston Sturges)
National Velvet (Clarence Brown)
None But the Lonely Heart (Clifford Odets)
The Uninvited (Lewis Allen)

Pollock s First drip paintings: Composition with Pouring
Battle of Kwajalein - US captures Marshall Islands from Japan (1/31) -(2)
Allies enter Rome (6/4)
Allies enter Normandy - German forces begin retreat (D-Day) (6/6)
Bretton Woods Conference - to regulate the international monetary & financial order after WWII (7/1-22)
Bomb plot to assassinate Hitler fails (7/20)
Allies liberate Paris and Brussels (9/2)
First V-2 missile lands on England (9/8)
Warsaw resistance crushed by Germans (10/3)
Battle of Leyte Gulf - Japanese navy defeated (10/25)
Aachen falls to Allies - first major German city to do so (10)
Civil war in Greece begins (12/1944)
Allied armies invade Germany
Brazzaville Conference of French Union
FCNL becomes provisional French government
Battle of the Bulge
Kingdom created by Italians in Croatia
Pro-Soviet Polish National Committee created
Churchill-Stalin agreement in Moscow
Henri Philippe Petain - (France) (1940-1944) Head of French State
Charles de Gaulle + (France)
Charles + (Belgium) Regent (count of Flanders)
Cyril - (Bulgaria) Regent
Miklos Horthy - (Transylvania) Regent (Hungary) (from Nagybanya)
Ferenc Szalasi + (Transylvania) Regent (Hungary)
Bela Miklos + (Transylvania) Regent (Hungary)

Moscow Conservatoire Quartet formed (Borodin Quartet 1955)
Norman Granz JATP starts in LA (Philharmonic Hall) (7/2)
52nd Street center of Bop Revolution
Sonata for solo violin Bartok
Concerto for Orchestra Bartok
Ludus Tonalis Hindemith
Appalachian Spring Copland
A Child of Our Time Tippett
On The Town Leonard Bernstein
The Desert Song Romberg/Hammertein II/Harbach
"Round Midnight" Monk
Nyman, Michael 1944- Musician
Rice, Tim 1944-
Shaw, Woody 1944-1989
Tavener, John 1944-2013 Composer

Ade, George 1866-1944
Baekeland, Leo Hendrik 1863-1944
Barkla, Charles Glover 1877-1944
Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney 1867-1944 Composer
Brunschvicg, Leon 1869-1944
Gentile, Giovanni 1875-1944
Giraudoux, Jean 1882-1944
Kandinsky, Wassily 1866-1944
Maillol, Aristide 1861-1944 Visual Artist (France)
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso 1876-1944
Mondrian, Piet 1872-1944 Painter
Munch, Edvard 1863-1944 Painter
Noone, Jimmy 1895-1944 Musician
Rolland, Romain 1866-1944 Novelist (France)
Roussel, Ker Xavier 1867-1944
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de 1900-1944
Temple, William 1881-1944
Animal Farm (Orwell)
The Glass Menagerie (Williams)
Mind at the End of it's Tether (H. G. Wells)
Brief Encounter (David Lean)
Children of Paradise (Marcel Carne)
Dead of Night (Cavalcanti)
Henry V (Lawrence Olivier)
I Know Where I'm Going (Michael Powell)
Lost Weekend (Billy Wilder)
Open City (Roberto Rossellini)
The Southerner (Jean Renoir)
They Were Expendable (John Ford)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Elia Kazan)
The Way to the Stars (Anthony Asquith)
Warsaw captured by Russians (1/17)
Yalta Conference - meeting between Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin dicuss post-war (2/7)
Allies invade Germany - Dresded bombed (3/7)
FDR dies (4/12)
San Francisco Conference of four powers convenes (4/25)
Mussolini assassinated by Italian partisans (4/28/45)
Adolf Hitler commits suicide (4/30/45)
Germany surrenders (5/7)
VE Day (5/8)
San Francisco conference - United Nations charter signed (6/26)
Trinity Test - First nuclear test explosion in Almorgado, New Mexico (7/16)
Potsdam Conference begins (7/17)
Potsdam Conference ends (8/2)
First atomic bomb used by US against Japan at Hiroshima (8/6)
Second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan by US (8/9)
Japan surrenders (VJ Day) (8/14)
United Nations begins operation - New York as seat (10/24)
Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers (12)
Potsdam Conference - main Allied powers meet to discuss peace terms and post-war settlements
Yugoslavia becomes a communist republican regime
Pro-Soviet Groza government forms in Romania
Croatia merges with Yugoslavia once more
Labour Party in office in Great Britain
Fifth Pan-African Congress held in Manchester
Arab League forms
Azerbaijan crisis (-1947)
Indian Reorganization Act
Ferenc Szalasi - (Transylvania) Regent (Hungary)
Bela Miklos - (Transylvania) Regent (Hungary)
Peter II - (Yugoslavia) King

Radio astronomy
Jet planes and rockets

Bartok dies in NYC
Borodin Quartet forms (Russia)
Harlem Hit Parade renamed "Race Records"
Metamorphosen R. Strauss
Third Piano Concerto Bartok
Symphony in Three Movements Stravinsky
Carousel Rodgers & Hammerstein
Peter Grimes Britten
1st Symphony Tippett
Town Hall Concert, NYC Charlie Parker/Dizzy Gillespie (6/22)
Braxton, Anthony 1945- Musician
Immendorff, Joerg 1945-
Keifer, Anselm 1945- Painter
Marley, Bob 1945-1981 Musician
Osherhoff, Douglas Dean 1945-
Perleman, Itzhak 1945- Violinist (Jaffa, Israel)
Waldman, Anne 1945-
Young, Neil 1945- Musician

Bartok, Bela 1881-1945 Composer
Benchley, Robert 1889-1945
Cayce, Edgar 1877-1945
Dreiser, Theodore 1871-1945
Hitler Adolf 1889-1945
Huizinga, Johan 1872-1945 Historian (The Netherlands)
Kern, Jerome 1885-1945
Mascagni, Pietro 1863-1945 Composer
Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne 1868-1945
Reznicek, Emil Nikolaus von 1860-1945 Composer
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 1882-1945 President
Rutter, John 1945- Musician
Taylor, Alfred Edward 1869-1945
Valery, Ambroise Paul Touissaint Jules 1871-1945
Webern, Anton Friedrich Wilhelm 1883-1945 Composer
Deaths and Entrances (Dylan Thomas)
Reflexions sur la question juive (Anti-semite and Jew) (Jean-Paul Sartre)
Beauty and the Beast (Jean Cocteau)
The Best Years of Our Lives (William Wyler)
The Big Sleep (Howard Hawks)
Day in the Country (Jean Renoir)
Great Expectations (David Lean)
Green for Danger (Sidney Galliat)
It's a Wonderful Life (Frank Capra)
The Killers (Robert Siodmak)
My Darling Clementine (John Ford)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Tay Garnett)
Shoeshine (Vittorio de Sica)
Stairway to Heaven (Michael Powell)

Le Corbusier's Unite d' Habitation, Marseilles
ENIAC unveiled (2/14)
Italy holds referendum: Republic or Monarchy? (6/2-3)
League of Nations formally ended
First assembly of the United Nations
Norwegian statesman Trygve Lie, elected secretary-general of United Nations
Peace conference opens in Paris
Nuremberg Trials - Nazi leaders sentenced for war crimes by international court
Great Britain and United States agree on economic fusion of British and American zones in Germany
Fourth French Republic
Italy becomes a republic
Hungary becomes a republic
Bulgaria becomes a communist republic
French troops evacuate Lebanon and Syria
Transjordan (Jordan) gains independence from Great Britain
Negotiations for transfer of power in India
Unsuccessful US attempt to mediate Nationalist-Communist conflict in China
Renewal of Chinese civil war
First Indochina War - between Vietnamese nationalists led by Ho Chi Minh and France (-1954)
Churchill s Iron Curtain Speech in Fulton, Missouri
De Gaulle "withdraws"
US Employment Act - creates Council of Economic Advisers
US ends Phillipine occupation
Philippines gain independence
Trygve Lie + (United Nations) Secretary-General (Norway)
Charles de Gaulle - (France)
Vittorio Emanuele III -
Simeon II - (Bulgaria) King
George II + (Greece) again rethroned

Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra Roy Harris
Third Symphony Copland
Ninth Symphony Shostakovich
Rape of Lucretia Britten
No Leave, No Love Martin & Kardos
Barret, Syd 1946- Musician
Hooft, Gerardus T. 1946-
Lynch, David 1946- Director
Maplethorpe, Robert 1946-1989 Painter
Speilberg, Stephen 1946- Director
Trevino, Jesse 1946-
Vasks, Peteris 1946- Composer

Bachelier, Louis 1870-1946
Bagley, Enid 1889-1946
Bagley, William Chandler 1874-1946
Bantock, Granville Ransome 1868-1946 Composer
Curry, John Steuart 1897-1946
De Falla, Manuel 1876-1946 Composer
Dove, Arthur 1880-1946
Dunhill, Thomas Frederick 1877-1946 Composer
Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert 1862-1946
Keynes, John Maynard 1883-1946
Perry, Antoinette 1888-1946
Mouquet, Jules 1867-1946 Composer
Rosenberg, Alfred 1893-1946 German Nazi Leader (Reval, Estonia)
Smith, Mamie 1883-1946 Singer
Spilliaert, Leon 1881-1946
Stieglitz, Alfred 1864-1946
Stein, Gertrude 1874-1946 Writer
Stojowski, Sigismond 1869-1946 Composer
Wells, Herbert George 1866-1946
La Peste (Camus)
Streetcar Named Desire (Williams)
The Bicycle Thief (Vittoria de Sica)
Black Narcissus (Michael Powell)
Body and Soul (Robert Rossen)
Green Dolphin Street (Victor Saville)
La Terra Trema (Luchino Visconti)
Letter to Three Wives (Joseph L Mankiewicz)
Life with Father (Michael Curtiz)
The Long Night (Anatole Litvak)
Odd Man Out (Carol Reed)
The Pearl (Fernandez)

India gains Independence - becomes a republic - two dominions created - India and Pakistan (8/14-15)
CIA forms (9/18)
Allied peace treaties signed in Paris with Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Finland
Four-power conference of foreign ministers on Germany fails to reach agreement
Marshall Plan - aid for Europe introduced by US Secretary of State George Marshall
Communists out of government in France and Italy
Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) set up with headquarters at Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Romania becomes Romanian People's Republic
Partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states agreed to by United Nations - Arabs reject proposals
UN establishes state of Israel
Evacuation of British troops from Palestine
Dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir - state ceded to India
Burma gains independence
Cheribon Agreement - between Dutch and Indonesians - United States of Indonesia established
Truman Doctrine - aid to Greece and Turkey
Beginning of Cold War
Bretton Woods Treaty - allies construct postwar economic world order (World Bank & IMF)
Perutz conducts x-ray studies on crystalline proteins
Radiocarbon dating technique first used by Walter Libby et al - C14 has a half life of 5730 years

Christian X - (Denmark)
Frederik IX + (Denmark)
Michael - (Romania) King (rethroned)
George II - (Greece) again rethroned
Paul I + (Greece) Son of Constantine I
Lord Mountbatten +- (India) Governor General
RCA Victor now official
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra forms
A Survivor from Warsaw, Op. 46 Arnold Schoenberg
War and Peace Sergei Prokofiev
Kiss Me Kate Cole Porter
Third String Quartet Walter Piston
Allegro Rodgers & Hammerstein
Brigadoon Lerner & Lowe
Three Compositions for Piano Milton Babbitt
Adams, John 1947- Composer
Binnig, Gerd 1947-
Domeniconi, Carlo 1947- Musician
Guth, Alan 1947-
Higgins, Billy 1947- Musician
Rushdie, Salman 1947- Writer
Tabakov, Emil 1947- Musician

Baird, John Logle 1888-1947
Bonnard, Pierre 1867-1947
Casella, Alfredo 1883-1947
Cather, Willa 1876-1947
Cohen, Morris R. 1880-1947
Ford, Henry 1863-1947
Hahn, Reynaldo 1874-1947 Composer
Jennings, Herbert Spencer 1868-1947
Johnson, Blind Willie 1902-1947 Musician
Lenard, Phillip 1862-1947
Marable, Fate 1890-1947 Musician
Ouspensky, Petyr Demianovich 1878-1947
Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig 1858-1947
Russolo, Luigi 1885-1947
Whitehead, Alfred North 1861-1947
Summer and Smoke (Tenessee Williams)
Hamlet (Lawrence Olivier)
Key Largo (John Huston)
Louisiana Story (Robert Flaherty)
Oliver Twist (David Lean)
Quartet (Ken Annakin)
Red River (Howard Hawks)
The Red Shoes (Michael Powell)
The Search (Fred Zinnemann)
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (John Huston)
Unfaithfully Yours (Preston Sturges)
Syrian army of 10,000 enters Palestine (5/15)
Marshall Plan and the OEEC
Berlin Blockade - Soviet Union blockades West Berlin - zone supplied by airlift (-1949)
Communist coup in Prague, Czechoslovakia - People's Republic formed
Yugoslav-Soviet break - Tito's Yugoslavia expelled from Cominform
Nationalist Party comes to power in Union of South Africa
State of Israel declared (Proclamation)
War between Israel and Arab League (Arab-Israeli War) (-1949)
Indian statesman Mahatma Gandhi assassinated by Hindu extremist
Ceylon becomes a self-governing dominion
Burma gains independence
Outbreak of Communist-led rebellions in Burma and several other Southeast Asian areas
China split by conflicts between Communists and Nationalists
Division of Korea into Republic of Korea (South Korea) and People's Republic (North Korea)
Wilhelmina - (Netherlands)
Juliana + (Netherlands)
Usman Ali Khan (Hyderabad) Nizam
1st international jazz festival held in Nice, France
Columbia develops 33 1/3 LP
Sixth Symphony Vaughan Willams
Mass Stravinsky
Third Symphony Piston
Sonatas and Interludes for prepared piano Cage
Composition for Four Instruments Babbitt
Composition for Twelve Instruments Babbitt
Berkeley, Michael 1948- Composer
Chu, Steven 1948-
Fischl, Eric 1948-
Lloyd Webber, Andrew 1948- Composer
Phillips, William P. 1948-
Artaud, Antonin Marie Joseph 1896-1948
Berdyaev, Nicholas 1874-1948
Eisenstein, Sergei 1898-1948 Director (Russia)
Friedman, Ignaz 1882-1948 Composer
Gandhi, Mohandas K. 1869-1948
Gorky, Arshile (Adoian Vosdnik) 1900-1948 Painter
Griffith, D. W. 1880-1948
Hue, Georges Adolphe 1858-1948 Composer
Huidobro, Vicente 1893-1948
Jinnah, Mahomed Ali 1876-1948
Lehar, Franz 1870-1948 Composer
Livingston, Burton Edward 1875-1948
Ponce, Manuel Maria 1882-1948 Composer
Schwitters, Kurt 1887-1948 Composer
Wihtol, Joseph 1863-1948 Composer
Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno 1876-1948 Composer
1984 (Orwell)
Death of a Salesman (Miller)
Adam's Rib (George Cukor)
All the King's Men (Robert Rossen)
The Heiress (William Wyler)
I Was a Male War Bride (Howard Hawks)
On the Town (Gene Kelly / Stanley Donen)
Stray Dog (Akira Kurosawa)
The Third Man (Carol Reed)
Tight Little Island (Alexander MacKendrick)
Twelve O'Clock High (Henry King)
Mysore merges with Republic of India - end of Wodeyar reign (1/26)
Civil War in Greece ends - Communists concede defeat (10/16)
South African government adopts apartheid as official policy
North Atlantic Pact
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed as defensive alliance by Western nations (1948)
Germany is divided into Federal Republic (West) and German Democratic Republic (East)
Comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) founded by USSR and Communist states
Russian blockade of Berlin ends
Apartheid policy in South Africa
USSR recognizes newly established People's Republic of China
Arab-Israeli armistice - Jerusalem partitioned
First series of military revolts in Syria
Communist victory over Chiang Kai-shek's regime in China
Mao Tse-tung establishes Communist regime in China - Nationalist government escapes to Formosa (Taiwan)
Chinese forces invade Tibet
France recognizes independent Vietnam and Cambodia
Indonesia gains independence under Sukarno
An Outline of Psychoanalysis (Freud) (posthumous)
Harlem Hit Parade---> "Race Records" -------> Rhythm & Blues Chart
Albert Ammons final recording session with Lionel Hampton Orchestra
RCA markets 45 rpm record
South Pacific Rodgers & Hammerstein
Antigonae Orff
Turangalila Symphony Messaien
Knoxville: Summer of 1914 Barber
Godfrey, Daniel S. 1949- Musician
Knopfler, Mark 1949- Musician
Prince, Richard 1949-
Rouse, Christopher 1949- Musician
Stormer, Horst L. 1949-
Tansey, Mark 1949-
Ware, David S. 1949- Musician
Adams, James Truslow 1878-1949
Ammons, Albert 1907-1949 Pianist
Dinicu, Grigoras 1889-1949 Composer
Ensor, James 1860-1949 Painter
Fleming, Victor 1883-1949
Grabmann, Martin 1875-1949
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovitch 1866-1949
Johnson, Bunk 1889-1949
Keynes, John Neville 1852-1949
Ledbetter, Huddie 1888-1949 Singer
Maeterlinck, Maurice Polidore Marie B. 1862-1949 Writer (Belgium)
Nicholson, William 1872-1949 Visual Artist (England)
Novak, Vitezslav 1870-1949 Composer
Orozco, Jose Clemente 1883-1949
Pfitzner, Hans Erich 1869-1949 Composer
Rabaud, Henri 1873-1949 Composer
Strauss, Richard 1864-1949 Composer
Toscano, Salvador 1912-1949
Turina, Joaquin 1882-1949 Composer
Undset, Sigrid 1882-1949
The Cocktail Party (T. S. Eliot)
The Rose Tatoo (Williams)
All About Eve (Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
Born Yesterday (George Cukor)
Father of the Bride (Vincente Minelli)
The Flowers of St. Francis (Roberto Rossellini)
Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa)
Seven Days to Noon (John Boulting)
Sunset Boulevard (Billy Wilder)
India promulgates its constitution and becomes an republic (1/26)
Korean War begins (6/25)
Atlantic Council agrees on measures of West German rearmament
Agreement between East Germany and Poland fixes Oder and Neisse Rivers as fronteir
Anglo-Egyptian dispute over the Sudan and Suez Canal
Sino-Soviet alliance
North Korea invades South Korea
Korean War - between North Korea, supported by China, and South Korea, supported by UN forces (-1953)
Indonesia gains independence
American senator Joseph McCarthy heads inquiry into "un-American" (Communist) activities
Hydrogen bomb developed
Jayachamaraja Wodeyar - (Mysore)
Prague Chamber Orchestra forms
North American Square Dance Suite Arthur Benjamin
Fifth Symphony Honegger
Il Prigioniero Dallapiccola
The Consul Menotti
Call Me Madam Irving Berlin
Guys & Dolls Frank Loesser
Ackerman, Chantal 1950-
Bednorz, J. Georg 1950-
Bozzio, Terry 1950- Composer
Chang-Diaz, Franklin 1950- Astronaut/Physicist 4/5
Hulse, Russell Alan 1950-
Kapor, Mitch 1950-
Landis, John 1950-
Laswell, Bill 1950- Musician
Laughlin, Robert B. 1950-
Megson, Neil (Genesis p-Orridge) 1950- Musician
Aurobindo, Ghose 1872-1950
Beckman, Max 1884-1950
Blum, Leon 1872-1950 Statesman (France)
Boodin, John Elof 1869-1950
Burroughs, Edgar Rice 1875-1950
Celea, Francesco 1866-1950 Composer
Dalcroze, Emile 1865-1950
Gardiner, Henry Balfour 1877-1950 Composer
Gold, Lou 1894-1950 Musician
Hartmann, Nicolai 1882-1950
Jensen, Johannes Vilhelm 1873-1950
Jolson, Al 1885-1950 Singer
Miaskovsky, Nicolai Yakovlevich 1881-1950 Composer
Millay, Edna St. Vincent 1892-1950
Moeran, Ernest John 1894-1950 Musician
Navarro, Fats 1923-1950 Musician
Orwell, George 1903-1950 Writer
Sabatini, Rafael 1875-1950
Shaw, George Bernard 1856-1950
Weill, Kurt 1900-1950 Composer
L'Homme Revolte (Albert Camus)
The African Queen (John Huston)
A Christmas Carol (Brian Desmond-Hurst)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (Robert Wise)
Magic Box (John Boulting)
The River (Jean Renoir)
Streetcar Named Desire (Zimmerman)

ANZUS mutual defense treaty between Australia, New Zealand, and US signed (9/1)
NATO forms from North atlantic Pact - Greece/...
UN Genocide Treaty signed
West Germany admitted to the Council of Europe
Schuman Plan - West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg set up coal and steel market
Marshall Plan ends
Egypt withdraws from Anglo-Egyptian agreement on Suez Canal - British occupies Canal Zone
Nationalizaton of oil industry in Iran
India's first Five Year Plan
Peace treaty signed at San Francisco by Japan and most of Japan's opponents during WWII
Pacific Security Treaty signed between Japan and US
Chinese Communist forces occupy Tibet
Colombo Plan - for economic development of south and south-east Asia comes into effect
Start of Korean peace negotiations at Panmunjom
Leopold III - (Belgium) House of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield (Duke)
Charles - (Belgium) Regent (count of Flanders)
Baudouin I + (Belgium) House of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield (Duke)
Gustavus V - (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
Gustavus VI Adolf + (Sweden) House of Bernadotte

Dave Brubeck quartet formed
The Rakes Progress Stravinsky
The King and I Rodgers & Hammerstein
Paint Your Wagon Lerner & Lowe
String Quartet No. 1 Carter
Amahl and the Night Visitors Menotti
Imaginary Landscape No. 4 Cage
Symphony No. 1 Henri Dutilleux
Polyphonie X Boulez
Carlevaro, Abel 1952-2001 Musician
Sardar, Ziauddin 1951-
Schnabel, Julian 1951- Painter
Sekula, Allan 1951-
Van Ness, Patricia 1951- Musician
Wieman, Carl E. 1951-
Witten, Edward 1951- Physicist

Benson, Frank Weston 1862-1951
Carpenter, John Alden 1876-1951 Composer
Collet, Henri 1885-1951
Creath, Charlie 1890-1951 Musician
Foerster, Josef Bohuslav 1859-1951 Composer
Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume 1869-1951
Hearst, William Randolph 1863-1951
Lambert, Constant 1905-1951 Composer (London, England)
Lewis, Sinclair 1885-1951 Novelist
Medtner, Nicolai Karlovich 1880-1951 Composer
Mikkola, Maria (Maila Talvio) Winter 1871-1951
Schnabel, Artur 1882-1951 Composer
Schoenberg, Arnold 1874-1951 Composer
Sloan, John 1871-1951
Vollmer, Joan 1924-1951
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 1889-1951 Philosopher
Yancey, Jimmy 1894-1951 Musician
Complete Plays and Poems (T. S. Eliot)
L'Homme revolte (Camus)
High Noon (Fred Zinnemann)
Ikiru (akira Kurosawa)
The Quiet Man (John Ford)
Singin' in the Rain (Gene Kelly)
Umberto D (Vittoria de Sica)
Viva Zapata (Elia Kazan)

Military Coup in Egypt led by Nasser - Farouk deposed (7/23)
Bonn Convention - between Britain, France, US, and West Germany - ends occupation of West Germany
Schuman Plan becomes effective
European Coal and Steel Community holds first meeting at Luxemburg
Greece and Turkey join NATO
Mau Mau (secret organization of Kikuyu tribesmen) begins terrorist activities against British in Kenya
Military revolution in Egypt overthows monarchy and establishes a republic
First national election in India - Jawaharlal Nehru elected prime minister
China accuses United States of waging germ warfare in Korea
Bolivian Revolution
George VI - (United Kingdom) King
Elizabeth II + (United Kingdom) Queen (-present)
Farouk - (Egypt) King (deposed)
Jawaharlal Nehru + (India) Prime Minister

Columbia University Electronic Studio founded
MJQ formed
Midsummer Marriage Opera Tippett
Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello, & Harpsi. Carter
4 33 Cage
Panama Hattie Cole Porter
Clemente, Francesco 1952-
Febel, Reinhard 1952- Composer
Kashkashian, Kim 1952- Viola (U.S)
Rihm, Wolfgang 1952- Composer

Bortkiewicz, Sergei 1877-1952 Composer
Brown, Willie 1900-1952 Musician
Croce, Benedetto 1866-1952
Dewey, John 1859-1952
Hamsun, Knut Pedersen 1859-1952
Henderson, Fletcher 1897-1952 Composer
Langgaard, Rued Immanuel 1893-1952 Musician
Molnar, Ferenc 1878-1952
Mortelmans, Lodewijk 1868-1952 Composer
Santayana, George 1863-1952
En attendant Godot (Samuel Beckett)
Camino Real (Tennessee Williams)
History of the Second World War (Churchill)
The Band Wagon (Vincente Minelli)
The Earrings of Madame de... (Max Ophuls)
From Here to Eternity (Fred Zinnemann)
The Glenn Miller Story (Anthony Mann)
I Vitelloni (Frederico Fellini)
Lili (Charles Waters)
The Salt of The Earth (Herbert Biberman)
Sawdust and Tinsel (Ingmar Bergman)
Shane (George Stevens) Stalag 17 (Billy Wilder)
Tokyo Story (Yasujiro Ozu)
The Wild One (Laszlo Benedek)

Ceasefire in the Korean War (7/27)
Bermuda Conference - between Great Britain, United States, and France
East Berlin rising
ECSC launched
Military coup in Egypt - monarchy ends - republic established
Kenyan politician Jono Kenyatta imprisoned on charges of Mau Mau involvement
China's first Five-Year Plan
French forces occupy Dien Bien Phu, North Vietnam - Viet Minh forces invade Laos
Treaty of Panmunjon - Korean war arbitration
Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Sherpa Tenzing are the first to climb Mount Everest
Playboy begins publication

Watson-Crick model of DNA molecule
Me and Juliet Rodgers & Hammerstein
Two's Company (Duke/Nash/Cahn)
Kontra-Punkte Stockhausen
Trygve Lie - (United Nations) Secretary-General
Dag Hammarskjold + (United Nations) Secretary-General (Sweden)
Marshal Tito + (Yugoslavia) President (Communist)
Joseph Stalin - (Russia) (1924-) Premier
Georgi Malenkov + (Russia) Premier
Dwight D. Eisenhower + (United States) President (-1961)
Magsaysay + (Philippines) President

Chailly, Riccardo 1953- Conductor
Hatzis, Christos 1953- Composer
Longo, Robert 1953- Painter
Prelinger, Richard 1953-
Saxton, Robert 1953 Musician
Wiles, Andrew 1953- Mathematician
Winant, William 1953-
Zorn, John 1953- Musician

Aanrud, Hans 1863-1953
Bax, Arnold Edward Trevor 1883-1953 Composer
Bode, Boyd Henry 1873-1953
Bunin, Ivan Alekseyevich 1870-1953
Burns, John Horne 1915-1953
Dufy, Raoul 1877-1953
Jongen, Marie Alphonse Nicolas Joseph 1873-1953 Composer
Mankiewicz, Herman 1897-1953 Director
Mason, Daniel Gregory 1873-1953 Composer
Millikan, Robert Andrews 1868-1953
O Neill, Eugene Gladstone 1888-1953 Playwright
Prokofiev, Sergei 1891-1953 Composer
Pudovkin, Vsevolod 1893-1953
Quilter, Roger 1877-1953 Composer
Reichenbach, Hans 1891-1953
Reinhardt, Django 1910-1953 Musician
Richardson, Lewis Fry 1881-1953
Roux-Champion, VJ 1871-1953
Sabin, Florence Rena 1871-1953
Stalin, Josef 1879-1953
Poems 1923-1954 (e. e. cummings)
Under Milk Wood (Dylan Thomas)
The Caine Mutiny(Edward Dmytryk)
Elephant Walk (William Dieterle)
La Strada (Freferico Fellini)
On the Waterfront (Elia Kazan)
Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock)
Rififi (Jules Dassin)
Sansho the Bailiff (Kenji Mizoguchi)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (Stanley Donen)
Seven Samurai (Akira Kurusawa)
20,000 Leagues under the Sea (Richard Fleischer)

Edward Murrow and Fred Freindly's See It Now show airs "A Report on Senator Joseph McCarthy "(3/9)
Battle of Dien Bien Phu begins - France defeated by Viet Minh in Vietnam (3/13) -(5/8)
Brown vs Board of Education - U.S. Supreme Court rules against racially segregated schools (5/17)
Disturbances in Cyprus and Greece over enosis (union of Cyprus and Greece)
Anglo-Egyptian Treaty - provides for evacuation of British troops
Algerian War of Independence begins
Geneva Conference - French Indochina (Vietnam) divided - French withdrawal from Indo-china
EDC proposal defeated in French parliament
North Vietnam controlled by Communist government of Ho Chi Minh
South Vietnam supported by Great Britain and the United States
North Vietnam begins attempts to take over South Vietnam
South-East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) - formed to prevent spread of Communism in south-east Asia
US Atomic Energy Act of 1954
Gordon, Zeiger, and Townes - molecular emission of radiation (Maser)
1st Newport Jazz Festival held
Boston Camerata forms
Daugherty, Michael 1954- Musician
Picker, Tobias 1954- Composer
Rice, Condoleeza 1954- Statesman (Birmingham, AL)
Sherman, Cindy 1954- Photographer
Wilson, Fred 1954-

Barrymore, Lionel 1878-1954
Benavente, Jacinto 1866-1954
Bodenheim, Maxwell 1893-1954
Bogert, Marston Taylor 1868-1954
Borresen, Hakon 1876-1954 Composer
Carlslaw, Horatio Scott 1870-1954
Collette, Sidonie-Gabrielle 1873-1954
Derain, Andre 1880-1954
Diels, Otto Paul Herman 1876-1954
Fermi, Enrico 1901-1954 Physicist (Italy)
Furtwangler, Wilhelm 1886-1954
Hilton, James (Glen Trevor) 1900-1954
Ives, Charles Edward 1874-1954 Composer
Kahlo, Frida 1907-1954 Painter
Marsh, Reginald 1898-1954
Matisse, Henri 1869-1954 Painter
The Shield of Achilles (Auden)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Williams)
Lolita (Nabakov)
Rebel without a Cause (Nicholas Ray) (1/27/1955)
Benny Goodman Story (Valentine Davies)
East of Eden (Elia Kazan) (4/10/1955 Warner Bros. US)
Mister Roberts (John Ford)
The Night My Number Came Up (Leslie Norman)
Ordet (Carl Dreyer)
Princess Yang Kwei Fei (Kenji Mizoguchi)
The Seven Year Itch (Billy Wilder)
Smiles of a Summer Night (Ingmar Bergman)

Warsaw Pact Communist nations sign eastern European defence treaty in opposition to NATO (5/14/1955)
USSR launches first successful submarine nuclear missile (9/1955)
Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to sit at the back of a Montgomery, AL bus (12/1/1955)
Montgomery Alabama Bus Boycott begins (12/3/1955)
Rosa Parks found guilty - fined $10 and court cost of $4 (12/5)
West Germany admitted to NATO
International conference at Geneva discusses peaceful uses of atomic energy
Treaty of Peace - with Austria
Nikita Khruschev comes to power in USSR
EOKA - Greek Cypriot organization led by Givras begins terrorist activities in Cyprus
Israel raids Egyptian and Syrian borders
First Sudanese Civil War (Anyanya War) (-1972)
Baghdad Pact - signed by Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and Great Britain
Bandung Conference - first major meeting of twenty-nine Asian and African nations
Armed rebellion and general strike in Argentina - president Juan Peron goes into exile
US-China Geneva-Warsaw talks begin

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (E. R. Andrew)
Donald Byrd with George Wallington
Kenny Burrell arrives in New York
Charles Mingus forms first Jazz Workshop
Variations for Orchestra Eliot Carter
Pipe Dream Rodgers & Hammerstein
Incontri Nono
Le Marteau sans maitre Boulez
Jimmy Reed - You Don't Have to Go
Berners-Lee, Tim 1955- WWW
Gates, William 1955- Computer Scientist
Jobs, Steve 2/24 1955
Roberts, John G. 1955- Supreme Court Chief Justice
Rollins, Tim 1955-
Agee, James 1909-1955 Writer
Baumeister, Willi 1889-1955
Bohm, Dominikus 1880-1955
Claudell, Paul 1868-1955
De Stael, Nicolas 1914-1955
Einstein, Albert 1879-1955
Enesco, Georges 1881-1955 Composer
Honegger, Arthur 1892-1955 Composer
Johnson, James Price 1894-1955 Musician
Mann, Thomas 1875-1955
Martin, Sara 1884-1955 Composer
Milles, Carl 1875-1955 Sculptor (Uppsala, Sweden) (9/19)
Ortega y Gasset, Jose 1883-1955
Parker, Charlie Christopher 1920-1955 Composer
Pratella 1880-1955
Ropartz, Joseph Guy Marie 1864-1955 Composer
Stokes, Frank 1888-1955 Musician
Tanguy, Yves 1900-1955
Alexander the Great (Robert Rossen)
Anastasia (Anatole Litvak)
The Court Jester (Norman Panama)
Friendly Persuasion (William Wyler)
Giant (George Stevens)
Lust for Life (Vincente Minnelli)
The Searchers (John Ford)
The Ten Commandments (Cecil B. Demille)

Sudan gains independence - does not join British Commonwealth (1/1)
Cuban Revolution begins - Granma yacht lands in Cuba
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev denounces former premier Joseph Stalin
Twentieth Party Congress of USSR
Gomulka becomes First Secretary of Polish Communist Party
Anti-Russian uprising in Hungary crushed by Soviet troops
Morocco gains independence from France
Tunisia gains independence from France
Great Britain withdraws troops from Suez Canal Zone
Nasser nationalizes Suez Canal Zone - Israeli forces invade Egypt
Anglo-French-Israeli forces intervene and occupy Suez Canal Zone
United Nations calls for cease fire in Suez Canal Zone and sends in emergency forces to enforce it
MLK organizes Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott
Geneva Round
Gamal Abdul Nasser + (Egypt) President
Donald Byrd with Art Blakey and Max Roach Groups
Canticum sacrum Stravinsky
Te Deum Pepping
My Fair Lady Lerner & Lowe
Piano Piece No. 11 Stockhausen
Gesang der Junglinge Stockhausen
Isben, Sharon 1956- Guitarist
Pereira, Marco 1956- Musician
Sedaris, David 1956- Writer

Benn, Gottfried 1886-1956
Borel, Felix Eduard Emile 1871-1956
Brecht, Bertolt 1898-1956 Playwright
Brancusi, Constantin 1876-1956
Brown, Clifford 1930-1956 Musician
Charpentier, Gustave 1860-1956 Composer
Dorsey, Tommy 1905-1956 Musician
Finzi, Gerald 1901-1956 Composer
Gliere, Reinhold 1875-1956 Composer
Gretchaninov, Alexander Tikhonovich 1864-1956 Composer
Mencken, Henry Louis 1880-1956 Editor/Author/Critic (Baltimore, MD)
Nolde, Emil 1867-1956 Painter
Pollock, Jackson 1912-1956 Painter
Tatum, Art 1909-1956 Musician
Trumbauer, Frankie 1901-1956
On the Road (Kerouac)
Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak)
The Coming Caesars (Amaury de Riencort)
The Black Flame - trilogy (W.E.B. Du Bois) (1957-1961)
Bridge over River Kwai (David Lean)
Edge of the City (Martin Ritt)
A Face in the Crowd (Elia Kazan)
Golden Age of Comedy (Robert Youngson)
A King in New York (Charlie Chaplin)
Nights of Cabiria (Frederico Fellini)
Paths to Glory (Stanley Kubrick)
Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman)
Throne of Blood (Akira Kurosawa)
12 Angry Men (Sidney Lumet)
Wild Strawberries (Ingmar Bergman)
Witness for the Prosecution (Billy Wilder)

Soviet Union launches Sputnik I, first artificial satellite - using R-7 (V-7) ICBM technology (10/4)
Treaty of Rome - signed by Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands (3/25)
Treaty of Rome - establishes European Economic Community - the "Common Market" (3/25)
Khruschev defeats "anti-Party group"
Suez Canal re-opens to all shipping
Ghana gains independence
Malaysian gains independence
Sukarno introduces "guided democracy" in Indonesia
Revolt in Sumatra and outer islands of Indonesia
Race riots in southern United States
Guerrilla activity in Cuba begins under Fidel Castro against dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista
Geophysical Year begins
T. D. Lee and C. N. Yang discover principle of non-conservation of parity (Nobel Prize)
Haakon VII - (Norway)
Olaf V + (Norway) Olav

Agon Stravinsky
Die Harmonie der Welt Hindemith
Dialogues des Carmelites Poulenc
2nd Symphony Tippett
Bluthochzeit Fortner
Cinderella Rodgers & Hammerstein
West Side Story Leonard Bernstein
The Music Man
Dun, Tan 1957- Composer (China)
Ketterce, Wolfgang 1957-
Pujol, Maximo Diego 1957- Musician
Raymond, Eric Steven 1957-

Abbott, Edith 1876-1957
Banfi, Antonio 1886-1957
Bogart, Humphrey 1899-1957 Actor
Bothe, Walter 1891-1957
Craigie, William Alexander 1867-1957
Doblin, Alfred 1878-1957
Kazantzakis, Nikos 1883-1957 Novelist
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 1897-1957 Composer
Lofton, Cripple Clarence 1887-1957
Mistral, Gabriela (Lucila Godoy y Alcayaga 1889-1957
Neumann, John von 1903-1957
Perry, Ralph Barton 1876-1957
Reich, Wilhelm 1897-1957
Salvemini, Gaetano 1873-1957
Sibelius, Jean Julius Christian 1865-1957 Composer
Stark, Johannes 1874-1957
Toscanini, Arturo 1867-1957 Conductor
The Subterraneans (Kerouac)
The Dharma Bums (Kerouac)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Richard Brooks)
The Defiant Ones (Stanley Cramer)
Gigi (Vincente Minelli)
Mon Oncle (Jacques Tati)
A Night to Remember (Roy Ward Baker)
Separate Tables (Delbert Mann)
Touch of Evil (Orson Welles)
Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock)
Egypt and Syria form United Arab Republic (UAR) (2/1)
US Arms Embargo against Cuba begins (3/14)
(NORAD) North American Air Defense Command forms - joint defence organization with Can. & US (5/12)
Charles de Gaulle becomes first president of French Fifth Republic
Treaty of Rome - EEC (Common Market) established
Eisenhower Doctrine toward the Middle East
Referendum in French Africa
Conference of Independent African States convenes in Accra
All-African People's Conference convenes in Accra
Guinea gains independence
Yemen joins UAR to form United Arab States
Military revolt in Iraq led by Abdul Kassem - King Faisal II assassinated end of monarchy - republic declared
"Great Leap Forward" in China
"Offshore islands" crisis on China coast
First commercial jet airplanes in service
United States launches Explorer I, its first satellite - space race begins
Voyage of the Nautilus
Charles de Gaulle + (France) President
Krushchev + (Russia) Premier
Faisal II - (Iraq) King (assassinated)
Pius XII -
John XXIII +
Harlem Hit Parade---> "Race Records" -------> Rhythm & Blues Chart -------> Hot RB Chart
Threni Stravinsky
Poeme Electronique Varese
Flower Drum Song Rodgers & Hammerstein
Catalogue des oiseaux Messaien
Funeral Music Lutoslawski
Gigi Lerner & Lowe
Bell, Lurrie 1958-
Haring, Keith 1958-1990 Painter
Kar-Wai, Wong 1958-
Adams, Samuel Hopkins 1871-1958
Balla, Giacomo 1871-1958
Broonzy, Big Bill 1893-1958 Musician
Davisson, C. J. 1881-1958
Du Gard, Roger Martin 1881-1958
Handy, William Christopher 1873-1958 Composer
Holbrooke, Josef 1878-1958 Composer
Humphrey, Doris 1895-1958
Jimenez, Juan Ramon 1881-1958
Lawrence, E. O. 1901-1958
Milankovic, Milutin (12/12) 1879-1958 Geophysicist (Serbia)
Moore, G. E. 1873-1958
Pauli, Wolfgang 1900-1958
Rouault, Georges 1871-1958
Taniyama, Yukata 1927-1958
Vaughan Williams, Ralph 1872-1958 Composer
Anatomy of a Murder (Otto Preminger)
Ben Hur (William Wyler)
The Four Hundred Blows (Francois Truffaut)
North by Northwest (Alfred Hitchcock)
On the Beach (Stanley Kramer)
The Overcoat (Alexei Batalov)
Room at the Top (Jack Clayton)
Some Like it Hot (Billy Wilder)

Batista is overthrown in Cuba - Communist leader Fidel Castro comes to power Batista flees to Portugal (1/1)
Anti-European riots in Leopoldville - capitol of Belgian Congo
Chinese-Indian border incidents
Uprising in Tibet against Chinese rule - Dalai Lama escapes to India - Tibetan revolt crushed
Fulgencia Batista - (Cuba) overthrown
Fidel Castro + (Cuba) Premier

First moon rockets
Studies in the stucture of viruses
The day the music died (2/3)
Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields forms
Oedipus der Tyrann Orff
Symphony No. 2 (Le Double) Henri Dutilleux
Sound of Music Rodgers & Hammerstein
String Quartet No. 2 Carter
Kind of Blue Miles Davis
Dove, Jonathan 1959-
Lin, Maya 1959-
Macmillan, James 1959- Composer (England)
Quasthoff, Thomas 1959- Baritone (Hildesheim, Germany)
Walker, Curtis (Blow) 1959- Musician

Anderson, Maxwell 1888-1959
Bairnsfather, Bruce 1888-1959
Bechet, Sidney 1897-1959 Musician
Bloch, Ernest 1880-1959 Composer
Chandler, Raymond 1888-1959
Cummings, Irving 1888-1959
DeMille, Cecil B. 1881-1959
Dodds, Warren Baby 1898-1959 Musician
Epstein, Sir Jacob 1880-1959
Goulding, Edmund 1891-1959
Grosz, George 1893-1959
Holiday, Billie 1915-1959 Musician
Ketelbey, Albert 1875-1959 Composer
Marsick, Armand 1877-1959 Composer
Martinu, Bohuslav 1890-1959 Composer
McTell, Blind Willie 1898-1959 Musician (Georgia) (1901)
Muir, Edwin 1887-1959
Richardson, Owen W. 1879-1959
Villa-Lobos, Heitor 1887-1959 Composer
Waismann, Friedrich 1896-1959
Wilson, C. T. R. 1869-1959
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1869-1959
Young, Lester 1909-1959 Musician
The Alamo (John Wayne)
The Apartment (Billy Wilder)
Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock)
Shoot the Piano Player (Francois Truffaut)
The Sundowners (Fred Zinnemann)
Tunes of Glory (Ronald Neame)
Two Women (Vittoria de Sica)
When Comedy Was King (Robert Youngson)
Cyprus becomes independent republic under President Archbishop Makarios (8/16)1
Abortive summit meeting in Paris
United States' reconnaissance aircraft shot down over Soviet territory
Beginning of Sino-Soviet conflict - open debate
Year of Africa
Seventeen colonies in Africa gain independence
Belgian Congo gains independence
French Black Africa gains independence
Congo Crisis
Civil war breaks out in newly independent Congo
Katanga province in Congo under Moise Tshombe secedes
US-Japan Security Treaty revised
Conflict in Vietnam resumes
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and Central American Common Market formed
International agreement to reserve Antarctica for scientific research - all territorial claims waived
Dillon Round (-1961)
88% of US households own a television set
Archbishop Makarios + (Cyprus) President
Twenty-five artificial satellites in orbit
Pioneer V launched
First working laser
MUSIC computer synthesizer
Mystere de la Nativite Martin
Nonet for Strings Copland
Chronochromie Messaien
Camelot Lerner & Lowe
Pli selon ple Boulez
Apresludes Castiglione
Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima Penderecki (1961)
Basquiat, Jean-Michel 1960-1988 Painter
Blake, Nayland 1960-
Erbe, Tom 1960-
Golijov, Osvaldo 1960- Composer
Shipp, Matthew 1960- Musician
Adams, Franklin Pierce 1881-1960
Alfven, Hugo 1872-1960 Composer (Stockholm, Sweden)
Austin, John Langshaw 1911-1960
Baade, Walter 1893-1960
Benjamin, Arthur 1893-1960 Musician
Bjorling, Jussi 1911-1960 Opera Tenor (Sweden)
Boughton, Rutland 1878-1960 Composer
Broglie, Louis Cesar Maurice 1875-1960
Camus, Albert 1913-1960 Writer
Collins, Lee 1901-1960
Dohnanyi, Ernst von 1877-1960 Composer
Haeberlin, Paul 1878-1960
Hammerstein, Oscar 1895-1960
Laue, Max Theodore Felix von 1879-1960
Marquand, John 1893-1960 Novelist
Nichols, Dudley 1895-1960
Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich 1890-1960
Phillpotts, Eden 1862-1960
Seiber, Matyas 1905-1960 Musician
Wright, Frank 1888-1960
The Hustler (Robert Rossen)
Judgement at Nuremberg (Stanley Kramer)
Jules and Jim (Francois Truffaut)
The Misfits (John Huston) (2/1)
One, Two, Three (Billy Wilder)
A Raisin in the Sun (Daniel Petrie)
West Side Story (Robert Wise)
Yojimbo (Akira Kurosawa)
"Art of Assemblage" show at MOMA
Claes Oldenburg's "Store" opens in New York
Nouveau Realisme school cofounded by Fernadez Arman
Patrice Lumumba, President of Congo is assassinated by Katangan and Belgian forces (1/17)
Peace Corps established by Executive Order (3/1)
Bay of Pigs invasion (abortive) (4/15-19)
Rafael Trujillo assassinated- ends 31-year dictatorship in the Dominican Republic (5/30)
Berlin Wall begins construction- East Germany tightens borders (8/13)
Dag Hammarskjold dies in plane crash while travelling to talks in the Congo (9/18)
Great Britain begins application to join European Economic Community
Creation of Casablanca and Monrovia groups
Angola rebellion begins - first in Portuguese Africa
South Africa becomes a republic and withdraws from the Commonwealth
Latin American Free Trade Association forms (LAFTA)
US starts manufacturing VX nerve agent in Dungway, Utah
US in Vietnam
Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes first man in space (4/12)
Dag Hammarskjold - (United Nations) Secretary-General (Sweden)
U Thant + (United Nations) Secretary-General (Burma)
Patrice Lumumba - (Congo) President (Leopoldville)
Bernard Haitink assumes co-conductor post with Concertgebouw Orchestra
Brian Epstein sees the Beatles perform for the first time at the Cavern Club in Liverpool (11/9)
Double Concerto for harps. & piano, 2 orch Carter
Composition for Synthesizer Babbitt
Vision and Prayer Babbitt
Intolleranza Nono
Elegy for Young Lovers Henze
Cornell, Eric A. 1961-
Marsalis, Wynton 1961- Musician
Salerno-Sonnenberg, Nadja 1961- Violinist
Bridgeman, P. W. 1882-1961
Celine, Louis Ferdinand 1894-1961
Grainger, Percy Aldridge 1882-1961 Composer
Hemingway, Ernest Miller 1899-1961 Writer
Houston, Cisco 1918-1961 Musician
Jung, Carl 1875-1961 Psychologist
LaFaro, Scott 1936-1961 Musician
LaRocca, Nick 1889-1961 Musician
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 1908-1961
Moses, Anna Mary Robertson 1860-1961
Schrodinger, Erwin 1887-1961
Talich, Vaclav 1883-1961 Conductor (Kromeriz, Moravia)
Thurber, James 1894-1961 Writer
Big Sur (Kerouac)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Albee)
Knife in the Water (Roman Polanski)
Lawrence of Arabia (David Lean)
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (Tony Richardson)
Long Days Journey into Night (Sidney Lumet)
The Longest Day (Ken Annakin)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (John Ford)
Ride the High Country (Sam Peckinpah)
John Glenn orbits Earth 3 times in 5 hours (2/20)
Telstar 1 communications satellite launched - first live TV broadcasts between United States and Europe (7/10-11)
First live TV broadcast between US and Europe via Telstar 1 and first telephone call and fax beamed by satellite (7/23)
James Meredith successfully enters University of Mississippi (10/1)
Uganda gains independence (10/6)
Second Vatican Council convened (10/11) Th
Cuban Missile Crisis begins 32 missiles detected in Cuba by U2 spyplane standoff btween US and USSR (10/14) Su
Sino-Indian War - Nathu La Border dispute - China invades India (10/20) Sa
Kennedy decides to go to DEFCON 3 airstrike imminent (10/21) Su
Kennedy TV broadcast - Cuban Crisis and quarantine plan of 26 incoming Russian ships (10/22) Mo
Geneva Conference - on Laos and disarmament
Algeria gains independence from France after war lasting eight years
End of Katango secession in Congo
Civil war in Yemen - overthrow of monarchy
Ne Win coup d'etat in Burma
Spacewar 1.0 officially released developed by Steve Slug: Russell et al at MIT first real video game (2)
A Sermon, a Narrative, and a Prayer Stravinsky
No Strings Rodgers
War Requiem Britten
Strategie Xenakis
Concerto Italien pour deux pianos et orch. Dubois
Glogauer Liederbuch Wuorinen
"Do You Love Me?" Contours
Atkins, Juan 1962- Musician
Botti, Chris 1962- Musician
Higdon, Jennifer 1962- Musician
Anderson, John 1893-1962
Bachelard, Gaston 1884-1962
Bohr, Niels Henrik David 1885-1962
Borzage, Frank 1894-1962
Compton, Arthur Holly 1892-1962
cummings, e. e. 1894-1962 Poet
Curtiz, Michael 1888-1962 Director
Eisler, Hanns 1898-1962 Composer
Faulkner, William 1897-1962 Novelist
Goossens, Eugene 1893-1962 Conductor (London, England)
Hamilton, Anthony Walter Patrick 1904-1962
Hesse, Herman 1877-1962 Novelist
Ibert, Jacques 1890-1962 Composer
Ireland, John 1879-1962 Composer
Kline, Franz 1910-1962
Koskenniemi, Veikko Antero 1885-1962
Lovejoy, Arthur Oncken 1873-1962
Louis, Morris 1912-1962 Painter (Baltimore, U.S.)
Pevsner 1886-1962
Sackville-West, Victoria Marie 1892-1962
Silent Spring (Carson)
America, America (Elia Kazan)
Bye Bye Birdie (George Sidney)
Cleopatra (Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
8 1/2 (Frederico Fellini)
The Great Escape (John Sturges)
Hud (Martin Ritt)
The Leopard (Luchino Visconti)
30 Years of Fun (Robert Youngson)
To Die in Madrid (Frederic Rossif)
Tom Jones (Tony Richardson)
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (Vittorio de Sica)
George Wallace blocks entrance to two black students at the University of Alabama - forced to desist (6/11)
Civil Rights March - Washington D. C. - "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King (8/28)
S. Vietnamese Pres. Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother Nhu are executed by Duong Van Minh's bodyguard (11/1)
Duong Van Minh takes power in South Vietnam with US consent (11/6)
JFK assassinated (11/22)
Lee Harvey Oswald shot dead by Jack Ruby (11/24)
France vetoes British application to enter the European Economic Community (Common Market)
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty - signed by Great Britain, Soviet Union, and the United States
Organization of African Unity (OAU) created from independent African states
South Vietnamese government overthrown by military coup
Increasing United States involvement in Vietnam
John F. Kennedy - (United States) President (assassinated)
Lyndon B. Johnson + (United States) President
John XXIII -
Paul VI +
Russian cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes first woman in space
Dartmouth Timesharing System implemented
(Dartmouth) BASIC programming language developed by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz at Dartmouth
PDP-6 launched by DEC 12 registers, 36 bit words
Phillips develops compact audio cassetette
Patsy Cline and other country musicians die in a plane crash returning to Tennessee (3/5)
Bob Dylan first performs at the 5th annual Newport Folk Festival
Trois Peomes d'Henri Michaux Lutoslawski
Chamber Concerto for cello & 10 players Wuorinen
Flute Variations I Wuorinen
Piano Variations Wuorinen
"Uptight" Stevie Wonder
"My Boyfriend's Back" Angels
Alagna, Roberto 1963- Vocalist
May, Derrick 1963- Musician
Mutter, Anne Sophie 1963- Violinist (Rheinfelden, Baden,Germany)
Braque, Georges 1882-1963 Painter
Cocteau, Jean 1889-1963 Artist
Constantinescu, Paul 1909-1963 Musician
Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt 1868-1963 Writer/Editor (Great Barrington, MA)
Frost, Robert 1876-1963 Poet
Hindemith, Paul 1895-1963 Composer
Huxley, Aldous 1894-1963 Writer
James, Elmore 1918-1963 Musician
Lemba, Artur 1885-1963 Composer
Ozu, Yasujiro 1903-1963
Poulenc, Francis 1899-1963 Composer
Quebec, Ike 1918-1963 Musician
Karman, Thoedore von 1881-1963
Washington, Dinah 1924-1963 Singer
Williams, William Carlos 1883-1963
Becket (Peter Glenville)
Dr. Strangelove (Stanley Kubrick)
Fistful of Dollars (Sergio Leone)
Hard Days Night (Richard Lester)
John F. Kennedy: Years of Lightning, Day of Drums (Bruce Herscensohn)
Mary Poppins (Robert Stevenson)
Seance on a Wet Afternoon (Bryan Forbes)
A Shot in the Dark (Blake Edwards)
Topkaki (Jules Dassin)
The Train (John Frankenheimer)
World Without Sun (Jacques Cousteau)
Civil Rights Act - becomes law in the United States (7/2)
"The Cellular Revolution"
Nikita Krushchev falls from power in Soviet Union - succeeded by Aleksei Kosygin
Fighting between Greeks and Turks in Cyprus - UN troops sent to maintain peace
China conducts first nuclear test
Death of Nehru
War ("confrontation") between Indonesia and Malaysia (-1965)
United States involvement in Vietnam war increases - declares support for South against Communist Viet Cong
UC Berkeley student riots
Kinzua Dam is built , flooding last Seneca lands in PA,NY
Nikita Krushchev - (USSR) Premier
Aleksei Kosygin + (USSR) Premier
Paul I - (Greece) Son of Constantine I
Constantine II + (Greece) Son of Paul I
Arno Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson in NJ discover Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) - supports Big Bang Theory
New Philharmonia Orchestra forms (England)
Montezuma Sessions
Questions on Nature Miriam Gideon
Curlew River Britten
Philomel Babbitt
Ensembles for Synthesizer Babbitt
Strategi Xenakis
Requiem Ligeti
Love Supreme Coltrane
Der junge Lord Henze
Funny Girl
Hello Dolly!
Fiddler on the Roof
Bostridge, Ian 1964- Tenor (London, England) (12/25)
Krall, Diana 1964- Musician
Moody, Ivan 1964- Musician
Saunderson, Kevin 1964- Musician
Aliotta, Antonio 1881-1964
Behan, Brendan 1923-1964
Carson, Rachel 1917-1964
Dolphy, Eric 1928-1964 Musician
Dyson, George 1883-1964 Composer
Franck, James 1882-1964
Hess, V. F. 1883-1964
Hoover, Herbert 1874-1964
Monteux, Pierre 1875-1964 Composer/Conductor
Morandi, Giorgio 1890-1964
O Connor, Flannery 1925-1964
Porter, Cole 1891-1964
Sillanpaa, Frans Eemil 1888-1964
The Painted Bird (Kosinski)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alphaville (Jean Luc Godard)
Othello (Stuart Burge)
The Pawnbroker (Sidney Lumet)
Repulsion (Roman Polanski)
Ship of Fools (Stanley Kramer)
The Shop on Main Street (Jan Kadar)
Simon of the Desert (Luis Bunuel)
Sword of Doom (Kihachi Okamoto)
Allen Ginsburg reading at Royal Albert Hall in London (6/11)
Malcolm X is assassinated (2/21)
Winston Churchill dies
Great Britain abolishes death penalty for murder
Fighting breaks out in Cyprus
White government of Rhodesia under Ian Smith makes Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) from GB
British economic pressure fails to halt crisis in Rhodesia
India and Pakistan go to war over Kashmir - UN calls for ceasefire
US involvement in Vietnam "escalates"
United States undertakes regular bombing raids on North Vietnam
First American marines land in South Vietnam
Attempted Communist coup in Indonesia - resulting in military control under Suharto
Australia-New Zealand free trade agreement
Cook Islands are self-governing
Civil Rights march in Alabama
US under Lyndon Johnson sends marines to Dominican Republic
US Education Act - provides first comprehensive federal aid to education
Watts District riots in Los Angeles, CA
First Pan-American assembly on Population meets in Colombia
Gemini space vehicles
First performance of Ives' Fourth Symphony
Beatles perform twelve song set at sold out Shea Stadium show in NYC - grossed $304,000 (8/15)
Newport Folk Festival - Bob Dylan performs 15 minute electric set which causes much resentment
Phillips begins marketing audiocassette in Hanover, Germany
St. Luke Passion Penderecki
Coltrane, Ravi 1965- Musician
Cosandey, David 1965-
Dessay, Natalie 1965- Classical Vocalist
Gheorghiu, Angela 1965-
Hirst, Damien 1965- Painter
Rhoades, Jason 1965-
Appleton, Edward Victor 1892-1965
Avery, Milton 1885-1965
Buber, Martin 1878-1965
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer 1874-1965
Cowell, Henry 1897-1965 Composer
Eliot, Thomas Stearns 1888-1965
Jackson, Shirley 1919-1965
Perkins, Frances 1882-1965
Sheeler, Charles 1883-1965
Smith, David 1906-1965 Sculptor (Decatur, Indiana)
Staudinger, Hermann 1881-1965
Varese, Edgar 1883-1965
Williams, Clarence 1898-1965 Musician
Williamson, Sonny Boy 1899-1965 Musician
The Homecoming (Harold Pinter) play
Andrei Rublev Andrei Tartovsky
Battle of Algiers Gillo Pontecorvo
Fist in His Pocket Marco Bellochio
The Gospel According to St. Matthew Pier Paolo Pasolini
A Man for All Seasons Fred Zinnemann
Marat/Sade Peter Brook
Morgan! Karel Reisz
Botswana gains full independence (former Bechaunaland) (9/30)
Coup in Nigeria - Belewa killed
Coup in Ghana - fall of Nkrumah
South African Prime Minister Dr. Verwoerd assassinated - succeeded by John Vorster
Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith rejects British proposals for settlement
United Nations instructs members to impose economic sanctions on Rhodesia - S. Africa and Portugal refuse
Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution in China - Red Guards form (-1968)
Purge of Liu Shao-chi in China
Opening of Asian Development Bank
ASPAC (Asian and Pacific Council) founded
War between Indonesia and Malaysia ends
Dr. Verwoerd - (South Africa) Prime Minister
John Vorster + (South Africa) Prime Minister
PDP-10 released
Bob Dylan crashes on his motorcycle (7/29/66)
The Owl and the Pussy Cat Igor Stravinsky
Piano Concerto Elliot Carter
The Burning Fiery Furnace Benjamin Britten
The Visitation Gunther Schuller
Unit Structures Cecil Taylor
St. Luke Passion Penderecki
Tutschku, Hans 1966-
Akhmatova, Anna 1889-1966
Arp, Jean 1886-1966
Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan 1881-1966
Craig, Edward Gordon 1872-1966 Theatre (England)
Debey, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus 1884-1966
Disney, Walt 1901-1966 Cartoonist
Fabry, Emile 1865-1966
Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm 1869-1966
Forester, C. S. 1899-1966
Giacometti, Alberto 1901-1966 Painter/Sculptor
Hoffman, Hans 1880-1966
Hurt, Mississippi John 1892-1966 Musician
O Hara, Frank 1926-1966
Porter, Quincy 1897-1966 Musician
Powell, Bud 1924-1966 Musician
St. Cyr, Johnny 1890-1966 Musician
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro 1870-1966
Taylor, Joseph Deems 1885-1966 Composer
Zernike, Fritz 1888-1966
Belle de Joure (Luis Bunuel)
Bonnie and Clyde (Arthur Penn)
The Graduate (Mike Nichols)
I Am Curious - Yellow (Vilgot Sjoman)
In Cold Blood (Richard Brooks)
In The Heat of the Night (Norman Jewison)
Play Time (Jacques Tati)
The President's Analyst (Theodore J. Flicker)
Military coup in Greece - Constantine II of Greece in exile(4)
Martin Luther King's "Beyond Vietnam speech at the Riverside Church (4/4)
Six Day War begins- between Arabs and Israel (6/5)
Six Day War ends- between Arabs and Israel (6/10)
Civil war in Nigeria - Biafra region breaks away from Nigerian Federation (-1970)
Israel occupies Sinai Desert, Jerusalem, and West Bank of Jordan River - UN arranges ceasefire
ASEAN founded (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
Second British application to enter Common Market vetoed by France
British pound is devalued
Quasi-Stellar Objects (G. and M. Burbidge) (quasars)
The Mind of the Dolphin (J. C. Lilly)
Length of on second determinable within limit of error of 1-2 parts in 10^10
1st Montreaux Jazz Festival
First Rolling Stone issue, John Lennon on cover
Inscape Copland
Bomarzo Ginastera
Symphony No. 8 Persichetti
Hymnen Stockhausen
Dies irae Penderecki
String Trio Wuorinen (-1968)
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band The Beatles
Barney, Matthew 1967- Visual Artist
Bell, Joshua 1967- Violinist (Bloomington, IN)
Cobain, Kurt 1967-1994 Musician (Aberdeen, WA)
Connick Jr., Harry 1967- Musician
Allen, Red 1906-1967 (1908)
Burchfield, Charles 1893-1967
Cockcroft, John D. 1897-1967
Coltrane, John 1926-1967 Musician
Cox, Ida 1896-1967
Dix, Otto 1891-1967
Guthrie, Woody 1912-1967 Musician
Hopper, Edward 1882-1967
Johnson, Pete 1904-1967 Musician
Kodaly, Zoltan 1882-1967 Composer
Lenoir, J.B. 1929-1967 Musician
Magritte, Rene 1898-1967 Painter
Maurois, Andre 1885-1967
McCullers, Carson 1917-1967
Nighthawk, Robert 1909-1967 Musician
Oppenheimer, Robert 1904-1967 Physicist
Parker, Dorothy 1893-1967
Presti, Ida 1924-1967 Musician
Redding, Otis 1941-1967 Musician
Rosa, Joao Guimaraes 1880-1967
Weinberger, Jaromir 1896-1967 Composer
I Am Curious - Blue Vilgot Sjoman
If... Lindsay Anderson
Les Biches Claude Chabrol
Lion in Winter Anthony Harvey
Petulia Richard Lester
Planet of the Apes Franklin J. Schaffner
Rosemary's Baby Roman Polanski
Shame Ingmar Bergman
Stolen Kisses Francois Truffaut
2001: A Space Odyssey Stanley Kubrick
War and Peace Sergie Bondarchuk
Yellow Submarine George Dunning
Tet Offensive - Vietcong launch major offensive in South Vietnam (1/30)
Martin Luther King assassinated (4/4/68)
Robert Kennedy assassinated (6/5/68)
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty opened for signature (7/1) Crisis in Northern Ireland begins - civil rights riots
Student demonstrations in Paris lead to clashes with police (5)
Universities and factories taken over by workers and students in France
Soviet troops invade Czechoslovakia to crush liberalism of secretary Alexander Dubcek
Warsaw pact countries occupy Czechoslovakia
Southern Yemen gains independence
US stops bombing North Vietnam
Start of Paris negotiations on Vietnam
VX plant shut down in Dungway, UT
INTEL founded by Gordon Moore & Robert Noyce - first known as NM for a year (7)
Prometheus Carl Orff
The Prodigal Son Benjamin Britten
Sinfonia Luciano Berio
Flute Variations II Charles Wuorinen
George M!
Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dream. Webber & Rice
Harkavgy, Oleh 1968-
Patton, Mike 1968- Musician
Barth, Karl 1886-1968
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario 1895-1968 Composer
Dongen, Kees van 1877-1968
Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1889-1968
Duchamp, Marcel 1887-1968 Artist
Jacobs, Marion Little Walter 1930-1968 Musician
John, Little Willie 1937-1968 Musician
Keller, Helen 1880-1968
King, Martin Luther 1929-1968
Landau, L. D. 1908-1968
Quasimodo, Salvadore 1901-1968
Read, Herbert 1893-1968
Roberts, Luckey 1887-1968
Saint Denis, Ruth 1878-1968
Steinbeck, John 1902-1968 Writer
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (George Roy)
Medium Cool (Haskell Wexler)
Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger)
The Wild Bunch (Sam Peckinpah)
Richard Nixon is sworn in as 37th US President (1/20) Mo
Operation Menu US B-52 secret bombing campaign begins in Cambodia (3/18)
De Gaulle quitsoffice as President of France (4/28)
Moon Landing Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the Moon (7/20)
Nixon's Guam Doctrine ("Nixon Doctrine") (7/25/1969)
Woodstock Festival - "Three Days of Peace and Love" (8/16)
Momar Qaddafi leads military coup - deposing absent King Idris - Lybian Arab Republic proclaimed (9/1)
Ho Chi Minh dies in North Vietnam (9/2)
SALT I talks begin (11) -(1972)
Great Britain sends troops to Northern Ireland
Sino-Soviet border conflict
US agreement with Sato government on the return of Okinawa to Japan
Growth of Japan's GNP makes it the third largest economy in the world

Charles de Gaulle - (France) President (resigns)
Pompidou + (France) President
UNIX is introduced
Concerto for Orchestra Carter
Stimmung Stockhausen
Ringing Changes for Percussion Ensemble Wuorinen (-1970)
Grimaud, Helene 1969- Classical Pianist
Ice Cube (O Shea Jackson) 1969- Musician
Torvalds, Linus Benedict 1969-
Adorno, Theodor 1903-1969
Barbarin, Paul 1898-1969 Composer
Hawkins, Coleman 1904-1969 Musician
James, Skip 1902-1969
Jaspers, Karl 1883-1969
Kerouac, Jack 1922-1969 Writer (10/21)
Kosma, Joseph 1905-1969
Mies Van der Rohe, Ludwig 1886-1969
Powell, C. F. 1903-1969
Stern, Otto 1888-1969
Future Shock (AlvinToffler)
The Greening of America (Charles A. Reich)
Five Easy Pieces (Fred Zinnemann)
4 Clowns (Robert Youngson)
Gimme Shelter (David Maysles)
Little Big Man (Arthur Penn)
M*A*S*H* (Robert Altman)
Patton (Franklin Schaffner)
The Sorrow and the Pity (Marcel Ophuls)
Three Sisters (Lawrence Olivier)
Woodstock (Michael Wadleigh)
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty enters into force (3/5)
Richard Nixon announces US bombing of Cambodia in border areas during a 20 minute speech to the nation(4/30)
Kent State Shootings four students shot and killed by National Guardsmen in Ohio amidst Vietnam War protests (5/4)
The Isle of Wight Pop Festival is held in England (8/30/1970)
Son Tay Raid ostensibly to rescue American POWs (11/20-1)
Issue of Britain's adherence to the EEC Common Market
Biafra surrenders - Nigerian civil war ends
Civil war in Jordan between government troops and Palestinian guerillas
Overthrow of Sihanouk in Cambodia
Fiji becomes Dominion within British Commonwealth
Problems of the American and world economies
Salvador Allende elected president of Chile

Salvador Allende + (Chile) President
The Knot Garden Tippett
String Quartet No. 3 Carter
Ancient Voices of Children Crumb
Jesus Christ Superstar Webber & Rice
Andsnes, Leif Ove 1970- Pianist (Norway)
DMX (Earl Simmons) 1970- Musician
Eggers, Dave 1970- Writer
Jay-Z (Shawn Carter) 1970- Musician
Master P (Percy Miller) 1970- Musician
Miller, Paul D. (dJ SPOOKY) 1970- Musician
Smith, Andrew 1970- Composer
Agnon, Shmuel Yosef 1888-1970
Born, Max 1882-1970
Bradford, Perry Mule 1893-1970 Musician
Carnap, Rudolf 1891-1970
Celan, Paul 1920-1970
Eller, Heino 1887-1970 Composer
Forster, Edward Morgan 1879-1970
Hendrix, Jimmy 1942-1970 Musician
Hesse, Eva 1936-1970
Hodges, Johnny 1907-1970 Musician
Hooker, Earl 1930-1970 Musician
Johnson, Lonnie 1894-1970 Musician
Mauriac, Francois 1885-1970
Mishima, Yukio 1925-1970
Raman, Chandrasekhara V. 1888-1970
Remarque, Erich Maria 1898-1970
Rothko, Mark 1903-1970 Painter
Russell, Bertrand Arthur William 1872-1970 Philosopher
Sachs, Nelly 1891-1970
Spann, Otis 1930-1970 Musician
Zimmerman, Bernd Alois 1918-1970 Musician
Bananas (Woody Allen)
The French Connection (William Friedkin)
The Garden of Finzi-Continis (Vittorio de Sica)
The Last Picture Show (Peter Bogdanovich)
South Vietnam invades Laos with US support (1/1971)
Gen. Idi Amin deposes President Obote in coup - Obote flees to Tanzania (1/25)
Pentagon Papers released first published in part by The New York Times eventually by 19 other newspapers (6/13) Su
Attorney General Mitchell seeks injunction stopping the New York Times from publishing Pentagon Papers (6/15) Tu
Chicago Sun-Times releases part of Pentagon Papers dealing with the 64 assassination of GVN President Diem (6/22) Mo
Ellsberg indicted for leaking Pentagon Papers (6/29) Mo
Surpeme Court lifts injunction against the New York Times and the Post for Pentagon Papers (6/30) Tu
Nixon ends the convertability of dollars to gold (8/15)
East Pakistan becomes independent as Bangladesh after civil war and intervention by India
China joins the United Nations - Taiwan expelled
First Era of Microcomputers (-1976)
CTC s Datapoint 2200 arguably the first microcomputer begins shipping
Intel publicly releases first microprocessor 4004 (11/15) 16pin DIP
International Josquin Congress in New York
New York Dolls first paid performance at Man's Country Bathhouse (8/10/1971)
Concerto for Amplified Violin & Orchestra Wuorinen (-1972)
Grand Bamboula Wuorinen
Chartier, Richard 1971-
Hersch, Michael 1971- Musician
James, Richard 1971- Musician
Midori 1971- Violinist
TuPac 1971-1996 Musician
Armstrong, Lil Hardin 1898-1971 Singer
Armstrong, Louis 1900-1971 Musician
Bragg, William L. 1890-1971
Broad, Charles Dunbar 1887-1971
Edwards, Cliff Ukelele Ike 1895-1971 Musician
Hausmann, Raoul 1886-1971
Jones, Curtis 1906-1971
Levy, Paul 1886-1971
Lewis, Ted 1890-1971 Musician
Lukacs, Gyorgy 1885-1971
Morrison, Jim 1943-1971 Musician
Rawsthorne, Alan 1905-1971 Musician
Seferis, Giorgos (Seferiadis) 1900-1971
Shavers, Charlie 1917-1971
Stravinski, Igor 1882-1971
Tamm, Igor Y. 1895-1971
Welch, Lew 1926-1971
The Godfather (Francis Ford Copolla) (3/24/1972 US release - Paramount)
Deliverance (John Boorman) (7/30/1972 US release - Warner Bros.)
Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Luis Bunuel)
Sleuth (Joseph L Mankiewicz)
Sounder (Martin Ritt)
Tout va bien (Jean-Luc Godard)

Pioneer 10 launched first spacecraft to move through asteroid belt (3/3)
Nguyen Hue Offensive North Vietnamese Army launches large scale attacks in South Vietnam w/ 150,000 troops (3/30)
Mining of Haiphong Harbour outside Hanoi announced (5/8)
George Wallace shot (5/15)
International Monetary Market forms (5/16)
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) signed by Nixon and Brezhnev (5/26)
Watergate arrests (6/17/72)
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) passes (10/6)
HBO first movie broadcast Sometimes a Great Notion (11/8)
Apollo 17 -last men to walk on moon (12/7-12/19)
Christmas bombings of North Vietnam (12/18-30)
Great Britain takes over direct rule of Northern Ireland
Ceylon becomes a republic as Sri Lanka
Black September terrorist killings at Munich Olympics
Nike shoes begin
Addis Ababa Agreement - ends First Sudanese Civil War (Anyanya War)
DDT banned for use in US
Frederik IX - (Denmark)
Margrethe II + (Denmark)
C programming languauage developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs for the Unix OS
Intel introduces the Intel 8008 first 8-bit microprocessor 18 pin memory package
Intel releases on of the earliest microcomputers
National Philharmonic Orchestra forms
Complete Works of Scott Joplin published in New York
Speculum Speculi Wuorinen
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars David Bowie (6/16/1972)
Heart of Gold Neil Young
B.I.G 1972-1996 Musician
Kibler, Jason (DJ Logic) 1972-
Johnson, Dwayne (The Rock) 1972- Actor
Mathers, Marshall 1972- Musician
Robinson, Emily 1972- Musician (Pittsfield, MA)
Villazon, Rolando 1972- Opera Tenor
Erika Badu 1972- Singer (Dallas, TX)

Apostel, Hans Erich 1901-1972 Composer
Berryman, John 1914-1972
Brian, Havergal 1876-1972 Composer
Chagrin, Francis 1905-1972 Composer (Romania)
Dieterle, William 1893-1972
Escher, M. C. 1898-1972 Visual artist
Friml, Rudolf 1879-1972
Grofe, Ferde Ferdinand Rudolph von 1892-1972 Composer
Jackson, Mahalia 1911-1972 Singer
Johnson, Bill 1872-1972 Musician
Kawabata, Yasunari 1899-1972
Mayer, Maria Goeppert 1906-1972
Morgan, Lee 1938-1972 Trumpeter
Patchen, Kenneth 1911-1972
Pound, Ezra Loomis 1884-1972
Rushing, Jimmy 1902-1972
Truman, Harold S. 1884-1972 President
Wild, John 1902-1972
Wolpe, Stefan 1902-1972
The Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitzyn)
Mean Streets (Martin Scorcese)
O Lucky Man! (Lindsay Anderson)
The Paper Chase (James Bridges)
Paper Moon (Peter Bogdanovich)
Scenes from a Marriage (Ingmar Bergman)
Ten from your Show of Shows (Max Liebman)
The Day of the Jackal (Fred Zinneman)
The Exorcist (William Friedkin) Warner Bros. (12/26/1973)

Paris Peace Accords unilateral withdrawal of US ground troops in exchange for American POWs (1/27)
AIM Wounded Knee occupation begins - lasts seventy days (2)
All US troops are withdrawn from Vietnam (3/29)
October War - Arab states attack Israel - cease-fire imposed after five weeks of fighting
Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark join EEC
Arab oil-producing nations restrict oil supplies after October War - resulting in world economic crisis
Military coup in Chile overthrows Marxist president, Salvador Allende
Tokyo Round MNT of 102 GATT countries - until April 1979 (9/12/1973)
Gustavus VI Adolf - (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
Carl XVI Gustaf + (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
Constantine II - (Greece) Son of Paul I
Xerox Alto introduced early personal computer first with desktop metaphor and GUI
Opening of Sydney Opera House
Academy of Ancient Music forms
Kronos Quartet forms
Cologne Musica Antiqua forms
KISS first live performance at the Popcorn Club in Queens, NY (1/30/1973)
Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd (3/1/1973)
Houses of the Holy Led Zeppelin (3/28/1973)
Polytope de Cluny Xenakis (6/1973)
Arabia Felix Wuorinen
Kozena, Magdalena 1973- Classical Vocalist
Watson, Russell 1973- Classical Vocalist
Abbot, Charles Greeley 1872-1973 Astrophysicist (Wilton, N.H. - US)
Aiken, Conrad 1889-1973
Allegret, Marc 1900-1973
Auden, Wystan Hugh 1907-1973 Poet (York, England)
Buck, Pearl (Walsh, nee Sydenstricker) 1892-1973
Cornell, Joseph 1903-1973
Ford, John 1895-1973 Director
Frankel, Benjamin 1906-1973 Musician
Jensen, J. Hans D. 1907-1973
Johnson, Lyndon B. 1908-1973 President
Krupa, Gene 1909-1973 Musician
Negrea, Martian 1893-1973 Musician
Malipiero, Gian Francesco 1882-1973 Composer
Marcel, Gabriel 1889-1973
Maritain, Jacques 1882-1973
Minnie, Memphis 1897-1973 Singer
Monroe, Vaughan 1911-1973 Musician
Neruda, Pablo (Neftali Ricardo Reyes B) 1904-1973
Ory, Edward (Kid) 1886-1973 Musician
Panova, Vera Fedorovna 1905-1973
Picasso, Pablo 1881-1973 Painter
Red, Speckled 1892-1973 Musician
Smith, Willie the Lion 1897-1973 Musician
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel 1892-1973 Novelist
Watt, Robert Alexander Watson 1892-1973
Webster, Ben 1909-1973 Musician
Wiegmann, Marie 1886-1973
Butley (Harold Pinter)
Chinatown (Roman Polansky)
The Conversation (Francis Ford Coppola)
The Godfather, Pt II (Francis Ford Coppola)
Lacombe, Lucien (Louis Malle)
Lenny (Bob Fosse)
That's Entertainment! (Jack Haley Jr.)
Vincent, Francois, Paul and the Others (Claude Sautet)

Patty Hearst kidnapped (2/4/1974)
Boldt Decision - interprets Medicine Hat Treaty of 1854 as giving treaty tribes 50% of salmon harvest (2/14)
NIXON RESIGNS in wake of Watergate scandal - Gerald Ford succeeds (8/9/1974)
Military coup in Portugal ends dictatorship of President Caetano
Greek-Turkish conflict in Cyprus - Greek military junta resigns - Turks occupy Nicosia
Former Portuguese colonies Guinea-Bisseau, Angola, and Mozambique gain independence
USSR deports Aleksandr Solzenitsyn

Richard Nixon - (United States) President (resigned)
Gerald Ford + (United States) President
Intel releases 8080 40 pin DIL (dual in-line) chip
Arnold Scheonberg Institute established
Schoenberg and Ives centennial celebrations
Hilliard Ensemble forms
The Corn is Green
Vengerov, Maxim 1974- Violinist
Asturias, Miguel Angel 1899-1974
Atterberg, Kurt 1887-1974 Composer
Blackett, P. M. S. 1897-1974
Chadwick, James 1891-1974
De Sica, Vittoria 1902-1974 Director
Ellington, Edward Kennedy (Duke) 1899-1974 Composer
Kahn, Louis 1901-1974
Lagerkvist, Par Fabian 1891-1974
Milhaud, Darius 1892-1974
Partch, Harry 1901-1974 Composer
Wellesz, Egon Joseph 1884-1974 Composer (Austria)
Bite the Bullet (Richard Brooks)
Day of the Locust (John Schlesinger)
Every Man for Himself and God against All (Werner Herzog)
Fox and His Friends (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
Jaws (Steven Spielberg)
Nashville (Robert Altman) (6/11/1975)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Milos Forman) (11/19/1975)
Saigon Airlift (4/29/1975)
Lebanese Civil War begins (-1990)
Franco dies - Juan Carlos King of Spain
Suez Canal reopens
Communist victories in Cambodia
South Vietman surrenders to North Vietnam - Vietnam War ends
Wounded Knee II (AIM)

Franco - (Spain) Dictator
Juan Carlos + (Spain) King (House of Bourbon)
MITS Altair 8800 released (2/1975)
Patti Smith "debuts" at CBGB's on Valentine's Day (2/14/1975)
Sex Pistols perform first live show ar St. Martin's College of Art, London (11/6/1975)
Semyon Bychkov, conductor, leaves Leningrad at the age of 23
Symphony of Three Orchestras (Elliot Carter)
Metal Machine Music (Lou Reed) (7/?/1975)
A Chorus Line (Hamlisch/Kleban)
Chicago (Kander/Ebb)
Smith, Zadie 1975- Writer
White, Zack 1975- Musician
Andric, Ivo 1892-1975
Benton, Thomas Hart 1889-1975
Bliss, Arthur Edward Drummond 1891-1975 Composer
Chiarini, Luigi 1900-1975
Dallapiccola, Luigi 1904-1975 Composer
Hepworth, Barabara 1903-1975
Herrmann, Bernard 1911-1975 Composer
Hertz, Gustav 1887-1975
Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1922-1975
Perse, Saint-John (Alexis Leger) 1887-1975
Porter, Fairfield 1907-1975 Painter
Reed, Jimmy 1925-1976 Musician
Rhadhakrishnan, Sarvapalli 1888-1975
Shostakovich, Dmitri 1906-1975 Composer
Singleton, Arthur Zutty 1898-1975
Taylor, Hound Dog 1917-1975 Musician
Thompson, George P. 1892-1975
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph 1889-1975 Historian
Bad News Bears (Michael Ritchie) (4/7/1976)
All the President's Men (Alan J. Pakula) (4/9/1976)
The Front (Martin Ritt)
The Innocent (Luchino Visconti)
Network (Sidney Lumet)
Seven Beauties (Lina Wertmuller)
Small Change (Francois Truffaut)
King Kong (John Guillermin) (12/17/1976)

Earthquake in Guatemala kills an estimated 23,000 people (2/4/1976)
CN Tower officially opens (6/26)
Tangshan Earthquake in Hebei Province kills 240,000+ people - deadliest earthquake in recorded history (7/18/1976)
Viking I lands on Mars (7/20/1976)
Viking II sets down on Mars Utopia Plains (9/3/1976)
Mao Tse-tung dies (9/9/1976)
Idi Amin Dada becomes "President for Life" in Uganda
Race riots erupt in South Africa
Rhodesian whites accept Kissinger plan for black majority rule - later rejected by blacks
Papua-New Guinea gains independence from Australia
U.S. Bicentennial celebrations
Death penalty reinstated in US

Microsoft trade name registered by Paul Allen and Bill Gates in Albequerqe
Open Letter to Hobbyists - Bill Gates lashes out at software piracy of his Altair BASIC (1)
Steve Wozniak brings his Apple II prototype to Homebrew Club meeting (12/1976)
Development begins on Intel 8086 chip
Centenary of Bayreuth Festival
The Damned (UK) play first live gig at the 100 Club opening for the Sex Pistols (7/6/1976)
Music for 18 Musicians Reich (3/1976)
Capucon, Renaud 1976- Violinist
Aalto, Alvar 1898-1976
Britten, Benjamin 1913-1976 Composer
Christie, Agatha 1891-1976
Cobb, Lee J. 1911-1976 Actor
Ernst, Max 1891-1976
Head, Michael 1900-1976 Musician
Heidegger, Martin 1889-1976 Philosopher
Heisenberg, Werner Karl 1901-1976 Physicist
Johnson, Eyvind 1900-1976
King, Freddy 1934-1976
Malraux, Andre 1901-1976
Man Ray 1890-1976
Mercer, Johnny 1909-1976 Musician
Onsanger, Lars 1903-1976
Piston, Walter Hamor 1894-1976 Composer
Robeson, Paul 1898-1976 Singer
Ryle, Gilbert 1900-1976
Visconti, Luchino 1906-1976
Williams, James Clifton 1923-1976 Musician
Mao-Tse Tung 1893-1976

Annie Hall (Woodie Allen)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Steven Spielberg)
Julia (Fred Zinnemann)
Man of Marble (Andrzej Wajda)
Roots (Haley) TV
Blackout in New York City (7/13/1977)
Elvis dies at his home in Graceland, Memphis, TN (8/16)
Voyager II launched (8/20/1977)
Voyager 1 launched --> farthest man made object currently from Earth 165.2 AU as of 10/15/2024 (9/5/1977)
Panama Canal Treaty signed (9/7/1977)
Tomb of Philip II of Macedon discovered - The Golden Larnax
Orient Express makes last run between Paris and Istanbul
President Sadat of Egypt goes to Israel on a peace mission
Prime Minister Begin returns a visit to Egypt - negotiations on peace terms start
Atrocities in Uganda under Amin regime

Gerald Ford - (United States) President
Jimmy Carter + (United States) President
Detection of rings around Uranus
HOME COMPUTER REVOLUTION Second Era of Microcomputers begins BASIC
Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou opens
Pierre Boulez founds Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique in Paris (IRCAM)
Symphony of Three Orchestras Carter
Addinsell, Richard 1904-1977 Composer
Crosby, Bing 1903-1977 Singer
Desmond, Paul 1924-1977 Musician
Garner, Erroll 1921-1977 Musician
Hawks, Howard 1896-1977 Director
Kirk, Rashaan Roland 1936-1977 Musician
Presley, Elvis Aron 1935-1977 Singer
Nabakov, Vladimir 1899-1977 Writer
Rossellini, Roberto 1906-1977 Director
Stokowski, Leopold Antoni 1882-1977 Conductor
Tcherepnin, Alexander 1899-1977 Composer
Capricorn One (Peter Hyams)
The Deer Hunter (Michael Cimino)
Last Waltz (Martin Scorcese)
Tree of Wooden Clogs (Ermanno Olmi)
East Wing of the National Gallery opens (Washington DC)
Jonestown Massacre in Guyana - mass suicide of 913 followers of Jim Jones (11/18)
UN force sent to Lebanon because of border troubles with Israel
Idi Amin holds military exercises close to Tanzanian border - angering President Julius Nyere
United States agrees to diplomatic relations with China and ends those with Taiwan
Vietnamese troops invade Cambodia to support the rebels
Paul VI -
John Paul I +-
John Paul II + 10/16 (-2005)
Pluto's moon Charon discovered
First test-tube baby
Intel 8086 processor released 16 bit extension begins the x86 Era
Sex Pistols begin U.S. Tour through the South - ends in San Francisco, Winterland Ballroom they break up (1/5/1978)
Violin Concerto Druckman
Paradise Lost Penderecki
Chavez, Carlos 1899-1978 Composer
Chirico, Giorgio de 1888-1978 Painter
Eames, Charles 1907-1978
Hauser, Arnold 1892-1978
Hoar, Thomas Percy 1907-1978
Khachaturian, Aram Il yich 1903-1978 Composer
Siegbahn, K. M. G. 1886-1978
Still, William Grant 1895-1978 Composer
Best Boy (Ira Wohl)
The China Syndrome (James Bridges)
Kramer vs. Kramer (Robert Benton)
The Tin Drum (Volker Schlondorff)
An Unmarried Woman (Paul Mazursky) Star Trek: The Movie (Peter Wise)
Shah of Iran deposed following riots and political pressure - flees country (1/16)
Three Mile Island accident (3/27)
SALT II Treaty signed by Carter and Brezhnev (618)
Lord Mountbatten is assassinated by IRA rebels iwho planted a bomb in his boat (8/27)
Hostages taken at American Embassy in Tehran (11/4)
First direct elections to the European Parliament are held in all nine member states of the EEC
Peace treaty signed between Israel and Egypt in Washington DC
General Idi Amin flees from Uganda to Saudi Arabia ahead of the Tanzanian and Ugandan rebel forces
Elections are held in Rhodesia under internal settlement - the guerilla war continues
Both sides in Rhodesian civil war join talks in London - cease fore and an election are agreed upon
Great Britain takes over control of Rhodesia
Exiled religious leader Ayotollah Komeini returns to Iran - Islamic Republic declared - many are executed
Soviet forces move into Afghanistan
Idi Amin Dada - (Uganda) (1971-)
The Clash open first US Tour at the Palladium in NY (2/17)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra forms
Premiere of Berg's completed Lulu
Miss Havisham's Fire Argento
Sweeney Todd
Hahn, Hilary 1979- Violinist (Lexington, VA)
Ager, Milton 1893-1979 Musician
Cannon, Gus 1883-1979 Composer
Clarke, Rebecca 1886-1979 Composer
Durey, Louis 1888-1979
Gabor, Dennis 1900-1979
Green, Grant 1931-1979 Musician
Harris, Roy 1898-1979 Composer
Marcuse, Herbert 1898-1979
McDowell, Mississippi Fred 1904-1979 Musician
Morris, Charles W. 1901-1979
Perelman, Sydney Joseph 1904-1979
Renoir, Jean 1894-1979
Rodgers, Richard Charles 1902-1979 Musician
Rota, Nino 1911-1979 Composer
Stevens, George 1904-1979
Tomonaga, Shinichiro 1906-1979
Atlantic City (Louis Malle)
Bad Timing (Nicolas Ray)
Berlin Alexanderplatz (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
Empire Strikes Back (Irvin Kershner)
Kagemusha (Akira Kurosawa)
Ordinary People (Robert Redford)
Raging Bull (Martin Scorcese)
The Stunt Man (Richard Rush)
Six US embassy aides escape from Iran with Canadian help (1/29)
FBI's undercover "Abscam" (Arab scam) implicates public officials (2/2)
Rhodesia becomes independent as Zimbabwe - gains black majority rule (4)
U.S. breaks diplomatic ties with Iran (4/7)
8 soldiers killed and 5 wounded as helicopter and plane collide trying to rescue hostages in Teheran (4/27)
US Supreme court upholds federal aide for abortions (6/30)
Shah of Iran dies (7/27)
Anastasio Somoza Debayle ousted Nicaragua ruler and two aides assassinated in Asuncion (9/17)
Iran - Iraq War begins (9/19)
Ronald Reagan wins US presidential election (11/4/80)
Three U.S. nuns and lay workers found shot in El Salvador (12/4)
President Tito of Yugoslavia dies
Robert Mugabe becomes the first black Prime Minister in Rhodesia after elections
Mt St. Helens erupts (5/18/80)
Juliana - (Netherlands)
Beatrix + (Netherlands)
Tito - (Yugoslavia) President
Obote + (Uganda) President (People's Congress Party)
QDOS (86DOS) developed by Tim Paterson at Seattle Computer Products (SCP)
John Lennon shot (12/8/80)
Los Angeles Guitar Quartet forms
Chang, Sarah 1980- Violinist (Philadelphia, PA) (12/10)
Bigard, Albany Barney 1906-1980 Musician
Durante, Jimmy 1893-1980 Musician
Evans, Bill 1929-1980 Musician
Evans, Ulick Richardson 1889-1980
Fromm, Erich 1900-1980
Guston, Philip 1913-1980 Painter
Hitchcock, Alfred 1899-1980 Director
Kaempfert, Bert 1923-1980 Composer
Kokoschka, Oskar 1886-1980
Laye, Camara 1928-1980
McLuhan, Marshall 1911-1980
Milburn, Amos 1927-1980 Musician
Miller, Henry 1891-1980
Piaget, Jean 1896-1980
Sartre, Jean Paul 1905-1980 Philosopher/Writer
Vleck, John H. van 1899-1980
Circle of Deceit (Volker Schlondorff)
Pixote (Hector Babenco)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Steven Spielberg)
Iran releases 52 US hostages (1/20)
Reagan sworn in as US president (1/20)
US hostages welcomed back to US (1/25)
Reagan shot (3/30)
Space Shuttle Columbia launched (4/12)
Alexander Haig travels to Middle East (4)
Pope John Paul II shot and wounded (5/14)
Reagan nominates Sandra Day O Connor for Supreme Court justice (7/7)
110+ die in collapse of aerial walkways in lobby of Hyatt Regency Hotel, Kansas City (7/18)
US air controllers strike disrupts flights (8/3)
US government dismisses air controller strikers (8/11)
US Navy F-14s shoot down two SU-22's of the Lybian Air Force (8/19)
Sandra Day O Connor sworn in as Supreme Court justice (9/21)
IBM Personal Computer (5150) introduced PC age begins (8/12)
Busy Bee / Kool Mo D Beef - Harlem World - Changing of the Guard (Lyrical MC)
Alkema, Wobbe 1900-1981
Barber, Samuel 1910-1981 Composer
Basie, Count 1904-1981 Composer
Bennett, Robert Russell 1894-1981 Musician
Bloomfield, Mike 1941-1981 Guitarist
Carmichael, Hoagy 1899-1981 Composer
Clair, Rene 1898-1981
Durant, Will 1885-1981
Eustache, Jean 1938-1981
Gance, Abel 1889-1981 Director
Hanson, Howard 1896-1981 Composer
Horton, Walter 1917-1981 Musician
Lacan, Jacques Marie Emile 1901-1981
Lewis, Furry 1893-1981
Marley, Bob 1945-1981 Musician
Montale, Eugenio 1896-1981
Red, Tampa 1904-1981 Musician
Tveitt, Geirr 1908-1981 Composer (Norway)
Wyler, William 1902-1981 Director
Yukawa, Hideki 1907-1981
Danton (Andrez Wajda)
E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (Steven Spielberg)
Fitzcarraldo (Werner Herzog)
La Traviata (Franco Zeffirelli)
Moonlighting (Jerzy Skolimowski)
Tootsie (Sydney Pollack)
The Verdict (Sidney Lumet)
The Weavers: Wasn't that a Time! (Jim Brown)
World According to Garp (George Roy Hill)
Rios Montt coup d'etat in Guatemala (3/23)
Falkands War begins - British vs. Argentinians (4/2)
Israel invades Lebanon in attack on PLO (4/4)
John Hinckley JR. found not guilty because of insanity for shooting Reagan (6/21)
Alexander Haig resigns as secretary of state (6/25)
Equal Rights amendment fails to be ratified in US (6/30)
Princess Grace dies when car plunges off mountain road - her daughter Stephanie seriously injured (9/14)
Lebanese Christian Phalangists kill hundreds of people in two Palestinian refugee camps in W. Beirut (9/15)
Leonid Brezhnev dies (11/10)
Andropov succeeds Brezhnev (11/15)
First successful artificial heart transplant at University of Utah Salt Lake City (12/2)
Chang, Han-na 1982- Cellist (Korea)
Lang Lang 1982- Pianist (Shenyang, China)
Bergman, Ingrid 8/29 (also her birthday ) 1915-1982 Actress
Cheever, John 1912-1982
Deutsch, Max 1892-1982 Composer (Germany)
Hopkins, Sam Lightning 1912-1982 Musician
Lloyd Webber, William Southcombe 1914-1982 Musician
MacLeish, Archibald 1892-1982
Monk, Thelonius Sphere 1917-1982 Composer
Olsen, Poul Rovsing 1922-1982 Composer
Rand, Ayn 1905-1982 Philosopher
Rexroth, Kenneth 1905-1982
Tubin, Eduard 1905-1982 Musician
Williams, Big Joe 1903-1982 Musician
El Norte (Gregory Nava)
Fanny and Alexander (Ingmar Bergman)
Koyaanisqatsi (Godfrey Reggio)
Terms of Endearment (James L. Brooks)
Pope John Paul II signs new Roman Catholic code incorporating reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1/25)
Reagan announces his SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (3/23)
Space Shuttle Challenger makes maiden voyage - first space walk in nine years (4/4)
Supreme court proclaims many local abortion restrictions unconstitutional (6/15)
Sally K. Ride becomes first woman into space as crewmember of Challenger (6/18)
U.S. admits shielding Klaus Barbie, 69, the "butcher if Lyon" wanted in France for war crimes (8/15)
Benigno S. Aquino Jr. - rival of Marcos - assassinated in Manila (8/21)
South Korean 747 shot down over Soviet airspace by SU-15 - all 269 aboard killed - 69 Americans (8/30)
Terrorist explosion kills 237 US Marines in Beirut (10/23)
US and Canadian allies invade Grenada (10/25)
Turkish Cypriots proclaim a separate state under Rauf Denktash in the northern part of Cyprus (11/15)
AT&T first releases System V Unix (SysV) replacing System III
Purple Rain Prince
Auric, Georges 1899-1983
Blake, Eubie 1883-1983 Musician
Bloch, Felix 1905-1983
Bunuel, Luis 1900-1983 Director
Cukor, George 1899-1983 Director
Euler, Ulf Svante von 1905-1983
Fuller, Buckminster 1895-1983
Ginastera, Alberto 1916-1983 Composer
Hines, Earl Kenneth 1903-1983 Pianist
Howells, Herbert 1892-1983 Musician
Kaper, Bronislau 1902-1983 Composer (Warsaw, Poland)
Koestler, Arthur 1905-1983
Mennin, Peter 1923-1983 Composer
Miro, Joan 1893-1983 Painter
Morganfield, McKinley (Muddy Waters) 1915-1983 Musician
Sykes, Roosevelt 1906-1983 Musician
Tailleferre, Germaine 1892-1983 Composer
Tarsky, Alfred 1902-1983
Walton, William Turner 1902-1983 Composer
Williams, Thomas Lanier (Tennesee) 1911-1983 Playwright
Stop Making Sense (Jonathan Demme)
Bell telephone system broken up (1/1)
France gets first deliveries of Soviet natural gas (1/1)
Syria frees captured US Navy pilot, Lieut. Robert C. Goodman, Jr. (1/3)
US and Vatican exchange diplomats after 116 year hiatus (1/10)
Reagan orders US Marines withdrawn from Beirut international peacekeeping force (2/7)
Andropov dies. Chernenko named leader of USSR (2/9)
Italy and Vatican agree to end Roman Catholicism as state religion (2/18) Reagan ends US role in Beirut by withdrawing 6th Fleet from peacekeeping force (3/30)
Congress rebukes Reagan for using federal funds to plant mines in Nicaraguan harbors (4/10)
USSR and other Soviet bloc nations boycott summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles (5/7)
Jose Napoleon Duarte elected president of El Salvador as a moderate (5/11)
Indian Army occupies Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar - 300 killed (6/6)
39th Democratic National Convention in San Francisco - Mondale/Ferraro ticket elected (7/16-7/19)
33rd Republican National Convention in Dallas - Reagan/Bush ticket reelected (8/20-8/25)
Brian Mulroney and Conservative Party win Canadian elections in landslide (9/4)
Indira Gandhi assassinated by two Sikh bodyguards - 1000 killed in anti-Sikh riots (10/31)
Reagan reelected in landslide - 59% of vote (11/6)
Toxic gas leaks at Carbide plant in Bhopal, India kills 2000 and injures 150000 (12/3)
Rumsfeld and Teicher go to Iraq to convey Israeli offer of assistance
Yuri V. Andropov - (USSR)
Konstantin U. Chernenko + (USSR) (-1985)
Jose Napoleon Duarte + (El Salvador) President
Brian Mulroney + (Canada) Prime Minister
Indira Ganghi - (India) Prime Minister (assassinated)
Rajiv Gandhi + (India) Prime Minister (s. Indira)
IBM PC/AT (5170) released - it s second generation PC designed around the Intel 6MHz 80286 CPU
Adams, Alibris Ansel 1902-1984
Aleixandre, Vicente 1898-1984
Brautigan, Richard 1935-1984
Dirac, P. A. M. 1902-1984
Foucalt, Michel 1926-1984
Garland, Red 1923-1984 Pianist
Jacob, Gordon 1895-1984 Musician
Kapitsa, Pyotr Leonidovich 1894-1984
Kastler, Alfred 1902-1984
Machito 1912-1984 Musician
Neel, Alice 1900-1984
Ryle, Martin 1918-1984
Sholokhov, Michail Aleksandrovich 1905-1984
Thompson, Randall 1899-1984 Composer
Thornton, Big Mama 1926-1984 Singer
Truffaut, Francois 1932-1984 Filmmaker (France)
The Official Story (Luis Puenzo)
Shoah (Claude Lanzmann)
Reagan takes oath for second term (1/20)
General Westmorland settles libel action against CBS (2/18)
Margaret Thatcher adresses US Congress - endorsing Reagan's policies (2/20)
Mikhail Gorbachev succeeds Chernenko on his death (3/11)
US Trade embargo to Nicaragua (5)
Two Shi'ite Hezbollah gunmen capture TWA 847 airliner with 133 passengers - 104 Americans (6/14)
Greenland adopts its own flag (6/21)
Narita Airport Bombing (6/23)
Air India Flight 182 destroyed by bombing over Irish airspace - kills all 329 onboard (Sikh groups) (6/23)
39 remaining hostages freed in Beirut (6/30)
Supreme Court (5-4) bars public school teachers from parochial schools (7/1)
French DGSE bombs and sinks Rainbow Warrior, Greenpeace flagship in Aukland, New Zealand (7/10)
508 TOW missiles exchanged to Iran for American hostage Benjamin Weir in Lebanon (8)
Bob Geldof's Live Aid (7/13)
Konstantin U. Chernenko - (USSR) (-1985)
Mikhail Gorbachev + (USSR)
Microsoft Windows first released (11/20)
Alwyn, William 1905-1985 Composer
Boll, Heinrich 1917-1985
Braudel, Fernand 1902-1985
Calvino, Italo 1923-1985
Chagall, Marc 1887-1985 Painter
Creston, Paul 1906-1985 Musician
Dubuffet, Jean 1901-1985 Painter
Clarke, Kenny 1914-1985 Musician
Langer, Susanne K. 1895-1985
Montgomery, Little Brother 1906-1985 Musician
Morante 1918-1985
Nagel, Ernest 1901-1985
Red, Piano 1911-1985 Musician
Sessions, Roger 1896-1985 Composer
Taylor, Eddie 1923-1985 Musician
Turner, Big Joe 1911-1985 Musician
Welles, Orson 1915-1985 Director/Actor
Death of a Salesman (Volker Schlondorff)
Room with a View (James Ivory)
Sherman's March (Ross McElwee)
Reagan approves plan to sell 1000 TOW missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages (1)
Two American warships cruise through Soviet Crimean territorial waters (3/16)
Hand of God Goal - Maradona & Argentina defeat England 2-1 in World Cup game (6/22/1986)
1000 TOW missiles shipped to Iran, funds partially diverted to Contras
Reagan through Bush to Egypt president Mubarak urges Saddam Hussein to step up air campaign
Uruguay round of negotiations under GATT agreement (-1994)
Pixies form in Boston
Anonymous 4 forms
Arlen, Harold 1905-1986 Songwriter
Beauvoir, Simon de 1908-1986
Beuys, Joseph 1921-1986
Borges, Jorge Luis 1899-1986 (1900)
Cagney, James 1899-1986 Actor
Genet, Jean 1910-1986 Writer
Goodman, Benjamin David 1909-1986 Musician
Gyson, Brion 1916-1986
Kaufman, Bob 1925-1986
Lerner, Alan Jay 1918-1986 Composer
Moore, Henry 1898-1986 Sculptor
O keefe, Georgia 1887-1986
Rainwater, James 1917-1986
Rubbra, Edmund 1901-1986 Composer
Rulfo, Juan 1918-1986
Seifert, Jaroslav 1901-1986
Tansman, Alexandre 1897-1986 Composer
Tartovsky, Andrei 1932-1986
Terrell, Saunders (Sonny Terry) 1911-1986 Musician
Wilson, Teddy 1912-1986 Musician
Wiren, Dag Ivar 1905-1986 Musician
Babette's Feast (Gabriel Axel)
Moonstruck (Norman Jewison)
The Untouchables (Brian DePalma)
INF Treaty - Interemediate Range nuclear forces agreement between US and USSR (12/8)
FBI adopts OC as official chemical agent
Astaire, Fred 1899-1987 Dancer
Brattain, W. H. 1902-1987
Broglie, Victor Pierre Raymond de 1892-1987
Campbell, Joseph 1904-1987 Anthropologist
Feldman, Morton 1926-1987 Composer
Herman, Woody 1913-1987 Musician
Kabalevsky, Dmitri Borisovich 1904-1987 Composer
Mompou, Frederic 1893-1987 Composer/Pianist
Persichetti, Vincent 1915-1987 Composer
Rich, Buddy 1917-1987 Musician
Segovia, Andres 1893-1987 Musician
Warhol, Andy 1928-1987
Yourcenar, Marguerite 1903-1987
Thin Blue Line (Errol Morris)
Stockholm Statement (12/7)
Pan Am 103 flight explodes -killing all 270 people onboard (12/21)
Alvarez, Luis W. 1911-1988
Basquiat, Jean-Michel 1960-1988 Painter
Black, Max 1909-1988 Analytical Philosopher (Baku, Russia)
Evans, Gil 1912-1988 Composer
Dorati, Antal 1906-1988 Conductor (Budapest, Hungary)
Duncan, Robert 1919-1988
Feigl, Hebert 1902-1988 (6/1) Philosopher (Liberec, Bohemia)
Feynman, Richard Phillips 1918-1988
Heinlein, Robert Anson 1907-1988 Writer
Holmes, John Clellon 1926-1988
House, Son 1902-1988 Musician
Leighton, Kenneth 1929-1988 Musician
Lerner, Frederick 1904-1988
Mee, Margaret Ursala 1909-1988
Noguchi, Isamu 1904-1988 Sculptor/Architect (Japan)
Poot, Marcel 1901-1988 Musician
Rabi, I. I. 1898-1988
Ruska, Ernst 1906-1988
Slim, Memphis 1915-1988 Musician
Sorabji, Kaikhosru Shapurji 1892-1988 Composer
Stein, Ronald 1930-1988 Musician
Glory (Edward Zwick)
Withdrawal of the last Russian soldier in Afghanistan (2)
Coup in Sudan topples al-Mirghani government - Omar al-Bashir comes to power (6/30)
Berlin Wall falls (11/9)
Brandenberg Gate crossing in Berlin (12/22)
Hans Adam II + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Ayer, Alfred Jules 1910-1989
Ball, Eric (sp?) 1903-1989 Musician
Beckett, Samuel 1906-1989
Berkeley, Lennox 1903-1989 Composer
Berlin, Irving 1888-1989 Composer
Dali, Salvador 1904-1989 Painter
Eldridge, Roy 1911-1989 Musician
Halffter, Ernesto 1905-1989 Musician
Maplethorpe, Robert 1946-1989 Painter
Segre, Emilio 1905-1989
Shaw, Woody 1944-1989
Shockley, W. B. 1910-1989
Thomson, Virgil 1897-1989 Composer
Dances with Wolves (Kevin Costner)
Althusser, Louis 1918-1990
Bernstein, Leonard 1918-1990 Composer
Blakey, Art 1919-1990 Musician
Cherenkov, P. A. 1904-1990
Copland, Aaron 1900-1990 Composer
Cugat, Xavier 1900-1990 Musician
Demy, Jacques 1931-1990
Frank, Ilya M. 1908-1990
Gordon, Dexter 1923-1990 Musician
Haring, Keith 1958-1990 Painter
Hofstadter, Robert 1915-1990
Ussachevsky, Vladimir 1911-1990 Composer
Vaughan, Sarah 1924-1990 Singer
White, Patrick 1912-1990
The Commitments (Alan Parker)
Raise the Red Lantern (Zhang Yimou)
Shia uprisings begin in Karbala, Iraq (3/5) 2:30 AM
Iraqi security forces regain daytime control of Karbala (3/19)
Slovenia declares its independence (6/25)
Croatia declares its independence (6)
Bosnia and Herzegovina declares idependence (12)
Persian Gulf War
Harald V + (Norway)
Tim Berners-Lee proposes that hypertext be loaded onto Internet beginning of WWW (8/5)
Gesungene Zeit Rihm (-1992)
Anderson, C. D. 1905-1991
Bardeen, John 1908-1991
Capra, Frank 1897-1991
Davis, Miles 1926-1991 Musician
Graham, Martha 1894-1991
Kosinski, Jerzy 1933-1991
Lenard, Philip Edward Anton 1905-1991
North, Alex 1910-1991 Composer
Richardson, Tony 1928-1991
Singer, Isaac Bashevis 1904-1991
Tamayo, Rufino 1899-1991
Howard's End (James Ivory)
Mongolian people s party thrown out of Kyrgystan
Bush pardons all principals in Iran Contra affair
47th Session of the UN General Assembly - CICA idea proposed by Kazakh president Nazarbayev
Electoral democracy returns to Guyana
Ardon, Mordecai 1896-1992
Asimov, Isaac (Paul French) 1920-1992 Writer
Bacon, Francis 1909-1992 Painter
Bohrod, Aaron 1907-1992
Cage, John 1912-1992 Composer
Delerue, Georges 1925-1992
Guattari, Felix 1930-1992
Mathias, William 1934-1992 Musician
Mitchell, Joan 1925-1992
Piazzolla, Astor 1921-1992 Composer
Price, Sammy 1908-1992
Schuman, William Howard 1910-1992 Composer
Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg)
US bombs Iraqi Intelligence Service building in Baghdad with 23 Tomohawks for plot to kill Bush I (6/27)
Oslo Accords finalized in Oslo, Norway (8/20)
Oslo Accords - signed between Itzak Racib and Yasir Arafat on south Lawn at White House (9/13)
Mogadishu Ambush (10/3)
Olin Tezcatlipoca founds the Mexica Movement Chicano Mexicano Mexica Empowerment Committee
Albert II + (Belgium)
PCI Local Bus first implemented comes to replace ISA (7)
Seven Last Words James MacMillan
Blount, Herman Sonny (Sun Ra) 1914-1993
De Mille, Agnes 1905-1993
Diebenkorn, Richard 1922-1993
Eckstein, William Clarence 1914-1993
Gillespie, John Birks (Dizzy) 1917-1993 Musician
Golding, William 1911-1993 Writer
Kusch, Polycarp 1911-1993
Paul, Wolfgang 1913-1993
Ronell, Ann 1908-1993
Termen, Lev Sergeivitch 1896-1993
Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1903-1993 Director (1911)
Parkinson, C. Northcote 1909-1993
Wisdom, John 1904-1993
Zappa, Frank 1940-1993 Musician
Little Women (Gillian Armstrong)
Natural Born Killers (Oliver Stone)
WTO formed
Kurt Cobain commits suicide (4/5/94)

Anderson, Lindsay 1923-1994
Bukowski, Charles 1920-1994 Writer
Calloway, Cab 1907-1994 Musician
Canetti, Elias 1905-1994
Cobain, Kurt (4/5) 1967-1994 )-( Musician (Aberdeen, WA)
Ellison, Ralph 1914-1994 Writer
Everson, William 1912-1994
Kienholz, Ed 1927-1994
Nixon, Richard Milhouse 1913-1994 Statesman
Pass, Joe 1929-1994 Musician
Popper, Karl 1902-1994
Schwinger, Julian Seymour 1918-1994
Teicher Affadivit - first sworn public account by a Reagan insider of the covert US Iraq ties (1/31)
Oklahoma City bombing (4/15)
Srebenica massacre - Bosnian Serbs under Gen. Radislav Drstic kill 8000 +- Bosniaks & Ratko Mladic (7)
Dayton Peace Accord - (12)
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia begins at the Hague
Alfven, Hans Olof 1908-1995
Cherry, Don 1934-1995 Musician
Davis, Wild Bill 1918-1995 Musician
Deleuze, Gilles 1925-1995
Dubois, Pierre Max 1930-1995 Musician
Fowler, William A. 1911-1995
Garcia, Jerry 1942-1995 Musician
Needham, Joseph 1900-1995
Schaeffer, Henri Pierre 1910-1995 Musician
Subrahmanyan, Chandrasekhar 1910-1995
Sunnyland Slim 1907-1995 Musician
Walton, Ernest T. S. 1903-1995
Wigner, Eugene Paul 1902-1995
Khobar Towers Bombing - Hezbollah bombs building #131 in Dharan, Saudi Arabia (6/25)
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) opened for signature - 71 countries sign (9/24)
Pulse Shadows Birtwistle
B.I.G 1972-1996 Musician
Brodsky, Joseph 1940-1996
Elytis, Odysseus (Alepoudhelis) 1911-1996
Fitzgerald, Ella 1918-1996 Singer
Gideon, Miriam 1906-1996 Musician
Holmboe, Vagn 1909-1996 Composer
Leary, Timothy Francis 1920-1996
Luening, Otto 1900-1996 Composer
McGhee, Brownie 1915-1996 Musician
Mott, Nevill F. 1905-1996
Salaam, Abdus 1926-1996
Takemitsu, Toru 1930-1996 Composer
Tudor, David Eugene 1926-1996
TuPac 1971-1996 Musician
4 Little Girls (Spike Lee)
Global Agreement - signed between E.U. and Mexico - sharing of trade and ideas (12/8)
Asian financial crisis
US signs Chemical Weapons Convention
World economic crisis (-1998)
Cassini-Huygens spacecraft launched from Earth on mission to Saturn and it's moon Titan (10/15)
Burroughs, William 1914-1997 Writer
De Kooning, Willem 1904-1997 Painter
Ginsberg, Allen 1926-1997 Poet
Hempel, Carl Gustav 1905-1997
Lichtenstein, Roy 1923-1997 Painter
Purcell, E. M. 1912-1997
US embassies in Nairobi and Tanzania are bombed - killing 243 and 10 respectively (8/7)
Goodman, Nelson 1906-1998
Kurosawa, Akira 1910-1998 Filmmaker (Japan)
Laxness, Halldor Kiljan 1902-1998
Lyotard, Jean Francois 1924-1998
Paz, Octavio 1914-1998
Pourbaix, Marcel 1904-1998
Sinatra, Frank 1915-1998 Musician
US Senate rejects Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (10/13)
US-China accession agreement (11/15)
WTO riots in Seattle (11/30)
Kurdistan Workers' Party begins a unilateral ceasefire in Turkey - 30,000 Kurds killed in the 1980's
Iraqi Shiite Ayatolla Muhammed al-Sadr is murdered - Sayyed Ali al-Sistani succeeds
Bresson, Robert 1901-1999
Byard, Jaki 1922-1999
Cadmus, Paul 1904-1999
Edison, Harry Sweets 1919-1999 Musician
Herzberg, Gerard 1904-1999
Jackson, Milt 1923-1999 Musician
Kubrick, Stanley 1928-1999 Filmmaker
Seaborg, Glenn T. 1912-1999

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991
1902 1912 1922 1932 1942 1952 1962 1972 1982 1992
1903 1913 1923 1933 1943 1953 1963 1973 1983 1993
1904 1914 1924 1934 1944 1954 1964 1974 1984 1994
1905 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995
1906 1916 1926 1936 1946 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996
1907 1917 1927 1937 1947 1957 1967 1977 1987 1997
1908 1918 1928 1938 1948 1958 1968 1978 1988 1998
1909 1919 1929 1939 1949 1959 1969 1979 1989 1999

HOME 1800s 1900s 2000s