1700s 1800s 1900s

History Timeline Index

1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890
1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891
1802 1812 1822 1832 1842 1852 1862 1872 1882 1892
1803 1813 1823 1833 1843 1853 1863 1873 1883 1893
1804 1814 1824 1834 1844 1854 1864 1874 1884 1894
1805 1815 1825 1835 1845 1855 1865 1875 1885 1895
1806 1816 1826 1836 1846 1856 1866 1876 1886 1896
1807 1817 1827 1837 1847 1857 1867 1877 1887 1897
1808 1818 1828 1838 1848 1858 1868 1878 1888 1898
1809 1819 1829 1839 1849 1859 1869 1879 1889 1899

Die Jungfrau von Orleans(Schiller)
Convention of El Arish - Napoleon agrees to evacuate French forces (1/24)
Austrians advance to Nice, having defeated Massena at Voltri (4)
Moreau crosses the Rhine
Defense of Genoa by Massena and Soult
Napoleon crosses St. Bernard Pass with 40,000 troops to attack Austrian flank (5)
Kleber is assassinated - Menou succeeds him (6)
French take Milan and restore the Cisalpine Republic (6/2)
Genoa capitulates after a horrible famine (6/4)
Battle of Marengo - Napoleon wins by a narrow margin - truce between Napoleon and Melas (6/14)
US government moves from Philadelphia to Washington D.C. (6/15)
Moreau takes Munich
"Quasi" War ends - US vs. France (9/30/1800)
Congress meets in D.C. for first time (11/17)
Denmark joins Russia, Sweden and Prussia in declaring armed neutrality in the French Revolutionary Wars (12)
Battle of Hohenlinden - France defeats Austria - Moreau defeats Archduke John (12/3)
Second series of Combination Laws in Britain
Robert Owens social reforms in England
Northern Convention
Russia annexes Georgia
Bank of France established
Revolution of 1800 in US - Republicans triumph
Treaty of San Ildefonso

Italian physicist Alessandro Volta produces first electric battery - voltaic pile
Ultraviolet rays discovered
William Herschel discovers infrared rays

Pius VII +
The Seasons Haydn
Les Deux Jounees Cherubini
Alcott, Abigail May 1800-1877
Beerhalter, Alois 1800-1852 Composer
Fillmore, Millard 1800-1874
Gale, Leonard Dunnell 1800-1883
Macaulay, Thomas Babington 1800-1859
Talbot, William Henry Fox 1800-1877
White, B. F. 1800-1879 Composer v Zani de Ferranti, Marco Aurelio 1800-1878 Composer
Billings, William 1746-1800 Composer
Fischer, Johann Christian 1733-1800 Composer
Forbonnais, Francois Veron Duverger de 1722-1800
Jadin, Hyacinthe 1769-1800 Composer
Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter 1747-1800 Composer
Wanski, Jan 1762-1800 Composer
Systeme des animaux sans vertebres
Manual of Parliamentary Practice (Thomas Jefferson)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
Army of Italy under Brune crosses th Adige and begins the invasion of Austria from the south (1)
Treaty of Luneville - betweeen France and Austria - leads to breakup of Holy Roman Empire (2/9)
Treaty of Luneville - France gains left bank of the Rhine and keeps most of Italy (2/9)
Treaty of Luneville - recognition of Batavian, Helvetian, Cisalpine, and Ligurian Republics (2/9)
Treaty of Florence - between France and Naples - harbors closed to British and Turks (3/18)
Treaty of Florence - cession of Neapolitan possessions in central Italy and Elba (3/18)
Thomas Jefferson inaugurated (3/4)
Battle of Alexandria - British defeat Menou (3/21)
Battle of Copenhagen - Sir Hyde Parker and Horatio Nelson defeat Danish Fleet in the Baltic (4/2)
Tripoli declares war against U.S. (6/10)
Act of Union - formally united Great Britain and Ireland as United Kingdom - Catholics excluded from voting
France annexes Aachen
Concordat between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII
Russia annexes Georgia
Islamic kingdom of Sokoto founded in West Africa
Anglo-Persian Peace Treaty
Paul I - (Russia) (1796-1801) Emperor (murdered)
Alexander I Pavlovich + (Russia) (1801-) Emperor (Tsar)
John Adams - (United States) (1797-1801) President
Thomas Jefferson + (United States) (1801-1809) President
The Seasons Haydn
Collection complette des quatuors d Haydn, d di e au Premier Consul Bonaparte (Pleyel)
Bellini, Vincenzo 1801-1835 Composer (Italy)
Fechner, Gustav Theodor 1801-1887
Fratin, Christophe 1801-1864
Giroux, Andre 1801-1879
Garnier, Adolphe 1801-1864
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel 1801-1866 Composer
Lanner, Joseph Franz Karl 1801-1843 Composer
Littre, Maximilien Paul Emile 1801-1881
Altenburg, Johann Ernst 1734-1801 Composer
Cimarosa, Domenico 1749-1801 Composer
Naumann, Johann Gottlieb 1741-1801 Composer
Stamitz, Carl Philipp 1745-1801 Composer
Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth (John Playfair)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
Treaty of Amiens - between France and Great Britain - complete pacification of Europe (3/27)
Order of the Legion of Honor created (5/19)
Napoleon elected First Consul for life (8/2)
Organic Articles - restate the traditional liberties of the Gallican Church
Portuguese explorers begin crossing Africa from Angola to Mozambique
Matthew Flinders circumnavigates Australia (-1803)
Eleuth re Ir n e starts gunpowder factory near Wilmington, DE - start of Du Pont factory
Talleyrands excommunication is lifted by the pope
Constantine Ypsilanti + (Walachia) Prince
Nizam Ali - (Hyderabad) Nizam
Akbar Ali Khan + (Hyderabad) Nizam
Tantalum 73 is discovered by Anders Ekeberg in Sweden
Symphony No. 2 Beethoven
Abel, Niels Henrik 1802-1829
Beriot, Charles 1802-1870 Composer
Dix, Dorothea Lynde 1802-1887
Dumas, Alexandre 1802-1870
Hugo, Victor 1802-1885
Lacordaire, Henri 1802-1861
Molque, Wilhelm Bernard 1802-1869 Composer
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth 1802-1839
Ripley, George 1802-1880
Trendelenburg, Friedrich Adolf 1802-1872
Wheatstone, Charles 1802-1875
Girtin, Thomas 1775-1802
Romney, George 1734-1802 Painter (England)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
Enactment of the delegates of the Empire (2)
Marbury v. Madison (2/24)
Ohio becomes the seventeenth state of the Union (3/1)
Louisiana Purchase (4/30)
War breaks out between Great Britain and France (5/16)
Battle of Verti res - last major battle of the Second War of Haitian independence - Haitians defeat French (11/18)
Louisiana Purchase - France sells Louisiana to the United States for $15 million (12/20)
Bank of France founded
Wahhabis capture Mecca
Settlers begin to arrive in Tasmania
String Quartets, Op. 103 Haydn
Symphony No. 3 Beethoven (-1804)
Kreutzer Sonata Beethoven
Abbott, Jacob 1803-1879
Berlioz, Louis Hector 1803-1869 Composer
Brownson, Orestes 1803-1876 Author/Clergyman (Stockbridge, VT)
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward 1803-1873 Novelist (
Doppler, Christian 1803-1853
Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm 1803-1879
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1803-1882
Fleming, Marjorie 1803-1811 Diarist/Poet
Grandville, Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard 1803-1847
Herz, Henri 1803-1888 Composer
Jerrold, Douglas William 1803-1857
Lachner, Franz 1803-1890 Composer
Merimee, Prosper 1803-1870
Sturm, J. C. F. 1803-1855
Adams, Samuel 1722-1803
Beattie, James 1735-1803
Devienne, Francois 1759-1803 Composer
Herder, Johann Gottfried von 1744-1803
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb 1724-1803 Poet (Germany)
Sussmayr, Franz Xaver 1766-1803 Composer
William Tell (Schiller)
Die Flegeljahre (Richter)

SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
FULANI HOLY WAR + (1804-1810) Fulani invade Hausa to the north
Haiti achieves (proclaims) independence from France - first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule (1/1)
Seca knezova - beheading of the knezes in Serbia by the Janissaries - incites rebellion (2/4)
First Serbian Uprising begins - nationalists under Karadorde Petrovic revolt against Ottoman Turks (2/14)
Karadorde Petrovic is elected as the leader of the Serbian uprising (2/14)
New Jersey ends slavery - last northern state to do so (2/15)
Napoleonic Code promulgated (entered into force) -"Code civil des Francais" (3/21)
Lewis and Clark Expedition starts out west from St. Louis (5/14)
Napoleon proclaimed emperor by the Senate and the Tribunate (5/18)
Alexander Hamilton shot and killed by Aaron Burr (7/11)
Vincennes Treaty - WH Harrison/Delawares cede territory (8/18)
Napoleon takes crown from Pope Pius VII and places own it on his own head (12/2)
First Empire in France (-1814)
Third Coalition formed by Great Britain, Russia, Austria, and Sweden against France
Fulani conquest of northern Nigeria's walled Hausa city states into Sokoto and Gwandu caliphates (-1810)
Persia and Russia at war over annexation of Georgia (-1812)
Alta and Baja California form from division of Franciscan (north) and Dominican (south) missions
English inventor Rishard Trevithick builds first successful steam locomotive
Karadjordje + (Serbia) National Leader
Beethoven sketches out his triple concerto in C major, op. 56
Piano Sonata, Op. 53 (Waldstein) Beethoven
Bridger, James Jim 1804-1881 Mountain Man, Trapper Richmond, VA
Fauerbach, Ludwig 1804-1872
Glinka, Michael 1804-1857
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 1804-1864
Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jakob 1804-1851
Luneberg, Johan Ludvig 1804-1877
Mechura, Leopold Eugen 1804-1870 Composer
Panizza, Giacomo 1804-1860 Composer
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer 1804-1894
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin 1804-1869
Sand, George 1804-1876
Strauss, Johann I 1804-1849 Composer
Weber, Wilhelm Eduard 1804-1891
Hamilton, Alexander 1757-1804
Kant, Immanuel 1724-1804 Philosopher
Priestly, Joseph 1733-1804
Rollig, Karl Leopold 1735-1804 Composer
Tiepolo, Giovanni, Domenico 1727-1804
Des Knaben Wunderhorn (Arnim / Brentano)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
FULANI HOLY WAR ... (1804-1810) Fulani invade Hausa to the north
Jefferson s second inauguration (3/4)
Tripoli War Peace Treaty - US ships no longer had to pay tribute (6/4)
Lewis & Clark Expedition sets off through the Bitterroot Mountains from Montana to Idaho (9/11)
William Clark and six hunters set out in advance of the main party in the Bitterroots looking for food (9/18)
Clark advance party reaches Nez Perce territory - spend night at native village (9/20)
Zebulon Pikes Minnesota River Treaty (9/23)
Lewis & Clark Expedition reaches the Columbia River (10/16)
Battle of Ulm - 30, 000 French defeat Austrians under Ulm (10/17)
Battle of Trafalgar - British navy under Horatio Nelson defeats Franco-Spanish fleet (10/21)
Lewis and Clark expedition reaches the Pacific (11/15)
Battle of Austerlitz - France defeats Austro-Russian forces (12/2)
Treaty between Prussia and France - Prussians cede Cleve, Ansbach, and Neuchatel for Hanover (12/15)
Treaty of Pressburg - between France and Austria (12/26)
Proclamation of Schonbrunn - La dynastie de Naples a cesse de regner - Bourbons are dethroned (12)
Napoleon I makes Milan the capital of the Kingdom of Italy with himself as King(-1814)
Third Coalition against France
Selim III, sultan of Turkey, appoints Mohammed Ali governor (pasha) of Egypt who founds a dynasty
Egyptian independence
Mungo Park explores Niger River
Christian literature foridden in China
Alois Joseph I - (Liechtenstein) Prince
John Joseph I + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Muhammed Ali + (Egypt) (-1849) Turkish Pasha
Lord Wellesley - (India) (1798-) Governor General
Fidelio Beethoven
Piano Sonata, Op. 54 Beethoven
Triple Concerto in C major, Op. 56 Beethoven
Anderson, Hans Christian 1805-1875
Blanqui, Louis-Auguste 1805-1881
Dirichlet, Gustav Lejeune 1805-1859
Hartmann, Johann Peter Emilius 1805-1900 Composer
Hensel, Fanny Cacilia Mendelssohn 1805-1847 Composer
Martineau, James 1805-1900
Mendelssohn-Bartoldy, Felix 1805-1847 Composer
Palmer, Samuel 1805-1881
Tocqueville, Alexis de 1805-1859
Weld, Angelina Grimke 1805-1879
Winterhalter, Franz 1805-1873 Painter (Germany)
Boccherini, Luigi 1743-1805 Composer
Paley, William 1743-1805
Pichl, Vaclav 1741-1805 Composer
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von 1759-1805 Dramatist (Marbach, Wurttemberg)
Goethe marries Christine Vilpins after 18 years of living together and five children (10/19)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
FULANI HOLY WAR ... (1804-1810) Fulani invade Hausa to the north
Arkansas River Expedition begins - Pike leaves St Louis (7/6)
Confederation of the Rhine organizes; all except Austria, Prussia, Brunswick, and Elector of Hesse (7/12)
Deposition of the Russophil governors (hospodars) of Moldavia and Wallachia (8)
Holy Roman Empire dissolves - Francis II lays down his crown (8/6)
Lewis & Clark expedition ends (9/23)
Battle of Jena - main Prussian armies routed (10/14)
Battle of Auerstadt - France defeats Prussia (10/14)
Battle of Halle - France defeats Prussian reserve force under Prince of Wurtemberg (10/17)
Napoleon occupies Berlin (10/27)
Battle of Prenzlau - Prussian force of 12,000 under Prince of Hohenlohe surrender to French (10/28)
Battle of Ratkau - Blucher, after defense of Lubeck surrenders to French (11/7)
Berlin Decree - issued by Napoleon to attempt economic blockade of Britain (the Continental System) (11/21)
Separate Peace between France and Saxony - Elector becomes King and joins Rhine Confederation (12/11)
France at war with Prussia and Russia (-1807)
Russia occupies Walachia and Moldavia (-1812)
Death of William Pitt
War between Russia and Turkey
Ottoman Empire at war with Russia and Great Britain (-1812)
Nonimportation Act (US)
Francis II - (Holy Roman Empire) abdicated (becomes Francis I of Austria)
Francis I + (Austria) Emperor (aka HRE Francis I)I
Louis Bonaparte + (Netherlands) King of Holland (Brother of Napoleon)
Alexander Moruzi - (Moldavia) Prince
Constantine Ypsilanti - (Walachia) Prince
Faniska Cherubini
Symphony No. 4 in B-flat Major, Op. 60 Beethoven
Violin Concerto, Op. 57 Beethoven
Arriaga, Juan Crisostomo 1806-1826 Composer
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 1806-1861
Coste, Napoleon 1806-1883 Composer
Lever, Charles 1806-1872
Mertz, Johann Kaspar 1806-1856 Composer
Mill, John Stuart 1806-1873
Backus, Isaac 1723-1806
Coulomb, Charles Augustin de 1736-1806
Fragonard, Jean-Honore 1732-1806 Painter (France)
Haydn, Johann Michael 1737-1806 Composer
Pinto, George Frederick 1786-1806 Composer
Utamaro, Kitagama 1754-1806 Painter (Japan)
Phenomenology of the Spirit (Mind) (Hegel)
Intimations of Immortality (William Wordsworth)
Addresses to the German Nation (J. G. Fichte) (-1808)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
FULANI HOLY WAR ... (1804-1810) Fulani invade Hausa to the north
Battle of Eylau - combined Russian and Prussian force fight French with indecisive outcome (2/7-8)
British squadron under Duckworth reaches Constantinople after forced passage of the Dardanelles (2/17)
Admiral Duckworth loses two ships and is forced to retire (3/3)
British occupy Alexandria (3/18)
Slave Trade Act 1807 - signed- slave trade abolished throughout British Empire - slavery persists (3/25)
French capture Danzig (5/26)
Battle of Friedland - Russia defeated (6/14)
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair - British fourth-rate warship Leopard attacks and boards US frigate Chesapeake off VA (6/21)
Treaties of Tilsit - between France and Russia / France and Prussia (7/7-9)
Treaty of Konigsberg - between France and Prussia - Prussia first to pay all arrears if war indemnities (7/12)
Kingdom of Westphalia founded (capital, Cassel) by decree of Napoleon - he takes half (8)
Robert Fulton makes first steamboat trip NY-Albany in the Clermont (8/17)
High-handed proceedings of the British against Denmark who was called to join the Continental System (9)
British evacuate Alexandria after opposition from Turkish forces (9/25)
France invades Portugal and captures Lisbon - Portugal had refused to join the Continental System (11)
Joseph Brant, Mohawk chief, dies (11/24)
Milan Decree - reitierates on paper the blockade against British trade (12/17)
Embargo Act - US (12/18)(12/22)
Grand Duchy of Warsaw created by Napoleon (-1814)
French capture most of the Hanseatic towns
French take Breslau
French take most fortresses in Silesia
Napoleon forces Ferdinand VII of Spain to abdicate and installs his brother Joseph as king of Spain
Revolt of the Janissaries - murder of Selim III
Slave trade abolished in British Empire
U.S. stops trade with Europe
Stonington, CT incorporated
Talleyrand resigns
Revolutions in Constantinople
Fulton builds the first commercial steamboat
Gas street lights in London
Frederick Augustus I + (Grand Duchy of Warsaw) of Saxony
Selim III - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan (murdered)
Mustafa IV + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Beethoven s 4th Symphony gets first permormance in Vienna (winter)
Coriolanus Overture Beethoven
Abdelkader 1807-1883
Dufferin, Lady 1807-1867
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 1807-1882
Servais, Adrien Francois 1807-1866 Composer
Brant, Joseph 1742-1807 Mohawk Chief
Faust, Pt. I (Goethe)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
FULANI HOLY WAR ... (1804-1810) Fulani invade Hausa to the north
France invades and occupies Spain with 100,000 troops under pretext of the Continental System (3)
Charles IV and his son Ferdinand, with Godoy renounce the Spanish throne at Bayonne (5)
Popular insurrection in Spain (5)
French recover Madrid (7/20)
French force advancing on Cadiz is defeated by insurgents and forced to capitulate at Baylen (7/20)
Battle of Vimeiro - British under Wellesley defeat French under Junot (8/21)
Convention of Cintra - French under Junot agree to evacuate Portugal (8/30)
Congress of Erfurt - between Napoleon and Alexander I - Talleyrand's secret deal with Russia (9)
Napoleon proceeds to Spain with 150,000 and advances upon Madrid (which the French had abandoned)
Battle of Burgos - French marshals defeat Spanish (11/10)
Battle of Espinosa - French marshals defeat Spanish (11/11)
Capitulation of Madrid (12/13)
Peninsular War begins - France opposed by British forces and Spanish and Portuguese guerillas (-1814)
Russia and Sweden at war (-1809)
Muhammed Ali tries to create Independent kingdom in Egypt but fails
African slave trade ends
Portuguese Court flees to Brazil
Cherokee legal code documented by Chief Charles Hicks
Christian VII - (Denmark)
Frederik VI + (Denmark)
Christian VII - (Norway)
Frederik VI + (Norway)
Charles IV - (Spain) (1788-) House of Bourbon
Ferdinand VII +- (Spain) ***** House of Bourbon
Joseph Bonaparte + (Spain)
Mustafa IV - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Mahmud I + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 Beethoven
Fur Elise Beethoven
Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar 1808-1881
Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon III 1808-1873 President (France)
Considerant, Victor Prosper 1808-1893
Daumier, Honore Victorin 1808-1879 Painter
Gallagher, William Davis 1808-1894
Nerval, Gerard de 1808-1855
Parish-Alvers, Elias 1808-1849 Composer
Russell, John Scott 1808-1882
Strauss, Freidrich David 1808-1874 Theologian/Philosopher (Germany)
Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges 1757-1808
Cirri, Giovanni, Battista 1724-1808 Composer
Dickinson, John 1732-1808
Vranicky, Pavel 1756-1808 Composer
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
FULANI HOLY WAR ... (1804-1810) Fulani invade Hausa to the north
French War against Austria
Revolution in Sweden
Treaty of the Dandanelles - between England and Ottoman Empire - England withdraws from the war (1/5)
Battle of Corunna - British defeated by Marshal Soult -John Moore, British Commander-in-Chief killed (1/16)
Battle of Saragossa - Spanish guerillas obliged to capitulate (2/21)
James Madison inaugurated (3/4)
King Gustavus IV is arrested by Gens. Klingspor and Adlerkreuz (3/13)
Gustavus IV of Sweden abdicates under force (3/29)
Major Schill's war of liberation in Prussia (4)
Archduke Charles begins the invasion of Bavaria with an army of 170,000 (4)
Battle of Abensberg - French versus Austria (4/19-23)
Battle of Landshut - French versus Austria (4/19-23)
Battle of Eckmuhl - French versus Austria (4/19-23)
Battle of Regensberg - French versus Austria - Napoleon drives the Archduke across the Danube(4/19-23)
French take Vienna (5/13)
Battle of Aspern - Archduke Charles victory (5/21)
Battle of Essling - Napoleon defeated and forced to recross the Danube unites with Italian viceroy Eugene (5/22)
Battle of Stralsund - Major Schill falls (5/31)
Battle of Wagram - combined forces of Napoleon and Eugene defeat Austrians under Archduke Charles (7/5-6)
Battle of Talavera - indecisive yet protected Portugal from further invasion (7/28)
Duke of Brunswick with Bohemian and Silesian volunteers makes his way across Germany to Brunswick (7/31)
Daivd Thompson builds the Kullyspell House on Lake Pend'Oreille (9)
Treaty of Friedrichsham - between Sweden and Russia (9/17)
Treaty of Fort Wayne - Little Turtle sells 10,000 sq.km to the US (9/30)
Treaty of Schonbrunn - Austria loses 32,000 square miles and 3,500,000 inhabitants (10/14)
Treaty of Schonbrunn - Grand Duchy of Warsaw gains West Galicia (10/14)
Treaty of Schonbrunn - Illyrian provinces are formed (10/14)
Hofer is captured and shot by the French at Mantua (11)
Battle of Ocana - French defeat Spaniards and then overrun all Andalusia (except Cadiz) (11/12)
French take Oporto
France controls Croatia (-1813)
Afghansitan's first agreement with Great Britain
Nonintercourse Act -US
Battle of Silistria - Russians win
Gustavus IV Adolphus - (Sweden) (1792-1809) House of Holstein-Gottorp
Charles XIII + (Sweden) (1809-1818) House of Holstein-Gottorp
Thomas Jefferson - (United States) (1801-1809) President
James Madison + (United States) (1809-1817) President
Mass in F (Cherubini)
Bauer, Bruno (1809-1882)
Cortes, Donoso 1809-1853
Darwin, Charles 1809-1882
Gogol, Nikolai 1809-1852
Haussmann, Georges Eugene 1809-1891
Holmes, Oliver Wendell 1809-1894
Mendelssohn-Bartoldy, Felix 1809-1847 Composer
Pierce, Benjamin 1809-1880
Poe, Edgar Allen 1809-1849
Tennyson, Alfred Lord 1809-1892 Poet
Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg 1736-1809 Composer
Auenbrugger, Leopold 1722-1809
Eberhard, J.A. 1739-1809
Haydn, Joseph 1732-1809 Composer
Paine, Thomas 1737-1809
The Lady of the Lake (Sir Walter Scott)
De la defense des places fortes (Lazar Nicolas Marguerite Carnot)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
FULANI HOLY WAR - (1804-1810) Fulani invade Hausa to the north
David Thompson of the NW Company writes, "Traded a very trifle of provisions from the Nez Perce." (3/11)
Napoleon marries Marie Louise of Austria (4)
Louis Bonaparte king of Holland, abdicates and flees (7/1)
The Netherlands (Holland) annexed to France (7/9) (-1813) Tonquinleaves New York City on voyage to establish Fort Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia River (9/6) Thursday
Hidalgo, parish priest of Dolores, Mexico, rings the church bell - Mexican War of Independence begins (9/15)
Sweden delares war on France
British troops in Portugal hold lines of Torres Vedras against the French (-1811)
Autonomous governments set up in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Venezuela
Argentina gains independence
U.S. stops trade with British
Hamilton, OH incorporated
Russia occupies Bessarabia, Moldavia, and Wallachia
University of Berlin founded
Louis Bonaparte - (Netherlands) King (Brother of Napoleon)
Repository of Sacred Music Wyeth
Balmes 1810-1848
Chopin, Frederick 1810-1849 Composer
Clarke, James Freeman 1810-1888
Colet, Louise 1810-1876
Erkel, Ferenc 1810-1893 Composer
Fuller, Sarah Margaret Ossoli 1810-1850
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 1810-1893
Liberatore 1810-1892
Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de 1810-1857
Nicolai, Carl Otto Ehrenfried 1810-1849 Composer (Austria)
Parker, Theodore 1810-1860
Schumann, Robert Alexander 1810-1856 Composer
Schuncke, Ludwig 1810-1834 Composer
Schwann, Theodore 1810-1882
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian 1810-1876 Composer
Cavendish, Henry 1731-1810
Garth, John 1722-1810 Composer
Hoppner, John 1758-1810
Ritter, Johann Wilhelm 1776-1810
Dichtung und Wahrheit (Goethe)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
George III of England declared insane - Prince of Wales rules as regent (2/5)
Citadel Massacre - Mamelukes massacred in Cairo by Mohammed Ali who consolidates his rule (3/1)
Pacific Fur Company's Overland Party starts up the Missouri River on route to Fort Astoria (3/12)
Napoleon's son is born to Archduchess Marie Louise - The King of Rome (3/20)
Tonquin crosses the bar of the Columbia River (3/25)
Paraguay declares independence from Spain(5/14)
Battle of Albuera - Badajoz, Spain Preninsular War- Allied (British, Spanish, Portuguese) victory (5/16)
Overland Party confronted by around 600 Sioux warriors concernes they will trade arms with Aricaras, Mandans and Minnetarees to the north (5/31)
Tonquin crew massacred after Captain Jonathan Thorn insulted a Tla-o-qui-aht chief at Woody Point, Clayoquot Sound, Vancouver Island - ship destroyed (6/15)
Venezuela declares independence from Spain (7/5)
David Thompson arrives at Fort Astoria from upriver on the Columbia - claims Astor gave NWC 1/3 share of trade (7/15)
Luddite riots against mechanization in textile industry in Great Britain (11) (-1813)
William Henry Harrison arrives in Prophetstown (11/6)
Tippecanoe Battle (11/7)
Cumberland Road (Md) begins construction in Cumberland, MD (11/20)
French driven out of Portugal
Wahhabis rule all Arabia except Yemen, with capital at Ryad
Portuguese explorers finally reach Tete, on the Zambezi in Mozambique
Stamford Raffles administers Batavia and Java (-1816)
Pittburgh's first rolling mill opens
First Bank of the United States charter revoked (expires)
Russians cross the Danube and advance through Bulgaria
Selkirk Concession - forms Red River Colony in Manitoba
THE GREAT COMET OF 1811 discovered (3/25)
Lieder (first) Schubert
Belinski, Vissarion Grigoryevich 1811-1848 Writer/Critic (Russia)
Bingham, George 1811-1879 Genre Painter/Critic (VA ---> Missouri)
Blanc, Louis 1811-1882 Socialist Politician (Spain)
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm 1811-1899 Scientist (Gottingen)
Galois, Evariste 1811-1832 Mathemetician
Gautier, Theophile 1811-1872 Poet/Novelist/Critic (France)
Grove, William 1811-1896
Hiller, Ferdinand 1811-1885 Composer
Kelly, William 1811-1888
Lachner, Vincenz 1811-1893 Composer
Lizt, Franz 1811-1886 Composer
McCosh, James 1811-1894 Philosopher/Educator (Ayrshire, Scot.)
Porter, Noah 1811-1892 Educator/Philosopher (Farmington, CT)
Sanseverino 1811-1865
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 1811-1896 Novelist/Humanitarian (Litchfield, CT)
Thackeray, William Makepeace 1811-1863 Novelist/Satirist (Calcutta
Thomas, Ambroise 1811-1896 Composer
Fleming, Marjorie 1803-1811 Diarist/Poet (Kirkaldy, Scotland)
Percy, Thomas 1729-1811 Antiquary/Churchman (Shropshire, Eng.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (Lord Byron)
Kinderund Hausmarchen (Grimm Brothers)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
Pacific Fur Company's Overland party (first group) arrives at Fort Astoria - led by Donald Mackenzie (1/18)
France reoccupies Swedish Pomerania and Rugen (1)e
PFC Overland Party (second group) with Wilson Price Hunt and thirty plus men arrives at Fort Astoria (2/15)
Treaty of St. Petersburg - between Sweden and Russia - Sweden is promised Norway (4)
Treaty of Bucharest - Russia cedes Bessarabia to the Turks - ends Russo-Turkish War (5/28)
Treaty of Orebro - between Great Britain, Sweden, and Russia (6)
Napoleon invades Russia with Grande Armee (6)
France passes the Niemen River and occupies Vilna (6)
Prussia besieges Riga (6)
Austria penetrates into Volhynia (6)
War of 1812 starts - Great Britain and United States at war over shipping and territory disputes (-1814) (6/18)
USS Essex captures Alert (8/13)
British capture Detroit (8/16)
Battle of Smolensk - France destroys Smolensk (8/17-18)
USS Constitution destroys Guerriere (8/19)
Battle of Borodino - on the Moskova River - Russians retreat further and abandon Moscow - (9/7)
Napoleon enters Moscow - establishes himself in the Kremlin (9/14)
Burning of Moscow by the Russians (Rostopchin) (9/15-19)
USS Wasp takes Frolic (10/18)
Napoleon begins retreat - 100,000 survive out of 600,000 (10/19)
Battle of Jaroslavetz - separate corps of the Grand Army fight (10/24)
Battle of Viazma - (11/3)
Crossing of the Beresina - Ney & Oudinot force passage of 8500 troops against 25,000 Russians (11/26-28)
USS Constitution defeats Java (12/29)
Convention of Tuaroggen - Prussia concludes an agreement of neutrality with Russia (12/30)
Repressive legislation introduced against Luddites
Battle of Salamanca - British victory in Spain
Moorcroft and Hearsey explore western Tibet
Stuart party (John Astor Company) pioneers the Oregon Trail (Astoria to St. Louis)
Frederick Augustus I - (Grand Duchy of Warsaw) of Saxony
Scarlat Camilah + (Moldavia) Prince
John Caragea + (Walachia) Prince
Beethoven meets Goethe
Symphony No. 7 Beethoven
Symphony No. 8 Beethoven
Violin Sonata, Op. 96 Beethoven
Browning, Robert 1812-1889
Cochise 1812-1874
Conscience, Hendrick 1812-1883
Dickens, Charles 1812-1870
Flotow, Friedrich von 1812-1883 Composer
Goncharov, Ivan Aleksanrovich 1812-1891 Novelist (Simbirsk, Russia)
Lear, Edward 1812-1888
Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore 1812-1852 Architect/Writer (England)
Rietz, Julius 1812-1877 Composer
Rousseau, Theodore 1812-1867
Thalberg, Sigismond 1812-1871 Composer
Dussek, Jan Ladislaw 1760-1812 Pianist/Composer
Gragnani, Filippo 1767-1812 Composer
Hoffmeister, Franz Anton 1754-1812 Composer
Little Turtle 1752-1812
Sperger, Johann Matthias 1750-1812 Composer
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
A New View of Society (Robert Owens)
SIXTY YEARS WAR ... (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
Prussia and Russia declare war on France (2)
Soult and a large part of the French army is recalled to Germany from Spain
Appeal of Frederick William III - issues from Breslau a call upon his people to form volunteer corps (2/3)
Treaty of Kalisch - between Russia & Prussia against France - coalition joined by Britain, Austria, Sweden (2/28)
Treaty between England and Sweden - Sw. supplies 30,000 troops and Eng. agrees to union of Nor. & Sw. (3/3)
James Madison s second inauguration (3/4)
Appeal of Frederick William III - "to my people" & "to my army" - Landwher/Landsturm established (3/17)
Oubreak in Hamburg - Tettenborn and a force of Russians occupy the city (3/18)
Dukes of Mecklenburg withdraw from the Confederation of the Rhine (3)
Russians and Prussians occupy Dreseden - King of Saxony flees (3/27)
Napoleon is at the head of 180,000 men in Germany (4)
Battle of Gross-Gorschen (Lutzen) - France wins (5/2)
Battle of Bautzen - Napoleon attacks allies - forces a retreat across the Spree (5/20)
Battle of Wurschen - Napoleon wins Pyrrhic victory - Duroc is killed - Allies retreat to Silesia (5/21)
Armistice of Poischwitz (6/4-7/26)
Battle of Vittoria - Duke of Wellington completely drives French (Joseph Bonaparte) out of Spain (6/21)
Laura Secord sets out to warn British of an impending American attack on Queenston, Ontario (6/21)
Treaty of Reichenbach - between Prussia and Russia over subsidies (6/15)
Congress at Prague - Austria plays the part of mediator - negotiations prove futile (7/5-8/11)
Austria declares war on France - (8/12)
Allies field three armies: the Bohemian (Schwarzenberg), Silesian (Blucher), and Northern (Bernadotte) (8)
Battle of Medina - Spanish royalistsin Mexico defeat "Republican Army of the North" uprising
British storm San Sebastian in Spain (8/21)
Battle of Grossbeeren - Bulow, crown prince of Saxony defeats Oudinot and Reynier, saving Berlin (8/23)
Battle of Katzbach - Blucher defeats Macdonald's army - Blucher made prince of Wahlstatt (8/26)
Battle of Dresden - Napoleon defeats allied army from Bohemia - last major Fr. victory in Germany (8/26-27)
Battle of Kulm and Nollendorf - Ostermann and Kleist defeat Vandamme's French force (8/30)
Battle of Dennewitz - Bulow and Tauenzien defeat Marshal Ney who attempted to take Berlin (9/6)
Treaty of Teplitz - between Russia, Prussia and Austria - no separate treaty to be concluded with France (9/9)
Battle of Lake Erie - Oliver Hazard Perry defeats British fleet (9/10)
Battle of Wartenburg - Silesian and Northern armies force passage across the Elbe (10/3)
Battle of the Thames (Ont.) - US victory over British (10/5)
Treaty of Ried - between Austria and Bavaria - Bavaria withdraws from Conf. of Rhine & joins Alliance (10/8)
Battle of the Nations at Leipzig - combined Austrian, Russian, and Prussian forces defeat France (10/16-19)
Americans of the Astoria Company sell all their interests in Columbia country to the Northwest Company (10/16)
Pampeluna falls to the British and Spaniards (10/31)
Allies offer Napoleon peace - France to retain boundaries at Alps and the Rhine - Napoleon refuses (11/8)
Wellington crosses the French Frontier from Spain and defeats Soult (11/10)
Dresden falls to the Allies (11/11)
Revolt of the Dutch begins - French officials are expelled (11/15)
Stettin falls to the Allies (11/21)
Napoleon crosses the Rhine at Mainz (11)
Wurttemberg, Hesse-Darmstadt, Baden, and the rest of the Confederation of the Rhine join the Alliance (11)
Allies adopt resolution to prosecute the war vigorously, pass the Rhine and invade France (12/1)
Lubeck falls to the Allies (12/5)
Allied armies cross the Rhine into France (12/21-25)
Zamosc, Modlin, Torgau fall to the Allies (12/26)
Danzig falls to the Allies (12/30)
Wellington invests Bayonne (12)
War of Liberation from France begins in Prussia led by King Frederick William III
Allied forces invade France
Austria-Hungary controls Croatia (-1918)
Serbian revolt suppressed
Treaty of Gulistan - ends Russo-Persian war
Wahhabis lose control of Mecca
The Great Game begins - British versus Russian hegemony in Central Asia(-1907)
William I + (Netherlands)
Karadjordje - (Serbia) National Leader
Poisson s Potential Theory Equation
London Philharmonic Society founded
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra forms
Wellington's Victory Beethoven
Alkan, Charles Henri Valentin 1813-1888 Composer
Bernard, Claude 1813-1878
Bessemer, Henry 1813-1898
Dargomyzhsky, Alexander 1813-1869 Composer
Douglas, Stephen Arnold 1813-1861
Garnier, Jean Louis Charles 1813-1881
Heller, Stephen 1813-1888 Composer
Kierkegaard, Soren Aabye 1813-1855 Philosopher
Verdi, Guiseppi Fortunino Frencesco 1813-1901 Composer
Very, Jones 1813-1880
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Composer
Bodoni, Giambattista 1740-1813
Gretry, Andre Ernest Modeste 1741-1813 Composer
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 1736-1813
Russell, William 1777-1813 Composer
Livingston, Robert R. 1746-1813
Vanhal, Jan Krtitel 1739-1813 Composer
Waverly (Sir Walter Scott)
SIXTY YEARS WAR - (1754-1814) Struggle for the Great Lakes Region
ANGLO-NEPALESE WAR + (1814-1816)
Allied forces under Blucher cross the Rhine at Mannheim and Coblenz (1/1)
Wittenberg falls to the Allies (1/12)
Treaty of Kiel - Sweden gains (unites with) Norway from Denmark (1/14)
Treaty of Kiel - Denmark gains Western Pomerania from Sweden (1/14)
Napoleon attempts to drive back Blucher at Brienne but Blucher manages to unite with main part of army (1/29)
Battle of La Rothiere - United Allied army defeats Napoleon who is forced to retreat behind the Aube River (2/1)
Congress of Chatillon (sur-Seine) begins - Allies meet with Napoleons envoy Caulaincourt (2/5-3/19)
Battles of Champaubert, Montmirail, Chateau-Thierry and Vauchamps - Napoleon defeats Blucher (2/10-15)
Battles of Nangis and Montereau - Napoleon defeats main Allied army advancing toward Paris (2/17-18)
Battle of Bar-sur-Aube - Schwarzenberg defeats Oudinot and MacDonald (2/27)
Kustrin falls to the Allies (3/7)
Treaties of Chaumont - arranged by Casterleagh - Alliance to last for 20 years - no seperate peace - (3/9)
Battle of Laon - combined Allied armies defeat Napoleon (3/9-10)
British under Wellington capture Bordeaux (3/12)
Congress of Chatillon ends - negotiations fail on account of Napoleons confidence in his recent victories (3/19)
Battle of Arcis-sur-aube - Allies defeat Napoleon - advance on Paris (3/20-21)
Battle of La Fere-Champenoise - Allies defeat Marshals Marmont and Mortier - generals retreat to Paris (3/25)
Battle of Horseshoe Bend - (3/27)
Storming of the Montmarte - French generals obliged to capitulate (3/27)
Paris falls to Allies (3/31)
Napoleon abdicatesconditionally in favor of his son - Allies reject this solution (4/6)
Battle of Toulouse - Allies defeat Soult - campaign in the south comes to an end (4/10)
Napoleon unconditionally abdicates (4/11)
Louis XVIII lands at Calais from exile in London (4/24)
Napoleon arrives at Elba off the coast of Italy (5/4)
First Treaty of Paris - ends Napoleonic Wars (5/30)
First Treaty of Paris - France retains boundaries of 1792 (5/30)
Battle of Stonington, CT (8/14)
British Burn Capitol and White House (8/24)
Congress of Vienna (9)
US wins Battle of Lake Champlain (9/11)
Ft. McHenry bombarded - Star Spangled Banner (9/13-14)
Congress of Vienna officially opens - heads of state discuss settlement of post-war Europe (-1815) (11/1)
Treaty of Ghent - ends War of 1812 (12/24)
Peninsular War ends
Treaties of Chaumont - establishes the Quadruple Alliance
Flanders united with Netherlands (-1830)
India and Nepal fight over borders (-1816)
Gurkha War (Anglo-Nepalese War) - Nepal vs. British East India Company (-1816)
Kurozumui sect founded in Japan - first modern Shinto sect
Hartford Convention - US
Frederik VI - (Norway)
Charles XIII + (Norway) Carl
Napoleon Bonaparte - (France) Emperor
Louis XVIII + (France) (-1824) (b. of Louis XVI)
Joseph Bonaparte - (Spain) House of Bourbon ?
Ferdinand VII + (Spain) House of Bourbon (rethroned)
George Stephenson's first locomotive
Die Erlking Schubert (1815)
Gretchen am Spinnrad Schubert
Bakunin, Michael 1814-1876
Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm 1814-1865 Composer
Hanselt, Adolph von 1814-1889 Composer
Lermontov, Mikhail Yuryevich 1814-1841
Millet, Jean Francois 1814-1875 Painter
Mosonyi, Mihaly 1814-1870 Composer
Sylvester, James Joseph 1814-1897
Burney, Charles 1726-1814 Composer
De Sade, Marquis Donatian Alphonse F. 1740-1814
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 1762-1814
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich 1752-1814 Composer
Vogler, Abbe 1749-1814 Composer (Wurzburg)
ANGLO-NEPALESE WAR ... (1814-1816)
Battle of New Orleans (1/8)
Treaty of Ghent proclaimed - peace between United States and Great Britain (2/18)
Napoleon escapes from Elba (2/25)
Napoleon lands at Cannes with 1500 men (3/1)
Allied monarchs issue a ban against Napoleon from ongress of Vienna - Louis XVIII flees to Ghent (3/13)
Napoleon enters Paris - beginning of the Hundred Days (3/20) (-6/29)
Austria, England, Prussia, Russia conclude new alliance against France - Wellington in command of 1mil+ (3/25)
Battle of Tolentino - Austrian force defeats Murat, who had declared for Napoleon again (5/3)
Allies capture Naples (5/22)
Treaty of Vienna - Conclusion of the Congress of Vienna (6/9)
Austrian and Prussian monarchies are restored (Final Act of Congress of Vienna) (6/9)
German Confederation replaces Confederation of the Rhine (Final Act of Congress of Vienna) (6/9)
Kingdom of the Netherlands formally unites Belgium and Holland (Final Act of Congress of Vienna) (6/9)
Battle of Charleroi - Napoleon crosses into Belgium - forces back Prussian advanced guard under Ziethen (6/14)
Battle of Ligny - Napoleon forces Blucher to fall back (6/16)
Prussians march to Wavre (6/16)
Battle of Quatre Bras - Marshal Ney defeats the Prince of Orange (6/16)
Battle of Waterloo - Napoleon defeated with late arrival of Blucher (6/18)
Second Abdication of Napoleon (6/22)
Second Capture of Paris - Louis XVIII returns "in the baggage of the Allies" w/ allied monarchs (7/7)
Napoleon surrenders to the British under admiral Hotham at Rochefort, France (7/17)
Order for Liberal followers of Napoleon to expatriate themselves - many go to Champ d'Asile, Texas(7/24)
US flotilla ends Algerian piracy (8/6)
Napoleon exiled to island of St. Helena - sets sail to South Atlantic (8/8)
The Holy Alliance - signed by all European powers except England , pope, and Turkey (9/26)
Napoleon arrives at St. Helena (10)
Murat is captured in Calabria - untimatley court-marshaled and shot (10/13)
Second Treaty of Paris - France's boundaries restored to those of 1790 (11/20)
Renewal of the Quadruple Alliance (11/20)
Sugauli Treaty signed - ends Anglo-Nepalese War (12/2)
English Corn Laws - restrict corn imports
Milan comes under Austrian control
Metternichian system (-1848)
Holy Alliance of Russia, Austria, and Prussia
Prussia gains Aachen from France
Quadruple Alliance of Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia to maintain Congress System
Italian Risorgimento (-1848)
Serbs revolt against Ottoman Empire in Balkans
France prohibits slave trade
Brazil declared a kingdom
US Treaty with the Sioux
Metronome invented
Heidenroslein Schubert
Third Symphony Schubert
Bachofen, Johann Jakob 1815-1887
Bohtlingk, Otto von 1815-1904
Boole, George 1815-1864
Emmett, Dan 1815-1904 Composer
Jenner, William 1815-1898
Lovenskiold, Herman Severin 1815-1870 Composer
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 1815-1902
Volkmann, Friedrich Robert 1815-1883 Composer
Weierstrass, Theodore 1815-1897
Copley, John Singleton 1738-1815
Mesmer, Franz Anton 1734-1815
Saloman, Johann Peter 1745-1815 Composer
ANGLO-NEPALESE WAR - (1814-1816)
Sugauli Treaty ratified- ends Anglo-Nepalese War (3/4)
Battle of Seven Oaks - Northwest Company/M tis defeat Hudson's Bay Company near Winnepeg (6/19)
United Provinces of the Plate River forms - Argentina declares independence from Spain (7/9)
Regular transatlantic service in sailing ships between Liverpool and New York
Bolivar issues a decree against slavery
Second Bank of US chartered
Dallas Tariff - US Tariff of 1816 passed - engineered by Henry Clay
Fort Crawford built at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin - US
Joseph Nicephore Niepce produces first photographic negative by placing a piece of sensitized paper in a camera
Maria I - (Portugal) House of Braganza
John - (Portugal) House of Braganza (Regent)
John VI + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Jose Rodriguez de Francia + (Paraguay) (-1840) Perpetual Dictator "El Supremo"
Fourth Symphony Schubert
Fifth Symphony Schubert
Third Piano Sonata Schubert
Mass in C Schubert
Barber of Seville Rossini
Otello Rossini
Bennett, William Sterndale 1816-1875 Composer
Bronte, Charlotte 1816-1855
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur (1816-1882)
Kensett, John Frederick (1816-1872)
Fiala, Joseph 1748-1816 Composer
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 1751-1816 Dramatist/Politician (Dublin, Ireland)
Paisiello, Giovanni 1740-1816 Composer
Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France (Rowlandson)
Endymion (Keats)
Manfred (Byron)
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (Ricardo) definitive statement of classical political economy
FIRST SEMINOLE WAR + (1817-1818)
Battle of Chacabuco - Jose de San Martin crosses the Andes to defeat Spanish (2/12)
James Monroe inaugurated (3/4)
Rush-Bagot Treaty - demilitarization of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain - betw. GB and US (4/28-29)
Ottoman Empire recognizes Milosh Obrenovich as Prince of Serbia
Final war against the Marathas in India (-1819)
Cherokee Old Settlers move to lands given them in Arkansas
American Colonization Society established
First Seminole War started- 3000 troops attack the Mikasuki tribe
Gradus ad Parnassum Clementi
Requiem in C minor Cherubini
Milos Obrenovic + (Serbia) Prince
James Madison - (United States) (1809-) President
James Monroe + (United States) (-1825) President
Bahaullah 1817-1892
Gade, Niels Wilhelm 1817-1890 Composer
Daubigny, Charles Francois 1817-1878
Douglass, Frederick 1817-1895
Haupt, Herman 1817-1905
Mommsen, Christian Matthias Theodor 1817-1903 Historian (Germany)
Lotze, Rudolf Hermann 1817-1881
Saumell, Manuel 1817-1870 Composer
Storm, Theodor 1817-1888
Thoreau, Henry David 1817-1862
Vogt, Karl 1817-1895
Austen, Jane 1775-1817
Knechtl, Justin Heinrich 1751-1817 Composer
Mehul, Etienne Nicolas 1763-1817 Composer
Messier, Charles 1730-1817 Astronomer (Badonviller, France) (4/12)
Necker, Anne Louise Germaine (de Stael) 1766-1817
Nemours, Pierre Samuel DuPont de 1739-1817
Solere, Etienne 1753-1817 Composer
Tausch, Franz Wilhelm 1762-1817 Composer
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (Schopenhauer)
FIRST SEMINOLE WAR - (1817-1818)
British sign treaty at Jodhpur - tribute now to be paid to UK not the Maharajas (1/6)
French exiles set up Champ d'Asile colony on the Trinity River in Spanish Texas, under Lallemond (3)
Treaty with the Wyandot, etc. - cede land in Ohio to the US (9/17)
Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle - France joins the four Great Powers (Br., Ru, Au, Pr.) in the Quintuple Alliance (10/18)
Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) - Alexander I unsuccessul in trying to tighten Holy Alliance
Zulu Empire founded in southern Africa by military chieftan Chaka
Border between Canada and United States fixed along 49th parallel - both occupy Oregon
Chile becomes independent from Spain
Charles XIII - (Sweden) (1809-) House of Holstein-Gottorp
Charles XIV + (Sweden) House of Bernadotte (John)
Charles XIII - (Norway) Carl
Charles XIV + (Norway) House of Bernadotte (John)
John Caragea - (Walachia) Prince
Alexander Sutu + (Walachia) Prince
Chaka + (Zulu Empire) Emperor
Piano Sonata, Op. 106 Beethoven
Sixth Symphony Schubert
String Quartet in E Schubert
Bain, Alexander 1818-1903
Bronte, Emily 1818-1848
Froude, J. A. 1818-1894 Historian (England)
Godefroid, Felix 1818-1897 Composer
Gounod, Charles Francois 1818-1893 Composer
Joule, James Prescott 1818-1889
Litolff, Henry Charles 1818-1891 Composer
Marx, Karl 1818-1883 Political Philosopher (Trier, Rhineland)
Stone, Lucy Blackwell 1818-1893
Topelius, Zacharias 1818-1898
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich 1818-1883
Adams, Abigail 1744-1818
Kozeluh, Leopold Jan Antonin 1747-1818 Composer
Monge, Gaspard 1746-1818
Ivanhoe (Scott)
Singapore founded by British administrator Sir Stamford Raffles (2/6)
Adams-Onis Treaty - Transcontinental Treaty of 1819 - between US and Spain - boundary excludes Texas (2/22)
Adams-Onis Treaty - Spain cedes Florida to the United States (2/22)
McCulloch v. Maryland - Congress has right to establish national bank (3/6)
Carlsbad Decrees in Germany suppress political activity of liberal youth and intellectuals (7)
Peterloo Massacre - soldiers fire on political meeting in Manchester, England - several people killed (8/16)
Congress of Angostura - declares creation of Republic of Gran Colombia with Bolivar as President (12/17)
Zollverein (customs union) begins in Germany under influence of Prussia (-1844)
Sikh leader Ranjit Singh conquers Kashmir
Steamship Savannah makes first trans Atlantic voyage mostly on steam (Savannah-Liverpool)
Henry Atkinson leads his first expedition to the Yellowstone River - only reaches Nebraska
Panic of 1819
Scarlat Camilah - (Moldavia) Prince
Piano Quintet in A Major Trout Schubert
Forellen Quintet Schubert
Piano Sonata No. 13 Schubert
Abt, Franz 1819-
Bab, Ali Mohammed of Shiraz 1819-1850
Clough, Arthur Hugh 1819-1861
Courbet, Gustave 1819-1877
Evans, Mary Ann (George Eliot) 1819-1880
Field, Cyrus West 1819-1892
Fizeau, Armand Hyppolyte Louis 1819-1896
Foucalt, Jean Bernard Leon 1819-1868
Halle, Charles 1819-1895
Heade, Martin Johnson 1819-1904
Kinglsley, Charles 1819-1875
Melville, Herman 1819-1882
Moniuszko, Stanislaw 1819-1872 Composer (Poland)
Offenbach, Jacques 1819-1880 Composer
Ruskin, John 1819-1900
Schumann, Clara Weick 1819-1896 Composer
Stokes, George Gabriel 1819-1903
Suppe, Franz Suppe 1819-1895 Composer
Whitman, Walt 1819-1892
Bohdanowicz, Bazvli 1754-1819 Composer
Fuss, Johann Evangelist 1777-1819 Composer
Garnier, Michel 1753-1819
Harlow, George 1787-1819
Jabobi 1743-1819
Morellet, Andre 1727-1819
Petrini, Francesco 1744-1819 Composer
Watt, James 1736-1819
Prometheus Unbound (Shelley)
Jerusalem (Blake)
Meditations Poetiques (Lamartine)
SPANISH CIVIL WAR + (1820-1823)
Cato Street conspiracy in England to assassinate cabinet minister fails
Liberal revolutions in Spain, Portugal, and Italy (Naples, Piedmont)
The Carbonari revolutionists in France and Italy (-1830)
Congress of Troppau - considers Naples revolt
Egyptian (Muhammed Ali) conquest of Eastern Sudan (-1822)
Missouri Compromise - Missouri enters Union as slave state - 36 degrees 30 (3/3)
Maine separated from Massachusetts; admitted as state
5,000,000 acres in central Mississippi ceded to U.S.
American missionaries reach Hawaii
George III - (England) King
George IV + (England) (-1830) King
Renzong Jui - (China) (1796-) 5th Qing Dynasty (Jiaqing Era)
Dawning of Music in Kentucky Heinrich
Anthony, Susan Brownell 1820-1906
Bronte, Anne 1820-1849
Caird, John 1820-1898
Chancourtois, Alexandre-Emile Beguyer de 1820-1886
Engels, Friedrich 1820-1895
Grove, Sir George 1820-1900 Composer
Heinze, Gustaf Adolf 1820-1904 Composer
Libert, George Emil 1820-1908
Sadlier, Mary Anne Madden 1820-1903
Spencer, Herbert 1820-1903 Philosopher
Tubman, Harriet 1820-1913
Vieuxtemps, Henri 1820-1881 Composer
Banks, Joseph 1743-1820
Brown, Thomas 1778-1820
Murray, Judith Sargent 1751-1820 Feminist Theorist
West, Benjamin 1738-1820
SPANISH CIVIL WAR ... (1820-1823)
Congress of Laibach convenes- authorizes Austria to put down Neapolitan revolt (1/26)
Napoleon dies after six years of house arrest on St. Helena island in Atlantic (5/5)
Congress of Laibach ends (5/12)
Battle of Carabobo - Bolivar defeats Spanish - last major engagement of the war in Venezuela (6/24)
Peru proclaims independence from Spain - San Martin decrees from Lima (7/28)
Mexico proclaims independence from Spain (9/27)
Great Britain adopts the gold standard
Revolutionary period in Transylvania (-1848)
Greek War of Independence against Ottoman Empire (-1829) (-1830)
Persia and Ottoman Empire at war (-1823)
Troy Female Seminary founded (1st U.S. womens college)
Michael Faraday successfully creates first electro-magnetic motor in the basement of the Royal Institute, London (9/21/1821)
Thomas Seebeck discovers the thermoelectric effect

Alexander Sutu - (Walachia) Prince
Xuanzong Cheng + (China) (-1850) 6th Qing Dynasty (Daoguang Era)
Der Freischutz von Weber
Piano Sonata, Op. 110 Beethoven
Piano Sonata, Op. 111 Beethoven
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre 1821-1867 Writer
Bottesini, Giovanni 1821-1889 Composer
Broglie, Jaques Victor Albert 1821-1901 Historian/Politian (France)
Brown, Ford Madox 1821-1893 Painter (Calais, France)
Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich 1821-1894 Mathemetician (Russia)
Doppler, Albert Franz 1821-1883 Composer
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich o.s. 10/30 1821-1881 Writer (11/11 n.s.)
Flaubert, Gustav 1821-1880 Writer
Barton, Clara 12/25 1821-1912 Nurse/Teacher/Humanitarian (Oxford, MA)
Helmholtz, Ludwig Ferdinand von 1821-1894 Physicist
Kiel, Friedrich 1821-1885 Composer
Locker-Lampson, Frederick 1821-1895 Writer (England)
Loschmidt, Johann Joseph 3/15 1821-1895 Chemist, Physicist (Bohemia)
Red Cloud 1821-1909 Oglala Chief
Bonaparte, Napoleon 5/5 1769-1821 Emperor (Corsica)
Jordan, Camille 1771-1821
Keats, John 1795-1821
Romberg, Andreas Jacob 1767-1821 Composer
Vranicky, Antonin 1761-1820 Composer
Racine et Shakespeare (Stendhal)
SPANISH CIVIL WAR ... (1820-1823)
Lord Castlereagh commits suicide (8/12)
Rutherford B. Hayes is Born (10/4)
Congress of Verona - breaks down over Great Britain's refusal to intervene in Spain - ends Congress System
Spanish revolution put down by France
Egypt completes conquest of Sudan
Liberia founded as a colony for freed American slaves
Brazil completes independence from Portugal under Pedro I
Colombia and Equador liberated
Denmark Vesey Conspiracy
First textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts
Delaware New Purchase: Marion County, IN created
Augustin Iturbide + (Mexico) Emperor (-1823)
Pedro I + (Brazil)
Charles babbage proposes the difference engine in a paper to the Royal Astronomical society (6/14)
Missa Solemnis Beethoven
Unfinished Symphony Schubert
Cherubini appointed director of Paris Conservatory
Adams, William Taylor 1822-1897
Arnold, Matthew 1822-1888
Bertrand, Joseph Louis Francois 1822-1900
Cornoldi, Giovanni Mari 1822-1892
Franck, Cesar Auguste Jean Guillaume Hub. 1822-1890 Composer
Frothingham, Octavius Brooks 1822-1895
Hayes, Rutheford B. 1822-1893
Hermite, Charles 1822-1901
Moleschott, Jakob 1822-1893
Olmsted, Frederick Law 1822-1903
Passy, Frederic 1822-1912
Pasteur, Louis 1822-1895
Raff, Joseph Joachim 1822-1882 Composer
Schliemann, Heinrich 1822-1890
Canova, Antonio 1757-1822 Painter, Sculptor (Possagno, Venice)
Herschel, Sir William 1738-1822 Astronomer/Musician (Hanover, Ger.)
Hoffman, Ernst Theodor Amadeus 1776-1822 Composer
Shelley, Percy Blythe 1792-1822
SPANISH CIVIL WAR - (1820-1823)
Plan de Casa Mata - Santa Anna and Guadelupe Victoria sign to overthrow Mexican monarchy (2/1)
Louis XVIII, Monsieur, and the Duc de Angouleme watch armies triumphant return from Spain (12/2)
Monroe Doctrine - warns European powers not to interfere in American politics (12/2)
Allen County, IN established (12/17)
Mexican Empire collapses
US Land Office opens
Spanish revolution crushed by French forces
Treaty of Erzerum
Arikawa War
Augustin Iturbide - (Mexico) Emperor (1822-)
Pius VII -
Leo XII +
Euryanthe von Weber
Symphony No. 9 Beethoven
Diabelli Variations Beethoven
Die schone Mullerin Schubert
Baird, Spencer Fullerton 1823-1887
Chipp, Edmund Thomas 1823-1886 Composer
Janet, Paul 1823-1899
Lalo, Edouard-Victoire-Antoine 1823-1892 Composer
Lemmens, Jacques Nicolas 1823-1881 Composer
Parkman, Francis 1823-1893 Historian (Boston)
Patmore, Coventry 1823-1896
Petofi, Sandor 1823-1849
Renan, Ernst 1823-1892
Wallace, Alfred Russel 1823-1913
Breval, Jean Baptiste Sebastian 1753-1823 Composer
Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite 1753-1823 Military Engineer (France)
Dumouriez, Charles Francois 1739-1823 Military General (France)
Fiorillo, Federigo 1755-1823 Composer
Jenner, Edward 1749-1823
Lithander, Fredrik Emanuel 1777-1823 Composer
Nollekens, Joseph 1737-1823
Radcliffe, Ann Ward 1764-1823 Novelist (London, England)
Raebern, Henry 1756-1823
Reinhold 1755-1823
Ricardo, David 1772-1823
Zur Kritik neuerer Geschichtschrieber (Critique of Modern Historical Writing) (Leopold von Ranke)
Delacroix's first "modern painting"
Gibbons v. Ogden - defines Congress right to regulate interstate commerce (3/2)
Augustin de Iturbide is shot trying to return to Mexixo (7/19)
Mexican Constitution is promugated (10/4)
Battle of Ayacucho - last major engagement in South America (12/9)
Combination Acts repealed in England - stimulates trade union movement (-1825)
Death of Lord Byron at Missolonghi
War between British and Ashanti in Gold Coast (Ghana) (-1827)
First Anglo-Burmese War - Great Britain begins annexation of Burma (-1826)
Pawtucket weavers strike (first for women)
Second Party System in the United States (-1854)
Corrupt Bargain
Louis XVIII - (France) (1814-) King
Charles X + (France) (-1830) King (br. of Louis XVI and XVIII)
Guadelupe Victoria + (Mexico) (-1829) 1st President
Boudin, Louis Eugene 1824-1898
Bruckner, Anton Joseph 1824-1896 Composer
Buchner, Ludwig 1824-1899
Dumas, Alexander 1824-1895
Fischer, Kuno 1824-1907
Gerome, Jean-Leon 1824-1904 Painter (Vesoul, France)
Kelvin, William Thompson 1824-1907
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 1824-1887
Reinecke, Carl Heinrich Carsten 1824-1910 Composer
Smetana, Bedrich Friedrich 1824-1884 Composer
Biran, Maine de 1766-1824
Byron, George Gordon 1788-1824
Chladni, Ernst E. F. 1756-1824
Gericault, Jean Louis Andre Theodore 1791-1824
Girodet, Anne-Louis 1767-1824
Viotti, Giovanni Battista 1755-1824 Composer
Boris Gogunov (Pushkin)
Labour Defended Against the Claims of Capital (Thomas Hodgskin)
John Quincy Adams inaugurated (3/4)
Erie Canal opens (10/26)
Accession of Nicholas I of Russia (12)
Steam Era begins with George Stephenson's locomotive on the Stockton and Darlington RR in n. England
Egyptian forced invade Greece
Russo-Persian war begins (-1828)
Bolivia gains independence
Morris Canal begins construction
Indian Land Exchange program (land in East for public land in west)
US Treaty with the Sioux
Henry Atkinson leads his second expedition to the Yellowstone River
Leopold von Ranke becomes a professor at the University of Berlin (-1871)
Ludwig I + (Bavaria)
Alexander I Pavlovich - (Russia) (1801-) Emperor (faked death?)
Nicholas I + (Russia) (-1855) Emperor (Tsar)
James Monroe - (United States) (1817-) President
John Quincy Adams + (United States) (-1829) President
First experimental steam locomotive built and operated (John Stevens)
String Quartet, Op. 127 Beethoven
String Quartet, Op. 132 Beethoven
String Octet Eb maj., op. 20 Mendelssohn
Blackwell, Antoinette Brown 1825-1921
Dalton, John Call 1825-1889
Huxley, Thomas 1825-1895
Innes, George 1825-1894
Strauss II, Johann 1825-1899 Composer
Cambini, Giuseppe Maria Gioacchino 1746-1825 Composer
David, Jaques-Louis 1748-1825 Painter
Fussli, Johann Heinrich (Henry Fuseli) 1741-1825
Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich 1763-1825 Novelist (Germany)
Saint Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy 1760-1825
Salieri, Antonio 1750-1825 Composer
Vorisek, Jan Vaclav Hugo 1791-1825 Composer
The Last of the Mohicans (Cooper)
Treaty of Yandabo- 1st Burmese War ends - British East India.takes control of Arakan & Tenasserim (2/24)
William Morgan, ex-Mason disappears at Fort Niagra (9)
Decembrist rising in Russia against Tsar
Egyptian forces under Ibrahim, son of Mohammed Ali, invade Greece
Russia and Persia at war (-1828)
Turks capture Missolonghi from Greeks
Mahmud II enlists loyal Spahis to massacre Janissaries (who are outlawed) - reorganizes Ottoman army
Ottoman fleet sunk at Navarino
Congress of Panama - convoked by Bolivar
New Republic of Bolivia gains independence
Jedidiah Smith overland expedition to California (-1827)
Belvidere Court House founded (Belvidere, NJ)
John VI - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Maria II + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Quartet No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 131 Beethoven (1827)
String Quartet, Op. 130 Beethoven
String Quartet, Op. 135 Beethoven
Die Winterreise Schubert
Overture to A Midsummer Night s Dream Mendelssohn
Bagehot, Walter 1826-1877
Church, Frederic 1826-1900
Foster, Steven Collins 1826-1864 Composer
Loomis, Mahlon 1826-1886
Minkus, Leon (Ludwig) 1826-1917 Composer
Moreau, Gustave 1826-1898
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernard 1826-1866
Thomas, John 1826-1913 Composer
Adams, John 1735-1826
Arriaga, Juan Crisostomo 1806-1826 Composer
Baggesen, Jens Immanuel 1764-1826
Bode, Johann Elert 1747-1826
Danzi, Franz 1763-1826 Composer
Flaxman, John 1755-1826
Gifford, William 1756-1826
Jefferson, Thomas 1743-1826
Laennec, Rene Theophile Hyacinthe 1781-1826
Piazzi, Giuseppi 1746-1826
Weber, Carl Maria von 1786-1826 Composer
Buch der Lieder (Heine)
Preface to the play Cromwell (Victor Hugo)
Fort Leavenworth founded by Col. Henry Leavenworth to protect Sante Fe Trail travellers (5/8)
Treaty of London - Great Britain, Russia, and France to guarantee Greek independence
Greece wins independence from Turkey
Battle of Navarino - French, Russian, and British navies destroy Egyptian fleet
John McLoughlin of HBC builds first lumber mill at Fort Vancouver
Slavery abolished in New York state
Mormon Chuch founded
Die Winterreise Schubert
Abel, Frederick Augustus 1827-1902
Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcelin 1827-1907 Chemist (France)
Bocklin, Arnold 1827-1901
Bodley, George Frederick 1827-1907
Collins, Mortimer 1827-1876
Hunt, Holman 1827-1910
Lister, Joseph 1827-1912 Physician
Mivart, George 1827-1900
Strauss, Joseph 1827-1870 Composer
Beethoven, Lugwig von 1770-1827
Blake, William 1757-1827
Canning, George 1770-1827
Laplace, Pierre Simon 1749-1827
Peale, Charles Willson 1741-1827
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich 1746-1827
Possinger, Franz Alexander 1767-1827 Composer
Schulze, Johann Philipp Christian 1733-1827 Composer
Volta, Allesandro 1745-1827
First performance of Goethe's Faust
Noah Webster publishes American Dictionary of the English Language
RUSSO-TURKISH WAR + (1828-1829)
Treaty of Turkmanchai - Ends Russo-Persian war (2/21/1828) (5 Shaban 1243 AH)
Baltimore and Ohio 1st U.S. passenger RR construction begins (7/4/1828)
Shaka King of the Zulus is murdered by his half brothers Dingane and Mhlangana (9/24/1828)
Miguelite Wars in Portugal - regent Dom Miguel overthrows government (-1834)
War between Russia and Ottoman Empire (-1829)
Tariff of Abominations - South Carolina opposes, declaring right of states to nullify federal laws
Sabine River set as Mexico - United States border
Jacksonian democracy in power in the US
Anti-Masonite Party forms in New York State - 1st third party
Maria II - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Miguel + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Lord William Bentinck + (India) Governor General (-1835)
Birth of organic chemistry - Freidrich Wohler synthesizes urea from inorganic ammonium cyanate
Paganini concerts
Le Comte Ory Rossini
Symphony in C Schubert
Piano Sonata Schubert
Piano Sonata Schubert
Piano Sonata Schubert
Sting Quintet Schubert
Ardigo, Roberto 1828-1920 Philosopher
Gairdner, James 1828-1912
Isben, Henrik 1828-1906
Meredith, George 1828-1909
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 1828-1882
Taine, Hyppolyte 1828-1893
Tolstoy, Leo 1828-1910
Verne, Jules 1828-1905
Gall, Franz Joseph 1758-1828
Goya, Francisco 1746-1828
Houdon, Jean 1741-1828
Marsh, John 1752-1828 Composer
Schubert, Franz Peter 1797-1828 Composer
Stewart, Dugald 1753-1828
Stuart, Gilbert 1755-1828
Les Chouans (Balzac)
Les Orientales (Hugo)
Analysis of the Mind (John Stuart Mill)
Appeal (David Walker)
RUSSO-TURKISH WAR - (1828-1829)
Andrew Jackson inaugurated (3/4)
Treaty of Adrianople - ends Russo-Turkish War (9/14)
Catholic Emancipation Act in Great Britain - Roman Catholics allowed to hold public office
The Greek revolution succeeds and is ratified by the powers
Greater Colombia divides into Colombia, Venezuala, Equador, and New Granada
Safety Fund Act passed in NY
William and Charles Bent lead expedition to Santa Fe
Akbar Ali Khan - (Hyderabad) Nizam
Nasir ud Daulah + (Hyderabad) Nizam
John Quincy Adams - (United States) (1825-) President
Andrew Jackson + (United States) (-1837) President
Guadelupe Victoria - (Mexico) (1824-) 1st President
Leo XII -
Pius VIII +
George Stephenson perfects the steam locomotive
Mendelssohn revives Bach by performing St. Matthew s Passion
Mendelssohn begins Songs without Words (-1845)
Guillaumme Tell Rossini
Dietrich, Albert 1829-1908 Composer
Fick, Adolph 1829-1901
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson 1829-1902
Geronimo 1829-1909
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau 1829-1869 Composer
Millais, John 1829-1896
Rubinstein, Anton 1829-1894 Composer
Abel, Niels Henrik 1802-1829
Davy, Humphry 1778-1829
Giuliani, Mauro Giuseppe Sergio Pantaleo 1781-1829 Composer
Gossec, Francois-Joseph 1734-1829 Composer
Jay, John 1745-1829
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 1744-1829
Schlegel, Friedrich 1772-1829
Harmonies poetiques et religieuses (Lamartine)
Hernani (Hugo)
Le Rouge et le noir (Stendhal)
Principles of Geology (Charles Lyell) (-1833)
Mormon Church organized by Joseph Smith at Fayette, NY (4/6)
Indian Removal Act (Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek)-Indian Territory established by a vote 28-20 (5/26)
Breakup of the Le Temps presses (7/27)
Franz Joseph I is born (8/8)
Bivouac of the French National Guard in the courtyard of the Louvre (12/22)
First passenger steam railways open - Liverpool to Manchester - The Rocket
Revolutions in France, Belgium, the Rhineland, Italy, and Brazil
July Revolution in Paris - Charles X overthrown
Rising in Brussels
Flanders gains independence as a monarchy - Kingdom of Belgium recognized by the Powers (-1831)
Revolution in Poland crushed by Russia (-1831)
Greece formally declares independence - recognized by the Powers
French occupation of Algiers
Railroad is put to its first serious uses in the United States
Bent, St. Vrain and Company forms
Comte's positivist philosophy (-1842)
Charles X - (France) (1824-) King
Louis Philippe + (France) (-1848) "Citizen" King (desc. of Louis XIII)
George IV - (England) (1820-) King
William IV + (England) (-1837) King
Leopold I + (Belgium) House of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield (Duke)
Peter I - (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Peter II + (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Otto of Bavaria + (Greece) King
Pius VIII -
Fra Diavolo Auber
Symphony Fantastique Berlioz (1829)
Hebrides Overture (Fingal s Cave) Mendelssohn
Songs without Words (first) Mendelssohn
Abegg Variations , Op. 1 Schumann
Nocturne in E-Flat Major, Op. 9, No. 2 Chopin
Bierstadt, Albert 1830-1902
Bronsart von Schellendorf, Hans 1830-1913 Composer
Coulanges, N. D. Fustel de 1830-1889 Historian (France)
Dickinson, Emily 1830-1886
Faure, Jean Baptiste 1830-1914
Goldmark, Karl 1830-1915 Composer
Heise, Peter Arnold 1830-1913 Composer
Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig 1830-1914
Meyer, Lothar 1830-1895
Mistral, Frederic 1830-1914
Pissarro, Camille 1830-1903
Bolivar, Simon -1830
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph 1768-1830
Hazlitt, William 1778-1830
Schliermacher, Friedrich Ernst Daniel 1768-1830
La Peau de Chagrin (Balzac)
Faust Pt. II (Goethe)
Notre Dame de Paris (Hugo)
William Lloyd Garrison founds the Liberator - beginning of the anti - slavery movement (1/1)
Leopold of Saxe-Coburg (Leopold I) is elected first King of the Belgians (6/21)
Nat Turner sees blue-green sun (atmospheric disturbance) as sign to begin slave rebellion (8/13)
Nat Turner s Rebellion officially begins (8/21)
Nat Turner s Rebellion supressed
John Capodistria is assassinated (first leader of independent Greece) (10/9)
20,000 Choctaw removed to Indian Territory (11)
Revolutions in Poland, Spain and Italy (-1834)
Revolution in Warsaw
Uprisings in Modena, Parma, and Papal States put down by Austria
Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini forms Young Italy movement
Great Britain and France guarantee Belgian independence
Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia case (Georgia wins)
Morris Canal begins operation from Dover to Newark
Leopold I + (Belgium) (-1865) King (Saxe-Coburg)
Gregory XVI +
Faraday makes first electric transformer (8/29/1831)
Chopin arrives in Paris
La sonnambula Bellini
Norma Bellini
Papillons Schumann
Etude in C Minor, Op. 10, No. 12 Revol. Chopin
Blavatsky, Helena 1831-1891
Calverley, Charles S. 1831-1884
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard 1831-1916
Garfield, James Abram 1831-1881
Hughes, David Edward 1831-1900
Joachim, Joseph 1831-1907 Composer
Maxwell, James Clerk 1831-1871
Moore, Henry 1831-1895
Norman, Ludwig 1831-1885 Composer
Adams, Hannah 1755-1831
Albeniz, Mateo Antonio Perez 1760-1831 Composer
Arnim, Ludwig Achim 1781-1831
Germaine, Sophie 1776-1831
Hansel, Peter 1770-1831 Composer
Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich 1770-1831 Philosopher
Karl, Freiherr vom Stein 1757-1831 Reformer (Prussia)
Kreutzer, Rodolphe 1766-1831 Composer
Krommer, Franz Vincenz 1759-1831 Composer
Pleyel, Ignaz Joseph 1757-1831 Composer
Rudolph, Archduke of Austria 1788-1831 Composer
Seebeck, 1770-1831
George Catlin visits Mandan
John Trumbel founds the Yale University Art Gallery - sixth museum in the US
Tales of the Alhambra (Irving)
Black Hawk War begins Sauk and Fox pushed west across Mississippi (4/6)
Leopold I of Belgium marries Louise-Marie Orleans in Conpiegne, France (8/9)
Reform Act - extends vote to middle class in Great Britain - passed after a near revolution
Greece establishes monarchy
War between Egypt and Ottoman Empire (-1833)
Battle of Koniah - Ottomans defeated
Anahuac Disturbance #1 - helped precipitate Texas Revolution
Payne s Landing Treaty - Seminole lands taken
Worcester vs. Georgia case (Cherokee win)
Otto I + (Greece) Son of King Ludwig I of Bavaria
Concerts historiques founded in Paris
Stabat Mater Rossini
L'Elisir d'Amore Donizetti
Hebrides Overture Mendelssohn
Etudes, Op. 10 Chopin
Mazurkas, Op. 6 Chopin
Alcott, Louisa May 1832-1888
Alger, Horatio 1832-1899
Bjornsun, Bjornstjerne Martinus 1832-1910
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis Carrol) 1832-1898
Dore, Gustave 1832-1883
Eizaguirre, Jose Echogram y 1832-1916
Koenig, K.R. 1832-1901
LeCocq, Charles 1832-1918 Composer
Manet, Eduard 1832-1883 Painter
Olcott, Henry Steel 1832-1907
Otto, Nikolaus 1832-1891
Teichmuller, Gustav 1832-1888
Wundt, Wilhelm 1832-1920
Bentham, Jeremy 1748-1832
Clementi, Muzio 1752-1832 Composer
Cuvier, Georges Leopole Chretien Frederic 1769-1832
Galois, Evariste 1811-1832
Goethe, Wolfgang von 1749-1832
Krause, Karl Christian Freidrich 1781-1832
Kuhlau, Daniel Friedrich Rudolph 1786-1832 Composer
MacKintosh, James 1765-1832
Remusat, Jean Pierre Abel 1788-1832
Scott, Sir Walter 1771-1832
Sartor Resartus (Carlyle)
Eugenie Grandet (Balzac)
Pauline (Robert Browning)
350 settlers establish city of Chicago (8/12)
Factory Act - forbids employment of children under nine in British factories (8/29)
Isabella II becomes Queen of Spain under the regency of her mother (9/29)
Convention of Kutahia - Mohammed Ali gains Syria
Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi - between Russia and Ottoman Empire
Munchengratz Argreement between Russia and Austria
Act abolishing slavery in British colonies
Hardy Ivy builds cabin near Atlanta
Andrew Jackson s second inauguration
Bent Brothers build Fort William (Fort Bent) on the north bank of the Arkansas River
First steam powered crossing of the Atlantic
First Carlist War begins - challenge to Isabella II's accession
Oberlin College opens
Ferdinand VII - (Spain) House of Bourbon (rethroned)
Isabella II + (Spain) House of Bourbon
Invention of photography (-1839)
Italian Symphony Mendelssohn
Die Feen Wagner
Borodin, Alexander Porfirievich 1833-1887 Composer
Bradlaugh, Charles 1833-1891
Brahms, Johannes 1833-1897 Composer
Burne-Jones, Edward 1833-1898 Painter
Clebsch, 1833-1872
Dilthey, Wilhelm 1833-1911
Duhring, Eugen Karl 1833-1901
Harrison, Benjamin 1833-1901
Legendre, Adrien Marie 1752-1833
More, Hannah 1745-1833
Le Pere Goriot (Balzac)
The Last Days of Pompeii (Bulwer-Lytton)
Robert Browning visits Italy
"Tolpuddle Martyrs" - six Dorset labourers transported for attempt to form a trade union
Carlist Wars in Spain - pretender Don Carlos attempts to gain Spanish throne (-1839)
Quadruple Alliance - between Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal to safeguard Spanish/Portuguese govts
Dom Miguel defeated in Portugal
Russian occupation ends in Walachia and Moldavia
Beginning of foundation of South Australia (1836) and Victoria (1837)
British Empire abolishes slavery
Indian Trade and Intercourse Act of 1834 created Indian Territory w of Mississippi R.
Payne s Landing Treaty ratified - Seminole given three years to move to Indian Territory (32-35)
Washington Irving s A Tour of the Prairies sketch
Bronson Alcott opens the Temple School in Boston
McCormick patents mechanical reaper
Miguel - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Maria II + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Mihai Sturdza + (Moldavia) Prince
Alexander Ghica + (Walachia) Prince
Vicente Rocafuerte + (Equador) (-1839) President
Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik founded by Schumann
Harold in Italy Berlioz
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg 1834-1902 English Historian (Naples)
Daimler, Gottlieb 1834-1900 Engineer (Germany)
Degas, Edgar 1834-1917 Painter
Haekel, Ernst 1834-1919
Howison, G. H. 1834-1916
Mendelejeff, Dmitri Ivanovich 1834-1907
Morris, William 1834-1896
Plante, Gaston 1834-1889
Ponchielli, Amilcare 1834-1886 Composer
Sitting Bull 1834-1890 Sioux Chief
Stockton, Frank 1834-1902
Waterson, James 1834-1893 Composer
Webb, Charles Henry 1834-1905
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill 1834-1903 Painter
Zabel, Albert Heinrich 1834-1910 Composer
Boieldieu, Francois Adrien 1775-1834 Composer
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1772-1834
Lamb, Charles 1775-1834
Schuncke, Ludwig 1810-1834 Composer
Goethe's Correspondence with a Child (Arnim)
Life of Jesus (David Strauss)
Democracy in America (Tocqueville)
Paracelsus (Robert Browning)
Mademoiselle de Maupin (Theophile Gautier)
Leopold II of Belgium born (4/9)
Second (Great) Seminole War (11/1)
Gold discovered on Cherokee lands in Georgia. Forced to cede lands (12/20)
Treaty of New Echota - Treaty "Ridge" Party - Cherokee exchanges GA and AL land in east for IT land (12/29)
Great Trek - Boer (Dutch) settlers in southern Africa found Transvaal (1836) (-1837)
Resolution on use of English for higher education in India
Railroad through Rahway, NJ
Anahuac Disturbance #2 - helped precipitate Texas Revolution
William Lamb + (Great Britain) (1835-1841) Prime Minister (2nd Time)
Francis I - (Austria) Emperor House of Leopold
Ferdinand I + (Austria) Emperor House of Leopold
Lord William Bentinck - (India) Governor General (1828-)
Mendelssohn becomes conductor of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra
Treatise on Counterpoint and Fugue Cherubini
Lucia di Lammermoor Donizetti
I Puritani Bellini
Symphonis Etudes, Op. 13 Schumann
Abbot, Lyman 1835-1922
Adams Jr., Charles Francis 1835-1918 Economist/Historian (Boston, MA)
Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von 1835-1917
Caird, Edward 1835-1908
Carducci, Giosue 1835-1907
Carnegie, Andrew 1835-1919
Cui, Cesar 1835-1918 Composer
Clemens, Samuel (Mark Twain) 1835-1910
Gaboriau, Emile 1835-1873
Jevons, William Stanley 1835-1882
Saint-Saens, Charles-Camille 1835-1921 Composer
Strauss, Eduard 1835-1916 Composer
Wieniawski, Henryk 1835-1880 Composer
Bellini, Vincenzo 1801-1835
Gros, Antoine Jean 1771-1835
Marshall, John 1755-1835
Nash, John 1752-1835
Nature (Emerson)
The Pickwick Papers (Dickens)
History of Bohemia (Palacky)
SECOND SEMINOLE WAR ... (1835-1842)
Battle of Alamo begins (2/23) -(3/6)
Texas declares independence from Mexico (3/1)
Battle of Coleto Creek - 380+ soldiers of Fannin's army surrender to Santa Anna (3/20)
Goliad Massacre - Santa Anna executes 380 Texan soldiers (3/27) Palm Sunday
Battle of San Jacinto - Sam Houston and Texans win "Remember Goliad, remember the Alamo!" (4/21)
Santa Anna is captured (4/22)
Treaties of Velasco - signed by Santa Anna and David Burnet - end hostilities between Mexico & Texas (5/14)
Morocco Treaty of Peace (9/16)
Sam Houston elected president of Republic of Texas (10)
Bent Brothers and Ceran St. Vrain obtain a license to trade on the south Platte (11)
Chartist movement begins in Great Britain - demands votes for all adult males - initial violent support
Louis Napoleon starts insurrection against Louise Philippe
South Australia founded
Gag Rule - US
Marcus Whitman., HH Spalding families reach Fort Walla Walla. 1st white women to cross plains
Sir Charles Barry designs Houses of Parliament, London
John Joseph I - (Liechtenstein) Prince
Alois Joseph II + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Sam Houston + (Republic of Texas) President
Requiem in D minor Cherubini
Les Huguenots Meyerbeer
A Life for the Tsar Glinka
Ballades, Op. 23 Chopin
Abbot, Francis Ellingwood 1836-1903
Delibes, Clement Philibert Leo 1836-1891 Composer
Gilbert, William Schwenck 1836-1911 Composer
Green, Thomas Hill 1836-1882
Homer, Winslow 1836-1910 Painter
LaTour, Henri Fantin 1836-1904
Lombroso 1836-1909
Lockyer, Joseph Norman 1836-1920
Schuppe, Wilhelm 1836-1913
Tissot, James 1836-1902 Painter
Toepler, 1836-1912
Ampere, Andre Marie 1775-1836
Belcher, Supply 1751-1836 Composer
Charles X, Count of Artois 1757-1836 King (France)
Colman the Younger, George 1762-1836
Galles, Jose 1761-1836 Composer
Godwin, William 1756-1836
Madison, James 1751-1836
Mill, James 1773-1836
Read, Daniel 1757-1836 Composer
Reicha, Anton 1770-1836 Composer (Prague)
Witt, Friedrich 1770-1836 Composer (Niederstetten)
The French Revolution (Carlyle)
Contrasts (Pugin)
Strafford (Robert Browning) verse play
SECOND SEMINOLE WAR ... (1835-1842)
Martin Van Buren inaugurated (3/4)
Queen Victoria succeeds to the British throne (6/20)
Persian-Afghan War (-1838)
Rebelion in Upper and Lower Canada
Victoria founded in Australia
Fort St. Vrain is built by Ceran st. Vrain and the Bent brothers along the South Fork of the Platte
Panic of 1837
Caroline Affair (-1842)
Morse telegraph
Mount Holyoke College founded
William IV - (England) (1830-) King
Victoria + (Great Britain) (1837-1900) Queen
Andrew Jackson - (United States) (1829-) President
Martin Van Buren + (United States) (-1841) President
Requiem Berlioz
Fantasiestucke, Op. 12 Schumann
Annees de Pelerinage Liszt
Bajer, Fredrik 1837-1922
Balakirev, Mili Alexayevich 1837-1910 Composer
Bastian, Henry Charlton 1837-1915
Cleveland, Grover 1837-1908
Green, J. R. 1837-1883 Historian (England)
Guilmant, Felix Alexandre 1837-1911 Composer
Howells, William Dean 1837-1920
Moran, Thomas 1837-1926
Newlands, John Alexander 1837-1889
Spir, African 1837-1890
Swinburne, Algernon Charles 1837-1909
Van der Waals, J. D. 1837-1923
Waldteufel, Charles Emile 1837-1915 Composer
Constable, John 1776-1837
Field, John 1782-1837 Composer
Fourier, F. M. (Charles) 1772-1837
Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron 1770-1837 Painter (French, b. Rome)
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk 1778-1837 Composer
Laromiguiere, Pierre 1756-1837
Leopardi, Giacomo 1798-1837
Lichnowsky, Reichsgrof Moritz von 1771-1837 Composer
Pushkin, Aleksander Sergeyevich 1799-1837
Welsey, Samuel 1766-1837 Composer
Daguerre takes first photographs
SECOND SEMINOLE WAR ... (1835-1842)
Osceola, captured Senimole chief dies (1/20)
People's Charter in Great Britain published (5)
Battle of Blood River - Boers defeat Zulus in Natal, South Africa (12/16)
Honduras leaves Confederation
Aroostock War - border dispute along Maine/New Brunswick border (-1839)
Trail of Tears (summer, October-)
Pastry War - Mexico vs. France over debts - France invades Mexico
Victoria ... (Great Britain) (1837-1900) Queen
First public school instruction in music (Boston)
Benevuto Cellini Berlioz
Kinderszenen Schumann
Kreisleriana Schumann
Abbe, Cleveland 1838-1916
Abbott, Edwin Abbott 1838-1926
Adams, Henry Brooks 1838-1918 Historian
Bizet, Georges Alexandre Cesar Leopold 1838-1875 Composer
Brentano, Franz 1838-1917 Philosopher/Psychologist (Germany)
Bruch, Max 1838-1920 Composer (Germany)
Castillon, Alexis Vicomte de 1838-1873 Composer
Daly, Augustin 1838-1899 Dramatist (Plymouth, NC)
Mach, Ernst 1838-1916 Physicist/Philosopher (Moravia)
Morley, Edward William 1838-1923 Scientist (Newark, NJ)
Morley, John 1838-1923 Statesman/Letters (England)
Muir, John 1838-1914 Naturalist
Perkin, William Henry 1838-1907
Richardson, Henry Hobson 1838-1886
Busby, Thomas 1775-1838 Composer
Chamisso, Adelbert von 1781-1838
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik 1775-1838 Composer
Lessel, Francizek 1780-1838 Composer
Reis, Ferdinand 1784-1838 Composer
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de 1754-1838
Daguerreotype publicised
The Charterhouse of Parma (Stendhal)
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (Poe)
SECOND SEMINOLE WAR ... (1835-1842)
Pastry War ends - French forces leave Mexico after British arbitration (3/9)
Treaty (Convocation)of London is signed - European powers recognize the neutrality of Belgium (4/19)
Bedchamber Crisis - Melbourne tries to resign as PM (5)
Major Ridge, Cherokee leader is assassinated (6/22)
La Amistad insurrection (7/1)
Christian VIII crowned King of Denmark (12/13)
Anti- Corn Law League formed in Britain
Ottoman-Egyptian war (-1840)
Ottomans invade Syria
Battle of Nesib - Ottomans defeated
Hatt-i Serif of Gulhane - beginning of the Tanzimat period - reforms guaranteeing liberties of Ottoman subjects
Great Britain and Afghanistan at war (First Anglo-Afghan War) (-1842)
Death of Ranjit Singh
British occupy Aden
Commisioner Lin destroys foreign opium
First Opium War - between Great Britain and China (-1842)
Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada
Durham Report on the Organization of Canada
Helderberg War (anti-rent war) (-1846)
Stephen Kearney leads 10 companies of Dragoons from Fort Leavenworth against the Cherokees
Victoria ... (Great Britain) (1837-1900) Queen
Frederik VI - (Denmark)
Christian VIII + (Denmark)
Milos Obrenovic + (Serbia) Prince
Milan +- (Serbia) Prince
Michael + (Serbia) Prince
Mahmud I - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Abdulmecid I + (Ottoman Empire) (-1861) Sultan
Vicente Rocafuerte + (Equador) (1834-) President
Wagner and Minna cross to Paris
Vienna Philharmonic founded
New York Philharmonic Society founded
Romeo and Juliet Berlioz
Trio in D Minor for violin, cello, piano Mendelssohn
Nachtstucke Schumann
Preludes, Op. 28 Chopin
Oberto Verdi
Buck, Dudley 1839-1909 Composer
Cezanne, Paul 1839-1906 Painter
Chardonett, Louis 1839-1924
George, Henry 1839-1897 Economist (United States)
Gibbs, Josiah Willard 1839-1903
Howells, William Dean 1839-1920
Leclanche, Georges 1839-1882
Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich 1839-1881 Composer
Paine, John Knowles 1839-1906 Composer
Pierce, Charles Sanders 1839-1914
Prudhomme, (Sully) Rene Francois Armond 1839-1907
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel 1839-1901 Composer 3/17
Rockefeller, John D. 1839-1937
Sisley, Alfred 1839-1899 Painter
Austin, John 1790-1839
Backofen, Johann Georg Heinrich 1768-1839 Composer
Bystrom, Thomas 1772-1839 Composer
Galt, John 1779-1839
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth 1802-1839
Sor, Fernando 1778-1839 Composer
What is Property? (Proudhon)
Sordello (Robert Browning)
Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes during the 16th &17th Centuries (3 vol.) (Leopold von Ranke)
Two Years before the Mast (Richard Henry Dana Jr.)
SECOND SEMINOLE WAR ... (1835-1842)
British expeditionary force lands in China in response to the destruction of over a million pounds of opium (6)
World Anti-Slavery Convention begins at Freemasons Hall, London - Elizabeth Cady Stanton from U.S. (6/12)
Napoleon's body brought to Paris from St. Helena on the St. Poule - Elizabeth Cady Stanton in Paris (11/30)
Sirius (Cunard Line) docks in New York City, 1st regular Atlantic steam ship (w/Cady Stanton) (12/24)
Socialism of Louis Blanc
Chartism and Parliamentary rule
Penny post introduced in Britain
Louis Napoleon's second insurrection against Louis Philippe - Napoleon III escapes to England
Treaty of London - Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria agree to limit Egyptian expansion
Treaty of London - concedes Egypt to Muhammad Ali
British navy bombards Beirut
Union Act - unites Upper and Lower Canada
Treaty of Waitangi - New Zealand becomes a British Crown Colony with the help of the Colonization Society
Liberty Party formed in US
Victoria ... (Great Britain) (1837-1900) Queen
William I - (Netherlands)
William II + (Netherlands)
Frederick William III - (Prussia) (-1797) King
Jose Rodriguez de Francia - (Paraguay) (1816-) Perpetual Dictator "El Supremo"
First incandescent electric light bulb developed by ...
Paganini dies at 58 (5/27)
The Daughter of the Regiment Donizetti
Dichterliebe Schumann
Lieder Schumann
Sonata in B-flat minor Chopin
Don Juan Fantasie Liszt
Abbe, Ernst 1840-1905 Physicist (Germany)
Brassin, Louis 1840-1884 Composer
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen 1840-1922 Poet/Political writer (England)
Cope, Edward Drinker 1840-1897 Paleontologist (Philadelphia)
Davidson, Thomas 1840-1900
Goetz, Hermann 1840-1876 Composer
Monet, Claude 1840-1926 Painter
Redon, Odilon 1840-1916 Painter
Rodin, Auguste 1840-1917 Sculptor
Svendsen, Johann 1840-1911 Composer
Tchaikovsky, Peter 1840-1893 Composer
Zola, Emile 1840-1902 Novelist
Beck, Jakob Sigismund 1761-1840
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich 1752-1840
Bonald, Louis de 1754-1840
Dizi, Francois-Joseph 1780-1840 Composer
Friedrich, Caspar David 1774-1840
Maistre, Joseph de 1754-1840
Paganini, Nicolo 1782-1840 Composer
Poisson, Simeon Denis 1781-1840
Punch founded
SECOND SEMINOLE WAR ... (1835-1842)
Convention of Chuenpeh - signed between Great Britain and China for British control of Hong Kong (1/25)
Great Britain occupies Hong Kong under leadership of Edward Belcher (1/26)
First ongoing filibuster in US Senate begins (2/18) -(3/11)
William Henry Harrison inaugurated (3/4)
Quincy Adams argues Amistad case in Supreme Court - Court declares in favor of the slaves (3/9)
US Senate filibuster ends (3/11)
William Henry Harrison dies (4/4)
John Tyler (Vice President) is inaugerated as the 10th US president (4/6)
First emigrant wagon train leaves for California from Independence, MO (5/1) -(11/4)
Straits Convention - between Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, and France (7/13)
Straits Convention - Dardenelles to be closed to foreign ships in peacetime (7/13)
Straits Convention - Convention of Alexandria - Mohammed Ali to be hereditary ruler of Egypt (7/13)
Whigs riot outside of the White House in protest of a plan to re-establish the 2nd Bank of the US (8/16)
Robert Peel becomes British Prime Minister (Conservative) (8/30)
Edward VII is born to Victoria and Albert (11/9)
Brook Farm Commune set up by Trancendentalists (-1846)
Pre-emption Act of 1841 - legalizes rights of squatters to occupy unsurveyed land and buy later at $1.25/acre
Creole case (-1842)
John Sutter buys Fort Ross north of San Francisco and moves it to Fort Sutter
Western Emigration Society formed by John Bidwell
James Joule states relation between current and energy produced
Victoria ... (Great Britain) (1837-1900) Queen
William Lamb - (Great Britain) (1835-1841) Prime Minister (2nd Time)
Robert Peel + (Great Britian) (1841-1846) Prime Minister
Martin Van Buren - (United States) (1837-1841) President
William Henry Harrison +-(United States) ***** President dies
John Tyler + (United States) (1841-1845) President
Saxophone invented
First Symphony Schumann
Fourth Symphony Schumann
Bazille, Frederic 1841-1870
Chabrier, Alexis Emmanuel 1841-1894 Composer
Dvorak, Antonin 1841-1904 Composer
Lovreglio, Donato 1841-1907 Composer
Morisot, Berthe 1841-1895
Renoir, Pierre August 1841-1919 Painter
Tausig, Karl 1841-1871 Composer/Pianist
Baader, Franz Xavier von 1765-1841
Carulli, Ferdinando 1770-1841 Composer
Herbart, Johann Friedrich 1776-1841
Lermontov, Mikhail Yuryevich 1814-1841
Savart, F. 1791-1841
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich 1781-1841
John Fremont stops at Fort St. Vrain to obtain horses and coffee (6/10)
Webster-Ashburton Treaty signed - settles boundary dispute between Canada and the United States (8/9)
Seminole War ends - Indians sent to Oklahoma (8/14)
Treaty of Nanking - between Great Britain and China - Hong Kong ceded to Great Britain (8/29)
Boer War - between British and Dutch Boers - British victorious
British withdraw from Kabul, Afghanistan
Dorr s Rebellion
John C. Fremont s Rocky Mountain expedition
Alexander Ghica - (Walachia) Prince
Georghe Bibescu + (Walachia) Prince
Michael - (Serbia) Prince
Alexander + (Serbia) Prince (Karadjordjevic)
John Tyler . (United States) (1841-1845)
Vienna Philharmonische Konzerte founded (Weiner Philharmoniker)
First VPO concert under Otto Nicolai in Redoutensaal (3/28)
Third New York Philharmonic Society founded (4/2)
Leipzig Conservatory founded by Mendelssohn
Russlan and Ludmilla Glinka
Scotch Symphony Mendelssohn
Polonaise in A-flat Major, Op. 53 Chopin
Nabucco Verdi
Rienzi Wagner
Bierce, Ambrose 1842-1914
Fiske, John 1842-1901
Hartmann, Edward von 1842-1906
James, William 1842-1910
Mallarme, Stephane 1842-1898 Poet
Marshall, Alfred 1842-1924
Massenet, Jules Emile Frederic 1842-1912 Composer
Pasculli, Antonino 1842-1924 Composer
Rayleigh, J. William Strut 1842-1919
Reynolds, Osborne 1842-1912
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour 1842-1900 Composer
Tilden, William Augustus 1842-1926
Brentano, Clemens 1778-1842
Channing, William Ellery 1780-1842
Cherubini, Luigi 1760-1842 Composer
Cotman, John 1782-1842
Jouffroy, Theodore Simon 1796-1842
Stendhal, Henri Beyle 1783-1842
Weber, Bedrich Dionys 1766-1842 Composer
A Christmas Carol (Dickens)
Fear and Trembling (Kierkegaard)
Karl Marx is expelled from Germany
Natal becomes a British colony
British annexation of Sind
First Maori War (-1848)
Gag Rule repealed - US
Fort Bridger on the Green River (Oregon Trail) built
Great Migration on the Oregon Trail
Daniel Webster resigns as US Secretary of State
John Tyler . (United States) (1841-1845)
Don Pasquale Donizetti
Der fliegende Hollander Wagner
Avenarius, Richard 1843-1896
Grieg, Edvard Hagerup 1843-1907 Composer
Hamerik, Asger 1843-1923 Composer
Herzogenberg, Heinrich von 1843-1900 Composer
James, Henry 1843-1916
McKinley, William 1843-1901 President
Pepper, William 1843-1898
Perez Galdos, Benito 1843-1920
Popper, David 1843-1913 Composer
Ziehrer, Ludwig August 1843-1922 Composer
Fries, Jakob Friedrich 1773-1843
Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolf 1770-1843
Holderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich 1770-1843 Poet (Germany)
Lanner, Joseph Franz Karl 1801-1843 Composer
Lithander, Carl Ludwig 1773-1843 Composer
Webster, Noah 1758-1843
The Three Musketeers (Alexander Dumas)
The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 (Engels)
First telegraph message transmitted - Washington-Baltimore: What Hath God Wrought! (5/24)
Joseph Smith Jr. is murdered by a rioutous mob in a prison in Carthage Illinois (6/27)
Marx meets Friedrich Engels
Catholic riots in Philadelphia
Vulcanization patented
Charles XIV - (Sweden) House of Bernadotte (John)
Oscar I + (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
Charles XIV - (Norway) House of Bernadotte (John)
Oscar I + (Norway) House of Bernadotte
John Tyler . (United States) (1841-1845)
Carlos Lopez + (Paraguay) (-1862) President
The Sacred Harp White
Concerto for Violin in E Minor, Op. 64 Mendelssohn
Ernani Verdi
Bernhardt, Sarah 1844-1923 Actress (10/23) (France)
Boltzmann, Ludwig 1844-1906
Cassatt, Mary 1844-1926
Eakins, Thomas 1844-1916 Painter (Philadelphia) (7/25)
Nietzsche, Friedrich 1844-1900 Philosopher (10/15)
Ratzel, Friedrich 1844-1904
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich 1844-1908 Composer (3/6) (3/18 N.S.)
Rousseau, Henri 1844-1910 Painter (5/21)
Sarasate, Pablo Martin Meliton de 1844-1908 Composer (3/10)
Taffanel, Claude Paul 1844-1908 Composer
Thibault, Jacques Anatole (France) 1844-1924
Verlaine, Paul 1844-1896 Poet (3/30) (Metz, France)
Widor, Charles Marie Jean Albert 1844-1934 Composer
Bulfinch, Charles 1763-1844
Dalton, John 1766-1844
Mozart, Franz Xaver 1791-1844 Composer
Smith Jr., Joseph 1805-1844 Latter Day Prophet/ Founder of Mormonism
The Count of Monte Christo (Alexander Dumas)
Cosmos (Humboldt)
Texas annexed by US (3/1)
James Knox Polk inaugurated (3/4)
Manifest Destiny appears as a concept in article by John L. O Sullivan (7/8)
Texas joins the United States (12/29)
Anglo-Sikh Wars - Britain annexes Punjab, northwest India
Methodist Church splits along sectional lines
John Tyler - (United States) (1841-) President
James Knox Polk + (United States) (-1849) President
Sonata in B minor Chopin
Les Preludes Liszt
Tannhauser Wagner
La Bamboula Gottschalk
Bode, Wilhelm von 1845-1929
Boutroux, Emile 1845-1921
Cantor, George 1845-1918
De la Blache, Paul Vidal 1845-1918
Faure, Gabriel Urbain 1845-1924 Composer
Hasselmans, Alphonse 1845-1912 Composer
Gunton, George 1845-1919
Ivanovici, Iosif 1845-1902 Composer
Lippman, Gabriel 1845-1921
Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad 1845-1923
Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman 1845-1933
Sousa, John Philip 1845-1932 Composer
Spitteler, Carl Friedrich Georg 1845-1924
Buxton, Thomas Fowell 1786-1845
Daniel, John Frederic 1790-1845
Hood, Thomas 1799-1845
Royer-Collard, Pierre Paul 1763-1845
Brigham Young leads Mormons westward departing from Nauvoo, IL (2/4)
Komei becomes 121st emperor of Japan (3/10)
Zachary Taylor's army reaches Rio Grande opposite Matamoros (3/28)
Donner Party sets off from Springfield, IL (4/16)
Mexican War starts (4/25)
Donner Party arrives in Independence, Missouri (5/11)
Donner Party sets out west from Independence (5/12)
US declares war on Mexico (5/13)
Francis Parkman's party sets off west from Fort Leavenworth (5/23)
Advance party of Mormons led by Brigham Young reach the Missouri River near present-day Omaha, NE (6/14)
Oregon Treaty - boundary dispute settled at 49th parallel (6/15)
US forces under John Sloat occupy Monterey and Yerba Buena - begin the annexation of California (7/6)
Stephen W. Kearny becomes military governor of New Mexico (8/18)
Parman expedition sets off from Bent's Fort east for final leg of journey (8/27)
Parkman expedition meets large army caravan bound for Santa Fe on the Arkansas (9/14)
Battle of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon - US Victory (9/21-23)
Kearny Code - Laws for the government of the territory of New Mexico (9/22)
Kearny sets out from New Mexico to California with 300 men (9/25)
Californios defeat US force in Los Angeles (9/30)
Battle of San Pasqual (12/6-7)
Potato famine reaches height in Ireland - 1 million die by 1851
Growth of anti-British movement in Ireland
Corn Laws repealed in Great Britain
Zulu reserves set up in Natal
War between Kaffirs (Bantu) and Great Britain in South Africa (-1847)
First act of segregation in South Africa - Zulu reserves set up in Natal
United States and Mexico at war (-1848)
Applegate Trail Opens
Mormon Migration (-1848)
Wilmot Proviso
Smithsonian Institution founded
First use of ether as an anesthetic
Howe's sewing machine patented
Komei + (Japan) (-1867) 121st Emperor
Gregory XVI -
Pius IX +
The Damnation of Faust Berlioz
Elijah Mendelssohn
Bradley, Francis Herbert 1846-1924
Euken, Rudolf Christolf 1846-1926
Noskowski, Zygmunt 1846-1908 Composer (Poland)
Sienkiewicz, Henryk 1846-1919
Westinghouse, George 1846-1914
Bessel, Wilhelm 1784-1846
Dragonetti, Domenico 1763-1846 Composer
List, Friedrich 1789-1846
Evangeline (Longfellow)
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)
Battle of Rio San Gabriel - US wins (1/8)
Battle of La Mesa - US wins (1/9)
US Marines take Los Angeles from Mexico (1/10)
Treaty of Cahuenga - ended California segment of Mexican-American War (1/13)
Pueblo Revolt at Taos - Governor Bent is murdered (1/17)
Donner party "Forelorn Hope" reaches saftey on the western side of Sierra Nevadas (1/18)
First Relief of the Donner Party sets out (2/22)
Battle of Buena Vista, Coahila (2/22-23)
Vanguard Company leaves Winter Quarters (Iowa Territory) along Missouri with 143 people towards Great Basin, UT (4/5)
Vangard Company reaches Fort Laramie merges with two other Mormon groups (6/1)
Brigham Young with Vanguard Company meets mountain man Jim Bridger (6/28)
Vanguard Company arrives at Fort Bridger (7/7)
Erastus Snow and Orson Pratt arrive at Salt Lake Valley as part of Vanguard Company (7/21)
Brigham young and others of the sick party reach Salt Lake Valley (7/24)
Mexico City falls to Winfield Scott s forces (9/14)
Siege of Puebla begins (9/14) -(10/12)
Irish famine - "Young Ireland" party
Kaffirs (Bantu) defeated by Great Britain
Atlanta incorporated
Martha von Flotow
Macbeth Verdi
Bell, Alexander Graham 1847-1922 Scientist
Besant, Annie 1847-1928
Browne, Borden Parker 1847-1910
Cervantes, Ignatio 1847-1905 Composer
Edison, Thomas Alva 1847-1931 Scientist
Fuchs, Robert 1847-1927 Composer
Gide, Charles 1847-1932 Economist (France)
Grondahl, Agathe Backer 1847-1907 Composer
Marconi, Marchese Guglielmo 1847-1937 Scientist
Pulitzer, Joseph 1847-1911
Ryder, Albert Pinkham 1847-1917
Sorel, Georges 1847-1922
Terry, Ellen Alicia 1847-1928
Baguer, Carlos 1768-1847 Composer
Crotch, William 1775-1847 Composer
Grandville, Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard 1803-1847
Hensel, Fanny Cacilia Mendelssohn 1805-1847 Composer
Mendelssohn-Bartoldy, Felix 1805-1847 Composer
Molino, Francesco 1768-1847 Composer
1848 Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood forms by Hunt, Millais, Rossetti, Woolner, Collinson, Stephens, and W. M. Rossetti
La Dame aux Camelias (Alexandre Dumas fils)
History of England (Macaulay)
Vanity Fair (Thackeray)
Book of Snobs (Thackeray)
Communist Manifesto (Marx/Engles)
Bishop Augustin M. Blanchet performs the first Catholic ordination in future WA state at Fort Walla Walla (1/2)
Christian VIII King of Denmark dies of blood poisoning (1/20)
Gold discovered in California at Sutter s Mill (1/24)
Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo - United States gains California and New Mexico (2/2)
Universal male suffrage enacted in France (3/2)
Frankfurt National Assembly (Parliament) meets to discuss unification of Germany (5/18) (-1849)
Peschiera is taken by Piedmontese forces from the Austrians after six week defense by General Rath (5/30)
Seneca Falls Women s rights convention (7/19-20)
Oregon Territory organized by Act of Congress (8/14)
Potato famine in Ireland
Chartism threatening in England
Year of Revolutions in Europe
Insurrection in Tipperary, Ireland is put down
Paris Revolution; overthrow of King Louis Philippe
Second Republic with Louis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon, as president in France
Counterrevolution in France and in central Europe
Revolutions in Milan, Naples, Venice, Rome - most are supressed within a year
Milanese expel Austrians after five days of fighting - Austrians return a few months later
Revolutions in Berlin, Vienna, Prague, and Budapest - initially successful
Dresden insurrection
Prince Metternich resigns - Emperor Ferdinand abdicates
Franz Joseph becomes Emperor of Austria (-1916)
Austro-Sardinian Wars (-1849)
Piedmontese Statuto
Walachia and Moldavia unite (-1859)
Uprising in Wallachia (Romania) is supressed by Russia
Switzerland introduces federal constitution
Free Soil Party organized
Charles Francis Adams becomes first Free-Soil candidate for vice-president in US
Theodor Mommsen appointed professor of civil law at University of Leipzig - loses his chair for supporting Rev.
Christian VIII - (Denmark)
Frederik VII + (Denmark)
Louis Philippe - (France) (1830-) Citizen King
Louis Bonaparte + (France) President (nephew of Napoleon)
Ferdinand I - (Austria) Emperor House of Leopold
Francis Joseph I + (Austria) Emperor House of Leopold
Georghe Bibescu - (Walachia) Prince
Charles Darwin's theories are fully developed in unpublished papers
Oh Susanna Stephen Collins Foster
Wagner participates in the Dresden insurrection, flees to Switzerland
Wagner begins the text to the Ring of the Nibelung
Adams, Brooker 1848-1927
Balfour, Arthur James 1848-1930
Bosanquet, Bernard 1848-1923
Caillebotte, Gustave 1848-1894
Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob 1848-1925
Gauguin, Paul 1848-1903 Painter
Harnett, William Michael 1848-1892
Lehman, Lilli 1848-1929
Pareto, Vilfredo 1848-1923
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings 1848-1918 Composer
Romanes, George 1848-1894
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus 1848-1907 Sculptor (Dublin, Ireland --->US)
Tiffany, Louis Comfort 1848-1933
Windelbrand, Wilhelm 1848-1915
Adams, John Quincy 1767-1848
Balmes 1810-1848
Belinski, Vissarion Grigoryevich 1811-1848 Writer/Critic (Russia)
Berzelius, Jons Jacob 1779-1848
Bolzano, Bernard 1781-1848 Philosopher (Czechoslovakia)
Bronte, Emily 1818-1848
Chateaubriand, Francois Rene, vicomte de 1768-1848 Writer (Saint-Malo, France)
D Israeli, Isaac 1766-1848
Donizetti, Gaetano 1797-1848 Composer
Forberg, Friedrich 1770-1848
Ibrahim Pasha 1789-1848 Egyptian Pasha
Stephenson, George 1781-1848
David Copperfield (Dickens)
The Oregon Trail (Francis Parkman)
Art and Revolution (Wagner)
Zachary Taylor inaugurated (3/5)
Great Britain repeals the Navigation Acts
Karl Marx settles in England
Elections results for Chamber of Deputies in France yields only 25% Republicans - monarchists in the majority
Revolutions in Italy and Hungary crushed
Russian intervention in Hungary
Frankfurt Parliament collapses
Frankfurt constitution
Roman Republic
Pope Pius IX exiled from Rome by Mazzini
Napoleon III sends French troops to Rome to quash th Mazzini's republic
Austro-Sardinian War
British annexation of Punjab
California Gold Rush
Bureau of Indian Affairs created as part of Dept. of Interior
Fort Worth Founded
Fort Laramie becomes an army post, formerly a trading post
William II - (Netherlands)
William III + (Netherlands)
Mihai Sturdza - (Moldavia) Prince
James Knox Polk - (United States) (1845-) President
Zachary Taylor + (United States) (-1850) President
Le Prophete Meyerbeer
Fantasy Pieces for Cello & Piano Op 73 (2) Schumann
Requiem Bruckner
Crazy Horse 1849-1877
Godard, Benjamin Louis Paul 1849-1895 Composer
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 1849-1936
Strindberg, August 1849-1912 Aguado, Dionisio 1784-1849 Composer
Bronte, Anne 1820-1849
Chopin, Frederick 1810-1849 Composer
Dobereiner, Johann Wolfgang 1780-1849
Fossa, Francois de Paul Jacques Raymond de 1775-1849 Composer
Hokusai, Katsushika 1760-1849 Painter (Japan)
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich Wilhelm Michael 1785-1849 Composer
Kreutzer, Conradin 1780-1849 Composer
Mohammed Ali 1769-1849 Pasha of Egypt
Nicolai, Carl Otto Ehrenfried 1810-1849 Composer
Parish-Alvers, Elias 1808-1849 Composer
Petofi, Sandor 1823-1849
Poe, Edgar Allen 1809-1849 Writer
Strauss, Johann I 1804-1849 Composer
Wette, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de 1780-1849
The Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne)
Evangeline (Longfellow)
Immensee (Storm)
Art Work of the Future (Wagner)
Zachary Taylor dies - of cholera morbus - Millard Fillmore succeeds him (7/9)
Herman Melville meets Nathaniel Hawthorne at a picnic arranged by a mutual friend (8/5)
Compromise of 1850 - California admitted as 31st state; Utah and New Mexico territories (9/9)
Fugitive Slave Act (9/18)
Donation Land Claim Act of 1850 - promotes hometead settlement in Oregon and Pacific NW (9/27)
Treaty of Olmutz - German Confederation restored under Austrian leadership (11/29)
Don Pacifico Affair - British foriegn secretary, Lord Palmerston, defends rights of British citizens abroad
T'ai P'ing rebellion - revolt against Manchu rule in China (-1864) other rebellions (-1873)
Henry Rawlinson deciphers cuneiform with help of trilingual inscription of Darius the Great at Bisutun
Zachary Taylor - (United States) (1849-) President
Millard Fillmore + (United States) (-1853) President
Xuanzong Cheng - (China) (1821-) 6th Qing Dynasty (Daoguang Era)
Bachgesellschaft founded
Lohengrin Wagner
Adams, Herbert Baxter 1850-1901
Braun, Carl Ferdinand 1850-1918
Fibich, Zdenek 1850-1900 Composer
Gompers, Samuel 1850-1924
Heaviside, Oliver 1850-1925
Komzak, Karel 1850-1905 Composer
Loti, Pierre 1850-1923 Novelist (France)
Maupassant, Guy de 1850-1893
Richet, Charles Robert 1850-1935
Scharwenka, Franz Xaver 1850-1924 Composer
Stevenson, Robert Louis 1850-1894
Taneyev, Alexander Sergeievich 1850-1918 Composer (Russia)
Weston, Edward 1850-1936
Bab, Ali Mohammed of Shiraz 1819-1850
Balzac, Honore 1799-1850 Novelist (Tours, France)
Fuller, Sarah Margaret Ossoli 1810-1850
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis 1778-1850
Gyrowetz, Adalbert 1763-1850 Composer
Oehlenschlager, Adam 1779-1850
Orleans, Louis Philippe, duc de 1773-1850 King (France)
Taylor, Zachary 1784-1850
Tomasek, Vaclav Jan Krtitel 1774-1850 Composer
Wordsworth, William 1770-1850 Poet
Moby Dick (Melville)
House of Seven Gables (Hawthorne)
Opera and Drama (Wagner)
Fort Laramie Peace Meeting - Treaty signed (9/17)
Clark Massacre - wagon train attacked by Shoshoni group near Raft River Idaho (9/30/1851)
Louis Napoleon III's coup d'etat (12/2/1851)
France votes 7,439,216 to 640,737 - sanctioning the acts of Napoleon III which allows him to revise the constitution
Gold strike in Victoria, Australia
US Treaty with the Sioux
Lehigh Valley Railroad begins construction
Great Exhibition held in London

First submarine telegraph cable
Peter II - (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Danilo II + (Montenegro) Lord
Wenzong Xian + (China) (-1861) 7th Qing Dynasty (Xianfeng Era)
Third Symphony Schumann
Rigoletto Verdi
Old Folks at Home Stephen Collins Foster
Abbe, Robert 1851-1928
Berliner, Emile 1851-1929 Engineer
Blockx, Jan 1851-1912 Composer
Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen 1851-1914
Chopin, Kate O Flaherty 1851-1904
d Indy, Paul Marie Theodore Vincent 1851-1931 Composer
Falero, Luis Ricardo 1851-1896
Lodge, Oliver Joseph 1851-1940
Ysaye, Eugene 1851-1931 Composer
Audubon, John James 1785-1851
Baillie, Joanna 1762-1851
Comte, Auguste 1798-1851
Cooper, James Fenimore 1789-1851
Daguerre 1789-1851
Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jakob 1804-1851
Oersted, Hans Christian 1777-1851
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 1797-1851
Turner, Joseph Mallord William 1775-1851
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Stowe)
Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg and History of Prussia during 16th and 17th Cent. (Leopold von Ranke)
Henry Clay dies in Washington D.C. (6/29)
France vote 7,824,189 to 253,145 allowing Napoleon III the title of Emperor (11/21)
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte becomes Napoleon III emperor (12/2)
London Protocol
The Danish Duchies
Louis Napoleon sets up Second Empire - democracy, the welfare state, and dictatorship (-1870)
Period I - "The Autocratic Empire" in France (-1860)
Sand River Convention - Great Britain recognizes independence of the Transvaal
Second Burmese War - British victory (-1853)
Collins and Denny parties reach Duwamish and Alki
Whig party disintegrates in US
Cavour + (Sardinia) Prime Minister
Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major, op. 1 Brahms
Abbey, Edwin Austin 1852-1911
Becquerel, Antoine Henri 1852-1908
Bourget, Paul 1852-1935
Cowen, Sir Frederic Hymen 1852-1935 Composer
Huber, Hans 1852-1921 Composer
Hugel, Friedrich von 1852-1925
Keynes, John Neville 1852-1949 Economist
Michelson, Albert Abraham 1852-1931
Moisson, Henri 1852-1907
Moore, George Augustus 1852-1933
Morgan, C. L. 1852-1936
Petri, Richard 1852-1921
Posse, Wilhelm 1852-1925 Composer
Stanford, Charles Villiers 1852-1924 Composer
Tarrega, Francesco 1852-1909 Composer
Beerhalter, Alois 1800-1852 Composer
Calhoun, John Caldwell 1782-1852
Clay, Henry 1777-1852
Furstenau, Anton Bernhard 1792-1852 Composer
Gogol, Nikolai 1809-1852
Jahn, Freidrich Ludwig 1778-1852
Moore, Thomas 1779-1852
Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore 1812-1852 Architect/Writer (England)
Webster, Daniel 1782-1852
Essay on the Inequality of Human Races (Joseph Arther Gobineau) (-1855)
CRIMEAN WAR ... (1853-1856)
Washington Territory forms (2/8)
Battle of Sinope - Russian naval victory using exploding shells(11/30)
Gadsen Purchase (12/30)
Crimean War (-1856)
Ottoman Empire declares war on Russia after Franco-Russian disputes over Holy Places in Palestine
Scottish explorer David Livingstone begins crossing of Africa (-1855/6)
Representative Assembly introduced in South Africa
Perry expedition forces end of Japanese exclusion policy
First railway line opened in India
First US rail connection from New York to Chicago
Maria II - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Pedro V + (Portugal) (-1861) House of Braganza
Millard Fillmore - (United States) (1850-) President
Franklin Pierce + (United States) President
Il Trovatore Verdi
La Traviata Verdi
Das Reingold (-1854) Wagner
Carreno, Maria Teresa 1853-1917 Composer
Foote, Arthur William 1853-1937 Composer
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 1853-1928
Marti, Jose 1853-1895
Meinong, Alexius 1853-1921
Messager, Andre Charles Prosper 1853-1929 Composer
Onnes, Heike Kamerlingh 1853-1926
Ostwald, Wilhelm 1853-1932
Petrie, William Matthew Flinders 1853-1942
Pyle, Howard 1853-1911
Salmon, Lucy Maynard 1853-1927
Van Gogh, Vincent 1853-1890 Painter
Arago, Dominique Francois Jean 1786-1853
Cortes, Donoso 1809-1853
Doppler, Christian 1803-1853
Gibson, John Bannister 1780-1853 Jurist (US/PA)
Onslow, Andre Georges Louis 1784-1853 Composer
Walden, or a Life in the Woods (Thoreau)
History of Rome (Mommsen) (3 vol. -1856)
CRIMEAN WAR ... (1853-1856)
Republican party formed (2/28)
Great Britain and France officially declare war on Russia(3/27-28)
Kansas-Nebraska Act ratified - Kansas becomes a territory (5/30)
British Parliament abolishes feudalism and the seigneurial system in British North America (6/22)
Medicine Hat Treaty - 62 tribal leaders sign over most of their lands for $32,500 (12/26)
Crimean War begins - Great Britain, France and Ottoman Empire against Russia (-1856)
Battle of Balaclava - Russians defeated
Battle of Inkerman - Russians defeated
Seige of Sevastopol - Russians beseiged for nearly a year
Liberal revolution in Spain overthrows government
Orange Free State set up in South Africa
US naval officer Matthew Perry forces Japan to make commercial treaty with United States
Isaac I. Stevens visits Seattle for first time.
Fort Craig is built in New Mexico
Missouri Compromise repealed
Third Party System in the United States (-1896)
Schumann attempts suicide by throwing himself into the Rhine (2/27/1854)
Les Preludes Liszt
Faust Symphony Liszt (1855)
Piano Sonata in B Minor Liszt
The Valkyrie (-1856) Wagner
Bland, James 1854-1911 Composer
Chadwick, George Whitefield 1854-1931 Composer
Foy, Edwin Fitzgerald 1854-1928 Actor/Comedian (US)
Frazer, James George 1854-1941 Classicist/Anthropologist (Glasgow)
Humperdinck, Engelbert 1854-1921 Composer
Janacek, Leos 1854-1928 Composer
Kopylov, Alexander 1854-1911 Composer
Moszkowski, Moritz 1854-1925 Composer
Natorp, Paul 1854-1924
Pabst, Paul 1854-1897 Composer
Pennell, Elizabeth Robins 1854-1936
Peto, John Frederick 1854-1907
Poincare, Jules Henri 1854-1912 Mathematician/Physicist (France)
Rimbaud, Arthur 1854-1891 Writer
Sabatier, Paul 1854-1941 Chemist (France)
Turro y Darder, Ramon 1854-1926
Wilde, Oscar 1854-1900 Writer
Zarebski, Juliusz 1854-1885 Composer
Ancelot, Jacques Arsene Francois Polycarp 1794-1854
Beneke, Friedrich Eduard 1798-1854
Lamennais, Felicite 1782-1854
Ohm, Georg Simon 1787-1854
Schelling, Friedrich von 1775-1854
Wilson, John 1785-1854
Leaves of Grass, 1st ed. (Walt Whitman)
CRIMEAN WAR ... (1853-1856)
THIRD SEMINOLE WAR + (1855-1858)
PUGET SOUND WAR + (1855-1856)
Franklin Pierce inaugurated (3/4)
Battle of Malakoff - allied French victory under MacMahon - all Russian admirals killed (9/7)
Donation Land Claim Act of 1850 expires (12/1)
English nurse Florence Nightingale reforms nursing during Crimean War
David Livingstone discovers Victoria falls in Africa
Charge of the Light Brigade (Crimean War)
Sardinia joins Crimean War
Point Elliot (Mukilteo) Treaty (1/21/23)
Louisville s Bloody Monday election riots (8/6)
Treaty Wars Washington Territory (-1856)
Wakarusa War (-1856)
Third Seminole War starts (-1858)
Nicholas I - (Russia) (1825-) Emperor
Alexander II + (Russia) Emperor (Tsar)
Vespri Siciliani Verdi
Chausson, Ernest Amedee 1855-1899 Composer
Debs, Eugene V. 1855-1926 Socialist Leader (Terre Haute, IN)
Liadov, Anatoli 1855-1914 Composer
Royce, Josiah 1855-1916 Philosopher (California, US)
Bronte, Charlotte 1816-1855
Crosse, Andrew 1784-1855
Gauss, Karl Friedrich 1777-1855
Kierkegaard, Soren Aabye 1813-1855
Nerval, Gerard de 1808-1855
Sturm, J. C. F. 1803-1855
CRIMEAN WAR - (1853-1856)
THIRD SEMINOLE WAR ... (1855-1858)
PUGET SOUND WAR - (1855-1856)
Battle of Seattle - Leschi, Nisqually chief leads attack on Seattle settlements (1/26)
Treaty of Paris signed - Crimean War ends with Ottoman victory (Congress of Paris) (3/30)
Lawrence, KS sacked by proslavery forces (5/21)
Guano Islands Act (8/18)
George Pickett, US Army Captain begins construction of Fort Bellingham, WA (8/26)
Arrow Incident - Qing officials arrest 12 aboard the Arrow - incites the Second Opium War (10/8)
Hatt-i Humayun - extending of rights granted by Hatt-i Sherif
Persia captures Herat, Afghanistan - leads to war with Great Britain (Anglo-Persian War)
Second Opium War - Anglo-French-Chinese War breaks out (-1860)
Treaty of 1856 (Seminole)
Dallas incorporated as a town
Fort Buchanan established near Sonoita, Arizona
Smetana emigrated to Sweden
Bruckner becomes organist of Linz Cathedral
Dante Symphony Liszt
Hungarian Rhapsodies Liszt
Siegfried (1st two acts -1857) Wagner
Baum, Lyman Frank 1856-1919 Writer (Chittenango, NY)
Cross, Henri Edmund 1856-1910
Frederic, Leon 1856-1940
Freud, Sigmund 1856-1939 Psychologist
Haggard, Henry Rider 1856-1925 Writer (England)
Haldane, Richard Burdon 1856-1928 Statesman/Philosopher (England)
Hardie, Keir 1856-1915
Martucci, Giuseppe 1856-1909 Composer
Sargent, John Singer 1856-1925 Painter
Shaw, George Bernard 1856-1950
Sinding, Johann Christian 1856-1941 Composer
Stieltjes, Thomas Jan 1856-1894
Sullivan, Louis 1856-1924
Taneyev, Sergei Ivanovich 1856-1915 Composer
Tesla, Nikola 1856-1943 Physicist
Thompson, Joseph John 1856-1940
Washington, Booker T. 1856-1915
Wilson, Woodrow 1856-1924
Avogadro, Amadeo 1776-1856
Cabet, Etienne 1788-1856
Hamilton, William 1788-1856
Heine, Christian Johann Heinrich 1797-1856
Lindpaintner, Peter Joseph von 1791-1856 Composer
Lobachevski, Nikolai Ivanovich 1793-1856
Mertz, Johann Kaspar 1806-1856 Composer
Schumann, Robert Alexander 1810-1856 Composer
Les Fleurs du mal(Baudelaire)
Madame Bovary (Flaubert)
Currier and Ives publish prints

THIRD SEMINOLE WAR ... (1855-1858)
Franz Joseph announces Archduke brother Maximilian as the new Governor General of Venetia-Lombardy (3/1) >
James Buchanan inaugurated (3/4)
Dred Scott v. Sanford decision - slaves are property that can be transported throughout any U.S. territiory (3/6)
Archduke Maximilian arrives in Venice from Trieste (3/22)
Indian Mutiny begins- rebellion of sepoys (native soldiers) in Bengal army (5/1857)
Maximilian I sets sail from Venice to England (5/30)
Maximilian I is sighted off Spithead in England (6/14)
Maximilian I on the SS Elisabeth arrives at Portsmouth (6/15)
Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian and Charlotte are married (7/27)
Whatcom Trail construction begins to connect Bellingham with Canadian border - Nooksack road (9/1957)
Mountain Meadows massacre Mormons murder people from Arkansas wagon party (9/7-11) Monday
War of Reform begins in Mexico (12) (-1861)
Sepoys take Cawnpore and beseige Lucknow
Sepoy Uprising brings about the final extinction of the British East India Company
Treaty of Paris - between Great Britain and Persia
Panic of 1857

Nasir ud Daulah - (Hyderabad) Nizam
Afzal ud Daulah + (Hyderabad) Nizam
Franklin Pierce - (United States) President
James Buchanan + (United States) President
Tristan and Isolde (-1859) Wagner
Barnard, Edward Emerson 1857-1923
Conrad, Joseph 1857-1924
Elgar, Edward William 1857-1934 Composer
Gjellerup, Karl Adolph 1857-1919
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf 1857-1894
Leoncavallo, Ruggero 1857-1919 Composer
Pennell, Joseph 1857-1926
Pontoppidan, Henrik 1857-1943
Saussure, Ferdinand de 1857-1913
Taft, William Howard 1857-1930
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 1789-1857
Czerny, Carl 1791-1857 Composer
Eichendorff, Joseph von 1789-1857
Glinka, Michael 1804-1857
Kurpinski, Karol 1785-1857 Composer
Jerrold, Douglas William 1803-1857
Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de 1810-1857
THIRD SEMINOLE WAR - (1855-1858)
FRASER CANYON WAR +- (1858) Nlaka'pamux vs. BC Colonists
Italian nationalist, Felice Orsini, attempts to assassinate Napoleon III with bomb in Paris (1/15)
Billy Bowlegs surrenders, Seminole chief agrees to relocate to Indian Territory (5/7)
Treaty of Aigun - Russia gains Amur region from China (5/28)
Plombieres Agreement - secret alliance between Napoleon III and Count Cavour, Premier of Piedmont (7/20)
India Act (Bill) - government of India passes from East India Company to British Crown (8)
Lincoln - Douglas debates begin (8/21)
Freeport Debate - 2nd Lincoln Douglas debate at Freeport, IL- Douglas' Freeport Doctrine (8/27)
LincolnDouglas Debates end (10/15)
Sir Henry Bessemer builds Steel Works at Sheffield using new process making large scale production possible
Franco-Sardinian alliance
British explorers Sir Richard Burton and John Speke discover Lake Tanganyika
Sepoy Rebellion put down by British in India
Lucknow relieved - Indian mutiny ends
Treaties of Tientsin - open eleven Chinese ports
Fenian Society founded in United States by Irish immigrants
Gold Discovered in the Colorado Rockies
Rahway, NJ incorporated
British East India Company dissolves
Fraser River Gold Rush
Theodor Mommsen starts teaching at Univ. of Berlin
Alois Joseph II - (Liechtenstein) Prince
John II + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Alexander - (Serbia) Prince (Karadjordjevic)
Milos Obrenovic + (Serbia) Prince
Covent Garden opera house opens
Les Troyens Berlioz
Un Ballo in Maschera Verdi
Orphee aux enfers Offenbach
Artzibushev, Nikolai 1858-1937 Composer
Boaz, Franz 1858-1942
Corinth, Lovis 1858-1915
Durkheim, Emile 1858-1917
Elling, Catharinus 1858-1942 Composer
Hubay, Jeno 1858-1937 Composer
Hue, Georges Adolphe 1858-1948 Composer
Lagerlof, Selma Ottiliana Lovisa 1858-1940
Mosca, Gaetano 1858-1941
Nesbit, Edith 1858-1924
Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig 1858-1947 Physicist
Puccini, Giacomo Antonio Domenico 1858-1924 Composer
Roosevelt, Theodore 1858-1919 President (Manhattan, NYC)
Rott, Hans 1858-1884 Composer
Simmel, Georg 1858-1918
Wallas, Graham 1858-1932
Ando, Hiroshige 1797-1858
Cramer, John Baptist 1771-1858 Composer
Diabelli, Anton 1781-1858 Composer
Montferrand, Auguste de 1786-1858
Neukomm, Sigismund Ritter von 1778-1858 Composer
Wyeth, John 1770-1858 Composer

A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens)
Idylls of the King (Alfred Tennyson)
On the Origin of Species (Darwin)

Austria invades Piedmont (4/26/1859)
Ferdinand II dies- his son Francis II ascends the throne of Two Sicilies (5/22)
Battle of Magenta - Austria defeated (6/4)
Pig War begins - Lyman Cutler, American settler on San Juan Island shoots an kills a HBC pig (6/15)
Battle of Solferino - Austria defeated by Franco-Sardinian alliance - (6/24)
Midway Islands discovered by Cptn. N.C. Middlbrooks (7/5)
France and Piedmont at war with Austria
Armistice of Villafranca
Treaty of Zurich - between France and Austria - Piedmont gains Lombardy
Milan unites with Kingdom of Sardinia
Moldavia and Walachia united as Romania
Lake Tanganyika discovered
Value added by manufacturing exceeds value of agricultural products sold
E.L. Drake drills first oil well at Oil Creek (Titusville, PA)
Louisville - Nashville Railroad (L&N) opened
Lehigh Valley Railroad comes to Perth Amboy

Oscar I - (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
Charles XV + (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
Oscar I - (Norway) House of Bernadotte
Charles XV + (Norway) House of Bernadotte
Alexander John I Cuza + (Romania) Prince (of Moldavia)
Dixie (Dan Emmett) performed at Mechanic s Hall in New York
Tristan und Isolde (Richard Wagner)
Faust Gounod
Alaichem, Sholom 1859-1916
Alexander, Samuel 1859-1938
Arrhenius, Svante August 1859-1927
Belasco, David 1859-1931
Bergson, Henri 1859-1941
Bohlau, Helene 1859-1940
Curie, Pierre 1859-1906
Dachenko, Vladimir Ivanovich 1859-1943
Dewey, John 1859-1952
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 1859-1930
Dresser, Paul 1859-1906 Composer (Indiana, US)
Duse, Eleanor 1859-1924
Ehrenfels, Maria 1859-1932
Foerster, Josef Bohuslav 1859-1951 Composer
Hallwachs, Wilhelm 1859-1922
Hamsun, Knut Pedersen 1859-1952
Hassam, Childe 1859-1935
Heidenstam, Carl Gustaf Verner von 1859-1940
Herbert, Victor 1859-1924 Composer
Hettner, Alfred 1859-1942
Housman, A. E. 1859-1936
Husserl, Edmund 1859-1941
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mihaylovich 1859-1935 Composer
Jerome, Jerome Klapka 1859-1934
Liapunov, Sergei Mikhailovich 1859-1924 Composer
Seurat, Georges 1859-1891
Sokolov, Nikolai 1859-1922 Composer
Tanner, Henry Ossawa 1859-1937
Thompson, Francis 1859-1907
Arnim, Bettina von 1785-1859 Writer (Germany)
Cox, David 1783-1859
Dirichlet, Gustav Lejeune 1805-1859
Grimm, Wilhelm 1786-1859
Humboldt, Alexander von 1769-1859 Naturalist/Traveler (Germany)
Hunt, Leigh 1784-1859
Irving, Washington 1783-1859
Macaulay, Thomas Babington 1800-1859
Mann, Horace 1796-1859
Poinsot, Luis 1777-1859
Quincey, Thomas de 1785-1859
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb 1798-1859 Composer
Ritter, Karl 1779-1859
Spohr, Ludwig 1784-1859 Composer
Tocqueville, Alexis de 1805-1859
Archduke Maximilian lands at All Saints Bay in Brazil aboard S.S. Elisabeth to visit Pedro II (1/11)
Treaty of Turin (3/24)
Maximilian and Charlotte are back at Trieste after his forst visit to the "New World" (4)
Abraham Lincoln elected 16th US President (11/4)
South Carolina secedes from the Union - 1st state (12/20)
Period II - "The Liberal Empire" - Napoleon III concedes some power to Chamber of Deputies (-1870)
Collapse of Italian structure
Italian states Parma, Modena, Tuscany, and Romagna unite with Piedmont
Italian patriot Guiseppe Garibaldi & his Thousand Redshirts conquer Naples and Sicily - Garibaldi's Expedition
Insurrection in Syria - French expedition - Statute of the Lebanon (-1861)
Communal conflicts in Lebanon and Syria (-1861)
British and French occupy Peking - end of Anglo-Chinese War
Pony Express completes inaugural delivery St Louis to Sacramento in 11 days
Milos Obrenovic - (Serbia) Prince
Michael + (Serbia) Prince
Danilo II - (Montenegro) Lord
Nicholas I + (Montenegro) Prince
Addams, Jane 1860-1935
Albeniz, Isaac Manuel Francisco 1860-1909 Composer
Barrie, James M. 1860-1937 Novelist/PW (Kirriemuir, Scotland)
Bryan, William Jennings 1860-1925
Charpentier, Gustave 1860-1956 Composer
Chekhov, Anton 1860-1904
Ensor, James 1860-1949
Hastings, Thomas 1860-1929
Haverfield, Francis John 1860-1919
Herzl, Theodor 1860-1904 Zionist
Korn, Alejandro 1860-1936
Leo, Alan 1860-1917
Macdowell, Edward Alexander 1860-1908 Composer
Mahler, Gustav 1860-1911 Composer
Moses, Anna Mary Robertson 1860-1961
Mucha, Alphonse 1860-1939
Paderewski, Ignace Jan 1860-1941 Composer
Reznicek, Emil Nikolaus von 1860-1945 Composer
Wolf, Hugo 1860-1903 Composer
Baur, Ferdinand Christian 1792-1860
Panizza, Giacomo 1804-1860 Composer
Parker, Theodore 1810-1860
Schopenhauer, Arthur 1788-1860 Philosopher
Silcher, Friedrich 1789-1860 Composer
Great Expectations (Dickens)
Silas Marner (Eliot)

AMERICAN CIVIL WAR + (1861-1865)
Benito Jauarez captures Mexico City - War of Reform ends (1/1) T
Friedrich Wilhelm IV dies - Wilhelm I succeeds (1/2) W
Delaware votes to stay in the Union (1/3) Th
Mississippi secedes from the Union - 2nd state (1/9) W
Florida secedes from the Union - 3rd state (1/10) Th
Alabama secedes from the Union - 4th state (1/11) F
Georgia secedes from the Union - 5th State (1/18) F
Jefferson Davis resigns from the US Senate (1/21) M
Louisiana secedes from the Union - 6th state (1/26) Sa
Bascom Affair begins- Start of Apache War (1/27)
Kansas enters Union as a free state - 34th state (1/29) T
Texas secedes from the Union - 7th state (2/1) F
Confederate States of America forms in Montgomery, Alabama (2/4) M
Jefferson Davis elected provisional president of Confederacy (2/9)
US House resolution passes that guarantees non-interference with slavery in any state (2/11)
Siege of Gaeta ends - Francis II King of the Two Sicilies goes into exile (2/13)
Jefferson Davis is inaugurated as provision president of the Confederacy in Montgomery (2/18)
Victor Emmanual II assumes title of King of Italy (2/18)
Serfdom abolished in Russia (2/19)
Abraham Lincoln arrives in Washington D.C. after assassination attempt in Baltimore (2/23)
Russian troops kill five protesters in Warsaw Poland (2/27)
Colorado Territory is organized (2/29)
Nevada Territoy is organized (3/2)
Formal emancipation of serfs in Russia (3/3)
Lincoln inaugurated (3/4)
"Stars and Bars" is adopted as the flag of the Confederate States of America (3/4)
El Hadj Umar Tall conquers Bambara Empire in Mali by siezing the capital Segou (3/10)
Constitution of the Confederate States of America is adopted (3/11)
Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg Salfeld dies at 74 (3/16)
Southern New Mexico Territory secedes and becomes part of Confederate Territory of Arizona (3/16)
Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy (3/17)
Ceasefire in effect in the First Taranaki War (3/18)
First Taranaki War ends in New Zealand (3/19)
Earthquake in destroys Mendoza, Argentina (3/20)
Surrender of Civitella del Tronto - end of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (3/20)
Fort Sumter - Civil War officially begins (4/12)
President Lincoln suspends writ of habeus corpus (4/27)
West Virginia secedes from Virginia (4/27)
Arkansas secedes from the Union - 8th state (5/6)
Tennessee secedes from the Union - 9th state (5/7)
Richmond, VA is named capital of the Confederacy (5/8)
Queen Victoria declares Great Britain's neutrality - recognizing Confederacy's rights of belligerancy (5/13)
North Carolina secedes from the Union - 10th state (5/20)
Kentucky proclaims its neutrality in Civil War (5/20)
Franz Joseph, Empress Elisabeth at Miramar Castle in Trieste visiting Maximilian and Charlotte (5)
Lebanon is separated from Syrian administration and reunited under Ottoman governor (6/9)
Benito Juarez formally elected President of Mexico (6/15)
Abdul Mejid, Ottoman sultan dies and is succeeded by Abdul Aziz (6/25)
L'Osservatore Romano begins publication by the Vatican (7/1)
Ioan Kasatkin (St. Nikolai) lands on Hakodate and introduces Eastern Orthodox Christianity to Japan (7/2/1861)
General McDowell with the Army of Northeastern Virginia departs from Washington D.C. (7/16)
Benito Juarez suspends payment of foreign debts (7/17)
First Battle of Bull Run - Confederates defeat Union army (7/21)
Crittenden-Johnson Resolution - passed by the US Congress - Civil War not a war to end slavery (7/25)
George McClellan appointed commander of the Army of the Potomac after defeat at Bull Run (7/26)
Revenue Act of 1861 - 1st income tax in the US - 3% of all income over $800 (8/5)
US Army abolishes flogging (8/5)
32nd Indiana Volunteer First German Infantry Regiment musters at Camp Morton (8/24)
Last execution in Britain for murder Martin Doyle in Chester (8/27)
General Leonidas Polk's (the "fighting bishop") forces invade neutral Kentucky (9/3)
General Grant's forces capture Paducah, KY - Union in control of the mouth of the Tennessee River (9/6)
Adolph Metzner elected 2nd Lieutenant of Company A, 32nd IN Regiment (First Company) (9/19)
Battle of Santa Rosa Island, FL - Union Victory (10/9)
Battle of Ball's Bluff - Union forces under Edward Baker defeated in 2nd major battle of the Civil War (10/21)
Transcontinental telegraph line completed - Sacramento to Washington D.C. (10/24/1861)
HMS Warrior - first ocean going all-iron hulled armored battleship is completed and commissioned (10/24)
Convention between Great Britan and Morocco for a loan of 426,000 signed at Tangier (10/24)
General Winfield Scott resigns as commander of the Union Army - citing a decline in health (10/31)
Convention of London signed- France, England, Spain demand fulfilment of Mexico's $ obligations (10/31)
Lincoln appoints General McClellan as commander of the Union Army (11/1)
David Hunter replaces John C. Fremont as commander of the Western Department (11/2)
Jefferson Davis is elected official president of the Confederacy (11/6)
Battle of Belmont - Grant's forces overrun a Confederate camp but are forced to retreat when help arrives (11/7)
Trent Affair - USS San Jacinto stops the UK mail ship Trent - arrests two Confederate envoys (11/8)
Jefferson Davis appoints Judah Benjamin as Secretary of War (11/21)
Tenement collapses in Old Town of Edinburgh - burying 50 - 15 survive (11/25)
Spanish troops land at Vera Cruz from Cuba(12/8)
Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, dies (12/14/1861)
Battle of Rowlett's station - Hart County KY, 32nd Indiana regiment (12/17)
Italy, except for Rome and Venice, united as one kingdom under Victor Emmanuel, King of Piedmont
Milan becomes part of Italy
British annexation of Lagos
Lincoln authorizes printing of $60,000,000 paper money
Cochise falsely imprisoned
Arapaho and Cheyenne forced onto Sand Creek Reserve

Friedrich Wilhelm IV - (Prussia) (1840-) King
William I + (Prussia) (-1888) King
Vittorio Emanuele II + (Italy) (-1878) King (King of Piedmont) Pedro V - (Portugal) (1853-) House of Braganza
Louis I + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Abdulmecid I - (Ottoman Empire) (1839-) Sultan
Abdulaziz + (Ottoman Empire) (-1876) Sultan
James Buchanan - (United States) President
Abraham Lincoln + (United States) President
Benito Juarez + (Mexico) (-1864) President
Wenzong Xian - (China) (1851-) 7th Qing Dynasty (Xianfeng Era)
Sir William Cookes announces the discovery of chemical element Thallium (81) (3/30/1861)
Great Comet of 1861 (C/1861 J1) sighted in Australia (5/13)
Canelas Meteorite (538 g) chondrite type strikes earth near Barcelona (5/14/1861)

Tannhauser performed in Paris
Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, op. 25 Brahms
Piano Quartet No. 2 in A major, op. 26 Brahms
Arensky, Anton Stepanovich 1861-1906 Composer
Blondel, Maurice 1861-1939
Bury, John Bagnell 1861-1927 Historian
Guillaume, Charles Edouard 1861-1938
Loeffler, Charles Martin Tornow 1861-1935 Composer
Maillol, Aristide 1861-1944 Visual Artist (France)
Remington, Frederic 1861-1909
Svevo, Italo 1861-1928
Tagore, Rabindranath 1861-1941
Turner, Frederick Jackson 1861-1932
Villoldo, Angel 1861-1919 Composer
Whitehead, Alfred North 1861-1947
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 1806-1861
Clough, Arthur Hugh 1819-1861
Douglas, Stephen Arnold 1813-1861
Heinrich, Anthony Philip 1781-1861 Composer
Lacordaire, Henri 1802-1861
Marschner, Heinrich August 1795-1861 Composer
Les Miserables (Hugo)
Fathers and Sons (Turgenev)
First Principles (Herbert Spencer)
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR ... (1861-1865)
British and French fleets arrive at Veracruz (1/6-8)
French fleet captures city of Campeche, Mexico (2/27)
Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas - Union victory (3/6-8)
Battle of Hampton Roads - naval battle (3/8-9)
Battle of Shiloh, TN (4/6-7)
British and Spanish withdraw their troops from Mexico (4/9)
British and Spanish forces sail from Mexico (4/24)
Battle of Puebla - Cinco de Mayo - Mexicans defeat French forces (5/5)
Gatling Gun is patented by Richard J. Gatling - first successful rapid repeating firearm (5/9)
Homestead Act signed into law by Lincoln(5/20)
Maximilian and Charlotte in Brussels (5)
Pacific Railway Act signed by Lincoln (7/1)
Battle of Apache Pass (7/15-+16)
Minnesota Massacres - Sioux murder five whites near New Ulm (8/17) (8/18) (8/23)
Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) (9/17)
Battle of Cixi - Qing forces led by American Frederick Townshend Ward defeat Taiping forces (9/20)
Minnesota Sioux hanging-bee 38 executed Mankato, MN (12/26)
Union of Moldavia and Wallachia under Alexander Cusa
French establish protectorate over Cochin-China (Cambodia)
Idaho Territory organized
Morrill Anti-Bigotry Act passed against Mormon polygamy
Sioux Uprising - Little Crow s War
Treaty with Great Britain suppressing slave trade
Fustel de Coulanges delivers his Inaugural Lecture at the U. of Strasbourg, "The Ethos of a Scientific Historian"
Otto von Bismark + (Prussia) Prime Minister
Otto I - (Greece) Son of King Ludwig I of Bavaria
Muzong Yi + (China) (-1874) 8th Qing Dynasty (Tongzhi Era)
Carlos Lopez - (Paraguay) (1844-) President
Francisco Solano Lopez + (Paraguay) (-1870)
Smetana returns to Prague
Kochel's Mozart catalogue begun
Berliner Philharmoniker forms
The Mastersingers of Nuremberg (-1867) Wagner
La Forza del Destino
Symphony No. 1 Bruckner
Benson, Frank Weston 1862-1951
Boellmann, Leon 1862-1897 Composer
Bragg, William Henry 1862-1942
Briand, Aristide 1862-1932 Statesman (France)
Debussy, Claude Achille 1862-1917
Delius, Frederick Theodor Albert 1862-1934 Composer
Diepenbrock, Alphons 1862-1936 Composer
Fuller, Loie 1862-1928
German, Sir Edward 1862-1936 Composer
Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert 1862-1946
Hilbert, David 1862-1943
Klimt, Gustav 1862-1918
Lenard, Phillip 1862-1947
Maeterlinck, Maurice Polidore Marie B. 1862-1949 Writer (Belgium)
Phillpotts, Eden 1862-1960
Stavenhagen, Bernhard 1862-1914 Composer
Tufts, James Hayden 1862-1942
Wharton, Edith 1862-1937 Novelist
Biot, Jean Baptiste 1774-1862
Damiron, Jean Philibert 1794-1862
Schadow, Wilhelm 1789-1862
Thoreau, Henry David 1817-1862
Ugalino and his Children (Carpeaux)
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR ... (1861-1865)
Emancipation Proclamation - abolishes slavery in United States (1/1)
Battle of Vicksburg (5/18-7/4)
French troops under Bazaine enter and occupy Mexico City (6/7)
Almonte appointed provisional President of Mexico by the 35 member Superior Junta (6/16)
Battle of Gettysburg - Federals defeat Confederates (7/1-3)
Little Crow killed while picking berries near Hutchinson, MN; Minnesota Sioux holdings confiscated (7/3)
Catholic Empire of Mexico is proclaimed by the Superior Junta (7/10)
Maximilian von Hapsburg accepts the Crown of Mexico at Miramar Castle, Trieste(10/3)
Christian IX becomes king of Denmark (11/15)
Christian IX King of Denmark reluctantly signs a draft constitution (11/18)
Gettysburg Address (11/19)
Polish Insurrection (-1864)
Alvensleben Convention
Shimonoseki in China bombarded by French and American warships
France establishes protectorate in Cambodia
Arizona Territory organized
Chochise War- US use force to set up fort at Chiricahua (Geronimo)
Mangas Coloradas captured and Murdered (Apache)
John Bozeman and John Jacobs scout out a direct route from Virginia City, MT to central Wyoming
International Committee of the Red Cross forms (ICRC)
Frederik VII - (Denmark) (1848-) King
Christian IX + (Denmark) (-1906) King
George I + (Greece) King s. Christian IX of Denmark
James Clerk Maxwell determines the ohm - unit of electrical impedance
John Newlands creates first periodic table to be arranged by relative atomic masses
Les Troyens (Berlioz) first permormed
Aanrud, Hans 1863-1953
Baekeland, Leo Hendrik 1863-1944 Chemist (Belgium)
Blumenfeld, Felix 1863-1931 Composer
Calkins, Mary Whiton 1863-1930
Ford, Henry 1863-1947 Model T Industrialist
Hall, Charles Martin 1863-1914
Hearst, William Randolph 1863-1951
Heroult, Paul Louis Toussaint 1863-1914
Mascagni, Pietro 1863-1945 Composer
Munch, Edvard 1863-1944 Painter
Munsterberg, Hugo 1863-1916
Parker, Horatio William 1863-1919 Composer
Pierne, Henri Constant Gabriel 1863-1937 Composer
Rickert, Heinrich 1863-1936
Santayana, George 1863-1952
Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquin 1863-1923
Weingartner, Felix 1863-1942
Wihtol, Joseph 1863-1948 Composer
Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene 1798-1863
Grimm, Jakob 1785-1863
Thackeray, William Makepeace 1811-1863
Alice in Wonderland (Carroll)
War and Peace (Tolstoy) (-1869)
Notes from the Underground (Dostoevsky)
The Ancient City (Fustel de Coulanges) History
Syllabus of Errors (Pope Pius IX)
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR ... (1861-1865)
CHILCOTIN WAR +- (1864) Tsilhqot'in vs. European settlers
Bismark issues an ultimatum that Denmark should abolish the November Constitution in 48 hours (1/16)
Second War of Scheswig-Holstein begins - Prussian and Austrian troops cross into Schleswig (2/1)
Maximilian II King of Bavaria dies (3/10)
Battle of Dybb l - German Confederation defeats Denmark (4/18)
Maximilian I lands at Veracruz (5/28)
Tauranga Campaign of the Maori War ends (6/21)
Siege of Atlanta begins (7/22) -(8/25)
First Geneva Convention (8/22)
Sherman captures Atlanta (9/2)
Adolph Metzner mustered out of 32nd Indiana Regiment as Captain of Co. K (9/7)
Sand Creek Massacre - J.M. Chivington company murders 450 +- Arapahoe and Cheyenne (11/29)
Ferdinand Lassalle killed in a duel
Karl Marx founds First International Working Men's Association in London
Polish Insurrection fails
Expedition of British, French, Dutch, and Americans bombards Shimonoseki, Japan
Union Army occupies Georgia
Sand Creek Indians raid South Platte trails into Nebraska
Montana Territory organized
Second Pacific Railroad Act passed
Snake War begins - Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, California, (1864-1868)
Kit Carson s campaign against Navajo in n New Mexico - Long Walk to Fort Sumner res.
War of the Triple Alliance - Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay against Paraguay (-1870)
Benito Juarez - (Mexico) (1861-) President
Maximilian I + (Mexico) (-1867) Emperor
First successful transatlantic cable
La Belle Helene Offenbach
First Symphony Bruckner
Piano Quintet in F minor Brahms
Lieder, Op. 33 Brahms
D Albert, Eugene Francis Charles 1864-1932 Composer
Gretchaninov, Alexander Tikhonovich 1864-1956 Composer
Halvorsen, Johan 1864-1935 Composer
Karlfeldt, Erik Axel 1864-1931
More, Paul Elmer 1864-1937
Nernst, Walther Hermann 1864-1941
Ropartz, Joseph Guy Marie 1864-1955 Composer
Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott 1864-1937
Sepharial (Walter Old) 1864-1929
Stieglitz, Alfred 1864-1946
Strauss, Richard 1864-1949 Composer
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 1864-1901
Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de 1864-1936
Weber, Max 1864-1920
Wien, Wilhelm 1864-1928
Aiken, Lucy 1781-1864
Boole, George 1815-1864 Callan, Nicholas Joseph 1799-1864
Foster, Steven Collins 1826-1864
Fratin, Christophe 1801-1864
Garnier, Adolphe 1801-1864
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 1804-1864
Landor, Walter Savage 1775-1864
Meyerbeer, Giacomo 1791-1864 Composer
Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR - (1861-1865)
Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration (3/4/1865)
Grant captures Richmond (4/3)
Surrender at Appomattox - General Lee surrenders to General Grant - American Civil War ends (4/9)
Abraham Lincoln assassinated at Ford Theatre - Andrew Johnson succeeds (4/14)
Staplehurst Rail Crash - Charles Dickens survives - 10 passengers die - 49 are seriously injured (6/9)
Last Confederate general stands down - Stand Watie's Confederate regiment surrenders at Fort Towson (6/23)
First ascent of the Matterhorn by Edward Whymper - four killed in descent (7/14)
Gastein Convention - between Austria and Prussia over the governing of Schleswig-Holstein (8/14)
Battle of the Tongue River - U.S. Army victory over the Arapaho (8/29)
Thirteenth Amendment ratified - prohibiting slavery (12/6)
Biarritz meeting of Napoleon III and Bismarck
Bozeman Trail opened (Cheyenne to mouth of Rosebud, MT)
Fort Dakota is established
Committee on the Condition of the Indian Tribes formed, visits West
Tashkent is annexed by Russia

Leopold I - (Belgium) King (Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield)(Duke)
Leopold II + (Belgium) (-1909) King (Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield)(Duke)
Abraham Lincoln - (United States) (1861-1865) President (assassinated)
Babbit, Irving 1865-1933
Boeck, August de 1865-1937 Composer
Dalcroze, Emile 1865-1950
Dukas, Paul 1865-1935 Composer
Fabry, Emile 1865-1966
Ganivet y Garcia, Angel 1865-1898
Gilson, Paul 1865-1942 Composer
Glazunov, Alexander Kostantinovich 1865-1936 Composer
Harding, Warren Gamaliel 1865-1923 President
Kipling, Rudyard 1865-1936
Magnard, Lucien Denis Gabriel Alberic 1865-1914 Composer
Nielsen, Carl August 1865-1931 Composer
Sibelius, Jean Julius Christian 1865-1957 Composer
Stanislavsky, Konstantin 1865-1938
Steinmetz, Charles Proteus 1865-1923 Electrical Engineer A/C cur.(4/9) (US)
Troeltsch, Ernst 1865-1923
Yeats, William Butler 1865-1939
Ysaye, Theophile 1865-1918 Composer
Zeeman, Pieter 1865-1943
Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm 1814-1865 Composer
Sanseverino 1811-1865
Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
Napoleon III announces the start of the withdrawal of French troops from Mexico (5/31)
Battle of Custozza - Italy defeated by Austrian forces under Archduke Albert near Verona (6/24)
Second Battle of Langensalza - Hanover's Army defeats Prussia - forced to surrender a fewe days later (6/27)
Battle of Konnigratz (Sadowa) - 1st major engagement of the Austro-Prussian War - Prussian victory (7/3)
Charlotte, Empress of Mexico embarks from Vera Cruz on diplomatic mission to Napoleon III (7/13) Friday
Battle of Lissa (Vis) - Italy defeated but gains Venice (7/20)
Battle of Bezzecca - Garibaldi's "Hunters of the Laps" defeat the Austrians (7/21)
Cyrus Field's Trans-Atlantic Cable complete - "Thank God, the cable is laid." (7/27)
Empress Charlotte of Mexico arrives at St. Nazaire, France to little fanfare (8/8)
Treaty (Peace) of Prague - ends Austro-Prussian war - Austria to withdraw from German affairs (8/23)
Treaty of Prague - dissolution of German Confederation (8/23)
US 10th Cavalry "Buffalo Soldiers" Regiment forms (9/21)
Treaty of Vienna - Austria cedes Venetia to France - which in turn cedes it to Italy (10/12)
Sun Yat Sen is born (11/12)
Emperor Maximilian refuses to abdicate after Napoleon III withdraws his troops (12)
Fetterman Massacre near Fort Phil Kearny (12/21)
Austria separated from Germany
Prussia forms alliance with Italy against Austrian Coalition
Austro-Prussian War (Seven Week's War) (Third Independence War) - over Shleswig-Holstein
Italy acquires Venetia
Cretan revolt (-1868)
Christian Science founded by Mary Baker Eddy
Klu Klux Klan formed
Fort Phil Kearny and Fort C.F. Smith built in Sioux territory east of Big Horn Mountains
Cherokee Reconstruction Treaty of 1866
Alexander John I Cuza - (Romania) Prince (of Moldavia)
Charles Eitel Frederick + (Romania) Prince (of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen)
Mignon (Ambroise Thomas)
The Bartered Bride Smetana
Aakjaer, Jeppe 1866-1930 Poet/Novelist (Jutland, Denmark)
Ade, George 1866-1944
Benavente, Jacinto 1866-1954
Busoni, Ferruccio Dante Michel. Benvenuto 1866-1924 Composer
Celea, Francesco 1866-1950 Composer
Croce, Benedetto 1866-1952
Dow, Herbert Henry 1866-1930
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovitch 1866-1949 Spiritualist of the 4th Way
Kalinnikov, Vasily Sergeyevich 1866-1901 Composer
Kandinsky, Wassily 1866-1944 Painter
McTaggart, J. M. E. 1866-1925
Pryde, James 1866-1941
Rolland, Romain 1866-1944 Novelist (France)
Satie, Erik 1866-1925 Composer (France)
Sun Yat Sen 1866-1925 Chinese Revolutionary (Canton)
Twardowski, Kazimierz 1866-1938
Wells, Herbert George 1866-1946
Brashman, Nikolai Dmetrievich 1796-1866
Cass, Lewis 1782-1866
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel 1801-1866 Composer
Peacock, Thomas Love 1785-1866
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernard 1826-1866
Scott, Winfield 1786-1866 Army General (US) (5/29)
Servais, Adrien Francois 1807-1866 Composer
Peer Gynt (Isben)
Das Kapital, vol. 1 (Marx)

US House passes a resolution to investigate Andrew Johnson (proposed by James M. Ashley (1/7)
1st Reconstruction Act - creates five military districts in the ten unreconstructed states (3/2)
Tenure of Office Act - cabinet members are not to be removed without consent of the Senate (3/2)
Supplementary Reconstruction Act - state conventions now in control of military commanders (3/23)
Alaska Purchase - Russia sells Alaska to the United States for 7.2 million (3/30)
Mexicans capture and execute Emperor Maximilian (6/19)
British North America Act - Dominion of Canada established (7/3)
Third Reconstruction Act (7/19)
Johnson removes Edwin M. Stanton as Secretary of War (8/12)
Midway Islands annexed by Cpt. William Reynolds - first offshore island claimed by US (8/28)
Medicine Lodge Treaty near southern Kansas border (10/21)
Parliament passes Second Reform Act in Britain
North German Confederation formed under Prussian leadership - north of river Main
Austro-Hungarian Ausgleich
Dual Monarchy of Austro-Hungary founded
Austro-Hungarian monarchy - Franz Josef king of Austria and Hungary
Western provinces in Cochin-China fall to French
Abdication of last Tokugawa shogun in Japan
France forced to withdraw from Mexico
Texas Trail begins (San Antonio-Abilene, KS)
Report on the Condition of Indian Tribes published
Indian Peace Commission formed (three generals, four civilians)
US Navy occupies the Midway Islands
Franz Joseph + (Austro-Hungary) King
Komei - (Japan) (-1867) 121st Emperor
First collection of "Negro Spirituals"
Don Carlo Verdi
On the Beautiful Blue Danube Johann Strauss
Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney 1867-1944 Composer
Bluemner, Oscar 1867-1938
Bonnard, Pierre 1867-1947 Painter
Craigie, William Alexander 1867-1957
Curie, Marie Slodowska 1867-1934
Driesch, Hans Adolf Eduard 1867-1940
Galsworthy, John 1867-1933
Granados, Enrique 1867-1916 Composer
Mouquet, Jules 1867-1946 Composer
Nolde, Emil 1867-1956 Painter
Pirandello, Luigi 1867-1936
Reymont, Wladyslaw Stanislaw (Rejment) 1867-1925
Roussel, Ker Xavier 1867-1944
Russell, George William (AE) 1867-1935
Soseki, Natsume 1867- Writer (Japan)
Titchener, Edward Bradford 1867-1927
Toscanini, Arturo 1867-1957 Conductor
Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene 1867-1940
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre 1821-1867 Writer
Bautain, Louis Eugene Marie 1796-1867
Cornelius, Peter 1783-1867
Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille 1796-1867
Cousin, Victor 1792-1867
Dufferin, Lady 1807-1867
Faraday, Michael 1791-1867
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique 1780-1867
Johnson, Alexander Bryan 1786-1867
Poncelet, Jean Victor 1788-1867
Rousseau, Theodore 1812-1867
The Ring and the Book (Robert Browning)
The Idiot (Dostoevsky)

BOSHIN WAR + (1868-1869) Tokugawa vs. Meiji supporters
Meiji Restoration period in Japan (1/3) (-1912)
Andrew Johnson impeached by House (2/24)
Fort Laramie Peace Meeting for Northern tribes held - foreshadowed reservation system (4/29)
Andrew Johnson acquitted by Senate (5/26)
Fourteenth Amendment ratified - defining citizenship (7/9)
Thaddeus Stevens dies (8/11)
Lares Uprising - Puerto Rican revolt against Spanish authorities (9/23)
Custer s Wichita (near Texas) massacre, Black Kettle slain (11/27)
Uprising in Spain - Queen Isabella II forced to abdicate - Spanish revolution
Hohenzollern candidacy to the Spanish throne (-1870)
Provisional government in Spain (-1871)
British expedition to Ethiopia - forces release of British diplomats
Ottoman Civil Code (-1876)
New imperial government established at Edo (Tokyo)
Boshin War - between Tokugawa Shogunate and pro-imperial forces (-1869)
Ten Years' War - Cuba unsuccessfully attempts to gain independence from Spain (-1878)
Treaty with Red Cloud: forts on Bozeman to be abandoned, N of N Platte and E of Big Horn I.T.
Russia annexes Samarkand - Russian control extends to the Amu Darya River
Isabella II - (Spain) House of Bourbon
Marshal Serrano + (Spain) provisional government
Krishnaraja Wodeyar III -(Mysore) Mummudi
Chamaraja Wodeyar IX +(Mysore)
Michael - (Serbia) Prince
Milan + (Serbia) Prince
Gesellschaft fur Musikforschung founded in Berlin
Deutsche Requiem Brahms
Magelone songs, Op. 33 Brahms
Bantock, Granville Ransome 1868-1946 Composer
Bogert, Marston Taylor 1868-1954
Claudell, Paul 1868-1955
Du Bois, W.E.B. 1868-1963 Civil Rights Activist (Gr. Barrington, MA)
Feure, Georges de 1868-1943
Gilbert, Henry Franklin Belknap 1868-1928 Composer
Gorky, Maxim 1868-1936 Novelist/PW (Nizhni, Novgorod)
Hale, George Ellery 1868-1938
Jennings, Herbert Spencer 1868-1947
Joplin, Scott 1868-1917 Composer
MacCunn, Hamish 1868-1916 Composer
Millikan, Robert Andrews 1868-1953
Mortelmans, Lodewijk 1868-1952 Composer
Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne 1868-1945
Rostand, Edmond 1868-1918
Sabine, W. C. 1868-1919
Schillings, Max von 1868-1933 Composer
Berwald, Franz Adolf 1796-1868 Composer
Brewster, David 1781-1868
Dauprat, Louis Francois 1781-1868 Composer
Foucalt, Jean Bernard Leon 1819-1868
Rossini, Gioacchino 1792-1868 Composer
Stevens, Thaddeus 1792-1868 US
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
L Education sentimentale (Flaubert)
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea (Jules Verne)
BOSHIN WAR - (1868-1869) Tokugawa vs. Meiji supporters
Ulysses S. Grant inaugurated (3/4)
First Transcontinental Railroad (Union and Central Pacific) completed at Promonotory, Utah (5/10)
First college football game played between Rutgers and Princeton, Rutgers wins 6-4 (11/6)
Suez Canal opens for traffic (11/17)
Professor Wood discovers Temple of Artemis in Asia Minor (12/31)
Disestablishment Act - Irish Church ceases to exist (1871)
Board of Indian Commissioners (BIC) created (composed of civilians) to advise BIA
Afzal ud Daulah - (Hyderabad) Nizam
Mubarak Ali Khan + (Hyderabad) Nizam
Ulysses S. Grant + (United States) (1869-1877) 18th President
Romeo and Juliet Tchaikovsky
Gotterdammerung (-1874) Wagner
Boodin, John Elof 1869-1950
Brunschvicg, Leon 1869-1944
Dalen, Nils G. 1869-1937
Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm 1869-1966
Gandhi, Mohandas K. 1869-1948 Peaceful Revolutionary (India)
Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume 1869-1951
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor 1869-1924
Matisse, Henri 1869-1954 Painter
Peixotto, Ernest Clifford 1869-1940
Pfitzner, Hans Erich 1869-1949 Composer
Roussel, Albert Charles Paul Marie 1869-1937 Composer
Sohlberg, Harald 1869-1935
Stojowski, Sigismond 1869-1946 Composer
Taylor, Alfred Edward 1869-1945
Vigeland, Gustav 1869-1943
Wagner, Siegfried 1869-1930 Composer
Wilson, C. T. R. 1869-1959
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1869-1959 Architect
Berlioz, Hector 1803-1869 Composer
Dargomyzhsky, Alexander 1813-1869 Composer
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau 1829-1869 Composer
Gratz, Rebecca 1781-1869
Lamartine, Alphonse 1790-1869
Molque, Wilhelm Bernard 1802-1869 Composer
Overbeck, Frederic 1789-1869
Poiseuille, Jean 1797-1869
Roget, Peter 1779-1869
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin 1804-1869
Dogmatic Decrees (Vatican Council) (7)
Maias Massacre (1/23)
Fifteenth Amendment ratified gives blacks right to vote in US (2/3)
Bismarck supports Hohenzollern candidacy for vacant Spanish throne (3/15)
Thomas Mundy becomes first black voter in US (3/31)
Bismarck's emissaries return from visit to Spain with glowing accounts (5)
Leopold accepts Hohenzollern candidacy fot the Spanish throne - William consents if the Cortes involved (6/19)
Spanish Cortes adjourns before a vote could be taken for Leopolds bid - news leaks - France is furious(7/2)
Duke of Gramont makes speech in French Chamber promising war unless Prussia its Spanish bid (7/6)
Ems dispatch - French Ambassador Count Benedetti urges William to withdraw Leopold refused (7/9-7/11)
Leopold's father withdraws Hohenzollern candidacy (7/12)
France declares war on Prussia (7/19)
Battle of Sedan - French defeated - Emperor Napoleon III is captured and abdicates (9/1)
Napoleon III capitulates (9/2)
Paris mob descends on the Palais Bourbon forces rump Legislative Assembly to declare the empire dead (9/4)
Third French Republic proclaimed at the Hotel de Ville (9/4) (-1914)
Two Prussian armies descend and invest Paris - Gambetta escapes in a hot air balloon (9/19)
Chicago Fire kills 300 (10/8-9)
General Bazaine surrenders at Metz with 173,000 men (10/27)
Paris putsch of socialists and radicals in attempt to establish 1792-like commune - ultimately fails (10/31)
Education Acts passed in most countries of western Europe - free compulsory education
Beginnings of industrial literacy
Irish Land Act - provides compensation for eviction - fails to ease Irish problem
Franco-Prussian War (-1871)
Kingdom of Italy annexes Papal States - Rome becomes capital of Italy
Vatican Council proclaims papal infallibility
Bulgarian Exarchate established - seperate branch of Eastern Orthodox Church - step toward nationalism
Russia repudiates Black Sea Clauses of the Treaty of Paris - England and Austria protest, Germany supports
Russia abolishes old patrician system - towns autonomous through councils elected by propertied classes
White v. Flood segregation in schools
Chisholm Trail (Texas Trail) established
Cherokee Tobacco Case of 1870
Heinrich Schliemann excavates the site of Troy
Napoleon III - (France) (1848-)
Louis Jules Trochu + (France) President (1st) Third Republic
Francisco Solano Lopez - (Paraguay) (1862-) President
Wagner's Die Walkure performed
Adler, Alfred 1870-1937
Barlach, Ernst 1870-1938
Bachelier, Louis 1870-1946
Bunin, Ivan Alekseyevich 1870-1953
Carlslaw, Horatio Scott 1870-1954
Glackens, William 1870-1938
Godowsky, Leopold 1870-1938 Composer
Haskins, Charles Homer 1870-1937
Lehar, Franz 1870-1948 Composer
Lekeu, Guillaume 1870-1894 Composer
Lenin, Vladimir 1870-1924 Revolutionary Leader
Munro, H. H. (Saki) 1870-1916
Novak, Vitezslav 1870-1949 Composer
Parrish, Maxfield 1870-
Perrin, Jean Baptiste 1870-1942
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro 1870-1966
Vierne, Louis 1870-1937 Composer
Bazille, Frederic 1841-1870
Beriot, Charles 1802-1870 Composer
Broglie, Jacques Victor Albert 1785-1870
Dickens, Charles 1812-1870 Novelist
Dumas, Alexandre 1802-1870 Novelist
Lovenskiold, Herman Severin 1815-1870 Composer
Mechura, Leopold Eugen 1804-1870 Composer
Mercadante. Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele 1795-1870 Composer
Merimee, Prosper 1803-1870
Mosonyi, Mihaly 1814-1870 Composer
Moscheles, Isaak Ignaz 1794-1870 Composer
Saumell, Manuel 1817-1870 Composer
Strauss, Joseph 1827-1870 Composer
Essays (Emerson)
The Descent of Man (Darwin)
Beginning of armed diplomacy leading to 1914
Trade unions legalized in Great Britain
Proclamation of the German Empire at Versailles
German Empire (Reich) declared with King William I of Prussia as Emperor - Bismarck as Chancellor
Paris surrenders after gruelling siege
Paris Commune set up in opposition to national government and peace terms - Third Republic
Gradual emergence of the Third Republic in France (-1875)
Treaty of Frankfurt - ends Franco-Prussian War
Treaty of Frankfurt - Alsace-Lorraine ceded (annexed) to Germany
Treaty of Frankfurt - France forced to pay heavy indemnity
Hohenzollerns rule Germany (-1918)
Government troops crush Paris Commune
Russia denounces the Black Sea clauses of the Treaty of Paris of 1856
Basic policies of centralization and liquidation of caste privilege in Japan (-1876)
British Honduras becomes a crown colony
Cochise captured by U.S. army but escapes
Irish riot of 1871
US Congress stops negotiating with tribes as foreign nations
Louis Jules Trochu - (France)
Louis Adolphe Thiers + (France)
Amadeo I of Savoy + (Spain) House of Bourbon
Aida Verdi
Schicksalslied Brahms
Lyric pieces for piano (first) Grieg
Adams, Samuel Hopkins 1871-1958
Balla, Giacomo 1871-1958
Borel, Felix Eduard Emile 1871-1956
Crane, Stephen 1871-1900 Writer
Deledda, Grazia Madesani nee 1871-1936
Dreiser, Theodore 1871-1945 Writer
Hadley, Henry Kimball 1871-1937 Composer
Mikkola, Maria (Maila Talvio) Winter 1871-1951
Proust, Marcel 1871-1922
Rouault, Georges 1871-1958
Roux-Champion, VJ 1871-1953
Rutherford, Ernest 1871-1937
Sabin, Florence Rena 1871-1953
Sloan, John 1871-1951
Stenhammar, Wilhelm 1871-1927 Composer
Synge, John Millington 1871-1909 Poet/Dramatist (Dublin, Ireland)
Valery, Ambroise Paul Touissaint Jules 1871-1945
Zemlinsky, Alexander von 1871-1942 Composer
Auber, Daniel-Francois-Esprit 1782-1871 Composer
Fetis, Francois Joseph 1784-1871 Composer
Herschel, John Frederick 1792-1871
Leroux, Pierre 1797-1871
Maxwell, James Clerk 1831-1871
May, Samuel Joseph 1797-1871
Potter, Philip Cipriani Hambly 1792-1871 Composer
Tausig, Karl 1841-1871 Composer/Pianist
Thalberg, Sigismond 1812-1871 Composer
Middlemarch (George Eliot)
The Birth of Tragedy (Nietzsche)
Around the World in 80 Days (Jules Verne)

Amnesty Act - restores southerners civil rights (5/22)
Credit Mobilier scandal breaks (9)
San Carlos Apache Reservation established by President Grant (12/14)
Bakunin expelled - torn by internal divisions the First International gradually disintegrates (-1876)
League of Three Emperors - William I, Franz Josef, and Tsar Alexander II
Internal self-government in South Africa
Cochise negotiates treaty whereby Chiricahua remain in their homeland
Modoc War starts (-1873)
Yellowstone National Park founded
Charles XV - (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
Oscar II + (Sweden) House of Bernadotte
Charles XV - (Norway) House of Bernadotte
Oscar II + (Norway) House of Bernadotte
Mass in F Minor Bruckner
L'Arlesienne Bizet
Abbot, Charles Greeley 1872-1973 Astrophysicist (Wilton, N.H. - US)
Alfven, Hugo 1872-1960 Composer (Stockholm, Sweden)
Aurobindo, Ghose 1872-1950
Beardsley, Aubrey 1872-1898 Visual Artist
Blum, Leon 1872-1950 Statesman (France)
Coolidge, Calvin 1872-1933 Statesman (US)
Craig, Edward Gordon 1872-1966 Theatre (England)
Huizinga, Johan 1872-1945 Historian (The Netherlands)
Johnson, Bill 1872-1972 Musician
Mondrian, Piet 1872-1944 Painter
Nicholson, William 1872-1949 Visual Artist (England)
Russell, Bertrand Arthur William 1872-1970 Philosopher
Scriabin, Alexander Nikolaevich 1872-1915 Composer
Severac, Deodat de 1872-1921 Composer
Vaughan Williams, Ralph 1872-1958 Composer
Clebsch, 1833-1872
Fauerbach, Ludwig 1804-1872
Gautier, Theophile 1811-1872
Hastings, Thomas 1784-1872
Kensett, John Frederick 1816-1872
Lever, Charles 1806-1872
Moniuszko, Stanislaw 1819-1872 Composer
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese 1791-1872
Trendelenburg, Friedrich Adolf 1802-1872
Une Saison en enfer (Rimbaud)
Grant s second inauguration (3/4)
Jay Cooke & Company - major US banking firm fails (9/18)
First Republic in Spain (-1874)
Onset of agricultural depression in western Europe
Second Ashanti War in west Africa (Anglo-Ashanti war) (-1874)
Universal military conscription in Japan
Japanese dispute over Korean invasion resolved in favor of peace faction
Boss William Tweed of NYC convicted of stealing public funds
US Banks fail - beginning panic and five year depression -
Bimetallism abandoned
Louis Adolphe Thiers - (France)
Marie MacMahon + (France) Edme Patrice de
Amadeo I of Savoy - (Spain) House of Bourbon
Third Symphony Bruckner
Quartet, Op. 51 Brahms
Variations on a Theme by Haydn, Op. 56a Brahms
Bode, Boyd Henry 1873-1953
Caruso, Enrico 1873-1921 Singer
Cather, Willa 1873-1916
Collette, Sidonie-Gabrielle 1873-1954
Handy, William Christopher 1873-1958 Composer
Jensen, Johannes Vilhelm 1873-1950
Jongen, Marie Alphonse Nicolas Joseph 1873-1953 Composer
Lovejoy, Arthur Oncken 1873-1962
Mason, Daniel Gregory 1873-1953 Composer
Moore, G. E. 1873-1958
Peguy, Charles 1873-1914
Rabaud, Henri 1873-1949 Composer
Rachmaninov, Sergei Vasilievitch 1873-1943 Composer
Reger, Max 1873-1916 Composer
Salvemini, Gaetano 1873-1957
Tobias, Rudolf 1873-1918 Composer
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward 1803-1873
Castillon, Alexis Vicomte de 1838-1873 Composer
Gaboriau, Emile 1835-1873
Grimke, Sarah 1792-1873
Manzoni, Alessandro 1785-1873 Novelist/Poet (Italy)
Mill, John Stuart 1806-1873
Winterhalter, Franz 1805-1873 Painter (Germany)
Custer Expedition sets out from Bismark to chart Black Hills Area (7/2)
Custer Expedition reaches Black Hills (7/22)
Ashanti defeated by British
Spanish monarchy restored
Red River War
General Postal Union (10/9)

Alfonso XII + (Spain) House of Bourbon
Muzong Yi - (China) (1862-) 8th Qing Dynasty (Tongzhi Era)
First Impressionist exhibit held in Paris
Wagner finishes music to the Ring of the Nibelung
Requiem Verdi
Boris Gudanov Mussorgsky
Pictures at an Exhibition Mussorgsky
The Moldau (Vltava) Smetana
Die Fledermaus Johann Strass II
Bagley, William Chandler 1874-1946
Bazarov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1874-1939
Berdyaev, Nicholas 1874-1948
Cassirir, Ernst 1874-
Chesterson, Gilbert Keith 1874-1936
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer 1874-1965
Cornford, Francis M. 1874-1943
Hahn, Reynaldo 1874-1947 Composer
Holst, Gustav Thoedore 1874-1934 Composer
Hoover, Herbert 1874-1964
Ives, Charles Edward 1874-1954 Composer
Scheler, Max 1874-1928
Schmidt, Franz 1874-1939 Composer
Schoenberg, Arnold 1874-1951 Composer
Stark, Johannes 1874-1957
Stein, Gertrude 1874-1946 Writer
Suk, Josef 1874-1935 Composer
Cochise 1812-1874
Fillmore, Millard 1800-1874
Guizot, Francois 1787-1874
Strauss, Freidrich David 1808-1874 Theologian/Philosopher (Germany)
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy) Fiction
Science and Health (Mary Baker Eddy)
History of England (6 vol.) (Leopold von Ranke) History
US Civil Rights Act (3/1)
First Kentucky Derby race (5/17)
Social Democratic Party founded in Germany
Insurrection breaks out in Herzegovina and Bosnia against Ottoman Empire (Balkan War)
Russo-Turkish War (-1878)
British Prime Minister Benjamin Disreli buys shares in Suez Canal from Egypt
Third Anglo-Burmese War
US Disciplinary Barracks established at Fort Leavenworth
Dezong Jing + (China) (1875-1908) 9th Qing Dynasty (Guangxu Era)
New Paris opera house opens
My Fatherland Smetana
Carmen Bizet
Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor Tchaikovsky
Broglie, Louis Cesar Maurice 1875-1960
Burroughs, Edgar Rice 1875-1950
Ciurlionis, Mikolajus Konstantinas 1875-1911 Composer
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel 1875-1912 Composer
Gentile, Giovanni 1875-1944
Gliere, Reinhold 1875-1956 Composer
Grabmann, Martin 1875-1949
Jung, Carl 1875-1961
Ketelbey, Albert 1875-1959 Composer
Lewis, Gilbert Newton 1875-1946 Physicist (MA) UC Berkeley
Livingston, Burton Edward 1875-1948
Mann, Thomas 1875-1955
Milles, Carl 1875-1955 Sculptor (Uppsala, Sweden) (6/23)
Monteux, Pierre 1875-1964 Composer/Conductor
Ravel, Maurice 1875-1937
Rilke, Rainier Maria 1875-1926
Sabatini, Rafael 1875-1950
Underhill, Evelyn 1875-1941
Anderson, Hans Christian 1805-1875
Bennett, William Sterndale 1816-1875 Composer
Bizet, Georges Alexandre Cesar Leopold 1838-1875 Composer
Kinglsley, Charles 1819-1875
Millet, Jean Francois 1814-1875 Painter
Remusat, Charles Francois Marie 1797-1875
Wheatstone, Charles 1802-1875
Tom Sawyer (Twain)
L'Apres-midi d'un Faune (Mallarme)

Battle of Rosebud - General George Crook's offensive halted by Crazy Horse - until August (6/17)
Battle of Little Big Horn - Sioux kill George Custer - last major indigenous victory (6/25)
Anti-Turkish insurrection in Bulgaria is supressed - thousands massacred
Serbia and Montenegro declare war on Ottoman Empire but are defeated
"Bulgarian atrocities" committed by Turks in suppressing a revolt
Great Britain and France assume control of Egypt's finances
Mihrdat Pasa proclaims the Ottoman Constitution
International African Association founded
European control assumed over Egyptian finances
Korea forcibly opened to Japanese trade
Porfirio Diaz becomes dictator of Mexico
Great Western Trail to Dodge City
Centennial Exposition held in Philadelphia

Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
Abdulaziz - (Ottoman Empire) (1861-) Sultan
Abdulhamid II + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Porfirio Diaz + (Mexico) Dictator
Premiere of the Ring Cycle in Bayreuth - first Wagner festival
Swan Lake Tchaikovsky
Piano Concerto in G minor Dvorak
Wind Quintet, Bb major Rimsky-Korsakov
Abbott, Edith 1876-1957
Anderson, Sherwood 1876-1941
Borresen, Hakon 1876-1954 Composer
Brancusi, Constantin 1876-1956
Brian, Havergal 1876-1972 Composer
Carpenter, John Alden 1876-1951 Composer
Cather, Willa 1876-1947
De Falla, Manuel 1876-1946 Composer
Diels, Otto Paul Herman 1876-1954
Frost, Robert 1876-1963
Hurlstone, William Yeats 1876-1906 Composer
Jackson, Tony 1876-1920 Musician
Jinnah, Mahomed Ali 1876-1948
Karlowicz, Mieczyslaw 1876-1909 Composer
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso 1876-1944
Michels, Robert 1876-1936
Perry, Ralph Barton 1876-1957
Rolvaag, Ole Edvart 1876-1931
Ruggles, Carl Sprague 1876- Composer
Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno 1876-1948 Composer
Baer, Karl Ernst von 1792-1876
Bakunin, Michael 1814-1876
Bertini, Henri Jerome 1798-1876 Composer
Brownson, Orestes 1803-1876
Colet, Louise 1810-1876
Collins, Mortimer 1827-1876
Goetz, Hermann 1840-1876 Composer
Sand, George 1804-1876
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian 1810-1876 Composer
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy) (1875)
Black Beauty (Anna Sewell)
NEZ PERCE WAR +- (1877)
Desert Land Act (US) (3/3)
Rutherford B. Hayes inaugurated (3/4) Corrupt Bargain #2
First telephone installed in White House (5/10)
Chief Joseph surrenders to General Miles (10/5)
Battle of Shiroyama - Satsuma rebellion in Japan is crushed (9/24)
Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India ( until George VI - 1947)
Russo-Turkish War begins over the Balkans
Ottoman Constitution allowed to lapse
Transvaal annexed by Great Britain
Raids by the Sioux force Ponca tribe to migrate to Oklahoma
Chief Joseph s War (Nez Perce/U.S.)
Hayes pulls US troops out of South
Violent Railroad strikes - anti-Chinese riots
Ulysses S. Grant - (United States) (1869-1877) 18th President (R)
Rutherford B. Hayes + (United States) (1877-1881) 19th President (R)
Phobos and Deimo discovered, the two moons of Mars
Edison's first recording device - phonograph
Emile Berliner invents the first practical microphone
Tchaikovsky acquires Nadezhda von Meck as benefactress
Bruckner conducts disastrous premiere of his 3rd Symphony with the Vienna Musikverein (12/16)
Parsifal Wagner
Symphony No. 3 in D Minor (1st revised) Bruckner
First Symphony Brahms
Second Symphony Brahms
Samson et Delilah Saint-Saens
Fourth Symphony Tchaikovsky
L Etoile Chabrier
Barkla, Charles Glover 1877-1944
Bolden, Buddy 1877-1931 Musician
Bortkiewicz, Sergei 1877-1952 Composer
Cayce, Edgar 1877-1945
Dohnanyi, Ernst von 1877-1960 Composer
Dongen, Kees van 1877-1968
Dufy, Raoul 1877-1953
Dunhill, Thomas Frederick 1877-1946 Composer
Gardiner, Henry Balfour 1877-1950 Composer
Hartley, Marsden 1877-1943
Hesse, Herman 1877-1962
Marsick, Armand 1877-1959 Composer
Quilter, Roger 1877-1953 Composer
Alcott, Abigail May 1800-1877
Bagehot, Walter 1826-1877
Courbet, Gustave 1819-1877 Painter
Crazy Horse 1849-1877
Legnani, Luigi 1790-1877 Composer
Luneberg, Johan Ludvig 1804-1877
Rietz, Julius 1812-1877 Composer
Talbot, William Henry Fox 1800-1877
Vanderbilt, Cornelius 1794-1877
Veit, Philip 1793-1877
First commercial telephone exchange opened New Haven CT. (1/28)
Treaty of San Stefano - Russia dictates terms to Ottomans (3/3)
Bannock War begins - US Army vs. Paiute Tribe of Southern Idaho (6)
Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania to be indpendent (Treaty of San Stefano)
Berlin Congress - Great Powers discuss Balkan situation - Treaty of San Stefano revised
Second Anglo-Afghan War - Britain gains control of Afghan affairs (-1780)
Timber and Stone Act - US
Bland-Allison Act - allowed a limited coinage of silver dollars
Civil Rights Act of 1875 invalidated by Supreme Court
Vittorio Emanuele II - (1861-)
Umberto I +
Pius IX -
Leo XIII +
Violin Concerto in D Brahms
Violin Concerto Tchaikovsky
"Carry Me Back to Old Virginny" Bland
Abbot, Grace 1878-1939
Adams, James Truslow 1878-1949
Barrymore, Lionel 1878-1954
Boughton, Rutland 1878-1960 Composer
Buber, Martin 1878-1965
Cohan, George M. 1878-1942 Composer
Doblin, Alfred 1878-1957
Duncan, Isadora 1878-1927
Haeberlin, Paul 1878-1960
Holbrooke, Josef 1878-1958 Composer
Malevich, Kasimir 1878-1935
Molnar, Ferenc 1878-1952
Ouspensky, Petyr Demianovich 1878-1947 Esotericist
Saint Denis, Ruth 1878-1968
Schreker, Franz 1878-1934 Composer
Zinsser, Hans 1878-1940
Bernard, Claude 1813-1878
Daubigny, Charles Francois 1817-1878
Henry, Joseph 1797-1878
Zani de Ferranti, Marco Aurelio 1800-1878 Composer
The Doll's House (Ibsen)
Progress and Poverty (George)
ZULU WAR +- (1879)
Irish Land League formed by Irish MP Charles Stewart Parnell
Alliance between Germany and Austria
Britain and France control Egypt
Zulu War - between Great Britain and Zulus
Battle of Ulundi - British defeat British
Resumption of Specie payments - US
Picatinny Arsenal established in New Jersey
Gernam Anti-Semitic League is founded - supported by Wagner, von Treischke, and Adolf Stocker
Marie MacMahon - (France) Edme Patrice de
Francois Paul Grevy + (France) Jules
Alexander Joseph + (Bulgaria) Prince (from Battenberg) neph. of Alexander II
Edison invents an improved incandescent light bulb
Brahms receives honorary doctoral degree from Breslau University
Un Education Manquee Chabrier
Eugene Onegin Tchaikovsky
Dictionary of Music and Musicians Grove
Bridge, Frank 1879-1941 Composer
Einstein, Albert 1879-1955 Astrophysicist
Forster, Edward Morgan 1879-1970
Friml, Rudolf 1879-1972
Gaubert, Philippe 1879-1941 Composer
Harty, Herbert Hamilton 1879-1941 Composer
Ireland, John 1879-1962 Composer
Klee, Paul 1879-1940 Painter
Laue, Max Theodore Felix von 1879-1960
Lindsay, Vachel 1879-1940
Malevich, Kazimir (2/23) 1879-1935 Painter/Art Theorist (Kiev, Ukraine)
Milankovic, Milutin (5/28) 1879-1958 Geophysicist (Serbia)
Respighi, Ottorino 1879-1936 Composer
Richardson, Owen W. 1879-1959
Stalin, Josef 1879-1953
Stevens, Wallace 1879-1955 Poet (U.S.)
Trotsky, Leon 1879-1940
Abbott, Jacob 1803-1879
Bingham, George 1811-1879
Bonnety 1798-1879
Daumier, Honore Victorin 1808-1879
Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm 1803-1879
Giroux, Andre 1801-1879
Weld, Angelina Grimke 1805-1879
White, B. F. 1800-1879 Composer
Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky) (1779)
Nana (Zola)
Democracy (Henry Adams)

Disavowal of Anti-Semitism is signed by hundreds of prominent Germans including the Crown Prince (11/18/1880)
First electric streetlights in NYC on Broadway from Union square north several blocks - pole mounted arc-lights (12/20/1880)
Boer revolt against British in South Africa (-1881)
Chinese Exclusion Treaty signed by Rutheford B. Hayes
Kansas becomes first dry state

Lord Ripon + (India) Governor General (-1884)
Pavlov's experiments on conditioned reflexes
Academic Overture Brahms
Tragic Overture Brahms
Capriccio Italien Tchaikovsky
Piano Trio in G Major Debussy
Apollinaire 1880-1918
Bloch, Ernest 1880-1959 Composer
Bohm, Dominikus 1880-1955
Cohen, Morris R. 1880-1947
Derain, Andre 1880-1954 Painter
Dove, Arthur 1880-1946
Dusen Jr., Frankie 1880-1940
Epstein, Sir Jacob 1880-1959
Foulds, John 1880-1939 Composer
Griffith, D. W. 1880-1948 Director
Hoffman, Hans 1880-1966
Keller, Helen 1880-1968
Kirchner, Ernst 1880-1938 Painter
Marc, Franz 1880-1916
Medtner, Nicolai Karlovich 1880-1951 Composer
Mencken, Henry Louis 1880-1956 Editor/Author/Critic (Baltimore, MD)
Musil, Robert 1880-1942
Pratella 1880-1955
Rosa, Joao Guimaraes 1880-1967
Spengler, Oswald 1880-1936 Historian
Evans, Mary Ann (George Eliot) 1819-1880 Novelist
Flaubert, Gustav 1821-1880 Novelist
Mott, Lucretia 1793-1880
Offenbach, Jacques 1819-1880 Composer
Pierce, Benjamin 1809-1880
Ripley, George 1802-1880
Very, Jones 1813-1880
Wieniawski, Henryk 1835-1880 Composer
Portrait of a Lady (Henry James)
A Century of Dishonor (Helen Hunt Jackson)
Weltgeschichte, vol 1 (Universal History) (Leopold von Ranke) (9 vol. -1888)

Battle of Majuba Hill - Boer victory (2/27/1881)
James A. Garfield inaugurated (3/4/1881)
Tsar Alexander II assassinated by radicals (3/13/1881)
Bardo Treaty signed - France establishes protectorate in Tunis (5/12/1881)
US President James Garfield shot by Charles Guiteau (7/2/1881)
Tuskegee Institute founded - Booker T. Washington first principal (7/4/1881)
Billy the Kid shot at Fort Sumner, New Mexico (7/14/1881)
Sitting Bull surrenders to General Alfred Taylor at Fort Buford - Dakota Territory (7/19/1881)
Treaty of Pretoria - South African Republic (Transvaal) gains virtual independence (8/3/1881)
President Garfield dies two months after being shot (9/19/1881)
OK Corral Gunfight (10/26/1881)
Arab revolt in Egypt - followed by British occupation (-1882)
Date set on Japanese constitution and Parliament
Peace declared between New Zealand settlers and Maoris
Panama Canal construction
Kingdom of Romania officially established

Alexander II - (Russia) Emperor (Tsar) assassinated
Alexander III + (Russia) Emperor (Tsar)
Charles Eitel Frederick - (Romania) Prince (of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen)
Carol I + (Romania) King (Charles Eitel Frederick)
Rutherford B. Hayes - (United States) (1877-) President
Boston Symphony Orchestra forms (10/22)
Harms, Inc. music publishing started in 1881
Tales of Hoffman Offenbach
Piano Concerto in B-flat Brahms
Oedipus Tyrannus Knowles Paine
Dix Pieces picturesque Chabrier
Adams, Franklin Pierce 1881-1960
Aliotta, Antonio 1881-1964
Bartok, Bela 1881-1945 Composer
Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan 1881-1966
Bruce, Patrick Henry 1881-1936
Davisson, C. J. 1881-1958
DeMille, Cecil B. 1881-1959
Du Gard, Roger Martin 1881-1958
Enesco, Georges 1881-1955 Composer
Jimenez, Juan Ramon 1881-1958
Karman, Thoedore von 1881-1963
Leger, Ferdinand 1881-1955
Miaskovsky, Nicolai Yakovlevich 1881-1950 Composer
Picasso, Pablo 1881-1973 Painter
Richardson, Lewis Fry 1881-1953
Spilliaert, Leon 1881-1946
Staudinger, Hermann 1881-1965
Temple, William 1881-1944
Xun, Lu 1881-1936
Blanqui, Louis-Auguste 1805-1881
Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar 1808-1881
Carlyle, Thomas 1795-1881
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich 1821-1881 Writer
Garfield, James Abram 1831-1881 President
Garnier, Jean Louis Charles 1813-1881
Green, Thomas Hill 1836-1882
Lemmens, Jacques Nicolas 1823-1881 Composer
Littre, Maximilien Paul Emile 1801-1881
Lotze, Rudolf Hermann 1817-1881
Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich 1839-1881 Composer
Palmer, Samuel 1805-1881
Vieuxtemps, Henri 1820-1881 Composer
Average French farm measures less than 25 acres
Phoenix Park Murders - Frederick Cavendish, Secretary for Ireland and Thomas Burke murdered in Dublin (5/6/1882)
Triple Alliance formed - between Germany, Austria, and Italy (expired 1915) (5/20/1882)
British bombard Alexandria and occupy Cairo to supress nationalists - leads to French withdrawal from Egypt
Muslim leader Mahdi Mohammed Ahmed leads Anti-Egyptian revolt in Sudan (-1885)
Makoko Treaty ratified officially by France - Congo
US adopts Standard Time
Edmunds Law - polygamy a federal crime
Jesse James shot (4/3/1882)
Milan - (Serbia) Prince
Milan I + (Serbia) King
Koch discovers tuberculosis germs
Berlin Philharmonia founded
Bellows, George 1882-1925 Painter
Boccioni, Umberto 1882-1916
Bogardus, Emory Stephen 1882-
Born, Max 1882-1970
Braque, Georges 1882-1963 Painter
Bridgeman, P. W. 1882-1961
Franck, James 1882-1964
Friedman, Ignaz 1882-1948 Composer
Giraudoux, Jean 1882-1944
Goldwyn, Samuel (Goldfish) 1882- Film Producer (Warsaw, Poland)
Grainger, Percy Aldridge 1882-1961 Composer
Hartmann, Nicolai 1882-1950
Hopper, Edward 1882-1967 Painter
Joyce, James 1882-1941
Kodaly, Zoltan 1882-1967 Composer
Malipiero, Gian Francesco 1882-1973 Composer
Maritain, Jacques 1882-1973
Noether, Emmy 1882-1935 Physicist (3/23)
Perkins, Frances 1882-1965
Ponce, Manuel Maria 1882-1948 Composer
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 1882-1945 President
Schlick, Moritz 1882-1936
Schnabel, Artur 1882-1951 Composer
Spens, Wil 1882-
Stokowski, Leopold Antoni 1882-1977 Conductor
Stravinsky, Igor 1882-1971 Composer (6/17/1882)
Lewis, Wyndham 1882-1957 Vorticist - Founder (11/18/1882)
Szymanowski, Karol 1882-1937 Composer
Turina, Joaquin 1882-1949 Composer
Undset, Sigrid 1882-1949
Woolf, Virginia 1882-1941 Novelist

Bauer, Bruno 1809-1882
Blanc, Louis 1811-1882
Darwin, Charles 1809-1882
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1803-1882
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur 1816-1882 France
Jevons, William Stanley 1835-1882
Leclanche, Georges 1839-1882
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 1807-1882
Melville, Herman 1819-1882 Novelist
Raff, Joseph Joachim 1822-1882 Composer
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 1828-1882
Russell, John Scott 1808-1882
Schwann, Theodore 1810-1882
Life on the Mississippi (Twain)
The Patricide (Alexander Kazbegi)
Also sprach Zarathustra (Nietszche)
Treasure Island (Stevenson)

US Pendleton Act passes into law - civil service reform (1/16)
Brooklyn Bridge opens (5/24)
Battle of El Obeid - Mahdi army destroys William Hicks' Anglo-Egyptian Army (11/5)
Fabian Society founded in London
Sickness insurance introduced in Germany
Creation of Public Debt Control (Turkey)
Mahdist revolt in Sudan ending Egyptian rule (-1885)
Buffalo Bill s first stage show in Omaha
Friends of the Indians meet in upstate NY
Gottlieb Daimler patents automobile motor
Metropolitan Opera opens
Amsterdam Concertgrbouw founded
Third Symphony Brahms
Espana Chabrier
Trois Valses romantiques Chabrier
Trio in F Minor, op. 65 Dvorak
Bax, Arnold Edward Trevor 1883-1953 Composer
Blake, Eubie 1883-1983 Musician
Cannon, Gus 1883-1979 Composer
Casella, Alfredo 1883-1947
Demuth, Charles 1883-1935
Dyson, George 1883-1964 Composer
Eastman, Max 1883-
Fleming, Victor 1883-1949
Hasek, Jaroslav 1883-1923
Hess, V. F. 1883-1964
Jaspers, Karl 1883-1969
Kafka, Franz 1883-1924
Kazantzakis, Nikos 1883-1957
Keynes, John Maynard 1883-1946
Nunez Regueiro, Manuel 1883-
Orozco, Jose Clemente 1883-1949
Ortega y Gasset, Jose 1883-1955
Richthofen, Ferdinand von 1883-1905
Sheeler, Charles 1883-1965
Smith, Mamie 1883-1946 Singer
Talich, Vaclav 1883-1961 Conductor (Kromeriz, Moravia)
Varese, Edgar 1883-1965 Composer
Webern, Anton Friedrich Wilhelm 1883-1945
Williams, William Carlos 1883-1963
Abdelkader 1807-1883
Conscience, Hendrick 1812-1883
Coste, Napoleon 1806-1883 Composer
Doppler, Albert Franz 1821-1883 Composer
Dore, Gustave 1832-1883
Flotow, Friedrich von 1812-1883 Composer
Gale, Leonard Dunnell 1800-1883
Green, J. R. 1837-1883 Historian (England)
Manet, Eduard 1832-1883 Painter
Marx, Karl 1818-1883 Political Philosopher (Trier, Rhineland)
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich 1818-1883
Volkmann, Friedrich Robert 1815-1883 Composer
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Composer
Huckleberry Finn (Twain)
Ramona (Helen Hunt Jackson)

Siege of Kartoum begins (3/14-18)
Third Reform Act passed in England
Berlin West Africa Conference (-1885)
Berlin Conference - European powers decide on "spheres of influence" in Africa - partition complete 1895
Declaration of German African protectorates (-1885)
Germany occupies Togoland, Cameroons, and South-West Africa
British General Charles Gordon sent to the Sudan to rescue Egyptian garrisons - beseiged at Khartoum
Lord Ripon - (India) Governor General (1880-)
Compound turbine invented for steam navigation
Pasteur innoculates against rabies
Mean solar day adopted as a unit of universal time
Tesla emigrates to the United States

Manon Massenet
L'Enfant prodigue Debussy
Bachelard, Gaston 1884-1962
Beckman, Max 1884-1950 Painter
Debey, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus 1884-1966
Griffes, Charles Tomlinson 1884-1920 Composer
Meulemans, Arthur 1884-1966 Composer
Martin, Sara 1884-1955 Composer
Modigliani, Amedeo 1884-1920 Painter
Pound, Ezra Loomis 1884-1972 Writer
Truman, Harold S. 1884-1972 President
Wellesz, Egon Joseph 1884-1974 Composer (Austria)
Brassin, Louis 1840-1884 Composer
Calverley, Charles S. 1831-1884
Rott, Hans 1858-1884 Composer
Smetana, Bedrich Friedrich 1824-1884 Composer
The Rise of Silas Lapham (Howells)
Contes et Nouvelles (Maupassant)
History of Rome, vol. 5 (Mommsen)

Khartoum taken and General Charles Gordon killed by Muhammed ibn Abdala (the Mahdi) (1/26)
Grover Cleveland inaugurated (3/4)
Socialist party forms in Belgium
New Guinea annexed by Great Britain and Germany
Great Britain establishes protectorate over southern Nigeria and Bechuanaland, south Africa
German East Africa established
German protectorate created over the Sultan of Oman s coastal possessions in East Africa
Congo Free State set up under Leopold II of Belgium
Indian National Congress organized
Third Anglo-Burmese War - Britain annexes upper Burma (-1886)
France gains protectorates over Annam and Tonkin (Indochina)
First American street railway
Rock Springs Massacre & Tacoma anti-Chinese race riot
Brooklyn Bridge construction
WAR OF THE CURRENTS (1885-1890) Westinghouse/Tesla AC vs. Edison DC
Henry Richardson designs Marshall Field warehouse
French chemist Louis Pasteur gives first innoculation against rabies

M. Whitmark and Sons first published music in New York
Tin Pan Alley begins on west 28th Street between Broadway and 6th Ave NYC
Boston Pops Orchestra forms (7/7)
Te Deum Bruckner
Der Zigeunerbaron Johann Strauss II
Fourth Symphony Brahms
Habanera Chabrier
The Mikado Gilbert & Sullivan
Symphony No. 1 in D Major (-1888) Mahler
Avery, Milton 1885-1965 (3/7)
Berg, Alban 1885-1935 (2/9) Composer
Stroheim, Erich von 1885-1957 (9/22)
Bohr, Niels 1885-1962 (10/7)
Butterworth, George 1885-1916 Composer
Collet, Henri 1885-1951 (11/5)
Delaunay, Robert 1885-1941 (4/12)
Durant, Will 1885-1981 (11/5)
Jackson, Papa Charlie 1885-1938
Jolson, Al 1885-1950 (5/26)
Kern, Jerome 1885-1945 (1/27)
Koskenniemi, Veikko Antero 1885-1962
Lawrence, D. H. 1885-1930 (9/11)
Lemba, Artur 1885-1963 Composer
Lewis, Sinclair 1885-1951 (2/7)
Lukacs, Gyorgy 1885-1971
Mauriac, Francois 1885-1970
Maurois, Andre 1885-1967
Morton, Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) 1885-1941 Composer (1890)
Oliver, Joe (King) 1885-1938 Trumpeter
Russolo, Luigi 1885-1947
Taylor, Joseph Deems 1885-1966 Composer
Thomas, George W. 1885-1936 Composer

Hiller, Ferdinand 1811-1885 Composer
Hugo, Victor 1802-1885
Kiel, Friedrich 1821-1885 Composer
Norman, Ludwig 1831-1885 Composer
Zarebski, Juliusz 1854-1885 Composer
Pecheur d'Islande (Loti)
Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche)

Haymarket Riot (5/4)
Geronimo surrenders (9/4)
Statue of Liberty dedicated (10/28)
American Federation of Labor organized (12)
Irish Home Rule Bill - introduced by British Prime Minister William Gladstone - defeated
First Home Rule Bill's defeat followed by splittin gof the Liberal party
Gold discovered in Witwatersrand South Africa
Anglo-German East African boundary agreement
Royal Niger Company granted charter
Seattle anti-Chinese riots - five killed
Phone line in Indian Territory
William P. Dally elected mayor of Perth Amboy
A lfonso XII - (Spain) House of Bourbon
Maria Cristina +- (Spain) House of Bourbon (regent)
Alfonso XIII + (Spain) House of Bourbon
Alexander Joseph - (Bulgaria) Prince (from Battenberg) neph. of Alexander II
WAR OF THE CURRENTS ... (1885-1890) Westinghouse/Tesla AC vs. Edison DC
Violin Sonata Franck
Arp, Jean 1886-1966
Banfi, Antonio 1886-1957
Barth, Karl 1886-1968
Benn, Gottfried 1886-1956
Clarke, Rebecca 1886-1979 Composer
Fournier, Henri Alban 1886-1914
Furtwangler, Wilhelm 1886-1954 Composer/ Conductor
Han-min, Hu 1886-1936
Hausmann, Raoul 1886-1971
Kokoschka, Oskar 1886-1980 Painter
Levy, Paul 1886-1971
Mies Van der Rohe, Ludwig 1886-1969
Ory, Edward (Kid) 1886-1973 Musician
Pevsner 1886-1962
Prall, David Wright 1886-1940
Rainey, Gertrude Ma 1886-1939 Jazz Singer
Siegbahn, K. M. G. 1886-1978
Wiegmann, Marie 1886-1973
Chancourtois, Alexandre-Emile Beguyer de 1820-1886
Chipp, Edmund Thomas 1823-1886 Composer
Dickinson, Emily 1830-1886
Durand, Asher 1796-1886
Lizt, Franz 1811-1886 Composer
Loomis, Mahlon 1826-1886
Ponchielli, Amilcare 1834-1886 Composer
Ranke, Leopold von 1795-1886 Historian (Germany)
Richardson, Henry Hobson 1838-1886
Der Vater (August Strindberg)
Reinsurance Treaty - between Germany and Russia
War between Italy and Ethiopia (-1889)
United States acquires Pearl Harbor
Dawes Severalty Act (General Allotment) - extinguishing tribal ownership of lands in US (2/8)
Edmunds-Tucker Act - disincorporates Mormon church - ends womans suffrage in UT
Francois Paul Grevy - (France) Jules
Marie Francois Carnot + (France) Sadi
Ferdinand + (Bulgaria) Prince (from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)
WAR OF THE CURRENTS ... (1885-1890) Westinghouse/Tesla AC vs. Edison DC
Edison invents kinetoscope
Daimler's internal combustion engine automobile

Otello Verdi
Le Roi malge lui Chabrier
Sarabandes Satie (1st in September)
Atterberg, Kurt 1887-1974 Composer
Broad, Charles Dunbar 1887-1971
Caird, John 1887-
Chagall, Marc 1887-1985
Duchamp, Marcel 1887-1968
Eller, Heino 1887-1970 Composer
Gris, Juan 1887-1927 Painter
Hertz, Gustav 1887-1975
Lofton, Cripple Clarence 1887-1957 Musician
Macke, August 1887-1914
Madetoya, Leevi 1887-1947 Composer
Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys 1887-1915
Muir, Edwin 1887-1959
O keefe, Georgia 1887-1986
Patton, Charley 1887-1934 Musician
Perse, Saint-John (Alexis Leger) 1887-1975
Roberts, Luckey 1887-1968
Schrodinger, Erwin 1887-1961
Schwitters, Kurt 1887-1948 Composer
Villa-Lobos, Heitor 1887-1959 Composer
Bachofen, Johann Jakob 1815-1887
Baird, Spencer Fullerton 1823-1887
Borodin, Alexander Porfirievich 1833-1887 Composer yle="color: red;"> Dix, Dorothea Lynde 1802-1887
Fechner, Gustav Theodor 1801-1887
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 1824-1887
Great Blizzard in US East Coast - 400 dead (3/11-14)
US election of the 51st US Congress - Rebublicans return to power 173-156 (11)
Benjamin Harrison is elected 23rd President of the US - Republican (Ohio) (11)
The Great Dry Up -US
Social Democratic Party forms in Austria
Imperial British East Africa Company arrives in Kenya
William I - (Prussia) King
Frederick III +- (Germany)
William II + (Germany) Emperor (Kaiser Wilhelm)
WAR OF THE AC/DC CURRENTS ... (1885-1890) Westinghouse/Tesla AC vs. Edison DC
Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam forms
Fifth Symphony Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Symphony in D minor Franck
Joyeuse Marche Chabrier
Scheherazade Rimsky-Korsakov
Don Juan Richard Strauss
Des Knaben Wunderhorn Mahler
Morike Lieder Wolf
Gymnopiedies Eric Satie
Agnon, Shmuel Yosef 1888-1970
Anderson, Maxwell 1888-1959
Baird, John Logle 1888-1947
Bairnsfather, Bruce 1888-1959
Berlin, Irving 1888-1989 Composer
Chandler, Raymond 1888-1959
Chirico, Giorgio de 1888-1978
Cummings, Irving 1888-1959
Curtiz, Michael 1888-1962
Durey, Louis 1888-1979
Eliot, Thomas Stearns 1888-1965
Ledbetter, Huddie 1888-1949 Musician
O Neill, Eugene Gladstone 1888-1953
Perry, Antoinette 1888-1946
Pessoa, Fernando Antonio Noguieira 1888-1935
Raman, Chandrasekhara V. 1888-1970
Rhadhakrishnan, Sarvapalli 1888-1975
Sillanpaa, Frans Eemil 1888-1964
Stern, Otto 1888-1969
Stokes, Frank 1888-1955 Musician
Wright, Frank 1888-1960
Zernike, Fritz 1888-1966
Alcott, Amos Bronson 1799-1888
Alcott, Louisa May 1832-1888
Alkan, Charles Henri Valentin 1813-1888 Composer
Arnold, Matthew 1822-1888
Clarke, James Freeman 1810-1888
Herz, Henri 1803-1888 Composer
Heller, Stephen 1813-1888 Composer
Kelly, William 1811-1888
Lear, Edward 1812-1888
Storm, Theodor 1817-1888
Teichmuller, Gustav 1832-1888
History of the United States (Adams)
Eiffel Tower construction complete
Crown Prince Rudolf and his mistress dies by apparent suicide (murder?) (1/30)
Promulgation of Meiji Constitution in Japan (2/11)
Indian Appropriations bill allows opening of settlement in Indian Territory (US) (3)
Benjamin Harrison inaugurated (3/4)
Battle of Metemma - Mahdists under Adballahi ibn Muhammad defeat Ethiopians Yohannes IV (3/9)
Menelik II (Shewa ruler) declares himself emperor of Ethiopia (3/25)
Eiffel Tower opens in Paris (3/31)
Adolf Hitler is born (4/20)
Unassigned Lands land run in Oklahoma - Oklahoma City and Guthrie form immediately(4/22)
Johnstown Flood - 2,200 dead (5/31)
First long distance electric power transmission line in US is completed -Willamette Falls-Portland (6/3)
Great Seattle Fire (6/6)
Wall Street Journal begins publication (7/8)
London Docker's Strike breaks out - victory for the strikers and milestone in the British Labour Mvmt (8/14)
Fusajiro Yamauchi forms Nintendo company to produce Hanafuda cards (9/23)
Tenterfield Oration - Sir Henry Parkes premier of New South Wales calls for Federation of Australia (10/24)
North Dakota and South Dakota become 39th and 40th US states (11/2)
Montana becomes the 41st US state (11/8)
Washington becomes the 42nd US state (11/11)
Nellie Bly leaves New York on 72 day around the world trip (11/14)
Brazil expels emperor and becomes a republic under its first President Deodoro Fonseca (11/15)
First Jukebox goes into operation at the Palais Royale Saloon in San Francisco (11/23)
Second International founded
Eduard Bernstein proposes his "revisionist" departure from orthodox Marxism
Georges Boulanger, former French war minister, flees after plotting against Third Republic
Treaty of Uccialli (Wichale) - Italy gains protectorate over Ethiopia
Cecil Rhodes founds British South Africa Company - charter granted
Panama scandal - financial scandal in France caused by collapse of Panama Canal Company
Wovoka (Paiute) Ghost Dance spreads
Union Party forms (progressive labor and farm faction) at Salem OR meeting
Controversy of 1889
Louis I - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Carlos I + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Milan I - (Serbia) King
Alexander I + (Serbia) King
WAR OF THE AC/DC CURRENTS ... (1885-1890) Westinghouse/Tesla AC vs. Edison DC
Paris World's Fair opens - touting the triumph of machinery

Debussy hears gamelan at the Paris International Exhibition
Jukeboxes go into mass production
Sleeping Beauty Tchaikovsky
First Symphony Mahler
Spanisches Liederbuch Wolf
Don Juan Richard Strauss
Schipa, Tito 1889-
Abbott, George 1889-
Aiken, Conrad 1889-1973
Akhmatova, Anna 1889-1966
Bagley, Enid 1889-1946
Baumeister, Willi 1889-1955
Benchley, Robert 1889-1945
Benton, Thomas Hart 1889-1975 Painter
Chaplin, Charlie 1889- Actor
Cocteau, Jean 1889-1963 Artist
Collingwood, Robin George 1889-1943 Philosopher/Historian (Oxford,England)
Dinicu, Grigoras 1889-1949 Composer
Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1889-1968 Director
Evans, Ulick Richardson 1889-1980
Gance, Abel 1889-1981 Director
Heidegger, Martin 1889-1976 Philosopher
Hitler Adolf 1889-1945 Dictator
Johnson, Bunk 1889-1949 Musician
Keppard, Freddie 1889-1933 Trumpeter
LaRocca, Nick 1889-1961 Musician
Marcel, Gabriel 1889-1973 Philosopher /dramatist/critic (Paris)
Mistral, Gabriela Lucila Godoy y Alcayaga 1889-1957 Poet/Educational Theorist (Chile)
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph 1889-1975 Historian (Oxford)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 1889-1951 Philosopher
Bottesini, Giovanni 1821-1889 Composer
Browning, Robert 1812-1889 Poet
Dalton, John Call 1825-1889
Hanselt, Adolph von 1814-1889 Composer
Joule, James Prescott 1818-1889
Newlands, John Alexander 1837-1889
Plante, Gaston 1834-1889
Hedda Gabler (Ibsen)
How the Other Half Lives (Jacob Riis)

New Romanticism - Symbolism - Art for Art's Sake - Decadence - Post Impressionism (-1905)
Kingdom of Italy annexes Eritrea as a colony (1/1)
Nellie Bly returns to New York from record breaking 72 day trip around the world (1/25)
US House in uproar over Thomas "Czar Reed" new Speaker of the House tactics in WV contested election (1/29)
German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck dismissed by William II (3/20)
McKinley Tariff Act passes through the Senate 164-142 (5/21)
Oklahoma territorial government comes into existence; No Man s Land added (6)
Zanzibar Settlement - Great Britain receives Zanzibar and Pemba, East Africa - Heligoland to Germany (7/1)
Sherman Anti-Trust Act passes - prohibiting monopolies (7/2)
Idaho becomes the 43rd state in the US (7/3)
Wyoming becomes the 44th state in the US (7/10)
Vincent Van Gogh shoots himself in the chest - dies two days later (7/27)
First execution by electrocution William Kemmler for murder at Auburn State Prison, New York (8/6)
Sauk, Fox, Iowa, Pottawatomie reservations in IT opened to settlement (1,282,434 acres) (9)
McKinley Tariff Act is signed by President Harrison (10/1)
Daughters of the American Revolution is formed in Washington D.C. (10/11)
William III King of the Netherlands dies without male heir - Wilhelmina succeeds (11/23)
Meiji Constitution goes into effect as the First Diet convenes (11/29)
Sitting Bull murdered at Standing Rock Reservation (12/15)
Wounded Knee Massacre - Big Foot and 350-400 followers massacred by US 7th Cavalry (12/29)
Ellis Island opened (12/31)
Anglo-German African boundaries agreement
"Pioneer Column" to Rhodesia
First session of the Inperial Diet in Japan
National American Women s Suffrage Association (NAWSA) founded - Cady Stanton pres.
Yosemite National Park established
Gottlieb Daimler founds the Daimler Motor Company at Cannstatt, Germany
WAR OF THE AC/DC CURRENTS (1885-1890) Westinghouse/Tesla AC vs. Edison DC

Otto von Bismarck - (German Reich) Chancellor
William III - (Netherlands)
Wilhelmina + (Netherlands)
Deutsche Grammophon started by Emile Berliner
Borodin's Prince Igor gets first performance
Pique Dame Tchaikovsky
Symphony in B-flat Major (-1898) Chausson
Cavaleria Rusticana Mascagni
Death and Transfiguration Richard Strauss
Gnossiennes Satie
Bush, Vannevar 1890-1974 )-(
Capek, Karel 1890-1938
Creath, Charlie 1890-1951 Musician
Ibert, Jacques 1890-1962 Composer
Jackson, Jim 1890- Musician
Jackson, Papa Charlie 1890- Musician
Jennewein, Carl Paul 1890-
Lewis, Ted 1890-1971 Musician
Lissitzky, El 1890-1941
Man Ray 1890-1976
Marable, Fate 1890-1947 Musician
Martin, Frank 1890- Musician
Martinu, Bohuslav 1890-1959 Composer
Morandi, Giorgio 1890-1964 Painter
Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich 1890-1960
Porter, Katherine Anne 1890-
Schiele, Egon 1890-1918 Painter
St. Cyr, Johnny 1890-1966 Musician
Franck, Cesar Auguste Jean Guillaume Hub. 1822-1890 Composer
Gade, Niels Wilhelm 1817-1890 Composer
Lachner, Franz 1803-1890 Composer
Schliemann, Heinrich 1822-1890
Sitting Bull 1834-1890
Spir, African 1837-1890
Van Gogh, Vincent 1853-1890 Painter
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Wilde)
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Doyle)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (Hardy)

Forest Reserve Act passed (3/3)
Rerum Novarum issued by Pope Leo XIII - supports the right to form labor unions (5/15)
Compulsory education for Indian children introduced - US
Mob in Valpairaiso
Cheyenne and Arapaho land in IT opened to settlement (4,397,771 acres) (spring)
Hopewell, NJ incorporated
Chilean Civil War - destroyer ships used
Tchaikovsky invited to US to inaugurate Carnegie Hall, also tracels to Baltimore & Philadelphia
Chicago Symphony Orchestra forms
Bourree fantastique Chabrier
Italienisches Liederbuch Wolf
Bliss, Arthur Edward Drummond 1891-1975 Composer
Bothe, Walter 1891-1957
Bulgakov, Mikhail 1891-1940
Carnap, Rudolf 1891-1970
Chadwick, James 1891-1974
Christie, Agatha 1891-1976 Novelist
Dix, Otto 1891-1967 Painter
Ernst, Max 1891-1976 Painter
Goulding, Edmund 1891-1959
Gramsei, Antonio 1891-1937
Lagerkvist, Par Fabian 1891-1974
Miller, Henry 1891-1980 Writer
Porter, Cole 1891-1964 Composer
Prokofiev, Sergei 1891-1953 Composer
Reichenbach, Hans 1891-1953
Sachs, Nelly 1891-1970
Torroba, Federico Moreno 1891- Composer
Blavatsky, Helena 1831-1891
Bradlaugh, Charles 1833-1891
Delibes, Clement Philibert Leo 1836-1891 Composer
Goncharov, Ivan Aleksanrovich 1812-1891 Novelist (Simbirsk, Russia)
Haussmann, Georges Eugene 1809-1891
Litolff, Henry Charles 1818-1891 Composer
Otto, Nikolaus 1832-1891
Rimbaud, Arthur 1854-1891 Writer
Seurat, Georges 1859-1891 Painter
Weber, Wilhelm Eduard 1804-1891
Pelleas et Melisande (Maeterlinck)
Bomb explodes in French Chamber of Deputies
Homestead, PA steel strike - 7 guards, 11 strikers and spectators killed (7/6)
India Councils Act
Panama Scandal - de Lesseps and associates tried for corruption in France - sentences set aside (-1893)
Crow tribal land opened to settlement (2,000,000 acres)
Sierra Club founded
Coeur d'Alene silver miners riot

Berliner incorporates US Gramophone Co. in DC
Eighth Symphony Bruckner
The Nutcracker Tchaikovsky
La Bonne Chanson Faure
I Pagliacci Leoncavallo
String Quartet in G Minor Debussy
"After the Ball" Charles K. Harris (sold five million copies)
"The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo" Charles Coburn
Andric, Ivo 1892-1975
Appleton, Edward Victor 1892-1965
Compton, Arthur Holly 1892-1962
Broglie, Victor Pierre Raymond de 1892-1987
Buck, Pearl (Walsh, nee Sydenstricker) 1892-1973
Deutsch, Max 1892-1982 Composer (Germany)
Dodds, Johnny 1892-1940 Musician
Grofe, Ferde Ferdinand Rudolph von 1892-1972 Composer
Hauser, Arnold 1892-1978
Honegger, Arthur 1892-1955 Composer
Howells, Herbert 1892-1983 Musician
Hurt, Mississippi John 1892-1966 Musician
Kilpinen, Yrjo 1892-1959 Composer
Lajtha, Lazlo 1892-1963 Composer
MacLeish, Archibald 1892-1982
Milhaud, Darius 1892-1974 Composer
Millay, Edna St. Vincent 1892-1950 Poet
Pinza, Ezio 1892- Opera Singer
Red, Speckled 1892-1973 Musician
Sackville-West, Victoria Marie 1892-1962
Sorabji, Kaikhosru Shapurji 1892-1988 Composer
Tailleferre, Germaine 1892-1983 Composer
Thompson, George P. 1892-1975
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel 1892-1973 Writer
Watt, Robert Alexander Watson 1892-1973
Wood, Grant 1892-1942 Painter
Yellen, Jack 1892-1991 Musician
Bahaullah 1817-1892
Cornoldi, Giovanni Mari 1822-1892
Field, Cyrus West 1819-1892
Harnett, William Michael 1848-1892
Lalo, Edouard-Victoire-Antoine 1823-1892 Composer
Liberatore 1810-1892
Porter, Noah 1811-1892
Renan, Ernst 1823-1892
Tennyson, Alfred Lord 1809-1892 Poet
Whitman, Walt 1819-1892 Poet
Salome (Wilde)
The Red Badge of Courage (Crane)

Louis Sullivan's Transportation Building at the World's Columbian Exposition
Grover Cleveland s second inauguration (3/4)
Panic of 1893 begins (5/4-5)
Cherokee reservations in Indian Territory opened to settlement (6,014,239 acres) (9/16)
Gladstone reintroduces Irish Home Rule Bill - defeated by House of Lords
Independent Labour Party founded in England by socialist Keir Hardie
General strike in Belgium
Franco-Russian Alliance (-1894)
French conquest of Dahomey (ff.)
France sets up protectorate over Ivory Coast, West Africa
Matabele War - Breat Britain versus Matabele people in Zimbabwe - first use of Maxim Gun (-1894)
Western Federation of Miners formed
Frederick Jackson Turner s Frontier Thesis
Chicago World s Fair (Columbian Exposition) held
Financial panic begins four year depression
Anti-Saloon League founded
Chicago World s Fair
Carburetor is invented by Hungarians Don t B nki and J nos Csonka
Chicago World s Fair, ragtime disseminated
Falstaff Verdi
Symphony No. 6 (Pathetique) Tchaikovsky
Symphony No. 9 in E Minor New World Dvorak
Hansel und Gretel Humperdinck
Manon Lescaut Puccini
Hora Novissima Horatio Parker
Ager, Milton 1893-1979 Musician
Anderson, John 1893-1962
Baade, Walter 1893-1960
Benjamin, Arthur 1893-1960 Musician
Bodenheim, Maxwell 1893-1954
Boulanger, Juliette Maria Olga Lili 1893-1918 Musician
Bradford, Perry Mule 1893-1970 Musician
Broonzy, Big Bill 1893-1958 Musician
Burchfield, Charles 1893-1967
Dieterle, William 1893-1972
Durante, Jimmy 1893-1980 Musician
Goossens, Eugene 1893-1962 Conductor (London, England)
Grosz, George 1893-1959
Huidobro, Vicente 1893-1948
Langgaard, Rued Immanuel 1893-1952 Musician
Lewis, Furry 1893-1981
Marquand, John 1893-1960 Novelist
Mayakovsky, Vladimir 1893-1930 Futurist Poet (Baghdati, Georgia) (7/19)
Miro, Joan 1893-1983
Mompou, Frederic 1893-1987 Composer/Pianist
Negrea, Martian 1893-1973 Musician
Owen, Wilfred 1893-1918
Parker, Dorothy 1893-1967
Pudovkin, Vsevolod 1893-1953
Read, Herbert 1893-1968
Rosenberg, Alfred 1893-1946 German Nazi Leader (Reval, Estonia)
Segovia, Andres 1893-1987 Musician
Williams, Clarence 1893-1965 Musician
Brown, Ford Madox 1821-1893
Considerant, Victor Prosper 1808-1893
Erkel, Ferenc 1810-1893 Composer
Gounod, Charles Francois 1818-1893 Composer
Hayes, Rutheford B. 1822-1893
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 1810-1893
Maupassant, Guy de 1850-1893
Moleschott, Jakob 1822-1893
Parkman, Francis 1823-1893 Historian (Boston)
Stone, Lucy Blackwell 1818-1893
Taine, Hyppolyte 1828-1893
Tchaikovsky, Peter 1840-1893 Composer
Waterson, James 1834-1893 Composer
Candida (Shaw)
Jungle Book (Kipling)

Jacob S. Coxey s Unemployment March - US (4/30)
President Marie Francois Sadi Carnot is assassinated (stabbbed delivering a public speech in Lyon (6/24)
French officer Alfred Dreyfus convicted of treason and deported - becomes major political affair (12/22)
Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun is premiered in Paris - major moment at the beginning of Modernism (12/22)
British protectorate over Uganda
French occupation of Timbuktu
French conquest of Madagascar (ff.)
Dreyfus Affair - intellectuals become a new political force (-1906)
Ottoman Turks massacre Armenians
First Sino-Japanese War - between China and Japan over Korea (-1895)
Sun Yat-sen founds first of several revolutionary societies in China
Miners riot - US
Carey Act - 1,000,000 acres of public land granted in arid states
Edison s kinetoscope given first public showing (4/14)
Marie Francois Carnot - (France) Sadi
Jean Paul Casimir Perier +(France) Pierre
Alexander III - (Russia) Emperor
Nicholas II + (Russia) Emperor (last Tsar)
Chamaraja Wodeyar IX -(Mysore)
Sannidhana + (Mysore) H.H. Vani Vilas (regent)
Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV +(Mysore) Nalvadi
Gramophone s first discs not for toy use
Billboard Magazine first published
Carl Nielson's Symphony #1 premiers in Copenhagen (3/14)
New World Symphony Dvorak
Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun Debussy
Babel, Isaac 1894-1941
Bennett, Robert Russell 1894-1981 Musician
Borzage, Frank 1894-1962
Celine, Louis Ferdinand 1894-1961
cummings, e. e. 1894-1962
Gold, Lou 1894-1950 Musician
Graham, Martha 1894-1991
Granados, Enrique 1894-1928 Composer
Huxley, Aldous 1894-1963
Johnson, James Price 1894-1955 Musician
Johnson, Lonnie 1894-1970 Musician
Kapitsa, Pyotr Leonidovich 1894-1984
Moeran, Ernest John 1894-1950 Musician
Moten, Bennie 1894-1935 Musician
Piston, Walter Hamor 1894-1976 Composer
Renoir, Jean 1894-1979
Schulhoff, Ervin 1894-1942 Composer
Smith, Bessie 1894-1937 Singer
Soutine, Chaim 1894-1943
Thurber, James 1894-1961
Warlock, Peter 1894-1930 Musician
Yancey, Jimmy 1894-1951 Musician
Caillebotte, Gustave 1848-1894
Chabrier, Alexis Emmanuel 1841-1894 Composer
Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich 1821-1894
Froude, J. A. 1818-1894 Historian (England)
Gallagher, William Davis 1808-1894
Helmholtz, Ludwig Ferdinand von 1821-1894 Physicist
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf 1857-1894
Holmes, Oliver Wendell 1809-1894
Innes, George 1825-1894
Lekeu, Guillaume 1870-1894 Composer
McCosh, James 1811-1894
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer 1804-1894
Rubinstein, Anton 1829-1894 Composer
Stevenson, Robert Louis 1850-1894
Stieltjes, Thomas Jan 1856-1894
Studies of Hysteria (Freud/Josef Breuer)
Treaty of Shimonoseki - Japan gains Formosa (Taiwan) - China recognizes Korea's independence (4/17)
Italo-Abbyssinian War - war between Italy and Ethiopia (-1896)
Armenians massacred in Constantinople
Territory of South African Company named Rhodesia after Cecil Rhodes
Jameson Raid - attack on Boer republic of Transvaal
British protectorate over East Africa (Kenya)
Sun Yat Sen flees China after abortive revolt fails against Ching (Manchu) dynasty
Revolutionary movement active in Cuba against Spain (-1898)
Kickapoo reservation in Indian Territory settled (206,662 acres)
Booker T. Washington s accommodation speech at Atlanta Exposition
Jean Paul Casimir Perier - (France) Pierre
Francois Felix Faure + (France) (-1899)
Marconi sends first radio signal 1.5 km (9)
Wilhelm Roentgen discovers X-rays
Cello Concerto in B minor Dvorak
Till Eulenspiegel R. Strauss
Please Say You Will Joplin
A Picture of Her Face Joplin
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario 1895-1968 Composer
Edwards, Cliff Ukelele Ike 1895-1971 Musician
Ford, John 1895-1973
Fuller, Buckminster 1895-1983
Hammerstein, Oscar 1895-1960
Hart, Lorenz 1895-1943 Composer
Hindemith, Paul 1895-1963 Composer
Humphrey, Doris 1895-1958
Jacob, Gordon 1895-1984 Musician
Langer, Susanne K. 1895-1985
Nichols, Dudley 1895-1960
Noone, Jimmy 1895-1944 Musician
Orff, Carl 1895- Composer
Petit, Buddie 1895-1931 Musician
Still, William Grant 1895-1978 Composer
Tamm, Igor Y. 1895-1971
Xirau Palau, Joaquin 1895-
Douglass, Frederick 1817-1895
Dumas, Alexander 1824-1895
Engels, Friedrich 1820-1895
Frothingham, Octavius Brooks 1822-1895
Godard, Benjamin Louis Paul 1849-1895 Composer
Halle, Charles 1819-1895
Huxley, Thomas 1825-1895
Locker-Lampson, Frederick 1821-1895
Loschmidt, Johann Joseph 1821-1895
Marti, Jose 1853-1895
Meyer, Lothar 1830-1895
Moore, Henry 1831-1895
Morisot, Berthe 1841-1895
Pasteur, Louis 1822-1895
Suppe, Franz Suppe 1819-1895 Composer
Vogt, Karl 1817-1895
1896 A Shropshire Lad (A. E. Houseman)
Der Judenstaat(Theodor Herzl)

Battle of Adua - Ethiopian victory over Italian forces (3/1)
Nicholas II is crowned czar of Russia (5/13)
Khodynka Tragedy - 1389 people trampled to death at a festival held for Nicholas II's crowning (5/27)
Plessey v. Ferguson - separate but equal (5/18)
Anglo-Egyptian forces led by General Kirchener begin reconquest of Sudan
British occupation of Ashanti
Final Anglo-Ashanti War - Ashanti defeated
British exile Ashanti King Premph
Revolts in Matabeleland and Mashonaland (-1897)
Treaty of Addis Ababa - Italy recognizes independence of Ethiopia
France annexes Madagascar
Jameson Raid on Transvaal fails
British protectorates established in Sierra Leone and east Africa
Anglo-Egyptian reconquest of Sudan (-1898)
Assassination of Nasiruddin Shah of Iran
Anglo-French agreement settles boundaries in Siam (Thailand)
William Jennings Bryan s Cross of Gold speech
Fourth Party System in the United States (-1932)
AFM established
Four Serious Songs Brahms
Istar d'Indy
La Boheme Puccini
Der Corregidor Wolf
Indian Suite MacDowell
Ardon, Mordecai 1896-1992
Artaud, Antonin Marie Joseph 1896-1948 Actor/Writer
Blunden, Edmund Charles 1896-
Cox, Ida 1896-1967 Singer
Dos Passos, John Roderigo 1896-
Piaget, Jean 1896-1980
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 1896-1940 Novelist
Hanson, Howard 1896-1981 Composer
Hawks, Howard 1896-1977 Director
Lewis, Steve 1896-1941 Musician
Montale, Eugenio 1896-1981
Sessions, Roger 1896-1985 Composer
Termen, Lev Sergeivitch 1896-1993
Waismann, Friedrich 1896-1959
Weinberger, Jaromir 1896-1967 Composer
Avenarius, Richard 1843-1896
Bruckner, Anton Joseph 1824-1896 Composer
Falero, Luis Ricardo 1851-1896
Fizeau, Armand Hyppolyte Louis 1819-1896
Grove, William 1811-1896
Millais, John 1829-1896
Morris, William 1834-1896
Patmore, Coventry 1823-1896
Schumann, Clara Weick 1819-1896 Composer
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 1811-1896 Novelist
Verlaine, Paul 1844-1896 Poet
William McKinley inaugurated (3/4)
Load of Gold reaches Seattle from Klondike (7/17)
First Zionist Congress meets in Basel Switzerland (9/3)
Greece and Ottoman Empire at war over Crete
Germans occupy Kiaochow, China
Klondike Gold Rush (-1898)
Dingley Tarrif
Freud discovers essential principles pf psychoanalysis - undertakes his self-analysis
Mahler becomes director of the Vienna Opera
The Stars and Stripes Forever Sousa
Fervaal d'Indy
Don Quixote Richard Strauss
The Sorcerer s Apprentice Dukas
Bechet, Sidney 1897-1959 Musician
Blackett, P. M. S. 1897-1974
Capra, Frank 1897-1991 Director
Cockcroft, John D. 1897-1967
Cowell, Henry 1897-1965 Composer
Curry, John Steuart 1897-1946
Dunn, Johnny 1897-1937 Musician
Faulkner, William 1897-1962 Novelist
Henderson, Fletcher 1897-1952 Composer
Jefferson, Blind Lemon 1897-1930 Musician
Jessup, Philip Caryl 1897-
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 1897-1957 Composer
Krishnamurti, Jiddu 1897-
Mankiewicz, Herman 1897-1953 Director
Minnie, Memphis 1897-1973 Singer
Porter, Quincy 1897-1966 Musician
Reich, Wilhelm 1897-1957
Smith, Willie the Lion 1897-1973 Musician
Tansman, Alexandre 1897-1986 Composer
Thomson, Virgil 1897-1989 Composer
Adams, William Taylor 1822-1897
Boellmann, Leon 1862-1897 Composer
Brahms, Johannes 1833-1897 Composer
Cope, Edward 1840-1897
Godefroid, Felix 1818-1897 Composer
George, Henry 1839-1897 Economist (United States)
Pabst, Paul 1854-1897 Composer
Sylvester, James Joseph 1814-1897
Weierstrass, Theodore 1815-1897
Cyrano de Bergerac (Rostand)
J'Accuse(Emile Zola)
ighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897 (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)

"J'Accuse" letter by Emile Zola published - brings attention to the unjust treatment of Alfred Dreyfus (1/13)
Spanish Minister Depuy de Lome's letter calls McKinley, a "weak bidder for the admiration of the crowd" (2/9)
USS Maine destroyed (2/15)
Battle of the Atbara River - Mahdists under the Khalifa are defeated by the British
US blockade of Cuba (4/22)
US declares war on Spain (4/24)
Battle of Manila Bay - Commodore George Dewey sinks the Spanish fleet (5/1)
Omaha Trans Mississippi and International Exhibition opens (6/1)
US takes Guam (6/20)
Battle of San Juan Hill (7/1)
Battle of El Caney (7/1)
Admiral Sampson destroys six ships of Cervera's fleet that had run the blockade (7/3)
Hawai'i is annexed (7/7)
French force of 150 under Jean Baptiste Marchand arrives at Fashoda after 14 month trek from Brazzaville (7/10)
Spanish forces capitulate on Cuba (7/16)
Nelson A. Miles' army occupies Puerto Rico (7/25)
Spanish American war ends - peace protocol signed (8/12)
Manila falls to the US (8/13)
Battle of Omdurman - British defeat Sudanese Mahdiyya Army - retake Sudan (9/2)
Empress Elizabeth of Bavaria, wife of Emperror Franz Joseph is assassinated by anarchist Luigi Lucheni (9/10)
Fashoda Incident - powerful flotilla of gunboats arrives at Fashoda under Kitchener - standoff w/ French (9/18)
William McKinley visits Omaha World's Fair (10/12)
French government orders the evacuation of soldiers from Fashoda - ending the crisis with Great Gritain (11/3)
Puerto Rico, Guam, Phillipines acquired from Spain (12/2) (12/10)
First German Navy Law begins naval race with Great Britain
Social Democratic Party founded in Russia
French defeat of Samori Toure
Mali becomes the French Sudan, part of the French Federation of West Africa
China cedes Port Arthur to Russia
Hundred Days of Reform under K'ang Yu-wei (Japan)
Spanish-American War - over Cuba
McKinley's war message
Treaty of Paris - Cuba gains independence - Spain cedes Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines to the US
United States annexes Hawaii
Indian Congress of 1898 at the Omaha World's Fair
Berliner opens UK branch in London
Artur Rubinstein s debut with Berlin Symphony Orchestra
Sadko Rimsky-Korsakov
Sea Pieces MacDowell
Ein Heldenleben Richard Strauss
Aalto, Alvar 1898-1976
Aleixandre, Vicente 1898-1984
Armstrong, Lil Hardin 1898-1971 Singer
Barbarin, Paul 1898-1969 Composer
Benet, Stephen Vincent 1898-1943
Brecht, Bertolt 1898-1956 Playwright
Calder, Alexander 1898- Sculptor (Philadelphia, US)
Clair, Rene 1898-1981
Dodds, Warren Baby 1898-1959 Musician
Eisenstein, Sergei 1898-1948 Director (Russia)
Eisler, Hanns 1898-1962 Composer
Escher, M. C. 1898-1972 Visual artist
Gershwin, George 1898-1937 Composer
Harris, Roy 1898-1979 Composer
Lorca, Frederico Garcia 1898-1936
Magritte, Rene 1898-1967 Painter
Marcuse, Herbert 1898-1979
Marsh, Reginald 1898-1954
McTell, Blind Willie 1898-1959 Musician (Georgia)(1901)
Moore, Henry 1898-1986 Sculptor
Morris, Tommy 1898- Musician
Ormandy, Eugene 1899- Conductor (Budapest, Hungary)
Rabi, I. I. 1898-1988
Remarque, Erich Maria 1898-1970
Robeson, Paul 1898-1976 Singer
Singleton, Arthur Zutty 1898-1975 Musician
Williams, Clarence 1898-1965
Beardsley, Aubrey 1872-1898 Visual Artist
Bessemer, Henry 1813-1898
Boudin, Louis Eugene 1824-1898
Burne-Jones, Edward 1833-1898 Painter
Caird, John 1820-1898
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis Carrol) 1832-1898
Ganivet y Garcia, Angel 1865-1898
Jenner, William 1815-1898
Mallarme, Stephane 1842-1898
Moreau, Gustave 1826-1898
Pepper, William 1843-1898
Topelius, Zacharias 1818-1898
The Awakening (Kate Chopin)
McTeague: A Story of San Francisco (Frank Norris)
School and Society (John Dewey)
The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (Houston Stewart Chamberlain)

Treaty of Paris ratified - ends Spanish American War (2)
Filipino guerrila war against US starts (2/4)
First Hague Peace Conference convenes - aims to settle international disputes peacefully (5/18)
Hague Convention signed (7/29)
Battle of Umm Diwaykarat - final obliteration of the Madiyya (11/24)
Second Boer War begins - between British and Transvaal Boers in South Africa (10/11) (-1902)
Boers besiege Mafeking, Kimberly, and Ladysmith
France withdraws from the Sudan
Open Door Policy in China
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid bank robberies (-1901)
United Fruit Company formed
Francois Felix Faure - (France) (1895-)
Emile Francois Loubet + (France)
Lord Curzon + (India) Governor General (-1905)
Internationale Mukikgesellschaft founded at Leipzig
Gramophone establishes branch in Montreal
Charleston Rag
Catalonia Albeniz
Reminiscinces of a Life of the Tsar Balakirev
Nocturnes Debussy
Finlandia Sibelius
Maple Leaf Rag Scott Joplin
Pavane pour une infante defunte Ravel
Verklarte Nacht Schoenberg
Smith, Pinetop 1899-1929 Musician
Williamson, Sonny Boy 1899-1965 Musician
Astaire, Fred 1899-1987 Dancer
Asturias, Miguel Angel 1899-1974
Auric, Georges 1899-1983 Composer
Bogart, Humphrey 1899-1957 Actor
Borges, Jorge Luis 1899-1986 Poet/Critic (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Cagney, James 1899-1986 Actor
Carmichael, Hoagy 1899-1981 Composer
Chavez, Carlos 1899-1978 Composer
Crane, Harold Hart 1899-1932 Writer
Cukor, George 1899-1983 Director
Ellington, Edward Kennedy (Duke) 1899-1974 Composer
Forester, Cecil Scott 1899-1966 Novelist (Cairo/England)
Hemingway, Ernest Miller 1899-1961 Writer
Hitchcock, Alfred 1899-1980 Director
Kawabata, Yasunari 1899-1972 Novelist (Japan)
Nabakov, Vladimir 1899-1977 Novelist (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Poulenc, Francis 1899-1963 Composer
Revueltas, Silvestre 1899-1940 Composer
Smith, Pinetop 1899-1929 Musician
Tamayo, Rufino 1899-1991 Painter (Oaxaca, Mexico)
Tcherepnin, Alexander 1899-1977 Composer
Thompson, Randall 1899-1984 Composer
Vleck, John H. van 1899-1980
Williamson, Sonny Boy 1899-1965 Musician
Alger, Horatio 1832-1899 Writer
Buchner, Ludwig 1824-1899
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm 1811-1899
Chausson, Ernest Amedee 1855-1899 Composer
Daly, Augustin 1838-1899
Janet, Paul 1823-1899
Sisley, Alfred 1839-1899 Painter
Strauss II, Johann 1825-1899 Composer

1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890
1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891
1802 1812 1822 1832 1842 1852 1862 1872 1882 1892
1803 1813 1823 1833 1843 1853 1863 1873 1883 1893
1804 1814 1824 1834 1844 1854 1864 1874 1884 1894
1805 1815 1825 1835 1845 1855 1865 1875 1885 1895
1806 1816 1826 1836 1846 1856 1866 1876 1886 1896
1807 1817 1827 1837 1847 1857 1867 1877 1887 1897
1808 1818 1828 1838 1848 1858 1868 1878 1888 1898
1809 1819 1829 1839 1849 1859 1869 1879 1889 1899

HOME 1700s 1800s 1900s