1600s 1700s 1800s

History Timeline Index

1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790
1701 1711 1721 1731 1741 1751 1761 1771 1781 1791
1702 1712 1722 1732 1742 1752 1762 1772 1782 1792
1703 1713 1723 1733 1743 1753 1763 1773 1783 1793
1704 1714 1724 1734 1744 1754 1764 1774 1784 1794
1705 1715 1725 1735 1745 1755 1765 1775 1785 1795
1706 1716 1726 1736 1746 1756 1766 1776 1786 1796
1707 1717 1727 1737 1747 1757 1767 1777 1787 1797
1708 1718 1728 1738 1748 1758 1768 1778 1788 1798
1709 1719 1729 1739 1749 1759 1769 1779 1789 1799

Charles II dies - last Hapsburg King of Spain (11/1)
Battle of Narva - Russians defeated by Charles XII of Sweden (11/19) (11/20 Julian?)
Charles II of Spain names Philip of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV, as heir - succeeds as Philip V
Great Northern War - rivalry between Russia and Sweden for supremacy in the Baltic (-1721)
Philip V of Spain crowned (-1746)
Innocent XII - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1691-1700)
Clement XI + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1700-1721)
J. S. Bach at Luneburg
Baal Shem Tov 1700-1760
Bernoulli, Daniel 1700-1782
Blavet, Michel 1700-1748 Composer
Teedyuscung 1700-1763
Dryden, John 1631-1700 Poet (Northamptonshire, England)
Treaty of Den Haag - League of Augsberg goes into second phase as Alliance of the War of Span. Succession (9/7)
Act of Settlement - in Britain establishes Protestant Hanoverian succession in Britain
Charles II dies in exile
Grand Alliance - England, the Netherlands, Holy Roman Empire, and the German states against France
Frederick I Elector Brandenburg (1688-) is crowned 1st King of Prussia
Prussia as a unified political entity begins (Brandenburg, East Prussia, and Cleves)
War of the Spanish Succession (Queen Anne's War) begins (-1714) (-1713)
Charles XII of Sweden invades Poland
Iroquois sign neutrality treaties with British and French - persists for over fifty years
Yale College founded
Frederick I of Prussia + (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1701-1713)Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Charles II - (Spain) House of Austria
Philip V + (Spain) (1701-1746)H. Bourbon (gs Louis XIV)
Domenico Scarlatti appointed organist and composer at the Royal Chapel in Naples
12 Concerti Grossi G. Muffat
Pieces de Violes, 2de livre Marais
Angrell, Johan Joachim 1701-1765 Composer
Celcius, Anders 1701-1744
Neruda, Johann Baptist Georg 1701-1780 Composer
Sammartini, Giovanni Battista 1701-1775 Composer (Milan, Italy)
Harquart, Carolus 1640-1701 Composer
War of the Camisards begins (Fr.)
Dutch Republic without a stadholder (-1747)
St. Petersburg founded
Queen Anne’s War begins (-1713)
New Jersey becomes a crown colony
William III - (England)(Scotland)
Anne + (England)(Scotland) Queen (-1714)
William III - (Dutch Republic) Stadholder (of Orange)
William III - (Netherlands) stadholder (of Orange) (hereditary)
Handel goes to Hamburg and plays at the opera house
Liotard, Jean-Etienne 1702-1789
William III of Orange 1650-1702 Stadtholder/King (b. Hague)
Methuen Agreement - trade treaty between England and Portugal
Vauban made a marshal of France
Hungarian revolt lead by Francis II Rakoczi begins against Austria (-1711)
Mustafa II - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Ahmed III + (Ottoman Empire)
Bach becomes church organist in Arnstadt
Georg Telemann founds Collegium musicum at Leipzig
St. John Passion Handel
al-Wahab, Mohammed ibn Abd 1703-1791
Boucher, Francois 1703-1770 Painter (France)
Edwards, Jonathan 1703-1758
Fiocco, Joseph-Hector 1703-1741 Composer
Graun, Johann Gottlieb 1703-1771 Composer
Travers, John 1703-1758 Composer
Wesley, John 1703-1791
Hooke, Robert 1635-1703
Pepys, Samuel 1633-1703
Perrault, Charles 1628-1703
Viviani, 1622-1703
Wallis, John 1616-1703
Tale of a Tub (Jonathan Swift)
Opticks (Newton)
Deerfield Massacre - English colonists killed by French and Indians (2/28-29)
Battle of Blenheim - allies under Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene defeat French (8/13)
British fleet captures Gibraltar from Spain
Boston News Letter begins publication - first newsletter in America
Francis Rakoczy + (Transylvania) Prince
Devaraja Wodeyar - (Mysore) Chikka
Narasaraja Wodeyar II + (Mysore) Kantheerava
J.S. Bach's first cantata
Almira Handel
Graun, Carl Heinrich 1704-1759 Composer
Seixas, Jose Antonio Carlos De 1704-1742 Composer
Tuma, Frantisek Antonin Ignac 1704-1774 Composer
Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz 1644-1704 Composer
Bossuet, Jacques Benigne 1627-1704 Prelate/Orator (France)
Charpentier, Marc Antoine 1644-1704 Composer
L’Estrange, Roger 1616-1704
L’Hopital, Guillaume de 1661-1704
Locke, John 1632-1704 Philosopher
Muffat, Georg 1653-1704
Turkish authority overthrown in Tunis
Virginia Black Code of 1705 - slaves considered real estate
Eusebio Kino’s map shows California part of North America - not an island
Leopold I - (Holy Roman Empire) (1658-) Emperor
Joseph I + (Holy Roman Empire) Emperor
Domenico Scarlatti moves to Venice at the insistence of his father - studies with Gasparini
Barriere, Jean 1705-1747 Composer
Hartley, David 1705-1757 Philosopher
Royer, Joseph Nicholas Pancrace 1705-1755 Composer
Gilles, Jean 1668-1705 Composer
Noordt Jr., Sybrant van 1660-1705 Composer
Ray, John 1627-1705
Battle of Ramillies - Duke of Marlborough defeats French forces (5/23)
Battle of Turin - Prince Eugene defeats French in Italy
Treaty of Altranstadt - between Augustus II of Poland and Charles XII of Sweden - Augustus II abdicates
South Carolina adopts Anglicanism as official church
Augustus II the Strong - (Poland) Wettin
Stanislaus Leszczynski + (Poland)
Pedro II - (Portugal) House of Braganza
John V + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Handel travels to Italy for three years
Premiere Livre de Pieces de Clavecin Rameau
Cecere, Carlo 1706-1761 Composer
Franklin, Benjamin 1706-1790
Galuppi, Baldassare 1706-1785 Composer
Bayle, Pierre 1647-1706
Pachelbel, Johann 1653-1706 Composer
Le Diable boiteux (Le Sage) (Eng. tr. 1708)
Death of Aurangzeb leads to dissolution of Mughal Empire (3/3)
Act of Union - Parliament unites England, Wales, and Scotland under the name of Great Britain
Battle of Almanza - Spain defeats allies forces
Aurangzeb Alamgir - (Mughal Empire) (1658-) Grand Mogul
Azam Shah +- (Mughal Empire)
Kambaksh +- (Mughal Empire)
Bahadur Shah I + (Mughal Empire)
Murshid Quli Jafar Khan + (Bengal) Nawab
Mitridate eupatore Alessandro Scarlatti
Cantatas, first series J. S. Bach
Euler, Leonhard 1707-1783 Mathematician (Switzerland)
Fielding, Henry 1707-1754 Novelist (England)
Linnaeus, Carolus 1707-1778
Paradisi, Pietro Domenico 1707-1791 Composer
Buxtehude, Dietrich 1637-1707 Composer (Sweden)
Clarke, Jeremiah 1674-1707 Composer
Vauban, Sebastien le Prestre 1633-1707
Battle of Oudenarde - Allied forces under Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene defeat French
Charles XII of Sweden invades Russia
Death of Guru Govind Singh
Govind Singh - (Sikh) (1666-) 10th and final guru
Bach becomes court organist in Weimar (1708-1717)
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc Comte de 1708-1788 Naturalist (France)
Scheibe, Johann Adolph 1708-1776 Composer
von Haller, Albrecht 1708-1777
Blow, John 1648-1708 Composer
Mansart, Jules Hardouin 1646-1708
Walsh, William 1663-1708
Turcaret (Alain Rene Le Sage)
The Tatler founded
The Spectator founded
Battle of Malplaquert - Allies defeat France in pyrrhic victory - 20,000 Allied troops killed
Battle of Poltava - Peter I of Russia defeats Charles XII of Sweden (decisive)
Berlin incorporated by Frederick I
Port Royal captured by British – Nova Scotia French Fort
Stanislaus Leszczynski - (Poland)
Augustus II the Strong + (Poland)
Pianoforte built
Domenico Scarlatti moves to Rome - joins the musical establishment of Queen Maria Casimira of Poland
Opera buffa in Italy
Organ Fugue in G Minor J. S. Bach
Avison, Charles 1709-1770 Composer
Benda, Frantisek 1709-1786 Composer
Corrette, Michel 1709-1795 Composer
Hamal, Jean Noel 1709-1778 Composer
Johnson, Samuel 1709-1784
de La Mettrie, Julien 1709-1751
Mably, Gabrielle Bonnot de 1709-1783
Richter, Franz Xaver 1709-1789 Composer (Bohemia)
Schaffrath, Christoph 1709-1763 Composer
Torelli, Giuseppe 1658-1709 Composer
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (Berkeley)
Abraham Mazel taken prisoner and executed - War of the Camisards concludes (10/14) France
Isaac Newton works on 72 cubic curves into four groups.
Edmund Haley has breakthrough on proper stellar motion using Ptolemy’s catalog and his own observations of fixed stars

Handel accepts position as music director for Elector Georg Ludwig of Hanover
Academy of Ancient Music founded in London
Fetes Venitiennes (Campra)
Rinaldo (Handel)
Arne, Thomas Augustin 1710-1778 Composer
Bach, Wilhelm Friedmann 1710-1784 Composer J.S. Bach’s eldest son
Hopken, Arvid Niclas von 1710-1778 Composer
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista 1710-1736 Composer
Reid, Thomas (4-26 OS) 1710-1796 Scottish School of Common Sense
Rollig, Johann Georg 1710-1790 Composer
Mouton, Charles 1626-1710 Composer
Pasquini, Bernardo 1637-1710 Composer
Roemer, Olaus 1644-1710
Sanz, Gaspar 1650-1710 Composer
Essay on Criticism (Alexander Pope)
Duke of Marlborough dismissed as Allied Commander
Peace of Szatmar between Austria and Hungary - Hungary under Austrian rule (-1918)
Phanariot Regime controls Moldavia
Tuscarora War in North Carolina
Joseph I - (Holy Roman Empire) (1705-1711) Emperor
Charles VI + (Holy Roman Empire) (1711-1740) Emperor
Nicholas Mavrocordat + (Moldavia) Prince
Francis Rakoczy - (Transylvania) Prince
Pieces de Violes, 3rd livre Marais
Croesus Keiser
Boyce, William 1711-1779 Composer
Holzbauer, Ignaz Jakob 1711-1783 Composer
Hume, David 1711-1766 Philosopher
Lomonosov, Mikhail 1711-1765
Boileau-Despreaux, Nicolas 1636-1711 Literary Critic/Poet (France)
Grew, Nehemiah 1641-1711
Rape of the Locke (Alexander Pope)
Toleration Act in London
Carolina colony divided into North and South (5)
Pennsylvania bans importation of slaves
New York Slave Rebellion
John Adam - (Liechtenstein) Prince
Joseph Wenzel + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Bahadur Shah I - (Mughal Empire)
Azim ush Shah +- (Mughal Empire)
Jahandar Shah + (Mughal Empire)
Handel permanently resides in London
Charles VI reconstitutes the Chapel Royal in Vienna
Concerto Grosso in A Minor, Op. 3, No. 8 Vivaldi
Teseo Handel
Frederick the Great 1712-1786 King (Prussia)
Hebden, John 1712-1765 Composer
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 1712-1778 Philosopher
Stanley, John 1712-1786 Composer
Cabanilles, Juan Bautista Jose 1644-1712 Composer
Heyden, Jan van der 1637-1712 Painter (Dutch)
Zachow, Friederich Wilhelm 1663-1712 Composer
Unigenitus (Papal Bull)
LaSalle's Last Journey (Joutel) Fr.
Vanbrugh's Blenheim Palace construction completed (-1715)
Pragmatic Sanction - issued by Emperor Charles VI to guarantee the succession of daughter Maria Theresa
Asiento Treaty - starts most active period of British slave trade
Treaty of Utrecht - ends War of Spanish Succession - Dutch power declines (4/11)
Great Britain gains the asiento - contract to supply slaves to Spanish America
Great Britain gains Gibraltar and Minorca
Spanish Netherlands becomes Austrian Netherlands
Papal Bull Unigenitus - condemns Jansenists
Frederick William I King of Prussia (-1740) establishes a standing army of more than 80,000 men
Frederick I of Prussia - (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1688-) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Frederick William I + (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (-1740) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Jahandar Shah - (Mughal Empire)
Farrukh Siyar + (Mughal Empire) (-1719)
Domenico Scarlatti becomes maestro di capella of the Basilica Giulia at St. Peter's in Rome
Ich hatte viel Bekummernis J. S. Bach
Pieces de Clavecin, I Couperin
Diderot, Denis 1713-1784
Krebs, Johann Lugwig 1713-1780 Composer
Serra, Junipero 1713-1784
Sterne, Laurence 1713-1768
Wilson, Richard 1713-1782
Corelli, Arcangelo 1653-1713
Hohenzollern, Frederick I 1657-1713 1st King of Prussia
Shaftsbury 1671-1713
Monadologie (Leibnitz)
Peace of Utrecht - Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Hudson Bay region to England ends Queen Anne's War (4/11)
Elector of Hanover is crowned King George I of England (8/1)
Treaty of Rastatt and Baden - between Austria and France - cedes Spanish Netherlands to Austria
Etienne Veniard ventures up Missouri River to the Platte
Anne - (England) (1702-1714)
George I + (England) (1714-1727) King (H. Hanover)
Nicholas Mavrocordat - (Moldavia) Prince
Stephan Cantacuzino + (Moldavia) Prince
Constantine - (Walachia) Prince (Brancoveeanu )
Narasaraja Wodeyar II - (Mysore) Kantheerava
Krishnaraja Wodeyar + (Mysore) Dodda
Silbermann's organ at Freiburg
Domenico Scarlatti employed by the Portuguese ambassador in Rome, after Maria Casimira of Poland leaves
Bach, Carl Phillip Emmanual 1714-1788 Composer
Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb 1714-1762
Brant, Per 1714-1767 Composer
Gluck, Christoph Willibald 1714-1787 Composer
Homilius, Gottfried August 1714-1785 Composer
Whitefield, George 1714-1770
L'Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane (Le Sage) (-1735) (Eng. tr. 1749)
Louis XIV dies Duke of Orleans becomes regent for Louis XV (-1727) (9/1)
First Jacobite uprising in Scotland in support of James Edward (the Old Pretender) (-1716)
French take Mauritius
Yamasee War (-1718)
Earliest land grants in Rockaway, NJ between William Penn and Delaware
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XIV - (France) (1643-1715) King "The Great"
Louis XV + (France) (1715-1774) King
First Opera Comique founded
F Major Water Music Suite (#1) Handel
Tigrane Scarlatti
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de 1715-1780
Duphly, Jacques 1715-1789 Composer
Helvetius, Jean Claude 1715-1780
Wagenseil, Georg Christoph 1715-1777 Composer
Burnet, Thomas 1635-1715 Philosopher (Yorkshire,England)
Dampier, William 1651-1715
Louis XIV of France 1638-1715 King of France
Malebranche, Nicolas 1638-1715 Philosopher (France)
Tate, Nahum 1652-1715
Phanariot Regime in Walachia
First group of slaves brought to Louisiana territory
First theatre in colonies at Williamsburg
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Stephan Cantacuzino - (Moldavia) Prince
Nicholas Mavrocordat + (Walachia) (-1717) Prince
Passion Handel
L'Art de Toucher le Clavecin Couperin
Pieces de Clavecin Couperin
Gray, Thomas 1716-1771 Poet (England)
Johnsen, Hinrich Philip 1716-1779 Composer
Duron, Sebastian 1660-1716 Composer
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm 1646-1716 Philosopher
Sauveur, Joseph 1653-1716
a href="history_painting_display.php?search=hps#1717">1717
Spain seizes Sardinia from Austria
Triple Alliance
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Michael Racovita + (Moldavia) Prince
Nicholas Mavrocordat - (Walachia) (1716-) Prince
Bach becomes court conductor for the prince of Cothen
Orgelbuchlein J. S. Bach
Water Music Suite (#2) Handel
d’Alembert, Jean le Rond 1717-1783
Garrick, David 1717-1779
Giardini, Felice de 1717-1796 Composer
Monn, Georg Matthias 1717-1750 Composer
Stamitz, Johann Wenzel Anton 1717-1757 Composer
Straube, Rudolf 1717-1785 Composer
Walpole, Horace 1717-1797
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 1717-1768 Historian (German)
Walther, Johann Jacob 1650-1717 Composer
Spain seizes Sicily from Savoy
Quadruple Alliance - Austria, Britain, France, and Netherlands against Spain
Treaty of Passarowitz - ends war between Turkey and Austria (Ottoman - Austria, Venice)
New Orleans founded by French
Perth Amboy incorporated
San Antonio & Alamo established
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Charles XII - (Sweden) (1697-) House of Palatinate
Ulrica Eleonora + (Sweden) House of Palatinate
Joseph Wenzel - (Liechtenstein) Prince
Antony Florian + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Biber, Carl Heinrich 1718-1749 Composer
Cumberland, Richard 1632-1718
Penn, William 1644-1718
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe)
Vernunftige Gedanken von Gott, der Welt, und der Seele der Menschen (Christian Wolff)
Pompeii and Herculaneum rediscovered
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Nicholas Mavrocordat + (Walachia) (-1730) Prince
Farrukh Siyar - (Mughal Empire) (1713-)
Rafi ud Darajat +- (Mughal Empire) *****
Rafi ud Daulah +- (Mughal Empire) *****
Nikusiyar +- (Mughal Empire) *****
Muhammad Shah + (Mughal Empire) (-1720)
Handel becomes music director of the Royal Academy of Music
Domenico Scarlatti leaves Rome and moves to Palermo, the Scarlatti's hometown
Altnikol, Johann Christoph 1719-1759 Composer
Hawkins, John 1719-1789 Composer
Mozart, Johann Georg Leopold 1719-1787 Composer
Addison, Joseph 1672-1719
Treaty of the Hague - between Quadruple Alliance and Spain (2/17)
Collapse of John Law's Mississippi Company (Scheme) in France
South Sea Bubble - South Sea Company fails in England - causes financial panic
Treaties of Stockholm - between Sweden, Prussia, Hanover, Denmark, Savoy, and Poland (-1721)
Residenz of the Elector Palatinate transferred from Heidelberg to Mannheim
South Sea and Mississippi bubbles
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Ulrica Eleonora - (Sweden) House of Palatinate
Frederick I of Hesse + (Sweden) House of Palatinate
Muhammad Shah - (Mughal Empire) (1719-)
Muhammad Ibrahim +- (Mughal Empire) *****
Muhammad Shah + (Mughal Empire) restored
Il Teatro alla moda (satirical pamphlet) Benedetto Marcello
Agricola, Johann Friedrich 1720-1774 Composer
Bonnet, Charles 1720-1793
Gerbert, Martin 1720-1793 Composer
Hagen, Bernhard Joachim 1720-1787 Composer
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista 1720-1778
Vincent, Thomas 1720-1783 Composer
Wesstrom, Anders 1720-1781 Composer
Lettres Persanes (Montesquieu)
Treaty of Nystadt - between Russia and Sweden - confirms Russia as a great power - foothold in Baltic (9/10)
Robert Walpole becomes Great Britain's first Prime Minister
Peter Alexeevich I (the Great) proclaimed emperor in Russia
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Robert Walpole + (Great Britain) Prime Minister (-1742)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Antony Florian - (Liechtenstein) Prince
John Joseph + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Clement XI - (1700-)
Innocent XIII + (-1724)
J.S. Bach dedicates his six Brandenburg Concertos to Christian Ludwig, margrave of B-burg-Schwedt (3/24)
Six Brandenburg Concertos J. S. Bach (BWV 1046-51)
French Suites J. S. Bach
English Suites J. S. Bach
Bellotto, Bernardo 1721-1780
Hellendaal, Pieter 1721-1799 Composer
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp 1721-1783 Composer
Robertson, William 1721-1793
Smollett, Tobias 1721-1771
Prior, Matthew 1664-1721
Watteau, Jean-Antoine 1684-1721
Jacob Roggeveen discovers Easter Island for Dutch (4/5)
Great Treaty of Albany between the Iroquois Confederacy, New York, Pennsylvania and Viginia - (8/27)
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Husain I - (Safavid Persia) (1694-) 9th
Mahmoud + (Safavid Persia) (-1725) 10th
Shengzu Ren - (China) (1661-) 2nd Qing Dynasty (Kangxi Era)
Well Tempered Clavier Vol. 1 - BWV 846-869 J. S. Bach
Traite de 'Harmonie Rameau
Adams, Samuel 1722-1803
Auenbrugger, Leopold 1722-1809
Bach, Johann Ernst 1722-1777 Composer
Benda, Jiri Antonin 1722-1795 Composer
Forbonnais, Francois Veron Duverger de 1722-1800
Garth, John 1722-1810 Composer
Nardini, Pietro 1722-1793 Composer
Kuhnau, Johann 1660-1722 Composer
Reincken, Jan Adam 1623-1722 Composer
Varignon, Pierre 1654-1722
Dc Fide et Officiis Christianorum (Burnet) (posthumous)
Dc Statu Mortuorum et Resurgentium Tractatus (Burnet) (posthumous)
Henriade (Voltaire)
Tuscaroras admitted to Iroquois Confederation
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Shizong Xian (Yung Cheng) + (China) (-1735) 3rd Qing Dynasty (Yongzheng Era)
Bach becomes cantor of St. Thomas Church in Leipzig until his death
Domenico Scarlatti moves to Lisbon - assumes duties at the patriarchal chapel and teaches the king's children
La Gamme et Autres Morceaux de Symph. Marais
Abel, Carl Friedrich 1723-1787 Composer
D’Holbach, Paul Henri Thiri 1723-1789
Price, Richard 1723-1791
Smith, Adam 1723-1790
Tung Yuan Tai 1723-1777
Backus, Isaac 1723-1806
Babell, William 1690-1723 Composer
D’Urfey, Thomas 1653-1723
Gunther, Johann Christian 1695-1723
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van 1632-1723
Lopez, Miguel 1669-1723 Composer
State of Hyderabad gains independence from Mughals
Victories of Nadir Shah in Transcaucasia (-1730)
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Philip V - (Spain) House of Bourbon
Luis I +- (Spain) House of Bourbon
Philip V + (Spain) House of Bourbon (rethroned)
Qamar ud din Nizal + (Hyderabad) Nizam (ul Mulk)
Innocent XIII - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1721-1724)
Benedict XIII + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1724-1730)
Fahrenheit develops his thermometer
Pieces de clavecin Rameau
St. John Passion J. S. Bach
Ein feste Burg cantata J. S. Bach
Giulio Cesare Handel
Tamerlano Handel
Basedow, Johann Bernhard 1724-1790
Cirri, Giovanni, Battista 1724-1808 Composer
Kant, Immanuel 1724-1804 Philosopher
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb 1724-1803 Poet (Germany)
Mitchell, John 1724-1793
Treaty of Vienna - between Spain and Austria
Treaty of Hanover - alliance between Britain, France, Prussia, Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Peter I the Great - (Russia) (1688-1725) Emperor
Catherine I + (Russia) Empress (widow of Peter the Great)
Mahmoud - (Safavid Persia) (1722-1725) 10th
Ashraff + (Safavid Persia) (1725-1727) 11th
Concerts spirituels at Paris
Gradus ad Parnassum Fux
Rodelinda Handel
Musicall Grammarion Roger North
Casanova, Giacomo 1725-1798
Kippis, Andrew 1725-1795
Stalder, Joseph Franz Xaver Dominik 1725-1765 Composer
Walond, William 1725-1770 Composer
Hoffman, Johann 1660-1725 Composer
Scarlatti, Pietro Alessandro Gaspare 1660-1725 Composer
Visee, Robert de 1650-1725 Composer
Gullivers Travels (Swift)
Historical Account of the Small-Pox Inoculated in New England (Zabdiel Boylston)
Administration of Cardinal Fleury, chief minister of France (-1743)
Opening and closing of first Turkish press (-1742) (1727?)
Philadelphia Poor Riots
George I ... (England) (1714-1727) King (House of Hanover)
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Cardinal Fleury + (France) Prime Minister
Gregory Ghica + (Moldavia) Prince
Nouveau system de musique theorique (Rameau)
Le Quattro Stagioni (The Four Seasons) Vivaldi
Burney, Charles 1726-1814 Composer
Hutton, James 1726-1797 Geologist (Scotland)
Starzer, Josef 1726-1787 Composer
Delalande, Michel Richard 1657-1726 Composer
Spain at war with Britain and France (-1729)
Shawnee band migrates from Upper Delaware Valley to Ohio country
George I - (England) (1714-1727) King (Hanover)
George II + (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Catherine I - (Russia) (1724 cr)(1725-1727 sr) Empress
Peter II + (Russia) (1727-1730) Emperor
Ashraff - (Safavid Persia) (1725-1727) 11th
Tahmasp II + (Safavid Persia) (1727-1731) 12th
Murshid Quli Jafar Khan - (Bengal) Nawab
Siraj ud din + (Bengal) Nawab
Coronation Anthem Handel
Balbastre, Claude Benigne 1727-1799 Composer
Couperin, Armand Louis 1727-1789 Composer
Gainsborough, Thomas 1727-1788
Goldberg, Johann Gottlieb 1727-1756 Composer
Hertel, Johann Wilhelm 1727-1789 Composer
Morellet, Andre 1727-1819
Tiepolo, Giovanni, Domenico 1727-1804
Turgot, Anne Robert Jaqcues 1727-1781
Wilkes, John 1727-1797
Newton, Isaac 1642-1727 Mathemetician
Vitus Bering explores Bering Strait (Den.)
First synagogue built in NYC
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Vivaldi meets Charles VI HRE near Trieste while the emperor was involved with new harbor construction (9/??/1728)
Beggar's Opera Gay
Adam, Robert 1728-1792 Architecht (Kirkcaldy, Scotland) (7/3)
Cook, James 1728-1779 Explorer
Goldsmith, Oliver 1728-1774 Author (Ireland)
Le Trosne, Guillaime Francois 1728-1780 Political/Economic Theorist (France)
Muthel, Johann Gottfried 1728-1788 Composer
Pokorny, Franz Xaver 1728-1794 Composer
Marais, Marin 1656-1728 Composer
Steffani, Agostino 1654-1728 Composer
Pennsylvania Gazette begins publication
North and South Carolina become separate, royal colonies
Chinese government bans the smoking and trading of opium
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Domenico Scarlatti accompanies Maria Barbara to Spain where she marries the Ferdinand VI of Spain, heir
St. Matthew Passion J. S. Bach
Isaac Newton's Principia translated from Latin to English
Burke, Edmund 1729-1797
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 1729-1781 Philosopher (Germany)
Mendelsohn, Moses 1729-1786
Percy, Thomas 1729-1811
Soler, Padre Antonio Francisco Javier Jose 1729-1783 Composer
Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1799
Congreve, William 1670-1729
Heinichen, Johann David 1683-1729 Composer
Law, John 1671-1729
Steele, Richard 1672-1729
Maratha government in India (-1735)
Constantine Mavrocordat rules alternatively between Moldavia and Walachia (-1769)
Job Allen constructs early iron forge (Stephen Jackson Forge) in Rockaway Village, NJ
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Frederik IV - (Denmark)(Norway) (1699-)
Christian VI + (Denmark)(Norway) (-1746)
Nicholas Mavrocordat - (Walachia) (1719-) Prince
Peter II - (Russia) Emperor
Anna Ivanovna + (Russia) Empress (Duchess of Courland)
Ahmed III - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Mahmut I + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Benedict XIII - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1724-1730)
Clement XII + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1730-1740)
Artaserse Hasse
Baudeau, Abbe Nicholas 1730-1792
Bond, Capel 1730-1790 Composer
Burton, John 1730-1785 Composer
Hamann, Johann Georg 1730-1788
Messier, Charles 1730-1817 Astronomer (Badonviller, France) (6/26)
Loeillet, Jean Baptiste 1680-1730 Composer
Nassarre, Pablo 1654-1730 Composer
Manon Lescaut (Abbé Prevost)
Treaty of Vienna signed between Great Britain and Holy Roman Empire - end of Anglo-French alliance(3/16/1731)
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Tahmasp II - (Safavid Persia) (1727-1731) 12th
John Bevis observes Crab Nebula
Klavierubung I J. S. Bach
Wachet Auf, ruft uns die Stimme (140) J. S. Bach
Cannabich, Christian 1731-1798 Composer (Mannheim)
Cavendish, Henry 1731-1810
Dusek, Frantisek Xaver 1731-1799 Composer
Defoe, Daniel 1660-1731
Taylor, Brook 1685-1731
System of Nature (Linnaeus) (1735)
Zaire (Voltaire)
Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac begins publication
First Catholic Mass performed in Philadelphia
James Oglethorpe et al founds Georgia colony by royal charter (6)
Vincennes fortified - first permanent settlement in Indiana
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
John Joseph - (Liechtenstein) Prince
John Charles + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Abbas III + (Safavid Persia) (1732-1736) 13th
Krishnaraja Wodeyar - (Mysore) Dodda
Chamaraja Wodeyar VI + (Mysore)
Salustia (opera) Pergolesi
Lo Frate ‘nnamorato Pergolesi
Memet Sammartini
Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich 1732-1795 Composer
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de 1732-1799 Dramatist (France)
Brixi, Franz Xavier 1732-1771 Composer
Dickinson, John 1732-1808
Fragonard, Jean-Honore 1732-1806 Painter (France)
Haydn, Joseph 1732-1809 Composer 3/31
North, Frederick, 2nd Earl Guilford, 8th Baron 1732-1792 Statesman (England)
Washington, George 1732-1799 Politician (United States)
Gay, John 1685-1732
James Oglethorpe founds Savannah, GA - lands with 114 colonists (2/1/1733)
Molasses Act begins - introduced by Whig - Robert Walpole MP (5/17/1733)
France declares war on Austria and Saxony (10/10/1733)
Treaty of the Escorial - First Family Pact between Bourbons of France and Spain (11/7/1733)
War of Polish Succession - between France, Spain, Austria, and Russia (-1735)
British Colony of Georgia founded

George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Augustus II the Strong - (Poland) (1697-1733)
Stanislaus Leszczynski + (Poland)
Gregory Ghica - (Moldavia) Prince
James Kay invents the flying shuttle
Mass in B Minor begun J.S. Bach
La Serva padrona Giovanni Battista Pergolesi 1st performance (8/28)
Fischer, Johann Christian 1733-1800 Composer
Priestly, Joseph 1733-1804
Schulze, Johann Philipp Christian 1733-1827 Composer
Bohm, Georg 1661-1733 Composer
Couperin, Francois 1668-1733
Mandeville 1670-1733
Philosophical Letters on the English (Voltaire)
Essays on Man (Pope) (-1734)
Marie-Joseph Angélique is executed by hanging in New France for setting the fire that ravaged Montreal (6/21)
France invades Lorraine
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Augustus III Wettin + (Poland)
Chamaraja Wodeyar VI - (Mysore)
Krishnaraja Wodeyar II + (Mysore) Immadi
Christmas Oratorio J. S. Bach
Sonatas, op. 1 Tartini
Altenburg, Johann Ernst 1734-1801 Composer
Gossec, Francois-Joseph 1734-1829 Composer
Mesmer, Franz Anton 1734-1815
Romney, George 1734-1802
Systema Naturae (Linnaeus)
Preliminary Treaty of Vienna ends War of Polish Succession
John Peter Zenger, New York editor, acquitted to libel in New York, establishes freedom of the press
Ariodante Handel
Alcina Handel
Water Music Suite (#3) Handel
L’Olimpiade Pergolesi
Flaminio Pergolesi
Les Indes Galantes Rameau
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Constantine + (Walachia) Prince (Mavrocordat)
Shizong Xian - (China) (1723-) 3rd Qing Dynasty (Yongzheng Era)
Adams, John 1735-1826
Bach, Johann Christian 1735-1782 Composer
Beattie, James 1735-1803
Rollig, Karl Leopold 1735-1804 Composer
Kauffmann, Georg Friedrich 1679-1735 Composer
Analogy of Religion (Butler)
Le Bachelier de Salamanque (Le Sage) (Eng. tr. 1737)
Method of Fluxions (Isaac Newton)
Stanislaus I of Poland abdicates the throne (1/26)
Francis I HRE marries Maria Theresa (2/12)
Battle of Ackia - British with Chickasaw assistance defeat the French near Tupelo, Mississippi (5/26)
John Wesley begins to establish Methodist Societies
Russia and Austria battle Turkey (Russo Turkish War) (-1739)
Nadir Shah of Persia conquers Ahghanistan and invades northern India (-1738)
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Stanislaus Leszczynski - (Poland) (1704-1709)(1733-1736)
Abbas III - (Safavid Persia) (1732-1736) 13th
Nadir Shah + (Ashfar Persia) (1736-1747) 1st Ashfar Dynasy (Sunni Turk)
Gaozong Chun + (China) (1736-1795) 4th Qing Dynasty (Qienlong Era)
Alexander's Feast Handel
Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg 1736-1809 Composer
Coulomb, Charles Augustin de 1736-1806
Henry, Patrick 1736-1799 (5/29)
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 1736-1813
MacPherson, James 1736-1796 Author (Scotland)
Watt, James 1736-1819
Caldara, Antonio 1670-1736 Composer
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista 1710-1736 Composer
First lodge of Freemasons in Germany
Nadir Shah takes Afghanistan
Walking Purchase of 1737
First colonial copper coins minted
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Danilo Petrovic - (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Sava + (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Gluck studies under GB Sammartini (-1741)
San Carlo Opera, Naples opens
Giustino Handel
Castor et Pollux Rameau
Sonatas (1st ed.) D. Scarlatti
Allen, Ethan 1737-1789
Galvani, Luigi 1737-1798
Gibbon, Edward 1737-1794
Haydn, Johann Michael 1737-1806 Composer
Myslivecek, Josef 1737-1781 Composer
Nollekens, Joseph 1737-1823
Paine, Thomas 1737-1809
Mancini, Francesco 1672-1737 Composer
Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de 1667-1737 Composer
Treaty of Vienna - formally resolves War of Polish succession (11/18/1738)
Methodist church fouded by Wesley and Whitefield
Lorrain to be ceded to France on death of Stanislaus I, defeated claimant to Polish throne
Peace Treaty of 1738 -signed by many tribes, dictated by English
New Jersey separates from New York under Lewis Morris
William Johnson settles in the Mohawk Valley
Pierre de la Verendrye arrives among Mandan in upper Missouri River
Pierre and Paul Mallet trek into interior, Missouri, Platte, Santa Fe, discover Rockies
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Vivaldi conducts GB Sammartini's Symphony in A Major, JC 73 for the centennial of the Amsterdam theatre
Domenico Scarlatti becomes a Knight of the Order of Santiago under the sponsorship of the king of Portugal
Mass in B minor J. S. Bach
Saul Handel
Israel in Egypt Handel
Serse Handel
Essercizi per gravicembalo Domenico Scarlatti
Abbt, Thomas 1738-1766
Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana 1738-1794
Copley, John Singleton 1738-1815
Herschel, Sir William 1738-1822 Astronomer/Musician (Hanover, Ger.)
Reindl, Constantin 1738-1799 Composer
West, Benjamin 1738-1820
Dandrieu, Jean Francois 1682-1738 Composer
Mouret, Jean Joseph 1682-1738 Composer
A Treatise of Human Nature (Hume)
Jemmy and twenty slaves plan a revolt/ march to Florida (9/9)
Treaty of Nissa - ends Russo-Turkish War IV
War of Jenkin's Ear begins between Britain and Spain (-1748) (-1741)
British Admiral Edward Vernon captures and demolishes Puerto Bello in the West Indies from Spain
Treaty of Belgrade - ends Austro-Russian war against Ottoman Empire
John Wesley founds Methodists
Nadir Shah sacks Delhi
Nadir Shah assassinated (1747)
George Whitefield first visits America
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Siraj ud din - (Bengal) Nawab
Sarfaz Khan + (Bengal) Nawab
Concerti grossi, op. 6 Handel
Der vollkommene Capellmeister Mattheson
Dardanus Rameau
Boulogne, Joseph (Chevalier d Saint George) 1739-1799 Composer
Dittersdorf, Karl Ditters von 1739-1799 Composer
Dumouriez, Charles Francois 1739-1823 Military General (France)
Eberhard, J.A. 1739-1809
Golabek, Jakub 1739-1789 Composer
Nemours, Pierre Samuel DuPont de 1739-1817
Vanhal, Jan Krtitel 1739-1813 Composer
Du Fay, Charles Francois de Cisternay 1698-1739
Keiser, Reinhard 1674-1739 Composer
Marcello, Benedetto 1686-1739 Composer
Pamela (Richardson)
First Silesian War - Frederick II the Great of Prussia invades and seizes Silesia (2) (-1742)
Death of Charles VI ends male line of Hapsburgs (10)
Age of Enlightened Despots (-1796)
Interregnum in Holy Roman Empire (-1742)
War of Austrian Succession - caused by rival claims of Bavaria, Spain, and Saxony to Austrian throne (-1748)
King George’s War begins (-1748)
Oglethorpe leads Georgia, Carolina, and Virginia troops on failed attack against St. Augustine
Capt. Vitus Bering, a Dane employed by Russia, discovers Alaska
Prussians capture Glogau
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Frederick William I - (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1713-) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Frederick II the Great + (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Anna Ivanovna - (Russia) Empress (Duchess of Courland)
Ivan VI + (Russia) Emperor
Anna Leopoldovna +
Charles VI - (Holy Roman Empire) (1711-1740) Hapsburg
Maria Theresa + (Aust.)(Bohemia)(Hungary)(HRE) (1740-1780) Archduch. House of Leopold (regent)
Francis Stephen + (HRE) (co-regent) v
Sarfaz Khan - (Bengal) Nawab
Illahi Vardi Khan + (Bengal) Nawab
Clement XII - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1730-1740)
Benedict XIV + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1740-1758)
Bahrt, Carl Friedrich 1740-1792
Bodoni, Giambattista 1740-1813
Boswell, James 1740-1795
De Sade, Marquis Donatian Alphonse F. 1740-1814
Paisiello, Giovanni 1740-1816 Composer
Schobert, Johann 1740-1767 Composer
Hohenzollern, Frederick William I 1688-1740 King of Prussia
Lubeck, Vincenz 1654-1740 Composer
Valentini, Giuseppe 1680-1740 Composer
Mahomet (on Toleration) (Voltaire)
Voltaire's Mahomet (On toleration) praised and rewarded by Pope Benedict XIV
Battle of Mollwitz - Prussians win (4/10)
Secret Alliance of Nymphenburg - between France, Bavaria, Spain, Saxony, and Prussia angainst Austria (5)
Frederick II makes an alliance with France - pledging to vote for the election of Charles Albert of Bavaria (6)
Empress Maria Theresa rallies Hungarian nobles to fight the Prussians
Sweden and Russia at war (-1743)
Vitus Bering explores Alaskan coast for Peter the Great
French and Bavarians occupy Austrian city of Linz
Diet of Pressburg
Bristish unsuccessful in attack on Santiago, Cuba
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Ivan VI - (Russia) Emperor
Anna Leopoldovna -
Elizabeth Petrovna + (Russia) Empress
Constantine + (Moldavia) Prince (Mavrocordat)
Constantine - (Walachia) Prince (Mavrocordat)
Michael Racovita + (Walachia) Prince
Johann Stamitz joins the Mannheim court orchestra as a cellist
Artaserse Gluck
Messiah Handel
Fussli, Johann Heinrich (Henry Fuseli) 1741-1825
Gretry, Andre Ernest Modeste 1741-1813 Composer
Houdon, Jean 1741-1828
Naumann, Johann Gottlieb 1741-1801 Composer
Peale, Charles Willson 1741-1827
Pichl, Vaclav 1741-1805 Composer
Zimmermann, Anton 1741-1781 Composer
Fiocco, Joseph-Hector 1703-1741 Composer
Fux, Johann 1660-1741 Composer
Vivaldi, Antonio 1678-1741 Composer
Charles Albert becomes HR Emperor Charles VII by eight electors (1)
Battle of Czaslau - Prussians under Frederick II win (5/17)
Battle of Chotusitz - Prussians under Frederick II win (5)
Treaty of Breslau - between Austria and Prussia (6)
Treaty of Berlin - between Prussia and Austria (7)
Marathas raids Delhi
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Robert Walpole - (Great Britain) (1721-1742) Prime Minister
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Charles VII + (Holy Roman Empire) (1742-1745) Emperor (Charles Albert)
Handel's Messiah performed in Dublin
Charles Nicolas Le Clerc publishes first printed editions of GB Sammartini's work in Paris
Goldberg Variations J. S. Bach
Prussian Sonatas C. P. E. Bach
Brant, Joseph 1742-1807 Mohawk Chief
Krumpholtz, Johann Baptist 1742-1790 Composer
Halley, Edmund 1665-1742
Seixas, Jose Antonio Carlos De 1704-1742 Composer
Merope (Voltaire)
Battle of Dettingen - British army under George II defeats France (6/13)
Treaty of Abo - between Sweden and Russia, ends Russo-Swedish War (signed in Turku) (8/7)
Second Silesian War - Frederick II vs. Maria Theresa (-1745)
France claims South Dakota at Fort Pierre - Francois and Louis Joseph Verendrye
1st abortive uprising against Louis XV
American Philosophical Society founded
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Constantine - (Moldavia) Prince (Mavrocordat)
Samson Handel
Banks, Joseph 1743-1820
Boccherini, Luigi 1743-1805 Composer
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas 1743-1794
Lavosier, Antoine 1743-1794
Jabobi 1743-1819
Jefferson, Thomas 1743-1826
Paley, William 1743-1805
King George's War begins - between Britain and France in North America(-1748)
War between French and British in India (-1748)
Frederick II the Great invades Bohemia - Austrian and Saxon forces drive him out
Oxford-Hazen Church founded (Oxford, NJ)
Treaty of Lancaster with Six Nations
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Michael Racovita - (Walachia) Prince
Constantine + (Walachia) Prince (Mavrocordat)
Prints of GB Sammartini's compositions published in London
Well Tempered Clavier Vol II J. S. Bach
Wurttemberg Sonatas C. P. E. Bach
Adams, Abigail 1744-1818
Herder, Johann Gottfried von 1744-1803
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 1744-1829
Petrini, Francesco 1744-1819 Composer
Campra, Andre 1660-1744 Composer
Celcius, Anders 1701-1744
Pope, Alexander 1688-1744
Vico, Giambattista 1668-1744
Battle of Fontenoy - French defeat British forces in War of Austrian Succession (5/11)
Battle of Hohenfriedberg - Austrians defeated (6/4)
Battle of Soor - Prussians under Frederick the Great defeat Austro-Saxon army under Charles Alexander (9/30)
Treaty of Fontainebleau - between Louis XV and pretender Charles Edward Stewart against George II (10/24)
Treaty of Dresden - between Prussia and Austria - confirms Austrian possession of Silesia (12/25)
"The Forty-five" - Jacobite rebellion in England and Scotland led by Charles Edward Stuart "Young Pretender"
Alliance among Austria, Saxony, Britain, and the Netherlands against Prussia
Bavaria, defeated, withdraws claims to Austrian throne
British colonists under Governor William Shirley capture Louisburg, French fortress in Canada
Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab calls for the reformation and purification of Islam - Wahhabi movement spreads
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV ... (France) (1715-1774) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Charles VII - (Holy Roman Empire) (1742-1745) Emperor
Francis I + (Holy Roman Empire) (1745-1765) Emperor
Pieter van Musschenbroek makes the “Leyden Jar” – becoming the first popular electric capacitor (11)
Christoph Gluck in England
Johann Stamitz becomes Kapellmeister of court orchestra at Mannheim
Le Temple de la Gloire Rameau
Jay, John 1745-1829
More, Hannah 1745-1833
Saloman, Johann Peter 1745-1815 Composer
Stamitz, Carl Philipp 1745-1801 Composer
Volta, Allesandro 1745-1827
Forqueray, Antoine 1672-1745 Composer
Forster, Christoph 1693-1745 Composer
Swift, Jonathan 1667-1745
Zelenka, Jan Dismas 1679-1745 Composer
Battle of Culloden Moor - Jacobites defeated - British defeat Scots under Stuart pretender Prince Charles (4/16)
Battle of Culloden Moor - last battle fought on British soil (4/16)
Dupleix captures Madras from the British and defeats the Indian nawab of the Carnatic
British lay siege to French post at Pondicherry
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Christian VI - (Denmark)(Norway) (1730-)
Frederik V + (Denmark)(Norway) (-1766)
Philip V - (Spain) House of Bourbon (rethroned) (gsn Louis XIV)
Ferdinand VI + (Spain) King (House of Bourbon)
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Judas Maccabaeus Handel
Billings, William 1746-1800 Composer (American)
Cambini, Giuseppe Maria Gioacchino 1746-1825 Composer
Goya, Francisco 1746-1828 Painter
Jones, William 1746-1794
Livingston, Robert R. 1746-1813
Monge, Gaspard 1746-1818
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich 1746-1827
Piazzi, Giuseppi 1746-1826
Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand 1665-1746 Composer
Hutcheson, Francis 1694-1746
Clarissa (Richardson)
Man a Machine (La Mettrie)

Sans Souci castle at Potsdam constructed
Nadir Shah assassinated - his general Ahmad Shah becomes ruler in Afghanistan (6/19/1747)
Battle of Lauffeld - French victory led by Marshal Saxe against larger Pragmatic Army under Duke of Cumberland (7/2/1747)
Knowles Riot in Boston - protest against impressment of 46 colonists results in their release (11/17/1747)
New York Bar Association founded

George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Louis XV … (France) (1715-1774) King
William IV Friso + (Dutch Republic) Stadholder
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Nadir Shah - (Persia) (1736-1747)
Ahmad Shah + (Persia)

Musical Offering J. S. Bach
Joshua Handel
Bode, Johann Elert 1747-1826
Kozeluh, Leopold Jan Antonin 1747-1818 Composer
Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter 1747-1800 Composer
Barriere, Jean 1705-1747 Composer
Bononcini, Giovanni 1670-1747 Composer
Le Sage, Alain Rene 1668-1747 Novelist (France)
Rebel, Jean Fery 1661-1747 Composer
Ruins of Pompeii discovered
Der Messias (Friedrich Klopstock)
Essay on Miracles (Hume)
Espirit des Lois (Montesqieu)
Zadig (Voltaire)
Introductio in analysin infinitorum (Leonard Euler)
Fire in London - damages amount to £1,000,000 (3/28)
Maurice de Saxe conquers Maastricht (4)
Congress convenes at Aix la Chapelle with intent of ending War of Austrian Succession (4/24/1748)
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) - ends war of Austrian Succession/King George's War (10/18/1748)
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
John Charles - (Liechtenstein) Prince
Joseph Wenzel + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Constantine - (Walachia) Prince (Mavrocordat)
Muhammad Shah - (Mughal Empire) restored
Ahmad Shah + (Mughal Empire)
Shah Rukh + (Persia)1 (1748-1749) Afsharid Dynasty
Qamar ud din Nizal + (Hyderabad) Nizam (ul Mulk)
Muhammad Nasir Jang + (Hyderabad) Nizam
Bentham, Jeremy 1748-1832
Fiala, Joseph 1748-1816 Composer
David, Jacques Jouis (8/30) 1748-1825 Painter
Bernoulli, Johann (John) 1667-1748 Mathematician (Switzerland)
Blavet, Michel 1700-1748 Composer
Bonporti, Francesco Antonio 1672-1748 Composer
Kellner, David 1670-1748 Composer
Tom Jones (Fielding)
Halifax established
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Suleiman II +- (Persia) *****
Benjamin Franklin experiments with electricity (-1752)
Handel's Fireworks Suite first performed for celebration of the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle in Aachen (4/27)
Sammartini's symphonies performed in Milan at the open air concerts at Castello Sforsceco
Royal Fireworks Suite (HWV351) George Frideric Handel
Die Kunst der Fuge J. S. Bach
Zoroastre Rameau
Cimarosa, Domenico 1749-1801 Composer
Goethe, Wolfgang von 1749-1832
Jenner, Edward 1749-1823
Laplace, Pierre Simon 1749-1827
Mirabeau, Comte de 1749-1791 Orator/Statesman (France)
Vogler, Abbe 1749-1814 Composer (Wurzburg)
Biber, Carl Heinrich 1718-1749 Composer
Destouches, Andre Cardinal 1672-1749 Composer
Lisle, Samuel 1683-1749
Philips, Ambrose 1675-1749
Stolzel, Gottfried Heinrich 1690-1749 Composer
Histoire Naturelle(Buffon)
Plan for Two Discourses on Universal History (Turgot)
Encyclopedie 1st vol. (Diderot/D'Alembert) (-1772)

Iron Act passed in Britain - limiting American iron production (4/12/1750)
Voltaire begins his residency at the court of Frederick the Great in Prussia
Lenni Lenape effectively no longer present in Morris County, NJ

George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Ismail III + (Persia) (1750-1751)
Muhammad Nasir Jang - (Hyderabad) Nizam
Muzaffar Jang + (Hyderabad) Nizam
John V - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Joseph Emanuel + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Buffon's Histoire Naturelle espouses theory of evolution
Flute Concertos Quantz
Rosetti, Francesco Antonio 1750-1792 Composer
Salieri, Anonio 1750-1825 Composer
Sperger, Johann Matthias 1750-1812 Composer
Stamitz, Anton Thadaus Johann Nepomuk 1750-1796 Composer
Albinoni, Tomaso 1671-1750 Composer
Bach, Johann Sebastian 1685-1750 Composer
Monn, Georg Matthias 1717-1750 Composer
Sammartini, Guiseppe 1695-1750 Composer
Weiss, Sylvius Leopold 1686-1750 Composer
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (Gray)
Le Siecle de Louis XIV (Voltaire)
Encyclopedia, 1st volumes published
Philosophia Botanica (Linnaeus)
Experiments and observations on Electricity (Franklin)
English soldier Robert Clive takes Arcot in India - ends plans for French supremacy in India
Chinese invade and conquer Tibet
Currency Act passed, banning issue of paper money in New England
First permanent printing house in New Jersey opened by James Parker
Philadelphia Academy (University of Pennsylvania) founded
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick I of Hesse - (Sweden) House of Palatinate
Adolphus Frederick + (Sweden) House of Holstein-Gottorp
William IV Friso - (Dutch Republic) Stadholder
William V + (Dutch Republic) Stadholder
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Ismail III - (Persia) (1750-1751)
Muzaffar Jang - (Hyderabad) Nizam
Salabat Jang + (Hyderabad) Nizam
Jephtha Handel
Fetonte Jomelli
Belcher, Supply 1751-1836 Composer
Knechtl, Justin Heinrich 1751-1817 Composer
Madison, James 1751-1836
Murray, Judith Sargent 1751-1820 Feminist Theorist
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 1751-1816 Dramatist/Politician (Dublin, Ireland)
Alberti, Giuseppe Matteo 1685-1751 Composer
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John 1678-1751
de La Mettrie, Julien 1709-1751
Britain and British colonies switch from Julian to Gregorian calendar (9/2)
Treaty of Lancaster - with Delaware and Shawnee
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Husain II +- (Persia) *****
Benjamin Franklin invents lightning conductor - shows that lightning is electricity
War of the Buffons in Paris
First German Singspiele
Le devin du village (Rousseau) premiers before Louis XV at Fountainebleau to rave reviews (10/18)
Versuch einer Anweisung de Flote... Quantz (...traversiere zu spielen) major flute treatise
Le devin du village Jean Jacques Rousseau (opera)
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich 1752-1840
Clementi, Muzio 1752-1832 Composer
Lebrun, Ludwig August 1752-1790 Composer
Legendre, Adrien Marie 1752-1833
Little Turtle 1752-1812
Marsh, John 1752-1828 Composer
Nash, John 1752-1835
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich 1752-1814 Composer
Schroeter, Johann Samuel 1752-1788 Composer
Butler, Joseph 1692-1752
2nd uprising against Louis XV
French begin to push southward from Lake Erie into the Ohio country
Marquis Dusquesne sends an expedition of 1500 men to occupy Ohio country
Fort Presqu' Isle is built
Fort Le Boeuf is built
Governor Dinwiddie sends George Washington to Fort Le Boeuf to demand the French withdrawal
John Jenkins explores Wyoming Valley for proposed Susquehanna Company
Ben Franklin and William Hunter are named postmaster generals of the colonies
Bishop Berkeley: “Westward the course of empire takes its way.”
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Charles Messier observes the Mercury transit (5/6)
Versuch uber die Waher Art C. P. E. Bach
Lettre sur la musique francaise Rousseau
Breval, Jean Baptiste Sebastian 1753-1823 Composer
Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite 1753-1823 Military Engineer (France)
Garnier, Michel 1753-1819
Solere, Etienne 1753-1817 Composer
Stewart, Dugald 1753-1828
Berkeley, George 1685-1753 Philosopher
Thomas Chippendale manufacturing furniture
Dictionary (Samuel Johnson)
Albany Congress - intercolonial conference between seven northern and middle colonies and the Iroquois (6/19)
Albany Congress - Iroquois remain neutral (6/19)
Albany Congress - adopts Plan of Union designed to coordinate the defenses of the colonies (6/19)
Albany Congress - Susquehanna Company purchases land in Wyoming Valley (6/19)
Lord North enters Parliament
George Washington's clash with French soldiers signals start of French and Indian War
French and Indian War begins
Fort Duquesne is built at the forks of the Ohio
Washington builds Fort Necessity
Shippen Manor built, Oxford, NJ
Sixty Years War - Struggle for control of the Great Lakes region (-1814)
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Mahmut I - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Osman III + (Ottoman Empire) (-1757) Sultan
Ahmad Shah - (Mughal Empire)
Alamgir II + (Mughal Empire)
Observations sur notre instict pour la musique (Rameau)
Bohdanowicz, Bazvli 1754-1819 Composer
Bonald, Louis de 1754-1840
Hoffmeister, Franz Anton 1754-1812 Composer
Maistre, Joseph de 1754-1821 Writer/Diplomat (Savoy)
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de 1754-1838 Statesman/Diplomat (France)
Utamaro, Kitagama 1754-1806 Painter (Japan)
Fielding, Henry 1707-1754 Novelist (England)
Wolff, Christian von 1679-1754
Miss Sara Sampson (Lessing)
Dictionary (Samuel Johnson)
Battle of Fort Duquesne - French and Indian force defeat British - General Edward Braddock killed (7/9)
Battle of Lake George - British defeat French in Crown Point campaign (9/8)
Lisbon Earthquake - kills approximately 30,000-60,000 people (11/1)
French build Fort Carillon (Ticonderoga)
Postal Service established in British colonies
British form northern and southern departments for Indian Affairs
William Johnson made superintendent of Iroquois Affairs
Treaty of Gyanti - Mataram Kingdom in Java splits
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Moscow University founded
Der Tod Jesu Karl Graun
String Quartets Haydn
Adams, Hannah 1755-1831
Fiorillo, Federigo 1755-1823 Composer
Flaxman, John 1755-1826
Marie Antoinette 1755-1793 Queen of France (Austria)
Marshall, John 1755-1835
Reinhold 1755-1823
Stuart, Gilbert 1755-1828
Viotti, Giovanni Battista 1755-1824 Composer
Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de 1689-1755 Composer
Durante, Francesco 1684-1755 Composer
Hesselius, Gustavus 1682-1755
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat 1689-1755
Pisendel, Johann Georg 1678-1755 Composer
Royer, Joseph Nicholas Pancrace 1705-1755 Composer
Saint Simon, Louis de Rouvroy 1675-1755
Essai sur les moeurs (Essay on the Customs and Manners of Nations) (Voltaire)
Treaty of Westminster - alliance between Britain and Prussia - neutrality treaty (1/16)
Battle of Great Capacon River (Mercer's Massacre) West VA - Mercer and 15 soldiers ambushed (4/18)
First Treaty of Versailles - Neutrality Alliance between France and Austria (5/1)
'Black Hole of Calcutta' - Siraj-ud-Daula, Nawab of Bengal, captures Calcutta and kills 146 British (6/20)
Easton Treaty with Delaware (7)
Frederick of Prussia invades Saxony - Seven Years War officially begins (8/29)
Easton Treaty with Delaware (11)
Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 - France/Prussia v. England/Austria becomes France/Austria v. England/Prussia
Seven Year's War - caused by colonial rivalry between Britain and France and Austro-Prussian rivalry (-1763)
Lt. General John Campbell takes over as Commander of British forces in North America
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Sava - (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Vasili + (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Illahi Vardi Khan - (Bengal) Nawab
Siraj Ud Daulah + (Bengal) (1756-1757) Nawab
Chladni, Ernst E. F. 1756-1824
Gifford, William 1756-1826
Godwin, William 1756-1836
Laromiguiere, Pierre 1756-1837
Kraus, Joseph Martin 1756-1792 Composer (Sweden)
Mozart, Wolgang Amadeus 1756-1791 Composer
Raebern, Henry 1756-1823
Vranicky, Pavel 1756-1808 Composer
Dornel, Louis Antoine 1680-1756 Composer
Goldberg, Johann Gottlieb 1727-1756 Composer
Second Treaty of Versailles - France to get Aust. Netherlands; Austria gets Parma, $$, & 180000 troops (5/1)
Battle of Plassey - Robert Clive defeats Nawab of Bengal - beginning of British Empire in India (6/23)
Battle of Plassey - sack of Delhi by Afghans (6/23)
Fort William Henry captured and destroyed by French (8/9)
Battle of Rossbach - Prussia defeats French and Austrian armies in Prussian Saxony (11/5)
Battle of Leuthen - Prussia defeats French and Austrian armies - gains Silesia (12/5)
Easton, PA Treaty with Delaware Indians
William Pitt becomes Secretary of State in Great Britain
Russia joins alliance with France and Austria
British rule established in India - Robert Clive captures Calcutta
American crowds resist forced recruitment into British army in New York City
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Osman III - (Ottoman Empire) (1754-) Sultan
Mustafa III + (Ottoman Empire) (-1774) Ayans granted offical status
Siraj Ud Daulah - (Bengal) (1756-) Nawab
Mir Jafar + (Bengal) Nawab
Haydn “invents” string quartet form
Blake, William 1757-1827
Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges 1757-1808
Canova, Antonio 1757-1822 Painter, Sculptor (Possagno, Venice)
Charles X, Count of Artois 1757-1836 King (France)
Hamilton, Alexander 1757-1804
Karl, Freiherr vom Stein 1757-1831 Reformer (Prussia)
Pleyel, Ignaz Joseph 1757-1831 Composer
Read, Daniel 1757-1836 Composer
Hartley, David 1705-1757 Philosopher
Scarlatti, Giuseppe Domenico 1685-1757 Composer (Naples) (Madrid)
Stamitz, Johann Wenzel Anton 1717-1757 Composer
British recapture Fort Louisbourg (7)
British capture Fort Duquesne (11)
Battle of Zorndorf - Prussians defeat Russians
Easton Treaty
Mary Jemison captured by French and Indian war party
James Abercrombie invades Canada via Lake George
French successfully defend Fort Carillon against James Abercromby
Fort Stanwix built
“New American Magazine” printed in Woodbridge, NJ- 2nd magazine in colonies
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Benedict XIV - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1740-1758)
Clement XIII + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1758-1769)
Accademia Filarmonica founded
Gall, Franz Joseph 1758-1828
Hoppner, John 1758-1810
Robespierre, Maximilien 1758-1794 Revolutionary Leader (Arras, France)
Vancouver, George 1758-1798
Webster, Noah 1758-1843
Edwards, Jonathan 1703-1758
Fasch, Johann Friedrich 1688-1758 Composer
Roman, Johan Helmich 1694-1758 Composer
Travers, John 1703-1758 Composer
Tristam Shandy (Sterne)
Candide (Voltaire)
British capture Quebec - French general Marquis de Montcalm and British general James Wolfe killed (9/13)
Battle of Quebec - Plains of Abraham - Iroquois become British allies (9/13)
British under Jeffrey Amherst capture Fort Carillon and rename it Fort Ticonderoga
Battle of Quiberon Bay - French defeated
Battle of Kunersdorf - Austrian victory
Jesuits expelled from Brazil
War erupts between southern colonists and Cherokees
Spanish Red River Campaign against Comanche
George II ... (England) (1727-1760) King
Ferdinand VI - (Spain) House of Bourbon
Charles III + (Spain) (-1788) House of Bourbon
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Alamgir II - (Mughal Empire)
Josef Haydn employed as Kapellmeister to Count Morzin - his first job
Symphony No. 1 Joseph Haydn
Burns, Robert 1759-1796 Poet
Devienne, Francois 1759-1803 Composer
Krommer, Franz Vincenz 1759-1831 Composer
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von 1759-1805 Dramatist (Marbach, Wurttemberg)
Altnikol, Johann Christoph 1719-1759 Composer
Graun, Carl Heinrich 1704-1759 Composer
Handel, George Frideric 1685-1759 Composer
Falkenhagen, Adam 1697-1759 Composer
Fragments of ancient poetry, collected in the Highlands of Scotland...(MacPherson)
Dictionnaire de Trevoux (Jesuit response to Diderot/D'Alembert Encyclodedie)

Boston Fire destroys 349 buildings (3/20)
Montreal surrenders to English (9/8)
George II King of England dies (10/25)
British take Montreal - last French stronghold - war in America ends - continues in Caribbean, India, Europe
George II - (England) (1727-1760) King
George III + (Great Britain)(Ireland) King (grandson of George II)
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Mir Jafar - (Bengal) Nawab
Mir Qasim + (Bengal) Nawab
Orfeo Gluck
Albeniz, Mateo Antonio Perez 1760-1831 Composer
Babeuf, Francois Noel (Gracchus) 1760-1797 Revolutionist
Cherubini, Luigi 1760-1842 Composer
Dussek, Jan Ladislaw 1760-1812 Pianist/Composer
Hokusai, Katsushika 1760-1849
Saint Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy 1760-1825
Baal Shem Tov 1700-1760
Graupner, Johann Christoph 1683-1760 Composer
Nouvelle Heloise (Rousseau) (-1762)
Governor of French Canada surrenders to Lord Jeffrey Amherst, British Commander-in-Chief in America (9/8)
Third Family Compact - between Spain and France - Spain enters the war against England
William Pitt resigns as Secretary of State
Battle of Panipat - Afghans and Mughals defeat Marathas
Writs of Assistance - allow search for illegal shipments in the British colonies
Haydn enters service of the Esterhazys (Prince Paul Anton) - at Eisenstadt, Burgenland, south of Vienna (5/1)
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Le Cadi dupe Gluck
Don Juan
Symphony No. 6 ("Le Matin") Haydn
Symphony No. 7 ("Le Midi") Haydn
Symphony No. 8 ("Le Soir") Haydn
Beck, Jakob Sigismund 1761-1840
Galles, Jose 1761-1836 Composer
Vranicky, Antonin 1761-1820 Composer
Cecere, Carlo 1706-1761 Composer
Gesner, Johann Mathias 1691-1761
Musschenbroek, Pieter van 1692-1761
Richardson, Samuel 1689-1761 Novelist (Derbyshire, England)
Le Contrat Social (Rousseau)
Emile (Rousseau)
Pygmalion (Rousseau)
Confession of Faith of a Priest from Savoy (Rousseau)
History of the Bulgarian People (Paisi)

Great Britain declares war on Spain
British seize Cuba
Rodney forces the surrender of Martinique, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and other French West Indies
British seize Philippines
Treaty of St. Petersburg - between Russia and Prussia
French cede their lands west of Mississippi to Spanish
Lancaster Treaty
William Johnson founds Johnstown, New York
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Elizabeth Petrovna - (Russia) Empress
Peter III +- (Russia) ***** Emperor
Catherine II the Great + (Russia) (-1796) Empress (Tsarina)
Salabat Jang - (Hyderabad) Nizam
Nizam Ali + (Hyderabad) Nizam
Sammartini brings 34 players (Boccherini) to Pavia and Cremona on the passing of Archduke Leopold Hapsburg
Mozart tours Europe as a six year old prodigy
Colman the Younger, George 1762-1836
Baillie, Joanna 1762-1851
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 1762-1814
Tausch, Franz Wilhelm 1762-1817 Composer
Wanski, Jan 1762-1800 Composer
Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb 1714-1762
Bradley, James 1693-1762
Crebillon 1674-1762
Geminiani, Francesco Xaverio 1687-1762 Composer
Hotteterre, Jacques 1674-1762 Composer
Manfredini, Francesco 1684-1762 Composer
Montagu, Mary Wortley 1689-1762
Naudot, Jean Jacques Christophe 1690-1762 Composer
Treaty of Paris: between Britain, France, and Spain - ends Seven Years' War (2/10)
Treaty of Paris - Canada and most land east of Mississippi ceded to England (2/10)
Treaty of Paris - French Canada and Spanish Florida ceded to Great Britain (2/10)
Chief Pontiac of Ottowa tribe leads Indian uprising - attacks on settlements and forts of the frontier (5) -(6)
Pontiac Attacks Fort Detroit (5/8)
French and Indian War ends (5/9)
Battle of Bushy Run (Shawnee, Wyandot vs. British) (8/5)
Proclamation of 1763 - outlaws and recalls trans Appalachian settlement (10/7)
Proclamation of 1763 - creates provinces of Quebec, East Florida, West Florida, and Grenada (10/7)
Siege of Detroit ends (11)
Peace of Hubertsberg - between Prussia, Saxony, and Austria
al-Wahab begins conquest of neighboring Arabian tribes - invoking jihad
Pontiac forges alliance with Hurons, Chippewas, Potawatomis, Iroquois, Delaware, and Shawnee
Seneca Attack Fort LeBoeuf,Venango, Presque Isle, & Pitt
Patrick Henry's arguments in the Parson's Cause in Virginia
Excavations at Pompeii and Herculaneum begin
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Augustus III Wettin - (Poland)
Mir Qasim - (Bengal) Nawab
Mir Jafar + (Bengal) Nawab
Bulfinch, Charles 1763-1844
Danzi, Franz 1763-1826 Composer
Dragonetti, Domenico 1763-1846 Composer
Gyrowetz, Adalbert 1763-1850 Composer
Mehul, Etienne Nicolas 1763-1817 Composer
Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich 1763-1825 Novelist (Germany)
Royer-Collard, Pierre Paul 1763-1845
Prevost d'Exiles, Antoine Francois (Abbe) 1697-1763 Novelist (France)
Schaffrath, Christoph 1709-1763 Composer
Teedyuscung 1700-1763
On Crimes and Punishments (Beccaria)
Candide (Voltaire) (-1765)
Dictionnaire philisophique (Voltaire) (-1765)
Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums (Winckelmann)
The Rights of British Colonies Asserted and Proved (James Otis) (7)
Sugar Act passed by British Parliament
Lord Hillsborough draws up plan for the management of Indians and the fur trade
Currency Act passed by British Parliament
Trade court set up in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Stanislaus Augustus + (Poland) Poniatowski
Charles Messier discovers the M9 globular cluster approximately 25,000 light years away towards the galactic center
Spinning jenny invented by James Hargreaves - Englishman
Mozart in London
La Rencontre imprevue Gluck
Baggesen, Jens Immanuel 1764-1826
Radcliffe, Ann Ward 1764-1823 Novelist (London, England)
Hogarth, William 1697-1764
LeClair, Jean Marie I’aine 1697-1764 Composer
Locatelli, Pietro Antonio 1695-1764 Composer
Mattheson, Johann 1681-1764 Composer
Rameau, Jean Philippe 1683-1764 Composer
Reading, John 1685-1764 Composer
Quartering Act passed by British Parliament (3)
Parliament passes Stamp Act in American colonies - imposes tax on publications and legal documents (3)
Patrick Henry presents Virginia Resolutions: “If this be treason, make the most of it.” (5)
Sons of Liberty (7)
Mob burns effigy of royal governor in NYC, harass British troops and loot houses (11/1)
Boston mob attacks home of Thomas Hutchinson, chief justice of Massachusetts (8/26)
Enlightened despots in Austria, Germany, Spain, Portugal and France (-1790)
Grant of diwani to East India Company by Mughal emperor
Resolves of Virginia House of Burgesses denounces Stamp Act
Stamp Act Congress meets in New York and adopts Declaration of Rights and Grievances
First medical school founded in Philadelphia
James Watt invents the steam engine
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Francis I - (Holy Roman Empire) (1745-1765)
Joseph II + (Holy Roman Empire) (1765-1790) son of Maria Theresa (coregent -1780)
Mir Jafar - (Bengal) Nawab
Najm ud Daulah + (Bengal) Nawab
Baader, Franz Xavier von 1765-1841
MacKintosh, James 1765-1832
Angrell, Johan Joachim 1701-1765 Composer
Hebden, John 1712-1765 Composer
Lomonosov, Mikhail 1711-1765
Molter, Johann Melchior 1696-1765 Composer
Stalder, Joseph Franz Xaver Dominik 1725-1765 Composer
Young, Edward 1683-1765
Zellbell, Ferdinand 1689-1765 Composer
Vicar of Wakefield (Goldsmith)
Laokoon (Lessing)
The Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalato (Adam)(arch.)
Petit Trianon built
Christie's Art Auction House founded by James Christie
English Parliament repeals Stamp Act - accompanied by Declaratory Act (3/17)
Lord north admitted to the Privy Council as a Tory
Frederik V - (Denmark)(Norway) (1746-1766)
Christian VII + (Denmark)(Norway)
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Vasili - (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Stephen the Little + (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Najm ud Daulah - (Bengal) Nawab
Saif ud Daulah + (Bengal) Nawab
Krishnaraja Wodeyar II - (Mysore) Immadi
Nanajaraja Wodeyar + (Mysore)
String Quartets, Op. 9 Haydn
Sonata No. 10 in C major Hob XVI / 1 Haydn
Dalton, John 1766-1844
D’Israeli, Isaac 1766-1848
Biran, Maine de 1766-1824
Kreutzer, Rodolphe 1766-1831 Composer
Necker, Anne Louise Germaine (de Stael) 1766-1817
Sussmayr, Franz Xaver 1766-1803 Composer
Weber, Bedrich Dionys 1766-1842 Composer
Welsey, Samuel 1766-1837 Composer
Abbt, Thomas 1738-1766
Boylston, Zabdiel 1679-1766
Hume, David 1711-1766 Philosopher
Roseingrave, Thomas 1690-1766 Composer
Wassenaer, Unico Wilhelm van 1692-1766 Composer
Hamburgische Dramaturgie (Lessing) (-1769)
Farmer's Letters (John Dickinson)
Lord North becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer
Townshend Revenue Acts impose tax on imports into North America - revival of nonimportation agreements (6)
Confederation of Bar - Poland forms anti-Russian association
Russia and Ottoman Empire at war (-1774)
Duty Act passed by British Parliament
Mason-Dixon Line established between Maryland and Pennsylvania - separates free states from slave states
Jesuits expelled from Spanish America
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Alceste Gluck
Symphony # 35 Haydn
Symphony # 36 Haydn
Symphony # 37 Haydn
Symphony # 38 Haydn
Dictionnaire de musique Rousseau
Adams, John Quincy 1767-1848
Call, Leonhard von 1767- Composer
Girodet, Anne-Louis 1767-1824
Gragnani, Filippo 1767-1812 Composer
Possinger, Franz Alexander 1767-1827 Composer
Romberg, Andreas Jacob 1767-1821 Composer
Brant, Per 1714-1767 Composer
Schobert, Johann 1740-1767 Composer
Telemann, Georg Philipp 1681-1767 Composer
Adelphi buidings constucted in London (Robert Adam) (-1772)
Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (Laurence Sterne) travel-writing landmark
Lettres a une princesse d'Allemagne (Leonhard Euler)
Treaty of Fort Stanwix - Iroqious relinquish claims to land s. & e. of Ohio R (Kentucky) to British (11/5)
France takes Corsica
James Cook's first voyage - discovers and explores east coast of New South Wales (Australia) (-1771)
First War of Catherine the Great against the Turks (-1774)
Massachusetts House of Representatives adopts Circular Letter
Treaties with Creeks
Treaties with Cherokees
Benjamin Franklin organizes the Vandalia company - to establish a colony in West Virginia
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Sammartini named maestro di cappella to the Milanese court
Bastien und Bastienne (K. 50=46b) Mozart
Backofen, Johann Georg Heinrich 1768-1839 Composer
Baguer, Carlos 1768-1847 Composer
Chateaubriand, Francois Rene, vicomte de 1768-1848 Writer (Saint-Malo, France)
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph 3/21 1768-1830 Mathematician (France)
Molino, Francesco 1768-1847 Composer
Schliermacher, Friedrich Ernst Daniel 11/21 1768-1830 Theologian/Philosopher
Baldassare, Pietro 1690-1768 Composer
Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal 4/19 1697-1768 Painter (Venice)
Lardner, Nathaniel 1684-1768 Theologian (Kent, England)
Porpora, Nicola Antonio 1686-1768 Composer
Sterne, Laurence 3/18 1713-1768 Writer
Veracini, Francesco Maria Veracini 1690-1768 Composer
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 1717-1768 Historian (German)
James Cook observes transit of Venus from Tahiti (6/3) Saturday
James Cook lands in New Zealand (10/6)
Josiah Wedgewood opens pottery factory at Etruria, near Stoke-upon-Trent
First Pennamite War between Pennsylvania and Connecticut settlers in the Wyoming Valley (-1771)
Vandalia Company purchases land in what would become West Virginia
Watauga settlement in eastern Tennessee
Mozart in Italy
Watt’s steam engine patented after years of experimentation
Richard Arkwright invents the water-powered spinning frame - early step in the Industrial Revolution Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Clement XIII - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1758-1769)
Clement XIV + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1769-)
Bonaparte, Napoleon 1769-1821 Emperor (Ajaccio, Corsica)
Cuvier, Georges Leopole Chretien Frederic 1769-1832
Humboldt, Alexander von 1769-1859 Naturalist/Traveler (Germany)
Jadin, Hyacinthe 1769-1800 Composer
Mohammed Ali 1769-1849 Pasha of Egypt
Annet, Peter 1693-1769
Boston Massacre - British troops fire on mob in Boston, killing five citizens (3/5)
James Cook discovers Botany Bay, first European to reach Australia (4/19)
Marie Antoinette (d. Maria Theresa) leaves Vienna for Versailles to become Dauphine of France (4/21)
Samuel Hearne begins his third and finally successful expedition of the northwest arctic territories with HBC (12)
Beginning of factory system
British Parliament repeals Townshend Acts but keeps tax on tea imports - Lord North attempts conciliation
Spinning jenny patented by James Hargreaves
Lord North + (England) (1770-1782) Prime Minister
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Saif ud Daulah - (Bengal) Nawab
Nanajaraja Wodeyar - (Mysore)
Chamaraja Wodeyar VII + (Mysore) Bettada
String Quartets (first) Mozart
The New England Psalm Singer Billings
Beethoven, Lugwig von 1770-1827 Composer (12/16)
Canning, George 1770-1827
Carulli, Ferdinando 1770-1841 Composer
Forberg, Friedrich 1770-1848
Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron 1770-1837 Painter (French, b. Rome)
Hansel, Peter 1770-1831 Composer
Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolf 1770-1843
Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich 1770-1831 Philosopher
Holderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich 1770-1843 Poet (Germany)
Reicha, Anton 1770-1836 Composer (Prague)
Seebeck, Thomas Johann 1770-1831 Physicist (German)
Witt, Friedrich 1770-1836 Composer
Wordsworth, William 1770-1850
Wyeth, John 1770-1858 Composer
Avison, Charles 1709-1770 Composer
Boucher, Francois 1703-1770 Painter (France)
Muffat, Gottlieb Theophil 1690-1770 Composer
Tartini, Giuseppe 1692-1770
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista 1696-1770 Painter (Venice)
Walond, William 1725-1770 Composer
Whitefield, George 1714-1770
Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1st ed.
Johann Friedrich Struensee and Queen Caroline Matilda of Denmark are arrested (1/17)
Governor Tyron of North Carolina marches his men out of Hillsborough toward Alamance Creek (5/11)
Battle of Alamance - Governor Tyron's forces crush Regulators in North Carolina (5/16)
Massacre at Bloody Falls - Chipewyan Chief Matonabbee murders Inuit during Hearne Arctic expedition (7/17)
Mission San Gabriel Arcangel is founded in Los Angeles by Pedro Cambon and Angel Somera (9/8)
Parlements abolished by Louis XV
3rd abortive uprising against Louis XV
Russia conquers Crimea
Plague Riot in Moscow
Carl Scheele discovers oxygen
Adolphus Frederick - (Sweden) House of Holstein-Gottorp
Gustavus III + (Sweden) House of Holstein-Gottorp
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Cramer, John Baptist 1771-1858 Composer
Gros, Antoine Jean 1771-1835
Jordan, Camille 1771-1821
Lichnowsky, Reichsgrof Moritz von 1771-1837 Composer
Scott, Sir Walter 1771-1832
Brixi, Franz Xavier 1732-1771 Composer
Graun, Johann Gottlieb 1703-1771 Composer
Gray, Thomas 1716-1771 Poet (England)
Smollett, Tobias 1721-1771
On Man (Claude Helvetius)
Burning of the Gaspee - Committees of Corresopondence organized by Samuel Adams (6/10)
First Partition of Poland - by Russia, Prussia and Austria
James Cook's second voyage (-1775) crosses Antarctic Circle and circumnavigates Antarctica
Watauga Association forms from the compact theory in eastern Tennessee
Joseph Wenzel - (Liechtenstein) Prince
Francis Joseph I + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Joseph Priestly amd Daniel Rutherford independently discover Nitrogen
Johann Georg Albrechtsberger becomes court organist in Vienna
Iphigenie en Aulide Gluck
Sun quartets, Op. 20 Haydn
Bystrom, Thomas 1772-1839 Composer
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1772-1834
Fourier, F. M. (Charles) 1772-1837
Preussen, Louis Ferdinand Christian Prinz von 1772-1806 Composer
Ricardo, David 1772-1823
Schlegel, Friedrich 1772-1829
Barsanti, Francesco 1690-1772 Composer
Daquin, Louis Claude 1694-1772 Composer
Swedenborg, Emanuel von 1688-1772
Boston Tea Party - citizens disguised as Native Americans dump tea into Boston Harbour (12/16) Thursday
Pope Clement XIV suppresses Jesuits
Peasant uprising in Russia led by Cossack Pugachev (-1775)
Tea Act passed by Paliament
Earthquake destroys Guatemala city
Diderot visits Catherine the Great in Russia
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Symphony No. 25 in G minor K 183 Mozart
Symphony K. 201 Mozart
Fries, Jakob Friedrich 1773-1843
Harrison, William Henry 1773-1841
Lithander, Carl Ludwig 1773-1843 Composer
Mill, James 1773-1836
Orleans, Louis Philippe, duc de 1773-1850 King (France)
Wackenroder, Wilhelm 1773-1798 Writer (Germany)
Quantz, Johann Joachim 1697-1773 Composer
Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (Goethe) fiction
11 Mingoes (including relatives of Logan, a Mingo chief) killed by settlers near Steubenville OH (5)
Massachusetts Government Act passed by British Parliament - one of the Intolerable Acts (5/20)
Treaty of Kucuk Kaynarca - between Russia and Ottoman Empire - Russia gains Black Sea ports (7/21)
Treaty of Kucuk Kaynarca - Russia gains right to represent Greek Orthodox Church in Turkey (7/21)
First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia to protest "Intolerable Acts" (9/5)
Priestly mentions his isolation of oxygen to Lavoisier
Battle of Point Pleasant - Lord Dunmore’s War - v. Shawnee forced north across Ohio R. (10/10)
First Continental Congress concludes in Philadelphia (10/26)
Louis XVI recalls the Parlements
Ottoman domination in Walachia
Ottoman domination in Moldavia
Warren Hastings, Governor of Bengal, is appointed first Governor-General of India
British Parliament passes "Intolerable Acts" (with Quebec Act) - a series of repressive acts against colonies
First Continental Congress defeats Galloway's Plan of Union
First Continental Congress adopts Declaration of Rights and Grievances - sends them to George III
First Continental Congress adopts Resolves and urges colonies to form Continental Association
Rhode Island Abolishes Slavery
Louis XV - (France) (1715-1774) King
Louis XVI + (France) (1774-1793) King
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Gregory Ghica + (Moldavia) Prince
Alexander Ypsilanti + (Walachia) Prince
Stephen the Little - (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Sava + (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Mustafa III - (Ottoman Empire) (1757-1774) Sultan
Abdulhamit I + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Warren Hastings + (India) Governor-General (Governor of Bengal)
Joseph Priestley first isolates oxygen by heating solid mercury (II) oxide HgO (8/7)
Clement XIV -
Iphigenie en Aulide Gluck
Orphee et Euridice Gluck
Bassoon Concerto Mozart
Biot, Jean Baptiste 1774-1862
Friedrich, Caspar David 1774-1840
Seton, Elizabeth Ann 1774-1821 Catholic Leader (Saint) (NYC)
Tomasek, Vaclav Jan Krtitel 1774-1850 Composer
Agricola, Johann Friedrich 1720-1774 Composer
Goldsmith, Oliver 1728-1774 Author (Ireland)
Quesnay, Francois 1694-1774
Tuma, Frantisek Antonin Ignac 1704-1774 Composer
Le Barbiere de Seville (Beaumarchais)
The Rivals (Richard Brinsley Sheridan) comedy
Patrick Henry: “Give me liberty or give me death” (3/23)
Ride of Paul Revere (and William Dawes) (4/18)
Israel Bissell’s Ride from Watertown, MA to CT towns to mobilize against the British (4/19)
Battle of Lexington and Concord - British troops retreat to Boston(4/19)
Fort Ticonderoga captured by Green Mountain Boys under Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold (5/10)
Second Continental Congress assembles at Philadelphia (5/10)
Troops before Boston are adopted as Continental Army (5/31)
Second Continental Congress names George Washington commander-in-chief (6/15)
Battle of Bunker Hill - British defeat colonists (take Breed's Hill on third try) at great loss of troops (6/17)
Olive Branch Petition - signed and sent to England from Continental Congress (7/8)
Proclamation of Rebellion - issued by George III in response to news of the Battle of Bunker Hill (8/23)
Richard Montgomery marches north from Fort Ticonderoga with 1300 men (9/16)
First call on New Jersey for Continental troops (10/9)
Dunmore's Proclamation - offers American slaves freedom if they join the British Army (11/7)
Robert Montgomery's army captures Montreal (11/12)
Montgomery is killed before Quebec (12/21)
Attck on Quebec City (12/31)
Cossack Pugachev's uprising in Russia suppressed
Catherine the Great reorganizes local government in Russia
Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji - between Russia and Ottoman empire
War between British and Marathas in India (-1782)
Treaty of Pittsburgh w/ Shawn., Del. Ming., Sen., Pot. Otta. Ohio boundary & neutrality
Congress authorizes issuance of currency to finance war
King George III and Council authorizes creation of the Colony of Vandalia (West Virginia)
Transylvania settlement in Kentucky established by Richard Henderson
British engineers James Watt and Matthew Bolton form partnership to produce first commercial steam engines
Volta’s electric battery invented
Joseph Priestly discovers hydrochloric and sulfuric acids
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Pius VI + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1775-1799)
Tourte improves bow
Mozart in Salzburg composes five violin concertos
La finta giardiniera Mozart (Written in Munich) (1st performance 1/13)
Violin Concerto in D Major, K 218 Mozart
(Violin Schule- Leopold Mozart When written?)
Ampere, Andre Marie 1775-1836
Austen, Jane 1775-1817
Boieldieu, Francois Adrien 1775-1834 Composer
Busby, Thomas 1775-1838 Composer
Crotch, William 1775-1847 Composer
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik 1775-1838 Composer
Fossa, Francois de Paul Jacques Raymond de 1775-1849 Composer
Girtin, Thomas 1775-1802
Lamb, Charles 1775-1834
Landor, Walter Savage 1775-1864
Schelling, Friedrich von 1775-1854
Turner, Joseph Mallord William 1775-1851
Sammartini, Giovanni Battista 1701-1775 Composer (Milan, Italy)
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Smith)
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Edward Gibbon)
Common Sense (Paine)
Washington occupies Dorchester Heights (3/4)
Siege of Boston ends - British troops evacuate Boston (3/17)
2nd C Congress announces that authority of the British crown should be suppressed (5/15)
The Virginia Convention - instructs VA delegates in Congress to propose independence (5/15)
Resolution of Richard Henry Lee - "That these United Colonies are and of right ought to be free and indep."(6/7)
Battle of Trois-Rivieres (6/18)
9,000 British troops land on Staten Island under Howe at New Dorp (7/2-3)
Declaration of Independence drawn up and approved by Continental Congress (7/4)
US Postal Service formed - Benjamin Franklin first postmaster General (7/26)
Battle of Long Island - British land 22000 men Washington loses (8/27)
British occupy New York - Howe lands 12,000 on L. Manhattan - Washington retreats to Harlem Heights (9/15)
Skirmish at Harlem Heights (9/16)
Battle of Valcour Island - Carelton defeats Arnold (10)
Benedict Arnold defeated in two naval engagements on Lake Champlain (10/11-13)
Battle of Pell's Point (Pelham, Bronx) - British win (10/18)
Battle of White Plains - Wahington vs. Howe - Washington retreats to a line of heights (10/28)
British capture Fort Washington (11/16)
British capture Fort Lee (11/20)
Washington begins retreat across New Jersey into Pennsylvania (11/28)
Battle of Trenton - Washington crosses the Delaware (12/26)
Marie Antoinette contributes to the downfall of A.R.J. Turgot
Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata formed by Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay
Hydrogen discovered
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Chamaraja Wodeyar VII - (Mysore) Bettada
Chamaraja Wodeyar VIII +(Mysore) Khasa
Alceste Gluck
Haffner Serenade Mozart
General History of Music Hawkins
General History of Music Burney
Avogadro, Amadeo 1776-1856
Constable, John 1776-1837
Germaine, Sophie 1776-1831
Herbart, Johann Friedrich 1776-1841
Hoffman, Ernst Theodor Amadeus 1776-1822 Composer
Ritter, Johann Wilhelm 1776-1810
Scheibe, Johann Adolph 1708-1776 Composer
The School for Scandal (Sheridan)
De l'ordre social (Le Trosne)

Republic of Vermont declares independence (1/1777)
Second Battle of Trenton (1/2/1777)
Battle of Princeton - Americans under Wahington defeat British (1/3/1777)
Detroit Agreement with Chipewa Ottawa, Wyandot, Ming. - nullifies Treaty of Pittsburgh (6/1777)
Burgoyne begins his march from Canada (6/1777)
Continental Congress adopts the stars and stripes design for the US Flag (6/14/1777)
Burgoyne reaches vicinity of Fort Ticonderoga (7/1777)
Fort Ticonderoga falls to Burgoyne (7/6/1777)
Howe sails from New York with the bulk of his forces to attack Philadelphia
Battle of Oriskany - British ambush the Americans - British claim victory in one of the bloodiest battles (8/6/1777)
Battle of Bennington - Stark defeats Colonel Baum who was sent by Burgoyne to seize stores (8/16/1777)
Howe reaches Chesapeake Bay on his way to attack Philadelphia (8/25/1777)
Battle of Brandywine - British defeat Americans under Greene (9/11/1777)
First Battle of Bemis Heights - Burgoyne holds the field - sustains heavy losses (9/19/1777)
British occupy Philadelphia under Howe (9/27/1777)
Battle of Germantown - Washington is defeated (10/4/1777)
Second Battle of Bemis Heights - Americans defeat and surround Burgoyne (10/7/1777)
Battle of Saratoga - British General John Burgoyne surrenders to American General Horatio Gates (10/17/1777)
Articles of Confederation - Perpetual Union - United States of America (11/15/1777)
British capture Fort Mifflin (11/16/1777)
British capture Fort Mercer - British control of Delaware now complete (11/20/1777)
Benjamin Franklin receives news in Paris about Battle of Saratoga (12/4/1777)
Christianity introduced into Korea
Battle of Spanktown
France recognizes 13 colonies’ independence
Vermont ends slavery
Washinton County organized (North Carolina)

Joseph Emanuel - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Maria I + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Pedro III + (Portugal) House of Braganza (joint ruler)
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Gregory Ghica - (Moldavia) Prince

Armide (Gluck)
Piano Concerto No. 9, K. 271 (Mozart)
Clay, Henry 1777-1852
Fuss, Johann Evangelist 1777-1819 Composer
Gauss, Karl Friedrich 1777-1855
Lithander, Fredrik Emanuel 1777-1823 Composer
Oersted, Hans Christian 1777-1851
Poinsot, Luis 1777-1859
Russell, William 1777-1813 Composer
Bach, Johann Ernst 1722-1777 Composer
Tung Yuan Tai 1723-1777
von Haller, Albrecht 1708-1777
Wagenseil, Georg Christoph 1715-1777 Composer
Franco-American Treaties of Commerce and Alliance with the United States (2/6)
Lord North presents his plan to Parliament for conciliating the Americans - renouncing right of taxation (2/17)
Sir Henry Clinton takes over as British commander in chief in N.A.
Lord North's peace commissioners to offer Americans 1774 demands - rejected by Congress (6/17)
Evacuation of Philadelphia by Sir Henry Clinton who starts march across New Jersey (6/18)
Battle of Wyoming (7/4)
Count d'Estaing's fleet arrives off Delaware Capes (7/8)
Storm prevents clash between British and French fleets - D'Estaing sails to Boston for repairs (8/9)
General Sullivan gives up the siege at Newport (8/29)
Fort Pitt Treaty with Delaware (9/17)
Battle of Chestnut Neck (Little Egg Harbor River) (10/6)
Cherry Valley Massacre in New York - Loyalist/British/Seneca/Iroquois force kill 30 noncombatants among belligerents (11/11)
War of Bavarian Succession - bloodless war between Prussia and Austria (-1779)
Beaumarchais' Private Fleet - France enters American War of Independence in support of the colonists
Capt. James Cook discovers Hawaii
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Mesmer and mesmerism (hypnotism)
La Scala opens in Milan
Piano Sonata K. 310 Mozart
Piano Sonata K. 330 Mozart
Piano Sonata K. 331 Mozart
Piano Sonata K. 332 Mozart
Piano Sonata K. 333 Mozart
Violin Sonata K. 296 Mozart
Violin Sonata K. 301 Mozart
Violin Sonata K. 302 Mozart
Violin Sonata K. 303 Mozart
Violin Sonata K. 304 Mozart
Violin Sonata K. 305 Mozart
Violin Sonata K. 306 Mozart
Brentano, Clemens 1778-1842
Brown, Thomas 1778-1820
Davy, Humphry 1778-1829
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis 1778-1850
Hazlitt, William 1778-1830
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk 1778-1837 Composer
Jahn, Freidrich Ludwig 1778-1852
Neukomm, Sigismund Ritter von 1778-1858 Composer
Sor, Fernando 1778-1839 Composer
Arne, Thomas Augustin 1710-1778 Composer
Hamal, Jean Noel 1709-1778 Composer
Hopken, Arvid Niclas von 1710-1778 Composer
Linnaeus, Carolus 1707-1778
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista 1720-1778
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 1712-1778
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de 1694-1778
Nathan der Weise (Lessing)
The Critic (Sheridan)
Dialogues in Natural Religion (Hume) (posthumous)
Westmoreland captured - two French ships claim Brtitish ship and the art, books, antiquities within as prize of war (1/7)
George Rogers Clark completes conquest of the Old Northwest - captures Hamilton at Vincennes (2)
Spain formally joins Americans (via a French alliance) against Great Britain (6)
Battle of Newtown - Gen. John Sullivan defeats Joseph Brant (8/29)
Battle of Baton Rouge (9/21)
John Paul Jones' naval victory - Bonhomme Richard over Serapis and Countess of Scarborough (9/23)
France and Spain beseige Gibraltar without success (-1783)
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Iphigenie en Tauride Gluck
Simphonia Concertante K 364 Mozart in Salzburg
Berzelius, Jons Jacob 1779-1848
Galt, John 1779-1839
Moore, Thomas 1779-1852
Oehlenschlager, Adam 1779-1850
Ritter, Karl 1779-1859
Roget, Peter 1779-1869
Boyce, William 1711-1779 Composer
Chardin, Jean Baptiste Simeon 1699-1779
Cook, James 1728-1779 Explorer
Garrick, David 1717-1779
Johnsen, Hinrich Philip 1716-1779 Composer
2,500 troops attack British at New Brighton S.I. (1/15)
Siege of Charleston - British capture Charleston, South Carolina (5/12)
Rochambeau lands at Newport Rhode Island with 6000 troops (7)
South Carolina overun by the British (7)
Battle of Camden (8/16)
Tarelton defeats Sumter - Marion retreats to North Carolina (8/18)
Major Andre captured revealing treason of Benedict Arnold to surrender West Point to Clinton (9/23)
Major Andre is hanged as a spy (10/2)
Battle of King's Mountain - Americans defeat British under Major Ferguson in North Carolina (10/7)
Maria Theresa dies, only Empress of Holy Roman Empire, (11/29)
Lord George Gordon leads riots against Roman Catholics in London
Armed Neutrality - Russia, Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands to protect shipping from British interference
Inca Tupac Amaru leads Peruvian Indians in unsuccessful revolt against Spain (-1783)
Pennsylvania Gradual Abolition Act
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Maria Theresa - (Austria) (1740-1780) Archduchess House of Leopold
Quinto Fabio Cherubini
String Quartets, Op. 33 Haydn
Channing, William Ellery 1780-1842
Dobereiner, Johann Wolfgang 1780-1849
Dizi, Francois-Joseph 1780-1840 Composer
Gibson, John Bannister 1780-1853 Jurist (US/PA)
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique 1780-1867 Painter (France)
Kreutzer, Conradin 1780-1849 Composer
Lessel, Francizek 1780-1838 Composer
Wette, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de 1780-1849
Bellotto, Bernardo 1721-1780
Helvetius, Jean Claude 1715-1780
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de 1715-1780
Krebs, Johann Lugwig 1713-1780 Composer
Le Trosne, Guillaime Francois 1728-1780 Political/Economic Theorist (France)
Neruda, Johann Baptist Georg 1701-1780 Composer
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant)
Die Rauber (Schiller)
Compte Rendu (Necker)
Battle of Mobile - Spanish maintain supremacy (1/7)
Battle of Cowpens - Morgan deats British Cavalry under Tarelton
Articles of Confederation ratified (3/15)
Battle of Guilford - British win (3/15)
Comte de Grasse sails from France to Caribbean with 20 ships if the line and 150 merchant ships (3/22)
Comte de Grasse's fleet sights land off Martinique (4/28)
Spanish force under Galvey captures Pensacola (5/9)
Washington meets Rochambeau at Wethersfield, CT (5/22)
Rochambeau writes to de Grasse stating that funds would run out by August 20 (6/6)
Washington at Dobb's Ferry learns of Cornwallis' Virginia campaign (7/19)
Comte de Grasse's fleet leaves Santo Domingo for Chesapeake (8/3)
Washington learns that de Grasse is en route to Chesapeake from the West Indies (8/14)
Washington begins to move his army south (8/21)
Samuel Hood's fleet arrives off the entrance of the Chesapeake (8/25)
Comte de Grasse's French fleet arrives at the Chesapeake with 27 ships of the line (8/29)
Graves' fleet sails from New York to Chesapeake with 19 ships of the line (9/1)
Battle of the Chesapeake (9/5)
Battle of Groton Heights – British sack New London, CT (9/6)
Battle of Eutaw - Greene is deefeated - British retreat to Charleston (9/8)
French fleet turns around and sails back to Cape Henry (9/9)
Washington/Rochambeau army combines with Lafayette's force (9/22)
Washington/Rochambeau/Lafayette army arrive at Yorktown (9/28)
Siege of Yorktown begins (9/30) - (10/19)
Battle of Yorktown - French & American forces beseige British troops under General Charles Cornwallis (10/17)
British under Cornwallis surrender at Yorktown (10/19)
Edict of Tolerance - Joseph II introduces religious toleration in Austria and abolishes serfdom
Austro-Russian alliance against Ottoman Empire
Prairie du Chien settled on the east side of Mississippi
Necker, director general of finances for Louis XVI, publishes Compte Rendu, showing the deficit of France
Francis Joseph I - (Liechtenstein) Prince
Alois Joseph I + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Herschel discovers Uranus (3/13)
Mozart moves to Vienna from Salzburg (Spring)
Jungfrau Quartets?
Idomeneo, K. 366 Mozart
Aiken, Lucy 1781-1864
Arnim, Ludwig Achim 1781-1831
Bolzano, Bernard 1781-1848 Philosopher (Czechoslovakia)
Brewster, David 1781-1868
Chamisso, Adelbert von 1781-1838
Dauprat, Louis Francois 1781-1868 Composer
Diabelli, Anton 1781-1858 Composer
Giuliani, Mauro Giuseppe Sergio Pantaleo 1781-1829 Composer
Gratz, Rebecca 1781-1869
Heinrich, Anthony Philip 1781-1861 Composer
Krause, Karl Christian Freidrich 1781-1832
Laennec, Rene Theophile Hyacinthe 1781-1826
Poisson, Simeon Denis 1781-1840
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich 1781-1841
Stephenson, George 1781-1848
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 1729-1781 Philosopher (Germany)
Myslivecek, Josef 1737-1781 Composer
Scheemakers, Peter 1691-1781
Turgot, Anne Robert Jaqcues 1727-1781
Wesstrom, Anders 1720-1781 Composer
Zimmermann, Anton 1741-1781 Composer
Confessions (Rousseau)
Die Rauber (Schiller)

Fall of Lord North's ministry
Preliminary Articles of Peace signed in Paris
Treaty of Salbai - ends war between Great Britain and Marathas
San Buenaventura mission is founded by Junipero Serra in present Ventura, California
Chakkri Dynasty rules Thailand
Lord North - (England) (1770-1782) Prime Minister
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Alexander Ypsilanti - (Walachia) Prince
Sava - (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
Peter I + (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop
The Abduction from the Seraglio (K. 384) Mozart (7/16)
String Quartet No. 14 in G Major (K.387) Mozart (12/31)
Calhoun, John Caldwell 1782-1852 U.S. Politician (South Carolina)
Cass, Lewis 1782-1866 U.S. Politician
Cotman, John 1782-1842 Painter (Norwich, England) (5/16)
Auber, Daniel-Francois-Esprit 1782-1871 Composer
Field, John 1782-1837 Composer
Lamennais, Felicite 1782-1854 Philosopher Priest (Brittany)
Paganini, Nicolo 1782-1840 Composer
Webster, Daniel 1782-1852 U.S. Politician (New Hampshire) (1/18)
Bach, Johann Christian 1735-1782
Bernoulli, Daniel 1700-1782
Wilson, Richard 1713-1782
Poems (William Blake)
First anti-slavery meeting held in Woodbridge, NJ (7/4)
Treaty of Paris - ends war of American Independence - Great Britain recognizes independence of colonies (9/3)
Treaty of Paris - revoked Indian Proclamation Line of 1763 (9/3)
Last British ship departs Staten Island. Last shot fired of the war (12/5)
Lord North forms coalition with his former Whig opponent Charles James Fox for Fox's East India Bill
Russia annexes Crimea
Khalifah dynasty rules Bahrain (-present)
India Act - gives Great Britain control in India
Spain supresses Peruvian revolt led by Inca Tupac Amaru
British evacuate New York City
Massachusetts outlaws slavery
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
French brothers Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier build first successful hot air balloon
Beethoven's first printed works
Cornelius, Peter 1783-1867
Cox, David 1783-1859
Irving, Washington 1783-1859
Stendhal, Henri Beyle 1783-1842
Bodmer, Johann Jakob 1698-1783
d’Alembert, Jean le Rond 1717-1783
Euler, Leonhard 1707-1783 Mathematician (Switzerland)
Hasse, Johann Adolph 1699-1783 Composer
Holzbauer, Ignaz Jakob 1711-1783 Composer
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp 1721-1783 Composer
Mably, Gabrielle Bonnot de 1709-1783
Soler, Padre Antonio Francisco Javier Jose 1729-1783 Composer
Vincent, Thomas 1720-1783 Composer
Le Mariage de Figaro (Beaumarchais) (1783)
Deed of Declaration (John Wesley) - basic work of Methodism
US Congress ratifies Treaty of Paris (1/14)
British Parliament ratifies Treaty of Paris (4/9)
Treaty of Paris ratifications are exchanges (5/12)
Treaty of Fort Stanwix signed in Rome, NY - Pennsylvania Commonwealth buys Six Nations claim ("Last Purchase) (10)
Napoleon enters the Ecole Militaire
The East India Company Act - British Prime Minister William Pitt establishes governmental control of political affairs in India
Russia annexes Crimea
Second Pennamite War
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
James Watt patents a locomotive two years after Oliver Evans patented a similar device
Scriptores ecclesiastici Gerbert
Richard Coeur de Lion Getry
Aguado, Dionisio 1784-1849 Composer
Bessel, Wilhelm 1784-1846
Crosse, Andrew 1784-1855
Fetis, Francois Joseph 1784-1871 Composer
Hastings, Thomas 1784-1872
Hunt, Leigh 1784-1859
Onslow, Andre Georges Louis 1784-1853 Composer
Reis, Ferdinand 1784-1838 Composer
Spohr, Ludwig 1784-1859 Composer
Taylor, Zachary 1784-1850
Bach, Wilhelm Friedmann 1710-1784 Composer
Diderot, Denis 1713-1784
Johnson, Samuel 1709-1784
Serra, Junipero 1713-1784
Thomas Jefferson designs Virginia State Capitol
League of German Princes formed by Frederick II the Great against Joseph II of Austria
Pennsylvania Commonwealth buys Wyandots claim
Russians settle Aleutian Islands
Land Ordinance (US) - cession by the landed states of their claims to the western lands
Thomas Jefferson succeeds Benjamin Franklin as minister to France (-1790)
Edmund Cartwright patents the power loom
Frederick II the Great ... (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Seven Last Words Haydn
Piano Concerto in D Minor, K. 466 Mozart
Haydn Quartets Mozart
Arnim, Bettina von 1785-1859 Writer (Germany)
Audubon, John James 1785-1851
Broglie, Jacques Victor Albert 1785-1870
Grimm, Jakob 1785-1863
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich Wilhelm Michael 1785-1849 Composer
Kurpinski, Karol 1785-1857 Composer
Manzoni, Alessandro 1785-1873 Novelist/Poet (Italy)
Peacock, Thomas Love 1785-1866
Quincey, Thomas de 1785-1859
Wilson, John 1785-1854
Burton, John 1730-1785 Composer
Galuppi, Baldassare 1706-1785 Composer
Homilius, Gottfried August 1714-1785 Composer
Straube, Rudolf 1717-1785 Composer
First Edition of Poetry (Burns)
Public gaming houses first open in France
Annapolis Convention
Anglo-French trade treaty
Frederick II the Great - (Brandenburg) (Prussia) (1740-1786) Elector/King (Hohenzollern)
Frederick Wilhelm II + (Prussia) (1786-1797)King (Hohenzollern)
Pedro III - (Portugal) House of Braganza (joint ruler)
Lord Cornwallis + (India) (1786-1793)Governor General
Piano Concerto No. 24 in C Min - Mozart completed (3/26/1786)
Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro premieres at the Imperial and Royal Court Theatre in Vienna (5/11/1786)
Paris Symphonies Haydn
Le Nozze di Figaro Mozart
Arago, Dominique Francois Jean 1786-1853
Buxton, Thomas Fowell 1786-1845
Grimm, Wilhelm 1786-1859
Johnson, Alexander Bryan 1786-1867
Kuhlau, Daniel Friedrich Rudolph 1786-1832 Composer
Montferrand, Auguste de 1786-1858
Pinto, George Frederick 1786-1806 Composer
Scott, Winfield 1786-1866 Army General (US)
Weber, Carl Maria von 1786-1826 Composer
Benda, Frantisek 1709-1786 Composer
Frederick II the Great 1712-1786 King (Prussia)
Mendelsohn, Moses 1729-1786
Stanley, John 1712-1786 Composer
Iphegenia (Goethe)
Don Carlo (Schiller)
What is the Third Estate? (Sieyes) (-1788)
Shay’s Rebellion fails (1/25/1787)
Philadelphia Convention (5/25)
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 - Old Northwest Territory organized (7/13)
Constitution signed and transmitted to Congress (9/17)
First of the Federalist letters published in New York (10/27)
Louis XVI allows Huguenots tolerance
Louis XVI convenes the Assembly of Notables to address the financial deficit
Assembly of Notables in France dismissed after refusing to introduce financial reforms
Censorship lifted in France (-1788)
Russia and Ottoman Empire at war (-1792)
Austro-Turkish War (-1792)
Great Britain acquires Sierra Leone from the natives
Famine causes rice riots in Edo, Japan
Arthur St. Clair named first governor of NWT
Arthur Young, celebrated English traveler journeys through the French districts contiguous to the Pyrenees (6-8)
Lavoisier's work on chemical nomenclature
Quintet, K. 515 Mozart
Beethoven travels to Vienna and meets with Mozart
Quintet, K. 516 Mozart
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, K. 525 Mozart
Don Giovanni Mozart
Guizot, Francois 1787-1874
Harlow, George 1787-1819
Ohm, Georg Simon 1787-1854
Abel, Carl Friedrich 1723-1787 Composer
Gluck, Christoph Willibald 1714-1787 Composer
Hagen, Bernhard Joachim 1720-1787 Composer
Mozart, Johann Georg Leopold 1719-1787 Composer
Starzer, Josef 1726-1787 Composer
Egmont (Goethe)
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Edward Gibbon)
New Hampshire ratifies the Constitution - the ninth state - making it operable (6/21)
Last Federalist letter published (8/16)
Louis XVI convenes Assembly of notables for the second time to determine rules on electoral procedure (11)
Louis XVI proclaims that the Third Estate should have half of the representation in the Estates General (12/27)
Gustavus III of Sweden at war with Russia "to consolidate his rule"
Sir Joseph Banks founds the African Association "for the furtherance of exploration and development of trade
Great Britain establishes penal colony in Australia at Port Jackson (Sydney)
French Parlement presents grievances to Louis XVI who agrees to convene the Estates General in May 1789
United States Constitution ratified
Marietta founded - first permanent settlement of the Old Northwest
Laws of the Planetary System (Laplace)
John Fitch's steamboat invented
Charles III - (Spain) (1759-) House of Bourbon
Charles IV + (Spain) (-1808) House of Bourbon
Cherubini settles in Paris
Symphony No. 39 in E-flat Major K. 543 Mozart (6/26)
Symphony No. 40 in G Minor K. 550 Mozart (7/25)
Symphony No. 41 in C Major K. 551 Mozart (8/10)
Byron, George Gordon 1788-1824
Cabet, Etienne 1788-1856
Hamilton, William 1788-1856
Poncelet, Jean Victor 1788-1867
Remusat, Jean Pierre Abel 1788-1832
Rudolph, Archduke of Austria 1788-1831 Composer
Schopenhauer, Arthur 1788-1860
Bach, Carl Phillip Emmanual 1714-1788 Composer
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc Comte de 1708-1788 Naturalist (France)
Gainsborough, Thomas 1727-1788
Hamann, Johann Georg 1730-1788
Muthel, Johann Gottfried 1728-1788 Composer
Schroeter, Johann Samuel 1752-1788 Composer
Torquato Tasso (Goethe) play
Songs of Innocence (Blake) poem
First nationwide United States election (1/7)
George Washington unanimously elected by the Electoral College as President of the US (2/4)
First US Congress meets at New York and declares the constitution to be in effect (3/4)
US House of Representatives holds its first quorum and elects Frederick Muhlenberg as Speaker (4/1)
James Madison opens the legislative agenda of the 1st Congress (4/8)
"The Hon. Mr. Madison is very active and takes the lead in publick business." Massachusetts Centinel (4/22)
George Washington inaugurated as First US President (4/30)
James Madison announces his plan to introduce Constitutional amendments including Bill of Rights (5/4)
Estates General convenes at Verailles (5/5)
James Madison proposes the formation of Departments of Foreign Affais, Treasury, and War (5/19)
James Madison introduces his nineteen amendments to the House (6/8)
Members of the Third Estate assume title of the National Assembly (Constituante) & invite other orders (6/17)
Oath of the Tennis Court (jeu de paume) (6/20)
Louis XVI sits in at the National Assembly and orders it to meet in three houses (6/23)
Louis XVI requests that the 1st & 2nd Estates should join the Nat. Assembly and vote by simple majority (6/27)
Necker dismissed (7/11)
Storming of the Bastille in Paris (7/14)
Northwest Territory Act - US House accepts the Northwest Ordinance as federal law (7/21)
James Madison "begs the House to indulge him" on his nineteen amendments (Bill of Rights) (7/21)
Representatives of the nobles voluntarily surrender all feudal rights over course of years (8/4)
Decrees abolishing the Feudal System in France (8/4-5)
War Department (US) established (8/7)
Washington signs the Northwest Territory Act into law (8/7)
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (8/27)
Judiciary Act of 1789(US signed by Washington - provides for sytem of federal district & circuit courts (9/24)
Congress adopts the first ten amendments to the constitution (The Bill of Rights) (9/28)
1st US Congress ends (9/29)
National Assembly moves its meetings from Versailles to Paris (10)
Outbreak of the mob of Paris (10/5-6)
Louis XVI flees from Versailles to Paris with Marie Antoinette (10/5-6)
Formation of Clubs in France: Jacobins, Cordeliers, Feuillants
French public debt four billion livres
Pennsylvania Commonwealth buys Six Nations claim
Conspiracy of Minas led by Joaquim Jose de Silva Xavier I in Brazil
Talleyrand is made Bishop of Autun by Louis XVI
Report on Manufactures Alexander Hamilton
Abdulhamit I - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Selim III + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
George Washington + (United States) (-1797) President
Traite Elementaire de Chimie (Antoine Lavoisier)
String Quartet, Op. 54 Haydn
String Quartet, Op. 55 Haydn
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 1789-1857
Cooper, James Fenimore 1789-1851
Daguerre 1789-1851
Eichendorff, Joseph von 1789-1857
Ibrahim Pasha 1789-1848
List, Friedrich 1789-1846
Ohm, Georg Simon (3/16) 1789-1854
Overbeck, Frederic 1789-1869
Schadow, Wilhelm 1789-1862
Silcher, Friedrich 1789-1860 Composer
Allen, Ethan 1737-1789
Couperin, Armand Louis 1727-1789 Composer
D’Holbach, Paul Henri Thiri 1723-1789
Duphly, Jacques 1715-1789 Composer
Golabek, Jakub 1739-1789 Composer
Hawkins, John 1719-1789 Composer
Hertel, Johann Wilhelm 1727-1789 Composer
Liotard, Jean-Etienne 1702-1789
Richter, Franz Xaver 1709-1789 Composer (Bohemia)
Faust: a fragment (Goethe)
Critique of Judgement (Kant)
Reflections on the Revolution in France (Edmund Burke)
Alexander Hamilton begins to formulate fiscal policies (1) (-12/91)
Second US Congress convenes (1/4)
Thomas Jefferson arrives in New York to take up post as Secratary of State (3)
National Federation in Paris - Louis XVI accepts the constitution (7/14)
Fall of Necker (9)
All clerics are ordered to take an oath accepting the Civil Constitution of the Clergy (France) - half do (11)
Treaty of Wereloe - ends Russo-Swedish War
Mutiny on the Bounty - first British settlers colonize Pitcairn Island
Little Turtle defeats General Josiah Harmar on the Miami
Philadelphia temporary capital of U.S. as Congress votes to establish new capital on the Potomac
US Population 3,929,000 - 698,000 slaves
Thomas Jefferson becomes Secretary of State
Joseph II - (Holy Roman Empire) (1765-1790) Emperor
Leopold II + (Holy Roman Empire) Emperor
Table of 31 chemical elements (Lavoisier)
Aloisio Galvani experiments on electrical stimulation of muscles
Le Blanc manufactures soda from NaCl
Haydn in London
Cosi fan tutte Mozart
Austin, John 1790-1839
Daniel, John Frederic 1790-1845
Lamartine, Alphonse 1790-1869
Legnani, Luigi 1790-1877 Composer
Basedow, Johann Bernhard 1724-1790
Bond, Capel 1730-1790 Composer
Franklin, Benjamin 1706-1790
Krumpholtz, Johann Baptist 1742-1790 Composer
Lebrun, Ludwig August 1752-1790 Composer
Rollig, Johann Georg 1710-1790 Composer
Smith, Adam 1723-1790
Life of Samuel Johnson (Boswell)
The Romance of the Forest (Ann Radcliffe)
Mirabeau dies (4/2)
Pope Pius VI officially condemns the French Civil Constitution of the Clergy (4/13)
Flight and capture of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette (6/20-25)
Treaty of Sistova - between Austria and Turkey (8/4)
Declaration of Pillnitz - Frederick William II and Leopold II meet and discuss Near East and France (8/27)
Louis XVI accepts new and revised Constitution (9/14)
France annexes Avignon and Venaissin (9)
Constituante assembly, in wake of the new constitution, adjourns (9/30)
Legislative Assembly convenes - replaces Constituent Assembly in France (10/1)
Bill of Rights - first ten amendments to the United States Constitution ratified by states(12/15)
Canada Act - divides Canada into French and English speaking territories
First Bank of US established
Fort Hamilton built by Arthur St. Clair
Little Turtle defeats General Arthur St. Clair on the Wabash
Toussaint l'Ouverture leads slave revolt against French in Haiti
Spanish abandon Oran and retain only Melilla and Cueta and a few stations of the North African coast
Talleyrand is excommunicated by the pope
National Gazette begins publication to disseminate Jeffersonian Republican sentiments
Haydn's first London Symphonies
Symphony No. 94 in G Major, “Surprise” Haydn
Concerto for Clarinet, K. 622 Mozart
La Clemenza di Tito Mozart
Die Zauberflote Mozart
Requiem Mozart
Lodoiska Cherubini
Czerny, Carl 1791-1857 Composer
Faraday, Michael 1791-1867 Physicist
Gericault, Jean Louis Andre Theodore 1791-1824 Painter
Lindpaintner, Peter Joseph von 1791-1856 Composer
Meyerbeer, Giacomo 1791-1864 Composer
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese 1791-1872 Inventor
Mozart, Franz Xaver 1791-1844 Composer
Savart, Felix 1791-1841 Musical Theorist/Physicist
Vorisek, Jan Vaclav Hugo 1791-1825 Composer
al-Wahab, Mohammed ibn Abd 1703-1791
Mirabeau, Comte de 1749-1791
Mozart, Wolgang Amadeus 1756-1791
Paradisi, Pietro Domenico 1707-1791 Composer
Price, Richard 1723-1791
Wesley, John 1703-1791
Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Mary Wollstonecraft)
Dissertations upon the Philosophy of Light, Heat, and Fire (James Hutton)
Alliance of Austria and Prussia (2/7)
Both sides, France and the First Coalition want war (4)
France declares war on Austria - put three armies in the field: Rochambeau, Lafayette, & Luckner (4/20)
George Vancouver in Strait of Juan de Fuca (5)
Dumouriez is made French Minister of War
Roland ministry falls (6/13)
Mob attacks the Tuileries palace - calm reaction of Louis XVI (6/20)
Sardinia at war with France (7)
Prussian army crosses the frontier into France and marches toward Paris
Legislative Assembly pronounces the country in danger (7/11)
Storming of the Tulieries (8/10)
Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette removed (imprisoned) to the Temple (8/10)
Lafayette, impeached and proscribed, flees from his army and is captured by the Austrians (8/20)
Prussians take Verdun (8/20)
September Massacres in Paris sanctioned by Danton (9/2-7)
Battle of Valmy (Argonne) - French under Dumouriez and Kellerman defeat Prussians in artillery duel (9/20)
Battle of Valmy - French halt Prussian advance toward Paris and force a retreat back toward the Rhine (9/20)
783 elected National Convention delegates assemble in Paris to draw up another constitution (9/20)
National Convention holds its first session (9/21)
National Convention abolishes the monarchy - declares France a Republic (9/21)
First day of Year One of the French Republic (9/22)
Talleyrand flees to England following the fall of the monarchy (9)
Prussians retreat through Champagne to Luxembourg and across the Rhine (9/22)
Fr. General Custine takes Speier, Mainz, and Frankfurt on the Main (9)
France occupies Nice and Savoy (9)
Louis XVI and Marie Anoinette are accused of treason (9)
Battle of Jemappes - French under Dumouriez victorious - takes Brussels and conquers the Austrian Neth. (11/6)
Propaganda Decree #1 - Convention offers assistance to all peoples who wish to throw off their govt (11/19)
France annexes Savoy and Nice (11/27)
Trial of Louis XVI begins (12)
Propaganda Decree #2 passed by the National Convention (12/15)
The Scheldt is opened to commerce
Coalition of Austria and Prussia against France
France declares war on Austria and Prussia
Manifesto of the Duke of Brunswick
Abolition of the Monarchy and the establishment of the Republic
National Convention governs France (-1795)
France is declared a republic
Treaty of Jassy - between Russia and Holy Roman Empire
Denmark becomes the first country to abolish slave trade
Nizam-i Jedid - New Regulations reorganizing Ottoman military and civilian institutions
Ranjit Singh comes to power in India
China invades Nepal after Gurkhas menace Tibetan borders
Democratic Party Formed (Jefferson)
Louis XVI - (France) (1774-)
Louis XVII - (France) (imprisoned)
Leopold II - (Holy Roman Empire) (1790-) Emperor
Francis II + (Holy Roman Empire) Emperor
Gustavus III - (Sweden) House of Holstein-Gottorp
Gustavus IV Adolphus + (Sweden) (-1809) House of Holstein-Gottorp
Charles + (Sweden) House of Holstein-Gottorp (regent)
Beethoven in Vienna
Matrimonio segreto Cimarosa
Baer, Karl Ernst von 1792-1876
Baur, Ferdinand Christian 1792-1860
Cousin, Victor 1792-1867
Furstenau, Anton Bernhard 1792-1852 Composer
Grimke, Sarah 1792-1873
Herschel, John Frederick 1792-1871
Potter, Philip Cipriani Hambly 1792-1871 Composer
Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio 1792-1868 Composer
Shelley, Percy Blythe 1792-1822
Adam, Robert 1728-1792 Architecht (Kirkcaldy, Scotland) (3/3)
Bahrt, Carl Friedrich 1740-1792
Baudeau, Abbe Nicholas 1730-1792
Kraus, Joseph Martin 1756-1792 Composer (Sweden)
North, Frederick, 2nd Earl Guilford, 8th Baron 1732-1792 Statesman (England)
Rosetti, Francesco Antonio 1750-1792 Composer
Report on Manufactures (Alexander Hamilton)
683 out of 721 votes declare Louis XVI guilty (1/15)
361 votes out of 721 give Louis XVI death penalty (1/16)
Louis XVI is executed at guillotine (1/21)
France under Dumouriez invades the Netherlands (2)
France declares war against Great Britain, Holland, and Spain (2/1)
France annexes Belgium (2)
Emigres under the Prince of Conde proclaim Louis XVII as king, who is a prisoner in the Temple (2)
Royalist revolt in the Vendee upon the levy of recruits (Charette, stofflet, Cathelineau, La Rochejaquelein (3)
Battle of Neerwinden - Austrians under Duke of Coburg defeat Dumouriez - recapture Brussels (3/18)
Dumouriez deserts France and crosses over to the Austrian side
Committee of Public Safety (Comite du salut public) forms (4/6)
31 Girondist (Moderate) deputies are arrested - uprising engineered by the Commune and the Jacobins (6/2)
Constitution of 1793 completed and accepted - never actually put into effect (6/22)
Marat is assassinated by Charlotte Corday - a girl from the provinces (7/13)
Prussians recover Mainz after three month seige (7)
British seige of Toulon (7)
French levee en massse on the male population (18-25) capable of bearing arms - 14 armies form (8/23)
Law of the Maximum set prices for a large number of commodities are established - wages are fixed (9/17)
Convention begins boycott and blockade against enemy (esp. British) commerce (9/21)
Law of the Maximum (9/23)
Lyons captured after a two month siege - city partially destroyed and many inhabitants massacred (10)
Marie Antoinette tried before the Revolutionary Tribunal (10/14-10/15)
Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI's wife beheaded (10/16)
Convention passes more economic sanctions against enemy commerce (10/19)
Battle of Chollet - the Vendeans are defeated (10/20)
Worship of God is abolished (11/10)
Allies retreat across the Rhine (12)
French capture Worms and Speier (12)
English evacuates Toulon - first appearance of Napoleon Bonaparte (12)
National Convention forms the Committee of Public Safety & the Committee of General Security (12/4)
Battle of Le Mans - the Vendeans are defeated (12/12)
Napoleon becomes brigadier general
Reign of Terror - France ruled largely by Maximillian Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety (-1794)
Second Partition of Poland - between Russia and Austria
Lord Cornwallis, Governor-General of India, stabilizes revenue system - reorganizes judiciary on British model
Selim III proclaims the "New Order"
Permanent Settlement in Bengal
Mission of Lord Macartney to Peking
First free settlers arrive in Australia
Talleyrand travels to the US
Thomas Jefferson resigns from the cabinet
Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin - helping to institutionalize slavery in US South
Lord Cornwallis - (India) Governor General (1786-1793)
Lobachevski, Nikolai Ivanovich 1793-1856
Mott, Lucretia 1793-1880
Veit, Philip 1793-1877
Bonnet, Charles 1720-1793
Gerbert, Martin 1720-1793 Composer
Mitchell, John 1724-1793
Nardini, Pietro 1722-1793 Composer
Robertson, William 1721-1793
Songs of Experience (Blake)
The Mysteries of Udolphoi (Ann Radcliffe)
Uber den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre (Fichte)
An Investigation of the Principle of Knowledge (James Hutton)
Execution of Hebert, Chaumette, Cloots etc. (3/24)
Execution of Danton, Desmoulins, Herault de Sechelles, etc. (4/6)
Battle of Turcoing - France under Pichegru wins (4/18)
Treaty of the Hague - between England and Prussia - England pays subsidies for 60,000 Prussian troops (4/19)
Festival of the Supreme Being held in Paris - Robespierre high priest (6/8)
Law of 22 Prairial - bestows great power on the revolutionary tribunal - juries to convict without hearing (6/10)
France captures Charleroi (6/25)
Battle of Fleurus - France wins - balloon used for recon purposes - Duke of Coburg evacuates Belgium (6/26)
Robespierre is accused of treason and arrested - Reign of Terror Ends (7/27) (9 Thermidor)
Maximillian Robespierre executed along with 21 of his allies (7/28)
Treaty of Greenville; with the Wyandot, Miami etc. (8/3)
Battle of Fallen Timbers (8/20)
French National Convention dissolved (10/26)
French Directory (10/27)
Treaty of Canandaigua (Pickering Treaty) - between US and Iroquois (11/11)
Paris Jabobin Club is forced to close (11/12)
Jay's Treaty - commercial shipping treaty between Great Britain and the United States (11/19)
Girondists who had escaped with their lives are readmitted to the Convention (12/8)
Law of the Maximum is repealed (12/24)
France invades Dutch Republic
The Thermidorian reaction (-1795)
France occupies Aachen
France occupies the Netherlands (-1795)
Kosciusko's uprising in Poland supressed by Russians
Aga Mohammed founds Qajar (Kajar) Dynasty in Persia (Iran) (-1925)
Whiskey Rebellion - Pennsylvania farmers object to liquor taxes
Fort Wayne built, IN
Haydn's second trip to London
Ancelot, Jacques Arsene Francois Polycarp 1794-1854
Damiron, Jean Philibert 1794-1862
Moscheles, Isaak Ignaz 1794-1870 Composer
Vanderbilt, Cornelius 1794-1877
Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana 1738-1794
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas 1743-1794
Gibbon, Edward 1737-1794
Jones, William 1746-1794
Lavosier, Antoine 1743-1794
Pokorny, Franz Xaver 1728-1794 Composer
Robespierre, Maximilien 1758-1794 Revolutionary Leader (Arras, France)
Theory of the Earth, 2 vols (James Hutton)
Treaty of Basel - between France and Prussia (3/5)
Bread riots in Paris - mobs attack the Convention Hall but are repulsed (4/1) (Germinal 12)
Treaty of of Basel - between France and Prussia - France promised territorial gains on the West Bank (4/16)
Peace Treaty between France and Holland (5/16)
Paris mobs attack the Convention Hall again (5/20) (Prairial 1)
Louis XVII dies in prison (6/8) (6/10)
Peace at Basel - between France and Spain (6/22)
British and emigres land at Quiberon (Brittany) to aid the royalists of the region (Chouans) (6/27)
Peace Treaty between France and Spain (7/4)
Victories of Hoche over the invaders - over 700 emigres executed (7/16-21)
The Constitution of 1795 (3rd of the Revolution) - Directory/Council of Elders/Counil of 500 (8/22)
Day of the Sections - Napoleon Bonaparte's "whiff of grapeshot" (10/5) (13 Vendemaiaire)
Final Outburst of Paris Radicals - crushed by General Barras and Brigadier General Napoleon Bonaparte (10/5)
National Convention adjourns - relatives of emigresi not allowed to hold office (10/26)
The Directory rules France - a five man executive set up by the 1795 Constitution (10/27) (-1799)
Treaty of San Lorenzo (Pinckney's Treaty) - establishes US southern boundary at 31st parallel (10/27)
Babeuf leads the proto-communist "Conspiracy of Equals" in France (-1796)
France controls Flanders (-1814)
Batavian Republic is fouded by the French (-1806)
France establishes Dutch Republic as Batavian Republic (-1806)
Third Partition of Poland - between Prussia, Russia, and Austria
British take Cape of Good Hope from the Dutch
Mungo Park, a Scot, explores Gambia River
Warren Hastings, former Governor-General of India aquitted by English Parliament of corruption charges
Jay Treaty ratified - US
British forces occupy Capetown, South Africa
William V - (Dutch Republic) Stadholder
Stanislaus Augustus - (Poland) Poniatowski
Gaozong Chun - (China) (1736-) 4th Qing Dynasty (Qienlong Era)
Haydn returns to Vienna from London
Paris Conservatory founded
Ignaz Pleyel settles in Paris and opens publishing house
Trios, Op. 1 Beethoven
Keats, John 1795-1821 Poet (London, England)
Carlyle, Thomas 1795-1881 Author (Scotland)
Marschner, Heinrich August 1795-1861 Composer
Mercadante. Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele 1795-1870 Composer
Ranke, Leopold von 1795-1886 Historian (Germany)
Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich 1732-1795 Composer
Benda, Jiri Antonin 1722-1795 Composer
Boswell, James 1740-1795
Corrette, Michel 1709-1795 Composer (Rouen, France)
Kippis, Andrew 1725-1795
Zoonomia (Erasmus Darwin)
Manifesto of Equals (Gracchus Babeuf)
Hoche suppresses insurrection in the Vendee and Brittany (3/5)
Napoleon marries Josephine de Beauharnais, former friend of Barras (3/9)
Battle of Millesimo - Napoleon defeats the Austrians following the coast from Nice (4/13)
Battle of Mondovi - Napoleon defeats the Piedmontese (4/22)
Battle of Lodi - Napoleon defeats the Austrians by storming the bridge over the Adda (5/10)
Napoleon enters Milan (5/15)
Napoleon sets up the Lombard Republic (5/16)
Siege of Mantua begins (7) (-2/1797)
Battle of Castiglione - Napoleon defeats Austrians (8/15)
Talleyrand returns to Paris from the US
George Washington's farewell address (9/17)
Battle of Arcola - Napoleon defeats Austrians (11/15-19)
Italian Campaign - Napoleon Bonaparte leads French army and conquers most of Italy (-1797)
Battle of Roveredo - Napoleon defeats Austrians
Battle of Bassano - Napoleon defeats Austrians
British capture Ceylon from the Dutch
Mungo Park reaches Niger River
Indians in Old Northwest forced to withdraw under terms of Jay’s Treaty
Edward Jenner (English physician) performs first smallpox vaccination (5/14)
Catherine II the Great - (Russia) (1762-) Empress
Paul I + (Russia) (-1801) Emperor (Tsar)
Charles - (Sweden) House of Holstein-Gottorp (regent)
Chamaraja Wodeyar VIII -(Mysore) Khasa
Renzong Jui + (China) (-1820) 5th Qing Dynasty (Jiaqing Era)
Missa in tempore belli Haydn
Bautain, Louis Eugene Marie 1796-1867
Berwald, Franz Adolf 1796-1868 Composer
Brashman, Nikolai Dmetrievich 1796-1866
Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille 1796-1867
Durand, Asher 1796-1886
Jouffroy, Theodore Simon 1796-1842
Mann, Horace 1796-1859
Burns, Robert 1759-1796
Giardini, Felice de 1717-1796 Composer
MacPherson, James 1736-1796 Author (Scotland)
Reid, Thomas 1710-1796
Stamitz, Anton Thadaus Johann Nepomuk 1750-1796 Composer
The Italian (Ann Radcliffe)
Herzensergiessungen (Wackenroder)
Battle of Rivoli - Napoleon defeats Austrians (1/14-1/15)
Mantua surrenders to Napoleon who then advances on Rome(2/2)
Treaty of Tolentino - between pope and Napoleon - France gains Romagna, Bologna, Ferrara (2/19)
Napoleon crosses the Alps to Meet Archduke Charles - meets resistance from Venetians and Tyrolese (3)-(4)
John Adams becomes second US president (3/4)
Preliminary Peace of Loeben - Austria cedes Belgian provinces to France (4/18)
France declares war on Venice (5)
Napoleon I makes Milan the capital of the Cisalpine Republic (7/9)
Creation of the Ligurian Republic out of the Republic of Genoa (7/9)
Republican Coup d'etat at Paris - Barras, Rewbel and L Revelliere defeat Barthelemy & Carnot (9/4) (18 Fruct)
Treaty of Campo-Formio - Austria makes peace with France (10/17)
Congress of Rastadt convenes - to discuss peace with the empire - no agreement reached (12) (-4/1799)
British navy mutinies at Spithead and Nore
Battle of Cape St. Vincent - British navy defeats Franco-Spanish fleet
American ships trade with Japan on behalf of Dutch - end of Japanese isolation policy (-1809)
XYZ Affair - French Directorate tries to extort money from Pinckney, Marshall, and Gerry
Talleyrand becomes foreign minister
Frederick Wilhelm II - (Prussia) (1786-1797) King (Hohenzollern)
Frederick William III + (Prussia) (1797-1840) King (Hohenzollern)
George Washington - (United States) (1789-1797) President
John Adams + (United States) President
String Quartet in C Major, Op. 76, No. 3 Haydn
Medee Cherubini
Ando, Hiroshige 1797-1858
Donizetti, Gaetano 1797-1848 Composer
Heine, Christian Johann Heinrich 1797-1856
Henry, Joseph 1797-1878
Leroux, Pierre 1797-1871
May, Samuel Joseph 1797-1871
Poiseuille, Jean 1797-1869
Remusat, Charles Francois Marie 1797-1875
Schubert, Franz Peter 1797-1828 Composer
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 1797-1851
Babeuf, Francois Noel (Gracchus) 1760-1797 Revolutionist
Burke, Edmund 1729-1797 Political Theorist (Dublin, Ireland)
Hutton, James 1726-1797 Geologist (Scotland)
Walpole, Horace 1717-1797 Writer (England)
Wilkes, John 1727-1797 Political Leader (England)
Charles Bulfinch designs the Massachusetts State House
Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth / Coleridge)
An Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus)
France occupies Rome - establish Roman Republic - Pope Pius VI captured (2)
Directory authorizes Napoleons Egyptian Campaign (3)
France invades Switzerland - Helvetic Republic formed - France annexes Geneva (4)
Napoleon sets out on Egyptian Campaign from Toulon with 35,000 troops and a corps of scientists (5/19)
Napoleon surprises and takes Malta (6/12)
Napoleon lands in Egypt (7/1)
Napoleon captures Alexandria (7/2)
Battle of the Pyramids - French defeat Mamluk cavalry outside Cairo (7/21)
Napoleon takes Cairo (7/22)
Battle of the Nile (Aboukir Bay) - British fleet under Horatio Nelson defeats French (8/1)
Battle of the Nile (Aboukir Bay) - French Force cut off from France (8/1)
General Joubert conquers the Piedmont (11)-(12)
Neopolitan Army under Mack attacks Roman Republic and occupies Rome (11/29)
King of Piedmont flees to Sardinia - forced by General Joubert (12/9)
French force under Championnet recaptures Rome and then overruns Kindom of Naples (12/15)
Second Coalition - alliance between Russia and Great Britain w/ Austria, Naples, Portugal and Ottomans (12/24)
Rebellion at Vinegar Hill, Ireland - United Irishmen want separation
Naturalization Act - US - required time of residence extended to 14 years
Alien Act - US
Alien Enemies Act - US
Sedition Act - US
US Navy Department
Eli Whitney builds a factory for the mass production of firearms near New Haven, CT
First Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Lord Wellesley + (India) Governor General (1798-1805)
Piano Sonata in C Minor, "Pathetique" Op. 13 Beethoven
String Quartet in C Minor Op. 18, No. 4 Beethoven
The Creation Haydn
Beneke, Friedrich Eduard 1798-1854
Bertini, Henri Jerome 1798-1876 Composer
Bonnety 1798-1879
Comte, Auguste 1798-1851
Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene 1798-1863
Leopardi, Giacomo 1798-1837
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb 1798-1859 Composer
Cannabich, Christian 1731-1798 Composer (Mannheim)
Casanova, Giacomo 1725-1798
Galvani, Luigi 1737-1798
Reimarus, H. S. 1694-1798
Vancouver, George 1758-1798
Wackenroder, Wilhelm 1773-1798 Writer (Germany)
Rosetta Stone discoveryby Napoleons troops enables Egyptian hieroglyphics to be deciphered
Wallenstein (Schiller)
Hyperion (Holderlin)
Parthenopean Republic set up in Naples (1/23)
Turkish Court allows Janissaries to return
Syrian Campaign - Napoleon invades Syria in light of Ottoman declaration of war on France (2)
Napoleon storms Jaffa and massacres 1200 prisoners (2)
Napoleon fails to take Acre (2)
French occupy Florence and drive the Grand Duke of Tuscany from his dominions (3/25)
Battle of Stockach - Archduke Charles defeats Jourdan and the army of the Upper Rhine (3/25)
Battle of Magnano - Austrians under Kray defeat French Army of Italy under Scherer (4/5)
Congress of Rastadt dissolves (4/8)
Battle of Cassano - Austrians and Russians under Melas and Suvorov defeat French under Moreau (4/27)
French delegates to the Congress of Rastadt - Roberjot, and Bonnier are murdered by Austrian hussars: (4/28)
Allies enter Milan and end the Cisalpine Republic
Russo-Turkish fleet wrests control of the Ionian Islands away from the French - Septinsular Republic (5)
Tipoo Sahib, last ruler (sultan) of Mysore, killed in battle with British troops - 4th Mysore War (5/4)
Suvorov occupies Turin and shuts up the remnant s of Moreau's army in Genoa (5/27)
Battle of Zurich - Archduke Charles defeats Massena (6/4-7)
Battle of the Trebbia - Suvorov defeats French army under MacDonald (6/17-19)
King of Naples returns from Sicily and overthrows Parthenopean Republic - with massacres
Roman Republic republic overthrown
Directory sends Joubert to Italy with a new army
Talleyrand resigns his post as foreign minister (7)
Battle of Aboukir - Napoleon and Marat defeat combined British and Ottoman force (7/25)
Battle of Novi - Suvorov and Melas defeat and kill Joubert as he attempted to advance from Genoa (8/15)
Napoleon leaves Egypt to return to France - leaves Kleber in command (8/24)
Battle of Bergen - French under Brune hold their position against British and Russians
Battle of Zurich - Massena defeats Korsakov and drives him out (9/26)
Suvorov falls back to the Grisons
Napoleon runs the British blockade in Egypt (10/9)
Convention of Alkmar - British surrender all prisoners taken in Holland for unobstructed evacuation (10/18)
Russians withdraw from the Coalition disgusted with the conduct of the Allies, especially the Austrians (10/22)
Napoleon lands unannounced at Frejus - makes alliance with Directors Sieyes and Roger-Ducos (11/8)
18 Brumaire- Napoleon with brother Lucien overthrows Directory and sets up Napoleanic Consulate (11/9-10)
Talleyrand resumes as foreign minister
New French constitution presented to the nation for a popular plebiscite (Yes 3,011,007; No 1,562) (12/13)
Constitution of the Year VIII - preserved the appearance of the republic but set up the dictatorship (12/24)
Combination Laws - prohibit trade unions in Britain
Mohammed Ali commands Turkish army that unsuccessfully tries to drive Napoleon from Egypt
French driven out of Italy
Russia and Sweden form defensive alliance
British control extends over most of southern India
Second Kentucky Resolutions - US
Undeclared naval war between US and France
Compromise Act (between Pennsylvania & Connecticut farmers)
Ohio becomes a territory
Selim III regognizes the complete independence of Montenegro
Krishnaraja Wodeyar III + (Mysore) Mummudi
John + (Portugal) House of Braganza (Regent)
Pius VI - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1775-1799)
1st Symphony, op. 21 Beethoven
Sonata Pathetique Beethoven
Alcott, Amos Bronson 1799-1888 Social/Educ. Reformer (Wolcott, CT)
Balzac, Honore 1799-1850 Novelist (Tours, France)
Callan, Nicholas Joseph 1799-1864
Hood, Thomas 1799-1845 Poet (England)
Pushkin, Aleksander Sergeyevich 1799-1837
Balbastre, Claude Benigne 1727-1799 Composer
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de 1732-1799 Dramatist (France)
Boulogne, Joseph (Chevalier d Saint George) 1739-1799 Composer
Dittersdorf, Karl Ditters von 1739-1799 Composer
Dusek, Frantisek Xaver 1731-1799 Composer
Hellendaal, Pieter 1721-1799 Composer
Henry, Patrick 1736-1799 (5/29)
Reindl, Constantin 1738-1799 Composer
Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1799

Washington, George 1732-1799 Politician (U.S.)

1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790
1701 1711 1721 1731 1741 1751 1761 1771 1781 1791
1702 1712 1722 1732 1742 1752 1762 1772 1782 1792
1703 1713 1723 1733 1743 1753 1763 1773 1783 1793
1704 1714 1724 1734 1744 1754 1764 1774 1784 1794
1705 1715 1725 1735 1745 1755 1765 1775 1785 1795
1706 1716 1726 1736 1746 1756 1766 1776 1786 1796
1707 1717 1727 1737 1747 1757 1767 1777 1787 1797
1708 1718 1728 1738 1748 1758 1768 1778 1788 1798
1709 1719 1729 1739 1749 1759 1769 1779 1789 1799

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