1500s 1600s 1700s

History Timeline Index

1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 1680 1690
1601 1611 1621 1631 1641 1651 1661 1671 1681 1691
1602 1612 1622 1632 1642 1652 1662 1672 1682 1692
1603 1613 1623 1633 1643 1653 1663 1673 1683 1693
1604 1614 1624 1634 1644 1654 1664 1674 1684 1694
1605 1615 1625 1635 1645 1655 1665 1675 1685 1695
1606 1616 1626 1636 1646 1656 1666 1676 1686 1696
1607 1617 1627 1637 1647 1657 1667 1677 1687 1697
1608 1618 1628 1638 1648 1658 1668 1678 1688 1698
1609 1619 1629 1639 1649 1659 1669 1679 1689 1699

England's Helicon (Nicholas Breton)
Giordano Bruno burned at the stake as a heretic in the Campo di Fiori, Rome (2/17)
Battle of Sekigahara - Tokugawa Ieyasu defeats rivals to become ruler of Japan (10/21) (9/15 Chinese Cal)
Henry IV of France marries Marie de' Medici (12/17)
British East India Company receives charter from Elizabeth I (12/31)
Tokugawa period in Japan - military and administrative headquarters established at Edo (Tokyo) (-1868)
Andrew - (Transylvania) Prince
Michael the Brave + (Transylvania) Prince
De Magnete(William Gilbert)
Nuove Musiche
Euridice Caccini
La Representazione di anima e di corpo Cavalieri
Euridice Jacopo Peri
Farina, Carlo 1600-1640 Composer
Gaultier, Denis 1600-1672 Composer
Lorrain, Claude 1600-1682 Painter
Marazzoli, Marco 1600-1662 Composer
Moulinie, Etienne 1600-1669 Composer
Ruysdael, Salomon van 1600-1670

Bruno, Giordano 1548-1600
Nashe, Thomas 1567-1600
Ursus, Nicholas Reimers 1551-1600
Siege of Kinsale - English landing in Ireland (10/2)
Irish rebellion under Hugh O'neill, Earl of Tyrone is put down
Elizabethan Poor Law - charges the parishes with providing for the needy
Earl of Essex attempts rebellion and is executed

Michael the Brave - (Walachia) Prince
Radu Serban + (Walachia) Prince
Michael the Brave - (Transylvania) Prince
Concerning the More Certain Fundamentals of Astrology (Johannes Kepler)
La Nuove Musiche Caccini
The Triumphes of Oriana Thomas Weelkes (Morley)
Fermat, Pierre de 1601-1668
Tycho Brahe 1546-1601 Astronomer
Bodleian Library at Oxford opens to the Public
Foundation of Dutch East India Company (Netherlands) (3/20)
Savoy in alliance with Philip III of Spain attacks Geneva - Protestant cantons ally with France (12/11-12)
Holy War between Persia under Shah Abbas I and Ottoman Empire(-1618)
Henry IV (France) (1589-1610) King (Bourbon)
Philip III (Spain) (1598-1621) King (Hapsburg)
Moyses Szekely + (Transylvania) Prince
Galileo Galilei discovers law of falling bodies
Cento concerti ecclesiastici Viadana
Cavalli, Pier Francesco 1602-1676 Composer
Chambonnieres, Jacques Champion de 1602-1672 Composer
Fantini, Girolamo 1602- Composer
Guericke, Otto von 1602-1686
Kircher, Athanasius 1602-1680 Composer
Lilly, William 1602-1681
Mazarin, Jules (Giulio) 1602-1661 Prelate/Statesman (b. Italy)
Cabezon, Hernando de 1541-1602 Composer
Cavalieri, Emilio de' 1550-1602 Composer
Holborne, Anthony 1547-1602 Composer
Samuel Champlain arrives in North America - fur trading expedition (3/15)
Elizabeth I Queen of England dies (3/24)
Hugh O'Neill surrenders to Montjoy - ends Tyrone's Rebellion (3/30)
James I is crowned King of England (7/25)
End of Tudor Dynasty in England
Great Britain created from Union of Scottish and English crowns under the Stuart James I
Ottomans retreat from Caucasus and Azerbaijan
Persia conquers Tabriz, Erivan, Shirvan, and Kars
Tokugawa Ieyasu appointed shogun of Japan - Tokugawa Shogunate established - moves capital to Edo (Tokyo)
Samuel de Champlain explores St. Lawrence River
Academy of Lynxes (dei Lincei) founded in Rome
Elizabeth I - (England) (1558-1603) Queen (d. Henry VIII/ Anne Boleyn)
James I +
(England) (1603-162King (James IV of Scotland) (7/25)

Moyses Szekely - (Transylvania) Prince
Rudolph II + (Transylvania) Emperor
Mehmet III - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan (Muhammed)
Ahmet I + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Tokugawa Ieyasu + (Japan) Shogun
Pierre Dugua + (Acadia) (-1608) Governor (Sieur de Mons)
Uranometria (Johann Bayer) pub. Augsberg, Germany
Le Nain, Louis 1603-1648
Uccellini, Marco 1603-1680 Composer
Charron, Pierre 1541-1603
de Monte, Philippe 1521-1603 Composer
Morley, Thomas 1557-1603
Recorde, Robert 1510-1603
Vecchi, Orazio 1540-1603 Composer
Viete, Francois 1540-1603

The Passionate Sherpherd (Nicholas Breton)
Othello (Shakespeare)
Hampton Court Conference - no relaxation by the Church toward Puritans - James I bans Jesuits
England and Spain make peace
"Time of Troubles" in Russia - Polish intervention in Russia (-1613)
Russians begin to settle Siberia and found Tomsk
Ottomans retreat from Iraq
French East India Company founded
Charles IX - (Sweden) House of Vasa (regent)
Charles IX + (Sweden) House of Vasa (King)
SN 1604 first observed in northern Italy (10/9)
Kepler begins observing SN 1604 (10/17)
Albert, Heinrich 1604-1651 Composer
Du Fault, Francois 1604-1670 Composer
Vittori, Loreto 1604-1670 Composer
Banez, Dominic 1528-1604
Merulo, Claudio 1533-1604 Composer
Don Quixote de la Mancha, Pt I (Cervantes) 1st modern novel
Volpone (Jonson)
King Lear (Shakespeare)
Boris Gudanov dies of a stroke (4/13)
Fedor II of Russia is deposed and murdered (7/20)
Battle of Kircholm - Polish-Lithuanian forces defeat Swedish army (9/27)
Gunpowder Plot to blow up English Parliament discovered - Guy Fawkes and others are arrested & tried (11/5)
St. Vincent de Paul's ship captured by brigands from Marseilles to Toulouse
Boris Godunov - (Russia) (1598-) Czar
Fedor II +- (Russia) ***** Czar (murdered)
Demetrius I + (Russia) (-1606) Czar (Dimitri the Imposter)
Rudolph II - (Transylvania) Emperor
Stephen Bocskai + (Transylvania) Prince
Akbar - (Mughal Empire) (1556-) Jalal ud din Muhammad
Jahangir + (Mughal Empire) (-1627) Nur ud din Muhammad
Clement VIII -
Leo XI +-
Paul V +
On the Advancement of Learning (Bacon)
Requiem Thomas Luis de Victoria
Buccinate in neomenia tuba Gabrieli
Lachrymae Dowland
5th Book of Madrigals Monteverdi
Musae Sioniae Praetorius
Benevoli, Orazio 1605-1672 Composer
Carissimi, Giamomo 1605-1674 Composer
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
Charter of 1606 - James I grants royal charter to Virginia Company for land in VA, DE, and MD (4/10)
Captain Newport sails back to England from Jamestown for help - leaves 50 settlers behind (9/10)
Treaty of Zsitva-Torok - between Ottoman Empire and Austria - Austria abandons Transylvania (11/11)
Discovery of Australia by Willem Janszoon (11)
Laws passed in England against Roman Catholics
Several attempts by pretenders to gain Russian throne - cossack and peasant uprisings (-1608)
Demetrius I - (Russia) (1605-) Czar (Dimitri the Imposter)
Basil IV Chouiski + (Russia) (-1610) Czar
Ieremia Movila - (Moldavia) Prince
Simeon Movila + (Moldavia) Prince
Stephen Bocskai - (Transylvania) Prince
Corneille, Pierre 1606-1684
Davenant, William 1606-1668
Rembrandt, Harmenzoon van Rijn 1606-1669 Painter
Waller, Edmund 1606-1687 Poet (Coleshill, Hertfordshire)
Lipsius, Justus 1547-1606
Lyly, John 1554-1606
Battle of Gibraltar - Dutch fleet destroys anchored Spanish fleet (4/25)
Jamestown colonists make landfall at Cape Henry (4/26)
Jamestown is settled - first permanent English colony in North America (5/14)
Popham Colony founded in Maine (Fort St. George) when Gift of God (plymouth Company) arrives (8/13)
Flight of the Earls from Ireland - set the stage for the Plantation of Ulster (9) English Parliament rejects proposals for union between England and Scotland Peace between China and Japan
Establishment of Jamestown, Virginia by English under John Smith - Pocahontas saves his life
Henry Hudson explores in eastern Greenland, Canada and Hudson River
Demetrius II + (Russia) (-1610) Czar (Dimitri)
Simeon Movila - (Moldavia) Prince
Sigisimund Rakoczi + (Transylvania) Prince
Monteverdi employed at the Gonzaga court in Mantua
Monteverdi's Orfeo produced in Mantua
Monteverdi's Scherzi musicali, 1st book is published
Orfeo Monteverdi
Dafne Marco da Gagliano
Del sonare sopra il basso Agazzari
Chettle, Henry 1560-1607 Dramatist (England)
Jamestown destroyed by fire (1/7)
Susenyos crowned Emperor of Ethiopia (3/18)
Protestant Union formed in Germany led by Frederick IV(5/14)
Samuel Champlain founds Colony of Quebec for France - first permanent French outpost (7/3)
Champlain shoots and kills two Iroquois chiefs - sets the tone for next hundred years (7/30)
First English representative of India lands at Surat (8/24) John Smith elected Council President of Jamestown (9/10)
Sigisimund Rakoczi - (Transylvania) Prince
Gabriel Bathory + (Transylvania) Prince
Frescobaldi is the organist at Saint Peter's, Rome
Arianna Monteverdi
Music for San Rocco G. Gabrielli
Borelli, Giovanni 1608-1679
Milton, John 1608-1674
Dee, John 1527-1608 Math/Astrologer(London)
Sackville, Thomas 1536-1608
Introduction to the Devout Life (St. Francis of Sales)
The Relation debuts in Germany - one of the first newspapers (1/15)
Edict of Expulsion of the Meriscos from Spain signed by Phillip III (4/4)
Twelve Years' Truce - ends fighting betw. Spain and the United Provinces - virtual Netherlands indep. (4/9)
Second Charter of Virginia - official ratification (5/23)
Letter of Majesty - Bohemia is granted religious freedom (7/6)
Bermuda first settled by survivors of Sea Venture (7/28)
Galileo demonstates his telescope to Venetian lawmakers (8/25)
Henry Hudson first sights Delaware Bay (8/28)
Henry Husdson enters New York Bay aboard Halve Maen (9/2)
Henry Hudson discovers Hudson River (9/12)
Catholic League led by Maximilian of Bavaria forms in opposition to the Protestant Union
Bank of Amsterdam founded
Poland intervenes in Russia during the Time of Troubles (-1618)
Henry Hudson Voyage - claims part of North America for the United Provinces
Warsaw becomes the capital of Poland
Astronomia nova (Kepler)
Kepler publishes First Two Laws of Planetary Motion
Heinrich Schutz studies with Giovanni Gabrielli at Venice
"Three Blind Mice" Thomas Ravenscroft
Le varie musiche Peri
Leyster, Judith 1609-1660 Painter
Suckling, John 1609-1641
Arminius (Jacob Harmanzoon) 1560-1609
Carracci, Annibale 1560-1609 Painter
L'Astree (Honor d'Urf )
Galileo discovers moons of Jupiter (1/7)
Swedish troops under Jacob de la Gardie occupy Moscow (3/12)
Henri IV of France is assassinated by Francois Ravaillac (5/14)
Francois Ravaillac is drawn and quartered in the Place de Gr ve (5/27)
John Guy and 39 colonists set sail from Bristol to colonize Newfoundland (7/5)
Galileo sees Saturn through telescope thinks it is composed of three planets (7/25)
Henry Hudson discovers Hudson Bay thinking he has found the Northwest Passage (8/2)
Louis XIII is crowned King of France (10/17)
The Great Contract - James I to receive an annual income of 200,000
Tea introduced to Europe
Basil Shruisky is deposed and the Russian throne offered to Wladyslaw, son of Sigismund, King of Poland
Santa Fe established as new capitol of New Mexico, Pedro de Peralta governor
Sidereal Messenger (Sidereus Nuncius) (Galileo Galilei) (3)
Tyrocinium Chymicum (Jean Beguin)
Galileo reveals stellar observations made for the first time with a telescope - Jupiter's moons
Henry IV - (France) (1589-1610) King (of Navarre) murdered (Bourbon)
Louis XIII + (France) (1610-1643) King
Basil IV Chouiski - (Russia) (1606-) Czar
Demetrius II - (Russia) (1607-) Czar (Dimitri)
Ladislaus IV + (Russia) (-1612) Czar (from Poland)
Battiferri, Luigi 1610-1682 Composer
Du Mont, Henri 1610-1684 Composer
Huang Zongxi 1610-1695 Philosopher (China)
Lambert, Michel 1610-1696 Composer
Louis XIII of France 1610-1643 King of France
Ostade, Adraen van 1610-1685
Caravaggio, Michaelangelo Merisi 1572-1610 Painter
King James Bible
The Tempest (Shakespeare)
Henry Hudson and his son are set adrift in mutiny (6/22)
Plantation of Ulster - English and Scottish Protestant colonists settle in Ulster
Gustavus Adolphus succeeds to the Swedish throne
Rebellion of the French princes (-1614)
Ottoman Empire controls Walachia
Ottoman Empire restored
8th Voyage of the British East India Company led by Cpt. John Saris to Japan
Charles IX - (Sweden) House of Vasa (King)
Gustavus II Adolphus + (Sweden) House of Vasa
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Radu Serban - (Walachia) Prince
Radu Mihnea + (Walachia) Prince
Bruna, Pablo 1611-1679 Composer
Cartwright, William 1611-1643
Guami, Gioseffo 1540-1611 Composer
Masson, Jean Papire 1544-1611 Historian/Geographer (France)
Victoria, Tomas Luis de 1548-1611 Composer
L Estoile, Pierre de 1546-1611
Battle of Swally - marks the rise of the British East India Company and the decline of the Portuguese (11/29-30)
Ferdinand II becomes king of Hungary and Bohemia
Dutch merchants establish post on Manhattan Island
Louvre construction begins (-1690)
De Legibus ac Deo Legislatore (Suarez)
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Rudolf II - (Holy Roman Empire)
Matthias + (Holy Roman Empire) (-1619) Emperor
Ladislaus IV - (Russia) (1610-) Czar (from Poland)
Novum organum (Bacon)
Arnauld, Antoine 1612-1694
Bradstreet, Anne 1612-1672
Butler, Joseph 1612-1680
Hammerschmidt, Andreas 1612-1675 Composer
Gabrielli, Giovanni 1556-1612 Composer
Gerard, John 1545-1612
Elizabeth Stuart marries Frederick V of Bohemia, Elector Palatinate (2/14)
Estates-General forms in France for last time until 1788
Accession of Michael I Romanov in Russia
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Michael I + (Russia) (-1645) Emperor (Romanov)
Gabriel Bathory - (Transylvania) Prince
Gabriel Bethlen + (Transylvania) Prince
Monteverdi at San Marco
The Art of Music and Instructor (Cerone)
Cleveland, John 1613-1658
Crashaw, Richard 1613-1649
Gu Yanwu 1613-1682 Philosopher (China)
La Rouchefoucald 1613-1680
Suyderhoef, Jonas 1613-1686
Taylor, Jeremy 1613-1667
Bodley, Thomas 1545-1613
Gesualdo, Carlo 1560-1613 Composer
John Rolfe marries Pocahontas (Lady Rebecca) in Virginia (4/5)
James I dissolves the "Addled Parliament" which has failed to pass any legislation
Estates-general summoned in France to curb the nobility - last meeting until 1789
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
John Napier discovers logarithms
Mediciean Gradual published in Rome
Toccate e partite d intavolatura di cembalo Frescobaldi (-1615)
More, Henry 1614-1682 Philosopher (England)
Brantome, Pierre de 1539-1614
Theotokopoulos, Domenicos (El Greco) 1541-1614 Painter
Don Quixote de la Mancha, Pt II (Cervantes)
Tribes in Northern China form military organizations - later called Manchus (-1620)
First chemical equation diagrammed by Jean Beguin
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Canzone et sonate Gabrieli
Symphoniae sacrae II Gabrieli
Simpson, Christopher 1615-1669 Composer
A Description of New England (John Smith)
Tobacco becomes export staple for Virginia
Smallpox epidemic decimates Native American population in New England
Dutch navigator Willem Schouten rounds Cape Horn
Spanish forced to leave Japan
Cornelius Hendricksen
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Radu Mihnea - (Walachia) Prince
Froberger, Johann Jakob 1616-1667 Composer
L Estrange, Roger 1616-1704
Wallis, John 1616-1703
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de 1547-1616 Writer
Shakespeare, William 1564-1616 Playwright
Treaty of Stolbovo - between Russia and Sweden (2/27)
James I's only visit to Scotland - Church of England vs Church of Scotland
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Ahmet I - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Mustafa I + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Raja Wodeyar I - (Mysore)
Chamaraja Wodeyar V + (Mysore)
Heinrich Schutz becomes Kapellmeister at the Saxon court of Dresden
Affetti musicali Marini
Banchetto musicale Schein
Cudworth, Ralph 1617-1688
Murillo, Bartolome, Esteban 1617-1682 Painter (Seville, Spain) (1618)
Thomas of Ypres 1617-1678 Painter
Napier, John 1550-1617
Thou, Jacques August de 1553-1617
Defenestration of Prague - two imperial Catholic ministers thrown out of window at Hradcin Castle (5/23)
Thirty Years War begins with Defenestration of Prague (-1648)
Paul Imbert - French explorer - reaches Timbuktu
Outbreak of fighting between Manchus and China
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Mustafa I - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Osman II + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Kepler publishes last of three laws of planetary motion
Opella nova Schein
Court, Pieter de la 1618-1685
Cowley, Abraham 1618-1667
Sweerts, Michael 1618-1664
Lovelace, Richard 1618-1658
Caccini, Giulio 1551-1618 Composer
Bohemians depose Ferdinand II and elect Frederick V -the "Winter King" - as ruler
Bank of Hamburg founded
Bidar Sultanate is absorbed by the Bijapur Sultanate
Colonial American slave trade begins - twenty slaves brought to Jamestown on Dutch ship
First American Parliament meets at Jamestown, Virginia
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Matthias - (Holy Roman Empire) (1612-) Emperor
Ferdinand II + (Holy Roman Empire) (-1637) Emperor
De Cometis (Kepler)
Harmonice Mundi (Kepler)
Seventh book of Madrigals Monteverdi
Syntagma musicum Praetorius
Psalms of David as motets and concertos... Heinrich Schutz
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 1619-1683
Horrocks, Jeremiah 1619-1641
Strozzi, Barbara 1619-1663 Composer
Soto de Langa 1534-1619 Musician
Yonge, Nicholas -1619 Musician
Battle of Cecora begins - Ottomans vs. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (9/17)
Battle of Cecora ends - Ottoman army defeats Polish-Lithuanian forces - ends Magnate Wars (10/7)
Battle of White Mountain - Frederick V /the Protestants crushed by Ferdinand II/Maximilian of Bavaria (11/8)
Battle of White Mountain - end of Bohemian independence (11/8)
Pilgrims set sail from Plymouth (9/16)
Mayflower lands at Cape Cod, signs Mayflower Compact (11/19)
Plymouth Landing (12/26)
Kingdom of Navarre merges with France
New Plymouth Colony established by Separatists (corporate)
First public library opens in Virginia
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Frederick V - (Bohemia) Luxemburg Dynasty (of the Palatinate)
Shenzong - (China) (1573-) 14th Ming Dynasty (Wanli Era)
Guangzong + (China) (-1621) 15th Ming Dynasty (Taichang Era)
Brome, Alexander 1620-1666
Mariotte, Edme 1620-1684
Noordt, Anthoni van 1620-1675 Composer
Picard, Jean 1620-1682
Rosenmuller, Johann 1620-1684 Composer
Campion, Thomas 1567-1620
Stevin, Simon 1548-1620
Anatomy of Melancholy (Robert Burton)
End of Spanish-Dutch truce
Dutch West India Company founded
Huguenot uprising put down by Richelieu (-1622)
Count Duke Olivares rises to power (Spain)
Nurhachi expels the Ming and sets up Manchu capital at Liaoyang
Treaty between Plymouth Pilgrims and Wampanoag Tribe w/ Squanto
1st Thanksgiving at Plymouth
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Philip III - (Spain) King (House of Austria)
Philip IV + (Spain) House of Austria
Guangzong - (China) (1620-) 15th Ming Dynasty (Taichang Era)
Xizong + (China) (-1628) 16th Ming Dynasty (Tianqi Era)
Paul V -
Gregory XV +
Musica Boscareccia Schein
La Fontaine, Jean de 1621-1695 Poet (Chateau-Thierry, France)
Marvell, Andrew 1621-1678
Bellarmine, Robert 1542-1621
Praetorius, Michael 1571-1621
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon 1562-1621 Composer
Vair, Guillaume du 1556-1621
James I dissolves Parliament for asserting its right to debate foreign affairs
Spain occupies Valtelline Pass - war with France follows
Battle of Wimpfen and Rochst - Count Tilly defeats Protestant forces
Execution of Christian missionaries in Japan reaches its height (-1624)
Powhatan Confederacy begins intermittent war (-1644)
Dutch massacre English at Amboina in the Molucca islands (1623)
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Osman II - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Mustafa I + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Moliere 1622-1673
Varen, Bernhard 1622-1650
Vaughn, Henry 1622-1695 Poet (Brecknockshire, Wales)
Viviani, 1622-1703
Cima, Giovanni Paolo 1570-1622 Composer
Maier, Michael 1568-1622 Composer
The New Cyneas (Emeric Cruc )
Shakespeare's first folio
Duke of Buckingham and Charles, Prince of Wales visit Spain on unsuccessful attempt to negotiate marriage
Maximilian of Bavaria receives electoral vote held previously by Palatinate
Cornelius Jacobsen
Dutch West India Company founds New Netherland
Persians capture Baghdad
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Radu Mihnea + (Walachia) Prince
Mustafa I - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Murad IV + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Gregory XV -
Urban VIII +
Israelbrunnlein Schein
Historia der frohlichen und siegreichen Auferstehung Schutz
Becker, Dietrich 1623-1679 Composer
Cesti, Marc' Antonio 1623-1669 Composer
Pascal, Blaise 1623-1662
Petty, William 1623-1687
Playford, John 1623-1686 Composer
Reincken, Jan Adam 1623-1722 Composer
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich 1623-1680 Composer
Byrd, William 1543-1623 Composer
Weelkes, Thomas 1575-1623 Composer
Der Weg zu Christo (Jakob Boehme)
Alliance between James I and France - Parliament votes supplies for war against Spain
Cardinal Richelieu becomes chief minister in France (-1642)
Richelieu enters and soon dominates royal Council of State
French-Dutch treaty
Dutch drive English out of spice trade of the East Indies
Dutch begin their 30 year rule in Pernambuco, Brazil
Spanish under Ambrogio Spinola besiege Breda in the Netherlands (-1625)
Virginia becomes a crown colony
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Il Combattimento di Tancredi Monteverdi
Tabulatura Nova Scheidt
Fox, George 1624-1691 Religious leader (England)
Guarini, Guarino 1624-1683
Sydenham, Thomas 1624-1689
Boehme, Jakob 1575-1624 Religious Mystic (Gorlitz, Germany)
De Jure Belli et Pacis (Hugo Grotius)
Charles I marries Henrietta Maria, sister of Louis XIII of France
Charles I dissloves Parliament which refuses to give him money
Huguenot uprising
Surrender of Breda - Spanish under Ambrogio Spinola victorious
Christian IV, Protestant King of Denmark, enters war against Ferdinand II
James I (VI)- (England) (1603-1625) King
Charles I + (England) (1625-1649) King
Maurice of Orange - (Dutch Republic) Stadholder
Frederick Henry + (Dutch Republic) Stadholder
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Compendium of Music (predate 1628) Descartes
Cantiones sacrae Schutz
Bartholin, Erasmus 1625-1698
Geulinex, Arnold 1625-1669
d'Urfe, Honore 1568-1625 Novelist
Gibbons, Orlando 1583-1625 Composer (England)
Lodge, Thomas 1557-1625
Marino, Giambattista 1569-1625 Poet (Italy)
Reyman, Matthaus 1565-1625 Composer
Battle of Brunswick - Count Tilly defeats Danish troops
Battle of Dessau - Catholic forces under von Wallenstein defeat Protestants
Battle of Lutter - Christian IV defeated
Peter Minuit purchases Manhattan for Dutch from Manahata Indians for $24 - New Amsterdam founded
First French settlements on Madagascar
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Miron Movila + (Moldavia) Prince (Barnovschi)
Radu Mihnea - (Walachia) Prince
La Catena d'Adone Domenico Mazzocchi
Mouton, Charles 1626-1710 Composer
Couperin, Louis 1626-1661 Composer
Legrenzi, Giovanni 1626-1690 Composer
Redi, Franceso 1626-1698
Bacon, Francis 1561-1626
Breton, Nicholas 1545-1626 Writer (England)
Cerone, Domenico 1560-1626 Composer
Dowland, John 1563-1626 Composer
Gunter, Edmund 1581-1626 Mathemetician/Astronomer (England)
Raleigh, Walter 1552-1626
Siege of La Rochelle - Huguenots beseiged by Richelieu
Charles I raises forced loan to aid Huguenots
Bohemia formally declared a Hapsburg crownland
Bohemia creates new constitution that confirms hereditary rule of the Hapsburgs
Imperial forces under Counts Tilly and Wallenstein subdue most of Protestant Germany
Duke of Buckingham leads disastrous expedition to the Isle of Re
Kepler's Rudolphine Tables
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Jahangir - (Mughal Empire) Nur ud din Muhammad (1605-)
Shah Jahan + (Mughal Empire) (-1658) (1628)
Leipziger Kantional Schein
Dafne Schutz
Bossuet, Jacques Benigne 1627-1704 Prelate/Orator (France)
Boyle, Robert 1627-1691
Kerll, Franz 1627-1693 Composer
Ray, John 1627-1705
Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastian 1565-1627 Composer
Cot n, Juan S anchez 1560-1627 Painter (Orgaz, Spain) (9/8)
Lupo, Thomas 1571-1627 Composer
Petition of Right - Charles I forced to accept Parliaments statement of civil rights in return for finances
Duke of Buckingham assassinated
The Republic joins the anti-Spanish coalition (-1648)
Huguenots surrender to Richelieu -La Rochelle captured - Huguenots lose all political power
Thomas Morton and Merrymount colonists celebrate May Day (5/1). Miles Standish opposition
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Abbas I The Great - (Safavid Persia) (1586-) 5th
Safi I + (Safavid Persia) (-1642) 6th
Xizong - (China) (1621-) 16th Ming Dynasty (Tianqi Era)
Sizong + (China) (-1645) 17th Ming Dynasty (Chongzhen Era)
Essay on the Motion of the Heart and the Blood (Harvey) demonstrates circulation of blood
Carissimi at San Apollonare, Rome
Salzburg Festival Mass Benevoli
La Flora Gagliano / Peri
Psalms of David Schutz
Bunyan, John 1628-1688
Malpighi, Marcello 1628-1694
Perrault, Charles 1628-1703
Ruisdael, Jacob van 1628-1682
Bull, John 1562-1628 Composer
Carpenter, Nathaniel 1589-1628
Mylius, Johann Daniel
1584-1628 Composer

Philips, Peter 1561-1628 Composer
Simpson, Thomas 1582-1628 Composer
Cambridge Agreement - John Winthrop & his friends pledge they will sail & create Puritan Colony in NE (3/4)
Edict of Restitution - Ferdinand II entitles Catholic Church to reclaim Protestant lands in Germany (3/6)
Treaty of Lubeck - between Albrecht von Wallenstein & Christian IV - Denmark withdraws from TYW (5/22)
Peace of Alais - between Louis XIII and Huegenots - confirms basic principles of Edict of Nantes (6/28)
Charles I dissolves the Parliament for nine years - Period of personal rule - the "Eleven Years' Tyranny" (-1640)
Dutch obtain rights to trade at Arkhangelsk
Mutapa Empire in Zimbabwe/Mozambique is conquered by the Portuguese

Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Miron Movila - (Moldavia) Prince (Barnovschi)
Gabriel Bethlen - (Transylvania) Prince
Leon Tomsa + (Walachia) Prince
Abbas I - (Safavid) Shah

Symphoniae Sacrae I (for 4 voices) Schutz
Colista, Lelio 1629-1680 Composer
De Hooch, Pieter 1629-1684
Huygens, Christian 1629-1695
Nicolai, Johann Michael 1629-1685 Composer

Charles II King of England is born (5/29)
Swedish troops under Gustavus Adolphus II lands in Pomerania, Germany to assist Protestants (6/26)
Success lands at Salem Harbor - last ship of the Winthrop Fleet (7/6)
Boston, Massachusetts is founded (9/17)
First ship of de Sauce's immigrants land at Southampton Hundred on the James River (9/24)
Day of Dupes - Marie de Medici unsuccsessfully tries to oust Richelieu - the three meet with Louis XIII (11/10)
England makes peace with France and Spain
Electoral Assembly of Regensburg insists on Wallenstein's resignation
Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden (subsidized by France) enters war against Ferdinand II
Turks under Murad IV take Hamadan in Persia
Memorandum of Koca Bey
Great Migration to Massachusetts - Winthrop Fleet - 16,000 colonists migrate from England (-1642)
Population - Virginia: 3000; Plymouth: 300
Great Migration - 1630
Massachusetts Bay Colony (corporate) established
William Bradford begins writing Of Plymouth Plantation (pub. 1856)
Paramarimbo, Suriname is first settled by the British

Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643)
Stephen Bethlen +- (Transylvania) Prince
George Rakoczy I + (Transylvania) Prince
Barrow, Isaac 1630-1677
Locke, Matthew 1630-1677 Composer
Richer, Jean 1630-1696

Brade, William 1560-1630 Composer
Harvey, Gabriel 1545-1630
Kepler, Johannes 1571-1630 Astronomer
Schein, Johann Hermann 1586-1630 Composer

Dialogo dei due massimi sistemi del mondo (Galileo Galilei)
Catholic forces under Count Tilly sack the city of Magdeburg
Battle of Leipzig (Brietenfeld) - Swedish and Saxon forces defeat Tilly
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Dryden, John 1631-1700 Poet (Northamptonshire, England)
Lower, Richard 1631-1691

Two Chief Systems of the World (Galileo Galilei)
Battle of Lutzen - Swedish victory over Hapsburgs but Gustavus Adolphus II is killed (11/16)
Pequots drive Naragansetts ten miles beyond the Pawcatuck river
Lord Baltimore founds Colony of Maryland

Gustavus II Adolphus - (Sweden) House of Vasa (killed in battle)
Christina + (Sweden) House of Vasa
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Sigismund III Vasa - (Poland)
Ladislaus IV Vasa + (Poland)
Leon Tomsa - (Walachia) Prince
Matei Basarab + (Walachia) Prince
Monteverdi's Scherzi musicali, 2nd book is publshed
Cumberland, Richard 1632-1718
Spinoza, Baruch 1632-1677
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van 1632-1723
Locke, John 1632-1704 Philosopher
Lully, Jean-Baptiste 1632-1687 Composer
Vermeer, Jan 1632-1675

Dekker, Thomas 1570-1632
Justus Byrgius 1552-1632
Sanchez 1562-1632

Charles I appoints William Laud Archbishop of Cantebury
Colony of Connecticut founded
Pequots attack British traders
Colonizarion of Maryland begins
Japan cuts off all contact with the West

Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Miron Movila +- (Moldavia) Prince (Barnovschi)
Schutz at Copenhagen - Dreden Chapel closes
Inquisition forces Galileo to recant his position on the Copernican Theory
Pepys, Samuel 1633-1703
Vauban, Sebastien le Prestre 1633-1707
Abbot, George 1562-1633 Archbishop of Cantebury
Peri, Jacopo 1561-1633 Composer
Taj Mahal construction begins (-1653)
Wallenstein dismissed and later murdered
Battle of Nordlingen - Imperial forces defeat Swedes
Treaty of Polianov - between Russia and Poland
English begin trading in Bengal
Maryland begins settlement on Lord Baltimore s land grant, founded as Catholic colony
Pequots murder Capt. John Stone, English seaman and merchant

Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Vasie Lupu + (Moldavia) Prince
Il Sant' Alessio Landi
Comus Laws
Sola, Andres de 1634-1696 Composer
Bauhin, Casper 1560-1634
Treaty of Prague - Ferdinand II revokes Edict of Restitution and makes peace with Saxony
Most Protestant princes accept Treaty of Prague
France declares war on Spain
Compagnie Francais des iles d'Amerique founded
Roger Williams expelled from Massachusetts
Saybrook Colony established at the mouth of the Connecticut River
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Acadamie Francaise founded - establishes uniform grammar and usage for French language
Becher, Johann Joachim 1635-1682
Burnet, Thomas 1635-1715 Philosopher (Yorkshire,England)
D Anglebert, Jean Henri 1635-1691 Composer
Hooke, Robert 1635-1703

Le Cid (Corneille)
Roger Williams founds Providence, R.I. Democratic and separation of church and state (61636)
John Oldham trader murdered by Pequot band under Sassacus (7/20)
Peasant revolts in southern and western France (-1637)
Capture of Corbie by the Spanish
John Endicott force destroys Block Island Pequot settlement (8/24) Pequots attack Fort Saybrook
Reverend Thomas Hooker expedition to Connecticut becomes first permanent settlement

Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Harvard College founded (10/28)
Harmonie Universelle Mersenne
Boileau-Despreaux, Nicolas 1636-1711 Literary Critic/Poet (France)
Reusner Jr., Esaias 1636-1679 Composer

Discourse on Method (Descartes)
New English Canaan (Thomas Morton)

Mystic Massacre - militia under John Mason and John Underhill attack Misistuck - 600-700 killed (5/26)
Sassacus captured near Fairfield, CT; Pequots sold as slaves to West Indies (7/28)
Anne Hutchinson & John Wheelwright sentenced to banishment (11/12)
Swedish Expedition to New Sweden (Peter Minuit) (12)
Portuguese lose almost all their enclaves in West Africa to the Dutch (-1642)
Russian explorers cross Siberia and reach Pacific
Dutch take posession of Aruba
John Wheelwright s sermon supporting ideas of Anne Hutchinson
John Winthrop elected governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony over Henry Vane
Edward M. Harnett Jr. immigrates to Salem, Mass from Kent, England (6/9)

Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Ferdinand II - (Holy Roman Empire) (1619-) Emperor
Ferdinand III + (Holy Roman Empire) Emperor Chamaraja Wodeyar V - (Mysore)
Raja Wodeyar II + (Mysore)

Johann Froberger organist at Vienna court chapel
First public opera house opens in Venice
Della musica scenica Doni
Buxtehude, Dietrich 1637-1707 Composer (Sweden)
Heyden, Jan van der 1637-1712 Painter (Dutch)
Pasquini, Bernardo 1637-1710 Composer
Swammerdam, Jan 1637-1680 Naturalist

Fludd, Robert 1574-1637 Philosopher
Jonson, Ben 1573-1637 Dramatist/Poet

Discourses and Demonstrations Concerning Two New Sciences (Galileo Galilei)
Philosophia Moysaica (Robert Fludd)
Portsmouth Compact - signed in Boston - Anne Hutchison and disciples leave to found Portsmouth, RI (3/7)
Minuit s expedition reaches Delaware Bay; build Fort Christina at present day Wilmington (3)
Louis XIV, King of France is born (9/5)
First Treaty of Hartford - formally ends Pequot War; Pequots divided among Indian allies (9/21)
Turks retake Baghdad
Shimbara uprising and slaughter of Japanese Christians - virtually stamps out Christianity in Japan
Blast furnace buit in Coalbrookdale using charcoal as fuel to smelt iron
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Raja Wodeyar II - (Mysore)
Narasaraja Wodeyar I + (Mysore) Ranadira Kantheerava

Heinrich Albert's first arias
Pier Francesco Cavalli second organist at San Marco
Madrigali a 5 voci in partitura Mazzocchi
Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi Monteverdi
Louis XIV of France 1638-1715 King of France
Malebranche, Nicolas 1638-1715
Steno, Nicholaus 1638-1686

Althusius, Johannes 1557-1638
Jansenius 1585-1638
Piccinini, Alessandro 1566-1638 Composer
Selma, Bartolme de 1570-1638 Composer
Wilbye, John 1574-1638 Composer

Newport Contract nine sign docoment that founds Newport, RI (Thomas Hazard et al.) (4/28)
First Bishop's War begins - Scottish Church versus Charles I - ends with the Pacification of Dunse
Revolt of the Nu-Pieds (Bare-foots) in France
Founding of Fort St. George, Madras by English traders
Ottomans seize Iraq from Persia
Peace of Zuhab - favorable to Ottomans over Safavids
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
War of the Three Kingdoms - bewteen England Scotland and Ireland (-1651)
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Virgilio Mazzocchi and Marco Marazzoli compose first comic opera
Chi soffre, speri Vergilio Mazzocchi / Marco Marazzoli
La Galatea Vittori
Racine, Jean 1639-1699
Campanella, Tommaso 1568-1639 Philosopher/Writer (Italy)
Carew, Thomas 1598-1639 Poet (England)
Bay Psalm Book (1st book printed in America)
Jesuit Relation
Charles I summons the "Short Parliament" (4)
Charles I dissolves Short Parliament for refusal to grant money (5)
Treaty of Ripon - ends Second Bishop's War (10/26)
Charles I calls "Long Parliament" in response to Scotland's victories in the north (11)
Portugese revolt against Spain - gains independence - Jo o IV becomes King - not recog. by Spain (12/1)
Frederick William becomes Elector of Brandenburg
Catalonian revolt against Spain led by Joao Ribeiro with French support (-1659)
Irish revolt
Neapolitan revolt
Japanese seclusion and exclusion policies in effect
Sioux first noted historically in the Jesuit Relation
Gotha becomes capital of the Duchy of Saxe-Gotha
Nathaniel Browning to Massachusetts

Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Frederick William + (Brandenburg) Elector (Hohenzollern) (-1688)
John IV + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Murad IV - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Ibrahim I + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan

Harquart, Carolus 1640-1701 Composer
Mayow, John 1640-1679 Chemist/Physiologist (England)
Sainte-Colombe, Sieur de 1640-1690 Composer
Vejvanovsky, Pavel Josef 1640-1693 Composer

Agazzari, Agostino 1578-1640 Composer
Farina, Carlo 1600-1640 Composer
Farnaby, Giles 1565-1640 Composer
Rubens, Peter Paul 1577-1640 Painter

Biography of Thomas Wolsey (George Cavendish)
Triennial Act - English Parliament must be called every three years
Star Chamber and High Commission abolished by Parliament
Constitutional laws in England change power structure from absolute to constitutional monarchy
Grand Remonstrance of Parliament to Charles I
Execution of the Earl of Strafford - Irish rebellion begins
Irish Catholic revolt - 30,000 Protestants massacred
Mazarin raised to cardinal by Louis XIII

Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Muhammed IV + (Ottoman Empire)

Grew, Nehemiah 1641-1711
Horrocks, Jeremiah 1619-1641
Suckling, John 1609-1641
Van Dyck, Anthony 1599-1641

Polyeucte (Corneille)
The True Constitution of a Particular Visible Church (John Cotton)
Charles I attempts to arrest five members of the Long Parliament but fails - they escape (1/4/1642)
Thomas Granger becomes first person to be hanged in Massachusetts Bay Colony for bestiality (9/8)1942
Battle of Podwick Bridge - first major cavalry engagement of the 1st English CW - Royalist victory (9/23)
Battle of Edgehill - begins First English Civil War - Royalists win a narrow victory (10/23)
(Second Battle of Breitenfeld) First Battle of Leipzig - Swedish defeat HRE - Swed. occupies Saxony (10/23)
Discovery of Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) and New Zealand by Abel Tasman (11/24)
First Civil War in England begins between Cavaliers (Royalists) and Roundheads (Parliamentarians) (-1646)
Charles I rejects Parliament's Nineteen Propositions
Mazarin succeeds Richelieu as chief minister in France
Montreal founded by the French

John Winthrop (Massachusetts Bay Colony) (1642-1643)3 Governor
Christina ... (Sweden) (1632-1654) Queen
Christian IV ... (Denmark)(Norway) (1588-1648) King
Charles I ... (England) (1625-1649) King
Frederick Henry ... (Dutch Republic) (1625-1647) Stadholder (Prince of Orange)
Louis XIII ... (France) (1610-1643) King
Ferdinand III ... (HRE) (1637-1657) Emperor
John George I ... (Saxony) (1611-1656) Elector
Urban VIII ... (Patriarchate of Rome) (1623-1644) Pope
Michael I ... (Russia) (1613-1645) 1st Czar (Romanov)
K sem ... (Ottoman Empire) (1623-1651) Valide Sultan (m. Ibrahim I)
Ibrahim I ... (Ottoman Empire) (1640-1648) Sultan
Safi I - (Safavid Persia) (1628-1642) 6th Shah
Abbas II + (Safavid Persia) (1649-1667) 7th Shah

Shah Jahan ... (Mughal Empire) (1628-1658) 5th Sultan
Chongzhen (Sizong)... (Ming China) (1627-1644) 16th (last) Emperor

Injo ... (Joseon Korea) (1623-1649) 16th King
Meisho ... (Japan) (1629-1643) 109th (Empress)
Prasat Thong ... (Ayutthaya Kingdom) (1629-1656) 1st King (Prasat Thong Dyn)
L'incoronazione di Poppea Monteverdi (his last opera)
Newton, Isaac 1642-1727 Mathematician
Stradella, Alessandro 1642-1682 Composer

Gagliano, Marco da 1575-1642 Composer
Galilei, Galileo 1564-1642 Astrophysicist
Richelieu, Armand Emmanuel du Plessis, duc de 1585-1642 Prelate/Statesman (France)
Vallet, Nicolas 1583-1642 Composer

Taj Mahal completed
A Key into the Language of America (Roger Williams)
Anne Hutchinson and family murdered by Native Americans near Eastchester, LI (8/20)
Kieft's War (Wappinger War) begins - 121 Dutch massacre 120 Wappani at Pavonia (2/25) -(1645)
Solemn League and Covenant - English Parliament signs
Louis XIV s reign begins at age five - Cardinal Mazarin is chief minister - Anne of Austria acts as regent
Battle of Rocroi - France defeats Spain
Denmark and Sweden at war for Baltic supremacy (-1645)
Governor Johan Printz New Sweden Capitol at Tinicum
New England Confederation formed (Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, New Haven)

Louis XIII - (France) (1610-1643)
Louis XIV (France) le Grand + (1643-1715) King

Cartwright, William 1611-1643
Frescobaldi, Girolamo 1583-1643 Composer
Louis XIII of France 1610-1643 King of France
Monteverdi, Claudio 1567-1643 Composer
Pym, John 1584-1643

Areopagatica (John Milton) (pub. 11/23)
Principles of Philosophy (Rene Descartes)
QING (MANCHU+) (-1912)
Battle of Nantwich - Parliamentarians defeat the Royalists, ending six week siege of Nantwich (1/26)
Second Expedition of Abel Tasman - maps north coast of Australia (2) -(8)
Rhode Island Charter - Roger Williams granted official charter for Rhode Island Colony (3/24)
Suicide of last Ming emperor (4)
Manchus enter Peking - becomes capital of the Ch'ing Dynasty (6/6)
Battle of Marston Moor - Oliver Cromwell defeats Price Rupert (7/2)
Battle of Tippernuir - Montrose defeats Elcho's Covenanters - revives Royalist cause in Scotland (9/1)
Second Battle of Lostwithiel - last major victory for Charles I and the Royalists in the Civil War (9/2)
Pope Innocent succeeds Urban VIII as 236th pope (9/15)
Plague breaks out in Edinburgh, Scotland (12)
Knights of Malta attack Ottoman convoy and take booty to Candia, Crete, prompting Turkish retaliation
Jean D'Ailley to New Amsterdam from Bristol

Sizong - (China) (1627-) 17th Ming Dynasty (Chongzhen Era)
Shizu Zhang + (China) (-1661) 1st Qing Dynasty (Shunzhi Era)

Urban VIII -
Innocent X +
Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz 1644-1704 Composer
Cabanilles, Juan Bautista Jose 1644-1712 Composer
Charpentier, Marc Antoine 1644-1704 Composer
Penn, William 1644-1718
Roemer, Olaus 1644-1710

John of St. Thomas 1589-1644
Execution of William Laud - Archbishop of Cantebury (1/10)
Battle of Naseby - Parliamentary forces defeat Charles I (6/14)
Cromwell's New Model Army forms
Capuchin monks ascend Congo River

Michael I - (Russia) (1613-1645) Emperor
Alexis + (Russia) (-1676) Emperor

Dialogues Hammerschmidt
Seven Last Words Schutz
Bruyere, Jean de la 1645-1696
Conradi, Johann Georg 1645-1699 Composer

Grotius, Hugo 1583-1645 Jurist/Humanist (Dutch)
Laud, William 1573-1645 Archbishop of Canterbury
Liu Zongzhou 1578-1645 Philosopher (China)
Viadana, Lodovico 1564-1645 Composer

Charles I surrenders to the Scots
Oliver Cromwell defeats Royalists
Swedish and French troops invade Bavaria
Massachusetts general court makes religious heresy punishable by death - Robert Child banished
Synod of 1646

"Electricity" coinedby Sir Thomas brown, derived from William Gilbert's "electricus"
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm 1646-1716 Philosopher
Mansart, Jules Hardouin 1646-1708

Finck, Thomas 1561-1646
Mazzocchi, Virgilio 1597-1646 Composer

Scots surrender Charles I to the English Parliament - captured in turn by the army
Charles I escapes to the Isle of Wight - makes secret treaty with Scots
Margaret Brent (barrister) seeks and is denied right to vote in Maryland Assembly

Frederick Henry - (Dutch Republic) (1625-1647) Stadholder
William II + (Dutch Republic) Stadholder

Revival of the ancient Epicurian atomic philosophy by Pierre Gassendi
Luigi Rossi's Orfeo staged in Paris
Praxis pietatis melica Cruger
Orfeo Rossi
Bayle, Pierre 1647-1706
Doni, Giovanni 1594-1647 Composer
Severin, Christian (Longomontanus) 1562-1647
Trabaci, Giovanni Maria 1575-1647 Composer

Hesperides (Robert Herrick)
Treaty of Munster is signed - ends the Eight Year's War between Spain and the Netherlands (1/30)
Battle of Preston - Cromwell defeats Scots (8/17-19)
Treaty of Westphalia - signed by Ferdinand III and Dutch Republic, France, and Sweden (10/24)
Treaty of Westphalia - end of Thirty Years War - Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands recog.
Treaty of Westphalia - Dutch and Swiss republics recognized as independent
Pride's Purge - Prebyterians expelled from "Rump Parliament" (12/6)
Second Civil War in England
Scots invade England
German poulation about half what it was in 1618 because of war and pestilence
Civil war in France (-1652)
Mazarin's financial abuses leads to the revolt of Fronde or parlement faction in Paris against Louis XIV(-1653)
Chmielnicki uprisings and massacres in Ukraine and Poland (-1658)
Cambridge Platform codifies and defines New England Congregationalism

Christian IV - (Denmark)(Norway) (1588-)
Frederik III + (Denmark)(Norway) (-1670)
George Rakoczy I - (Transylvania) Prince
George Rakoczy II + (Transylvania) Prince
Ladislaus IV Vasa - (Poland)
John II Casimir Vasa + (Poland)
Ibrahim I - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Mehmet IV + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan (Muhammed)

Geistliche Chormusik Schutz
Blow, John 1648-1708 Composer
Capelli, Giovanni Maria 1648- Composer

Ford, Thomas 1580-1648 Composer
Le Nain, Louis 1603-1648
Mersenne, Marin 1588-1648

Charles II proclaimed King of Scotland (2/5)
Commonwealth in England - governed as a republic (-1660)
Charles I is beheaded
Cromwell harshly supresses Catholic rebellions in Ireland
Fronde revolt suppressed by Louis XIV
Serfdom established in Russia
Cheesebrough settles Stonington, CT
Toleration Act

Charles I - (England)
Giasone Cavalli
Orontea Cesti
Crashaw, Richard 1613-1649
The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America (Anne Bradstreet)
Battle of Carbisdale - invading Royalist Army is defeated by Covenanter army in Orkney Islands (4/27)
Charles II lands in Scotland and is proclaimed king (6/23)
Battle of Dunbar - 3rd English Civil War - Cromwell's Parliamentaries defeat Scottish army under Leslie (9/3)
William of Orange is born (11/14)
Second revolt of Fronde is suppressed in France
Muscat recaptured by Imam of Oman from the Portuguese

William II - (Dutch Republic) Stadholder
William III + (Dutch Republic) Stadholder

Jephtha Carissimi
Musicae compendium Descartes
Musurgia universalis Kircher
Chorales for Organ Scheidt
Symphoniea sacrae Part III Schutz
Franceschini, Petronio 1650-1680 Composer
Sanz, Gaspar 1650-1710 Composer
Visee, Robert de 1650-1725 Composer
Walther, Johann Jacob 1650-1717 Composer
William III of Orange 1650-1702 Stadtholder/King (b. Hague)

Descartes, Rene 1596-1650 Philosopher
Varen, Bernhard 1622-1650

Leviathan (Hobbes)
Battle of Worcester - Charles II defeated and escapes to France (9/3)
Charles II invades England
First Navigation Act - England gains virtual monopoly of foreign trade (against Dutch)
August Herman buys point of land (Perth Amboy) from Lenni Lenape

Dampier, William 1651-1715
Albert, Heinrich 1604-1651 Composer
Gaultier, Ennemond 1575-1651 Composer
Gentileschi, Artemisia 1593-1651

Capetown, South Africa founded by Dutch East India Company (4/6)
Period of Anglo-Dutch wars (-1674)
Anglo-Dutch War begins (-1654)
Spain intervenes in Fronde revolt against Louis XIV (-1653)
Barcelona surrenders to Philip IV - end of Catalan revolt
Rhode Island declares slavery illegal

Tate, Nahum 1652-1715
De la Tour, Georges 1593-1652
The Compleat Angler (Izaak Walton)
Land deed of John Winthrop with Massasoit in Windham, CT (11/2)
Oliver Cromwell dissolves the Rump Parliament and becomes Lord Protector of England (12/16)
Protectorate under Oliver Cromwell (-1658)
Defeat of the Brandenburg Estates
Childeric I's grave found with ring that identified his as king of the Franks

Oliver Cromwell + (England) Lord Protector
Vasie Lupu - (Moldavia) Prince
Francisco de la Cueva + (New Spain) (-1660) Viceroy

Jean-Baptiste Lully court composer at Paris
Corelli, Arcangelo 1653-1713 Composer
D'Urfey, Thomas 1653-1723
Muffat, Georg 1653-1704 Composer
Pachelbel, Johann 1653-1706 Composer
Sauveur, Joseph 1653-1716

Rossi, Luigi 1598-1653 Composer
Treaty of Westminster - between England and Dutch Republic - Anglo-Dutch War ends (5/8/1664)
Charles X Gustavus accedes to the Swedish throne (6/6/1664)
Portuguese take Brazil from the Dutch
First Jews arrive in New Amsterdam

Louis XIV ... (France) (1643-1715)
Christina - (Sweden) House of Vasa
Charles X Gustavus + (Sweden) House of Palatinate
Matei Basarab - (Walachia) Prince
Constantine Serban + (Walachia) Prince

Lubeck, Vincenz 1654-1740 Composer
Nassarre, Pablo 1654-1730 Composer
Steffani, Agostino 1654-1728 Composer
Varignon, Pierre 1654-1722

Correa de Arauxo, Francisco 1576-1654 Composer
Scheidt, Samuel 1587-1654 Composer

Cromwell divides England into twelve military districts
Northern War - Brandenburg gains sovereignty of Prussia (-1660)
Sweden declares war on Poland
England seizes Jamaica from Spain
Peter Stuyvesant seizes New Sweden - Fort Trinity and Fort Christina captured

Louis XIV ... (France) (1643-1715)
Innocent X - (Patriarchate of Rome)
Alexander VII + (Patriarchate of Rome)
Christian Huygens discovers Titan, a Saturnian moon larger than Mercury
Gassendi, Pierre 1592-1655
Landi, Stefano 1590-1655 Composer
Mazzocchi, Domenico 1592-1655 Composer

Lettres ecrites a un provincial (Pascal)
The Commonwealth of Oceana (James Harrington)
England and Spain at war (-1659)
Battle of Warsaw - Swedish victory
Russia, Denmark, and Holy Roman Empire declare war on Sweden
First Villmergen War in Switzerland - between Protestant and Catholic cantons
Venetians route Turks off Dardanelles
Ottoman revival under Koprulu viziers
General Hospital created in Paris

Louis XIV ... (France) (1643-1715)
John IV - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Alfonso VI + (Portugal) House of Braganza

Marais, Marin 1656-1728 Composer
Tomkins, Thomas 1572-1656 Composer
Turini, Francesco 1589-1656 Composer

Mosaical Philosophy Grounded on the Essential Truth or Eternal Sapience (Fludd) (posthumous)
Dutch Republic and Portugal at war (-1661)
Accademia del Cimento founded in Florence
Louis XIV ... (France) (1643-1715)
Ferdinand III - (Holy Roman Empire)
Shah Jahan - (Mughal Empire) (1628-) (1627-) (1658)
Murad Baksh +- (Mughal Empire)
Shah Shuja + (Mughal Empire)

Delalande, Michel Richard 1657-1726 Composer
Frederick I Hohenzollern 1657-1713 1st King of Prussia

Harvey, William 1578-1657
Battle of the Dunes - England and France defeat Spain - England gains Dunkirk (6/14)
Oliver Cromwell dies - his son Richard succeeds as Lord Protector (9/3)
French traders make contact with tribes of norther plains w. &s. of Lake Superior (Chouart )

Jan Swammerdam discovers red blood cells
Louis XIV ... (France) (1643-1715)
Oliver Cromwell - (England) (1553-) Lord Protector
Richard Cromwell + (England) (-1660) Lord Protector
Leopold I + (Holy Roman Empire) (-1705) Emperor (Hapsburg)
Achatius Bocskai + (Transylvania) Prince
Constantine Serban - (Walachia) Prince
Shah Shuja - (Mughal Empire)
Aurangzeb Alamgir + (Mughal Empire) (-1707)

Torelli, Giuseppe 1658-1709 Composer
Cleveland, John 1613-1658
Lovelace, Richard 1618-1658

Treaty of the Pyrenees - France formally gains Arras, Artois, Rousillon (11/7/1659)
Army forces Richard Cromwell to resign - Rump Parliament restored
El Paso mission founded - Texas
Louis XIV ... (France) (1643-1715)
Narasaraja Wodeyar I - (Mysore) Ranadira Kantheerava
Devaraja Wodeyar + (Mysore) Dodda

Purcell, Henry 1659-1695 Composer
Diary (Pepys)
La Nymphe de la Seine (Racine)
New Experiments Physico-Mechanical Touching the Spring of the Air (Robert Boyle)
Mary Dyer (Quaker) hanged in Boston Commonfor alleged witchcraft (6/1/1660)
Louis XIV marries Maria Theresa of Spain in Saint Jean de Luz (6/9)
Declaration of Breda - Charles II will not persecute those that rebelled against his father Charles I in 1648 (4/4)
"Age of Reason" (1660-1789)
Restoration of Charles II in England (-1685)
Convention Parliament restores Charles II to the English throne - he returns from exile in France
Treaty of Oliva - Poland cedes Livonia to Sweden
Treaty of Copenhagen - Denmark surrenders territory to Sweden
Rise of Bambara Kingdoms on Upper Niger
Navigation Act passed in England - regulating colonial commerce

Louis XIV ... (France) (1643-1715)
Richard Cromwell - (England) Lord Protector (1658-)
Charles II + (England) (Scotland) King (1660-1685)
George Rakoczy II - (Transylvania) Prince
Achatius Bocskai - (Transylvania) Prince
Grigore Ghica + (Walachia) Prince
Charles X Gustavus - (Sweden) House of Palatinate
Charles XI + (Sweden) House of Palatinate
Francisco de la Cueva - (New Spain) (-1660) Viceroy

Royal Society of London founded
Serse Francesco Cavalli
Campra, Andre 1660-1744 Composer
Defoe, Daniel 1660-1731
Duron, Sebastian 1660-1716 Composer
Fux, Johann 1660-1741 Composer
Hoffman, Johann 1660-1725 Composer
Kuhnau, Johann 1660-1722 Composer
Noordt Jr., Sybrant van 1660-1705 Composer
Scarlatti, Pietro Alessandro Gaspare 1660-1725 Composer
Schenck, Johannes 1660- Composer

de Paul, St. Vincent 1575-1660 Chaplain (Paris)
Leyster, Judith 1609-1660
Oughtred 1575-1660
Velasquez, Diego 1599-1660 Painter

Versailles construction begins
Cardinal Mazarin dies - Louis XIV becomes "absolute monarch" (3/9)
Treaty of Kardis - Russia and Sweden restore all conquests to each other - ends Russo-Swedish War (6/21)
Charles II crowned King of England
Clarendon Code - "Cavalier Parliament" of Charles II passes a series of laws against Nonconformists
Turkey and Holy Roman Empire at war (-1664)
England gains Bombay
Chinese general Koxinga takes Formosa
John Kemeny + (Transylvania) Prince
Michael Apafi + (Transylvania) Prince
Shizu Zhang - (China) (1644-) 1st Qing Dynasty (Shunzhi Era)
Shengzu Ren + (China) (-1722) 2nd Qing Dynasty (Kangxi Era)

Dori Antonio Cesti
Bohm, Georg 1661-1733 Composer
L Hopital, Guillaume de 1661-1704
Rebel, Jean Fery 1661-1747 Composer

Couperin, Louis 1626-1661 Composer
Mazarin, Jules (Giulio) 1602-1661 Prelate/Statesman (b. Italy)

Ecole des Femmes (Moliere)
Connecticut Charter - Connecticut towns and New Haven united (4/25)
Act of Uniformity passed in England
Beginning of the "Bartholomew Ejections" - expulsion of ministers creates English Nonconformity
Portugese cede Tangier to England

John Kemeny - (Transylvania) Prince
Ercole amante Francesco Cavalli
Cruger, Johann 1598-1662 Composer
Laws, Henry 1596-1662 Composer
Marazzoli, Marco 1600-1662 Composer
Pascal, Blaise 1623-1662

Gardens of Versailles designed (Le Notre)
Louis XIV occupies the Papal State of Avignon (Comtat Venaissin)
Rhode Island granted formal charter
Charles II grants Carolinas to eight proprietors
Knight-Hall Purchase of Indian lands at Chepachet (1/19)

Walsh, William 1663-1708
Zachow, Friederich Wilhelm 1663-1712 Composer

Scheidemann, Heinrich 1595-1663 Composer
Strozzi, Barbara 1619-1663 Composer

Tartufe (Moliere) banned
La Thebaide (Racine)
Anglican Church re-established
Naval war between England and Holland (-1665)
England siezes New Amsterdam from Dutch - changing the name to New York (9/7)
British seize Dutch Possessions (New Netherland) (9/8)
Battle of St. Gotthard - Austrians under Count Raimund Montecucculi defeat Turks
Treaty of Vasvar - between Holy Roman Empire and Turkey
Compagnie des Indies created
Elizabethtown Purchase - signed by Matanno of Lenni Lenape, first English settlement in NJ
New Jersey established by Royal Charter (3/12)
Land of NOVA CAESARA (New Jersey) given to Philip Carteret and John Lord Berkeley (6/23-4)
Philip Carteret becomes governor of New Jersey

Grigore Ghica - (Walachia) Prince
Isaac Newton's experiments with gravity
Christmas Oratorio Schutz
Prior, Matthew 1664-1721
Sweerts, Michael 1618-1664
Zurbaran, Francisco de 1598-1664

Bernini visits Paris
Alexandre le Grand (Racine)
Ethics (Spinoza)

The Great Pague in London kills 75000
Philip IV - (Spain) House of Austria
Charles II + (Spain) House of Austria

St. John's Passion Schutz
Bruhns, Nikolaus 1665-1697 Composer
Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand 1665-1746 Composer
Halley, Edmund 1665-1742

Marini, Biagio 1595-1665 Composer
Mercula, Tarquinio 1594-1665 Composer

Great Fire in London (9/2)
Sabbetai Zevi's abortive messianic movement collapses
Govind Singh (Sikh) (-1708) 10th and final guru
Robert Hook presents lecture On Gravity expounding Universal Gravitation Principle in London, Royal Society (3/21)
French Academy of Science founded
St. Matthew Passion Schutz
Brome, Alexander 1620-1666
Hals, Frans 8/26 1580-1666 Painter
Mansart, Francois 1598-1666

Paradise Lost (Milton)
Andromaque (Racine)

Treaty of Andrusovo - Russia gains Smolensk and eastern Ukraine from Poland (1/30)
Battle of Medway River - Dutch fleet defeats the English - worst navy defeat for England ever (6/13)
Treaty of Breda - between Netherlands, England, France, and Denmark - ends Second Anglo-Dutch War (7/31)
War of Devolution - France invades Spanish Netherlands

Alfonso VI - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Pedro II + (Portugal) House of Braganza
Abbas II - (Safavid Persia) (1642-) 7th
Suleiman I (Safi) + (Safavid Persia) (-1694) 8th

Il pomo d'oro Cesti
12 Sonote da camera a 5 stromenti Rosenmuller
Corrente e balli Cazzati
Bernoulli, Johann 1667-1748
Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de 1667-1737 Composer
Swift, Jonathan 1667-1745

Froberger, Johann Jakob 1616-1667 Composer
Taylor, Jeremy 1613-1667 Clergyman (9/13)
Wither, George 1588-1667 Poet/Satirist (England) (5/2/1667)

Fables (La Fontaine)
Treaty of Lisbon - Spain (Charles II) recognaizes Portugal's (Alfonso VI) independence (2/13)
Treaty of aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) - ends War of Devolution - France keeps most conquests in Flanders (5/2)
Bergen Charter - First Assembly of New Jersey (5/26)
Triple Alliance of England, Netherlands, and Sweden against France
Alawis Dynasty begins in Morocco (-present)
Perth Amboy made capital of East Jersey

John II Casimir Vasa - (Poland)
Michael Korybut + (Poland) Wisniowiecki

Buxtehude succeeds Franz Tunder as organist at Marienkirche, Lubeck, Germany
Couperin, Francois 1668-1733 Composer
Gilles, Jean 1668-1705 Composer
Le Sage, Alain Rene 1668-1747 Novelist (France)
Vico, Giambattista 1668-1744

Davenant, William 1606-1668
Fermat, Pierre de 1601-1668 Mathematician
Rovetta, Giovanni 1596-1668 Composer

Woodbridge, NJ granted royal charter (1/1/1669)
Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (3)
Mt. Etna erupts - kills 20,000 and destroys town of Nicolosi (3/11/1669)
Venice surrenders Candia (Crete) to Turkey
Hindu religion prohibited and Hindus persecuted by Aurangzeb

Fort Wicaco built on site of present day Philadelphia
Clement IX - (Patriarchateof Rome) (1667-1669)
Paris Academy of Music founded
Lopez, Miguel 1669-1723 Composer
Cesti, Marc' Antonio 1623-1669 Composer
Geulinex, Arnold 1625-1669
Moulinie, Etienne 1600-1669 Composer
Rembrandt, Harmenzoon van Rijn 1606-1669 Painter
Simpson, Christopher 1615-1669 Composer

Pensees (Pascal)
Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Moliere)
Treatise on Theology and Politics (Tractatus Theologico-Politicus) (Spinoza)

French Highwayman Claude Duval is executed in Tyburn, Middlesex (1/21/1670)
Hudson's Bay Company founded (5/2/1670)
Second Treaty of Dover - Between Charles II and Louis XIV - to restore Roman Catholicism to England (5/26/1670)
Promulgation of a reformed criminal code for France
War between France and the Netherlands (Dutch) - assassination of the De Witt brothers
Peasant and Cossack uprisings in Russia (-1671)
William Sayle expedition founds Charleston, SC

Frederik III - (Denmark)(Norway) (1648-1670)
Christian V + (Denmark)(Norway) (1670-1699)

Clement X + (Patriarchateof Rome) (1670-)
Clavecin pieces Chambonnieres
Bononcini, Giovanni 1670-1747 Composer
Caldara, Antonio 1670-1736 Composer
Congreve, William 1670-1729
Kellner, David 1670-1748 Composer
Mandeville 1670-1733

Du Fault, Francois 1604-1670 Composer
Ruysdael, Salomon van 1600-1670
Vittori, Loreto 1604-1670 Composer

Battle of Saraighat - between the Mughals and the Ahoms on the Brahmaputra - Ahoms win (4/1671)
Thomas Blood attempts to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London (5/9/1671)
Ottoman Empire declares war on Poland (6/22/1671)

Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3rd Earl of Shaftsbury 1671-1713 Writer/Art Critic
Albinoni, Tomaso 1671-1750 Composer
Law, John 1671-1729

Synod of Jerusalem (3)
Royal Declaration of Indulgence - Charles I's attempt to extend tolerance to Protestant nonconformists (3/15/1672)
John Maitland becomes Duke of Lauderdale and Earl of March (5/2/1672)
French (Louis XIV) troops cross the Rhine & invade southern Netherlands - precipitates Dutch revolution (6/14/1672)
William III appointed stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, and Utrecht (6/28/1672)
Johan de Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland murdered by mob in the Hague (8/20/1672)
Third Anglo-Dutch War begins (-1674)
"Het Rampjaar" (Disaster Year) - England, France, Cologne and Munster invade United Provinces
France at war with Netherlands (-1678)
Treaty of Stockholm - between France and Sweden
Poland and Ottoman Empire at war for control of the Ukraine (-1676)
Iroquois invade Shawonoes territory in Cumberland basin

William III + (Netherlands) stadholder (of Orange) (hereditary)
Isaac Newton presents basic ideas of his optic theory to the Royal Society
Addison, Joseph 1672-1719
Bonporti, Francesco Antonio 1672-1748 Composer
Destouches, Andre Cardinal 1672-1749 Composer
Forqueray, Antoine 1672-1745 Composer
Mancini, Francesco 1672-1737 Composer
Steele, Richard 1672-1729

Benevoli, Orazio 1605-1672 Composer
Bradstreet, Anne 1612-1672
Chambonnieres, Jacques Champion de 1602-1672 Composer
Gaultier, Denis 1600-1672 Composer
Schutz, Heinrich 1585-1672 Composer

L'art Poetique (Boileau-Despreaux)
De la recherche de la verite (Malebranche) (Eng. trans. 1690)
Treaty of Westminster - ends Third Anglo-Dutch War (2/19/1674)
Shivaji crowned king of Marathas (6/6/1674)
Dutch cede New Amsterdam to Britain (11/10/1674)
Invasion of the Franche Comte
Holy Roman Empire declares war on France in defence of the Dutch
French found Pondicherry
John Berkeley sells his Jersey holdings to John Fenwick and Edward Byllinge
New Jersey splits into East and West
Louis Joliet and Jaques Marquette first Europeans to journey down Mississippi

Clarke, Jeremiah 1674-1707 Composer
Crebillon 1674-1762
Hotteterre, Jacques 1674-1762 Composer
Keiser, Reinhard 1674-1739 Composer

Carissimi, Giamomo 1605-1674 Composer
Herrick, Robert 1594-1674 Poet (England)
Hobbes, Thomas 1588-1674 Political Theorist
Milton, John 1608-1674

St. Paul's Cathedral begins construction under Sir Christopher Wren
Great Swamp Fight- Major Robert attacks Narragansett fort (12/19)
Battle of Fehrbellin - Frederick William (the Great Elector) defeats Swedish forces
Ch'ing conquest of south China (-1683)
Spanish reprisals against Pueblo at Santa Fe Plaza
King Philip s War begins - New England
Battle at Pocasset Swamp
Battle of Northern Connecticut River Valley
Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia (-1676)

Thesee Lully
Philips, Ambrose 1675-1749
Saint Simon, Louis de Rouvroy 1675-1755

Hammerschmidt, Andreas 1612-1675 Composer
Noordt, Anthoni van 1620-1675 Composer
Vermeer, Jan 1632-1675

King Philip s War ends (8/12/1676)
Treaty of Zuravno - Ottoman Empire gains Polish Ukraine
Sikh uprising in India (-1678)
New Jersey splits into East and West Jersey

Aleksei - (Russia) (1645-) Emperor (Alexis)
Fedor III + (Russia) (-1683) Emperor

Clement X -
Innocent XI +

Finite velocity of light determined by the Danish astronomer Olaus Roemer
Reinhardt, Johann Georg 1676-1742 Composer
Cavalli, Pier Francesco 1602-1676 Composer
Phedre (Racine)
William III of Orange marries Mary, daughter of James, Duke of York, heir to the English throne (11/4/1677)
Russia and the Ottoman Empire at war (-1681)
King Philip's War in New England
Scanian War --> Denmark/Norway vs. Sweden

Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers "male" spermatozoa using a microscope
Cassini, Jacques (1677-1756) (2/8/1677)
Barrow, Isaac 1630-1677
Locke, Matthew 1630-1677 Composer
Spinoza, Baruch 1632-1677 Philosopher

Pilgrim s Progress, pt. 1 (Bunyan)
Popish Plot in England - Titus Oates falsely alleges a Catholic plot to murder Charles II
Treaty of Nimwegan - ends Franco-Dutch war
Elector of Brandenburg attempts to suppress Wendish speech
French explorer Damiel Duluth encounters the Sioux in Minnesota

Serban Cantacuzino + (Walachia) Prince
A wave theory of light proposed by Christian Huygens
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John 1678-1751
Pisendel, Johann Georg 1678-1755 Composer
Vivaldi, Antonio 1678-1741 Composer (Venice)

Jenkins, John 1592-1678 English Court Composer
Jordaens, Jacob 1593-1678 Painter (Antwerp)
Marvell, Andrew 1621-1678 Metaphysical Poet (Cambridge)
Thomas of Ypres 1617-1678 Painter

Discours sur l'histoire universelle (Bossuet) (1681)
Politique tiree de l'Ecriture Sainte (Bossuet)
Fables, bks 7-11 (La Fontaine)

Treaty of Fontainebleau - ends Scandian War - Sweden regains all lost territories (8/23)
Act of Habeus Corpus passes in England - forbids imprisonment without trial
Parliament's Bill of Exclusion against Roman Catholic James, Duke of York blocked by Charles II
Charles II dismisses Parliament
Charles II rejects petitions to form a new Parliament - Whigs (petitioners) angainst Tories (royalists) (-1680)
First fortress built by Vauban
Exclusion crisis (-1681)
New Hampshire separates from Massachusetts, becomes royal colony

Boylston, Zabdiel 1679-1766 Physician (Brookline, MA)
Kauffmann, Georg Friedrich 1679-1735 Composer
Wolff, Christian von 1679-1754 Philosopher (Germany)
Zelenka, Jan Dismas 1679-1745 Composer

Becker, Dietrich 1623-1679 Composer
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso 1608-1679 Physiologist / Polymath (Italian/Spanish)
Bruna, Pablo 1611-1679 Composer
Mayow, John 1640-1679 Chemist/Physiologist (England)
Reusner Jr., Esaias 1636-1679 Composer

Behemoth(Thomas Hobbes)
Traite de la nature et de la grace (Malebranche)
Recopilacion de Leyes de las Indias (Spanish colonial code)

Chambers of Reunion established by Louis XIV to annex territory (-1683)
France occupies Strasbourg, Luxemburg, and Lorraine (-1683)
Pop leads Pueblo revolt in Santa Fe against Spanish (8/10) (-1692)
Father Louis Ghennepin encounters Sioux in the Mille Lacs region of Minnesota

Dornel, Louis Antoine 1680-1756 Composer
Loeillet, Jean Baptiste 1680-1730 Composer
Valentini, Giuseppe 1680-1740 Composer

Bernini, Gianlorenzo 1598-1680 Sculptor/Architect (Naples, Italy)
Butler, Joseph 1612-1680
Colista, Lelio 1629-1680 Composer
Franceschini, Petronio 1650-1680 Composer
Kircher, Athanasius 1602-1680 Composer (1601)
La Rouchefoucald 1613-1680
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich 1623-1680 Composer
Swammerdam, Jan 1637-1680
Uccellini, Marco 1603-1680 Composer

Telluris Theoria Sacra (Burnet)
Pennsylvania granted to William Penn by Charles II (3|4)
Whigs reintroduce Exclusion Bill - Charles II dissolves Parliament
Charles II rules without Parliament (-1685)
Treaty of Radzin - Russia gains most of Turkish Ukraine
Sieur de la Salle explores Mississippi River (-1682)

Trio Sonatas Corelli
Mattheson, Johann 1681-1764 Composer
Telemann, Georg Philipp 1681-1767 Composer

Lilly, William 1602-1681 Astrologer
La Salle claims territory on the w. bank of the Missisippi for France @ Mitchigameas (Helena, Arkansas) (3/14)
La Salle discovers mouth of the Mississippi (4/6-7)
Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle claims Louisiana for France - by a proclamation and proces verbal (4/9)
Ottoman Empire and Austria at war (-1699)
William Penn founds Pennsylvania
Philladelphia founded by William Penn
Regime of the Twenty Four proprietors NJ
Quaker migration to Pennsylvania
Treaty of Shakamaxon - Penn - Delaware
La Salle builds Fort Prudhomme at the mouth of the Wabash (Tennessee)
Battle of Itakhuli - Ahom Mughal Conflict ends
Peter I the Great + (Russia) Emperor
Ivan V + (Russia) Emperor
Sophia + (Russia) Regent
Emerich Tokoli + (Transylvania) Prince

Persee Lully
Dandrieu, Jean Francois 1682-1738 Composer
Fasch, Johann Friedrich 1682-1758 Composer
Hesselius, Gustavus 1682-1755
Mouret, Jean Joseph 1682-1738 Composer
Battiferri, Luigi 1610-1682 Composer
Becher, Johann Joachim 1635-1682
Gu Yanwu 1613-1682 Philosopher (China)
Lorrain, Claude Gellee 1600-1682 Painter (Lorraine, France)
More, Henry 1614-1682
Murillo, Bartolome, Esteban 1617-1682 Painter (Seville, Spain) (1618)
Picard, Jean 1620-1682
Ruisdael, Jacob van 1628-1682
Stradella, Alessandro 1642-1682 Composer
War of the European Powers vs. Ottoman Turks begins (-1699)
Second Siege of Vienna by Ottoman Turkish forces - Europe at war with Ottomans for next 41 years
Vienna is relieved by German and Polish troops
High point of Turkish advance in Europe
Cheng Chin, Koxinga's grandson, surrenders Formosa to the Manchus
William Penn Treaty with Delaware made payment for Pennsylvania lands
Perth Amboy incorporated
Twelve counties of New York formed
Middlesex County formed from province of East Jersey

Fedor III - (Russia) (1676-) Emperor
Pedro II - (Portugal) House of Braganza
Phaeton Lully
Graupner, Johann Christoph 1683-1760 Composer
Heinichen, Johann David 1683-1729 Composer
Lisle, Samuel 1683-1749
Rameau, Jean Philippe 1683-1764 Composer
Young, Edward 1683-1765 Writer/Critic

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 1619-1683
Guarini, Guarino 1624-1683
Walton, Izaac 1593-1683

Pilgrim s Progress, pt. 2 (Bunyan)
La Salle leaves Rochelle France on expedition to Mississippi River - only to return after damage (7/24/1684)
La Salle's expedition leaves a second time (8/1/1684)
Truce of Ratisbon - between France and Spain/German Empire - termintated the war of the previous year (8/15/1684)
La Salle's fleet arrives at Petit Gouave, Santo Domingo (8/28/1684)
La Salle's fleet leaves Petite Gouave with three ships remaining (11/25/1684)
La Salle's fleet sees land (12/28/1684)
France occupies Trier in the Rhineland
Holy League forms by Pope Innocent XI - Venice, Austria, and Poland against Ottoman Empire
Bermuda becomes a British crown colony
La Salle builds French forts in Illinois and Texas
Confederation of New England dissolves
Dominion of New England places several colonies under royal authority (-1689)

Calculus (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz)
Durante, Francesco 1684-1755 Composer
Lardner, Nathaniel 1684-1768
Manfredini, Francesco 1684-1762 Composer
Watteau, Jean-Antoine 1684-1721 Painter

Du Mont, Henri 1610-1684 Composer
De Hooch, Pieter 1629-1684
Corneille, Pierre 1606-1684
Mariotte, Edme 1620-1684
Rosenmuller, Johann 1620-1684 Composer

Palace of Versailles completed
La Salle makes landfall west of Mississippi (1/1/1685)
La Salle's fleet lands again by Chorpus Christi (1/17/1685)
La Salle's fleet sailing back eastward land at Matagorda Bay (2/18/1685)
Edict of Fontainebleau - Edict of Nantes revocation spurs Protestant migration to America (10/1685)
Edict of Fontainebleau - Edict of Nantes revoked - all religions except Roman Catholicism forbidden (10/1685)
Edict of Potsdam - issued by Frederick Wilhelm of Brandenburg (10/29/1685)
James II puts down rebellion of Duke of Monmouth, Charles II's illigitemate son
More than 50,000 Protestant (Huguenot) families leave France
Lasalle builds Fort St. Louis

Charles II - (England)(Scotland) (1660-) King
James II + (England)(Scotland) King (James VII of Scotland)
Constantine Cantemir + (Moldavia) Prince

Giovanni Legrenzi at San Marco
The Division Violist
Alberti, Giuseppe Matteo 1685-1751 Composer
Bach, Johann Sebastian 1685-1750 Composer
Berkeley, George 1685-1753 Philosopher
Gay, John 1685-1732 Composer
Handel, George Frideric 1685-1759 Composer (2/23)
Reading, John 1685-1764 Composer
Scarlatti, Giuseppe Domenico 1685-1757 Composer (Naples) (10/26)
Taylor, Brook 1685-1731

Court, Pieter de la 1618-1685
Nicolai, Johann Michael 1629-1685 Composer
Ostade, Adraen van 1610-1685

La Salle orders Joutel to join him at Fort St. Louis (7/14)
Holy League liberates Buda (in Hungary) from the Ottoman Empire - begins liberation of all Hungary (9/2)
Massachusetts Bay Colony denied its right to self-rule - Sir Edmund Andros is appointed Governor (12/20)
James II disregards Test Act - appoints Roman Catholics to public office
League of Augsburg formed - HRE, Spain, Sweden, Saxony, Bavaria, and Palatinate against France
Austrians advance on Budapest
Venetians take Morea
Bijapur is conquered by Aurangzeb (-1687)
France annexes Madagascar
Dominion of New England formed
Perth Amboy becomes capital of East Jersey
New York City and Albany are granted city charters
Hurricane saves Charleston from attack by Spanish ships

Armide Lully
Pieces de Violes, 1re livre Marin Marais
Balguy, John 1686-1748
Fahrenheit, D. G. 1686-1736
Law, William 1686-1761
Marcello, Benedetto 1686-1739 Composer
Porpora, Nicola Antonio 1686-1768 Composer
Weiss, Sylvius Leopold 1686-1750 Composer

Guericke, Otto von 1602-1686
Playford, John 1623-1686 Composer
Steno, Nicholaus 1638-1686

Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Newton) (pub 7/5)
La Salle killed in mutiny while searching for the mouth of the Mississippi (3/19/1687)
Declaration of Liberty of Conscience (..of Indulgence)- extends toleration of all religions - James II issues (4/4/1687)
Emperor Higashiyama ascends to the Japanese throne (5/6/1687)
Battle of Mohacs (1687) - Ottoman Turks defeated - Hapsburg succession to Hungarian throne confirmed (8/12/1687)
Huguenots set sail from France to the Cape of Good Hope (12/31/1687)
Eusebio Kino builds 24 missions in Arizona
Explosion of the Parthenon (gunpowder stored inside)

Mehmet IV - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan (Muhammed)
Suleiman II + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Reigen - (Japan) (1663-) 112th Emperor
Higashiyama + (Japan) (-1709) 113th Emperor

Geminiani, Francesco Xaverio 1687-1762 Composer
Lully, Jean-Baptiste 1632-1687 Composer

Petty, William 1623-1687
Waller, Edmund 1606-1687 Poet

Friederich Wilhelm, the Great Elector of Prussia dies (4/29)
Immortal Seven invite William of Orange and Mary to depose James II (6/30)
James II fires minister Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of Sunderland (10/27)
William III of Orange lands in England (Brixham) with 15,000 troops at invitation of the Immortal Seven (11/5)
1500 Old Believers immolate themselves to avoid capture by the Russian Tzar at Lake Onega Monastery (11/23/1688)
James II flees to France (12/11)
Glorious Revolution in England
William III's coalition strengthened by most of the important men in England
Mutiny Act
Toleration Act
War of the Grand Alliance War (League of Augsburg) begins (UP, Sweden, Austria, Spain vs. France) (-1697)
Austrians capture Belgrade
Cultural brilliance during Genroku calendrical era in Japan
Quakers in Pennsylvania issue formal protest againt slavery in America
Pope, Pueblo leader dies
Somerset county split from Middlesex county, NJ

James II - (England) (1685-)
Frederick William - (Brandenburg) Elector (Hohenzollern) (1640-)
Frederick I of Prussia + (Brandenburg) Elector (Hohenzollern) (-1713)
Serban Cantacuzino - (Walachia) Prince
Constantine + (Walachia) Prince (Brancoveeanu )
Peter I the Great + (Russia) (-1725) Emperor

Hohenzollern, Frederick William I 1688-1740 King of Prussia
Pope, Alexander 1688-1744
Swedenborg, Emanuel von 1688-1772

Bunyan, John 1628-1688
Cudworth, Ralph 1617-1688

The Sacred Theory of the Earth (Thomas Burnet) (English trans)
Esther (Racine)
News of the arrival of William, Prince of Orange in England reaches Boston - arrest of Andros follows (4/18/1689)
Battle of Killiecrankie - Jacobites defeated by William III - Scottish presbyterianism secure (7/27/1689)
Treaty of Nerchinsk between Russia and China (8/27/1689)
Convention Parliament issues the Bill of Rights - estab. a constitutional monarchy and bars RC kings (12/16/1689)
Toleration Act grants grants freedom of worship to dissenters in England
Period of Anglo-Dutch coalition wars against Louis XIV (-1713)
Grand Alliance of the League of Augsburg - England joins and the Netherlands
War of the League of Augsburg (aka King William's War) (-1697)
France invades the Palatinate
French and Indian Wars begin (-1763)

William III & Mary + (England) (-1702)
Ivan V - (Russia) Emperor
Sophia - (Russia) Regent

Innocent XI -
Alexander VIII +

Trio Sonata in E Minor, Op. 3 No. 7 Corelli
Clavier Sonatas Kuhnau
Dido and Aeneas Purcell
Enrico detto il Leone Steffani
Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de 1689-1755 Composer
Montagu, Mary Wortley 1689-1762
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat 1689-1755
Richardson, Samuel 1689-1761 Novelist
Zellbell, Ferdinand 1689-1765 Composer

Sydenham, Thomas 1624-1689
An Essay Concerning Human UnderstandingJohn Locke)
Two Treatises of Civil Government (Locke) (published, written ten years before)
Treatise on Light (Christian Huygens)

Battle of the Boyne - William III defeats exiled James II in Ireland
Battle of Beachy Head - France defeats Anglo-Dutch fleet
Savoy under Victor Amadeus II joins League of Augsburg against the French
Otttomans retake Belgrade from the Austrians
Calcutta founded
Alonso de Leon mission at San Francisco de los Tejas founded

Michael Apafi - (Transylvania) Prince
Michael II Apafi + (Transylvania) Prince

Apparatus musico-organisticus Georg Muffat
Babell, William 1690-1723 Composer
Baldassare, Pietro 1690-1768 Composer
Barsanti, Francesco 1690-1772 Composer
Muffat, Gottlieb Theophil 1690-1770 Composer
Naudot, Jean Jacques Christophe 1690-1762 Composer
Roseingrave, Thomas 1690-1766 Composer
Stolzel, Gottfried Heinrich 1690-1749 Composer
Veracini, Francesco Maria Veracini 1690-1768 Composer

Sainte-Colombe, Sieur de 1640-1690 Composer
Legrenzi, Giovanni 1626-1690 Composer

Athalie (Racine)
Treaty of Limerick - ends Williamite War - Irish Jacobites allowed to join James II in France (10/3)
New Massachusetts charter puts colony under royal authority
Plymouth Colony and Maine included in new Massachusetts boundaries

Suleiman II - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Ahmet II + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan

Alexander VIII -
Innocent XII + (-1700)

Gesner, Johann Mathias 1691-1761
Scheemakers, Peter 1691-1781

Boyle, Robert 1627-1691
D Anglebert, Jean Henri 1635-1691 Composer
Fox, George 1624-1691 Religious leader
Lower, Richard 1631-1691

Archacologiae Philosophicae: sive Doctrina antique de Rerum Originibus (Burnet)
Massacre of Glencoe - Campbells slaughter MacDonalds in Scotland - pretext of disloyalty to William III (2/13)
Battle of Barlfleur begins (5/27) (5/17 Julian)
Bridget Bishop first to be hanged in Salem (6/10)
Salem witch trials; 19 executed, including Sarah (Averill) Wild (sister of William Averill) (7/19)
Battle of La Hogue - Anglo-Dutch fleet defeats France
Pueblo Indians reconquered by Spanish
Diego de Vargas reinstitutes Spanish rule in Santa Fe

College of William and Mary chartered
Pieces en Trio Marin Marais
Butler, Joseph 1692-1752
Musschenbroek, Pieter van 1692-1761
Tartini, Giuseppe 1692-1770
Wassenaer, Unico Wilhelm van 1692-1766 Composer

Battle of Landen - French army under Marshal Luxembourg defeats Allied army of William III (7/29)
Constantine Cantemir - (Moldavia) Prince
Annet, Peter 1693-1769
Bradley, James 1693-1762
Forster, Christoph 1693-1745 Composer

Kerll, Franz 1627-1693 Composer
Vejvanovsky, Pavel Josef 1640-1693 Composer

Elements de botanique (Joseph Pittonde Tournefort)
Death of Mary II Queen of England - William III sole ruler in England (12/28/1694)
Bank of England chartered
Triennial Act - requires new election of Parliament every three years

Mary II - (England)
Suleiman I (Safi) - (Safavid Persia) (1667-) 8th
Husain I + (Safavid Persia) (-1722) 9th

Daquin, Louis Claude 1694-1772 Composer
Hutcheson, Francis 1694-1746
Quesnay, Francois 1694-1774
Reimarus, H. S. 1694-1798
Roman, Johan Helmich 1694-1758 Composer
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de 1694-1778

Arnauld, Antoine 1612-1694
Malpighi, Marcello 1628-1694

William III ceases to require the permission of a royal licencer for publications - victory for feeedom of press
General Diego de Bargas "pacifies" Santa Fe area

Ahmet II - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Mustafa II + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan

Reinhard Keiser director of Hamburg Opera
Florilegium I Georg Muffat
Gunther, Johann Christian 1695-1723
Locatelli, Pietro Antonio 1695-1764 Composer
Sammartini, Guiseppe 1695-1750 Composer

Huang Zongxi 1610-1695 Philosopher (China)
Huygens, Christian 1629-1695
La Fontaine, Jean de 1621-1695 Poet
Purcell, Henry 1659-1695
Vaughn, Henry 1622-1695 Poet

Parliamentary Act establishes vice-admiralty courts to try violators
William III appoints Whig ministers - unwittingly ushers in the system of responsible ministry
Board of Trade founded by the British Crown
Peter the Great captures Azov from the Ottomans
Peter the Great makes incognito visits to Western Europe (-1702)

John III Sobieski - (Poland)
Frische Klavier Fruchte (Johann Kuhnau)
Molter, Johann Melchior 1696-1765 Composer
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista 1696-1770 Painter (Venice)

Bruyere, Jean de la 1645-1696
Lambert, Michel 1610-1696 Composer
Richer, Jean 1630-1696
Sola, Andres de 1634-1696 Composer

Alexander's Feast (Dryden)
Dictionnaire historique et critique (Pierre Bayle)

Battle of Zenta - Eugene of Savoy defeats Ottomans (9/11)
Treaty of Rijswik - ends King William's War (War of the Grand Alliance) France, England, Spain, Neth. (9/20)
Treaty of Rijswik - Louis XIV recognizes William III as king of England
Treaty of Rijswik - France gains 1/3 control of Hispaniola (Saint-Domingue) from Spain

Charles XI - (Sweden) House of Palatinate
Charles XII + (Sweden) (-1718) House of Palatinate
Augustus II the Strong + (Poland) (-1733) Wettin
Danilo Petrovic + (Montenegro) Prince-Bishop

L'Europe galante Campra
Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal 1697-1768
Hogarth, William 1697-1764
Falkenhagen, Adam 1697-1759 Composer
LeClair, Jean Marie I aine 1697-1764 Composer
Prevost d'Exiles, Antoine Francois (Abbe) 1697-1763 Novelist (France)
Quantz, Johann Joachim 1697-1773 Composer

Bruhns, Nikolaus 1665-1697 Composer
Charles II of Spain names Prince Elector of Bavaria as his heir
Violin Concertos, op. 6 Torelli
Bay Psalm Book 1st ed.
Bodmer, Johann Jakob 1698-1783
Du Fay, Charles Francois de Cisternay 1698-1739

Bartholin, Erasmus 1625-1698
Redi, Franceso 1626-1698

Peace of Karlowitz - Austria gains Hungary, Venice gains Morea & Dalmatia, Poland gains Podolia and Ukraine
Death of Prince Elector of Bavaria
William Dampier sails along northwest coast of Australia
Wool Act passes, forbidding export of wool from American colonies
French settlements in Mississippi and Louisiana

Christian V - (Denmark)(Norway) (1670-)
Frederik IV + (Denmark)(Norway) (-1730)
John Adam + (Liechtenstein) Prince
Emerich Tokoli - (Transylvania) Prince
Michael II Apafi - (Transylvania) Prince

Chardin, Jean Baptiste Simeon 1699-1779
Hasse, Johann Adolph 1699-1783 Composer

Conradi, Johann Georg 1645-1699 Composer
Racine, Jean 1639-1699

1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 1680 1690
1601 1611 1621 1631 1641 1651 1661 1671 1681 1691
1602 1612 1622 1632 1642 1652 1662 1672 1682 1692
1603 1613 1623 1633 1643 1653 1663 1673 1683 1693
1604 1614 1624 1634 1644 1654 1664 1674 1684 1694
1605 1615 1625 1635 1645 1655 1665 1675 1685 1695
1606 1616 1626 1636 1646 1656 1666 1676 1686 1696
1607 1617 1627 1637 1647 1657 1667 1677 1687 1697
1608 1618 1628 1638 1648 1658 1668 1678 1688 1698
1609 1619 1629 1639 1649 1659 1669 1679 1689 1699

HOME 1500s 1600s 1700s