1400s 1500s 1600s

History Timeline Index

1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1590
1501 1511 1521 1531 1541 1551 1561 1571 1581 1591
1502 1512 1522 1532 1542 1552 1562 1572 1582 1592
1503 1513 1523 1533 1543 1553 1563 1573 1583 1593
1504 1514 1524 1534 1544 1554 1564 1574 1584 1594
1505 1515 1525 1535 1545 1555 1565 1575 1585 1595
1506 1516 1526 1536 1546 1556 1566 1576 1586 1596
1507 1517 1527 1537 1547 1557 1567 1577 1587 1597
1508 1518 1528 1538 1548 1558 1568 1578 1588 1598
1509 1519 1529 1539 1549 1559 1569 1579 1589 1599

Charles V HRE is born(2/24/1500)
Cabral's fleet leaves Lisbon (3/9/1500)
Cabral's fleet sights land (Monte Pascoal) European discovery of Brazil (4/22/1500)
Cabral lands on Brazil coast (4/23/1500)
Cabral's fleet enters Porte Seguro harbor (4/25/1500)
Cabral resumes his voyage - sailing back east (5/3/1500)
Cabral fleet loses four vessels off Cape of Good Hope - including Bartolomeo Diaz' (5/1500)
Cabral fleet reaches Sofala (7/16/1500)
Cabral fleet reaches Mozambique (7/20/1500)
Cabral fleet reaches Kilwa (7/26/1500)
Cabral fleet reaches Melinde (8/2/1500)
Diogo Diaz of Cabral fleet discovers Madagascar - first Europeans to set foot on the island (8/10/1500)
Cabral fleet reaches Calicut (9/13/1500)
Treaty of Granada - Louis XII and Ferdinand V agree to divide Naples (11/11/1500)
Louis XII conquers Milan
Discovery of Brazil by Pedro Cabral on his way to India - claims for Portugal
Sengoku Period in Japan ("Country at War") (-1600)
Gaspar Corte Real's first voyage to find a northwest passage - sponsored by Manuel I of Portugal

Leonardo Da Vinci in Vienna
Cellini, Benvenuto 1500-1571
Charles V 2/24 1500-1558
de Milan, Luys 1500-1561 Musician
Rudolf, Christoff 1500-1545
Tartaglia, Nicolo 1500-1557

Cabral fleet begins return journey to Portugal from India (1/16)
Cabral fleet reaches Portugal with 4 of 13 ships remaining (6/23)
France and Spain occupy Naples
Amerigo Vespucci explores coast of Brazil (-1502)
Russia and Poland at war - Russia gains Lithuania and border territories (-1503)
Battle of Sharur - Isma'il I defeats the Aq-Qoyunlu
Isma'il I captures Tabriz from the Aq-Qoyunlu - makes it his capital
Gaspar Corte Real's second voyage reaches Labrador or Newfoundland - expedition lost

Hans (John) II - (Sweden) House of Folkung (from Denmark)
Sten Sture + (Sweden) House of Folkung (regent)
John Albert - (Poland) Jagiellon Dynasty
Alexander I + (Poland) (-1506) Jagiellon Dynasty
Shah Ismail I + (Safavid Persia) (-1524) 1st
Odhecaton (first book of masses & frottole) Josquin (Ottavinio dei Petrucci pub.)
Cardano, Geronimo 1501-1576
Nicolas de Ovando sails to Hispaniola with 2,500 settlers & 30 ships - largest fleet yet to New World (2/13)
Christopher Columbus leaves Spain on his Fourth and last Voyage (5/11)
Portuguese discover island of St Helena (5/21)
Margaret, daughter of Henry VII marries James IV of Scotland
War breaks out between France and Spain
Toledo Summit - Philip the Fair of Burgundy meets Ferdinand and Isabella - Philip sworn in as heir
Spanish conquer Naples
Shah Ismail (dies 1524) founds the Savafid dynasty in Persia
Columbus discovers Nicaragua
Auitzotl - (Aztec Empire) (1486-) Emperor
Moctezuma + (Aztec Empire) (-1520)
Nicolas de Ovando + (Hispaniola) (-1509) Governor (Sp.)
Ave Maria .virgo serena Josquin des Prez
Westminster chapel of Henry VII construction
Battle of Cerignola - Spanish defeat French (4/21)
Battle of Garigliano - Spanish defeat French (12/29)
Casa de la Contratacion authorized to control trade of Spanish Empire
Afonso de Albuquerque's first voyage east to India
Spanish commander Gonzalvo de C rdoba captures Naples
Sten Sture - (Sweden) House of Folkung (regent)
Svante Nilsson Sture + (Sweden) House of Folkung (regent)
Alexander VI - Roderigo Borgia
Pius III +-
Julius II + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1503-1513)

Bronzino, Agnolo 1503-1572
Ferdinand I 1503-1564 HR Emperor
Nostradamus, Michel 1503-1566
Parmigianino 1503-1540
Duke Ercole I of Ferrara hires Josquin des Prez for his chapel choir
Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae Josquin des Prez
Masses Obrecht (Ottavinio dei Petrucci pub.)
Albuquerque returns pack to Portugal from India (7)
Queen Isabella dies (11/26)
Plague outbreak in Ferrara
Isabella and Ferdinand V - (Spain)
Philip I and Juana + (Spain)
Stephen the Great - (Moldavia) Prince
Angad + (Sikh) (-1552) 3rd Guru
Josquin des Prez flees plague-ridden Ferrara and returns to his homeland region of Conde south of Lille, France
Lippi, Filippino 1457-1504
Annotations on the New Testament (Valla) (Erasmus pub.)
Martin Luther is almost struck by lightning while returning to the University of Erfurt - cries, "Help, Saint Anne, I will become a monk!" (7/2/1505)
2nd Treaty of Blois - France keeps Milan but cedes Naples to Spain - Spain controls southern Italy (10/12)
Martin Luther joins the Augustinian Order (7/17)
Portuguese establish trading posts on the Malabar coast
Portuguese colonize Mozambique - occupy Mocambique
Portuguese under Francisco de Almeida bomb Kilwa off the coast of Tanzania
Molasses Reef shipwreck off Grand Turk Island

Ivan III the Great - (Russia) (1461-) Grand Duke of Moscow
Basil III + (Russia) Grand Duke of Moscow
Vicente Y ez Pinz n + (Puerto Rico) (-1508) Governor
Jacob Obrecht fills Josquin des Prez' position at Ferrara chapel - dies of the plague
Arcadelt, Jacob 1505-1568 Musician
Goudimel, Claude
1505-1572 Musician
Knox, John 1505-1572 Theologian (Presbyterian founder)

Obrecht, Jacob 1450-1505 Composer
Bramante's St. Peter's Church construction begins
Da Vinci leaves Florence
Christopher Columbus dies in poverty (5/20)
Alexander I of Poland dies at Vilna (8/8-19)
Philip I and Juana - (Spain)
Ferdinand V + (Spain)
Philip the Handsome - (Netherlands) Count (Son of Maximilian)
Charles V + (Netherlands) Count
Alexander I - (Poland) (1501-) Jagiellon Dynasty
Sigismund the Old + (Poland) Jagiellon Dynasty
Xiaozong - (China) (-1488) 10th Ming Dynasty (Hongzhi Era)
Wuzong + (China) (-1522) 11th Ming Dynasty (Zhengde Era)
Antoine Brumel fills position at Ferrara chapel (1506-1510)
Columbus, Christopher 1451-1506
Mantegna, Andrea 1431-1506
Alfonso de Albuquerque lands at the island of Ormuz at the mouth of the Red Sea (10/10)
Martin Waldseemuller produces a world map - name America first used - South America separate from Asia
Hispaniola census taken - 60,000 indigenous people counted - down from estimated 600,000 in 1492

Ottavinio dei Petrucci issues first printed lute tablature
Bakfark, Baliny Valentin 1507-1576 Musician
Maximilian I invades Venice (2)
Martin Luther receives a bachelors degree in Biblical Studies (3/9)
League of Cambrai - Pope Julius II, HRE Maximilian, Louis XII and Ferdinand I ally against Venice (12/10)
War of the League of Cambrai (War of the Holy League) begins - phase of the Italian Wars(-1516)
Portuguese seize Oman (-1569)
Ponce de Leon founds first settlement on Puerto Rico called Caparra

Radu the Great - (Walachia) Prince
Palladio, Andrea 1508-1580
Telesio, Bernardino 1508-1588

Abravanel, Don Isaac 1437-1508
Moriae encomium (Erasmus)
Battle of Diu - defeat of Egyptian, Arab and Indian fleet - establishes Portuguese control of the Indian seas (2/3)
French army under Louis XII leaves Milan and invades Venetian territory (4/15)
Henry VIII accedes to the throne of England (4/22)
French army under Louis XII crosses Adda River at Cassano d'Adda (5/9)
Battle of Agnadello - French defeat Venetians (5/14)
Henry VIII marries Catherine of Aragon (6/3)
Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon are crowned at Westmister Abbey (6/24)
Henry VII - (England)
Henry VIII + (England) (-1547)
Nicolas de Ovando - (Hispaniola) (1502-) Governor (Sp.)
Diego Colon + (Hispaniola) "Governor of the Indies" (1508?)
Ponce de Leon + (Puerto Rico) (-1512) Governor
Calvin, John 1509-1564
Servet 1509-1553
The Life of John Picus, Earl of Mirandula (Thomas More)
Las Sergas de Esplandi n (Garci Rodriguez de Montalvo)
Alfonso de Albuquerque loses to the Kingdom of Cochin (1)
Alfonso de Albuquerque destroys Calicut (1/4)
Portugese under Alfonso de Albuquerque capture Goa (3)
Portugese under Alfonso de Albuquerque capture Goa a second time (11/25) (-1961)
League of Cambai collapses
Pope Julius and Venice form Holy League to drive Louis XII out of Italy
Nombre de Dios founded on Isthmus of Panama
Darien founded by Balboa
Ferrara chapel choir closes
Agricola, Mikael 1510-1557
Bourgeois, Louis 1510-1561
Cabezon, Antonio de 1510-1566 Musician
de Henestrosa, Luis Venegas 1510-1570 Musician
Guami, Giuseppe 1510-1586 Musician
Manchicourt, Pierre de 1510-1564 Musician
Recorde, Robert 1510-1603
Serton, Pierre (sp?) 1510-1572 Musician
Tallis, Thomas 1510-1585 Composer (1505)
Botticelli, Sandro 1445-1510
Giorgione 1478-1510
The Praise of Folly (Erasmus)
Diego Colon, son of Christopher Columbus is named Viceroy of the Indies (5)
Portuguese under Alfonso de Albuquerque conquer Sultanate of Malacca (8/24)
Portuguese diplomatic mission arrives at Ayutthaya Kingdom - first Europeans to do so?
Musica getutscht Virdung
Vasari, Giorgio 1511-1571
Commines, Philippe de 1447-1511
Tinctoris, Johannes 1435-1511 Music Theorist
Commentarius in Lib. IV Sententiarum Petri Lombardi (Adrian VI)
Amerigo Vespucci dies (2/22)
Castile and Aragon acquire Spanish Navarre
Battle of Ravenna
Russia and Poland at war (-1522)
Laws of Burgos forbid Spanish enslavement of Native Americans
Martin Luther appointed professor of Holy Scriptures at the University of Wittenberg
Catalina - (Navarre) and Don John of Aragon
Svante Nilsson Sture - (Sweden) House of Folkung (regent)
Sten Sture the Younger + (Sweden) House of Folkung (regent)
Neagoe Basarab + (Walachia) Prince
Bayezid II - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Selim I + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Srey Sukonthor - (Cambodia) (1486-)
Kan + (Cambodia) (-1515)
Liederbuch Oeglin
Abbati, Niccolo dell 1512-1571
Mercator, Gerardus 1512-1594 Cartographer
Vespucci, Amerigo 1452-1512
Piri Reis Map
Il Principe (Machiavelli) (1514)
Pope Julius II dies Rome (2/21)
Alfonso de Albuquerque attempts to capture Aden but fails
Machiavelli is released from jail in Florence (3/6)
Leo X elected new pope (3/11)
Ponce de Leon sights island off coast of Florida - does not land (3/27)
(Easter Sunday)

Peace of Orthez - Ferdinand I makes a secret year's truce with Louis XII (4/1)
Ponce de Leon lands in northeast Florida (4/2)
Treaty of Blois - between Louis XII and Republic of Venice (5/14)
Battle of Novara - Louis XII and the French driven out of Milan and Italy (6/6)
Henry VIII's army begins blockade (siege) of Thournehem Fortress at Artois (6/17)
Christian II accedes to the throne of Denmark and Norway (7/22)
Battle of the Spurs - (Guinegate, France) Henry VIII defeats French force under Marshal La Palice (8/17)
Scottish force of 60000 invades England under James IV (8/22)
Henry VIII captures Therouanne (8/22)
Balboa sails from Santa Maria with 190 Spaniards, some native guides and dogs to locate the Pacific (9/1)
Balboa allies with cacique of Careta and reinforces with 1000 of his men, proceed inland (9/6)
Battle of Flodden Field (Branxton) - James IV of Scotland (ally of France) killed in Northumbria (9/9)
Balboa, after defeating Pona, enters the dense jungle (9/20)
Battle of Cuarecua - Balboas army defeats and kills cacique Tarecha (9/24)
Balboa sights South Sea (South Pacific) from peak of mountains by the Chucunaque River (9/25)
Balboa arrives at Sam Miguel Bay and knee deep in water claims sea and lands for Spain (9/29)
Battle of La Motta - Spanish under Ramon de Cardena defeat Venetians (10/7)
Henry VIII sails back to England from Calais - accompanied by the Mary Rose (10/21)
Portuguese capture city of Azemmour in Morocco
Henry VIII takes Tournai - makes Cardinal Wolsey bishop of Tournai
Ponce de Leon discovers and claims Florida for Spain
First sighting of the Pacific by Vasco Nunez de Balboa; crosses Panama isthmus
Portuguese under Jorge Alvares reach Canton, China and Hong Kong
Hans - (Denmark)(Norway) John
Christian II + (Denmark)(Norway) (-1523)
James IV - (Scotland) King
James V + (Scotland) King
Chamaraja Wodeyar II - (Mysore) Hiriya
Chamaraja Wodeyar III + (Mysore) Hiriya Bettada

Julius II - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1503-1513)
Leo X + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1513-1521) Giovanni de Medici

Ferrabosco, Domenica Maria 1513-1574 Composer (Bologna, Italy)
De Asse et Partibus Eius (Guillaume Bude)
Balboa returns to Santa Maria on the eastern coast of Panama (1/19)
Pedro Arias de Avila's Hidalgo immigrants prepare to sail to Panama - largest fleet yet to the New world (4/11)
Battle of Caldiran - Sunni Ottomans (under Selim I) defeat Shia Safavids under Shah Isma'il I (8/23)
Treaty between England and France - England holds the balance of power between France and the Hapsburgs
Wolsey made Bishop of Lincoln and then Archbishop of York
Mary, sister of Henry VIII marries Louis XII
War between Turkey and Persia
Coming of the Westerners to China
Barolome de las Casas petitions Spanish crown on behalf of Native Americans
Ponce de Leon returns to Spain

Rhaticus 1514-1576
Vesalius, Andreas 1514-1564

Anne of Brittany 1477-1514 Queen of France
Bramante 1444-1514
Pacioli, Luca 1445-1514

Louis XII King of France dies (1/1)
Battle of Marignano - French defeat the Swiss and regain Milan (9/13-14)
Alfonso de Albuquerque dies as his ship Flor de Rosa reaches Goa (12/16)
Thomas Wolsey, Archbishop of York, becomes Lord Chancellor of England and Cardinal
Treaty between Emperor Maximilian I and Uladislaus II (Hungary/Bohemia)
Ponce de Leon expedition to conquer the Caribs of Guadalupe

Thomas Wolsey + (England) (-1529) Lord Chancellor
Louis XII - (France) (1498-)
Francis I + (France) (-1547) King
Kan + (Cambodia) (1512-)

Afonso de Albuquerque 1453-1515 Explorer (Portugal)
Orlando Furioso (Ariosto)
Utopia (More) (1st Eng. trans. 1551)
On the Immortality of the Soul (Pietro Pomponazzi)
Mary I of England is born (2/18)
Ferdinand II of Aragon (V of Castile and Leon) dies at Madrigalejo at 63 - Charles I succeeds (2/23)
Treaty of Noyon - between France and Spain - French gains Milan; Spain gains Naples (8)
Battle of Marjdabik - Selim defeats Egyptians north of Aleppo (8/24)
Ottomans under Selim enter Damascus (9/26)
Establishment of ghetto in Venice
Concordat of Bologna - Between Francis I and Pope Leo X
War between Ottoman Empire and Egypt (-1517)
Andreas Corsalis travels to India and China
Cordoba's expedition to Nicaragua and Honduras (accompanied by a young Hernan de Soto)
Ferdinand II - (Aragon) same as Spain?
Ferdinand V -
(Spain) regent

Cardinal Cisneros + (Spain) regent
Charles I + (Spain) King (Charles V HRE)
Ladislas II - (Bohemia)(Hungary) (1471-) Luxemburg Dynasty (Vladislav)
Louis II + (Bohemia)(Hungary) (-1526) Luxemburg Dynasty
Rore, Cipriano de 1516-1565 Musician
Bellini, Giovanni 1430-1516
Bosch, Heironymus (Jerome) 1450-1516
Cordoba's fleet of 3 ships and 110 men depart from Santiago toward Yucatan (2/8)
Bernal Diaz in Mexico - Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba leader (3/4)
Luther s nails his 95 Theses to church door at Wittenberg against the sale of indulgences (10/31)
Ottomans capture Cairo, Egypt - end of Mameluke Empire
Mecca falls to Ottomans
Ottoman Empire destroys the Mamluks and conquer Syria and Egypt
Battle of Catoche (Mexico)
Battle of Champoton (Mexicio)
Cardinal Cisneros - (Spain) regent
Stefenita + (Moldavia) Prince
Sikandar Lodi - (Lodi Dynasty)
Ibrahim Lodi + (Lodi Dynasty)
Zarlino, Gioseffo 1517-1590 Musician
Bartolommeo, Fra 1472-1517
Isaac, Heinrich 1450-1517
Bernal Diaz's 2nd expedition to Yucatan embarks (Juan de Grijalva leader) (4/8)
Juan de Grijalva expedition reaches Tabasco (5/1)
Lorenzo II Medici marries Madeleine de la Tour d Auvergne in the Chateau d Amboise (5/2)
Treaty of London - Wolsey administers treaty of universal peace embracing all the principal European states 20 nations
Thomas More enters the service of Henry VIII
Zwingli called to be minister at Zurich
Battle of Champoton II (Mexicio)
Mahmud Shah - (Bahmani Dynasty)
Ahmad Shah IV + (Bahmani Dynasty)
Palladio, Andrea (di Pietro) 1518-1590 Architect (Italy)
Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti 1518-1594 Painter Matarazzo, Francesco
1443-1518 Historian/Humanist

La Rue, Pierre de 1460-1518 Musician
Ulrich Zwingli leads Reformation in Switzerland delivers his first sermon in Zurich reads Matthew (1/1)
Maximilian I HRE dies (1/12)
Cort s' fleet lands at Vera Cruz (San Juan de Ulua) 3rd Spanish expedition to the mainland (3/4)Holy Thursday 4/21?
Leonardo da Vinci dies at the age of 67 (5/2)
Charles I of Spain is elected Holy Roman Emperor as Charles V (6/28)
Ferdinand Magellan begins global voyage from Seville - completed by Sebastian del Cano (-1522) (8/10)
Cortes begins to move inland from the coast at Vera Cruz (8/16)
Cortes' army battles the Tlaxcalans (9/2)
Cortes' army arrives at Tenochtitlan (11/8)
Cortes is shown the high interior sacrificial altar - Moctezuma II angered by his offending the gods (11/10)
Cortes' generals advise capturing Moctezuma II to for fear of being trapped and killed in Tenochtitlan (11/14)
Moctezuma is made prisoner of Cortes (11/15)
Aztec captains who had attacked the Spanish on the coast at Almera are burned to death by Cortes (11/30)
Charles V in Flanders? (cited in Bernal Diaz)
Pedrarias Davila founds Panama City, abandoning Darien
Maximilian - (Holy Roman Empire)(Austria) (1493-1519) Archduke House of Leopold (Hapsburg)
Charles V + (Austria) Archduke House of Leopold
Ferdinand + (Austria) Archduke House of Leopold
Arbeau, Thoinot 1519-1595 Musician (3/17)
Da Vinci, Leonardo (5/2) 1452-1519
Maximilian I 1459-1519 Emperor (Germany)
Open Letter to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation (Martin Luther)
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (Martin Luther)
On Christian Liberty (Martin Luther)
Narvaez fleet arrives at Vera Cruz to arrest Cort s (4/23)
Hernan Cortes receives word that Spanish fleet under Narvaez has arrived on Mexican coast to arrest him (6)
Field of Cloth of Gold - Francis I meets Henry VIII but fails to gain his support against Charles V(6/7)
Moctezuma gives a speech to his people but is stoned and jeered (6/25)
Moctezuma dies from wounds sustained while giving a speech at the behest of Cortes (6/30)
Henry VIII meets Christian II of Denmark in London (6/30)
La Noche Triste - Cortes' army wiped out trying to escape Tenochtitlan (7/1)
Charles V crowned Holy Roman Emperor at Palatine Chapel, Aachen (10/28)
Stockholm Bloodbath begins (11/4)
Stockholm Bloodbath culminates with the execution of 100 anti-unionists (Sture Party) (11/8)
Stockholm Bloodbath ends (11/10)
Secret treaty between Henry VIII and Charles V
Battle of Stockholm - Christian II of Denmark/Norway takes Sweden by force - massacre of Swedish nobles
Turkish power at its height under Suleiman I
Portugese settle on Timor
Portuguese mission to Ethiopia (-1526)
Charles V +
(Holy Roman Empire) (Spain) House of Austria (Hpsbrg)

Sten Sture the Younger - (Sweden) House of Folkung (regent)
Selim I - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Suleiman I + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan (the Magnificent (Kanuni) (1520-1566)
Moctezuma - (Aztec Empire) (1502-1520)
Rennaissance madrigal begins in Italy
Gabrieli, Andrea 1520-1585
Composer (b. 1510;1533) (d. 1611?)

Raphael 1483-1520
Quaestiones quodlibeticae (Adrian VI)
Assertion of the Seven Sacraments (Henry VIII)
Martin Luther officially excommunicated by Pope Leo X by the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem (1/3)
Diet of Worms convenes - Charles V convenes (1/28)
Luther arrives at the Diet at Worms (4/16)
Battle of Mactan - Lapu Lapu - Muslim chieftan Lapu Lapu et al kill Ferdinand Magellan (4/27)
Edict of Worms - Martin Luther is condemned as a heretic and is excommunicated (5/25)
Ponce de Leon dies in Cuba (7)
Battle of Tenochtitlan (8/8)
Cort s enters Tenochtitlan once again and officially conquers it (8/13)
Ottomans under Sulieman capture Belgrade (8/29)
Thomas More knighted
Charles V gives his brother Ferdinand I the Austrian duchies of the Hapsburgs
Ferdinand I marries Anna, sister of Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia, in fulfillment of 1515 treaty
Henry VIII receives title "Defender of the Faith" from Pope Leo X for his opposition to Luther
Henry VIII executes Duke of Buckingham (descendant of Edward III) on charge of high treason
Charles V captures Tournai - becomes part of Spanish Netherlands
France and Spain at war over rival claims to Italy (-1529)
Siege of Pamplona - St. Ignatius of Loyola wounded - gives up being a soldier after convalescence
Gustav Vasa leads successful revolution in Stockholm against Christian II - Kalmar Union ends (Sw-Dn)
Spanish clergy book burnings - Mayan codices
Hernan Cortes conquers Tenochtitlan
Ponce de Leon's last expedition to southwest Florida - attacked by Calusa - wounded by poison arrow
Gustavus Eriksson + (Sweden) House of Vasa (regent)
Ferdinand I + (Austria) Archduke (brother of Charles V) (-1564)
Neagoe Basarab - (Walachia) Prince
Radu of Afumati + (Walachia) Prince
Ahmad Shah IV - (Bahmani Dynasty)
Ala ud din Shah + (Bahmani Dynasty)
Emanuel I - (Portugal) House of Aviz
John III + (Portugal) House of Aviz
Leo X - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1513-1521) Giovanni de Medici
Josquin dies at Conde (8/27)
de Monte, Philippe 1521-1603 Musician
Cosimo, Piero di 1462-1521
Dez Prez, Josquin 1440-1521 Composer
Magellan, Ferdinand 1480-1521
Battle of Bicocca - Charles V defeats the French and drives them out of Milan (4/27)
First circumnavigation of the Earth complete -
Juan Sebastian Elcano from Magellan's expedition returns to Seville - (6/9)
Rhodes and the Hospitallers falls to Ottoman Turks (10/24)
Wolsey allies briefly with Charles V (ill-fated)
Tax reform in China
Charles - (Austria) Archduke House of Leopold
Ala ud din Shah - (Bahmani Dynasty)
Waliullah Shah + (Bahmani Dynasty)
Wuzong - (China) (1506-1522) 11th Ming Dynasty (Zhengde Era)
Shizong + (China) (1522-1567) 12th Ming Dynasty (Jiajing Era)
Adrian VI + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1522-1523)
Gafori, Franchino 1451-1522 Musician
Gustavus Vasa elected King of Sweden - leads revolt against Danish rulers (6/6)
Adrian VI is sworn in as 219th pope (11/19)
Three Spanish caravels transporting Aztec treasure back to Spain looted by French corsairs (Jean Florin)
Martin Luther translates New Testament into German
Chinese capture two Western ships with 2 Portugese breech-loading culverins
Christian II - (Denmark)(Norway)
Frederik I + (Denmark)(Norway) (-1533)
Gustavus Eriksson - (Sweden) House of Vasa (regent)
Gustavus I + (Sweden) House of Vasa
Adrian VI - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1522-1523)
Clement VII + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1523-1534)

David, Gerard 1460-1523
Perugino 1446-1523
Signorelli, Luca 1445-1523
Verrazano lands near Cape Fear, North Carolina (3/1)
Battle of Sesia Spanish under Charles de Lannoy defeat French they are forced to retreat from Italy (4/30)
Battle of Acajutla Pedro Alvarado and his "conquistadors" defeat a battalion of Pipile people of western El Salvador (6/8)
French Siege of Pavia under Francis I begins (10/28)
Cordoba founds Granada, Nicaragua(12/8)
France invades Italy and recaptures Milan
Marseilles is beseiged by HRE forces under the Duke of Bourbon Charles III
Peasant revolt in Germany (1524-1525)
Erasmus defends the freedom of the will against Luther
Council of the Indies established by Spain
Giovanni da Verrazano French expedition from Carolina to Nova Scotia
Waliullah Shah - (Bahmani Dynasty)
Kalimullah Shah + (Bahmani Dynasty)
Shah Ismail I - (Safavid Persia) (1501-) 1st (1523)
Tahmasp I + (Safavid Persia) (-1576) 2nd (1523)
Geystliche Gesangk Buchleyn Jahann Walter
Erastus, Thomas 1524-1583 Theologian/Physician (Swiss)
Gama, Vasco Da 1469-1524
Patinir, Joachim 1485-1524
Pomponatius 1462-1524

Tyndale's Bible (William Tyndale) first English translation from Greek New Testament
Battle of Pavia - Francis I is captured in decisive battle of the Italian War of 1521 (Four Years War) (2/24)
Battle of Frankenhausen - Peasants defeated by Swabian League - end of the revolutionary phase of the Reformation (5/15)
Hohenzollerns rule Prussia (-1918)
Beginning of Anabaptism - Conrad Grebel baptizes Georg Blaurock -
The Reformation established in Zurich
Bruegel the Elder, Pieter 1525-1569 Painter
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigida 1525-1594 Composer
Boccaccino, Boccaccio 1465-1525 Painter
Hans Holbein first travels to England (1526-1528)
Deutsche Messe (Martin Luther)
La Natural hystoria de las Indias (Oviedo)
Treaty of Madrid - Francis I to give up claims to Milan, Genoa, and Naples to Charles V (1/14)
First Battle of Panipat - Babur defeats last Delhi sultan - Ibrahim Lodhi - Mughal (Mogul) Empire established (4/21)
League of Cognac - Francis I, Clement VII, Francesco Sforza of Milan, Venice & Florence vs. Charles V (5/22)
Milan is captured by the Spanish (7/24)
Battle of Mohacs - Ottomans defeat Hungarians - defeat and kill Louis II of Bohemia and Hungary (8/29)
Henry VIII orders the burning of Tyndale's Bible - persecution only increased it's circulation
Francis I fails to honor Treaty of Madrid
Hungary divides between Turkey and Austria
Ferdinand of Austria, brother of Charles V succeeds to Bohemian throne
Dispute over Hungarian succession between Ottoman Empire and Ferdinand of Austria (-1528)
Turkey controls Croatia
Pedrarias D vila backs out of agreement with Pizarro and Diego de Almagro
Pedro de los Rios succeeds Pedrarias D vila as Governor of Panama
War of the League of Cognac (-1530)
Louis II - (Bohemia)(Hungary) Luxemburg Dynasty King
Ferdinand I + (Bohemia)(Hungary) (-1564) Lux. Dynasty (of Austria) br. Charles V
John Zapolya + (Transylvania) Prince
Ibrahim Lodi - (Lodi Dynasty) North Indian Delhi Sultanate
Babur + (Mughal Empire) (1526-1530) Zahir al din Muhammed
The Schleitheim Confession - first Anabaptist doctrinal statement (2/24)
Sack of Rome - by Spaniard and German imperial troops under Charles V - Pope Clement VII is captured (5/6)
Philip II is born (5/21)
Pedrarias D vila becomes governor of Nicaragua (7/1)
Province of Nicaragua created - Castillo de Oro province susequently reduced
Panfilo de Narvaez expedition leaves Spain early in the year
Stefenita - (Moldavia) Prince
Petru Rares + (Moldavia) Prince
Kalimullah Shah - (Bahmani Dynasty)
Brevarium noviomense Attaingnant (1st publication)
Dee, John 1527-1608 Math/Astrologer(London) (7/13)
Philip II 1527-1598 King of Spain
Ortelius, Abraham 1527-1598 Cartographer (Flanders)
Machiavelli, Niccolo 1469-1527
The Courtier (Castiglione)
Polemical Tracts against the Lutherans (Thomas More) (-1533)
Gustav I is crowned King of Sweden (1/12)
Narvaez expedition lands in Florida (4/12)
Battle of Landriano - French army under Marshal St. Pol is defeated in Italy (6/19)
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca shipwrecked near Tampa Bay & Galveston in Narvaez expedition (11/6)
Ferdinand of Austria succeeds to the Hungarian throne
Basel and Berne accept Reformation
Capuchin Order founded
Hernan Cortes sails to Spain to appeal to Charles V his first time back to Spain since 1519
Hernan de Soto leads his own expedition to find passage between Atlantic and Pacific vis a vis Yucatan
Banez, Dominic 1528-1604
de Bry, Theodorus 1528-1598 Illustrator
Fonseca 1528-1597 Philosopher/Theologian (Portugal)
Veronese, Paolo Caliari 1528-1588 Painter (Verona)
Durer, Albrecht 1471-1528
Ferrara 1474-1528
Grunewald, Matthias 1470-1528
Verrazano, Giovanni da 1485-1528
Treaty of Zaragoza (Spain/Portugal) Extends Tordesilla meridian into other hemisphere Phillipines/Malucca (Ptg) (4/22)
Sulieman and his army leave Istanbul toward Vienna (5/10)
Peace of Cambrai - between France and Spain - France renounces claims to Italy (8/5)
First Ottoman Seige of Vienna unsuccessful (9/27-10/14)
Colloquy of Marburg (10/1-4)
Fall of Wolsey - Henry VIII dismisses him for failing to obtain Pope's consent to divorce Catherine (10)
English Reformation (-1539)
Clement VII summons Wolsey/Campeggio commission to Rome
Rise of Thomas Cromwell
Sir Thomas More appointed Lord Chancellor
Henry VIII summons the "Reformation Parliament" and begins to cut ties with the Church of Rome (-1536)
Treaty of Barcelona - between Pope Clement VII and Charles V
Ottomans acquire Algerian bases
Nuno de Guzman's expedition through Michoac n, Nayarit, Jalisco, Durango, Sinaloa, and Zacatecas
Thomas Wolsey - (England) (1515-) Lord Chancellor
Thomas More + (England) (-1532) Lord Chancellor
Radu of Afumati - (Walachia) Prince
Castiglione, Baldassare 2/2 1478-1529
De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelesticum (Copernicus)
Diet of Augsburg - German Protestant princes declare faith in the Augsburg Confession (6/25)
Wolsey arrested on false charges of treason - dies at Leicester on his way to London (11/29)
Margaret of Austria dies (12/1)
Thomas Cranmer travels to Rome to defend his argument of divorce on behalf of Henry VIII
Charles V establishes Knights of St. John at Malta
Pope Clement VII crowns Charles V emperor - last coronation by a pope
Civil war in Switzerland between Protestant and Catholic cantons - Protestants defeated
Fall of the last Florentine Republic - return of the Medici
Babur - (Mughal Empire) (1527-1530) Zahir ud din Muhammed
Humayun + (Mughal Empire) (1530-1538) Nasir ud din Muhammed
Basil III - (Russia) (-1505) Grand Duke of Moscow
Ivan IV + (Russia) (-1584) Czar (The Terrible)
Benedetti, Giovanni Battista 1530-1590
Bodin, Jean 1530-1596 Philosopher
Gabrieli, Andrea 1530-1586
Abravanel, Judah 1470-1530
Margaret of Austria 1480-1530 Hapsburg Princess (d. Maximilian I)
Sannazaro, Jacopo 1458-1530
Wolsey, Thomas 1473-1530 Prelate/Statesman (England)
Schmalkaldic League forms (2/27)
Pedrarias D vila dies in Leon, Nicaragua (3/6)
Battle of Kappel - Zwingli dies (10/11)
Henry VIII breaks with the Roman Catholic Church
Schmalkaldic League forms
Charles V has brother Ferdinand I elected King of the Romans
Pizarro s conquest begins (-1538)
Sarto, Andrea del 1487-1531
Zwingli 1484-1531
Gargantua (Rabelais)
Battle of Cajamarca - Pizarro suprise attack on the Inca (11/16)
Thomas More resigns as chancellor over question of Henry VIII's divorce
Thomas Cranmer made ambassador to Charles V
Religious Peace of Nuremberg - Protestants allowed to practice their religion freely
Calvin starts Protestant movement in France
Turks invade Hungary but are defeated
Portuguese begin colonization of Brazil
Cortes sends two ships in search of island of California - they are never seen again
Thomas More - (England) Lord Chancellor (1529-)
Thomas Cromwell + (England) Chief Minister
Thomas Cramner (AC) + (1533)
Lassus, Orlando di 1532-1594
Xylander, Guilielmus 1532-1576
Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn (1/25)
Henry VIII divorces Catherine of Aragon (3/30)
Inca ruler Atahualpa is strangled (8/29)
Elizabeth I is born (9/7)
Henry II of France marries Catherine de Medici (10/28)
Clement VII excommunicates Henry VIII
Thomas Cranmer becomes Archbishop of Cantebury
Peace between Suleiman I and Ferdinand of Austria
Ivan the Terrible succeeds as ruler of Russia at age three
Francisco Pizarro captures Cuzco and conquers Peru
Frederik I - (Denmark)(Norway)
Christian III + (Denmark)(Norway)

Ivan IV The Terrible + Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
First Italian madrigals
Merulo, Claudio 1533-1604 Composer
Montaigne, Michel de 1533-1592 Essayist
Ariosto, Ludovico 1474-1533 Poet
The Bible, 1st ed. (Martin Luther)
Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation (Thomas More)
Treatise on the Passion (Thomas More)
Anababtists sieze Munster (2/27)
Jacques Cartier reaches Newfoundland (5/10)
Battle of Lauffen - Ulrich I, dispossessed duke of Wurttemberg, and Philip of Hesse defeat Ferdinand I (5/13)
Jacques Cartier discovers St. Lawrence River (6/9)
Jacques Cartier meets natives at Gulf of St. Lawrence in New Brunswick (7/7)
Jacques Cartier claims Nouvelle France (Canada) for France at Gaspe Peninsula (7/24)
Affair of the Placards in Paris, Blois Rouen, Tours, and Orl ans (10/17)
Act of Supremacy - Henry VIII becomes supreme head of the Church in England (11)
Church of England established
Parliament Bill of Fealty
Ignatius Loyola with six other men found the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Turks captue Tunis
Ottomans capture Tabriz and Iraq - Baghdad
Acadamie Francais founded by Richelieu
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Clement VII -
Paul III + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1534-1549)

Soto de Langa 1534-1619 Musician
Cajetan 1468-1534
Correggio, Antonio Allegri 1489-1534
La Historia general de las Indias (Oviedo)
Antonio de Mendoza becomes 1st viceroy of New Spain - begins rule in Mexico (4/17)
Jacques Cartier begins second voyage with 3 ships and 110 men, two sons of Donnacona (5/13)
Thomas More is beheaded for failing to take Oath of Supremacy (7/6)
Jacques Cartier reaches Hochelaga (present day Montreal) (10/2)
Jacques Cartier returns to Stadacona (Quebec city) (10/11)
Death of Francesco Sforza - Milan comes under direct Spanish control - Charles V occupies it as imperial fief
Charles V conquers Tunis
Jaques Cartier navigates St. Lawrence River (-1536)
Spaniards explore Chile (-1537)
Lima, Peru founded by Pizarro
Antonio de Mendoza + (Spanish America) 1st Viceroy
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Agrippa v. Nettesheim, Henricus Cornelius 1486-1535
More, Thomas 1478-1535
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin)
Cabeza de Vaca party reaches San Miguel de Culiacan, a small Spanish outpost in Sinaloa, Mexico (5/1536)
Anne Boleyn beheaded (5/19/1536)
Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour (5/20/1536)
Cabeza de Vaca party reaches Mexico City (7/1536)
Erasmus dies in Basel (7/12/1536)
Jacques Cartier returns to Saint Malo, France with Wendat Chief Donnacona (7/15/1536)
Thomas Cranmer (AC), subservient to Henry VIII, declares marriage to Anne Boleyn invalid
Suppression of monasteries in England under direction of Thomas Cromwell (-1539) (-1540)
Pilgrimage of Grace - Catholic uprising in the north of England is suppressed
Wales incorporated into England
John Calvin leads Protestants in Geneva
France invades Savoy and Piedmont
Pope Paul III establishes Comission of Cardinals to reform the papal court
Ottoman alliance with Francis I of France
Seige of Algiers - Charles V
Almagro returns to Cuzco from Chile expedition

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
First music publication of Gardano in Venice
First music publication of Petreius in Nuremberg
Sackville, Thomas 1536-1608 Poet/Statesman (England)
Boece, Hector 1465-1536
Erasmus 7/12 1466-1536 Man of Letters
Peruzzi, Baldassare 1481-1536
Tyndale, William 1484-1536 Biblical Translator (England)
English Bible
Alessandro de Medici is assassinated (1/6)
Jane Seymour dies after giving birth to a son - the future Edward VI (10/24)
Castillo de Oro province split up - divided by the Duchy of Veragua
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Battle of Las Salinas - Pizarro brothers capture and defeat Almagro near Cuzco (4)
Diego de Almagro is executed in Cuzco (7/8)
Truce of Nice - between France and Spain
Geneva accepts the Reformation
Moldavia falls under Ottoman domain
Interregnum under Sur dynasty (-1555)
Petru Rares - (Moldavia) Prince
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Humayun - (Mughal Empire) (1530-) Nasir ud din Muhammed (1540?)
Altdorfer, Albrecht 1480-1538
Guru Nanak 1469-1538
Estevanico leads small advance recon party to Arizona/New Mexico from Culiacan, Mexico (2)
Truce of Frankfurt - between HRE Charles V and Melancthon Schmalkaldic League loses French support (4/19)
Hernando de Soto's expedition reaches west coast of Florida near Bradenton (Espiritu Santo) (5)
Fernando de Ulloa's expedition along the west coast of Mexico under the auspices of Cortes begins (7/8)
Ordinance of Villers-Cotterets - by Francis I proscribed the use of French in all judicial acts /
Ordinance of Villers-Cotterets baptisms and deaths to be recorded in all parishes
Fernando de Ulloa's expedition resumes journey north up the Sea of Cortes after repairs (9/12)
Revolt of Ghent - suppressed by Charles V
Statute of the Six Articles
Hernando de Soto explores Mississippi etc (-1542)
Western Castillo de Oro merges with Royal Veragua to form the Province of New Cartago and Costa Rica
Vilacambo founded by Manco Inca
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
First book of five part madrigals Arcadelt
Brantome, Pierre de 1539-1614
Gilbert, Humphrey 1539-1589
Henry VIII marries Anne of Cleves following negotiations by Thomas Cromwell (1/6)
Marriage to Anne of Cleves to secure North German Princes against the Catholic Emperor Charles V (1/6)
Coronado expedition sets out north in search of Seven Cities of Cibola (2)
Hernan de Soto expedition reaches modern day Columbia, SC capital of the Cofitachequi tribe (5)
Henry VIII divorces Anne of Cleves (6/24)
Henry VIII marries Catherine Howard (8/8)
Hernan de Soto reaches Maubila, in southwestern Alabama - meet Choctaw chief Tuscaloosa (10)
Battle of Maubilla - twenty of de Soto's men are killed , 2500 Tuscaloosa's men dead (10/18)
Thomas Cromwell beheaded on charge of treason by the Duke of Normandy (reality - Anne of Cleves)
Pope Paul III officially recognizes the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado leads expeditionary force through Texas and Oklahoma
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado splinter group travels to the Grand Canyon under Garcia Lopez de Cardenas
Suri Dynasty in India
Mixton Rebellion begins (-1541)
Tiguex War - 1st war between Europeans and Native Americans north of Mexico - Coronado vs Tiwa Pueblos
Philip + (Milan) Duke (son of Charles V)
John Zaoolya - (Transylvania) Prince
John Sigisimund + (Transylvania) Prince

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Sher Shah Suri + (Suri Dynasty)

Andreani, Andrea 1540-1623
Gilbert, William 1540-1603
Guami, Gioseffo 1540-1611 Musician
Hatton, Christopher 1540-1591
Vecchi, Orazio 1540-1603 Musician
Viete, Francois 1540-1603

Cromwell, Thomas 1485-1540 Statesman (Putney, England)
Merici, Angela 1479-1540
Parmigianino 1503-1540 Painter

Pedro de Valdivia founds Santiago (Santiago de Nueva Extremadura) in Chile (2/12)
De Soto exdpedition (the remainder of it) reach the Mississippi River (5/8)
Jacques Cartier's Third Expedition leaves Saint-Malo with 5 ships to find the Kingdom of Sanguenay (5/23)
De Soto exdpedition crosses Mississippi travelling west (6)
Coronado Expedition members reach the Arkansas River - first Europeans to do so (6/29)
Jacques Cartier arrives at Stadacona (8/23)
Two of Cartier's ships carrying quartz crystal (diamonds) and pyrite (gold) set back to France (9/2)
Cartier sets off up St. Lawrence in search of Kingdom of Sanguenay (9/7)
Santiago, Chile destroyed by Michima Lonco (9/11)
Mixton Revolt suppressed by Spanish (12)
John Knox brings the Reformation to Scotland
Conclave of Regensgurg - Lutheran, Reformed (Zwinglian), and Catholic Churches meet - it fails to resolve
Turks conquer Hungary
Mixton War - Indians revolt againt Spanish rule in Nueva Galicia
Hernando de Soto discovers Mississippi River
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Francisco de Orellana separates from Pizarros expedition at the Napo River - sails length of amazon (12) -(1542)
Cabezon, Hernando de 1541-1602 Composer
Charron, Pierre 1541-1603
Theotokopoulos, Domenicos (El Greco) 1541-1614 Painter
Paracelcus 1493-1541
Van Orley, Bernaert 1488-1541
Very Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies (Las Casas)
Henry VIII's wife Catherine Howard beheaded (2/12/1542)
Battle of Wayna Daga - Ethiopians under Emperor Gelawdewos defeat Sultanate of Adal under Amahd ...(2/21)
Hernan de Soto dies in La Florida (5/21)
Cartier begins return voyage from St. Lawrence to France in three remaining ships (6)
Cartier returns to France (10)
Battle of Solway Moss - English route Scots - James V retreats ill to Falkland Palace (11/24)
Mary Queen of Scots is born (12/8)
James V dies at Falkland Palace (12/14)
Henry VIII assumes title King of Ireland, head of Church of Ireland
Roman Inquisition established by the papal bull Licot ab initio
Portuguese merchants first reach Japan
Charles V enacts the New Laws designed to end encomienda system
James V - (Scotland) King
Mary Queen of Scots + (Scotland) Queen

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

First book of madrigals (de Rore)
Bellarmine, Robert 1542-1621
John of the Cross 1542-1591
De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (Copernicus)
On the Structure of the Human Body (Vesalius)
Treaty of Greenwich - Mary Queen of Scots promised to marry Edward VI of England (7)
Henry VIII marries Catherine Paar (7/10)
Mary Stuart crowned queen of Scotland at Stirling Castle (9/9)
Scotland and France renew alliance - Scotland parliament breaks off Treaty of Greenwich (12)
Alliance between Henry VIII and Charles V against Scotland and France
Philip II is made regent of Spain
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Byrd, William 1543-1623
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso 1543-1588 Composer (Bologna, Italy)
Copernicus 1473-1543
Franck, Sebastian 1499-1543
Holbein, Hans 1497-1543
Herbarium (Luca Ghini)
Francis II of France is born (1/19)
Battle of Ceresole - French under the Comte d'Enghien defeat Fr./HRE under the Del Vasto near Turin (4/11)
Henry VIII and Charles V invade France (5)
Siege of St. Dizier in eastern France by Imperial forces begins(6/19) -(8/18)
English forces under Henry VIII besiege and capture Boulogne (7/19) -(9/14)
Treaty of Crespy-en-Laonnois - between Spain and France (9/18)
French forces under the Dauphin attack Enlgish held Boulogne - ultimately rebuffed (10/9)
Rough Wooing - Anglo-Scottish War follows from Scotland s refusal to honor the Treaty of Greenwich (-1551)
University of Konigsberg founded
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Francis II 1544-1560 King (France)
Masson, Jean Papire 1544-1611 Historian/Geographer (France)
Ars Magna (Girolamo Cardano) mathematical treatise
Battle of Ancrum Moor - Scottish victory over English forces temporarily ends English campaign (2/12)
30 of the New Laws are suppressed - encomienda system still secure (10/20)
Treaty between Ferdinand and Suleiman - Ferdinand to pay tribute to the Porte - ends hostilities in Medit.(11/10)
1st Council of Trent is convened by Pope Paul III - under Jesuit guidance to reform the Church (12/4) (-1547)
Council of Trent (-1563)
25 French galleys leave Mediterranean to participate in landing on the Isle of Wight - Paulin de la Garde
Opening of Potosi mines, Bolivia
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Sher Shah Suri - (Suri Dynasty)
Islam Shah Suri + (Suri Dynasty)
Bodley, Thomas 1545-1613 Scholar/Diplomat (England)
Breton, Nicholas 1545-1626 Writer (England)
Gerard, John
1545-1612 Botanist (England)

Harvey, Gabriel 1545-1630 Writer (Saffron Walden, Essex)
Rudolf, Christoff 1500-1545
Martin Luther dies (2/18)
France makes peace with England (6)
Mining settlement of Zacatecas founded (9/8)
Schmalkaldic Wars begin
Silver deposits found in Zacatecas by Juan de Tolosa
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Prince
L Estoile, Pierre de 1546-1611
Tycho Brahe 1546-1601 Astronomer
Luther, Martin 1483-1546 Catholic Reformer (2/18)
Ivan IV crowned Tsar of Russia (1/16)
Henry VIII dies - Edward VI becomes King of England - Duke of Somerset acts as protector (1/28)
Edward VI is crowned at Westminster Abbey (2/20)
Francis I King of France dies (3/31)
Battle of Muhlberg - Charles V defeats Schmalkaldic League (4/24)
Battle of Muhlberg - Elector John Frederick I defeated & captured - Saxony Elector passes to Maurice (4/24)
Fire of Moscow - displaced 25,000 households and killed approximately 1,600 people (6/21)
Henry II succeeds his father Francis I as King of France (7/31)
Battle of Pinkie Cleugh - first "modern" battle fought in the British Isles (9/10) (Black Saturday)
Hernan Cortes dies (12/2)
Hapsburgs become hereditary kings of Bohemia
Ferdinand virtually abrogates the prerogatives of the Bohemian diet and the towns
Ernestine line of Wettin family retains possession of Thuringia
Ottomans gain larger part of Hungary
Francis I -
(France) (1515-) King

Henry II + (France) (-1559) King
Henry VIII - (England) (1509-) King
Edward VI + (England) (-1553) King
Ivan IV The Terrible + (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Dodecachordon Glareanus
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de 1547-1616
Holborne, Anthony
1547-1602 Composer

Lipsius, Justus 1547-1606
Francis I 1494-1547
Henry VIII 1491-1547
Spiritual Exercises (St. Ignatius of Loyola)
Charles V annexes the Netherlands
Sigismund the Old + (Poland) Jagiellon Dynasty
Sigismund II Augustus + (Poland) Jagiellon Dynasty

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Bruno, Giordano 1548-1600
Stevin, Simon 1548-1620
Suarez 1548-1617
Victoria, Tomas Luis de 1548-1611 Composer
Book of Common Prayer - authorized by Edward VI
Antonio de Mendoza steps down as Viceroy of New Spain (7/4)
Introduction of uniform Protestant service in England with Edward VI's Book of Common Prayer
St. Francis Xavier introduces Christianity to Japan (-1551)
Permanent settlement of Brazil begun by Thome de Souza - Jesuits begin missionary work
Brazil becomes a Portuguese Royal Colony
Pedro Menendez de Aviles is commissioned by Charles V to drive French privateers off Spanish Coast
Ricercari Willaert
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Antonio de Mendoza - (New Spain) (1535-1549) Viceroy

Paul III - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1534-1549)
Fall of Duke of Somerset - Duke of Northumberland succeeds as Protector
Tatars raid China
De Las Casas and Juan Gines debate at Valladolid whether the Indians are natural slaves according to Aristotle
Charles V sends Luis de Velasco to New Spain to deal with problems in the spanish colonies
Chichimeca War begins in Zacatecas (first frontier war in Mexico)
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1530-1584) Czar
Julius III + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1550-1555)
Cavalieri, Emilio de' 1550-1602 Composer
Handl, Jakob (Gallus) 1550-1591 Composer
Napier, John 1550-1617

Henry III Valois is born (9/19)
Archbishop Cramner publishes Forty-two Articles of Religion
2nd Coucil of Trent (-1552)
Treaty of Friedewalde - between Saxony and France
Turkey and Hungary at war (-1562)
Universty of Mexico receives charter
University of Peru receives charter

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
First Book of Psalms Goudimel
Caccini, Giulio 1551-1618 Composer
Ursus, Nicholas Reimers 1551-1600

Peace of Passau - between Saxony (Maurice) and Holy Roman Empire (Charles V) - Ferdinand I as mediator (8)
Peace of Passau - grants Lutheran religious freedoms - ends Charles' quest for European religious unity (8)
War between Charles V and Henri II of France (-1556)
France siezes Toul, Metz, and Verdun
Kazan and Tatar khanate (Astrakhan) conquered by Ivan IV (-1556)
Las Casas report published
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Angad - (Sikh) (1504-) 3rd Guru

Justus Byrgius 1552-1632
Raleigh, Walter 1552-1626
Spenser, Edmund 1552-1599

Attaingnant, Pierre -1552
Natural Magic (della Porta)
Henry IV of France is born (4/1)
Edward VI dies - Lady Jane Grey proclaimed Queen of England by Duke of Northumberland - lasts nine days
Restoration of Roman Catholic bishops in England under queen Mary (-1558)
Voyage to Archangel by Richard Chancellor
Edward VI - (England) (1547-)
Mary I + (England) (-1558) Queen (d. of Henry VIII and Catherine)

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Islam Shah Suri - (Suri Dynasty)
Adil Shah + (Suri Dynasty)
Chamaraja Wodeyar III - (Mysore) Hiriya Bettada
Thimmaraja Wodeyar II + (Mysore)

Marenzio, Luca 1553-1599 Composer
Thou, Jacques August de 1553-1617

Cranach, Lucas 1472-1553
Rabelais, Francis 1495-1553
Servet 1509-1553

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Sao Paulo Mission in Brazil founded by Jose de Anchieta and Manoel da Nobrega (1/24)
Lady Jane Grey is executed (2/12)
Mary I marries Philip II, heir to the throne of Spain (7/25)
Turks conquer coast of North Africa (-1556)
Turkish merchants first introduce tulip seeds into Europe
Francois Le Clerc (Pegleg) sacks Santiago de Cuba
First Book of Madrigals Philippe de Monte
First Book of Masses Palestrina
Lyly, John 1554-1606
Sydney, Philip 1554-1586

Joanna of Castile (the Mad) dies (4/12)
Peace of Augsburg - ends Schmalkaldic Wars - Protestant princes granted freedom of worship and reform (9/25)
Peace of Augsburg - puts forth the the principle of cuius regio, eius religio (whose territory, his religion) (9/25)
England returns to Roman Catholicism - Protestants are prosecuted and 300 burned at the stake
Admiral Pedro Menendez de Aviles chosen to command Spanish treasure fleets
Ottoman-Safavid peace
Mughal Dynasty restored by Humayun (-1556)
Charles V - (Netherlands) Count
Phillip II + (Netherlands) Count

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Adil Shah - (Suri Dynasty)
Humayun + (Mughal Empire) Nasir ud din Muhammed

Julius III - (Roman Patriarchate) (1550-)
Marcellus II +- (Roman Patriarchate) *****
Paul IV + (Roman Patriarchate) (-1559) Gian Caraffa

1st Book of Madrigals Orlando di Lasso
Magini, Giovanni Antonio 1555-1617 6/13 Padua
Charles V abdicates division of territories - Ferdinand I HRE; Philip II King of Spain (1/16/1556)
Shaanxi Earthquake - deadliest earthquake in history - kills approx 830,000 (1/23/1556)
Mughal Emperor Humayun falls to his death climbing down library steps (1/25/1556)
Treaty of Vaucelles - between Philip II and Henri II - Franche-Compte ceded to Philip II (2/5)
Akbar is enthroned as Mughal Emperor (2/14)
Thomas Cranmer declared a heretic (2/15)
AC Thomas Cranmer is burnerd at the stake for treason (3/21)
Treaty of Vaucelles fails - resumption of Hapsburg-Valois War (11)
Second Battle of Panipat - Akbar the Great defeats Hindus (11/5)
Alliance between Pope Paul IV and Henri II of France
Jacques de Sores destroys city of Havana
Equal sign (=) introduced by Robert Recorde
Charles V - (Spain)(HRE) (1519-) House of Austria
Ferdinand I + (HRE) (-1564) Hapsburg
Philip II + (Spain) (-1598) House of Austria
Alexandru Lapusneaunu +-(Moldavia) ***** Prince
Patrascu the Kind +- (Walachia) ***** Prince

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Humayun - (Mughal Empire) Nasir ud din Muhammed
Akbar + (Mughal Empire) (-1605) Jalal ud din Muhammed

Libro de cifra nueva (Luis Venegas de Henestrosa)
Gabrielli, Giovanni 1556-1612 Composer/Organist (Venice)
Vair, Guillaume du 1556-1621 Author/Lawyer

Cranmer, Thomas 1489-1556
Gombert, Nicolas 1490-1556
Loyola, Ignatius 1491-1556

Battle of St. Quentin - Spain and England defeat France (8/10) Feast Day of St. Lawrence
Bankruptcy of the Spanish Crown
Livonian War between Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark over the succession to the Balkan territories
Russia invades Poland
Portuguese settle at Macao, China - gain possession
John III - (Portugal) House of Aviz
Sebastian + (Portugal) House of Aviz
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Claudio Merulo at San Marco
Althusius, Johannes 1557-1638
Lodge, Thomas 1557-1625
Morley, Thomas 1557-1603
Peele, George 1557-1596

Agricola, Mikael 1510-1557
Lotto, Lorenzo 1480-1557
Tartaglia, Nicolo 1500-1557

Eleanor Hapsburg dies (2/25)
Mary Queen of Scots marries Francis II , French Dauphine (4/24)
Charles V HRE dies at monastery in Extremadura, Spain (9/21)
Mary I Queen of England dies - Elizabeth I succeeds (11/17)
Repeal of Catholic legislation in England
England loses Calais - last English possession in France
Diego Laynez elected general of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Mary I - (England) (1553-1558) Queen (d. of Henry VIII and Catherine)
Elizabeth I + (England) (1558-1603) Queen (d. Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn)
Charles V - (Hpsbrg) (Holy Roman Empire) Emperor
Ferdinand I + (HRE)(K. Bohemia)(K. Hungary) Emperor (-1564)
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Musica nova Willaert
Institutioni harmoniche Zarlino
Greene, Robert 1558-1592
Kid, Thomas 1558-1594
Charles V 1500-1558 Emperor
Janequin, Clement 1485-1558 Musician
Scalinger, Julius Caesar 1484-1558
Index of Banned Works (Roman Papacy)
Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis - signed between Spain and France - ends the Hapsburg/Valois wars (4/3)
Henry II of France is fatally pierced in the brain during a tournament to celebrate the Cateau Cam. Treaty (7/1)
Henry II dies from his injury - son Francis II succeeds (7/10)
Philip II leaves Netherlands and returns to Spain which becomes the center of his government
Beginning of opposition of higher nobility against government of Philip II's confidants in the Netherlands
Spain controls virtually all Italy
Calvinist Huguenot Church founded - 1st French national synod held - 66 churches send representatives
Akbar captures Gwalior kingdom
Christian III - (Denmark)(Norway) (1533-)
Frederik II + (Denmark)(Norway) (-1588)
Henry II - (France) (1547-) King -died in accident during tournament
Francis II + (France) (1559-1560) King (Francois)

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Paul IV - (Roman Patriarchate) (1555-1560) Gian Caraffa
Pius IV + (Roman Patriarchate) (1560-1565)

First Book of Discipline (Scotland)
Treaty of Berwick - between Elizabeth I and Scottish reformers (2)
Treaty of Edinburgh - betw. England, France, & Scotland - ends Auld Alliance betw. France & Scotland (7/6)
Francis II King of France dies from brain absess (caused by ear infection) - Charles IX succeeds (12/5)
Mary Queen of Scots returns to Scotland a widow
Amboise Conspiracy - in France - 1200 Huguenots executed and displayed on hooks and trees for treason
Carlo Borromeo launches Catholic "model" reform as archbishop of Milan
Scottish Reformation - Scotland formally breaks with the papacy
Goa Inquisition begins (-1774)
Francis II - (France) (1559-1560) King (Francois)
Charles IX + (France) (-1574) King
Catherine de Medici +
Gustavus I - (Sweden) House of Vasa
Eric XIV + (Sweden) House of Vasa
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Academy of the Secrets of Nature founded at Naples
Arminius (Jacob Harmanzoon) 1560-1609
Bauhin, Casper 1560-1634
Brade, William 1560-1630 Composer
Carracci, Annibale 1560-1609 Painter
Cerone, Domenico 1560-1626 Composer
Chettle, Henry 1560-1607 Dramatist (England)
Cotan, Juan Sanchez 1560-1627 Painter (Orgaz, Spain) (6/25)
Gesualdo, Carlo 1560-1613 Composer

Francis II 1544-1560 King (France)
Gombert, Nicolas 1495-1560 Composer
Melanchthon 1497-1560

Mary Queen of Scots returns to Scotland after Francois' death
Colloquium of Poissy
Iacob Eraclid + (Moldavia) Prince (the Despot)
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Improperia Palestrina
Bacon, Francis 1561-1626
Finck, Thomas 1561-1646
Peri, Jacopo 1561-1633 Composer
Philips, Peter 1561-1628 Composer

Bourgeois, Louis 1510-1561
de Milan, Luys 1500-1561 Composer
Schwekfeld, Kaspar 1489-1561

Loci Theologici (Melchor Cano)
Gorbaduc (Thomas Sackville/Thomas Norton) play

Edict of St. Germain - Catherine de Medici extends tolerance to Huguenots - Guises opposed (1)
Wassy-sur-Blaise Massacre - Duc du Guise led faction mass murders worshippers - sparks FWR (3/1)
French Wars of Religion begin - Huguenots (French Protestants) and Roman Catholics (-1594)(-1598)
3rd Council of Trent (-1563)
Maximilian II is crowned king of Bohemia
Maximilian II is elected King of the Romans
Truce between Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I and Turkey
Admiral Pedro Menendez de Aviles sails from Spain with Armada de la Carrera de Indias
Durango settled by Francisco de Ibarra in Mexico
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Pope Marcellus Mass Palestrina
Abbot, George 1562-1633 Archbishop of Cantebury
Bull, John 1562-1628 Composer
Sanchez 1562-1632
Severin, Christian (Longomontanus) 1562-1647
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon 1562-1621 Composer

Sermisy, Claudin de 1490-1562 Composer
Willaert, Adrian 1490-1562 Composer

Philip II's Escorial construction begins (-1584)
Francis, Duc du Guise is shot by Jean de Poltrot de Mer (2/18)
Francis, Duc du Guise dies of gunshot wound (2/24)
Edict of Amboise - signed by Catherine de Medici- restored freedoms of Huguenots in France (3/19)
Thirty-nine Articles complete establishment of the Anglican Church (Church of England)
Statute of Apprentices
Maximilian II is crowned king of Hungary
Ivan the Terrible conquers part of Livonia
Iacob Eraclid - (Moldavia) Prince (the Despot)
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Byrd appointed organist at Lincoln Cathedral
Dowland, John 1563-1626 Composer
Glareanus 1488-1563 Musician
Index of Prohibited Books (revised) (Pope Pius V)
Peace of Troyes - between England and France
Reign of terror begins in Russia
Fort Caroline established by French Huguenots on St. John's River, Florida (Rene de Laudonniere)
Ferdinand I - (HRE) (1556-) Emperor Hapsburg
Maximilian II + (HRE) (-1576) Emperor (son of Ferdinand I)
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Buxdorf, Johann 1564-1629 Hebraist (Germany)
Galilei, Galileo 1564-1642 Astrophysicist
Shakespeare, William 1564-1616 Playwright (England)
Viadana, Lodovico 1564-1645 Composer

Calvin, John 1509-1564 Theologian/Reformer
Ferdinand I 1503-1564 HR Emperor
Manchicourt, Pierre de 1510-1564 Musician
Michaelangelo 1475-1564 Painter/Sculptor (Italy)
Vesalius, Andreas 1514-1564 Anatomist (Flanders)

Battle of Talikota - Deccan Sultanates rout Vijayanagara Empire on the banks of the Krishna River (1/26)
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi & 500 soldiers establish fist Spanish settlement at Cebu Island in the Philippines (4/27)
Mary Queen of Scots marries cousin Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley (7/29)
St. Augustine, FL founded by Spanish under Admiral Pedro Menendez de Aviles (9/4)
French expedition to Florida
Turks besiege Malta without success
Portuguese attack French colony and found Rio de Janeiro (-1567)
Pillage and plunder of city of Vijayanagara
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Pius IV - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1559-1565)
Penitential Psalms Orlando di Lasso
Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastian 1565-1627 Composer
Farnaby, Giles 1565-1640 Composer
Reyman, Matthaus 1565-1625 Composer

Rore, Cipriano de 1516-1565 Composer
David Rizzio, the favorite of Mary Queen of Scots is murdered in her presence at Holyroodhouse (3/9)
First outbreaks of large-scale revolts and iconoclastic movements against the Church (-1567)
Philip II sends the Duke of Alva to supress the uprising (Netherlands) (-1567)
Revolt of the Netherlands (-1609)
William of Orange flees the country
Juan Pardo arrives in Santa Elena, the would-be Spanish capital on Parris Island, SC to secure the interior
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Suleiman I - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan (the Magnificent (Kanuni)) (1520-)
Selim II + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan

Pius V + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1566-1572)
Piccinini, Alessandro 1566-1638 Composer
Cabezon, Antonio de 1510-1566 Composer
Nostradamus, Michel 1503-1566

Lord Darnley is murdered , husband of Mary Queen of Scots, probably by Earl of Bothwell (2/10)
Mary Queen of Scots marries Earl of Bothwell (5/15)
Duke of Alba arrives in Brussels at the head of 12,000 strong army (8/2)
Portuguese settle at Rio de Janeiro
Mary Queen of Scots - (Scotland)
James VI (I) + (Scotland) (England) King
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Shizong - (China) (1522-) 12th Ming Dynasty (Jiajing Era)
Muzong + (China) (-1573) 13th Ming Dynasty (Longqing Era)

English Metrical Psalter published by Matthew Parker
Campion, Thomas 1567-1620
Monteverdi, Claudio 1567-1643 Composer
Nashe, Thomas 1567-1600

The True History of the Conquest of New Spain (Bernal Diaz)
Treaty of Lonjumeau - ends Second French War of Religion - signed by Charles IX and Catherine Med. (3/23)
Treaty of Lonjumeau expires (8)
Mary Queen of Scots escapes to England where Elizabeth I imprisons her
Netherlands begins revolt against Spain (-1648)
St. John of the Cross founds the discalced Carmelites
Nobunaga in control of Kyoto
Landgravate of Hesse divides upon the death of Philip I of Hesse
Francis Drake's slave ship is attacked by Spanish fleet at San Juan de Ulua - has to swim to safety
Eric XIV- (Sweden) House of Vasa
John III+ (Sweden) House of Vasa
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Campanella, Tommaso 1568-1639 Philosopher/Writer (Italy)
d'Urfe, Honore 1568-1625 Novelist
Maier, Michael 1568-1622 Composer

Arcadelt, Jacob 1505-1568 Composer
Union of Lublin - merges Poland and Lithuania into Polish-Lithuania Commonwealth (7/1) (-1791)
Ottomans drive Portuguese out of Oman
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
1st Book of Motets Palestrina
Marino, Giambattista 1569-1625 Poet (Italy)
Bruegel, Pieter 1525-1569
I quattro libri dell' architectura (Palladio)
Theatrum Orbis Terraru (Abraham Ortelius)

Peace of St. Germain - Huguenots given conditional freedom of worship - ends Third French War of Relig. (8/5)
Elizabeth I excommunicated by Pope Pius V
Ivan IV ravages Novgorod
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Cima, Giovanni Paolo 1570-1622 Composer
Dekker, Thomas 1570-1632
Selma, Bartolme de 1570-1638 Composer

de Henestrosa, Luis Venegas 1510-1570 Composer
Walter, Johann 1496-1570 Composer

Austrian religion granted freedom of religion (1/11)
Royal Exchange opens in London (1/23)
Battle of Lepanto - papal and Venetian fleet under Don John of Austria defeats Turks under Ali Pasha (10/7)
Repression of revolt of the Moriscos
Bornu Empire in Sudan reaches greatest height under Idris III (-1603)
Age of Sail begins (-1862)
John Sigisimund - (Transylvania) Prince
Gaspar Bekesy + (Transylvania) Prince
Stephen Bathory + (Transylvania) Prince (king of Poland)
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Kepler, Johannes 1571-1630 Astronomer
Lupo, Thomas 1571-1627 Composer
Praetorius, Michael 1571-1621 Composer

Abbati, Niccolo dell 1512-1571
Cellini, Benvenuto 1500-1571
Vasari, Giorgio 1511-1571

St. Bartholomew s Day Massacre - mass murder of Huguenots in Paris (8/24)
Tupac Amaru dies (9/24)
Succuessful attack of William of Orange - he occupies the provinces of Holland and Zeeland
End of Jagiellon dynasty in Poland
Gaspar Bekesy - (Transylvania) Prince
Sigismund II Augustus - (Poland) Jagiellon Dynasty
John the Terrible + (Moldavia) Prince
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Thimmaraja Wodeyar II - (Mysore)
Chamaraja Wodeyar IV+ (Mysore) Bola

Pius V - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1566-1572)
Gregory XIII + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1572-1585)

Byrd assumes duties as co-organist with Tallis at Chapel Royal in London
Caravaggio, Michaelangelo Merisi 1572-1610 Painter
Tomkins, Thomas 1572-1656 Composer

Bronzino, Agnolo 1503-1572
Goudimel, Claude 1505-1572 Musician
Knox, John 1505-1572
Serton, Pierre (sp?) 1510-1572 Musician

Veronese called before the Inquisition to defend the orthodoxy of his painting
Venice abandons Cyprus and makes peace with Turkey - Holy League disbands (3/7)
Edict of Boulogne - ends Fourth French War of Religion - Huguenots granted amnesty (6/25)
Spanish forces under the Duke of Alva capture Haarlem after a seven month siege (7/12)
Lang Seige
Electoral kings in Poland (-1795)
Don John recaptures Tunis
Henry of Valois + (Poland)
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Muzong - (China) (1567-) 13th Ming Dynasty (Longqing Era)
Shenzong + (China) (-1620) 14th Ming Dynasty (Wanli Era)

Jonson, Ben 1573-1637 Dramatist/Poet (Westminster, London)
Laud, William 1573-1645 Archbishop of Canterbury

Charles IX dies at Vincennes, Val-de-Marne, leaving Henry III as the new King of France (5/30)
Henry III leaves Poland and returns to France via Venice - tryst with Veronica Franco - courtesan
Assembly of Millau - establishes firmer government for French Protestants
Ottomans change Moldavian Princes often
Turks regain Tunis from Spain
Charles IX - (France) (1560-) King
Henry III + (France) (-1589) King
Henry of Valois - (Poland)
Stephen Bathory + (Poland)
John the Terrible - (Moldavia) Prince
Peter the Lame + (Moldavia) Prince
Selim II - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Murad III + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan

Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Fludd, Robert 1574-1637 Philosopher (England)
Wilbye, John 1574-1638 Composer

Ferrabosco, Domenica Maria 1513-1574 Composer (Bologna, Italy)
El Greco arrives in Spain
Memoir (Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda)
Terze rime (Veronica Franco)

Henri III is crowned King of France at Reims (2/13)
Battle of Nagashino - seige of Nagashino castle fails - Oda-Tokugawa victory (6/28)
Master of Spanish ships now required to keep a daily log book (11/22)
St. Philip Neri reforms and extends the Oratory University of Leiden established by William III of Orange
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1530\3-1584) Czar
Cantiones sacrae (1st set) Byrd / Tallis
Boehme, Jakob 1575-1624 Religious Mystic (Gorlitz, Germany)
de Paul, St. Vincent 1575-1660 Chaplain (Paris)
Gagliano, Marco da 1575-1642 Composer
Gaultier, Ennemond 1575-1651 Composer
Oughtred 1575-1660
Trabaci, Giovanni Maria 1575-1647 Composer
Weelkes, Thomas 1575-1623 Composer
Six Books of the Republic (Jean Bodin)
HRE Maximilian II dies (10/12)
Estates General of Blois - seekes religious compromise and fails - rejects Edict of Beaulieu (12)
Pacification of Ghent - Netherlands provinces unite to drive out the Spaniards
Edict of Beaulieu - Henry III gives concessions to Huguenots - right of public worship
Protestantism forbidden in France
Martin Frobisher searches for Northwest Passage (-1578)
Maximilian II - (Holy Roman Empire) (1564-) Emperor
Rudolf II + (Holy Roman Empire) (1576-1612) Emperor
Stephen Bathory - (Transylvania) Prince (king of Poland)
Christopher Bathory + (Transylvania) Prince
Tahmasp I - (Safavid Persia) (1524-) 2nd (1523)
Ismail II Murza + (Safavid Persia) (-1577) 3rd
Chamaraja Wodeyar IV- (Mysore) Bola
Devaraja Wodeyar + (Mysore) Bettada
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Correa de Arauxo, Francisco 1576-1654 Composer
Bakfark, Baliny Valentin 1507-1576 Composer
Cardano, Geronimo 1501-1576
Rhaticus 1514-1576
Sachs, Hans 1494-1576
Vecellio, Tiziano (Titian) 1485-1576
Xylander, Guilielmus 1532-1576

General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect Art of Navigation (John Dee)
Peace of Bergerac (Edict of Poitiers) - limits Huguenot worship - ends Sixth FWR (9)
Francis Drake starts voyage around the world from Plymouth (12/13) (-1580)
Alliance between England and Netherlands
Akbar the Great unifies northern India
Ismail II Murza - (Safavid Persia) (1576-) 3rd
Mohammed Murza + (Safavid Persia) (-1586) 4th (mn. Khodabanda)
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Philippe de Monte in Prague
Rubens, Peter Paul 1577-1640 Painter
Battle of Al Kasr Al-kabil (Battle of the Three Kings) - Moroccans defeat the Portuguese (8/4)
Duke of Parma subdues the southern provinces of the Netherlands
Duke of Anjou invades the Low Countries
Order of the Holy Spirit founded
Devaraja Wodeyar - (Mysore) Bettada
Raja Wodeyar I + (Mysore)
Sebastian - (Portugal) House of Aviz
Henry + (Portugal) House of Aviz
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Agazzari, Agostino 1578-1640 Composer
Harvey, William 1578-1657
Liu Zongzhou 1578-1645 Philosopher (China)

Vindiciae contre Tyrannes
League of Arras - Southern provinces Atrois, Hainaut, and Douay unite under Spanish protection (1/5)
Union of Utrecht - Dutch Rep.: Frisia, Groningen, Overijssel, Holland, Gelderland, Utrecht & Zeeland (1/23)
Mehmed Sokollu, Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire is assassinated (10)
Treaty of Arras - Walloon nobility defect from the rebellion
Alexander of Parma commander of the Spanish troops
Disgrace and arrest of Antonio Perez, principal Spanish minister
William I the Silent + (Dutch Republic) (1584-) Stadholder (of Orange) (1581)
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Essais, 1st ed. (Montaigne)
Lettere familiari a diversi (Veronica Franco)

Treaty of Fleix - recognized all previous treaties of toleration with huguenots - ends Seventh FWR (11/26)
Spanish Captivity - Spain controls Portugal and its empire under Philip(s) (-1640)
Political unification of Spain and Portugal
Henry - (Portugal) House of Aviz
Antonio +- (Portugal) ***** House of Aviz
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Ford, Thomas 1580-1648 Composer
Hals, Frans 1580-1666 Painter

Palladio, Andrea 1508-1580 Architect
Second Book of Discipline (Scotland)
Alexander Farnese captures Tournai
Revolutionary Estates General depose Philip II as Lord of the Netherlands
Union of Utrecht declares itself the Dutch Republic independent of Spain and elects William of Orange as ruler
Poland invades Russia
Christopher Bathory - (Transylvania) Prince
Sigisimund + (Transylvania) Prince
Phillip II - (Netherlands) Count
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar

Dialogo della musica antica e della moderna (Galileo)
Gunter, Edmund 1581-1626 Mathemetician/Astronomer (England)
Treaty of Jam Zapolski - between Russia, Poland, and Sweden - ends Livonian War (1/15/1582)
Francis, Duke of Anjou enters Antwerp, newly titled "Protector of the Liberty of the Netherlands" (2/19/1582)
Inter gravissimas - Gregorian Calendar reform soon to take effect (2/24/1582 OS) Thursday
Nobunaga assassinated - rise of Hideyoshi (6/21/1582)
Last day of Julian Calendar in four Catholic Countries: Spain, Portugal, Polish Commonwlth, Ialy (10/4/1582 Thursday OS)
Spain, Portugal, Polish Commonwlth, Italy adopts Gregorian Calendar - 1st day - 10 days skipped (10/15/1582 Friday NS)
Last day of Julian Calendar for France (12/9/1582 OS)
France adopts Gregorian Calendar - 10 days skipped (12/20)
Holland and Zeeland adopt Gregorian Calendar (12/1582)
League of Arras (Artois): Flanders, Antwerp, Hainault, Brabant, Namur, Liege, Limburg, and Luxembourg

Gregory XIII ... (Patriarchate of Rome) (1572-1585) Pope
Gabrieli named second organist at St. Marks in Venice
Simpson, Thomas 1582-1628 Composer
St. Theresa of Avila -1582
French Fury Fran ois, Duke of Anjou s failed attempt to take the city of Antwerp by surprise 1500 troops perish (1/17)
Battle of Terceira - Spanish Admiral Santa Cruz defeats Portuguese, French, and English (7)
Sir Humphrey Gilbert claims Newfoundland for England at St. John's (8/5)
Petru Cercel enters Bucharest and becomes Prince of Wallachia (8/19)
Philip II sends entire Iberian fleet to clear French traders out of the Azores
Mateo Ricci arrives in China
Treaty of Plussa - truce between Russia and Sweden
Petru Cercel + (Walachia) (-1585) Prince
Ivan IV The Terrible ... (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Frescobaldi, Girolamo
1583-1643 Composer

Gibbons, Orlando 1583-1625 Composer (England)
Grotius, Hugo 1583-1645 Jurist/Humanist (Dutch)
Vallet, Nicolas 1583-1642 Composer
Erastus, Thomas 1524-1583 Theologian/Physician (Swiss)
Ratio Studiorum (Jesuit)
Fancis Hercules, duke of Anjou dies (6)
William of Orange is murdered, shot in the chest at close range (7/10)
Pedro Moya de Contreras becomes 6th viceroy of New Spain (9/25)
Treaty of Joinville - between France and Spain (12/31)
England sends aid to the Netherlands
Alliance of Bern, Geneva, and Zurich against Roman Catholic cantons
Spain intervenes in French civil wars
Walter Raleigh reconnaissance fleet under Captains Amadas & Barlow to Croatoan Sound, NC.
Ivan IV The Terrible - (Russia) (1533-1584) Czar
Feodor I + (Russia) (1584-1598) Czar
William I the Silent - (Dutch Republic) (1579-) Stadholder (of Orange) murdered
Maurice of Orange + (Dutch Republic) Stadholder of Orange
Pedro Moya de Contreras + (New Spain) (-1585) 6th Viceroy

Canzonettas Monteverdi
Mylius, Johann Daniel 1584-1628 Composer
Philip II names Alvaro de Zuniga as Viceroy of New Spain to replace Pedro Moya de Contreras (2/26)
Philip II's embargo on all northern European goods, men, shipping, etc. from Spain (5)
Elizabeth I commissions fleet to capture French fishing fleet of of Newfoundland (6)
Elizabeth I's Privy Council issues letters of marque authorizing recoup of French embargo losses (7)
Treaty of Nonsuch - Elizabeth I promises economic and military aid to Dutch in return for three ports (8)
Antwerp falls to Spain (8/17)
Alvaro Manrique de Zuniga arrives at Veracruz in New Spain to take over as Viceroy (9/7)
Drake fleet leaves Plymouth bound for Spain (9/24)
Francis Drake invades Galicia (10/7)
Alvaro Manrique de Zuniga arrives in Mexico city as new Viceroy (10/16)
Philip II indicates to the pope Sixtus V and Grand Duke of Tuscany that Spain agrees to invade England (10/24)
Earl of Leicester is sworn in as goveror general of the Dutch Republic (12)
England sends troops to the Dutch Republic
Parma takes Antwerp - rebels withdraw behind the great rivers
War of the Three Henrys - between Henry III of France, Henri of Navarre, and Henri of Guise - 8th religious war
1st Roanoake Colony (N. C.) with John White and Thomas Harriot - Drake brings them back at their request
Francis Drake sacks several Spanish settlements on expedition to the Caribbean
Simon Stevin, Flemish mathematician, introduces decimal system of mathemtatical notation
Petru Cercel - (Walachia) (1583-) Prince
Pedro Moya de Contreras - (New Spain) (1584-) 6th Viceroy
Alvaro de Zuniga + (New Spain) (1585-1590) 7th Viceroy

Gregory XIII -
Sixtus V +

Tallis dies - Byrd now has exclusive royal patent
Jansenius 1585-1638
Richelieu, Armand Emmanuel du Plessis, duc de 1585-1642 Prelate/Statesman (France)
Schutz, Heinrich 1585-1672 Composer (Kostritz, Thuringia)

Gabrieli, Andrea 1520-1585 Composer (b. 1510;1533) (d. 1611?)
Tallis, Thomas 1510-1585

Disputation Against the Heretics of Our Times, vol. 1 (Robert Bellarmine)
Battle of Zutphen - Spanish forces defeat combined Dutch-English army - Sir Philip Sidney dies (9/22)
Francis Drake takes Manila galleon Santa Ana (10/18)
Don Juan Zuniga dies (autumn)
Conspiracy against Elizabeth I involves Mary Queen of Scots
Francis Drake sails to West Indies
Stephen Bathory - (Poland)
Mohammed Murza - (Safavid Persia) (1577-) 4th (mn. Khodabanda)

Gabrieli named first organist at St. Marks in Venice
Opus musicum Handl (Gallus)
Schein, Johann Hermann 1/20 1586-1630 Composer
Gabrieli, Andrea 1530-1586
Guami, Giuseppe 1510-1586 Composer
Sydney, Philip 1554-1586

Mary Queen of Scots executed (2/8)
Thomas Cavendish takes Port of Huatulca Oaxaca (8/6)
Thomas Cavendish sacks Navidad (Jalisco) (9/3)
Thomas Cavendish captures Malina galleon Santa Ana off the coast of Baja California (11/4)
Scotland finally ratifies Treaty of Edinburgh
England at war with Spain (-1603)
Francis Drake defeats Spanish fleet at Cadiz
Battle of Courtras - first pitched battle won by the Protestants
Savoy and the Catholic cantons form an alliance with Spain
2nd Ronoake settlement of 117 men under John White governor
Sigismund III Vasa + (Poland) (1587-1632)
Abbas I The Great + (Safavid Persia) (1587-1628) 5th

1st Book of Madrigals Monteverdi
Scheidt, Samuel 1587-1654 Composer
Doctor Faustus (Christopher Marlowe)
A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (Thomas Harriot)

Frederik II, King of Denmark/Norway dies - Christian IV succeeds (4/4)
English defeat the Spanish Armada under Lord Howard of Effingham, Francis Drake, & John Hawkins (7/29)
Spanish Armada in Ireland - 24 ships of the Armada are shipwrecked
Henry Duke of Guise is assassinated (12/23/1588)
Charles Emmanuel I Duke of Savoy occupies Marquisate of Saluzzo - War with Henry IV ensues (autumn)
Revolt of Paris against Henry III
Dutch drive the Spanish out of the northern Netherlands - attempts at liberation of the south fail (-1609)
Frederik II - (Denmark)(Norway) (1559-)
Christian IV + (Denmark)(Norway) (-1648)
Sonam Gyatso - (Tibet) (1543-1588 3rd Dalai Lama

Pappus Mathematical Collection (6 books extant) translated to Latin by Commandinus
Orchesographie Arbeau
Musica Transalpina Nicholas Yonge
Hobbes, Thomas 1588-1674 Political Theorist
Mersenne, Marin 1588-1648
Wither, George 1588-1667

Ferrabosco I, Alfonso 1543-1588 Composer (Bologna, Italy)
Veronese, Paolo Caliari 1528-1588 Painter (Verona) (4/19)
Telesio, Bernardino 1508-1588

El Greco lives in Toledo, Spain, having just completed Burial of Count Orgaz
Renovation of the Church of St. Jerome is completed in Rome
Cupola of St. Peter's Basilica under construction (1585-1590)
Palazzo Farnese completed by Giacomo della Porta (with the porticoed facade)
Rialto Bridge reconstructed from wood to stone in Venice (1588-1590)
Hiroshima Castle construction begins (foundation) (-1593)
Harimandir Sahib, most sacred shrine in Sikkhism under construction (1588-1601)
Anand Mahal (Palace of Delights) built under Adil Shah II in Bijapur, India
Junagarh Fort begins construction in Thar Desert

Pierce's Supererogation (Gabriel Harvey) written in November
The First Voyage Made to the Coasts of America (Arthur Barlow)
Principle Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation (Richard Hakluyt)
Nov c lestium orbium theoric congruentes cum observationibus N. Copernici (Giovanni Antonio Magini)
Politicorum libri sex (Justus Lipsius) political treatise
Certain Mineral and Metaphysical Schoolpoints (Martin Marprelate) p(2)
Hay Any Work for Cooper (Martin Marprelate) p(3)
Martin Junior (Martin Marprelate) p(7)
Martin Senior (Martin Marprelate) p(7)
The Protestation of Martin Marprelate (Martin Marprelate) p(9)
An Admonition to the People of England (Thomas Cooper, Bishop of Winchester)
Pap with a Hatchet (Johh Lyly)
Plain Perceval (Richard Harvey)
An Almond for a Parrot (Thomas Nashe)
Anatomie of Absurdities (Thomas Nashe)
Arte of English Poesie (attrib. to George Puttenham)
Shang Han Lan Tiao Bian (Sytematic Differentiation of the Shan Han Lun) Chinese Medical Text
Fables of Bidpay (in Turkish)
Thesoro Politico (attrib. to Giovanni Maria Manelli)

Al-Mansur sends an ambassador to Queen Elizabeth in England, he is well received (1)
Jan Huygen van Linschoten, secretary to the Portuguese Archbishop of Goa sets sail from Goa to home (1)
Chambre des tats de Picardie sends out deputies to key towns within the province (1/1)
Catherine de Medici Queen Mother of France dies of pneumonia(1/5)
Abbeville deputies arrive at the town hall in Amiens and swear an oath of union to the Holy League (1/9)
Hasan Veneziano pasha of Algiers, arrives in Constantinople with five galliots to prepare Fez expedition (1/10)
Chambre des tats de Picardie burn a package of letters from Henry III
Anabaptists Joost de Tollenaer, Michiel Buyse, and Sijntgen Wens are arrested in Ghent, Flanders (1/13) 10PM
Francis Kett, mystic is burned at the stake in Norwich, England (1/14)
Job is elected first Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (1/26)
First dig ceremony for Junagarh Fort in Thar Desert (1/30) (Phalgun Vali 19, VS 1645) Thursday?
Ralph Fitch Expedition leaves Bengala (Bangladesh) headed west to Cochin (2/3)
British Parliament convenes (2/4)
Foundation for Junagarh Fort is laid (2/17) (Phalgun Sudi 12, VS 1645) Monday?
Ralph Fitch Expedition arrives in Ceylon (3/6)
Sir Walter Raleigh deeds his interest in the Virginia Colony (exc. 1/5 gold & ore) to group incl. John White (3/7)
Ralph Fitch Expedition leaves Ceylon (3/11)
William Bradford, future governor of Plymouth colony is born (baptized) (3/19)
*Ralph Fitch Expedition arrives in Cochin (3/22)
Hay Any work for Cooper is put into circulation from Coventry (3/22)
*Henry III reconciles himself to Henry IV of Navarre (4/3)
Second Janissary revolt in Constantinople (4/3)
Saint Benedict (il Moro) dies at Franciscan Friary of St. Mary in Palermo, Sicily (4/4)
Anabaptists Joost de Tollenaer, Michiel Buyse, and Sijntgen Wens are executed and displayed (4/13)
Termoto Mori appoints Nonomiya and Hoita magistrates in Charge of construction of Hiroshima Castle (4/15)
La Pellagrina is first performed as part of the marriage festivities of Fernando I de Medici and Christine (5/2)
Fernando I de Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany marries Christine of Lorraine (5/3)
Drake-Norris Expedition - w/ Antonio of Crato lands at Peniche to spark uprising against Philip II (5/16)
Savoyard Ambassador to Rome complains about the lack of help from the Spaniards and the Pope (6)
Battle of Suriage-ga-hara - Date Masamune defeats Ashina clan (6/5)
Spanish Cedula orders Viceroy of New Spain to expel Diego Camargo et al from Tlaxcala (6/14)
Abbas I has Morshed Gholi Ostajlou killed, who had assisted him gain the Persian throne (7)
Scottish Embassy to Denmark presents 7 articles (demands) regarding marriage of James VI and Anna (7/9)
Danish response to Scottish demands are presented (7/10)
Luis de Velasco receives appointment as Viceroy of New Spain (7/19)
Henry III of France is stabbed by Jacques Clement (8/1)
Henry III dies of stab wounds - Protestant leader Henri IV (of Navarre) succeeds (8/2)
Matteo Ricci and Almeidai are forced to leave Zhaoqing (in Guangdong) by new Viceroy (8/15)
James VI of Scotland marries Anne of Denmark by proxy (8/20)
Anna of Denmark sails from Copenhagen to Kronburg - en route to Scotland - heavy wind begins (9/6)
Masio Serra de Leguizamon's deathbed apologia to Philip II fr. Cuzco decries Spanish treatment of natives (9/18)
Battle of Arques - Henry IV's forces defeat the Catholic League forces under Duke Charles of Mayenne (9/21)
Maria Caranza, owner of a textile mill in Puebla, writes to her brother in Spain to sail to New World (10/2)
Francisco de Cuellar, Spanish Armada survivor who landed in Ireland, writes letter to Philip II fr. Antwerp (10/4)
Valignano/Frois Letter - written from Macao en route back to Japan after successful Japan Embassy (10/7)
Anna of Denmark arrives in Oslo to overwinter (10/25)
Henry IV repulsed in attempt to take Catholic League (11/1)
James VI arrives in Oslo (11/19)
James VI of Scotland marries Anne of Denmark in person (11/23)
Luis de Velasco, newly appointed governor of New Spain, disembarks in Veracruz from Spain (12)
Mariano Pierbenedetti is created cardinal priest in the consistory of cardinals (12/20)
Francis Drake fails to capture Lisbon with 150 ships and 18,000 men (English Armada)
French chronicler Pierre de L'Estoil spends time in prison for his "Politique" leanings
Boris Godunov asserts Russia's independence from Constantinople
Ottoman Turks build a small fort at Mombassa
235 English ships sail to America (1589-1591)
Robert Bellarmine accompanies papal legate Gaetano to Paris to negotiate with League after Henry III's death
Anne of Denmark marries James IVof Scotland
Chichimeca tribes in revolt in New Spain
New Spain Almiranta galleon is lost, probably sunk in deep water off Miami
Father Alonso Ponce de Leon finishes five year inspection tour of New Spain with Ciudad Real
Ming Dynasty - year 222
Wanli makes last general audience appearance until 1615
Mei Tang and Liu Ruguo revolts from Wanli
Li Yuanlang revolts in China
Tolmod invades Liaoshen
Matteo Ricci in China
Michele Ruggiero is recalled to Rome/Lisbon by Alessandro Valignano
Toyotomi Hideyoshi orders preparations for camapign against the Hojo clan
Martin Frobrisher cruises the English Channel
Hyderabad is about to be founded by Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah of the Golconda Sultanate
Shah Abbas sets out for Khorasan to quell the attack by Abdol Mo'men Khan Uzbek - falls ill in Tehran
Christopher and Cosmas, two Japanese captured by Cavendish from the Santa Anna, are in England
English Armada - Foresight - Cpt. William Winter/
Giordano Bruno in Prague or Helmstadt
Justus Lipsius at University of Leiden
Galileo Galilei (25) is offered a teaching position at the University of Pisa - works on unfinished De Motu
Johannes Kepler (18) begins theology studies at University of T bingen
Michael Maestlin at the University of T bingen, professor of Astronomy and Mathematics
John Dee returns from Bohemia to England
Michel de Montaigne in Bordeaux helps keep the city loyal to Henry IV
William Lee, English clergyman invents the stocking frame, first knitting machine
Sir John Harrington designs and installs a water closet in his country home in Bath
Bernard Palissey is locked up in the Bastille for speculating that fossils were the remains of ancient creatures
Kite is first mentioned in Europe in a popular book of marvels and tricks
Elizabeth I ... (England) (1558-1603)
John Whitgift ... (Archbishopric of Cantebury) (1583-1604)
Christian IV ... (Denmark)(Norway) (1588-1648)
John III ... (Sweden) (1568-1592)
Maurice of Nassau ... (Holland)(Zeeland) (1585-1625) Stadtholder
Alessandro Farnese ... (Spanish Netherlands) (1578-1592) Governor
Henry III - (France) (1574-1589) King (last Valois murdered)
Henry IV + (France) (1589-1610) King (1st Bourbon)
Charles III ... (Lorraine) (1545-1608)
Philip II ... (Spain)(Portugal)(Chile) (1556-1598)
Luis de la Cueva + (Canary Islands) (1589-1591) 1st Captain General
Albert Frederick ... (Prussia) (1568-1618) Duke
Heinrich von Bobenhausen ... (Teutonic Order) (1572-1590) Hochmeister
John George ... (Brandenburg) (1571-1598) Elector (Hohenzollern)
Christian I ... (Saxony) (1586-1591) Prince-Elector
*Frederick IV ... (Palatinate) (1583-1610) Elector (John Casimir regent)
William V ... (Bavaria) (1579-1597) Duke Wittelsbach
Rudolf II ... (Holy Roman Empire) (1576-1612) Emperor
Charles Emmanuel I ... (Savoy) (1580-1630) Duke
Davide Vacca - (Republic of Genoa) (1587-1589) Doge
Battista Negrone + (Republic of Genoa) (1589-1591) Doge
Vincenzo I Gonzaga ... (Mantua)(Montferrat) (1587-1612) Duke/Marquess
Pasqual Cicogna ... (Republic of Venice) (1585-1595) Doge
Alessandro Farnese ... (Parma)(Piacenza) (1586-1592) Duke
Anfonso II ... (Ferrara) (Moddena) Reggio) (1559-1597) Duke/ last legitimate Este
Fernando I de Medici ... (Tuscany) (1587-1609) Grand Duke
Sixtus V ... (Papal States) (1585-1590) Pope
Claudius Aquaviva ... (Society of Jesus) (1581-1615) Superior General
Sigismund III Vasa ... (Poland) (1587-1632) King
Feodor I ... (Russia) (1584-1598) Czar (last Rurikid)
Boris Godunov ... (Russia) (1584-1598) Regent
Kuchum Khan ... (Khanate of Siberia) (1563-1598) Khan
Tevekk l Khan ... (Khazak Khanate) (1586-1598) Khan
Haji Muhammed I ... (Khanate of Khiva) (1558-1602) Khan (Arabshanid Dynasty)
'Abd Allah Khan II (Shaybanid Empire) (1557-1598) Uzbek
Sengge D reng ... (Right Wing of the Mongols) (1582-????) assuming he ruled in 1589
Gazi II Giray ... (Khanate of the Crimea) (1588-1596) 1st reign
Mihnea Turcitul ... (Wallachia) (1585-1591) Prince (Vovoide) 2nd reign
Murad III ... (Ottoman Empire) (1574-1595) Sultan
????????????? (Imam of Oman) (????-????) Imam
Abbas I The Great ... (Safavid Persia) (1587-1628) 5th Shah
Akbar the Great ... (Mughal Empire) (1556-1605) 4th Emperor
Todarmal - (Mughal Empire) (????-1589) Minister of State Finance
Qalij Khan + (Mughal Empire) (1589-????)
Arjan Dev ... (Sikh Guru) (1581-1606) 5th Guru
Mian Mir ... (Qadiriyyah Sufi Order) (????-????) (Awliya)
Man Singh I (Amber/Jaipur)(Bihar) (????-1614) Raja (Kacchwaha) Governor
Raja Rai Singji ... (Bikaner Princely State) (1571-1612) Mughal General
Pratap Ray ... (Jaintia Kingdom) (1580-1596) King
Miran Husain - (Ahmednagar Sultanate) (1588-1589) Nizam Shahi Sultan
Isma'il Shah + (Ahmednagar Sultanate) (1589-1591) Nizam Shahi Sultan
Ibrahim Adil Shah II ... (Bijapur Sultanate) (1579-1627) regent: Dilavar Khan
Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah ... (Golconda Sultanate) (1580-1612) 5th Qutb Shahi Sultan
???????? (Bidar Sultanate) (???)
???????? (Berar Sultanate) (???)
Venkata II ... (Vijayanagara Empire) (1586-1614) King (Aravidu Dynasty)
Raja Wodeyar I ... (Kingdom of Mysore) (1578-1617)
Cevvappa Nayak ... (Thanjavur) (1535-1590) 1st Thanjavur Nayak
Achuthappa Nayak ... (Thanjavur) (1564-1612) 2nd Thanjavur Nayak co-ruler
Two Sons of Kumara Krishnappa ... (Madurai Kingdom) (1573-1595) Joint Nayaks
Rajasingha I ... (Sitawaka Kingdom) (1581-1593)
Puviraja Pandaram ... (Jaffna Kindom) (1582-1591)
Dom Joao Dharmapala ... (Kotte Kingdom) (1551-1597)
Seonjo ... (Choson Kingdom) (1567-1608) King
Nurhaci ... (Jurchen Confederation) (1583-1626) Manchu Chieftan
Tsang Dynasty ... (Tibet) (1565-1642) Kings
Yonten Gyatso + (Tibet) (1589-1616) 4th Dalai Lama (Mongolian)
Wanli ... (Ming China) (1572-1620) Emperor
Trinh Tung ... (Vietnam) (1570-1623) Trinh Lord
L The T ng ... (Vietnam) (1573-1599) Nominal Le King
Mac Mau Hop ... (North Vietnam/Hanoi) (1561-1592) Mac Dynasty
Nguyen Hoang ... (South Vietnam/Tra Bat) (1558-1613) Nguyen Lord
Interregnum ... (Lan Xang Kingdom) (1583-1591)
Sattha ... (Khmer)
Sanpet I ... (Ayutthaya Kingdom) (1569-1590) King
Ali Jalla Abdul Jalil Shah II ... (Johor Sultanate) (1571-1597) Sultan
Maulana Muhammad ... (Banten Sultanate) (1580-1596) Sultan
Senapati Ingalaga ... (Mataram Kingdom) (1584-1601) Sultan
Go-Yozei ... (Japan) (1586-1611) 107th Emperor
Terumoto Mori (Council of Five Elders/Daimyo) (????-????) Hiroshima
Tayyib ... (Funj Sultanate of Sennar) (1587-1591) Sultan
Sarsa Dengal ... (Ethiopia) (1563-1597) negusa nagast
Bong-he (Borrete) ... (Kingdom of Kaffa) (1565-1605) Bushasho Dynasty
Ambiraj ... (Kingdom of Garo) (1567-1600) Tato (King) Bosha Dynasty
Ahmad I al-Mansur ... (Morocco) (1578-1603) Saadi Dynasty
Askia Ishaq II ... (Songhai Empire) (1588-1591) Emperor
?????????????? (Kano State) (????-????) Hausa State
Idris Alooma ... (Kanem-Bornu Empire) (1571-1603) Mai (King)
Adbullah IV ... (Baguirmi Sultanate) (1568-1608) Mbangi (Sultan)
Alvaro II ... (Kongo) (1587-1614) King (Nimi a Nkanga)
Kambolo Matamba (Matamba Kingdom) (?????????) King
????????? (Kakongo Kingdom)
Njinga Ngola Kilombo kia Kasenda ... (Ndogno Kingdom) (1575-1592) King
Paulo Dias de Novais - (Luanda Colony/Angola) (1575-1589) Portuguese Governor
Luis Serr o + (Luanda (1589-????) Portuguese Governor
Nkongolo? ... (Luba Empire) (1585-????) 1st King deposed by his son
Kilala Ilunga (Luba Empire) (????-????) son of Kongolo
Chisamharu Negomo Mupuzangutu - (Mutapa Kingdom) (1560-1589) Monomatapas
Gatsi Ruseri + (Mutapa Kingdom) (1589-1623) Monomatapas
Wahunsunacock ... (Powatan Confederacy) (????-1618) Weroance (Pamunkey)
Alvaro de Zuniga ... (New Spain) (1585-1590) 7th Viceroy
Fernando Torres de Portugal - (Peru) (1584-1589) Viceroy
Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza + (Peru) (1589-1596) Viceroy (Marquis of Canete)
Antonio Barreiros/Cristovao de Barros ... (Brazil) (1587-1591)

Monteverdi unsuccessfully attempts to get a job in Milan
Cantiones sacrae Byrd
Songs of Sundrie Natures Byrd
La Pellegrina Intermedii
Orchesographie Arbeau
Yuwu Qinpu (Jade Tree Qin Handbook) Zhang Jinchao
Carpenter, Nathaniel 1589-1628
John of St. Thomas 1589-1644
Turini, Francesco 1589-1656 Composer

Gilbert, Humphrey 1539-1589
Faerie Queen, Bk 1 (Spenser)
Luis de Velasco arrives in Mexico City as new Viceroy (1)
Battle of Ivry - Henri IV victorious against the Roman Catholic League (3/14)
Seige of Paris begins Henry IV tries to take French capitol (5/7)
Third Siege of Odawara begins - Hideyoshi vs. Hojo clan (5)
Third Siege of Odawara ends - Hideyoshi vs. Hojo clan - Hojo surrenders(8/4)
Alesandro Farnese rescues citizens of Paris from defeat Henry IV eventually retreats (9/30)
Seige of Paris Ends (9)
Peace between Turkey and Persia
Moroccan invasion of the Songhai Empire for gold resources
Hideyoshi unifies Japan
Ronoake settlers disappear, White discovers Crotoan carved on a tree
Alvaro de Zuniga - (New Spain) (-1585) Viceroy
Luis de Velasco + (New Spain) Viceroy
Sixtus V - (Patriarchate of Rome)
Urban VII +- (Patriarchate of Rome)
Gregory XIV + (Patriarchate of Rome)

Landi, Stefano 1590-1655 Composer
Benedetti, Giovanni Battista 1530-1590
Palladio, Andrea 1518-1590
Zarlino, Gioseffo 1517-1590 Composer
Battle of Tondibi - Moroccan army under Judar Pasha defeats Songhai army under Askia Ishaq II (3)
Puviraja Pandaram, King of Jaffna, is captured by local officials allied with Portuguese ... beheaded (10/28)
Revolt of Aragon
Songhai Empire destroyed by Spanish and Portuguese mercenaries in the service of Morocco
Gregory XIV - (Patriarchate of Rome) (1590-1591)
Innocent IX +- (Patriarchate of Rome)

Handl, Jakob (Gallus) 1550-1591 Composer
Hatton, Christopher 1540-1591
John of the Cross 1542-1591

Ippolito Aldobrandini is elected Pope as Clement VIII (1/30)
Hideyoshi invades Korea with plans to conquer China - 1st and 2nd division landing at Pusan (5/23)
Akbar the Great conquers Sind
Japanese-Korean War (Imjin War)(Seven Years' War) (-1598)
John III - (Sweden) House of Vasa
Sigismund + (Sweden) House of Vasa
Clement VIII + (Patriarchate of Rome) (1592-1604) Ippolito Aldobrandini
Gassendi, Pierre 1592-1655
Jenkins, John 1592-1678 Composer
Mazzocchi, Domenico 1592-1655 Composer

Greene, Robert 1558-1592
Montaigne, Michel de 1533-1592 Essayist

The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare)
Henry IV abjures protestantism Paris is well worth a Mass (7/23)
Diet of Uppsala in Sweden upholds Martin Luther's doctrines
War between Austria and Turkey (-1606)
Hideyoshi forced to withdraw from Korea
Portuguese build Fort Jesus in Mombasa, Kenya
Michael the Brave + (Walachia) Prince
De la Tour, Georges 1593-1652
Gentileschi, Artemisia 1593-1651
Jordaens, Jacob 1593-1678
Walton, Izaac 1593-1683
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
Henry IV takes Paris as King of France at Chartres (2/27)
Willem Barents rounds the tip of Novaya Zemla
Amfiparnaso Vecchi
1st Book of Ballets for Five Voices Morley
1st Book of Madrigals Gesualdo
Doni, Giovanni 1594-1647 Composer
Herrick, Robert 1594-1674 Poet (England)
Mercula, Tarquinio 1594-1665 Composer
Kid, Thomas 1558-1594
Lassus, Orlando di 1532-1594 Composer
Mercator, Gerardus 1512-1594 Cartographer
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigida 1525-1594 Composer
Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti 1518-1594 Painter
Briefe and True Report of the New found land of Virginia (Hariot)
Treaty of Teusina - between Sweden and Russia - Sweden gains Estonia - ends Russo-Swedish War (5/18)
Siege of Camper - Jean d'Aumont Marshal of France is killed (8/19)
Henry IV absolved of his heresy by Pope Clement VIII
First Dutch settlements on Guinea Coast
Juan de Onate's expedition to Santa Fe area
Stefan Razvan +- (Moldavia) Prince (failed to regain throne)
Murad III - (Ottoman Empire) Sultan
Mehmet III + (Ottoman Empire) Sultan (Muhammed)

"Now is the Month of Maying" Morley
Marini, Biagio 1595-1665 Composer
Scheidemann, Heinrich 1595-1663 Composer
Arbeau, Thoinot 1519-1595 Musician (3/17)
Mysterium Cosmographicum (Kepler)
Sir Francis Drake dies of disentery while attacking San Juan, Puerto Rico (1/28)
Battle of Keresztes - Turkish victory in Hungary
Voyage of William Barents to Novaya Zemlya
Descartes, Rene 1596-1650 Philosopher
Laws, Henry 1596-1662 Composer
Rovetta, Giovanni 1596-1668 Composer

Bodin, Jean 1530-1596 Philosopher
Peele, George 1557-1596

The Arbor of Amorous Devices (Nicholas Breton)
Francois d'Espinay de Saint-Luc, Grand Master of the French Artillery killed in battle (9/8)
Irish rebellion under Hugh O'neill, Earl of Tyrone (-1601)
Siege of Amiens
Bankruptcy of Spanish Crown
Abortive Japanese attempt to conquer Korea
First persecutions of Christians in Japan
Sacrae symphoniae Gabrieli
Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke Morley
Dafne Peri
1st Book of Songs or Ayres Dowland
Mazzocchi, Virgilio 1597-1646 Composer
Fonseca 1528-1597
Every Man in His Humour (Ben Jonson)
Arcadia (Lope de Vega)

Edict of Nantes - French Wars of Religion end - Huguenots given equal political rights with RC's (4/13)
Treaty of Vervins - ends war between France and Spain - all conquests restored to France (5/2)
Philip II King of Spain dies (9/13)
Hideyoshi in Japan dies (9/18)
Battle of Noryang Point - Korean navy under Yi Sun Sen defeats Japanese fleet - final battle Imjin War (12/16)
New Mexico colony established - Don Juan Onate - Acoma pueblo massacre 800 killed (near Santa Fe)
Philip II - (Spain) (1556-1598) King (House of Austria)
Philip III + (Spain) (1598-) King (House of Austria)
Fedor I - (Russia) (1584-1598) Czar
Boris Godunov + (Russia) (1598-1605) Czar
Sigisimund - (Transylvania) Prince

Bernini, Gianlorenzo 1598-1680 Sculptor/Architect (Naples, Italy)
Carew, Thomas 1598-1639 Poet (England)
Cruger, Johann 1598-1662 Composer
Mansart, Francois 1598-1666
Rossi, Luigi 1598-1653 Composer
Zurbaran, Francisco de 1598-1664

Ortelius, Abraham 1527-1598 Cartographer (Flanders)
Irish rebels defeat the Earl of Essex - he returns to England in disgrace
Confederation of Vilna - alliance between Orthodox and Dissidents in Poland
Pierre Dugua, the Sieur de Mons travels to north eastern North America with Pierre Chauvin de Tonnetuit
Andrew + (Transylvania) Prince
Sigismund - (Sweden) House of Vasa
Charles IX + (Sweden) House of Vasa (regent)

Van Dyck, Anthony 1599-1641
Velasquez, Diego 1599-1660 Painter

Marenzio, Luca 1553-1599 Composer
Spenser, Edmund 1552-1599

1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1590
1501 1511 1521 1531 1541 1551 1561 1571 1581 1591
1502 1512 1522 1532 1542 1552 1562 1572 1582 1592
1503 1513 1523 1533 1543 1553 1563 1573 1583 1593
1504 1514 1524 1534 1544 1554 1564 1574 1584 1594
1505 1515 1525 1535 1545 1555 1565 1575 1585 1595
1506 1516 1526 1536 1546 1556 1566 1576 1586 1596
1507 1517 1527 1537 1547 1557 1567 1577 1587 1597
1508 1518 1528 1538 1548 1558 1568 1578 1588 1598
1509 1519 1529 1539 1549 1559 1569 1579 1589 1599

HOME 1400s 1500s 1600s