1300Donor Portrait ca. 1300 attributed to Memmo di Filippuccio Chiesa di SS. Jacopo e Filippo88661300Pisano Scrovegni Padua ca. 1300 possibly89051300Pope Boniface VIII ca. 1300 served 1294-1303 by Giotto di Bondone at San Giovanni in Laterano Rome89061301117791302117801303117811304117821305117831306117841307117851308117861309117871310Madonna and Child ca. 1310-1315 by Master of the Albertini or Master of the Casole Fresco National Gallery London NGL56588871311117881312Madonna and Child ca. 1312-1315 by Simone Martini Pinacoteca Nazionale Siena88881312Madonna and Child with Saints Dominic and Aurea ca. 1312-1315 by Duccio fl. 1278-1319 National Gallery London NGl56688961313117891314117901315St. Francis by Pietro Lorinzetti San Francesco Basilica Assisi ca. 1315-133089031315St. John the Baptist ca. 1315-1330 by Pietro Lorenzetti San Francesco Basilica Assisi89041316St. Louis of Toulouse Crowns Robert II of Anjou 1316 by Simone Martini fl. 1315-1344 Museo Nazionale Capodimonte Napoli89181317117911318117921319117931320Giacomo Gaetani Stefaneschi Donor ca. 1320 detail from triptych by Giotto Bondone Vatican Pinacoteca Rome cat40120 88681320An Angel with Instruments of the Passion ca 1320 Goodhart Duccieque Master Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1978.46688621320Madonna and Child with St. Francis and St. John the Baptist ca. 1320 by Pietro Lorenzetti San Francesco Basilica Assisi89021320St. Andrew ca. 1320 by Simone Martini fl. 1315-1344 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 51.239789121320St. Lawrence ca. 1320-1325 by Giotto di Bondone 1266-1337 Chaalis Abbey89171320St. Romuald ca. 1325 by Guido Palmeruccio fl. 1315 1349 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1982.60.189201321Mary Magdalene ca. 1321 detail of Orvieto polyptych by Simone Martini ca. 1285-1344 Museuo dell Opera del Duomo Orvieto89011321St. Clare of Assisi ca. 1321 by Simone Martini fl. 1315-1344 St. Francis Church Inferior Assisi89141322117941323117951324Isaiah ca. 1324 1325 by Ugolino de Nerio fl. 1317-1349 National Gallery London88781325Charles of Valois 1270-1325 14th cent Basilica de Saint Denis Paris Photo by Acoma88651325Madonna and Child ca. 1325-1330 by Ugolino di Nerio Museum of Fine Arts Boston 16.6588841325Madonna and Child ca. 1325 by Ugolino da Siena or Ugolino di Nerio fl. 1317 1349 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1975.1.588891325Madonna and Child ca. 1325 by a follower of Giotto or an unknown Paduan artist The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 47.143 88901325Saint Ansanus ca. 1325-1335 by Simone Martini fl.1315-1344 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1975.1.13b 89091325Madonna and Child ca. 1325 attributed to Memmo di Filippucci Museo de San Matteo Pisa89211326Maddona and Child ca. 1326 probably by an unknown Sienese artist The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1795.1.12b88791327117961328117971329Can Francesco della Scala Cangrande Tomb Verona Scalinger Tomb88641329Cangrande I of Verona Casteveccio Museum Verona88631330Saint Andrew ca. 1330 by Simone Martini fl.1315-1344 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 41.100.2389081330St. John the Evangelist ca. 1330-1339 by Simone Martini ca. 1285-1344 Barber Institute Fine Arts 89161330St. Margaret ca. 1330 attributed to Ugolino da Siena fl. 1317 1349 Princeton University Art Museum 61.4189191331117981332117991333Saint Anthony of Padua ca. 1333 by Maso di Banco fl. 1320-1346 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 43.98.1389101334118001335Madonna and Child 1335 by Bernardo Daddi ca 1290-1350 Vatican Museum Rome88801335Madonna and Child ca. 1335-1345 by Ambrogio Lorenzetti ca 1290-1348 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 39.53688911336118011337118021338118031339118041340Madonna and Child ca. 1340 by Bernardo Daddi ca. 1290-1350 Location TBD88851340Madonna and Child with St. Anne ca. 1340-1345 by Francesco Traini fl. 1321-1345 Princeton Art Museum y1963 288971340Robert I Anjou King of Naples ca. 1340 reigned 1309-1343 from the Anjou Bible Maurits Sabbe Library University of Leuven89071341118051342St. Catherine of Alexandria shortly after 1342 by Pietro Lorenzetti fl. 1320 1344 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 13.21289131343118061344A Soldier from St. Martin Renounces Weapons detail by Simone Martini fl. 1315-134489221345118071346118081347118091348118101349118111350Jean II King of France ca. 1350 reigned 1350-1364 Unknown French Master Mus?e du Louvre Paris possibly the oldest profile portrait in Europe88701350Madonna and Child ca. 1350 by Lippo Memmi fl. 1317-1350 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.14488611350Madonna and Child ca. 1350 by Lippo Memmi fl. 1317-1350 Cleveland Museum of Art 1952.11088601350Madonna and Child ca. 1350 by Barna da Siena fl. 1330-1350 Princeton University Museum 61.3588861350Madonna and Child ca. 1350 by Barnaba da Modena 1328-1386 Location TBD88921350Madonna of the Recommended ca. 1350s by Lippo Memmi ca. 1291-1356 Museuo dell Opera del Duomo Orvieto89001351118121352118131353118141354118151355118161356118171357118181358118191359118201360Rudolf IV Hapsburg Duke of Austria ca. 1360-1365 Unknown Bohemian Master Cathedral and Diocesan Museum Vienna88721360Madonna and Child ca. 1365 by Barnaba da Modena 1328-1386 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 15.95188931361118211362118221363118231364118241365St. Gregory ca. 1365 Master Theodoric fl. 1350-1370 National Gallery Prague88711366118251367Madonna and Child 1367 by Barnaba da Modena 1328-1386 Stadel Museum Frankfurt88811368118261369118271370Madonna and Child ca. 1375 by Paolo di Giovanni Fei The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 41.190.13 88821370Charles IV Luxembourg Holy Roman Emperor ca. 1370 reigned 1346-1378 Master Theodoric Prague88731370Madonna and Child ca. 1370-1375 by Barnaba da Modena 1328-1386 Musee du Louvre Paris88941371118281372Charles V Valois King of France ca. 1372 reigned 1364-1380 by Jean de Vaudetar Museum of the Book The Hague88741373118291374118301375Head of Christ ca. 1375 by Master of the Orcagnesque Misericordia The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1981.365.288691375Charles IV Valois Holy Roman Emperor ca. 1375 reigned 1346-1378 Unknown Artist Wallraf-Richartz Museum Cologne Dep. 026888751375Self-Portrait ca. 1375 by Peter Parler ca 1330-1399 St Vitus Cathedral Prague89111376Francesco Petrarca et al ca. 1376-1376 by Altichiero 1330-1395 Oratorio di San Giorgio Padua88671377118311378118321379118331380Madonna and Child ca. 1380 by Antonio Veneziano 1369-1419 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 84.29388951380Madonna and Child with Angels ca. 1380 by Spinello Aretino ca. 1350-1410 Fogg Museum Harvard University Cambridge MA 1905.188991380St. Gregory the Great ca. 1385 by Bartolo di Fredi ca. 1330-1410 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 15.95389151381118341382118351383118361384118371385118381386Madonna and Child with Two Donors 1386 by Cecco di Pietro fl. 1370-1386 Princeton University Art Museum 61.44 88981387118391388118401389118411390Edward III Pantagenet King of England reigned 1327-1377 and Edward the Black Prince 1390 posthumous Unknown Artist British Library Cotton MS Nero D VI f.31r88761391118421392118431393118441394118451395Richard II Plantagenet King of England ca. 1395 reigned 1377-1399 by Unknown Artist Westminster Abbey UK beginning of modern portraiture8877139611846139711847139811848139911849