1600Self-Portrait, ca. 1600 (Federico Barocci) (1535-1612) Museum Residenzgalerie Salzburg
14981600Self-Portrait, ca. 1600 (Federico Barocci) (1535-1612) Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze14991600Francisco de Pisa, ca. 1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Kimbell Art Museum, Forth Worth, TX 15001600Antonio de Covarrubias, ca. 1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Musée du Louvre, Paris 15011600Diego de Covarrubias, ca. 1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo del Greco, Toledo 15021600A Man, possibly a Self-Portrait, ca. 1595-1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 15031600 Carlo Borromeo, ca. 1600 (Giovanni Ambrogio Figino) (ca. 1548-1608) Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano 15041600A Lady, ca. 1600 (Robert Peake the Elder) (1551-1619) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1974.3.615051600Carlo Alberto Rati Opizzoni, ca. 1597-1600 (Ludovico Carracci) (1555-1619) Private Collection15061600Nicolaas Rockox, 1600 (Otto van Veen) (1556-1629) Rubenshuis, Antwerpen 15071600A Norbertine, ca. 1600 (Leandro Bassabo) (1557-1622) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3686 15081600A Norbertine, ca. 1600-1610 (Leandro Bassabo) (1557-1622) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2015091600Philip III, ca. 1600 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-507 15101600Albert VII, Archduke of Austria, ca. 1600 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-50915111600Vincenzo I Gonzaga, ca. 1600 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD 15121600Ferdinand II, King of Bohemia, ca. 1596-1600 (Pietro de Pomis) (1569-1633) The Weiss Gallery, London 15131600Self Portait , ca. the beginning of 17th century” (attributed to Ozario Borgianni) (ca. 1575-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00877 15141600Frans Francken I, ca. 1600 (workshop of Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.37 15151600Self-Portrait, ca. 1600 (Alessandro Tiarini) (1577-1668) Galleria Savelli Antiquario, Bologna 15161600A Noblewoman, ca. 1600 (Unknown English Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 11.149.1 15171600A Noblewoman, ca. 1600 (Unknown English Artist) Parham House, West Sussex, England 15181600Catherine Henriette de Balzac de Entragues, 1600 (Unknown Artist) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 15191600Madame de Entraque, ca. 1600 (Unknown Dutch Artist ) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1958 15201600A Woman, ca. 1580-1620 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Sotheby's Sale N08712 15211600Domenico Fontana, ca. 1600 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 15221600A Cardinal, possibly Don Fernando Niño de Guevara, ca.1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.5
57781600Henry IV, King of France, as Hercules Overcoming the Lernaean Hydra, ca. 1600 (circle of Toussaint Dubreuil) (ca. 1561- 1602) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 1997-1357791600Daniel de la Faye ca 1600 attributed to Domenico Tintoretto Location TBD82521600Edward Coke ca 1600 by English School Sothebys The Duchess May27-28 2015 London Lot 8682531600A Hapsburg Officer ca 1600 by Frans Pourbus the Younger 1569-1622 Weiss Gallery82541600A Knight of Malta 1600 by Giovan PAolo Cavagna Bardini Museum82551600A Man ca 1600 by North Italian Artist Christies Sale 3475 Lot 6382591600Ragazzo ca 1600-1605 by Cristofano Allori 1577-1621 Pushkin Museum 26182631600Sybillina Agrippina ca 1600 by Abraham Janssens Museum Kunstpalast 82661601Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset, 1601 (attributed to John de Critz the Elder) (1551-1642) National Portrait Gallery, London 4024 15231601Knight of the Order of Santiago, 1601 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01034 15241601Empress Eleanor Gonzaga at 2 years old, ca. 1600-1601 (follower of Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3339 15251601A Man, probably Wilson Gale, 1601 (Unknown Artist) Lawrences Auctioneers, Somerset, UK 15261601Self-portrait 1601 by Joachim Wtewael 1566-1638 Centraal Museum in Utrecht 226482641602Ippolito della Rovere, ca. 1602 (Federico Fiori Barocci) (1526-1612) Italian Embassy, London 15271602Woman, 1602 (Nicholas Hilliard) (1547-1619) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 15281602Felipe Manuel, Prince of Savoya, ca. 1602 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Sothebys Old Masters Day Sale 7/9/09 Lot 119 15291602Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, 1602 (John de Critz) (1551-1642) National Portrait Gallery, London 107 15301602Eleanor de Medici at about 35 years old, ca. 1602 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD 15311602A Lady, possibly Eleanor de Medici, ca.1602 (attributed to Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City 1982.293 15321602Self-Portrait, ca. 1602-1603 (Guido Reni) (1575-1642) Whitfield Fine Art, London 15331602A Man, possibly Thomas Harriot, 1602 (Unknown Artist) Trinity College, Oxford 15341602Polycarp Leyser, 1602 (Unknown Artist) Evangelischen Pregigerseminar, Wittenberg 15351602Philip III, King of Spain, ca. 1602 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1563-1608) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_9490
57801602Sir Walter Ralegh with son, Walter 1602 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3914 57811602Cardinal Camillo Borghese, future Pope Paul V, ca. 1602 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 58781602A Man ca 1592-1612 by Hans van Aachen Fischer Auctionen November 2008 Lot 100482581603Artists Son Jorge Manuel Theotokopoulos, ca. 1603 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla15361603Jan Govertsen van der Aer, 1603 (Hendrick Goltzius) (1558-1617) Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam 3450OK15371603Anna of Tyrol at about 18 years old, ca. 1603 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD 15381603Henry IV of France, ca. 1603 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 15391603Monsignor Giovanni Battista Agucchi, ca. 1603-1604 (attributed to Annibale Carracci) (1560-1609) York Art Gallery, UK 16821603Don Francisco Gómez de Sandoval, 1st Duke of Lerma, ca. 1603 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 57821603Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia, "The Winter Queen", 1603 (Robert Peake the Elder) (1551-1619) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, BHC 4237 57831603Henry Frederick and Sir John Harington, 1603 (Robert Peake the Elder) (1551-1619) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 44.27 57841603William Pope 1st Earl of Downe ca 1603 by Robert Peake the Elder 1551-1619 Christies82671604Felipe Manuel, Prince of Savoy, 1604 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz)(1553-1608) Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao15401604Maria Magdalena of Austria, 1604 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 15411604James I, King of England, ca. 1604 (John de Critz) (1551-1642) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P01954
57851604Infanta Anna Queen of France, 1604 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1563-1608) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3421 57861604Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1604 (Joseph Heintz the Elder) (1564-1609) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_9453
57871604Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain, ca. 1604 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel 57881604Constance Queen of Poland 1604 Joseph Heintz the Elder 1564-1609 Clark Art Institute82511604Maximilian Ernst 1604 by Joseph Heintz the Elder 1564-1609 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG 949582621604Self-Portrait ca 1604 by Annibale Carracci Hermitage Museum82651604The Somerset House Conference 1604 London Unknown Artist National Portrait Gallery London NPG66591781605James I, King of England, ca. 1605 (attributed to John de Critz the Elder) (ca. 1551-1642) Christies Auction House, Sale 8008, Lot 184 15461605A Man, ca. 1600-1605 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 15421605Young Gentleman, ca. 1605 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00811 15431605Dominican (or Trinitarian) Friar, ca. 1605 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 15441605A Man, possibly Alessandro Vittoria, ca. 1600-1605 (Palma il Giovane) (1544-1628) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1935 15451605Duke William V of Bavaria, ca. 1605 (Hans von Aachen) (1552-1615) Location TBD15471605Diego de Villamayor at 17 years old, ca. 1605 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 15481605Anne of Denmark ca. 1605 Queen of Scotland) ca. (John de Critz) (1555-1641) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 15491605Anne of Denmark, ca. 1605 (John de Critz) (1552-1642) The Weiss Gallery, London
15501605A Young Man, ca. 1605 (attributed to William Segar) (1564-1633) Tate Britain, London
15511605Don Ambrogio Spinola Doria, 1st Marquis of the Balbases, ca. 1605 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-554
15521605A Young Lady, ca. 1605 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Pinacoteca Malaspina, Pavia15531605Margherita Gonzaga, Duchess of Lorraine, ca. 1605 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 25.110.21
15541605Cardinal Giovanni Battista Agucc, ca. 1604-1605 (Domenichino) (1581-1641) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
15551605Bernardo Davanzati Bostichi, ca. 1605 (Cristofano Allori) (1577-1621) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK57631605Henry IV, King of France, as Mars, ca. 1605 (attributed to Jacob Bunel) (1558-1614) Musée national du chateau de Pau 57891605Mechti Kuli Beg, Persian Ambassador in Prague, 1605, by Aegidius Sadeler 1568-1629 THe Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 2012.136.586101231605Louise-Marguerite de Lorraine-Guise ca 1605 by Unknown Artist Musee Conde PE29082561605A Man ca 1605 Leandro Bassano 1557-1622 SKD GG Alte-Meister 28382601605A Man formerly Count Wendlesford ca 1600-1610 formerly attrib Cornelis de Vos Fitzwilliam Museum 159 82611605Young Man ca 1605 by Cristofano Allori 1577-1621 Palazzo Pitti Firenze82681605Self-Portrait at the Age of 47, 1605, by Hendrik Goltzius (1558 – 1 January 1617) Metalpoint on tablet, British Museum, London, 1854 1113.230101221605A Lady, ca. 1605, attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614) Sotheby's Old Masters Sale, June 11, 2020, Lot 17104891606Simon Schaep at 39 years old, 1606 (Aert Pietersz.) (1550-1612) Amsterdam Museum SB252115561606Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, at about 54 years old. ca. 1606 (Hans von Aachen) (1552-1615) Location TBD
15571606Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, 1606 (Gerrit Pietersz. Sweelink) (1566-1612) Gemeentemuseum Den Haag 15581606Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria, 1606 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
15591606Kaspar Scioppius, 1606 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze
15601606Margarita de Austria, Queen Consort of Spain 1606 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02563 57901606Philip III, King of Spain, 1606 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02562
5791160657921606Giancarlo Doria, ca. 1606 (Peter Paul Rubens)(1577-1640) Galleria nazionale di palazzo Spinola, Genova 57931606Princess Elizabeth, ca. 1606 (Robert Peake the Elder) (fl. 1575-1619) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 51.194.1 57941606Self-Portrait, 1606, October (Cristofano Allori) (1577-1621) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 58791607Margaret of Austria Queen of Spain, 1607 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01032 15611607Galileo Galilei, ca. 1605-1607 (Domenico Tintoretto) (1560-1635) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London15621607Lubbert Gerritsz., 1607 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Private Collection 15631607 Frederik Hendrik, future Prince and Stadtholder of Orange-Nassau, ca. 1607 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Kunstcollectie van het Rijk, Amersfoort
15651607Maurits, Prince of Orange-Nassau, 1607 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof, Delft
15641607Father Jan Neyen, 1607 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht, Limburg 15661607Self Portrait, ca. 1606-1607 (Adam Elsheimer) (1578-1610) Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence15671607Infanta Anna and Philip IV, 1607 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1563-1608) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3301
57951607Infanta Maria Anna, 1607 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1563-1608) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3268 57961608Hugo Grotius, 1608 (Michiel Jansz. van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Location TBD15681608Fra Antonio Martelli, 1608 (Caravaggio) (1571-1610) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze
15691608Sir Edward Fenner, 1608 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Museum, London 4958
15701608Margaret of Savoy, Duchess of Mantua, 1608 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 57971608Alof de Wignacourt and his Page, , ca. 1608 (Caravaggio) (ca. 1571-1610) Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. 57 57981608Alof de Wignancourt official portrait ca 1608-1610 by Unknown Artist Musee de lArmee82481608Maddalena ca 1608-1616 by Cristofano Allori 1577-162182571609Fray Hortensio Félix Paravicino, ca. 1609 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 04.234
15711609Margaret of Austria, 1609 (Bartolome Gonzales y Serrano) (1564-1627) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid