1820Francis II (I), Emperor of Austria, ca. 1820 (Joseph Kreutzinger) (1857-1829) Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Wien 49111820Tiburcio Pérez y Cuervo, 1820 (Francisco Goya) (1746-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 30.95.242 49051820Dominique-Vincent Ramel de Nogaret, ca. 1820 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Location TBD49061820Ange-Pauline-Charlotte Ramel de Nogaret, née Panckoucke, ca. 1820 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Location TBD 49071820Helene Delius, geboren Schrader, ca. 1820 (Johann Friedrich Dieterich) (1787-1846) Private Collection, Germany 49081820Mrs. Andrew Sigourney, ca. 1820 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1978.380 49091820Governor John Brooks, ca. 1820 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Honolulu Museum of Art, HI49101820A Young Woman, 1820 (Louis-Léopold Boilly) (1761-1845) Private Collection 49121820C. F. Hansen, 1820 (Friedrich Carl Gröger) (1766-1838) Frederiksborg Slotskirke, Hillerød 49131820Field Marshall Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, ca. 1820 (after Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 49141820Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, ca. 1820 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4137 49151820Self-Portrait, ca. 1820 (Samuel William Reynolds) (1773-1835) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4989 49161820Sophie Fanny Lordon, 1820 (Constance Mayer) (1775-1821) Location TBD 49171820Caroline Amelia Elizabeth of Brunswick, Queen Consort of England, ca. 1820 (James Lonsdale) (1777-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 498 49181820Maria Josepha of Saxony, ca. 1820 (Francesco Lacoma y Fontanet) (1778-1849) Museo del Romanticismo Madrid 49191820Augustus Washington Clason, ca. 1820 (attributed to John Wesley Jarvis) (1780-1840) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 75.8 49201820Lorenzo Bartolini, 1820 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Musée du Louvre, Paris 49211820Ludwig von Beethoven, ca. 1820 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Beethoven-Haus Bonn 49221820Augusta of Bavaria, Duchess of Leuchtenberg, ca. 1820 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Location TBD 49231820Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, ca. 1820 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Location TBD 49241820John Arrowsmith, ca. 1820 (Henry William Pickersgill) (1782-1875) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 49251820Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey, ca. 1820 (Andrew Geddes) (1783-1844) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 162849261820The Reverend John Brodhead Romeyn, ca. 1817-1820 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.148.1 49271820Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, 1820 (Antoni Brodowski) (1784-1832) Location TBD 49281820Tenskwatawa, Shawnee Prophet, ca. 1820 (Charles Bird King) (1785-1862) Location TBD 49371820John Clare, ca. 1820 (William Hilton) (1786-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1469 49381820A Youth, ca. 1818-1820 (Théodore Géricault) (1790-1824) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1969.07 49391820An Old Woman, ca. 1819-1820 (Théodore Géricault) (1790-1824) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon B82549401820Alexander Calder, ca. 1820 (Samuel F.B. Morse) (1791-1872) Sothebys Sale N08684 49411820Mrs. Daniel DeSaussure Bacot, ca. 1820 (Samuel F.B. Morse) (1791-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 30.130 49421820Daniel Boone, 1820 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA 49431820Self-Portrait, ca. 1820 (George Hayter) (1792-1871) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3104 49441820Jozefa Maksymiliana Ossolinskiego, ca. 1820 (Jan Maszkowski) (1793-1865) Lviv Art Gallery 49451820Doctor Christoph Bonifazius Zang, ca. 1820 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Wien Museum49461820Self-Portrait, 1820 (Jean-Augustin Franquelin) (1798-1839) Location TBD 49471820Giacomo Leopardi, ca. 1820 (S. Ferrazzi) (????-????) Casa Leopardi, Recanati, Marche 49481820Carlo Rossi, ca. 1820 (B. S. Mityar) (????-????) Location TBD 49491820Isaac Nathan, ca. 1820 (Unknown Artist) National Library of Australia, Canberra 49501820The Dubufe Family in 1820 by Claude-Marie Dubufe 1790-1864 Musee du Louvre Paris RF 1982-291751820Anatole Demidoff ca. 1820 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Private Collection94021820Alfred Dedreux ca. 1820 by Theodore Gericault 1791-1824 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 41.1794031820Henry Richard Vassall Fox 3rd Baron Holland ca. 1820 by George Hayter 1792-1871 National Portrait Gallery London NPG519294041820Philip Barker Webb ca. 1820 by Lalogero di Bernadis fl. 1820 National Portrait Gallery London NPG432794051820Antonio Salieri ca 1820 by Joseph Willibrod Mahler Sammlungen der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde96111820John Wauchope of Edmonstone (posthumous) ca 1820 by Sir Henry Raeburn (1756-1823) National Galleries of Scotland96301820Self-Portrait 1820 by Rolinda Sharples (1793?1838) Location TBD 96311820Thomas Campbell ca. 1820 by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery London 19896351821Ann Britton Cook, 1820 (James Peale) (1746-1831) The Huntington, San Marino, CA49511821Sir Humphry Davy, Bt, ca. 1821 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2546 49521821Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, (copy?), ca. 1821 (James Lonsdale) (1777-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 361 49531821William Charles Macready, 1821 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1503 49541821Jeanne-Suzanne-Catherine Gonin, ca. 1821 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, OH49551821Count N.D. Guriev, 1821 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 49561821Charlotte van Lieven, 1821 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) Location TBD 49571821Ignacius Aurelius Fessler, ca. 1821 (János Rombauer) (1782-1849) Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest 49581821Hannah More, 1821 (Henry William Pickersgill) (1782-1875) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 412 49591821Self Portrait, ca. 1821 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1894 (94.23.3) 49601821William Gwynn, 1821 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 94.23.1 49611821John Finley, 1821 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 94.23.2 49621821Mrs. John Biddle, 1821 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.115.2 49631821Mrs. Joseph Warren Revere(Mary Robbins), ca. 1821 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1987.89 49641821Mary Kikina Ardalionovna, 1821 (Karl Briullov) (1799-1852) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 49651821Zenaide and Charlotte Bonaparte 1821 by Jacques Louis David 1748-1825 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA92611821David Ricardo ca. 1821 by Thomas Phillips (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery London NPG L24196151822Self Portrait, ca. 1822 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Location TBD49661822Joseph Nollekens, ca. 1822 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) Sothebys Fine Art Auction, Sale N08952 49671822Frederick William Beechey, ca. 1822 (George Duncan Beechey) (1798-1852) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 49681822James Monroe, ca. 1820-1822 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.89 49691822Russell Sturgis, 1822 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1965.244 49701822Sir Walter Scott, ca. 1822 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Location TBD 49711822Margaret, Countess of Blessington, ca. 1822 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Wallace Collection, London 49721822George IV, King of England, 1822 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth House, Derbyshire49731822George Canning, 1822 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Private Collection 49741822James Fenimore Cooper, 1822 (John Wesley Jarvis) (1780-1840) Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY49751822Captain Peter Heywood, 1822 (John Simpson) (1782-1847) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, UK, BHC 276649761822A Nobleman, ca. 1822 (János Rombauer) (1782-1849) Private Collection49771822George Gordon, 6th Lord Byron, 1822 (William Edward West) (1788-1857) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, PG 1561 49781822Petalesharro, "Generous Chief" of the Pawnee Nation, ca. 1822 (Charles Bird King) (1785-1862) White House Library, Washington D.C. 49791822The Eberhard Brothers, ca. 1822 (Johann Anton Alban Ramboux) (1790-1866) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln 49801822Eben Rollins, ca. 1822 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 59.959 49811822A Young Woman from Retuna, 1822 (Louis Léopold Robert) (1794-1835) Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Winterhur, Zürich 49821822George Peabody, ca. 1822 (John Neagle) (1796-1865) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 48.462 49831822Bernardine Eugénie Désirée Clary, Queen Consort of Sweden and Norway, 1822 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 49841822Charlotte Müller, 1822 (Carl Fielgraf) (1804-1865) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie 51801822Louis XVIII King of France 1822 by Robert Lefevre 1755-1830 Versailles90821822Victor Rifaut 1822 by Joseph Desire Court 1797-1865 Musee des Beaux Arts Rouen90831822John Ruskin 1822 James Northcote 1746-1831 National Portrait Gallery London NPG597394061822Charles Mathews ca 1822 by Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860) National Portrait Gallery London NPG 173496141822E. T. A. Hoffmann ca. 1822 by Unknown Artist Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Nationalgalerie A II 92096161822James Peal 1822 by Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827) Detroit Institute of Arts MI96221822John Keats ca. 1822 by William Hilton (1786-1839) after Joseph Severn National Portrait Gallery London NPG 19496251823Bishop Jean-Louis Anne Magdelaine Lefebvre de Cheverus, 1823 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 21.9 49851823John Adams, 1823 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1999.590 49861823Madame Jacques-Louis-Étienne Reizet, 1823 (Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson) (1767-1824) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1999.101 49871823Samuel Prout, 1823 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1618 49881823Self-Portrait, ca. 1823 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) National Portrait Gallery, NPG 443 49891823Josephine of Leuchtenberg, future Queen Consort of Sweden and Norway, ca. 1823 (Fredric Westin) (1782-1862) Location TBD 49901823Dewitt Clinton, 1823 (Rembrandt Peale) (1788-1860) Christies Fine Art Auction 49911823Madame Jacques-Louis Leblanc, ca. 1823 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 19.77.249921823Jacques-Louis Leblanc, ca. 1823 (Jean Ingres) (1780-1867) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1918 (19.77.1) 49931823Matthew Clarkson, 1823 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) &(William Jewett) (1792-1874) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 23.80.80 49941823Thomas Bewick, 1823 (James Ramsay) (1786-1854) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 319 49951823Elizabeth Albree (Brooks), ca. 1823 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1918.3 50071823Jonathan Brooks, ca. 1823 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1918.2 50081823Jean-Louis-André Théodore Gericault, ca. 1823 (Horace Vernet) (1789-1863) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1998.84 50091823Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, 1823 (George Hayter) (1792-1871) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 525750101823A Young Man, 1823 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Dorotheum, Lot 32 50111823Ludwig von Beethoven, 1823 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Location TBD 50121823Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine, ca. 1823 (William Charles Ross) (1794-1860) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 96050131823A Young Man, 1823 (Wilhelm Bendz) (1804-1832) Location TBD 50141823A Lady, 1823 (Wilhelm Michaelsen) (??-??) Private Collection 50151823Thomas Johnson Matthews, ca. 1820-1826 (Aaron Haughton Corwine) (??-??) Cincinatti Art Museum 1965.268 50161823Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, ca. 1823 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The White House Art Collection, Washington, D.C., 971.676.151841823Friedrich August I King of Saxony 1823 reigned 1806-1827 by Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein (1788-1868) Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden Galerie Neue Meister96191823Jan Sniadecki 1823 by Jan Rustem (1762-1835) Location TBD96231823John Neal, ca. 1823, by Sarah Miriam Peale (1800-1885) Portland Museum of Art, ME, 2013.13105231824Charles Waterton, 1824 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2014 50171824Josiah Quincy, 1824 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 76.347 50181824Lady Elizabeth Conyngham, ca. 1824 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon 50191824Nicholas Vansittart, Baron Bexley, 1824 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Oklahoma City Museum of Art, OK 1976.040 50201824Frederick John Robinson, ca. 1824(Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4875 50211824Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, ca. 1824 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Location TBD 50221824Countess of Dyhrn with Child, 1824 (Josef Olezkiewicz) (1777-1830) Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine 50231824Jacques Louis David, ca. 1824 (Jerome Martin Langlois) (1779-1838) Musée du Louvre, Paris 50241824George Grote, 1824 (Thomas Stewardson) (1781-1859) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 365 50251824Marquise de Plessis-Belliere, ca. 1824 (Paulin Jean-Baptiste Guerin) (1783-1855) Seattle Art Museum, WA 69.92 50261824John Grimes, ca. 1824 (Matthew Harris Jouett) (1788-1827) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 95.23 50271824A Woman, ca. 1819-1824 (Théodore Géricault) (1791-1824) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 1938-51 50281824Mary Hone, 1824 (Samuel Finley Breese Morse) (1791-1872) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 48.455 50291824The Actress Theresa Krones, 1824 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Daxer & Marschall Kunsthandel, Munich
50301824A Young Lady in a Blue Dress, 1824 (1792-1870) (Christian Albrecht Jensen) (1792-1870) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia51811824Frances Wright 1824 by Henry Inman (1801-1846) Location TBD96171824James Northcote aged 78 1824 by James Ramsay (1786-1854) Royal Albert Memorial Museum Devon UK96211824A Lady wearing a Blue Dress 1824 by Christian Albrecht Jensen (1792-1870) Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg96261824Self-Portrait ca 1824-1828 by George Chinnery (1774-1852) National Galleries of Scotland96321825Anna Claypoole Peale, ca. 1825 (James Peale) (1749-1831) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 2006.1926 50311825Charles Edward Horn, ca. 1825 (Peter Edward Stroehling) (1768-ca. 1826) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5189 50321825Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, 1825 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 313650331825Frederick H. Hemming, ca. 1824-1825 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1963.01 5034182550351825Francis Charles Seymour Conway, 3rd Marquess of Hertford, ca. 1825 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., 1968.6.2 50361825Marie Caroline de Bourbon, Duchesse of the Two Sicilies, ca. 1825 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 50371825Madame Juliette Recamier, ca. 1825 (Jean Antoine Gros) (1771-1835) Location TBD 50381825Juan Miguel de Grijalba, ca. 1825 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 1993.164 50391825Maria Amalie of Saxony, 1825 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Palacio Real de Madrid 50401825Franz Xavier Wolfgang Mozart, ca. 1825 (Carl Gottlieb Schweikart) (1772-1855) Location TBD 50411825Samuel Humes, ca. 1825 (Jacob Eichholtz) (1776-1842) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 59.163 50421825Richard James Lane, ca. 1825 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) Philip Mould Ltd., London 50431825Michael Angelo and Emma Clare Peale, ca. 1825 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2000.151 50441825The Marquis de Lafayette, ca. 1825 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 21.19 50451825Amédée-David, the Comte de Pastoret, ca. 1825 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Art Institute of Chicago, IL, 1971.452 50461825Maria Fedorovna, ca. 1825 (workshop of George Dawe) (1781-1829) Location TBD 50471825Ludwig I, King of Bavaria, ca. 1825 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Location TBD 50481825Maria Clarissa Leavitt, ca. 1820-1825 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1661) Brooklyn Museum, 1996.43.2 50491825John Pendleton Kennedy, ca. 1825 (Philip Tilyard) (1787-1827) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 50501825Benjamin Moore McVickar, ca. 1825 (Charles Cromwell Ingham) (1796-1863) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 37.161 50511825Gilbert Stuart, 1825 (John Neagle) (1796-1865) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1975.807 50521825Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere, 1825 (Mary Martha Pearson) (1799-1871) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 35150531825Count Leopoldo Cicognara, ca. 1825 (Ludovico Lipparini) (1800-1856) Galleria dell Accademia, Venezia 50541825Madam Powell (Elizabeth Willing), ca. 1825 (Francis Alexander) (1800-1880) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 22.7 50551825Benjamin Robert Haydon, 1825 (Georgiana Margaretta Zornlin) (1800-1881) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 510 50561825A Lady, ca. 1825 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Thomas Seir Cummings (1804-1894) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1996.562 50571825A Woman, ca. 1825 (Henry Inman) (1801-1845) Brooklyn Museum, NY 32.1680 50581825Self-Portrait, 1825 (Alexei Tyranov) (1808-1859) Location TBD 50591825Benjamin Marshall, 1825 (Lambert Marshall) (1810-1870) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2671 50601825Self-Portrait, ca. 1825 (Samuel Palmer) (1805-1881) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 50611825Charles Felix, King of Sardinia, ca. 1825 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 50621825Karoline Seidler Wranitzky, 1825 (Karl Begas) (1794-1854) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie, A I 49751821825George Canning ca. 1825 Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 National Portrait Gallery London NPG183294071825David Lyon ca. 1825 Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Madrid94081825Janet Halleck Drake 1825 Henry Inman 1801-1846 Metropolitan Museumm of Art New York NY 1996.34894091825Adam Oehlenschlaeger 1825 by Christian Albrecht Jensen (1792-1870) Location TBD96101825Captain Hugh Clapperton 1825 by Gildon Manton National Galleries of Scotland PG111496121825Stable Boy with Lantern 1825 by Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller (1793-1865) Daxer and Marschall Kunsthandel Fine Art Inventory96331825A Woman ca. 1825 by Unknown American Artist Case Antiques Auction Nashville Oct 6 2012 Lot 2996361826John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon, 1826 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 464 50631826Dixon Denham, 1826 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2441 50641826Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1826 (Heinrich Christoph Kolbe) (1771-1836) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln 50651826A Young Woman, 1826 (Heinrich Christoph Kolbe) (1771-1836) Location TBD 50661826Francisco de Goya, ca. 1826 (Vicente Lopez y Portana) (1772-1850) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 50671826P.I. Sapoznikova, ca. 1826 (Vasily Andreyevich Tropinin) (1776-1857) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg50681826Suzanne-Clarisse de Salvaing de Boissieu, Madame Marie Marcotte, 1826 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1770-1867) Location TBD 50691826Eugénie de Beauharnais, Princess of Hohenzollern-Hechingen, 1826 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Location TBD 50701826A Woman, ca. 1826 (János Rombauer) (1782-1849) Private Collection50711826The Artists Wife, ca. 1826 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.217.2 50721826Nathaniel West, Jr., ca. 1820-1826 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1984.879 50731826Mrs. Nathaniel West, Jr. (Mary White), ca. 1820-1826 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1985.927 50741826John George Children, 1826 (Benjamin Rawlinson Faulkner) (1787-1849) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5151 50751826Self-Portrait, 1826 (François-Joseph Navez) (1787-1869) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel, Inv. 3790 50761826DeWitt Clinton, 1826 (Samuel F.B. Morse) (1791-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 09.18 50771826Self-Portrait, 1826 (Giuseppe Tominz) (1790-1866) Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana 50781826Mrs. John Ball Brown, ca. 1826 (Rebecca Warren) ca. (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 14.425 50791826Birgitte Sobotker Hohlenberg, 1826 (Christian Albrecht Jensen) (1792-1870) Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, KMS4617 50801826Self-Portrait, 1826 (Henry Wyatt) (1794-1840) Philip Mould Ltd., London 50811826John James Audubon, 1826 (John Syme) (1795-1861) The White House Art Collection, Washington, D.C.50821826John Moore, Jr., 1826 (William P. Codman) (ca. 1798-1831) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA, Hewes Number 8750831826Sir John Browning, 1826 (John King) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1113 50841826Robert Lindley, ca. 1826 (William Davison) (fl. 1813-1843) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1952 50851826Martha Jefferson, ca. 1826 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) Monticello, VA68201826A Man 1826 Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1796-1875 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 19.7994101826Charles Lamb 1826 after Henry Meyer (ca. 1782-1847) National Portrait Gallery London NPG131296131826A Hunter 1826 signed Joseph Gregoire Bernard Franco Antiquités102521827Self-Portrait, 1827 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 147 50871827Catherine Peabody Gardner, 1827 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) Private Callection 50881827Alexander II, future Tsar of Russia, 1827 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) Sothebys Sale N008826, Lot 577 50891827Marie Thérèse Charlotte de France, Duchesse d'Angoulême, 1827 (Alexandre-François Caminade) (1783-1862) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 1996-5 50901827Mrs. Thomas Brewster Coolidge, ca. 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 20.75 50911827Edward Dillingham Bangs, 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA 1870 Weis 6 50921827Judge Edward Hutchinson Robbins, 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1984.502 50931827Mrs. Edward Hutchinson Robbins, 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1984.503 50941827Joshua Blake, ca. 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1992.43 50951827Sarah Stanton (Blake), ca. 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1992.44 50961827Grafen Apponyi, 1827(Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Dorotheum Auction50971827Marie Taglioni, ca. 1827 (Ary Scheffer) (1795-1858) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles R.F. 1206 50981827N. A. Okhotnikov, 1827 (Karl Bryullov) (1799-1852) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 50991827Franz Schubert, ca. 1827 (attributed to Anton Depauly) (1801-1866) Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Wien 51001827Julia Floyd, Lady Peel, 1827 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Frick Collection, New York NY, 1904.1.8351831827Charles X King of France 1827 by Paulin Guerin Location TBD90811827Charles X King of France 1827 by Jean-Baptiste Paulin Guerin 1783-1855 Location TBD94111827Ira Aldridge as Captive Slave 1827 by John Philip Simpson (1782-1847) Art Institute of Chicago 2008.18896201827Thomas Bewick 1827 by Thomas Sword Good (1789-1872) The Natural History Society of Northumbria Great North Museum Hancock96341828John Fawcett, 1828 (begun by Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 692 51011828Sir John Franklin, 1828 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 903 51021828Sir John Soane, 1828 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 701 51031828Self-Portrait, ca. 1828 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) Location TBD 51041828Ernest Augustus I of Hanover, 1828 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) National Portrait Gallery, London 51051828Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, ca. 1828 (Karl Joseph Stieler) (1781-1858) Neue Pinakothek, München51061828Alexander Macomb, 1828 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) West Point Museum Art Collection, NY 51071828John Weir Cunningham, 1828 (Sir John Watson Gordon) (1788-1864) Christies Auction House, Sale 7200, Lot 48951081828Charles Cunningham, ca. 1828 (Sir John Watson Gordon) (1788-1864) Christie's Auction House, Sale 7200, Lot 489 51091828Hannah Adams, ca. 1828 (after Chester Harding) (1792-1866) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA 1849 Weis 1 51101828Dr. Joseph Henshaw Flint, ca. 1828 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1994.29351111828Self-Portrait, 1828 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien51121828Countess Szechenyi, 1828 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH 51131828Wilhelmine, the Artists Wife, 1828 (Carl Begas) (1794-1854) Location TBD 51141828Archduke Johann of Austria, 1828 (Leopold Kupelwieser) (1796-1862) Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz 51151828John Kintzing Kane, ca. 1828 (John Neagle) (1796-1865) Princeton Universtiy Art Museum, NJ y1945-20751161828John Haviland, 1828 (John Neagle) (1796-1865) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 38.82 51171828John Inman, ca. 1828 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 03.1156 51181828Clara Fisher, 1828 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 63.1 51191828Antonina Czyszkowska, 1828 (Rafał Hadziewicz) (1803-1883) Location TBD51201828Self-Portrait, 1828 (Thomas Creswick) (1811-1869) Royal Academy of Arts, London 51211828Rowland Hill, 1828 (Samuel Mountjoy Smith) (fl. 1828-1857) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5397 51221828Giacomo Leopardi, ca. 1828 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 51231828Miguel I, King of Portugal, ca. 1828 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 51241828Marie-Amelie de Bourbon queen consort of the French ca 1828-1829 by Louis Hersent (1777-1860) Musee Conde Chantilly96271829John Adams Conant, 1829 (William Dunlap) (1766-1839) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 13.217.251251829Mrs. John Adams Conant, 1829 (William Dunlap) (1766-1839) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 13.217.1 51261829George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen, 1829 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1869-1830) Private Collection 51271829Maria II, Queen Regnant of Portugal, 1829 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Royal Collection, London 51281829Francis I, King of the Two Sicilies, ca. 1829 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid 51291829Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich of Russia, 1829 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) Location TBD 51301829Nanette Heine, née Kaula, ca. 1829 (Karl Joseph Stieler) (1781-1858) Schlöss Nymphenburg, München 51311829Mademoiselle Adele Sigoigne, ca. 1829 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 51321829John Wilson, 1829 (John Watson Gordon) (1788-1864) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 187 51331829Dr. Thomas Fuller at 63 years old, ca. 1829 (Samuel Finley Breese Morse) (1791-1872) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 57.767 51341829Stephen Salisbury II, ca. 1829 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1907.109 51351829Elizabeth Tuckerman Salisbury, ca. 1829 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1907.32 51361829Sir Walter Scott (replica), 1829 (John Graham Gilbert) (1794-1866) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 240 51371829Johanna Borckenstein, 1829 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Private Collection51381829Marquise de Pastoret, 1829 (Hyppolyte Delaroche) (1797-1856) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 11.1449 51391829A Young Woman Reclining, possibly the artists wife, ca. 1829 (Joseph Desire Court) (1797-1865) Musée Fabre, Montpellier, Languedoc-Rousillon 51401829George Thomas Smart, 1829 (William Bradley) (1801-1857) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1326 51411829David Octavius Hill, 1829 (Robert Scott Lauder) (1803-1869) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5049 51421829Charles XIV John, King of Sweden and Norway, ca. 1829 (Carl Wilhelm Nordgren) (1804-1857) Musée des beaux-arts de Pau, Aquitaine 51431829'A Lady, ca. 1829 (Jan Adam Kruseman) (1804-1862) Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam 51441829Cecilia Margaret Købke, the artists mother, 1829 (Christian Købke) (1810-1848) Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, NG 2741 51451829Caroline Herschel, 1829 (Martin François Tielemans) (????-????) Location TBD 51461829Maria Theresa of Austria, Queen Consort of Sardinia, ca. 1829 (Unknown Artist) Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg 51471829Queen Maria Isabel de Braganza 1829 by Bernardo Lopez y Piquer 1801-1874 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid94121829Francoise Simonnier and Daughter ca 1829 by Baron Antoine-Jean Gros (1771-1835) Sothebys Old Masters January 29 2015 Lot 10196181829Jeremy Bentham exhibited 1829 by Henry William Pickersgill (1782-1875) National Portrait Gallery London NPG41396241829Paganini ca 1829 by Georg Friedrich Kersting (1785-1847) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Galerie Neue Meister 2202B96281829Petar Stankovic 1829 by Luigi Gobatto Location TBD96291829Zinaida Volkonskaya 1829 by Orest Adamovich Kiprensky (1792-1836) Location TBD9637