1480Doge Giovanni Mocenigo, ca. 1480 (Gentile Bellini) (1429-1507) Location TBD25961480Simonetta Vespucci, ca. 1480 posthumous (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD25991480A Young Lady, ca. 1480-1490 (follower of Sandro Botticelli) (ca. 1445-1510) National Gallery, London 208226001480Tomasso Portinari, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 26021480A Lady, ca. 1480 (wife of Tomasso Portinari (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY26031480Barbara van Vlaendenbergh, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD Brussels 26051480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26071480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26081480A Young Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26101480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice 26111480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26121480Mehmet II, ca. 1480 (Gentile Bellini)(1429-1507) The National Gallery, London26131480A Young Man, ca. 1480 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Brooklyn Museum, NY, 32.80426141480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hugo van der Goes) (1440-1482) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 26151480A Donor with St. John the Baptist, ca. 1478-1480 (Hugo van der Goes) (1440-1482) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD 26161480A Young Man, ca. 1480 (attributed to Alvise Vivarini) (1442-1505) Location TBD 26171480Joos van der Burch (donor detail), ca. 1480 (follower of Gerard David) (1450-1523) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, MA 1906.6.B 26191480Simonetta Vespucci, ca. 1475-1480 (Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Musee Conde Chantilly 26201480Francesco Giamberti, ca. 1480 (Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-C-1368 26211480Young Man Holding a Book, ca. 1485 (Master of the View of Saint-Godule) (fl. 1485) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 26221480A Man, ca. 1480 (Anonymous Master) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26231480A Woman, ca. 1480 (Anonymous Master) MuseoThyssen Bornemisza, Madrid 26241480A Man, ca. 1480 (Unknown French Artist) Christies Sale 198626271480An Architect, ca. 1480 (Unknown Bavarian Master) Kunstmuseum Basel, Inv. 1597 26281480A Young Lady, ca. 1480 (Unknown Artist, possibly Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Location TBD49971480Young Man Holding a Book, ca. 1480 (Master of the View of Saint Gudula) (fl. 1485) The National Gallery, London, NG2612 67101480Louis Quarre and Barbe de Croesinck, ca. 1480 (Master of the Embroidered Leaves) Palais des Beaux-arts de Lille 67111481A Boy, ca. 1481-1483 (Pinturicchio) (1454-1513) Gemaldegalerie Dresden26291481John Argyropolous, 1481, detail from "Calling of the Apostles" (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Capella Sistina, Roma26301482A Man, ca. 1481-1482 (Cosimo Rosselli) (1440-1507) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 50.135.126311482A Young Florentine in Bruges, ca. 1482 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1975.1.11226321483A Young Man, ca. 1483 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD 26331483A Young Man, ca. 1483 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.26341483A Young Man with Medallion, ca. 1483 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD 26351483Gian Galeazzo Sforza, Sixth Duke of Milan, ca. 1483 (Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis or Leonardo Da Vinci) (1452-1508) (1452-1519) Location TBD 26361483Cecilia Gallerani, ca. 1483 (Leonardo da Vinci) (1452-1519) National Museum, Krakow 26371483Caterina Sforza, ca. 1480-1483 (Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Pinacoteca Civica di Forli26381484A Benedictine Monk, 1484 (Jan Polack) (??-1519) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26391485Giuliano da Sangallo ca. 1480-1485 (Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 301485Kunigund of Austria, ca. 1485 (Unknown Master) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid26401485A Man, ca. 1480-1490 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 26411485A Man, ca. 1485 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494)Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26421485A Young Man, ca. 1485 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Galleria Corsini, Florence 26431485A Young Woman, ca. 1485-1490 (attributed to Hans Memling)(1433-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 49.7.23 26441485Levinus Memminger, ca. 1485 (Michael Wohlgemut) (1434-1519) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26451485Angelo Poliziano with a boy, ca. 1485, detail from "Confirmation of the Franciscan Rule" (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Capella Sassetti, Firenze 26471485Costanza Caetani, ca. 1480-1490 (style of Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) National Gallery, London NG249026481485Self-Portrait, ca. 1485 (Pedro Berruguete) (ca. 1450-1504) Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid 26491485An Old Man, ca. 1485 (Filippino Lippi) (1457-1504) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze26501485A Man, ca. 1485 (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Brooklyn Museum, NY, 54.193 26511485A Boy, ca. 1475-1495 (Jacometto Veneziano) (fl. 1472-1498) The National Gallery, London NG2509 26521485Giovanne, ca. 1485 (Jacometto Veneziano) (fl. 1472-1498) Location TBD 26531485A Young Man, ca. 1485 (Unknown Flemish Artist) San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego 26541485A Venetian Man, ca. 1470-1490 (Unknown French or Dutch Artist) Musées de Châteauroux, France26551485Charles II of Bourbon, ca. 1485 (Master of Moulins possibly Jean Hey) (fl. 1480-1500) Alte Pinakothek, Munich 26561485A Woman, ca. 1485 (Master of the Holy Kinship) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1962.259 26571485A Young Man, ca. 1480's (Unknown French Artist, Master of Moulins, possibly Jean Hey) Lawrence Steigrad Fine Arts 26581485A Young Man in a Red Cap, ca. 1475-1495 (Unknown South German Artist) Portland Art Museum, OR 61.4726591485A Young Man, ca. 1485 (Unknown Artist) Christies Auction House, Sale 725426601485A Pair of Lovers, ca. 1485 (Meister des Hausbuches) (fl. 1475-1500) Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha 26611485Adolph of Cleves, Lord of Revenstein, ca. 1485 (Master of the Portraits of Princes)(fl. 1480-1500) Gemäldegalerie, Berlin62331486A Man, ca. 1480-1500 (attributed to Master of St. Giles) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 25.4826621486A Young man holding a Pink, 1486 (Michael Wohlgemut) (1434-1519) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI, 41.1067121487Martin van Nieuwenhove, ca. 1487 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD26631487A Young Man, ca. 1487 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Upton House, Banbury 26651487Francesco Sassetti with boy, ca. 1487 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1448-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 49.7.7 26661487A Man, possibly Giovanni Capello, 1487 (Francesco Bonsignori) (fl. 1455-1519) National Gallery, London NG736 26671487A Man, 1487 (Wolfgang Breuer) (??-??) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Inv. 1935.15 26681487A Man, ca. 1487 (Unknown North Italian Artist) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., 1939.1.357
26691487A Musician, ca. 1487 (attributed to Filippino Lippi) (ca. 1457-1504) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, NGI47049961488Giovanna Tornabuoni, ca. 1488 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26701488A Young Woman, possibly Giovanna Tornabuoni, ca. 1485-1488 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Tokyo Fuji Art Museum 26711488Lorenzo di Credi, ca. 1488 (Pietro Perugino) (1450-1523) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1942.9.38 26731488A Young Woman, ca. 1488 (Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Location TBD Berlin26741488A Boy, 1488 (Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston 26751488A Man, possibly Matteo di Sebastiano di Bernardino Gozzadini, ca. 1485-1494 (attributed to Maestro delle Storie del Pane) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 1975.1.95, 9626761488Ginevra di Antonio Lupari Gozzadini, ca. 1485-1494 (attributed to Maestro delle Storie del Pane) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1975.1.95, 96 26771489 A Young Man, ca. 1485-1490 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.26781489Djem, son of Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, ca. 1489 (Pinturicchio) (1454-1513) Location TBD