1490A Man 81490A Man, ca. 1490 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Private Collection26821490A Man and his Grandson, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Musée du Louvre, Paris 26831490A Young Man, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Musée du Louvre, Paris 26841490A Young Man, ca. 1480-1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) The National Gallery, London, NG248926851490A Young Man, ca. 1490 (Davide Ghirlandaio) (1452-1525) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie26861490A Young Man, called Piero Lorenzo de Medici, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Location TBD26871490A Man, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI 53.486 26881490A Woman, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 26891490A Young Woman, ca. 1485-1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon Inv. 282 26901490A Girl, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Location TBD 26911490A Lady, ca. 1490 (follower of Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT26921490A Lady, ca. 1490 (Benedetto Ghirlandaio) (1458-1497) Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN26931490Beatrice d’Este, ca. 1490 (Ambrogio Da Predis/Leonardo da Vinci) (1452-1508) (1452-1519) Location TBD 26941490A Man, ca. 1490 (Musician) (Leonardo Da Vinci) (1452-1519) Pinacoteca Ambrosiana Milan 26951490A Milanese Lady, "la belle Ferroniere", ca. 1490 (Leonardo da Vinci) Musée du Louvre, Paris 26961490A Man, ca. 1480-1500 (Giovanni Bellini) (1459-1516) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 134426971490A Young Man, ca. 1490-1510 (Vincenzo Catena) (1470-1531) The National Gallery, London, NG112126981490A Young Man, ca. 1490 (Andrea Solario) (1460-1524) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26991490A Man from Bentivoglio Family, possibly Giovanni ca. 1490 (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Location TBD 27001490A Woman (detail) 1485-1490 (Geertgen tot Sint Jans) (1465-1495) Location TBD 27011490Barbara Dürer, the Artists Mother, ca. 1490-1493 (Albrecht Dürer) (1472-1528) Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg 27031490A Woman, ca. 1480-1500 (Master of the Legend of St. Ursula) fl 1480-1500 Museum Mayer van der Bergh, Antwerp 27041490Philip I the Handsome, ca. 1490 (attributed to the Master of the Legend of Mary Magdalene) (fl. 1490-1525) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27051490A Man (Cleric), ca. 1490 (Bruges Master) Rhode Island School of Design, Providence 45.04227061490A Young Woman, possibly Anne de Dreux, ca. 1490 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 27071491Alessandro de Richao, 1491 (Filippo Mazzola) (ca. 1460-1505) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
27081491A Man with Red Beret, ca. 1490-1493 (Vittore Carpaccio) (1465-1526) Location TBD 27091491A Lady, ca. 1491 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD 27101491Margaret of Austria at around 10, ca. 1491 (Jean Hay-Master of Moulins) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1975.1.13027111491A Man, 1491 (Unknown Upper Rhenish Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 23.255 27121492Alvise Contarini, ca. 1492 (Jacometto Veneziano) (fl 1472-1497) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY27131492A Woman, possibly a Benedictine Nun from San Secondo (Jacometto Veneziano) (fl 1472-1497) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY27141492A Man, ca. 1492 (Luca Signorelli) (1450-1523)Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 27151493Empress Bianca Maria Sforza (Ambrogio de Predis) (1452-1508) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 27161493Empress Bianca Maria Sforza, ca. 1493 (Ambrogio de Predis)(1452-1508) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1942.9.53 27171493A Young Man, ca. 1492-1493 (Luca Signorelli) (1470-1523) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA John G. Johnson Collection 27181493Self-Portrait (Albrecht Durer) (1471-1528) Location TBD27191493Peter II, Duke of Bourbon, ca. 1493 (Jean Hay) (fl. 1475-1505) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27201493Suzanne de Bourbon, ca. 1493, right wing of Bourbon Triptych (Master of Moulins, Jean Hey) (fl. 1480-1500) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27211494Francesco delle Opere, ca. 1494 (Pietro Perugino) (1446-1524) Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence 27221494A Girl, ca. 1491-1495 (attributed to Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 91.26.5 27231494Francesco di Bartolomeo Archinto, 1494 (Unknown Artist, possibly Marco de Oggiono or Ambrogio de Predis) The National Gallery, London, NG 166527241494Dauphin Charles-Orlant, ca. 1494 (Master of Moulins) (fl. 1480-1500) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27251494A Young Woman as Artemesia(attributed to Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Mattioli Collezione, Milano60881495Giovanni Francesco Brivio, ca. 1495 (Vicenzo Foppa) (ca. 1427-1515) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano Inv. 1648 27261495A Man, ca. 1495 (Alvise Vivarini) (1442-1505) National Gallery of Art , Washington D.C. 1939.1.355 27271495A Woman, ca. 1495 (attributed to Piero del Pollaiolo) (1443-1496) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, P16w7 27281495Lorenzo di ser Piero Lorenzo, ca. 1495 (Sandro Boticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD27291495A Young Man (detail), ca. 1495 (Pietro Perugino) (1446-1524) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 27301495Vitellozzo Vitelli, ca. 1495 (Luca Signorelli) (1450-1523) Location TBD 27311495A Young Woman, possibly Selvaggia Sassetti, ca. 1495 (Davide Ghirlandaio) (1452-1525) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.71 27321495A Lady, ca. 1495-1500 (Ambrogio de Predis) (1455-1508) The National Gallery, London NG5752 27331495A Young Man, ca. 1485-1500 (Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Location TBD27341495A Woman, ca. 1495 (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Location TBD27351495A Woman, ca. 1495 (Vittore Carpaccio) (1465-1526) Location TBD27361495Young Man, ca. 1495 (Raffaelino del Garbo) (ca. 1466-1527) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 27371495A Woman, ca. 1495 (Vittore Carpaccio) (ca. 1466-1527 Denver Art Museum, CO The Kress Collection, 1961.168 27381495Gerolamo Casio, ca. 1495 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan27391495A Youth, ca. 1495-1498 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) National Gallery of Art , Washington D.C. 1946.19.2 27411495A Man, ca. 1495 (Andrea Solari) (1465-1524) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 11.1450
27421495A Man, ca. 1495 (Andrea Solari) (1465-1515) The National Gallery, London
27431495A Lady, ca. 1495 (Master Baldraccani) (fl. 1480-1510) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University, UK27451495Mary of Burgundy, ca. 1475-1500, possibly posthumous (Unknown Flemish Artist) Musée Condé, Chantilly
27461495A Man, ca. 1495 (half of diptych) (Unknown Flemish Master) Courtauld Institute Galleries, London
27471495Young Man, ca. 1495 (Unknown French/Burgundian Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.115
27481495A Woman, ca. 1495 (Uknown Artist/ Cologne) The National Gallery, London NG2670
27491495Fra Luca Pacioli and possibly Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, 1495 (UA possibly Jacopo de Barbari) (1440-1515) Museo di Capodimonte, Naples28031495Albert III the Bold, Duke of Saxony, ca. 1495 (Unknown Artist) Der Kurfürstenzug, Dresden67041495A Man, ca. 1495 (Antonello de Saliba) (ca. 1466-1535) Pushkin Museum, Moscow68251495Francesco II Gonzaga (10 August 1466 – 29 March 1519) Marquess of Mantua ca 1490-1499, by Andrea-Mantegna (ca. 1431-1506) 101291495A Boy of the Bentivoglio family, ca. 1495, attributed to Bernardino de Conti, Location TBD101441496A Man, allegedlly Giovanni de' Medici, ca. 1496 (Filippino Lippi) (1457-1504) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 27521496Jacob Obrecht at 38 years old, 1496 (Unknown Flemish or French Artist) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX AP 1993.02 27531496Juana the Mad, ca. 1496 (Master of Mary Magdelene) Location TBD 27541496Juana the Mad, ca. 1500 (Master of the Life of St. Joseph) Location TBD 27551496An Infanta (possibly Catherine of Aragon or Juana de Castille), ca. 1496 (Juan de Flandes) Location TBD27561497A Man, ca. 1497 (Alvise Vivarini) (1445-1505) The National Gallery, London27571497A Florentine Woman, ca. 1497 (Lorenzo di Credi) (1456-1536) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.86.5
27591497A Lady, ca. 1495-1497 (Vittore Carpaccio) (1465-1526) Galleria Borghese, Roma27601497A Young Furleger, 1497 (Albrecht Dürer) (1472-1528) Location TBD27611497Lady Furleger, 1497 (Albrecht Dürer) (1472-1528) Location TBD 27621497Self-Portrait with Artist’s Wife, ca. 1497 (Unknown Flemish Master) Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp 27631497Altobello Averoldo, ca. 1497 (Amico Aspertini) (ca. 1475-1555) Location TBD61091498A Man (Matteo Sass…), ca. 1498 (Fra Bartolomeo) (1473-1517) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.827641498A Young Man, ca. 1490-1500 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27651498Francesco II Sforza, ca. 1498 (Ambrogio de Predis or Marco de Oggiono) (1455-1508)(ca. 1470-1549) Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery BAG46137 27661499Isabella of Castile, ca. 1500 (attributed to Juan de Flandes) Location TBD
27701499Jörg Ketzler of Nürnberg at 28 years old, 1499 (Jakob Elsner) (ca. 1460-1517) Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg
27711499Ferdinand of Aragon, c. 1500 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD
27721499A Man as St. Sebastian, ca. 1499 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Galleria dell'Accademia Carrara, Bergamo
27731499Felicitas Tucher nee Rieter, 1499 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Schlossmuseum Weimar
27741499Elsbeth Tucher, ca. 1499 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister, Kassel Inv. Nr. GK6
27751499Oswolt Krel Albrecht Dürer Alte Pinakothek München