1500Catherine Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus51500A Man with Dividers61500A Dominican Friar71500A Young Man91500A Venetian Gentleman101500A Man111500A Man121500A Man131500A Young Venetian Senator Man141500A Man, ca. 1500 (attributed to Pietro Perugino) (1446-1524) The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 151500A Young Man161500Massimiliano Sforza171500A Young Woman possibly Bona Sforza Countess of San Giovanni in Croce 181500A Young Man 191500A Lady, ca. 1500 (Bernardino Zaganelli da Cotignola) (1460-1510) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien GE935 201500Philip I the Fair (Pieter van Coninxloo (fl. 1479-1513) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-2854211500Philip I the Fair (Juan de Flandes) (1460-1519) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3872 221500A Young Man ca. (Giovanni Mansueti) (1460-1527) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_107 231500Young Man, ca. (Giovanni Mansueti) (ca. 1460-1527) Portland Art Museum, Oregon 61.33241500Maximilian I, ca. 1500-1510 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_922 251500Maximilian I “before 1508” (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_4403 261500Maximilian I “ca. 1507” (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2599 271500Maximilian I “ca. 1507” (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_4401 281500Maximilian I, ca. 1500-1510 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Christie's Auction House, Sale 5823, Lot 31 291500A Man, ca. 1500 (Raffaelino del Garbo) (ca. 1466-1524) National Gallery, London NG3101311500A Lady as St Lucy, ca. 1500 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 321500A Woman, ca. 1500 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Lichtenstein Museum, Vienna331500A Man, possibly Gerolamo Casioa, ca. 1500 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) National Gallery, London NG3916 341500Henry VII, ca. 1500 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD351500A Man, ca. 1500 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 69.PB.9 361500A Man, ca. 1500 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Location TBD371500A Man, ca. 1500 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Philadelphia Museum of Art John G. Johnson Collection Cat. 179 381500A Young Man “1495-1500” (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) National Gallery, London 2498 391500Self-Portrait at 28, 1500 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Alte Pinakothek, München 401500Frederick the Wise, ca. 1500 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) GGBerlin 411500Tommaso Raimondi, ca. 1500 (Amico Aspertini) (1475-1552) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 421500A Man, ca. 1500 (Andreas Solari) (1475-1515) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan 431500A German Man, ca. 1497-1500 (Jacopo de Barbieri) (ca. 1475-1516) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 441500A Young Woman, ca. 1500 (attrib. Francesco Pietro Bissolo) (1478-1554) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA 53.28.17 451500A Man, “1500-1505” (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2985 461500A Man, ca. 1500 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1461) Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 1112471500Elizabeth of York, Queen Consort of England, ca. 1500 (UA) National Gallery, London NG 311481500Arthur, Prince of Wales, ca. 1500 (Unknown Artist) Royal Collection, UK 491500James IV Stewart, King of Scotland, ca. 1500 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 501500A Lady, ca. 1500 (Unknown French Artist) KHMV GG_6981 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 511500A Monk, ca. 1500 (Unknown French Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City 37.155 521500A Man, ca. 1500 (Unknown Artist) Cleveland Museum of Art 1963.503 531500A Man, ca. 1500 (Unknown Venetian Artist ) Kunsthistorisches Museum, WienGG_5616 541500A Man, ca. 1500 (Unknown Venetian Artist) National Gallery London, NG2095 551500Albert IV Duke of Bavaria, ca. 1500 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 561500Philip I the Fair, ca. 1498-1500 ( attributed to the Master of the Legend of Mary Magdalene) (fl. 1490-1525) Musée du Louvre, Inv. 208516431500Gerolamo Casio, ca. 1500 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 27401500A Young Man, ca. 1500 (Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, 258 59511500A Boy, ca. 1500 (attributed to Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Museo Nacionale de San Carlos, Cuidade de Mexico59521500A Young Man, ca. 1500 (Andrea Previtali) (ca. 1470-1528) Pinacoteca della Accademia dei Concordi, Rovigo60251500Bartolomeo Bianchini, ca. 1485-1500 (Francesco Francia) (ca. 1447-1517) Location TBD61101500Beardless young man ca. 1500 attributed to Lucas Cranach the Younger 1472-1553 Hessische Hausstifung78591500Man 1500 by Albrecht Durer80691501A Man, ca. 1501 (Ambrogio de Predis) (1455-1508) Uffizi, Florence 571501Doge Agostino Barbarigo, ca. 1501 (attrib. Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530)Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 581501Maximilian I, ca. 1502 (Ambrogio de Predis) (1455-1508) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_4431 591501Alvise de Franceschi, 1500-1510 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Sotheby's Sale N08712601501Doctor Cesare de Milio, 1501 (Lombard School, possibly Bernardino de Conti) (ca. 1470-1523) Musei Civici dei Pavia63721502 Johannes Cuspinian, ca. "1502-1503" (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553)Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Winterhur 611502Anna Cuspinian, 1502 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Winterhur 621502Francesco Maria I della Rovere, ca. 1502 (attrib. Giorgione) (1477-1510) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_10 631502A Man (recto), ca. 1502 (Andrea Previtali) (1480-1528) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan 641502A Man, ca. 1502 (Raphael Sanzo) (1483-1520) Galleria Borghese, Roma 651502Man ca. 1502-1504 attributed to Raphael Liechtenstein Museum Vienna80711503Doge Leonardo Loredan, ca. 1503 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) National Gallery, London661503A Jurist, 1503 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg 671503Perugino, ca. 1503(Lorenzo di Credi) (1459-1537) Uffizi 681503Catherine of Aragon “1503-1504” (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5612 691503Catherine of Aragon, ca. 1503 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_7046 701503Hieronymus II Haller zu Kalchreuth, ca. 1503 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Alte Pinakothek Munich, WAF_1066.jpg67131503Lady ca. 1503 attributed to Piero di Cosimo Galleria Palatina Palazzo Pitti80681504A Woman, possibly Beatrice II d’Este, ca. 1503 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (1470-1531) Snite Museum of Art Cat. 10 711504A Young Lady “1500-1510” (attrib. Bartolomeo Veneto) (1470-1531) NGL NG2507721504A Young Man, ca. 1503 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) SMB 731504Elisabetta Gonzaga, ca. 1504 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Uffizi 741504Guidobaldo Montefeltro, ca. 1504 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Location TBD751504Pietro Bembo, ca. 1504 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 761504Emilia Pia da Montefeltre “1502-1504” (Raphael) (1483-1520) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore 771504Charles d Amboise 1504 by Bernardino di Conti Varallo Pinacote ca. Palazzo Dei Musei80671505 A Young Man, ca. 1505 (Jacopo de’ Barbari) (1440-1516) Kunsthistorisches Museum, WienGG_7719 781505A Man, ca. 1505 (Jan Joest) (1450-1519) Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg791505Giovanni Cristoforo Longoni, 1505 (Andrea Solario) (ca. 1460-1524) The National Gallery, London, NG734 801505A Gypsy Girl ca. 1505 Boccaccio Boccaccino 1460-1525 Uffizi Florence811505A Woman with Dog, ca. 1505 (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Location TBD821505A Woman, ca. "1500-1510" (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Location TBD831505A Woman Donor, ca. 1505 (Jan Provost) (1465-1529) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 841505A Youth 1500-1510 Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio ca. 1467-1516 Timken Museum Young Boy 851505A Young Man, ca. 1500-1510 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (ca. 1467-1516) Collezione Borromeo, Isola Bella 861505A Man, ca. 1505 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Location TBD871505A Young Man ca. 1505 Marco Basaiti 1470-1530 Museo Correr Venice 881505A Man, ca. 1500-1510 (attrib. Vicenzo Catena) (ca. 1470-1531) Dorotheum Sale 4/13/2011 Lot 634891505A Venetian Woman , ca. 1505 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6440 901505 Woman “1500-1505” (Amico Aspertini) (1474-1552) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1621 911505Coloman Helmschmid & Agnes Breu, ca. 1505 (Jorg Breu the Elder) (1475-1537) Location TBD 921505Jacob Jansz. van der Meer, ca. 1505 (Jan Mostaert) (ca. 1475-1553) Statens Museum for Kunst, København 931505A Young Man ca. 1505 attributed to Giuliano Bugiardini 1475-1554 Christie's Fine Art Auction Sale 7743 Lot 17941505A Man, ca. 1505 (Martin Schaffner) (ca. 1477-1548) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Inv. 366 1929.22 951505A Woman, ca. 1505 (Martin Schaffner) (ca. 1477-1548) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA, Inv. 733 961505A Man, ca. 1505 (Hans Leonhard Schaufelein) (1480-1540) Galleria Borghese, Roma 971505A Man, 1505 (Leonhard Beck?) (1480-1542) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2182 981505Bishop Bernardo de Rossi, ca. 1505 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Museo Nazionale Capodimonte, Napoli 991505A Young Man, ca. 1505 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Uffizi 1001505Francesco Maria della Rovere, ca. 1505 (Raphael) (1483-15200) Location TBD1011505A Woman, ca. 1505 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria Borghese, Roma 1021505Eleanora Gonzaga?, "the Boston Raphael", ca. 1505 (attrib. Raphael) (1483-1520) siezed by the Italian Government 1031505A Man, ca. 1505 (circle of Raphael) (1483-1520) Getty Center, Los Angeles 78.PB.364 1041505A Gentleman, ca. 1505 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) AIC 1933.1009 1051505Catellano Trivulsio at 26 y.o., 1505 (Bernardino de’Conti) (fl. 1494-1522) Brooklyn Museum, New York 21.141 1061505A Lady, ca. 1505 (Bernardino di Conti) (1470-1523) Huntington Museum, CA1071505A Man, ca. 1500-1510 (attrib. Ansano de Michele Ciampanti) (fl. 1470-1510) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan, Sala del Perugino1081505A Young Venetian Man, ca. 1505 (UA Venetian) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.1091505Evangelista Scappi, ca. 1505 (Francesco Francia) (1450-1517) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze60371505Altobello Averoldo, ca. 1505 (Francesco Francia) (ca. 1447-1517) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Kress Collection, 1952.5.6460501505Man,1505, by Amico_Aspertini (ca. 1474-1552) Stadel Gallery, Frankfurt80801505Man with Pink ca. 1500-1510 by Quentin Massys Art Institute of Chicago80721505Woman ca. 150580761505A Smiling Woman, 1505, by Albrecht Durer101261505Cardinal Ippolito d’Este, ca. 1505, by Bartolomeo Veneto (1470-1531) Dorotheum, Vienna105061506Charles d’Amboise before 1507 Andrea Solario 1460-1524 Louvre 1101506Charles d’Amboise, ca 1505 (Bernardino di Conti) Seattle Art Museum 1111506A Venetian Woman, ca. 1506 (AlbrechtDürer) (1472-1528) Location TBD1121506A Young Man, 1506 (Hans Burgkmair the Elder) (1473-1531) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6944 1131506A Young Woman “Laura”, ca. 1506 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_31 1141506A Woman ca. 1506 Lorenzo Lotto 1480-1556 Musée des beaux-arts Dijon France 1151506A Woman 1505-1506 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze 1161506Agnono Doni, ca. 1506 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze 1171506Maddalena Doni ca. 1506 Raphael 1483-1520 Palazzo Pitti Galleria Palatina Firenze Florence Italy1181506A Man with jewel, ca. 1506 (attrib. Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Location TBD1191506An Italian Woman, ca. 1506 (UA s.o. Dürer) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.27 1201506Self-Portrait with two men 1506 detail from Feast of Rose Garlands by Albrecht Durer 1471-1528 National Gallery Prague O155280741506Young Man 1506 by Durer80771507A Procurator (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Tokyo Fuji Art Museum 1211507Heinrich Graff von Mecklenburg, 1507 (attrib. Jacopo de' Barbari) (ca. 1440-1515) Mauritshuis, Den Haag, 898 1221507Mona Lisa ca. 1507 Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519 Louvre Paris 1231507Mona Lisa copy ca. 1507 Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519 The State Hermitage St. Petersburg Russia1241507Mona Lisa La Gioconda 1st qtr 16th c.” (copy after Leonardo da Vinci) (1452-1519) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00504 1251507A Young Woman, 1507 (Albrecht Dürer) (1472-1528) Location TBD 1261507Barbara Schellenberger “1505-1507” (Hans Burgkmair) (1473-1531) Wallraf Richartz Museum, Köln 1271507Hans Schellenberger “1505-1507” (Hans Burgkmair) (1473-1531)Wallraf Richartz Museum, Köln 1281507A Man, ca. 1507 (Hans Leonard Schaufelein) (1480-1540) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1937.1.66 1291507A Woman “1507-1508”(La Muta) (Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Palazzo Ducale, Urbino 1301507Young Man 1507 by Albrecht Durer 1471-1528 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG 84980781508Battista Fiera, ca. 1507-1508 (Lorenzo Costa) (c1460-1535) The National Gallery, London NG20831311508A Man, ca. 1508 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY1321508A Man, ca. 1508 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) San Diego Museum of Art, CA 1331508An Old Woman , ca. 1508 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venezia1341508A Young Man, ca. 1508 Lorenzo Lotto 1480-1556 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG_214 Vienna Austria1351508A Young Woman ca. 1508 Girolamo di Benvenuto 1470-1525 Location TBD1361508A Man, ca. 1508 (Girolamo di Benvenuto) (1470-1525) Christie's Sale 7862 Lot 341371508Maximilian Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor and Family ca. 1508 by Bernhard Strigel Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien89311508A Young Man, ca. 1505-1510 (attributed to Bernardino de Conti) (ca. 1470-1522) Collezione Borromeo, Isola Bella60211508A Young Woman, ca. 1505-1510 (attributed to Bernardino de Conti) (ca. 1470-1522) Collezione Borromeo, Isola Bella60221508Self Portrait 1508 detail from MArtyrdom of the Ten Thousand Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna80751509Johann the Steadfast, diptych, 1509 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The National Gallery, London Room 41381509Johann the Magnanimous, diptych, 1509 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The National Gallery, London Room 41391509Georg Spalatin, 1509(Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig
1401509Young Woman, ca. 1509 (Giorgione Castelfranco) (1477-1510) Location TBD 1411509Bernardo di Salla, ca. 1509 (attributed to Giovanni Francesco Caroto) (1480-1555)Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 885 1421509A Woman, ca. 1505-1510 (Giovanni Francesco Caroto) (1480-1555) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 894 1431509A Woman, 1509 (attributed to Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze Galleria Palatina, n. 2241441509A Young Man, ca. 1509 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) The Royal Collection, Windsor Castle 1451509A Young Man, 1509 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) Private Collection Simon Goodman? 1461509Self-Portrait, ca. 1509 (Lucas van Leyden) (1494-1533)Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig 1471509Christoph von Scheurl, 1509 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Cranachhaus Wittenburg63741509Markgraf Christoph I von Baden ca. 1509-1510 by Hans Baldung 1485-1545 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe INv No 888073