1510A Goldsmith ca. 1505-1510 (Gerard David) (1460-1523) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_970 1491510Katharina Schwarz, ca. 1509-1510 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (ca. 1460-1524) Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha 1501510Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1510 (Joos van Cleve) (1464-??) Location TBD1511510Francesco Melzi ca. 1510 Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio 1467-1516 Location TBD1521510A Man in armour, ca. 1510 (attributed to Francesco Granacci) (1469-1543) The National Gallery, London NG895 1531510A Man, ca. 1510 (Bernardino di Conti) (1470-1522) Location TBD1541510A Young Man, ca. 1508-1510 (Andrea Previtali) (1470-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_907 1551510Giambattista Memmo, ca. 1510 (Vincenzo Catena) (ca. 1470-1531) Lowe Art Museum, Miami 1561510Gian Giorgio Trissino, 1510 (Vincenzo Catena) (ca. 1470-1531) Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza 1571510A Woman ca. 1510 (Andrea Solari) (1475-1515) Galleria Borghese, Roma OP 1581510A Woman, “The Nun”, ca. 1506-1510 (Giuliano Bugiardini) (1475-1554) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze1591510A Youth, possibly Antonio Broccardo, ca. 1510 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest1601510A Venetian Gentleman, ca. 1510 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) (Titian) (ca. 1488-1567) Location TBD 1939.1.258 Kress Collection1611510Two Youths ca. 1510 attrib Giorgione) (1477-1510) Palazzo Corsini, Firenze1621510A Young Man, ca. 1510 (circle of Giorgione) (1477-1510) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano Inv. 45791631510Man, ca. 1510 (Jan Mabuse) (ca. 1478-1532) Location TBD 1641510A Young Benedictine Monk, ca. 1510 (Giovanni Francesco Caroto) (ca. 1480-1555) Museo Civico di Castelvecchio, Verona 1651510Piero di Domenico Pagni, ca. 1510 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Haggerty Museum, Milwakee, WI 2000.41661510A Man, ca. 1510 (attrib. Franciabigio) (1484-1525) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 517 src:?1671510Federigo Gonzaga, 1510 (Francesco Francia) (fl. 1482-1518) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.638 1681510A Man, ca. 1508-1510 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (fl.1502-1546) Private Collection 1691510A Young Man, ca. 1510 (Franciabigio) (1484-1525) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 1701510Jan van Egmond, ca. 1510 (Unknown Northern Netherlandish Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY.100.122 1711510Magdalena van Werdenburg ca. 1510 (Unknown Northern Netherlandish Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 32.100.118 1721510A Man with Rosary, ca. 1505-1510 (Master of the Beheading of St. John) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_56241731510A Young Man ca. 1510 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3371741510A Lady from the Trivulzio Family, ca. 1510 (Bernardino di Conti) (1470-1522) Christie's Auction House, Sale January 201312631510A Gentleman from the Trivulzio Family, ca. 1510 (Bernardino di Conti) (1470-1522) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI, 38.80 12641510A Knight, ca. 1510 (Vittore Carpaccio) (1465-1526) Madrid45491510A Man, possibly Girolamo Benivieni, ca. 1510 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) The Clark Art Institute, Willliamstown, MA, 1955.93946621510Baccio Bandinelli, ca. 1510-1515 (attributed to Andrea del Sarto) (1486-1531) Location TBD59681510A Boy, ca. 1500-1510 (attributed to Giorgione) (1477-1510) Felder Old Master Paintings, London60381510A Gentleman, ca. 1510 (attributed to Marco Basaiti) (ca. 1470-1530) Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, RI , 16.235 61171510A Woman, ca. 1510 (Giuliano Bugiardini) (1475-1554) Dorotheum Action House, Vienna 61181510Pope Julius and Entourage ca 1510-1512 by Raphael Heliodorus Rooms Vatican80891510Lovers ca. 1510-1515 attributed to Titian Royal Collection UK JS6589341510Ermes Visconti detail of Life of St Maurice ca 1510 by Bernardino Luini San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore Milano101911510A Jester ca 1510 attributed to Jacob Cornelisz van Oostanen Davis Museum and Cultural Center101931510A Young Woman ca 1510 by Bartolomeo Veneto102211511A Man ca. 1511 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD1751511Pope Julius II “1511-1512” (Raphael) (1483-1520) The National Gallery, London 1761511Pope Julius II, 1503-1513 ca. 1511-1512 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze1771511A Cardinal “1510-1511”(Raphael) (1483-1520) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 1781511A Young Man ca. 1511 Raphael 1483-1520 Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich, Krakow Poland1791511Jakob Meyer zum Pfeil, 1511 (Oberrheinischer Meister) Kunstmuseum Basel, Inv. 21 1801511Self-Portrait, 1511, detail, from the Landauer Altar, (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 62341511Man in Armour 1511 detail from Landauer Altar by Albrecht Durer 1471-152880881511Woman detail 1511 from Martyrdom of 10000 by Durer 1471-152880901512Alberto III Pio, ca. 1512 (Bernardino Loschi) (1460-1540) Location TBD1811512An Astronomer, Copernicus?, 1512 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Location TBD 1821512Man (“Banker”) “1509-1512” (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 70.PA.29 1831512Ferry Carondelet, ca. 1512 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 1841512Woman, ca. 1512 (La Fornarina), d. (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 1851512Pietro Aretino, ca. 1512 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD1861512Ludovico Ariosto, ca. 1512 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD1871512La schiavone, ca. 1512 (Titian) (1488-1576) The National Gallery, London 1881512Giovanni Bellini, ca. 1511-1512 (Titian) (ca 1488-1576) Location TBD 1891512Man & Wife, 1512 (Ulrich Apt the Elder) (fl.1481-1532) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 12.115 1901512Man “1510-1512” (Bartolomeo Veneto) (fl. 1502-1546) Galleria Borghese, Roma 1911512Man, Self-Portrait?, 1512 (Domenico Capriolo) (ca. 1494-1528) The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 1921512Alessandro Farnese, future Pope Paul III, ca. 1512 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli 59171512Self Portrait, in Swiss Guard costume, detail from the Mass at Bolsena fresco, ca. 1512 (Raphael) (1480-1520) Stanza di Eliodoro, Apostolic Palace, Vatican, Rome60361512Pope Julius II 1512 detail from Messa di bolsena by Raphael Vatican80841512A Man ca 1512-1513 by Hans Baldung101971512A Man in Armor ca 1512 by Sebastiano del Piombo Wadsworth Athenaeum 1960.119101991513Man, 1513 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (1465-1524) Kunstmuseum, Basel 1931513 Ludwig, Count von Löwenstein, ca 1513 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 1941513Young Roman Woman “1512-1513” (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 1951513Artist’s Wife “1513-1514” (Andrea del Sarto) (1486-1531) Museo del Prado, Madrid1961513Cesare Borgia, ca. 1513 (Altobello Melone) (1490-1543) Museo dell’Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 1971513Bernhard Meyer, 1513 (UA “Upper Rhenish Master”) Kunstmuseum Basel, Inv. 22 1981513A Man of the Hillensberger Family, part of Diptych, 1513 (attributed to Adriaen Isenbrandt) (ca. 1485-1551) Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida 60651513Giovanni Agostino della Torresson Nicollo ca. 1513-1516 Lorenzo Lotto 1583-1556 National Gallery London89331514 Louis XII, King of France, ca. 1514, reigned 1498-1515 (Jean Perreal) (1455-1529) The Royal Collection, UK 1991514Barabara Pallavicino “1510s” (Allesandro Araldi) (1460-1530) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 2001514The Moneylender and his Wife, ca. 1514 (Quentin Matsys) (1466-1530) Musée du Louvre, Paris 2011514A Woman as Saint 1510-1520 (Amico Aspertini) (1474-1552) The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD 37.441 2021514Knight of Rhodes, ca. 1514 (Franciabiggio) (1482-1525) The National Gallery, London NG1035 2031514A Man, 1514 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) The National Gallery, London NG245 2041515A Woman (detail), ca. 1515 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 2051515Teodoro of Urbino, ca. 1515 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) The National Gallery, London 2061515Augustinian Friar, ca. 1515 (Gerard David) (ca. 1460-1523) The National Gallery, London NG7102071515Christian II of Denmark, ca. 1515 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD2081515Christian II King of Denmark ca. 1515 follower of Michel Sittow 1469-1526 Christie's Auction Sale 9950 Lot 89 2091515A Man “1510’s” (Bartolomeo Veneto) (1470-1531) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1940.539 2101515A Young Man, ca. "1510's" (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528)Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest Inv. 142 2111515Abel van Coulster, ca. 1515 (Jan Mostaert) (ca. 1475-1556) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België 2121515A Man “1512-1515” (Palma Vecchio) (1480-1528) State Hermitage Museum, St. Peterburg, Russia 2131515Charles III Duke of Savoy, ca. 1515 (Jean Clouet) (1480-1541) Location TBD 2141515Francis I, King of France, ca. 1515-1520 Unknown Artist possibly Jean Clouet 1480-1541 Museé Condé Chantilly 2151515Bearded Man, ca. 1513-1515 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) The Royal Collection UK2161515A Young Man ca. 1515 Raphael 1483-1520 Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Madrid boy 2171515Bindo Altoviti ca. 1512-1515 Raphael 1483-1520 National Gallery Washington D.C. 2181515Baldassare Castiglione 1514-1515 Raphael 1483-1520 Louvre INV 6112191515La velata “1514-1515” (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze
2201515Giuliano de Medici, ca. 1515 (c.a. Raphael) (1483-1520) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.12
2211515A Man , ca 1515 (Franciabigio) (1483-1520) Location TBD
2221515A Young Man “1510’s” (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Galleria Borghese, Roma
2231515A Lady ca. 1515 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Yale Art Gallery, New Haven, CT1871.72
2241515A Young Woman, ca. 1515(Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Location TBD2251515Girolamo Benivieni, ca. 1515(Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) The National Gallery, London
2261515Count Christoph I of Baden, ca. 1515 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) Alte Pinakothek, München 2271515A Young Man, 1515 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_864
2281515A Man, ca. 1515 (Wolf Traut) (1485-1520) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6992 2291515A Man, ca. 1515 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 2301515A Young Man, ca. "1510-1515" (Bonifazio Veronese) (1487-1553) State Hermitage Museum, St. Peterburg, Russia2311515A Young Man with Cap and Gloves, ca. 1515 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD2321515A Man, ca. 1515 (attrib. Titian) (1488-1576) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (14.40.640) 2331515Knight of Malta ca. 1515 by Titian 1488-1576 Galleria degli Uffizi Florence rosary beard2341515Man, ca. 1515 (Titian) (1488-1576) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI 77.4 2351515Man Violinist, 1515 (Titian) (1488-1576) Galleria Spada, Firenze 2361515Young Man with Skull, ca. "1510-1515" (Bernardino Licinio) (ca.1489-1565) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford A7212371515A Man with stringed instrument, ca. 1515 (attributed to Bernardino Licinio) (ca. 1489-1565) Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, TN, Kress 206 2381515Young Man with Green Book, ca. 1510-1515 (UA possibly Titian) (c1488-1567) or (Giorgione) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Legion of Honor2391515Venetian Lady, ca. 1510-1520 (UA) National Gallery, London NG631 2401515Self-Portrait, ca. 1515 (Michael Ostendorfer) (1490-1559) Location TBD 2411515Marriage Portrait of Mary Tudor and Charles Brandon ca. 1515 (UA) Location TBD 2421515Isabella of Austria, ca. 1515 (attrib. Master of the Legend of Mary Magdalene) (fl. 1480-1537) Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich, Kraków2431515Giovanni Agostino della Torre and his son Nicollò, ca. 1513-1516 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1483-1556) The National Gallery, London28051515An Augustinian Friar, ca. 1515 (Gerard David) (ca. 1460-1523) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1942.63234881515A Young Man, ca. 1515 (attributed to Alessandro Oliviero) (ca. 1500-after 1544) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, NGI 23950021515Young Man with Lira di Braccio, ca. 1515 (circle attributed to Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Location TBD61191515Georg Tannstetter, 1515 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Location TBD 61201515A Man holding a Womans Portrait, ca. 1510-1515 (attributed to Giovanni de Busi, Il Cariani) (ca. 1485-1547) Sothebys Master Paintings, 4 June, 2015, New York, Lot 37 65661515A Donor ca. 1515-1520 detail from Lamentation Triptych by Jan Mostaert (ca1475-1553) Frans Hals Museum Haarlem80821515Woman Donor ca 1515-1520 detail from Lamentation Triptych by Jan Mostaert ca1475-1553 Frans Hals Museum Haarlem80911515A Man TE ca 1515 by circle of Raphael 1483-1520 CRAuctions Lot 48102001515A Man with Lira da Braccio 1515 by Unknown Artist102021515Paulus de Nigro 1515 by attrib Adriaen Isenbrandt Jean Moust Old Master Paintings102061515A Woman ca 1515 by Jorg Breu der Altere Detroit institute of Arts102161515A Woman ca 1515 by Titian Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna102171515A Young-Girl ca 1515-1520 by Raphael 1483-1520 Musee des Beaux-Arts-Strasbourg102191515A Man, ca. 1515, by Titian (1488-1576)Ickworth House, National Trust, Bury St. Edmunds, England.104451515A Man Playing the Lute, ca. 1515, By Giovanni Busi (Cariani)(ca. 1485-1547) Musee des Beaux Arts de Strasbourg, Palais de Rohan, 236.104461516A Man, ca. 1516 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (1460-1524) Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA 71.4852441516A Man, ca. 1516 (Unknown Master/Quentin Metsys?) (1466-1530) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD, 37.251 2451516Diego de Guevara, ca. 1516 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD2461516Johann Dorsch?, ca. 1516 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1952.2.17 Kress> 2471516Michael Wolgenmut, 1516 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Germanisches Nationamuseum, Nürnberg 2481516A Man (Poet), ca. 1516 (Palma Vecchio) (1480-1528) The National Gallery, London NG636 2491516A Jeweler, 1516 (Franciabiggio) (1482-1525) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ y1983-4 2501516A Young Man in a Red Cap, ca. 1516 (Titian) (1488-1576) The Frick Collection, New York, NY2511516Cardinal Tommaso Inghirami “1515-1516” (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 2521516Bernardo Dovizi, Cardinal Bibbiena, ca. 1516 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 2531516Double Portrait, ca. 1516 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Roma 2541516Alda Gambara, ca. 1516 (Altobello Melone) (1485-1543) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 2551516Jakob Meyer zum Hasen, 1516 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Kunstmuseum, Basel 2561516Dorothea Meyer (nee Kannengießer), 1516 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Kunstmuseum, Basel 2571516Sybilla von Freyberg (born Gossenbrot), ca. 1517 (Bernard Strigel) (1460-1528) Alte Pinakothek, München 2591516A Woman, ca. 1517 (Bernard Strigel) (1460-1528) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 71.34 2601516Eleanor of Austria, 1516 (attributed to Jan Gossaert, aka. Jan Mabuse) (ca. 1478-1532) Worcester Art Museum, MA 16441516Cardinal Bandinello Sauli, His Secretary, and Two Geographers, 1516 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) National Gallery of Art, Washiongton DC 1961.9.3768231516Antonio Tebaldeo 1516 by or after Raphael (1483-1520) Location TBD80811516Man from Raphael's Double Portrait ca.1516-1517 ca detail from the Oath of Leo III Vatican80871516A Couple 1516 by Hans Brosamer101801516A Young Woman as Saint Agatha 1516 by Giovanni Busi aka Cariani NGScotland102201517Charles V at about 17 ca. 1516 Bernard van Orley 1487-1541 Musée du Louvre Paris Emperor future young man boy royalty ruler Empire Holy Roman 2581517A Woman, ca. 1517 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (1465-1524) Location TBD2611517A Man, ca. 1517 (Quentin Massys) (1466-1530) Location TBD Antwerp 2621517Erasmus of Rotterdam, ca. 1517 (Quentin Matsys) (1466-1560) Galleria Borghese, Roma 2631517Pieter Gillis, ca. 1517 (Quentin Matsys) (1466-1530) Galleria Borghese, Roma 2641517Jean Carondelet (left wing dyptich), ca. 1517 (Jan Gossaert/aka Mabuse) (1478-1532) Musée du Louvre, Paris 2651517Hendryk IIICount of Nassau-Breda, ca. 1516-1517 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1979.30 2661517Sebastian Andorfer, 1517 (Hans Maler zu Schwaz) (1480-1429) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City 30.100.33 2671517A Man, 1517 (Franciabigio) (1482-1525) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien GE851 2681517Philipp the Warlike Elector Palatine, ca. 1517 (Hans Baldung gen. Grien) (1484-1545) Alte Pinakothek, München INV 683 2691517A Man, ca.1515-1517 (attrib. Girolamo Romanino) (c1485-c1566) The Royal Collection, UK RCIN 406370 2701517Self Portrait as Sculptor?, ca. 1517 (Andrea del Sarto) (1586-1531) The National Gallery, London2711517A Woman, ca. 1517 (Andrea del Sarto) (1586-1531) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 2721517Doge Niccolò Marcello, ca. 1516-1517 (Titian) (ca. 1488-1576) Pinacoteca Vaticana, Roma Sala X 2731517Benedikt von Hertenstein, 1517 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.1038 2741517Venetian Lady, ca. 1516-1517 (UA) The National Gallery, London NG5952751517A Gentleman with Rosary, 1517 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1557) Nivaagaards Malerisamling, Niva,, Denmark 61211517Martin Luther, 1517, Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) Sotheby's Master Paintings Evening Sale, February 1st, 2018 New York, NY, Lot 9 SOLD 102641518Pope Leo X,1513-1521 ca. 1518 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze2761518Lorenzo II Medici, ca. 1518 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Christie’s Auction House 2771518Double Portrait, ca. 1518 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Musée du Louvre, Paris OOC 90/83cm 2781518Dona Isabel de Requesens Vice-Queen of Naples ca. 1518 Raphael 1483-1520 Musée du Louvre Paris France painting Isabella young woman columns2791518Young Man, ca. 1518 (UA attrib. Raphael) (1483-1520) The National Gallery, London NG 10522801518Jacopo Sannazara, ca. 1518 (Titian) (1488-1576) The Royal Collection, Windsor UK part of "The Gift" of 1660 to Charles II 2811518Gian Giacomo Bartolotti da Parma, ca.1518 (Titian) (1488-1576) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_942821518A Lady, ca. 1518 (Correggio) (1489-1534) Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 1925 2831518A Young Woman, ca. 1518 (Dosso Dossi) (1490-1542) National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 2841518A Young Man, ca. 1518 (Ambrosius Holbein) (ca. 1494-1519) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg Provenance: 1774-17832851518A Young Man, ca. 1517-1518 (Rosso Fiorentino) (1494-1540) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 2861518A Man, ca. 1518 (Pontormo) (1494-1556) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 223 2871518Joris Vezeleer, ca. 1518 (Joos van Cleve) (1480-1541) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1962.9.1 2891518A Young Man holding a Letter, 1518 (Rosso Fiorentino) (1494-1540) The National Gallery London, NG6584 16161518Capitano Estense ca 1518 by Girolamo da Carpi101841518A Man ca 1518-1519 by Unknown Artist Germanisches National Museum Gm1115101981518A Man, ca. 1518-1520, by Dosso Dossi (ca. 1489-1542) Musée du Louvre, Inv. 866104791518A Lady, ca. 1518, attributed to Joos Van Cleve (ca. 1480-1541) Sotheby's Sale, February 4, 2020, Lot 509.104901519 An Elderly Couple, ca. 1519 (Jan Gossaert, aka Mabuse) (1470-1543) The National Gallery, London 2901519Jacob Fugger “The Rich”, ca. 1519 (Albrecht Durer) (1471-1528) Augsberg Katharinenkirche2911519Maximilian I Holy Roman Emperor posthumous 1519 Albrecht Dürer 1471-1528 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Vienna Austria GG_825 royalty old Man austria
2921519Floris van Egmond, ca. 1519 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) Mauritshuis, Den Haag 2931519Queen Anne of Hungary and Bohemia, ca. 1519 (Hans Maler) (1480-1529) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 2941519Self-Portrait, ca. 1519 (Joos van Cleve) (1485-1541) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid Nº INV. 89 (1930.128)
2951519A Young Woman, ca. 1519 (La Fornarina) “1518-1519”(Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria Borghese, Roma 2961519A Man, ca. 1516-1519 (Girolamo Romanino) (1484-1559) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 2971519Joris van Zelle, ca. 1519 (Bernard van Orley) (1487-1541)Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel2981519Boniface Amerbach, ca. 1519 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Kunstmuseum Basel INV 314
2991519Woman, ca. 1519 (UA Southern German) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6346 3001519Portrait dit de Jean Bernard Ecuyer de Marie de Medicis Seigneur de Chatenay 1519 attributed to Corneille de Lyon 1500-1575 TAJAN PARIS OLD MASTER PAINTINGS MARCH 22, 2018. 102661519The Corpse of Maximilian I, 1519 (Monogrammist AA) Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz 68171519A Jester ca 1519-1520 by Unknown Artist Yale University Art Gallery80831519A Man ca. 1519-20 by Joos van Cleve (ca. 1490-1541) SKD GG Alte Meister 809B8086