1680Philippe, duc de Orléans with Order of the Holy spirit, ca. 1680 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Musée des beaux-arts de Bordeaux29421680Nell Gwynne at 30 years of age, Mistress to Charles II, ca. 1680 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD29431680Dr. John Blow, ca. 1680 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Philip Mould Ltd., London 29441680André le Nôtre, ca. 1680 (Carlo Maratta) (1625-1713) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles29451680A Man, ca. 1680 (Godfried Schalken) (1643-1706) Sothebys Sale N0871229461680Gaspar Fagel, ca. 1680 (Johannes Vollevens) (1649-1728) Location TBD 29471680Mary of Modena, 2nd wife of James II of England, 1680 (Willem Wissing) (1656-1687) Location TBD 29481680Adam Frans van der Meulen, 1680 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1656-1746) Fine Arts Museum, San Francisco29491680David Colyear, 1st Earl of Portmore, ca. 1680 (John Baptiste Medina) (1659-1710) Location TBD29501680Silversmith in His Workshop, ca. 1680 (Unknown Dutch Master) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam29511680 Eleonore Magdalena of Neuburg, Holy Roman Empress Consort, ca. 1680 (Unknown Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_5617 29521680A Woman with Page, ca. 1680 (Unknown Artist, French School) Galeria e Museo Estense, Modena 29531680Self-Portrait, ca. 1680 (Thomas Smith) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1948.19 29541680Ernst August, Elector of Brunswick-Lünebeurg, ca. 1680 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 29551680Ernst August, Elector of Brunswick-Lünebeurg, ca. 1680 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 29561680A Young Lady, 1680 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Location TBD 60101680Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds, ca. 1680 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1472 60111680Mary of Modena 1680 by Simon Pietersz Verelst (1644-1717) Sothebys Old Master British Painting Day sale 20121203499451680Sir Roger lEstrange ca. 1680 by John Michael Wright National Portrait Gallery London NPG377199461681Pyotr Potemkin, ca.1681 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg29571681Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek, ca. 1670-1693 (Jan Verkoljie) (1650-1693) Rijksmuseum Amstersam SK-A-957 29581681Elias Ashmole ca. 1681-1683 by John Riley (1646-1691) Ashmolean Museum99401682 Louise de Kéroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth, 1682 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 497 29591682Johannes Hevelius, Astronomer, before 1683 (Daniel Schultz II) (1615-1683) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 29601682Self-Portrait, 1682 (Johann Heinrich Roos) (1631-1685) Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig, GG 55929611682Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds, 1682 (William Wolfgang Claret) (fl. 1665-1709) Office of the Parliamentary Counsel, London29621683Gentleman, probably Doctor Arthur Parsons, ca. 1682 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD29631683A Lady, ca. 1683 (Caspar Netscher) (1639-1684) Location TBD 29641683Cardinal Marco Gallo, ca. 1683 (Giovanni Battista Gaulli, Il Baciccio) (1639-1709) The National Gallery, London, NG6534 29651683James Scott Duke of Monmouth (possibly by William Wissing) (1656-1687) Location TBD29661683Martin Desjardins, ca. 1683 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles MV 3583; INV 7512; MR 1508
29671684Louis XIV at 46 years old, ca. 1684 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD29681684John Bunyan, 1684 (Thomas Sadler) (1630-1685) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1311 29691684Françoise de Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon, ca. 1684 (Philippe Vignon) (1638-1701) Location TBD 29701684Maria Angela Caterina di Este, Princess of Modena and Carignan, ca. 1684 (follower of Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Location TBD 29711684Anne Marie de Orléans, Queen Consort of Sardinia, ca. 1684 (Unknown Artist) Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg 29721684Maria Antonia of Austria, Electress of Bavaria, 1684 (Benjamin von Block) (1631-1690) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, Gemäldegalerie60121684James II, King of England, 1684 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 666 O 60131685Charles II, King of Spain, ca. 1685 (Juan Carreño de Miranda)(1614-1685) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_1714 29731685Self-Portrait, ca. 1685 (Carlo Maratta) (1625-1713) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Inv. 4074 29741685Self-Portait, ca. 1685 (Salomon Adler) (1630-1709) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, Inv. 1986 29751685Anna Maria Luisa de Medici, ca. 1685 (Antonio Franchi) (1638-1707) Location TBD 29761685Queen Mother Mariana of Austria, ca. 1685 (Claudio Coello) (1642-1693) The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, Durham, UK, B.M.3229771685Maria Duyst van Renswoude, ca. 1685 (Jan van Haensbergen) (1642-1705) Fundatie van Renswoude, Utrecht 29781685Self-Portrait, ca. 1685 (Andrea Pozzo) (1642-1709) Chiesa del Gesù, Roma 29791685Self-Portrait, ca. 1685 (Godfried Schalken) (1643-1706) Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, No. 36829801685Self Portrait at 39 years old (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD29811685Self-Portrait, ca. 1685 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, DYCE.12&:1 29821685Charles de Marguetel de Saint Denis de Saint Evremon, ca. 1685 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Philip Mould Ltd., London29831685Mary II, Queen of England, ca. 1685 (after Wiliam Wissing) (1656-1687) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 606 29841685Tutor and Pupil, ca. 1685 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1756-1746) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 29851685James Douglas, 2nd Duke Queensberry, ca. 1685 (John Baptist de Medina) (1659-1710) Scottish National Portrait Gallery PG2045 29861685Johann Ambrosius Bach, 1685 (Johann David Herlicius) (??-1693) Location TBD 29871685A Man, ca. 1685 (Unknown Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 91.282.9 29881685Philipp Wilhelm Duke of Jülich-Berg, ca. 1685 (Unknown Artist) Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf 29891685A Man, possibly Friedrich Hoffman, ca. 1685 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 29901685Louis XIV before Strasbourg, ca. 1685 (attributed to Adam Frans van der Meulen) (1632-1690) Strasbourg Historical Museum60141685Laurence Hyde, 1st Earl of Rochester, 1685 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4033
60151685Shen Fu Tsung (Michael Alphonsius), 1685 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD60161685Jan van Musschenbroek and His Wife ca. 1685-1688 by Pieter Cornelisz van Slingeland 1640-1691 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1981.13392241685Henry Purcell ca. 1685-1695 after John Closterman National Portrait Gallery London NPG 215099411685Gregorio Caraffa 1685-90 by Unknown Artist Wellcome Library99421685Jules Hardouin-Mansart 1685 by Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743) Louvre Inv 7510 99431685A Woman possibly Elisabeth Marguerite of Orleans, ca. 1685, attributed to Henri Gascard (1646-1696) GALERIE LAURY-BAILLY PARIS102621686James II, King of England, 1686 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Location TBD 29911686Jean de la Fontaine, ca. 1685 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Location TBD29921686Maximilian William of Brunswick-Lüneburg, ca. 1686 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 29931687A Man, ca. 1687 (Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1689) Christies Fine Art Auction, 200929951687Cornelis Tromp, ca. 1687 (David van der Plas) (1647-1704) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-1413 29961687Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, ca. 1685-1687 (William Wissing) (1656-1687) The Holburne Museum, Bath29971687A Woman, ca. 1687(William Wissing) (1656-1687) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.65.7 29981687Edmund Halley, ca. 1687 (Thomas Murray) (1663-1735) Location TBD29991687Frances Teresa Stuart, 1687 (William Wissing/ Jan Van der Vaart) (1656-1687/??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4996 60171688Thomas Sydenham, 1688 (Mary Beale) (1633-1699) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3901 30001688William III of Orange, King of England, ca. 1688 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Philip Mould, Ltd., London 30011688Everhard Jabach, 1688 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln 30021688Louis de France, Grand Dauphin, 1688(Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 30031688A Religious Man 1688 by Nicolas Guerry REMI FREMIOT PARIS102551689John Locke, 1689 (Herman Verelst) (1641-1690) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3846 30041689Elias Ashmole, ca. 1687-1689 (after John Riley) (1646-1691) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1602 30051689Sir Isaac Newton, ca. 1689 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD30061689Samuel Pepys, 1689 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London30071689William Hewer, 1689 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London30081689Vincent Bertin, 1689 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg 30091689Pierre Lepautre, 1689 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1965.1.035.P 30101689Robert Boyle, ca. 1689 (Johann Kerseboom) (fl. 1683-1708) Philip Mould, Ltd., Dover Street, London 30111689Anthony Leigh, 1689 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1280 6018