1690Robert Colman, ca. 1690 (attributed to Mary Beale) (1633-1699) Tate Britain, London N0354630121690Self-Portrait, ca. 1690 (Claudio Coello) (1642-1693) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg 30131690Theresa Sobieski, ca. 1690 (François de Troy) (1645-1730) Location TBD30141690Richard Talbot, Earl of Tyrconnel, ca. 1690 (by or after François de Troy) (1645-1730) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1466 30151690Self-Portrait, ca. 1690 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 30161690Anthony Deane, ca. 1690 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 30171690Charles Beauclerk, ca. 1690 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.65.8 30181690Jean Racine, ca. 1690 (Jean-Baptiste Santerre) (1658-1717) Location TBD 30191690William Petyt, ca. 1690 (Richard van Bleek) (1670-1733) Location TBD 30201690Thomas Shadwell, ca. 1690 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 4143 30211690 Françoise Marie de Bourbon, ca. 1692 (François de Troy) (1645-1730) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 30271690Mary II, Queen of England, 1690 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 405674 60191690Jean-Baptiste Racine ca. 1690 copy after Jean-Baptiste Santerre (1658-1717) Location TBD99491691Anna Maria Luisa de Medici, ca. 1691 (Antonio Franchi) (1638-1709) Palazzo Pitti, Florence Inv. 1890, Nr. 2738 30221691David Melville, 3rd Earl of Leven, 1691 (Sir John Baptist de Medina) (1659-1710) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 152830231691Self Portrait at 32 years old, 1691 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3822 30241692Self-Portrait, ca. 1690-1692 (Pierre Puget) (1620-1694) Musée du Louvre, Paris 30251692Self-Portrait, ca. 1692 (Luca Giordano) (1632-1705) Pio Monte della Misericordia, Napoli 30261693John Dryden, 1693 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2083 30281693Ferdinando de Medici, Grand Prince of Tuscany, ca. 1693 (Niccolò Cassana) (1659-1714) Location TBD 30291693Carl III Philipp, before 1694 (possibly by Pieter van der Werff)(1665-1722) Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf 30301694 Self-Portrait, 1694 (Godfried Schalken) (1643-1706) Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum, Warwickshire 30311694Self-Portrait, ca. 1694 (copy after Jean-Baptiste Jouvenet) (1644-1717) Narodna galerija, Ljubljana 30321694A Gentleman, 1694 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_58930331694Cornelis Gerrit Fagel, 1694 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Location TBD30341694 Elisabeth Dierquens, 1694 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede 30351694Peter the Great, ca. 1694 (Pieter van der Werff) (1665-1722) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg 30361694Frederik Ruysch, 1694 (Juriaen Pool) (1665-1745) Universiteitsmuseum Amsterdam, 000.078 30371694Louis XIV, King of France (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée du Louvre, Paris60201695Jules Hardouin Mansart, ca. 1695 (Francois de Troy) (1645-1730) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles30381695Thomas Betterton, ca. 1695 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 752 30391695The Artists Mother, ca. 1695 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Musée du Louvre, Paris 30401695Self-Portrait, ca. 1695 (Niccolò Cassana) (1659-1714) Location TBD 30411695Gian Gastone de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, ca. 1695 (attributed to Niccolò Cassana) (1659-1714) Location TBD 30421695Samuel Pepys, ca. 1695 (John Closterman) (1660-1711) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 2100 30431695Henry Purcell, ca. 1695 (by or after John Closterman) (1660-1711) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1352 30441695Louise Françoise de Bourbon, Légitimée de France, ca. 1695 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 30451695James Francis Edward Stuart; Louisa Maria Theresa Stuart, 1695 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 976 60231695The Black Nun of Moret 1695 by Unknown French School Location TBD99481695Portrait of a Gentleman in a Blue Robe, ca. 1695, attributed to John Closterman (1660-1711) Nick Cox, Period Portraits, London and North Yorkshire, SOLD 101771696Olof Rudbeck the Elder, 1696 (Martin Mijtens the Elder) (1648-1736) Uppsala University30461696A Woman, 1696 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 3:194330471696A Woman, possibly Madame Claude Lambert de Thorigny, 1696 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 03.37.230481696A Man, 1696 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 77.40930491696 Hedwig Elisabeth of Neuburg, Princess Sobieski, 1696 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf30501696John Locke, 1696 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5385 30511696Bainbrigg Buckeridge, 1696 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6521 30521696Self-Portrait, 1696 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Christies Sale London 11/2/2001 30531696Constantin Brancoveanu Prince of Wallachia 1696 Mt Sinai Monastery99471697A Man, 1697 (Jacob van Oost the Younger) (1639-1713) Groeningemuseum, Brugge 30541697Lambert de Vermont, ca. 1697 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA M.1982.6.1.P30551697A Girl with Parrot 1697 by Continental School, Ahlers and Ogletree Auction Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia Jan 12 2019103091698Thomas Papillon, 1698 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5188 30561698Self-Portrait, 1698 (Jean Baptiste de Medina) (1659-1910) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 1555
30571698Self Portrait at 39 years old, 1698 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Location TBD30581698William Dampier, 1698 (Thomas Murray) (1663-1735) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 53830591698S.E., 1698, Venetian School, Sotheby's Paris September 24, 2024, Lot 55. 105251699Two Actresses, 1699 (Jean-Baptiste Santerre) (1658-1717) Location TBD30601699Violante Beatrice of Bavaria, ca. 1699 (Niccoló Cassana) Museo Stibbert, Firenze 30611699Self-Portrait with his wife Margaretha van Rees, 1699 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam30621699Hans Willem Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland, ca. 1699(Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Location TBD 30631699Self-Portrait, 1699 (François Desportes) (1661-1743) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV. 38996024