1720Sir Jonathan Trelawny, 3rd Bt, 1720 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5855 32111720Charles Townshend, ca. 1715-1720 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 175532121720Prince Joseph Wenzel I von Liechtenstein, 1720 (Francesco Solimena) (1657-1747) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien GE1209 32131720Henri Louis de la Tour de Auvergne, ca. 1720 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 59.11932141720A Man, 1720 (Theodorus Netscher) (1661-1728) Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 32151720Self-Portrait, 1720 (Giovanna Fratellini) (1666-1731) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 32161720Sir Patrick Hume, 1st Earl of Marchmont, 1720 (William Aikman) (1682-1731) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 3540 32171720Prince James Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender, ca. 1720 (Antonio David) (1684-1750) The Weiss Gallery, London32201720Self-Portrait, 1720 (Cristoforo Terzi) (1692-1743) Location TBD 32211720Peter King 1st Baron of Ockham 1720 Daniel de Coning 1660-1725 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 47089791720Old Woman ca. 1720 by Balthasar Denner (1685-1749) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 387499611720Gentleman ca. 1720 by Christian Friedrich Zincke Sothebys The Duchess Sale May 27-28 2015 Lot 33799631720Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg ca. 1720 by Antonio Guardi Ca Rezzonico99641720Paul Crespin, ca. 1720, by an Unknown Artist, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, P.29-1985
105451720Charles VI Hapsburg, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1720, BY Jan Kupecky (1667-1740) National Museum, Warsaw M.Ob 1904105471720Self-Portrait, ca. 1720, by Jacob von Schuppen (1670-1751) Dorotheum, Vienna 105501720Self Portrait, ca. 1720, attributed to Francesco Conti (1682-1760) Location TBD106381721Alexander Pope, ca. 1721 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 32231721Antoine Watteau, 1721 (Rosalbe Carriera) (1675-1757) Museo Civico Luigi Bailo, Treviso32241721Pope Innocent XIII, ca. 1721 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 46941722Elisabeth Farnese, Princess of Parma, Queen of Spain, ca. 1722 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 32251722Allan Ramsay, poet, 1720 (William Aikman) (1682-1731) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 973 32261723John Arbuthnot, 1723 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD32271723Charles de Saint-Albin. Archbishop of Cambrai, 1723 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) J. Pau l Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 88.PA136 32281723Albrecht Friedrich von Erlach, 1723 (Robert Gardelle) (1682-1766) Private Collection 32291723Ursula Freudenreich, née Fischer, 1723 (Johann Rudolf Huber) (1668-1748) Koller Auktionen, Zürich, September 22, 2000, Lot 123 32301723Jean Mariette, Engraver, 1723 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Musée Carnavalet, Paris32311723Maria Barbara de Braganza, ca. 1723 (Domenico Dupra) (1689-1770) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 32321723David le Marchand, ca. 1723 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 6142 32331723Ferdinand VI of Spain ca. 1723 Jean Ranc 1674-1735 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid89801724Prince Ferenc Rákóczi II, 1724 (Adam Manyoki) (1673-1757) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest32361724Louis I, King of Spain, 1724 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 32371724Luca Carlevarijs, 1724 (Bartolomeo Nazari) (1699-1758) Location TBD 32381724Charles III future bourbon King of Spain ca1724 by Jean Ranc 1674-1735 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid P02334 89781724Mariana Victoria of Spain 1724 by Nicolas de Largilliere Location TBD 89821725Grafen Konrad Detlef von Dehn, 1724 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig, Inv. GG 521 32341725Antoine Paris, Conseiller de Etat, 1724 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1965.1.054.P 32351725Self-Portrait, ca. 1725 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1656-1746) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 32391725John Hay of Cromlix, Earl of Inverness, ca. 1725 (Francesco Trevisani) (1646-1756) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, PG 363 32401725Lady Inverness, Mrs. John Hay, ca. 1725 (Francesco Trevisani) (1646-1756) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, PGL 2310 32411725Giovanni Secco Suardi with Servant, ca 1725 (Fra Galgario) (1655-1743) Museo della Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 32421725A Man, ca. 1725 (Joseph Vivien) (1657-1734) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 97.PC.72 P 32431725Self-Portrait, 1725 (Charles Jervas) (1675-1739) Location TBD32441725Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke, ca. 1725 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1493 32451725Richard West, ca. 1725 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1732461725Edward Harley, 2nd Earl of Oxford, ca. 1725 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 80832471725Charles de Bourbon, future Carlos III of Spain, ca. 1725 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Palacio Real de Madrid 32481725María Ana Victoria de Bourbon, future Queen of Portugal, ca. 1725 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, PO2336 32491725Sir John Clerk of Penicuik (William Aikman) (1682-1731) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 1355 32501725Self-Portrait, ca. 1725 (Christian Seybold) (1690-1768) Szépmüvészeti Museum, Budapest32511725Simon Hurtrelle, ca. 1725 (Gustaf Lundberg) (1695-1786) Location TBD 32521725Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1725 (circle of Johann Gottfried Auerbach) (1697-1753) Location TBD 32531725A Lady, ca. 1720-1725 (attributed to Schuyler Limner) (fl.1715-1725) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1977.135 32541725Isaac Watts, ca. 1720-1735 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 26432551725A Young Gentleman a member of the Wade family ca 1725 by Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757) JEAN LUC BARONI LTD, PARIS102271726Daniel Finch, 2nd Earl of Nottingham, ca. 1726 (attributed to Jonathan Richardson) (1664-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3622 32561726Gottfried Reiche, ca. 1726 (Elias Gottlob Haussmann) (1695-1774) Location TBD 32571727André François Alloys de Theys de Herculais, 1727 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1656-1746) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1973.311.4 32581727Alexander Pope, 1727 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4132 32591727Anne Hatton, Countess of Winchilsea, 1727 (attributed to Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3622a32601727Thomas Carter, Master of The Rolls, ca. 1727 (Charles Jervas) (ca. 1675-1739) Private Collection32611727George Frideric Handel, ca. 1727 (attributed to Balthasar Denner) (1685-1749) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1976 32621727Thomas Fermor, 1st Earl of Pomfret, ca. 1720-1730 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) Private Collection 32631727Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, 1727 (Andreas Moller) (??-??) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_2073 32641727George II, King of England, ca. 1727 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 32651727Louis Henri de Bourbon, Prince de Condé, Prime Minister of France ca. 1727 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 32661727Caroline Wilhelmina of Brandenburg-Ansbach 1727 studio of Charles Jervas 1675-1739 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 36989811728Self-Portrait, 1728 (Alexis Grimou) (1678-1733) Musée Magnin, Dijon, 1938 F 471 32671728A Girl with Pigeons, 1728 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden Gemäldegalerie 32681728Stanislaw Leszczynski, King of Poland, 1728 (Jean-Baptiste van Loo) (1687-1745) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 32691728Maria Theresa at 11 years old, ca. 1728 (Andreas Moller) (1684-1762) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_2115 32701728Self-Portrait at 30 years old, 1728 (Paul Troger) (1698-1762) Tiroler Landesmuseum, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck 32711728Self-Portrait, 1728 (Richard Waitt) (??-1732) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 2142 32721728Self-Portrait 1728 by Antoine Pesne (1683-1757) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 77599621729Elizabeth Throckmorton, ca. 1729 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 32731729Barthélemy-Jean-Claude Pupil, ca. 1729 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA 32741729Marguerite de Sève, 1729 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA32751729André-Hercule de Fleury, Bishop of Fréjus, ca. 1729 (studio of Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) The National Gallery, London, NG903 32761729Self-Portrait, 1729 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 706 32771729Francis Brinley, 1729 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 62.79.1 32781729Mrs. Francis Brinley and Son, 1729 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 62.79.2 32791729Judge Samuel Sewall at 78 years old, 1729 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 58.358 32801729David Leeuw, 1729 (Jan Maurits Quinkhardt) (1688-1772) Rijksmuseum Twenthe inv. br. 21103281