1730A Man, ca. 1730 (Fra Galgario) (1655-1743) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 32821730Antonio Farnese, Duke of Parma, ca. 1730 (attributed to Giovanni Maria delle Piano) (1660-1745) Location TBD 32831730A Woman, ca. 1730 (Maria Verelst) (1680-1744) Sothebys Auction House 32841730Countess Anna Katarina Orzelska, ca. 1630 (Rosalba Carriera) (1675-1757) Location TBD 32851730Bishop George Berkeley, ca.1730 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 653 32861730Nathaniel Byfield, 1730 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.109.87 32871730Vincenzo Querini, ca. 1730 (Bartolomeo Nazari) (1693-1758) Museo Correr, Venezia 32881730A Woman, ca. 1730 (James Latham) (1696-1747) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien GG_6231 32891730A Man ca. 1730 (Unknown Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 20.2832901730Ludwig Rudolf of Braunschweig-Luneberg, ca. 1730 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 32911730Louis XV Bourbon King of France ca. 1730 by Hyacinthe Rigaud 1659-1743 Location TBD89861730Karl III Philipp von der Pfalz 1730 Johan Philipp van der Schlichten 1681-1745 Kurphalzisches Museum der Stadt Heidelberg89871730Queen Marie Leszczynska of France and Son 1730 by Alexis Simon Belle Location TBD89981730Lady Elizabeth Howard in costume ca. 1730 by George Knapton Location TBD99661730Robert Le Lorrain ca. 1730 by Hubert Drouais 1699-1767 Louvre INV 410699681731Self-Portrait, ca. 1731 (Francesco Solimena) (1657-1747) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze, Inv. 1758 32921731Maria Teresa Antonia Bourbon, ca. 1731 (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 32931731Gustavus Hamilton in Masquerade, ca. 1730-1731 (Rosalba Carriera) (1675-1757) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2002.2232941731Benjamin Lynde Sr., 1731 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Huntington, San Marino, CA32951732Samuel Kupfer, 1732 (Johann Rudolf Huber) (1668-1748) Bernisches Historisches Museum 32961732A Young Lady, 1732 (attributed to Pieter Vanderlyn) (1687-1778) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 62.256.1 32971732Hannah Gardiner, Mrs. James MacSparran ca. 1732 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 88.28932981732Bonnie Prince Charlie, 1732 (Antonio David) (1689-1750) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 887 32991732Prince Henry Benedict Clement Stuart, 1732 (Antonio David) (1689-1750) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 888 33001732Samuell Egerton, 1732 (Bartolomeo Nazari) (1693-1758) Museo Correr, Venezia 33011732Philippe Coypel, ca. 1732 (Charles-Antoine Coypel) (1694-1752) Musée du Louvre, London33021732Self-Portrait, ca. 1732 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Location TBD 33031732Diego Pignatelli d'Aragona ca. 1732 Francesco Solimena 1657-1747 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 67.10289881732Daniel Peter and Andrew Oliver 1732 by John Smibert 1688-1751 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 53.95292261732The Strong Family ca. 1732 by Charles Philips 1708-1747 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 44.15992271733George Vertue, ca. 1733 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 576 33041733A Man, possibly John Gay, ca. 1733 (attributed to Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 33051733George Friedrich Handel, 1733 (Balthasar Denner) (1685-1749) Location TBD33061733A Man, possibly Richard Salwey, 1733 (Andrea Soldi) (ca. 1703-1771) Christies Fine Art Auction, Sale 8007 33071733Ayuba Suleiman Diallo, Job ben Solomon, 1733 (William Hoare) (ca. 1707-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG L245 33081733George Byng 1st VisCount Torrington by Jeremiah Davison 1733 attributed to Jeremiah Davison 1695-1745 National Portrait Gallery London 14 89851733Karl III Philipp von der Pfalz ca. 1733 J. Ph. van der Schlichten 1681-1745 Location TBD89891733Mademoiselle de Clermont Sultane 1733 by Jean-Marc Nattier 1685-1766 The Wallace Collection London89901733Frederick Prince of Wales and His Sisters ca. 1733 by Philip Mercier 1689-1760 National Portrait Gallery London 155692281734Sir James Thornhill, ca. 1730-34 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3962 33091734Maria Barbara de Braganza, ca. 1734 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 33101734Hannah Pemberton, ca. 1734 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.51 33111735A Young Man, ca. 1735 (Jean-Simeon Chardin) (1699-1779) Musée du Louvre, London R.F. 170633201735A Man, ca. 1735 (Unknown English Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 46.6032221735A Young Artist, ca. 1735 (Giuseppe Ghislandi) (1655-1743) University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tuscon Kress Collection 1961.013.017 33121735Louise Madeleine Bertin, Countess of Montchall, ca. 1735 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Location TBD 33131735Chancellor Florius Senesius, ca. 1730-1740 (Giuseppe Maria Crespi) (1665-1747) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 45.101 33141735A Woman of the de Hervart Family, ca. 1635 (Johann Rudolf Huber) (1668-1748) Nostell Priory, West Yorkshire 33151735Pope Clement XII, ca. 1735 (Agostino Masucci) (1691-1758) Location TBD 33161735Caroline of Ansbach, ca. 1735 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 406035 33171735Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1735 (attributed to Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Location TBD 33181735Self-Portrait, ca. 1735 (William Hogarth) (1697-1764) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1981.25.360 33191735Mariana Victoria of Spain, Princess of Brazil, ca. 1735 (circle of Johann Georg Ziesenis) (1716-1777) Location TBD 33221735Johann Joachim Quantz, 1735 (Johann Friedrich Gerhard) (??-1754) Neues Schloss Bayreuth, Friestaat Bayern 33231735Karl I von Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel, ca. 1735 (Unknown Artist) Schloss Molsdorf, Freistaat Thüringen, TSG 18-23 33241735Francesco Durante, ca. 1735 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 33251735Admiral Sir John Norris, ca. 1735 (George Knapton) (1698-1778) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK, BHC2912 36081735Francesco Geminiani, ca. 1735 (Andrea Soldi) (ca. 1703-1771) The Foundling Museum, London36091735William Capell, 3rd Earl of Essex, ca. 1735 (attributed to George Knapton) Watford Museum, Hertfordshire36101735Caroline Wilhelmina of Brandenburg-Ansbach 1735 by Jacopo Amigoni 1682-1752 National Portrait Gallery London 4332 89831735A Child of the Pierpont Family ca. 1735 Unknown Artist Museum of Fine Arts Boston 42.10289911735Karl VI 1735 by Johann Gottfried Auerbach 1685-1740 Location TBD Charles 89971735A Conversation of Virtuosis at the Kings Arms ca. 1735 by Gawen Hamilton 1698-1737 National Portrait Gallery London 138492291735Elizabeth Carter as Minerva ca. 1735-1741 By John Fayram (fl. 1727-1743) National Portrait Gallery London NPG L24299651736Alexander Pope, ca. 1736 (attributed to Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 24.19 33261736Sir Hans Sloane, Bt., ca. 1736 (Stephen Slaughter) (1697-1765) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 569 33271736Jeronimus Tonneman and his Son 1736 Cornelis Troost 1697-1750 National Gallery of Ireland Dublin89921737Francesco Maria Bruntino, 1737 (Fra Galgario) (1655-1743) Museo della Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 33281737Alexander Pope, ca. 1737 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1179 33291737Maria Jozefa Hapsburg, 1737 (Louis de Silvestre) (1675-1760) Location TBD33301737Augustus III of Poland, ca. 1737(Louis de Silvestre) (1675-1760) Lviv Art Gallery 33311737John Turner, 1737 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 18.663 33321737Judge Edmund Quincy, 1737 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 76.348 33331737Self-Portrait with profile of Elisabeth Christine, mother of Marie Antoinette, 1737 (Johann Gottfired Auerbach) (1697-1752) Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien 33341737Philibert Orry de Vignory, ca. 1737 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée du Louvre, Paris 33351737Owen MacSwinney, 1737 (Peter van Bleek) (??-1764) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 141733361737Queen Sophie Dorothea of Hanover, ca. 1737 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 33371737Elisabetta Teresa di Lorena Queen of Sardinia 1711-1741 ca. 1737 by Unknown Artist Location TBD89841737Sir James Dashwood 1737 Enoch Seeman the Younger 1694-1745 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 56.19089931738Richard Mead, ca. 1738 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 415733381738Maria Amalia of Saxony, Queen of Spain and Naples (Louis de Silvestre) (1675-1760) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 33391738William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, 1738 (Jean-Baptiste van Loo) (1684-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London 33401738Margaret "Peg" Woffington, ca. 1738 (attributed to Jean-Baptiste van Loo) (1684-1745) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 601-1882 33411738A Lady, ca. 1738 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 30:1974 33421738Louise Henriette de Bourbon-Conti, 1738 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 56.100.2 33431738William Shenstone, ca. 1738 (Thomas Ross) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4386 33441738Domenico Scarlatti, 1738 (Domingo Antonio Velasco) (??-??) Location TBD 33451738Gaspard de Gueidan 1738 Hyacinthe Rigaud 1659-1743 Mus?e Granet Aix-en-Provence89941738Prince Charles Edward Stuart 1738 Louis Gabriel Blanchet 1705-1772 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 551789951738Henry Benedict M.C. Stuart Cardinal York 1738 Louis Gabriel Blanchet 1705-1772 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 5518"89961739Sigismund Streit, 1739 (Jacopo Amigoni) (1682-1752) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 33461739Frederick the Great as Crown Prince, ca. 1739 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 33471739Elisabeth Christine von Braunschweig-Bevern, ca. 1739 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Garten Berlin-Brandenburg 33481739Louis Tocqué, 1739 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2384 33491739Abraham Tucker, ca. 1739 (Enoch Seeman) (1694-1744) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3942 33501739Louis, Grand Dauphin of France, ca. 1739 (Louis Tocqué) (1696-1772) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg33511739Claude Dupouch, ca. 1739 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.33521739Brother Fiacre, 1739 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée Antoine Lécuyer, Saint-Quentin 33531739Elisabeth de Farnese, 1739 (Louis-Michel van Loo) (1707-1771) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 33541739Self Portrait at 26 years old, ca. 1739 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Location TBD 33551739Maria Felice Tibaldi ca. 1739 by P Subleyras Kursk Gallery9967