-40000Venus of Hohle Fels (found near Schelklingen, Germany), ca. 40,000-35,000 (Aurignacian) (Photo: H. Jensen, Universität Tübingen) 6235-26000Venus of Brassempouy, ca. 26,000-25,000 BCE Musée de Archéologie nationale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Photo: Zolo, 2007, Wikipedia) 6236-25000Venus de Laussel, ca. 25000 BP (Gravettian), Musée d'Aquitaine à Bordeaux (Photo: 120, 2008, Wikipedia) 62370102930102940A Man, end 1st cent. AD (Moscow, Pushkin Museum, I 1a 5771/4290)68290A Woman, Antinoopolis, AD 120-130 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, MND 2047)68300A Young Man, Antinoopolis, AD 130—150, or 138-192 (Berlin, Neues Museum, 17900)68310A Young Man, Hawara, ca AD 120 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 11.139)68320A Young Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 120 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161.6)68330A Young Woman, er Rubayat, AD 150-200 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161.4)68340A Young Woman, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, British Museum, EA 74706)68350A Young Woman, Hawara, ca AD 100 (Edinburgh, Royal Museum of Scotland, 1951.160)68360A Young Man, Hawara, AD 125-150 (München, Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst, 15013)68370A Boy, ? , AD 100-150 (Warsaw, National Museum, 236767)68380A Young Woman, ? , AD 325-350 (Firenze, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Museo Egizio, 2411)68390A Young Man, Antinoopolis, AD 230-260 (Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, GA 3)68400A Girl, Antinoopolis, AD 130-150 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, AF 6884) 68410A Boy, "Eutyches", Antinoopolis ( ?), AD 125-150 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 18.9.2)68420A Man, Akhmin, ca AD 150 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 09.181.1)68430A Man, Hawara, AD 117-138 (Edinburgh, Royal Museum of Scotland, 1911.210.1) 68440A Man, ca AD 175 (Buffalo, NY, Albright-Knox Art Gallery until 2007 ; now priv. coll.) 68450A Woman, Fag el Gamus ( ?), AD 150-180 (Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Museum of Art, 86.226.18) 68460A Woman, Hawara, AD 35-45 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33268)68470A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 350-375 (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, AN 1966.1112)68480A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 350-375 (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, AN 1966.1112)68490A Man (Diogenes with Flute?), Hawara, AD 80-120 (London, British Museum, EA 74711)68500A Woman, Akhmin, ca AD 160 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 09.181.7)68510A Woman, Hawara, AD 100-110 (Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, 918.20.1)68520A Man, Hawara, AD 138-161 (London, British Museum, EA 74714)68530A Man, AD 125-150 (Athens, National Archaeological Museum,ANE 1629)68540A Woman (Isidora?), El Hibeh, AD 100-110 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 81.AP.42)68550A Man, ca AD 250 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, N 2732.3)68560A Man, Antinoopolis, 2nd cent. AD (Paris, Musée du Louvre, AF 6887)68570A Woman, AD 200-250 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, N 2733.2)68580A Young Man, AD 125-150 (Moscow, Pushkin Museum, I 1a 5780/3708)68590A Man, Hawara, ca AD 150 (London, British Museum, EA 74704)68600A Man, er Rubayat, end 3rd cent. AD (Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, X 300)68610A Man, ca AD 350 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 79.AP.142)68620A Man, er Rubayat, AD 138-160 (Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, X 432)68630A Woman, AD 140-150 (Berlin, Neues Museum, 22606)68640A Woman, AD 150-200 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, N 2733.3)68650A Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 200 (London, British Museum, EA 74832)68660A Woman, "Aline", Hawara, AD 20-25 (Berlin, Neues Museum, 11411) 68670A Woman, Saqqarah, AD 100-120 or 138-161 (London, British Mueum, EA 29772)68680A Young Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 160 (Copenhague, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, AEIN 681)68690A Young Woman, ca AD 70 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum)68700A Young Boy, al-Fayyum, AD 100-110 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33260)68710A Woman, Antinoopolis ( ?), ca AD 110-115 (Cambridge, MA, Fogg Art Museum, A.M. Sackler Museum, 1923.60)68720A Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 150 (Boston, MA, Museum of Fine Arts, 93.1450)68730A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 98-117 (Boston, MA, Museum of Fine Arts, 93.1451)68740A Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 170 (Boston, MA, Museum of Fine Arts, 02.825)68750A Boy , Hawara, ca AD 50 (Boston, MA, Museum of Fine Arts, 11.2892)68760A Man, Hawara, ca AD 150 (Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum, 7312)68770A Woman, ? , AD 117-138 (Kansas City, MO, Nelson Atkins Museum, 37-40)68780A Woman, Antinoopolis, AD 117-138 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 12569) (A. Gayet Excavations 1904-5)68790A Young Man, “Ammonios” , Antinoopolis, AD 225-250 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 12581) (A. Gayet Excavations 1904-5)68800A Woman “Eudaimon”, Antinoopolis, 2nd cent. AD (Paris, Musée du Louvre, AF 6882)68810A Man, AD 225-250 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 44.2.2)68820A Woman, Hawara, AD 50-100 (Berlin, Neues Museum, 10974)68830A Man, AD 130-161 (Moskow, Pushkin Museum, I 1a 5777/3703)68840A Man, AD 160-190 (Cairo, Egyptian Mueum, CG 33252)68850A Man, er Rubayat, AD 160-170 (Windsor, Eton College, Myers Coll., ECM 1473)68860A Woman, er Rubayat ( ?), AD 160-225 (Stanford, CA, Stanford University Museum and Art Gallery, JLS.22225)68870A Man, Kafr Ammar, AD 160-180 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 14768)68880A Man, Hawara, AD 175-180 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38062)68890A Woman, Hawara, AD 120-140 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 36215)68900A Man, Hawara, AD 140-160 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38768910A Woman, Hawara, AD 80-100 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38059)68920A Woman, Hawara, AD 190-210 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 40699)68930A Man, Hawara, AD 180-200 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38060)68940A Woman, Hawara, AD 60-75 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 45010)68950A Man, Hawara, AD 150-200 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 45011)68960A Woman, Hawara, 1st-2nd cent. AD (London, Petrie Museum, UC 55137)68970A Man, Hawara, AD 50-100 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 19613)68980A Woman, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 19607)68990A Man, Hawara, AD 70-100 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 19608)69000A Woman, Hawara, AD 60-80 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 19611)69010A Man, Hawara, AD 160-170 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 19612)69020A Man, Hawara, AD 120-140 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 19609)69030A Woman, Hawara, AD 160-190 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 14692)69040A Man, Hawara, AD 140-160 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 19610)69050A Man, Hawara, AD 100-130 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 33971)69060A Woman, Hawara, AD 140-150 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 30089)69070A Woman, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 30081)69080A Man, Hawara, AD 100-140 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 30082)69090A Woman, Hawara, AD 120-140 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38768)69100A Man, Hawara, AD 150-200 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 36347)69110A Woman, Hawara, AD 55-58 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38061)69120A Man, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 36348)69130A Woman, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38103)69140A Woman , Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38314)69150A Man, Hawara, AD 125-150 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38770)69160A Man, Hawara, AD 120-150 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38315)69170A Woman, Hawara, 2nd cent. AD (London, Petrie Museum, UC 40696)69180A Man, Hawara, AD 60-100 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 40697)69190A Man, Hawara, AD 140-160 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 38769)69200A Woman, Hawara, AD 70-110 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 40698)69210A Woman, Hawara, AD 110-140 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 45002)69220A Woman, Hawara, AD 55-70 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 45004)69230A Man, Hawara, AD 180-195 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 45005)69240A Woman, Hawara, AD 180-195 (London, Petrie Museum, UC 45005)69250A Young Man, 2nd-3rd Century AD (Private Collection)69260A Man, er Rubayat, AD 250-300 (Seattle, WA, Seattle Museum of Art, 46.52)69270A Man, Mazghuna, AD 270-300 (Seattle, WA, Seattle Museum of Art, 50.62)69280A Man, AD 200-225 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 79.AP.141)69290A Woman, er Rubayat, ca AD 350 (San José, CA, Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, R.C. 1638)69300A Man, er Rubayat, AD 150-170 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty, Museum, 74.AP.11)69310A Man, Akhmin, AD 138-161 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 09.181.3)69320A Woman, Alexandria, private collection69330A Man, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, British Museum, EA 74715)69340A Woman, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, British Museum, EA 74713)69350A Woman, Hawara, AD 50-70 (London, British Museum, GRA 1889.10-18.1)69360A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 100-120 (London, British Museum, EA 63395)69370A Man, er Rubayat, AD 110-130 (London, British Museum, EA 63397)69380A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 60-70 or 98-117 (London, British Museum, EA 74831)69390A Boy, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, British Museum, EA 13595)69400A Man, er Rubayat, AD 120-140 (London, British Museum, EA 63396)69410A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 190-210 (London, British Museum, EA 65344)69420A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 190-210 (London, British Museum, EA 65343)69430A Man, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, British Museum, EA 74708)69440A Man, Hawara, AD 80-100 (London, British Museum, EA 74718)69450A Woman, Hawara, AD 55-70 (London, British Museum, EA 74716)69460A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 300-325 (London, British Museum, GRA 1890.9-20.1)69470A Man (“Ptolemy Soter”?), er Rubayat, AD 160-170 (London, British Museum, EA 65345)69480A Man, Thèbes, ca AD 250 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, N 2732.2)69490A Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 350 (Wien Kunsthistorisches Museum, X 303)69500A Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 250 (Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, X 442)69510A Man, er Rubayat, AD 180-211 (Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, V 1983)69520 A Woman , Hawara, end 1st cent. AD (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 73.AP.61)69530Artemidorus the Younger, Hawara, AD 117-138 (London, British Museum, EA 21810)69540A Couple, end 2nd cent. AD (Moskow, Pushkin Museum, I 1a 5786/4233)69550A Young Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 175 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161.8)69560A Boy, Antinoopolis, AD 130-150 (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, E 5.1981)69570A Man, ? , ca AD 160 (Moscow, Pushkin Museum, I 1a 5782/3705)69580A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 110-120 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161.9)69590A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 117-138 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161.49)69600A Man, ? , AD 138-161 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33234) 69610A Man, Antinoopolis, AD 225-250 (Athens, Benaki Museum, 6878)69620A Man, Hawara, AD 100-120 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33259)69630A Man, Akhmin, AD 160-170 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 09.181.2)69640A Man, Antinoopolis ( ?), AD 130-150 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, AF 6883)69650A Man, Hawara, AD 25-75 (Copenhague, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, AEIN 1425)69660A Young Man, Hawara (?), ca 50-60 (Berlin, Neues Museum, AM 19722)69670A Man, AD 170-180 (Houston, TX, Menil Collection)69680A Man, er Rubayat, AD 117-138 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161.15)69690A Young Man, er Rubayat, AD 110-130 (Berlin, Neues Museum, 31161.2)69700A Mummy of Demetrius, Hawara, AD 90-100 (Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Museum, 11600-B) 69710An Older Man, er Rubayat, AD 250-300 (London, Freud Museum, 4946)69720Two Young Men, Antinoopolis, AD 120-140 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33267)69730A Woman, Hawara, AD 80-100 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33237) 69740A Woman, Antinoopolis, AD 290-310 (Rennes, Musée des Beaux-Arts, D 23.2.115)69750A Woman, , AD 150-200, or 325-350 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, MNC 1693)69760A Woman, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, British Museum, EA 74712)69770A Woman, 2e-3e cent. AD (Riom, Musée Mandet, CR 79-1-148)69780A Woman, Akhmin, ca AD 160 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 09.181.6)69790A Woman with Gold Lips, Hawara, AD 40-45 (Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Museum of Art, 1971.137)69800A Young Man, ? , AD 138-180 (Moskow, Pushkin Museum, I 1a 5776/6154) 69810A Young Woman, Hawara, ca AD 100 (Manchester, Manchester Museum, 2266)69820A Young Woman, Hawara, AD 117-138 (Manchester, Manchester Museum, 5378)69830A Young Woman, ca 50 AD (London, British Museum, EA 74719)69840A Girl, er Rubayat, AD 350-370 (Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Museum of Art, 41.848)69850A Boy, er Rubayat, AD 190-230 (Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Museum of Art, 54.197)69860A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 350-375 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 81.AP.29)69870A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 150-200 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 79.AP.129)69880A Man, AD 325-350, or 150-250 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 75.AP.87)69890A Man, AD 180-200 ( Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 74.AP.20)69900A Young Man, ca. AD 200 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 08.202.8)69910A Woman, ca. AD 100, or 170-200 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 09.181.8)69920A Man (Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, H4634)69930A Man, Thèbes, ca. AD 250 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, AF 6723)69940A Woman, er Rubayat, ca AD 300 (Berkeley, CA, Ph. A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, 5-2327)69950A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 170-190 (Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, X 301)69960A Man, er Rubayat, AD 150-175 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161,5)69970A Boy, Antinoopolis, AD 120-130 (Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, GA 1)69980A Woman, AD 110-120 (Baltimore, MD, Walters Art Gallery, 32.5)69990A Man, er Rubayat, AD 225-250 (Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, 946.54.2) Photo: tutincommon (Flickr) 70000A Woman, AD 40-45 (Stuttgart, Württembergisches Landesmuseum, Antikensammlung, 7.2)70010A Man, Hawara, AD 170-180 (Chicago, ILL., University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Museum, 2053)70020A Man, AD 117-138 (Chicago, ILL., Art Institute of Chicago, 1922.4798)70030A Woman, ca. AD 150 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, MNC 1694)70040A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 140-160, or 300-330 (Hamburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, 1928.42)70050A Man, el Hibeh, end 2nd cent. AD (Cambridge (UK), Fitzwilliam Museum, E.63.1903)70060An Old Man, Fayum, ca AD 250 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33249)70070A Young Girl, Hawara, AD 70-95 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33240) Photo: Sandro Vannini (Corbis)70080A Woman, Saqqara, AD 138-161 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, N 2733)70090A Man, AD 117-138 (Baltimore, MD, Walters Art Gallery, 32.6)70100A Boy, Antinoopolis, end 2nd cent. AD (Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 12570)70110A Young Man, er Rubayat, AD 250-300 (Hamburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, 198.43)70120A Young Woman, Hawara, AD 98-117 (Chicago, ILL. University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Museum, 9137)70130A Woman, Antinoopolis, AD 160-190 (Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, GA 5)70140A Girl, AD 190-210 (Frankfurt a. Main, Liebighaus, 205)70150A Woman, er Rubayat, ca AD 160 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161,7) Photo: wie-wolf (Flickr)70160A Man, Hawara, ca AD 190 (Cambridge (UK), Fitzwilliam Museum, E.2.1988)70170A Woman, Akhmin, ca 160 (New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 09.181.5)70180A Boy, er Rubayat, ca AD 350 (Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NM Ant 2308)70190A Woman, Antinoopolis, 2nd cent. AD (Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, GA 6)70200A Man, AD 290-310 (Los Angeles, CA, County Museum of Art, M.71.73.62)70210A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 375-400 (Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NM Ant 2305)70220A Young Man, er Rubayat, AD 180-211 ( Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, X 296)70230A Boy, Antinoopolis, ca AD 290 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, AF 6488)70240A Girl, ca. AD 50 (Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NME 944)70250A Girl, ca. AD 150 (Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, APM 724) 70260A Lady, er Rubayat, AD 117-138 (Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, X 297)70270A Man, er Rubayat, AD 200-225 (Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G 809)70280A Man, AD 190-210 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, AF 6885)70290A Man, er Rubayat, end 3rd cent. AD (Stockholm, Medelshavsmuseet, NM Ant 2309)70300A Man, AD 100-110 (Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Museum of Art, 40.386)70310A Man, 1st cent. AD (Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, showcase 59, n° 570320A Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 120 (Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum, 7311)70330A Boy, ca. 150-200 AD (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum)70340A Man, El Hibeh, AD 100-110 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 91.AP.6)70350A Man, er Rubayat, ca AD 170 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161,3)70360A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 98-117 (Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G 808)70370A Man, Antinoopolis ( ?), AD 150-200 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, AF 6887)70380A Man, er Rubayat, AD 100-110 (Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NME 943)70390A Man, AD 117-1687 (Athens, National Archaeological Museum, ANE 1627)70400A Woman, Antinoopolis, AD 115-120 (Baltimore, MD, Walters Art Gallery, 32.4)70410A Young Man, Antinoopolis, AD 125-150 (Torino, Museo Egizion S 18177)70420A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 160-170 (London, British Museum, EA 65346)70430A Young Man, Antinoopolis, ca AD 150 (Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, GA 2)70440A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 300-325 (Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NM Ant 2303)70450A Woman, 3rd cent. AD (Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, 142.32)70460A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 130-170 (Copenhagen, Nationalmuseet, 3892)70470A Woman, Hawara, 3rd cent. AD (Swansea, Swansea University, Egypt Center, W 646)70480A Woman, Antinoopolis, AD 140-160 (Detroit, MI, Detroit Institute of Arts, 25.2)70490A Woman, Hawara, AD 125-150 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33216)70500A Young Man, er Rubayat, end 3rd cent. AD (Torino, Museo Egizio, S 19483)70510A Woman, Antinoopolis ( ?), AD 160-180 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, AF 6886)70520A Young Man, Tanis, ca AD 230 (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, AN 1896-1908 E3755)70530A Young Man, er Rubayat, AD 275-300 (Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NM Ant 2301)70540A Young Man, er Rubayat, AD 325-350 (Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NM Ant 2307)70550A Woman, Hawara, AD 160-180 (London British Museum, EA 74710)70560A Young Man, ca AD 250 (Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum, 7253)70570A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 325-350 (Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, 10998)70580A Young Man, AD 300-350 (Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum, 7249)70590A Young Woman, ca AD 50 (Toledo, OH, Toledo Museum of Art, 71.130) 70600A Girl, AD 98-117 (Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, 918.20.2) 70610A Young Man, AD 117-138 (Chicago, ILL., Art Institute of Chicago, 1922.4799)70620A Young Man, er Rubayat, AD 375-400 (Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NM Ant 2304)70630A Young Woman, AD 98-117 (Ann Arbor, MI, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, 26801)70640A Young Boy, Hawara, AD 100-120 (London, British Museum, EA 13595)70650A Young Woman, ca. 70 CE, Fayyum, (Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, 17.060)70660A Woman wearing a Blue Mantle, ca. 54-68 CE, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 2013.43870670A Man, Fayyum, er Rubayat, AD 300-325 (Hanover, Kestner Museum, 1961.5)70680Young Man, Antinoopolis, AD 120-130 (Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, GA 70690A Man, Fayyum, Hawara, ca AD 100-125 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 71.AP.72)70700A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 150-200 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161.10)70710A Young Man, ca. 100 CE, Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, 32670720A Man, Hawara (?), ca AD 150 (ex Mosse Collection, ex Zürich, Archäologisches
Institut der Universität, Mosse Art Restitution Project, sold Oct. 2016)
70730A Woman wearing a luluna, Hawara (?), ca AD 50 (ex Mosse Collection ; ex Zürich, Archäologisches
Institut der Universität ; Mosse Art Restitution Project, sold Oct. 2016)
70740A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 325-350 (Richmond, VA, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 55.4)
70750A Man, Hawara, AD 140-190 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG33236)70760A Man, Hawara, ca AD 100 (priv. coll.)70770A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 65-70 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161,1)70780A Woman, Hawara, AD 190-235 (London, British Museum, EA74703)70790A Boy, Antinoopolis (?), AD 130-150 (Holle, private collection)70800A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 120-130 (Berlin, Altes Museum, 31161,27)70810A Man, ?, ca AD 250 (Paris, Musée du Louvre, N2732.1)70820A Man, ?, AD 200-250 (Cambridge, MA, Harvard Art Museum, 1923.59)70830A Man, El-Hibeh, AD 125-150 (Lille, Musée des Beaux-Arts, 2011.7.1)70840A Man, ? , ca AD 180 (Moscow, Pushkin Museum, I 1a5778/3704)70850A Woman, ? , AD 100-120 (Moscow, Pushkin Museum, I 1a5775/3706)70860A Man, Hawara, AD 135-168 (Berlin, Neues Museum, 11673)70870A Woman, Hawara, AD 117-138 (Manchester, Manchester Museum, 5379)70880A Woman, Hawara, AD 325-350 (London, British Museum, EA 74705)70890A Man, Abusir el Maleq, AD 40-55 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36802)70900A Man, ? , ca AD 50 (Stuttgart, Württembergisches Museum, Antikensammlung, 7.3)70910A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 100-150 (Ch. Ede Gallery, 2016)70920A Woman, Hawara, 300-330 (Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archaeology, E 16214)70930A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 117-138 (Prague, Narodni Galerie, 0 1420)70940A Woman, Hawara (?), AD 41-54 (Dublin, National Museum of Ireland, 1911.440)70950A Man, Hawara (?), ca AD 130 (Manchester, Manchester Museum, 11306)70960A Woman, Hawara (?), AD 55-70 (priv. coll. )70970A Man, ? , AD 120-130 (priv. coll.)70980A Man, ? , AD 138-192 (Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Museum of Art, 1971.135)70990A Woman, Fayum, ca AD 160 (Drouot Gallery, 2015)71000A Woman, Fayum, AD 2nd century (ex Bonhams Gallery, 2016) 27571010A Man, Tebtunis, AD 200-225 (Berkeley, CA, Ph. A. Hearst Museum, 6-21379) 27671020A Woman, ? , AD 120-130 (priv. coll. ) 27771030A Man, er Rubayat, AD 175-180 (Malibu, CA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 73.AP.94) 27871040A Young Man, ? , AD 138-192 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33232) 27971050A Woman, Antinoopolis, ca AD 150 (priv. coll. NL) 28071060A Young Man, Hawara, AD 117-138 (Manchester Museum, 2263) 28171070A Young Woman, Fayum, ca AD 60 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33226) 28271080A Young Woman, er Rubayat, AD 300-350 (Prague, Narodni Galerie, 0 1781)71090A Woman, Hawara, ca AD 120 (Würzburg, Martin-von-Wagner-Museum der Universität, H 2197)71100A Woman, ? , AD 100-125 (Athens, Kanellopoulos Museum, 2574)71110A Man, ? , beginning 3rd century (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33242)71120A Woman, (Barakat Gallery, 2012)71130A Woman, Hawara (?), AD 60-70 (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33223)71140A Woman, Hawara (?), AD 100-120 (Bonhams Gallery, 2014)71150A Woman, Hawara, AD 98-117 (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, AN 1888.832)71160A Woman, er Rubayat, AD 325-350 (priv. coll.)71170A Woman, Antinoopolis, AD 250-300 (Houston, TX, Menil Collection)71180A Woman, ? , ca AD 350 (Römer-Pelizaeus Museum, 30.66)71190A Woman, ? , ca AD 350 (priv. coll. NL)71200A Young Woman, er Rubayat, AD 117-18 (Erlangen, Erlangen Universität, priv. coll.)71210102970A Young Girl ca. 1895 by William Bougereau Location TBD94900102950102960101780101790102630103070103130103360103920104150104160104440104881L Calpurnius Piso ca 1 BCE National Archaeological Museum Naples Inv 560184831108402Julia the Elder, daughter of Augustus, is exiled to Ventotene on charges of adultery, 2 BCE, by Pavel Svedomsky (1849-1904), Kyiv National Picture Gallery.103382108082119633108093119624108104119615108115119606108126119597108137119588108148119579Arminius, Chieftan of the Cherusci, hands the Roman army their largest defeat at the Battle of Teutoborg Forest, 9 CE, by Peter Janssen (1844–1908), painted 1870-73, Kunstmuseen Krefeld.103399108159119561010816101195511108171111954121081812119531310819131195214Augustus (Octavian) Roman Emperor ca 14-37 CE The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 07.286.11585031411951151082015119501610821161194917108221711948181082318119471910824191194620A Man ca 20-30 Glyptothek Munchen Photo: Bibi St Paul 2007850720A Man ca 20-30 CE Glyptothek M?nchen Photo by Bibi St Paul 2007850820119452110825211194422108262211943231082723119422410828241194125A Young Woman ca 25 BCE attributed to Solon The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1997.184847625Livia Julia Augusta ca 25-1 BCE British Museum London 1856 AN332118001 Official Website Photo848225M Vipsanius Agrippa of the Gabii type ca 25-24 BCE Musee du Louvre Paris Ma1208 MR 402 Photo Marie-lan Nguyen Jastrow848925Priest of Isis ca 25 BCE Museo Nazionale Romano Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Rome Photo by Pelegrino Nick in Exsilio849125A Woman ca 25 CE State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia850526A Young Man ca 26 CE Indianapolis Museum of Art IN 59.458506261194027A Girl possibly Livia ca 27 BCE-4 CE Sothebys Sale Classical Antiquities June 4 2014 NY Lot 34 Official Photo84792710841281082928119392910830291193830Brutus ca 30-15 BCE National Museum of Rome Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Gallery 1847730Man with a Shaved Head ca 30-1 BCE British Museum 1824.0201.3 Official Website Photo848730Augustus visits the tomb of Alexander the Great in Egypt, 30 BCE, painted 1878 by Lionel Royer (1852-1926) Private Collection10595301084231Battle of Actium, September 2, 31 BCE, painted in 1672 by by Lorenzo A. Castro, Location TBD.103273110831311193732108323211936331083333119353410834341193435A Man and Woman ca 35 BCE from Room H of Villa of P Fannius Synistor at Boscoreale848435Mark Antony 83-30BCE Vatican Museum Photo by tataryn77848835Octavian Triumvir 35-34 BCE AR denarius uncertain mint found in Illyricum CNG Auction 282 Lot 225849035108433610835361193337Gaius Caligula 37-43 CE Caesarea Paneas Mint CNG850137Livia wife of Augustus ca 37 CE Musei Capitolina Roma850937Caligula Roman Emperor reigned 37-41 CE Musee du Louvre Paris851037Caligula Roman Emperor reigned 37-41 Getty Villa Malibu CA85113711932381083638119313910837391193040Woman playing a Kithara ca 40-30 BCE from Room H of Villa of P Fannius Synistor at Boscoreal Italy849540A Young Man ca 40-44 CE Musee du Louvre Paris MR603853141Claudius is claimed Roman Emperor by the Praetorian Guard, 41 CE, painted in 1871 by Lawrence Alma Tadema (1836-1912) Location TBD.
786041Claudius Roman Emperor reigned 41-54 Museo Arqueologico Nacional de Espana Madrid Photo by zaqarbal851241Claudius Roman Emperor reigned 41-54 Seattle Art Museum WA 93.68513411192942Herod agrippa I ca 42-43 CE Caesarea Maritima Mint CNG8502421192843Lictors bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons, 43 BCE, painted in 1789 by Jacques Louis David (1748-1825) location tbd.103264310838431192744Julius Caesar Tusculum ca 44 BCE Photo by tataryn77848144Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BCE, painted in 1804-1805, by Vicenzo Camuccini (1771-1844) Galleria Nazionale d'rte moderna roma1032544108444510839451192646The Death of Cato, 46 BCE, by Johann Carl Loth (1632-1698) National Museum Warsaw1032046Suicide of Cato the Younger, 46 BCE, painted in 1797 by Louis Andre Gabriel Bouchet (1759-1842) Location TBD103354610845461192547Cesar remet Cleopatre sur le trone d'gypte, 47 BCE, Febrary - by Pierre de C1036347108464711924481084748119234910848491192250Aphrodite de Menophantos after the Aphrodite in the Troad 1st Cent BCE Church of San Gregorio al Cielo Palazzo Masssimo alle Terme837950A Portrait Herm of Philetairos late Hellenistic Period ca 50 BCE Christies Auction 2565 8 June 2012847450A Priest ca 50-25 BCE found in Athens National Archaeological Museum Athens 351847550A Man ca 50 BCE Roman British Museum London 1898.0110.1 Official Website Photo848550Man ca 50 BCE The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 12.233848650Portrait850450Portrait851550Portrait851650Priest of Isis ca 50 CE Dallas Museum of Fine Arts Photo by mhaarsch852750A Woman and Man House of T Terentius Neo Pompeii National Archaeological Museum of Naples85305110849511192152Vercingetorix Surrenders to Caesar, 52 BCE, painted in 1899 by Lionel Royer (1852-1926) Location TBD.103235210850521192053Caius Coelius Caldus Roman Consul 53 CE AR denarius Rome Mint CNG 920691 8497531191954Nero Roman Emperor reigned 54-68 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia8514541191855Zenobia is found on the banks of the Araxe after being stabbed by her husband Rhadamistus, 55 CE, painted in 1850 by Paul Baudry (1828-1888) Location TBD78615510851551191756Faustus Cornelius Sulla 56 BCE denarius Rome Mint CNG84785610852571085357119165810854581191559Death of Agrippina, mother of Nero, 59 CE, painted ca. 1680, by Antonio Zanchi (1631–1722) Dorotheum Auction House, Wien.10640591085559119146010856601191361108576111912621085862119116310859631191064Cicero Denounces Catiline, 64 BCE, painted in 1889 by Cesare Maccari (1840-1919) Palazzo Madama, Roma103226410860641190965Death of Seneca, 65 CE, by Luca Giordano (1632-1705) Musee du Louvre, Paris786265Seneca lived ca 4-65ce Berlinantikensammlung Photo by calidius 200485286511908661086166119076710862671190668Nero Roman Emperor ca 68 CE Musei Capitolini Roma Photo by cjh_14520008525681190569Galba Roman Emperor reigned 69 CE Antiques Palace Royal Palace Stockholm Photo by Wolfgang Stauber851769Otho Roman Emperor reigned 69 CE Musei Capitolini Roma851869Vitellius Roman Emperor reigned 69 CE Musei Capitolini Roma Photo by Louis Garcia 2008851969Vespasian Roman Emperor reigned 69-79 CE Musei Capitolini Roma Albani Collection852069Vespasian Roman Emperor reigned 69-79 Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Copenhagen8521691190470Young Pompey ca 70 BCE Musee du Louvre MNE 823 Official Website Photo849670108637110864711190372108657211902731086673119017410867741190075Portrait of A Young A Woman from Pompeii8526751189976108687611898771086977118977810870781189679Mount Vesuvius erupts, destroys Pompeii and Herculaneum, 79 CE786379Pompeii is destroyed by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, 79 CE, by Karl Briullov (1799-1852) Location TBD786479Titus Roman Emperor reigned 79-81 CE Musei Capitolini Roma852279Titus Roman Emperor reigned 79-81 CE Glyptothek Munich8523791189580Vespasian ca 90 CE Naples National Archaeological Museum Farnese Collection Photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen 2011852980118948110871811189382Proscriptions of Sulla - The Return of Marcus Sextus, 82 BCE, painted by Pierre-Narcisse Guerin (1774-1833) Musee du Louvre INV5180.1032182108728211892831087383118918410874841189085Juba I King of Numidia reigned ca 85-46BCE from Cherchell Caesarea Algeria Musee du Louvre Paris Ma1885 MNC 19208480851087586108768611889871087787118888810878881188789Mario a Minturno, 89 BCE 103658910879891188690Domitian ca 90 CE Capitoline Museum Roma Photo jastrow2006849990Domitia wife of Domitian ca 90 CE Musee du Louvre Paaris MA11938500901188591Julia Flavia daughter of Titus ca 91 CE State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia8524911188492108809211883931088193118829410882941188195Tigranes the Great King of Armenia reigned 95-55 BCE Location TBD849495Cominia Tyche ca 95 CE The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC849896Seleucus VI reigned 96-95 BCE Location TBD849396108839710884971188098Ptolemy Apion ca 98BCE BM 1383 Photo by Marie Nguyen Jastrow 20118492981088599108869911871100Fonseca Bust ca 100 CE Capitolini Museo Roma8539100A Woman ca 100 BCE Museo di Capodimonte Naples8472100A Boy possibly Berber ca 100-120 CE from the Temple of Aphrodite Cyrene British Museum London 1861.1127.57 Official Website Photo8536100Isis ca 100 CE RomanEgypt J. Paul Getty Museum 74.AP.22 8576100Serapis ca 100 CE Roman Egypt J. Paul Getty Museum 74.AP.218582101Battle of Vercellae, 101 BCE, by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) The Metropolitan Museum of New York1033010110887101Marius "Victor" celebrating the defeat of the Cimbri in Northern Italy, 101 BCE, as imagined in 1863 by Francesco Saverio Altamura (1822-1897) Museo Civici di Foggia 119661011203910210888102120381031088910312037104Lucius Appuleius Saturninus 104 BCE Rome Mint CNG845510410890105A Woman possibly Marciana Augusta ca 105-115 CE British Museum London 1879.0712.17 Official Website Photo8585105120361061089110612035107108921071203410810893108120331091089410912032110A Man ca 110-120 CE Glyptothek Munich Room 118542110A Man ca 110 Glyptothek Munich Room 118541110120311111089511112030112Salonina Matidia niece of Trajan ca 112 CE Louvre Ma 1196 MR 563 Photo Clio20 2006 8581112120291131089611312028114Antiochus IX Cyzicenus reigned 114-96 BCE Location TBD8440114108971151089811512027116Ptolemy IX probably reigned 116-107 BCE Museum of Fine Arts Boston 59.51 Photo by Keith Schengili Roberts846511610899117Trajan Roman Emperor reigned 98-117 CE Musei Capitolini Roma8545117Trajan Roman Emperor reigned 98-117 CE Glyptothek Munich found in Ostia 18038546117Trajan Roman Emperor reigned CE 98-117 CE Glyptothek Munich8547117Trajan Roman Emperor reigned 98-117 Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek Copenhagen8548117A Woman ca 98-117 CE Musee du Louvre CP 6451 Official Website Photo8583117A Young Woman ca 117-138 CE modern bust Musee du Louvre Paris MR507 Official Website Photo85861171202611810900118120251191090111912024120A Woman possibly Sabina wife of Hadrian ca 120-130 CE Musee du Louvre Paris MNE 794 Official Website Photo8584120120231211090212112022122Hadrian and Sabina visit Britannia, summer 122, painted 1884 by Lawrence Alma Tadema (1836-1912) Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam105911221090312212021123Mithridates II King of Parthia reigned ca 123-88 BCE Parthia CNG846012310904123120201241090512412019125A Lictor early ca 125 CE State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia8543125Antiochus VIII Grypus Seleucid King 125-96 BCE Location TBD8442125Antiochus VIII Grypos Seleucid King reigned 125-96 BCE tetradrachm Cabinet des Medailles Photo PHGCOM 20078441125A Young man from Gaul ca 125 CE British Museum London8533125A Young Man ca 125 CE State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia8544126Cleopatra I Thea reigned ca 126-125 BCE Location TBD Principal Coins of the Ancients 18898448126109061271090712712018128Alexander II Zabinas Seleucid usurper 128-123 BCE Location TBD843512810908129Demetrius II of Syria Seleucid King reigned ca 129-128 BCE Principal Coins of the Ancients 188984501291090913010910130120171311091113112016132109121321201513310913133120141341091413412013135Antinous ca 135 CE Glyptothek Munich Photo by Bibi St. Pol85491351201213610915136120111371091613712010138Hadrian Roman Emperor reigned 117-138 CE Palazzo dei Conservatori main stairs first landing Capitoline Museum8550138Hadrian Roman Emperor reigned 117-138 CE National Archaeological Museum of Athens8551138Hadrian Roman Emperor reigned 117-138 CE State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia8552138Marcus Aurelius on his adoption by Antonius Pius ca. 138 Location TBD8553138A Man ca. 138-150 CE Walters Art Center Baltimore MD 23.668558138Antoninus Pius Roman Emperor reigned 138-161 CE Musei Capitolini Roma Albani Collection8559138Antoninus Pius Roman Emperor reigned 138-161 CE Glyptothek Munich8560138Faustina Major wife of Antoninus Pius 138-161 CE Musei Capitolini Roma Albani Collection8561138Death of Viriathus, 138 BCE, by Jose de Madrazo (1781-1859) Location TBD.10328138120091391091713912008140A Bearded Man ca 140-160 CE British Museum 1878.0506.1 Official Website Photo853414012007141Faustina Maggiore ca 141 CE Musei Vaticani Roma Photo by Giovanni DallOrto 10 June 2011853714112006142109181421200514310919143120041441092014412003145109211451200214612001147Faustina Minor wife of Marcus Aurelius ca. 147-148 CE Musei Capitolini Roma MC0449 Official Website Photo855414712000148Matidia ca. 148 CE Musei Capitolini Roma MC0440 Official Website Photo855514811999149Nicomedes II King of Bithynia 149-127 BCE taken from 1889 Principal Coins of the Ancients Location TBD846114910922150A Reclining Etruscan ca.150-120 BCE Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe Photo by Thoman Ihle8447150Attalos II or III ca 150-125 at the Antikensammlung Berlin Photo by Marcus Cyron 20078446150Alexander I Balas and Kleopatra Thea Seleucid King and queen c150-146BCE British Museum Photo by Uploadalt8437150Sarcophagus Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa ca 150-130 BCE found Poggio Cantarello Chiusi British Museum London 1887.0402.18470150A Man possibly Attalus II ca 150 BCE Archaeological Museum Athens Photo by Giovanni Dall Orto Nov 11 20098458150Alexander Balas Seleucid King ca 150-149 BCE Tetradrachm Tyre 8436150A Woman ca 150 BCE Seattle Art Musuem 57.1728473150Alexander I Balas and Kleopatra Thea Seleucid King and queen c150-146BCE metnyc Photo by PHGCOM8438150A Bearded Man ca 150-175ce The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1998.2098535150Aqmat daughter of Hagagu descendant of Zebida ca 150 CE Palmyrenian inscription British Museum ME 102612 Photo PHGCOM 20058532150Herodes Atticus lived ca 101-178mid found at Kiphisa Attica National Archaeological Museum Athens 48108540150A Woman ca 150 CE Musei Capitolini Roma8556150A Husband and Wife ca. 150 CE Walters Art Center Baltimore MD8557150Man ca 150 CE Antonine Sothebys Classical Antiquities 4 June 2014 Lot 37 NY8577151109231511199815210924152119971531092515311996154109261541199515510927155119941561092815611993157109291571199215810930158119911591093115911990160A Syrian Woman ca. 160-170 CE State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia856716011989161Lucius Verus co-Emperor with Marcus Aurelius 161-169 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg8562161Lucius Verus Roman co-Emperor reigned 161-169 CE Palazzo Mattei Rome Papal and Townley Collections GR 1805.7-3.1038565161Lucius Verus Roman co-Emperor reigned 161-169 CE State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia8566161Marcus Aurelius Roman Emperor reigned 161-180 CE Musei Capitolini Roma Albani Collection MC0448 Official Website Photo8568161Marcus Aurelius Roman Emperor reigned 161-180 CE Walters Art Center Baltimore8569161Marcus Aurelius Roman Emperor reigned 161-180 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Inv.-Nr. ANSA_I_1385701611198816210932162119871631093316311986164Antiochus V Seleucid King 164-161BCE AKE Ptolemais Mint tetradrachm CNG8443164Flavius Agricola ca. 164 Indianapolis Museum of Art IN 72.1488563165Ptolemy VI Philometor ring ca 165 BCE Musee du Louvre Paris Photo by PHGCOM8469165Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II Physcon ca 165 BCE Location TBD8467165Lucilla wife of Lucius Verus ca. 165 Musei Capitolini Roma Centrale Montemartini MC inv. 2766. Photo by !STORAX8564166Triumph of Aemilius Paulus, 166 BCE, by Carle Vernet (1758-1836) Location TBD103291661093416611985167109351671198416810936168119831691093716911982170Polydeukion ca 170 CE Altes Museum Photo by ophelia28578170Polydeukion ca 170 CE Athens Archaeological Museum 4811857917011981171Eucratides King of Bactria reigned ca. 171-145 BCE 20-statere Cabinet des Medailles Paris Photo by World imaging 20068453171Eucratides King of Bactria reigned ca 171-145 BCE tetradrachm Location TBD Photo by Rani Nurmai 20128452171Eucratides King of Bactria reigned ca 171-145 BCE Cabinet des Medailles Paris Photo by World Imaging 2006843317110938171119801721093917310940173119791741094117411978175Antiokhos IV Seleucid King reigned 175-164 BCE Altes Museum Berlin Photo by Jniemenmaa 20098444175Antiochus IV Epiphanes Seleucid Emperor reigned 175-164 BCE Location TBD8439175Faustina the Younger ca 175 wife of Marcus Aurelius Musee du Louvre CP 6446 Official Website Photo8538175Marsyas ca 200-150 BCE Roman copy of Greek original Istanbul Archaeological Museums Inv 400T Photo by Sandstein 20108459176109421761197717710943177119761781094417811975179Perseus of Macedon 179-168 BCE British Museum PHGCOM 846417910945180Ptolemy VI Philometor reigned 180-145 BCE Musee du Louvre Paris BJ 1092 Photo by PHGCOM 20098468180Ptolemy VI Philometor reigned 180-145 BCE The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC Photo by PHGCOM8466180Apollodotus I Indo-Greek King reigned ca 180-165 BCE CNG8445180Commodus Roman Emperor reigned 180-192 CE Type 5 J. Paul Getty Museum Photo Getty Images8571180Commodus Roman Emperor reigned 180-192 Glyptothek Munich Room 118572180Commodus Roman Emperor reigned 180-192 (Type 4) Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Inv ANSA_I_158573180The Last Words of Marcus Aurelius, March 17, 180, painted in 1844 by Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863) Musee des Beaux Arts, Lyon, Inv. A 2928105901811094618111974182109471821197318310948183119721841094918411971185Cleopatra II or III as Isis reigned ca 185-101 BCE Musee du Louvre Ma 3546 MND 2094 Photo by Jastrow 2011 8449185109501851196718610951186119701871095218711969188109531881196818910954190Pantaleon Bactrian King ca 190-180 BCE8462190Demetrius I King of Greco-Bactria ca 200-180 silver obol Location TBD Photo by World Imaging8451190Agathokles Dikaios King of Bactria reigned 190-180 BCE CNG8434190Pantaleon Greco-Bactrian King ca 190-180 BCE Location TBD84631901095519110956191118791921095719211878193Pertinax Roman Emperor in 193 CE Musei Vaticani Roma8574193Clodius Albinus usurper of the Roman Empire ca. 193-196 CE Museo del Prado Madrid E001878575193Pertinax possibly Roman Emperor reigned 193 CE Alba Iulia National Museum of the Union Romania858019311877194109581941187619510959195118751961096019611874196At the Isthmian Games - Roman Titus Quinctius Flaminius Grants Liberty to Greece after expelling the Macedonian army under Philip V, 196, painted 1780 by Jean Pierre Saint-Ours (1752-1809) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA.11964196Titus Flaminius offers Greece freedom under Roman protection at the Isthmian Games, 196 BCE, painted ca. 1879 by Giuseppe Sciuti (1834–1911) Private Collection11965197Eumenes II King of Pergamon reigned 197-159 BCE Hierapolis Museum Photo by Jose Luiz Bernardes Ribiero 20 Sept 201184561971096119810962198118731991096319911872200Caracalla future Roman Emperor ca 200 CE State Hermitage Museum St Petersburg8599200A Young child ca 200 BCE The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1972.118.1138431200A Warrior possibly Greek ca 3rd-2nd cent BCE Sampul Tapestry woolen Urumqi Xinjiang Museum8430200Scipio Africanus lived 236-183 BCE ring from Capua signed by Herakliedes Location TBD8428200Sarcophagus of an Etruscan Man ca 200 BCE Ny Carlsburg Glyptotek8427200Quinctius Flamininus Roman General ca200-197BCE British Museum Photo PHGCOM 2009 8426200Homer Capitoline Museum ca 200 BCE8416200Demetrius I King of Greco-Bactria ca 200-180 BCE The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC photo by Uploadalt 20088404200Demetrius I King of Greco-Bactria ca 200-180 BCE British museum photo by PHGCOM 20098403200Demetrius I King of Greco-Bactria ca 200-180 BCE British museum photo PHGCOM8402200Demetrius I King of Greco-Bactria ca 200-180 BCE location tbd principal coins of the ancients 18898401200Antiochus III ca200bce Musee du Louvre8396200Severan Tondo ca 200 CE Antikensammlung Berlin Inv. 313298598200A Man ca. 200 CE British Museum 1879.0712.18 Official Website Photo866420110650201121172021065120212116203Sophonisba requesting help from Massinissa, 203 BCE, by Giambattista Zelotti (1526-1578) Villa Caldogno-Nordera10333203Death of Sophonisba, 203 BCE, by Giambattista Pittoni (1687-1767) Pushkin Museum103342031065220312115204Ptolemy V reigned 204-181 BCE tetradrachm British Museum Room 22 Photo by jastrow 20068425204106532051065420512114206106552061211320710656207121122081065720812111209The Continence of Scipio, 209 BCE, by Gerard Van Kuijl (1604-1673) Sotheby's Old Masters Sale, 31 January 2019.103142091065820912110210An Officer terracotta army ca210BCE Photo by Tor Svensson 2006 china8417210Julia Domna wife of Septimus Severus ca 193-210 CE Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Inv.-Nr. ANSA_I_1478601211Caracalla Roman Emperor reigned 211-217 CE Location TBD8604211Septimius Severus Roman Emperor reigned 193-211 CE ca 200-210 CE Musei Capitolini Roma8600211Septimus Severus reproaches Caracalla for plotting to kill him, 211 CE, by Jean Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805) Location TBD7865211Caracalla Roman Emperor reigned 211-217 CE The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY8606211Caracalla Roman Emperor reigned 211-217 CE Musei Capitolini Roma8603211Caracalla Murders his brother Geta, in his mother's arms, December 211, painted by Jacques-Augustin-Catherine Pajou (1766-1828) Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart1059421112109212Perseus of Macedon 212-166 from Principal Coins of the Ancients British Museum 18898419212106592131066021312108214106612141210721510662215121062161066321612105217Ducarius Decapitating Roman General Flaminius 27 april 217 BCE, painted in 1882 by Joseph-Noel Sylvestre (1847-1926) Musée”des Beaux-Arts de Beziers103322171066421712104218A Young Man possibly Elagabalus Musei Capitolini Centrale Montemartini inv. no. 1748; Helbig4 16278608218Elagabalus Roman Emperor reigned 218-222 Musei Capitolini8607218121032191066521912102220Julia Soaemias Augusta 220 CE denarius from Wildwinds RSC 3866322012101221Philip V of Macedon reigned 221-179 BCE Location TBD8422221Philip V of Macedon reigned 221-179 BCE British Museum Photo by PHGCOM 2009842122110666222Alexander Severus Roman Emperor reigned 222-235 CE The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 2011.878589222Alexander Severus Emperor ca 222-235ce from the Round Temple in Ostia Antica Museo Nazionale Romano di Palazzo Massimo Roma Photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen 20068588222Alexander Severus Roman Emperor reigned 222-235 CE Musei Capitolini Roma 4718609222Julia Mamaea ca 222-235 CE Musee du Louvre Paris Ma 3552866122212100223Antiochus III Seleucid Emperor reigned 223-187 BCE struck after 197 BCE Mesopotamian Mint CNG8398223Antiochus III Seleucid Emperor 223-187 BCE British Museum photo by Uploadalt8397223106672241066822412099225A Bearded Man ca 225 CE Roman British Museum London AN391323001 Official Website Photo8592225A Bearded Man ca 225-250 Cyrene British Museum 18678591225A Woman ca 225-250 CE Roman British Museum 1879 AN878692001 Official Website Photo8587225A Woman ca. 225 CE Musei Vaticani Roma Photo by !STORAX8602225Seleucus III reigned 225-223 BCE Principal Coins of the Ancients 18898429225A Woman ca 225 CE Musei Capitolini Roma Albani Collection8610225A Woman ca 225 CE Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Copenhagen Photo by Martinetti8611225A Roman Man ca 225 CE The State Hermitage St. Petersburg Photo by thisisbossi8612225A Roman Woman ca 235-240 CE Musee du Louvre Paris Photo by !STORAX8622225Julia Mamaea ca 225 CE British Museum London 1873 0820.733866222610669226120982271067022712097228Prusias I of Bithynia r228-182 British Museum Photo by PHGCOM8423228Prusias I King of Bithynia reigned 228-182 BCE British Museum photo PHGCOM 20098390228106712291067222912096230High Clerk in Egyptian Serapis Cult, ca. 230-340, Altes Museum Berlin, SK-18108597230Euthydemus I Greco-Bactrian King c230-200BCE sogdian mint cabinet des medailles bnf Paris Photo by World Imaging 20068412230Euthydemus I Greco-Bactrian King c230-200BCE Cabinet des Medailles bnf paris Photo by World Imaging 20068411230Euthydemus Greco-Bactrian King c230-200BCE British Museum London Photo PHGCOM8410231A Woman named Haliphat dated 231 CE from Palmyra Smithsonian Freer Gallery DC F1908.236 859023112095232106732321209423310674233120932341067523412092235Maximus Thrax Emperor reigned 235-238 CE Musei Capitolini Roma 473 Albani Collection8613235A Young Man possibly Gaius Maximus son of Maximus Thrax ca 235 CE Musei Capitolini Roma MC474. Photo by !STORAX861423512091236Scipio Africanus the Elder, lived 236-183 BCE, found at Herculanum, Campania, Italy, National Archaeological Museum of Naples (Photo by Massimo Finizio)8471236106762371067723712090238Gordian III ca 238-241 CE Sothebys Classical Antiquities 4 June 2014 NY Lot 36 Official Website Photo8596238Gordian III Antoninianus Roman Emperor 238-244 CE Photo Rasiel Suarez8595238Balbinus opposition co-Emperor to Maximus Thrax ca 238 CE The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg8615238A Man possibly Balbinus Palatine Museum Roma inv.124488616238Balbinus Roman co-emperor ca 238 CE Location TBD Photo by Classical Numismatic Group Lancaster PA8617238Pupiuenus opposition co-Emperor to Maximus Thrax ca 238 CE Musei Capitolini Roma 477 Albani Collection8618238Gordian I Roman Emperor reigned ca 238 CE Musei Capitolini Roma 475 Albani Collection8619238Gordian II Roman Emperor reigned ca 238 CE Location TBD Photo by Classical Numismatic Group Lancaster PA8620238Gordian III Roman Emperor ca 238 CE Musee du Louvre Paris Ma 1063 MR 513 Borghese Collection8621238120892391067823912088240A Philosopher possibly Bion ca 240 BCE from Antikythera shipwreck National Archaeological Museum Athens X 13400840024010679241Attalus I King of Pergamon 241-197bce Pergamon Museum Berlin photo by nicolas perez 200483992411068024210681242120872431068224312086244Philip the Arab Roman Emperor reigned 244-249 CE The State Hermitage St. Petersburg Russia8623244Otacilia wife of Philip the Arab ca 244 CE Musei Capitolini Roma inv. 2765. Photo by !STORAX862424412085245Hasdrubal Barca Hannibal's younger brother 245-207 BCE Location TBD841424510683246Ptolemy III King of Egypt reigned 246-222 BCE British Museum CM BMC 103 Photo by Jastrow 2006842424610684247Hannibal the Carthaginian ca 247-182 BCE Location TBD8413247Philip II Roman Emperor reigned 247-249 CE Location TBD862524810685249Decius Roman Emperor reigned 249-251 CE Musei Capitolini Roma8626249Murder of Philip the Arab, Roman Emperor in the wake of the rise of Decius near Verona, September 249, painted ca. 1430-1445 by Gabriel Angler, Tegernsee Abbey, Bavaria.1059224912084250Cornelia Salonina ca 250-260 Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg8593250A Bearded Man ca. 250 CE Catacombs Rome8671250A Boy ca 250 The State Hermitage St. Petersburg Russia8627250A Roman Man ca 250 CE Villa Dei Quintili inv. 429237. Photo by !STORAX Flickr8628250A Roman ca 250 CE Capitolino Montemartini Photo by !STORAX8629250A Man from Benevent ca 250-275 CE Musee du Louvre Paris Inv 3534 Official Website Photo8666250A Priest or Magistrate from Greece or Asia Minor ca 250-300 CE Cincinnati Art Museum 1973.292866725012083251Trebonianus Gallus Roman Emperor reigned 251-253 CE Location TBD8630251Trebonianus Gallus Roman Emperor reigned 251-253 CE The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY only full size bronze from 3rd century8631251Volusianus Roman co-Emperor with Trebonianus Gallus reigned 251-253 CE Location TBD8632251120822521068625212081253Gallienus ca 253-260 CE Musei Capitolini Hall of the Emperors MC03608594253Aemilianus Roman Emperor reigned 253 CE Location TBD8633253Aemilianus Roman Emperor reigned 253 CE RIC IV 15 Hunter 12 var. obv. legend RSC 23.8634253Cornelia Supra wife of Emperor Aemelianus ca. 253 CE RIC IV 30 Hunter 1 RSC 5.8635253Valerian Roman Emperor reigned 253-260 CE Rome Mint RIC V pt. 1 34 Gobl 20a Cohen 528636253A Roman Emperor probably Valerian reigned 253-260 CE Musei Capitolini MC476 Cat. 49 Photo by !STORAX8637253Gallienus Roman Emperor reigned 253-268 CE Musee du Cinquantenaire Brussels Photo by ChrisO 20058638253Valerian, Roman Emperor, ca. 253-260,
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, IN 33871064325310644253120802541068725412079255Diodotus I reigned 255-239 BCE Cabinet des Medailles Photo by World Imaging 200684082551068825610689256120782571069025712077258Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, August 10, 258 CE, painted in 1618 by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Alte Pinakothek Munchen, 338 10642258106912581207625910692259120752601069326012074261A Man ca 261-268 CE Musee du Louvre Paris MR 615 Official Website Photo8665261120732621069426212072263Eumenes I King of Pergamon 263-241 British Museum8409263106952641069626412071265106972651207026610698266120692671069926712068268Roman Emperor reigned 268-270 CE aureus from Mediolanum Mint Photo by Tataryn778639268Claudius II Roman Emperor reigned 268-270 CE Santa Giulia Museum Bresci8641268120672691070026912066270Quintillius Roman Emperor reigned 270 CE aureus from Mediolanum Mint Photo by Tataryn778640270Aurelian Roman Emperor reigned 270-275 CE Location TBD8642270Aurelian Roman Emperor reigned 270-275 CE Location TBD8643270Aurelian Roman Emperor reigned 270-275 CE Rome Mint RIC 54 Cohen 1598644270Florianus Roman Emperor reigned 270 CE Photo by Tatryn778648270120652711070127112064272Zenobia before Aurelian Roman Emperor, 272 CE, by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid7866272Siege of Sparta and the Death of Phyrrus, 272 BCE, painted ca. 1800 by Jean-Baptiste Topino-Lebrun (1764-1801) Location TBD10331272107022721206327310703273120622741070427412061275Philetairos of Pergamon ca 275 BCE Museo Archeologico Nazionale Inv 6148 Napoli8420275Heiron II reigned 275-215 BCE AE Aemilitron Syracuse struck ca.240-218 BCE CNG Sale76 Lot1778415275Ulpia Severina wife of Emperor Aurelian ca 275 CE Location TBD8645275Tacitus Roman Emperor reigned 275-276 CE Musee du Louvre8646275Tacitus Roman Emperor reigned 275-276 CE Ticinium Mint RIC V pt. 1 172 Estiot 1551-15538647275Triumph of Manius Curius Dentatus after the Battle of Beneventum, 275 BCE, painted ca. 1726 by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) Ca Dolfin Series, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, ГЭ-7475 12040276Probus Roman Emperor reigned 276-282 CE Musei Capitolini Roma Albani Collection865027612060277Antigonus Gonatus Macedonian King 277-239 BCE British Museum photo by Uploadalt83912771070527810706278120592791070727912058280Demosthenes Roman copy of Greek original of ca 280BCE NY Carlsberg Glyptotek8407280A Nobleman ca 280 CE Musei Capitolini Roma Photo by !STORAX86492811070828112057282A Man ca 282 CE Ny Barlsberg Glyptotek Copenhagen8651282Carus Roman Emperor reigned 282-283 CE aureus from Siscia Mint Photo by Tataryn 77865228212056283Carinus Roman Caesar ca 283-285 CE Musei Capitolini Roma865328312055284Diocletian Roman Emperor reigned 284-305 CE Archaeological Museum Istanbul8654284Diocletian Roman Emperor reigned 284-305 CE Location TBD8655284Carinus Roman Roman Caesar ca. 284 CE Rome Mint Photo by Tataryn77865628412054285An Egyptian Official ca 285-246 BCE Ptolemy II or III The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 12.187.318432285Oktadrachmon Ptolemy II philadelphus 285-246 and Arsinoe II gold oktodrachm Pergamon Museum Berlin Photo by Matthias Kabel841828510709286Maximian Roman Emperor reigned 286-308 Rijksmuseum van oudheden Leiden8657286Tetrarchi in Piazza San Marco Venezia - Foto Giovanni DallOrto 8-Aug-20078668286120532871071028712052288St. Sebastian Thrown into the Cloaca Maxima, 288 CE, by Lodovico Carracci, J. Paul Getty Museum, 72.PA.1410389288107112881205128910712289120502901071329012049291Caurausius rebel Emperor in Britain ca. 291 CE from the Londinium Mint8658291120482921071429212047293Constantius I Chlorus casear in the West 293-305 Roman Emperor 305-306 CE Antik Sammlung Berlin8605293Allectus Roman Emperor successor to Caurausius ca. 293 CE from the Londinium Mint8659293Maximian ca. 293-296 co-emperor with Diocletian reigned 285-305 Chiragan Villa MSRT Inv. Ra 34 b ex 30306866029312046294Demetrius I King of macedon 294-288 BCE location tbd principal coins of the ancients 18898406294Demetrius I King of macedon 294-288 BCE location tbd84052941071529510716295120452961071729612044297107182971204329810719298120422991072029912041300Lisymachus ca 300 BCE Ephesus Museum inv 1814 or 18448383300A Scythian Horseman ca 300 BCE from Ili River Pazryk8388300107213011072230112198302107233021219730310724303121963041072530412195305Galerius Roman Emperor reigned 305-311 CE Palace in Romuliana Gamzigrad8673305Ptolemy I Soter reigned 305-282 BCW Louvre Ma849 De Tott Collection photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen 20118387306Antigonus I Monophthalmus c306-301 BCE8377306Maxentius Roman Emperor reigned 306-312 CE Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Hm 4068676306Constantine Roman Emperor reigned 306-337 CE Capitoline Museum Rome8675306Constantine I Roman Emperor reigned 306-337 CE Capitoline Museum Rome86743071072630712194308Licinius II Western Roman Emperor reigned 308-324 CE Aureus8681308Licinius II Western Roman Emperor reigned 308-324 CE Location TBD8680308Licinius Western Roman Emperor reigned 308-324 CE Chiaramonti XLVII-19 Vatican Inv. 1981 Poto by !STORAX8677308Licinius Western Roman Emperor reigned 308-324 CE gold aureus Location TBD8670308121933091072730912192310A Man ca. 310-340 CE from Temple of Aphrodite Cyrene British Museum London 1861.1127.588693310A Young Man ca. 310 CE Capitoline Museum Roma8679310A Young Man ca. 310 CE Capitoline Museum Roma8678310121913111072831112190312Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine victorious - has vision of cross, October 28, 312, painted by Giulio Romano (1499-1546) Apostolic Palace, Vatican City, Rome1057131210729312121893131073031312188314107313141218731510732315121863161073331612185317Kore Syracuse Agathokles reign 317-289 BCE struck 310-305 BCE CNG sale 76 lot 16983823171073431810735318121843191073631912183320Alexander and Hephaestion model by Lysippus ca 320 BCE megara group getty villa malibu8376320107373211073832112182322Death of Demosthenes, drank poison hidden in a pen reed, October 12, 322, painted in 1879 by Alfred-Henri Bramtot (1852-1894) Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris105993221073932212181323Philip III Arrhidaios King of Macedon reigned 323-317 BCE AR tetradrachm Amphipolis mint ca318-317bce CNG 915422838632310740324Constantine I Roman Emperor ca 324-337 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 26.229867232412180325A Boy ca325-300 bce Temple of Apollo Hylates at Kourion Cyprus metnyc 74.51.74528380325Helena Mother of Constantine I ca.325-326 CE Treveri Mint RIC VII 4658682325The First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, May-July 325 C.E., painted 1876-77 by Vasily Surikov (1848-1916) Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow10573326Battle of the Hydaspes, 326 BCE, May, painted in 1673 by Charles le Brun (1619-1690)103593261074132710742327121783281074332812177329107443291217633010745330121753311074633112174332An Ethiopian Man ca 332-30 BCE from Egypt metncy 26.7.1417838133210747333La Bataille d'Issus, 333 BCE, November 5th - Jan Brueghel l'Ancien 103603331074833312173334Alexander the Great visiting the grave of Achilles near Troy, 334 BCE, May, by Aert Jansz Marienhof103613341074933412172335Timoclea uccide il capitano di Alessandro Magno, 335 BCE Sirani Elisabetta - 1659 1036233510750335121713361075133612170337Constans Roman Emperor reigned 337-350 CE Musee du Louvre Ma 1021 Cp 6399 Campana Collection8685337Constantius II Roman Emperor reigned 337-361 CE University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology8684337Constantine II as caesar Emperor reigned 337-340 CE Cordonata Piazza del Campigoglio Rome8683337Death of Constantine and Baptism by Bishop Eusebius in Nicodemia, May 22, 337, tapestry woven 1623-1625 by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1959-78-5117503371216933810752338121683391075333912167340Aphrodite cnidia copia romana da originale di prassitele del 340 Museum of Art and History Geneva photo Sailko 837534010754341107553411216634210756342121653431075734312164344107583441216334510759345121623461076034612161347107613471216034810762348121593491076334912158350An Egyptian Priest ca350BCE MetNYC 1989.281.1028378350The Abduction of Persephone ca 350 BCE by Pluto Amphipolis8389350107643511076535112206352107663521220535310767353122043541076835412203355The Logographer Hypereides defends Phryne before the Areopagus, 355 BCE, by Jean-Leon Gerome (1824-1904) Location TBD1031835510769355122023561077035612201357107713571220035810772358121993591077335912157360Julian the Apostate Emperor reigned 360-363 CE National Archaeological Museum Athens8686360Lysimachus King of Macedon reigned 360-281 BCE British Museum London photo by PHGCOM8384360Lysimachus King of Macedon reigned 360-281 BCE principal coins of the ancients 1889 location tbd838536110774361121563621077536212155363107763631215436410777364121533651077836512152366107793661215136710780367121503681078136812149369107823691214837010783370121473711078437112146372107853721214537310786373121443741078737412143375Gratian Roman Emperor reigned 375-383 CE Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier8688375Valentinian II Roman Emperor reigned 375-392 CE Arkeoloji Muzesi Istanbul868737512142376107883761214137710789377121403781079037812139379Theodosius I Roman Emperor reigned 379-395 CE from the Missorium of Theodosius I Real Academia de la Historia Madrid868937912138380A Man ca. 380 CE Chiaramonti XXIII-14 283. Vatican Museums Photo by !STORAX869038012137381First Council of Constantinople, May-July 381, from the Paris Gregory Manuscript, Manuscript BnF Grec 510, folio 355 recto, Bibliothèque nationale de France.1059738110791381121363821079238212135383Arcadius Eastern Roman Emperor reigned 383-408 CE Arkeoloji Muzesi Istanbul869138312134384107933841213338510794385121323861079538612131387107963871213038810797388121293891079838912128390Ambrose forbids entry to Theodosius I after the Massacre of 7000 at Thessalnika, 390 CE, by Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641) Location TBD.78673901079939012127391The Burning of the Library at Alexandria, 391, painted by Ambrose Dudley for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 531060639110800391121263921080139212125393Honorius Western Roman Emperor reigned 393-423 CE MCR Palazzo Nuovo Rome8692393The Western co-Emperor Honorius recently elevated by his father emperor Theodosius I after the death of Valentinian II, January 23rd 393 CE, painted in 1880 by Jean-Paul Laurens (1838-1921) Location TBD78683931212439410802394121233951080339512122396108043961212139710805397121203981080639812119399Death of Socrates, 399, by Jacques Philip Joseph de Saint Quentin (1738-1762) Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris.10316399Death of Socrates, 399 BCE, painted in 1787 by Jacques Louis David (1748-1825) Location TBD103173991080739912118400A Woman ca. 400 Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Kobenhavn v8697400A Byzantine Woman ca.400 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 66.2586954001230040110964401122994021096540212298403109664031229740410967404122964051096840512295406Honorius Roman Emperor ca. 406 from consular diptych of Probius Anicius Photo by Ludwig von Sybel869640612294407109694071229340810970408122924091097140912291410Emperor Honorius receives news of the Visigoth Alaric's Sack of Rome, 410 CE, painted in 1883 entitled The Favorites of Emperor Honorius, by John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) Art Gallery of South Australia.78694101097241012290411109734111228941210974412122884131097541312287414109764141228641510977415122854161097841612284417109794171228341810980418122824191098141912281420109824201228042110983421122794221098442212278423Galla Placidia possibly ca 423-437 Musee Saint Raymond Toulouse Photo by Fabian Zubia 2005 8707423122774241098542412276425A Youth ca 425 BCE greek bronze orig MetNYC 29.4883744257695425109864261098742612275427109884271227442810989428122734291099042912272430Diadoumenos attrib Polykleitos ca 430 Roman copy of original bronze ca 69-96 AD flavian MetNYC 25.78.568367430Diadoumenos Polykleitos Roman Copy of Greek Original of ca 430 National Archaeological Museum Athens8368430Athena ca 430 BCE attribruted to Pheidias Roman copy ca 138-192 AD Antonine MetNYC 2007.2938365430Pericles' Funeral Oration, 430 BCE, by Philip von Foltz (1805-1877) Location TBD1031543010991431109924311227143210993432122704331099443312269434109954341226843510996435122674361099743612266437109984371226543810999438122644391100043912263440Theodosius II ca. 440 Roman Emperor of the East reigned 408-450 ca. 440 Musee du Louvre Paris8698440122624411100144112261442110024421226044311003443122594441100444412258445Valentinian III possibly ca. 445 Roman Emperor reigned 425-455 Location TBD8699445122574461100544612256447110064471225544811007448122544491100844912253450A Bearded Man ca. 450 Rome British Museum 1889 Official Website Photo8694450Wounded Amazon Warrior ca 450-425 BCE roman copy of Greek bronze ca 1st-2nd cent AD MetNYC 32.11.4 Pentelic Marble8372450Eutropius a Senior Official in Ephesus ca. 450 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Inv ANSA_I_880870045111009451Fourth Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, 451, October 8-November 1, painted 1876 by Vasily Surikov (1848-1916) Location TBD1105445112252452Pope Leo meets Attila the Hun in Mantua, 452 C.E., painted by Hendrick Bloemaert (1601-1672) Chiswick House, London105724521101045212251453Death of Attila, 453 C.E., painted by Joseph Villeclère, Musee des Beaux-Arts, Nice10567453Death of Attila, 453 C.E., painted by
Ferenc Paczka (1856–1925) Location TBD1056845311011453122504541101245412249455Avitus Western Roman Emperor reigned 455-456 tremissis from the Ravenna Mint8701455Sack of Rome under Vandal leader Gaiseric, 455 C.E., painted by
Karl Bryullov (1799–1852) Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 10569455122484561101345612247457Leo I Thrax Magnus ca. 457 Emperor of the East reigned 457-474 Musee du Louvre Paris87024571224645811014458122454591101545912244460Wounded Warrior ca 460-450 BCE Roman copy of Greek Bronze 138-181 Antonine MetNYC 25.1168373460Motya Charioteer ca 460 BCE Museo Guiseppe Whitaker Mozia83704601101646111017461122434621101846212242463110194631224146411020464122404651102146512239466110224661223846711023467122374681102446812236469110254691223547011026470122344711102747112233472110284721223247311029473122314741103047412230475Romulus Augustus Western Roman Emperor reigned 475-476 tremissis from the Rome Mint8704475Julius Nepos Western Roman Emperor reigned 475-480 tremissis Location TBD8703475Delphi Charioteer ca.475bce front DSC06255 Archaeological Museum Delphi photo 2004 david monniaux8366476Odoacer, Ostragothic King of Italy, reigned 476-493, Location TBD8705476Zeno Eastern Roman Byzantine Emperor second reign 476-491 tremissis from the Constantinople Mint Location TBD870647612229477110314771222847811032478122274791103347912226480A Persian Guard ca480bce from Persepolis Cincinnati Art Museum 1961.2888371480Kritios Boy ca 480 parian Marble attributed to Kritios and Nesiotes Acropolis Museum Athens INV 69883694801103448111035481122254821103648212224483110374831222348411038484122224851103948512221486110404861222048711041487122194881104248812218489The Funeral of Miltiades, 489 BCE, painted by Jean-Francois Pierre Peyron (1744-1814) Musee du Louvre103114891104348912217490110444901221649111045491122154921104649212214493110474931221349411048494122124951104949512211496Batle of Tolbiac - Clovis I defeats the Alemanni, 496/506?, by Ary Scheffer (1795-1858, painted in 1836. Versailles, MV 2670105624961105049612210497110514971220949811052498122084991105349912207500The education of the children of Clovis, ca. 500 CE, painted in 1861 by Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912) Location TBD.7870500Antefix a tete feminine 500bce etruscan louvre Cp 51648348500A Persian Lady Persepolis ca 500bce Archaeological Museum Tehran8361500Ariadne Byzantine Empress consort ca. 500 Bargello Firenze Photo by Ludwig von Sybel Christliche Antike 1909 8708500Ariadne Byzantine Empress consort of Zeno and Anasthasius ca 500 Kunsthistorisches Museum inv X 39 Photo by Andreas Praefcke870950111055502110565031105750411058506Ivory Diptych of Areobindus Dagalaiphus Areobundus consul in Constantinople ca. 506 CE Musee National du Moyen Age CL13135 873250711059508Baptism of Clovis, December 25th, 508, by Master of St Giles, National Gallery, Washington, DC, 1952.2.15, Samuel H. Kress Collection1039550811060509110615101106251111063512110645131106551411066515Princess Juliana Anicia daughter of Emperor Olybrius Vienna Dioscurides Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. med. gr. 1 1. Folio 6 verso8713515Author Portrait ca. 515 Vienna Dioscurides Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. med. gr. 1 fol. 4 verso8714515Author Portrait ca. 515 Vienna Dioscurides Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. med. gr. 1 fol. 5 verso871551611067517110685181106951911070520Etruscan sarcophagus c520-510 Louvre photo ecelan8351520A Woman Etruscan antefix from Cerveteri ca520-500bce British Museum photo by Pax Vobiscum 201083645201107152111072522110735231107452411075525Kore ca 525-500 BCE Acropolis Museum Athens 6828354525Byzantine Empress possibly Theodora or Licinia Eudoxia ca.525 Museo darte Antica del Castello Sforzesco Milano Photo by Giovanni Dall Orto871052611076527110775281107852911079530Kore acropolis athens 530-520 acropolis museum 680 photo by marsyas8353530Piraeus Apollo c530-520 bc Archaeological Museum Piraeus (photo by Giovanni DallOrto)8362530Protome feminine ionian style ca 530bce Louvre AM 407 owp83635301108053111081532Clothar I and Childebert I assassinate Theodebald and Gunthar, 532, Chroniques de France, Bibliotheque Nationale Paris.104005321108253311083534110845351108553611086537110875381108853911089540Head of Sphinx ca540-520bce corinthian louvre CA 657 owp8352540Lyons Kore ca 540s BCE wearing himation and chiton Pentelic Marble Museum of Fine Arts Lyon H1993 83575401109054111091542110925431109354411094545110955461109654711097548Justinian I Byzantine Emperor ca. 548 reigned 527-565 Basilica of San Vitale Ravenna8716548Theodora Empress Consort to Justinian I ca. 548 Basilica of San Vitale Ravenna8717548A Lady in Waiting ca. 548 Basilica of San Vitale Ravenna 8718548Bishop Maximian ca. 548 Basilica of San Vitale Ravenna871954911098550Mother of God ca. 550 Unknown Artist St Catherine Monastery Mt. Sinai Egypt8734550Kouros ca 550BCE from Sacred Way at Didyma marble British Museum GR 1874.7-25.1 Sculpture B2838355550Christ Before Pilate ca 550 Rossano Gospels8711550Christ Treading on Beasts ca 550 Ravanna Chapel8712550Evangelist Mark ca. 550 Codex purpureus Rossanensis Duomo di Rossano Cattedrale di Maria Santissima Achiropita8720550Saint Luke ca. 550 St. Augustine Gospels Cambridge Corpus Christi College Lib. MS. 2868721550Sabouroff Head from Athens or Aegina Altes Museum Berlin87275511109955211100553111015541110255511103556Nabonidus king of babylon reigned556-539 british museum photo by Jona Iendering836055611104557111055581110655911107560A Youth found ateleusis attica by pupil of rampin master ca560bce national achaeological museum athens 61834956011108561Death of the rebellious Chramn, at the hands of his father Chlothar I, 561, by Guillaume Crétin, in Chroniques Françaises, after 1515, Rouen, France. Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
1039956111109562111105631111156411112565Annunciation ca. 565 Santa Maria Antiqua Rome872256611113567Marriage of Sigebert I and Brunhilda, ca. 567, Grandes Chroniques de France BNF Fr2610 f31r1040156711114568Fredegund watches the marriage of Chilperic I and Galswintha, 568, By Lawrence Alma Tadema (1836-1912), painted in 1878, Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna.104065681111556911116570Amasis II, 5th Pharaoh of the 26th Dynasty, reigned 570-526 B.C.E., The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD7655570Amasis II as Sphinx, 5th Pharaoh of the 26th Dynasty, reigned 570-526 B.C.E., Capitoline Museum, Rome7656570Moschophoros or Calfbearer ca 570BCE Athens Acropolis Museum 624 Photo-Marsyas 20058359570111175711111857211119573Chilperic I strangles his wife Galswinthe, sister of Brunhilda (both Visigoth Princesses), 573. From a manuscript of the Grandes Chroniques de France, Paris, BNF, Fr. 2813, fol. 31r.104045731112057411121575A bearded youth early 6th century bce cypriot national artchaeological museum athens 18328350575A Man ca early 6th cent bce found at Idalion Cyprus British Museum AN259247001 owp8358575Fredegund arms the murderers of Sigisimund I, 575, by Emmanuel Herman Joseph Wallet (1771-1855)104035751112257611123577111245781112557911126580Kouros from ptoon in boeotia ca 580 bce national archaeological museum athens 15835658011127581111285821112958311130584Death of Chilperic I, after being stabbed by an unknown assailant while hunting, 584, by Évariste Vital Lumiinais (1821-1896)104055841113158511132586Crucifixion ca. 586 Rabbula Gospels Biblioteca Mediceo Lauenziana Firenze Cod. Plut. I 560 8731586Ascension ca. 586 Rabbula Gospels Biblioteca Mediceo Lauenziana Firenze Cod. Plut. I 560 folio 138730586Pentecost ca. 586 Rabbula Gospels Biblioteca Mediceo Lauenziana Firenze Cod. Plut. I 560 folio 148729586Ankhenesneferibre as egyptian god's wife of amun at thebes daughter of psamtik ii ca586-525bce 26th dynasty nubian museum of aswan photo by John Campana 20048347586Fredegund is cursed by a dying Praetextatus, Bishop of Rouen by Lawrence Alma Tadema10394586Capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, Neo-Babylonian King, Destruction of the Temple, 586, painted in 1470 by Jean Fouquet, Antiquités judaïques
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Fr.247, f.213v.1063758711133588111345891113559011136591111375921113859311139594111405951114159611142597111435981114459911145600cypriot male votary ca 600 bce indianapolis museum of art 28.39 owp8343600kouros from kerameikos ca600 bce national archaeological museum athens 33728344600Control of Christ and Abbott Mena ca. 600 C.E. Musee du Louvre Paris E115658742600Christ Pantocrator 6th-7th century C.E. St. Catherines Monastery8744600Moses before Pharoah ca. 600 C.E. from the Syriac Bible of Paris St. Catherines Monastery Sinai Egypt874760111146602111476031114860411149605Battle of Carchemish - Egypt defeated by Neo-Babylonian Empire allied with Medians and Scythians, illustration from Cassel's Universal History, 1888.1063560511150606111516071115260811153609Battle of Megiddo, Egypt defeats Judah Death of Josiah, King, 609 BCE, painted by Francesco Conti (1681-1760) Christie's Old Masters Sale July 10, 2002, Lot 140.10636609Death of Josiah at the Battle of Megiddo, 609 BCE, painted ca. 1660 by Antonio Zanchi (1631–1722) Private Collection10641609111546101115561111156612Fall of Nineveh, 612 BCE, Medo-Babylonian conquest of New-Assyrian Empire, painted in 1829 by John Martin (1789-1854) Location Unknown1063461211157613The Execution of Brunhilda of Austrasia, in De casibus, Samuel H. Kress Collection.1039661311158614111596151116061611161617111626181116361911164620111656211116662211167623Dagobert I king of Austrasia king of all the Franks and king of Neustria and Burgundy solidus Marseille ca 623-629 Cabinet des Medailles Paris Photo by PHGCOM 873962411168625Antefix from Matauros ca625-600 BCE MetNYC 22.139.568341625St. Peter ca. 625 St. Catherines Monastery Sinai Egypt8745626111696271117062811171629Dagobert I Triens UZES ca 629-639 gold Musee de la Monnaie Paris Photo by PHGCOM 2009 8735629Charibert II Tremissis Banassac ca 629-632 Cabinet des Medailles Paris Photo by PHGCOM 20098736631111726321117363311174634Dagobert I king of Austrasia king of all the Franks and king of Neustria and Burgundy ca 634 Location TBD873863511175636111766371117763811178639Hommage a Clovis II, 639 CE, painted in 1883 by Albert Maignan (1845-1908) Musee des Beaux Arts de Rouen.787163911179640Wang Mang usurper possibly Thirteen Emperors scroll ca 640-673 Yan Liben Museum of Fine Arts Boston8741641Emperor Taizong gives an audience to the ambassador of Tibet 641ce by Yan liben ca 600-673 Location TBD87406421118064311181644111826451118364611184647111856481118664911187650Saint Sergios and Bacchos 7th century C.E. The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts Kiev8743650Ascencion of Christ 7th century C.E. St. Catherines Monastery Sinai Egypt8746650Saint Demetrius and attendants Hagios Demetrios Thessaloniki8748650Sui Yangdi Tang Thirteen Emperors Scroll Museum of Fine Arts Yan Liben 600-673874965111188652111896531119065411191655111926561119365711194658111956591119666011197661111986621119966311200664a man ca 664-525 bce saite 26th dyn freer gallery dc F1908.568342664psammetichus i 26th dynasty ca664-610 offering milk ra harakhte from pabasa's tomb in theban necropolis photo by Neithsabes 20058345664112016651120266611203667112046681120566911206670Oath of the Horatii, 670 BCE, painted by Jacques Louis David (1748-1825) in 1784, Musée du Louvre.103126701120767111208672Necho I or II, 1st ruler of the 26th Dynasty, ca. 672-664 B.C.E., Brooklyn Museum, NY (Photo: Captmondo, 2007)7701672112096731121067411211675112126761121367711214678112156791121668011217681112186821121968311220684112216851122268611223687Lydian King Kandaules' Wife Discovers the Hiding Gyges, 687 BCE, by Eglon Hendrik van der Neer10364687112246881122568911226690Taharqa as Sphinx, 4th ruler of the 25th Dynasty, Nubian, reigned 690-664 B.C.E., The British Museum, London7700690Taharqa, 4th ruler of the 25th Dynasty, reigned ca. 690-664, British Museum, London (Photo: Udimu, 2006)834669011227691112286921122969311230694Childebert III ca 694 711 British Museum Photo by PHGCOM 200987376951123169611232697112336981123469911235700Ezra ca. 700 Codex Amiatinus folio 5r Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana Firenze8753700An Assyrian worshipper ca700 BCE from Iraq or Western Iran Cincinnati Art Museum 1955.70 8336700horses and grooms leaving sennecheribs palace ca700-692bce british museum8337701112367011444370211237702144427031123870314441704112397041444070511240705144397061124170614438707112427071443770811243708144367091124470914435710112457101443471111246711144337121124771214432713112487131443171411249714144307151125071514429716A Servant, ca. 716-713 B.C.E., from Dur Sharrukin, Khorsabad, Iraq, Musee du Louvre, Paris, AO22106 (Photo: Jastrow, 2005)7723716Sargon II and dignitary fca716-713bce from L wall at dur sharrukin louvre AO 19873 and AO 19874 photo by jastrow 2006a3833871611251717Sargon II, King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, captures Carchemish, after revolt of Pisiri of House of Astiruwa, 717 BCE, original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 284.
10610717112527171442871811253718144277191125471914426720112557201442572111256721144247221125772214423723112587231442272411259724144217251126072514420726112617261441972711262727144187281126372814417729112647291441673011265730144157311126673114414732Battle of Poitiers, ca.732 CE, painted between 1834-1837 by Charles de Steuben (1788-1856) Versailles.7873732Tiglath-Pileser III captures Damascus after 2 year siege, 732 BCE, original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 301.
10608732112677321441373311268733144127341126973414411735112707351441073611271736144097371127273714408738112737381440773911274739144067401127574014405741Crucifixion ca. 741-752 Santa Maria Antiqua Roma87567411440474211276742144037431127774314402744112787441440174511279745144007461128074614399747Tilglath pileser iii reigned747-727 british museum ca730-72783407471128174811282748143987491128374914397750Flagellation of St. Erasmus in front of Diocletian ca. 750 Santa Maria in Via Lata Crypt Rome8755750Foreigner With Wineskin Earthenware sancai statue Tang Dynasty ca 675 750 Royal Ontario Museum 918.21.7 Photo by Mayhaymate 20088754750David wth Musicians ca. 750 Vespasian Psalter London British Library Cotton Vespasian A I8752750143967511128475114395752Childeric III gets tonsured and loses his kingship - becoming the last of the Merovingians, 752 CE, by Evariste-Vital Luminais (1822-1896) Musee des Beaux Arts Carcassonne787275211285752143947531128675314393754112877541439275511288755143917561128975614390757112907571438975811291758143887591129275914387760112937601438676111294761143857621129576214384763Bur-Sagale eclipse, Ashur-Dan III, King of Assyria in his tenth regnal year, witnesses, June 15, 763 BCE, from hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 300.10607763112967631438376411297764143827651129876514381766112997661438076711300767143797681130176814378769113027691437777011303770143767711130477114375772Charlemagne and Pope Adrian I meet in Rome, 772, by Antoine Vérard, painted in 1493.103977721130577214374773113067731437377411307774143727751130877514371776Leo IV and Constantine VI with Leo III and Constantine V Byzantine Emperors struck ca. 776-778 Constantnople Mint CNG8757776143707771130977714369778Codex Aureus of Lorsch ca. 778-820 Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Pal. Latin 50 and Alba Iulia Biblioteca Documenta Batthyaneum8763778St. Mark ca. 778-820 Codex Aureus of Lorsch Location TBD8764778143687791131077914367780113117801436678111312781143657821131378214364783Christ Godescalc Gospels ca. 783 BnF nal1203 Folio28750783Adad-Nirari III, King of Assyria, reigned 811-783 B.C.E., from Tell al-Rimah, Iraq, Iraq National Museum, Baghdad (stolen)7719783Saint Luke ca. 783 Godescalc Gospels MS Lat 1203 BnF87587841131478414363785Surrender of Widukind, Saxon leader, 785, by Ary Scheffer (1795-1858) painted in 1835, Versailles, MV 267210559785113157851436278611316786143617871131778714360788113187881435978911319789143587901132079014357791113217911435679211322792143557931132379314354794113247941435379511325795143527961132679614351797113277971435079811328798143497991132979914348800Annuncio a Zaccaria ca. 800 Benevento Chiesa di Santa Sofia8759800Christ Enthroned ca. 800 Book of Kells Trinity College Dublin8765800Madonna and Child ca. 800 Book of Kells Folio 7v Trinity College Dublin8766800143478011064980114346802113308021434580311331803143448041133280414343805113338051434280611334806143418071133580714340808113368081433980911337809143388101133881014337811113398111433681211340812143358131134181314334814Louis the Pious Master of the Fuldaer School Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien8769814Death of Charlemagne, January 28, 814, miniature 15th century, Location TBD106488141433381511342815143328161134381614331817113448171433081811345818143298191134681914328820The Four Evangelists ca. 820 Aachen Gospel Folio 13r Domschatzkammer Koln8767820143278211134782114326822113488221432582311349823143248241135082414323825Plaque with St. John the Evangelist ca. 825 Aachen The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC The Cloisters 1977.42187758251432282611351826143218271135282714320828113538281431982911354829143188301135583014317831Fuldense Manuscript ca 831 840 Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien8762831143168321135683214315833113578331431483411358834143138351135983514312836113608361431183711361837143108381136283814309839113638391430884011364840143078411136584114306842113668421430584311367843143048441136884414303845Monks present Vivien Bible to Charles III from premiere Bible de Charles le Chauve ca.845 Bibliotheque nationale de France Manuscrits Latin 1 Fol 423877484514302846Louis the Pious King of the Franks ca. 846 reigned 814-840 Vatican Museums Rome876884614301847113698471430084811370848142998491137184914298850Charles the Bald King of the Franks Psalter Bibliotheque Nationale Paris8760850Charlemagne and Charles the Bald Emperor of the Franks Musee du Louvre Paris OA 82608761850Drogo Sacramentary ca. 850 Bibliotheque Nationale de France Paris MS Latin 9428 Fol. 71v877085014297851Lothair King of Italy ca. 851 reigned 818-855 Bibliotheque National de France Paris MS Latin 266 Fol. 1v.8771851A Frankish King possibly Bernard of Italy ca. 851 Location TBD877285114296852113728521429585311373853142948541137485414293855113758551429285611376856142918571137785714290858Shalmaneser III king of neo assyria c858-824bce found in assur qala't sharqat Istanbul archaeological Museum photo by bjorn christian torrissen 2009 wkp83358581137885911379859142898601138086014288861113818611428786211382862142868631138386314285864113848641428486511385865142838661138686614282867113878671428186811388868142808691138986914279870Charlemagne with Popes Gelasius and Gregory I ca. 870 Sacramentary of Charles the Bald Bibliotheque nationale de France Paris MS Latin 1141 Fol. 2v 877387014278871113908711427787211391872142768731139287314275874Osiris Isis and Horus pendant bearing name if Osorkon ii reigned ca874-850bce louvre room 29 sully E 62048334874113938751139487514274876Sangar, Hittite King of Carchemish, receives Ashur-Nasir-Pal II, Assyrian King, 876 BCE, original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 282.
106118761139587614273877Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, and his Longships defeat the Danes, 877, painted by Colin Unwin Gill (1892–1940)
Parliamentary Art Collection, UK10647877113968771427287811397878142718791139887914264880113998801426888111400881142708821140188214269883ashurnasirpal ii reigned 883-859 from nimrud ancient kalhu temple of ishtar sharrat-niphi british museum833388311402884Carloman II dies in Yvelines Forest, December 12, 884 CE, by Jean Charles Joseph Remond (1795-1875) Musee du Louvre. 78748841140388414267885Northmen Siege of Paris, Count Eudes (Odo) defends, 885-886, painted 1836 by Jean Victor Schnetz (1787-1870) Château de Versailles, MV 2673.1064588511404885142668861140588614265887Shoshenq II, 3rd ruler of the 22nd Dynasty, reigned ca. 887-885 B.C.E., Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo773388711406888114078881426388911408889142628901140989014261891114108911426089211411892142598931141289314258894114138941425789511414895142568961141589614255897The Cadaver Synod - Pope Stephen VI has predecessor Formosus exhumed and put on trial in Rome, January 897, by Jean-Paul Laurens (1838-1921)10402897114168971425489811417898142538991141889914252900Stele of Lady Taparet with Atum, 22nd Dynasty, Third Intermediate Period, ca. 900 BCE, Thebes, Louvre, Paris7753900Stele of Lady Taperet, 22nd Dynasty, Third Intermediate Period, ca. 900 BCE, Louvre, Paris7754900Meister von Castelseprio ca. 900 Location TBD8777900Leo VI the Wise at the feet of Christ ca. 900 Byzantine Emperor reigned 886-912 Hagia Sophia Istanbul8781901114199011425190211420902142509031142190314249904114229041424890511423905142479061142490614246907114259071424590811426908142449091142790914243910114289101424291111429911142419121143091214240913Alexander III Byzantine Emperor reigned 912-913 Hagia Sophia Istanbul87769131423991411431914142389151143291514237916114339161423691711434917142359181143591814234919114369191423392011437920142329211143892114231922Osorkon I, 2nd ruler of the 22nd Dynasty, reigned ca. 922-887 B.C.E., Musee du Louvre, Paris, AO 9502775292211439923114409231423092411441924142299251144292514228926114439261422792711444927142269281144592814225929114469291422493011447930142239311144893114222932114499321422193311450933142209341145193414219935114529351421893611453936142179371145493714216938114559381421593911456939142149401145794014213941114589411421294211459942142119431146094314210944114619441420994511462945142089461146394614207947114649471420694811465948142059491146694914204950Requesting Isaiah ca. 950 Paris Psalter Biblioth?que nationale de France Paris MS Grec 139 Folio 435v8784950David Playing the Harp ca. 950 Paris Psalter Bibliotheque nationale de France Paris MS Grec 139 Folio 1v8783950Abgar V King of Osroene with the Image of Edessa reigned ca. 950 from St. Catherines Monastery Mount Sinai8782950Harbaville Triptych ca. 950 CE Musee du Louvre Paris OA 3247 Photo by Jastrow 20068779950Harbaville Triptych recto ca. 950 CE Musee du Louvre Paris OA 3247 Photo by Jastrow 20068780950David Glorified by the Women of Israel ca. 950 Paris Psalter BNF MS Grec 139 Fol 5v877895014203951114679511420295211468952142019531146995314200954114709541419995511471955141989561147295614197957114739571419695811474958141959591147595914194960114769601419396111477961141929621147896214191963The Benedictional of St. ?thelwold ca. 963-984 British Library London Additional MS 4959887859631419096414189964114799651418896511480966Edgar the Peaceful King of England and Christ reigned 959-975 Winchester Offering ca. 966 British Library London87879661418796714186967114819681418596811482969141849691148397014183970114849711418297111485972141819721148697314180973114879741417997411488975An Islamic Rider ca. 975 Gerona Beatus Gerona Cathedral Catalonia8786975141789761417797611489977141769771149097814175978114919791417497911492980141739801149398114172981114949821417198211495983141709831149698414169984114979851416898511498986141679861149998714166987115009881416598811501988Baptism of Vladimir the Great in Kievan Rus, ca. 988, painted 1885-1893 by Viktor Vasnetsov (1848-1926) St. Vladimir's Cathedral, Kiev.11778989141649891150299014163990115039911416299111504992Amenemope, 4th Pharaoh of the 21st Dynasty, reigned ca. 1001-992 B.C.E., Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo7751992115059931150699314161994115079941416099511508995141599961150999614158997"Excommunication" of Robert the Pious by Pope Gregory V, 997 CE, by Jean-Paul Laurents (1838-1921), 1875 fecit, Location TBD.78759971151099714157998115119981415699911512999141551000Otto III Holy Roman Emperor ca. 1000 reigned 996-1002 from the Ottonian Gospel Meister der Reichenauer Schule Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich87921000Scene of Martyrdom, Abbey Church of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, France by Unknown Artist81751000Sacramentary ca. 1000-1025 (attributed to Nivardus of Milan) (fl. 1000-1025) J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA MS LUDWIG V 187951000The Crucifixion ca. 1000-1025 (attributed to Nivardus of Milan) (fl. 1000-1025) J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA MS LUDWIG V 1 Fol. 2V87961000Initial D ca. 1000-1025 (attributed to Nivardus of Milan) (fl. 1000-1025) J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA MS LUDWIG V 1 Fol. 987971001115131002115141003115151004115161005115171006115181007115191008115201009115211010Henry II Holy Roman Emperor ca. 1010 reigned 1014-1024 from the Imperial Sacramentary Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munchen87931011115221012115231013115241014115251015115261016115271017115281018115291019115301020Constantine I Roman Emperor ca. 1020 mosaic from the Hagia Sophia Istanbul87941021115311022115321023115331024115341025Basil II Byzantine Emperor ca. 1025 reigned 976-1025 Psalter of Venice BNM Ms Gr 17 Fol 3r87891026115351027115361028115371029115381030Bishop Engilmar Celebrating Mass ca. 1030-40 Benedictional Regensburg The J. Paul Getty Museum87901031115391032115401033115411034115421035115431036115441037115451038115461039115471040115481041115491042115501043115511044115521045115531046115541047Psusennes I, 3rd Pharoah of the 21st Dynasty, reigned ca. 1047-1001 BCE, Museum of Fine Arts of Valenciennes, France73941047115551048115561049115571050Scene of Martyrdom ca. 1050 Unknown Painters Abbey Church of Saint Savin sur Gartempe France87881050Gabriel with Golden Locks ca. 1050 Russian Museum Saint Petersburg87981050St. Theodore the Studite ca. 1050 Nea Moni Monastery Chios87991050Zoe Porphyrogenita Byzantine Empress Consort reigned 1028-1050 mosaic from Hagia Sophia Istanbul88011051115581052115591053115601054115611055Constantine IX Byzantine Emperor reigned 1042-1055 mosaic from the Hagia Sophia Istanbul87911056115621057115631058115641059115651060115661061115671062115681063115691064115701065115711066Battle of Stamford Bridge - England led by King Harold Godwinson defeats the Norse army and kills King Harald III Hardrada, September 25, 1066, Monday, painted in 1870 by Peter Nicolai Arbo (1831-1892)
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum Tromso105891066115721067115731068115741069115751070115761071115771072115781073115791074115801075115811076115821077Road to Canossa, Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, journeys to seek absolution from Pope Gregory VII, 1077, painted ca. 1855 by Eduard Schwoiser (1826-1902) Stiftung Maximilianeum, Munchen.105741077115831078Nicephorus III Botaniatus Byzantine Emperor reigned 1078-1081 Meister der Predigtsammlung des Heiligen Johannes Chrysostomus88001079115841080115851081115861082115871083115881084115891085115901086Death of Canute the Holy, July 10, 1086, painted in 1843 by Christian von Benzon (1816-1849).78761086115911087115921088115931089115941090115951091115961092115971093115981094115991095Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont, November 18-28, 1095, by Jean Colombe and Sebastian Mamerot, from Passages d'Outremer ca. 1475.78771095116001096116011097Anselm of Canterbury, exiled by William II, travels to Rome, meets Urban II (and Matilda of Tuscany?), ca. 1097-1098, painted by Giovanni Romanelli (1610-1662) between 1637-1642, Galleria dei Romanelli, Vatican, Roma105831097116021098Baldwin of Bologne enters Edessa, February 1098, painted in 1840 by J. Robert Fleury, Location TBD.78781098116031099116041100116051100141541101116061101141531102116071102141521103116081103141511104116091104141501105116101105141491106116111106141481107116121107141471108116131108141461109116141109141451110116151110141441111116161111141431112116171112141421113116181113141411114116191114141401115116201115141391116Peter Abelard tutors Heloise d'Argenteuil at Notre Dame, Paris, ca. 1116, painted in 1882 by
Edmund Leighton (1852–1922) Location TBD105841116116211116141381117116221117141371118116231118141361119116241119141351120White Ship Disaster - William Adelin, only son and heir to Henry I King of England drowns along with 300 passengers (except a butcher) in English Channel, November 25, 1120, from the Chronicle of Peter of Langtoft, ca. 1300, Royal MS 20 A II, f. 6v105861120Sinking of the White Ship, November 25, 1120, from the 1321 Cotton Claudius D. ii, fol. 45v, British Museum105871120116251120141341121116261121141331122Christ ca. 1122 Unknown Artist State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow88031122Alexius II Byzantine co-Emperor with his father John II ca. 1122-1142 detail Hagia Sophia Istanbul88041122John II Comnenus and Irene Byzantine Emperor and Empress ca 1143 reigned 1118-1143 The Comnenus Mosaic Hagia Sophia Istabul88051122Irene Byzantine Empress Consort with John II Comnenus ca 1122 Hagia Sophia88091122John II Komnenos Byzantine Emperor reigned 1118-1143 Hagia Sophia Istanbul88101122141321123Christ ca 1123 by Mestre de Taull Apse of San Climent de Taull Museu Nacional d Art de Catalunya88021123141311124116271124141301125116281125141291126116291126141281127116301127141271128116311128141261129116321129141251130116331130141241131116341131141231132116351132141221133116361133141211134116371134141201135116381135141191136116391136141181137116401137141171138116411138141161139116421139141151140116431140141141141116441141141131142116451142141121143Ramses VI probably, 5th ruler 20th Dynasty of ca. 1143-1136, Musee du Louvre (Photo: Guillaume Blanchard)74001143116461144116471144141101145Rameses VI probably, 5th ruler of the 20th Dynasty, reigned 1145-1137, Egyptian New Kingdom, Musee du Louvre (Photo: Guillaume Blanchard)74031145116481146116491146141081147116501147141071148Raymond of Poitiers welcomes Louis VII to Antioch, 25 March, 1148 CE, by Jean Colombe and Sebastian Mamerot, from Passages d'Outremer ca. 1475-1490.78791148116511148141061149116521149141051150St. Matthew ca. 1150 6th to 12th century British Library London Add. MS 5111 Folio 1288061150141041151116531151141031152116541152141021153116551153141011154116561154141001155116571155140991156116581156140981157116591157140971158116601158140961159116611159140951160116621160140941161116631161140931162116641162140921163116651163140911164Lamentation ca. 1164 Meister von Nerezi Kirche von Nerezi Mazedonien88081164140901165116661165140891166116671166140881167116681167140871168116691168140861169116701169140851170116711170140841171116721171140831172116731172140821173116741173140811174116751174140801175Genealogy of the Ottonians with Heinricus rex and Methildis regina in the double circle Chronica St. Pantaleonis 2nd half of 12th century. Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenb?ttel Cod. Guelf. 74.3 Aug. pag. 226 Location TBD88071175140791176116761176140781177116771177140771178116781178140761179116791179140751180116801180140741181116811181140731182116821182140721183116831183140711184116841184140701185116851185140691186116861186140681187116871187140671188116881188140661189116891189140651190116901190140641191City of Acre (Ptolemais) bequeathed to Philip II Augustus, 12 July, 1191, by Merry Joseph Blondel (1781-1853) Location TBD.78801191116911191140631192116921192140621193116931193140611194116941194140601195116951195140591196116961196140581197116971197140571198116981198140561199116991199140551200Amun, ca. 1200 B.C.E., Seattle Art Museum, WA, 51.69 73661200A King ca 1200-1225 orig from Kolocsa Cathedral Hungarian National Gallery Budapest88381201117001201140531202117011202140521203117021203140511204Entry of the Latin Crusaders into Constantinople, 1204, by Eugene Delacroix, 1798-1863, Location TBD.78811204117031204140501205117041205140491206117051206140481207Murder of Tijulti-Ninurta I, King of the Middle Assyrian Empire, through a conspiracy of his sons, 1207 BCE (range=1207-1197 BCE) original painting from Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 293.
106091207117061207140471208Muchaku ca. 1208 by Unkei Japan88491208140461209117071209140451210117081210140441211117091211140431212117101212140421213Merneptah, 4th Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1213-1203 B.C.E.,The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo73921213117111214Philip II Augustus at the Battle of the Bovines, 27 July, 1214, painted in 1827 by Horace Vernet (1789-1863) Location TBD.78821214117121214140401215117131215140391216John I Plantagenet King of England ca. 1216 reigned 1199-1216 said to be the earliest effigy in England Worcester Cathedral Chancel 188351216140381217117141217140371218La presa di damietta, 1218, by Cornelis claesz van wieringen ,ante 1628 103661218117151218140361219Battle of Lyndanisse, 1219 CE June 15th, painted in 1809 by Christian August Lorentzen (1749-1828) Statens Museum for Kunst Copenhagen78831219Francis of Assisi meets with al-Kamil, 4th Ayyubid sultan of Egypt during Fifth Crusade, 1219, ca. September-October, painted in 1452 by Benozzo Gozzoli (1420-1497) Museum Complex of San Francesco (Montefalco) Apsidal Chapel105851219117161219140351220Crucifixion ca. 1220 by Berlinghiero Berlinghieri fl. 1228-1236 Pinacoteca Civica Lucca88271220140341221117171221140331222117181222117191222140321223117201223140311224117211224140301225Homme couronnee ca. 1225-1250 Ile de France Musee du Louvre Paris RF230888261225140291226117221226140281227117231227140271228117241228140261229117251229140251230An Enthroned King ca 1230-1235 from Lombardy or the Veneto The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 22.3188211230Madonna and Child ca. 1230 by Berlinghiero Berlinghieri fl. 1228-1236 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY88281230Joseph ca. 1230 from the Choir Screen at Chartres The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 2007.14388361230A King from Pilisszentkerezs ca. 1230 from the Tomb of Gertrudce 88391230Madonna and Child with Saints ca. 1230 by Berlinghiero Cleveland Museum of Art 1966.23788451230Seigfried III of Eppstein Archbishop of Mainz 1230-1249 oldest memorial in Mainz Cathedral88551230140241231117261231140231232117271232140221233117281233140211234117291234140201235Bamberg Rider ca. 1235 Bamberg Cathedral88171235St. Francis of Assisi ca. 1235 by Bonaventura Berlinghieri fl. 1235-1244 Pescia San Francesco88291235140191236117301236140181237117311237140171238Wuzhun Shifan Monk 1238 by Unknown Chinese Artist Kyoto Museum88591238140161239117321239140151240Magdeburger Rider ca. 1240-1250 Kunsthistorisches Museum Magdeburg88471240140141241117331241140131242117341242140121243117351243140111244117361244140101245St. Maurice ca. 1245 Magdeburg Cathedral 88561245140091246117371246140081247117381247140071248117391248140061249117401249140051250A Woman holding a Sistrum, ca. 1250-1200 B.C.E., Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD, 32.97393125078871250Head of an Angel ca 1250 possibly from Notre Dame Cathedral Paris The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC88131250An Ife Woman ca.1250 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 95.8488141250Elizabeth of the Visitation c1250 Reims Cathedral88201250Fredereick II Hohenstaufen Holy Roman Emperor reigned 1220-1250 Barletta Museo Civico88221250Frederick II Hohenstaufen Holy Roman Emperor reigned 1220-1250 Location TBD88231250God the Geometer ca 1250 from the Codex Vindobonensis 2554 Osterreichische Nationalbibliotek Wien88241250Head of a King ca. 1250 Location TBD88371250Madonna and Child ca. 1250 Unknown Umbrian Artist National Gallery London NGL474188401250Head of a Queen ca. 1250 from Campania Musee du Louvre Paris RF80288521250Reims probably ca. 125088531250Virgin of the Visitation ca. 1250 Reims Cathedral88581250Madonna and Child, ca. 1250, by Nicola Pisano (ca. 1220/1225 – ca. 1284) Location TBD 101391251117411251140031252117421252140021253117431253140011254117441254140001255117451255139991256117461256139981257117471257139971258117481258139961259117491259139951260Madonna and Child ca. 1260 Unknown Umbrian Artist National Gallery London NGL657288431260A Man of Sorrows ca. 1260 Umbrian Artist National Gallery London NGL657388481260139941261Madonna del Bordone 1261, by Coppo di Marcovaldo, fl. 1260s- 1270s, Basilica di Santa Maria dei Servi Siena88461261139931262117511262139921263117521263139911264117531264139901265Madonna and Child ca. 1265-1285 by Master of the Saints Cosmos and Damian Madonna Tuscany Fogg Museum Harvard University Cambridge MA 1926.4188411265Madonna and Child, ca. 1265, by Coppo di Marcovaldo (ca. 1225-1276) Location TBD88421265Madonna and Child ca. 1265-1275 attributed to Clarisse Master National Gallery London NGL657188441265Battle of Evesham, Simon de Montfort killed and dismembered - effectively ends Second Baron's War, August 4, 1265, British Library Cotton MS Nero D ii, f. 177 - late 13th cent.105881265139891266117541266139881267117551267139871268117561268139861269Siege of Darpur, Ramesses II (his tenth regnal year) and Egyptian Army, 18th Dynasty, German color lithograph from 1879 - from original relief carving - Temple at Thebes106051269117571269139851270Death of Louis IX, 1270, August 25, by Ary Scheffer (1795-1858), painted ca. 1817, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, 81.2105631270117581270139841271117591271139831272117601272In Acre, a member of Syrian Order of Assassins attempts to kill Edward I, but is overpowered and killed by the soon-to-be King of England (r. 1272-1307), June, 1272, illustration by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) 118701272139821273117611273139811274Pope Clement IV, ca. 1274, served 1265-1268, by Pietro Oderisi, fl. 1260-1280, San Francesco Viterbo88511274Death of St Bonaventure in Lyon, 1274 July 15th, by Zurbaran103671274Battle of Kadesh, Ramesses II defeats Hittites, ca. May 1274 BCE, original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 279.
106121274139801275A Monk ca 1275 by Aldobrandino of Siena Li Livres dou Sante British Library88151275Charles I Anjou King of Sicily ca. 1275 reigned 1266-1285 by Arnolfo di Cambio ca 1240-1310 Musei Capitolini Rome88181275139791276The Annunciation ca.1276 by Guido da Siena fl. 1262-1279 Princeton University Art Museum NJ y14488301276139781277117621277139771278117631278139761279Tuya XIX, wife of Seti I, ca. 1279 B.C.E. Musei Vaticani, Roma73881279Ramesses II, 3rd Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1279-1213 B.C.E., Abu Simbel Temples, Nubia, Egypt73891279Ramesses II,The Younger Memnon, 3rd Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty,reigned ca. 1279-1213 B.C.E. The British Museum, London73901279Nehy, ca.1279-1213 B.C.E., Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD, 22.10673911279117641280Le Lion de Florence, 1280, Nicolas-Andr Monsiau 1801103681280117651280139741281117661281139731282Sicilian Vespers, 1282 CE, by Francesco-Hayez (1791-1882) Rome78841282117671282139721283117681283139711284Madonna and Child ca. 1284 by Cimabue 1250-1302 Castelfiorentino Tuscany88311284Vergine in Maesta con Bambino Quattro Angeli e San Francesco ca. 1284 by Cimabue 1250-1302 Assisi88321284139701285Madonna and Child ca. 1285 by Cimabue 1250-1302 Santa Maria dei Servi Bologna88331285Madonna Enthroned with St. Francis and St. Dominic ca. 1285 by Cimabue 1250-1302 Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze 88341285Philip III Capet le Hardi King of France ca. 1285 reigned 1270-1285 Location TBD88501285139691286Flight of the Assassins of Erik V King Of Denmark, November 22, 1286 CE, by Otto Bache (1839-1927) painted in 1882, Frederiksborgmuseet, Copenh78851286117691286139681287117701287139671288Battle of Worringen, 1288, by Peter Janssen (1844-1908) painted in 1893, Stadtmuseum Dusseldorf.78861288117711288139661289117721289139651290Henry III King of England reigned 1216-1272 posthumous bronze tomb ca. 1290 Location TBD88251290139641291Rudolf I Hapsburg King of Germany ca. 1291 reigned 1273-1291 Speyer Cathedral88541291139631292117731292139621293Eleanore of Castile Queen Consort of England with Edward I ca 1293 earliest gilded bronze tomb in England Location TBD88191293139611294Seti I, 2nd Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1294-1279 B.C.E., Dallas Museum of Art, TX, 1984.5074061294Tomb of Pope Boniface VIII ca. 1294-1296 served 1294-1303 by Arnolfo di Cambio 1264 1302 Vatican Museum Rome88571295117741295139591296117751296139581297117761297139571298Bonifacio VIII ca 1298 Opera del Duomo Florence by Arnolfo di Cambio Photo by Sailko88161298139561299117771299139551300Donor Portrait ca. 1300 attributed to Memmo di Filippuccio Chiesa di SS. Jacopo e Filippo88661300Pisano Scrovegni Padua ca. 1300 possibly89051300Pope Boniface VIII ca. 1300 served 1294-1303 by Giotto di Bondone at San Giovanni in Laterano Rome89061300139541301117791301139531302Battle of Courtrai (or the Golden Spurs), 11 July 1302, painted 1836 by Nicaise de Keyser (1813-1887) Kortrijk Museum.78881302Andronicus II Palaeologus receives Roger de Flor and his "Catalan Army" in Constantinople, 1302, September, painted by Jose Moreno Carbonero (1858-1942) Palacio del Senado, Madrid105651302117801302139521303117811303139511304117821304139501305117831305139491306117841306139481307117851307139471308117861308139461309117871309139451310Madonna and Child ca. 1310-1315 by Master of the Albertini or Master of the Casole Fresco National Gallery London NGL56588871310139441311117881311139431312Madonna and Child ca. 1312-1315 by Simone Martini Pinacoteca Nazionale Siena88881312Madonna and Child with Saints Dominic and Aurea ca. 1312-1315 by Duccio fl. 1278-1319 National Gallery London NGl56688961312139421313117891313139411314117901314139401315St. Francis by Pietro Lorinzetti San Francesco Basilica Assisi ca. 1315-133089031315St. John the Baptist ca. 1315-1330 by Pietro Lorenzetti San Francesco Basilica Assisi89041315139391316St. Louis of Toulouse Crowns Robert II of Anjou 1316 by Simone Martini fl. 1315-1344 Museo Nazionale Capodimonte Napoli89181316139381317117911317139371318117921318139361319Horemheb, reigned ca. 1319-1292, last pharaoh of the 18th dynasty Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, (Photo: by Captmondo, 2010)73701319117931320Giacomo Gaetani Stefaneschi Donor ca. 1320 detail from triptych by Giotto Bondone Vatican Pinacoteca Rome cat40120 88681320An Angel with Instruments of the Passion ca 1320 Goodhart Duccieque Master Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1978.46688621320Madonna and Child with St. Francis and St. John the Baptist ca. 1320 by Pietro Lorenzetti San Francesco Basilica Assisi89021320St. Andrew ca. 1320 by Simone Martini fl. 1315-1344 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 51.239789121320St. Lawrence ca. 1320-1325 by Giotto di Bondone 1266-1337 Chaalis Abbey89171320St. Romuald ca. 1325 by Guido Palmeruccio fl. 1315 1349 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1982.60.189201320139351321Mary Magdalene ca. 1321 detail of Orvieto polyptych by Simone Martini ca. 1285-1344 Museuo dell Opera del Duomo Orvieto89011321St. Clare of Assisi ca. 1321 by Simone Martini fl. 1315-1344 St. Francis Church Inferior Assisi89141321139341322117941322139331323117951323139321324Isaiah ca. 1324 1325 by Ugolino de Nerio fl. 1317-1349 National Gallery London88781324139311325Charles of Valois 1270-1325 14th cent Basilica de Saint Denis Paris Photo by Acoma88651325Madonna and Child ca. 1325-1330 by Ugolino di Nerio Museum of Fine Arts Boston 16.6588841325Madonna and Child ca. 1325 by Ugolino da Siena or Ugolino di Nerio fl. 1317 1349 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1975.1.588891325Madonna and Child ca. 1325 by a follower of Giotto or an unknown Paduan artist The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 47.143 88901325Saint Ansanus ca. 1325-1335 by Simone Martini fl.1315-1344 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1975.1.13b 89091325Madonna and Child ca. 1325 attributed to Memmo di Filippucci Museo de San Matteo Pisa89211325139301326Maddona and Child ca. 1326 probably by an unknown Sienese artist The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1795.1.12b88791326139291327117961327139281328Expulsion of the Bonacolsi scene of Piazza Sordello, 1328, by Domenico Morone (1442-1518) painted in 1494, Palazzo Ducale Mantua.103531328117971328139271329Can Francesco della Scala Cangrande Tomb Verona Scalinger Tomb88641329Cangrande I of Verona Casteveccio Museum Verona88631329139261330Saint Andrew ca. 1330 by Simone Martini fl.1315-1344 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 41.100.2389081330St. John the Evangelist ca. 1330-1339 by Simone Martini ca. 1285-1344 Barber Institute Fine Arts 89161330St. Margaret ca. 1330 attributed to Ugolino da Siena fl. 1317 1349 Princeton University Art Museum 61.4189191330139251331117981331139241332Tutankhamun, 13th ruler of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1332-1323 B.C.E., The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo (Photo: MykReeve, 2002)74101332Tutanhkamun possibly, 13th ruler of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1332-1323 B.C.E., The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY (Photo: Keith Schengili-Roberts, 2007)74111332Tutankhamun,13th ruler of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1332-1323 B.C.E., The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo (Photo: Jon Bodsworth, 2007)74121332117991333Saint Anthony of Padua ca. 1333 by Maso di Banco fl. 1320-1346 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 43.98.1389101333139231334118001334139221335Madonna and Child 1335 by Bernardo Daddi ca 1290-1350 Vatican Museum Rome88801335Madonna and Child ca. 1335-1345 by Ambrogio Lorenzetti ca 1290-1348 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 39.53688911335139211336118011336139201337118021337139191338118031338139181339118041339139171340Madonna and Child ca. 1340 by Bernardo Daddi ca. 1290-1350 Location TBD88851340Madonna and Child with St. Anne ca. 1340-1345 by Francesco Traini fl. 1321-1345 Princeton Art Museum y1963 288971340Robert I Anjou King of Naples ca. 1340 reigned 1309-1343 from the Anjou Bible Maurits Sabbe Library University of Leuven89071340139161341118051341139151342St. Catherine of Alexandria shortly after 1342 by Pietro Lorenzetti fl. 1320 1344 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 13.21289131342139141343118061343139131344A Soldier from St. Martin Renounces Weapons detail by Simone Martini fl. 1315-134489221344139121345118071345139111346118081346139101347Philippa of Hainault intercedes with her husband on behalf of the burghers of Calais, recently fallen after long siege, 1347, painted by James Doyle Penrose (1862-1932) painting print from Cassell's History of England, Vol. I106001347118091347139091348118101348139081349118111349139071350Nebamun, The Accountant, Viewing Geese and Cattle, from the Tomb-chapel of Nebamun, Temple of Amun, Karnak, ca 1350BCE, British Museum, London73971350Queen Nefertiti, wife of Akhenaten, lived ca. 1370-1330, Neues Museum, Berlin83931350Jean II King of France ca. 1350 reigned 1350-1364 Unknown French Master Mus?e du Louvre Paris possibly the oldest profile portrait in Europe88701350Madonna and Child ca. 1350 by Lippo Memmi fl. 1317-1350 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.14488611350Madonna and Child ca. 1350 by Lippo Memmi fl. 1317-1350 Cleveland Museum of Art 1952.11088601350Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and their children, ca. 1350, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Agyptisches Museum81851350Madonna and Child ca. 1350 by Barna da Siena fl. 1330-1350 Princeton University Museum 61.3588861350Madonna and Child ca. 1350 by Barnaba da Modena 1328-1386 Location TBD88921350Madonna of the Recommended ca. 1350s by Lippo Memmi ca. 1291-1356 Museuo dell Opera del Duomo Orvieto89001351118121351139061352118131352139051353An Egyptian Queen, ca. 1353-1336, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 26.7.139673671353Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV), 10th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1353-1334, Luxor Museum, Egypt 73841353Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV),10th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1353-1334, Location TBD73851353Aein, ca. 1353 B.C.E., Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 73861353118141354118151354139041355Beheading of Doge Marin Faliero, 17 April, 1355, by Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863) Wallace Collection.78901355Murder of Ines de Castro, lover of Pedro I of Portugal, January 7, 1355, painted by Karl Bryullov (1799-1852) Location TBD105701355118161355139031356118171356139021357118181357139011358118191358139001359118201359138991360Rudolf IV Hapsburg Duke of Austria ca. 1360-1365 Unknown Bohemian Master Cathedral and Diocesan Museum Vienna88721360Madonna and Child ca. 1365 by Barnaba da Modena 1328-1386 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 15.95188931360138981361Valdemar IV holds Visby to ramsom 1361, by Carl Hellqvist (1851-1890) painted in 1882, Location TBD.78911361118211361138971362118221362138961363118231363138951364118241364138941365St. Gregory ca. 1365 Master Theodoric fl. 1350-1370 National Gallery Prague88711365138931366118251366138921367Madonna and Child 1367 by Barnaba da Modena 1328-1386 Stadel Museum Frankfurt88811367138911368118261368138901369118271369138891370Madonna and Child ca. 1375 by Paolo di Giovanni Fei The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 41.190.13 88821370Charles IV Luxembourg Holy Roman Emperor ca. 1370 reigned 1346-1378 Master Theodoric Prague88731370Madonna and Child ca. 1370-1375 by Barnaba da Modena 1328-1386 Musee du Louvre Paris88941370138881371118281371138871372Charles V Valois King of France ca. 1372 reigned 1364-1380 by Jean de Vaudetar Museum of the Book The Hague88741372138861373118291373138851374118301374138841375Head of Christ ca. 1375 by Master of the Orcagnesque Misericordia The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 1981.365.288691375Charles IV Valois Holy Roman Emperor ca. 1375 reigned 1346-1378 Unknown Artist Wallraf-Richartz Museum Cologne Dep. 026888751375Self-Portrait ca. 1375 by Peter Parler ca 1330-1399 St Vitus Cathedral Prague89111375138831376Francesco Petrarca et al ca. 1376-1376 by Altichiero 1330-1395 Oratorio di San Giorgio Padua88671376138821377118311377138811378118321378138801379118331379138791380Madonna and Child ca. 1380 by Antonio Veneziano 1369-1419 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 84.29388951380Madonna and Child with Angels ca. 1380 by Spinello Aretino ca. 1350-1410 Fogg Museum Harvard University Cambridge MA 1905.188991380St. Gregory the Great ca. 1385 by Bartolo di Fredi ca. 1330-1410 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 15.95389151380138781381118341381138771382118351382138761383118361383138751384118371384138741385118381385138731386Madonna and Child with Two Donors 1386 by Cecco di Pietro fl. 1370-1386 Princeton University Art Museum 61.44 88981386138721387118391387138711388118401388138701389Isabeau Queen Consort of France enters into Paris, August 23, 1389, by Jean Froissart, painted between 1470-1472, Chronicles BL Harley 4379.78921389118411389138691390Edward III Pantagenet King of England reigned 1327-1377 and Edward the Black Prince 1390 posthumous Unknown Artist British Library Cotton MS Nero D VI f.31r88761390138681391Amenhotep III, 9th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1391-1353, The British Museum, London (Photo: A. Parrot)73631391Amenhotep III, 9th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, ]reigned ca. 1391-1353, Neues Museum, Berlin (Photo: Neithsabes, 2007)73641391Amenhotep III Wearing the Blue Crown, ca. 1391-1352, 18th Dynasty, New Kingdo, Cleveland Museum of Art, 1952.513106161391118421392118431392138671393118441393138661394118451394138651395Richard II Plantagenet King of England ca. 1395 reigned 1377-1399 by Unknown Artist Westminster Abbey UK beginning of modern portraiture88771395138641396118461396138631397118471397138621398Queen Tiy, wife of Amenhotep III, ca. 1398-1338 BCE, Altes Museum, Berlin (Photo: Keith Schengli-Roberts, 2006)74021398Bal des ardents, 1398103541398118481399118491399138611400Madonna and Child, 1400 (Taddeo Bartolo) (ca. 1363-1422) Musée du Petit Palais, Avignon89251400138601401Self-Portrait as St. Thaddeus, 1401, detail from Assumption of the Virgin (Taddeo Bartolo) (ca. 1363-1422) Duomo of Montepulciano, Siena89271401Thutmose IV, 8th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1401-1391 B.C.E., Musee du Louvre, Paris (Photo: Siren, 2005)74081401Thutmose IV, 8th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1401-1391 B.C.E., Location TBD (Photo: Einsamer Schutze, 2006)74091402Ottoman Sultan Bayazid I imprisoned by Tamerlane after the Battle of Ankara, 1402, by Stanislaw cheblowski 1835-1884) painted in 1878, Location TBD.78931402118501402138591403118511403138581404A Doctor of the Church, 1404 (Mariotto di Nardo) (fl. 1394-1424) Museo dell Opera del Duomo, Firenze89281404138571405118521405138561406Dormition of the Virgin, 1408 (Starnina, Gherardo di Jacopo di Neri) (1354-1409) Philadephia Museum of Art, PA89261406138551407118531407138541408118541408138531409118551409138521410A Franco-Flemish Woman 31410138511411118561411138501412St. John the Baptist, early 1410s Robert Campin, a.k.a. Master of Flemalle(ca. 1375-1444) Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH 1966.23889241412138491413118571413138481414118581414138471415Wenceslaus of Luxembourg, Duke of Brabant (posthumous?), ca. 1400-1415 (Unknown Franco-Flemish Master) Museo Thyssen Bornemisza , Madrid
24241415Louis II Duke of Anjou (Unknown Flemish Master) Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris 24251415Admiral Carlo Zeno with his fourth wife in Venice during his last years, 1415, by Albert Maignan (1845-1908) Location TBD.78941415138461416118591416138451417118601417138441418118611418138431419118621419138421420118671420138411421118631421138401422118641422138391423118651423138381424118661424138371425A Young Man, ca. 1425, attributed to Masaccio (1401-1428) National Gallery of Art Washington, D.C., 1937.1.1489291425138361426A Young Man, ca. 1426 (attributed to Masaccio) (1401-1428) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, MA24261426138351427Donors from Mechelen, ca. 1427 (detail from Merode Altarpiece) (Master of Flemalle) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY Cloisters
24301427Donors from Mechelen, detail from The Annunciation, ca. 1427, attributed to Robert Campin, Master of Flemalle (ca. 1375-1444) The Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 56.7089301427Amenhotep II, 7th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1427-1401 B.C.E., Brooklyn Museum, NY73621427Amenhotep II,7th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1427-1401 B.C.E., NY Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen (Photo: Museum Website) 73651428A Man, probably Filippo Brunelleschi, ca. 1423-1428, detail Resurrection of the Son of Theophilus (Masaccio) (1401-1428) Basilica di Santa Maria del Carmine, Firenze
24291428138341429118681429138331430A Man, Robert von Masmines? (Robert Campin) (1375-1444) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid INV. Nr. 74 (1960.1) 24311430A Franciscan Friar, before 1432 (workshop of Robert Campin) (ca. 1378-1444) The National Gallery, London NG637724321430A Woman, ca. (Rogier van der Weyden) (1399-1464) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Gemäldegalerie 24331430A Muscovite Prince, ca. 1430-1440 (attributed to Michele da Giambono) (ca. 1400-1462) Museo Palazzo Rosso, Genoa 24341430138321431Joan of Arc interrogated in her cell by Cardinal Winchester, 1431, by Paul Delaroche (1797-1859) painted in 1824, Musee des Beaux-Arts Rouen.78951431118691431138311432Tymotheos (Jan Van Eyck) (1387-1441) Location TBD24361432Man with Ring in Blue Turban (Jan Van Eyck) (1387-1441) Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu Romania 24371432Oswald von Wolkenstein, 1432 (Unknown Artist) Innsbrucker Handschrift, Liederhandschrift B24381432Joos Vijdt, 1432, detail of full-length donor portrait from the Ghent Altarpiece (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Sint Baafskathedraal, Ghent 64371432Lysbette Borluut, detail of full-length donor portrait from the Ghent Altarpiece (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Sint Baafskathedraal, Ghent64381432138301433Man in a Turban, possible Self-Portrait, ca. 1433 (Jan Van Eyck) (1387-1441) Location TBD24391433Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1433 (Pisanello) (1395-1455) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien24401433138291434Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife, 1434 (Jan van Eyck) (ca. 1387-1441) The National Gallery, London NG18645451434June Pope Eugene IV flees Rome, early June 1434, painted by Pio Joris (1843-1921) Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moder78961434138281435Man, ca. 1435 (attributed to Robert Campin) (1375-1444) The National Gallery, London 24411435A Woman, ca. 1435 (attributed to Robert Campin) (1375-1444) The National Gallery, London24421435Baudouin de Lannoy, ca. 1435 (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Gemaldegalerie, Berlin 24431435Giovanni Arnolfini, ca. 1435 (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Location TBD 24441435A Man from Garafano, ca. 1435 (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Location TBD
24451435Cardinal Niccolo Albergati, ca. 1435 (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Location TBD
24461435A Woman, ca.1435 (attributed to Paolo Uccello) (1397-1475) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.9824471435A Man Praying, ca. 1435 (workshop of Robert Campin) (fl. 1406-1444) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.145.35
24481435138271436Jan de Leeuw, ca. 1436 (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
24491436Joris van der Paele, Canon, ca. 1434-1436, detail from The Virgin and Child (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Groeningemuseum, Bruges64391436138261437A Man, possibly Guillaume Fillastre, ca. 1437 (attributed to Rogier van der Weyden) (1399-1464) Courtauld Institute, London P.1987.XX.486
24501437 A Man, detail of donor from the Dresden Triptych (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden, Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister64401437 A Young Man, ca. 1430-1450 (attributed to Rogier van der Weyden) (ca. 1499-1464) Location TBD 64411437138251438Princess of the House of Este, ca. 1438 (Pisanello) (1395-1455) Musée du Louvre, Paris
24511438138241439Margaret van Eyck, ca. 1439 (Jan van Eyck) (1387-1441) Location TBD
24521439Cosimo di Giovanni de Medici, the Elder, ca. 1438-1440 (Fra Angelico) (ca. 1395-1455) detail from San Marco Altarpiece, Museo San Marco Florence 64421439138231440A Man, ca. 1440 (Jacques Daret) (ca. 1404-1470) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
24531440A Woman, ca. 1440 (attributed to Jacques Daret) (ca. 1404-1470) Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington D.C., HC.P.1923.01.(O)
24541440138221441Leonello Este, ca. 1441 (Pisanello) (1395-1455) Accademia Carrara, Bergamo
24551441Leonello dEste, d. 1447 (by Giovanni da Oriolo) ( fl. 1439-1474 ) The National Gallery, London
24561441138211442138201443138191444A Man and Woman, possibly Ranieri Scolari and Angiola di Bernardo Sapiti, ca. 1440-1444 (Fra Filippo Lippi) (1406-1469) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 89.15.19 earliest surviving double portrait in Italian art24571444138181445Woman, 1445 (Fra Filippo Lippi) (ca. 1406-1469) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
24581445Gonella, Ferrara Court Jester, ca. 1445 (Jean Fouquet) (1420-1481) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1840
24591445A Man, ca. 1445 (Unknown Netherlandish Master) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.2424601445Matteo Olivieri, ca. 1445 (Unknown Italian Master) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 24611445138171446A Carthusian Monk, ca. 1446 (Petrus Christus) (1410-1476) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY24621446Edward Grimston, ca. 1446 (Petrus Christus)(1410-1476) The National Gallery, London 24631446138161447A Donor, ca. 1447 (circle of Dieric Bouts) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.41 24641447A Young Woman, ca. 1441-1447, detail from The Coronation of Mary (Fra Filippo Lippi) (ca. 1406-1469) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze24651447Self-Portrait, ca. 1441-1447,detail from The Coronation of Mary (Fra Filippo Lippi) (ca. 1406-1469) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze24661447138151448138141449A Man and Woman, detail from St. Eligius in his Workshop, 1449 (Petrus Christus) (1425-1476) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 1975.1.11024671449138131450Man holding a ring, ca. 1550 (Unknown Master, follower of Jan van Eyck) The National Gallery, London, NG2602 24681450Marco Barbarigo, ca. 1449-1450 (Unknown Artist, follower of Jan van Eyck) The National Gallery, London, NG696 24691450Francesco de Este ca. 1450-1460, Rogier Van Der Weyden) (1399-1464) Location TBD24701450A Young woman of the Braque Family, ca. 1450 (right panel of Triptych) (Rogier Van Der Weyden) (1399-1464) 24711450Isabella of Portugal, ca. 1450 (Rogier van der Weyden workshop) (1399-1464) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 78.PB.3 24721450Woman (Angela da Siena) (fl. 1447-1556) Museo Correr, Venice 24731450A Woman, ca. 1450 (Paolo Ucello) (1397-1475) Location TBD24741450A Woman, ca. 1450 (Master of the Castello Nativity) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.6 24751450A Young Lady of Fashion, ca. 1450-1465(Paolo Uccello) (1397-1475) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, MA INV1914 24761450Charles VII, King of France, ca. 1450 (Jean Fouquet) (1415-1481) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV. 9106 24771450A Man ca. 1450 (Andrea del Castagno) (1421-1457) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.24781450A Man ca. 1450 (Andrea Mantegna) (1431-1506) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano24791450A Man of the Medici Family, ca. 1450 (style of Andrea Castagno) (1421-1457) Kunsthaus Zürich24801450A Man of the Medici Family, ca. 1450 (style of Andrea Castagno) (1421-1457) Kunsthaus Zürich24811450A Woman, ca. 1450 (Piero della Francesca) (fl. 1437-1492) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston24821450A Man, ca. 1450 (Unknown Artist of the Provençal School) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH 1916:811 24831450A Man with a Glass of Wine, ca. 1450 (Unknown Portuguese Master) Musée du Louvre, Paris 24841450A Young African Man, ca. 1450 by Pisanello (ca. 1395-ca. 1455) Codex Vallardi 2324 Musee du Louvre Paris101311450138121451Gismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, ca. 1451 (Piero della Francesca) (1416-1492) Location TBD24851451Sigismondo Malatesta, The Wolf of Rimini, ca. 1451 (Unknown Artist) Relic Chapel Malatesta Temple Rimini24861451138111452Self-Portrait, ca. 1452 (Jean Fouquet) (1420-1480) Location TBD
24871452138101453Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II enters Constantinople, 1453, by Fausto Zonaro (1854-1929) Location TBD.78971453138091454138081455A Young Man, ca. 1455 (Paolo Uccello) (1397-1475) Musée des Beaux-Arts, Chambéry 24891455A Monk, ca. 1455 (Jean Fouquet) (1420-1481) Location TBD
24901455Philip III Duke of Burgundy, ca. 1455-1460 (Roger van der Weyden) (1399-1464) Location TBD 24911455Isabella of Portugal, Duchess Consort of Burgundy, ca. 1455 (Unknown Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 50.145.1524921455138071456138061457A Young Man, 1455 (Unknown Artist, French Master of 1456) Palais Lichtenstein, Wien24931457Count Georg von Lowenstein, ca. 1457 (Hans Pleydenwurff) (1420-1472)Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nurnberg24941457138051458138041459138031460Charles the Bold, ca. 1460 (Roger van der Weyden) (1399-1464) Location TBD24951460A Woman, ca. 1460 (Roger van der Weyden) (1399-1464) Location TBD 24961460Antoine Bastard of Burgundy, ca. 1460 (Roger van der Weyden) (1399-1464)Museum of Ancient Art, Belgium24971460Jean Gros, ca. 1460-1464 (Roger van der Weyden) (1399-1464) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1933.1051a
24981460A Woman, ca. 1460 (workshop of Rogier van der Weyden) (1399-1464) The National Gallery, London24991460A Man, ca. 1460 (detail from Pietà de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon) ca. (Enguerrand Charonton) (1410-1461) Musée du Louvre, Paris 25001460A Woman, ca. 1460 (Petrus Christus) (1410-1476) Staatlich Museen zu Berlin
25011460A Man, ca. 1460 (Petrus Christus) (1410-1476) The National Gallery, London
25021460Guillaume Juvenal des Ursins (Jean Fouquet) (1420-1480) Musée du Louvre, Paris
25031460Self-Portrait, ca. 1459-1461 (detail from Procession of the Magi) (Benozzo Gozzoli) (c1421-1497) Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Florence
25041460A Man, ca. 1460 (Andrea Mantegna) (1431-1506) National Gallery
25051460Cardinal Lodovico Trevisan, ca. 1460 (Andrea Mantegna) (1431-1506) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin25061460Francesco Sforza, ca. 1460 (Bonifacio Bembo) (fl. 1447-1477) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano
25071460Bianca Maria Sforzaca, ca. 1460 (Bonifacio Bembo) ( fl. 1447-1477) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano
25081460Donor (Priest), ca. 1460 (Aelbert van Ouwater) (fl. Mid-15th cent.) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 17.190.22
25101460138021461A Boy, possibly Francesco Gonzaga, ca. 1460 (Andrea Mantegna) (1431-1506) Museo e Galleria Nazionale di Capodimonte, Napoli
25111461Doge Francesco Foscari, ca. 1461 (Lazzaro Bastiani) (1449-1512) Museo Civico Correr, Venice 25121461138011462A Man, 1462 (Dieric Bouts the Elder) (ca. 1410-ca. 1475) The National Gallery, London 25131462Doge Pasquale Malipiero, ca. 1462 (Gentile Bellini) (ca.1429-1507) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 36.934 25141462138001463137991464Pierre de Beffrement, Comte de Charny, ca. 1464 (attributed to Rogier van der Weyden) (1399-1464) Museo Thyssen-Bornem 25151464Diotisalvi Neroni, 1464 by Mino da Fiesole (ca. 1431-1484) Musee du Louvre, Paris (Photo by Sailko)101371464137981465A Man, ca. 1465 (Dieric Bouts) (c1410-c1475) Location TBD25161465A Woman, ca. 1465 (Antonio Pollaiuolo) (1429-1498) Location TBD 25171465A Man, ca. 1465 (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) Location TBD 25181465A Man, ca. 1465 (Petrus Christus) (1410-1476) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA25191465137971466Battista Sforza, ca. 1465-1466 (Piero della Francesca) (1416-1492) Galleria defli Uffizi, Firenze25201466Federico da Montefeltro, ca. 1465-1466 (Piero della Francesca) (1416-1492) Galleria defli Uffizi, Firenze 25211466Carlo de Medici, 1466 (Andrea Mantegna) (1431-1506) Galleria defli Uffizi, Firenze 25221466137961467A Florentine Woman, 1467 (Unknown Artist) Sothebys Sale N0864525231467137951468Margaret of York, ca. 1467 (Unknown Artist) Musée du Louvre, Paris 25241468137941469Louis XI, King of France, ca. 1469, reigned 1461-1483 (Unknown Artist, French School) Sothebys Old Masters And British Paintings Sale, London, L12033, Lot 9, July 4, 201234851469137931470A Young Man ca. 1470 (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.64525251470A Young Man ca. 1470 (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA, John Johnson Collection 25261470A Young Man, ca. 1470 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Museo della Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 25271470Antoine Bastard of Burgundy at 50, ca. 1470 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden25281470A Man with Arrow, ca. 1470-1475 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) National Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1937.1.42 25291470A Man, ca. 1470 (Hans Memling) (ca. 1433-1494) Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 25301470A Woman, ca. 1470 (Hans Memling) (ca. 1433-1494) Location TBD Paris 25311470A Man, ca. 1470 (Hans Memling) (ca. 1433-1494) Städel Museum, Franfurt am Main 25321470A Woman ca. 1470 (Alesso Baldovinetti) (1425-1499) The National Gallery, London 25331470A Woman, ca. 1470 (Antonio Pollaiuolo) (1429-1498) Location TBD 25341470A Woman, ca. 1470 (Antonio Pollaiuolo) (1429-1498) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 25351470A Woman, ca. 1470 (Piero del Pollaiuolo) (1443-1496) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan 25361470A Woman of the Hofer Family, ca. 1470 (Unknown Swabian Artist) The National Gallery, London NG722 25371470Galeazzo Maria Sforza in Florence, ca. 1470 (Piero Pollaiuolo aka Piero Benci) (1441-1496) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 25381470A Man, ca. 1470 (Hans Memling) (ca. 1433-1494) The Frick Collection, New York, NY, 1968.1.6949991470A Man, ca. 1470 (Unknown South German Artist) Kunstmuseum Basel, INV 204550001470A Young Man, ca. 1470 (Sandro Botticelli) Palazzo Pitti, Galeria Palatina, Firenze 67071470Joan of Portugal, Queen Consort of Castile, ca. 1470 (Unknown Artist) Convento de Jesus Aveiro67081470A Man ca 1470-1475 by Hugo van der Goes101961470137921471Alexander Mornauer, ca. 1464-1488 (Unknown Artist) The National Gallery, London, NG6532 25391471137911472Gilles Joye, 1472 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD25401472Self-Portrait (Fra Filippino Lippi) (1457-1504)Brancacci Chapel, Florence from Dispute with Simon Magus 25411472Young Florentine Man, ca. 1470-1472 (Biagio di Antonio Tucci) (fl.1472-1516) MetNYC 32.100.68 25421472Federico III da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, ca. 1472 detail from Montefeltro Altarpiece (Piero della Francesca) (1415-1592) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano61021472A Man, 1472 (Unknown German Artist) Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen 101451472A Woman, 1472, (Unknown German Artist) Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen101461472137901473A Young Man, ca. 1472-1473 (Francesco del Cossa)(1430-1487) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid25431473A Lady, ca. 1473 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 25441473137891474Joerg Fugger, 1474 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA M.1969.13.P25451474Joerg Fugger, ca. 1474 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Private Collection, MilanoMilano25461474A Boy, ca. 1474 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham, UK25471474Ludovico II Gonzaga, 1474, detail from Camera degli Sposi (Andrea Mantegna)(1431-1506) Palazzo Ducale di Mantova 25481474A Young Man, ca. 1474 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD25491474Rene I of Anjou, 1474, Matheron Diptych (Nicolas Froment) (ca. 1435-1486) Musée du Louvre, Paris25501474Jeanne de Laval, 1474, Matheron Diptych (Nicolas Froment) (ca. 1435-1486) Musée du Louvre, Paris 25511474Simonetta Vespucci at 21, ca. 1474 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD 25521474Simonetta Vespucci, ca. 1474 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD 25531474137881475A Young Man, ca. 1475 (Cosimo Tura) (1430-1495) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY24881475Pope Sixtus IV, ca. 1473-1475 (Justus van Ghent) (ca. 1410-1480) and (Pedro Barruguete) (ca.1450-1504) Louvre, Richelieu, 2nd Floor, Room 6 25541475Condotierre (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) Musée du Louvre, Paris 25551475A Man, ca. 1475 (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie25561475Baruni (Antonello da Messina)(1430-1479) Museo della Fondazione Culturale Mandralisca, (Palermo) 25571475A Man, possibly a Self Portrait (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) The National Gallery, London25581475A Man, ca. 1475 (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) Galleria Borghese, Roma25591475A Man with a pink, ca. 1475 (Hans Memling) (ca. 1433-1494) The Morgan Library and Museum, New York, NY
25601475Jacques of Savoy, ca. 1475 (Unknown Dutch Artist, possibly a copy after lost Hans Memling) (1430-1494) Kunstmuseum Basel, INV457 25611475Cardinal Philippe de Levis, ca. 1475 (Antoniazzo Romano) (1430-1512) Private Collection 25621475An Old Woman, ca. 1468-1470 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, 44.530W 25631475A Young Man, ca. 1475 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) The National Gallery, London25641475A Young Man, ca. 1475 (Baldassare Estense) (1443-1504) Museo Correr, Venice 25651475A Man, ca. 1475 (Alvise Vivarini) (1444-1505) Location TBD 25661475A Man, ca. 1475 (attributed to Alvise Vivarini) (1444-1505) Location TBD 25671475Self-Portrait, from Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1475 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510)25681475A Lady, ca. 1475 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence 25691475A Boy, ca. 1475 (Francesco Botticini) (1446-1497) Christies Auction House 25701475 Lucrezia Tornabuoni, ca. 1475 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1448-1494) Location TBD 25711475A Young Woman, ca. 1475 (Martin Schongauer) (1450-1491) Heinz Kisters Foundation, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland25721475Ludovico Portinari, ca. 1475 (Master of the Legend of St. Ursula) (fl. 1480-1500) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA 25731475A Young Man, ca. 1475 (Unknown Ferrarese Artist) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA, 85.PB.233 25741475Pius Joachim, ca. 1475 (Unknown Bavarian Master) Kinstmuseum Basel Inv. 469 25751475Mary of Burgundy, ca. 1475 (attributed to Michael Pacher) (1430-1498) Heinz Kisters Collection, Kreuzlingen, Thurgau49981475An Old Man, ca. 1475 (Hans Memling) (ca. 1433-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 14.40.64850011475A Lady as St. Catherine, ca. 1475 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg 67091475Testa virile, ca. 1475, attributed to Benedetto da Maiano Philadelphia Art Museum (Photo by Sailko 2014)101361475A Donor Canon and St Jerome ca 1475-1480 by Simon Marmion101901475A Woman ca 1475-1480102181475Mary of Burgundy, ca. 1475-1500, attributed to Niklas Reiser fl. (1498-1512) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG 4400103061475A Lady, ca. 1475, attributed to Sandro Botticelli (1444/45-1510) Private Collection104941475137871476Trivulzio (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) Museo Civico d'Arte Antica, Turin 25761476Francesco II Gonzaga, ca. 1476 (Baldassare Estense) (1432-1504) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
25771476Ginevra de Benci (obverse) 1474-1478 (Leonardo da Vinci) (1452-1519) National Gallery, D.C. 1967.6.1.a 25781476A Young Venetian Man, ca. 1475-1476 (Jacometto) (fl. 1472-1498) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.325791476137861477A Young Man ca. 1485 (Sandro Botticelli or Fra Filippino Lippi) (1445-1510) (1457-1504) National Gallery, Washington D.C., 1937.1.20
25801477Louis of Gruuthuse, ca. 1472-1482 (Unknown Flemish Artist) Groeninge Museum, Bruges25811477137851478A Man (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) Gemaldegalerie, Berlin25821478A Man, 1474 (Antonello da Messina) (1430-1479) Staatliche Museen, Berlin25831478A Young Man, ca. 1475-1480 (Antonello da Messina)(1430-1479) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1937.1.31 25841478A Man, ca. 1478 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Koninklijk Museum Antwerp25851478A Man, ca. 1478 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) The Royal Collection, Windsor 25861478Ursula Tucher, ca. 1478 (Michael Wolgemut) (1434-1519) Staatliche Museen Kassel 25871478Giuliano de Medici, ca. 1478, posthumous (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1952.5.56 25881478A Florentine Man, ca. 1477-1478 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1448-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.67 25891478A Young Man, ca. 1477-1478 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK, WA1850.1525901478A Benedictine Monk, ca. 1478 (Hugo van der Goes) (fl. 1467-1482) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.60.5325911478A Carthusian Monk, ca. 1460-1480 (circle of Dieric Bouts) (ca. 1410-1475) Christies Sale 6360, Lot 1 July 2, 201225921478137841479A Humanist, ca. 1475-1480 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Civiche Raccolte d'Arte, Milan
25931479Giovanni Emo, ca. 1475-1480 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
25941479Children of Gugleimo VIII Paleologo, ca. 1474-1479 (Unknown Artist) Cappella di Santa Margherita Crea25951479Hatshepsut, 5th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom, reigned ca. 1479-1458, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 73821479Thutmose III, 6th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom, reigned ca. 1479-1427 B.C.E., Luxor Museum, Egypt73831479Thutmose III possibly, 6th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom, reigned ca. 1479-1427 B.C.E., Seattle Art Museum, WA 52.7073961480Doge Giovanni Mocenigo, ca. 1480 (Gentile Bellini) (1429-1507) Location TBD25961480Doge Giovanni Mocenigo, ca. 1478-1485 (Gentile Bellini) (1429-1507) The Frick Collection, New York, NY 25971480Simonetta Vespucci, ca. 1480 posthumous (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD25991480A Young Lady, ca. 1480-1490 (follower of Sandro Botticelli) (ca. 1445-1510) National Gallery, London 208226001480Self-Portrait, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) from Triptik von Sir John Donne at National Gallery, London26011480Tomasso Portinari, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 26021480A Lady, ca. 1480 (wife of Tomasso Portinari (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY26031480Willem Moreel, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Musée Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels26041480Barbara van Vlaendenbergh, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD Brussels 26051480Barbara van Vlaendenbergh, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26061480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26071480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26081480A Man, ca. 1480 (attributed to Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, BF44026091480A Young Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26101480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice 26111480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26121480Mehmet II, ca. 1480 (Gentile Bellini)(1429-1507) The National Gallery, London26131480A Young Man, ca. 1480 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Brooklyn Museum, NY, 32.80426141480A Man, ca. 1480 (Hugo van der Goes) (1440-1482) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 26151480A Donor with St. John the Baptist, ca. 1478-1480 (Hugo van der Goes) (1440-1482) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD 26161480A Young Man, ca. 1480 (attributed to Alvise Vivarini) (1442-1505) Location TBD 26171480A Boy, ca. 1476-1480 (Biagio di Antonio) (1446-1516) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1939.1.179
26181480Joos van der Burch (donor detail), ca. 1480 (follower of Gerard David) (1450-1523) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, MA 1906.6.B 26191480Simonetta Vespucci, ca. 1475-1480 (Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Musee Conde Chantilly 26201480Francesco Giamberti, ca. 1480 (Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-C-1368 26211480Young Man Holding a Book, ca. 1485 (Master of the View of Saint-Godule) (fl. 1485) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 26221480A Man, ca. 1480 (Anonymous Master) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26231480A Woman, ca. 1480 (Anonymous Master) MuseoThyssen Bornemisza, Madrid 26241480Giovanni II Bentivoglio, Tyrant of Bologna, ca. 1475-1485 (Ercole de Roberti) (1451-1496) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 26251480Ginevra Bentivoglio, ca. 1475-1485 (Ercole de Roberti) (1451-1496) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.26261480A Man, ca. 1480 (Unknown French Artist) Christies Sale 198626271480An Architect, ca. 1480 (Unknown Bavarian Master) Kunstmuseum Basel, Inv. 1597 26281480A Young Lady, ca. 1480 (Unknown Artist, possibly Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Location TBD49971480Young Man Holding a Book, ca. 1480 (Master of the View of Saint Gudula) (fl. 1485) The National Gallery, London, NG2612 67101480Louis Quarre and Barbe de Croesinck, ca. 1480 (Master of the Embroidered Leaves) Palais des Beaux-arts de Lille 67111480137831481A Boy, ca. 1481-1483 (Pinturicchio) (1454-1513) Gemaldegalerie Dresden26291481John Argyropolous, 1481, detail from "Calling of the Apostles" (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Capella Sistina, Roma26301481137821482A Man, ca. 1481-1482 (Cosimo Rosselli) (1440-1507) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 50.135.126311482A Young Florentine in Bruges, ca. 1482 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1975.1.11226321482137811483A Young Man, ca. 1483 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD 26331483A Young Man, ca. 1483 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.26341483A Young Man with Medallion, ca. 1483 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD 26351483Gian Galeazzo Sforza, Sixth Duke of Milan, ca. 1483 (Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis or Leonardo Da Vinci) (1452-1508) (1452-1519) Location TBD 26361483Cecilia Gallerani, ca. 1483 (Leonardo da Vinci) (1452-1519) National Museum, Krakow 26371483Caterina Sforza, ca. 1480-1483 (Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Pinacoteca Civica di Forli26381483Edward V, King of England and Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York held captive in the tower of London, 1483, by Jean-Paul-Laurents (1838-1921), painted in 1897 (as "Hostages"), Museum of Fine Arts, Lyon.78981483137801484A Benedictine Monk, 1484 (Jan Polack) (??-1519) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26391484137791485Giuliano da Sangallo ca. 1480-1485 (Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 301485Kunigund of Austria, ca. 1485 (Unknown Master) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid26401485A Man, ca. 1480-1490 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 26411485A Man, ca. 1485 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494)Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26421485A Young Man, ca. 1485 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Galleria Corsini, Florence 26431485A Young Woman, ca. 1485-1490 (attributed to Hans Memling)(1433-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 49.7.23 26441485Levinus Memminger, ca. 1485 (Michael Wohlgemut) (1434-1519) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26451485A Lady, ca. 1485 (Neroccio de Landi) (1445-1500) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.26461485Angelo Poliziano with a boy, ca. 1485, detail from "Confirmation of the Franciscan Rule" (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Capella Sassetti, Firenze 26471485Costanza Caetani, ca. 1480-1490 (style of Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) National Gallery, London NG249026481485Self-Portrait, ca. 1485 (Pedro Berruguete) (ca. 1450-1504) Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid 26491485An Old Man, ca. 1485 (Filippino Lippi) (1457-1504) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze26501485A Man, ca. 1485 (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Brooklyn Museum, NY, 54.193 26511485A Boy, ca. 1475-1495 (Jacometto Veneziano) (fl. 1472-1498) The National Gallery, London NG2509 26521485Giovanne, ca. 1485 (Jacometto Veneziano) (fl. 1472-1498) Location TBD 26531485A Young Man, ca. 1485 (Unknown Flemish Artist) San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego 26541485A Venetian Man, ca. 1470-1490 (Unknown French or Dutch Artist) Musées de Châteauroux, France26551485Charles II of Bourbon, ca. 1485 (Master of Moulins possibly Jean Hey) (fl. 1480-1500) Alte Pinakothek, Munich 26561485A Woman, ca. 1485 (Master of the Holy Kinship) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1962.259 26571485A Young Man, ca. 1480's (Unknown French Artist, Master of Moulins, possibly Jean Hey) Lawrence Steigrad Fine Arts 26581485A Young Man in a Red Cap, ca. 1475-1495 (Unknown South German Artist) Portland Art Museum, OR 61.4726591485A Young Man, ca. 1485 (Unknown Artist) Christies Auction House, Sale 725426601485A Pair of Lovers, ca. 1485 (Meister des Hausbuches) (fl. 1475-1500) Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha 26611485Adolph of Cleves, Lord of Revenstein, ca. 1485 (Master of the Portraits of Princes)(fl. 1480-1500) Gemäldegalerie, Berlin62331485137781486A Man, ca. 1480-1500 (attributed to Master of St. Giles) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 25.4826621486A Young man holding a Pink, 1486 (Michael Wohlgemut) (1434-1519) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI, 41.1067121486137771487Martin van Nieuwenhove, ca. 1487 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD26631487A Man, ca. 1487 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Location TBD 26641487A Young Man, ca. 1487 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Upton House, Banbury 26651487Francesco Sassetti with boy, ca. 1487 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1448-1494) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 49.7.7 26661487A Man, possibly Giovanni Capello, 1487 (Francesco Bonsignori) (fl. 1455-1519) National Gallery, London NG736 26671487A Man, 1487 (Wolfgang Breuer) (??-??) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Inv. 1935.15 26681487A Man, ca. 1487 (Unknown North Italian Artist) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., 1939.1.357
26691487A Musician, ca. 1487 (attributed to Filippino Lippi) (ca. 1457-1504) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, NGI47049961487137761488Giovanna Tornabuoni, ca. 1488 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26701488A Young Woman, possibly Giovanna Tornabuoni, ca. 1485-1488 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Tokyo Fuji Art Museum 26711488A Man, presumed Self-Portrait, 1488 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) detail from Adoration of the Magi Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence26721488Lorenzo di Credi, ca. 1488 (Pietro Perugino) (1450-1523) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1942.9.38 26731488A Young Woman, ca. 1488 (Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Location TBD Berlin26741488A Boy, 1488 (Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston 26751488A Man, possibly Matteo di Sebastiano di Bernardino Gozzadini, ca. 1485-1494 (attributed to Maestro delle Storie del Pane) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 1975.1.95, 9626761488Ginevra di Antonio Lupari Gozzadini, ca. 1485-1494 (attributed to Maestro delle Storie del Pane) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1975.1.95, 96 26771488137751489 A Young Man, ca. 1485-1490 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.26781489Djem, son of Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, ca. 1489 (Pinturicchio) (1454-1513) Location TBD
26791489137741490A Man 81490A Man with Child (Donor), ca. 1490 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României26801490A Woman (Donor with Dog), ca. 1490 (Hans Memling) (1433-1494) Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României26811490A Man, ca. 1490 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Private Collection26821490A Man and his Grandson, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Musée du Louvre, Paris 26831490A Young Man, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Musée du Louvre, Paris 26841490A Young Man, ca. 1480-1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) The National Gallery, London, NG248926851490A Young Man, ca. 1490 (Davide Ghirlandaio) (1452-1525) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie26861490A Young Man, called Piero Lorenzo de Medici, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Location TBD26871490A Man, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI 53.486 26881490A Woman, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 26891490A Young Woman, ca. 1485-1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon Inv. 282 26901490A Girl, ca. 1490 (Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Location TBD 26911490A Lady, ca. 1490 (follower of Domenico Ghirlandaio) (1449-1494) Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT26921490A Lady, ca. 1490 (Benedetto Ghirlandaio) (1458-1497) Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN26931490Beatrice d’Este, ca. 1490 (Ambrogio Da Predis/Leonardo da Vinci) (1452-1508) (1452-1519) Location TBD 26941490A Man, ca. 1490 (Musician) (Leonardo Da Vinci) (1452-1519) Pinacoteca Ambrosiana Milan 26951490A Milanese Lady, "la belle Ferroniere", ca. 1490 (Leonardo da Vinci) Musée du Louvre, Paris 26961490A Man, ca. 1480-1500 (Giovanni Bellini) (1459-1516) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 134426971490A Young Man, ca. 1490-1510 (Vincenzo Catena) (1470-1531) The National Gallery, London, NG112126981490A Young Man, ca. 1490 (Andrea Solario) (1460-1524) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 26991490A Man from Bentivoglio Family, possibly Giovanni ca. 1490 (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Location TBD 27001490A Woman (detail) 1485-1490 (Geertgen tot Sint Jans) (1465-1495) Location TBD 27011490A Novice of the Order of San Secondo (Jacometto Veneziano) (fl. 1472-1497) Cleveland Museum of Art 1976.9
27021490Barbara Dürer, the Artists Mother, ca. 1490-1493 (Albrecht Dürer) (1472-1528) Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg 27031490A Woman, ca. 1480-1500 (Master of the Legend of St. Ursula) fl 1480-1500 Museum Mayer van der Bergh, Antwerp 27041490Philip I the Handsome, ca. 1490 (attributed to the Master of the Legend of Mary Magdalene) (fl. 1490-1525) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27051490A Man (Cleric), ca. 1490 (Bruges Master) Rhode Island School of Design, Providence 45.04227061490A Young Woman, possibly Anne de Dreux, ca. 1490 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 27071490137731491Alessandro de Richao, 1491 (Filippo Mazzola) (ca. 1460-1505) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
27081491A Man with Red Beret, ca. 1490-1493 (Vittore Carpaccio) (1465-1526) Location TBD 27091491A Lady, ca. 1491 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD 27101491Margaret of Austria at around 10, ca. 1491 (Jean Hay-Master of Moulins) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1975.1.13027111491A Man, 1491 (Unknown Upper Rhenish Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 23.255 27121491137721492Alvise Contarini, ca. 1492 (Jacometto Veneziano) (fl 1472-1497) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY27131492A Woman, possibly a Benedictine Nun from San Secondo (Jacometto Veneziano) (fl 1472-1497) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY27141492A Man, ca. 1492 (Luca Signorelli) (1450-1523)Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 27151492The capitulation of Granada, 2 January, 1492, by Francisco Pradilla Ortiz (1848-1921) painted in 1882 Bonhams Auction.78991492137711493Empress Bianca Maria Sforza (Ambrogio de Predis) (1452-1508) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 27161493Empress Bianca Maria Sforza, ca. 1493 (Ambrogio de Predis)(1452-1508) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1942.9.53 27171493A Young Man, ca. 1492-1493 (Luca Signorelli) (1470-1523) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA John G. Johnson Collection 27181493Self-Portrait (Albrecht Durer) (1471-1528) Location TBD27191493Peter II, Duke of Bourbon, ca. 1493 (Jean Hay) (fl. 1475-1505) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27201493Suzanne de Bourbon, ca. 1493, right wing of Bourbon Triptych (Master of Moulins, Jean Hey) (fl. 1480-1500) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27211493137701494Francesco delle Opere, ca. 1494 (Pietro Perugino) (1446-1524) Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence 27221494A Girl, ca. 1491-1495 (attributed to Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 91.26.5 27231494Francesco di Bartolomeo Archinto, 1494 (Unknown Artist, possibly Marco de Oggiono or Ambrogio de Predis) The National Gallery, London, NG 166527241494Dauphin Charles-Orlant, ca. 1494 (Master of Moulins) (fl. 1480-1500) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27251494A Young Woman as Artemesia(attributed to Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Mattioli Collezione, Milano60881494French troops under Charles VIII entering Florence, November 17th, 1494, by Francesco Granacci (1469-1543) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze.79001494137691495Giovanni Francesco Brivio, ca. 1495 (Vicenzo Foppa) (ca. 1427-1515) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano Inv. 1648 27261495A Man, ca. 1495 (Alvise Vivarini) (1442-1505) National Gallery of Art , Washington D.C. 1939.1.355 27271495A Woman, ca. 1495 (attributed to Piero del Pollaiolo) (1443-1496) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, P16w7 27281495Lorenzo di ser Piero Lorenzo, ca. 1495 (Sandro Boticelli) (1445-1510) Location TBD27291495A Young Man (detail), ca. 1495 (Pietro Perugino) (1446-1524) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 27301495Vitellozzo Vitelli, ca. 1495 (Luca Signorelli) (1450-1523) Location TBD 27311495A Young Woman, possibly Selvaggia Sassetti, ca. 1495 (Davide Ghirlandaio) (1452-1525) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.71 27321495A Lady, ca. 1495-1500 (Ambrogio de Predis) (1455-1508) The National Gallery, London NG5752 27331495A Young Man, ca. 1485-1500 (Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Location TBD27341495A Woman, ca. 1495 (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Location TBD27351495A Woman, ca. 1495 (Vittore Carpaccio) (1465-1526) Location TBD27361495Young Man, ca. 1495 (Raffaelino del Garbo) (ca. 1466-1527) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 27371495A Woman, ca. 1495 (Vittore Carpaccio) (ca. 1466-1527 Denver Art Museum, CO The Kress Collection, 1961.168 27381495Gerolamo Casio, ca. 1495 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan27391495A Youth, ca. 1495-1498 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) National Gallery of Art , Washington D.C. 1946.19.2 27411495A Man, ca. 1495 (Andrea Solari) (1465-1524) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 11.1450
27421495A Man, ca. 1495 (Andrea Solari) (1465-1515) The National Gallery, London
27431495A Man, possibly Giulio Mellini, ca. 1495 (Marco Marziale) (fl. 1493-1507) Musée du Louvre, Paris
27441495A Lady, ca. 1495 (Master Baldraccani) (fl. 1480-1510) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University, UK27451495Mary of Burgundy, ca. 1475-1500, possibly posthumous (Unknown Flemish Artist) Musée Condé, Chantilly
27461495A Man, ca. 1495 (half of diptych) (Unknown Flemish Master) Courtauld Institute Galleries, London
27471495Young Man, ca. 1495 (Unknown French/Burgundian Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.115
27481495A Woman, ca. 1495 (Uknown Artist/ Cologne) The National Gallery, London NG2670
27491495Rodolfo Gonzaga, ca. 1490-1495 (Unknown Mantuan Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.11
27501495Margaret of Austria, ca. 1492-1495 (attributed to the Master of the Legend of Mary Magdalene) (fl. 1490-1525) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 2259
27511495Fra Luca Pacioli and possibly Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, 1495 (UA possibly Jacopo de Barbari) (1440-1515) Museo di Capodimonte, Naples28031495Albert III the Bold, Duke of Saxony, ca. 1495 (Unknown Artist) Der Kurfürstenzug, Dresden67041495A Man, ca. 1495 (Antonello de Saliba) (ca. 1466-1535) Pushkin Museum, Moscow68251495Francesco II Gonzaga (10 August 1466 – 29 March 1519) Marquess of Mantua ca 1490-1499, by Andrea-Mantegna (ca. 1431-1506) 101291495A Boy of the Bentivoglio family, ca. 1495, attributed to Bernardino de Conti, Location TBD101441495137681496A Man, allegedlly Giovanni de' Medici, ca. 1496 (Filippino Lippi) (1457-1504) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 27521496Jacob Obrecht at 38 years old, 1496 (Unknown Flemish or French Artist) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX AP 1993.02 27531496Juana the Mad, ca. 1496 (Master of Mary Magdelene) Location TBD 27541496Juana the Mad, ca. 1500 (Master of the Life of St. Joseph) Location TBD 27551496An Infanta (possibly Catherine of Aragon or Juana de Castille), ca. 1496 (Juan de Flandes) Location TBD27561496Self-Portrait, ca. 1497-1500 (Pietro Perugino) (1448-1523) Collegio del Cambio, Perugia27581496137671497A Man, ca. 1497 (Alvise Vivarini) (1445-1505) The National Gallery, London27571497A Florentine Woman, ca. 1497 (Lorenzo di Credi) (1456-1536) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.86.5
27591497A Lady, ca. 1495-1497 (Vittore Carpaccio) (1465-1526) Galleria Borghese, Roma27601497A Young Furleger, 1497 (Albrecht Dürer) (1472-1528) Location TBD27611497Lady Furleger, 1497 (Albrecht Dürer) (1472-1528) Location TBD 27621497Self-Portrait with Artist’s Wife, ca. 1497 (Unknown Flemish Master) Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp 27631497Altobello Averoldo, ca. 1497 (Amico Aspertini) (ca. 1475-1555) Location TBD61091497A Man with Lute and Letter, 1497 (Bernardino de Conti) (ca. 1470-1523) Jacques Goudstikker Collection, Location TBD68241497137661498A Man (Matteo Sass…), ca. 1498 (Fra Bartolomeo) (1473-1517) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.827641498A Young Man, ca. 1490-1500 (Sandro Botticelli) (1445-1510) Musée du Louvre, Paris 27651498Francesco II Sforza, ca. 1498 (Ambrogio de Predis or Marco de Oggiono) (1455-1508)(ca. 1470-1549) Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery BAG46137 27661498Self-Portrait, 1498 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P02179 27671498Girolamo Savonarola, ca. 1498 (Fra Bartolomeo) (1472-1517) Museo di San Marco, Firenze27681498137651499Isabella of Castile, ca. 1499 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD
27691499Isabella of Castile, ca. 1500 (attributed to Juan de Flandes) Location TBD
27701499Jörg Ketzler of Nürnberg at 28 years old, 1499 (Jakob Elsner) (ca. 1460-1517) Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg
27711499Ferdinand of Aragon, c. 1500 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD
27721499A Man as St. Sebastian, ca. 1499 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Galleria dell'Accademia Carrara, Bergamo
27731499Felicitas Tucher nee Rieter, 1499 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Schlossmuseum Weimar
27741499Elsbeth Tucher, ca. 1499 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister, Kassel Inv. Nr. GK6
27751499Oswolt Krel Albrecht Dürer Alte Pinakothek München
27761499137641500Catherine Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus51500A Man with Dividers61500A Dominican Friar71500A Young Man91500A Venetian Gentleman101500A Man111500A Man121500A Man131500A Young Venetian Senator Man141500A Man, ca. 1500 (attributed to Pietro Perugino) (1446-1524) The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 151500A Young Man161500Massimiliano Sforza171500A Young Woman possibly Bona Sforza Countess of San Giovanni in Croce 181500A Young Man 191500A Lady, ca. 1500 (Bernardino Zaganelli da Cotignola) (1460-1510) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien GE935 201500Philip I the Fair (Pieter van Coninxloo (fl. 1479-1513) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-2854211500Philip I the Fair (Juan de Flandes) (1460-1519) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3872 221500A Young Man ca. (Giovanni Mansueti) (1460-1527) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_107 231500Young Man, ca. (Giovanni Mansueti) (ca. 1460-1527) Portland Art Museum, Oregon 61.33241500Maximilian I, ca. 1500-1510 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_922 251500Maximilian I “before 1508” (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_4403 261500Maximilian I “ca. 1507” (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2599 271500Maximilian I “ca. 1507” (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_4401 281500Maximilian I, ca. 1500-1510 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Christie's Auction House, Sale 5823, Lot 31 291500A Man, ca. 1500 (Raffaelino del Garbo) (ca. 1466-1524) National Gallery, London NG3101311500A Lady as St Lucy, ca. 1500 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 321500A Woman, ca. 1500 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Lichtenstein Museum, Vienna331500A Man, possibly Gerolamo Casioa, ca. 1500 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) National Gallery, London NG3916 341500Henry VII, ca. 1500 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD351500A Man, ca. 1500 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 69.PB.9 361500A Man, ca. 1500 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Location TBD371500A Man, ca. 1500 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Philadelphia Museum of Art John G. Johnson Collection Cat. 179 381500A Young Man “1495-1500” (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) National Gallery, London 2498 391500Self-Portrait at 28, 1500 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Alte Pinakothek, München 401500Frederick the Wise, ca. 1500 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) GGBerlin 411500Tommaso Raimondi, ca. 1500 (Amico Aspertini) (1475-1552) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 421500A Man, ca. 1500 (Andreas Solari) (1475-1515) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan 431500A German Man, ca. 1497-1500 (Jacopo de Barbieri) (ca. 1475-1516) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 441500A Young Woman, ca. 1500 (attrib. Francesco Pietro Bissolo) (1478-1554) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA 53.28.17 451500A Man, “1500-1505” (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2985 461500A Man, ca. 1500 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1461) Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 1112471500Elizabeth of York, Queen Consort of England, ca. 1500 (UA) National Gallery, London NG 311481500Arthur, Prince of Wales, ca. 1500 (Unknown Artist) Royal Collection, UK 491500James IV Stewart, King of Scotland, ca. 1500 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 501500A Lady, ca. 1500 (Unknown French Artist) KHMV GG_6981 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 511500A Monk, ca. 1500 (Unknown French Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City 37.155 521500A Man, ca. 1500 (Unknown Artist) Cleveland Museum of Art 1963.503 531500A Man, ca. 1500 (Unknown Venetian Artist ) Kunsthistorisches Museum, WienGG_5616 541500A Man, ca. 1500 (Unknown Venetian Artist) National Gallery London, NG2095 551500Albert IV Duke of Bavaria, ca. 1500 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 561500Philip I the Fair, ca. 1498-1500 ( attributed to the Master of the Legend of Mary Magdalene) (fl. 1490-1525) Musée du Louvre, Inv. 208516431500Gerolamo Casio, ca. 1500 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (1467-1516) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 27401500A Young Man, ca. 1500 (Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, 258 59511500A Boy, ca. 1500 (attributed to Piero di Cosimo) (1462-1521) Museo Nacionale de San Carlos, Cuidade de Mexico59521500A Young Man, ca. 1500 (Andrea Previtali) (ca. 1470-1528) Pinacoteca della Accademia dei Concordi, Rovigo60251500Bartolomeo Bianchini, ca. 1485-1500 (Francesco Francia) (ca. 1447-1517) Location TBD61101500La Parisienne, Minoan Fresco from Knossos, Crete, ca. 1500 BCE, Archaeological Museum of Heraklion73951500Wadj Shemsi Su, early 18th Dynasty, ca. 1500-1425 B.C.E., Princeton University Art Museum, 1998-37, (Photo: Bruce M. White)74131500Beardless young man ca. 1500 attributed to Lucas Cranach the Younger 1472-1553 Hessische Hausstifung78591500Man 1500 by Albrecht Durer80691501A Man, ca. 1501 (Ambrogio de Predis) (1455-1508) Uffizi, Florence 571501Doge Agostino Barbarigo, ca. 1501 (attrib. Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530)Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 581501Maximilian I, ca. 1502 (Ambrogio de Predis) (1455-1508) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_4431 591501Alvise de Franceschi, 1500-1510 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Sotheby's Sale N08712601501Doctor Cesare de Milio, 1501 (Lombard School, possibly Bernardino de Conti) (ca. 1470-1523) Musei Civici dei Pavia63721501Columbus before Ferdinand and Isabella at the Alhambra, ca. 1501, by Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (1816-1868) painted in 1843, Brooklyn Museum, NY.79011501137631502 Johannes Cuspinian, ca. "1502-1503" (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553)Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Winterhur 611502Anna Cuspinian, 1502 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Winterhur 621502Francesco Maria I della Rovere, ca. 1502 (attrib. Giorgione) (1477-1510) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_10 631502A Man (recto), ca. 1502 (Andrea Previtali) (1480-1528) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan 641502A Man, ca. 1502 (Raphael Sanzo) (1483-1520) Galleria Borghese, Roma 651502Man ca. 1502-1504 attributed to Raphael Liechtenstein Museum Vienna80711502137621503Doge Leonardo Loredan, ca. 1503 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) National Gallery, London661503A Jurist, 1503 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg 671503Perugino, ca. 1503(Lorenzo di Credi) (1459-1537) Uffizi 681503Catherine of Aragon “1503-1504” (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5612 691503Catherine of Aragon, ca. 1503 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_7046 701503Hieronymus II Haller zu Kalchreuth, ca. 1503 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Alte Pinakothek Munich, WAF_1066.jpg67131503Lady ca. 1503 attributed to Piero di Cosimo Galleria Palatina Palazzo Pitti80681503137611504A Woman, possibly Beatrice II d’Este, ca. 1503 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (1470-1531) Snite Museum of Art Cat. 10 711504A Young Lady “1500-1510” (attrib. Bartolomeo Veneto) (1470-1531) NGL NG2507721504A Young Man, ca. 1503 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) SMB 731504Elisabetta Gonzaga, ca. 1504 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Uffizi 741504Guidobaldo Montefeltro, ca. 1504 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Location TBD751504Pietro Bembo, ca. 1504 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 761504Emilia Pia da Montefeltre “1502-1504” (Raphael) (1483-1520) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore 771504Charles d Amboise 1504 by Bernardino di Conti Varallo Pinacote ca. Palazzo Dei Musei80671504137601505 A Young Man, ca. 1505 (Jacopo de’ Barbari) (1440-1516) Kunsthistorisches Museum, WienGG_7719 781505A Man, ca. 1505 (Jan Joest) (1450-1519) Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg791505Giovanni Cristoforo Longoni, 1505 (Andrea Solario) (ca. 1460-1524) The National Gallery, London, NG734 801505A Gypsy Girl ca. 1505 Boccaccio Boccaccino 1460-1525 Uffizi Florence811505A Woman with Dog, ca. 1505 (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Location TBD821505A Woman, ca. "1500-1510" (Lorenzo Costa) (1460-1535) Location TBD831505A Woman Donor, ca. 1505 (Jan Provost) (1465-1529) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 841505A Youth 1500-1510 Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio ca. 1467-1516 Timken Museum Young Boy 851505A Young Man, ca. 1500-1510 (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio) (ca. 1467-1516) Collezione Borromeo, Isola Bella 861505A Man, ca. 1505 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Location TBD871505A Young Man ca. 1505 Marco Basaiti 1470-1530 Museo Correr Venice 881505A Man, ca. 1500-1510 (attrib. Vicenzo Catena) (ca. 1470-1531) Dorotheum Sale 4/13/2011 Lot 634891505A Venetian Woman , ca. 1505 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6440 901505 Woman “1500-1505” (Amico Aspertini) (1474-1552) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1621 911505Coloman Helmschmid & Agnes Breu, ca. 1505 (Jorg Breu the Elder) (1475-1537) Location TBD 921505Jacob Jansz. van der Meer, ca. 1505 (Jan Mostaert) (ca. 1475-1553) Statens Museum for Kunst, København 931505A Young Man ca. 1505 attributed to Giuliano Bugiardini 1475-1554 Christie's Fine Art Auction Sale 7743 Lot 17941505A Man, ca. 1505 (Martin Schaffner) (ca. 1477-1548) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Inv. 366 1929.22 951505A Woman, ca. 1505 (Martin Schaffner) (ca. 1477-1548) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA, Inv. 733 961505A Man, ca. 1505 (Hans Leonhard Schaufelein) (1480-1540) Galleria Borghese, Roma 971505A Man, 1505 (Leonhard Beck?) (1480-1542) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2182 981505Bishop Bernardo de Rossi, ca. 1505 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Museo Nazionale Capodimonte, Napoli 991505A Young Man, ca. 1505 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Uffizi 1001505Francesco Maria della Rovere, ca. 1505 (Raphael) (1483-15200) Location TBD1011505A Woman, ca. 1505 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria Borghese, Roma 1021505Eleanora Gonzaga?, "the Boston Raphael", ca. 1505 (attrib. Raphael) (1483-1520) siezed by the Italian Government 1031505A Man, ca. 1505 (circle of Raphael) (1483-1520) Getty Center, Los Angeles 78.PB.364 1041505A Gentleman, ca. 1505 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) AIC 1933.1009 1051505Catellano Trivulsio at 26 y.o., 1505 (Bernardino de’Conti) (fl. 1494-1522) Brooklyn Museum, New York 21.141 1061505A Lady, ca. 1505 (Bernardino di Conti) (1470-1523) Huntington Museum, CA1071505A Man, ca. 1500-1510 (attrib. Ansano de Michele Ciampanti) (fl. 1470-1510) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan, Sala del Perugino1081505A Young Venetian Man, ca. 1505 (UA Venetian) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.1091505Philip the Fair and Juana the Mad (Master of the Joseph Legend)Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België45461505Evangelista Scappi, ca. 1505 (Francesco Francia) (1450-1517) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze60371505Altobello Averoldo, ca. 1505 (Francesco Francia) (ca. 1447-1517) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Kress Collection, 1952.5.6460501505Man,1505, by Amico_Aspertini (ca. 1474-1552) Stadel Gallery, Frankfurt80801505Man with Pink ca. 1500-1510 by Quentin Massys Art Institute of Chicago80721505Woman ca. 150580761505A Smiling Woman, 1505, by Albrecht Durer101261505Cardinal Ippolito d’Este, ca. 1505, by Bartolomeo Veneto (1470-1531) Dorotheum, Vienna105061505137591506Charles d’Amboise before 1507 Andrea Solario 1460-1524 Louvre 1101506Charles d’Amboise, ca 1505 (Bernardino di Conti) Seattle Art Museum 1111506A Venetian Woman, ca. 1506 (AlbrechtDürer) (1472-1528) Location TBD1121506A Young Man, 1506 (Hans Burgkmair the Elder) (1473-1531) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6944 1131506A Young Woman “Laura”, ca. 1506 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_31 1141506A Woman ca. 1506 Lorenzo Lotto 1480-1556 Musée des beaux-arts Dijon France 1151506A Woman 1505-1506 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze 1161506Agnono Doni, ca. 1506 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze 1171506Maddalena Doni ca. 1506 Raphael 1483-1520 Palazzo Pitti Galleria Palatina Firenze Florence Italy1181506A Man with jewel, ca. 1506 (attrib. Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Location TBD1191506An Italian Woman, ca. 1506 (UA s.o. Dürer) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.27 1201506Thutmose I possibly, 3rd Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1506-1493, Amun-Ra Temple, Karnak, The Brititsh Museum, London, 1907.0713.4 (Photo: Capt. Mondo)74011506Juana of Castille holding vigil over the coffin of her husband Philip the Fair, September-October 1506, by Francisco Pradilla Ortiz 1848-1921, painted in 1877, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.79021506Self-Portrait with two men 1506 detail from Feast of Rose Garlands by Albrecht Durer 1471-1528 National Gallery Prague O155280741506Young Man 1506 by Durer80771507A Procurator (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Tokyo Fuji Art Museum 1211507Heinrich Graff von Mecklenburg, 1507 (attrib. Jacopo de' Barbari) (ca. 1440-1515) Mauritshuis, Den Haag, 898 1221507Mona Lisa ca. 1507 Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519 Louvre Paris 1231507Mona Lisa copy ca. 1507 Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519 The State Hermitage St. Petersburg Russia1241507Mona Lisa La Gioconda 1st qtr 16th c.” (copy after Leonardo da Vinci) (1452-1519) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00504 1251507A Young Woman, 1507 (Albrecht Dürer) (1472-1528) Location TBD 1261507Barbara Schellenberger “1505-1507” (Hans Burgkmair) (1473-1531) Wallraf Richartz Museum, Köln 1271507Hans Schellenberger “1505-1507” (Hans Burgkmair) (1473-1531)Wallraf Richartz Museum, Köln 1281507A Man, ca. 1507 (Hans Leonard Schaufelein) (1480-1540) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1937.1.66 1291507A Woman “1507-1508”(La Muta) (Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Palazzo Ducale, Urbino 1301507Young Man 1507 by Albrecht Durer 1471-1528 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG 84980781507137581508Battista Fiera, ca. 1507-1508 (Lorenzo Costa) (c1460-1535) The National Gallery, London NG20831311508A Man, ca. 1508 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY1321508A Man, ca. 1508 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) San Diego Museum of Art, CA 1331508An Old Woman , ca. 1508 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venezia1341508A Young Man, ca. 1508 Lorenzo Lotto 1480-1556 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG_214 Vienna Austria1351508A Young Woman ca. 1508 Girolamo di Benvenuto 1470-1525 Location TBD1361508A Man, ca. 1508 (Girolamo di Benvenuto) (1470-1525) Christie's Sale 7862 Lot 341371508Maximilian Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor and Family ca. 1508 by Bernhard Strigel Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien89311508A Young Man, ca. 1505-1510 (attributed to Bernardino de Conti) (ca. 1470-1522) Collezione Borromeo, Isola Bella60211508A Young Woman, ca. 1505-1510 (attributed to Bernardino de Conti) (ca. 1470-1522) Collezione Borromeo, Isola Bella60221508Self Portrait 1508 detail from MArtyrdom of the Ten Thousand Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna80751508137571509Johann the Steadfast, diptych, 1509 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The National Gallery, London Room 41381509Johann the Magnanimous, diptych, 1509 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The National Gallery, London Room 41391509Georg Spalatin, 1509(Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig
1401509Young Woman, ca. 1509 (Giorgione Castelfranco) (1477-1510) Location TBD 1411509Bernardo di Salla, ca. 1509 (attributed to Giovanni Francesco Caroto) (1480-1555)Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 885 1421509A Woman, ca. 1505-1510 (Giovanni Francesco Caroto) (1480-1555) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 894 1431509A Woman, 1509 (attributed to Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze Galleria Palatina, n. 2241441509A Young Man, ca. 1509 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) The Royal Collection, Windsor Castle 1451509A Young Man, 1509 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) Private Collection Simon Goodman? 1461509Self-Portrait, ca. 1509 (Lucas van Leyden) (1494-1533)Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig 1471509Vladislaus II Jagiellon, ca. 1509 (Master of Litoměřice Altarpiece) Location TBD45471509Queen Anne de Foix-Candale, ca. 1509 (Master of Litoměřice Altarpiece) Location TBD 45481509Christoph von Scheurl, 1509 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Cranachhaus Wittenburg63741509Markgraf Christoph I von Baden ca. 1509-1510 by Hans Baldung 1485-1545 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe INv No 8880731509137561510A Venetian Nobleman, ca. 1510 (attributed to Vittore Carpaccio) (1455-1526) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1965.1.012.P1481510A Goldsmith ca. 1505-1510 (Gerard David) (1460-1523) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_970 1491510Katharina Schwarz, ca. 1509-1510 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (ca. 1460-1524) Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha 1501510Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1510 (Joos van Cleve) (1464-??) Location TBD1511510Francesco Melzi ca. 1510 Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio 1467-1516 Location TBD1521510A Man in armour, ca. 1510 (attributed to Francesco Granacci) (1469-1543) The National Gallery, London NG895 1531510A Man, ca. 1510 (Bernardino di Conti) (1470-1522) Location TBD1541510A Young Man, ca. 1508-1510 (Andrea Previtali) (1470-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_907 1551510Giambattista Memmo, ca. 1510 (Vincenzo Catena) (ca. 1470-1531) Lowe Art Museum, Miami 1561510Gian Giorgio Trissino, 1510 (Vincenzo Catena) (ca. 1470-1531) Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza 1571510A Woman ca. 1510 (Andrea Solari) (1475-1515) Galleria Borghese, Roma OP 1581510A Woman, “The Nun”, ca. 1506-1510 (Giuliano Bugiardini) (1475-1554) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze1591510A Youth, possibly Antonio Broccardo, ca. 1510 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest1601510A Venetian Gentleman, ca. 1510 (Giorgione) (1477-1510) (Titian) (ca. 1488-1567) Location TBD 1939.1.258 Kress Collection1611510Two Youths ca. 1510 attrib Giorgione) (1477-1510) Palazzo Corsini, Firenze1621510A Young Man, ca. 1510 (circle of Giorgione) (1477-1510) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano Inv. 45791631510Man, ca. 1510 (Jan Mabuse) (ca. 1478-1532) Location TBD 1641510A Young Benedictine Monk, ca. 1510 (Giovanni Francesco Caroto) (ca. 1480-1555) Museo Civico di Castelvecchio, Verona 1651510Piero di Domenico Pagni, ca. 1510 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Haggerty Museum, Milwakee, WI 2000.41661510A Man, ca. 1510 (attrib. Franciabigio) (1484-1525) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 517 src:?1671510Federigo Gonzaga, 1510 (Francesco Francia) (fl. 1482-1518) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.638 1681510A Man, ca. 1508-1510 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (fl.1502-1546) Private Collection 1691510A Young Man, ca. 1510 (Franciabigio) (1484-1525) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 1701510Jan van Egmond, ca. 1510 (Unknown Northern Netherlandish Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY.100.122 1711510Magdalena van Werdenburg ca. 1510 (Unknown Northern Netherlandish Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 32.100.118 1721510A Man with Rosary, ca. 1505-1510 (Master of the Beheading of St. John) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_56241731510A Young Man ca. 1510 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3371741510A Lady from the Trivulzio Family, ca. 1510 (Bernardino di Conti) (1470-1522) Christie's Auction House, Sale January 201312631510A Gentleman from the Trivulzio Family, ca. 1510 (Bernardino di Conti) (1470-1522) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI, 38.80 12641510A Knight, ca. 1510 (Vittore Carpaccio) (1465-1526) Madrid45491510A Man, possibly Girolamo Benivieni, ca. 1510 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) The Clark Art Institute, Willliamstown, MA, 1955.93946621510Baccio Bandinelli, ca. 1510-1515 (attributed to Andrea del Sarto) (1486-1531) Location TBD59681510A Boy, ca. 1500-1510 (attributed to Giorgione) (1477-1510) Felder Old Master Paintings, London60381510A Gentleman, ca. 1510 (attributed to Marco Basaiti) (ca. 1470-1530) Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, RI , 16.235 61171510A Woman, ca. 1510 (Giuliano Bugiardini) (1475-1554) Dorotheum Action House, Vienna 61181510Pope Julius and Entourage ca 1510-1512 by Raphael Heliodorus Rooms Vatican80891510Lovers ca. 1510-1515 attributed to Titian Royal Collection UK JS6589341510Ermes Visconti detail of Life of St Maurice ca 1510 by Bernardino Luini San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore Milano101911510A Jester ca 1510 attributed to Jacob Cornelisz van Oostanen Davis Museum and Cultural Center101931510A Young Woman ca 1510 by Bartolomeo Veneto102211510137551511A Man ca. 1511 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD1751511Pope Julius II “1511-1512” (Raphael) (1483-1520) The National Gallery, London 1761511Pope Julius II, 1503-1513 ca. 1511-1512 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze1771511A Cardinal “1510-1511”(Raphael) (1483-1520) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 1781511A Young Man ca. 1511 Raphael 1483-1520 Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich, Krakow Poland1791511Jakob Meyer zum Pfeil, 1511 (Oberrheinischer Meister) Kunstmuseum Basel, Inv. 21 1801511Self-Portrait, 1511, detail, from the Landauer Altar, (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 62341511Man in Armour 1511 detail from Landauer Altar by Albrecht Durer 1471-152880881511Woman detail 1511 from Martyrdom of 10000 by Durer 1471-152880901511137541512Alberto III Pio, ca. 1512 (Bernardino Loschi) (1460-1540) Location TBD1811512An Astronomer, Copernicus?, 1512 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Location TBD 1821512Man (“Banker”) “1509-1512” (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 70.PA.29 1831512Ferry Carondelet, ca. 1512 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 1841512Woman, ca. 1512 (La Fornarina), d. (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 1851512Pietro Aretino, ca. 1512 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD1861512Ludovico Ariosto, ca. 1512 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD1871512La schiavone, ca. 1512 (Titian) (1488-1576) The National Gallery, London 1881512Giovanni Bellini, ca. 1511-1512 (Titian) (ca 1488-1576) Location TBD 1891512Man & Wife, 1512 (Ulrich Apt the Elder) (fl.1481-1532) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 12.115 1901512Man “1510-1512” (Bartolomeo Veneto) (fl. 1502-1546) Galleria Borghese, Roma 1911512Man, Self-Portrait?, 1512 (Domenico Capriolo) (ca. 1494-1528) The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 1921512Alessandro Farnese, future Pope Paul III, ca. 1512 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli 59171512Self Portrait, in Swiss Guard costume, detail from the Mass at Bolsena fresco, ca. 1512 (Raphael) (1480-1520) Stanza di Eliodoro, Apostolic Palace, Vatican, Rome60361512Pope Julius II 1512 detail from Messa di bolsena by Raphael Vatican80841512A Man ca 1512-1513 by Hans Baldung101971512A Man in Armor ca 1512 by Sebastiano del Piombo Wadsworth Athenaeum 1960.119101991512Death of Gaston de Foix at the Battle of Ravenna, April 11, 1512, painted by Ary Scheffer (1795-1858) Chateau de Versailles105611512137531513Man, 1513 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (1465-1524) Kunstmuseum, Basel 1931513 Ludwig, Count von Löwenstein, ca 1513 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 1941513Young Roman Woman “1512-1513” (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 1951513Artist’s Wife “1513-1514” (Andrea del Sarto) (1486-1531) Museo del Prado, Madrid1961513Cesare Borgia, ca. 1513 (Altobello Melone) (1490-1543) Museo dell’Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 1971513Bernhard Meyer, 1513 (UA “Upper Rhenish Master”) Kunstmuseum Basel, Inv. 22 1981513A Man of the Hillensberger Family, part of Diptych, 1513 (attributed to Adriaen Isenbrandt) (ca. 1485-1551) Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida 60651513Giovanni Agostino della Torresson Nicollo ca. 1513-1516 Lorenzo Lotto 1583-1556 National Gallery London89331513137521514 Louis XII, King of France, ca. 1514, reigned 1498-1515 (Jean Perreal) (1455-1529) The Royal Collection, UK 1991514Barabara Pallavicino “1510s” (Allesandro Araldi) (1460-1530) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 2001514The Moneylender and his Wife, ca. 1514 (Quentin Matsys) (1466-1530) Musée du Louvre, Paris 2011514A Woman as Saint 1510-1520 (Amico Aspertini) (1474-1552) The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD 37.441 2021514Knight of Rhodes, ca. 1514 (Franciabiggio) (1482-1525) The National Gallery, London NG1035 2031514A Man, 1514 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) The National Gallery, London NG245 2041514137511515A Woman (detail), ca. 1515 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 2051515Teodoro of Urbino, ca. 1515 (Giovanni Bellini) (1430-1516) The National Gallery, London 2061515Augustinian Friar, ca. 1515 (Gerard David) (ca. 1460-1523) The National Gallery, London NG7102071515Christian II of Denmark, ca. 1515 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD2081515Christian II King of Denmark ca. 1515 follower of Michel Sittow 1469-1526 Christie's Auction Sale 9950 Lot 89 2091515A Man “1510’s” (Bartolomeo Veneto) (1470-1531) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1940.539 2101515A Young Man, ca. "1510's" (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528)Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest Inv. 142 2111515Abel van Coulster, ca. 1515 (Jan Mostaert) (ca. 1475-1556) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België 2121515A Man “1512-1515” (Palma Vecchio) (1480-1528) State Hermitage Museum, St. Peterburg, Russia 2131515Charles III Duke of Savoy, ca. 1515 (Jean Clouet) (1480-1541) Location TBD 2141515Francis I, King of France, ca. 1515-1520 Unknown Artist possibly Jean Clouet 1480-1541 Museé Condé Chantilly 2151515Bearded Man, ca. 1513-1515 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) The Royal Collection UK2161515A Young Man ca. 1515 Raphael 1483-1520 Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Madrid boy 2171515Bindo Altoviti ca. 1512-1515 Raphael 1483-1520 National Gallery Washington D.C. 2181515Baldassare Castiglione 1514-1515 Raphael 1483-1520 Louvre INV 6112191515La velata “1514-1515” (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze
2201515Giuliano de Medici, ca. 1515 (c.a. Raphael) (1483-1520) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.12
2211515A Man , ca 1515 (Franciabigio) (1483-1520) Location TBD
2221515A Young Man “1510’s” (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Galleria Borghese, Roma
2231515A Lady ca. 1515 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Yale Art Gallery, New Haven, CT1871.72
2241515A Young Woman, ca. 1515(Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Location TBD2251515Girolamo Benivieni, ca. 1515(Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) The National Gallery, London
2261515Count Christoph I of Baden, ca. 1515 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) Alte Pinakothek, München 2271515A Young Man, 1515 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1484-1545) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_864
2281515A Man, ca. 1515 (Wolf Traut) (1485-1520) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6992 2291515A Man, ca. 1515 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 2301515A Young Man, ca. "1510-1515" (Bonifazio Veronese) (1487-1553) State Hermitage Museum, St. Peterburg, Russia2311515A Young Man with Cap and Gloves, ca. 1515 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD2321515A Man, ca. 1515 (attrib. Titian) (1488-1576) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (14.40.640) 2331515Knight of Malta ca. 1515 by Titian 1488-1576 Galleria degli Uffizi Florence rosary beard2341515Man, ca. 1515 (Titian) (1488-1576) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI 77.4 2351515Man Violinist, 1515 (Titian) (1488-1576) Galleria Spada, Firenze 2361515Young Man with Skull, ca. "1510-1515" (Bernardino Licinio) (ca.1489-1565) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford A7212371515A Man with stringed instrument, ca. 1515 (attributed to Bernardino Licinio) (ca. 1489-1565) Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, TN, Kress 206 2381515Young Man with Green Book, ca. 1510-1515 (UA possibly Titian) (c1488-1567) or (Giorgione) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Legion of Honor2391515Venetian Lady, ca. 1510-1520 (UA) National Gallery, London NG631 2401515Self-Portrait, ca. 1515 (Michael Ostendorfer) (1490-1559) Location TBD 2411515Marriage Portrait of Mary Tudor and Charles Brandon ca. 1515 (UA) Location TBD 2421515Isabella of Austria, ca. 1515 (attrib. Master of the Legend of Mary Magdalene) (fl. 1480-1537) Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich, Kraków2431515Giovanni Agostino della Torre and his son Nicollò, ca. 1513-1516 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1483-1556) The National Gallery, London28051515An Augustinian Friar, ca. 1515 (Gerard David) (ca. 1460-1523) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1942.63234881515A Young Man, ca. 1515 (attributed to Alessandro Oliviero) (ca. 1500-after 1544) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, NGI 23950021515Young Man with Lira di Braccio, ca. 1515 (circle attributed to Lorenzo di Credi) (ca. 1459-1537) Location TBD61191515Georg Tannstetter, 1515 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Location TBD 61201515A Man holding a Womans Portrait, ca. 1510-1515 (attributed to Giovanni de Busi, Il Cariani) (ca. 1485-1547) Sothebys Master Paintings, 4 June, 2015, New York, Lot 37 65661515Francis, King of France, at Battle of Marignano during the War of the League of Cambrai, 13-15 September, 1515, painted by Alexandre-Evariste Fragonard (1780-1850) Versailles.79031515A Donor ca. 1515-1520 detail from Lamentation Triptych by Jan Mostaert (ca1475-1553) Frans Hals Museum Haarlem80821515Woman Donor ca 1515-1520 detail from Lamentation Triptych by Jan Mostaert ca1475-1553 Frans Hals Museum Haarlem80911515A Man TE ca 1515 by circle of Raphael 1483-1520 CRAuctions Lot 48102001515A Man with Lira da Braccio 1515 by Unknown Artist102021515Paulus de Nigro 1515 by attrib Adriaen Isenbrandt Jean Moust Old Master Paintings102061515A Woman ca 1515 by Jorg Breu der Altere Detroit institute of Arts102161515A Woman ca 1515 by Titian Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna102171515A Young-Girl ca 1515-1520 by Raphael 1483-1520 Musee des Beaux-Arts-Strasbourg102191515A Man, ca. 1515, by Titian (1488-1576)Ickworth House, National Trust, Bury St. Edmunds, England.104451515A Man Playing the Lute, ca. 1515, By Giovanni Busi (Cariani)(ca. 1485-1547) Musee des Beaux Arts de Strasbourg, Palais de Rohan, 236.104461515137501516A Man, ca. 1516 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (1460-1524) Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA 71.4852441516A Man, ca. 1516 (Unknown Master/Quentin Metsys?) (1466-1530) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD, 37.251 2451516Diego de Guevara, ca. 1516 (Michel Sittow) (1469-1526) Location TBD2461516Johann Dorsch?, ca. 1516 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1952.2.17 Kress> 2471516Michael Wolgenmut, 1516 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Germanisches Nationamuseum, Nürnberg 2481516A Man (Poet), ca. 1516 (Palma Vecchio) (1480-1528) The National Gallery, London NG636 2491516A Jeweler, 1516 (Franciabiggio) (1482-1525) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ y1983-4 2501516A Young Man in a Red Cap, ca. 1516 (Titian) (1488-1576) The Frick Collection, New York, NY2511516Cardinal Tommaso Inghirami “1515-1516” (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 2521516Bernardo Dovizi, Cardinal Bibbiena, ca. 1516 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 2531516Double Portrait, ca. 1516 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Roma 2541516Alda Gambara, ca. 1516 (Altobello Melone) (1485-1543) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 2551516Jakob Meyer zum Hasen, 1516 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Kunstmuseum, Basel 2561516Dorothea Meyer (nee Kannengießer), 1516 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Kunstmuseum, Basel 2571516Sybilla von Freyberg (born Gossenbrot), ca. 1517 (Bernard Strigel) (1460-1528) Alte Pinakothek, München 2591516A Woman, ca. 1517 (Bernard Strigel) (1460-1528) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 71.34 2601516Eleanor of Austria, 1516 (attributed to Jan Gossaert, aka. Jan Mabuse) (ca. 1478-1532) Worcester Art Museum, MA 16441516Cardinal Bandinello Sauli, His Secretary, and Two Geographers, 1516 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) National Gallery of Art, Washiongton DC 1961.9.3768231516Antonio Tebaldeo 1516 by or after Raphael (1483-1520) Location TBD80811516Man from Raphael's Double Portrait ca.1516-1517 ca detail from the Oath of Leo III Vatican80871516A Couple 1516 by Hans Brosamer101801516A Young Woman as Saint Agatha 1516 by Giovanni Busi aka Cariani NGScotland102201516137491517Charles V at about 17 ca. 1516 Bernard van Orley 1487-1541 Musée du Louvre Paris Emperor future young man boy royalty ruler Empire Holy Roman 2581517A Woman, ca. 1517 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (1465-1524) Location TBD2611517A Man, ca. 1517 (Quentin Massys) (1466-1530) Location TBD Antwerp 2621517Erasmus of Rotterdam, ca. 1517 (Quentin Matsys) (1466-1560) Galleria Borghese, Roma 2631517Pieter Gillis, ca. 1517 (Quentin Matsys) (1466-1530) Galleria Borghese, Roma 2641517Jean Carondelet (left wing dyptich), ca. 1517 (Jan Gossaert/aka Mabuse) (1478-1532) Musée du Louvre, Paris 2651517Hendryk IIICount of Nassau-Breda, ca. 1516-1517 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1979.30 2661517Sebastian Andorfer, 1517 (Hans Maler zu Schwaz) (1480-1429) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City 30.100.33 2671517A Man, 1517 (Franciabigio) (1482-1525) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien GE851 2681517Philipp the Warlike Elector Palatine, ca. 1517 (Hans Baldung gen. Grien) (1484-1545) Alte Pinakothek, München INV 683 2691517A Man, ca.1515-1517 (attrib. Girolamo Romanino) (c1485-c1566) The Royal Collection, UK RCIN 406370 2701517Self Portrait as Sculptor?, ca. 1517 (Andrea del Sarto) (1586-1531) The National Gallery, London2711517A Woman, ca. 1517 (Andrea del Sarto) (1586-1531) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 2721517Doge Niccolò Marcello, ca. 1516-1517 (Titian) (ca. 1488-1576) Pinacoteca Vaticana, Roma Sala X 2731517Benedikt von Hertenstein, 1517 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.1038 2741517Venetian Lady, ca. 1516-1517 (UA) The National Gallery, London NG5952751517A Gentleman with Rosary, 1517 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1557) Nivaagaards Malerisamling, Niva,, Denmark 61211517Martin Luther, 1517, Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) Sotheby's Master Paintings Evening Sale, February 1st, 2018 New York, NY, Lot 9 SOLD 102641517137481518Pope Leo X,1513-1521 ca. 1518 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze2761518Lorenzo II Medici, ca. 1518 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Christie’s Auction House 2771518Double Portrait, ca. 1518 (Raphael) (1483-1520) Musée du Louvre, Paris OOC 90/83cm 2781518Dona Isabel de Requesens Vice-Queen of Naples ca. 1518 Raphael 1483-1520 Musée du Louvre Paris France painting Isabella young woman columns2791518Young Man, ca. 1518 (UA attrib. Raphael) (1483-1520) The National Gallery, London NG 10522801518Jacopo Sannazara, ca. 1518 (Titian) (1488-1576) The Royal Collection, Windsor UK part of "The Gift" of 1660 to Charles II 2811518Gian Giacomo Bartolotti da Parma, ca.1518 (Titian) (1488-1576) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_942821518A Lady, ca. 1518 (Correggio) (1489-1534) Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 1925 2831518A Young Woman, ca. 1518 (Dosso Dossi) (1490-1542) National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 2841518A Young Man, ca. 1518 (Ambrosius Holbein) (ca. 1494-1519) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg Provenance: 1774-17832851518A Young Man, ca. 1517-1518 (Rosso Fiorentino) (1494-1540) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 2861518A Man, ca. 1518 (Pontormo) (1494-1556) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 223 2871518Joris Vezeleer, ca. 1518 (Joos van Cleve) (1480-1541) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1962.9.1 2891518A Young Man holding a Letter, 1518 (Rosso Fiorentino) (1494-1540) The National Gallery London, NG6584 16161518Capitano Estense ca 1518 by Girolamo da Carpi101841518A Man ca 1518-1519 by Unknown Artist Germanisches National Museum Gm1115101981518A Man, ca. 1518-1520, by Dosso Dossi (ca. 1489-1542) Musée du Louvre, Inv. 866104791518A Lady, ca. 1518, attributed to Joos Van Cleve (ca. 1480-1541) Sotheby's Sale, February 4, 2020, Lot 509.104901518137471519 An Elderly Couple, ca. 1519 (Jan Gossaert, aka Mabuse) (1470-1543) The National Gallery, London 2901519Jacob Fugger “The Rich”, ca. 1519 (Albrecht Durer) (1471-1528) Augsberg Katharinenkirche2911519Maximilian I Holy Roman Emperor posthumous 1519 Albrecht Dürer 1471-1528 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Vienna Austria GG_825 royalty old Man austria
2921519Floris van Egmond, ca. 1519 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) Mauritshuis, Den Haag 2931519Queen Anne of Hungary and Bohemia, ca. 1519 (Hans Maler) (1480-1529) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 2941519Self-Portrait, ca. 1519 (Joos van Cleve) (1485-1541) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid Nº INV. 89 (1930.128)
2951519A Young Woman, ca. 1519 (La Fornarina) “1518-1519”(Raphael) (1483-1520) Galleria Borghese, Roma 2961519A Man, ca. 1516-1519 (Girolamo Romanino) (1484-1559) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 2971519Joris van Zelle, ca. 1519 (Bernard van Orley) (1487-1541)Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel2981519Boniface Amerbach, ca. 1519 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Kunstmuseum Basel INV 314
2991519Woman, ca. 1519 (UA Southern German) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6346 3001519Portrait dit de Jean Bernard Ecuyer de Marie de Medicis Seigneur de Chatenay 1519 attributed to Corneille de Lyon 1500-1575 TAJAN PARIS OLD MASTER PAINTINGS MARCH 22, 2018. 102661519The Corpse of Maximilian I, 1519 (Monogrammist AA) Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz 68171519Death of Leonardo da Vinci, 2 May 1519, by Francois Guillaume Menageot, Clos Luce Museum.79041519Francis I at Leonardo da Vincis deathbed, 1519, by Jean Ingres (1780-1867) painted in 1818, Petit Palais.79051519A Jester ca 1519-1520 by Unknown Artist Yale University Art Gallery80831519A Man ca. 1519-20 by Joos van Cleve (ca. 1490-1541) SKD GG Alte Meister 809B80861519137461520Baldo Magini, ca. 1520 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Location TBD3221520A Gentleman, ca. 1520 (Bernhard Strigel (1460-1528) Tokyo Fuji Art Museum 422 3011520A Flemish Man, ca. 1520 (Quentin Massys) (1466-1530) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York L2008.8 3021520A Flemish Woman, ca. 1520 (Quentin Massys) (1466-1530) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 32.100.47 3031520A Man ca. 1520 Quentin Massys 1466-1530 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York 32.100.49 holding medal sword pommel green background hat 3041520A Man, ca. 1520 (Vincenzo Catena) (1470-1531) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_87 3051520A Woman, ca. 1520 (Vincenzo Catena) (1470-1523) El Paso Museum of Art, TX 3061520Joachim II Hector, Crown Prince-Elector of Brandenburg, 1520 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Jagdschloss Grunewald, Berlin3071520A Woman, ca. 1520 (Palma Vecchio) (1480-1528) The National Gallery, London NG3939 3081520Self Portrait, ca. 1520 (Jan Gossaert/Mabuse)m (1470-1532) Duurstede Castle, Wijk bei Duurstede, Utrecht 3091520A Young Girl with Astronomical Instrument, ca. 1520 (Jan Gossaert/Mabuse) (1470-1532) The National Gallery, London 3101520A Young Man, ca. 1520 (Jan Mostaert) (1475-1556) Museo del Prado, Madrid P03209 3111520Anne of Brittany ca. 1520 Jan Mostaert 1475-1556 Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu
3121520Joost van Bronckhorst, ca. 1520 (Jan Mostaert) (1475-1556) Petit Palais, Musée des beaux-arts de la Ville de Paris
3131520A Man, ca. 1520 (Jan Mostaert) (1475-1556) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Gemäldegalerie GG-591
3141520A Young Woman ca. 1520 Palma Vecchio 1480-1528 Locataion TBD 3151520Anne of Bohemia and Hungary, ca. 1520 (Hans Maler) (1480-1529) Location TBD3161520A Young Man with a pink, ca. 1520 (Joos van Cleve) (ca. 1480-1541) Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, NE 1943.37 3171520A Man ca. 1520 Adriaen Isenbrandt 1480-1551 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York 1931 32.100.36 3181520A Young Man, ca. 1520 (Franciabigio) (1482-1525) Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, OK Kress Collection K-2123191520A Canon, possibly Johann Rieper of Brixen, ca. 1520 (Mark Reichlich) (fl. 1485-1520) St. Louis Art Museum 10:19153201520A Musician, ca. 1515-1520 (Pordenone) (1483-1539) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1934 3211520A Man, ca. 1520 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 3231520A Gentleman, ca. 1520 (Girolama di Romanino) (1484-1566) Allentown Art Museum, PA3241520A Man with Armour, ca. 1520 (Girolama di Romanino) (1484-1566) Location TBD 3251520A Man, ca. 1520-30 (Unknown Artist) Sotheby's Sale N087123261520A Man (Humanist), ca. 1520 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) National Portrait Gallery, London 1961.9.38 3271520A Warrior with Equerry, ca. 1518-522 (Cavazolla) (1486-1522) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze3281520A Young Man, ca. 1515-1525 (Andrea del Brescianino) (ca. 1487-1525) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 3291520Charles V, ca. 1520 (Bernard van Orley) (1487-1541) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 3301520Charles V, ca. 1525 (Lucas Horenbout) (1490-1544) Victoria and Albert Museum, London P.22-1942 3311520Mary Tudor, ca. 1521-1525 during engagement to Charles V (attributed to Lucas Horenbout) (1490-1544) National Portrait Gallery, London 6453 3321520A Man, ca. 1520 (Bernard van Orley) (1487-1541) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_?? 3331520A Man, possibly Francesco Albani of Bergamo, ca. 1517-1520 (Giovanni Cariani) (1487-1547) The National Gallery, London NG2494 Salting Bequest 3341520A Venetian Man, ca. 1520 (Jan Van Scorel) (1495-1562) Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschicht , Darmstadt 3351520A Man ca. 1520 Moretto da Brescia1498-1554 Szépművészeti Múzeum Budapest Hungary bearded glove gloves 3361520A Woman with Lute, ca. 1520 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (fl.1502-1546) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 3371520A Gentleman, ca. 1520 (atttributed to Bernard van Orley) (1487-1541) Allentown Art Museum, PA, Kress Collection, 1961.49 3381520A Gentleman, ca 1520 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (fl.1502-1546) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1939.1.257 3391520Henry VIII, ca. 1520 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4690 3401520A Man wearing Order of Annunziata of Savoy, ca. 1520 (UA Swiss) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 32.100.116 3411520A Man, ca. 1520 (Unknown Central Italian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2159 3421520A Woman, ca. 1518-1520 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (1465-1524) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 3431520A Man, ca. 1518-1520 (Hans Holbein the Elder) (1465-1524) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 3441520Floris van Egmond, ca. 1520-1530 (Unknown Dutch Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 3451520Philipp, Landgrave of Hesse, ca. 1520 (Unknown Artist) Wartburg Museum, Eisenach3461520A Gentleman with a Musical Score, ca. 1520 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Philadelphia Museum of Art, Inv. 1823471520The Cuspinian Family, ca. 1520 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Private Collection
28061520A Young Man, ca. 1520 (Jan Mostaert) (1475-1556) Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich, Kraków35431520A Young Woman, ca. 1520 (attributed to workshop of Raphael) (1483-1528) Location TBD57611520Piero Soderini, ca. 1520 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Sothebys Fine Art Auction, December 6, 2012, Lot 14659501520Vittoria Colonna, ca. 1520 (attributed to Sebastiano del Piombo) (ca. 1485-1547) Location TBD61111520A Lady, said to be Vittoria Colonna, ca. 1520 (circle of Sebastiano del Piombo) (ca. 1485-1547) Museu Nacional de Arte de Catalunya, Barcelona61121520Christian II, King of Denmark, ca. 1520 (Unknown Artist) Nationalmuseum Stockholm, KMSsp78961131520A Young Man with a Rosary, ca. 1520 (Adriaen Isenbrant) (ca. 1480-1551) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA, F.1965.1.032.P 64281520Girolamo and Cardinal Carco Corner Investing Marco Abbot of Carrara ca. 1520 Titian National Gallery DC89371520A Concert ca. 1518-1520 by Giovanni Cariani 1485-1547 National Gallery Washington DC89361520A Young Man ca 1520-1530 atrib Hans Holbein the Younger Kress Collection 1961.9.2180931520A Young Man ca 1520 by Bernardino Licinio 1489-1565 San Diego Museum of Art80941520A Loving Couple, ca 1520 by Altobello Melone Museum of Fine Arts Budapest Inv 638680951520Giovan Antonio Caravaggi ca 1520-1523 by Giovanni Cariani National Gallery of Canada80981520A Man 1520 by Albrecht Durer81001520Piero Soderini ca 1520 by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio 1483-1561 Sothebys81051520A Woman at Mirror ca 1520 by Giulio Romano 81101520The Cuspinian Family ca. 1520 Bernhard Strigel 1460-1528 Private Collection89391520Liebespaar ca. 1520 attributed to Altobello Meloni (ca. 1511-1543) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 22198351520A Man, ca. 1520 (Netherlandish or South South German Artist) Sotheby's Old Masters Day Sale, December 9, 2021, Lot 109.104871520137451521A Gentleman, 1521 (Marco Basaiti) (1470-1530) Museo dell'Accademia Carrara, Bergamo3481521A Man, 1521 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Museo del Prado, Madrid P02180 3491521A Young Man, 1521 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Staatlichen Museums Schwerin 3501521A Man, ca. 1521 (Martin Schaffner) (1477-1548) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_879 3511521Ferdinand I Hapsburg 1521 Hans Maler) (1490-1530) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_831 . 3521521A Man, ca. 1521 (Lucas van Leyden) (1494-1533) Location TBD3531521A Man, ca. 1521 (Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Musée du Louvre, Paris 3541521A Man 1521 (Tommaso Fiorentino) (1495-1564) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 17.190.8 3551521A Man at 33 y.o., ca. 1521 (Hans Maler) (1500-1529) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_884 3561521Christian II Denmark ca. 1521 Pieter van Coninxloo (fl. 1479-1513) Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, Frederiksborg Slot 3571521Self-Portrait? or Francisco Fernández de Córdoba y Mendoza, ca. 1520-1521 (Fernando del Rincón) ( ??-??) Museo del Prado, Madrid P02518 3581521137441522Stephan Gardiner ca. 1522 Quentin Matsys 1466-1530 Location TBD landscape outdoors trees book books glasses eyeglasses spectacles trees mountains hills tree fur cap clouds sky 3591522A Notary, ca. 1522 (Quentin Massys) (1466-1530) Location TBD3601522A Man, ca. 1522 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1959.9.2 13611522A Woman, ca. 1522 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1959.9.2 3621522A Member of the Weiss Family ca. 1522 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main SG 457 3631522Martin Luther, 1521-1522 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Weimar 3641522Martin Luther ca. 1521-1522 Lucas Cranach the Elder 1472-1553 Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig sword reformation monk beard swords green background Germany protestant disguise3651522Jan van Wassenaer, ca. 1522 (after Jan Mostaert) (1475-1556) Musée du Louvre, Paris, M.I. 802 3661522A Banker, ca. 1522 (Jean Clouet) (1480-1540) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 3671522Madeleine of France, ca. 1522 (Jean Clouet) (1480-1541) Weiss Gallery, London 3681522Self-Portrait possible ca. 1522 Francesco Torbido 1482-1562 Pinacoteca di Brera Milano 3691522Self-Portrait at 42?, ca. 1522 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 3701522A Young Man, 1522 (Franciabigio) (1483-1525) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Gemäldegalerie man3711522Michelangelo at 47 years old ca. 1522 Baccio Bandinelli 1488-1560 Musée du Louvre Paris artist sculptor turban artist's artists inscription marble 3721522A Man, 1520-1522 (Titian) (1488-1576) Musée du Louvre, Paris 3731522A Woman, ca. 1522 (Bernardino Licinio) (1489-1565) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 3741522A Man ca. 1520-1522 Rosso Fiorentino 1494-1540 Pitti Palace Firenze Florence old profile Italy hat grey gray hair 15213751522Louis II of Hungary (van Ungarn), ca. 1522 Hans Krell (ca. 1498-1554) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_44604231522Baldo Magini with model of San Fabiano Church, 1522 (Niccolo Soggi) (ca. 1480-1552) Prato Cathedral, Tuscany45501522Michelangelo Buonarotti, ca. 1522 (Giuliano Bugiardini) (1475-1555) Casa Buonarotti, Firenze61141522Man with Book 1522 by Correggio81031522137431523John with Drawing, ca. 1520-1530 (Giovanni Francesco Caroto) (1480-1555) Museo Civico di Castelvecchio, Verona3761523A Lady, ca. 1523 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Location TBD 3771523A Husband and Wife, ca. 1523 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
3781523Messer Marsilio and his Wife, ca. 1523 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Museo del Prado, Madrid 3791523Niccolo Bonghi (detail from the Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine), ca. 1523 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Location TBD
3801523A Man, early 1520’s (Rosso Fiorentino) (1494-1540) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1961.9.59
3811523Erasmus in Basel ca. 1523 Hans Holbein the Younger 1497-1543 The National Gallery London 3821523Erasmus, ca. 1523 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Musée du Louvre, Paris 3831523A Collector (from Parma?), ca. 1523 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540)The National Gallery, London NG 6441 3841523Lorenzo Cybo and child, 1523 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540) Statens Museum for Kunst, København, SP-73 3851523Laura de Dianti with a page boy, ca. 1523 (Titian) (ca. 1488-1576) Kisters Collection in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland35451523Jacopo Cennini, 1523 (Franciabigio) (1484-1525) Royal Collections Trust, UK, RCIN 40576659531523Johann II, Count of Montfort and Rothenfels, 1523 (Bernhard Strigel) (1460-1528) Location TBD61221523137421524A Gentleman (from Bologna?), ca. 1523-1525 (Giuliano Bugiardini) (1475-1554) The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD 37.1101 3861524Anton Fugger, ca. 1524 (Hans Maler) (1480-1529) Location TBD3871524Francesco Armellini Pantalassi de' Medici 1524 (after Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ 3881524A Woman of the Reuss Family, ca. 1524 (Wolf Huber) (ca. 1485-1553) Museu Nacional d'Arte de Catalunya, Barcelona, 197.1934 3891524A Woman 3901524Gerhard von Westerburg3921524A Young Woman3931524Gian Galeazzo Sanvitale, Count of Fontanellato, 1524 (Parmagianino) (1503-1540) Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli 3941524Self Portrait, ca. 1524 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 3951524Katharina Merian at 38 y.o., 1524 (attrib. Hans Brosamer) (fl. 1536?-1552) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 3961524A Man, 1524 (Unknown Antwerp Master) Kunstmuseum Basel 1958.26 OOOP 55.5/37.5cm. 3971524A Bearded Man, ca. 1524 (Unknown Flemish Master?) Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City 1983.0973981524A Man with a Missal, 1524 (Bernardino Licinio) (1489-1565) York Art Gallery, UK, 1955 38401524A Man at 62 years 1524 attrib Barthel Beham 81011524137411525A Young Lady, ca. 1520-1530 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (1470-1531) National Gallery of Canada, Ottowa 3991525Edzard I, Count of East Frisia, ca. 1525 (Jacob Cornelisz.van Oostsanen) (1470-1533) Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Oldenburg 4001525A Woman, ca. 1520-1525 (Jan Mostaert) (1475-1556) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 4011525Isabella of of Austria at around 23 years old, ca. 1525 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) Location TBD4021525Wife of Adolf of Burgundy and their son, ca. 1525 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 17.190.17 4031525A Man, ca. 1520-1525 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 32.100.62 4041525A Man, ca. 1520-1525 (possibly by Jan Gossaert/Mabuse (1478-1532) (or Jan Vermeyen?) Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh 27794051525A Young Woman, ca. 1525 (Palma Vecchio) (1480-1528) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 4061525A Young Woman, ca. 1520-1525 (Palma Vecchio) (1480-1528) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_318 4071525Anton Fugger, ca. 1525 (Hans Maler) (1480-1529) Location TBD4081525A Woman, ca. 1525 (Bernardino Luini) (1480-1532) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 4091525A Knight, ca. 1525 (Girolamo Savoldo) (1480-1548+) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1952.5.74 4101525A Man, ca. 1525 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH 1950.250 4111525Francis I King of France at 31, ca. 1525 (Jean Clouet) (1480-1541) Location TBD4121525A Man, ca. (Francesco Torbido) (1482-1562) Christie's Auction House, Sale 5903, Lot 2284131525Niccolò Machiavelli, ca. 1520-1525 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Private Collection, London 4141525A Man, ca. 1520-1530 (Joos van Cleve)(1485-1541) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-165 4151525A Young Man, ca. 1520-1525 (Bernardino Licinio) (1484-1550) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1928 4161525A Woman with a portait of her Husband ca. 1525 Bernardino Licinio) (ca. 1589-1565) Castello Sforzesco, Milan Room 25 4171525 Andreas Imhof, Patrician of Nuremberg?, ca. 1525 (attributed to Wolf Traut) (1486-1520) Princeton University Art Museum y1968-202 4181525Laura Pisani at 20 years old, 1525 (circle of Dosso Dossi) (1490-1542) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 78.PA.226 4191525A Brescian Nobleman, ca. 1520-1525 (Moretto) (1498-1554)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (28.79) 4201525Mary of Austria at around 20 years old, ca. 1525 (Hans Krell) (1500-1586) Location TBD4211525Maria of Austria ca. 1525 (copy after Hans Krell) (ca. 1500-1586) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_4758 4221525A Woman from Southern Germany, ca.1520-1525 (follower of Hans Holbein the Younger) Mauritshuis, Den Haag #275 4241525A Young Man with a red hat, ca. 1525 (Girolamo da Carpi) (1501-1556) Location TBD 4251525A Youth, ca. 1520's (Parmagianino) (1503-1540) Musée du Louvre, Paris 4261525A Young Bearded Man with Book, ca. 1525 (attributed to Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Christie's Fine Art Auction, Sale 2673, Lot 1524271525Hans Urmiller, ca. 1525 (Barthel Beham) (1502-1540) Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main INV 919 4281525A Man, ca. 1525 (Ambrosius Benson) (1495-1550) Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 3604291525A Man, ca. 1525 (Conrad Faber von Creuznach) (fl. 1524-1553) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 12.75 4301525A Woman as St. Catherine, ca. 1525 (Pietro degli Ingannati) (fl. 1529-1547) Location TBD4311525A Young Man, ca. 1525 (UA Netherlands) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.28 4321525A Lady, ca. 1525 (Unknown Netherlandish Artist) Allentown Art Museum, PA, Kress Collection, 1961.50 4331525A Man, ca. 1525 (UA French) “ca.” Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA 53.28.16 4341525A Woman, 1525 (U German Master) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 4351525A Man ca. 1525 (UA Augsberg?) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 32.100.99 4361525Leonino Brembate?, ca. 1524-1525 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_265 4591525A Man, 1525 (Christopher Amberger) (1505-1562) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_887 52301525A Lady at 31 years of age, 1525(attributed to Christopher Amberger) (ca. 1500/1505-1562) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_888 52311525A Lady with a Nosegay, ca. 1525 (Bacchiacca) (1494-1557) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston 64291525A Man, ca. 1525 (Paris Bordone) (ca. 1500-1571) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, GG_219 64301525A Man with a Pink, ca. 1525 (Unknown Artist) Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main 64311525A Family Portrait ca. 1525 Bernardino Licinio 1489-1565 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia89401525Battle of Pavia, 24 February, 1525, Flemish School, Birmingham Museum of Art, Kress Collection.79061525A Couple 1525 by Gabriel Zehender Location TBD80961525Leonhard Fuchs 1525 by Unknown Bavarian Artist Art Institute of Chicago 1947.8880991525A Man ca 1525-1530 by Bartolomeo Veneto Thyssen Museum81021525Self-Portrait 1525-1530 Francesco Primaticcio81061525A Young Lady with a Cat, ca 1525-1530, by Bacchiacca (1494-1557) Christies Sale, January 30, 2013, Lot 15181121525Self-Portrait ca 1525 by Andrea del Sarto 1546-1530 Uffizi102091525A Lady with a Dog, ca. 1525, by Gian Francesco Bembo (1480-1543) GALERIE CANESSO PARIS102321525137401526Wilhelm I Duke of Bavaria, 1526 (Hans Wertinger) (1465-1533) Alte Pinakothek, München Inv. Nr. 17 4371526Maria Jacobaea of Baden, Duchess of Bavaria, ca. 1526 (Hans Wertinger) (1465-1533) Alte Pinakothek, München Inv. Nr. 18 4381526Katherine von Bora, Martin Luther's Wife, ca. 1526 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Location TBD 4391526Sybille of Cleves, 1526 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Schlossmuseum im Stadtschloss, Weimar 4401526Ulrich Fugger at 35 years old, 1526 (Hans Maler zu Schwaz) (1480-1529) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 14.40.630 4411526Matthäus Schwarz at 29 years old, 1526 (Hans Maler zu Schwaz) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 1958.8 4421526Adelberg III von Bärenfels, ca. 1526 (Hans Baldung Grien) (1480-1545) Kunstmuseum Basel 855 Fir 61.4/48.2cm. 4431526A Young Man, ca. 1526 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 4441526A Young Man with Book, ca. 1526 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Location TBD4451526Dispensiere Domenicano, 1526 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Location TBD (Treviso) 4461526Pope Clement VII, papacy 1523-1534, ca. 1526 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli 4471526Andrea Doria, ca. 1526 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Palazzo di Andrea Doria, Genova 4481526Anton Hundertpfundt, 1526 (Wolf Huber) (ca. 1485-1553) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, NGI.15 4491526Margaret of Austria, ca. 1526 (Bernard van Orley) (1487-1541) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België INV 4059 4501526Tomaso or Vincenzo Mosti ca. 1526 (Titian) (1488-1576) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze4511526Louis II, King of Bohemia and Hungary, 1526 (after Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD 4521526Henry VIII, ca. 1526 (Lucas Horenbout) (1490-1544) The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge 4531526Catherine of Aragon, ca. 1525 (attributed to Lucas Horenbout) (1490-1544) National Portrait Gallery, London 4682 4541526John Bourchier, 2nd Baron Berners, ca. 1520-1526 (attributed to Abrosius Benson) (1495-1550) National Portrait Gallery, London 4953 4551526A Man, ca. 1525-1526 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_329 Poplar 67.5/53cm. 4561526A Man, 1526 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540) York Art Gallery, North Yorkshire
4571526A Man, possibly Gerolamo Avogadro, 1526 (Moretto da Brescia) (1498-1554) The National Gallery, London, NG102552321526A Man at 28 years old, 1526 (attributed to Parmigianino) (1503-1540) Trinity House Gallery, London60421526Johannes Kleberger, 1526 (Albrecht Durer) (1471-1528)Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien66761526John the Constant, Elector of Saxony 1526 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Staatliche Kunstsamlungen Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, 1908B 64331526Jakob Muffel, 1526 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie66741526Hieronymus Holzschuher, 1526 (Albrecht Dürer) (1471-1528) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 66751526Battle of Mohacs, 29 August, 1526, by Bertelan Szekely (1835-1910) painted in 1866, Hungarian National Gallery, 2764.79071526Peder Sunnanvader's and Master Knut's ignominous entry into Stockholm, 1526, by Carl Hellqvist (1851-1890) Location TBD.79081526A Monk at 40 1526 by Jan Gossaert aka Mabuse ca 1478-1532 Louvre RF 2381041526Self Portrait 1526 Hans Baldung Grien Location TBD81071526137391527 Marguerite de'Angouleme, Queen Consort of Navarre, ca. 1527 (Jean Clouet) (1480-1540) Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool 1308 4581527A Man in his Study, ca. 1527 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Galleria dell'Accademia, Venezia 4601527Andrea Odoni, ca. 1527 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) The Royal Collection, Windsor Castle 4611527A Man and Woman ca. 1527 (Joos van Cleve) (1485-1541) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 4621527An Old Man, ca. 1525-1527 (Joos van Cleve) (1485-1541) Museo del Prado P02182 4631527Thomas More, ca. 1527 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Location TBD 4641527Henry Guildford, ca. 1527 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Royal Collection, UK 4651527Mary Wooten, Lady Guildford, ca. 1527 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) St. Louis Art Museum 1:1943 4661527Mary Wooten , Lady Guildford, ca. 1527 (copy after Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 20.155.4 4671527William Warham, ca. 1527 (copy after Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) National Portrait Gallery, London 2094 4681527Chancellor Leonhard von Eck, 1527 (Barthel Beham) (1502-1540)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 12.4691527John Fisher, ca. 1527 (copy after Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) National Portrait Gallery, London 2821 4701527Catherine of Aragon?, ca. 1527 (formerly Catherine Parr) ca. (UA) Lambeth Palace, London 4711527A Man, 1527 (Bernard van Orley) (1488-1542) Staatliche Kunstsamlungen Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, 81164341527A Man from Lombardy, ca. 1527-1528 (Altobello Melone) (ca. 1490-1543) Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1930.187 64351527137381528Paracelsus, ca. 1528 (Quentyn Massys) (1466-1529) Location TBD 4721528A Young Woman, 1528 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Private Collection 4731528Margrave Albrecht of Brandenburg-Ansbach, Duke of Prussia, 1528 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Herzog Anton Ulrich Museuml, Braunschweig4741528Paola Priuli, ca. 1527-1528 (Palma Vecchio) (1480-1528) Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venezia 4751528Francesco Querini, 1527-1528 (Palma Vecchio) (1480-1528) Museo Querini Stampalia, Venezia 4761528Domenico da Gambassi, ca. 1528 (Andrea del Sarto) (1486-1530) The Art Institute of Chicago 1964 1097.a 4771528Mrs. Gambassi, ca. 1528 (Andrea del Sarto) (1486-1530) The Art Institute of Chicago 1964 1097.b 4781528A Canon of Pisa Cathedral?, ca. 1528 “late work” (Andrea del Sarto) (1486-1531) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.9 4791528Ippolito Riminaldi, ca. 1528 (Titian) (1488-1576) Accademia di San Luca, Roma 4801528A Lady, (the artist’s sister Agnes?), ca. 1525-1530 (Bernardino Licinio) (1489-1565) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00289 4811528Petrus von Clapis, ca. 1528 (Barthel Bruyn) (1493-1555) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 4821528Lelio Torelli, 1528 (Domenico Caprioli) (1494-1528) The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, Durham
4831528A Lady, ca. 1527-1528 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The National Gallery, London 4841528Nicholas Kratzer, ca. 1528 (copy after Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) National Portrait Gallery, London 5245 4851528Philipp von der Pfalz, Bishop of Freising, 1528 (Bartel Beham) (1502-1540) The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, NY 4861528Lorenzo Lenzi , ca. 1528 (Bronzino) (1503-1572) Castello Sforzesco, Milano 4871528A Member of the vom Rhein Family, ca. late 1520’s (Conrad Faber von Creuznach) (fl. 1524-1553) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.37
4881528Leonardo de Ginori, ca. 1528 (Giuliano Bugiardini) (ca. 1475-1554) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1942.9.36 64361528A Man, possibly Andrea del Sarto, ca. 1528 (attributed to Pier Francesco Foschi) (1502-1567) Musée Condé, Chantilly, PE4166381528Venetian Lovers ca. 1528 Paris Bordone 1500-1571 Pinacoteca di Brera Milano89411528Strassburger Johanniterkomturs Balthasar Gerhard 1528 by Hans Baldung Grien81081528Thomas Godsalve and Son Sir John 1528 by Hans Holbein the Younger 1497-1543 SKD Gal Nr 188981091528Domenico di Jacopo di Matteo aka Becuccio Bicchieraio ca 1528-1530 by Andrea del Sarto NGScotland NG2297101891528137371529Martin Luther, ca. 1529 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Location TBD4891529Katharina von Bora, ca. 1529 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt4901529Magdalena of Saxony, wife of Joachim II of Brandenburg, ca. 1529 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The Art Institute of Chicago 1938.310 4911529Joachim I, Nestor, Elector of Brandenburg, 1529 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Staatlichen Schlossen und garten, Berlin (Jadgschloss Grunswald?)4921529A Man in Armour (aka Gaston de Foix), ca. 1529 (Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo) (1480-1548) Musée du Louvre, Paris 4931529A Man, Musician, 1529 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Location TBD4941529A Venetian Gentleman, ca. 1525-1530 (Bonifazio Veronese) (1487-1555) Noortman Master Paintings Ltd., London4951529Federico II Gonzaga Duke of Mantua at 25, ca. 1529 (Titian) (1488-1576) Museo del Prado, Madrid No. 604961529A Man, possibly Girolamo Fracastoro, ca. 1520's (attributed to Titian) (ca.1488-1576) The National Gallery, London NG39494971529A Young Woman, ca. 1529 (attributed to Jacopo da Pontormo) (1494-1557) University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tuscon 1961.013.008 4981529A Man, ca. 1529 (Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-3853 4991529Agata van Schoonhoven, 1529 (Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Location TBD5001529Anna Codde? at 26 years old, ca. 1529 (Maarten van Heemskerck) (1498-1574) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-3519 5011529 Pieter Gerritsz Bicker? at 34 years old, ca. 1529 (Maarten van Heemskerck) (1498-1574) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-3518 5021529A Man, ca. 1529 (Barthel Beham) (1502-1540) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_783 5031529A Man, ca. 1529 (Barthel Beham) (1502-1540) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 5041529A Woman, ca. 1529 (Barthel Beham) (1502-1540) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3483 5051529A Woman, ca. 1529 (Barthel Beham) (1502-1540) Denver Art Museum, CO 1961.180 5061529Hamman von Holzhausen, 1529 (Conrad Faber von Kreuznach) (ca. 1490-1553) Stadel Museum Frankfurt35441529Guardsmen of the Amsterdam Arquebusiers Guild 1529 Dirck Jacobsz 1497-1567 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-C-40289431529Haarlem Brotherhood of Jerusalem Pilgrims ca 1529 Jan van Scorel 1495-1562 Frans Hals Museum Haarlem89421529Hans Burgkmair and wife Anna 1529 by Lukas Furtenagel 1505-1546 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien89381529Trial of Catherine Aragon, 1529, by Henry Nelson O'Neil (1817-1880).79091529Giovanbattista di Jacopo 1529 by Rosso Fiorentino 1495-1540 Collezione-de Fulvio Orsini80971529A Woman in Yellow ca 1529-30 attrib Andrea del Sarto Royal Collection Windsor81111529Trial of Queen Catherine of Aragon, 1529, by George Henry Harlow (1787-1819), painted in 1817, Location TBD. 103411529137361530A Merchant, ca. 1530, by Jan Gossaert (1478-1532) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.,
21530Pfalzgraf Wolfgang?, ca. 1525-1530 (attributed to Hans Wertinger) (1465-1533) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5635 5071530A Lady, ca. 1530 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (1470-1531) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA5081530A Lady with Lute, ca. 1530 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (1470-1531) JPGM 78.PB.221
5091530Sibylle of Saxony ca. 1530 Lucas Cranach the Elder 1472-1553 Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze5101530Emilie of Saxony, ca. 1530 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Statens Museum for Kunst, København
5111530A Patrician ca. 1520-1530 attributed to Giuliano Bugiardini 1475-1577 Portland Art Museum OR 5121530 Baudouin of Burgundy, ca. 1530 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) Location TBD5131530A Man, ca. 1525-1530 (Jan Gossaert/Mabuse) (1478-1532) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_837
5141530A Man, ca. 1530 (attributed to Jan Gossaert/Mabuse) (ca. 1478-1532) Location TBD
5151530Eleanor of Austria, ca. 1520-1530 (Joos van Cleve) (1480-1541) Location TBD 5161530A Youth ca. 1530 Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo 1480-1548 Galleria Borghese Roma 5171530Lucretia ca. 1528-1533 Lorenzo Lotto 1480-1556 The National Gallery London 5181530Self-Portrait at around 50 years old, ca. 1530 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
5191530An Architect ca. 1530 Lorenzo Lotto 1480-1556 Galleria Borghese Roma 5201530Three Views of a Goldsmith, ca. 1530 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_92
5211530Self-Portrait, ca. 1525-1530 (Domenico Beccafumi) (1484-1551) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
5221530A Cleric of the Papal Court, ca. 1530 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1939 P
5231530A Woman ca. 1530 (Dosso Dossi) (1490-1542) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00416 5241530A Halberdier, possibly Francesco Guardi, ca. 1528-1530 (Pontormo) (1494-1557) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 89.PA.49 5251530Lady Alice More ca. 1530 studio of Hans Holbein the Younger 1497-1543 Weiss Gallery London 5261530A Monk as Saint ca. 1530 Moretto da Brescia 1498-1554 Szépművészeti Múzeum Budapest 5271530Chancellor Jan II Carondelet 1525-1550, by Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen (ca. 1504-1559)
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium5281530Mercurino Gattinara ca. 1530 Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen 1500-1559 Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België Brussel5291530Charles V at about 30 years of age ca. 1530 Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen 1500-1559 Location TBD 5301530Ferdinand I at about 27 years old, ca. 1530 (Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen) (1500-1559) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_4059
5311530Mary Queen of Hungary, ca. 1530. (Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen) (1500-1559) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.26
5321530Jean de Carondelet, ca. 1530 (Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen) (1500-1559) Brooklyn Museum of Art 47.76
5331530 A Man, ca. 1530 (Ambrosius Benson) Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA 64.11.7 5341530A Man, ca. 1530 (Ambrosius Benson) (c. 1495-1550) Private Collection 5351530A Man ca. 1525-1530 Unknown Artist Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Madrid5361530Anne Boleyn, ca. 1530 (attributed to Lucan Horenbout) (1490-1544) The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK5371530Anne Boleyn, ca. 1530-1536 (Unknown English Master) National Portrait Gallery, London 5381530A Man, 1528-1530 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540) Galleria Borghese, Roma 5391530A Young Woman, ca. 1530 (Parmigianino) 1503-1540) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_327 5401530A Man, possibly a self-portrait, ca. 1530 (Parmigianino) 1503-1540) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 5411530A Man, ca. 1530 (Unknown Artist) Sotheby's Auction House, 2009 5421530A Man, possibly John Goldsave at around 25 years old, ca. 1530 (Unknown Artist, Augsberg) Musée du Louvre, Paris Inv. 1350 5431530A Man ca. 1530 Unknown Artist Augsberg The National Gallery, London NG26045441530Giacomo Baggarotti, ca. 1525-1535 (Unknown Artist) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano Inv. 197 5451530A Man, ca. 1530 (attributed to Ambrosius Benson) (ca. 1495-1550) Compton Verney House, Warwickshire 6011530A Young Man with a Letter, ca. 1530 (follower of Dosso Dossi) (ca. 1490-1542) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH 1916.803 12701530A Man, ca. 1530 (Jan Gossaert aka. Mabuse) (ca. 1478-1532) Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Inv. 2039 16401530Francisco de los Cobos, ca. 1531 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) Location TBD 16421530Alfonso I de Este, ca. 1530 (attributed to Dosso Dossi) (1490-1542) Galleria Estense, Modena 39551530Donors with Saint WIlliam of Maleval ca 1530 left wing triptych Christies December 3 201481171530Ludwig X, Duke of Bavaria, 1530 (Barthel Beham) (1502-1540) Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Inv. 244863671530A Man in Armor, 1530 (Titian) (ca. 1488-1576) Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA63701530A Boy Playing the Flute, ca. 1530 (Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo) (ca. 1480-1548) Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo, Brescia63731530A Man, ca. 1530 (follower of Jan Gossaert/Mabuse) (ca. 1478-1532) Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,, 1956.171 65671530A Man, ca. 1530 (attributed to Giovanni de Busi, Il Cariani) (ca. 1485-1547) Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1932.6765691530A Lady, ca. 1530 (attributed to Vincenzo Tamagni) (1497-1530) Sothebys Old Masters, 29 January, 2015, Lot 136 65701530A Man, ca. 1530 -1540 (circle of Adriaen Isenbrandt/Ambrosius Benson) Jean Moust Gallery, Bruges
65711530A Man, ca. 1530 (Unknown Artist, North Italian School) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Gal. Nr. 15565721530Siege of Florence, 1530, by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) painted in 1558, Palazzo Vecchio Sala du Clemente VII.79101530A Young Gentleman, 1530, Pontormo (1494-1557) Private Collection80661530Man in Armor 1530 by Dosso Dossi Location TBD81241530Young Man, ca. 1530, attributed to Tintoretto, Location TBD81281530Young Woman ca 1530 by Lucas Cranach the Elder 1472-1553 Location TBD 81291530A Man, ca. 1530, Parmese School, Sotheby's Sale, December 9, Lot 199105041530137351531A Nobleman, 1531 (Vincenzo Catena) (1470-1531) Huntington Museum of Art, WV 1970.275461531 Johann Frederick, Elector of Saxony, ca. 1531 (Lucas Cranach Elder) (1472-1553) Location TBD5471531 Lucrezia Sommaria, ca. 1530-1532 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Location TBD5491531 Pope Clement VII, ca. 1531 (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 92.PC.25 5501531 Giacomo Dolfin ca. 1531 Titian) (1489-1576) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA M.81.24 5511531 Teutonic Knight at 37 years old, ca. 1531 (Bartholomäus Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_868 5521531A Boy, 1531 (Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam 5531531Pompejus Occo, ca. 1531 (Dirck Jacobsz) (1497-1567) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-3924 5541531A Woman, probably Margherita Paleologo, ca. 1531 (Giulio Romano) (1499-1546) The Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 405777 5551531Ulrich Zwingli at 47 years old, 1531 (Hans Asper) (1499-1571) Locatiion TBD Kunstmuseum Winterhur ? 5561531A Man, ca. 1531 (Georg Pencz) (1500-1550) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_906 5571531Duke Ludwig X of Bavaria, 1531 (Barthel Beham) (1502-1540) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien Inv.-No. GE927
5581531Goldsmith Jörg Zürer of Augsburg at 41 years old, ca. 1531 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Museo del Prado, Madrid 5591531Wife of Jörg Zürer, 1531 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Museo del Prado, Madrid P02184 5601531A Young Woman at 17 years old, 1531 (attributed to the Master of the Sacred Magdalena) Sotheby's, London, 4/26/10, lotnr. 10
5611531A Man, ca. 1531 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1981.57.1 5621531Frederick III the Wise, ca. 1531 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien G079 5631531Frederick III the Wise, 1531 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Location TBD Regensburg Museum? 5641531A Man holding a Glove, ca. 1530-1532 (Jan Gossaert) (1478-1532) The National Gallery, London, NG946 16411531Cosimo I de Medici, future Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1531 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze63681531Giacomo Dolfin ca 1531 after Titian Norton Simon Museum 81211531137341532Martin Luther, ca. 1532 (workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 55.220.2 5651532A Man, ca. 1532 (Bernardino Licinio) (1485-1550) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6442 5661532A Woman, ca. 1532 (Pontormo) (1494-1557) Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main Inv. Nr. 1136 5671532Nikolaus Körbler, 1532 (Paris Bordone) (1495-1570) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien Inv.-No. GE1128 5681532Georg Gisze, a German Merchant in London, ca. 1532 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie5691532Hermann Wedigh III of Cologne, ca. 1532 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.135.45701532Hans of Antwerp, 1532(Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Royal Collection, Windsor 5711532Hans of Antwerp, 1532(Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, P.158-1910 5721532A Lady in Green, ca. 1530-1532 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) The Royal Collection, Windsor 5731532Guidobaldo della Rovere, ca. 1532 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 5741532Charles V, ca. 1532 (Christoph Ameberger) (1505-1562) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 5751532Friedrich Rorbach, 1532 (Conrad Faber von Creuznach) (1520-1553) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1935.296
5761532Johannes Bugenhagen, 1532 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Kirchenkreis alt Hamburg 63501532Philip Melanchthon, 1532 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Gal. Nr. 1919 65731532137331533Self-Portrait, 1533 (Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen) (1472-1533) Amsterdam Museum SB6409 5771533Frederick III, ca. 1533 (workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 46.179.1 5781533John I Elector of Saxony, ca. 1533 (workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 46.179.2 5791533Woman, 1534 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon Inv B 494 5801533John Frederick I of Saxony, 1533 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Museo del Prado, Madrid P007798 5811533Charles V, 1533 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 5821533A Man, 1533 (Jorg Breu the Elder) (1475-1537) The Courtald Gallery, London 5831533Alfonso d'Avalos Marchese del Vasto, ca. 1533 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD 5841533A Woman, ca. 1530's (Barthel Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 5851533A Man, 1533 (Barthel Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 62.267.1 5861533A Woman 1533 Barthel Bruyn the Elder 1493-1555 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 62.267.25871533A Man, 1533 (Paris Bordone) (1495-1570) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien GE93 5881533Thomas Cromwell, ca. 1533 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Frick Collection, New York, NY 1915.1.765891533Thomas Cromwell, ca. 1533 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN C10048 5901533A Wedigh Merchant from Cologne, 1533 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543)Staatliche Museen zu , Berlin, Gemäldegalerie5911533Dirk Tybis, 1533 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 5921533 Cyriacus Kale, 1533 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig, GG 18
5931533Nicholas Carew, ca. 1532-1533 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland 5941533Robert Cheseman, 1533 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Mauritshuis, Den Haag Inv. 276 5951533A Man, 1533 (Georg Pencz) (1500-1550) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_874 5961533Cardinal Ippolito de Medici and Monsignor Mario Bracci, ca. 1533 (attributed to Girolamo da Carpi) (1501-1556) The National Gallery, London 5971533Anne de Pisseleu, ca. 1533 (attributed to Corneille de Lyon) (fl.1533-1575) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.197 5981533A Man, 1533 (Moretto da Brescia) (1498-1554) Location TBD13031533Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1533 (Titian) (ca. 1588-1576) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 52331533Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor(Jacob Seisenegger, after Titian) (1504-1567)Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 52341533Andrea de Franceschi, ca. 1533 (Titian Vecelli) (ca. 1588-1576) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C, 1937.1.3559731533Derich Born, 1533 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Royal Collection Trust, UK, RCIN 40568159741533A Lady, ca. 1530-1535 (attributed to Pier Francesco di Jacopo Foschi) (1502-1567) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 65741533The Ambassadors 1533 by Hans Holbein the Younger 1498-1543 National Gallery London Room C89441533Atahualpa's Funeral, August 29th, 1533, by Luis Montero (1828-1869) painted in 1869, Museo de Arte de Lima.79111533Self-Portrait with wife Anna ca 1533 by Jacob-Cornelisz van-Oostsanen81261533Sybyl of Saxony 1533 by Lucas Cranach 1472-1553 SMK81271533A Young Man, possibly Tomasso de Cavalieri, ca. 1533, Black Chalk, Musee Bonnat Bayonne101301533John Frederick I Elector of Saxony, ca. 1533 by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK OLD MASTERS SALE APRIL 19th, 2018 102681533137321534Christiana Eulenau 1534 Lucas Cranach the Elder 1472-1553 Location TBD5991534Ippolito dei Medici, ca. 1534 (Titian) (1488-1576) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze 6001534A Woman, ca. 1520-1535 (Jan Sanders van Hemessen) (1500-1564) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 6021534Pierre Aymeric, 1534 (Corneille de Lyon) (fl. 1533-1575) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 1976-15 6031534 Sir Brian Tuke, ca. 1534 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1593-1543) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 19 37.1.65 6041534A Man ca. 1534 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1593-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.145.24 6051534 John Fisher, ca. 1534 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1593-1543) Philip Mould Ltd., London 6061534William Tyndale?, ca. 1534 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 3180 6071534Doctor Cogniati, 1534 (Paolo Pino) (fl. 1534-1565) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 16171534Dr. Johann Schiering, 1534 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Christies Fine Art Auction, London, Sale 1537, Lot 50 37151534Georg, Duke of Saxony, 1534 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, GG_63563711534Knight of Malta 1534 by Hans Baldung Grien81221534137311535An Architect, ca. 1535 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 6081535A Man, ca 1535 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) New Orleans Museum of Art, LA 6091535A Man, ca. 1535 (Joos van Cleve) (1485-1540) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 2105 6101535A Venetian Lady, ca. 1530-1535 (attributed to Cariani) (1485-1548) GG_355 6111535A Man, ca. 1530-1540 (Bernardino Licinio) (1485-1555) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6756 6121535Burgomaster Arnold von Brauweiler, ca. 1535 (Barthel Bruyn) (1493-1555) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln 6131535A Noblewoman, ca. 1530-1535 (Barthel Bruyn) (1493-1555) Museo Correr, Venezia6141535A Man, ca. 1535 (Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 6151535A Gentleman, ca. 1530-1535 (Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Weiss Gallery, London6161535Erard de la Marck – Prince-Bishop of Liege, ca. 1535 (Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen) (1500-1559) Location TBD6171535Alessandro de Medici, ca. 1534-1535 (Pontormo) (1497-1535) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA6181535Anne Stafford, ca. 1535 (Ambrosius Benson) St. Louis Art Museum, MO6191535Philip Melanchthon, ca. 1535 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Location TBD 6201535Charles de Solier, French Embassador, ca. 1534-1535 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Staatliche Kunstsammlung, Dresden, Gemäldegalerie 6211535A Man with Lute, ca. 1535 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
6221535Sir Nicholas Poyntz, ca. 1535 (after Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) National Portrait Gallery, London 5583 6231535 Lady Rich, Elizabeth Jenks, ca. 1535 (workshop of Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.646
6241535A Man, 1535 (workshop of Hans Holbein the Younger)(1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.28 6251535Pfalzgrafen Ottheinrich, ca. 1535 (Barthel Beham) (1502-1540) Alte Pinakothek, München 6261535Condottiere Maltesta Baglione?, ca. 1535 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_277
6271535Pedro María Rossi, conde de San Segundo, 1535 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00279 6281535Camilla Gonzaga and children, ca. 1535-1537 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00280 6291535A Young Woman, ca. 1535 (Parmigianino) (1503-1540) Museo e Galleria Nazionale di Capodimonte Napoli6301535 Giovanni Battista Castaldi, ca. 1535 (possibly Parmigianino) (1503-1540) National Library of Australia, Canberra 6311535A Man, ca. 1535 (Unknown English Master) Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen 6321535A Man (involved in Indies conquest), ca. 1501-1535 (Unknown Artist Spanish) Museo del Prado, Madrid PO1299 6331535 Giovanni Giuliani, ca. 1530-1540 (Unknown Artist, Paduan) The National Gallery, London NG11056341535Anna von Holzhauzen, 1535 (Conrad Faber von Creuznach) (fl. 1524-1553) Städel Museum, Frankurt am Main12671535Galeazzo Campi the Artists Father 1535 Location TBD81191535A Gentleman in Black 1535 by Girolamo da Carpi 1501-155681161535Alvise Contarini, ca. 1535 (Paris Bordone) (1500-1571) Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Brasil 65751535A Gentleman, ca. 1535 (Unknown Artist, North Italian School) Sothebys Old Masters, 29 January, 2015, Lot 10 65761535Gentleman ca 1535 by Venetian Lombard School Art Institute of Chicago 1988.266 81201535A Gentleman ca. 1535, by Francesco de Rossi (1510-1563) TRINITY FINE ART, LONDON102331535A Man, possibly Claes Claesz mogelijk 1535 dated, by Anoniem, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, inv./cat.nr OSI-162103101535A Man, ca. 1535, by Corneille Lyon (1500-1575) Upton House Warwickshire National Trust 446780104471535A Woman, ca 1535, by Corneille de Lyon (1500-1575) Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, ГЭ-5697104481535A Man, 1535, by circle of Jan Mostaert (ca. 1475-1556) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-743104981535Hans Bromm, 1535, by Conrad Faber von Creuznach (ca. 1490-1553) Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremburg, Gm1597105001535Expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt, ca. 1535 (range=1535-1470 BCE) painted by Ambrose Dudley for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 27106041535137301536Guillaume Bude, ca. 1536 (Jean Clouet) (1480-1540) Location TBD 6351536 Isabella d'Este, ca. 1536 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD Vienna Museum?6361536A Woman, ca. 1536 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD 6371536Giulio Romano ca. 1536 (Titian) (1488-1576) Museo Civico di Palazzo Te, Mantova 6381536A Young Woman, 1536 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD6391536Sir Richard Southwell, ca. 1536 (Hans Holbein the Younger?) (1497-1543) Location TBD 6401536Derek Berck at 30 years old, 1536 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.29 6411536Margaret More, wife of William Roper, ca. 1535-1536 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.69.2 6421536Francis II Dauphin ca. 1536 Corneille de Lyon 1500-1575 Location TBD 6431536A Man, ac. 1536 (Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Location TBD 6441536A Man, ca. 1536 (attributed to Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1978.301.6
6451536A Man, ca. 1534-1536 (Girolamo di Carpi) (1501-1556) Seattle Art Museum, WA 61.164 Kress Collection 6461536A Man, ca. 1536 (attributed to Girolamo di Carpi) (1501-1556) Location TBD, possibly Bergamo6471536Ugolino Martelli, ca. 1536 (Bronzino) (1503-1572) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemaldegalerie6481536Young Man, ca. 1536 (Bronzino) (1503-1572) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 6491536A Young Man playing the Lute, ca. 1536 (attributed to Jacopino del Conte) (1510-1598) Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris59611536Margarethe von Ponickau, 1536 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1572-1553) Staatliche Kustsammlungen Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, 1922A65771536Justinian von Holzhausen and His Wife Anna, née Fürstenberg, 1536, by Conrad Faber von Kreuznach (1490-1552/1553)
Städel Museum, Frankfurt, No. 1729104951536137291537 John Bugenhagen, ca. 1537 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Location TBD 6501537Martin Luther, ca. 1537 (workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Sotheby's Old Master's Sale 7/9/09 Lot 115 6511537John Duke of Saxony, ca. 1537 Lucas Cranach the Elder 1472-1553 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 08.19 6521537A Man, 1537 (workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.61 6531537Nuremberg Patrician, after 1536 (Cariani) (1485-1548) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6434 6541537 Pietro Aretino ca. 1537 Titian 1488-1576 The Frick Collection New York. NY 1905.1.115 6551537Maria Salviati de Medici with Guilia de Medici, ca. 1537 (Pontormo) (1494-1557) Location TBD6561537Jane Seymour, ca. 1537 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Mauritshuis, Den Haag6571537Jane Seymour, ca. 1536-37 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 6581537Henry VIII ver 1 ca. 1537 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Location TBD6591537Henry VIII (ver 2), ca. 1537 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Location TBD6601537James V of Scotland, ca. 1536-1537 (Corneille Lyon) (1500-1575) Private Collection Weiss Gallery, London 6611537Cosimo I Medici, 1537 (attrib. Bronzino) (1503-1572) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg6621537Felicitas Seiler, ca. 1537 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Alte Pinakothek, München 6631537 A Man, 1537 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562)Liechtenstein Museum, Wien GE705 6641537A Young Man, ca. 1537 (Jacopo Bassano) (1510-1592) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6486 6651537Pietro Bembo, ca. 1532-1537 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Colnaghi Gallery, London 6661537Philipp Melanchthon 1537 by Lucas Cranach the Elder 1472-1553 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe Nr. 94081251537Tullia as possibly Salome ca. 1537 by Moretto da Brescia Location TBD98371537137281538Ambroise Volmar Keller, ca. 1538 (Hans Balbung Grien) (1484-1545) Musée de l'Œuvre Notre Dame, Strasbourg 6671538A Young Man, ca. 1538 (Joos van Cleve) (1485-1540) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA AC1993.132.16681538Francis I France, ca. 1538 (workshop of Joos Van Cleve?) (1485-1540) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 15:1928
6691538Francis I France, ca. 1538 (workshop of Joos Van Cleve?) (1485-1540) Location TBD6701538Francis I France, ca. 1525-1530 (workshop of Joos Van Cleve?) (1485-1540) Location TBD 6711538Francesco Maria della Rovere, Duke of Urbino, ca. 1538 (Titian) (1488-1576) Galleria degli Uffizi. Firenze 6721538Eleonora de Gonzaga, ca. 1538 (Titian) (ca. 1488-1576) Galleria degli Uffizi. Firenze 6731538Edward VI of England, ca. 1538 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1937.1.64 6741538Lady, ca. 1538 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN C10049 6751538Ulrich Sulczer, ca. 1538 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_5608 6761538Gentleman and a Lady, ca. 1538 (Hans Schöpfer the Elder) Private Collection 6771538A Man at 35 years old, 1538 (Unknown Artist, Lombard/Brescia) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid GG_1552 6781538A Man with a Letter, ca. 1538 (Moretto da Brescia) (1498-1554) Pinacoteca Civica Tosio Martinengo, Brescia 12681538Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) National Gallery, London 57061538Gabriele Tadino 1538 attributed to workshop of Titian Sothebys Sale 10 July 2003 L03032 Lot 15581181538A Hanseatic Merchant, 1538 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT, 1977.18763661538Cosimo I de Medici, ca. 1538 (Pontormo) (1494-1556) Sotheby's Sale L09638, July 8, 2009, London, Lot 1563691538A Man, ca. 1535-1540 (Barthel Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1960.74065781538A Woman, ca. 1535-1540 (Barthel Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1960.74165791538Elisabeth Bellinghausen, ca. 1538-9 (Barthel Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555) Location TBD65801538A Goldsmith ca. 1538 attributed to Francesco de Rossi Il Salviati Location TBD90331538Bearded Gentleman ca. 1538 by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) San Diego Museum of Art CA 1928.1103931538137271539 A Young Man of the Rava Family, 1539 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Museu de Arte de São Paulo, 181 P6791539Francis I, ca. 1539 (Titian) (1488-1576) Musée du Louvre, Paris 6801539Man, ca. 1539 (Barthel Bruyn) (1493-1555) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 35/26 6811539A Woman, ca. 1539 (Barthel Bruyn) (1493-1555) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 6821539Anne of Cleves, ca. 1539 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
6831539A Man, ca. 1539 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_999 6841539A Woman, ca. 1539 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1000 6851539A Member of the Froschl Family, ca 1539-1540 (Hans Mielich) (1516-1573) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1984.66.16861539Margareth von der Saale, 1539 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 6871539A Young Woman at 19 years of age, 1539 (Barthel Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555) Location TBD 65811539Ahmose I, founder of the 18th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1539-1514 B.C.E., The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 2006.27073561539Lady 1539 by Barthel Bruyn the Elder 1493-1555 Allen Memorial Art Museum Oberlin 1940.4281231539"The Conversion of the Duke of Gandia" - 1539, May, Francis Bogia conveys the deceased Queen Isabel of Portugal, wife of Charles V, to Granada, her body had begun to decompose. due to the heat, painted 1884 by Jose Moreno Carbonero, Prado, Madrid105641540Magdalena Luther, ca. 1540 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 17676881540A Venetian Woman, 1540 (Giovanni Savoldo) (1480-1548) Location TBD 6891540Self-Portrait?, ca. 1535-1540 (Girolamo Romanino) (1484-1559) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 6901540Benedetto Varchi, ca. 1540 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD 6911540A Man, ca 1540 (Titian) (1488-1576) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00413 6921540A Man, ca. 1540 (probably Titian) (1588-1576) Sotheby's Sale N087126931540Pietro Bembo, ca. 1540 (Unknown Italian Master) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00529 6941540Pietro Bembo, ca. 1540 (Titian) (1488-1576) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.6951540A Man with A book, ca. 1540 (Titian)(1488-1576) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 43.83 6961540Giulio Romano ca. 1540 copy after Titian 1488-1576 Georgia Museum of Art Athens GA 6971540 A Man with Three Sons, ca. late 1530's-early 1540's (Barthel Bruyn) (1493-1555) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg6981540A Woman and Daughter, ca. late 1530's-early 1540's (Barthel Bruyn) (1493-1555)State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 6991540Johann van Aich, ca. 1540 (Barthel Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555)Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 66.11 7001540Margarethe van Aich ca. 1540 Barthel Bruyn the Elder 1493-1555 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 66.12 7011540Catherine Howard, ca. 1541 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Royal Collection, Windsor UK 7021540Catherine Howard, ca. 1540 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Location TBD7031540 Jane Small (née Pemberton), ca. 1540 (Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 7041540Margaret Wyatt, Lady Lee, ca. 1540 (copy after Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.637 7051540Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, ca. 1539-1540 (Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543)Royal Collection, Windsor 7061540Sir Thomas Wyatt, ca. 1540 (after Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) National Portrait Gallery, London 1035 7071540Sir Thomas Wyatt, ca. 1540 (after Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) National Portrait Gallery, London 2809 7081540A Lady, ca. 1540 (Moretto da Brescia) (1498-1554) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1939.1.230 7091540Giorgio Martinengo Cesaresco, ca. 1540 (Moretto da Brescia) (1498-1554) Location TBD7101540Melchior de Brauweiler (Giovanni Calcar), ca. 1540 (1499-1546) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 1347111540Thomas Stachel, ca. 1540 (Paris Bordone) (1500-1571) Musée du Louvre, Paris 7121540A Woman and Boy, ca. 1540 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1942.9.6 7131540Duke Ludwig X von Bavaria at 45 years old, ca. 1540 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6405 7141540A Man, ca. 1540-1560 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich, Kraków 7151540A Woman as Mary Magdalene, ca. 1535-1540 (Giovanni Savoldo) (1480-1548) The National Gallery, London, NG 1031 7161540Santjagoritters Man, ca. 1540 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_56207171540Santjagoritters Woman, ca. 1540 (Christoph Amberger)(1505-1562) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5621
7181540A Musician ca. 1540 (attributed to Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli) (1505-1570) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 30:1922 7191540Bartolomeo Panciatichi, ca. 1540 (Bronzino) (1503-1572) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 7201540A Man with Parrot ca. 1540 Niccolo dell Abate 1509-1571 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien7211540An Olivetian Monk, ca. 1540 (Antonio Bentivoglio?) “1538-1540” (attrib. Battista Franco) (1510-1561) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1986.339.1 7221540A Prelate, ca. 1540 (Jacopino del Conte) (1515-1598) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1999.1042 7231540A Man, ca. 1540-1560 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 41.100.12
7241540Lady Dacre, 1540 (Hans Eworth) (1520-1574) National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa7251540Guy XVII, Comte de Laval, ca. 1540 (François Clouet) (1522-1572) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA 7261540A Man, ca. 1540 (Corneille de Lyon) (fl. 1534-1574)National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1965.8.1 7271540A Man, ca. 1540 (Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 43.109 7281540 James V King of Scotland, ca. 1540 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 7291540A Young Man, ca. 1540 (Unknown Dutch Master) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_778 7301540Martin Luther? at 63 years old, ca. 1540 (Unknown Swabian Master ) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6048 7311540A Man, ca. 1540 (Unknown Artist, Lombard/Bergamo?)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 91.26.27321540Clergyman, ca. 1540 (Unknown Lombard Master) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_372 7331540A Young Lady, ca. 1540 (Unknown Artist, Lombard/Brescia) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1914 7341540A Man, ca. 1540 (Unknown Artist, Lombard/Brescia) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1846 7351540A Woman, ca. 1540 (Unknown Florentine Master ) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_338 P 7361540A Knight of the Rehlinger Family, ca. 1540 (Unknown German Master) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin L7371540A Mantuan Man? ca. 1540 (Francesco Salviati) (1510-1563) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 55.147451540Jacob Ziegler, ca. 1540 (Wolf Huber) (ca. 1480-1553) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 7631540A Man, ca. 1530-1540 (Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Weiss Gallery, London8091540A Young Woman, ca. 1540 (Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1942.48 12651540A Woman, ca. 1540 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA 38331540Antonio Pucci, ca. 1540 (Pier Francesco Foschi) (1502-1567) Galleria Corsini, Firenze59671540A Young Man, 1540 (AG Monogrammist) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien 62561540Reinerus Frisius Gemma, ca. 1540-1545 (Maarten van Heemskerck) (1498-1574) Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam 1347 81401540A Young Lady 1540 by Hans Mielich 1516-1573 Location TBD81431540A Young Lady, ca. 1540s by Sebastiano del Piombo (ca. 1485-1547) National Gallery, London81461540Machtelt Suijs ca. 1540-1544 by Maarten van Heemskerck Location TBD98391540Sir William Butts, Medicus, inscribed 1540 by English School, Nadeau's Auction January 1 2019103081540A Young Man, most likely Hans Schwarzwaldt II, ca. 1540, by Hans Holbein The Younger (1497/1498 - 1543) Koninklijke Verzamelingen, Den Haag, No. MI-492 104991540137261541A Man, 1541 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1483-1556) NGCO Location TBD 7381541A Bearded Man, 1541 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1483-1556) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 1957.2 7391541 A Woman, 1541 (Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555) Yale Art Gallery, New Haven, CT 1975.95.2 7401541A Young Merchant at 28 years of age, 1541 (Hans Holbein the Younger) 1497-1543 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_9057411541Hans Jacob Fugger, 1541 (Christopher Amberger) (1505-1562) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA M.68.33 7421541Christoph Fugger, 1541 (Christopher Amberger) (1505-1562) Alte Pinakothek, München 7431541A Man, 1541 (Francesco Salviati) (1510-1563) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 45.128.11 7441541Ottavio Grimani, 1541 (Bernardino Licinio) (ca. 1489-1565) Location TBD46401541A Gentleman, ca. 1540-1541 (Hans Mielich) (1516-1573) St. Louis Art Museum, 38.200660531541A Lady, ca. 1540-1541 (Hans Mielich) (1516-1573) St. Louis Art Museum, 39.200660541541A Man, 1541 (Master of the 1540s) previously attributed to Jan van Scorel) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2001.16962571541Five Members of the Utrecht Brotherhood of Jerusalem Pilgrims ca. 1541 by Jan van Scorel 1495-1552 Centraal Museum in Utrecht 237689451541A Young Woman at 16 years 1541 by Willem Key ca 1515-1568 Location TBD81451541137251542Lorenzo da Bergamo 1542 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD 37.1104 7461542 A Man ca. 1542 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Roma 7471542Ranuccio Farnese, 1542 (Titian) (1488-1576) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 7481542A Man, 1542 (Giovanni Pietro Silvio) (1490-1551) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1537 7491542Gustav Vasa, 1542 (Jakob Bincks) (1490-1569) Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala, Sweden 7501542Monsignor della Casa, ca. 1541-1544 (Pontormo) (1494-1557) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1961.9.83 7511542René de Châlon at 23 years old, 1542 (by or after Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-4462
7521542Anne of Lorraine, 1542 (by or after Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-4027
7531542Edward VI, ca. 1542 (after Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) National Portrait Gallery, London 1132 7541542Self-Portrait, ca. 1542 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN C10050 7551542Henry Howard ca. 1542 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Museu de Arte de São Paulo 7561542A Falconer at 28 years old, ca. 1542 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Mauritshuis, Den Haag, 277 7571542Count Sciarra Martinengo Cesaresco, ca. 1540-1545 (Moretto da Brescia) (ca. 1498-1554) The National Gallery, LondonNG299 7581542Matthäus Schwarz, 1542 dated (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, INV. Nr (1935.1) 7591542Barbara Schwarz, 1542 dated (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Christie's Fine Art Auction, New York, NY Sale 2819 7601542A Franciscan Friar, ca. 1540-1542 (Jacopo Bassano, dal Ponte) (1510-1592) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1997.02 7611542An Almoner from Antwerp, 1542 (Unknown Artist) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1956.3.2 7621542A Girl, said to be Bianca de Medici, ca. 1542 (posthumous) (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze, INV. 770 38341542137241543Henry d'Albret, Henry II King of Navarre at around 40 years old, ca. 1543 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD later maybe 1560 7641543Henry d’Albret, Henry II King of Navarre , ca. 1540-1560 (Leonard Limosin) (1505-1577) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.108
7651543Philip Melanchthon, 1543 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Private Collection, Hamburg 7661543Philip Melanchthon, 1540-1560 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-2561 7671543A Man with Gloves, ca. 1543 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 7681543A Man of the Avogadro Family, ca. 1543 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia 7691543 Pope Paul III, papacy 1534-1549, 1543 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD7701543 Maria Salviati, ca. 1543 (Pontormo) (1494-1556) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 7711543Self-Portrait, ca. 1543 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze7721543Anton der Gute, Herzog von Lothringen, 1543 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Staatliche Museeun zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie7731543 An English Woman, ca. 1540-1543 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_847 7741543Sir William Butts, ca. 1540-1543 (after Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) National Portrait Gallery, London 210 7751543Sir William Butts, ca. 1543 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston P21e1 7761543Lady Margaret Butts, ca. 1543 (Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston P21e5 7771543 Edward VI at 6 years old, 1543 (workshop of Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.31 7781543Eleanor de Toledo, 1543 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Národní muzeum, Praha 7791543Christoph Baumgartner, ca. 1543 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 7801543A Wife of a Member of the de Hondecoeter Family, ca. 1543 (Unknown Artist, Antwerp) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1953.3.4 7811543Konrad Peutinger, 1543 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Peutinger Collegium, München 8231543Johannes Bugenhagen, 1543 (Lucas Cranach the Elder) (1472-1553) Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig, GG2162581543A Man, ca 1543-1545, by Girolamo Romanino (1484-1559) Fondazione Brescia Musei104971543137231544Febo da Brescia, 1544 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Location TBD 7821544Laura da Pola, 1544 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 7831544Teofilo Folengo, ca. 1544 (Girolamo Romanino) (ca. 1485-1566) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 7841544A Young Man 1544 Georg Pencz 1500-1550 Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze 7851544Barbara Kressin at 17 years old, 1544 (Lambert Sustris) (1515-1560) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 70.PA.54 7861544Procurator Nicolò Priuli, before 1545 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Galleria Franchetti alla Ca' d'Oro, Venezia 7871544Maximilian II at 17 years of age 1544 William Scrots Location TBD 7881544Thomas Gresham at 26 years old, 1544 (UA Flemish School) The Mercers Company 81151544A Man 1544 by Lucas Cranach the Elder and Younger 1515-1586 SKD Gal Nr 1917A81361544137221545Catherine Parr, 1545 (attributed to William Scrots) National Portrait Gallery, London 4618 7891545Thomas Cranmer, 1545 (Gerlach Flicke) (???-1553) National Portrait Gallery, London 535 7901545A Man, ca. 1545 (Unknown Artist, Venetian-Lombard School) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA 39.12.16 7911545Reginald Pole, 1540’s (Sebastiano del Piombo) (1485-1547) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 7921545The Young Englishman, ca. 1540-1545 (Titian) (1488-1576) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze 7931545A Gentleman, ca. 1545 (follower of Titian) (1488-1576) Christie's Old Master Sale 9607 Lot 2087941545Daniele Barbaro ca. 1545 Titian 1488-1576 Museo del Prado Madrid P00414 7951545Pietro Aretino, 1545 (Titian) (1488-1576) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze 7961545 A Woman, ca. 1545 (Bacchiacca) (1494-1557) Staatliche Museeun zu Berlin 7971545A Woman, ca. 1540-1545 (Bacchiacca) (1494-1557) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 78.PB.227 7981545Reinoud III van Brederode, ca. 1545 (Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-1619
7991545A Young Woman at 17 years old, ca. 1540-1550 (school of Hans Holbein the Younger) (1497-1543) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.30 8001545A Man, ca. 1545 (Moretto di Brescia) (1498-1554) The National Gallery, London 8011545Christina of Denmark, 1545 (Michiel Coxie) (1499-1592) Allen Memorial Museum of Art, Oberlin College, OH, 1953.270 8031545A Man, ca. 1540's (Georg Pencz) (1500-1550) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 8041545Sigismund Baldinger, ca. 1545 (Georg Pencz) (1500-1550) Christie's Sale 8051545A Man at 63 years old, 1545 (attributed to Jan Cornelisz. Vermeyen) (1500-1559) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.27 8061545A Woman, ca. 1545 (Jan Cornelisz. Vermeyen) (1500-1559) Location TBD 8071545A Man, ca. 1545 (attributed to Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.41 8081545A Man, ca. 1545 (circle of Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Christie's Old Masters Sale8101545A Man, ca. 1545 (Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli) (1500-1569) Location TBD 8111545Bindo Altoviti, ca. 1545 (Girolamo da Carpi) (1501-1556) Location TBD8121545Cosimo I Medici, ca. 1545 (Bronzino) (1503-1572) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 8131545Eleanora of Toledo ca.1544-45 Bronzino 1503-1572) Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze8141545Lucrezia Panciatichi, ca. 1545 (Bronzino) (1503-1572) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 8151545A Young Girl, ca. 1441-1445 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze8161545A Man, ca. 1545 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg8171545A Woman, ca. 1545 (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 8181545Sebastian Munster, cosmographer, "1552?" (Christoph Amberger) (1505-1562) Staatliche Museeun zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 8191545A Man, ca. 1545 (Hans Schöpfer) (1505-1569) Muzeul Naṭional Brukenthal, Sibiu, Hermannstadt, Romania8201545Michelangelo Buonarotti, ca. 1545 (Daniele da Volterra) (1509-1566) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1977.384.1 8211545A Young Man, ca. 1543-1545 (Cecchino del Salviati) (1510-1563) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano 8221545A Man of the Santa Croce Family, 1540-1550 (Francesco Salviati) (1510-1563) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_296 de rossi8241545A Man, ca. 1540-1550 (Francesco Salviati) (1510-1563) Honolulu Museum of Art 8251545A Woman, ca. 1545 Nicolo dell' Abate (1510-1571) Museo e Galleria Borghese, Roma 8261545A White-Bearded Man ca. (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 8271545Jacopo Sansovino “before 1546” (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 8281545A Man, ca. 1545 Frans Floris (1519-1570) Alte Pinakothek, München Inv.-Nr. 738 8291545Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, ca. 1545 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 516 8301545A Man, 1545 (John Bettes the Elder) (fl. 1531-1570) Tate Britain, London, N01496 8311545A Bearded Man, ca. 1545 (Antwerp Master of the 1540's) Christie's Sale 1886 Lot 98321545A Young Man, ca. 1540-1545 (Unknown Dutch Master) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_839 8331545A Woman, ca. 1540-1450 (Unknown Dutch Master) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5626 8341545A Woman, ca. 1540-1550 (Unknown Dutch Master) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1045 8351545A Gentleman, ca. 1545 (Unknown Venetian Master) Sotheby’s M10305 Session 1 Milan 12/15/098361545A Man, ca. 1545 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 8371545A Young Woman, ca. 1545 (attributed to Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Location TBD45681545Marc Antonio Savelli, ca. 1545 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1520-1578) Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa 60641545Lavinia, daughter of the artist, ca. 1545 (Titian Vecelli) (ca. 1488-1576) Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli 62591545Anna of Austria, Duchess of Bavaria , ca. 1545 (Jakob Seisenegger) (1505-1567) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien GG_323681131545A Boy ca 1545 by Florentine Artist Location TBD81301545Conte Martinengo ca 1545-1550 Museo Lechi Montichiari Brescia81311545Frederick II Elector Palatine 1482-1556 painted in 1545 by Hans Besser Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien81321545A Gentleman ca 1545 by Pietro de Marescalchi Art Institute of Chicago 1951.31881331545Mertl Jester to Wilhelm IV of Bavaria 1545 by Hans Mielich Bayerisches Nationalmuseum Munchen81351545A Man ca 1545 by Venetian School Art Institute of Chicago 1954.19581371545A Man probably Stefan IV Colonna ca 1545 by Bronzino detail of Crossing of Red Sea Palazzo Vecchio Florence Chapel of Eleonora of Toledo81381545A Woman ca 1545-1550 by Niccolo dell Abate Location TBD81411545A Young Bearded Gentleman ca 1545 Jan van Calcar 1499-1550 Private Collection81421545Self-Portrait ca. 1545 attributed to Franceso Salviati Location TBD98401545Alessandro Alberti with Page, ca. 1545, North Italian School, possibly Gian Paolo Pace, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Samuel Kress Collection, 1952.5.8104961545137211546Pietro Bembo ca. 1545-1546 Titian 1480-1576 Szépművészeti Múzeum Budapest 8381546Alessandro Farnese, ca. 1546 (Titian) (1488-1576) Museo e Galleria Nazionale di Capodimonte, Napoli 8391546Pier Luigi Farnese, Duke of Parma, ca. 1546 (Titian) (1488-1576) Museo e Galleria Nazionale di Capodimonte, Napoli, q-128 8401546A Man, ca. 1540-1546 (Jan Stephan von Calcar) (1499-1546) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_79 8411546A Man, ca. 1546 (Corneille de Lyon??) (1500-1575) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 169:1925 8421546 Ludovico Martinengo, ca. 1546 (Bartolomeo Veneto) (fl. 1503-1546) The National Gallery, London NG 287 8431546Stefano IV Colonna, ca. 1546 (Bronzino) (1503-1572) Galleria Nazionale di Arte Antica, Roma 8441546Galiot de Genouillac, ca. 1546 (Léonard Limosin) (1505-1575) Le musée de Beaux-Arts de Limoges, Palais de l'Évȇche 8451546A Gentleman, ca. 1543-1546 (Cecchino del Salviati) (1510-1563) Private Collection 8461546Henry Howard Earl of Surrey ca. 1546 William Scrots Location TBD8471546A Man at 34 years old, ca. 1546 (UA Southern Germany)Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5625 8481546137201547Brother Gregorio Belo of Vicenza, 1547 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 65.117 8491547A Man, poss. William Grey, 13th Baron Grey de Wilton, 1547 (Gerlach Flicke) (1495-1558) Location TBD8501547A Man, ca. 1547 (Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Weiss Gallery, London8511547A Florentine Man, ca. 1547 (attributed to Francesco Salviati) (1510-1563) St. Louis Art Museum 415:1943 8521547Self-Portrait, ca. 1547 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Philadelphia Museum of Art 1983-190-1 8531547Self-Portrait ca. 1547 Tintoretto 1518-1594 Victoria and Albert Museum London CAI.1038541547A Man, ca. 1547 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Musée des Beaux-Art, Strasbourg
8551547A Man at 26 years old, 1547 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Location TBD Museum of Fine Arts, Boston?8561547Frouk van Haerda, 1547 (attributed to Adriaen van Cronenburg) (ca. 1524-after 1604) Fries Museum, Leeuwarden
8571547Thomas Wentworth, 1st Baron Wentworth, ca. 1547 (attributed to John Bettes the Elder) (fl. 1531-1570) National Portrait Gallery, London 1851 8581547Henri II 1547 Musee Conde81341547A Young Man, ca. 1547-1550, by Corneille de Lyon, Richard Green Gallery, London.81441547Giovanni della Volta with his Wife and Children 1547 Lorenzo Lotto 1483-1556 The National Gallery London NG 104789461547137191548Empress Isabella of Portugal, posthumous, ca. 1548 (Titian) (1480-1576) Location TBD Museo del Prado, Madrid?8591548Empress Isabella of Portugal, posthumous, ca. 1548 (Titian) (1480-1576) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00145 8601548John Frederick of Saxony-Wittenberg, 1548 (Titian) (1488-1576) Museo del Prado, Madrid P005338611548Doge Andrea Gritti ca. 1546-1548 Titian 1488-1576 National Gallery of Art Washington D.C. 8621548A Man, ca. 1544-1548 (Francesco Salviati) (1510-1563) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles CA 86.PB.476 8631548A Young Man, 1548 (Francesco Salviati) (1510-1563) Liechtenstein Museum, Wien GE848 8641548A Man, 1548 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 8651548A Man, ca. 1548 (fragment) (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 8661548A Young Man, ca. 1547-1548 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_11 8671548A Young Man, ca. 1546-1548 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1966 8681548A Man of the Renialme Family, ca. 1547-1548 (Tintoretto) Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA 52.26 8691548Self-Portrait, ca. 1548 (Caterina van Hemessen) (1528-ca.1588) Kunstmuseum Basel8701548Self-Portrait, ca. 1548 (Caterina van Hemessen) (1528-ca.1588) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln 8711548A Woman, ca. 1548 (Caterrina van Hemessen) (1528-c.1587) Location TBD 8721548Odet de Coligny Cardinal de Chatillon ca 1548 by atelier of Francois Clouet Musee Conde PE4881391548Henry VIII Tudor King of England ca. 1548 Anglo-Netherlandish School Location TBD98381548137181549Regula Qwalter, ca. 1549 (Zwingli’s daughter) (Hans Asper) (1499-1571) Zentralbibliothek, Zürich 8731549Anton Perrenot de Granvelle, ca. 1549 (Anthonis Mor) (1520-1578) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 8741549Ferdinand II, ca. 1549 (William Scrots) (1537-1553) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2603 8751549William Paget, 1st Baron Paget, ca. 1549 (attributed to Master of the Statthalterin Madonna) National Portrait Gallery, London 961
8761549Bartolomeo Compagni, 1549 (Pier Francesco Foschi) (1502-1567) Cummer Museum of Art, Jacksonville, FL62601549137171550A Man with letter, ca. 1550 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Location TBD8771550Charles V, ca. 1550 (Titian) (1488-1576) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_8060 8781550A Knight of Malta, ca. 1550 (Titian) (1488-15769) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00412 8791550A Man, ca. 1550 (Francesco Beccaruzzi) (ca. 1492-1562) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 8801550Wilhelm Kannengiesser, ca. 1550 (Bartholomäus Bruyn) (1493-1555) Los Angeles County Museum of Art AC1994.92.1 8811550A Young Man, ca. 1550 (Bartholomäus Bruyn the Elder) (1493-1555) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_855 8821550A Woman, ca. 1550 (Peter de Kempeneer) (??-??) Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main INV 946 8831550Count Palatine Ottheinrich, ca. 1550 (Georg Pencz) (1500-1550) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 8841550A Young Woman, ca. 1550 (Bordone) (1500-1571) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_18 8851550A Young Woman, ca. 1550 (Bordone) (1500-1571) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_16 8861550René de Puy de Fou, ca. 1550 (Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Indianapolis Museum of Art C0028 8871550A Man, ca. 1550 (Corneille de Lyon) (ca. 1500-1575) Sotheby's Old Masters Sale 6/23/20118881550Marie of Guise, ca. 1550 (Lorraine) (Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Location TBD 8891550 Marie of Guise, ca. 1550 Lorraine Corneille de Lyon 1500-1575 Indianapolis Museum of Art IN C10027 8901550 Marie of Guise or a relative, ca. 1540-1555 (attrib to Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Sotheby's N08712 8911550A Young Man, ca. 1545-1555 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Musée du Louvre, Paris 8921550A Lady, ca. 1550 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Galleria Sabauda, Torino 8931550A Man in Armor, ca. 1550 (attrib. Francesco Salviati) (1510-1563) Dorotheum 2011 8941550A Bearded Man, ca. 1550 (Jacopo Bassano) (1510-1592) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 69.PA.25 8951550Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1550 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 8961550A Nobleman, ca. 1550 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA 8971550Giovanni Battista di Castaldo, ca. 1550 (Anthonis Mor van Dashorst) (1516-1577) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 8981550A Genoese Nobleman, ca. 1550 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 8991550Procurator Jacopo Soranzo, ca. 1550 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Galleria dell'Accademia, Venezia 9001550Procurator Jacopo Soranzo, ca. 1550 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Castello Sforzesco, Milano 9011550A Man ca. 1550 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Christ Church Picture Gallery, Oxford University, UK 9021550A Man at 34 years old, ca. 1550 (William Key) (1520-1568)Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_976 9031550Count Alborghetti & Son, ca. 1550 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1578) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 95.1371 9041550Archduke Ferdinand II, ca. 1550 (attributed to Francesco Terzio) (1523-1591)Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_8063 9051550A Young Man, ca. 1550 (attributed to Nicolas Neufchatel) (1527-1590) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5569 9061550A Woman, ca. 1550 (Catharina de Hemmesen) (1528- 1587) Location TBD 9071550A Woman, ca. 1550 (Catharina de Hemmesen?) (1528- 1587) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 2179 9081550Elizabeth of Austria at ca. 24 years of age dated 1550 Unknown Polish Court Painter Location TBD 9091550Charles V, ca. 1550 (Unknown Dutch Master) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 9101550Mary of Hungary, ca. 1550 (Unknown Dutch Master) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 9111550A Young Man, ca. 1550 (Unknown Dutch Master) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_15639121550A Lady, ca. 1550 (Unknown German Master) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 9131550An Old Woman, ca. 1550 (Master of the 1548 Dresden Portraits) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_826 9141550A Man, ca. 1550 (Unknown French Artist) (“Christ. Amberger” on back?) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_852 9151550A Young Man ca. 1550 Master of the Female Half-Figures Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG_997 9161550A Young Woman, ca. 1550 (Master of the Female Half-Figures) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_998 9171550A Doctor, ca. 1550 (Unknown Upper Italian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5749
9181550A Woman, ca. 1550 (Unknown Florentine Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.66 9191550A Man, ca. 1550 (Unknown Dutch Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6341
9201550Barbara Radziwillona, ca. 1550 (Unknown Polish Court Painter) Location TBD
9211550A Prelate, ca. 1550 (Girolamo da Carpi) (ca. 1501-1556) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1947.210 24231550François de Guerrier, ca. 1550 (workshop of Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Musée du Louvre, Paris, DL1973-20 28901550A Man, possibly William West, 1st Lord De La Warr, ca. 1550 (Unknown British School Artist) Tate Britain, London, N04252 39561550A Knight with jousting helmet, ca. 1554-1558 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) The National Gallery, London
57091550Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, ca. 1550 (Johann Bocksberger the Elder) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_4386
57101550Maximilian II of Austria, 1550 (Antonis Mor) (1520-1575) Prado P02111 57111550Antonio Anselmi, ca. 1550 (Titian Vicelli) (ca. 1488-1576) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 58481550Self-Portrait, ca. 1550 (Lambert Lombard)(ca. 1505-1566) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia58491550A Man, ca. 1550 (Girolamo da Carpi) (ca. 1501-1556) Musei Capitomlina, Roma, PC 20659751550Pierantonio Bandini, ca. 1550-1555 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 371761161550An Egyptian Woman, ca. 1550 BCE, Field Museum, Chicago74141550A Man ca 1550 by Jacopo Tintoretto Christies Old Masters January 28 2015 Lot 11481471550Jeune Gentilhomme ca 1550-1560 by Jacopo Tintoretto Museo des Beaux-Arts de Besancon81541550A Man aka don Juan ca 1550s by Francois Clouet Czartoryski Museum Krakow81611550A Man ca 1550 attributed to Ambrosius Benson Auktionsverket 81621550A Man ca 1550 French School circle of Corneille de Lyon Christies Old Masters Sale January 28-201581631550A Man with Dog ca 1550-1555 by Diego Velazquez or Juan Carreno de Miranda Prado Museum81651550Self-Portrait ca 1550 by Lambert Lombard ca1505-1566 Hermitage Museum oil on panel81671550Twenty-five year old Youth with Fur-lined Coat ca 1550-1560 by Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto 1518-1594 Fundacion Banco Santander 34181681550A Woman possibly Anne de Pisseleu Duchess of Estampes ca 1550 by French School SKD Gal Nr &1381701550A Woman known as Titians Mistress ca. 1550 by Titian Wellington Collection Apsley House London98411550A Woman ca. 1550-5 by Tintoretto 1518-1594 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 265A98421550A Woman ca. 1550 attributed to Corneille de Lyon National Gallery London98431550A Man Egyptian New Kingdom ca 1550-1070 BCE, Barakat Gallery, London.102911551Francesco I de Medici, 1551 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
9221551Maria de Medici, 1551(Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze Sala 18 Tribuna
9231551Procurator Antonio Cappello, ca. 1551 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Galleria dell'Accademia, Venezia
9241551A Young Venetian Man, 1551 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 58.49
9251551Jan van Eyewerve, ca. 1551 (Pieter Pourbus) (1523-1584) Groeningmuseum, Brugge 0000.GRO01089261551Jacquemyne Buuck at 19 years old, ca. 1551 (Pieter Pourbus) (1523-1584) Groeningmuseum, Brugge 0000.GRO0109.I 9271551A Woman, 1551 (Catharina de Hemmesen) (1528-1587) Location TBD 9281551Edward VI (r. 1547-1553) ca. 1551 (Unknown English Artist) Philip Mould, Ltd., London 9291551Balestriere, ca. 1551-1552 (Lorenzo Lotto) (1480-1556) Museo Capitolini, Roma9301551Philip II at 24 years of age, 1551 (Titian) (1488-1576) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00411 57121551Maria Hapsburg of Austria, 1551 (Antonis Mor) (c1500-1575) Museo Nacional del Prado P02110 57131551Countess Livia da Porto Thiene and Daughter Porzia, ca. 1551 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD57141551Giovanni Poggio, 1551 (Unknown_Artist) Location TBD 58501551Joana Princesa de Portugal ca 1551-1552 by Cristovao de Morais Royal Museum of FIne Arts Belgium 129681551551137161552Philip II ca. 1551-1553 workshop of Titian 1488-1576 Museo del Prado Madrid P00452 9311552Catherine Hapsburg, Queen of Portugal, ca. 1552-1553 (Antonis Mor) (1520-1578) Museo del Prado, Madrid P02109 9321552Doña Maria of Portugal?, ca. 1552 (Antonis Mor) (1520-1578) Museo del Prado, Madrid P021139331552A Woman, ca. 1552 (Catharina de Hemmesen) (1528-c.1587) Location TBD 9341552A Man, ca. 1552 (Catharina de Hemmesen) (1528-c. 1587) Location TBD9351552A Man and his son, 1552 (Giulio Licinio) Location TBD 9361552Henry II, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, ca. 1552 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 9371552Gian Lodovico Madruzzo, ca. 1551-1552 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Art Institute of Chicago, IL57151552Joanna, Princess of Portugal, ca. 1551-1552 (Cristóvão de Morais) (fl. 1551-1571)Royal Museums of Fine Arts Belgium58511552Joao Manuel 1552 Prince of Portugal by Antonis Mor 1519-1575 Location TBD81561552137151553Doge Marcantonio Trevisani, ca. 1553 (Titian) (1488-1576) Location TBD9381553Gentleman, ca. 1550-1555 (Daniele da Volterra) (1509-1566) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00069 9391553Giovane ca. 1553 (Daniele da Volterra)(1509-1566) Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Napoli 9401553A Man, 1553 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1524-1578) Honolulu Academy of Arts, HI 9411553Alessandro Vittoria, ca. 1553(Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1524-1578) Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien 9421553Cunera van Martena, 1553 (attributed to Adriaen van Cronenburg) (ca. 1525-1604) Fries Museum, Leeuwarden 9431553Sigismund II Augustus, King of Poland, ca. 1553 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich, Kraków 9691553Anna Hungerl , wife of Munich Councillor Joseph Showinger von Wyl, 1553 (circle of Hans Mielich) (1516-1573) Kunstmuseum Basel, Inv. 124412661553A Young Man, ca. 1550-1555 (Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) The National Gallery, London, L4059601553Agostino Doria, ca. 1550-1553 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Cerralbo, Madrid 64451553Lorenzo Soranzo 1553 by Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto 1518-1594 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG 30881581553The Jagiellon Family ca. 1553-1555 by Lucas Cranach the Younger possibly 1515-1586 Location TBD89491553137141554Willem van Lokhorst, ca. 1554 (copy after Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-1855 9441554Mary I of England, ca. 1554 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Museo del Prado, Madrid 9451554Mary I, ca. 1554 (Hans Eworth) (1520-1574) National Portrait Gallery, London 4861 9461554Mary I ca. 1554 Hans Eworth 1520-1574 Location TBD9471554Philip II of Spain, ca. 1554 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 9481554Bartolommeo Bonghi, shortly after 1553 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1524-1578) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 13.177 9491554Canon Ludovico di terzi, ca. 1554 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1524-1578) Location TBD The National Gallery, London?9501554Self-Portrait, ca. 1554 (Sofonisba Anguissola) (1530-1625) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 9511554Self Portrait w/ Henry Strangwish, ca. 1554 (Gerlach Flicke) (fl. 1545-1558) National Portrait Gallery, London 6353
9521554William V, Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 57161554Archduchess Maria of Jülich-Cleves-Berg (Unknown Dutch Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_8186 57171554A Gentleman at 30 years old, 1554 (Francesco Salviati)(1510-1563) Sothebys Old Masters Sale, January 30, 2014, Lot 21960521554A Gentleman ca 1554 by Jacopo Tintoretto 1518-1594 Museu Nacional dArt de Catalunya 024206-00081521554A Man 1554 by Giovanni Battista Moroni Location TBD81591554A Young Man 1554 by Jacopo Tintoretto 1518-1594 Barber Institute of Fine Arts Birmingham81721554A Young Man possible self-portrait ca. 1554 attributed to Francesco Salviati Durer Arts Florence98451554137131555A Nobleman of the Capponi Family, ca. 1555 (Ridolfo Ghirlandaio) (1483-1561) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid Inv. 159 1977.69
9531555Filippo Archinto, papal nuncio to Venice, ca. 1555 (Titian) (1488-1576) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.650
9541555A Woman (as Eve?), ca. 1555 (Titian) (1488-1576) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
9551555Cornelis Aerentsz van der Dussen, ca. 1555 (copy after Jan van Scorel) (1495-1562) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-15329561555A Woman, ca. 1555 (Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) Location TBD
9571555A Man, ca. 1550-1560 (Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1953.466
9581555Louise de Halluin, dame de Cipierre, ca. 1555 (Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1933.1061
9591555A Bearded Man, ca. 1555 (Corneille de Lyon) (ca. 1505-1575) Sotheby's Aucton House
9601555Laura Battiferri, ca. 1555 (Bronzino) (1503-1572) Palazzo Vecchio, Florence
9611555 Lodovico Capponi, ca. 1550-1555 (Bronzino) (1503-1572) The Frick Collection New York, NY 1915.1.19 9621555 François de Lorraine, duc du Guise, ca. 1550-1560 (school of François Clouet) (1505-1572) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 3267 9631555Catherine d’Medici, ca. 1555 (attributed to Francois Clouet) (1505-1572) Location TBD Paris Louvre? 9641555Andrea Doria, 1555 (Jan Matsys) (ca. 1509-1575) Location TBD 9651555Joachim II of Brandenburg, ca. 1555 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Location TBD 9661555Catherine Jagiellon, Queen of Sweden, ca. 1553-1555 (attributed to Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Location TBD9671555Katherine Hapsburg, Queen of Poland, ca. 1555 (Francesco Terzio) or (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (ca. 1523-1591) Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich, Kraków 9681555Bona Sforza, ca. 1555 (follower of Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich, Kraków 9701555William of Orange, ca. 1555 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Museumlandschaft Hessen Kassel Gemäldegalerie 9711555A Veronese Woman, ca. 1550-1560 (Antonio Badile) (1518-1560) Museo del Prado, Madrid P004859721555A Young Gentleman, ca. 1555 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj, Roma 9731555A Man with a Golden Lace, ca. 1550’s (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo del Prado, Madrid 9741555A Young Woman, ca. 1553-1555 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594)Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_48 9751555A Man, ca. 1553-1555 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_340 9761555Ferdinand II.Archduke of Austria, ca. 1555 (Francesco Terzi) (ca. 1525-1591) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_7971 9771555Wouter van Bylaer, 1555 (Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort) (1533-1583) Museum Catharijneconvent Utrecht 9781555Self-Portrait, ca. 1555 (Allesandro Allori) (1535-1607) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 9791555A Man, ca. 1554-1556 (Jan Sanders van Hemessen) (1500-1566) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1030 9801555A Man, ca. 1554-1556 (Jan Sanders van Hemessen) (1500-1566) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_915 9811555Archduchess Maria of Austria & Maria Eleonore, ca. 1555 (Jakob Seisenegger) (1505-1567) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_2577 57181555Eleanor of Austria, Duchess of Mantua, ca. 1555 (Unknown Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG-3998
57191555A Gentleman, ca. 1555 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Location TBD
57201555Francesco Medici in Greco-Roman Costume attributed Vasari ca 1555-1562 Palazzo Vecchio Room of Leo X81511555A Lady in Mourning ca 1555 by Jacopo Tintoretto Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister Dresen81571555A Woman by Agnolo Bronzino 1550s Location TBD81691555A Young Bearded Man Wearing Armor ca 1555 by Tintoretto 1518-1594 Location TBD81711555137121556Anne de Montmorency, ca. 1556 (Léonard Limosin) (1505-1575) Musée du Louvre, Paris
9821556 Man at 30 years old, ca. 1555-1556 (Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_29831556A Musician (from Cremona?), ca. 1556 (Bernardino Campi) (1522-1591) The National Gallery, London NG2511 Salting Bequest
9841556Abbess Lucrezia Agliardi Vertova, ca. 1556 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1524-1578) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1915 (30.95.255)9851556 Self-Portrait, ca. 1556 (Sofonisba Anguissola) (1530-1625) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 9861556Self-Portrait or her sister Minerva, ca. 1550’s (Sofonisba Anguissola) (1530-1625) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano 9871556Jacques de Savoy, duc de Nemours, ca. 1556 (Unknown Artist) Musée Condé, Chantilly 9881556Archduchess Anna (Hans Mielich) (1516-1573) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3847 57211556Execution of Lady Jane Grey, February 12th, 1556, by paul delaroche (1797-1859) painted in 1833, Location TBD.79121556Don Giovanni and Don Garzia de Medici ca 1556-1558 attrib Bronzino Palazzo Vecchio Sala di Cosimo81501556A Man said to be Cosimo I de Medici ca 1556-1562 by Giorgio Vasari Palazzo Vacchio Florence Sala di Papa Leo X81641556Alessandro Medici et al ca 1556-1562 by Giorgio Vasari 1511-1574 detail from Clement VII crowns Charles V at San Petronio in Bologna Palazzo Vecchio Firenze Room of Clement VII81741556137111557Antoine de Bourbon ca. 1557 Francois Clouet 1510-1572 Location TBD 9891557 A Lady, 1557 (Hans Eworth) (1520-74)Tate Britain, London T00606 9901557A Soldier, ca. 1555-1559 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Museo del Prado, Madrid 9911557 A Woman of the Slosgin Family, 1557 (Barthel Bruyn The Younger)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.50 9921557Bernardino Campi painting Sofonisba Anguissola, ca. 1557-1579 (Sofonisba Anguissola) (1530-1625) Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena 9931557 Bianca Ponzoni, the artist's mother, ca. 1557 (Sofonisba Anguissola) (1530-1625) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 9941557Pietro Manna , Doctor of Cremona, 1557 (Lucia Anguissola) (1536-1568) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00016 9951557Doña Juana, Princess of Portugal, ca. 1557 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao 9961557 Infanta Maria of Spain, ca. 1557 (Unknown Dutch Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1042 9971557A Woman, ca. 1557 (attributed to the Master of the Countess of Warwick) Sotheby's Sale, L11030 9981557Johanna of Austria, Dona Juana, Princess of Portugal at 22 years of age, ca. 1557 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3127 57241557Philipp II on San Quentins Day (Antonis Mor)(1512-1576) El Escorial, Patrimonio Nacional, Madrid 57221557Philipp II, ca. 1555 (Alonso Sánchez Coello/1566 copy after Anthonis Mor?) (1531-1588) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3995
57231557The poisoning of Queen Bona Sforza, November 19th, 1557, by Jan Matejko (1838-1893) painted in 1859, Location TBD.79131557137101558Self-Portrait, 1558 (Simon Bening) (1483-1561) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, DT 3622 9991558François de Vendôme?, ca. 1550-1560 (attributed to Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.129 10001558A Man, ca. 1558 (attributed to Corneille de Lyon) (1500-1575) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.131 10011558Fabrizio Salvaresio, 1558 (Titian) (1488-1576) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1605 10021558Hercule-Francois, Duke of Alencon, Anjou and Brabant, ca. 1556-1558 (Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) Weiss Gallery, London 10031558Mary Queen of Scots, ca. 1558 (school of Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) The Royal Collection, UK
10041558Self-Portrait, ca. 1558 (Anthonis Mor) (1520-1578) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze10061558Philip II, ca. 1555-1558 Antonis Mor) (1520-1578) Museo del Prado, Madrid P0211810071558A Knight of the Order of Santiago, ca. 1558 (Bartolomé González) (??-??) Museo del Prado, Madrid P01143 10081558A Knight of the Spanish St. James Order, ca. 1558 (Anthonis Mor) (1520-1578) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 10091558A Man, 1558 (attributed to Anthonis Mor) (1520-1578) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 78.PA.260 10101558A Young Man, ca. 1558 (follower of Anthonis Mor) (1520-1578) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1961.9.79 10111558A Young Noblewoman, 1558 (Sofonisba Anguissola) (1530-1625) Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine 10121558Prince Don Carlos of Austria, 1558 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo del Prado, Madrid10131558Queen Elizabeth, 1558 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 10141558Christina of Denmark Duchess of Milan and of Lorraine 1558 by Francois Clouet 1515-1572 Sothebys81491558Margaret of Parma ca 1558 attributed to Antonis Mor Fischer Auktionen November 2008 Lot 100681661558A Young Man in Fur Coat 1558 by studio of Jacopo Tintoretto 1518-1594 Fitzwilliam Museum81731558Dem Mucheron Family Cornelis de Zeeuw fl. 1558-1569 RMA89501558Francis II of France King of France reigned 1559-1560 and Mary Stuart of Scots by Circle of Fran?ois Clouet89481558137091559Philip Melanchthon, ca. 1559 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Maim INV SG 349 10151559Doge Girolamo Priuli, ca. 1559 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Private Collection 10161559Doge Girolamo Priuli, ca. 1559 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI 10171559A Man, 1559 (possibly by Hans Eworth) (ca. 1520-1574) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano Inv. 1043 10181559Sir Thomas Chaloner, 1559 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 2445 10191559Sir Thomas Chaloner, 1559 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 1274 10201559A Man (Unknown Artist, Augsberg) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1038 10211559A Man, said to be Tommaso de Bardi, ca. 1559 (attributed to Alessandro Allori) (1535-1603) Sothebys Old Masters Sale, January 29, 2015, Lot 39 62051559Man with Necklace, 1559 (Flemish School) Sotheby's Old Masters Sale, 29 January, 2015, Lot 23562061559A Woman, said to be Ortensia de Bardi di Montauto, ca. 1559 (attributed to Alessandro Allori) (1535-1603) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze62071559Johann Freidrich II Johann Wilhelm and Johann Freidrich III of Saxony Unknown Artist89471559A Man 1559 by Giovanni Battista Moroni Location TBD 81601559137081560Mary Queen of Scots, ca. 1560-1561 (school of Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) Location TBD 10051560A Man, ca. 1560 (Titian) (1488-1576) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_76
10221560Pietro Vermigli, ca. 1560 (Hans Asper) (1499-1571) National Portrait Gallery, London 195
10231560Eleaonora di Toledo, ca. 1560 ( Bronzino) (1503-1572) North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh G.64.35.5
10241560A Man ca. 1560 (c.o. Francesco Salviati) (1510-1563) Sotheby's Sale N08712 Lot 300
10251560An Old Man, ca. 1560 (Schiavone) (1510-1563) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3
10261560Mary Queen of Scots in White Mourning, ca. 1560 (Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) Location TBD
10271560Knight of the Order of Santiago, ca. 1560 (Juan de Juanes) (1510-1579) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00855
10281560A Man, ca. 1555-1560 (Lambert Sustris) (1515-1591) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_77
10291560Jan van Scorel at 65 years old, ca. 1560 (Anthonis Mor van Dashorst) (1516–1576) Location TBD
10301560A Man, probabaly of the Dodding Family, 1560 (attributed to(Anthonis Mor van Dashorst) (1516–1576) Lawrences Auctioneers, UK FS080711, Lot 1452-0 10311560A Man, ca. 1560 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 10321560A Venetian Senator, ca. 1560 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Los Angeles Countydra Museum of Art, CA10331560A Young Man as David, ca. 1555-1560 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo 10341560Don Gabriel de la Cueva, later Duke of Alburquerque, ca. 1560 (Moroni) (1522-1579) Staatliche Museeun zu Berlin 10351560Mario Benvenuti, ca. 1560 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL, SN 106 10361560A Young Woman, ca. 1560(Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden 10371560Lavinia Vecellio, ca. 1560 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00487 10381560A Man, ca. 1560 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest Inv. 4228 10391560A Young Woman, 1560 (Catarina van Hemessen) (1528-ca. 1588) Baltimore Museum of Art, MD, 1951.39710401560 Allesandro Farnese, ca. 1560 (attributed to Sofonisba Anguissola) (1530-1625) Location TBD 10411560Don Juan of Austria, ca. 1559-1560 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL10421560Francesco de’ Medici, ca. 1560 (Allesandro Allori) (1535-1607) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1965.1179
10431560Lucrezia de Medici, 1560 (Allesandro Allori) (1535-1607) North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh G.64.35.4
10441560A Young Woman of the Medici Family, ca. 1560 (Allesandro Allori) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
10451560Isabella de Medici, ca. 1560 (Allesandro Allori) (1535-1607) Private Collection
10461560Isabella de Medici, ca. 1560 (Allesandro Allori) (1535-1607) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
10471560Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Countess of Lincoln, 1560 (Steven van der Meulen) (fl. 1543-1564) Location TBD
10481560Robert Dudley, ca. 1560 (attributed toSteven van der Meulen) ( fl. 1543-1564) The Wallace Collection, London, P534
10491560Eric XIV of Sweden, ca. 1560 (Domenicus ver Wildt) (fl. 1556-1566) Location TBD
10501560A Man, ca. 1560 (Unknown Dutch Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_418
10511560A Man, ca. 1560 (Unknown Lombard Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1548
10521560A Man, ca. 1560 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_315
10531560Prospero Allesandri, 1560 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) The Princely Collections, Liechtenstein, Inv.-No. GE214513231560A Woman, ca. 1560 (attributed to Alessandro Allori) (1535-1607) Location TBD36791560A Woman, ca. 1560 (attributed to Alessandro Allori) (1535-1607) Location TBD38351560A Young Woman, ca. 1560 (attributed to Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) San Diego Museum of Art, CA, 1940.75 38381560A Young Man, ca. 1565 (Alessandro Allori) (1535-1603) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK38391560Ferdinando (Fernando) I de Medici, ca. 1560 (attributed to Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Museo Nazionaledi Palazzo Mansi, Lucca45661560A Man with Dog, Cardinal Granvelles Dwarf ca. 1560 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Musée du Louvre, Paris
57251560Pejerón, Clown of the Grand Duke of Alba, ca. 1560 (Antonis Mor) (1520-1579) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02107
57261560Princess Johanna of Portugal, ca. 1560 (Antonis Mor) (1520-1579) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02112
57281560The Gentleman in Pink, (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Palazzo Moroni, Bergamo 57291560Young man playing the Clavichord, ca. 1560-1567 (Attributed to Francesco Traballesi) (ca. 1544-1588) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-50359121560François de Montmorency, ca. 1560 (Corneille de Lyon) (ca. 1505-1575) Location TBD59441560Self-Portrait, ca. 1560 (Titian) (1488-1576) Gemäldegalerie Berlin59471560 Gentleman, 1560 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo di Brescia 63481560A Scholar, ca. 1560 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 63491560A Young Man, ca. 1560 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Private Collection 65101560Alfonso d Arcano priore di Venice 1560 attributed to Jacopo da Bassano83161560A Lady in Turkish Dress ca 1560 attributed to Jacopo Tintoretto Location TBD83211560A Magistrate 1560 by Giovanni Battista Moroni Location TBD83231560A Man ca 1560 by Paolo Farinati 1524-1606 Museum of Fine Arts Ghent83241560A Woman ca 1560-1565 by Antonis Mor Art Institute of Chicago 1941.2983281560A Venetian Family ca 1560 Cesare Vecellio 1521-1601 Museo Correr83301560A Woman possibly Frances Brandon ca 1560 by Unknown Artist Royal Collection UK83311560137071561Catharine de Medici, 1561 (Francois Clouet attrib. )(1510-1572) Musée Carnavalet, Paris
10541561King Charles IX at 10 years old, 1561 (Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) Location TBD
10551561Giovanni Paolo Cornaro, 1561 (Tintoretto) (1518-1564) Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent
10561561Elizabeth Valois at 14-17?, ca. 1561 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz (1606 copy of Sofonisba Anguissola original) Museo del Prado, Madrid P01030
10571561Hendrik Pilgram, 1561 (Nicolas Neufchatel) (1527-1590) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest
57301561The Wife of Hendrik Pilgram, 1561 (Nicolas Neufchatel) (1527-1590) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest
57311561Isabel de Valois, 3rd wife of Philip II, 1561 (attributed to Sofonisba Anguissola) (1532-1625) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P01031 57321561A Young Venetian Woman, ca. 1561 (Titian) (ca. 1488-1576) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Gal. Nr. 17065111561A Woman, possibly Lavinia, the artists daughter, ca. 1560-1565 (Titian) (ca. 1488-1576) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden 65121561Alvise Cornaro, ca. 15660-1562 (Jacopo TIntoretto) (1518-1594) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 65131561Susanna Stefan, wife of Wolff Furter, ca. 1561 (Nicolas Neufchatel (ca. 1527-1590) The National Gallery, London65141561Scipione Clusone con il suo paggio nano 1561 by Jacopo Tintoretto 1518-1594 Galleria Nazionale della Liguria83271561A Gentleman, ca. 1561 (circle of Antonis Mor) (1520-1575) Sotheby's Online Sale, February 4, 2020, Lot 507.104921561A Man, possibly William of Orange 1561 (Antonis Mor) (1516/1519-1575) Mauritshuis, Den Haag, Inv. 559104931561137061562Self-Portrait, ca. 1562 (Titian) (1488-1576) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00407
10581562Pierre Quthe at 43 years old, 1562 (François Clouet) (1515-1572) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 1719
10591562Margaret Duchess of Parma, 1562 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Staatliche Museen zu Madrid
10601562 A Young Man, ca. 1558-1562 (Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1539 10611562A Woman, 1562 (Nicolas Neufchatel) (1527-1590) Location TBD
10621562A Woman, 1562 (Joachim Beuckelaer) (1535-1574) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1989.100 10631562A Woman, 1562 (Unknown Flemish Artist Antwerp?) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1947.70 10641562Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, ca. 1562 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 3800 10651562A Man previously identified as Daniele Barbaro ca 1562-1570 by Paolo Veronese 1528-1588 Pitti Palace Florence83261562137051563A Gildenknappen, ca. 1560-1563 (Frans de Vriendt/ aka Floris) (1519-1570) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_770710661563Marguerite de Valois, ca. 1563 (Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) Musée Condé, Chantilly 10671563Anna d'Este, ca. 1563 (attributed to Francois Clouet) (ca. 1510-1572) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles INV. 9791 10681563Camaldulense Friar, ca. 1561-1563 (Giambattista Moroni) (ca. 1520-1578) Museum Boijmans van B euningen, Rotterdam 2559 10691563Abbot Nicholas a Spira, 1563 (Jacques de Poindre) (1527-1572) The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD 37.25810701563Archduchess Magdalena of Austria, 1563 (Guiseppe Arcimboldo) (1527-1593) Location TBD 10711563Self-Portrait, 1563 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 10721563John Lumley, 1st Baron Lumley, ca. 1560-1563 (attrib. Steven van der Meulen) (fl. 1543-1568) National Portrait Gallery, London 5262 10731563A Lady of the Wentworth Family (Jane Cheyne?) (Hans Eworth) (fl. 1545-1574) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1920.1035 10741563Elizabeth Roydon, Lady Golding, d. (Hans Eworth) (1520-1574) Tate Britain, London T01569 10751563A Man (Unknown Dutch Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3578 10761563Elizabeth de Valois ca. (Unknown French Artist ) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles INV. 9782; B 2421 10771563A Venetian Gentleman in Rome, possibly of the Emo Family, ca. 1563 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Columbia Museum of Art, SC, 1962.15, Kress Collection63831563A Man Holding a Book, ca. 1563 (Mirabello Cavalori) (1535-1572) Sothebys Auction, 31 January - 1 February, 2013, New York, Lot 3863841563Maximilian II and Family ca. 1563 by Guiseppe Arcimboldo Schloss Ambras Innsbruck GG344889511563137041564Juan de Ribera, 1564 (Luis de Morales) (1510-1586) Museo del Prado, Madrid P00947 10781564A Man, 1564 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_885 10791564A Woman, 1564 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_886 10801564Goldsmith, 1564 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Mauritshuis, Den Haag 10811564A Woman, ca. 1560-1570 (Barthel Bruyn the Younger) (1530-1610) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 9:1915 10821564A Man, ca. 1564 (follower of Bartholomaus Bruyn the Younger) (1530-1610) Christie's Sale 551210831564A Woman, ca. 1564 (Bartholomaus Bruyn the Younger) (1530-1610) Ruhrmuseum, Zollverein in Essen 10841564A Young Man, 1564 (Frans Pourbus the Elder) (1545-1581) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1044 10851564Sir Richard Bingham, 1564 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 3793 10861564Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, ca. 1564 (Unknown Artist) Waddesdon Manor, Buckinhamshire 10871564Don Juan of Austria, ca. 1564 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 10881564Minrerva Anguissola, ca. 1564 (Sofonisba Anguissola) (1532-1625) Location TBD49361564Duke Wilhelm V of Bavaria, 1664 (Hans Schöpfer the Elder) (1505-1569) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG 8178
57331564Maria Anna of Bavaria, 1564 (Hans Schöpfer the Elder) (1505-1569) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG 8179
57341564Prince Don Carlos, 1564 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG 3235
57351564137031565 Madame de Châtillon “1560-1565” (Corneille de Lyon) Indianapolis Museum of Art C10026 10891565A Young Woman, 1565 (follower of Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Seattle Art Museum, WA 61.15310901565Wilhelm Neythart, 1565 (Jacob Seisenegger) (1504-1567) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 10911565Simon Marten Dircsz., 1565 (Pieter Aertsen) (ca. 1508-1575) National Gallery, Athens10921565Sir Thomas Gresham, ca. 1560-65 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-3118 10931565Anne Fernel, Mrs. Thomas Gresham, ca. 1560-1565 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-3119 10941565A Woman, ca. 1560-1565 (Anthonis Mor ) (1516-1577) Museo del Prado, Madrid P02114 10951565Mary Beaton, ca. 1565 (Anthonis Mor ) (1516-1577) Location TBD 10961565A Lady, ca. 1565 (f.o. Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Sotheby’s L09637 Lot 116 12/10/09 10971565A Man, ca. 1560-1565 (Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_44 10981565A Venetian Senator, ca. 1565 (Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_7 10991565A Man , ca. 1560-1565 (Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Tokyo Fuji Museum of Art11001565 Louis de Saint-Gelais, ca. 1565 (workshop of Francois Clouet) (1520-1589) Musée du Louvre, Paris Inv. 3270 11011565G. P. Maffeis, Rhetoric Chair, Genoa, 1565 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_88 11021565Antonio Navagero, 1565 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan 11031565Angelica Agliardi di Nicolinis, ca.1565 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Musée Condé, Chantilly PE 5411041565A Man, probably Vercellino Olivazzi, ca. 1565 (attributed to Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-C-1365 11051565A Lady, ca. 1565 (follower of Pieter Pourbus) (1523-1584) Location TBD 11061565Johanna of Austria, ca. 1565 (Arcimboldo) (1527-1593) Location TBD 11071565A Gentleman, ca. 1560’s (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Private Collection 11081565Pope Pius IV, ca. 1565 (Bartolomeo Passerotti) (1529-1592) Location TBD 11091565A Young Woman, ca. 1565 (Paolo Véronèse) (1528-1588) Musée de la Chartreuse Douai, Inv. 75111101565Daniele Barbaro, ca. 1561-1565 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 11111565William Herbert, ca. 1565 (attrib. Stevan van Herwijck) (1530-1567) Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd11121565A Young Woman, ca. 1565 (Allesandro Allori) (1535-1607) Location TBD 11131565Sofonisba Anguissola, ca. 1560-1565 (Lucia Anguissola) (1538-1565) Private Collection 11141565A Man, ca. 1565 (Frans Pourbus the Elder) (1545-1581) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2643 11151565Viglius van Aytta, Dutch Jurist, ca. 1565 (Frans Pourbus the Elder) (1545-1581) Location TBD11161565William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, ca. 1560’s (by or after Arnold van Brounckhorst) (fl. 1565-1580) National Portrait Gallery, London 2184 11171565Mary Tichborne, 1565 (Master of The Countess of Warwick) Philip Mould, Ltd., London 11181565Edward Fiennes de Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln, ca. 1560-1565 Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 2918 11191565William Paulet, 1st Marquess of Winchester, ca. 1560’s? (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 65 11201565Sir Thomas Gresham, ca. 1565 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 11211565Thomas Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of Sussex, ca. 1565 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 105 11221565Thomas Howard, 4th Duke Norfolk, 1565 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London
11231565 Henry Fitzalan, 12th Earl of Arundel, 1565 (after Steven van der Meulen) (??-1564) National Portrait Gallery, London 5296 11241565A Man at 33 years old, 1565 (Martin de Vos) (??-??) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 2100 11251565Margaret of Lorraine, ca. 1565 (attributed to Caterina van Hemmesen) (1528-ca. 1587) Location TBD 11261565 Louis I de Bourbon Prince de Condé, ca. 1565 (Unknown Artist) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 3187 11271565A Woman, ca. 1565 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 11281565 John William, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, ca. 1565 (Unknown Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien 11291565A Young Woman, ca. 1565-1575 (Unknown Italian Artist) The National Gallery, London, NG 4033 36781565Vittoria Capponi as Porcia Catonis, ca. 1565 (attributed to Santi di Tito) (1536-1603) Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen38361565A Young Woman with a Dog, ca. 1560-1570 (Unknown Florentine Artist) The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD38371565A Young Woman, ca. 1565 (attributed to Santi di Tito) (1536-1603) Pandolfini Auction, Firenze, 11 June, 2009, Lot 43 38411565A Young Woman, ca. 1565 (attributed to Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli) (ca. 1500-1568) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, Kress Collection, K-17145711565A Young Woman, said to be Isabella de Medici, ca. 1565 (attributed to Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Bukowskis Auktioner Stockholm46051565A Young Woman, ca. 1565 (Unknown Artist, listed as follower of Francesco Salviati) Christies Fine Art Auction, Sale 5677, Lot 114, July 4, 201246041565Anna of Denmark, ca. 1565 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3141
57361565Archduchess Joanna, 1565 (Francesco Terzio) (1523-1591) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3997
57371565Archduchess Barbara of Austria, Archduchess of Ferrara, 1565 (Francesco Terzio) (1523-1591) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_399457381565A Man, ca. 1565 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Private Collection63851565A Young Man, ca. 1560-1570 (attributed to Mirabello Cavalori) (1520-1572) Museo Bardini, Firenze 65151565Archbishop Matthew Parker ca 1565 Flemish School83171565Benedetto Soranzo ca 1565-1570 by Jacopo Tintoretto Harewood House UK83181565Elizabeth I Queen of England ca 1565 by Levina Teerlinc ca 1510-1576 Location TBD83191565A Man ca 1565-1570 attributed to Anthonis Mor ca 1516-1577 Art Institute of Chicago.1931.93783251565A Young Woman ca 1565 by a follower of Antonis Mor Art Institute of Chicago 1951.31483321565Portrait of a Young Man by an artist of the Bruges School circa 1560-70 LEMPERTZ AUCTION COLOGNE Sale 1104, Old Master Paintings, March 14th 2018, 2:30PM, Lot 11 102451565Knight Traiano Bobba and Children, ca. 1565, by circle of Bartolomeo Passarotti 1529-1592) GALERIE FC, PARIS.102691565137021566A Man, 1566 (Ludger tom Ring the Younger) (1522-1584) Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover 11301566Maximilian II at 39, ca. 1566 (Nicolas Neufchatel)
(1527-1590) Location TBD 11311566Maximilian II, ca. 1566 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD
11321566Knight of Malta, 1566 (attributed to Mirabello Cavalori) (1535-1572) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 41.100.5 11341566Pope Pius V, ca. 1566, postumous? (El Greco) (1541-1614) Location TBD 11351566Pope Pius V, ca. 1566 (Scipione Pulzone) Location TBD 11361566Nicholas Heath (Hans Eworth) (ca. 1520-1574) National Portrait Gallery, London OWP11371566James Hepburn, 1st Duke of Orkney and Shetland, 4th Earl of Bothwell, 1566 (Unknown Artist) Scottish National Portrait Gallery 11381566A Man (Unknown French Artist) Musée du Louvre, Paris
11391566Charles IX, King of France, 1566 (François Clouet) (1515-1572) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_752 57391566Compromise of the Dutch nobles, April 5th, 1566, by Edouard de Biefve (1808-1882) painted in 1849, Location TBD.79141566Joan Thornbury, Mrs. Richard Wakeman, 1566, Hans Eworth (1515-1574) Sotheby's Old Masters Evening Sale, December 10, 2020, Lot 7104811566137011567 Francesco I de’ Medici, ca. 1567 (attributed to Agnolo Bronzino) (1503-1572) Gallery degli Uffizi 11401567Charles IX at about 16 years old, ca. 1567 (Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) Location TBD 11411567Claude de Beaune de Semblancay, 1567 (Francois Clouet (1510-1572) Location TBD 11421567A Woman, 1567 (Adriaen van Cronenburg) (ca. 1525-1604) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02073 11431567A Young Woman, 1567 (Adriaen van Cronenburg) (ca. 1525-1604) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02076 11441567A Patrician, 1567 (Nicolas Neufchatel) (1527-1590) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 11451567Archduke Rudolf II at 15 years old, 1567 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) Location TBD11461567Bartolomeo Sirigatti, 1567 (Francesco Traballesi) (1544-1588) Seattle Art Museum, WA 2009.53.111471567Sir Edward Rogers, 1567 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 3792 11481567Sir William Petrie, 1567 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 3816 11491567Sir William Drury, ca. 1567 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 11501567A Woman, 1567 (attributed to the Master of the Countess of Warwick) (fl. 1555-1575) Location TBD11511567Mary Hill, Mrs. Mackwilliam, 1567 (attributed to the Master of the Countess of Warwick (fl. 1555-1575) Location TBD 11521567A Man, ca. 1567 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1525-1578) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan57401567Duke Christoph von Wurttemberg, 1567 (Abraham Hel?) (??-??) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_8251 57411567Madonna dei Camerlenghi ca 1567 by Jacopo Tintoretto Galleria d Accademia Venice83221567Joanna of Austria, ca. 1567, attributed to Alessandro Allori (1535-1607) Oil on copper, Sotheby's Master Paintings and Sculpture, Part I, January 27, 2022, Lot 3 104781567137001568Elizabeth de Valois, 1568 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1576) Location TBD 11531568Elizabeth de Valois, ca. 1568 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1576) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 1721 11541568Elizabeth de Valois, ca. 1568 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) Private Collection 11551568A Lady, ca. 1565-1568 (Hans Eworth) (1520-1574) Tate Britain, London T03896 11561568Sir Henry Lee, 1568 (Antonis Mor) (1520-1578) National Portrait Gallery, London 2095 11571568 Man, ca. 1568 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1576) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1028 11581568Catrin o Ferain, 1568 (Adriaen van Cronenburghe) (1520-1604) Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd11591568Hermann Huddaeus, 1568 (Ludger tom Ring the Younger) (1522-1584) Gemäldegalerie Berlin11601568A Woman, ca. late 1560's (Bernardino Campi) (1522-1591) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 63.43.1 11611568Philip II, 1568 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) Location TBD11621568 Self-Portrait, 1568 (Isaac Swanenburg) (1537-1614) Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal, Leiden11631568A Man in Spanish Costume, 1568 (Adriaen Thomas Key) (1544-1589) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1034 11641568Ottavio Strada, 1568 (Marietta Robusti) (1554-1590) Stedelijkmuseum, Amsterdam11651568Thomas Wentworth, 2nd Baron Wentworth, 1568 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 1852 11661568Jan Lopez Gallo and His Three Sons, 1568 (Pieter Pourbus) (1523-1584) Location TBD57421568Self-Portrait, ca. 1568 (Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo) (1538-1592) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano58721568Francesco Gherardini di Montagliari, 1568 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Ca Rezzonico, Venice59161568POSTHUMOUS, Francesco Salviati (1510-1563), 1568, plate in Le Vite,by Giorgio Vasari, Houghton Library Harvard University101271568136991569Gaspard II de Coligny, 1569 (Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) St. Louis Art Museum 168:1925 11671569Gentleman, 1569 (Antonis Mor) (1519-1576) The National Gallery, London 1937.1.52 . 11681569Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montague, 1569 (Hans Eworth) (1520-1574) National Portrait Gallery, London 842 11691569Erzherzog Karl II, 1569 (Monogrammist LP) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 11701569A Young Woman at 21 years of age, said to be Lady Helena Snakenborg, Marchioness of Northampton, 1569 (Unknown English Artist) Location TBD11711569William Somerset, 3rd Earl of Worcester, 1569 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD11721569A Surgeon, 1569 (Unknown Netherlandish Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 30.95.287 11731569136981570A Venetian Admiral, possibly Francesco Duodo, ca. early 1570's (attributed to Titian) (ca. 1488-1576) Philip Mould Ltd., Dover Street, London
11741570Jeanne d'Albret, Joan III at 42 years old, ca. 1570 (Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) Location TBD
11751570Marguerite de Valois, ca. 1570 (Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) Musée Condé, Chantilly
11761570Henry III at 19 years old, ca. 1570 (Francois Clouet) (1510-1572) Location TBD
11771570Self-Portrait, ca. 1570 (Georgio Vasari) (1511-1574) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
11781570Doge Pietro Loredano, ca 1567-1570 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1986.08
11791570Doge Pietro Loredano, ca. 1570 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest
11801570A Senator, ca. 1570 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid11811570A Woman Revealing Her Breasts, ca. 1570 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 11821570A Senator, ca. 1570 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 11831570Anna of Austria, 1570 (Anthonis Mor) (ca. 1519-1575) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3053 11841570The Tailor, ca. 1570 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) The National Gallery, London 11851570A Magistrate, ca. 1570 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579)The University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tuscon Kress Collection 1961.013.02311861570A Man at 30 years old, ca. 1570 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Location TBD 11871570Gentleman, ca. 1570 (Govanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Location TBD, The National Gallery, London? 11881570Senator, ca. 1570 (Govanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Museo dell'Accademia Carrara, Bergamo11891570A Nobleman, ca. 1570 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Christie's Sale 6323, Lot 85 11901570A Lady, ca. 1570 (Pieter Jansz. Pourbus) (1523-1584) Weiss Gallery, London11911570A Woman, ca. 1560-1570 (Bartholomäus Bruyn the Younger) (1524-1610) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1940.934 11921570 Alessandro Vittoria, ca. 1570 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY Gwynne Andrews Fund, 1946 (46.31) 11931570Self-Portrait?, ca. 1570 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P02511 11941570Philip II, ca. 1570 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Pollok House, Glasgow 11951570A Woman, ca. 1570-1590 (Alessandro Allori) (1535-1607) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 11961570A Man, ca. 1570 (Unknown Dutch Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_416 11971570A Young Noble, ca. 1570 (Unknown Flemish Artist) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00056 11981570Agnes von Mansfeld-Eisleben, ca. 1570 (Unknown North Rhenish Artist) Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha11991570A Man, ca. 1570 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_27 12001570A Man ca. 1570 Unknown Venetian Artist Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG_14 12011570 A Woman, ca. 1570 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3312021570A Man, ca. 1570 (Unknown Central Italian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_199 12031570A Nobleman, 1570 (UA French) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 59.24 12041570Gian Gerolami Albani, 1570 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (1522-1579) Location TBD 37841570Giovan Angelo Annoni, 1570 (Giovanni Ambrogio Figino) (1548-1608) Private Collection, London 37851570A Venetian Woman, ca. 1570 (attributed to Jacopo Bassano) (1510-1592) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA, F.1965.1.002.P45691570A Young Man, ca. 1570 (attributed to Alessandro Allori) (1535-1607) Columbia Museum of Art, SC, Kress Collection, K-120445701570A Girl with Flowers, ca. 1565-1575 (attributed to Santi di Tito) (1536-1603) Sothebys Fine Art Auction, January 27, 2006, Sale 08162, Lot 264A 46631570A Young Woman, ca. 1570 (circle of Santi di Tito) (1536-1603) Location TBD49301570A Woman, ca. 1570 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD49311570A Woman, ca. 1570 (circle of Alessandro Allori) (1535-1607) Location TBD49321570A Mother and Child, ca. 1570 (attributed to Santi di Tito) (1536-1603) Location TBD49331570A Young Woman, ca. 1570 (workshop of of Alessandro Allori) (1535-1607) Location TBD49341570Anna of Austria, Queen Consort of Spain, 1571 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_1733 57441570A Venetian Gentleman , ca. 1570 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Private Collection64111570A Bearded Venetian Man, ca. 1570 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Petworth House, West Sussex, UK, National Trust64121570Clavichord Player ca 1570 by Francesco Traballesi (ca 1544-1588) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 95281570A Gentleman 1570 by Giovanni Battista Moroni Brooks Museum of Art95291570A Lady possibly Isabel Biddulph nee Gifford ca 1570-75 by George Gower (1540-1596) Location TBD95321570A Man 1570 by Giovanni Battista Moroni National Gallery London95331570A Man ca 1570 attributed to Giovanni Battista Moroni National Museum of Norway95341570A Triple Portrait ca 1570 attributed to Lucas de Heere Location TBD95421570A Venetian Man ca 1570 by Jacopo Tintoretto 1518-1594 National Gallery Washington DC 1943.7.1095431570136971571 Jacopo Sansovino, 1571 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 12051571Jacopo Sansovino, ca. 1571 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Locaton TBD Kunstsammlungen, Weimar 12061571Charles IX of France, 1571(François Clouet) (1510-1572) Location TBD 12071571Elizabeth von Osterrich, 1571 (François Clouet) (1510-1572) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 3254 12081571 Elizabeth of Austria, wife of Charles IX, after 1571 (follower of François Clouet) (1516-1572) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1951.317 12091571Elizabeth of Austria, ca. 1571 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD12101571 Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Countess of Lincoln, ca. 1571 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD12111571Lady Mary Grey, 1571 (attributed to Hans Eworth) (ca. 1520-1574) Chequers Estate, Buckinghamshire 12121571Livia Colonna, ca. 1570-1572 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00486 12131571Eleonora di Garzia di Toledo, 1571 (Allesandro Allori) (1535-1607) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2583 12141571Marguerite de Valois, Queen of France, ca. 1571 (Unknown Artist) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles
12151571A Lady at 23 years of age, "Countess Miranda", 1571 (circle of Santi di Tito) (1536-1603) Oxburgh Hall, Norfolk, UK, National Trust, 121035049351571Infantas Isabel Clara Eugenia and Catalina Micaela, ca. 1571 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
57431571Charles III Duke of Lorraine ca. 1571 copy after lost original by studio of Francois Clouet (1515-1572) Sothebys95261571A Lady, ca. 1571, by workshop of Francois Clouet (1516-1572) Christie's, July 10, 2002, Lot 88.106391571136961572Charles IX of France, ca. 1572 (circle of François Clouet) (c1510-1752) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 12161572Madeleine le Clerc du Tremblay, ca. 1570-1572 (François Clouet) (c1510-1752) Weiss Gallery, London 12171572Sebastiano Venier,Doge of Venice, after 1571 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_32 12181572Gabriele Emo, Procurator of San Marco, 1572 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Seattle Art Museum, WA 61.17112191572A Venetian Military Man, ca. 1570-1575 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00366 12201572Francisco II della Rovere, 1572 (Federico Barocci) (1528-1612) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 12211572A Lady, ca. 1570-1573 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01142 12221572Sir Thomas Coningsby (Attrib. George Gower) (1540-1596) National Portrait Gallery, London 434812231572Giulio Clovio, ca. 1571-1572 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples 12241572A Man at 28 y.o. (Adriaen Thomas Key) (1544-1589) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3679 12251572A Man, 1572 (Nicholas Hilliard) (ca. 1547-1619) Victoria and Albert Museum, London12261572Pope Gregory XIII (Lavinia Fontana) (1552-1614) Location TBD 12271572Christine of Denmark, 1568-72 (Monogrammist G.E.C.) (fl.1560-1575) Weiss Gallery, London 12281572Walter Devereux, 1st Earl Essex, 1572 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 4984 12311572Walter Devereux, 1st Earl Essex, 1572 (Unknown Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 20.151.6 12321572Henry, Duke of Anjou at 19?, detail, ca. 1572 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD12331572Charles Emmanuel of Savoy and a man, ca. 1572 (Giacomo Vighi) (1510-1573) Location TBD57451572Charles de Guise, Cardinal of Lorraine, 1572 (El Greco) (1541-1614) Location TBD 57461572A Man, 1574 (Monogrammist LAM) (fl. 1568-1574) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 32.100.119 57471572Assassination of David Rizzio, with Mary of Scots present March 9th, 1572, by John Opie (1761-1807), painted in 1787, Guildhall Art Gallery.79151572Admiral Coligny impresses his murderers, August 24th, 1787, by Joseph-Benoît Suvée (1743-1807) Musée des Beaux Arts Dijon.79161572St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, February 23-24, by Francois Dubois (1529-1584) Location TBD.79171572The morning after the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Febrary 25th, 1572, by Edouard Debat Ponsan (1847-1913) painted in 1880, Location TBD.79181572Joachim-Ernst 1572 by Lucas Cranach the Younger Location TBD95301572136951573Sir Henry Sidney, 1573 (attributed to Arnold Bronckorst or follower) (fl. 1565-1583) National Portrait Gallery, London 1092 12341573A Man, 1573 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice 12351573Olivier van Nieulant, 1573 (Pieter Pourbus) (1523-1584) Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen 12361573Jan Wyts, ca. 1570-1575 (Pieter Pourbus) (1523-1584)Galleria Borghese, Roma 12371573Philip II at around 45 years old, ca. 1573 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo del Prado, Madrid 12381573Anna of Austria (4th wife of Philip II), 1573 (Sofonisba Anguisola ) (1532-1625) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01284 12391573Thomas Kytson Gower, 1573 (George Gower) (1540-1596) Tate Britain , London 12401573 Elizabeth Cornwallis, Lady Kytson, 1573 (George Gower) (1540-1596) Tate Britain London12411573Mary Denton, 1573 (George Gower) (1540-1596) York Art Gallery, UK 12421573William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, after 1572 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 604 12431573Duke Erich II von Calenberg, ca. (Unknown Artist) Location TBD12441573A Man donor left wing triptych ca. 1573 by Unknown German Artist The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 17.190.13-15 95371573A Woman donor right wing triptych ca. 1573 by Unknown German Artis The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 17.190.13-1595441573Self-Portrait, ca. 1573, by Johann Gregor van der Schardt Rijksmuseum Amsterdam101401573136941574Hubert Goltzius, numismatist, 1574 (Anthonis Mor) (1516-1577) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België 12451574Musicianat 62 years old. 1574 (Cornelis de Visscher) (1520-1586) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_373 12461574Diego de Covarrubias, 1574 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo del Greco, Toledo 12471574Self-Portrait at 22 years old, 1574 (Hans von Aachen) (1552-1615) Location TBD12481574Jacopo Boncompagni, 1574 (Scipione Pulzone) (ca. 1542-1598) Private Collection 37861574Cosimo I de Medici, ca. 1574 (Ludovico Cardi “Cigoli”) (1559-1613) Galleria delgi Uffizi, Firenze 57481574A Youg Man of the Colleoni Family, Bergamo, ca. 1575 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 29.100.105
57491574Frances Sidney, Countess of Sussex, ca. 1575 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 57501574Siege of Lieden - Burgomeister Van der Werff's self-sacrifice, 1574, painted in 1829 by Gustaaf Wappers (1803-1874) painted in 1829, Centraal Museum Utrecht.79191574136931575A Man, ca. 1570-1580” (Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_316 12491575 A Man, ca. 1570-1580 (Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1536 12501575Pedro de Medici?, ca. 1575 (Attrib. Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P0036712511575Don Juan of Austria, ca. 1575 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Location TBD 12521575A Lady, ca. 1575 (Pieter Janzs. Pourbus) (1524-1584) Christie's Sale 9154 Lot 43 1999, & Sale in Oct 2006 also The Weiss Gallery, London 12531575Jacopo Foscarini, 1575 (Moroni) (1525-1578) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 12541575A Man, known as Titian's Schoolmaster, ca. 1575 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (ca. 1525-1578) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1942.9.45 12551575A Man, ca. 1575 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (ca. 1525-1578) The National Gallery, London12561575Sebastian I King of Portugal, detail, ca. 1575 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3282 12571575An Old Man, ca. 1575-1600 (Dirck Barendsz) (1534-1592) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1040 12581575A Young Woman, ca. 1570-1575 by Federico Barocci, 1535-1612 Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze12591575A Man, ca. 1575 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen 12601575A Man, 1575 (Adriaen Thomas Key) (1544-1589) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_808 12611575A Lady, 1575 (Adriaen Thomas Key) (1544-1589) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_811
12621575A Man, ca. 1575 (Adriaen Tomasz Key) (1544-1589) The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, F-605 12711575A Lady, ca. 1575(Adriaen Tomasz Key) (1544-1589) The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, F-606 12721575A Man with Guild Buckles, ca. 1575 (Adriaen Thomasz. Key) (1544-1589) Sotheby's Sale N09003 12731575A Young Man, ca. 1570-1580 (Adriaen Thomas Key) (1544-1589) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2677 12741575A Woman, ca. 1575 (Gian Paolo Cavagna) (1550-1627) Museo dell'Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 12751575Thomas Wilson, 1575 (Unknown Artist ) National Portrait Gallery, London 3799 12761575Queen Elizabeth at 42 years old, ca. 1575 (The Darnley Portrait) (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, Londo12771575Queen Elizabeth, ca. 1575 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD12781575Dorothy Latimer, wife of Thomas Cecil (attributed to the Master of the Countess of Warrwick) Sotheby's Sale, L11030, Lot 13812791575Giambologna, ca. 1570’s (Unknown English Master) National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh 12801575Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, ca. 1575 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 447 12811575Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, ca. 1575 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 247 12821575A Man, ca. 1575 (Unknown Flemish Artist) The Art Institute of Chicago 1951.224 12831575A Man at 54 years old, ca. 1575-1590 (Unknown Spanish Artist ) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00528
12841575Doña Ana de Mendoza y la Cerda, Princess of Eboli, ca. 1575 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 12851575Sebastian I of Portugal, ca. 1575-1580 (Pieter Jansz. Pourbus) (1523-1584) The Weiss Gallery, London13241575A Woman with a Lapdog, ca. 1575 (Girolamo Macchietti) (1535-1592) Dorotheum Fine Art Auction House, Vienna46031575A Venetian Man, 1575 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (ca. 1525-1578) Location TBD45521575A Young Woman, ca. 1575 (attributed to Aless andro Allori) (1535-1607) Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1957.6245531575A Scribe, ca. 1575 (Bartolomeo Passarotti) (1529-1592) Robilant and Voena Gallery, London59141575A Young Man holding a Statuette, ca. 1575 (Bartolomeo Passarotti) (1529-1592) Hatton Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne59131575Self-Portrait, ca. 1575 (attributed to Bartolomeo Passarotti) (1529-1592) Fischer Auktionen, Lucerne, Sale 403, Lot 106059151575Luisa Vertova Agosti, ca. 1570 -1575 (Giovanni Battista Moroni) (ca. 1525-1578) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes59791575Alvise Mocenigo, Doge of Venice, ca. 1575 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Location TBD64131575Andrea Frizier, ca. 1575 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Oslo64141575A Venetian Senator, ca. 1575 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille64151575A Venetian Commander, ca. 1575 (attributed to Jacopo Tintoretto) (1519-1594) Private Collection64161575A Venetian Admiral, ca. 1575 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1519-1594) National Museum in Warsaw, M.Ob. 635 64171575George 5th Lord Seton and Family ca. 1575 Frans Pourbus the Elder 1545-1581 NGS 227589521575Henry IV III Bourbon of Navarre future King of France et al ca. 1575 by an Unknown French Artist Location TBD89531575Cavalier with Dogs ca 1570-1580 by Bartolomeo Passarotti (1529-1592) Location TBD95251575Christian van der Goes age 44 Schout of Delft 1575 by Pieter Pourbus (ca. 1524-1584) Peter-Muelbauer Schloss Schonburg95271575A Knight of the Order of Malta ca 1575 Location TBD95311575Marie or Madeleine de Gaignon Dames de Saint Bohaire, ca. 1575, by School of Francois Clouet, Musee du Louvre Paris MI85795381575Scribe ca 1575 attributed to Bartolomeo Passarotti (1529-1592) Robilant and Voena95391575A Soldier in Armour ca 1575-1580 by Bartolomeo Passarotti (1529-1592) Ardress House UK National Trust95401575136921576A Man, possible self-portrait, ca. 1576 (Jacopo Bassano) (1510-1592) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 21.228512861576A Man, 1576 (Bartolomeo Passerotti) (1529-1592) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 12871576Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, 1576 (Nicolas Hilliard) (1547-1619) National Portrait Gallery, London , NPG 4197 12881576Sir Philip Sidney, ca. 1576 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 5732 12891576A Lady, 1576 (Unknown British Artist) Tate Britain N04811 12901576Antoine Perrenot de Grenville, 1576 (Scipione Pulzone) (1544-1598) Courtald Institute of Art, London45511576Don Juan of Austria, ca. 1576 (Alonzo Sanchez Coello) (1532-1588) El Escorial, San Lorenzo
57511576Vincenzo Anastagi, ca. 1576 (El Greco) (1541-1618) The Frick Collection, New York, NY 57521576136911577Richard Drake, 1577 (George Gower) (1540-1596) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 12911577Sir Charles Somerset, ca. 1577 (George Gower) (1540-1596) Location TBD 12921577 Elizabeth Knollys, 1577 (after George Gower) (1540-1596) Location TBD 12931577Marguerite of Valois, Queen of Navarre, 1577 (Nicolas Hilliard) (1547-1619) Denver Art Museum, CO, Berger Collection 12941577Self-Portrait, 1577 (Nicholas Hilliard) (1547-1619) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 12951577François , Duke of Anjou, ca. 1577 (Nicolas Hilliard) (1547-1619) Location TBD Victoria and Albert Museum, London? 12961577Melchuior Hornlocher, 1577 (Hans Bock the Elder) (ca. 1550-1624) Kunstmuseum Basel Inv. 80 12971577Katharina Aeder Hornlocher, 1577 (Hans Bock the Elder) (ca. 1550-1624)Kunstmuseum Basel Inv. 8112981577Jülich, Princess of Cleve and Berg, 1577 (Master of the AC Monogram) Alte Pinakothek, München12991577Theodore de Beze at 58 years old, 1577 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 13001577Maria Anna, Duchess of Bavaria, 1577 (Unknown Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG 3272 57531577Field Marshall Sir William Pelham, 1577, by Heironimo Custodis (fl.1585-1598) ARADER GALLERIES, NEW YORK.102341577136901578Johann Freidrich (II?), 1578 (Lucas Cranach the Younger) (1515-1586) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden H 7313011578Lady Philippa Coningsby, 1578 (George Gower) (1540-1596) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN, 56.107 13021578A Woman, ca. 1570's (Jacopo Zucchi) (1541-1596) Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Roma
13041578A Sculptor, ca. 1576-1578 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Private Collection
13051578A Woman, 1578 (Adriaen Thomasz. Key) (1544-1589) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1036 .13061578A Man, 1578 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Location TBD57541578Thomas Pead, 1578 (Cornelis Ketel) (1548-1616) Denver Art Museum, The Berger Collection59261578Paolo Tiepolo, procurator of Venice, ca. 1578 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Wallraf-Richartz Museum , Köln64181578Cardinal Markus Sittikus Hohenemser Bishop of Konstanz detail 1578 by Anthony Bays Location TBD95241578Sir George Gill of Wyddial Hall, Hertfordshire, dated 1578, attributed to Cornelis Ketel (1548-1616) Bonhams, December 17 2020 Lot 69.105071578136891579Gebhard Truchsess von Waldburg, 1579 (Hermann tom Ring) (1521-1597) Kölnische Stadtmuseum
13071579Isabel Clara Eugenia, 1579 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01137
13081579Elizabeth I, 1579 (Plimpton Sieve Portrait) (attributed to George Gower) (1540-1597) Location TBD 13091579Self-Portrait, 1579 (George Gower) (1540-1597) Private Collection13101579Self-Portrait at about 27?, ca. 1579 (Lavinia Fontana) (1552-1614) Uffizi, Florence13121579Dorothy Bray, Baroness Chandos, 1579 (John Bettes the Younger) (??-1616) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1973.1.313131579Sir Nicholas Bacon, 1579 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 164 13141579A Gentleman, 1579 (Frans Pourbus the Elder) (1545-1581) Raphael Valls, Ltd., London49291579Matthias Hapsburg, future Holy Roman Emperor, 1579 (Lucas van Valckenborch) (1535-1597) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG 4390 57551579Torquato Tasso in the madhouse, 1579, by Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) painted in 1839, Private Collection.79201579A Man ca 1579 attributed to Frans Pourbus the Elder Sothebys Old Masters Sale January 29 2015 Lot 3495361579Prince Maurice of Orange, ca. 1579, by
Daniël van den Queborn (1552–1602) Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam SC/0129105021579136881580Vincenzo Morosini, ca. 1580 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594) The National Gallery, London13151580A Procurator, ca. 1580 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594)Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2113171580A Venetian Woman, ca. 1580 (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00381 13201580A Procurator (Jacopo Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1541 13191580A Man, ca. 1580 (attributed to a follower of Jacopo or Domenico Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3568 13211580Archduke Ernst of Austria, ca. 1580 (Martino Rota) (1520-1583) The Weiss Gallery, London13221580Johann Jakob König, ca. 1775-1780 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Národní muzeum, Praha
13251580Young Man, ca. 1580 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588)Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_283213261580Bianca Capello, ca. 1580 (Alessandro Allori) (1535-1607) Yale Art Gallery, New Haven, CT 1871.83
13271580Quintilia Fischieri, ca. 1580 (Federico Barocci) (1535-1612) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
13281580A Nobleman with his Hand on his Chest, ca. 1580 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P0080913291580A Gentleman from the Casa de Leiva, ca. 1580 (El Greco) (1541-1618)Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Québec 13301580Lady in a Fur Wrap, possibly Catalina Michaela, ca. 1577-1580 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow
13311580A Noblewoman, possibly Infanta Catalina Michaela, ca. 1580 (Roland De Moys) Sotheby’s Sale L09637 12/10/09
13321580William I the Silent of Orange, ca. 1580 (Adriaen Thomasz Key) (1544-1589+) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-3148
13331580A Man, ca. 1580 (Francesco Bassano) (1549-1592) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5775 13341580A Woman, ca. 1580 (Lavinia Fontana) (1552-1614)National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C.
13351580Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, ca. 1580 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Location TBD
13361580A Venetian Magistrate, ca. 1580 (Leandro Bassano) (1557-1622) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1949
13371580A Man, ca. 1580 (Magistrate) (Leandro Bassano) (1557-1622) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00O4513381580Gillis I Mostaert, ca. 1580 (Unknown Dutch Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_76713391580A Man, ca. 1580 (Unknown Lombard Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2422 13401580A Man, ca. 1580 (Unknown Lombard Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_106 13411580A Man, ca. 1580 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_309 13421580A Man, ca. 1580 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2974 13431580A Procurator, ca. 1580 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1854 13441580Magdalena Ruiz, ca. 1580 (Unknown Spanish Artist) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00862 13451580A Knight of the Order of Calatrava, ca. 1570-1590 (Unknown Spanish Artist) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P0053213461580A Man, possibly Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, ca. 1560-1600 (Unknown Spanish Artist ) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P0029513471580Elizabeth of Austria Queen of France, ca. 1580 (Jakob de Monte) (??-??) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3213481580Jacques de Cujas, ca. 1580 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD,Court of Appeal, Toulouse? 13491580Sebastiano Venier with a Page, posthumous?famous ca. 1580 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Location TBD57561580Self-Portrait with his family Adriaen Thomasz Key c1540-1599 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid P076189551580Charles duc de Mayenne ca. 1580 possibly by atelier de Etienne Dumonstier 1574-1603 Location TBD95471580A Gentleman ca. 1580 by Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594) National Galleries of Scotland95491580A Lady with her Dog ca 1580-1585 by Alessandro Allori (1535-1603) Location TBD95541580A Man in black ca 1580-1585 by Bartolomeo Passarotti (1529-1592) Location TBD95571580Niccolo da Ponteca 1580 by Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna GG_183395581580Paolo Tiepolo ca. 1575-1590 attributed to Domenico Tintoretto (1560-1635) copy after his father Jacopo Location TBD95601580Physician Carlo Fontana ca 1580-85 by Bartolomeo Passarotti (1529-1592) Museum of Fine Arts Ghent95611580Rudolf II Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor ca 1580 by Martino Rota (1520-1583) Dorotheum 18 April 2012 Vienna95651580Self Portrait ca 1580 by Annibale Carracci (1560-1609) Location TBD95671580Sir Francis Drake ca. 1580 by Unknown Artist National Portrait Gallery London NPG403295681580A Venetian Procurator ca 1580 by follower of Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594) Courtauld Gallery London95691580Anna Imhoff, ca. 1580 by Johan Gregor van der Schardt (ca.1530-after 1581) Location TBD101331580Willibald Imhoff the Elder, ca. 1580, by Johan Gregor van der Schardt (ca.1530-after 1581) Bode Museum101341580Alessandro Allori, 1580, by Giovanni Stradano (1535-1607) Sotheby's Old Master Day Sale, London, December 6, 2018, Lot 142105011580136871581A Young Woman, 1581 (Frans Pourbus the Elder) (1545-1581) Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent 13501581Francis Drake, 1581 (Nicolas Hilliard) (1547-1619) Location TBD 13511581Self-Portrait at about 30, ca. 1581 (Scipione Pulzone "il Gaetano) (1550-159?) Location TBD 13521581A Boy, 1581 (Jacob Willemsz. Delff) (1550-1601) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-a190713531581Old Man at 83 years old, 1581 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 13541581Ivan the Terrible with his son Ivan, November 16th, by Ilya Repin (1844-1930) painted in 1885, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.79211581Henri III King of France ca 1581 after Jean de Court Musee Conde Chantilly PE 27195511581John Hawkins 1581 by Unknown Martist National Maritime Museum Greenwich95521581Venetian Procurator Alessandro Gritti 1581-1582 by Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto 1518-1594 Museu Nacional dArt de Catalunya Barcelona SP 064987-00095641581136861582An Old Woman, 1582 (Bartolomeo Passarotti) (1529-1592) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_9051 13551582John III King of Sweden, 1582 (Johan Baptista van Uther) (fl. 1562-1597) Location TBD13561582A Boy Drinking, ca. 1582 (Annibale Carracci) (1560-1609) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1994.459351582Yermak's conquest of Siberia, 1582, by Vasily Surikov (1848-1916) Location TBD.79221582Luigi Groto ca. 1582 by Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594) Adria Municipio95551582Entry of Francois, Duke of Anjou into Antwerp, February 19, 1582, painted by Monogrammist MHVH, Sotheby's Sale, February 6, 2025, NY Lot 316105961582Stephen Bathory at Pskov, 1582, by Jan Matejko (1838-1893), painted in 1872 Royal Castle in Warsaw
103431582136851583A Procurator of St Mark's, ca. 1580-1583 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 13571583Marco Grimani? Procurator of St Mark's, ca. 1576-1583 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_28 13581583Marco Grimani, ca. 1576-1583 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00379 13591583Matthias HRE, 1583 (Lucas van Valckenborch) (1535-1597) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3400 13601583A Doctor, possibly Rodrigo de la Fuente, ca. 1582-1585 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P0087 13611583A Woman, possibly Ursula, Lady Walsingham, 1583 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 1705 13621583Sir Edward Hoby, 1583 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 1974 13631583Stephen Bathory, King of Poland, 1583 (Martin Kober) (c1550-1598) Location TBD 57571583136841584Edward Fiennes de Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln, 1584 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 900 13641584Pope Gregory XIII, Ugo Boncompagni, ca. 1584 (attributed to FRancesco Traballesi) Collegio di S. Atanasio dei Greci, Roma 59621584136831585Infanta Catalina Micaela, ca. 1582-1585 (Alonso Sanchez Coello) (1531-1588) HSP 13651585Catalina Micaela Duchess of Savoy, ca. 1584-1585 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01139 13661585 Infanta Catalina Micaela, ca. 1585 (attributed to Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P0104013671585Lettice Knollys, ca. 1585 (attributed to George Gower) Longleat House, Somerset 13681585 A Man, ca. 1580-1585 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00813 13691585A Lady with Child, ca. 1585 (Francois Quesnel) (1543-1619) Weiss Gallery, London13701585A Young Man, ca. 1585 (Francesco Traballesi) (ca. 1544-1588) Hampel Fine Art Auction, June 30, 2011, Lot 25113711585Self-Portrait, ca. 1580-1585 (Bartholomeus Spranger) (1546-1611) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1137 13721585Sir Walter Raleigh, ca. 1585 (Nicolas Hilliard) (1547-1619) National Portrait Gallery, London 4106 13731585Queen Elizabeth I (The Ermine Portrait), ca. 1585 (attrib. Nicolas Hilliard) (1547-1619) (or William Segar) Private Collection13741585A Woman, ca. 1585 (Scipione Pulzone) (1550-1598) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P0102913751585Vittoria Accoramboni, ca. 1585 (Scipione Pulzone) (1550-1598) Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia13761585Sir Francis Walsingham, ca. 1585 (attributed to John de Critz the Elder) (ca. 1551-1642) National Portrait Gallery London NPG 1807
13771585Alessandro Farnese, ca. 1585 (Otto van Veen) (1556-1629) Location TBD 13781585A Young Man, ca. 1580-1585 (Domenico Tintoretto) (1560-1635) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 28.862 13791585Hans von Aachen at about 33 years old, ca. 1585 (Joseph Heintz) (1564-1609) Location TBD13801585Sir Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, ca. 1580-85 (circle of William Segar) (1564-1633) Weiss Gallery, London13811585A Man, ca. 1580-1590 (Unknown Dutch Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_765 13821585An Old Man , ca. 1580-1590 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1855 13831585A Lady, ca. 1585 (Unknown Artist) Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, ME
13841585A Young Man, ca. 1585 (Federico Barocci)(1528-1612) Location TBD59361585A Gentleman, ca. 1585 (Domenico Tintoretto) (1560-1635) Blanton Museum of Art Austin, TX, 555.199959461585A Blind Woman, ca. 1585 (Annibale Carracci) (1560-1609) Palazzo Pepoli, Bologna59711585A Blind Woman, ca. 1585 (Annibale Carracci) (1560-1609) Palazzo Pepoli, Bologna59721585Mancio Ito and the Japanese Tensho Embassy visits Pope Gregory XIII in Rome, March 23rd, 1585, Artist TBD, Location TBD.79231585A Family ca. 1585 by Anthonius Claeissins lived ca. 1538-1613 The Weiss Gallery London UK89541585A Knight of the Order of Malta ca 1585 by Unknown Artist Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien95531585A Man ca. 1585 by studio of Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594) National Galleries of Scotland95561585Pope Sixtus V ca. his tenure 1585-1590 by Unknown Artist Location TBD95621585Self-Portrait with Three Figures ca 1585 by Annibale Carracci (1560-1609) Pinacoteca di Brera Milano95661585A Young Man ca. 1580s by School of Bergamo Norton Simon Museum CA F.1968.11.01P95721585A Lady with a Squirrel ca. 1585 by Francesco Montemezzano (ca. 1540-1602) Location TBD98461585136821586A Man with Dog, ca. 1586 (Bartolomeo Passarotti) (1529-1592) Musei Capitolini, Roma 13851586 Grand Duchess Bianca Capello de Medici and her son, ca. 1586 (Alessandro Allori) (1535-1607) Dallas Museum of Art 1987.11 13861586 Jacob Claesz., Burgomaster of Amsterdam, ca. 1586 (Adrian Thomasz. Key) (f1544-1589) The Weiss Gallery, London13871586A Lady, ca. 1586 (Scipio Pulzone) (1550-1598) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore 37.605 (Massarenti Collection, 1902)13881586A Man, possibly Orazio Bassani, ca. 1585-6 (Agostino Carracci) (1557-1602) Location TBD13891586Edward Talbot, 8th Earl of Shrewsbury and Waterford, 1586 (Hieronimus Custodis) (??-1593) The Weiss Gallery, London 13901586Sir Henry Unton, 1586 (Unknown British School Artist) Tate Britain, London, T0040213911586James VI of Scotland, 1586 (attributed to Adriaen Vanson) (fl. 1570's-1602) or (Alsonso Coello) Falkland Palace, Fife, Scotland 13921586August von Sachsen 1586 by Zacharias Wehme (1558-1606) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden H 020895461586Giuliano II Cesarini age 14 ca 1586 by Sofonisba Anguissola Dorotheum 18 April 201295501586136811587John Foxe, 1587 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 24 13931587A Man, possibly John Gerard, ca. 1587 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 1306 13941587Isabella Clara Eugenia and Magdalena Ruiz, 1587 (Alonso Sánchez Coello) (1531-1588) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P00861 57581587Vincenzo I Gonzaga Duke on the day of his coronation 1587 by Jean Bahuet (ca. 1552-1597) Location TBD95701587Richard Waugh 1587 by John Bettes II, fl. (1570-1615) CIDER HOUSE GALLERIES, SURREY, ENGLAND. 102461587Mary Queen of Scots before her Execution, February 8th, 1587, by Robert Herdman (1829-1888), painted in 1867, Glasgow Museums.104091587136801588Self-Portrait, ca. 1588 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Musée du Louvre, Paris 13951588Vicenzo Scamozzi, ca. 1588 (Paolo Veronese) (1528-1588) Denver Art Museum, CO 13961588Elizabeth I (The Armada Portrait), ca. 1588 (George Gower) (1540-1596) Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire, England 13971588Theodore Zwinger, ca. 1588 (Hans Bock the Elder) (ca.1550-1624) Kunstmuseum Basel 1442 13981588Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, ca. 1587-1588 (William Segar) (1564-1633) Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, England 13991588Sir Walter Raleigh at 35 years old, ca. 1588 (H Monogrammist) National Portrait Gallery, London 7 14001588A Man of the Shurley Family, 1588 (Unknown English Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 51.194.2
14011588William Cecil. 1st Baron Burghley, ca. 1588 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 362 14021588Head of a Man in Profile 1588-1595 Annibale Carracci Royal Collection83951588Henry I, Duke of Guise assassinated, 1588 CE, by Unknown Artist, Location TBD79241588Battle of Gravelines - English defeat the Spanish Armada near Calais, August 8th, 1588, by Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg (1740-1812), painted in 1796, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Greenwich Hospital Collection, BHC0264.104101588136791589Cornelis Jorisz. Roodhoorn, ca. 1589 (Pieter Pietersz.) (1540-1603) The Weiss Gallery, London14031589A Man, ca. 1586-1589 (Domenico Robusti Tintoretto) (1560-1635) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 14041589Sir Christopher Hatton, 1589 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 02162 14061589Sir Christopher Hatton, ca. 1589 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5549 14071589Sir Christopher Hatton, ca. 1588-1591 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 151814081589Elizabeth Brydges, later Kennedy, at 14 years old 1589 (Hieronimo Custodis) (fl. 1589-1598) Woburn Abbey, Woburn UK59371589Nicolaus Padavinus 1589 by Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594) Eva Klabin Foundation Rio de Janeiro Brazil95591589Presumed Self-Portrait as St Catherine of Alexandria 1589 by Barbara Longhi (1552-1638) Pinacoteca Comunale Ravenna95631589136781590Self-Portrait, ca. 1590 (probably 1587) (Jacopo Bassano) (1510-1592) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_58 14091590A Venetian Magistrate, ca. 1590 (Jacopo Robusto Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00373 14101590A Venetian Woman, ca. 1590 (Jacopo Robusto Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00384 14111590A Venetian Woman, ca. 1590 (Jacopo Robusto Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00385 14121590A Venetian Woman, ca. 1590 (Jacopo Robusto Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00383 14131590Alessandro Farnese, ca. 1590 (Antoon Claeissens) (ca. 1536-1613) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 14141590A Man, ca. 1590, El Greco (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid. 14151590Rodrigo Vázquez, ca. 1585-1590 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 14161590A Man, 1586-1590 (El Greco) (1541-1618)The Hispanic Society of America, New York 14171590A Man, ca. 1590 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 14181590A Woman, ca. 1590-95 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Philadelphia Museum of Art, ca. 1590-95 14191590A Woman ca. 1590 (Nicholas Hilliard) (1547-1619) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.311 14201590A Gentleman, ca. 1590 (Palma Giavone) (1548-1628) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 14211590Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland, ca. 1590 (Martin Kober) (ca. 1550-1598) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_330214221590Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland, ca. 1590 (Jan Szwankowski) (??-1602) Wawel Castle, Kraków 14231590A Lady, 1590 (Lavinia Fontana) (1553-1614) Location TBD 14241590Maria, Countess of Nassau, ca. 1690 (Adriaen Thomasz Key) (1544-1589+) Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof, Delft 14251590Brigida del Rio, the Bearded Lady of Penaranda,ca. 1590 (Juan Sánchez Cotán) (1560-1527) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P03222 14261590A Man, ca. 1590 (Domenico Tintoretto) (1560-1635) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 60.1475 14271590Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, 1590 ( William Segar) (1564-1633) Location TBD14281590A Lady, ca. 1585-1590 (William Segar) (1564-1633) The Weiss Gallery, London 14291590Self-Portrait, ca. 1590 (Isaac Oliver) (1565-1617) National Portrait Gallery, London 485214301590A Man, ca. 1590 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University, Durham, NC 14311590Diane de Poitiers, ca. 1590 ( Master of the Fountainbleau School) Kunstmuseum Basel14321590Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury, ca. 1590 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 14331590A Woman. ca. 1590 (Unknown Dutch Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1037 14341590A Man, late 16th cent (Unknown North Italian Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.101 14351590Agustín Profit “el Calabrés”, ca. 1590 (Unknown Italian Artist) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01276 14361590A Lady with a Dog, ca. 1585-1595 (attributed to Allesandro Allori) (1535-1607) Location TBD 36811590A Man, ca. 1590 (Unknown Artist, Florentine School) Bonhams Auction House, Sale 21332, Lot 36, July 9, 2014 37161590Alessandro Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, ca. 1590 (Jean Baptiste de Saive) (1540-1624) Galleria Nazionale, Parma
57591590George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, ca. 1590 (Nicholas Hilliard) (1547-1619) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK
57621590Field Marshal Lucio Foppa, ca. 1590 (Giovanni Anbrogio Figino) (ca. 1548-1608) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano
57641590Mary Kytson, Lady Darcy of Ciche, ca. 1590 (Unknown Artist) Tate Britain, London L002466 57651590Self-Portrait, ca 1590 (attributed to Annibale Carracci) (1560-1609) Galleria Nazionale di Parma58471590James VI, King of Scotland, future King of England, ca. 1590 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 118864271590Henry Herbert, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, 1590 (Unknown Artist of the English School) Location TBD64441590Self-Portrait with Family ca. 1590 by Jacob Willemsz. Delff I 1550-1601 RMA SK-A-146089581590A Bearded Gentleman in profile, ca_1590 Haarlem or Amsterdam School, Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT90301590Dogaressa Morosina Morosini ca 1590 by Leandro Bassano (1557-1622) Location TBD95731590A Man ca. 1580-1600 by follower of Nicolas Neufchatel (1527-1590) Sothebys Tableaux Sculptures et Dessins June 201595761590Pope Urban VII ca. his tenure 1590 by Unknown Artist Location TBD95791590Sir John North MP ca. 1590 by British School National Trust The Vyne98511590136771591Lucrezia Cenzi, ca. 1591 (Scipione Pulzone) (c1550-1598) Christie’s Milan 6/7/06
14371591Sir Francis Drake, 1591 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK,BHC26621438159114391591A Woman at 54 years old, 1591 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA14401591A Man at 32 years of age, 1591(Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD 14411591Catherine van Damme, wife of Francois de Groote, ca. 1591 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Private Collection 14421591A Man, ca. 1591 (Unknown Upper Italian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2816 14431591Philip Manuel of Savoy at 5 years old, 1591 (Jan Kraek) (??-1607) Museo Nacional de Prado, Madrid, P01264 57661591Marie De Huelstre wife of Willem Van Vyve 1591 by Frans Pourbus the Younger Location TBD98481591A Man, age 56 years, 1591, by Frans Pourbus the Younger (1569-1622) Goxe - Belaisch - hôtel des ventes dEnghien, Enghien-les-Bains 2014 102851591136761592Marie de Medici, ca. 1592 (Santi di Tito) (1536-1603) Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Firenze 14441592 Self-Portrait, ca. 1592 (Federico Zuccaro) (1542-1609) Galleria degli Uffizi 14451592A Man, 1592 (Karel van Mander) (1548-1606) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_809 14461592Rudolf II at 40 years old, ca. 1592 (Joseph Heintz) (??-??) Location TBD 14471592Rudolf II Hapsburg, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1592 (workshop of Hans von Aachen) ( 1552-1615) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1972 14481592 Petrus Ricardus, ca. 1592 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Groeningemuseum, Brugge 14491592A Lady, ca. 1592 (Robert Peake the Elder) (1551-1619) Philip Mould, Ltd., London64431592136751593Marcantonio Barbaro, 1593 (Tintoretto) (1518-1594) Location TBD14501593Sir Francis Drake, after 1590 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger?) (1561-1636) Buckland Abbey, West Devon, England 14511593Sir Edward Coke , 1593 (Unknown Artist copy) Location TBD 14521593136741594Giulio Mascheroni, ca. 1593-1594 (Annibale Carracci) (1560-1609) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden1456159414531594Anna Jagiellon, ca. 1594 (Martin Kober) Zamek Królewski na Wawelu, Kraków 14541594A Noblewoman, possibly Marie de Medici, ca. 1594 (Scipione Pulzone) (1550-1598) Location TBD 14551594Frances Walsingham countess of Essex at 36 and son Robert Devereaux 3rd earl of Essex at 5 years 1594 by Robert Peake the Elder Sothebys 1988 98471594136731595A Woman, ca. 1595 (Unknown Lombard Artist) San Diego Museum of Art, CA 14571595A Gentleman, ca. 1595 (Federico Barocci) (1535-1612) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon14581595Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga, ca. 1590’s (El Greco) (1541-1618) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 14591595A Medici Woman, possibly Eleanor, ca. 1595 (Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614) Location TBD14601595Ulisse Aldrovandi, ca. 1595 (Agostino Carracci) Location TBD14611595A Man ca. 1595 (Leandro Bassano) (1557-1622) Adam Williams Fine Art Ltd., New York, NY 14621595A Young Man, ca. 1595 (attrib. Leandro Bassano) (1557-1622) Christie's Sale 6097, Lot 130 14631595A Man, possibly Doctor Boissy, ca. 1595 (circle of Annibale Carracci) (1560-1609) Location TBD14641595A Lady, ca. 1595 (attributed to Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) Tate Britain, London 14651595A Lady, 1595 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, Durham, UK 14661595A Lady, ca. 1595 (William Segar) (1564-1633) Location TBD14671595A Man, ca. 1590-1600 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_842 14681595James I/VI, 1595 (Adrian Vanson) (fl. 1581-1602) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburg PG 156 14691595Anne of Austria, Habsburg Queen of Poland ca. 1595 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD14701595John Donne, ca. 1595 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 6790 14711595Francisco Verdugo, ca. 1595 (Unknown Artist) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 14751595Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain, ca. 1595 (Sofonisba Anguissola) (1532-1625) Museo Nacional de Prado, Madrid
57671595Maria de Medici, future Queen Consort of France, ca. 1595 (Pietro Facchetti) (1539-1613) Palazzo Lancelotti, Roma
57681595Christina of Lorraine, Grand Duchess Consort of Tuscany, ca. 1595 (Scipione Pulzone) (1544-1598) Location TBD
57691595William Fitzwilliam of Milton and Gainspark, ca. 1595 (circle of William Segar) (1565-1633) Weiss Gallery, London 57701595Elizabeth I, Queen of England, ca. 1595 (Unknown Artist) Hardwick House, Witchurch-on-Thames, Oxfordshire 57711595Laurens Jacobszon with His Wife and Three Sons ca. 1590s by Pieter Pietersz 1540-1603 SMB89561595Officers of the Company of St. George Cornelis van Haarlem 1562-1638 FHM89571595A Young Man, ca. 1595-1605, by Annibale Carraci (1560-1609) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam101241595Dogaressa Morosina Morosini ca 1595-96 by Leandro Bassano (1557-1622) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Alte Meister GG_282 95741595Doge Marino Grimani ca 1595-96 by Leandro Bassano (1557-1622) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden GG_28195751595A Man ca 1595 by Domenico Tintoretto 1560-1635 Accademia Carrara95771595136721596A Man, ca. end of 16th cent. (Unknown Dutch Artist ) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_598 14721596Pieter Jansz Kies, ca. 1596 (Cornelis van Haarlem) (1562-1638) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A1241 14731596Gilbert Talbot, 1596 (s.o. William Segar) (1564-1633) The Weiss Gallery, London 14741596A Man, ca. 1596 (Cornelis Ketel) (1548-1616) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_763 14761596Paolo Morigia, 1596 (Fides Gallicia) (1578-1630) Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano14771596Sir Thomas Fleming, 1596 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 1799 14781596Albert VII, Archduke of Austria, ca. 1596 (Jan Brueghel the Elder) (1568-1625) San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts, CA, 52.6.5 40761596Alfonso II Este, ca. 1596 (Cesare Aretusi) (1549-1612) Location TBD 57721596Anne, Lady Pope with her children, 1596 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) Private Collection 57731596Coronation of Christian VI of Denmark, 1596 August 17, by Otto Bache (1839-1927) painted in 188779251596Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex ca. 1596 by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger (1561-1536) Location TBD98491596James Lancaster, 1596, Unknown Artist, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, BHC2828.105141596136711597Cesare d Este, ca. 1597 (Cesare Aretusi) (1549-1612) Galleria Estense, Modena14791597A Young Woman, presumed to be Fillede Melandroni, 1597 (Caravaggio) (1571-1610) Collezione del Marchese Giustiniani, destroyed Berlin, 194514801597A Man, ca. 1597 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Location TBD 14811597Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, ca. 1597 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4985 57741597Duke Karl of Sudermania, future King Charles IX of Sweden, insulting the Corpse of his enemy Claude Flemming, Swedish general and statesman, 1597, painted in 1878 by Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905) Ataneum, Helsinki AI212106011597136701598Isabella Clara Eugenia, ca. 1598 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 14821598Ann Parolini Guicciardini, 1598 (Agostino Carracci) (1557-1602) Location TBD14831598A Man of the Bereton Family, 1598 (attributed to Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) Chequers Trust, Buckinhamshire 14841598Albert VII and Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, ca. 1598 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Galleria Borghese, Roma 14851598Self-Portrait, ca. 1598 (Santi di Tito) (1536-1603) Location TBD37171598Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk, 1598 (Unknown Artist) Kenwood House, Hampstead, London 57751598Sir Walter Raleigh 1598 attributed to William Segar (1564-1633) National Gallery of Ireland NGI 28195781598A Woman 1598 by Geldorp Gortzius Location TBD98501598Bartholomaus Schwalb von Giesitz, 1598, by Sadeler Egidius (1570–1629) GNM_P7569101211598136691599A Young Woman, possibly Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain, ca. 1599 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Alte Pinakothek, München INV 987 14871599Self-Portrait, ca. 1595-1600 (Paul Bril) (1554-1626) Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence 14881599Michael Drayton at 36 years old, ca. 1599 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 776 14891599Ranuccio I Farnese Duke of Parma, ca. 1599 (Cesare Aretusi) (1549-1612) Galleria Nazionale di Parma 14901599A Man, ca. 1595-1599 (Annibale Carracci) (1560-1609) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 14911599Marie de Medici ca. 1599 (1605?) (Frans Pourbus II) (1569-1622) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 14921599Hugo Grotius, 1599 (Jan Anthonisz. van Ravesteyn) (c1570-1657) Institut Néerlandais, Fondation Custodia, Collection Frits Lugt, Paris14931599Maffeo Barberini, future Pope Urban VIII, 1599 (Caravaggio) (1571-1610) Location TBD 14941599Lady Agnes Douglas, Countess of Argyll, 1599 (Adrian Vanson) (??-ca. 1602) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 1409 14961599Honoré de Urfé, ca. 1599 (Unknown Artist) Château de la Bâtie de Urfé, Forez 14971599Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain with an attendant, ca. 1599 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Royal Collection, Hampton Court, London57761599Albrecht of Austria and Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain, ca. 1599 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Location TBD 57771599A Prelate, ca. 1599 (Caravaggio) (1571-1510) Palazzo Corsini, Firenze59271599136681600Self-Portrait, ca. 1600 (Federico Barocci) (1535-1612) Museum Residenzgalerie Salzburg
14981600Self-Portrait, ca. 1600 (Federico Barocci) (1535-1612) Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze14991600Francisco de Pisa, ca. 1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Kimbell Art Museum, Forth Worth, TX 15001600Antonio de Covarrubias, ca. 1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Musée du Louvre, Paris 15011600Diego de Covarrubias, ca. 1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo del Greco, Toledo 15021600A Man, possibly a Self-Portrait, ca. 1595-1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 15031600 Carlo Borromeo, ca. 1600 (Giovanni Ambrogio Figino) (ca. 1548-1608) Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano 15041600A Lady, ca. 1600 (Robert Peake the Elder) (1551-1619) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1974.3.615051600Carlo Alberto Rati Opizzoni, ca. 1597-1600 (Ludovico Carracci) (1555-1619) Private Collection15061600Nicolaas Rockox, 1600 (Otto van Veen) (1556-1629) Rubenshuis, Antwerpen 15071600A Norbertine, ca. 1600 (Leandro Bassabo) (1557-1622) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3686 15081600A Norbertine, ca. 1600-1610 (Leandro Bassabo) (1557-1622) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_2015091600Philip III, ca. 1600 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-507 15101600Albert VII, Archduke of Austria, ca. 1600 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-50915111600Vincenzo I Gonzaga, ca. 1600 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD 15121600Ferdinand II, King of Bohemia, ca. 1596-1600 (Pietro de Pomis) (1569-1633) The Weiss Gallery, London 15131600Self Portait , ca. the beginning of 17th century” (attributed to Ozario Borgianni) (ca. 1575-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00877 15141600Frans Francken I, ca. 1600 (workshop of Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.37 15151600Self-Portrait, ca. 1600 (Alessandro Tiarini) (1577-1668) Galleria Savelli Antiquario, Bologna 15161600A Noblewoman, ca. 1600 (Unknown English Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 11.149.1 15171600A Noblewoman, ca. 1600 (Unknown English Artist) Parham House, West Sussex, England 15181600Catherine Henriette de Balzac de Entragues, 1600 (Unknown Artist) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 15191600Madame de Entraque, ca. 1600 (Unknown Dutch Artist ) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1958 15201600A Woman, ca. 1580-1620 (Unknown Venetian Artist) Sotheby's Sale N08712 15211600Domenico Fontana, ca. 1600 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 15221600A Cardinal, possibly Don Fernando Niño de Guevara, ca.1600 (El Greco) (1541-1618) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.5
57781600Henry IV, King of France, as Hercules Overcoming the Lernaean Hydra, ca. 1600 (circle of Toussaint Dubreuil) (ca. 1561- 1602) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 1997-1357791600Prince Maurits of Nassau at the Battle of Nieuwpoort, 1600 CE, 2 July, by Paulus van Hillegaert (1596-1640) Rijskmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-664 part of the Eighty Years War (Seventeen Provinces -Burgundian Netherlands vs. Hapsburgs)79261600Daniel de la Faye ca 1600 attributed to Domenico Tintoretto Location TBD82521600Edward Coke ca 1600 by English School Sothebys The Duchess May27-28 2015 London Lot 8682531600A Hapsburg Officer ca 1600 by Frans Pourbus the Younger 1569-1622 Weiss Gallery82541600A Knight of Malta 1600 by Giovan PAolo Cavagna Bardini Museum82551600A Man ca 1600 by North Italian Artist Christies Sale 3475 Lot 6382591600Ragazzo ca 1600-1605 by Cristofano Allori 1577-1621 Pushkin Museum 26182631600Sybillina Agrippina ca 1600 by Abraham Janssens Museum Kunstpalast 82661600A Kneeling Knight, ca. 1600, Spanish School, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 44.813101381600The Landing of Marie de Medicis at Marseilles, 1600, November 3rd, by Peter Paul Rubens103691600136671601Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset, 1601 (attributed to John de Critz the Elder) (1551-1642) National Portrait Gallery, London 4024 15231601Knight of the Order of Santiago, 1601 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01034 15241601Empress Eleanor Gonzaga at 2 years old, ca. 1600-1601 (follower of Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3339 15251601A Man, probably Wilson Gale, 1601 (Unknown Artist) Lawrences Auctioneers, Somerset, UK 15261601Self-portrait 1601 by Joachim Wtewael 1566-1638 Centraal Museum in Utrecht 226482641601136661602Ippolito della Rovere, ca. 1602 (Federico Fiori Barocci) (1526-1612) Italian Embassy, London 15271602Woman, 1602 (Nicholas Hilliard) (1547-1619) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 15281602Felipe Manuel, Prince of Savoya, ca. 1602 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Sothebys Old Masters Day Sale 7/9/09 Lot 119 15291602Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, 1602 (John de Critz) (1551-1642) National Portrait Gallery, London 107 15301602Eleanor de Medici at about 35 years old, ca. 1602 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD 15311602A Lady, possibly Eleanor de Medici, ca.1602 (attributed to Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City 1982.293 15321602Self-Portrait, ca. 1602-1603 (Guido Reni) (1575-1642) Whitfield Fine Art, London 15331602A Man, possibly Thomas Harriot, 1602 (Unknown Artist) Trinity College, Oxford 15341602Polycarp Leyser, 1602 (Unknown Artist) Evangelischen Pregigerseminar, Wittenberg 15351602Philip III, King of Spain, ca. 1602 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1563-1608) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_9490
57801602Sir Walter Ralegh with son, Walter 1602 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3914 57811602Cardinal Camillo Borghese, future Pope Paul V, ca. 1602 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 58781602A Man ca 1592-1612 by Hans van Aachen Fischer Auctionen November 2008 Lot 100482581602136651603Artists Son Jorge Manuel Theotokopoulos, ca. 1603 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla15361603Jan Govertsen van der Aer, 1603 (Hendrick Goltzius) (1558-1617) Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam 3450OK15371603Anna of Tyrol at about 18 years old, ca. 1603 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD 15381603Henry IV of France, ca. 1603 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 15391603Monsignor Giovanni Battista Agucchi, ca. 1603-1604 (attributed to Annibale Carracci) (1560-1609) York Art Gallery, UK 16821603Don Francisco Gómez de Sandoval, 1st Duke of Lerma, ca. 1603 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 57821603Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia, "The Winter Queen", 1603 (Robert Peake the Elder) (1551-1619) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, BHC 4237 57831603Henry Frederick and Sir John Harington, 1603 (Robert Peake the Elder) (1551-1619) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 44.27 57841603The Death of Queen Elizabeth I, 1603, by Paul Delaroche (1797-1856) Musee du Louvre, Paris, painted in 1828. 79271603William Pope 1st Earl of Downe ca 1603 by Robert Peake the Elder 1551-1619 Christies82671603136641604Felipe Manuel, Prince of Savoy, 1604 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz)(1553-1608) Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao15401604Maria Magdalena of Austria, 1604 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 15411604James I, King of England, ca. 1604 (John de Critz) (1551-1642) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P01954
57851604Infanta Anna Queen of France, 1604 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1563-1608) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3421 57861604Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1604 (Joseph Heintz the Elder) (1564-1609) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_9453
57871604Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain, ca. 1604 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel 57881604Constance Queen of Poland 1604 Joseph Heintz the Elder 1564-1609 Clark Art Institute82511604Maximilian Ernst 1604 by Joseph Heintz the Elder 1564-1609 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG 949582621604Self-Portrait ca 1604 by Annibale Carracci Hermitage Museum82651604The Somerset House Conference 1604 London Unknown Artist National Portrait Gallery London NPG66591781604136631605James I, King of England, ca. 1605 (attributed to John de Critz the Elder) (ca. 1551-1642) Christies Auction House, Sale 8008, Lot 184 15461605A Man, ca. 1600-1605 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 15421605Young Gentleman, ca. 1605 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00811 15431605Dominican (or Trinitarian) Friar, ca. 1605 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 15441605A Man, possibly Alessandro Vittoria, ca. 1600-1605 (Palma il Giovane) (1544-1628) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1935 15451605Duke William V of Bavaria, ca. 1605 (Hans von Aachen) (1552-1615) Location TBD15471605Diego de Villamayor at 17 years old, ca. 1605 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 15481605Anne of Denmark ca. 1605 Queen of Scotland) ca. (John de Critz) (1555-1641) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 15491605Anne of Denmark, ca. 1605 (John de Critz) (1552-1642) The Weiss Gallery, London
15501605A Young Man, ca. 1605 (attributed to William Segar) (1564-1633) Tate Britain, London
15511605Don Ambrogio Spinola Doria, 1st Marquis of the Balbases, ca. 1605 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-554
15521605A Young Lady, ca. 1605 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Pinacoteca Malaspina, Pavia15531605Margherita Gonzaga, Duchess of Lorraine, ca. 1605 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 25.110.21
15541605Cardinal Giovanni Battista Agucc, ca. 1604-1605 (Domenichino) (1581-1641) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
15551605Bernardo Davanzati Bostichi, ca. 1605 (Cristofano Allori) (1577-1621) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK57631605Henry IV, King of France, as Mars, ca. 1605 (attributed to Jacob Bunel) (1558-1614) Musée national du chateau de Pau 57891605Mechti Kuli Beg, Persian Ambassador in Prague, 1605, by Aegidius Sadeler 1568-1629 THe Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 2012.136.586101231605Arrest of Guy Fawkes by the Royalist soldier Sir Thomas Knevet, 1605, 5th of November, by Henry Perronet Briggs (1793-1844) Laing Art Gallery, B8115, painted in 1823.79281605Anne Vavasour ca 1605 attributed to Johann Critz the Elder Collection of the Armourers and Brasiers of London82501605Louise-Marguerite de Lorraine-Guise ca 1605 by Unknown Artist Musee Conde PE29082561605A Man ca 1605 Leandro Bassano 1557-1622 SKD GG Alte-Meister 28382601605A Man formerly Count Wendlesford ca 1600-1610 formerly attrib Cornelis de Vos Fitzwilliam Museum 159 82611605Young Man ca 1605 by Cristofano Allori 1577-1621 Palazzo Pitti Firenze82681605Self-Portrait at the Age of 47, 1605, by Hendrik Goltzius (1558 – 1 January 1617) Metalpoint on tablet, British Museum, London, 1854 1113.230101221605The Del Prado Family ca. 1605-10 Flemish School Weiss Gallery91401605A Lady, ca. 1605, attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614) Sotheby's Old Masters Sale, June 11, 2020, Lot 17104891605136621606Simon Schaep at 39 years old, 1606 (Aert Pietersz.) (1550-1612) Amsterdam Museum SB252115561606Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, at about 54 years old. ca. 1606 (Hans von Aachen) (1552-1615) Location TBD
15571606Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, 1606 (Gerrit Pietersz. Sweelink) (1566-1612) Gemeentemuseum Den Haag 15581606Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria, 1606 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
15591606Kaspar Scioppius, 1606 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze
15601606Margarita de Austria, Queen Consort of Spain 1606 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02563 57901606Philip III, King of Spain, 1606 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02562
5791160657921606Giancarlo Doria, ca. 1606 (Peter Paul Rubens)(1577-1640) Galleria nazionale di palazzo Spinola, Genova 57931606Princess Elizabeth, ca. 1606 (Robert Peake the Elder) (fl. 1575-1619) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 51.194.1 57941606Self-Portrait, 1606, October (Cristofano Allori) (1577-1621) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 58791606Young Child wearing a lace collar and black dress, carrying a Basket of Cherries, 1606, Jan Claesz. (ca. 1570-1618) Floris van Wanroij Fine Art, AX Dommelen / The Netherlands 102781606136611607Margaret of Austria Queen of Spain, 1607 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1553-1608) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01032 15611607Galileo Galilei, ca. 1605-1607 (Domenico Tintoretto) (1560-1635) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London15621607Lubbert Gerritsz., 1607 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Private Collection 15631607 Frederik Hendrik, future Prince and Stadtholder of Orange-Nassau, ca. 1607 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Kunstcollectie van het Rijk, Amersfoort
15651607Maurits, Prince of Orange-Nassau, 1607 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof, Delft
15641607Father Jan Neyen, 1607 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht, Limburg 15661607Self Portrait, ca. 1606-1607 (Adam Elsheimer) (1578-1610) Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence15671607Infanta Anna and Philip IV, 1607 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1563-1608) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3301
57951607Infanta Maria Anna, 1607 (Juan Pantoja de la Cruz) (1563-1608) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3268 57961607Battle of Gibraltar, Dutch surprise victory over Spanish Fleet, 1607 CE, part of the Eighty Years War (1568-1648), between the Seventeen Provinces and the Hapsburg Empire, by Adam Willaerts, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-1387, painted in 1617.79291607136601608Hugo Grotius, 1608 (Michiel Jansz. van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Location TBD15681608Fra Antonio Martelli, 1608 (Caravaggio) (1571-1610) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze
15691608Sir Edward Fenner, 1608 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Museum, London 4958
15701608Margaret of Savoy, Duchess of Mantua, 1608 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 57971608Alof de Wignacourt and his Page, , ca. 1608 (Caravaggio) (ca. 1571-1610) Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. 57 57981608Alof de Wignancourt official portrait ca 1608-1610 by Unknown Artist Musee de lArmee82481608Maddalena ca 1608-1616 by Cristofano Allori 1577-162182571608136591609Fray Hortensio Félix Paravicino, ca. 1609 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 04.234
15711609Margaret of Austria, 1609 (Bartolome Gonzales y Serrano) (1564-1627) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
15721609Galileo Demonstrates the Telescope to Doge of Venice, 1609, 25 august, by Guiseppe Bertini (1825-1898) Villa Andrea Ponti79301609136581610Vincenzo Cappello, ca. 1610 (Palma Giovane) (1544-1626) Musée du Louvre, Paris
15741610Alexander Seton, 1st Earl of Dumfermline, 1610 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, PG 2176
15751610Frederick Hendrick, Prince of Orange-Nassau, ca. 1610 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Museum Het Pinsenhof, Delft PDS 68-c 15761610Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, ca. 1610 (workshop of Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-257
15781610Vincenzo I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, ca. 1610 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Palazzo Ducale - Castello di San Giorgio, Mantova
15791610Gaspard III de Coligny, ca. 1610 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-546 15801610Cardinal Federico Borromeo, 1610 (Giulio Cesare Procaccini) (1574-1625) Museo Diocesano Milano 15811610Pieter Dircksz Hasselaer, ca. 1610 (Cornelis van der Voort) (1576-1624) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-1249 15821610Cardinal Scipion Borghese, ca. 1610 (Ottavio Leoni) (1578-1630) Palais Fesch, musée des beaux-arts, Ajaccio, Corsica 15831610A Man, possibly William Shakespeare, ca. 1610 (attributed to John Taylor) (??-1651) National Portrait Museum, London NPG 1 15841610Anne Leighton, ca. 1610 (Gilbert Jackson) (??-ca.1650) Lydiard House, Swindon, Wiltshire 15851610A Young Woman, ca. 1610 (Attributed to William Larkin) (1580-1619) Bonhams Auction House, Sale 19011, Lot 7, December 7, 2011 15861610Johannes Kepler, ca. 1610 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD, A Benedictine monastery in Krems, Austria? 15871610A Couple, ca. 1610 (Unknown French Artist) Musée du Louvre, Paris 15881610Anna Vasa of Sweden, ca. 1610 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 15891610Charles IX, King of Sweden, ca. 1610 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 15901610Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland, ca. 1610 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 15911610Ludovico Carracci, ca. 1610 (Unknown Artist of the Emilian School) Dorotheum Auction House 15921610A Young Woman, ca. 1610 (Unknown Artist) Sphinx Fine Art, London 15941610Pieter Pietersz. Hasselaer, 1611 (attributed to Cornelis van der Voort) (1576-1624) Amsterdam Museum SB6432 15971610Lady Arabella Stuart, ca. 1610 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1965.1.027.P
57991610Henry IV, King of France in Black Dress, ca. 1610 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Musée du Louvre, Paris
58001610Claude de Lorrain, Prince of Chevre, ca. 1610 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Althorp House, Northamptonshire
58011610Marie de Médicis, Queen of France, ca. 1610 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Musée du Louvre, Paris
58021610Infanta Margarita Francesca, ca. 1610 (Santiago Morán) (1571-1626) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P01282
58031610Self-Portrait with 1st Wife Isabella Brandt, ca. 1610 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Alte Pinakothek, München 58041610Henry Prince of Wales ca. 1610 after Isaac Oliver (1556-1617) National Portrait Gallery London NPG 40798671610Ludovico Cigoli ca. 1610 by Sigismondo Coccapani (1583-1643) Museo Chambery98691610Self-Portrait 1610 by Sofonisba Anguissola (1530-1625) Location TBD98711610136571611Jan Miraeus, 4th Bishop of Antwerp, 1611 (Otto van Veen) (1556-1629) Rubenshuis, Antwerpen15951611Ambrogio Spinola, 1st Marquis of Los Balbases, ca. 1611 (circle of Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) The Weiss Gallery, London 15961611Aeghje Cornelisdr. Hooft, 1611 (attributed to Cornelis van der Voort) (1576-1624) Amsterdam Museum SB6433 15981611Jacobus Zaffius, ca. 1611 (attributed to Frans Hals) (1580-1666) Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 15991611Louis XIII, King of France ca. 1610 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) ) (1569-1622) Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussel 58051611Last Voyage of Henry Hudson, set adrift after mutiny and disappeared, 1611 CE, by John Collier (1850-1934) Tate Britain, painted June 1881.79311611The Echevins of Paris Praying before St Genevieve 1611 by Georges Lallemant 1575-1636 Musee Carnavalet Paris91791611Agnes Fermor 1611 attributed to Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger 1562-1635 Location TBD98531611Shuysky Czars before Sigismund III, 1611, October 29th, by Dolabella 103701611136561612Anne of Denmark, ca. 1612 (Marcus Gheerhaerts the Younger) (1561-1636) Location TBD16001612Archduke Leopold, ca. 1608-1617 (Bartolomé González) (1564-1627) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01271
16011612A Man, possibly Johan van Beijeren van Schagen, ca. 1610-1615 (Michiel J. van Mierevelt) (1567-1647) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P02977 16021612William Drummond of Hawthornden, 1612 (Abraham van Blijenberch) (ca. 1575-1624) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 1096 16031612The Artists Mother, ca. 1612 (Guido Reni) (1575-1642) Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna 16041612 An Old Woman, ca. 1612 (Guido Reni) (1575-1642) Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna 16051612Mary Radclyffe, ca. 1612 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Denver Art Museum, CO The Berger Collection 16061612A Man, ca. 1612 (Frans Hals) (ca. 1582-1666) The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham, UK, 38.6 16071612Phineas Pett, ca. 1612 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 203516081612Ferdinando Gonzaga, ca. 1612 (Unknown Artist) Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna 16091612Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, ca. 1612 (Robert Peake) (1551-1619) Weiss Gallery, London
58061612Anna and Phillip IV of Spain, ca. 1612 (Bartolomé Gonzalález) (1564-1627) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_319958071612Carlos and Maria Anna, ca. 1612 (Bartolomé Gonzalález) (1564-1627) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3200 58081612Scottish Invasion of Norway, aka Sinclairs Landing in Romsdal, 1612 CE, by Adolph Tidemand (1814-1876)79321612The Four Philosophers self-portrait on the left ca. 1612 by Peter Paul Rubens 1577-1640 Galleria Palatina Palazzo Pitti Florence91801612Christian IV and Anne Cathrine ca. 1612 by Pieter Isaacsz Rosenborg Slot98571612136551613Jerónimo de Cevallos, 1613 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P00812 16101613Frederick V, future "Winter King" of Bohemia, 1613 (Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt) (1567-1641) Location TBD 16111613Christian IV King of Denmark, ca. 1613 (Pieter Isaacsz) (1569-1625) Rosenborg Slot, København 16121613Christian IV King of Denmark, ca. 1611-1616 (Pieter Isaacsz) (1569-1625) Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød, Danmark16131613Frances Cavendish, Lady Maynard, ca. 1613 (Marcus Gheerhaerts the Younger) (1561-1636) Hardwick Hall, Chesterfield (National Trust) 16141613Nicholas Lanier, 1613 (Unknown Flemish Artist) The Weiss Gallery, London 16151613Elizabeth Stuart Queen of Bohemia, ca. 1613 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD
16181613Richard Sackville, 3rd Earl of Dorset, 1613 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Kenwood House, Hampstead, London, Iveagh Bequest58091613Edward Sackville, 4th Earl of Dorset, 1613 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Kenwood House, Hampstead Heath, London, Suffolk Collection58101613Catherine Lyte Howard, ca. 1613 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Location TBD 58111613Johan Colterman as Hercules, 1613 (Hendrik Goltzius) (1558-1617) Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, OS-79-1566
67811613S. Coccapani 1613 by Ludovico Cigoli Location TBD98731613The Arrival of Elector Frederick V of the Palatinate and Elizabeth Stuart, 1613, April 13th, by Hendrik Cornelisz. Vroom 103711613136541614Cardinal Tavera, ca. 1608-1614 (El Greco) (1541-1618) Hospital de Tavera, Toledo
16191614Tom Durie, Anne of Denmark's Fool, 1614 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 1111
16201614Catherine Killigrew, Lady Jermyn, 1614 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (ca. 1561-1636) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B.1981.25.310
16211614Dirck Hasselaer, ca. 1614 (Cornelis van der Voort) (1576-1624) Rijksmujseum, Amsterdam SK-A-1242
16221614Brechtje Overrijn van Schoterbosch, ca. 1614 (Cornelis van der Voort) (1576-1624) Rijksmujseum, Amsterdam SK-A-1243
16231614Félix Lope de Vega, ca. 1614 (Louis Tristan de Escamilla) (1586-1624) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 16241614 Ferdinand II, ca. 1614 (Unknown Upper Austrian Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3407 16251614136531615Christian II of Anhalt Bernburg, 1615 by Lucas Kilian (1579 – 1637) Location TBD 101251615Sir William Pope, ca. 1615 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1981.25.404 16511615A Woman, ca. 1615 (circle of William Larkin) (1580-1619) Christies Auction House, Sale 7092, Lot 1 16521615Doge Marcantonio Memmo, ca. 1612-1615 (Leandro Bassano) (1557-1622) Private Collection 16261615Mary, Lady Scudamore, ca. 1615 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) National Portrait Gallery, London 64 16271615Margarita Aldobrandini, Duchess of Parma, ca. 1615 (Bartolomé González y Serrano) (1564-1627) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 16281615Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury, ca. 1615 (Isaac Oliver) (1565-1617) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 487 16291615Louis XIII at 15 years old, ca. 1615 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD16301615Elizabeth De Bourbon, ca. 1615 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 16311615Elizabeth De Bourbon, ca. 1615 (Franz Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD 16321615Young Woman, 1615 (Paulus Morleese) (1571-1638) Museum Bojimans van Beuningen, Rotterdam Accession Nr.1548 16331615Justinus van Nassau, ca. 1615 (workshop of Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-536 16341615Self-Portrait, 1615 (Orazio Borgianni) (c1575-c1616) Galleria Nazionale dArte Antica, Roma16351615Adriaen de Kies van Wiessen, ca. 1615 (Cornelis van der Voort)(1576-1624) Christies Sale 7/5/07 16361615Justina van Teylingen, ca. 1615 (Cornelis van der Voort) (1576-1624) Christies Sale 7/5/0716371615Volckert Overlander, Lord of Purmerland and Ilpendam, ca. 1615 (attribute to Cornelis van der Voort)(1576-1624) Sothebys L09637 Lot 120 16381615Albert VII, Archduke of Austria, ca. 1615 (workshop of Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) The National Gallery, London 16391615Isabella Clara Eugenia, Archduchess of Austria, ca. 1615 (workshop of Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) The National Gallery, London, NG3819 16451615Grey Brydges, 5th Baron of Chandos, ca. 1615 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Sothebys Auction House 16491615Grey Brydges, 5th Baron of Chandos, ca. 1615 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1981.25.403 16501615Woman, ca. 1618-1620 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister16531615Man, ca. 1614-1615 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Brooklyn Museum, NY 32.82116541615Man, ca. 1615 (Unknown Artist) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 54.9.2 16551615Hasekura Tsunenaga, ca. 1615 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 16561615A Young Man with an Assay Balance, ca. 1615 (Unknown Dutch Artist, Amsterdam School) Sothebys Sale, December 5, 2013, Lot 15016571615A Carmelite Prior, possibly Gaspar Rinckens, ca. 1615 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 1739OK50061615Philip III, King of Spain, ca. 1615 (Bartolomé González y Serrano) (1564-1627) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02918 58121615Albert VII, Archduke of Austria, ca. 1615 (attributed to Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Museu de Arte de São Paulo 58131615Elizabeth, Lady Tanfield, 1615 (Unknown British Artist) Tate Britain, London, T03031 58141615Prospero Farinacci, ca. 1615 (Cavalier dArpino) (1568-1640) Location TBD67821615Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of Pembroke, 1615 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Location TBD67831615Henrietta Maria future Queen consort of England ca. 1615 by Unknown Artist Location TBD98591615A Man ca. 1615 by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Statens Museum for Kunst Copenhagen DEP1198621615Isabella Clara Eugenia ca. 1615-1620 after Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Rubenshuis RH.S.20698641615136521616Cardinal de Bonsy, 1616 (Domenichino) (1581-16441) Musée Fabre, Montpellier
16661616A Man, ca. 1613-1616 (Jusepe Ribera) (1591-1652) The Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT
16671616Elizabeth Poulett, ca. 1616 (Robert Peake) (1551-1619) Denver Art Museum, CO The Berger Collection 16591616Gentleman, 1616 (Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt) (1567-1647) Museum Bredius, Den Haag Inv.nr. 69-1946, Cat.nr.99 16601616Frenchman, 1610-1622 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 16611616Clara Serena Rubens, ca. 1616 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Palais Liechtenstein , Wien GE105 16621616Jan Vermoelen, 1616 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Palais Liechtenstein , Wien GE87 16631616Viscountess Rochford, ca. 1616 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Location TBD16641616A Man, ca. 1616 (Werner Jacobsz van den Valckert) (1580-1627) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 06.1909 16651616Tobias Matthew, ca. 1616 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 1048 16681616A Carmelite Prior, ca. 1616 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham, UK, 99.150051616Isabella Rich, Mrs. Rogers, ca. 1614-1618 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Kenwood House, Suffolk Collection, London67851616Four Members of the Paris Council 1616 by Franz Pourbus 1569-1622 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia91811616Banquet of the Officers of the St George Civic Guard Haarlem 1616 by Frans Hals 1580-1666 Frans Hals Museum Haarlem91821616Carlo Saraceni 1616 by Unknown Artist Accademia Nazionale di San Luca 55798541616Francis of Pomerania ca. 1616 by Johann Leonysig Private Collection98581616John Napier 1616 by Unknown Artist University of Edinburgh98601616Giovanni Bembo Doge of Venice 1616 by Domenico Tintoretto Location TBD man 98681616Francesco Maria del Monte, Cardinal, Diplomat and Art Patron, 1616 by Ottavio Leoni 1578-1630 Ringling Museum of Art Sarasota FL101281616136511617Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, 1617 (attributed to Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt) (1567-1647) Museum Flehite, Amersfoort 16691617Francis Bacon, 1617 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie w Warszawie 16701617A Woman, probably Lady Thornagh, 1617 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) Private Collection 16711617Benjamin Jonson, ca. 1617 (Abraham van Blyenberch) (1575-1624) National Portrait Gallery, London 16721617A Franciscan Monk, ca. 1617 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 16731617Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency, ca. 1617 (attributed to Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Location TBD
16741617A Man, ca. 1617 (Werner Valckert) (1580-1627) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 16751617Theodorus Schrevelius, 1617 (attributed to Frans Hals) (ca. 1582-1666) Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 16761617Self-Portrait as a Lute Player, ca. 1616-1618 (Artemisia Gentileschi) (1593-1653) Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT 16771617A Man with Book , ca. 1616-1618 (attributed to Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, P.1978.PG.10350031617A Carmelite Monk "Rubens Confessor", ca. 1616-1621 (studio of Peter Paul Rubens, attributed to Anthony Van Dyck) (1599-1641) Sothebys Auction, 6 July, 2011, L1103350041617Marie des Médici, Queen of France, ca. 1617 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid58151617Nicolas Trigault, 1617 (workshop of Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Location TBD67871617The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Willem van der Meer 1617 by Michiel Jansz van Miereveld 1567-1641 GMDelft91831617Catalina de Alvarado 1617 by Antonio Rizi Convento de Agustinas Recoletas98551617136501618A Woman, 1618 (Michiel Jansz. van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Location TBD16781618Floris van Schoterbosch, 1618 (Cornelis Engelsz.) (1574-1650) Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, OS-I-8016791618Michael Ophovius, ca. 1618 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Mauritshuis, Den Haag 16801618Anne Clifford, Countess of Dorset, 1618 (William Larkin) (1580-1619) National Portrait Gallery, London 16811618A Man, ca. 1618 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 89.15.11 16831618A Woman, ca. 1618 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein , Wien GE6316841618A Man, 1618 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein , Wien GE71 16851618A Woman, 1618 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein , Wien GE70 16861618 A Man, ca. 1618 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein , Wien GE95 16871618Jan Brueghel the Elder, ca. 1618-1620 ( Anthony van Dyck) Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen München 16881618Philipp III, after 1617 (Andres López) (??-??) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_4384 16891618A Young Woman, 1619 (Cornelius Janssens) (1593-1661) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH 16931618Hendrik van den Bergh, ca. 1618 (Otto van Veen) (1556-1629) Kasteel Huis Bergh, s-Heerenberg58161618Isabella de Bourbon, ca. 1618 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P01625 58171618Hasekura Rokuemon Tsunenaga, 1618 (Claude Deruet) (1588-1660) Galleria Borghese, Roma58181618Nicolas de Respaigne, ca. 1618 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Staatliche Museen, Kassel 58191618A Boy, possibly of the Blauhulck Family, 1618 (circle of Jan Claesz.) (fl. 1570-1618) Weiss Gallery, London 58201618Defenestration of Prague, 1618 CE, 23 May, start of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), by Vaclav Brozik , National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, P.316.1-179331618A Man as the Apostle Simon ca. 1618-20 by Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 102098611618A Man ca. 1618-1620 by Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 1023C98631618Old Woman Frying Eggs ca. 1618 by Diego Velazquez (1599-1660) Scottish National Gallery98701618A Woman ca. 1618-1621 by Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal-Nr 1023D98721618John Milton at 10 years old, 1618, after Cornelis Janssens Ceulen (1593-1661) Milton's College105771618136491619Herzog Christian von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, 1619 (Paulus Moreelse) (1571-1638) Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig 16901619Prince Ernst of Schaumburg, ca. 1619 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (ca. 1572-1657) Location TBD 16911619A Man, ca. 1619 (Cornelis Van der Voort) (1576-1624) R Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-C-1553 16921619A Woman, known as the Countess of Arundel, 1619 (Cornelius Janssens) (1593-1661) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1981.25.378 16941619Arthur Hildersham, ca. 1619 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 1575 16951619A Man, ca. 1619 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Private Collection 16961619Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg, Queen Consort of Sweden, 1619 (Unknown Artist) Nationalmuseum Stockholm 16971619Philip IV, future King of Spain, ca. 1619 (attributed to Rodrigo Villandrando) (1588-1622) Sothebys Fine Art Auction, Old Masters Sale, October 28, 2014, Lot 448 57271619A Young Woman, ca. 1619 (attributed to Robert Peake the Elder) (1551-1619) Dunham Massey, Greater Manchester58211619Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of Pembroke, ca. 1615-1620 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 518767841619Anna Boudaen Courten 1619 attributed to Salomon Mesdach (fl. 1617-1632) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A 91998561619Jacob Pergens 1619 attributed to Salomon Mesdach (fl. 1617-1632) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-91898661619136481620Margaret Layton, ca. 1620 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) Victoria and Albert Museum, London16981620A Woman, possibly Theodora van Duvenvoorde, 1620 (Michiel van Mierevelt) (1567-1547) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P0297667 16991620 Louis XIII, ca. 1620 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) The Weiss Gallery, London 17001620Guillaume du Vair, ca. 1620 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Location TBD17011620Cardinal Maffeo Barberini, future Pope Urban VIII, ca. 1620 (attributed to Lucio Massari) (1569-1633) Musée des beaux-arts de Chambéry 17021620A Man, 1620 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 17031620A Woman, 1620 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Location TBD 17041620Ernestine Yolande, Pricess of Ligne, ca. 1620 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Mauritshuis den Haag, Inv. 120 17051620Christian the Younger of Brunswick-Luneberg, 1620 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Location TBD17061620A Young Man, ca. 1620 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA 17071620A Woman of the Brant Family, ca. 1620 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Sothebys Auction House, Sale N08712 17081620Virginio Cesarini, ca. 1620 (Domenichino) (1581-1541) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
17091620Carmelite Monk, ca. 1620 (Luis Tristán) (1586-1624) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P05206
17101620Admiral Charles Howard Nottingham, ca. 1620 (Daniel Mijtens) (1590-1648) Location TBD
17111620A Man, ca, 1620 (attributed to Pieter Claesz Soutman) (ca. 1593-1657) Gemäldegalerie Berlin, Inv. Nr. 761
17121620Catharina Both van der Eem, ca. 1620 (possiblyPieter Claesz Soutman) (ca. 1593-1657) Musée du Louvre, Paris, RF425
17131620Richard Zouche, ca. 1620 (Cornelius Janssens) (1593-1661) National Portrait Gallery, London 5056
17141620Susanna Temple, later Lady Lister, 1620 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) Tate Britain, London T0325
17151620Thomas Howard, 2nd Easrl of Arundel, ca. 1620 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Location TBD
17161620Francisco Pacheco, ca. 1619-1622(Diego Velázquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01209
17171620John King (attributed to Nicholas Lockey) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London 657
17181620John Fletcher (Unknown Artist) Location TBD
17191620A Lady ca. 1620 (Unknown Flemish Artist) Bredius Museum, Den Haag Inv.nr. 136-1946, Cat.nr. 206
17201620Maurice of Nassau, 1620 (Michiel Jansz. Van Miereveld) (1567-1641) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam58221620Laurens Reael, ca. 1620 (Cornelis van der Voort) (1576-1624) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-3741 58231620Philip IV, King of Spain, with dwarf Soplillo, ca. 1620 (Rodrigo de Villandrando) (1588-1623) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P0123458241620Elisabeth of France, ca. 1620 (Rodrigo de Villandrando) (1588-1623) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P0712458251620A Man, ca. 1620 (Domenico Fetti) (1589-1623) The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA. 93.PA.17 58261620Jerónima de la Fuente, 1620 (Diego Velázquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P02873 58271620Anne Wortley, later Lady Morton, ca. 1620 (Unknown British Artist) Tate Britain, London, T03033(1) 58281620A Family c.a 1620 by Frans Hals 1582-1666 Toledo Museum of Art OH91411620Three Children fragment ca. 1620 by Frans Hals 1582-1666 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Belgium Brussels 473291431620Lady Arundel with her Train 1620 Peter Paul Rubens 1577-1640 Alte Pinakothek Munchen91841620A Married Couple ca. 1620 Jacob Jordaens 1593-1678 Museum of Fine Arts Boston91851620Catharina Hooft with nurse ca. 1620 by Frans Hals 1582-1666 Location TBD98741620An Elegant Woman, ca. 1620-1625, by an Unknown Dutch Master, JEAN MOUST GALLERY, BRUGES.
24.700 € 102221620A Lady ca. 1620 by Paul van Somer Location TBD98821620Self-Portrait 1620 by Peter Paul Rubens (1677-1640) Location TBD98911620Portrait of a Noblewoman ca 1620 attributed to Ottavio Leoni (1578-1630) COLNAGHI LONDON NEW YORK MADRID.102481620Portrait of a Gentleman ca 1620 by studio of Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt (1567-1641) TITAN FINE ART, LONDON.102751620136471621A Young Man with Flute, 1621 (Abraham Bloemaert) (1564-1651) Centraal Museum, Utrecht 17211621Elisabeth de Bourbon, Queen Consort of Spain, ca. (Rodrigo de Villandandro) (1588-1623) Private Collection 17221621Elisabeth de Bourbon, Queen Consort of Spain, ca. 1621 (Rodrigo de Villandandro) (1588-1623) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01037 17231621Antonio Ogliati, ca. 1621 (Daniele Crespi) (ca. 1597-1630) Private Collection 17241621A Musician, ca. 1621 (Daniele Crespi) (ca. 1597-1630) Stair Sainty Gallery, London 17251621Maria Maddalena of Austria, ca. 1621 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Location TBD17261621Self-Portrait, ca. 1621 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Alte Pinothek, München Inv.-Nr. 405 17271621Self-Portrait, ca. 1620-1621 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.25cm.17281621A Man, possibly Paul de Vos ca. 1620-1621 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_693 17291621Painter Frans Snyders, ca. 1621 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein. Wien GE 152 17301621Richard Weston, ca. 1621 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Location TBD 17311621King James I of England and VI of Scotland, 1621 (Daniel Mytens) (1590-1647) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 109 58291621A Man, ca. 1621 (Simon Vouet) (1590-1649) Whitfield Fine Art Auction, London 58301621Gertrude Sadler, Lady Aston, ca. 1620-1623 (Unknown Artist, British School) Tate Britain, London, T03030 58311621Giovanni Battista Marino, ca. 1621 (Frans Pourbus the Younger) (1569-1622) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI, 89.52 59341621Pope Gregory XV ca. 1621-1623 by Unknown Artist Location TBD98801621Self-Portrait with Family 1621 Cornelis de Vos KMSK Brussels98941621A Gentleman, 1621, circle of William Larkin (ca. 1585-1619) Oil on Panel. Philip Mould, Ltd., London, UK.101741621136461622Cornelis Pietersz Hooft, 1622 (Cornelis van der Voort) (1576-1624) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-141617321622Johanna Le Maire, ca. 1622 (Nicolaes Pickenoy) (1588-1656) Private Collection17331622An Actor, possibly Tristano Martinelli or Francesco Adreini, ca. 1622 (Domenico Fetti) (ca. 1589-1623) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 17341622Sir Thomas Edmondes, ca. 1622 (Daniel Mijtens) (1590-1648) Location TBD17351622A Lute Player, 1622 (Dirck van Buren) (ca. 1594-1624) Centraal Museum Utrecht 17361622Anne of Austria Queen of France, 1622 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1599-1641) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01689 17371622Luis de Góngora y Argote, 1622 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 32.79 17381622A Woman, possibly Doña Juana de Salinas, ca. 1622 (Rodrigo de Villandandro) (??-1637) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin OOC 17391622A Condottiero, 1622 (Artemesia Gentileschi) (1593-ca.1656) Palazzo di Accursio, Bologna
58321622Francesco di Cosimo II Medici, 1622 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Location TBD 58331622Pope Gregory XV, Alessandro Ludovisi, ca. 1622 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD59321622The Surrender of Julich, 1622 CE February 3, the Spanish army under Ambrosio Spinola took the Dutch-occupied fortress during the Palatinate Campaign of the Thirty Years War, by Jusepe Leonardo (1601-1653), Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, painted in 1635.79341622Five Regents of the Groot-Kramergild 1622 Werner van den Valckert 1580-1627 Staatlich Museen zu Berlin91861622A Family with possible Self-Portrait ca. 1622 Jacob Jordaens 1593-1678 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid P0154991871622Elizabeth Craven Lady Powis ca. 1622 British School Powis Castle and Garden Powys National Trust 118092298831622A Woman at 22 years 1622 by Cornelis van der Voort (ca. 1576-1624) SMK99321622Batalla Fleurus, 1622 August 29th 103721622136451623A Man, 1623 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Sothebys Sale L11030, Lot 64
17401623Maria de Medici (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid P01685. 17411623Anne of Austria 1620-1625 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Musée du Louvre, Paris 17421623Self-Portrait (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) National Gallery of Australia, Canberra 17431623Pope Gregory XV , 1622-1623 (Guercino) (1591-1666) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 87.PA.38 17441623Self-Portrait, ca. 1623 (Gian Lorenzo Bernini) (1598-1680) Location TBD 17451623A Young Man in Armour, ca. 1623 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_490 17461623Cardinal Domenico Rivarola, ca. (Anthony Van Dyck) (1599-1641) Portland Art Museum, OR 1999.3717471623James Hamilton at 17 years old, 1623 (Daniel Mijtens) (1590-1648) Location TBD 58341623Agostino Pallavicini, 1621-1623 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA, 68.PA.258351623Marchesa Balbi, ca. 1623 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1937.1.49 58361623136441624Władysław IV Vasa, future King of Poland, 1624 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Zamek Królewski na Wawelu, Kraków 17481624A Man, known as The Laughing Cavalier, 1624 (Frans Hals) (ca. 1582-1666) The Wallace Collection, London P84 17491624Self-Portrait with a Portrait on an Easel, 1624 (Nicolas Regnier) (1591-1667) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 17501624Emanuel Filiberto of Savoy, Viceroy of Sicily, 1624 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Dulwich Picture Gallery, London 17511624Philip IV, King of Spain, ca. 1624 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 14.40.639
58371624Philip IV, 1624 (workshop of Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 04.1606
58381624Count Duke of Olivares, 1624 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museu de Arte de São Paulo 58391624Cardinal Francesco Barberini, 1624 (Ottavio Leoni) (1578-1630) Location TBD 58801624A Man 1624 by Wybrand de Geest (1592-ca. 1661) Location TBD98851624Sofonisba-Anguissola ca. 1624 by Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641) Dulwich Picture Gallery98951624136431625Sir John Borlase, ca. 1625 (Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt) (1567-1641) National Portrait Gallery, London 4933 17521625A Woman, 1625 (Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt) (1567-1641) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon A111 17531625A Gentleman, ca. 1625 (Paulus Moreelse) (1571-1638) The Weiss Gallery, London17541625A Woman, possibly Susanna Lundent – Rubens 2nd Wife?, ca. 1625 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1641) Location TBD 17551625Louis XIII at 24 years old, 1625 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA
17561625Anne Of Austria, ca. 1625 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA 17571625George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, ca. 1625 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Palazzo Pitti Florence 17581625A Chambermaid, ca. 1625 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 17591625Helena Fourment, ca. 1625 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Mauritshuis, Den Haag 17601625Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain as Poor Clare Nun, ca. 1625 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA M.1966.10.10.P 17611625A Man at 36 years old. 1625 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.34 17621625A Jester with Lute, ca. 1624-1626 (Frans Hals) (ca. 1582-1666) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 1984-32 17631625Self-Portrait, ca. 1625 (Nathaniel Bacon) (1585-1627) Location TBD 17641625A Man at 47 years old, 1625 (Nicolaes Eliasz Pickenoy) (1588-1656) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1976.100.22 17651625Self-Portrait, ca. 1625 (Daniel Mijtens) (1590-1647) Location TBD17661625A Man, ca.1625 (Simon Vouet) (1590-1649) Private Collection 17671625William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, 1625 (Daniel Mijtens) (1590-1647) Location TBD 17681625A Smiling Girl, ca. 1625 (Gerrit von Honthorst) (1590-1656) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 63:195417691625Raffaello Menicucci, ca. 1625 (Valentin de Boulogne) (1591-1632) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 17701625 A Man, ca. 1620-1630 (Nicolas Régnier) (1591-1667) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1551 17711625 Man, ca. 1620-1625 (Thomas de Keyser) (1596-1667) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6474 17721625A Young Woman, ca. 1625 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Christies Auction House, Sale 5964 17731625A Man of the Balbi Family, ca. 1625 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Cincinnati Art Museum, OH
17741625Henry de Vere, 18th Earl of Oxford, ca. 1620-1625 (Unknown Artist, style of Cornelius Johnson) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG95017751625William Herbert, Third Earl of Pembroke, ca. 1625 (Daniel Mytens) (1590-1642) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5560
58401625William Herbert, Third Earl of Pembroke, ca. 1625 (studio of Daniel Mijtens) (1590-1642) Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City, 1983.095 58411625A Woman and Child, ca. 1625 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1954.392 58421625A Girl seated at a Virginal, ca. 1625 (Cornelis de Vos) (1584-1651) Private Collection59331625The Relief of Genoa by Marquis of Santa Cruz, 1625 CE, March 24 - April 28, by Antonio de Pereda (1611-1678) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, painted in 1634.79351625The Surrender of Breda, 1625, 5 June, during the last stages of the Eighty Years War (1568-1648) between the Seventeen Provinces and the Spanish Hapsburg Empire, by Diego Velazquez (1599-1660), Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, painted 1634-5.79361625Amalia van Solms 1625 by Unknown Artist Location TBD98751625Elisabeth of France ca. 1625 by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Russian State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg98771625Philip IV Hapsburg King of Spain ca. 1625 by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Russian State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg 1769 98861625A Young Woman wearing a Pearl Headress ca. 1625 by Unknown Artist Location TBD98881625Self-Portrait ca. 1625 by Nathaniel Bacon Location TBD98921625Willem van Heythuyzen ca. 1625 by Frans Hals (ca. 1582-1666) Alte Pinakothek Munich98931625Self-Portrait, 1625, by Ottavio Leoni (1578–1630) British Museum, London101421625Self-Portrait, ca. 1625-1630, Alessandro Varotari, Il Padovanino (1588-1649) Padua, Musei Civici, Museo d'Arte, Mediovale e Moderna106461625136421626James Erskine, 6th Earl of Buchan, 1626 (Adam de Colone) (ca. 1572-1651) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PGL 234 17761626Margaret Graham, Lady Napier, 1626 (Adam de Colone) (ca. 1572-1651) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, PG 2608
17771626A Woman, possibly Isabella Brandt, ca. 1626 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
17781626Isabella Brandt, ca. 1626 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
17791626Petrus Scriverius, 1626 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.817801626Anna van der Aar, 1626 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.9
17811626Isaac Abrahamsz. Massa, 1626 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
17821626Lady Mary Erskine, Countess Marischal, 1626 (George Jamesone) (ca. 1587-1644) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, NG 958
17831626A Soldier, ca. 1625-1626 (Nicolas Tournier) (1590-1638) Musée des Augustins, Toulouse17841626Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, 1626 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) Government Art Collection, London
17851626A Man, ca.1625-1626 (Thomas de Keyser) (1596-1667) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2005.331.5 17861626 A Woman, ca. 1625-1626 (Thomas de Keyser) (1596-1667) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2005.331.6 17871626Marcello Sacchetti, ca. 1626 (Pietro da Cortona) (1596-1669) Galleria Borghese, Rome 17881626Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland, ca. 1626 (Pieter Claesz. Soutman) (ca. 1593-1648) Alte Pinakothek, Munich 58431626Constance of Austria, Queen Consort of Poland, ca. 1626 (Pieter Claesz. Soutman) (ca. 1593-1648) Alte Pinakothek, Munich, 985 58441626Władysław IV Vasa, ca. 1626 (Pieter Claesz. Soutman) (ca. 1593-1648) Muzeum Książąt Czartoryskich w Krakowie 58451626Claudia de Medici Archduchess of Austria 1626 (Lorenzo Lippi) (1606-1665) Location TBD
58461626Vittoria della Rovere, ca. 1626 (Lorenzo Lippi) (1606-1665) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG-4518
58521626Henrietta Maria of France, Queen Consort of England, ca. 1626 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 58531626A Lute Player ca. 1626 by Valentin de Boulogne (1591-1632) The Metropolitan Museum of Art NY98841626Axel Oxenstierna, 1626, attrinuted to Jacob Heinrich Elbfas (1600–1664) Nationamuseum, Stockholm, NM Grh 229105811626136411627A Mulatto Man, 1627 (Frans Hals ) (ca. 1582-1666) Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig 17891627Self-Portrait at 36 years old, 1627 (Nicolaes Pickenoy) (1588-1656) Musée du Louvre, Paris 17901627Maria Swartenhont, 1627 (Nicholaes Pickenoy) (1588-1656) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-495717911627Endymion Porter, 1627 (Daniel Mytens the Elder) (1590-1648) National Portrait Gallery, London 5492 17921627William Harvey, 1627 (attributed to Daniël Mijtens the Elder) (ca. 1590-1648) National Portrait Galler, London, NPG 5115 17931627Self-Portrait, ca. 1627 (Simon Vouet) (1590-1649) Musée de Beaux-Arts de Lyon WKP (Photo: Pramzan 9/25/08) 17941627Charles I Gonzaga Duke of Mantua, ca. 1620’s (Unknown Artist) Location TBD17951627A Man, possibly Robert Weston, 1st Earl Portland, ca. 1627 (Cornelius Janssens) (1593-1661) National Portrait Gallery, London 1344 17961627A Man, 1627 (Thomas de Keyser) (1596/7-1667) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 2012.12.1 17971627Infantin Isabella Clara Eugenia, 1627 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_496 17981627Marchesa Durazzo, ca. 1621-1627 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.615 17991627Lucas van Uffel, ca. 1621-1627 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.619
18011627A Man, ca. 1627 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien GE154
18021627A Man in Armour with Red Scarf, ca. 1625-1627 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden, Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister
18031627Self-Portrait, 1627 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel
18041627Self-Portrait, ca. 1628-1629 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-4691
18051627A Man, possibly George Villiers, 1st Duke Buckingham, 1627 (attributed to Cornelius de Neve) (1612-1678) National Portrait Gallery, London 1346 18061627Cardinal Roberto Ubaldino, Papal Legate to Bologna, 1627 (Guido Reni) (1575-1642) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, M.83.109 58541627Albert and Nicolaas Rubens, ca. 1627 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Palais Lichtenstein, Wien, GE114 58551627Pope Urban VIII, 1627 (Pietro da Cortona) (1596-1669) Musei Capitolini, Roma 58561627A Gentlemen 1627 by Dirck Hals 1591-1656 Location TBD91881627The Syndics of Amsterdam Goldsmith Guild 1627 by Thomas de Keyser 1596-1667 Toledo Museum of Art OH91891627136401628A Woman, 1628 (Michiel Miereveld) (1567-1641) The Wallace Collection, London
18071628Sir Dudley Carleton, 1628 (Michiel van Mierevelt) (1567-1641) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK
18081628Self Portrait, 1628 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
18091628Jan Gaspar Gevartius, ca. 1628 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen
18101628Ambrogio Spinola, ca. 1625-1628 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Národni muzeum, Praha
18111628Francesco Righetti, ca. 1626-1628 (Guercino) (1591-1666) Private Collection
18131628Englebert Taie, Baron of Wemmel, ca. 1628 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien GE 153018141628Dona Maria de Hungria, ca. 1628 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid18151628Eva Wtewael, 1628 (Joachim Wtewwael) (1566-1638) Centraal Museum, Utrecht 58571628Don Carlos, ca. 1628 (Diego Velasquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 58581628Philip IV, King of Spain, ca. 1628 (Diego Velasquez) (1599-1660) Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL, SN336 58591628Philip IV, King of Spain, ca. 1628 (attributed to Gaspar de Crayer) (1584-1669) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 45.128.14 58601628Philip IV, King of Spain, ca. 1628 (Diego Velasquez) (1599-1660)Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 58611628James Hay, 1st Earl of Carlisle (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5210 58621628Self-Portrait, ca. 1628 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN 62081628Cardinal Richilieu at the siege of La Rochelle, 1628, by Henri Mott (1847-1922) painted in 1881, Musée d'Orbigny Bernon.79371628Isabella de Bourbon 1628 by Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641) Christies Sale 10448 Lot 42898651628Domenican Friar after 1628 by studio of Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Sothebys Old Masters JAnuary 29 2015 Lot 331 98761628Philip IV ca. 1628-1629 by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Alte Pinakothek Munchen98871628Assassination of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, August 23, 1628, by David Wilkie Wynfield (1837-1887) National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, p.307.12-1105821628136391629Charles I, 1629 (Gerrit van Honthorst) (1590-1656) Location TBD
18121629Anne Hale, Mrs. Hoskins, 1629 (Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger) (1561-1636) Private Collection 18161629Horace Vere, Baron Vere of Tilbury, 1629 (Michiel Mierevelt) (1567-1641) National Portrait Gallery, London 818 18171629An Old Man, 1629 (Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt) (1567-1641) The Weiss Gallery, London18181629Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Arundel & Surrey, ca. 1629 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Location TBD18191629A Man, ca. 1629 (attributed to Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Sothebys Sale, December 4, 2013, Lot 6 18201629A Man, ca. 1628-1630 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-135 18211629A Gentleman, ca. 1629 (Nicolaes Pickenoy) (1588-1656) Private Collection 18221629Self-Portrait, 1629 (Wybrand de Geest) (1592-1665) Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, Netherlands 18231629A Young Man, 1629 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) Tate Britain, London T0744 18241629A Lady, 1629 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) Tate Britain, London T00745 18251629Father Jean Charles della Faille, S.J., 1629 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Het Museum voor Oude Kunst
18261629A Man, likely Duquesnoy, sculptor, ca. 1627-1629 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België18271629A Young Man, ca. 1629 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Alte Pinakothek, München 18281629Artists Mother, 1629 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Royal Collection, Windsor UK 18291629Self-Portrait, ca. 1629 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Mauritshuis, The Hague Inv. 148 18301629Self-Portrait, ca. 1629 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nurmberg 18311629Self-Portrait, ca. 1629 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Alte Pinakothek, München 18321629Laughing Rembrandt, ca. 1629 (attributed to Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Moore, Allen & Innocent Auction House, UK 2008 18331629Self-Portrait, ca. 1629 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Indianapolis Museum of Art C10063 18341629Self-Portrait, 1629 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, P21N618351629Rembrandt van Rijn (Jan Lievens) (1607-1674) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-C-1598 18361629Thomas Hobson, 1629 (Unknown British Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 18371629John Milton, ca. 1629 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4222 18381629James Hamilton 1st Duke Hamilton, 1629 (Daniel Mytens) (1590-1648) Location TBD 58631629Charles I, King of England, 1629 (Daniel Mytens) (1590-1648) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY58641629Musician and Pupil, 1629 (Thomas de Keyser) (1596-1667) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 64.65.458651629Self-Portrait, 1629 (Cornelis Saftleven) (1607-1681) Musée du Louvre, Paris58661629Prince Frederick and Count Ernest Casimir ca1629 by Paulue van Hillegaert 1596-1640 North Brabant Museum91421629Deborah Kip and her Children 1629-1630 by Peter Paul Rubens 1577-1640 National Gallery of Art Washington D.C.91901629Piet Pieterszoon Heyn 1629 copy after 1625 original after Jan Daeman Cool (ca. 1589-1660) Location TBD98891629136381630A Woman, ca. 1630 (Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt) (1567-1641) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_9030 18391630A Woman, ca. 1630 (Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt) (1567-1641) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon 18401630Friedrich V, Elector Palatine, 1630 (Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt) (1567-1641) Locaation TBD18411630Self-Portrait, ca. 1630 (Paulus Moreelse) (1571-1638) Mauritshuis, Den Haag Inv. 118 18421630A Man, ca. 1630 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Location TBD18431630Marquis Ambroglio Spinola, ca. 1630 (school of Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) St. Louis art Museum, MO 33:1934 18441630Self-Portrait, ca. 1528-1530 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Rubenshuis,, Antwerpen 18451630Helena Fourment, ca. 1630 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel 18461630A Woman, ca. 1630 (attributed to Pieter Claesz. Soutman) (c. 1580-1657) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 139:1922 18471630A Man, ca. 1630 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Location TBD18481630Cornelis Coning, 1630 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Alentown Art Museum, PA 1981.3018491630A Lady, ca. 1630 (Nicolaes Eliasz Pickenoy) (1585-1656) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI 21.214 18501630A Man as Archimedes, ca. 1630 (Jusepi Ribera) (1591-1652) Museo Nacional de Prado, Madrid 18511630Vicenzo Giustiniani, ca. 1630 (Nicolas Regnier) (1591-1667) Location TBD18521630Sir Robert Heath, 1630 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) The Weiss Gallery, London18531630Margaret Miller, Lady Heath, ca. 1629-30 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) The Weiss Gallery, London18541630John Heath, 1630 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) The Weiss Gallery, London18551630Edward Heath, 1630 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) The Weiss Gallery, London 18561630Self-Portrait, ca. 1625-1630 (Jacques de Le Estin) (1597-1661) Musée Saint-Loup, Troyes 18571630A Young Man as Shepherd Holding a Flute, ca. 1630 (Jan van Bijlert) (ca. 1597-1671) Private Collection 18581630Marie Louise de Tassis, ca. 1630 (Anthony Van Dyck) (1599-1641) Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz ? LMVGE58 18591630A Young Man, ca. 1630 (Anthony Van Dyck) (1599-1641) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_509 18601630Pieter Snayers, ca. 1630 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Alte Pinakothek, München 18611630Possible Self-Portrait, ca. 1630 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museo Capitolini, Roma18621630Self-Portrait?, ca. 1630 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.42 18631630Monsignor Clemente Merlini, ca. 1630 (Andrea Sacchi) (1599-1661) Galleria Borghese, Roma 18641630Self-Portrait, 1630 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Nationalmuseum Stockholm 18651630An Old Man, ca. 1630 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck 18661630Self-Portrait, ca. 1629-1630 (Jan Lievens) ( 1607-1674) Private Collection18671630Constantin Huygens, ca. 1627-1630 (Jan Lievens) (1607-1674) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-C-146718681630Self-Portrait, ca. 1630 (Judith Leyster) (1609-1660) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C18691630Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency, ca. 1630 (Unknown Artist) Museé Condé, Chantilly 18701630Francesco Borromini, ca. 1630 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD18711630John Thornborough, 1630 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5234 58671630King Charles II, future King of England, 1630 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 6403
58681630Sir Hatton Fermor Knight, ca. 1630 (Unknown English Artist) Sothebys Sale N08715 58691630Adriaen Hanneman ca1630 by Sir Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 61.182691630Gertrude Howard 1630 by Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen Kenwood House82781630Le Concert 1630 1635 by Nicolas Tournier Musee du Louvre82821630Self-Portrait 1630 by Rembrandt van Rijn Location TBD82971630St. Hadrian Civic Guard Haarlem 1630 by Hendrik Gerritsz Pot 1585-1657 Frans Hals Museum91911630Maria Maddalena and Cosimo II Medici and Ferdinand II Medici 1630 by Justus Sustermans 1597-1681 Uffizi 1890.240291921630Henrietta Maria of France Queen of England possibly ca. 1630 by Unknown Artist Location TBD99001630Claudio Monteverdi c 1630-1640 by Bernardo Strozzi Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum101871630136371631Edward Cecil, Viscount Wimbledon, ca. 1631 (Michiel Jansz van Miereveldt) (1567-1641) Location TBD18721631Hugo Grotius, ca. 1631 (Michiel Jansz van Miereveldt) (1567-1641) Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof, Delft18731631A Man, 1631 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires
18741631Portrait of A Lady, 1631 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Roy Precious - Antiques and Fine Art
Wiltshire United Kingdom.
101521631Giovan Donato Correggio as Perseus, ca. 1631 (Bernardo Strozzi) (ca. 1581-1644) Musée Magnin, Dijon, 1938 E 47
18761631Cardinale Bernardino Spada, ca. 1630-1631 (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, Il Guercino) (1591-1666) Galleria Spada, Roma
18771631An Official, 1631 (Frans Hals) (1582/3-1666) Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Brasil
18781631Thomas Hamner at 19 years old, ca. 1631 (Cornelis Janssens) (1593-1661) Private Collection 18791631A Lady, ca. 1631 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Musée de Beaux-Arts, Rouen Inv. 818.1.42 18801631Jacques le Roy, 1631 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Museo Thyssen Bornemisza, Madrid18811631Nicolaes Ruts, ca. 1631 (Rembrandt) (1606-1669) The Frick Collection, New York, NY 18821631A Man, ca. 1631 (Rembrandt) (1606-1669) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 18831631A Young Man, ca. 1630-1631 (Jan Lievens) (1607-1674) National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh 18841631Antonio Barberini, ca. 1629-1631 (Simone Cantarini) (1612-1648) Location TBD18851631Stefano della Bella, 1631 (Carlo Dolci) (1616-1686) Galleria Palatina, Firenze 18861631Charles I, 1631 (Daniel Mytens) (1590-1648) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1246 58701631Sarra de Peyster, 1631 (Unknown Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 61.154 58711631Family Portrait 1631 Cornelis de Vos 1584-1651 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp82751631Francesco Barberinica 1631-1633 by Andrea Sacchi 1599-1661 Wallraf-Richartz Museum WRM Dep 33482761631An Old Man ca 1631-1632 attributed to Jan Lievens Sothebys Old MAsters January 29 2015 Lot 5582941631Charles I King of England and Henrietta Maria and Children ca. 1631 by Hendrik Gerritsz Pot 1585-1657 Royal Collection UK91931631136361632Old Woman selling Eggs, 1632 (Hendrick Bloemaert) (ca. 1601-1672) Rijkmuseum, Amsterdam, SK-C-106 18871632A Woman, probably Helena Fourment or her sister (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1976.218 18881632Helena Fourment, ca. 1630-1632 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Alte Pinakothek, München18891632Sir Robert Phelips, ca. 1632 (attributed to Hendrik Gerritsz Pot) (1580-1657) National Portrait Gallery, London 3790 18901632A Man at 27 years old, 1632 (Nicolaes Eliasz. Pickenoy) (1588-1655) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 94.PB.118911632A Young Woman at 21 years old, 1632 (Nicolaes Eliasz. Pickenoy) (1588-1655) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 94.PB.3 18921632Charles I, 1632 (Daniel Mijtens) (1590-1647) Philip Mould, Ltd., London18931632Willem Frederik, Prince of Nassau-Dietz d. (Wybrand de Geest) (1592-1661) Rijkmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-530 18941632Hendrik Casimir I Prince of Nassau-Dietz, 1632 (Wybrand de Geest) (1592-1661) Rijkmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A-533 18951632A Man with a lovelock, 1632 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) The Huntington, San Marino, CA
18961632Francesco di Cosimo II Medici, 1632 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Location TBD 18971632Henrietta Maria of France, ca. 1632 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Royal Collection, Windsor 18981632A Lady, ca. 1630-1632 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_504 18991632Philip, Lord Wharton, ca. 1632 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1937.1.50 19001632A Man, ca. 1630-1632 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien GE65 19011632Peeter Symons, ca. 1630-1632 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 39.55819021632Theodore Rombouts, ca. 1632 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Alte Pinakothek, München 19031632Jacob de Gheyn, ca. 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Location TBD19041632A Man at 40 years old, 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 64.126 19051632Man, ca. 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_407 19061632A Woman, 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Nivaagaards Malerisamling, Nivå 19071632Martin Looten, ca. 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA 53.50.319081632A Man, ca. 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel 19091632A Man of the Van Beresteyn Family, 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.3 19101632A Woman of the Van Beresteyn Family, 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.4 19111632A Lady, ca. 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_409 19121632An Old Man, 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 1930.191 19131632Joris de Caulerij, 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA 66.3119141632A Girl, ca. 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669)Private Collection, New York 19151632A Young Woman, ca. 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 19161632A Gentleman, 1632 (Jacob Backer) (1608-1651) Museum Bredius, Den Haag Inv.nr. 23-1946, Cat.nr.5 19171632A Young Man, ca. 1632 (Jean Tassel) (1608-1667) Musée Calvet, Avignon 19181632A Musician with Bagpipes, 1632 (Unknown Artist) Philip Mould, Ltd, London 19191632Wilhelm Schickard, 1632 (Unknown Artist) Tübingen University, Baden-Württemberg 19201632Self-Portrait, 1632 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow 22831632Janusza Radzwilla, 1632 (David Bailly) (1584-1657) Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu58731632Hendrik Casimir I of Nassau-Dietz, ca. 1632 (Wybrand de Geest) (1592-1665) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, SK-A-569 58741632Philip IV, King of Spain, 1632 (Diego Velázquez) (1599-1660) Location TBD
58751632Queen Isabella, ca. 1632 (Diego Velázquez) (1599-1660) Private Collection 58761632Jester Calabazas, ca. 1632(Diego_Velazquez) (1599-1660) Cleveland_Museum of Art, 1965.1558771632Don Baltasar Carlos and Dwarf, 1632 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 01.104 58811632Francesco Barberini, ca. 1531-1533 (Andrea Sacchi) (1599-1661) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln59101632Pope Urban VIII, Maffeo Barberini, 1632 (Gian Lorenzo Bernini) (1599-1681) Galleria Nazionale dArte Antica, Roma59111632A Man ca 1632 by Anthony Van Dyck Sothebys Old Masters Sale January 29 2015 Lot 5982851632The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp 1632 by Rembrandt 1606-1669 Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis 14682981632Thomas de Keyser 1596-1667 De Compagnie van Kaptein Allaart Cloeck and Lieutenant Lucas Jacobsz Rotgans 1632 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-C-38191441632An Elegant Company 1632 by Pieter Codde 1599-1678 Art Institute of Chicago 1933.106991941632Charles I ca 1632-1635 by Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 SKD Gal Nr 1038101861632Self-Portrait ca. 1632 by Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze102531632Battle of Lutzen, November 16 (Gregorian), 1632 Adolphus II, King of Sweden killed, by Carl Walbohm (1810-1858) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm NM1028105781632Battle of Lutzen, November 6 (Julian), 1632, by Pieter Snayers (1592-1667) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1820105791632Finding King Adolphus II's body after the Battle of Lutzen, November 16, 1632, by Carl Wahlbom (1810-1858) Nationalmuseum Stockholm, NM_1242105801632136351633Nicolaes Tulp, ca. 1633 (Nicolaes Pickenoy) (1588-1656) Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 19211633A Young Woman, ca. 1630-33 (Thomas de Keyser) (1596-1667) Location TBD 19221633Henrietta Maria Queen Consort, ca. 1633 (Anthony Van Dyck) (1599-1641) Location TBD 19231633Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford, ca. 1633 (after Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 296019241633A Woman, ca. 1633 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin19251633Johannes Wtenbogaert, ca. 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn)(1606-1669) Location TBD 19261633A Woman, 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.625 19271633A Man in a Red Doublet , ca. 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Noortman Master Paintings 2006 19281633A Man, 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA M.1977.31.P
19291633A Young Woman, 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 19301633Jan Hermansz. Krul, ca. 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister19311633 A Young Woman, 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.125 19321633Self-Portrait with Toque, ca. 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Musée du Louvre, Paris 19331633Saskia, 1632 (attributed to Govert Flinck) (1615-1660) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 60.71.1519341633Self-Portrait, 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. 1744 19351633Saskia, ca. 1633 (Rembrandt) (1606-1669) Staatliche Kunstsammulungen, Dresden: Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 19361633A Man rising from his chair, 1633 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, OH 1931.409 20091633Charles I, King of England, 1633 (Daniel Mytens the Elder) (1590-1648) St. Louis Art Museum, MO
58821633Henrietta Maria with Sir Jeffrey Hudson, 1633 (Sir Anthony Van Dyck) (1599-1641) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
58831633Don Pedro de Barberana, ca. 1633 (Diego Velàzquez) (1599-1660) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX, 1981.14 58841633Cardinal Infante Don Fernando, ca. 1633 (Diego Velàzquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 58851633Self-Portrait, ca. 1630-1635 (Gianlorenzo Bernini) (1599-1680) Location TBD59701633Galileo before the Roman Inquisition, 1633 CE, by Christiano Banti (1824-1904) Location TBD, painted in 1857.79381633A Man ca 1633 by Frans Hals 1581-1666 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr135882861633A Man ca 1633 by Frans Hals 1581-1666 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr135982871633Officers and Sub-Alterns of the Calivermen Civic Guard 1633 by Frans Hals 1583-1666 Frans Hals Museum Haarlem OS I-112 91951633Charles I Stuart King of England and Henrietta Maria and Children ca. 1633 by Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 Royal Collection91961633136341634Jacob Cats, 1634 (Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt) (1567-1641) Museum Catharijneconvent Utrecht, RMCC s79
19371634A Man at 48 years old, 1634 (Frans Hals) (1581-1666) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA
19381634A Young Man, 1634(Frans Hals) (1581-1666) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest
19391634A Young Man, 1634 (Jan Daemon Cool) (ca. 1589-1660) Christies Auction House, Sale 6360, Lot 21
19401634A Lady, 1634 (Jan Daemon Cool) (ca. 1589-1660) The Weiss Gallery, London
19411634Frederick Henry of Nassau, Stadtholder and Prince of Orange, ca. 1634 (after Gerrit von Honthorst) (1590-1656) Musée du Louvre, Paris
19421634Knight of Santiago, ca. 1630-1638 (Jusepe de Ribera) (1591-1652) Meadows Museum, Dallas 77.02
19431634A Young Man at 15 years old, ca. 1634 (Jan Cornelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille
19441634An Old Woman, 1634 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_500
19451634Antonio de Tassis, 1634 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien GE73
19461634Self-Portrait with Sunflower, ca. 1633-1634 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Private Collection Sothebys
19471634Juan Mateos, ca. 1634 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Staatliche Kunstsammulungen, Dresden: Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
19481634Haesje von Cleyburg, ca. 1634 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Location TBD
19491634A Woman, possibly Marretje Cornelisdr. van Grotewal, 1634 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Speed Museum of Art, Louisville, KY 1977.16
19511634Dirck Jansz Pesser, ca. 1634 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA M.69.1619521634A Man, ca. 1634 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Bredius 197; RRP C 72
19531634Self-Portrait as a Young Man, ca. 1634 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
19541634Self-Portrait, ca. 1634 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
19551634Rembrandt as a Young Man, ca. 1630-1635 (style of Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 53.18
19561634Bulstrode Whitelocke, ca. 1634 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 4499 19571634Willem van Oldenbarneveldt, 1634(Unknown Artist) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-578 19581634Willem Heythuijsen, ca. 1634 (Frans Hals) (1580-1666) Sothebys Sale, July 9 2008
58861634Henri II de Lorraine duc du Guise, 1634 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The National Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1947.14.1
58871634Diego Felipe de Guzman, ca. 1634 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
58881634Gaston de France, Duke de Orleans, ca. 1634 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Musée Condé, Chantilly PE 125 58891634Reverend Johannes Elison, 1634 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 56.510
58901634Maria Bockenolle (Mevr. Johannes Elison), 1634 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 56.511 58911634Battle of Nordlingen, Swabia, Bavaria, 1634 CE, August 27th (Julian Calendar), part of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) by Jacques Courtois (1621-1676), Westphalisches Landesmuseum fur Kunst und Kulturseschichte Munster, painted in 1648.79391634Assassination of Wallenstein, 1634 CE, February 25, by Carl Theodore von Piloty, Neue Pinakothek.79401634A Man ca 1634-1635 by Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 Ashmolean Museum WA1855.172 Oxford82881634A Man ca 1634 by Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 Chisties Auction House82891634Maria Anna of Spain Holy Roman Empress 1634 possibly by Frans Luycx 1604-1668 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Vienna GG 311382921634Philip Herbert 4th Earl of Pembroke ca 1634 by Sir Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 National Gallery of Victoria 457-482951634A Man 1634-1635 Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641) Ashmolean Museum Cambridge WA1855.17398971634A Magistrate Study ca. 1634-1635 by Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641) Fergus Hall Master Painting98981634A Magistrate Study ca. 1634-1635 by Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641) Christies98991634Tieleman Roosterman 1634 by Frans Hals ca 1582-1666 Cleveland Museum of Art 1999.173102151634136331635A Woman, ca. 1632-1635 (Michiel van Miereveld) (1567-1641) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 30.95.25719591635A Woman, ca. 1635 (Paulus Moreelse) (1571-1638) Musée de la Chartreuse de Douai 19601635A Woman, 1635 (Jan van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 12.202 19611635A Man, possibly Nicolaes Hasselaer, ca. 1630-1635 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 19621635Sara Wolphaerts van Diemen, ca. 1635 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 19631635A Cavalier of the Stuart Court, ca. 1635 (attributed to Daniel Mijtens) (1590-1642) Utah Musuem of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City 1959.001 19641635Frederick V, King of Bohemia, ca. 1635 (Gerrit von Honthorst) (1590-1656) Location TBD19651635Lucius Cary 2nd Viscount Falkland, ca. 1635 (attributed to John Hoskins) (ca. 1590-1665 ) National Portrait Gallery, London
19661635Władysław Dominik Zasławski-Ostrogski, 1635 (Bartholomäus Strobel) (1590-ca. 1565 Pałac w Wilanowie, Warszawa, Wil. 1654 19671635Self-Portrait, ca. 1635 (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, aka Guercino) (1591-1666) Musée du Louvre, Paris 19681635Robert, Lord Bruce, 1635 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) The Weiss Gallery, London19691635Charles de Lorraine, Duc du Guise, ca. 1635 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Location TBD19701635Maria Farnese, ca. 1635 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Galleria Estense, Modena 19711635A Young Man, ca. 1630-5 (Gianlorenzo Bernini) (1598-1680) Location TBD 19721635Self-Portrait, ca. 1630-35 (Gianlorenzo Bernini) (1598-1680) Galleria Borghese, Roma19731635Caspar de Creyer, ca. 1635 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien GE153 19741635A Man, ca. 1635 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien GE74 19751635Justus van Meertraeten, ca. 1634-1635 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel 19761635Isabella van Assche, ca. 1634-1635 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1631) Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel19771635Juan Martinez Montañés, ca. 1635 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 19781635A Knight of the Order of Santiago, ca. 1635 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Staatliche Kunstsammulungen, Dresden: Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 19791635Vittorio Amedeo I, Duca di Savoia, ca. 1635 (Giovanna Garzoni) (1600-70) Location TBD19801635A Young Man with an Earring, ca. 1635 (Il Monrealese, aka Pietro Novelli) (1603-1647) State Hermitage Museum, St. Peters 19811635Self-Portrait, 1635 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Buckland Abbey, Devon (National Trust) 19821635Fumatore, ca. 1635 (Adriaen Brouwer) (1605-1638) Location TBD19831635Jan Davidsz. de Heem, ca. 1635 (circle of Adriaen Brouwer) (1605-1638) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-2396 19841635A Girl, ca. 1630-1635 (Jan Lievens) (1607-1674) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 19851635An Old Woman, 1635 (attributed to Jacob Backer, signed Rembrandt) (1608-1651) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.603 19861635Nicolas le Brun, ca. 1635 (Charles Le Brun) (1619-1690) Museum Residenzgalerie Salzburg Inv. 254
19871635James Harrington, ca. 1635 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 513 19881635Maximilien de Béthune, 1st Duke of Sully, ca. 1635 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 19891635A Young Woman, ca. 1635 (Hendrik Gerritsz. Pot) (1585-1657) Palais Lichtenstein, Wien GE901
58921635A Doctor of Law, ca. 1635 (Francisco de Zurburan) (1598-1664) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, MA
58931635Marguerite of Lorraine, Duchess of Orleans, ca. 1635 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze58941635Thomas Francis of Savoy, Prince of Carignano, ca. 1635 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Galleria Sabaudo, Torino58951635Don Gaspar de Guzmán, ca. 1635 (Diego Velázquez) (1599-1660) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 52.125 58961635Louis XIII, King of France, ca. 1635 (Philippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) The Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 404108
58971635Maria Farnese, ca. 1635 (Matteo Loves) (1610-1662) Musée de art et de histoire, Genève
58981635Infante Don Baltazar Carlos, 1635 (Juan Bautista Martinez del Mazo) (1610-1667) Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
58991635Henrietta Maria ca 1635 by Anthony Van Dyck 1599-1641 SKD Gal Nr 103482791635Henry Laws ca.1635 by Sir Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 Faculty of Music Collection Oxford University 82801635Louis XIII King of France ca 1635 by Philippe de Champaigne 1602-1674 Royal Collection UK RCIN 40410882831635A Man 1635 by Nicolaes Eliasz Pickenoy Richard Green Gallery London 82841635Prince Rupert von der Pfalz 1635 by Gerrit van Honthorst Location TBD82961635A Family Portrait ca. 1635 by Anthonie Palamedesz 1601-1673 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp91971635A Family Making Music ca. 1635 Jan Miense Molenaer 1610-1668 Frans Hals Museum Haarlem91981635Self-Portrait ca 1635 by Vicente Carducci 1578-1638 102101635Simon de Vos 1635 by Abraham de Vries MBA Lyon B409102131635136321636Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, ca. 1636 (Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt) (1567-1647) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-254 19901636A Man, possibly a Self Portrait, ca. 1636 (Cornelis Janssens) (1593-1661) National Portrait Gallery, London 1887 19911636A Man, 1636 (Cornelius Janssens) (1593-1661) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 0.317019921636A Young Woman, 1636 (Salomon de Bray) (1597-1664) Sothebys Sale 19931636Galileo Galilei, ca. 1636 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 19941636Galileo Galilei, ca. 1636 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Location TBD 19951636Mary Villiers, Lady Herbert of Shurland, ca. 1636 (Anthony Van Dyck) (1599-1641) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA 19961636A Man, ca. 1636 (Hendrick Cornelisz.van Vliet) (1611-1675) Musée du Louvre, Paris 19971636Sir Thomas Pope, later 3rd Earl of Downe ca. 1635 (Unknown British Artist ) Tate Britain, London T03029 59001636Cornelis de Graeff, 1636 (Nicholas Pickenoy) (1588-1656) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 59011636Charles I, King of England, 1636 (Sir Anthony Van Dyck) (1599-1641) Location TBD
59021636Baltasar Carlos, ca. 1636 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 59031636John Belasyse (Bellasis), 1st Baron Belasyse of Worlaby, 1636 (Gilbert Jackson) (fl. 1621-1642) National Portrait Gallery, London. NPG 5948 59041636William Style, of Langley, 1636 (Unknown British Artist) Tate Britain, London T02308
59051636A Young Woman, 1636 (Unknown Dutch Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 32.100.10 59061636A Young Woman, ca. 1636 (Unknown Dutch Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 1971.186 59071636Catharina Hooft 2nd wife of Cornelis de Graeff 1636 by Nicolaes Eliaszoon Pickenoy 1588-1656 Gemaldegalerie Berlin82721636Elisabeth of Bohemia 1636 by Unknown Artist Alexander Palace 82731636El Bufon Calabacillas ca 1636-1637 by Diego Velazquez Museo del Prado82741636136311637A Young Boy, ca. 1636 (style of Paulus Moreelse) (1571-1638) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 59.23.17 19981637A Man, 1637 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Sothebys Sale January 29-30, 200919991637A Woman, 1637 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Sothebys Sale January 29-30, 2009 20001637A Man, 1637 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA 20011637A Man as Diogenes, ca. 1637 (Jusepe Ribera) (1591-1652) GGDresden 20021637A Woman, ca. 1637 (Thomas de Keyser) (1596-1667) Musée Massey, Tarbes 20031637A Man, ca. 1637 (Thomas de Keyser) (1596-1667) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1972.15.3.1.P 20041637Anthonie Charles de Liedekercke, ca. 1637 (Jan Corlelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 20051637Willemina van Braeckel, ca. 1637 (Jan Corlelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 20061637Henrietta Maria of France, ca. 1636-1638 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) San Diego Museum of Art, CA 20071637Henrietta Maria of France, ca. 1636-1638 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Weiss Gallery, London 20081637Anne (Villiers) Douglas, Lady Dalkeith, ca. 1637 (after Anthony van Dyck) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 20101637Eleazer Swalmius, ca. 1637 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen20111637Petrus Egidius de Morrion, ca. 1637 (Jan Lievens) (1607-1674) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 20121637A Man, ca. 1637-1638 (Jacob Adriaensz. Backer) (1608-1651) Brooklyn Museum, NY 32.79320131637Self-Portrait, 1637 (Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert) (1613-1654) Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch20141637Sir John Backhouse, ca. 1637 (Unknown Artist, signed VM) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2183
20151637Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick, ca. 1637 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 49.7.26
59081637Anne (Killigrew) Kirke, ca. 1637 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 59181637A Man holding a black hat ca 1637 by Rembrandt Hammer Museum Los Angeles Armand Hammer Collection82901637A Man possibly Abel Tasman 1637 by Unknown Artist Location TBD82911637Mary Stuart daughter of Charles I 1637 by Sir Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 Boston Museum of Fine Arts82931637The Meagre Company ca. 1637 by Frans Hals Rijksmuseum Amsterdam91991637Charles and Rupert Princes Palatine ca. 1637 by Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 Musee du Louvre Paris92001637John Mennes ca 1637-38 by Sir Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 Sothebys101941637136301638A Man, possibly Nicolaes Pietersz Duyst van Voorhout, ca. 1638 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.33 20161638Henrietta Maria at 29 years old, ca. 1638 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Royal Collection 20171638Henrietta Maria at 29 years old, ca. 1638 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Royal Collection 20181638Henrietta Maria, ca. 1638 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641)Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, TN 43.30 2019163820201638William Killigrew, 1638(Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Tate Britain, London, T07896
20211638Mary Hill, Lady Killigrew, 1638 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Tate Britain, London, T07956
20221638Gaspar de Guzman, El Conde-Duque de Olivares, ca. 1638 (Diego Velásquez) (1599-1660) Location TBD20231638Duke Francesco I d Este, 1638 (Diego Velásquez) (1599-1660) Galleria Estense, Modena 20241638Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1637-1638 (Franz Luycx) (1604-1668) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_8024 20251638Self-Portrait, ca. 1636-1638 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1969.18.P20261638Self-Portrait, ca. 1638 (Gerrit Dou) (1613-1675) Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum, Gloucestershire 20271638Jesuit Missionary, 1638 (Jusepe de Ribera) (1591-1652) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano59191638Charles I, ca. 1638 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg Walpole Collection
59201638Henrietta-Maria, 1638 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg Walpole Collection 59211638Lady Anne Carr Countess of Bedford 1638 by Sir Anthony Van Dyck 1599-1641 Location TBD82811638Galileo Galilei ca. 1638 by Domenico Passignano (1558-1638) Location TBD98961638A Man, ca. 1638, by Pietro Paolini (1603-1681) ROBILANT+VOENA, LONDON MILAN 102361638John Milton, ca. 1638, attributed to Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680), Christ's College, Cambridge105761638136291639David de Ruyter, 1639 (Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn) (1572-1657) Honolulu Museum of Art, HI20281639Self Portrait, ca. 1638-1640 (Peter Paul Rubens) (1577-1640) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_527 20291639Jacob de Witt, 1639 (Gerrit van Honthorst) (1590-1656) Location TBD 20301639Self-Portrait, ca. 1638-1639 (Pieter van Laer “Il Bamboccio”) (1592-1643) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY L2006.30 20311639Thomas Coventry, 1st Baron Coventry, ca. 1639 (Cornelis Janssens) (1593-1661) National Portrait Gallery, London 4815 20321639A Woman, ca. 1639 (Cornelis Janssens) (1593-1661) Dulwich Picture Gallery, London 20331639George Digby, 2nd Earl of Digby, ca. 1638-1639 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Dulwich Picture Gallery, London20341639Władysław IV Vasa, King of Poland, ca. 1639 ) (Frans Luycx) (1604-1668) Pałac w Wilanowie, Warszawa 20351639Cecilia Renata of Austria, ca. 1639 (Frans Luycx) (1604-1668) Pałac w Wilanowie, Warszawa 20361639Hendrick Bicker, 1639 (Joachim von Sandrart) (1606-1688) Amsterdam Museum SA7400 20371639Eva Geelvinck, 1639 (Joachim von Sandrart) (1606-1688) Amsterdam Museum SA7401 20381639A Woman, 1639 (Pieter Dubordieu) (1609-1679) Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City, UT 1973.080.005.004 20391639Self-Portrait, ca. 1639, detail from The Allegory of Painting (Giovanni Domenico Cerrini) (1609-1681) Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna 20401639Anne Villiers, Countess of Morton, Lady Dalkeith, ca. 1639 (Unknown Artist) Philip Mould, Ltd., London 20411639Charles II Stuart, future King of England, 1639 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) National Portrait Gallery, London
59221639Andries de Graeff, 1639 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1609-1669) Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel 59231639Anne Carr Countess of Bedford 1639 by Sir Anthony Van Dyck 1599-1641 Tokyo Fuji Art Museum82701639Cardinal Infante Ferdinand Hapsburg 1639 by Caspar de Crayer 1584-1669 Prado Museum82711639Govert Flinck self-portrait-aged-24 1639101921639Maria Trip 1639 by Rembrandt Rijksmuseum Amsterdam102031639136281640Jacob van Dalen, 1640 (Michiel van Miereveld) (1567-1641) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 25.110.13 20421640Margaretha van Clootwijk, 1639 (Michiel van Miereveld) (1567-1641) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 25.110.12 20431640Cardinal Federico Cornaro, ca. 1640 (Bernardo Strozzi) (1581-1644) Ca' Rezzonico, Venezia 20441640A Young Man, ca. 1638-1640 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_709 20451640A Woman, ca. 1643 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) The National Gallery, London 20461640A Young Man, ca. 1640 (Domenico Fiasella) (1589-1669) Sothebys Sale N08712 20471640A Young Woman, ca. 1640 (Jan Cornelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Roma20481640A Young Man, ca. 1640 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Private Collection 20491640Ferdinand II de Medici, ca. 1640 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 20501640Louis XIII, ca. 1640 (attributed to Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Location TBD20511640Self-Portrait, 1640 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Sothebys Auction20521640Sir Kenelm Digby, ca. 1640 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Location TBD20531640Sir Edmund Verney, ca. 1640 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 202 (on loan PC) 20541640Endymion Porter, ca. 1640 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Sothebys Old Masters Evening Sale 7/8/09 Lot 11 20551640Anne Villiers, Lady Dalkeith, ca. 1640 (Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Museo Nacional de Bellas Artas, Habana 20561640Mary Villiers Stuart, Duchess of Lennox and Richmond, ca. 1640 (circle of Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) The Huntington, San Marino, CA20571640Inigo Jones, ca. 1635-1640 (after Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 603 20581640Sir James Hamilton of Bancrieff at 54 years old, ca. 1640-1645 (circle of Sir Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Christies Sale 6360 20591640 Sir Arthur Hasilrige, ca. 1640 (Unknown Artist) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 6440 20601640Self-Portrait, ca. 1640 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia 20611640 A Lady, ca. 1640 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) The Wallace Collection, London 20621640Aloysio Garzoni, ca. 1640 (Pietro della Vecchia) (1602-1678) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 20631640A Man, ca. 1640 (attributed to Mathieu le Nain) (1607-1677) Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA20641640A Young Woman, ca. 1640 (Jacob Adriaensz Backer) (1608-1651) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA 50.28.1 20651640An Old Woman at 87 years old, 1640 (style of Rembrandt) (possibly by Jacob Backer) (1608-1651) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.2 20661640Herman Doomer, 1640 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.1 20671640Baartgen Martens Doomer, ca. 1640 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 20681640Self-Portrait, ca. 1640 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The National Gallery, London 20691640Self-Portrait, ca. 1637-1640 (Peter Franchoys) (1606-1554) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 20701640Clergyman, ca. 1640 (Frans Denys) (1610-1670) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5962 20711640The Wife of the Artist, ca. 1635-1640 (William Dobson) (1611-1646) Tate Britain, London T0664020721640Self-Portrait, ca. 1640 (Govaert Flinck) (1615-1660) Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow 20731640A Man, probable self-portrait, ca. 1640 (Govaert Flinck) (1615-1660) Christies Auction 6323 Lot 2620741640A Man, ca. 1640 (attributed to Govaert Flinck) (1615-1660) Museu Nacional d'Arte de Catalunya, Barcelona, 065003-000 20751640 A Young Man, ca. 1640 (Eustache le Sueur) (1616-1655) Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT 20761640Elisabeth Bas, ca. 1640 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Locaton TBD 20771640John Pym, ca. 1640 (attributed to Edward Bower or follower) National Portrait Gallery, London 6650 20781640George, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneberg, Prince of Calenberg, ca. 1640 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 20791640A Knight, ca. 1640 (Bernardo Strozzi) (1581-1644) Gallerie dell Accademia Venezia
59241640A Man, ca. 1640 (attributed to Jean de Reyn) (1610-1678) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 34.541 59251640Self-Portrait, ca. 1640 (Jacques Stella) (1596-1657) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, A288659381640Andries Stilte as a Standard Bearer, 1640 (Johannes Cornelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 1998.13.163611640A Young Woman, ca. 1640 (Cornelis de Vos) (1584-1651) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 71.4663621640A Peasant Family ca. 1640 by Le Nain Brothers (1598-1677) Musee du Louvre Paris92011640Michiel van der Dussen and His Family 1640 by Hendrick Cornelisz. van Vliet 1611-1675 Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof Delft92021640A Man ca. 1640 by Unknown Artist Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 186499041640Prince Louis de Bourbon Count of Soissons and Dreux 1640 by Unknown Artist Location TBD99071640Lady Penelope Herbert ca 1640 by studio or circle of Anthony Van Dyck 1599-1642 ROY PRECIOUS FINE ART SURREY102281640136271641John Evelyn, 1641 (Hendrick van der Borcht) (1580-1663) National Portrait Gallery, London L148 (loan)20801641A Man, 1641 (attributed to David Bailly) (1584-1657) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.29 20811641A Girl, ca. 1641 (Jan Cornelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 20821641A Man, ca. 1640-1641 (Jan Cornelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) Rijksmuseum Twenth 20831641A Woman, ca. 1640-1641 (Jan Cornelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) Rijksmuseum Twenth 20841641Trijntgen Adamsdr, 1641 (Jan Cornelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA .1973.34.2.P20851641Pompone II de Bellievre, ca. 1641 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Seattle Art Museum, WA 98.15 20861641James Stanley, 7th Earl of Derby ca. 1741 (circle of Anthony van Dyck) Manx Museum, Douglas, Isle of Man IOMMM:1954-7272 20871641Nicolaas van Bambeeck, ca. 1641 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1609-1669) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel20881641Agatha Bas, ca. 1641 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1609-1669) The Royal Collection, London 20891641Saskia, ca. 1641 (Rembrandtvan Rijn) (1609-1669) Staatliche Kunstsammulungen, Dresden: Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 20901641Self-Portrait, ca. 1641 (Salvator Rosa) (1615-1673) The National Gallery, London 20911641A Woman of Lõcse, ca. 1641 (Unknown Hungarian Master) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest 20921641Charles Louis, Elector Palatine, 1641 (Anthony van Dyck) (1599-1641) Sothebys Fine Art Auction, Sale L050337, December, 2005, Lot 2650861641James Stanley 7th Earl of Derby with Wife and Daughter ca. 1641 by Anthony van Dyck Frick Collection 1913.1.4091471641The Mennonite Preacher Anslo and his Wife 1641 Rembrandt Berlin gg Room x91511641Battle of Montjuic part of Catalan Revolt, 1641, painted by Pandolfo Reschi, Location TBD.103441641136261642Self-Portrait, 1642 (George Jamesone) (1589-1644) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 236120931642Prince Rupert Count Palatine, ca. 1642 (Gerrit von Honthorst) (1590-1656) Location TBD20941642Prince Rupert Count Palatine, 1640 (Gerrit von Honthorst) (1590-1656) Sothebys L09637 12/10/09 Lot 11720951642A Woman with Fruit, 1642 (Christiaen van Cowenbergh) (1604-1667) Die Kunstsammlung der Göttinger Universität20961642Self-Portrait, 1642 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1609-1669) The Royal Collection, London RCIN 404120
20971642Anna Rosina Marquart née Tank, ca. 1642 (Michael Conrad Hirt) (1613-1671) Kunsthalle St. Annen, Lübeck 20981642A Woman, 1642 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 30.95.269 20991642Self-Portrait, ca, 1647 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Location TBD 21001642A Lady, 1642 (Hendrick Coster) (fl. 1642-1659) Museum Bredius, Den Haag Inv.nr. 31-1946, Cat.nr.3721011642Archduchess Cecilia Renata, Queen of Poland, ca. 1642 (Unknown North German Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_5611 21021642Odoardo Farnese, Duke of Parma, ca. 1642 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 21031642Odoardo Farnese, Duke of Parma, ca. 1642 (Unknown Artist) Real e Ducal Casa di Borbone Parma, Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio
21041642A Boy, 1642 (Jusepe de Ribera) (1591-1652) Musée du Louvre, Paris 59281642Charles I and Prince Rupert strategize on The Eve of the Battle of Edge Hill, 1642 CE, Saturday, October 22, pitched battle of the First English Civil War, by Charles Landseer (1799-1879) Walker Art Gallery WAG-126, painted in 1845.79411642Officieren van de Schutterij o.l.v. Kolonel HarManus Herbertsz 1642 by Wouter Pietersz Crabeth II ca. 1594-1644 Museum het Catharina Gasthuis Gouda91481642The Arquebusiers Civic Guard Company of Captain Cornelis de Graeff and Lieutenant Hendrik Lauwrensz Amsterdam 1642 by Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1608-1651 Amsterdam Museum SA-728491501642136251643Paulus Verschuur at 37 years old, 1643 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 26.101.1121051643A Man, 1643 (Abraham de Vries) (1590-1650) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 71.63
21061643Self-Portrait, ca. 1643 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 21071643Self-Portrait at 44 years old, 1643 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 21081643Elias van Cuelen, ca. 1643 (Dirck Dircksz Santvoort) (1600-1680) Private Collection 21091643Anne of Austria, ca. 1643-1645 (Charles Beaubrun) (1604-1692) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles21101643Maximilian I, Duke of Bavaria, ca. 1643 (Joachim von Sandrart) (1606-1688) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 21111643Duchess Maria Anna, ca. 1643 (Joachim von Sandrart) (1606-1688) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 21121643Self-Portrait, ca. 1643 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1609-1669) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 21131643Saskia, ca. 1643 (Rembrandt) (1609-1669) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin21141643A Woman, 1643 (style of Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.103 21151643Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1643 (Jan van den Hoeck) (1611-1651) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3283
21161643Louise-Henriette of Orange-Nassau as Diana, 1643 (Willem van Honthorst) (1594-1666) Centraal Museum, Utrecht59291643Mattias de Medici, ca. 1643 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze
59301643Cecilia Renata of Austria, Queen Consort of Poland, 1643 (Peeter Danckerts de Rij) (1605-1661) Gripsholms slott, Mariefred 59311643Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach, 1643 (attributed to Benjamin von Block) (1631-1690) Plassenburg Castle, Kulmbach, Bavaria59421643Henriette Luise von Württemberg-Mömpelgard, 1643 (attributed to Benjamin von Block) (1631-1690) Plassenburg Castle, Kulmbach, Bavaria 59451643A Man, said to be Colonel John Hutchinson, ca. 1643 (John Souch of Chester) (1593/4-1645) National Army Museum, London63571643A Woman, said to be Lucy Hutchinson, ca. 1643 (John Souch of Chester) (1593/4-1645) National Army Museum, London63581643Smokers in an Interior 1643 by Le Nain Brothers 1598-677 Musee du Louvre Paris92031643136241644Conradus Viëtor, ca. 1644 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Christies Auction House 19/7632
21171644Guglielmo Orsetti, ca. 1644 (Batholomäus Strobel) (1591-1647) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, MP 2451
21181644Apolonius Veth, 1644 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) Tate Britain, London, N01320
21191644A Woman, ca. 1644 (Jan Cornelisz Verspronck) (1597-1662) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
21201644Don Sebastian de Morra, ca. 1644 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Location TBD
21211644Philip IV in Army Dress, ca. 1644 (Fraga Portrait) (Diego Velasquez)(1599-1660) The Frick Collection, New York, NY
21221644Jacques Lemercier, 1644 (Phillippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) Szépmüvészeti Museum, Budapest
21231644A Man, 1644 (style of Rembrandt) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.601
21241644Sir Richard Fanshawe, 1644 (William Dobson) (1611-1646) Valence House Museum, Dagenham, London
21251644Self-Portrait, ca. 1644 (Samuel van Hoogstraten) (1627-1678) Museum Bredius, Den Haag 21261644Helena van der Schalcke, ca. 1644 (Gerard Terborch) (1617-1681) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 59541644Joseph Coymans 1644 by Frans Hals (1582-1666) Wadsworth Athenaeum 1958.17699051644136231645A Man as "The Miser", ca. 1640’s (Hendrick Gerritsz Pot) (1580-1657) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze21271645Self-Portrait, ca. 1645 (copy after Frans Hals) (1582-1666) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.8 21281645Self Portrait, copy after lost original, ca. 1645-1650 (Frans Hals) (1580-1666) Indianapolis Museum of Art, C1004721291645A Young Man , possibly Sir George Vane, ca. 1645 (Gerrit Von Honthorst) (1590-1656) Location TBD21301645Don Diego de Acedo (El Primo), ca. 1645 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 21311645A Man, ca. 1645 (attributed to Guercino) (1599-1661) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA, 55.38.1
21321645A Man, 1645 (Johannes Verspronck) (1606-1662) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 36.162.1
21341645Young Woman, ca. 1642-1645 (Johannes Verspronck) (1606-1662) Städel Museum INV 1015
21351645A Man, ca. mid-late 1640’s (style of Rembrandt) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.102
21361645An Officer, ca. 1645 (William Dobson) (1611-1646) Tate Britain, London N04619
21371645Self-Portrait, ca. 1645 (after William Dobson) (1611-1646) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3021381645A Girl, ca. 1645 (Hendrick Cornelisz.van Vliet) (1611-1675) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 21391645Sophia Trip, ca. 1645 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) Location TBD
21401645A Bearded Man, 1645 (Govert Flinck) (1615-1660)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 25.110.27 21411645A Man, ca. 1640’s (Salvator Rosa) (1615-1673) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 21421645Self-Portrait, ca. 1645 (Carel Fabritius) (1622-1654) Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, 1205 (OK)21431645A Young Woman, 1645 (workshop of Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 21441645Arthur Capel, 1st Baron Capel, ca. 1645 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 152036111645A Man, possibly Tuscan General Alessandro del Borro, ca. 1645 (Charles Mellin) (1600-1649) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
59551645Maria Teresa, ca. 1645 (Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo) (1612-1667) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 43.101 59561645A Woman, ca. 1645 (Johannes Cornelisz. Verspronck) (1606-1662) Sothebys Old Masters Sale, January 29, 2015, Lot 2563591645Family beside the Tomb of William the Silent in the Nieuwe Kerk Delft by Dirk van Delen 1604-1671 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-235291451645Self-Portrait with Sir Charles Cottrell and Sir Balthasar Gerbier ca1645 by William Dobson 1611-1646 Albury Park 91491645Self-Portrait 1645 by Carel Fabritius Alte Pinakothek Munich99011645Don Baltasar Carlos ca. 1645-1646 by Martinez del Mazo (1612-1667) Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid99031645Self-portrait ca. 1645 by Diego Vel?zquez (1599-1660) Uffizi Gallery Florence99091645Portrait of a Gentleman, 1645, by Isaac Fuller (1606-1679)102651645The siege and capture of Hulst, 1645, November 5th, by Hendrick de Meijer 103731645136221646Jan Cornelisz. Geelvinck, 1646 (Cornelis Janssens) (1593-1661) Amsterdam Museum SA734721451646A Lady, 1646 (Cornelius Johnson) (1593-1661) Tate Britain, London N02530 21461646Self-Portrait, ca. 1646 (Pietro da Cortona) (1596-1669) Location TBD 21471646Antoine Singlin, ca. 1646 (Philippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 87.PA.3 21481646Self-Portrait, 1646 (Pieter van Lint) (1609-1690) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel, 2750 21491646Charles I, King of England, ca. 1646 (William Dobson) (1610-1646) Location TBD21501646A Woman, 1646 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) Amsterdam Museum SA8322 21511646Gerard Andriezs Bicker, ca. 1640-1652 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam SK-A_147 21521646Self-Portrait, 1646 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht 1887 21531646William Lilly, 1646 (Unknown Artist) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, WA1898.20 22861646Catherine Potocka and Maria Lupu wives of Janus Radziwill 1646 by Johann Schroter 1641-1685 National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus99021646A Young Man at a Stone Window Playing a Theorbo 1646 by Jacob van Oost (1601 - 1671) FRENCH & COMPANY LLC, NEW YORK CITY.102501646Mariage de l'Electeur de Brandebourg, 1646, December 7th, by Mijtens 103741646136211647Adrian van Ostade, ca. 1647 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1937.1.70 21541647 A Man, ca. 1647 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1937.1.71 21551647Leonora Christina Ulfeldt, 1647 (Gerrit von Honthorst) (1590-1656) Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, Frederiksborg Slot 21561647Valentin Valleron de Perrochel, 1647 (attributed to Philippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 06.119
21571647Malers Hendrick Martensz, ca. 1647 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Location TBD21581647A Young Man, ca. 1647 (Jacob Adriaensz Backer) (1609-1651) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 21591647A Man, 1647 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1612-1670) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 71.73 21601647Self-Portrait, ca. 1647 (Samuel van Hoogstraten) (1627-1678) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 21611647A Man, possibly John Ashburnham, ca. 1647 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 1243 21621647John Eliot, ca. 1647 (Unknown Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 21631647Evangelista Torricelli, ca. 1647 (Lorenzo Lippi) (1606-1665) Galleria Silvani Lodi & Due, Milano38741647Frederik Hendrik Prince of Orange and Amalia of Solms-Braunfels with Daughters ca. 1647 by Gerrit van Honthorst 1590-1656 RMA SK-A-87491461647Self-Portrait 1647 by Karel Skreta (1610-1674) National Gallery in Prague 99081647136201648A Woman with possible Artists Self-Portrait, 1648 (Gerrit van Honthorst) (1590-1656) Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA, 1998.1 21641648A Man, 1648 (Cornelis Jonson the Elder) (1593-1661) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 57.30.1 21651648A Woman, 1648 (Cornelis Jonson the Elder) (1593-1661) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 57.30.2 21661648A Gentleman, ca. 1648 (Jacob van Oost the Elder) (1601-1671) Christies Auction House, Sale 9607, Lot 30 21671648A Man, 1648 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.620 21681648A Young Lady with a Theorbo, ca. 1648 (Jan Mijtens) (1614-1670) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin21691648Don Caspar de Bracamonte y Guzman, ca. 1648 (Gerard Ter Borch) (1617-1681) Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam
21701648John Evelyn, ca. 1648 (Robert Walker) (??-1658) Location TBD21711648Charles I, King of England, at his trial, 1648 (Edward Bower) (fl. 1635-1667) The Royal Collection, UK 405913 21721648Marmaduke dArcy, ca. 1645-8 (John Weesop) (fl. 1641-16499) The Huntington, San Marino, CA21731648Isabella Clara Archduchess of Austria ca. (Unknown Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_7938 21741648Ratification of the Treaty of Munster, 1648, May 15th, end of the Eighty Years War (1568-1648) and the Thirty Year's War (1618-1648), by Gerard ter Borch (1617-1681), Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-C-1683.79421648Banquet of the Amsterdam Civic Guard after Treaty of Munster 1648 by Bartholomeus van der Helst 1613-1670 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam92041648Mayor Johan Huydecoper van Maarsseveen as an Officer of the Militia 1648 detail by Govert Flinck 1615-1660 Amsterdam Museum92051648Lennart Torstenson 1648 by Unknown Artist Nationalmuseum Stockholm NMGrh 194999061648A Man Playing a Violin ca 1648-50 attributed to Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680) Christie's Auction House, New York City, April 19th, 2018 Old Masters Part I, Lot 39.102771648136191649Leopoldine of Austria, Holy Roman Empress, 1649 (Lorenzo Lippi) (1606-1665) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_8119
59581649A Man, ca. 1649 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1942.9.28 21751649René Descartes, ca. 1649 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Musée du Louvre, Paris 21761649Ottavio Piccolomini, 1649 (Matthäus Merian) (1593-1650) Location TBD 21771649James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose, ca. 1649 (after Gerrit von Honthorst) (1593-1656) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4406 21781649Self-Portrait, 1649 (Nicholas Poussin) (1594-1665) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 21791649A Man, ca. 1649 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Apsley House, London 21801649A Woman, 1649 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 21811649A Lady at 52 years old, ca. 1649 (Albert Cuyp) (1620-1691) Sothebys Sale 54 6/4/09 21821649Omer Talon 1649 Philippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
59571649King John II Casimir Vasa, King of Poland, ca. 1649 (Daniel Schultz II) (1615-1683) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie59591649Rembrandt van Rijn, 1649 (Carel Fabritius) (1622-1654) Location TBD63601649Oliver Cromwell with the corpse of Charles I, 1649 CE, end of the Second English Civil War, by Paul Delaroche (1797-1856), Kunsthalle Hamburg, painted in 1831. 7943164979981649136181650Self-Portrait, ca. 1650 (Nicolas Poussin) (1594-1665) Musée du Louvre, Paris 21831650Cardinale Carlo de Medici, ca 1650 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano Inv. 1154 21841650A Man, formerly known as William Faithorne, ca. 1650 (attributed to Robert Walker) (1599-1658) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 618 21851650Juan de Pareja, ca. 1650 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1971.86 21861650Pope Innocent X, ca. 1650 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Galleria Doria-Pamphilj, Rome21871650Pope Innocent X, ca. 1650 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 21881650Camillo Astalo Pamphili, 1650 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Hispanic Society of America, New York, NY 21891650Lady Dorothy Browne (née Mileham) and Thomas Browne, ca. 1641-1650 (Joan Carlile) (1600-1679) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2062 21901650A Boy, aged 11 years old, 1650 (Jacob van Oost the Elder) (1601-1671) The National Gallery, London, NG 113721911650Thomas Killigrew, ca. 1650 (William Sheppard) (1602-1660) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG3795 21921650Henri de la Tour de Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne, ca. 1650 (circle of Philippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) Christies Auction House, Sale 101121931650Woman, ca. 1650 (Jacob Adriaensz. Backer) (1608-1651) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 71.PA.18 21951650Self-Portrait, ca. 1650 (Il Sassoferrato) (1609-1685) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze21961650Monsignor Ottaviano Prati, ca. 1650 (Il Sassoferrato) (1609-1685) Galleria Nazionale Arte Antica, Roma 21971650Don Miguel de Castro, Emissary of Congo, ca. 1643-1650 (Tilskrevet Albert Eckhout) (1610-1665) Statens Museum for Kunst, København21981650Self-Portrait, ca. 1650(Pier Francesco Mola) (1612-1666) Galeria degli Uffizi, Firenze 21991650Saracen Pirate, 1650 (Pier Francesco Mola) (1612-1666) Musée du Louvre, Paris 22001650Young Man, ca. 1650 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 70.PA.12 22011650A Man, ca. 1650 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (ca. 1613-1670) Christies Auction House, Sale 271022021650Young Woman, ca. 1650 (Jacob van Loo) (1614-1670) Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN 22031650Queen Christina of Sweden, ca. 1650 (Sébastian Bourdon) (1616-1671) Nationalmuseum Stockholm 22041650A Man, ca. 1650 (Sébastian Bourdon) (1616-1671) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nîmes 22051650 A Young Man, ca. 1650 (attributed to Caesar van Everdingen) (1616-1678) Christies Fine Art Auction, Sale 2710, Lot 106 22061650Man, 1650 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 85.10022071650Lady, ca. 1650 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 94.1522081650A Man in a Half-Open Doublet, ca. 1650 (attributed to Lucas Franchoys) (1616-1681) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV1249 22091650Malers van Goyen, ca. 1650 (Gerard Ter Borch the Younger) (1617-1681) Location TBD (Prince of Liechtenstein Collection, Vaduz?)
22101650Self-Portrait, ca. 1648-1650 (Johann Ulrich Mayr) (1630-1704) Private Collection 22111650Bulstrode Whitelocke, ca. 1650 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London NP 254 22121650Man, formerly known as Wenceslaus Hollar, ca. 1650 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG1617
22131650Prince Rupert, ca. 1650 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD
22141650A Musician, ca. 1650 (Unknown French Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_481 22151650Louise Hollandine, Princess Palatine, 1650 (Gerrit van Honthorst) (1604-1667) Ashdown House, Oxfordshire, UK 28071650A Family ca. 1650 by Gonzales Coques (1618-1684) Szepmuveszeti Muzeum Budapest92061650Self-Portrait ca. 1650 by Guillaume Courtois (il Borgognone) Musee-des Beaux-Arts Besancon99171650Portrait of a Young Gentleman in Armour, ca. 1650, attributed to Robert Walker (ca. 1595-1658) Nick Cox Period Portraits, London.101761650A Courtier ca 1650 by Gerrit Dou 1613-1675 Private Collection101881650A Man wearing a turban ca 1650 by Karel van Mander III ca1609-1670 SMK102011650An Old Lady ca 1650 by Matthias Stomer 1600-1652 SKD Gal Nr 1253102041650An Old Woman by Window by ca 1650 by Bartholomeus van der Herlst 1613-1670102051650Self portrait ca 1650 by Louise Hollandine princess Palatine Sothebys102111650Antonius Triest, Bishop of Ghent and Bruges, 1650, by Pieter Thys (1624-1677) Dorotheum, Vienna, December 9, 2021, Lot 174105051650136171651Isabella Coymans, ca. 1651 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Private Collection
22161651A Girl at a Window, 1651 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm22171651A Monk, 1651 (Juan de la Pareja) (1606-1670) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
22181651Charles II of England, ca. 1651 (Jan van den Hoecke) (1611-1651) The Royal Collection, UK
22191651A Lady, 1651 (Bartolomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6388
22201651A Young Man, ca. 1651 (Albert Cuyp) (??-??) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-C-120 22211651An Old Woman, 1651 (I.S. Monogrammist) (fl.1630-1660) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_419
22221651Edward Winslow, ca. 1651 (Unkown English Artist) Location TBD
22231651Josiah Winslow, ca. 1651 (Unkown English Artist) Location TBD
22241651Jean François Paul de Gondi, cardinal de Retz, 1651 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD
22251651Oliver St John, 1651 (Pieter Nason) (1612-1688) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4978 59631651Walter Strickland, 1651 (Pieter Nason) (1612-1688) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5235 59641651Bernard de Witte Priore di Malta 1651 by Karel SKRETA101811651136161652A Gentleman, 1652 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1942.9.29
22261652A Man, ca. 1650-1652 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) Palais Lichtenstein, Wien GE235
22271652A Man, ca. early 1650’s (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 91.26.9
22281652A Lady, 1652 (Frans Hals) (1583-1666) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 272:1955
22291652Infanta María Teresa, future Queen Consort of France ca.1651-1652 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY2230165222311652Infanta María Teresa, ca.1652-1653 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
22321652 Lady of the Spanish Court, ca. 1552 (attributed to Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo) (ca. 1612--1667) Musée du Louvre, Paris RF 2037
22341652A Man, ca. 1651-2 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 83.587
22351652Self-Portrait, ca. 1652 (Philippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) Musée de Grenoble
22361652Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg, ca. 1652 (Govaert Flinck) (1615-1660) Location TBD
22371652An Astronomer, 1652 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Location TBD
22381652Samuel Crew, ca. 1650-52 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Weiss Gallery, London
22391652John Tradescant the Younger (attributed to Thomas de Critz) (1607-1653) Location TBD
22401652Self-Portrait, 1652 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_411 22841652Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria, ca. 1652 (David Teniers) (1610-1690) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3504 59651652Willem van Kerckhoven and Family 1652 by Johannes Mijtens (ca. 1614-1670) Haags Historisch Museum92071652Philosopher Crateres ca. 1652 by Luca Giordano Galleria Nazionale dArte Antica Roma99151652136151653Infanta María Teresa, 1653 (school of Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 21.2593
22331653Philip IV, King of Spain, ca. 1652-1653 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
22411653A Man, possibly a Self-Portrait, ca. 1653 or 1655 (Willem Drost) (1633-1659) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 41.116.2 22681653A Woman, ca. 1653 (Adriaen Hanneman) (1603-1671) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 89.15.27 22431653Cardinal Giovan Carlo de Medici, 1653 (Baldassare Franceschini) (1611-1689) Galleria Palatina, Firenze 22441653Karl X Gustavus, ca. 1652-1653 (Sebastien Bourdon) (1616-1671) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm22451653Ebba Sparre, ca. 1653 (Sebastien Bourdon) (1616-1671) Location TBD22461653Lady Elizabeth Percy, 1653 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD 22471653A Lady, 1653 (Willem Drost) (1633-1659) Museum Bredius, Den Haag Inv.nr. 40-1946, Cat.nr.49 22481653Jeremy Taylor, ca. 1653 (Unknown Artist) Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, UK 22491653Mariana of Austria, Queen Consort of Spain, ca. 1653 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 59661653Governors of the Archers Civic Guild of Amsterdam 1653 attributed to Bartholomeus van der Helst (1613-1670) Musee du Louvre Paris Inv. 133292081653Charles II of England 1653 by Philippe de Champaigne101851653Johan de Waal, 1653, by Johannes Cornelisz Verspronck (1600-1662) AGNEWS GALLERY LONDON.102261653136141654Henri Groulart, 1654 (Philippe de Champaigne)(1602-1674) Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest 22501654Jan Six, 1654 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Jan Six Collection, Amsterdam 22511654Floris Soop, 1654 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.35 22521654An Old Jewish Man, ca. 1654 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg22531654 An Old Man in Red, ca. 1652-1654 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg2254165422551654Paulus Potter, 1654 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) Mauritshuis, Den Haag, Inv. No. 5422561654A Woman, ca. 1654 (Michael Sweerts) (1618-1664) Location TBD22571654Self-Portrait, 1654 (Carel Fabritius) (1622-1654) The National Gallery, London, NG 404222581654Infanta Margarita Teresa “1653-1654” (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_321
59761654Archduke Charles Joseph “1653-1654” (Cornelis Sustermans) (1600-1670) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3188 59771654The Van Moerkerken Family ca. 1654 Gerard ter BoRCh 1617-1681 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1982.60.3092121654Lucrezia Barberini ca. 1654-1658 by circle of Pierfrancesco Cittadini (1616-1681) Location TBD99111654136131655A Man, ca. 1655 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 22591655A Young Man, ca. 1650-1655 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA M.1972.4.P22601655Daniel van Acken, ca. 1655 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Nationalmuseum Stockholm, NM1567 22611655The Coin Collector, ca. 1655 (Hendrik Gerritsz Pot) (1585-1657) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 38.1022621655Charles X Gustav of Sweden, ca. 1655 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Pinacoteca Comunale di Faenza 22631655Philip IV, King of Spain, ca. 1655 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid22641655Jean Baptiste Colbert, ca. 1655 (Philippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 51.34 22651655A Man, ca. 1655 (follower of Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Frick Collection, New York, NY22661655Margaret Tulp, wife of Jan Six, 1655 (Govaert Flinck) (1615-1660) Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel 22691655A Man, “The Smoker”, ca. 1655 (Adriaen Jansz van Ostade) (1610-1685) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
22701655Self-Portrait, 1655 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) Location TBD
22711655Mary and Elizabeth Capel, ca. 1655 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.65.3 22721655Self-Portrait, ca. 1655-1665 (Jacob van Loo) (1614-1670) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, SK-A-4950 22731655A Lady of the Popham Family, ca. 1655 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Christies Sale 9154 Lot 8022741655A Young Man, ca. 1655 (attributed to Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Philip Mould Ltd., London22751655A Boy, ca. 1650-1660 (Aelbert Cuyp) (1620-1691) Museum Bredius, Den Haag Inv.nr. 157-1946, Cat.nr.44 22761655The Artist’s Mother, ca. 1651-1655 (Pierre Puget) (1620-1694) Private Collection, Nîmes 22771655Landgrave Friedrich of Hessen-Eschwege, ca. 1655 (Matthäus Merian the Younger) (1621-1687) Jagdschloss Grunewald, Berlin 22781655A Boy with a Falcon, ca. 1655 (Wallerant Vaillant) (1623-1677) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 57.104 22791655Andrea Sacchi, ca. 1650-5 (Carlo Maratta) (1625-1713) Location TBD22801655Marchese Francesco Fiaschi, 1655 (Benedetto Gennari the Younger) (1633-1715) Sothebys Sale N0895222811655A Monk, ca. 1655 (Egbert van Heemskercke) (1634-1704) Museum Bredius, Den Haag 22821655Self-Portrait, ca. 1655 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_414 22851655Charles Scarborough, ca. 1655 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 22871655Jeremy Taylor, ca. 1655 (Unknown Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 22881655A Woman (Christian Duke of Brunswick in background), 1655 (Johannes van der Aack) (1635-1680) The National Gallery, London, NG 1397 59781655An Elderly Man, ca. 1655-1660 (Frans Hals) Statens Museum for Kunst, København66191655Four Governors of the Archers Civic Guild of Amsterdam 1655 by Bartholomeus van der Helst (1613-1670) Amsterdam Museum SA-210192091655The De Goyer Family and Painter ca. 1655 Adriaen van Ostade 1610-1685 Museum Bredius Den Haag Inv.nr. 86-1946 Cat.nr.12192131655Don Juan Bazo de Moreda by Francisco de Zurbaran ca. 1655 Location TBD99101655A Man ca. 1655 by Jacob van Oost the Younger Location TBD99121655Krzysztof Opalinski dead on Catafalque ca. 1655 by Unknown Polish Artist Bernardine Church Sierakow99141655A Boy with Hat 1655 by Michael Sweerts Wadsworth Atheneum 1940.198101831655Self-Portrait 1655 by Rembrandt van Rijn Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG 9040102081655A Gentleman ca 1655 by circle of Philippe de Champaigne 1602-1674 NICK COX PERIOD PORTRAITS, LONDON, NORTH YORKSHIRE. 102571655Portrait of an Artist, ca 1655 attributed to Batholomeus van der Helst (1613-1670) March 29 2018, CARLYLE GALLERIES BEVERLY HILLS CALIFORNIA.102701655136121656Self-Portrait, ca. 1656 (Nicolas Mignard) (1606-1668) Musée Calvet, Avignon 22891656Self-Portrait, 1656 (Michael Sweerts) (1618-1664) Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin, OH, 1941.7722901656A Man, ca. 1656 (Michael Sweerts) (1618-1664) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 22911656Philip IV, King of Spain, ca. 1656 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) The National Gallery, London, NG74559491656Otto van der Waeden, 1656 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, No. 1071 59801656A Poultry Seller with his Family in Paris 1656 by Jean Michelin (1623-1695) Sothebys Sale L1303492101656Niccolo Sagredo ca. 1656 by Guillaume Courtois (il Borgognone) Private Collection99161656A Maid Asleep 1656-1657 by Johannes Vermeer 1632-1675 MetNYC 14.40.611101951656Self Portrait detail from Las Meninas 1656 by Diego Velazquez 1599-1660 Prado102121656136111657Mariana of Austria ca. 1657 Queen Consort of Spain (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza, a Museu Nacional d'Arte de Catalonia, Barcelona22921657A Gentleman, ca. 1657 (Anthony Palamedesz) (1601-1673) Private Collection 22931657Self-Portrait, ca. 1657 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (16 06-1669) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, NGL 072.46 22941657Hendrickje Stoffels, ca. 1656-1657 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin22951657The Artists Son Titus, ca. 1657 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Wallace Collection, London 22961657Carlita Hooghsaet, 1657 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Private Collection 22971657A Man in a Golden Helmet, ca. 1657 (workshop of Rembrandt van Rijn ) (1606-1669) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 22981657A Man in a Golden Helmet, 1657 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, 34675 22991657Petronella Elias, 1657 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 57.68 23001657A Woman, 1657 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2004.392 23011657A Young Woman, ca. 1657 (Johannes Vermeer) (1632-1675) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest 23021657A Man, 1657 (Cornelis Jonson van Ceulen the Younger) (1634-1715) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 41.116.3 23031657136101658Lieven Willemsz van Coppenol, ca. 1658 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.145.33 23041658Self-Portrait, 1658 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Frick Collection, New York, NY, 1906.1.97 23051658A Man “The Auctioneer", 1658 (attributed to a follower of Rembrandt) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.624 23061658Moliere, 1658 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Musée Carnavalet, Paris 23071658A Professor, 1658 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV. 1063 23081658Quirinus Stercke, 1658(Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Birmingham Museum of Art 23091658Elizabeth Claypole (née Cromwell), 1658, posthumous (John Michael Wright) (1617-1694) National Portrait Gallery, London 95223101658Sir Henry Capel, ca. 1658 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.65.6
23121658Oliver Cromwell at 59 years old, ca. 1658 (Peter Lely)(1618-1680) National Museum Wales NMW A 536623161658Cunera van der Cock, the Artists Wife, ca. 1657-8 (Frans van Mieris the Elder) (1635-1681) The National Gallery, London NG1415
23141658Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1658 (Guido Cagnacci) (1601-1663) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
59811658Cornelis Nuyts, 1658 (Jurgen Ovens) (1623-1678) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
59821658Isaack le Petit, 1658 (Ottomar Elliger I) (1633-1679) Museum Bredius, Den Haag, Inv.nr. 45-1946, Cat.nr.58 59831658A Man 1658 by Rembrandt van Rijn (1609-1669) Sothebys99131658Elizabeth Capel, Countess of Carnarvon, ca. 1658-1660 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Sotheby's Old Masters Evening Sale, December 10, 2020, Lot 27 104841658136091659Fra Bonaventura Bisi, "Il Pittorino", ca. 1659 (Guercino) (1591-1666) Sothebys Auction House, Sale N08952, Lot 57 23151659Johann de Witt, ca. 1659 (workshop of Adriaen Hanneman) (1604-1671) Christies Auction House, Sale 3012, Lot 67 23171659Wendela Bicker, wife of Johann de Witt, 1659 Adriaen Hanneman) (1604-1671) Collectie Stichting Teding van Berkhout, Loenen aan de Vecht 23181659Hendrickje Stofells, 1659 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The National Gallery, London
23191659Self-Portrait, 1659 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 23201659A Man, 1659 (style of Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.36
23211659A Man, 1659 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV. 1064
23221659Charles Dormer, 2nd Earl of Carnarvon, 1659 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Sothebys Sale
23231659A Woman, 1659 (Unknown Artist) Sothebys Sale, L11030
23241659A Young Man, ca. 1659 (Christoph Paudiß) (1625-1666) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
23251659Infanta Margarita Teresa, 1659 (Diego Velázquez) (1599-1660) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_2130
59841659Infant Philip Prospero, 1659 (Diego Velázquez) (1599-1660) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_319 59851659Treaty of the Pyrenees, Louis XIV and Philip IV meet at Isle of Pheasants, 1659 CE, November 7th, inconclusive end of the Franco-Spanish War (1635-1659), by Jacques Laumosnier, Tesse Museum. 79441659Sir Thomas Fanshawe and his wife Mary 1659 by Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680) Valence House Museum Dagenshaw London92111659A Man, 1659, atelier de Wallerant Vaillant (1623-1677) Galerie de Beauregard, Beaurain. 102541659136081660Cornelis Guldewagen, Mayor of Haarlem, ca. 1660 (Frans Hals) (1582-1666) Krannert Art Museum, Champaign, IL 1953-1-1 23261660Cosimo III de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, ca. 1660 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 23271660Philip IV, ca. 1657-1660 fragment (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao23281660Queen Marianna, ca. 1655-1660 (Diego Velazquez) (1599-1660) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG-2131 23291660Jan Valckenburgh, ca. 1660 (Daniel Vertangen) (1600-ca. 1684) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Sk-A-4969 23301660Dina Lems, ca. 1660 (Daniel Vertangen) (1600-ca. 1684) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-4970 23311660Self Portrait, ca. 1660 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Musée du Louvre, Paris 23321660Self Portrait, ca. 1660 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.618 23331660Hendrickje Stoffels, ca. 1655-1660 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 26.101.9 23341660A Man, ca. 1655-1660 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 91.26.7 23351660A Man, ca. 1660 (Isaac Fuller) (1606-1672) Tate Britain, London T00056 23361660Thomas Hobbes, ca. 1660 (Samuel Cooper) (1608-1672) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH 1949.548 23371660Young Man, ca. 1655-1660 (Pedro de Moya) (1610-1674) Location TBD23381660A Woman, "La Mélancolie", ca. 1660 (Jacob van Loo) (1614-1670) Musée Thomas Henry, Cherbourg-Octeville 23391660The Artists Wife, Lucrezia, ca.1657-1660 (Salvator Rosa) (1615-1673) Location TBD 23401660John II Casimir Vasa, King of Poland, ca. 1660 (Daniel Schutz) (1615-1683) State Art Gallery of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek 23411660A Man of the Kerckring Family, ca. 1660 (attributed to Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Kunsthalle Hamburg 23421660A Man, ca. 1660 (Gerard ter Borch) (1617-1681) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 89.15.15 23431660Young Man and the Procuress, ca. 1660 (Michael Sweerts) (1618-1664) Musée du Louvre, Paris 23441660A Man, ca. 1660 (Michael Sweerts) (1618-1664) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2001.613 23451660Self Portrait at 42 years old, ca. 1660 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD23461660A Woman, possibly Henrietta Anne of England, ca. 1660 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Musée Condé Chantilly 23471660Lady Mary Fane, ca. 1660 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Adam Williams Fine Art Ltd., New York, NY 23481660A Young Woman, 1660 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Dulwich Picture Gallery, South London, Inv. 52023491660A Man, ca. 1660 (follower of Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Huntington, San Marino, CA23501660A Family Portrait, ca. 1660 (Jurgen Ovens) (1623-1678) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg23511660Friherre Johann Rosenhane, ca. 1660 (Jurgen Ovens) (1623-1678) Location TBD 23521660A Man, ca. 1660 (Christoph Paudiß) (1625-1666) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3680 23531660A Man, ca. 1660-1662 (Christoph Paudiß) (1625-1666) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_770 23541660Giovanni Pietro Bellori, ca. 1660 (Carlo Maratta) (1625-1713) Location TBD 23551660Jacob Trip, ca. 1660 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest 23561660Margaretha de Geer, Wife of Jacob Trip, ca. 1660 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest 23571660Self-Portrait, 1660 (Elisabetta Sirani) (1638-1665) Location TBD 23581660Andrew Marvell, ca. 1660 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 554 23591660An Old Woman, ca. 1660 (Unknown Flemish Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_506 23601660A Clergyman, ca. 1660 (Unknown Roman Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6340 23611660Françoise-Athenais de Rochechouart, Marquise de Montespan, ca. 1660 (Unknown Artist) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles, MV 3542 23621660A Man, thought to be George Booth, Lord Delamere, ca. 1660 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, 0.1700 47371660Inés de Zúniga, Countess of Monterrey, ca. 1660 (Juan Carreño de Miranda) (1614-1685) Museo Lazaro Galdiano, Madrid59861660Mary Dyer being led to the gallows, Newport, RI, 1660, June 1st CE, by howard pyle (1853-1911) Newport Historical Society, painted ca. 1905.79451660Everhard Jabach and Family ca. 1660 by Charles LeBrun 1619-1690 The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 2014.25091531660The Loth Family 1660 by Jean le Ducq Sothebys Sale N0871291541660The Artist?s Family ca. 1660 JUAn Bautista Martinez del Mazo 1610-1667 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien92141660Philips van de Werve and His Wife ca. 1660 Peter Thijs 1624-1677 Private Collection92151660Artillery General ca. 1660 by Francisco Rizi (1614-1685) Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid99191660A Gentleman ca. 1660 attributed to Guillaume Courtois (il Borgognone) Private Collection99221660Grand Duke of Tuscany with wife Vittoria della Rovere ca. 1660 by Justus Sustermans (1597-1681) National Gallery London NG8999241660A Man ca. 1660-65 by Jan Mijtens Art Institute of Chicago 1986.136799271660Portrait of a Noblewoman, ca. 1660, circle of Pier Francisco Cittadini (1618-1681)
Nick Cox - Period Portraits, London.101721660Pieter Van Der Dussen with a sheep ca 1660 by Jan van Haensbergen 1642-1705 CIDER HOUSE GALLERIES SURREY102471660Five Young Ladies with two dogs ca 1660 by British SchoolHeritage Auctions, June 8th Fine European Art Auction, Sale 5359, Dallas, TX.102791660Portrait of a Man, ca. 1660, Dutch School, AuctionFr, Berlin, Germany May 9th, 2018 102871660Het vertrek van Karel II van Engeland, uit Scheveningen, 1660, June 2nd, Rijksmuseum SK-C-1224.103751660The arrival of King Charles II of England in Rotterdam, 1660 May 24th, Lieve Pietersz Verschuier 1665 103761660Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield, ca. 1660, Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680) Sotheby's Old Masters Evening Sale, December 10, 2020, Lot 13104821660136071661A Man, 1661 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) HSP Collection of the Duchess of Saint-Leu, Paris. 182923631661Self-Portrait, 1661 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) English Heritage, Kenwood House, London23641661Self-Portrait as Apostle Paul, 1661 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 23651661Margaretha de Geer, wife of Jacob Trip, 1661 (probably by Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Location TBD23661661Jules Mazarin, 1661 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Musée Condé, Chantilly23671661A Lady, 1661 (Bartolomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_59423681661Barbara Villiers, ca. 1661 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Lydiard House, Swindon, Wiltshire 23691661Louis XIV at 23 years old, 1661 (Charles le Brun) (1619-1690) Location TBD23701661A Lady, ca. 1661(Gabriel Metsu) (1629-1667) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.32 23711661A Woman, 1661 (Frans van Mieris the Elder) (1635-1681) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 82.PC.136 23721661A Woman, 1661 (Thomas Flatman) (1635-1688) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, P14-1941 23731661Charles II, King of England, ca. 1661 (John Michael Wright) (1617-1694) The Royal Collection, UK 59871661Edward Montagu 2nd Earl of Manchester ca. 1661-65 by Sir Peter Lely National Portrait Gallery London 367899181661A Man ca. 1661-1662 by workshop of Rembrandt van Rijn (1609-1669) St Louis Art Museum 90.195099291661Henry Hyde, Viscount Cornbury, later 2nd Earl of Clarendon and Theodosia Capel, Viscountess Cornbury, 1661 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Private Collection.104831661136061662Venetian Woman, ca. 1658-1662 (Gerolamo Forabosco) (1604-1679) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_3518 23741662Double Portrait, ca. 1660- 1662 (Michael Sweerts) (1618-1664) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 85.PB.348 23751662Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orléans, ca. 1662 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD23761662Alice, Lady Bedell, wife of Sir Capel Bedell, ca. 1662 (attributed to Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Valence House Museum, Dagenham, London 23771662Elizabeth Trentham, ca. 1662 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Kingston Lacy House, Winborne Minster, Dorset23781662Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, ca. 1662 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Royal Collection, Hampton Court Palace, RCIN 40564123791662Cornelis de Bie, ca. 1662 (Gonzales Coques) (1618-1684) Location TBD 23801662Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orléans, ca. 1662 (studio of the Beaubrun Brothers) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles23811662Sir Edward Nicholas, 1662 (Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London 151923821662Self-Portrait, 1662 (Karel Dujardin) (1622-1678) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-190 23831662A Man, 1662 (Jan de Bray) (ca. 1627-1697) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, NG 1500
23841662Beatrice Cenci, ca. 1662 (formerly attributed to Elisabetta Sirani) (1638-1665) Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Roma
23851662Richard Colman, ca. 1662 (attributed to John Greenhill) (1642-1676) Tate Britain, London T0711323861662Catherine-Agnès Arnault & Catherine de St. Suzanne de Champaigne (Philippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV. 1138 59881662The Sampling Officials of the Drapers Guild 1662 Rembrandt van Rijn 1606-1669 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam92161662Anne Marie Louise de Orleans Duchess of Montpensier ca. 1650-1675 school of Pierre Mignard Versailles99201662Franz von Sonnenberg 1662 by Unknown Artist Location TBD99231662136051663Philippe de France, duc de Orléans, ca. 1663 (atelier of Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles, MV 8368 23871663Artus Quellinus, 1663 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Location TBD
23881663A Young Woman, called Lady Elizabeth Wriothelsley, ca. 1663 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Petworth House, West Sussex, UK
23891663Arabella Bankes, ca. 1663 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Kingston Lacy House, Winborne Minster, Dorset
23901663A Lady, ca. 1660-1663 (Abraham ven den Tempel) (1622-1672) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin
23911663Louis Doni de Attichy, Bishop of Riez, 1663 (Robert Nanteuil) (1623-1678) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 99.GG.13
23921663A Man, 1663 (Christof Paudiß) (1625-1666) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_77
23931663A Man, 1663 (Carlo Maratti) (1625-1713) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
23941663A Woman playing the Cello, 1663 (Gabriel Metsu) (1629-1667) Location TBD 59891663A Family Portrait 1663 Jakob Ochtervelt 1635-1710 Fogg Museum Harvard University 1922.13592171663Pietro Sforza Pallavicino 1663 by Unknown Artist Government Art Collection 2399301663136041664A Man with a Magnifying Glass, ca. 1660-1664 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.621
23951664A Woman with a Pink, ca. 1660-1664 (Rembrandt) (1606-1669) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.40.622 23961664John Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale, 1664 (Samuel Cooper) (1609-1672) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4198
23971664Sir William Bruce, ca. 1664 (John Michael Wright) (1617-1694) Scottish National Galleries, PG89423981664Wilhelm Friedrich of Nassau-Dietz, Governor of Frisia, 1664 (Pieter Nason) (fl. 1632-1690) Location TBD 23991664Infanta Margarita Teresa, ca. 1662-1664 (Unknown Artist ) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 24001664A Young Man, 1664 (Victor Boucquet) (1619-1777) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 1155 59901664A Family Portrait 1664 Daniel Schultz II 1615-1683 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia92181664136031665Sigismund Francis, Archduke of Further Austria, ca. 1665 (Giovanni Maria Morandi) (1622-1717) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
27771665A Man, ca. 1660-1665 (Frans Hals) (1582-166) The Weiss Gallery, London24011665Mattias de Medici, Governor of Siena, ca. 1665 (Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Palazzo Pitti, Firenze 24021665An Old Man, ca. 1665 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Galleria degli Uffizi. Firenze 24031665A Man, 1665 (Adriaen van Ostade) (1610-1685) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-328124041665Johan Ort, ca. 1665 (Jacob van Loo) (1614-1670) Private Collection 24051665A Man, ca. 1665 (Gerard Terborch) (1617-1681) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg
24061665Charles II, King of England, ca. 1665 (John Michael Wright) (1617-1694) Location TBD
24071665A Woman, ca. 1665 (Jan Mytens) (1618-1670) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 79.PA.156
24081665Princess Henrietta Anne of England, ca. 1665 (Jan Mytens) (1618-1670) Location TBD
24091665Sir Thomas Allin, 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich BHC2512
24101665Charles Berkeley, Lord Fitzharding, ca. 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Sothebys Sale L08122 Lot 17
24111665James Butler, 1st Duke of Ormonde, ca. 1665 (after Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 370
24121665A Woman, ca. 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK, 2442 24131665Frances Bard, ca. 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Sothebys Sale 24141665Mrs. Middleton, ca. 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Allentown Art Museum, PA 1992.14.524151665Dudleia Cullum, ca. 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) St. Edmundsbury Museums, UK24161665Catherine of Braganza, Queen Consort of England, 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Philip Mould Ltd., London24171665Catherine of Braganza, Queen Consort of England, ca. 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 401214 24181665Catherine of Braganza, Queen Consort of England, 1665 (studio of Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Philip Mould Ltd., London24191665Elizabeth Capell, Countess of Carnarvon, ca. 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Sothebys Fine Art Auction 24201665Joost van den Vondel, 1665 (Philip de Koninck) (1619-1688) Amstelkring Museum, Amsterdam
24211665Henri de la Tour de Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne, ca. 1665 (Charles le Brun) (1619-1690) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 24221665Self-Portrait, ca. 1665 (Salomon Adler) (1630-1709) Location TBD 27781665A Young Woman, ca. 1665 (Wallerant Vaillant) (1623-1677) Location TBD27791665The Girl with the Pearl Earring, ca. 1665 (Johannes Vermeer) (1632-1675) Mauritshuis, Den Haag27801665John Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale, ca. 1665 (Jacob Huysmans) (ca. 1633-1696) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 2084 27811665A Young Woman, ca. 1665 (attributed to Jan de Baen) (1633-1702) Museum Mayer van den Bergh, Antwerpen 27821665Johann de Witt, ca. 1665 (after Jan de Baen) (1633-1702) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-13 27831665A Young Lady, 1665 (Eglon van der Neer) (1634-1703) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien GE475 27841665Self-Portrait, ca. 1665 (Luca Giordano) (1634-1705) Location TBD27851665Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1665 (Baciccio) (1639-1709) Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome27861665Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, ca. 1665 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 27871665Baruch Spinoza, ca. 1665 (Unknown Artist) Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel 27881665 John Endicott, ca. 1665 (Unknown English Artist) Location TBD Massachusetts Government Collection? 27891665Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski, ca. 1665 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 27901665Margaret Louise de Orléans, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, ca. 1665 (Unknown Artist)Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Firenze 27911665Pope Alexander VII, ca. 1665 (Giovanni Battista Gaulli, il Baciccio) (1639-1709) Location TBD 46931665A Woman, 1665 (Gerard Terborch) (1617-1681) Cleveland Art Museum, OH, 1944.93 59911665Barbara Villiers, ca. 1665 (workshop of Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,. NY, 39.65.9 59921665Elizabeth Hamilton, Countess de Graumont, ca. 1665 (Sir Peter Lely) National Portrait Gallery, London 59931665Margarita Teresa (Gerard du Chateau?) (??-??) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3075 59941665Anne Hyde Duchess of York and James II Stuart future King of England ca. 1665 by Sir Peter Lely 1618-1680 National Portrait Gallery London 507792191665Henrietta Hyde Countess of Rochester ca. 1665 by Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680) Royal Collection Hampton Court Palace RCIN 404961 Windsor Beauties99261665Henry Bennett 1st Earl of Arlington ca. 1665-1670 by Sir Peter Lely (1618-1685) National Portrait Gallery London NPG185399281665136021666Samuel Pepys, ca. 1666 (John Hayls) (1600-1679) Location TBD 27921666Jeremiah Becker, 1666 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg27931666A Young Man, 1666 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669)The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO 31.75 27941666Rearadmiral Sir Thomas Teddiman, 1666 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London27951666Sir Jeremiah Smith, 1666 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 27961666The Girl with the Red Hat, ca. 1666-1668 (Johannes Vermeer) (1632-1675) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 27971666A Man, possibly Gilles Menage, 1666 (Berrnard Vaillant) (1632-1698) Location TBD27981666Justus Criex, 1666 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest 27991666 Jean-Baptiste Colbert, 1666 (Claude Lefebvre) (1637-1675) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 28001666 A Lady at the Window, 1666 (Caspar Netscher) (1639-1684) Von der Heydt Museum, Wuppertal28011666Arabella Churchill, ca. 1666 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 28021666Cornelis Tromp, ca. 1666 (attributed to Abraham Evertsz Van Westerveld) (1620-1692) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
28911666Empress Doña Margarita de Austria in mourning, 1666 (Juan Bautista Martinez del Mazo) (??-??) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 59951666Daughters of Frederick-Henry of Orange 1666 by Johanees Mijtens ca. 1614-1670 Anhaltische Gemaldegalerie Dessau91521666Herzog Maximilian Philipp von Bayern 1666 by Sebastiano Bombelli (1635-1719) copy after Johann Ulrich Mayr Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Mo63899251666136011667Robert Arnauld dAndilly, 1667 (Philippe de Champaigne) (1602-1674) Musée du Louvre, Paris 28081667A Man with Pipe, ca. 1667 (Gonzales Coques) (1614-1684) Location TBD 28091667A Man, ca. 1667 (Gonzales Coques) Location TBD 28101667Michiel Adriaensz. Ruyter, 1667 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 28111667A Young Woman, ca. 1665-1667 (Johannes Vermeer) (1632-1975) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1979.396.1 28121667A Woman, 1667 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Arras 28131667A Man, ca. 1666-1667 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid28141667A Woman, ca. 1666-1667 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid28151667Self-Portrait, 1667 (Frans van Mieris the Elder) (1635-1681) Location TBD 28161667Cardinal Leopoldo de Medici, ca. (Baciccio) (1639-1709) Galleria degli Uffizi. Firenze 28171667Adriana Jacobusdr Hinlopen, wife of Johannes Wijbrants, 1667 (Lodewijk van der Helst) (1642-1683) Location TBD 28181667Louis XIV, King of France, 1667 (Henri Testelin) (1616-1695) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles
59961667Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1667 (Jan Thomas) (1617-1673) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, Inv.-Nr. GG_9135 59971667Empress Margarita Teresa, 1667 (Jan Thomas) (1617-1673) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, Inv.-Nr. GG_9136 59981667A Lady, 1667 (Gabriel Metsu) (1629-1667) Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN 59991667Attack on the Medway, 1667 CE, June 9-14, by Pieter Cornelisz van Soest79461667A Family Portrait ca. 1667 by Jan Weenix Richard Green Gallery BE33399211667136001668Louis XIV, King of France, ca. 1668 (Jean Petitot) (1607-1691) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
28191668Admiral Johan de Liefde, 1668 (Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) and (Ludolf Backhuysen) (1631-1708) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-832
2820166828211668Geetruida den Dubbelde, 1668(Bartholomeus van der Helst) (1613-1670) and (Ludolf Backhuysen) (1631-1708) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-141
28221668Cornelis Tromp, 1668 (Jan Mijtens) (ca. 1614-1670) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-284 28231668Margaretha van Raephorst, wife of Cornelis Tromp, 1668 (Jan Mijtens) (ca. 1614-1670) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-285 28241668Suzanna Huygens, ca. 1667-1669 (Caspar Netscher) (1639-1684) Private Collection28251668Self-Portrait, ca. 1667-8 (Baciccio) (1639-1709) Location TBD 28261668Prince Rupert of the Rhine, Count Palatinate, ca. 1668 (attributed to Simon Pietersz. Verelst) (1644-1717) Location TBD 34871668Self-Portrait, 1668 (Gerard ter Borch) (1617-1681) Mauritshuis, Den Haag, 177 60001668Self-Portrait 1668 by Cornelis Bisschop Dordrechts Museum99311668135991669Self-Portrait, ca. 1669 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) The National Gallery, London28271669Self-Portrait, ca. 1669 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Mauritshuis Den Haag28281669Self-Portrait, ca. 1668-1669 (Rembrandt van Rijn) (1606-1669) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln28291669A Cleric, ca. 1669 (Hendrick Cornelisz van Vliet) (1611-1675) Private Collection 28301669Self-Portrait, ca. 1669 (Ferdinand Bol) (1616-1680) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-42 28311669Self-Portrait, ca. 1668-1669 (Pierre Puget) (1620-1694) Musée Granet Aix-en-Provence 28321669Pope Clement IX, 1669 (Carlo Maratta) (1625-1713) Location TBD 28331669Francesco Querini Procurator 1669 by Sebastiano Bombelli (1635-1719) Fondazione Querini Stampalia Venecia95801669Juan Bautista Priaroggia ca 1669-70 by Cornelis Schut III 1629-1685
Galeria Caylus, Madrid 102311669135981670A Young Woman, ca. 1670 (circle of Justus Sustermans) (1597-1681) Philip Mould Ltd., London 28341670A Young Man, ca. 1670 (Samuel Cooper) (1609-1672) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, P66-1968 28351670Henrietta Anne, ca. 1665-1670 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 228 28361670A Woman, presumably Madame de Montespan, ca. 1670 (circle of Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Location TBD28371670A Man, ca. 1670 (attributed to Giovanni Bernardo Carboni) (1614-1683) Fondazione Cariplo, Milano 28381670Sir Thomas Baines, ca. 1672 (Carlo Dolci) (1616-1686) Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK28391670A Young Woman as Saint Cecilia, 1670 (Carlo Dolci) (1616-1686) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 28401670John Milton, ca. 1670 (after William Faithorne) (1616-1691) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 28411670A Young Man, ca. 1670 (Gerard Ter Borch) (1617-1681) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne 28421670Barbara Palmer (née Villiers), Duchess of Cleveland, ca. 1670 (John Michael Wright) (1617-1694) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5497 28431670Thomas Hobbes, ca. 1669-1670 (John Michael Wright) (1617-1694) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 225 28441670Prince Rupert, Count Palatine, ca. 1670 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 608 28451670Edward Proger, ca. 1670 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD 28461670Anna Maria (Brudenell), Countess of Shrewsbury, ca. 1670 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 28028471670Bartholomew Beale, ca. 1670 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Dulwich Picture Gallery, London 28481670Margaret Hughes, ca. 1670 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD28491670James II, ca. 1670 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD
28501670A Man, possibly Jacob de Graeff, 1670 (Karel Dujardin) (1621-1678) Amsterdam Museum SA7488 28511670Self-Portrait, ca. 1670 (Jan Steen) (1626-1679) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A 383
28521670Louis XIV at 32, ca. 1670 (Claude Lefebvre) (1632-1675) Location TBD28531670A Woman, ca. 1670-1672 (Johannes Vermeers) (1632-1675) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY L.2009.2 28541670A Woman, ca. 1665-1670 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.1325 28551670Olympia Mancini, ca. 1670 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Winterpalais des Prinzen Eugen, Wien 28561670Marie Mancini, ca. 1670 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 28571670Maria Mancini, ca. 1660-1680 (Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1700) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam28581670Maria Mancini, ca. 1663-1672 (Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1700) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin28591670Hortense Mancini (most likely), ca. 1670 (Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1700) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg 28601670Hortense Mancini, ca. 1670 (Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1700) Location TBD 28611670Hortense Mancini, ca. 1670 (after Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1700) Rosenbach Museum and Library, Philadelphia, PA 28621670Hortense Mancini, ca. 1670 (circle of Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1700) Roy Precious Antiques and Fine Art, North Yorkshire, UK 28631670Michiel Servaesz. Nouts, 1670 (Lodewijk van der Helst) (1642-1683) Amsterdam Museum SA2998 28641670Willem van de Velde, ca. 1670 (Lodewijk van der Helst) (1642-1683) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-2236 28651670A Gentleman, ca. 1670 (Francois de Troy) (1645-1730) Sotheby’s Old Masters Sale, 6/4/0928661670A Man, ca. 1670 (Unknown British Artist) Tate Britain, London N0354628671670Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy, ca. 1670 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 28681670Henriette Adelaide of Savoy, Electress of Bavaria, 1670 (attributed to Jean Delamonce) (1635-1708) Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen Munich 28691670Willem Jacobsz. Baert, 1671 (Caesar van Everdingen) (1616-1678) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, SK-A-1339 28721670A Gentleman, ca. 1670 (Carlo Ceresa) (1609-1679) Galerie Canesso, Paris
60011670A Gentleman, ca.1670 (Bartolomé Esteban Murillo) (1617-1682) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
6002167060031670Margaret Gibbs, 1670 (Freake-Gibbs Painter) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, 1995.800 60041670Family of Louis XIV Bourbon King of Frnace ca. 1670 by Jean Nocret 1617-1672 Chateau de Versailles92201670Family Portrait ca. 1670 by Abraham van den Temple 1620-1672 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia92211670Sir John Banks 1st Baronet of Aylesford 1670 Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680) Petworth House National Trust99391670A Lady of Quality ca 1670 attrib Henri Gascard 1635-1701
Maison Mérouvel Antiquité
102511670Vista del Alcazar Real y entorno del Puente de Segovia, 1670103771670135971671A Woman, 1671 (Anthonie Palaedesz.) (1601-1673) Musée de Grenoble28701671Marie Thérèse de Bourbon, Princess of Conti, 1671 (Jean Nocret) (1615-1672) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid28711671Elisabeth van Kessel, 1671(Caesar van Everdingen) (1616-1678) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, SK-A-1340 28731671Self-Portrait, ca. 1670-1672 (Bartolomé Esteban Murillo) (1617-1682) The National Gallery, London28741671Maria van Oosterwijk, 1671 (Wallerant Vaillant) (1623-1677) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-1292 28751671A Gentleman, ca. 1671 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Indanapolis Museum of Art, IN 44.09 28761671Dorothy, Lady Temple, 1671 (Gaspar Netscher) (1639-1684) National Portrait Gallery, London 3813 28771671Hortense Mancini, 1671 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Graves Gallery, Scheffield, South Yorkshire 28781671A Young Man at 36 1671 by Dutch School, chez Osenat, Fontainebleau, April 1st, 2018, Lot 148.102901671135961672Claudia Felicitas of Austria, 1672 (Carlo Dolci) (1616-1686) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_3352 28791672Nicolás Omazur, ca. 1672 (Bartolomé Esteban Murillo) (1617-1682) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 28801672Thomas Clifford 1st Baron of Chudleigh, ca. 1672 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD28811672Thomas Clifford, ca. 1672 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Government Art Collection, London 28821672Arthur Capell 1st Earl of Essex, ca. 1672 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD 28831672Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor ca. 1672 (Benjamin von Block) (1631-1690) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_6745 28841672A Young Woman, 1672 (Frans van Mieris) (1635-1681) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid28851672Charles Perrault, 1672 (Philippe Lallemand) (1636-1716) Location TBD 28861672Anthony Ashley-Cooper, ca. 1672 (after John Greenhill) (ca. 1644-1676) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3893 Anthony Ashley-Cooper, ca. 1672 (after John Greenhill) (ca. 1644-1676) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3893 28871672John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Richmond, ca. 1672 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 80428881672Élisabeth Isabelle de Orléans, Madame de Guise, 1672 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Château de Blois60051672Don Andrés de Andrade y la Cal, ca. 1672 (Bartolomé Esteban Murillo) (1617-1682) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 27.219 60061672Corpses of the Dewitt brothers on the Groene Zoodje at Lange Vijverberg in the Hague, 1672 CE, August 20, attributed to Jan de Baen (1633-1702) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-15.79471672Battle of Solebay - Burning of the Royal James, 1672, May 28th, by Willem van de Velde the Younger (1633-1707) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London BHC030279481672Storming of Coevoorden, 1672 CE December 30 painted by Pieter Wouwerman 1623-1682 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A 48679491672Francois de la Boe Sylvius and his Wife 1672 by Frans van Mieris (1635-1681) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal.-Nr. 174399371672Margaret Hughes 1672 by studio of Sir Peter Lely 1618-1680 PHILIP MOULD LTD. LONDON 102581672Louis XIV crosses the Rhine at Lobith, 1672 CE, 12 June, by Adam Frans van der Meulen (1632-1690) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, S-KA-3753102921672135951673Henry Howard, 6th Duke of Norfolk, ca. 1673 (Gilbert Soest) (ca. 1605-1681) Tate Britain, London, T00746 28891673Marie Anne Mancini, Duchesse du Bouillon, ca. 1673 (Benedetto Gennari) (1633-1715) National Portrait Gallery, NPG 623
28921673George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem, 1673 (John Michael Wright) (1617-1694) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6047
29021673James II, Duke of York, future King of England, ca. 1673 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London60071673Henry Bennett, 1st Earl of Arlington, 1674 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD60081673The Family of Sir Robert Vyner ca. 1673 by John Michael Wright 1617-1694 National Portrait Gallery London 556892221673135941674Self-Portrait, 1674 (Carlo Dolci) (1616-1684) Location TBD
28931674Jacob de Graeff, ca. 1674 (Gerard ter Borch) (1617-1681) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 139:1916
28941674Louise de Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth, ca. 1671-1674 (Peter Lely) (1618-1680) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA, 78.PA.223 28951674William Brouncker, 2nd Viscount Brouncker, ca. 1674 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1567 28961674Self-Portrait, 1674 (Jurgen Ovens) (1623-1678) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 28971674Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria, 1674 (Paul Mignard) (ca. 1638-1691) Schloss Berchtesgaden, Bayern 28981674Isaac de Benserade, ca. 1674 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 28991674Henry Jermyn 1674 attributed to Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680) Location TBD99341674135931675Jean-Baptiste Lully, ca. 1675 (Nicolas Mignard) (1606-1668) Musée Condé, Chantilly PE647
29001675A Young Man, ca. 1675 (Gerard Terborch) (1617-1681) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
29011675George Villiers 2nd Duke of Buckingham, ca. 1675 (Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD
29031675Henry Brouncker, 3rd Viscount Brouncker, ca. 1675 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1590
29041675Sir Henry Blount, ca. 1675 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5491
29051675Catherine (Sedley), Countess of Dorchester, ca. 1675 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG36
29061675Lady Essex (Rich) Finch, later Countess of Nottingham, ca. 1675 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Huntington, San Marino, CA
29071675Cornelis Tromp, ca. 1675 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Maritime Museum, London
29081675Young Gentleman, ca. 1675 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Weiss Gallery, London
29091675Catherine Braganza, Queen Consort of England, ca. 1675 (Benedetto Gennari the Younger (1633-1715) Location TBD
29101675Dirck Frederiksz Alewijn, ca. 1675 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1972.43.3.1.P
29111675Agatha Bicker, ca. 1675 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1972.43.3.2.P29121675Orazio Archinto, ca. 1675 (Jacob Fedinand Voet) (1639-1689) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, M.Ob.925
29131675Anna Caffarelli Minuttiba, ca. 1675 (Jacod Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1689) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 39.2.1
29141675Thomas Burnet, ca. 1675 (attributed to Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1689) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 526
29151675Gianlorenzo Bernini, ca. 1675 (Giovanni Battista Gaulli, il Baciccio) (1639-1709) National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, NG 2694 29161675A Lady, ca. 1675 (Pieter Cornelisz. Van Slingelandt) (1640-1691) Private Collection
29171675Sir William Temple, Bt, ca. 1675 (Gaspar Netscher) (1639-1684) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3812
29181675Self-Portrait, ca. 1675 (Pieter Cornelisz. van Slingelandt) (1640-1691) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV. 1841
29191675A Man, possibly John Wensley, ca. 1675(Unknown American Artist) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1984.578
29201675Ranuccio II Farnese, ca. 1675 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD
29211675Jacques de Goyon III , Sire de Matignon, Comte de Thorigny, ca. 1675 (Henri Gascars) (1634-1701) Sotheby's Old Masters Sale, 26-27 January, 2006, Lot 34234861675Charles II, ca. 1672 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Euston Hall Collection, Suffolk 60091675Eleanor, Countess of Tyrconnel, ca. 1675 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK, Nr. 16166171675The Governors of the Guild of St. Luke Haarlem 1675 by Jan de Bray 1627-1697 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-5892231675Duchess Magdalena Sibylla von W?rttemberg 1675 by David Klocker Ehrenstrahl (1628-1698) Landesmuseum Wurttemberg99361675James Gregory, ca. 1675, attributed to John Scougal (1645-1730) National Trust for Scotland, Fyvie Castle, Turriff, 84.2105161675Isaac Barrow, ca. 1675 (Mary Beale) (1633-1677) Trinity College, Cambridge P17105091675135921676Admiral Jacob Binkes, ca. 1676 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 11.149.2 29221676Ingena Rotterdam, 1676 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 11.149.3 29231676John Banckes, 1676 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Tate Britain, London T0501929241676Marriage Leopold of Austria to third wife Eleonore of Pfalz Neuburg, 1676, by Ferdinand Wagner, Grosse Rathaussaal in Passau79501676Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Ottoman Sultan, 1676 CE, by Ilya Repin (1844-1930) Russian Museum St Petersburg, painted 1880-1891.79511676Portrait of a Gentleman, 1676 (signed and dated), by Nicolaes Maes (1634-1693)
Isherwood Fine Art, Bath, UK
101731676135911677William III, Prince of Orange, ca. 1677 (after Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1902 29251677Queen Mary II, 1677 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6214 29261677A Woman, possibly Mary II, ca. 1677 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.119829271677A Woman, 1677 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA 29281677Gerard Pietersz. Hulft, ca. 1677 (Michiel van Musscher) (1645-1705) Private Collection 29291677James Vernon, ca. 1677 (Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bt) (1646-1723) Location TBD29301677Carlos II ca. 1677 by Juan Carreno de Miranda Harrach Collection Schloss Rohrau Austria99351677135901678A Man with Tankard, ca. 1670-1678 (Adriaen van Ostade) (1610-1685) Sothebys Sale N0871229311678Thomas Butler, Earl of Ossory, ca. 1678 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 371
29321678Young Woman, ca. 1678 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg 29331678James Scott Duke of Monmouth, ca. 1678 (Sir Godfrey Kneller studio ) (1646-1723) Location TBD
29341678George Jeffreys 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem ca. 1678-1680 by William Wolfgang Claret National Portrait Gallery London NPG5699331678Anne Killigrew, ca. 1678, by Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680) PHILIP MOULD LTD. LONDON 102591678135891679Marie Louise de Orléans, Queen Consort of Spain, 1679 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Location TBD 29351679Marie Louise de Orléans, Queen Consort of Spain, ca. 1679 (Unknown Artist) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles29361679Cornelis Munter, 1679 (Nicolaes Maes) (1634-1693) Amsterdam Museum SA946 29371679Self-Portrait, 1679 (Gottfried Schalcken) (1643-1706) Palais Lichtenstein, Wien29381679 Françoise van Diemen, wife of the artist, 1679 (Gottfreid Schalcken) (1643-1706) Private Collection 29391679Major Thomas Savage, 1679 (attributed to Thomas Smith) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1983.35 29401679Sir Leoline Jenkins, 1679 (Herbert Tuer) (??-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 92 29411679A Young Woman, ca. 1679 (Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1689) Location TBD 66181679Maria Sibylla Merian, 1679, (Jacob Marrel) (1613/14-1681) Kunstmuseum Basel Inv. 436105131679Marie Louise Queen Consort of Spain 1679 by Francisco Rizi (1614-1685) Ayuntamiento de Toledo99381679135881680Philippe, duc de Orléans with Order of the Holy spirit, ca. 1680 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Musée des beaux-arts de Bordeaux29421680Nell Gwynne at 30 years of age, Mistress to Charles II, ca. 1680 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Location TBD29431680Dr. John Blow, ca. 1680 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) Philip Mould Ltd., London 29441680André le Nôtre, ca. 1680 (Carlo Maratta) (1625-1713) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles29451680A Man, ca. 1680 (Godfried Schalken) (1643-1706) Sothebys Sale N0871229461680Gaspar Fagel, ca. 1680 (Johannes Vollevens) (1649-1728) Location TBD 29471680Mary of Modena, 2nd wife of James II of England, 1680 (Willem Wissing) (1656-1687) Location TBD 29481680Adam Frans van der Meulen, 1680 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1656-1746) Fine Arts Museum, San Francisco29491680David Colyear, 1st Earl of Portmore, ca. 1680 (John Baptiste Medina) (1659-1710) Location TBD29501680Silversmith in His Workshop, ca. 1680 (Unknown Dutch Master) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam29511680 Eleonore Magdalena of Neuburg, Holy Roman Empress Consort, ca. 1680 (Unknown Artist) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_5617 29521680A Woman with Page, ca. 1680 (Unknown Artist, French School) Galeria e Museo Estense, Modena 29531680Self-Portrait, ca. 1680 (Thomas Smith) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1948.19 29541680Ernst August, Elector of Brunswick-Lünebeurg, ca. 1680 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 29551680Ernst August, Elector of Brunswick-Lünebeurg, ca. 1680 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 29561680A Young Lady, 1680 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) Location TBD 60101680Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds, ca. 1680 (Sir Peter Lely) (1618-1680) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1472 60111680Mary of Modena 1680 by Simon Pietersz Verelst (1644-1717) Sothebys Old Master British Painting Day sale 20121203499451680Sir Roger lEstrange ca. 1680 by John Michael Wright National Portrait Gallery London NPG377199461680135871681Pyotr Potemkin, ca.1681 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg29571681Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek, ca. 1670-1693 (Jan Verkoljie) (1650-1693) Rijksmuseum Amstersam SK-A-957 29581681Elias Ashmole ca. 1681-1683 by John Riley (1646-1691) Ashmolean Museum99401681135861682 Louise de Kéroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth, 1682 (Pierre Mignard) (1612-1695) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 497 29591682Johannes Hevelius, Astronomer, before 1683 (Daniel Schultz II) (1615-1683) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 29601682Self-Portrait, 1682 (Johann Heinrich Roos) (1631-1685) Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig, GG 55929611682Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds, 1682 (William Wolfgang Claret) (fl. 1665-1709) Office of the Parliamentary Counsel, London29621682135851683Gentleman, probably Doctor Arthur Parsons, ca. 1682 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD29631683A Lady, ca. 1683 (Caspar Netscher) (1639-1684) Location TBD 29641683Cardinal Marco Gallo, ca. 1683 (Giovanni Battista Gaulli, Il Baciccio) (1639-1709) The National Gallery, London, NG6534 29651683James Scott Duke of Monmouth (possibly by William Wissing) (1656-1687) Location TBD29661683Martin Desjardins, ca. 1683 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles MV 3583; INV 7512; MR 1508
29671683Battle of Vienna, 1683 CE, September 12th, King Jan III Sobieski meets Emperor Leopold near Schwechat, by Artur Grottger (1837-1867) Lviv Nationa Gallery, Ukraine.79521683135841684Louis XIV at 46 years old, ca. 1684 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD29681684John Bunyan, 1684 (Thomas Sadler) (1630-1685) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1311 29691684Françoise de Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon, ca. 1684 (Philippe Vignon) (1638-1701) Location TBD 29701684Maria Angela Caterina di Este, Princess of Modena and Carignan, ca. 1684 (follower of Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Location TBD 29711684Anne Marie de Orléans, Queen Consort of Sardinia, ca. 1684 (Unknown Artist) Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg 29721684Maria Antonia of Austria, Electress of Bavaria, 1684 (Benjamin von Block) (1631-1690) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, Gemäldegalerie60121684James II, King of England, 1684 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 666 O 60131684135831685Charles II, King of Spain, ca. 1685 (Juan Carreño de Miranda)(1614-1685) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_1714 29731685Self-Portrait, ca. 1685 (Carlo Maratta) (1625-1713) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Inv. 4074 29741685Self-Portait, ca. 1685 (Salomon Adler) (1630-1709) Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, Inv. 1986 29751685Anna Maria Luisa de Medici, ca. 1685 (Antonio Franchi) (1638-1707) Location TBD 29761685Queen Mother Mariana of Austria, ca. 1685 (Claudio Coello) (1642-1693) The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, Durham, UK, B.M.3229771685Maria Duyst van Renswoude, ca. 1685 (Jan van Haensbergen) (1642-1705) Fundatie van Renswoude, Utrecht 29781685Self-Portrait, ca. 1685 (Andrea Pozzo) (1642-1709) Chiesa del Gesù, Roma 29791685Self-Portrait, ca. 1685 (Godfried Schalken) (1643-1706) Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, No. 36829801685Self Portrait at 39 years old (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD29811685Self-Portrait, ca. 1685 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, DYCE.12&:1 29821685Charles de Marguetel de Saint Denis de Saint Evremon, ca. 1685 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Philip Mould Ltd., London29831685Mary II, Queen of England, ca. 1685 (after Wiliam Wissing) (1656-1687) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 606 29841685Tutor and Pupil, ca. 1685 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1756-1746) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 29851685James Douglas, 2nd Duke Queensberry, ca. 1685 (John Baptist de Medina) (1659-1710) Scottish National Portrait Gallery PG2045 29861685Johann Ambrosius Bach, 1685 (Johann David Herlicius) (??-1693) Location TBD 29871685A Man, ca. 1685 (Unknown Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 91.282.9 29881685Philipp Wilhelm Duke of Jülich-Berg, ca. 1685 (Unknown Artist) Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf 29891685A Man, possibly Friedrich Hoffman, ca. 1685 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 29901685Louis XIV before Strasbourg, ca. 1685 (attributed to Adam Frans van der Meulen) (1632-1690) Strasbourg Historical Museum60141685Laurence Hyde, 1st Earl of Rochester, 1685 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4033
60151685Shen Fu Tsung (Michael Alphonsius), 1685 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD60161685Doge of Venice has audience with Louis XIV at Versailles, 1685 CE, May 15th, by Claude Guy-Halle (1652-1736), Versailles, painted in 1715. 79531685Jan van Musschenbroek and His Wife ca. 1685-1688 by Pieter Cornelisz van Slingeland 1640-1691 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1981.13392241685Henry Purcell ca. 1685-1695 after John Closterman National Portrait Gallery London NPG 215099411685Gregorio Caraffa 1685-90 by Unknown Artist Wellcome Library99421685Jules Hardouin-Mansart 1685 by Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743) Louvre Inv 7510 99431685A Woman possibly Elisabeth Marguerite of Orleans, ca. 1685, attributed to Henri Gascard (1646-1696) GALERIE LAURY-BAILLY PARIS102621685135821686James II, King of England, 1686 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Location TBD 29911686Jean de la Fontaine, ca. 1685 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Location TBD29921686Maximilian William of Brunswick-Lüneburg, ca. 1686 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 29931686Recapture of Buda, 1686 CE, by Gyula Benczur (1844-1920), Hungarian National Gallery, painted in 1896. 79541686135811687A Man, ca. 1687 (Jacob Ferdinand Voet) (1639-1689) Christies Fine Art Auction, 200929951687Cornelis Tromp, ca. 1687 (David van der Plas) (1647-1704) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-1413 29961687Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, ca. 1685-1687 (William Wissing) (1656-1687) The Holburne Museum, Bath29971687A Woman, ca. 1687(William Wissing) (1656-1687) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.65.7 29981687Edmund Halley, ca. 1687 (Thomas Murray) (1663-1735) Location TBD29991687Frances Teresa Stuart, 1687 (William Wissing/ Jan Van der Vaart) (1656-1687/??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4996 60171687135801688Thomas Sydenham, 1688 (Mary Beale) (1633-1699) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3901 30001688William III of Orange, King of England, ca. 1688 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Philip Mould, Ltd., London 30011688Everhard Jabach, 1688 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln 30021688Louis de France, Grand Dauphin, 1688(Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 30031688A Religious Man 1688 by Nicolas Guerry REMI FREMIOT PARIS102551688135791689John Locke, 1689 (Herman Verelst) (1641-1690) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3846 30041689Elias Ashmole, ca. 1687-1689 (after John Riley) (1646-1691) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1602 30051689Sir Isaac Newton, ca. 1689 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD30061689Samuel Pepys, 1689 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London30071689William Hewer, 1689 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London30081689Vincent Bertin, 1689 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg 30091689Pierre Lepautre, 1689 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1965.1.035.P 30101689Robert Boyle, ca. 1689 (Johann Kerseboom) (fl. 1683-1708) Philip Mould, Ltd., Dover Street, London 30111689Anthony Leigh, 1689 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1280 60181689135781690Robert Colman, ca. 1690 (attributed to Mary Beale) (1633-1699) Tate Britain, London N0354630121690Self-Portrait, ca. 1690 (Claudio Coello) (1642-1693) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg 30131690Theresa Sobieski, ca. 1690 (François de Troy) (1645-1730) Location TBD30141690Richard Talbot, Earl of Tyrconnel, ca. 1690 (by or after François de Troy) (1645-1730) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1466 30151690Self-Portrait, ca. 1690 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 30161690Anthony Deane, ca. 1690 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 30171690Charles Beauclerk, ca. 1690 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.65.8 30181690Jean Racine, ca. 1690 (Jean-Baptiste Santerre) (1658-1717) Location TBD 30191690William Petyt, ca. 1690 (Richard van Bleek) (1670-1733) Location TBD 30201690Thomas Shadwell, ca. 1690 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London 4143 30211690 Françoise Marie de Bourbon, ca. 1692 (François de Troy) (1645-1730) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 30271690Mary II, Queen of England, 1690 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 405674 60191690Jean-Baptiste Racine ca. 1690 copy after Jean-Baptiste Santerre (1658-1717) Location TBD99491690135771691Anna Maria Luisa de Medici, ca. 1691 (Antonio Franchi) (1638-1709) Palazzo Pitti, Florence Inv. 1890, Nr. 2738 30221691David Melville, 3rd Earl of Leven, 1691 (Sir John Baptist de Medina) (1659-1710) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 152830231691Self Portrait at 32 years old, 1691 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3822 30241691Racine Reading Athalie Before Louis XIV and Madame de Maintenon, 1691, Julie Philipault103781691135761692Self-Portrait, ca. 1690-1692 (Pierre Puget) (1620-1694) Musée du Louvre, Paris 30251692Self-Portrait, ca. 1692 (Luca Giordano) (1632-1705) Pio Monte della Misericordia, Napoli 30261692135751693John Dryden, 1693 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2083 30281693Ferdinando de Medici, Grand Prince of Tuscany, ca. 1693 (Niccolò Cassana) (1659-1714) Location TBD 30291693Carl III Philipp, before 1694 (possibly by Pieter van der Werff)(1665-1722) Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf 30301693135741694 Self-Portrait, 1694 (Godfried Schalken) (1643-1706) Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum, Warwickshire 30311694Self-Portrait, ca. 1694 (copy after Jean-Baptiste Jouvenet) (1644-1717) Narodna galerija, Ljubljana 30321694A Gentleman, 1694 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_58930331694Cornelis Gerrit Fagel, 1694 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Location TBD30341694 Elisabeth Dierquens, 1694 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede 30351694Peter the Great, ca. 1694 (Pieter van der Werff) (1665-1722) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg 30361694Frederik Ruysch, 1694 (Juriaen Pool) (1665-1745) Universiteitsmuseum Amsterdam, 000.078 30371694Louis XIV, King of France (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée du Louvre, Paris60201694135731695Jules Hardouin Mansart, ca. 1695 (Francois de Troy) (1645-1730) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles30381695Thomas Betterton, ca. 1695 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 752 30391695The Artists Mother, ca. 1695 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Musée du Louvre, Paris 30401695Self-Portrait, ca. 1695 (Niccolò Cassana) (1659-1714) Location TBD 30411695Gian Gastone de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, ca. 1695 (attributed to Niccolò Cassana) (1659-1714) Location TBD 30421695Samuel Pepys, ca. 1695 (John Closterman) (1660-1711) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 2100 30431695Henry Purcell, ca. 1695 (by or after John Closterman) (1660-1711) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1352 30441695Louise Françoise de Bourbon, Légitimée de France, ca. 1695 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 30451695James Francis Edward Stuart; Louisa Maria Theresa Stuart, 1695 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 976 60231695The Black Nun of Moret 1695 by Unknown French School Location TBD99481695Charles II, ca. 1695, by Paul Strude (1648-1708) Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (Photo by Robb)101351695Portrait of a Gentleman in a Blue Robe, ca. 1695, attributed to John Closterman (1660-1711) Nick Cox, Period Portraits, London and North Yorkshire, SOLD 101771695135721696Olof Rudbeck the Elder, 1696 (Martin Mijtens the Elder) (1648-1736) Uppsala University30461696A Woman, 1696 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 3:194330471696A Woman, possibly Madame Claude Lambert de Thorigny, 1696 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 03.37.230481696A Man, 1696 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 77.40930491696 Hedwig Elisabeth of Neuburg, Princess Sobieski, 1696 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf30501696John Locke, 1696 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5385 30511696Bainbrigg Buckeridge, 1696 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6521 30521696Self-Portrait, 1696 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Christies Sale London 11/2/2001 30531696Constantin Brancoveanu Prince of Wallachia 1696 Mt Sinai Monastery99471696135711697A Man, 1697 (Jacob van Oost the Younger) (1639-1713) Groeningemuseum, Brugge 30541697Lambert de Vermont, ca. 1697 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA M.1982.6.1.P30551697A Girl with Parrot 1697 by Continental School, Ahlers and Ogletree Auction Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia Jan 12 2019103091697135701698Thomas Papillon, 1698 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5188 30561698Self-Portrait, 1698 (Jean Baptiste de Medina) (1659-1910) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 1555
30571698Self Portrait at 39 years old, 1698 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Location TBD30581698William Dampier, 1698 (Thomas Murray) (1663-1735) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 53830591698Morning of the Streltsy Execution, 1698, by Vasily Surikov (1848-1916) Location TBD, painted in 1881.79551698S.E., 1698, Venetian School, Sotheby's Paris September 24, 2024, Lot 55. 105251698135691699Two Actresses, 1699 (Jean-Baptiste Santerre) (1658-1717) Location TBD30601699Violante Beatrice of Bavaria, ca. 1699 (Niccoló Cassana) Museo Stibbert, Firenze 30611699Self-Portrait with his wife Margaretha van Rees, 1699 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam30621699Hans Willem Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland, ca. 1699(Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Location TBD 30631699Self-Portrait, 1699 (François Desportes) (1661-1743) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV. 389960241699135681700Rachel Ruysch, ca. 1700 (Godfried Schalken) (1643-1706) Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum, Gloucestershire 30641700A Man, possibly Henry Sidney, Earl of Romney, ca. 1700 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1722 30651700Matthew Prior, 1700 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD Trinity College Cambridge?30661700George Byng, 1st Viscount Torrington, ca. 1700 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich30671700Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend, ca. 1700 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 136330681700Cosimo III de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, ca. 1700 (Jan Frans van Douven) (1656-1727) International Auctioneers, Zürich, Sale 6063, Lot 8 30691700A Man, ca. 1700 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 30701700Marie-Anne Mancini, duchesse de Bouillon (présumé) , ca. 1700 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Musée du Louvre, Paris, RF1942-26 30711700Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, 1700 (Francesco Trevisani) (1656-1746) The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, Durham 30721700Louis de France, Duke of Burgundy, 1700 (Josef Vivien) (1657-1734) Musée du Louvre, Paris, Inv. 33288 30731700Anna Maria Luisa de Medici, ca. 1700 (Niccolò Cassana) (1659-1714) Location TBD 30741700Pierre Drevet, ca. 1700 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon30751700A Magistrate, ca. 1700 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 50.188 30761700Charles Calvert, 3rd Baron Baltimore (John Closterman) (1660-1711) Location TBD 30771700Mrs. Augustus Jay, ca. 1700 (attrib. Gerrit Duyckinck) (1660-1712) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1970.283.5 30781700A Man, ca. 1700 (Pieter van der Werff) (1665-1722) Private Collection 30791700Self-Portrait, ca. 1700 (Giuseppe Maria Crespi) (1665-1747) State Hermitage Musuem, St. Petersburg 30801700Sir John Holt, ca. 1700 (Richard van Bleeck) (1670- ca. 1748) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 310130811700Charles Antoine Coysevox, ca. 1700 (Gilles Allou) (1670-1751) Location TBD 30821700Gottfried Wilhelm Liebniz, ca. 1700 (Bernhard Christ off Francke) (??-1729) Herzog-Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig 30831700A Young Man, ca. 1700 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 136530841700Élisabeth Charlotte de Orléans, ca. 1700 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD30851700Arcangelo Corelli, ca. 1700 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 30871700Robert de Cotte, ca. 1701 (Joseph Vivien) (1657-1734) Musée du Louvre, Paris, Sully Wing, Section 42 30901700John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, 1700 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5470 60391700Philippe de France (Bourbon) is proclaimed King of Spain as Philip V, November 16th, 1700, by François Pascal Simon Gerard (1770-1837) Location TBD.79561700Man with Monkey ca. 1700 by Unknown Artist Neapolitan Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 46999501700Self-Portrait ca. 1700 by Marcellus Laroon the Elder (1653-1702) Yale Center for British Art New Haven B1981.25.40799521700Charles Hawtrey, ca. 1700, by Jonathan Richardson (1667-1745)
Nick Cox Period Portraits, London, **Recently Sold**102231700Francois d'Aubusson duc de la feuillade portant l'ordre du saint espirit, ca. 1700 by Ecole Francais AuctionFr, Versailles, France, 7 May, 2018. 102861700A Lady, said to be Dorothy Amherst, ca. 1700 (English School) Sotheby's Online Sale, February 4, 2020, Lot 639104911700135671701John Wallis, 1701 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 578 30881701François Girardon, 1701 (Joseph Vivien) (1657-1734) Musée du Louvre, Paris30891701Mrs. Haire, 1701 (Michael Dahl) (1657-1743) Tate Britain, London T06499 30911701Fisher Harding, 1701 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London30921701Louis XIV at 63 years old, ca. 1701 (possibly by Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Location TBD30931701Louis XIV, 1701 (Hyancinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV. 7492
60401701Louis XIV, 1701 (Hyancinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 60411701Louis XIV Bourbon King of France 1701 by Hyancinthe Rigaud 1659-1743 Musee du Louvre Paris INV. 749289631701Louis XIV Bourbon King of France 1701 by Hyancinthe Rigaud 1659-1743 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid89641701135661702Isaac Newton at 59 years old, ca. 1702 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD30941702Charles Dartiquenave, 1702 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3239 30951702Phillippe de Courcillon, 1702 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles30961702Queen Anne of England, ca. 1702 (studio of John Closterman) (1660-1711) National Portrait Gallery, NPG 215 30971702Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, 1702 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée du Louvre, Paris 60511702Jacques-Benigne Bossuet 1702 by Hyacinthe Rigaud 1659-1743 Musee du Louvre Paris89651702135651703La Belle Strasbourgeoise, 1703 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1656-1746) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg
30981703Thomas Britton, 1703 (John Wollaston) (ca. 1672-1749) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 523 30991703Sir John Chardin, ca. 1703 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5161 31001703135641704Thomas Osborne 1st Duke of Leeds 1704 Johann Keerseboom and Jan van der Vaart National Portrait Gallery London NPG 571889661704Dr. Raymond Finot, 1704 (Jean Baptiste Jouvenet) (1644-1717) Musée du Louvre, Paris 31011704Algernon Capel, 2nd Earl of Essex, ca. 1704 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD
31021704Self-Portrait, 1704 (Jean-Baptiste Santerre) (1658-1717) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles31031704A Young Girl, 1704 (Thomas van der Wilt) (1659-1733) The Weiss Gallery, London31041704Charles Antoine Coysevox, 1704 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Château de Parentignat, Auvergne 31051704Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux, 1704 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 31061704Claude Louis Hector de Villars, Marshall General of France, 1704 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles, MV 2958 31071704John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, 1704 (Adriaen van der Werff) (1659-1722) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze35251704Charles Townshend, ca. 1704 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 362360861704Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds, 1704 (Johann Keerseboom and Jan van der Vaart) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5718 60871704Battle of Blenheim - Duke of Marlborough delivers dispatch to wife Sarah Churchill, 1704 CE, August 13, by Robert Alexander Hillingford (1825-1904).79581704Marin Marais 1704 by Andre Bouys Location TBD 99511704135631705Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia, ca. 1700-1710 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD30861705A Woman, possibly Elizabeth Felton, Lady Hervy, ca. 1705 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) Location TBD
31081705Prince George of Denmark, Duke of Cumberland, ca. 1705 (by or after Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 416331091705A Young Man, ca. 1705 (John Closterman) (1660-1711) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1261
31101705François de Troy, ca. 1705 (Alexis Simon Belle) (1674-1734) Location TBD
31111705Marie Adélaïde of Savoy, Duchess of Burgundy, ca. 1705 (Unknown Artist) Galleria Sabaudo, Torino
31121705Cosimo III de Medici, ca. 1705 (Unknown Artist) Museo della Basilica di Santa Maria, INV1890 n. 2516 31131705Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of Godolphin, ca. 1706 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5719 31141705Queen Anne, ca. 1705 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 6187 60891705Queen Anne ca. 1705 Michael Dahl 1659-1743 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 618789671705A Woman ca. 1705 Michael Dahl 1659-1743 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 56.224.189681705135621706Charles Lennox, 1st Duke of Richmond and Lennox, ca. 1706 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3221
31151706Charles IV, Duke of Mantua, ca. 1706 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles
31161706Carlo Ruzzini Doge of Venice 1706 by Gregorio Lazzarini 1655-1730 Sothebys September 200389591706135611707Charles Mohun, 4th Baron Mohun, 1707 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3218 31171707Sir Samuel Garth, ca. 1707 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3208 31181707Self-Portrait, 1707 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.31191707Rachel Chiesley, Lady Grange, ca. 1707 (Sir John Baptist Medina) (1659-1710) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 235 31201707Thomas Corneille at 81 years 6 months old, 1707 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Location TBD 31211707Self-Portrait, 1707 (Jan Kupecky) (1667-1740) Schwarzenberský palác, Praha 31221707Charles III of Habsburg ca. 1707 Francesco Solimena 1657-1743 Private Collection89691707135601708Thomas Corneille, ca. 1708 (Jean-Baptiste Jouvenet) (1644-1717) Location TBD 31231708James Craggs the Younger, ca. 1708 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1134 31241708James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope, ca. 1708 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3225 31251708Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de Toulouse, 1708 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 31261708Antoine Coypel, ca. 1705-8 (Alexis Grimou) (1678-1733) Musée des beaux-arts, Rouen 31271708Johann Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg and Anna Maria Luisa ca. 1708 Jan Franz Van Douven 1656-1727 Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze Inv. 1890 Nr. 273889701708135591709William Congreve, ca. (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 31281709William Congreve, 1709 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG3199 31291709Evelyn Pierrepont, 1st Duke of Kingston, 1709 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 321331301709John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, 1709 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3219 31311709Philippe II, duc de Orléans, ca. 1709 (Jean-Baptiste Santerre) (1658-1717) Location TBD 31321709Guilford Killigrew 1709 by John Closterman 1660-1711 Sothebys December 5 2013 Lot 19489611709Jean Berain, 1709, by Claude Duflos 101411709135581710John Vanbrugh, 1710 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London 31331710John Tidcomb, ca. 1705-1710 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 322931341710Anne Churchill, Countess of Sunderland, ca. 1710(Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 803 Countesses 31351710Marguerite Becaille, 1710 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Private Collection 31361710Joseph Clemens, Elector of Bavaria, ca. 1710 (Josef Vivien) (1657-1735) Location TBD 31371710A Man, 1710 (Jan Kupecky) (1667-1740) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien 31381710A Woman, ca. 1710 (circle of Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) Christies Auction House, Sale 4334, Lot 342 31391710Self-Portrait, 1710 (Johan Rudolf Huber) (1668-1746) Kunstmuseum Basel 31401710Jonathan Swift, 1710 (Charles Jervas) (1675-1739) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4407 31411710Henry Sacheverell, 1710 (Thomas Gibson) (1680-1751) Location TBD 31421710Mary Josephine Drummond, Condesa de Castelblanco, ca. 1710 (attributed to Jean-Baptiste Oudry) (1686-1755) The Huntington , San Marino CA31431710Queen Maria Luisa of Spain, Princess of Savoy, ca. 1710 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 31441710A Man, possibly Lord Chamberlain of Montargu (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Gal. Nr. 75866931710Battle of Villaviciosa - Philip V and Louis-Joseph, Duke of Vendome, are victorious over Count Guido Starhemberg, 1710, December 10th, by Jean Alaux (1786-1864), Versailles, painted in 1836.79591710William Cowper ca. 1710 by Jonathan Richardson 1667-1745 National Portrait Gallery London 73689771710Self-Portrait possibly with Family ca. 1710 by Nicolas de Largilliere 1656-1746 Musee du Louvre Paris M.I. 108592251710Antoine Houdar de la Motte 1672-1731 1710 by Unknown Artist Location TBD99531710Marie Armande Victoire de La Tremouille ca. 1710 by Jean Marc Nattier (1685-1766) Location TBD99551710Self-Portrait ca. 1710 by Carlo Maratta Palazzo Buonaccorsi99571710Louise Francoise de Bourbon as Cleopatra ca. 1710 by Francois de Troy (1645-1730) Location TBD99591710Woman with Turban ca. 1710 by Antoine Pesne (1683-1757) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 77799601710135571711Richard Steele, 1711 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 31451711Sir Christopher Wren, 1711 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 113 31461711Abraham Stanyan, ca. 1710-1711 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3226 31471711Self-Portrait, 1711 (Adam Manyoki) (1673-1757) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest 31481711Self-Portrait, 1711 (William Aikman) (1682-1731) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 309 31491711Giuseppe Mansi 1711 by Lucca Private Collection99581711135561712Prince Eugene of Savoy, 1712 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Private Collection 31501712Henry Compton, ca. 1712 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 2952 31511712Thomas Parker, 1st Earl of Macclesfield, 1712 (after Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 799 31521712Sir Richard Steele, 1712 (Jonathan Richardson) (1654-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5067 31531712Sir Richard Steele, 1712 (Jonathan Richardson) (1654-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 160 31541712Nicolas Coustou, 1712 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1656-1746) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 31551712Count Sinzendorf, 1712 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 31561712Louis XV, future King of France, ca. 1712 (Pierre Gobert) (1662-1744) Museu Sa Bassa Blanca - Fundación Yannick y Ben Jakober, Mallorca 31571712Sir Isaac Newton, ca. 1709-1712 (James Thornhill) (1676-1734) Woolsthorpe Manor, Lincolnshire 31581712135551713Marquis de Havrincourt, ca. 1713 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1965.1.034.P 31591713Elisabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, Duchess of Orléans, 1713 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1657-1743) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles31601713A Man, possibly Matthew Prior, 1713 (attributed to Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3682 31611713Robert de Cotte, 1713 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Musée du Louvre, Paris MI 232 31621713Grand Duchess Yelizaveta Petrovna, ca. 1712-1713” (Ivan Nikitich Nikitin) (1680-1742) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 31631713Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia 1713 by Samuel Theodore Gericke (1665-1730) Location TBD99541713135541714George I, Elector of Hanover/King of England, 1714 (after Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bt) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 488 31641714François de Gontaut, Duc de Biron, 1714 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1656-1746) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1981.283 31651714James Butler, 2nd Duke of Ormonde, 1714 (attributed to Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 78 31661714Sir William Wyndham, ca. 1713-1714 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4447 31671714Self-Portrait, ca. 1714 (Nicolas Vleughels) (1668-1737) Musée du Louvre, Paris 31681714A Boy ca. 1714 Nicolas de Largilliere 1656-1746 The J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 71.PA.6989731714135531715Thomas Hopkins, ca. 1715 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3212 31691715Charles Mordaunt 3rd Earl Peterborough, ca. 1715 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5867 31701715Lady Mary Berkeley, ca. 1715 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 96.30.6 31711715Maria Taylor Byrd, ca. 1700-1725 (s.o. Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 25.108 31721715King George I of England, ca. 1715 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT31731715Self-Portrait, ca. 1715 (Jan Frans van Douven) (1656-1727) Museum Kunstpalast,Düsseldorf 31741715An Officer, ca. 1714-1715 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 31751715Pierre Joseph Titon de Cogny, 1715 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Private Collection 31761715Jeanne Cecile de Guay Montgermon, 1715 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Cincinatti Art Museum, OH31771715Augustus III of Poland, 1715 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Location TBD 31781715A Man, ca. 1715(Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nîmes, IP 1299 31791715Joseph Jekyll at 52 years old, 1715 (circle of Jonathan Richardson) (1665-1745) Bonhams Auction House 31801715Lothar Franz von Schonborn, 1715 (Christian Schilbach) (1668-1741) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln 31811715A Woman, possibly Dorothy, Viscountess Tounsend, ca. 1715 (studio of Charles Jervas) (1675-1739) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2506 31821715Self-Portrait with sister, 1715 (Rosalba Carriera) (1675-1757) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 31831715Zarewitsch Alexeij Petrowitsch, ca. 1715 (Johann Gottfired Tannauer) (1680-1733) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 31841715William Kent, ca. 1715 (William Aikman) (1682-1731) Government Art Collection, London 31851715Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Luneberg, ca. 1715 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 31861715Johann Wilhelm, Elector of the Palatinate, ca. 1715 (Unknown Artist) Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, München 31871715Elisabeth Farnese with Infante Carlos III, 1716 (Miguel Jacinto Melendez) (1679-1734) Location TBD 31891715Louis XV King of France ca. 1715 Hyacinthe Rigaud 1659-1743 Musee National du Chateau et des Trianons Versailles89741715135521716Sir John Rushout, 4th Baronet, 1716 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 31881716Dom Louis Baudouin du Basset, 1716 (Jean Restout) (1692-1768) Musée des Beaux-Arts Rouen Inv. 851.7 31901716A Gentleman, 1716 (Cornelis Troost) (1697-1750) Private Collection 31911716Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine, ca. 1716 (Jan Franz van Douven) (??-??) Location TBD 31921716Caroline of Ansbach 1716 after Sir Godfrey Kneller 1646-1723 National Portrait Gallery London NPG529 89711716Mademoiselle de La Fosse, 1716, Nicolas de Largilliere (1656-1746) DIDIER AARON NY PARIS LONDON102251716135511717Jacob Tonson I, 1717 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3230 31931717Humphrey Wanley, 1717 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 579 31941717William Pulteney, 1st Earl of Bath, 1717 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3194 31951717Richard Lumley, 2nd Earl of Scarbrough, 1717 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 31961717John Law, ca. 1717 (attributed to Alexis Simon Belle) (1674-1734) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 191 31971717Self-Portrait, ca. 1717 (Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini) (1675-1741) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5699 31981717Catherine I of Russia, 1717 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 31991717Eugene of Savoy captures Belgrade, 1717 CE, August 16th, by Jan van Huchtenburg (1647-1733) Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin, painted in 1720.79601717Elihu Yale 1717 by Enoch Seeman the Younger 1694-1744 Yale Art Gallery89721717The Dowager Electress Palatine in Mourning 1717 by Jan Frans van Douven 1656-1727 Location TBD89761717135501718Voltaire, 1718 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles32001718Louise-Élisabeth de Bourbon, Princess of Conti, ca. 1718 (Pierre Gobert) (1662-1744) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 32011718A Young Woman, 1718 (Johannes Vollevens) (1649-1728) The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, Durham 32021718Matthew Prior, ca. 1718 (Thomas Hudson, after Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 91 32031718Eugene, Prince of Savoy, 1718 (Jacob van Schuppen) (1670-1751) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-37332041718Nicholas Rowe, ca. 1718 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1512 32051718Alexander Danilovich Menshikovca, ca. 1718 (Unknown Artist) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 32061718Carrying home the body of Swedish King Charles XII after being shot in the head while inspecting trenches at Fredriksten, November 30th, 1718, O.S., by Gustaf Cederstrom (1845-1933) Location TBD.79611718Peter the Great interrogating the Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, February 18th, 1718, by Nikolai Ge (1831-1894) painted in 1871, Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.79621718A Soldier of the Riesengarde Friedrich Wilhelm I ca. 1718-1719 Johann Christof Merk died 1726 Deutschen Historischen Museum Berlin89751718135491719Princess Maria Clementina Sobieska, 1719 (Francesco Trevisani) (1656-1746) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 886 32071719Joseph Addison, 1719 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 714 32081719Niklaus Tscharner, 1719 (Johan Rudolf Huber) (1668-1748) Schloss Jegenstorf, Bern Canton, Switzerland 32091719Anna Catharina Herport, 1719(Johan Rudolf Huber) (1668-1748) Dorotheum Auction House 32101719135481720Sir Jonathan Trelawny, 3rd Bt, 1720 (Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5855 32111720Charles Townshend, ca. 1715-1720 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 175532121720Prince Joseph Wenzel I von Liechtenstein, 1720 (Francesco Solimena) (1657-1747) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien GE1209 32131720Henri Louis de la Tour de Auvergne, ca. 1720 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 59.11932141720A Man, 1720 (Theodorus Netscher) (1661-1728) Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 32151720Self-Portrait, 1720 (Giovanna Fratellini) (1666-1731) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 32161720Sir Patrick Hume, 1st Earl of Marchmont, 1720 (William Aikman) (1682-1731) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 3540 32171720John Gay, ca.1720 (William Aikman) (1682-1731) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 718 32181720Prince James Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender, ca. 1720 (Antonio David) (1684-1750) The Weiss Gallery, London32201720Self-Portrait, 1720 (Cristoforo Terzi) (1692-1743) Location TBD 32211720Peter King 1st Baron of Ockham 1720 Daniel de Coning 1660-1725 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 47089791720Old Woman ca. 1720 by Balthasar Denner (1685-1749) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 387499611720Gentleman ca. 1720 by Christian Friedrich Zincke Sothebys The Duchess Sale May 27-28 2015 Lot 33799631720Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg ca. 1720 by Antonio Guardi Ca Rezzonico99641720Paul Crespin, ca. 1720, by an Unknown Artist, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, P.29-1985
105451720Charles VI Hapsburg, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1720, BY Jan Kupecky (1667-1740) National Museum, Warsaw M.Ob 1904105471720Self-Portrait, ca. 1720, by Jacob von Schuppen (1670-1751) Dorotheum, Vienna 105501720Self Portrait, ca. 1720, attributed to Francesco Conti (1682-1760) Location TBD106381720135471721Alexander Pope, ca. 1721 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD 32231721Antoine Watteau, 1721 (Rosalbe Carriera) (1675-1757) Museo Civico Luigi Bailo, Treviso32241721Pope Innocent XIII, ca. 1721 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 46941721135461722Elisabeth Farnese, Princess of Parma, Queen of Spain, ca. 1722 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 32251722Allan Ramsay, poet, 1720 (William Aikman) (1682-1731) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 973 32261722Annointing of Louis XV at Notre Dame, October 25th, 1722, by Pierre Subleyras (1699-1749) Musée des Augustins Toulouse.79631722135451723John Arbuthnot, 1723 (Sir Godfrey Kneller) (1646-1723) Location TBD32271723Charles de Saint-Albin. Archbishop of Cambrai, 1723 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) J. Pau l Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 88.PA136 32281723Albrecht Friedrich von Erlach, 1723 (Robert Gardelle) (1682-1766) Private Collection 32291723Ursula Freudenreich, née Fischer, 1723 (Johann Rudolf Huber) (1668-1748) Koller Auktionen, Zürich, September 22, 2000, Lot 123 32301723Jean Mariette, Engraver, 1723 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Musée Carnavalet, Paris32311723Maria Barbara de Braganza, ca. 1723 (Domenico Dupra) (1689-1770) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 32321723David le Marchand, ca. 1723 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 6142 32331723Ferdinand VI of Spain ca. 1723 Jean Ranc 1674-1735 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid89801723The Seat of Justice in the Parliament of Paris - Louix XV, 1723, February 22nd, by Nicolas Lancret103911723The Seat of Justice in the Parliament of Paris with Louis XV, February 22nd, 1723, by Nicolas Lancret (1690-1743)103981723135441724Prince Ferenc Rákóczi II, 1724 (Adam Manyoki) (1673-1757) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest32361724Louis I, King of Spain, 1724 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 32371724Luca Carlevarijs, 1724 (Bartolomeo Nazari) (1699-1758) Location TBD 32381724Ottoman Sultan Ahmed III receives the French ambassador Vicomte d'Andrezel, October 17th, 1724, painted by Jean Baptiste Vanmour (1671-1737) painted in 1724, Musée des Beaux Arts de Bordeaux.79641724Charles III future bourbon King of Spain ca1724 by Jean Ranc 1674-1735 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid P02334 89781724Mariana Victoria of Spain 1724 by Nicolas de Largilliere Location TBD 89821724135431725Grafen Konrad Detlef von Dehn, 1724 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig, Inv. GG 521 32341725Antoine Paris, Conseiller de Etat, 1724 (Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1965.1.054.P 32351725Self-Portrait, ca. 1725 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1656-1746) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 32391725John Hay of Cromlix, Earl of Inverness, ca. 1725 (Francesco Trevisani) (1646-1756) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, PG 363 32401725Lady Inverness, Mrs. John Hay, ca. 1725 (Francesco Trevisani) (1646-1756) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, PGL 2310 32411725Giovanni Secco Suardi with Servant, ca 1725 (Fra Galgario) (1655-1743) Museo della Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 32421725A Man, ca. 1725 (Joseph Vivien) (1657-1734) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 97.PC.72 P 32431725Self-Portrait, 1725 (Charles Jervas) (1675-1739) Location TBD32441725Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke, ca. 1725 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1493 32451725Richard West, ca. 1725 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1732461725Edward Harley, 2nd Earl of Oxford, ca. 1725 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 80832471725Charles de Bourbon, future Carlos III of Spain, ca. 1725 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Palacio Real de Madrid 32481725María Ana Victoria de Bourbon, future Queen of Portugal, ca. 1725 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, PO2336 32491725Sir John Clerk of Penicuik (William Aikman) (1682-1731) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 1355 32501725Self-Portrait, ca. 1725 (Christian Seybold) (1690-1768) Szépmüvészeti Museum, Budapest32511725Simon Hurtrelle, ca. 1725 (Gustaf Lundberg) (1695-1786) Location TBD 32521725Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1725 (circle of Johann Gottfried Auerbach) (1697-1753) Location TBD 32531725A Lady, ca. 1720-1725 (attributed to Schuyler Limner) (fl.1715-1725) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1977.135 32541725Isaac Watts, ca. 1720-1735 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 26432551725A Young Gentleman a member of the Wade family ca 1725 by Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757) JEAN LUC BARONI LTD, PARIS102271725135421726Daniel Finch, 2nd Earl of Nottingham, ca. 1726 (attributed to Jonathan Richardson) (1664-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3622 32561726Gottfried Reiche, ca. 1726 (Elias Gottlob Haussmann) (1695-1774) Location TBD 32571726135411727André François Alloys de Theys de Herculais, 1727 (Nicolas de Largilliere) (1656-1746) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1973.311.4 32581727Alexander Pope, 1727 (Michael Dahl) (1659-1743) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4132 32591727Anne Hatton, Countess of Winchilsea, 1727 (attributed to Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3622a32601727Thomas Carter, Master of The Rolls, ca. 1727 (Charles Jervas) (ca. 1675-1739) Private Collection32611727George Frideric Handel, ca. 1727 (attributed to Balthasar Denner) (1685-1749) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1976 32621727Thomas Fermor, 1st Earl of Pomfret, ca. 1720-1730 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) Private Collection 32631727Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, 1727 (Andreas Moller) (??-??) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_2073 32641727George II, King of England, ca. 1727 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 32651727Louis Henri de Bourbon, Prince de Condé, Prime Minister of France ca. 1727 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 32661727Caroline Wilhelmina of Brandenburg-Ansbach 1727 studio of Charles Jervas 1675-1739 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 36989811727135401728Self-Portrait, 1728 (Alexis Grimou) (1678-1733) Musée Magnin, Dijon, 1938 F 471 32671728A Girl with Pigeons, 1728 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden Gemäldegalerie 32681728Stanislaw Leszczynski, King of Poland, 1728 (Jean-Baptiste van Loo) (1687-1745) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 32691728Maria Theresa at 11 years old, ca. 1728 (Andreas Moller) (1684-1762) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_2115 32701728Self-Portrait at 30 years old, 1728 (Paul Troger) (1698-1762) Tiroler Landesmuseum, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck 32711728Self-Portrait, 1728 (Richard Waitt) (??-1732) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 2142 32721728Self-Portrait 1728 by Antoine Pesne (1683-1757) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 77599621729Elizabeth Throckmorton, ca. 1729 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 32731729Barthélemy-Jean-Claude Pupil, ca. 1729 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA 32741729Marguerite de Sève, 1729 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA32751729André-Hercule de Fleury, Bishop of Fréjus, ca. 1729 (studio of Hyacinthe Rigaud) (1659-1743) The National Gallery, London, NG903 32761729Self-Portrait, 1729 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 706 32771729Francis Brinley, 1729 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 62.79.1 32781729Mrs. Francis Brinley and Son, 1729 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 62.79.2 32791729Judge Samuel Sewall at 78 years old, 1729 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 58.358 32801729David Leeuw, 1729 (Jan Maurits Quinkhardt) (1688-1772) Rijksmuseum Twenthe inv. br. 211032811729Preparation du feu dartifice place Navone, 1729, September 4th, by Pannini Louvre INV 415 02.103791730A Man, ca. 1730 (Fra Galgario) (1655-1743) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 32821730Antonio Farnese, Duke of Parma, ca. 1730 (attributed to Giovanni Maria delle Piano) (1660-1745) Location TBD 32831730A Woman, ca. 1730 (Maria Verelst) (1680-1744) Sothebys Auction House 32841730Countess Anna Katarina Orzelska, ca. 1630 (Rosalba Carriera) (1675-1757) Location TBD 32851730Bishop George Berkeley, ca.1730 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 653 32861730Nathaniel Byfield, 1730 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.109.87 32871730Vincenzo Querini, ca. 1730 (Bartolomeo Nazari) (1693-1758) Museo Correr, Venezia 32881730A Woman, ca. 1730 (James Latham) (1696-1747) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien GG_6231 32891730A Man ca. 1730 (Unknown Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 20.2832901730Ludwig Rudolf of Braunschweig-Luneberg, ca. 1730 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 32911730Louis XV Bourbon King of France ca. 1730 by Hyacinthe Rigaud 1659-1743 Location TBD89861730Karl III Philipp von der Pfalz 1730 Johan Philipp van der Schlichten 1681-1745 Kurphalzisches Museum der Stadt Heidelberg89871730Queen Marie Leszczynska of France and Son 1730 by Alexis Simon Belle Location TBD89981730Lady Elizabeth Howard in costume ca. 1730 by George Knapton Location TBD99661730Robert Le Lorrain ca. 1730 by Hubert Drouais 1699-1767 Louvre INV 410699681730135371731Self-Portrait, ca. 1731 (Francesco Solimena) (1657-1747) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze, Inv. 1758 32921731Maria Teresa Antonia Bourbon, ca. 1731 (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 32931731Gustavus Hamilton in Masquerade, ca. 1730-1731 (Rosalba Carriera) (1675-1757) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2002.2232941731Benjamin Lynde Sr., 1731 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Huntington, San Marino, CA32951731135361732Samuel Kupfer, 1732 (Johann Rudolf Huber) (1668-1748) Bernisches Historisches Museum 32961732A Young Lady, 1732 (attributed to Pieter Vanderlyn) (1687-1778) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 62.256.1 32971732Hannah Gardiner, Mrs. James MacSparran ca. 1732 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 88.28932981732Bonnie Prince Charlie, 1732 (Antonio David) (1689-1750) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 887 32991732Prince Henry Benedict Clement Stuart, 1732 (Antonio David) (1689-1750) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 888 33001732Samuell Egerton, 1732 (Bartolomeo Nazari) (1693-1758) Museo Correr, Venezia 33011732Philippe Coypel, ca. 1732 (Charles-Antoine Coypel) (1694-1752) Musée du Louvre, London33021732Self-Portrait, ca. 1732 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Location TBD 33031732Diego Pignatelli d'Aragona ca. 1732 Francesco Solimena 1657-1747 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 67.10289881732Daniel Peter and Andrew Oliver 1732 by John Smibert 1688-1751 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 53.95292261732The Strong Family ca. 1732 by Charles Philips 1708-1747 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 44.15992271732135351733George Vertue, ca. 1733 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 576 33041733A Man, possibly John Gay, ca. 1733 (attributed to Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 33051733George Friedrich Handel, 1733 (Balthasar Denner) (1685-1749) Location TBD33061733A Man, possibly Richard Salwey, 1733 (Andrea Soldi) (ca. 1703-1771) Christies Fine Art Auction, Sale 8007 33071733Ayuba Suleiman Diallo, Job ben Solomon, 1733 (William Hoare) (ca. 1707-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG L245 33081733George Byng 1st VisCount Torrington by Jeremiah Davison 1733 attributed to Jeremiah Davison 1695-1745 National Portrait Gallery London 14 89851733Karl III Philipp von der Pfalz ca. 1733 J. Ph. van der Schlichten 1681-1745 Location TBD89891733Mademoiselle de Clermont Sultane 1733 by Jean-Marc Nattier 1685-1766 The Wallace Collection London89901733Frederick Prince of Wales and His Sisters ca. 1733 by Philip Mercier 1689-1760 National Portrait Gallery London 155692281733135341734Sir James Thornhill, ca. 1730-34 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3962 33091734Maria Barbara de Braganza, ca. 1734 (Jean Ranc) (1674-1735) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 33101734Hannah Pemberton, ca. 1734 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.51 33111734James Oglethorpe presents Tomo-chi-chi and other Yamacraws to the Georgia Trustees, July 3rd, 1734 by William Verelst (1704–1752) painted in 1734, Location TBD.79651734The Welcome by the Mayors of Rotterdam of William IV, Prince of Orange and his Consort Anne of Great Britain, 1734, by Jacob Spoel (1820-1868) painted in 1867, Museum Boijmans, Rotterdam. 11821 (MK)105661734135331735A Young Man, ca. 1735 (Jean-Simeon Chardin) (1699-1779) Musée du Louvre, London R.F. 170633201735A Man, ca. 1735 (Unknown English Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 46.6032221735A Young Artist, ca. 1735 (Giuseppe Ghislandi) (1655-1743) University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tuscon Kress Collection 1961.013.017 33121735Louise Madeleine Bertin, Countess of Montchall, ca. 1735 (Nicolas de Largillière) (1656-1746) Location TBD 33131735Chancellor Florius Senesius, ca. 1730-1740 (Giuseppe Maria Crespi) (1665-1747) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 45.101 33141735A Woman of the de Hervart Family, ca. 1635 (Johann Rudolf Huber) (1668-1748) Nostell Priory, West Yorkshire 33151735Pope Clement XII, ca. 1735 (Agostino Masucci) (1691-1758) Location TBD 33161735Caroline of Ansbach, ca. 1735 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 406035 33171735Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1735 (attributed to Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Location TBD 33181735Self-Portrait, ca. 1735 (William Hogarth) (1697-1764) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1981.25.360 33191735Mariana Victoria of Spain, Princess of Brazil, ca. 1735 (circle of Johann Georg Ziesenis) (1716-1777) Location TBD 33221735Johann Joachim Quantz, 1735 (Johann Friedrich Gerhard) (??-1754) Neues Schloss Bayreuth, Friestaat Bayern 33231735Karl I von Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel, ca. 1735 (Unknown Artist) Schloss Molsdorf, Freistaat Thüringen, TSG 18-23 33241735Francesco Durante, ca. 1735 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 33251735Admiral Sir John Norris, ca. 1735 (George Knapton) (1698-1778) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK, BHC2912 36081735Francesco Geminiani, ca. 1735 (Andrea Soldi) (ca. 1703-1771) The Foundling Museum, London36091735William Capell, 3rd Earl of Essex, ca. 1735 (attributed to George Knapton) Watford Museum, Hertfordshire36101735Caroline Wilhelmina of Brandenburg-Ansbach 1735 by Jacopo Amigoni 1682-1752 National Portrait Gallery London 4332 89831735A Child of the Pierpont Family ca. 1735 Unknown Artist Museum of Fine Arts Boston 42.10289911735Karl VI 1735 by Johann Gottfried Auerbach 1685-1740 Location TBD Charles 89971735A Conversation of Virtuosis at the Kings Arms ca. 1735 by Gawen Hamilton 1698-1737 National Portrait Gallery London 138492291735Elizabeth Carter as Minerva ca. 1735-1741 By John Fayram (fl. 1727-1743) National Portrait Gallery London NPG L24299651735135321736Alexander Pope, ca. 1736 (attributed to Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 24.19 33261736Sir Hans Sloane, Bt., ca. 1736 (Stephen Slaughter) (1697-1765) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 569 33271736Jeronimus Tonneman and his Son 1736 Cornelis Troost 1697-1750 National Gallery of Ireland Dublin89921736135311737Francesco Maria Bruntino, 1737 (Fra Galgario) (1655-1743) Museo della Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 33281737Alexander Pope, ca. 1737 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1179 33291737Maria Jozefa Hapsburg, 1737 (Louis de Silvestre) (1675-1760) Location TBD33301737Augustus III of Poland, ca. 1737(Louis de Silvestre) (1675-1760) Lviv Art Gallery 33311737John Turner, 1737 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 18.663 33321737Judge Edmund Quincy, 1737 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 76.348 33331737Self-Portrait with profile of Elisabeth Christine, mother of Marie Antoinette, 1737 (Johann Gottfired Auerbach) (1697-1752) Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien 33341737Philibert Orry de Vignory, ca. 1737 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée du Louvre, Paris 33351737Owen MacSwinney, 1737 (Peter van Bleek) (??-1764) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 141733361737Queen Sophie Dorothea of Hanover, ca. 1737 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 33371737Elisabetta Teresa di Lorena Queen of Sardinia 1711-1741 ca. 1737 by Unknown Artist Location TBD89841737Sir James Dashwood 1737 Enoch Seeman the Younger 1694-1745 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 56.19089931737135301738Richard Mead, ca. 1738 (Jonathan Richardson) (1667-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 415733381738Maria Amalia of Saxony, Queen of Spain and Naples (Louis de Silvestre) (1675-1760) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 33391738William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, 1738 (Jean-Baptiste van Loo) (1684-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London 33401738Margaret "Peg" Woffington, ca. 1738 (attributed to Jean-Baptiste van Loo) (1684-1745) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 601-1882 33411738A Lady, ca. 1738 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 30:1974 33421738Louise Henriette de Bourbon-Conti, 1738 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 56.100.2 33431738William Shenstone, ca. 1738 (Thomas Ross) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4386 33441738Domenico Scarlatti, 1738 (Domingo Antonio Velasco) (??-??) Location TBD 33451738Gaspard de Gueidan 1738 Hyacinthe Rigaud 1659-1743 Mus?e Granet Aix-en-Provence89941738Prince Charles Edward Stuart 1738 Louis Gabriel Blanchet 1705-1772 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 551789951738Henry Benedict M.C. Stuart Cardinal York 1738 Louis Gabriel Blanchet 1705-1772 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 5518"89961738135291738135391739Sigismund Streit, 1739 (Jacopo Amigoni) (1682-1752) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 33461739Frederick the Great as Crown Prince, ca. 1739 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 33471739Elisabeth Christine von Braunschweig-Bevern, ca. 1739 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Garten Berlin-Brandenburg 33481739Louis Tocqué, 1739 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2384 33491739Abraham Tucker, ca. 1739 (Enoch Seeman) (1694-1744) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3942 33501739Louis, Grand Dauphin of France, ca. 1739 (Louis Tocqué) (1696-1772) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg33511739Claude Dupouch, ca. 1739 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.33521739Brother Fiacre, 1739 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée Antoine Lécuyer, Saint-Quentin 33531739Elisabeth de Farnese, 1739 (Louis-Michel van Loo) (1707-1771) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 33541739Self Portrait at 26 years old, ca. 1739 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Location TBD 33551739Maria Felice Tibaldi ca. 1739 by P Subleyras Kursk Gallery99671739135281739135381740James Erskine, ca. 1740-1750 (Unknown Artist, Scottish School) Christies Fine Art Auction, Sale 5686, Lot 9832191740A Cavalier of the Constantinian Order, ca. 1740 (Vittore Ghislandi detto fra Galgario) (????-????) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano33561740Elisabeth Christine von Braunschweig-Bevern, ca. 1740 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Location TBD 33571740Richard Temple, 1st Viscount Cobham, ca. 1740 (Jean-Baptiste Van Loo) (1684-1745) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 286 33581740Pierre Joseph de Rivaz, ca. 1740 (Giambattista Pittoni) (1687-1767) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien GG_9587 33591740Jan Czapski, ca. 1740 (Szymon Czechowicz) (1689-1775) Lviv National Gallery of Art 33601740John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, ca. 1740 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 197733611740Farinelli, ca. 1740 (Bartolomeo Nazari) (1693-1758) Museum of Instuments, Royal College of Music, London 33621740William Jones, ca. 1740 (William Hogarth) (1697-1764) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 573433631740Pope Benedict XIV, ca. 1740 (Pierre Subleyras) (1699-1749) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 33641740John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyl and Greenwich, ca. 1740 (Thomas Bardwell) (1704-1767) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3110 33651740Richard Mead, ca. 1740 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 15 33661740Arabella Pershall, Lady Glenorchy, 1740 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Yale Center for British Art, TMS 995 33671740A Man, possibly Lawrence Sterne, ca. 1740 (Unknown Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 33681740Self-Portrait at 22 years old, ca. 1740 (Unknown British Artist) Tate Britain, London N01076 33691740Cardinal Angelo Maria Querini, ca. 1740 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 33701740Robert Walpole 1740 by Jean Baptiste van Loo workshop 1684-1745 Houghton Hall Norfolk UK 90061740The Gascoisgne Family ca. 1740 by Francis Hayman 1708-1776 Huntington Library91581740Jonathan Tyers and His Family ca. 1740 by Francis Hayman 1708-1776 National Portrait Gallery London 558892301740Maria Theresa of Austria. ca. 1740 Martin van Meytens 1695-1770 Princeton University Art Museum NJ 2003-1792801740Marie Leczinska Queen Consort of France ca. 1740 Louis Tocque 1696-1772 Musee du Louvre Paris92811740135271741Comtesse Tessin, ca. 1741 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) Musée du Louvre, Paris 33711741François Boucher, ca. 1741 (Gustaf Lundberg) (1695-1786) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 30 868 33721741Count Carl Gustaf Tessin, 1741 (Louis Tocqué) (1696-1772) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, NM 2388 33731741Lady Frances (Finch) Courtenay, ca. 1741 (Thomas Hudson) (1701-1779) The Huntington, San Marino, CA33741741Prince James Francis Edward Stuart, ca. 1741 (Louis Gabriel Blanchet) (1705-1772) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5573 33751741Miss Craigie, ca. 1741 (Alan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Denver Art Museum, CO The Berger Collection 33761741Maria Theresa crowned Queen of Hungary at St Martins Cathedral, Pressburg, June 25th, 1741, by an Unkown Artist, Location TBD.79661741Sophia and Charlotte Fermor attributed to Enoch Seeman ca. 1741 Sothebys91571741Gabriel Bernard de Rieux ca. 1741 by Maurice-Quentin de la Tour 1704-1788 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 94.PC.3992821741135261742Madame Bonier de la Mosson, 1742 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 77.PA.87 33771742Frances (Balchen) West, 1742 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) The Huntington, San Marino, CA33781742Self-Portrait, 1742 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée Antoine Lecuyer, Saint-Quentin, Picardie 33791742Jean-Jacques Huber, 1742 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée Antoine Lecuyer, Saint-Quentin, Picardie, LT 1 33801742Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford, ca. 1742 (Arthur Pond) (1705-1758) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6085 33811742George Frederic Handel, ca. 1742 (Francis Kyte) (fl. 1714-1744) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2152 33821742Don Cesare Benvenuti, ca. 1742 (Pierre Subleyras) (1699-1749) Musée du Louvre, Paris 33831742Benjamin Hoadly Bishop of Winchester 1742 by William Hogarth 1697-1764 Huntington Library89991742Henriette of France as Flora 1742 by Jean-Marc Nattier 1685-1766 Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze92831742135251743Judge Charles Chambers, 1743 (John Smibert) (1688-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 68.597 33841743Duke Karl Alexander von Lothringen, ca. 1743 (Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_2731 33851743Marquis de Lucker, ca. 1743 (Louis Tocque) (1696-1772) Musée des beaux-arts de Orléans33861743James Murray, 2nd Duke of Atholl, Lord Privy Seal, 1743 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, PG 92533871743Clementina Walkinshaw, ca. 1743 (Unknown Artist) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 1102 33881743Hyacinthe Collin de Vermont, ca. 1743 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 33891743A Girl Serving Chocolate 1743-5 by Jean Etienne Liotard 1702-1789 Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden90001743Philip V King of Spain and Isabel Farnese 1743 by Louis-Michel van Loo Location TBD91551743The Family of Philip V Bourbon King of Spain and Isabel Farnese Queen Consort 1743 by Louis Michel van Loo 1707-1771 Museo Nacional del Prado92311743135241744The Duchesse de Chaulnes as Hebe, ca. 1744 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) Musée du Louvre, Paris 33901744Maria Theresa, 1744 (Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Location TBD 33911744Self-Portrait, 1744 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze33921744Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of Argyll, 1744 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 1293 33931744A Girl with Parrot, 1744 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) The Huntington, San Marino, CA33941744Commodore Thomas Smith, ca. 1744 (Richard Wilson) (1714-1782) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 33951744A Boy, ca. 1744 (Jean-Baptiste Perroneau) (1715-1783) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg33961744Karl Theodore von der Pfalz, Elector of Bavaria, 1744 (Johann Georg Zeisenis) (1716-1777) Kurpfälzisches Museum, Heidelberg 33971744Self-Portrait, ca. 1744 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden Gemäldegalerie33981744Dorothea Sophia Thiele (née Schumann), 1744 (Anton Raphael Mengs) (1728-1779) Location TBD 33991744Lady Charlotte Finch (née Fermor), ca. 1744 (John Robinson) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6205 34001744Ferdinand von Bayern 1744 Unknown Artist Metropolitankapitels der Hohen Domkirche zu Koln 90011744George II King of England 1744 by Thomas Hudson 1701-1779 National Portrait Gallery London NPG67092841744Jacques de Chapeaurouge 1744 pastel by Jean-Etienne Liotard 1702?1789 Private Collection99741744135231745Sir James Gray, 2nd Baronet, ca. 1744-1745 (Rosalba Carriera) (1673-1757) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 2009.80 34011745Eleanore Louise Albertine, 1745 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin34021745Catherine II the Great of Russia, as Duchess, 1745 (Louis Caravaque) (1684-1752) Gatchina Palace, Russia 34031745Louis XV, King of France, ca. 1745 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg34041745Madame Bouret as Diana, ca. 1745 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 34051745Self-Portrait, ca. 1740’s (Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Szépmüvészeti Museum, Budapest34061745Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1745 (Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_3440 34071745A Woman with Dog, ca. 1745 (Giacomo Ceruti) (1698-1767) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 30.15 34081745A Man, ca. 1745 (Pierre Subleyras) (1699-1749) Musée du Louvre, Paris34091745Cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga, ca. 1745 (Pierre Subleyras) (1699-1749) Galleria Cini, Musei Capitolini, Roma 34101745Count Francesco Algarotti, 1745 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-234 34111745Louis de France, Dauphin de France, 1745 (Maurice-Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV. 27621 34141745Charles III, future King of Spain, ca. 1745 (Guiseppe Bonito) (1707-1789) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid34121745Louis Duval de lÉpinoy, 1745 (Maurice-Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2380 34131745A Girl, ca. 1745 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) The National Gallery, London 34151745Christopher Smart, ca. 1745 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3780 34161745The Battle of Fontenoy, with Maurice de Saxe, May 11th, 1745, part of the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748), by Horace Vernet (1789-1863) painted in 1828, Location TBD.79671745A Girl in Pink ca. 1745 by Unknown Artist Huntington Library 90021745Mary Newey Hoadly ca. 1745 by William Hogarth 1697-1764 Huntington Library90051745John Thomlinson and Family 1745 by Arthur Devis 1712-1787 Art Institute of Chicago 1956.13092321745Marie Adelaide of France as Diana ca. 1745 by Jean-Marc Nattier 1685-1766 Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze92851745Self-Portrait 1745 by Therese Mengs-Maron nee Concordia Location TBD99731745135221746Johanna Elisabeth, Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, ca. 1746 (Antoine Pesne) (1683-1757) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg34171746Henry Hawley, ca. 1746 (Christian Friedrich Zincke) (ca. 1683-1767) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 329034181746Thomas Ripley, ca. 1746 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5743 34191746A Lady, 1746 (Charles Antoine Coypel) (1694-1752) Sothebys Old Masters Sale June 23rd 2011 Lot 5534201746Pope Benedict XIV, 1746 (Pierre Hubert Subleyras) (1699-1749) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2009.145 34211746Prince Henry Benedict Clement Stuart, ca. 1746 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1702-1788) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 2954 34221746Lady Charles Tyrell, 1746 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Private Collection 34231746Mrs. Boere, 1746 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Location TBD 34241746Elizabeth Turbutt, ca. 1746 (Robert Feke) Sothebys Auction House 34251746Tench Francis, 1746 (Robert Feke) (1708-1751) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 34.153 34261746Elizabeth Storer, ca. 1746 (Mrs. Isaac Smith) ca. (Joseph Badger) (1708-1765) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 42.376 34271746Self-Portrait, ca. 1746 (Luis Melendez) (1716-1780) Musée du Louvre, Paris 34281746Conyers Middleton, ca. 1746 (John Giles Eccardt) (1720-1779) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 626 34291746Sir Charles Hanbury Middleton, ca. 1746 (attributed to John Giles Eccardt) (1720-1779) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 383 34301746Self-Portrait, ca. 1746 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery, Devon 34311746Louis de Silvestre, ca. 1745-1746 (Anton Raphael Mengs) (1728-1779) Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid 34321746A Gentleman, possibly Hugh Marriott, 1746 (George Beare) (fl.1743-1749) Tate Britain, London34331746Prince Charles Edward Stuart, ca. 1746-1750 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 34341746Rosamund Sargent, née Chambers, 1746 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Holburne Museum of Art, Bath, Somerset 38751746The Battle of Culloden, 1746, by David Morier.79681746Self-Portrait ca. 1746 by Pierre Subleyras (1699-1749) Gemaldegalerie Vienna 99721746135211747Samuel Richardson, ca. 1747 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 16134351747A Man, ca. 1647 (Louis Tocqué) (1696-1772) National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, p.305.5-1 34361747Marc de Villiers, Secretaire du roi, 1747 (Jacques-André-Joseph Aved) (1702-1766) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 79.PA.70 34371747Louise of Great Britain, Queen of Denmark and Norway, ca. 1747 (Carl Gustav Pilo) (1711-1793) Statens Museum for Kunst, København34381747Flora Macdonald, ca. 1747 (Richard Wilson) (1714-1782) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 584834391747Marianna Sierakowska, 1747 (Lukasz Orlowski) (1715-1765) Lviv National Gallery of Art 34401747Gabriel Huquier, ca. 1747 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) Musée du Louvre, Paris34411747Madmoiselle Huquier, ca. 1747 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) Musée du Louvre, Paris 34421747Charles-François Pinceloup de la Grange, 1747 (Jean-Baptise Perronneau) (1715-1783)J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 84.PA.664 34431747Magdaleine Pinceloup de la Grange, 1747 (Jean-Baptise Perronneau) (1715-1783) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 84.PA.665 34441747Thomas Chubb, ca. 1747 (George Beare) (fl. 1743-1749) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1122 34451747Francis Price, ca. 1747 (George Beare) (fl. 1743-1749) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1960 34461747Battle of Lawfeld - Louis XV points to the Village for Maurice de Saxe, July 2nd, 1747, by Auguste Couder (1790-1873), Château de Versailles.79691747Maurice Greene and John Hoadly 1747 by Francis Hayman 1708-1776 National Portrait Gallery London 210692861747Maria Theresa of Austria 1747 by Jean-Etienne Liotard Location TBD99701747135201748Marie Leczinska, ca. 1748 (Jean-Marc-Nattier) (1685-1766) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 34471748Madame Victoire, ca. 1748 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 34481748Johann Sebastian Bach, ca. 1748 (Elias Haussmann) (1695-1774) Location TBD 34491748Louis XV, King of France, ca. 1748 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1702-1788) Musée du Louvre, Paris 34501748Maurice, Comte de Saxe, Marshal of France, ca. 1748 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1702-1788) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden Gemäldegalerie 34511748William Bowdoin, ca. 1748 (Robert Feke) (1707-1752) Location TBD 34521748Isaac Winslow, ca. 1748 (Robert Feke) (1707-1752) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 42.42.4 34531748Mrs. Barlow Trecothick (Grizzell Apthorp), ca. 1748 (Robert Feke) (1707-1752) Wichita Art Museum, KS M78.49 34541748Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of Argyll, 1748 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Bonhams Auction House 34551748Frederick V, King of Denmark and Norway, ca. 1748 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 34561748Marie Leszczynska Queen of France ca. 1748 by Charles Andre van Loo 1705-1765 Palazzo Pitti Firenze 90041748Sir George Lyttelton with Richard Lyttleton and Rachel Russell Duchess of Bridgwater 1748 by Arthur Devis 1712-1787 Huntington Library91561748Thomas and Martha Neate and tutor Mr. Needham 1748 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 2986.264.592331748A Man 1748 by James Seymour 1702-1752 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 56.54.192871748Captain the Honourable George Edgcumbe 1748 by Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) National Maritime Museum Greenwich99691748135191749Madame Marsollier and her Daughter, ca. 1749 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 45.172 34571749John Channing, ca. 1747-1749 (Robert Feke) (1707-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 64.1008 34581749Mary Channing, ca. 1747-1749 (Robert Feke) (1707-1751) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 64.1009 34591749Colin Campbell of Monzie, ca. 1749 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Sothebys Sale L10030 34601749Madame de Sorquainville, ca. 1749 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) Musée du Louvre, Paris 34611749Self-Portrait, ca. 1747-1749 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1794) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4134621749Augustus Keppel, 1749 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1794) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, BHC 2821 34631749Mrs. Henry Bromfield, Margaret Fayerweather, ca. 1749 (John Greenwood) (1727-1792) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 62.173 34651749John Campbell, 1749 (William Mosman) (fl. 1727-1777) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PGL 2311 34661749Georg Friedrich Handel, ca. 1749 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 34671749Isabelle de Parma 1749 by Jean Marc Nattier Versailles Trianons 90031749Marie Josephe of Saxony ca. 1749-50 by Jean Etienne Liotard Location TBD99711749Watson and the Shark in Havana Cuba, 1749, by John Singleton Copley (1746-1825) Boston Museum of Fine Arts.103801749135181750Marquis of Marigny, ca. 1750 (Jean- François de Troy) (1679-1752) Musée du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 34681750A Musician, ca. 1740-1750 (attributed to Jacopo Amigoni) (1682-1752) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1962.76 34691750Zenòn de Somodevilla, 1st Marqués de Ensenada, 1750 (Jacopo Amigoni) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 34701750Comtesse de Tillieres, ca. 1750 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) The Wallace Collection, London 34711750A Musician, ca. 1745-1750 (Giacomo Ceruti) (1691-1768) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_9690 34721750Maria Rosa Walburga von Soyer, ca. 1750 (George de Marees) (1697-1776) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 34731750A Country Gentleman, ca. 1750 (Giacomo Ceruti) (1698-1767) Seattle Art Museum, WA 61.149 34741750A Lady, ca. 1750 (Jean Andre Rouquet) (1701-1758) Cincinnati Art Museum, OH 1996.33 34751750James Gibbs, ca. 1750 (Andrea Soldi) (1703-1771) National Gallery of Scotland 34761750Mademoiselle Louise Jacquet, ca. 1750 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Sothebys Sale, PF 1209, Lot 57 34771750William Shirley, 1750 (Thomas Hudson) (1701-1779) Location TBD34781750Marie Fel, ca. 1750 (Maurice Quent n de la Tour) (1704-1788) Private Collection 34791750Nicole Richard, ca. 1748-1750 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée du Louvre, Paris 34801750Jean Charles Garnier de Isle, ca. 1750 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2002.439 34811750Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, 1750 (Johann Caspar Füssli) (1706-1782) Location TBD 34821750Bampfylde Moore Carew, ca. 1750 (Richard Phelps) (1710-1785) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5562 34831750General Sir Henry Erskine, ca. 1750 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) The Huntington, San Marino, CA34841750A Young Woman, ca. 1750 (attributed to Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Philip Mould, Ltd., London 34891750Sir Thomas Robinson, 1st Bt, ca. 1750 (Frans van der Mijn) (1719-1793) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 527534901750Domenico Annibaldi, singer, ca. 1750 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano34911750Self-Portrait, ca. 1750 (Gaspare Traversi) (1732-1769) Seattle Art Museum, WA 50.89 34921750Pietro Metastasio, ca. 1750 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 34931750Maria Antonia of Spain, Queen Consort of Bohemia ca. 1750 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD34941750Philip of Spain, Duke of Parma, ca. 1750 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD34951750Frederick V King of Denmark and Norway ca1750 by Carl Gustaf Pilo 1711-1793 Statens Museum for Kunst Copenhagen 90071750A Lady ca. 1750-1 by Arthur Devis 1711-1787 Tate Britain N03317 90081750Louise Elisabeth Duchess of Parma with Isabella 1750 by Jean-Marc Nattier Hillwood Museum91601750Mr. Oldham and Friends ca. 1750 by Joseph Highmore 1692-1780 Tate Britain91621750Samuel Richardson ca. 1750 Joseph Highmore 1692-1780 National Portrait Gallery London NPG103692881750Denes Banffy ca. 1750 Matin van Meytens 1695-1770 Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum Budapest92891750Andrea Tron Venetian Ambassador ca. 1750 by Nazario Nazari National Gallery UK NG110299751750A Canon ca. 1750 by Gaspar Traversi (1732-1769) Location TBD99761750Daniele Dolfin ca. 1750 by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Galleria Querini Stampalia Venezia99781750Master Stenninge ca. 1750 by circle of Mason Chamberlin the Elder Location TBD99861750Self-Portrait ca. 1750 by Louis Jean Francois Lagrenee (1724-1805) Finnish National Gallery A II 141599881750Self-Portrait ca. 1750 by Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) Yale Center for British Art99891750George Bristow 1750 by Allan Ramsay (1684 - 1758) National Galleries Scotland NG2119 99901750Monsieur-de-Fontaine ca 1750 by Marianne Loir (1715-1769) STAIR SAINTY LONDON 102391750A Girl with a Fan, ca. 1750, by Pietro Antonio Rotari (1707-1762) Daxer & Marschall Kunsthandel Munich 102671750A Woman, ca. 1750, attributed to Donat Nonotte (1708-1785)
Musée d'art et d'histoire de Narbonne, 859.3.39 105751750135171751Self-Portrait, ca. 1751 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée de Picardie, Amiens 34961751Self-Portrait, ca. 1751 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA F.1969.38.09.P 34971751Henry Pelham, Whig Prime Minister of England, ca. 1751 (William Hoare) (1707-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 22134981751Joseph Leeson, later 2nd Earl of Milltown, 1751 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, NGI702 34991751Frederick V, King of Denmark and Norway, ca. 1751 (Carl Gustaf Pilo) (1711-1793) Location TBD 35001751Jean-Charles Garnier, Signeur dIsle, ca. 1751 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA63651751Madame Maria Zeffirina 1751 Jean-Marc Nattier 1685-1766 Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze92901751135161752Admiral Sir Peter Warren, ca. 1748-1752 (Thomas Hudson) (1701-1779) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich35011752Lady Hall of Dunglass, 1752 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Tate Britain, London, NG06066 35021752Countess Mniszech, ca. 1752 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD35031752Joseph Wilton, ca. 1752 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4810 35041752Richard Wilson, 1752 (Anton Raphael Mengs) (1727-1779) Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd 35051752Cadwallader Colden, ca. 1748-1752 (John Wollaston) (fl.1733-1767) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.45.6 35061752Joseph Reade, ca. 1749-1752 (John Wollaston) (fl.1733-1767) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 48.129.1 35071752Mrs. Joseph Reade, ca.1749-1752 (John Wollaston) (fl.1733-1767) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 48.129.2 35081752William Axtell, ca. 1749-1752 (John Wollaston) (fl.1733-1767) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1976.23.1 35091752Henry Pelham, ca. 1752 (John Shackleton) (??-1767) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 871 35101752Charles Willing 1752 by John Wollaston Location TBD99791752Elizabeth Gunning ca. 1752-1753 by Gavin Hamilton (1723-1798) Scottish Naitonal Portrait Gallery PG 144499811752Madame Jeanne-Marie Liotard the artists wife 1752 by Jean-Etienne Liotard 1702-1789 Location TBD99851752135151753Marquise Perrin de Cypierre, 1753 (Jean Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.60.42 35111753Maria I of Portugal, 1753 (Vieira Lusitano) (1699-1783) Palácio Nacional de Queluz, Distrito de Lisboa 35121753Louis de Silvestre, ca. 1753 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Location TBD 35131753Jean Le Rond de Alambert, ca. 1753 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée du Louvre, Paris 35141753Mlle. Ferrand Meditating on Newton, ca. 1753 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Alte Pinakothek, München 35151753Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ca. 1753 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva 35161753Frederick North, 2nd Earl of Guilford, 1753 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) Location TBD 35171753Jean-Baptiste Oudry, ca. 1753 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) Musée du Louvre, Paris35181753Eleanor Frances Dixie, ca. 1753 (attributed to Henry Pickering) (ca. 1720-1771) Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery 35191753Richard Bentley, ca. 1753 (John Gilles Eccardt) (1720-1779) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5885 35201753A Young Woman, ca. 1753 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Montacute House, Somerset, UK 35211753Edward Vernon, "Old Grog", ca. 1753 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) National Portrait Gallery, NPG 881 35221753Margaret Peg Woffington, ca. 1753 (John Lewis (??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5729 35231753Mrs. Joseph Mann (Bethia Torrey), 1753 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 43.1353 35341753Gerolamo Maria Balbi ca. 1753 Fortunato Pasquetti 1700-1773 Museo del Settecento Veneziano Ca Rezzonico Venezia92911753Elizabeth Gunning Duchess of Hamilton ca. 1753-1753 by Gavin Hamilton 1723-1798 Scottish National Portrait Gallery99821753135141754George III, Prince of Wales, future King of England, 1754 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) The Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 400897 35241754David Hume, 1754 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh PG 3521 35261754Mary Adam, 1754 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, TMS 997 35271754Horace Walpole, ca. 1754 (John Gilles Eccardt) (1720-1779) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 988 35281754Francis Hastings, 10th Earl of Huntingdon, 1754 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Huntington, San Marino, CA35291754Abigail Chesebrough, Mrs. Alexander Grant, 1754 (Joseph Blackburn) (ca. 1730-1778) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL, 1984.725 35301754Mary Sylvester, ca. 1754 (Joseph Blackburn) (ca. 1730-1778) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 16.68.2 35311754Mrs. David Chesebrough, 1754 (Joseph Blackburn) (ca. 1730-1778) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 16.68.3 35321754Joseph Mann, 1754 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 43.1352 35331754The Imperial Family 1754 by Martin van Meytens 1695-1770 Schonbrunn Palace Wien91591754Self-Portrait with Daughters 1754 by Antoine Pesne 1683-1757 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 92341754Joseph and John Gulston 1754 by Francis Cotes 1726-1770 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles 99.PC.3392351754Madame Anne Henriette 1754 Jean-Marc Nattier 1685-1766 Musee National du Chateau et des Trianons Versailles92921754Gaetano Pugnani ca. 1754 by Unknown Artist Center fir Performance History Royal College of Music99841754Samuel Richardson ca. 1754 by Mason Chamberlin oil on Copper NPG 6435 London99871754135131755A Lady, ca. 1755 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 11:1967 35351755Major General James Wolfe, ca. 1755 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) Location TBD35361755Ludwig VIII, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt, ca. 1755 (workshop of Johann Christian Fielder) (1697-1765) location TBD35371755Pedro III, King of Portugal, ca. 1755 (Vieira Lusitano) (1699-1783) Location TBD 35381755Mrs. Sarah Ingram, ca. 1755 (Thomas Hudson) (1701-1779) Tate Britain, London, T00401 35391755Augustus III, King of Poland, ca. 1755 (Pietro Antonio Rotari) (1707-1762) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden Gemäldegalerie 35401755Maria Josepha of Austria, Queen of Poland, ca. 1755 (Pietro Antonio Rotari) (1707-1762) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden Gemäldegalerie35411755Elisabeth von Sachsen, ca. 1755 (Pietro Antonio Rotari) (1707-1762) Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden 35421755Joseph de Saint Étienne Borne, 1755 (Stefano Torelli) (1712-1784) Stair Sainty Gallery, London 35461755Robert Wood, ca. 1755 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 486 35471755The Artists Wife, ca. 1754-1755 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh 35481755David Garrick, ca. 1752-1755 (Benjamin Wilson) (1721-1788) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6249 35491755Francis, Lord Brooke, ca. 1755 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY L.1983.5.835501755George Greville, 2nd Earl of Warwick, ca. 1754 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY L.1983.5.10 35511755Francesco Bartolozzi, ca. 1755 (Anton Raphael Mengs) (1728-1779) Lviv National Gallery of Art35521755George II, King of England, ca. 1755 (John Shackleton) (??-1767) Royal Collection, UK, 405310 35531755James Otis, Jr., 1755 (Joseph Blackburn) (??-1787) Location TBD68181755Maria Amalia of Poland ca. 1750s90111755Michal Kazimierz Oginski 1755 by Anna Rosina de Gasc 1713-1783 Sanok Historical Museum Poland 90121755Louise Elisabeth of France and Ferdinand of Parma with Family ca. 1755 by Giuseppe Baldrighi 1723-1803 Galleria Nazionale Parma91611755Isaac Winslow and Family 1755 by Joseph Blackburn fl. 1753-1763 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 42.68492361755A Mother and Child ca. 1755 by an unknown American artist Museum of Fine Arts Boston 57.15492371755Marquise de Pompadour ca. 1755 Maurice Quentin de Tour 1704-1788 Musee du Louvre Paris92931755Charlotte Beatrix van Linschoten ca. 1755 by Mattheus Verhoyden Rijksmuseum Amsterdam99801755Pierre Beaumarchais, 1755, by Jean Marc Nattier (1685-1766) Private Collection, London105391755135121756Marie Adélaïde de France, 1756 (Jean-Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) Musée du Château et des Trianons, Versailles, MV 3801 35541756Maria Frederike van Reede-Athlone at 7 years old, ca. 1755-1756 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 83.PC.273 35551756William Allen, ca. 1756 (John Wollaston) (1710-1775) Brooklyn Museum, New York 24.80 35561756Mrs. William Allen, ca. 1756 (John Wollaston) (1710-1775) Brooklyn Museum, New York 24.81 35571756Charlotta Pilo, née Desmarées, 1756 (Carl Gustaf Pilo) (1711-1793) Nationalmuseum Stockholm 35581756Mary Digges, Lady Robert Manners, ca. 1756 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Scottish National Gallery, Edingburgh, NG 1523 35591756Olivier Journu, 1756 (Jean Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2003.2635601756Mrs. Lionel Chalmers (Martha Logan), 1756 (Jeremiah Theüs) (1716-1774) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 47.1545 35611756Baroness de Neubourg Cromiere, ca. 1756 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD 35621756Catherine, Lady Chambers, ca. 1756 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Iveagh Bequest, Kenwood House, Hampstead, London 35631756Johann Joachim Winckelmann, shortly after 1755 (Anton Raphael Mengs) (1728-1779) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 48.141 35641756Henry Benedict Marie Clement Edward Stuart, Cardinal York, 1756 (Anton Raphael Mengs) (1728-1779) Musée Fabre, Montpellier35651756Ann Tyng (Mrs. Thomas Smelt), 1756 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 39.464 35661756George Friederich Handel 1756 Thomas Hudson 1701-1779 National Portrait Gallery London NPG397092941756Madame de Pompadour 1756 Francois Boucher 1703-1770 Alte Pinakothek Munchen92951756Captain Robert Orme 1756 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 The National Gallery London UK92961756135111757Henry Stebbing, ca. 1757 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 572 35671757S.S. Yakovleva, after 1756 (Ivan Yakovlevich Vishnyakov) (1699-1761) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg35681757Madame Saint Pol, 1757 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Christies Fine Art Auction House, Sale 5688, Lot 78 35691757Gabriel Manigault, 1757 (Jeremiah Theus) (1716-1774) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 28.126.135701757Mrs. Gabriel Manigault, 1757 (Jeremiah Theus) (1716-1774) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 28.126.2 35711757John Hinchliffe, ca. 1757 (Nathaniel Hone) (1718-1784) Location TBD 35721757Joseph Marie Vien, 1757 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Musée du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 35731757The Countess of Dartmouth, ca. 1757 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid 35741757Marie Anglique Virany de Varennese, Mme. George Gougenot de Croissy, 1757 (Jean-Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) New Orleans Museum of Art, LA 1976.268 35751757Two Young Women, 1757 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) Speed Museum of Art, Louisville, KY 1998.6.235761757Madame Charles Simon Favart, ca. 1757 (Marie Duronceray) (François-Hubert Drouais) (1727–1775) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 17.120.21035771757Samuel Kilderbee, ca. 1757 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1738-1815) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA 54479 35781757Cecilia Guardi Tiepolo, ca. 1757 (Lorenzo Tiepolo) (1736-1776) Museo del Settecento Veneziano Ca' Rezzonico , Venezia 35791757Mrs. Joseph Blaney (Abigail Browne), ca. 1757 (Joseph Blackburn) (fl. 1753-1763) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 29.785 35801757Francesco Benaglio, 1757 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) Treviso Museo Diocesano63631757John Ligonier, 1sr Earl Ligonier, ca. 1757, attributed to Henry Robert Morland (1716-1797) Royal Armouries, Tower of London, I.307105571757Louis-Philippe Duc d Orleans 1757 by Alexander Roslin Detroit Institute of Arts 90091757Louis Joseph Xavier Duke of Burgundy ca. 1757 by Jean Marc Nattier90101757Francois Tranchin with Rembrandt painting 1757 by Jean-Etienne Liotard Cleveland Museum of Art 1978.5499831757A Lady with Tricorn ca. 1757 by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Location TBD99921757Charles-Simon Favart, 1757, by Jean-Etienne Liotard (1702-1789) Private Collection105181757135101758Maria Theresa, ca. 1750s (Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Szépmüvészeti Museum, Budapest 35841758Maria Isabella von Parma, 1758 (possibly Jean Marc Nattier) (1685-1766) Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG_2069 35811758Maria Theresa, ca. 1758 (Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien 35821758Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1750s (Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Szépmüvészeti Museum, Budapest35831758Madame Jean Tronchin, ca. 1758 (Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Musée du Louvre, Paris 35851758A Young Girl, ca. 1758 (Pietro Rotari) (1707-1762) Daxer & Marschall Kunsthandel, Munich, Price Available on Request35861758William Hunter, ca. 1758 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Location TBD 35871758Cornelis Ploos van Amstel, ca. 1758 (George van der Mijn) (1726-1763) Mauritshuis, Den Haag 35881758Elizabeth Troost, ca. 1758 (George van der Mijn) (1726-1763) Mauritshuis, Den Haag 35891758William Romaine, ca. 1758 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2036 35901758Madame Drouais (the artists wife), ca. 1758 (François-Hubert Drouais) (1727-1775) Musée du Louvre, Paris RF 1942-19 35911758Pope Clement XIII Rezzonico, ca. 1758 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Museo del Settecento Veneziano Ca Rezzonico Venezia 35921758Pope Clement XIII Rezzonico, ca. 1758 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna 35931758William Burton Conyngham, ca. 1754-1758 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 2001.82 35941758Hugh Hall, 1758 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1996.279 35951758John Barrett, ca. 1758 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas, City, MO KC F76-52 35961758Mrs. John Barrett, ca. 1758 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas, City, MO KC F77-135971758The Qianlong Emperor in Ceremonial Armour on Horseback 1758 by Guiseppe Castiglione 1688-1766 Palace Museum Beijing 90131758Mary and Elizabeth Royall ca. 1758 by John Singleton Copley (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts Boston 25.4992381758Maria Theresa ca. 1758 Anton Mengs 1728-1779 Town Hall Ghent92971758Benjamin Pickman Sr ca. 1758-1761 by John Singleton Copley (1738-1815) Yale University Art Gallery99771758William Fermor 1758 by Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787) Museum of Fine Arts Houston 61.7699911758Kyrylo Rozumovski 1758 by Louis Tocque 1696-1772 Tretyakov Gallery Moscow99931758135091759General James Wolfe, 1759 (Joseph Highmore) (1692-1780) Location TBD35981759Madame de Epinay, née Louise-Florence Pétronille Tardieu de Esclavelles, ca. 1759 (Jean-Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Musée de art et de histoire de Genève 35991759John Perceval, 2nd Earl Egmont, ca. 1759 (Thomas Hudson) (1701-1779) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2481 36001759Self-Portrait at 49 years old, ca. 1759 (Thomas Frye) (1710-1762) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5471 36011759Margravine Friederike of Brandenburg-Schwedt, Duchess of Württemberg with her son Frederick I William Charles, ca. 1759 (Johann Georg Ziesenis) (1716-1777) Landesmuseum Württemberg 36021759Self-Portrait, ca. 1758-59 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG4446 36031759Maria Amalia of Saxony, ca. 1759 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Location TBD 36041759Thaddeus Burr, ca. 1759 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 174:1951 36051759Eunice Dennie Burr, ca. 1759 (John Singleton Copley)(1738-1815) St. Louis Art Museumm, MO 173:1951 36061759Moses Gill, ca. 1759 (John Singleton Copley)(1738-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2006.136071759Doctor Daniel Lysons, 1759 (Tilly Kettle) (1735-1786) The Courtauld Institute Gallery, London, P.1947.LF.204 63641759Battle of Quebec (The Plains of Abraham) - pivotal battle of the Seven Years' War - Death of General Wolfe, September 13th, 1759, by Benjamin West (1738-1820), Location TBD.79701759A Young Woman possibly Elizabeth Warren 1759 Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Kimbell Art Museum Fort Worth TX 1961.0292981759Filippo Acciaiuoli, 1759, by Unknown Artist Location TBD101431759Departure of Charles III from Naples, 1759 October 6th103811759135081760Dona Maria de la Luz Padilla y Gomez, ca. 1760 (Miguel Cabrera) (1695-1768) Brooklyn Museum, New York 52.166.4 36121760Francesco Guardi, ca. 1760 (Pietro Longhi) (1702-1783) Museo del Settecento Veneziano Ca Rezzonico , Venezia 36131760Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, ca. 1760 (Pietro Longhi) (Jean Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Location TBD36141760A Woman, possibly Harriet Churchill, Lady Faulkner, ca. 1760 (Jean Étienne Liotard (1702-1789) Compton Verney House, Warwickshire36151760Julie de Thellusson-Ployard, 1760 (Jean Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Location TBD 36161760Isaac Louis de Thelluson, 1760 (Jean Étienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Location TBD 36171760The Artists Daughter, ca. 1760 (François Boucher) (1703-1770) Musée Cognacq-Jay, Paris 36181760Élisabeth Petrovna, Empress of Russia, 1760 (Charles-André van Loo) (1705-1765) Peterhof, Leningrad36191760A Woman, 1760 (Donat Nonnotte) (1708-1785) Location TBD 36201760Richard Miles, ca. 1760 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) The National Gallery, London, NG 6459 36211760Frederick V, King of Denmark and Sweden, ca. 1760 (Carl Gustaf Pilo) (1711-1793) Nationalmuseum Stockholm 36221760Anne (Archer) Garth-Turnour, Baroness Winterton, 1760 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 36231760Self-Portrait, ca. 1760 (Nathaniel Hone) (1718-1784) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 177 36241760Francois Boucher, 1760 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Musée du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 36251760Self-Portrait, ca. 1760 (Johann Anton Tischbein) (1720-1784) Neue Galerie, Kassel, 1325 36261760Laurence Stern, ca. 1760 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5019 36271760Charles Branding, ca. 1760 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 52.34 36281760Charles III, King of Spain, ca. 1760 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Location TBD 36291760Colonel Theodore Atkinson, 1760 (Joseph Blackburn) (ca.1730-1778) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1918.1336301760Rudjer Boskovic, 1760 (Robert Edge Pine) (1730-1788) Location TBD 36311760A Man, ca. 1760 (Allesandro Longhi) (1733-1813) Private Collection 36321760A Lady, ca. 1760 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) Location TBD 36331760A Lady, ca. 1760 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 3:1930 36341760Thomas Kerchever Thompson, ca. 1760 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) Location TBD 36351760Ivan Shuvalov, ca. 1760 (Fyodor Rokotov) (1736-1809) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 36361760James Otis, ca. 1760 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Wichita Art Museum, KS M86.50 36371760Mary Allyne Otis, ca. 1760 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Wichita Art Museum, KS M87.50 36381760Earl Bernardo Tanucci, Regent of Naples, ca. 1760 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 36391760Felipe I of Parma, ca. 1760 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD (Risparmia di Busseto Collection?) 36401760A Man, possibly Olaudah Equiano, ca. 1760 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter, Devon 63751760Philip of Spain Duke of Parma ca 1760 by Laurent Pecheux 1729-1821 Galleria Nazionale di Parma 90221760James Badger ca. 1760 by Joseph Badger 1708-1765 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 29.8592991760Ferdinand IV King of Naples ca. 1760 by Anton Mengs 1728-1779 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid93001760William Shenstone ca. 1760 by Edward Alcock National Portrait Gallery London NPG26393011760Raphael Levi Hannover ca. 1760 by Unknown Artist Historical Museum of Hannover99971760Volbenk Danijel Erberg ca. 1760 by Fortunat Bergant (1721-1769) National Gallery of Slovenia99981760La Comtesse de Beaufort ca. 1760 by Louis Michel van Loo (1707-1771) Cornell Fine Arts Museum FL99991760Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, ca. 1760, attributed to Wilhelm Weitsch, Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg Halle, Saxony.105171760David Martin, ca. 1760, by David Martin (1737-1797) National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh. NG 569.105341760135071761John Parker, 1761 (Marco Benefial) (1684-1764) Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Roma, Inv. 481 36411761Lady Susan Fox-Strangways, 1761 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Private Collection 36421761Mary Atkins, Mrs. Martin, 1761 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, West Midlands 36431761Father Fyodor Dubyansky, 1761 (Alexei Antropov) (1716-1795) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 36441761Self-Portrait, 1761 (Anna Dorothea Therbusch) (1721-1782) Location TBD 36451761William Pulteney, 1st Earl of Bath, ca. 1761 (Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 337 36461761Anne (Barry) Irwin, 1761 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Huntington, San Marino, CA36471761Paul Sandby, 1761 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) Tate Britain, London N01943 36481761Charles III, King of Spain, ca. 1761 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 36491761Self-Portrait, ca. 1761 (Johann Zoffany) (1733-1810) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 399 36501761Emperor Paul I of Russia, 1761 (Fyodor Rokotov) (1736-1808)State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 36511761Dorothy Murray, ca. 1759-1761 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 1929.321
36521761Colonel Jonathan Warner, 1761 (Joseph Blackburn) (fl. 1753-1763) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 83.29 36531761Jacobus Deketh, 1761 (Unknown Artist) Fries Scheepvaarden, Sneek, Friesland 36541761John Fielding, ca. 1762 (Nathaniel Hone) (1718-1784) Location TBD 36641761Pierre-Louis Laideguive, ca. 1761 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Museu dArt de Catalunya, Barcelona67411761John Shaw and Family 1761 Arthur Devis 1712-1787 Art Institute of Chicago 1951.20692391761Prince Xaver von Sachsen ca. 1761 by Francois Guerin (1751-1791) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Inv Nr 99-5599961761135061762Maria Theresa of Austria, ca. 1762 (Jean Etienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Location TBD 36551762Charles Wyndham, 2nd Earl of Egremont, ca. 1762 (William Hoare) (1703-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4589 36561762Self-Portrait, ca. 1762 (Charles-André van Loo) (1705-1765) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 36571762Self-Portrait with his father, ca. 1762 (Louis Michel van Loo) (1707-1771) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 36591762Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of Grafton, ca. 1762 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4899 36601762Cardinal Jean-François Joseph de Rochechouart, ca. 1762 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 135:1972 36611762George III, King of England, ca. 1762 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) National Portrait Gallery, London36621762Queen Charlotte at 18 years old, ca. 1762 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 224 36631762Prince Vladimir Golitsyn Borisovtj, 1762 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Mälmo Konstmuseum, MM 01116136651762James Parsons, ca. 1762 (Benjamin Wilson) (1721-1788) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 560 36661762Benjamin Franklin, 1762 (Mason Chamberlin) (1727-1787) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA 1956-88-1 36671762Mrs. Froude nee Phyllis Hurrell, 1762 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1728-1792) Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN 36681762Jacob Hurd, ca. 1762 (attributed to William Johnston) (1732-1772) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 64.114.1 36691762Mrs. Jacob Hurd and child, ca. 1762 (attributed to William Johnston) (1732-1772) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 64.114.2 36701762Francis Noel Clarke Mundy, ca. 1762 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) Location TBD 36711762Louis François Roubiliac, ca. 1762 (Adrien Carpentiers) (fl. 1739-1776) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 303 36721762Anna Seward, ca. 1762 (Tilly Kettle) (1735-1786) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2017 36731762John Bours, ca. 1760-1762 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1908.7 36741762Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick Wolfenbuttel ca. 1762-1766 by Johann Georg Ziesenis 1716-1777 Pruessenmuseum Minden 90171762Count Giacomo Durazzo and his Wife ca. 1762 by Martin van Meytens the Younger 1695-1770 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 50.5093021762135051763Louis XVIII, Count of Provence, ca. 1763 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Location TBD 36751763Princess Marie-Christine of Saxony, ca. 1763 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Museé Antoine Lécuyer, Saint-Quentin 36761763Maria Anna Mozart, 1763 (Pietro Antonio Lorenzoni) (1721-1782) Location TBD 36771763Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1763 (Pietro Antonio Lorenzoni) (1721-1782) Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg 36801763Leopold Mozart, ca. 1765 (Pietro Antonio Lorenzoni) (1721-1782) Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg36821763Kurfürst Karl Theodor von der Pfalz, ca. 1763 (Anna Dorothea Therbusch) (1721-1782) Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim 36831763Charles Claude de Flahaut de La Billarderie, ca. 1763 (Jean Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 66.28.1 36841763Charles Claude de Flahaut de La Billarderie, ca. 1763 (Jean Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) Musée de la Cour de Or, Metz 11461 36851763A Lady, ca. 1763 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 49.1 36861763Samuel Gardiner, 1763 (William Johnston) 1732-1772) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1970.283.2 36871763Mrs. Samuel Gardiner, 1763 (William Johnston) 1732-1772) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1970.283.3 36881763The Wife of Joachim Ulrich Giese, ca. 1762-1764 (Georg David Matthieu) (1737-1778) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 36891763Joachim Ulrich Giese, ca. 1762-1764 (Georg David Matthieu) (1737-1778) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 36901763Mrs. Jerathmael Bowers, ca. 1763 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 15.128 36911763Mrs. John Amory (Katherine Greene), ca. 1763 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 37.36 36921763James Warren, ca. 1761-1763 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 31.211 36931763Mrs. James Warren (Mercy Otis), ca. 1763 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 31.212 36941763Sarah Allen, nee Sargent, ca. 1763 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Minneapolis Institute of the Arts36951763Mrs. Daniel Sargent (Mary Turner), 1763 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 1979.7.31 36961763Samuel Cutts, ca. 1762-1763 (Joseph Blackburn) (fl. 1752-1778) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1979.196.1 36971763Mrs. Samuel Cutts, ca. 1762-1763 (Joseph Blackburn) (fl. 1752-1778) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1979.196.236981763Augusta Frederike von Hannover, ca. 1763 (Unknown Artist of the German School) Location TBD 36991763Comtesse Dgmont Pignatelli 1763 by Alexander Roslin Minneapolis Institute of Arts 90161763John Lord Mountstuart 1763 by Jean-etienne Liotard 1702-1789 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 2000.5893031763A Man 1763 by Arthur Devis 1712-1787 Art Institute of Chicago IL 1951.20793041763135041764Maurice Suckling, ca. 1764 (Thomas Bardwell) (1704-1767) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2010 37001764Étienne François, duc de Choiseul, ca. 1765 (Charles-André van Loo) (1705-1765) Location TBD 37011764John Marquis of Monthermer, 1764 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) Boughton House, Northamptonshire 37021764A Woman, ca. 1764 (Joachim Martin Falbe) (1709-1782) Schloss Friedrichsfelde, Berlin 37031764Jacques Cazotte, ca. 1760-1764 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) The National Gallery, London 37041764A Lady, 1764 (Lawrence Kilbrunn) (1720-1775) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2002.259 37051764Robert Hay Drummond, Archbishop of Cantebury, ca. 1764 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 46:1930 37061764Anne Dashwood, 1764 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.238.237071764Diana Beauclerk, née Spencer, ca. 1764 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Location TBD 37081764Madame Lenoir, 1764 (Joseph Siffred Duplessis) (1725-1802) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 2301 37091764A Boy, possibly W.A. Mozart, ca. 1763-1764 (Jean-Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) Location TBD Yale University Collection of Musical Instruments, New Haven, CT? 37101764Sir William Chambers, 1764 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 629 37111764Mrs. Richard Galloway, 1764 (John Hesselius) (1728-1778) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.206 37121764Joseph Green, ca. 1764 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 10.34 P37131764Louis, Dauphin de France, ca. 1764 (Unknown Artist) Museé Antoine Lécuyer, Saint-Quentin 37141764Samuel Phillips Savage, 1764 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Christies Fine Art Auction, Sale 3703, Lot 162 (1)66941764Sarah Tyler Savage, ca. 1763-1764 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Worcester Art Museum, MA, 1916.5166951764Election of Stanislaw August Poniatowski as King of Poland, September 7th, 1764, by Canaletto (1721-1780), painted in 1778, Royal Castle in Warsaw (detail).79711764Madame de Pompadour 1764 by Francois-Hubert Drouais 1727-1775 The National Gallery London93051764Nathaniel Sparhawk 1764 by John Singleton Copley 1738-1815 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1983.59593061764135031765Maria Josepha von Bayern, ca. 1765 (Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 37181765Sir Henry Clinton, ca. 1762-1765 (Andrea Soldi) (1703-1771) American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Bath37191765Self-Portrait, ca 1765 (Francesco Capella) (1711-1774) Museo dell Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 37201765Philip Dormer Stanhope, ca. 1765 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 533 37211765Tassin de La Renardière, ca. 1765 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) Musée du Louvre, Paris 37221765Catherine Maria "Kitty" Fisher, ca. 1765 (Nathaniel Hone) (1718-1784) Location TBD37231765Louis, Dauphin de France, 1765 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 37241765Mr. James Bourdieu, ca. 1765 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 37251765John Julius Angerstein, ca. 1765 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 107:1922 37261765A Young Woman, ca. 1760-1765 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_6264 37271765Sir Charles Saunders, ca. 1765 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 37281765Jean Jacques Caffiéri, ca. 1763-1765 (Jean Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1792) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 56.55.3 37291765Claude Henri Watelet, ca. 1765 (Jean Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1792) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 1982-66 37301765Admiral Harry Paulet, ca. 1765 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.65.5 37311765Maria Walpole, Countess Waldegrave, ca. 1765 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) Sphinx Fine Art, London 37321765Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon, ca. 1765 (François-Hubert Drouais) (1727-1775) Location TBD Musée Buffon, Montbard? 37331765Karl Friedrich Abel, ca. 1765 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 597437341765Mrs. Edmund Morton Pleydell, ca. 1765 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 17.3266 37351765An Officer of the 16th Light Dragoons, ca. 1765 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Tate Britain, London, T00642 37361765Anthony Stewart, ca. 1765 (John Hesselius) (1728-1778) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1993.966 37371765Jean Dick (Mrs. Anthony Stewart), ca. 1765 (John Hesselius) (1728-1778) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1993.96537381765Prince Charles IV of Spain, ca. 1765 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 37391765Maria Luisa of Parma, ca. 1765 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid37401765Luigi Vanvitelli, ca. 1765 (Giacointo Diano) (1731-1803) Reggia di Caserta, Napoli 37411765Count Ivan G. Orlov, ca. 1762-1765 (Fyodor Rokotov) (1736-1808) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg37421765Self-Portrait, 1765 (Anton Graff) (1736-1813) Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden 37431765Mary Storer, 1765 (Mrs. Edward Green) (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 08.1b37441765Henry Pelham, 1765 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1978.297 37451765John Hancock, 1765 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L-R 30.76d 37461765Joseph Warren, ca. 1765 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 95.1366 37471765James Boswell, 1765 (George Willison) (1741-1797) National Galleries of Scotland PG80437481765James Granger, ca. 1765 (John Cornish) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2961 37491765Archduchess Marie Christine, ca. 1765 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 37501765A Young Man, ca. 1765 (Alessandro Longhi) (1733-1813) Location TBD 67431765Inauguration of the Russian Academy of Arts, presided by Catherine The Great, July 7th, 1765, by Valery Ivanovich Jacobi (1834-1902) painted in 1889, Musée du Louvre, Paris.79721765Marie Louise of Bourbon 1765 by Anton Mengs Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid 90211765John Murray 4th Earl of Dunmore 1765 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Scottish National Gallery PG 289590231765George Clive and his Family with an Indian Maid ca. 1765 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin92401765Benjamin West and the American School ca. 1765 by Matthew Pratt 1734-1804 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 97.29.392411765A Young Man ca. 1765 Girolamo Batoni 1708-1787 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 03.37.193071765Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich ca. 1765 by Stefano Torelli 1712-1784 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg93081765Queen Charlotte of England with her Children ca. 1765 by Allan Ramsay 1713-1784 The Royal Collection UK group93091765Maria Luisa of Parma 1765 by Laurent Pecheux 1729-1781 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 26.260.993101765135021766Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor (detail), ca. 1766 (Georg Desmarées) (1697-1766) Schlöss Nymphenburg, München 37511766David Hume at 55 years old, ca. 1766 (Alan Ramsay) (1713-1784) Location TBD37521766Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1766 (Alan Ramsay) (1713-1784) National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh 37531766A Man, ca. 1766 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin 37541766Margaretha Bachofen-Heitz, 1766 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD 37551766Hannah Vaughan, 1766 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 48.278 37561766A Boy, ca. 1766 (François Hubert Drouais) (1727-1775) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.4837571766Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen, 1766 (Marcello Bacciarelli) (1731-1818) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 37581766Robert Gwillym, ca. 1766 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 71:1965 37591766Mrs. Robert Gwillym, ca. 1766 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 72:1965 37601766Nathaniel Hurd, ca. 1766 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH37611766Mrs. Sylvanus Bourne, 1766 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.79 37621766Elizabeth Ross (Mrs. William Tyng), ca. 1766 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 39.248 37631766Mrs. Nathaniel Ellery (Ann Sargent), ca. 1766 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1971.179 37641766Self-Portrait, 1766 (Jens Juel) (1745-1802) Location TBD 37651766Self-Portrait, ca. 1765-1770 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 2009.563 67441766Annette Comtesse de Vergennes in Oriental Costume ca. 1766 by Antoine de Favray 1706-1792 90141766Charles Gravier Count of Vergennes 1766 by Antoine de Favray Pera Museum 90151766John 14th Lord Willoughby de Broke ca. 1766 by Johann Zoffany 1733-1810 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles 96.PA.31292421766Self-Portrait, 1766, by James Millar (ca. 1735-1805) Birmingham Museums Trust, UK105461766Tai Yi, "Tang the Perfect" overthrows Jie, the last king of the Xia Dynasty, and begins the 600 year Shang dynasty, 1766 (traditional date) from Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 75.
106131766135011767Denis Diderot, ca. 1767 (Louis Michel van Loo) (1707-1771) Musée du Louvre, Paris 37661767Lady Mary Fox, 1767 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) Location TBD37671767Philip Metcalfe, ca. 1767 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 2001 37681767Self-Portrait, 1767 (Anna Rosina de Gasc) (1713-1783) Location TBD 37691767Daniel Jousse, ca. 1767 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) Musée des beaux-arts de Orléans 37701767Jean-François Marmontel, ca. 1767 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Musée du Louvre, Paris 37711767Annushka, 1767 (Ivan Argunov) (1727-1802) Museum Chateau Kuskovo, Moscow37721767Self-Portrait, ca. 1767 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Philip Mould, Ltd., London 37731767Joseph Green, 1767 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 25.50 37741767Mrs. Joseph Green (Elizabeth Cross), 1767 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 25.51 37751767Woodbury Langdon, 1767 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Dallas Museum of Art, TX 1996.70.1 37761767Sarah Sherburne Langdon, 1767 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Dallas Museum of Art, TX 1996.70.2 37771767Anne Erving, Mrs. Duncan Stewart, ca. 1767 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PGL 347 37781767Duncan Stewart of Ardsheal, 1767 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PGL 346 37791767Jeremiah Platt, 1767 (John Mare) (1739-1803) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 55.55 37801767Self-Portrait, ca. 1767 (James Barry) (1741-1806) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 213 37811767Self-Portrait, 1767 (John Runciman) (1744-1768) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 3546 37821767Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, ca. 1767-1768 (Anna Rosina Lisiewska de Gasc) (1713-1783) Gleimhaus, Halberstadt 67451767Isabel Swinburne and Thomas Crathorne 1767 by Francis Cotes 1726-1770 Huntington Library91631767Two Gentlemen before the Arch of Constantine in Rome 1767 by Anton von Maron 1733-1808 Private Collection93111767Benjamin Franklin, 1767, by David Martin (1737-1797) White House Historical Association, Washington D.C. 1962.187.1105331767135001768Marie Antoinette, ca. 1767-68 (Martin van Meytens) (1695-1770) Schloß Schönbrunn, Wien 37831768Sir Gregory Page-Turner, 1768 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) Private Collection 37871768Wife of the Artist, ca. 1768 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm 37881768Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham, ca. 1768 (after Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 406 37891768Benjamin Vaughan, 1768 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 48.277 37901768Johann Joachim Winckelmann, 1768 (Anton von Maron) (1733-1808) Klassik Stiftung Weimar 37911768Monseigneur Francesco Carafa, ca. 1768 (Anton von Maron) (1733-1808) Musée du Louvre, Paris, RF 1997-7 37921768Charles Pratt, 1st Earl of Camden, 1768 (Nathaniel Dance-Holland) (1735-1811) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 336 37931768Christian VII, King of Denmark, 1768(Nathaniel Dance-Holland) (1735-1811) The Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 403528 37941768Joseph Sherburne, ca. 1767-1770 (John Singleton Copley) (1739-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 23.143 37951768John Amory, 1768 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 37.37 37961768Jonathan Jackson, ca. 1768 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1987.295 37971768Colonel George Watson, 1768 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) New Orleans Museum of Art, LA 77.3737981768A Woman, 1768 (John Russell) (1745-1806) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1988.10 37991768Frederick Cornwallis, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1768 (Nathaniel Dance-Holland)(1735-1811) Location TBD 38001768Paul Revere, 1768 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, 30.78139591768Ignatius Sancho, 1768 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) National Gallery of Canada, No. 58 67461768The Devin Family ca. 1768 by Louis Michel van Loo 1707-1771 Private Collection92431768The Leigh Family ca. 1768 by George Romney 1734-1802 National Gallery of Victoria Melbourne92441768The Reverend Philip Cocks ca. 1768 by Johann Joseph Zoffany The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 2006.56693121768George and Elisabeth Capel 1768 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 48.18193131768A Young Man possibly Richard Crossfield ca. 1768 by John Durand fl. 1765-1782 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 69.279.293141768Johann Joachim Winckelmann 1768 by Anton von Maron (1733-1808) Kunstsammlungen Weimar100001768134991769Joseph II and older brother Leopold, ca. 1769 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. GG_1628 38011769Prince George Augustus of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, ca. 1769 (Allan Ramsay) (1713-1784) The Royal Collection, UK 38021769Charles le Normant du Coudray, ca. 1769 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783)Musée Cognacq-Jay, Paris 38031769Abrahann Van Robais, ca. 1769 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) Musée du Louvre, Paris 38041769Princess Frederika Sophia Wilhelmina of Prussia, ca. 1768-1769 (Johann Georg Ziesenis) (1717-1777) Mauritshuis, Den Haag 463 38051769Charles-Antoine de la Roche-Aymon, ca. 1769 (studio of Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Legion of Honor, San Francisco Fine Arts Museum, CA 38061769Self-Portrait, ca. 1769 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Philip Mould Ltd., London 38071769Nancy Parsons (Mrs. Horton), ca. 1765-1769 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 45.59.3 38081769Samuel Johnson, 1769(Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Location TBD 38091769Edward Hawke, 1st Baron Hawke, ca. 1769 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 38101769John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent, ca. 1769 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2026 38111769Henry Somerset, 5th Duke of Beaufort, ca. 1679 (Francis Cotes) (1726-1770) Location TBD 38121769Infante Luis of Spain, Count of Chincón, 1769 (Anton Raphael Mengs) (1728-1779) San Diego Museum of Art, CA 38131769Count Alexi Bobrinsky, 1769 (Carl Ludvig Christineck) (ca. 1733-1794) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 38141769Samuel Foote, ca. 1769 (Jean François Colson) (1733-1803) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4904 38151769Isaac Smith, ca. 1769 (John Singleton Copley) (1739-1815) Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT 38161769Elizabeth Storer (Mrs. Isaac Smith), ca. 1769 (John Singleton Copley) (1739-1815) Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT 38171769Mrs. Ebeneezer Storer, ca. 1767-1769 (John Singleton Copley) (1739-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 40.161.2b 38181769Isaac Royall, 1769 (John Singleton Copley) (1739-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 39.247 38191769Mrs. James Smith (Elizabeth Murray), 1769 (John Singleton Copley) (1739-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 42.463 38201769Nicholas Boylston, ca. 1769 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 23.504 38211769William Dodd, ca. 1769 (John Russell) (1745-1806) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 251 38221769Marie-François Buron, 1769 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Le Musée National Des Beaux Arts Dar Essalam El Hamma - Algiers 38231769Madame François Buron, 1769 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1963.205 38241769Francis I Holy Roman Empire 1769 by Pompeo Batoni 1708-1787 Schonbrunn Palace 90181769Frederick Howard 5th Earl Carlisle 1769 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Castle Howard Collection Yorkshire 90191769Marie Antoinette Queen COnsort of France 1769 by Joseph Ducreux (1735-1802) Versailles99941769Anne Boutineau Robinson 1769 by John Singleton Copley (1738-1815) Hirschl & Adler Galleries , New York City, ARTWORK
HIRSCHL & ADLER NEW YORK101751769134981770Self-Portrait, 1770 (Jean-Ètienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Location TBD 38251770William V Prince of Orange, ca. 1770 (Johann Georg Ziesenis) (1717-1777) De Geschiedkundige Vereniging Oranje-Nassau 38261770David Garrick, ca. 1770 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 505438271770Maria Carolina of Austria, ca. 1770 (Anton Raphael Mengs) (1728-1778) Location TBD 38281770A Young Woman, ca. 1770 (Anton von Maron) (1733-1808) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 38291770A Lady, ca. 1770 (Alessandro Longhi) (1733-1813) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 38301770Padre Giovanni Battista Martini, ca. 1770 (Angelo Carescimbeni) (1734-1781) Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica di Bologna 38311770Thomas Day, ca. 1770 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2490 38321770A Woman, ca. 1770 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2986-264.6 38421770Erasmus Darwin, ca. 1770 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, UK 38431770Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, ca. 1770 (Nathaniel Dance-Holland) (1735-1811) Location TBD 38441770Self-Portrait, ca. 1770 (Benjamin West) (1738-1820) Baltimore Museum of Art, MD 38451770Noel Halle, ca. 1770 (Etienne Aubry) (1745-1781) Musée de le Histoire de France, Château de Versailles 38461770William Wilberforce, ca. 1770 (John Russell) (1745-1806) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 759 38471770George Whitefield, ca. 1770 (John Russell) (1745-1806) Location TBD 38481770Wolgang Amadeus Mozart at 14 years old, January 1770, (Saverio Dalla Rosa) (1745-1821) Location TBD 38491770Self-Portrait, ca. 1770 (Daniel Gardner) (1750-1805) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 197138501770A Man, possibly Paul Whitehead, ca. 1770 (John Downman) (1750-1824) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1679 38511770James Brindley, ca. 1770 (Francis Parsons) (fl. 1763-1804) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6170 38521770Susannah or Mary Bontecou, ca. 1768-1770 (John Durand) (fl. 1765-1782) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 62.256.6 38531770Niccolo Jomelli, ca. 1770 (Unknown Artist) Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica di Bologna38541770Benedita of Portugal, Princess of Brazil ca. 1770 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 38551770Tobias George Smollett, ca. 1770 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1110 38561770Captain James Cook lands at Botany Bay in Australia, April 29th, by E. Phillips Fox (1865-1915), painted in 1902, National Gallery of Victoria.79731770Edward Viscount Ligonier 1770 by Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 Huntington Library90251770Louis XV Bourbon King of France ca. 1770 by Louis-Michel van Loo Versailles90381770Penelope Pitt Viscountess Ligonier 1770 by Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 Huntington Library 90421770Blue Boy ca. 1770 by Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 The Huntington San Marino CA93151770Two Sisters ca. 1770 by Jean Honore Fragonard 1732-1806 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 53.61.593161770Archduke Franz Joseph Karl 1770 by Anton Raphael Mengs (1728-1779) Prado Museum P02191100011770Miss Mary Hickey 1770 by Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) Location TBD100071770Sir James Eyre Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 1770 by Lemuel Francis Abbot (1760-1802) Government Art Collection Royal Courts of Justice The Strand London RCJ5564 100081770134971771Self-Portrait, ca. 1771 (Jean-Simeon Chardin) (1699-1779) Musée du Louvre, Paris INV 2520638571771Mrs. Thomas Watkinson Payler, ca. 1771 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN C10065 38581771Frances Abington, 1771 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1977.14.67 38591771Edmund Burke, 1771 (style of Joshua Reynolds) (1723-179 2) National Portrait Gallery, London 38601771Jan van Os, 1771 (Hendrik Pothoven) (1726-1807) Museum Bredius, Den Haag Inv.nr. 192-1946, Cat. nr. 126 38611771Richard Cumberland, ca. 1771 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Huntington, San Marino, CA38621771Moses Mendelssohn, 1771 (Anton Graff) (1736-1813) Jüdisches Museum Berlin 38631771Mrs. Thomas Gage, 1771 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA 38641771Mrs. Gill, ca. 1770-1 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Tate Britain, London T02386 38651771Ezekiel Goldthwait, 1771 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 41.85 38661771Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait (Elizabeth Lewis), 1771 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 41.8438671771Samuel Verplanck, ca. 1771 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.173 38681771Gulian Verplanck, ca. 1771 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.13 38691771Mrs. Joseph Barrell (Hannah Fitch), ca. 1771 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 52.1472 38701771Thomas Flucker, ca. 1771(John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, ME 38711771A Woman, 1771 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, 85.2 38721771Self-Portrait, ca. 1771 (Angelica Kauffmann) (1741-1807) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 430 38731771Margaret Strachan, ca. 1771 (Mrs. Thomas Harwood) (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 33.24 38761771Louis Claude Vasse, 1771 (Etienne Aubry) (1745-1781) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 38771771Etienne Jeuarat, ca. 1771 (Etienne Aubry) (1745-1781) Legion of Honor, San Francisco 38781771Ezra Stiles, ca. 1771 (Samuel King) (1749-1819) Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT, 1955.3.1 38791771Daniel Crommelin Verplanck 1771 by John Singleton Copley 1738-1815 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 49.1293171771Hester Countess of Sussex and Daughter Lady Barbara Yelverton by Unknown Artist 1771 Toledo Museum of Art 1984.20100091771134961772Christian VII of Denmark, 1772 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød 38801772Denis-Paul le Pot de la Fontaine, ca. 1772 (François-Hubert Drouais) (1727-1775) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI 38811772Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey), 1772 (Thomas Gainesborough) (1727-1788) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 66.88.1 38821772Captain Thomas Mathews, ca. 1772 (Thomas Gainesborough) (1727-1788) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 25.134 38831772Prince Ernest Gottlob Albert of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, ca. 1772 (Johann Zoffany) (1733-1810) The Royal Collection, Windsor 38841772Cadwallader Colden and grandson Warren de Lancey, ca. 1772 (Matthew Pratt) (1734-1805) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 69.76 38851772Warren Hastings, ca. 1772 (Tilly Kettle) (1735-1786) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 81 38861772Alexandra Struiskaya, ca. 1772 (Fyodor Rokotov) (1736-1809) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow38871772Dorothy Quincy, ca. 1772 (Mrs. John Hancock) (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1975.13 38881772Mrs. Richard Skinner, ca. 1772 (Dorothy Wendell) s.d. (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 06.2428 38891772Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, ca. 1772 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Seattle Art Museum, WA 38901772A Gentleman, 1770-1772 (Henry Benbridge) (1743-1812) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 69.202 38911772Magdalene Charlotte Hedevig Numsen, 1772 (Jens Juel) (1745-1802) Frederiksborg Slot,Hillerød 38921772Jacques François Joseph Saly, 1772 (Jens Juel) (1745-1802) Staten Museum for Kunst København 38931772Nicolai A. Abildgaard, 1772(Jens Juel) (1745-1802) Location TBD 38941772Princesses Davidova and Rzevskaja ca. 1772 by Dmitry Gregorevich Levitsky 1735-1822 State Russian Museum St. Petersburg93181772Duchess Louise Friederike with Caesar 1772 by Unknown Artist Location TBD Inv Nr G 182 4100021772Abraham Roentgen at 61 1772 by Johannes Juncker Roentgen Museum Neuwied Inv No 3523101821772134951773Self-Portrait, 1773 (Jean Etienne Liotard) (1702-1789) Le Musée de art et de histoire, Genéve 38951773A Woman, 1773 (Jean-Baptiste Perronneau) (1715-1783) Sothebys Sale N08712 38961773Maria Antoinette, 1773 (François-Hubert Drouais) (1727-1775) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 529-1882 38971773Maria Carolina of Austria, ca. 1773 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Palacio Real de Madrid 38981773A Man in Indian Landscape, ca. 1773 (Tilly Kettle) (1735-1786) The Huntington, San Marino, CA38991773Self-Portrait, 1773 (Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland) (1735-1811) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3626 39001773Capability Brown, ca. 1773 (Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland) (1735-1811) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 6049 39011773Denis Diderot, 1773 (Dmitri Levitsky) (1735-1822) Location TBD 39021773A Gentleman in a Green Robe, 1773 (Thomas Beach) (1738-1806) Tate Britain, London 39031773Hannah Fayerweather, Mrs. John Winthrop, 1773 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 31.109 39041773James Gambier, 1773 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 37.1208 39051773Edward Gibbon, 1773 (Henry Walton) (1746-1813) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1443 39061773Samuel Northcote, the Artist's Father, 1773 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 39071773The Artists Brother, 1773 (Elisabeth-Louise Vigée Le Brun ) (1755-1842) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 3:194039081773Pope Clement XIV, ca. 1773 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 46951773Madame Victoire de France 1773 by Etienne Aubry Versailles 90391773Mariana Victoria Queen of Portugal c1773 by Miguel Antonio do Amaral Hermitage St. Petersburg90401773Sophia Magdalena of Denmark Queen of Sweden ca. 1773-1775 by Lorens Pasch the Younger 1733-1805 The Hermitage St. Petersburg 90461773Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Winslow 1773 by John Singleton Copley 1738-1815 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 39.25092451773Francis and Saunders Malbone ca. 1773 by Gilbert Stuart 1755-1828 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1991.43692461773Leopold II Holy Roman Emperor with Family in Florence 1773 by Wenceslaus Werlin Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG_878592471773John Talbot later 1st Earl Talbot 1773 by Pompeo Batoni 1708-1787 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 78.PA.21193191773John Stuart 3rd Earl of Bute 1773 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 National Portrait Gallery London NPG393893201773Prokofiy Demidov 1773 by Dmitry Gregorevich Levitsky 1735-1822 Tretyakov Gallery Moscow93211773Thomas Bolling ca 1773 possibly by Matthew Pratt CWF G1995-99102141773Thomas Orde, later Orde Powlett, 1st Baron Bolton, 1773 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1807) Sotheby's Old Masters Evening Sale, December 10, 2020 Lot 28.104851773Joseph Banks, ca. 1772-1773, by Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery London, NPG 5868.105351773134941774John Dart, ca. 1772-1774 (Jeremiah Theus) (1716-1774) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 67.268.1 39091774Mrs. John Dart, ca. 1772-1774 (Jeremiah Theus) (1716-1774) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 67.268.2 39101774Isabela Fleming, ca. 1774 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD 39111774Miss Montagu, ca. 1774 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 39121774Christophe Gabriel Allegrain, 1774 (Joseph-Siffred Duplessis) (1725-1802) Musée du Louvre, Paris 39131774Frederick North, 2nd Earl of Guilford, ca. 1774 (Nathaniel Dance-Holland) (1735-1811) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3627 39141774Robert Adam, ca. 1774 (attributed to George Williston) (1741-1797) National Portrait Gallery London, NPG 2953 39151774William Buckland, ca. 1774 (Charles Wilson Peale) (1741-1827) Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT, 1934.303 39161774A Man, ca. 1774 (François-André Vincent) (1746-1816) Private Collection 39171774Margaret Joy Doughty 1774 by James Northcote (1746-1831) Location TBD100061774Pricess Sophie Friederike holdinga picture of CHristian Ludwig of Mecklenburg ca 1774 by Georg David Matthieu 1737-1778 Schloss Ludwiglust INv Nr G 177102071774John Baskerville, 1774, by James Millar (1735-1805) Birmingham Museums Trust, UK105441774134931775Christopher Anstey with his daughter, ca. 1775 (William Hoare) (1707-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3084 39181775Pope Pius VI, 1775 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) Location TBD 39191775Gustav III, King of Sweden, ca. 1775 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD 39201775Carolus Linnaeus, 1775 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Gripsholms Slott, Mariefred 39211775Johann Gottfried Herder, 1775 (Johann Ludwig Strecker) (1721-1799) Location TBD 39221775Samuel Johnson, ca. 1775 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Location TBD 39231775Samuel Johnson, "Blinking Sam", 1775 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Huntington, San Marino, CA39241775Henry Howard, 12th Earl of Suffolk, ca. 1775 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Heritage Auctions, Dallas, TX Auction #638, Lot 24061 39251775Admiral Edward Boscawan, ca. 1775 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5302 39261775Charles Manners, 4th Duke of Rutland, ca. 1775 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Location TBD 39271775A Young Woman, ca. 1775 (Per Krafft the Elder) (1724-1793) Location TBD 39281775Cristoph Willibald Gluck, 1775 (Joseph Duplessis) (1725-1802) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_1795 39291775Marie Clotilde Xaviere de France, Queen of Sardinia, 1775 (François-Hubert Drouais) (1727-1775) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles INV. 4118 39301775An English General, possibly William Bligh, ca. 1775 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 60.71.7 39311775Self-Portrait, ca. 1775 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg39321775Self-Portrait, ca. 1775 (Anton von Maron) (1733-1808) Palais Fesch, musée des beaux-arts, Ajaccio, Corsica 39331775Thoman Lyttelton, 2nd Baron Lyttleton, ca. 1775 (Richard Brompton) (1734-1783) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1446 39341775Fernando I, Duke of Parma, ca. 1775 (Pietro Melchiorre Ferrari) (1735-1787) Galleria Nazionale di Parma 39351775Mikhail Krechetnikov, ca. 1775 (Dmitry Levitsky) (1735-1822) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg39361775Anna Yurevna Kvashnina Samarina, ca. 1775 (Fyodor Rokotov) (1736-1809) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 39371775Marie Anoinette, 1775 Unknown Artist, possibly Jean-Baptiste Gautier Dagoty (1740-1786) Musée Antoine Lecuyer, Saint-Quentin, Picardie 39381775Edward Wortley Montagu, ca. 1775 (Matthew William Peters) (1741 -1814) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4573 39391775Levi Willard, ca. 1770-1775 (Winthrop Chandler) (1747-1790) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 37.42 39401775Mrs. Levi Willard (Catherine Chandler), ca. 1770-1775 (Winthrop Chandler) (1747-1790) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 37.4339411775John Richardson, ca. 1775 (Unknown American Artist) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 55.1001 39421775David Garrick, ca. 1775 (formerly attributed to Robert Edge Pine) (1730-1788) The Huntington, San Marino, CA39431775Daniel Boone and party cross the Cumberland Gap into Kentucky, April 1775, by George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879) painted in 1852, Location TBD.79741775Battle of Bunker Hill - the 52nd regiment marches up Breed's Hill, June 17th, by Howard Pyle, painted ca. 1907, Location TBD.79751775Georgiana Spencer Cvendish Duchess of Devonshire ca. 1775-6 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Huntington Library 90271775John Windham Dalling ca. 1775-77 by Philip Reinagle 1749-1833 Weiss Gallery 90351775A Lady ca. 1775 by Angelica KauffMan 1741-1807 Tate Britain T00928 90371775Sir Richard Worsley 1775 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Location TBD90441775Duc de Choiseul with Madame de Brionne and Abbe Barthelemy ca. 1775 by Jacques Wilbaut 1729-1806 Getty Museum CA 71.PA.6892481775Mr. and Mrs Ralph Izard Alice Delancey 1775 by John Singleton Copley 1738-1815 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 03.103392491775John Eld of Seighford Hall Stafford ca. 1775 by Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 12.80993221775A Boy possibly of the Crossfield Family 1775 by William Williams 1727-1791 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 65.3493231775Sir William Hamilton 1775 David Allan 1744-1796 National Portrait Gallery London NPG58993241775Roger Sherman 1775 by Ralph Earl 1751-1801 Yale University Art Gallery New Haven CT93251775A Man ca. 1775 by Johann Heinrich Schmidt (1749-1829) Location TBD100051775Luigi Galvani, ca. 1775, by an unknown artist, Museo Palazzo Poggi, Bologna.105151775Christoph Willibald Gluck, 1775, Joseph-Siffred Duplessis (1725-1802) Sotheby's Paris, September 24, 2024, lot 7.105271775134921776Self-Portrait, ca. 1776 (Maurice Quentin de la Tour) (1704-1788) Musée du Louvre, Paris 39441776Don José Moñino y Redondo, Conde de Floridablanca, ca. 1776 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) Art Institute of Chicago, IL, 1974.386 39451776Grand Duchess Natalia Alexeyevna, ca. 1776 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 39461776Wilhelmine Encke, Countess Lichtenau, ca. 1776 (Anna Dorothea Therbusch) (1721-1782) Neues Palais, Potsdam 39471776Self Portrait at 53 years old, ca. 1776 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze39481776Madame de Saint-Maurice, 1776 (Joseph Duplessis) (1725-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 69.161 39491776Louis XVI, Roi du France, 1776 (Joseph Duplessis) (1725-1802) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles39501776Johann Christian Bach, 1776 (Thomas Gainesborough) (1727-1788) Museo internazionale e Biblioteca della musica di Bologna 39511776Johann Joachim Winckelmann, ca. 1776 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 39521776Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant), 1776 (George Romney) (1734-1802) National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa no. 8005 39531776Francis Dashwood, 15th Baron Le Despencer, ca. 1776 (Nathaniel Dance-Holland) (1735-1811) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 134539541776Captain James Cook, 1776 (Nathaniel Dance-Holland) (1735-1811) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, BHC2628 39571776Adam Friedrich Oeser, 1776 (Anton Graff) (1736-1813) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 39581776Marie-Louise of Savoy, Princess of Lamballe, ca. 1776 (Antoine-François Callet) (1741-1823) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles, Inv. 9818 39601776Mrs. Benjamin Simons, ca. 1771-1776 (Henry Benbridge) (1743-1812) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.58 39611776Charlotte de Rohan, Princess of Condé, 1776 (Jean-Marie Ribou) (1744-1817) Musée Condé, Chantilly 39621776Peter Scheemakers, ca. 1776 (Andreas Bernardus de Quertenmont) (1750-1835) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2675 39631776James Cook, ca. 1776 (John Webber) (1751-1793) Location TBD39641776James Hutton, ca. 1776 (Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 268639651776The Abduction of Daniel Boone's daughter Jemima and the two Callaway girls, July 14th, 1776, by Karl Ferdinand Wimar (1828-1862) painted in 1855-6 (detail), Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, TX, 196579761776The passage of the Delaware, 25-26 December, by Thomas Sully (1783-1872), painted in 1819, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.79771776George Washington Crossing the Delaware, December 25th, 1776, by Emanuel Leutze (1816-1868), painted in 1851, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.79781776Omai ca. 1776 by Sir Joshua Reynolds Private Collection90411776Seyomour Dorothy Fleming Lady Worsley 1776 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Harewood House Yorkshire90431776Sir William Hamilton ca. 1776-1777 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 National Portrait Gallery London NPG68090451776Leopold I Holy Roman Emperor and Maria Luisa with Family 1776 by Johann Zoffany 1733-1810 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien GG 377191651776Continental Congress votes for independence, 1776, July 2nd103821776Thomas Pennant, 1776, by Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788) National Museum Wales, Cardiff. NMW A97105361776134911777Ivan Betskoy, ca. 1777 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD 39661777Princess Natalia Petrovna Golitsyn, neé Tjernysjev, 1777 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Malmö Konstmuseum 39671777Tsarevich Paul, ca. 1777 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ 2003-16 39681777Grand Duchess Sophia, ca. 1777 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ 2003-15 39691777Zoie Ghika, Princess from Moldavia, 1777 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, NM6872 39701777Benjamin Franklin, ca. 1777 (Jean-Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) Location TBD 39711777Mary Gainsborough, artists daughter, 1777 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Tate Britain, London 39721777Anne (Luttrell) , Duchess of Cumberland, ca. 1777 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) The Huntington, San Marino, CA39731777Lady Catherine Ponsonby, ca. 1777 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Sothebys Fine Art Auction House 39741777Mrs Henrietta Morris and Her Son John, ca. 1777 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Private Collection 39751777Martha Rigden (Mrs. Charles Frederick), ca. 1775-1777 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 45.59.539761777A Young Woman, ca. 1777 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Fergus Hall Master Paintings, London 39771777Elizabeth, Ramus, 1777 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Christies Sale 1136 39781777Arthur Murphy, ca. 1777 (Nathaniel Dance-Holland) (1735-1811) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 10 39791777A Man, ca. 1777 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Location TBD 39801777George Pigot, Baron Pigot, ca. 1777 (George Willison) (1741-1797) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3837 39811777Samuel Mifflin, 1777 (Charles Wilson Peale) (1741-1827) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.153.1 39821777Mrs. Samuel Mifflin and her Granddaughter, ca. 1777 (Charles Wilson Peale) (1741-1827) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.153.2 39831777Johan Frederik Clemens, ca. 1777 (Jens Juel) (1745-1802) Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød 39841777Benjamin West, ca. 1777 (John Downman) (1750-1824) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6264 39851777Mrs. David Coats, ca. 1777 (Christian Gullager) (1759-1826) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 48:1949 39861777Captain David Coats, ca. 1777 (Christian Gullager) (1759-1826) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 47:1949 39871777Colonel John Brooks, ca. 1777 (Unknown Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 39881777Albert von Sachsen-Teschen, ca. 1777 (Unknown Artist) Albertina, Wien39891777Diana Sackville Viscountess Crosbie 1777 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Huntington Museum90241777Frances Molesworth later Marchioness Camden 1777 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Huntington Library 90261777Grand Duchess Maria Fiodorovna 1777 The Hermitage St. Petersburg 90281777Hester Thrale and Daughter Queenie ca. 1777 by Unknown Artist Beaverbrook Gallery90291777Karl Friedrich Abel ca. 1777 by Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 Huntington Library 90361777Thomas John and Catherine Mary clavering 1777 by George Romney 1734-1802 Huntington Library91661777Agostino Carlini Francesco Bartolozzi and Giovanni Battista Cipriani 1777 John Francis Rigaud 1742-1810 National Portrait Gallery London 318692501777Catherine II the Great Empress of Russia ca. 1777 by Alexander Roslin 1718-1793 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg RU93261777Self-Portrait ca. 1777 Anna Dorothea Therbusch 1721-1782 Staatliche Museen Berlin93271777Francois de Chambrier 1777 by Pompeo Batoni Moretti Fine Arts London100031777134901778Benjamin Franklin, 1778 (Joseph Duplessis) (1725-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 32.100.132 39901778Benjamin Franklin, ca. 1778 (Anne-Rosalie Bocquet Filleul) (1752-1794) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA 2007-13-2 39911778Louis XVIII, Comte de Provence, ca. 1788 (Joseph-Siffred Duplessis) (1725-1802) Musée Condé, Chantilly 39921778Charles Rousseau Burney, ca. 1778 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.145.16 39931778James Christie, 1778 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 70.PA.16 39941778John Taylor, ca. 1778 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 25.108 39951778Mrs. Philip Dupont, ca. 1778 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1987.139 39961778Lady Elizabeth Hamilton, ca. 1776-1778 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.57 39971778Gilbert DeBlois, ca. 1778 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1990.300 39981778Louis Charles Auguste le Tonnelier, Prime Minister of France, ca. 1778 (François-Guillaume Ménageot) (1744-1816) Musée du Louvre, Paris, RF 1963-4 39991778Henry Fuseli, ca. 1778 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5469 40001778George Farmer, ca. 1778 (Charles Grignion) (1754-1804) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2149 40011778Joseph Vernet, 1778 (Elizabeth Louise Vigee-Lebrun) (1755-1842) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV 3054 40021778Self-Portrait, ca. 1778 (Gilbert Stuart) (1855-1828) Redwood Library and Athanæum, Newport, RI 40031778William Mason, ca. 1778 (William Doughty) (1757-1782) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4806 40041778Jane Fleming 1778 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Huntington Library 13.390341778Mrs. Grace Darymple Elliot 1778 by Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 20.155.193281778Anne Countess of Chesterfieldd ca. 1778 by Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 71.PA.893291778Marianne Dorothy Harland ca. 1778 by Richard Cosway 1742-1821 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 69.10493301778Jean Francois de Galaup de La Perouse, 1778, by Genevieve Brossard de Beaulieu (1755-1835) Fine Art Museums of San Francisco105431778134891779A Lady, possibly Mrs. Mary Barnardison, 1779 (Nathaniel Hone) (1718-1784) Tate Britain, London 40051779Augustus Keppel, Viscount Keppel, ca. 1779 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 179 40061779Self Portrait, ca. 1779 (Anton Mengs) (1728-1779) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 40071779Elisabeth Hervey, 4th Marqioness of Bristol, ca. 1778-9 (Anton von Maron) (1733-1808) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien GG_979640081779Paolo Renier, penultimate Doge of Venice, ca. 1779 (Alessandro Longhi) (1733-1813) Location TBD 40091779Maria Theresa, Empress Consort of the Holy Roman Empire (Hubert Maurer) (1738-1818) Location TBD 40101779James Ward, ca. 1779 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Location TBD40111779Archibald Cochrane, 9th Earl of Dundonald, ca. 1779 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 40121779A Gentleman,1779,Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787) Sothebys, Paris-Rome une Alliance Artistique 15 September, 2017, Lot 4380631779John Palmer as Count Almaviva in The Spanish Barber 1779 by Henry Walton 1746-1813 National Portrait Gallery London NPG2086 UK93311779A Man ca. 1779 by by Thomas Eakins 1844-1916 Location TBD94711779The Salon of 1779, by Gabriel Jacques de Saint-Aubin.103831779134881780Self-Portrait, ca. 1780 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) Location TBD 40131780George Morland, ca. 1780 (Henry Robert Morland) (1716-1797) Sothebys Auction House Sale 08457 40141780Countess de Bavière-Grosberg, 1780 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 40151780A Woman, known as Mademoiselle de Bionville, 1780 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Bukowskis Auction House, Sale 559 Lot 282 40161780Emilie de Coutances, La Marquise de Bec de Lièvre, 1780 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD 40171780A Young Woman, 1780 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Sinebrychoff Art Museum, Helsinki 40181780Juliana Maria of Brunswick, Queen of Denmark, ca. 1780 (Vigilius Eriksen) (1722-1782) Rosenborg Slot,København40191780Self-Portrait, ca. 1780 (circle of Johann Heinrich Tischbein) (1722-1789) Christies Auction, Sale 5512, Lot 87 40201780William Strahan, ca. 1780 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4202 40211780Elizabeth, Countess of Warwick, ca. 1780 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Frick Collection, New York, NY 40221780John Germain, ca. 1780 (attributed to Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Brigham Young University Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 840043100 40231780A Young Woman, “The White Hat”, ca. 1780 (Jean-Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1975.808 40241780Sir Henry Bate Dudley, ca. 1780 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Tate Britain, London 40251780Sophia Dumergue, ca. 1780 (Johann Zoffany) (1733-1810) Victoria Art Gallery, Bath, Somerset 40261780John Whetham of Kirklington, ca. 1779-1780 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 85.PA.221 40271780Self-Portrait, ca. 1780 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT 40281780Admiral Sir Charles Hardy, ca. 1780 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Location TBD40291780A Man, ca. 1780 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.169 40301780Sophia Catherine Heywood, "Miss Musters", ca. 1780 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Kenwood House, Hampstead, London 40311780Lord Thomas Dundas, ca. 1780 (attributed to George Romney) (1734-1802) Brigham Young University Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 980980000 40321780A Woman, ca. 1780 (Jeremaiah Meyer) (1735-1789) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 40331780Doña Carlota Joaquina of Spain, Future Queen of Portugal, ca. 1780 (Giuseppe Troni) (1839-1810) Location TBD 40341780Marie Clotilde de France, ca. 1780 (Johann Julius Heinsius) (1740-1812) Location TBD 40351780Captain Sir Walter Stirling, ca. 1780 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London BHC3038 40361780Anne Joliffe, ca. 1780 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1754-1797) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1942.640 40371780Henry Grattan, ca. 1780 (Francis Wheatley) (1747-1801) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 790 40381780Petrus Camper, ca. 1780 (attributed to Marie-Anne Falconet-Collot (1748-1821) Location TBD 40391780John Park, 1780 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 24.211 40401780Admiral Peter Rainier, ca. 1780 (Unknown American Artist) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 04.1757 40411780Marie Jeanne Puissant, 1781 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD 40431780The Gordon anti-Catholic Riots, London September 2-9, 1780, by John Seymour Lucas (1849-1923) Art Gallery New South Wales.79791780 Lady Elizabeth Delme and her Children ca. 1780 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 National Gallery of Art Washington D.C.93321780George Washington 1780 by John Trumbull 1756-1843 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 24.109.8893331780Madame de Genlis 1780 by Adelaide Labille-Guiard (1749-1803) Los Angeles County Museum of Art100191780Master Bunbury ca. 1780-81 by Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) Philadelphia Museum of Art100241780Susanna Lady Cullum ca. 1780 by Angelica Kaufman St Edmundsbury Museums100301780V E Novosiltsova 1780 by Rokotov Location TBD100311780Portrait of a Gentleman in a Red Coat, 1780, by David Martin (1737-1797) Period Portraits Gallery, Nick Cox Owner, London and North Yorkshire, UK
***SOLD FEB 2018***
101501780A Woman, ca. 1780, attributed to Marie-Victoire Lemoine (1754-1820) Sotheby's Paris, September 24, 2024, Lot 114105311780134871781Katharina Elisabeth Stettler-Brutel, 1781 (Jakob Emanuel Handmann) (1718-1781) Bernisches Historisches Museum, 27710 40421781Charles Burney, ca. 1781 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3884 40441781Auguste Vestris, ca. 1781 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Tate Britain, London 40451781Mrs Harriet Greer, ca. 1781 (George Romney) (1734-1802) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 40461781Emily Bertie Pott, ca. 1781 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 58.102.2 40471781James Tassie, ca. 1781 (David Allan) (1735-1799) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh 57640481781Anne Forbes, ca. 1781 (David Allan) (1735-1799) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh 191 40491781Horatio Nelson, 1781 (John Francis Rigaud) (1742-1810) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK, BHC 2901 40501781William Gilpin, ca. 1781 (Henry Walton) (1746-1813) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4418
40511781Henry Lambert, ca. 1780-1781 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, MN 40521781Suzanne Curchod, Madame Necker, ca. 1781, by Joseph-Siffred Duplessis (1725-1802) Coppet Castle, Switzerland105561781Sir Brooke Boothby 1781 by Joseph Wright of Derby 1734-1797 Tate Britain90561781Jacopo Gradenigo ca. 1781 by Alessandro Longhi 1733-1813 Museo Civico Padua93341781George Washington ca. 1781 by Charles Wilson Peale 1741-1827 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 97.3393351781Madame du Barry 1781 by Elisabeth Vigee Lebrun (1755-1842) Philadelphia Museum of Art PA100201781Mary-Robinson 1781 by Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788) Wallace Collection100251781134861782Prince B. Kurakin, 1781 (Pompeo Batoni) (1708-1787) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg40531782William Beckford, ca. 1781 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5340 40541782Alexander Hamilton, 10th Duke of Hamilton, 1782 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Location TBD 40551782Lavinia Bingham, Countess Spencer, ca. 1781-1782 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Althorp House, Northamptonshire, UK 40561782Queen Charlotte of England, ca. 1781 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.55 40571782The Hon. Anne (Batson) Fane, ca. 1782 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 26.10840581782Admiral Sir Chaloner Ogle, ca. 1781 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 53.220 40591782Lady Hamilton as Nature, 1781 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Location TBD40601782Miss Frances Mary Harford, ca. 1782 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Frick Collection, New York, NY, 1903.1.105 40611782Self-Portrait, before 1783 (Joseph Ducreux) (1735-1802) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 71.PA.56 40621782Catherine II, Queen of Russia, ca. 1782 (Dmitry Levitsky) (1735-1822) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 40631782William Woodfall, ca. 1782 (Thomas Beach) (1738/1806) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 169 40641782Midshipman Augustus Brine, ca. 1782 (John Singleton Copley) (1739-1815) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.86.4 40651782Elkanah Watson, 1782 (John Singleton Copley) (1739-1815) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ y1964-181 40661782A Lady, ca. 1782 (John Smart) (1741-1811) Cincinnati Art Museum, OH 40671782Thomas Willing, 1782 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 66.4640681782Arthur St. Claire, 1782 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Independence National Historic Park, Philadelphia, PA 40691782Antoni Bielski, 1782 (Jozef Chojnicki) (1745-1812) Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine40701782Jacques-François Demaisons, 1782 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY 40711782Self-Portrait at 27 years old, 1782 (Elizabeth Louise Vigee-Lebrun) (1755-1842) Location TBD40721782Mary Robinson as Perdita, ca. 1789 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) Chawton House Library, Hampshire 40731782Mary Delany (née Granville), ca. 1782 (John Opie) (1761-1807) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1030 40741782John O’Keefe, ca. 1782 (Thomas or William Lawranson) (fl. 1733-1786/1774-1780) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 165 40751782Siege and relief of Gibraltar, 1782, by John Singleton Copley (1738-1815) Tate Britain, London.79801782Charles Towneley in his Sculpture Gallery 1782 by Johann Zoffany 1733-1810 Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museum Burnley UK91671782Sir William Chambers and Joseph Wilton Sir Joshua Reynolds 1782 John Francis Rigaud 1742-1810 National Portrait Gallery London NPG98792511782Colonel George K. H. Coussmaker Grenadier Guards 1782 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY USA horse93361782General Sir Banastre Tarleton 1782 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 The National Gallery London UK93371782George Washington ca. 1782 by James Peale 1749-1831 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 85.193381782Onorato Caetani 1782 by Pompeo Girolamo Batoni Fondazione Camillo Caetani Rome100231782Mary Darby Mrs Thomas Robinson called Perdita 1782 by Waddesdon Manor Buckinghamshire National Trust100261782Self-Portrait ca. 1782-1785 by Joseph Wright (1734-1797) National Portrait Gallery London NPG4090100281782134851783Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis, ca. 1783 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 281 40771783Sir Benjamin Thompson, 1783 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 1922.1 40781783Myles Cooper, ca. 1783 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Private Collection40791783George III, King of England, 1783 (Benjamin West) (1738-1820) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1952.17 40801783Ferdinand I, King of the Two Sicilies, ca. 1783 (Angelica Kauffman) (1741-1807) Vorarlberg Museum, Bregenz 40811783Doctor Alphonse Leroy, 1783 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Musée Fabre, Montepellier 40821783Augustin Pajou, ca. 1783 (Adélaide Labille-Guiard) (1749-1803) Musée du Louvre, Paris 40831783Richard Kempenfelt, ca. 1783 (Ralph Earl) (1751-1801) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1641 40841783Henriette Luard, 1783 (Ralph Earl) (1751-1801) Brigham Young University Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 030170000 40851783William Woollett, 1783 (Gilbert Suart) (1755-1828) Tate Britain, London 40861783Catherine Noele Worlée, 1783 (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.135.2 40871783Marie Antoinette, 1783 (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) Location TBD Versailles? 40881783Self-Portrait, ca. 1783 (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) The National Gallery, London, NG 1653 40891783Self-Portrait, ca. 1783 (Marie-Gabrielle Capet) (1761-1818) National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo P.2001.000240901783Ludwig von Beethoven, ca. 1783 (Unknown Artist) Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente, Neue Burg, Vien 40911783Louis-Antoine de Rohan-Chabot, 1783 (Unknown Artist) Château de Josselin, Brittany 40921783Joseph Priestley, 1783, by Henry Fuseli (1741-1825) Dr. Williams's Library, London105211783Lavinia Bingham Countess Spencer and John Charles Spencer Viscount Althorp ca. 1783-84 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Huntington Library90511783Benjamin Franklin ca. 1783 by Joseph-Siffrid Duplessis pastel in New York Public Library100111783Admiral Samuel Hood 1783 by Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) National Maritime Museum UK BHC2775100121783Benjamin Franklin ca. 1783 by Joseph-Siffrid Duplessis Sothebys Old Masters January 29 2015 Lot 82100131783Flore Pajou aka Madame Clodion 1783 by Adelaide Labille Guiard (1749-1803) Musee du Louvre Paris100171783Treaty of Paris, 1783, September 3rd, by Benjamin West103841783134841784Georgiana Augusta Frederica Elliot, 1783 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 15.30.38 40931784Joseph Marie Vien, 1784 (Joseph Siffred Duplessis) (1725-1802) Location TBD 40941784A Woman, 1784 (Ivan Argunov) (1727-1802) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 40951784Self-Portrait, ca. 1784 (George Romney) (1734-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 959 40961784Emma Hart, later Lady Hamilton, ca. 1782-1784 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Huntington, San Marino, CA40971784Yekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova, 1784 (Dmitry Levitzky) (1735-1822) Private Collection, Moscow 40981784Abigail Bromfield, Mrs. Damiel Denison Rogers, 1784 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Location TBD 40991784Elias Boudinot IV, 1784 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ y1954-266 41001784Mrs. Elias Boudinot IV, 1784 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ y1954-267 41011784General Benjamin Lincoln, 1784 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Location TBD 41021784Henry Knox, ca. 1784 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Location TBD 41031784Jacques de Vaucanson, 1784 (Joseph Boze) (ca. 1746-1826) Location TBD 41041784Self-Portrait, ca. 1784 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3253 41051784Charles-Pierre Pecoul, the Artists Stepfather, 1784 (Jacques-Louis David) (1748-1825) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV 3706 41061784Geneviève Jacqueline Pecoul, 1784 (Jacques-Louis David) (1748-1825) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV 3707 41071784Jean-Jacques Caffieri, 1784 (Adolf Ulrich Wertmüller) (1751-1811) Boston Museum of Fine Arts, MA 63.1082 41081784Duchess Elisabeth von Württemberg, ca. 1784 (Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder) (1751-1830) Private Collection 41091784John Singleton Copley, ca. 1784 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Location TBD 41101784Captain Skeffington Lutwidge, 1783-1784 (Gilbert Stuart)(1755-1828) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA41111784Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1784 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Private Collection 41121784Marie Gabrielle de Gramont, Duchesse de Caderousse, 1784 (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, MO 86-2041131784Robert Pollard, ca. 1784 (Richard Samuel) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1020 41141784Emma Hart as The Spinstress ca.1784 by George Romney Kenwood House90491784Luis de Bourbon y Farnese 13th Count Chinchon 1784 by Goya Location TBD91691784John Adams ca. 1784 after John Singleton Copley 1738-1815 Museum of Fine Arts Boston MA 23.18093391784Master Rees Goring Thomas ca. 1784 attributed to Ralph Earl 1751-1801 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 15.30.3593401784Reinhold Friedrich von Lowis of Menar 1784 by Johann Heinrich Schmidt (1749-1829) Hermitage St. Petersburg OR-43216 RU100271784Charles-Alexandre de Calonne, 1784, by Elisabeth Louise Vigee-LeBrun (1755-1842) Royal Collection, UK, RCIN 406988105401784134831785Self-Portrait, ca. 1785 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD 41151785James Boswell, ca. 1785 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4452 41161785George IV, Prince of Wales, 1785 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Tate Britain, London, N00890 41171785Mary Wylde, ca. 1785 (Mrs. William Tennant) (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 45.59.1 41181785Mrs. Thomas Hibbert, ca. 1785 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Neue Pinakothek, München 41191785Mrs. Sarah Siddons, 1785 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) National Gallery, London41201785Franz Rudolph Frisching, 1785 (Jean Preudhomme) (1732-1795) Private Collection 41211785Emma, Lady Hamilton, ca. 1785 (George Romney) (1734-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 29441221785Emma, Lady Hamilton, ca. 1785 (George Romney) (1734-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 444841231785Emma, Lady Hamilton as Bacchante, 1785 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Location TBD41241785Lady in a Brown Robe, ca. 1785 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Tate Britain, London 41251785Catherine (Brouncker) Adye, ca. 1784-85 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 22.56 41261785Prince Charles Edward Stuart, ca. 1785 (Hugh Douglas Hamilton) (ca. 1740-1808) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 622 41271785Eugène Joseph Stanislas Foullon de Écotier, 1785 (Antoine Vestier) (1740-1824) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1983.405 41281785Elisabeth Wilhelmine von Württemberg, 1785 (Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder) (1751-1830) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_878141291785Edward Miles, 1785 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1986.264.2 41301785Mary Constance, ca. 1785 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) Denver Art Museum, CO 41311785Louis-Benoit Zamor, 1785 (Marie-Victoire Lemoine) (1754-1820) Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, Jacksonville, FL 41321785John Philip Kemble, ca. 1785 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Location TBD 41331785John Hall, ca. 1785 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 693 41341785A Man, ca. 1779-1785 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.145.37 41351785Colonel Isaac Barre, ca. 1785 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT 41361785Vicomtesse de Vaudreule, ca. 1785 (Elisabeth Louise Vigée Lebrun) (1755-1842) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 85.PB.433 41371785Marie Antoinette, Queen Consort of France, 1785 (Elisabeth Louise Vigée Lebrun) (1755-1842) Location TBD41381785La Baronne de Crussol, 1785 (Elisabeth Louise Vigée Lebrun) (1755-1842) Location TBD 41391785Sir William Herschel, ca. 1785 (Lemuel Francis Abbott) (1760-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 98 41401785Frances de Arblay, "Fanny Burney", ca. 1785 (Edward Francisco Burney) (1760-1848) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 2634 41411785Self-Portrait, ca. 1785 (John Opie) (1761-1807) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 47 41421785A Woman, ca. 1785 (John Opie) (1761-1807) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 41431785Self-Portrait, 1785 (Mauro Gandolfi) (1764-1834) Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna 41441785Joseph Verdier, ca. 1785 (Jean Baptiste Isabey) (1767-1855) Musée basque et de le histoire de Bayonne 41451785A Young Woman, ca. 1785-1795, (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 41461785Hester Thrale, ca. 1785 (Unknown Italian Artist) National Potrait Gallery, London, NPG 4942 41471785Self-Portrait with wife Rachel and daughter Angelica, ca. 1782-1785 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, B.60.4968211785Augusta von Braunschweig Wolfenbuttel Princess of Wurtemberg ca. 1785 by Unknown Artist Schlossverwaltung Ludwigsburg 90471785Catherine II Empress of Russia ca. 1785 by Fyodor Rokotov 1736-1809 The Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg90481785Mary Balmer Beauchamp Proctor ca. 1785 by George Romney 1734-1802 Huntington Library 90541785Self-Portrait with Pupils 1785 by Adelaide Labille-Guiard 1749-1803 The Metropoliutan Museum of Art NYC 53.225.590551785William Anne Hollis and Thomas Clutterbuck ca. 1785 Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 72.PA.292521785A Gentleman ca. 1785 by Alessandro Longhi 1733-1813 Private Collection93411785John Bensley Thornhill ca. 1785 by George Romney 1734-1802 Museum of Fine Arts Boston MA 61.96293421785Catherine II Empress of Russia ca. 1785 by Dmitry Levitsky 1735-1822 Tretyakov Gallery Moscow93431785Captain John Gell 1785 by Gilbert Stuart 1755-1828 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 2000.45093441785Sir Hector Munro ca. 1785 attributed to David Martin National Portrait Gallery London NPG143393451785Arthur Phillip ca. 1785 attributed to David Martin National Portrait Gallery London NPG146293461785David Roentgen ca. 1785-90 by Unknown Artist Roentgen-Museum Neuwied 3525100141785Self-Portrait 1785 by Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828) Location TBD100291785134821786 Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, ca. 1786 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Szépmüvészeti Museum, Budapest 41481786John Barker, 1786 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 54.192 41491786The Hon. Anne Bingham, 1786 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Althorp House, Northamptonshire, UK 41501786Sophie Arnould, ca. 1786 (Jean-Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) The Wallace Collection, London 41511786Mrs. Charles Hatchett, ca. 1786 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) The Frick Collection, New York, NY, 1903.1.60 41521786Stanislawa Augusta, 1786 (Marcello Bacciarelli) (1731-1818) Lviv National Gallery, Ukraine41531786Self-Portrait, 1786 (Jean-Laurent Mosnier) (1743-1808) Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN41541786Friedrich Carl von Erthal, Archbishop of Mainz, 1786 (George Anton Abraham Arlaub) (1744-1788) Schloss Johannisberg, Hessen 41551786Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant), 1786 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Private Collection 41561786William Sharp, ca. 1786 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Peter Schweller Fine Art, New York, NY 41571786Mary Boteler, 1786 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) The Higgins Bedford, Bedfordshire 41581786A Lady with a dog, 1786 (Mather Brown) (1761-1831) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 64.129 41591786A Commander in the East India, 1786 (Mather Brown) (1761-1831) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 54.147 41601786Thomas Jefferson, ca. 1786 (Mather Brown) (1761-1831) Location TBD41611786William Vans Murray, 1786 (Mather Brown) (1761-1831) Location TBD 41621786Marie-Josephine-Louise de Savoi Comtesse de Provence 1786 by Joseph Boze 1745-1826 Private Collection90521786Lady Sunderlin 1786 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 Staatliche Museen Berlin93471786Goethe in the Roman Campagna 1786 by Johann Tischbein 1751-1829 Stadelsches Kunstinstitut Frankfurt93481786Friedrich Schiller ca. 1786-1791 by Anton Graff (1736-1813) Stadische Galerie Dresden100181786134811787Elizabeth Foster, ca. 1787 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Location TBD 41631787William Windham, ca. 1787 (Sir Joshua Reynolds)(1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 704 41641787Edward Emily Gibbon, ca. 1787 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Location TBD 41651787Elizabeth, Countess of Warwick, 1787 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Frick Collection, New York, NY, 1906.1.102 41661787Lavinia (Bingham) Countess Spencer, ca. 1787 (after Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Huntington, San Marino, CA41671787George Nugent Temple Grenville, 1st Marquess of Buckingham, ca. 1787 (Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Philip Mould Ltd, London 41681787Lady Georgiana Cavendish, 1787(Thomas Gainsborough) (1727-1788) Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth House, Derbyshire 41691787Miss Constable, ca. 1787 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa41701787Charlotte Talbot, Mrs. George Horsley, ca. 1787 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.65.1 41711787Susannah (Miller) Lee Acton, ca. 1786-87 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 17.2541721787Miss Kitty Calcraft, 1787 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Brigham Young University Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 840002300 41731787George Augustus Eliot, 1st Baron Heathfield, ca. 1787 (John Singleton Copley) (1739-1815) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 170 41741787Margaret Cocks, later Margaret Smith, 1787 (Richard Cosway) (1740-1821) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 60.841751787Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1787 (Angelica Kauffman) (1741-1807) Goethe-Nationalmuseum Weimar 41761787George Washington, ca. 1787 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ y1978-45 41771787W. S. Dawe of the Indian Infantry, 1787 (John Smart) (1742-1811) Victoria and Albert Museum, London Miniatures, Room 90a Case 12 41781787Madame Élisabeth de France, ca. 1787 (Adélaïd Labille Guiard) (1749-1803) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2007.441 P41791787Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, 1787 (Ralph Earl) (1751-1803) Museum of the City of New York, NY 41801787Sarah Siddons (née Kemble) (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 50 41811787Alexandre Charles Emmanuel de Crussol-Florensac, 1787 (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.7.53 41821787Niel Gow, 1787 (attributed to Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 160 41831787Laurent-Nicolas de Joubert, 1787 (François-Xavier Fabre) (1766-1837) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 79.PA.60.141841787Madame Joubert, 1787 (François-Xavier Fabre) (1766-1837) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 79.PA.60.2 41851787Joseph Howell, Jr., ca. 1787 (Charles Peale Polk) (1767-1822) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.373 41861787Self-Portrait, ca. 1787 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Sothebys Fine Art Auction 41871787Amos Simon Cottle, ca. 1787 (William Palmer) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2470 41881787Catherine II of Russia, 1787 (Mikhail Shibanov) (??-??) The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 41891787Marie Antoinette and Children 1787 by Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun Versailles Trianons 90531787Mary Margaret Pearce Wood and Two Daughters 1787 by Francis Wheatley 1747-1801 Huntington Library91701787Ralph Winstanley Wood and his son William Warren Wood 1787 by Francis Wheatley 1747-1801 Huntington Library91711787Richard Humphreys ca. 1787 by John Hoppner 1758-1810 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 53.11393491787Ekaterina Naryshkina 1787 by Unknown Artist Location TBD100161787134801788Maria Anne Fitzherbert (née Smythe), ca. 1788 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG L162 41901788Penelope Boothby, July 1788 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Location TBD 41911788Self-Portrait, 1788 (studio of Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, DPG 104 41921788Anne Antoinette Desmoulins, ca. 1788 (Jean Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 55.205.2 41931788Charlotte (Pilford) Grove, 1788 (Goerge Romney) (1734-1802) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 78.20.3641941788Marie-Jean Herault de Sechelles, 1788 (Jean-Louis Laneuville) (1748-1826) Musée Carnavalet, Paris 41951788Robert Boyd, 1788 (Ralph Earl) (1751-1801) Brooklyn Museum, New York 51.193.1 41961788John Wesley, ca. 1788 (William Hamilton) (1751-1801) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 317 41971788Marie Antoinette, 1788 (Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles MV 821141981788A Man, ca. 1788 (John Johnston) (1753-1818) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 29.893 41991788Hubert Robert, 1788 (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV. 3055 42001788Thomas Wood, ca. 1787-1788 (Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 78.9 42011788Miss Charlotte Papendick, 1788 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, 47.29.8 42021788Thomas Clarkson, ca. 1788 (Carl Frederick von Breda) (1759-1818) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 235 42031788Valentine Green, ca. 1788 (Lemuel Francis Abbott) (1760-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1260 42041788Self-Portrait, ca. 1788 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Berger Collection, Denver Art Museum, CO 42051788Don Ignacio Leonel Gomez Cervantes, 1788 (Unknown Mexican Artist) Brooklyn Museum, NY 52.166.6 42061788Juliana Howard Baroness Petre 1788 by Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788 Huntington Library90501788Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and Wife 1788 by Jacques-Louis David 1748-1825 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1977.1093501788Maria Luisa de Savoy Princesse de Lamballe 1788 by Anton Hickel Location TBD100101788A Cellist ca. 1788-by Antoine Vestier (1740-1824) Location TBD100151788Marie Emilie Serent 1788 by Antoine Vestier Location TBD100211788John Edwin 1788 Henry Edridge (1768-1821) ELLISON FINE ART LONDON 102421788134791789Mrs. Lewis Thomas Watson, 1789 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1987.47.2 42071789Catherine (Halhead) Burton, 1789 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 25.1742081789Elie Williams, 1789 (Charles Wilson Peale) (1741-1827) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 67.242 42091789Charles IV, King of Spain, 1789 (Francisco de Goya) (1746-1828) Museo Nacional de Prado, Madrid 42101789Anne (Walker) King , 1789 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 62.84 42111789Comte de Mirabeau, ca. 1789 (Joseph Boze) (1746-1826) Location TBD 42121789Esther Boardman, 1789 (Ralph Earl) (1751-1801) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1991.338 42131789Clarissa Seymour, ca. 1789 (later Mrs. Truman Marsh), d. (Ralph Earl) (1751-1801) Brooklyn Museum, New York 48.842141789A Young Lady, ca. 1789 (attributed to Marie-Victoire Lemoine (1754-1820) Christies Auction, Sale 9154 42151789Marie Louise Perrette Aglaé Bontemps, 1789 (Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 54.182 42161789Élisabeth Philippine Marie Hélène de France, ca. 1789 (Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 42171789Adélaïde de Praël, Madame Perregaux, 1789 (Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) The Wallace Collection, London, P457 42181789Isabella (Ingram) Seymour Conway, Viscountess Beauchamp, ca. 1789 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) The Huntington, San Marino, CA42191789The Honorable Elizabeth Ingram (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) Temple Newsam, Leeds 42201789James Ramsay, ca. 1789 (Carl Frederick Breda) (1759-1818) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2559 42211789Elizabeth Sewall Salisbury, 1789 (Christian Gullager) (1759-1826) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1901.24 42221789Self-Portrait, ca. 1789 (John Opie) (1761-1807) National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh 42231789Miss Martha Carry, ca. 1789 (Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 42241789John Quick, ca. 1789 (Thomas Lawranson) (fl. 1733-1789) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1355 42251789Lodovico Manin, last Doge of Venice, ca. 1789 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 42261789Jean-Sylvain Bailly, 1789, by Jean-Laurent Mosnier (1743–1808)
Musée Carnavalet, Paris, P991105551789Lady Caroline Spencer and Lady Elizabeth Spencer ca. 178991681789Susannah Philip Lake and Mariah Godsal 1789 Godsal Children by John Hoppner 1758-1810 Huntington Library91721789Francis Rawdon-Hastings 1789 by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792 The Royal Collection Windsor93511789Elijah Boardman 1789 by Ralph Earl 1751-1801 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1979.39593521789Inauguration of the Estates General at Versailles, May 5, 1789, by Auguste Couder (1789-1873) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 105541789Oliver Wolcott ca. 1789 by Ralph Earl (1751-1801) Athenaeum 100221789George III of England et al, 1789, by Benjamin West (1738-1820) Sotheby's Old Masters Evening Sale, December 8, 2022, Lot 30104801789134781790Georges Danton, 1790, by an Unknown Artist Musee Carnavalet, Paris P712105521790Camille Desmoulins, ca. 1790, Unknown Artist, Musee Carnavalet, Paris P715105531790Self-Portrait with King Gustav III of Sweden on easel, 1790 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Malmö Konstmuseum, MMK 000891 42271790The Hon. Theresa Parker, later Lady Villiers, ca. 1790 (Sir Joshua Reynolds) (1723-1792) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 42281790A Lady, ca. 1790 (Johann Zoffany) (1733-1810) The Huntington, San Marino, CA42291790Charles Francis Greville, ca. 1790 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Location TBD 42301790James MacPherson, ca. 1790 (George Romney) (1734-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5804 42311790Christian Gottfried Korner, ca. 1790 (Anton Graff) (1736-1813) Stadtmuseum Dresden 42321790Samuel Barrington, ca. 1790 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 551942331790Maria Fedorovna, ca. 1790 (Jean-Louis Voille) (1744-1803) Mikhailovsky Castle, St. Petersburg, Russia 42341790Self-Portrait, ca. 1790 (Archibald Skirving) (1749-1819) The British Museum, London 42361790Count Stanislas Felix Potocki & Sons, ca. 1789-1790 (Johann Baptist I Lampi) (1751-1830) Musée du Louvre, Paris 42371790Stanislaw Augustus Poniatowski, ca. 1790 (Johann Baptist I Lampi) (1751-1830) Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocła wiu 42381790Jonathan Dwight, ca. 1790 (attributed to Joseph Steward) (1753-1822) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 61.90 42391790A Young Woman, ca. 1790 (Augustín Esteve y Marqués) (1753-1830) Sothebys Auction House, 2007 42401790Self-Portrait, ca. 1790 (Sir William Beechey) (1853-1839) Philip Mould, Ltd., London 42411790Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily, 1790 (Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun) (1755-1842) Location TBD 42421790Maria Luisa of Spain, 1790 (Josef Maria Grassi) (1757-1838) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_7137 42431790Mrs. Williams, ca. 1790 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) Tate Britain, London, N05582 42441790Sir Richard Arkwright, 1790 (Mather Brown) (1761-1831) New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, CT 1957.08 42451790John Williams, a.k.a. Anthony Paquin, ca. 1790 (Mather Brown) (1761-1831) Sothebys Sale 42461790William Franklin, ca. 1790 (attributed to Mather Brown) (1761-1831) Private Collection 42471790Job Perit, 1790 (Reuben Moulthrop) (1763-1814) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 65.254.1 42481790Sally Sanford Perit, 1790 (Reuben Moulthrop) (1763-1814) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 65.254.2 42491790George Washington, 1790 (Charles Peale Polk) (1767-1822) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.109.81 42501790Self-Portrait, ca. 1790 (Anne-Louise Girodet) (1867-1824) The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 42511790François-Pascal-Simon Gérard, 1790 (Antoine Jean Gros) (1771-1835) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2002.441 42521790Jacques-Louis David, 1790 (Antoine Jean Gros) (1771-1835) Pushkin Museum of FIne Arts, Moscow 42531790Immanuel Kant, ca. 1790 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD42541790Robespierre, ca. 1790 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD42551790Princess Maria Christina Albertina of Saxony, ca. 1790 (Unknown Artist) Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg42561790Sofia Vladimirovna Panina, 1791 (Jean-Louis Voille) (1744-1803) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 42621790Anna Maria Jenkins and Thomas Jenkins 1790 by Angelica Kauffman 1741-1807 National Portrait Gallery London NPG504493531790Self-Portrait ca. 1790 by Rose Adela?de Ducreux 1761-1802 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 67.55.193541790Queen Charlotte ca. 1790 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 The National Gallery London93551790Elizabeth Farren 1790 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 50.135.5 favorite93561790Marinus Willett ca. 1790 by Ralph Earl 1751-1801 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 17.87.193571790Mrs William Taylor 1790 by Ralph Earl Albright-Knox Art Gallery100431790Jeanne Philiberte Ledoux, ca. 1790 by Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805) HEATHER JAMES FINE ART NEW YORK CITY 102371790A Couple with Child, ca. 1790, by an artist of the French SchoolAuctionFr, Versailles, France, May 7th, 2018.102841790Henry Black, ca. 1790, by Henry Raeburn (1756-1823) The Hunterian, Glasgow, GLAHA_44015.105321790Louis-Antoine, comte de Bougainville, 1790, by Joseph Ducreux (1735-1802) Palace des Versailles, MV 6412 RF 698105381790134771791Louis-Jean-Marie Daubenton, 1791 (Alexander Roslin) (1718-1793) Location TBD 42571791Frances Puleston, ca. 1787-1791 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 45.59.4 42581791Emma Hart, later Lady Hamilton, ca. 1791 (George Romney) (1724-1802) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 42591791A Lady, ca. 1791 (Jean Laurent Mosnier) (1743-1808) Private Collection 42601791William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne, 1791 (Jean Laurent Mosnier) (1743-1808) Sothebys Sale L11033, 6 July 201142611791William Man Godschall, 1791 (John Russell) (1745-1806) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 61.182.1 42631791Mrs. William Man Godschall, 1791 (John Russell) (1745-1806) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 61.182.2 42641791Alexandre de Beauharnais, ca. 1791 (circle of Jacques-Louis David) (1748-18255) Location TBD 42651791Self-Portrait, ca. 1791 (Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller) (1751-1811) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm42661791John Carr, ca. 1791 (William Beechey) (1753-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4062 42671791Hyacinthe Gabrielle Roland, Marchioness Wellesley, 1791 (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Lebrun) (1755-1842) San Francisco Museums of Fine Arts 1991.29 42681791Giovanni Paisiello, 1791 (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Lebrun) (1755-1842) Location TBD 42691791Lady Elizabeth Crichton, later Viscountess Mount Stuart, ca. 1791 (Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Huntington Library42701791John Horne Tooke, ca. 1791 (Thomas Hardy) (1757-1805) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 13 42711791Dorothy Jordan, ca. 1791 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG L174 42721791Mary Wollstonecraft, ca. 1791 (John Opie) (1761-1807) Tate Britain, London, N01167 42731791John Herbert, ca. 1791 (Arthur William Devis) (1762-1822) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 547 42741791Emily, Lady Berkeley, 1791 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Christies Sale 1136 42751791Robert Harrison, ca. 1791 (Willaim Bell) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4898 42761791Gilbert Motier the Marquis De La Fayette, ca. 1791 (possibly by Joseph Désiré) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 42771791The Death of Colonel Moorhouse at the Storming of the Pettah Gate of Bangalore, March 7th, 1791, by Robert Home (1752-1834) National Army Museum, London.79811791Adoption of the Polish Constitution, May 3rd, 1791, by Jan Matejko (1828-1893) painted in 1891, National Museum of Poland.79821791Baron de Besenval 1791 by Henri-Pierre Danloux 1753-1809 National Gallery London90581791Maximilien Robespierre ca. 1791 by Louis Leopold Boilly 1761-1845 Palais des Beaux-Arts-de Lille90601791Nicolas Chatelain 1791 by Johann Friedrich August Tischbein 1750-1812 90611791134761792María Ignacia Moreno Barrios, 1792 (José de Alcíbar) (ca. 1730-1803) Christies Fine Art Auction, Sale 2710, Lot 5642781792Erasmus Darwin, ca. 1790-1795 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) Wolverhampton Art Gallery, West Midlands UK 42791792Self-Portrait, ca. 1792 (Joseph Ducreux) (1735-1802) Location TBD42801792Henriette Herz, 1792 (Anton Graff) (1736-1813) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin, A I433 42811792Charles Pettit, 1792 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1919.121 42821792Anna Lopukhina-Gagarina, ca. 1792 (attributed to Jean-Louis Voille) (1744-1803) Location TBD 42831792Elizaveta Alexandrovna Demidov (née Stroganov), ca. 1792 (Jean-Louis Voille) (1744-1803) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 42841792Sebastián Martínez y Pérez, 1792 (Francisco de Goya) (1746-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.289 42851792Ezra Le Hommedieu, 1792 (Ralph Earl) (1751-1801) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1989.634 42861792George Morland, ca. 1792 (John Raphael Smith) (1752-1812) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5931 42871792Thomas Sandby, ca. 1792 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1380 42881792Franz Joseph Haydn, 1792 (Thomas Hardy) (1757-ca. 1805) Location TBD42891792Self-Portrait, ca. 1792 (Antonio Canova) (1757-1822) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 42901792James Watt, ca. 1792 (Carl Frederik von Breda) (1759-1818) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 186a 42911792Matthew Boulton, 1792 (Carl Frederik von Breda) (1759-1818) Location TBD 42921792William Cowper, ca. 1792 (Lemuel Francis Abbot) (1760-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2783 42931792Sir Francis Buller, 1st Bt, ca. 1792 (Mather Brown) (1761-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 458 42941792John Flaxman, ca. 1792 (Guy Head) (1762-1800) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 877 42951792Chevalier, de Eon, 1792 (Thomas Stewart) (??-??) Philip Mould, Ltd., London 42961792Thomas Telford, ca. 1792 (Unknown Artist) Shrewsbury Museums, UK67211792Death of the Princess De Lamballe, Marie Louise of Savoy, during the September Massacres, September 3rd, 1792, painted in 1908, by Léon Maxime Faivre (1856-1941), Location TBD.79831792The Reception of the Mysorean Hostage Princes by Marquis Cornwallis, 26 February 1792, Robert Home (1752-1834), National Army Museum, London, NAM. 1976-11-86-179861792Rosalie Duthe 1792 Henri-Pierre Danloux 1753-1809 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe90621792Madame Charles-Louis Trudaine ca. 1792 by Jacques Louis David 1748-1825 Musee du Louvre Paris R.F. 67093581792Adam Duncan 1st Viscount Duncan 1792 by Henry Pierre Danloux 1753-1809 National Portrait Gallery London NPG108493591792Mr. and Mrs. John Julius Angerstein 1792 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Musee du Louvre Paris93601792Francis II Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor 1792 by Uknown Artist Location TBD100371792Portrait of a Tennis Player ca. 1792 Jean-Louis Laneuville (1748-1826) Arader Gallery, NY 102441792134751793Gustav IV Adolf, King of Sweden, 1793 (Per Krafft the Elder) (1724-1793) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, NMGrh 409 42971793Self-Portrait, 1793 (Marcello Bacciarelli) (1731-1818) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 42981793Miss Mary Tunaley, future Mrs. Francis Boott, ca. 1790-1793 (Joseph Wright of Derby) (1734-1797) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 51.1528 42991793Nathaniel Gorham, ca. 1793 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 48.1356 43001793Welbore Ellis, 1st Baron Mendip, ca. 1793 (Karl Anton Hickel) (1745-1798) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3993 43011793George de Ligne Gregory, 1793 (John Russell) (1746-1806) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 2001.77 43021793Jean-Paul Marat, ca. 1793 (Joseph Boze) (1746-1826) Musée Carnavalet, Paris 43031793H.R.H. Prince William Henry, ca. 1793 (Henri-Pierre Danloux) (1753-1809) Sothebys Sale 7/8/09 Lot 45 43041793Ms. Eleanor Urquhart, ca. 1793 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 19347.1.101 43051793John Adams, ca. 1793 (John Trumbull) (1756-1843) The White House Art Collection, Washington, D.C., 986.1582.1 43061793Mrs. Richard Bache, 1793 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 01.20 43071793Louis Antoine Léon de Saint Just, 1793 (Pierre Paul Prudhon) (1758-1823) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon 43081793Princess Louise of Stolberg-Gedern, Countess of Albany, 1793 (François-Xavier Fabre) (1766-1837) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 43091793Vittorio Alfieri, 1793 (François-Xavier Fabre) (1766-1837) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 43101793Mordaunt Ricketts, 1793 (William Owen) (1769-1825) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 43111793Lady Jane (Maitland) Long, 1793 (Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Huntington, San Marino, CA43121793Massacre de Machecoul, March 11, 1793, by Francois Flameng (1856-1923) Musée d'Art at d'Histoire de Cholet.79841793Henry Rochejacquelin at the Battle of Cholet, October 17th, 1793. 79851793The Death of Jean-Paul Marat, July 13th, 1793, by Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium79871793Jean-Francois de la Marche Count Bishop of Saint-Pol de Leon ca1793 by Henri-Pierre Danloux Location TBD90591793Sarah Siddons nee Kemble 1793 by William Beechey 1753-1839 National Portrait Gallery London NPG515993611793Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell 1793 by John Trumbull 1756-1843 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 2008.141893621793Mrs. Whaley ca. 1793 by John Hoppner 1758-1810 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 47.13893631793Edward Guthrie Kennedy ca. 1893-95 by William Merritt Chase The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY94911793Don Melchor de Sequera 1793 by Jose de Alcibar c.1730-1803 Christies Sale 10693 Lot 67100361793Major William Jackson 1793 by Unknown Artist Location TBD100381793Marguerite Gerard 1793 by Francois Dumont (1751-1831) Wallace Collection London Ivory Miniature100391793Self-Portrait by 1793 Richard Westall Royal Academy Collection London 03-286100441793William Floyd ca. 1793 by Ralph Earl Location TBD100461793Henrietta Countess of Bessborough 1793 by Angelica Kauffmann 1741-1807 Stansted Park100471793134741794Charles James Fox, ca. 1794 (Karl Anton Hickel) (1745-1798) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 743 43131794The Artists Jailer, ca. 1794 (Jacques-Louis David) (1743-1825) Musée des Beaux Arts Rouen Inv. 931.15 43141794William Wilberforce, 1794 (Anton Hickel) (1745-1798) Wilberforce House, Kingston upon Hull 43151794Arthur Young, 1794 (John Russell) (1745-1806) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 6253 43161794Félix Colón de Larriátegui, ca. 1794 (Francisco Goya) (1746-1828) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 75.454 43171794Self-Portrait, 1794 (Jacques Louis David) (1746-1825) Musée du Louvre, Paris43181794Huldah Bradley, 1794 (Ralph Earl) (1751-1801) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 40.343191794Thomas Law Hodges, 1794 (Sir WIlliam Beechey) (1753-1839) Tate Britain, London, N04688 43201794William Thomas Lewis as Mercutio, ca. 1794 (Gainsborough Dupont) (1754-1797) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5148 43211794Self-Portrait, ca. 1800 (Jean-Baptiste Regnault) (1754-1829) Christie's Fine Art Auction, Sale 2449, Lot 93 43221794Catherine Brass Yates (Mrs. Richard Yates), ca. 1793-94 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1940.1.4 43231794Horatio Gates, ca. 1793-1794 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1977.243 43241794Louisa Carolina Matilda Stoughton, wife of Josef de Jaudenes y Nebot, ca. 1794 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43251794Josef de Jaudenes y Nebot in New York, ca. 1794 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 07.75 43261794Matthew Clarkson, ca. 1794 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 38.61 43271794General Peter Gansevoort, 1794 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Munson Williams Proctor Museum of Art, Utica, NY 43281794Richard Barrington, ca. 1793-4 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA43291794John Jacob Astor, 1794 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Brook Club, Manhattan, NY 43301794John Jay, ca. 1794 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 43311794Jean-Baptiste Milhaud, Deputy of the Convention (attributed to Jean-François Garneray) (1755-1837) Château de Vizille 43321794Mrs Richard Alexander Oswald, ca. 1794 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1980.305 43331794Wilhelm Cramer, ca. 1794 (Thomas Hardy) (1757-1805) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6198 43341794Jozef Komorowski, ca. 1794 (Franz Joseph Pitschmann) (1758-1834) Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine 43351794Henry Fuseli, 1794 (John Opie) (1761-1807) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 744 43361794Self-Portrait, 1794 (Louis Léopold Boilly) (1761-1845) Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 43371794Self Portrait at 25 years old, ca. 1794 (Martin Archer Shee) (1769-1850) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG1093 43381794John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham, ca. 1794 (Martin Archer Shee) (1769-1850) Sothebys Auction House 43391794Egbert Benson, ca. 1794 (John Vanderlyn) (1775-1852) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 33.120.619 43401794Aaron Burr, ca. 1793-4 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) New Jersey Historical Society68191794King George III and Charlotte visit Howe's flagship, the Queen Charlotte, June 26th, 1794, by Henry Perronet Briggs (1793 – 1844).79881794Distribution of milk at Saint Lazare prison, 1794, by Hubert Robert (1733-1808) painted in 1794, Sothebys Old Masters Sale, New York, 5 June 2014, Lot 89.79891794Battle of Fleurus, French army defeats the First Coalition, June 26th, 1794, painted by Jean Baptiste Mauzaisse (1784–1844), Versailles.79901794Charles Grey, 1794, by Henry Bone, after Sir Thomas Lawrence (1755-1834)
Christie's Auction 102991794Sarah Goodwin Barrett Moulton aka Pinkie 1794 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Huntington Library 90641794Catherine II Empress of Russia 1794 by Johann Baptist I Lampi 1751-1830 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia93641794George Washington ca. 1794 by John Trumbull 1756-1843 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 22.45.993651794Master Ainslie 1794 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Museo Lazaro Galdiano Madrid93661794Charles Grey August 1794 by Henry Bone 1755-1834 after Sir Thomas Lawrence Christies100341794134731795Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne, ca. 1795 (Jean-Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) Location TBD Dallas Museum of Art, TX, 1961.10543411795Samuel Taylor Coleridge at 23 years old, ca. 1795 (Peter Van Dyke) (1729-1799) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 19243421795Robert Southey, ca. 1795 (Peter Van Dyke) (1729-1799) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 193 43431795John Flaxman and Thomas Alphonso Hayley, ca. 1795 (George Romney) (1834-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 101 43441795Self-Portrait, probably 1795 (George Romney) (1734-1802) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 15.30.37 43451795Granville Leveson Gower, 1st Marquess Stafford, ca. 1795 (George Romney) (1734-1802) Location TBD43461795A Marine Officer, ca. 1795 (Joseph Ducreux) (1735-1802) Musée des Beaux-Arts Rouen Inv. 842.2.2 43471795James Peale, the artists brother, 1795 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Location TBD 43481795Nathalie Petrovna Golitsyn, ca. 1795 (Fyodor Rokotov) (1736-1808) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg43491795Friedrich August von Sivers, ca. 1795 (Anton Graff) (1736-1813) Kadrioru Kunstimuseum, Estonia 43501795Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac, ca. 1795 (Jean-Louis Laneuville) (1748-1841) Kunsthalle, Bremen 43511795Giovanni Volpato, ca. 1795 (Angelica Kaufmann) (1741-1807) Sothebys Auction 43521795Dominique Clément de Ris, sénateur de le Empire, ca. 1795 (Joseph-Benoît Suvée) (1743-1807) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 43531795La Comtesse Clément de Ris (Joseph-Benoît Suvée) (1743-1807) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 43541795Elizabeth Kvashnina-Samarin, ca. 1795 (Jean-Louis Voille) (1744-1803) Location TBD 43551795Jacobus Blauw, Dutch Envoy to Paris, 1795 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) The National Gallery, London 43561795Catherine-Marie-Jeanne Tallard, 1795 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 1740 43571795Nikolai Novikov, ca. 1795 (Dmitry Levitsky) (1735-1822) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 43581795François-André Vincent, ca. 1795 (Adelaide Labille-Guiard) (1749-1803) Location TBD 43591795Anthony Wayne, ca. 1795 (James Sharples) (ca.1751-1811) Independence National Historic Park, Philadelphia, PA 43601795George Washington, 1795 (Adolph Ulrich Wertmuller) (1751-1811) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.109.84 43611795George Washington, 1795 (Gilbert Stuart) “Vaughan Group” (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43621795George Washington, ca. 1795 (Gilbert Stuart) “Vaughan Group” (1755-1828) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1942.8.2743631795George Washington, ca. 1795 (Gilbert Stuart) “Vaughan Group” “1798-1800” (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.86.1 43641795Elizabeth Caldwell, ca. 1795 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Lawrence Steigrad Fine Arts, New York, NY 43651795Colonel James Swan, 1795 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 27.538 43661795Ann Penn Allen, ca. 1795 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Allentown Art Museum, PA, 1978.13 43671795Dorcas Stevenson, Lady Blackwood, ca. 1795 (circle of Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 22.737 43681795Jean (Robertson) Pitcairn, ca. 1795 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) The Huntington, San Marino, CA43691795Lieutenant Andrew Agnew, ca. 1795 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) The Huntington, San Marino, CA43701795Mrs E. Bethune, ca. 1795 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 43711795Isabella Halkett, ca. 1795 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Philip Mould Ltd., London 43721795Field Marshall Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke Wellington, ca. 1795 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) Location TBD 43731795Alexander Hood, 1st Viscount Bridport, ca. 1795 (Lemuel Francis Abbott) (1760-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 138 43741795Miss Frances Vinicombe, ca. 1795 (John Opie) (1761-1807) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg43751795Pierre-Joseph Redouté, ca. 1795 (Louis Léopold Boilly) (1761-1845) Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 43761795Henry Richard Vassal Fox, 3rd Baron Holland, ca. 1795 (François-Xavier Fabre) (1766-1837) Location TBD 43771795Henry Benedict Stuart, Cardinal York, ca. 1795 (Unknown Artist) The Pontifical Scots College, Rome 43781795Self-Portrait, ca. 1790-1795 (Marie-Geneviève Bouliar) (1772-1819) Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA M.1979.43.P 44811795Doctor John Meer, ca. 1795 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860)The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD 44821795Princess Maria Felicita of Savoy, ca. 1795 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 44831795The Pacification of La Vendee by the 9th Regiments of Hussards, 1795, by Charles-Alexandre Coessin de la Fosse (1829-1910) painted 1882, Musée international des hussards.79911795Phillippe Pinel unchains inhabitants of Salpetriere asylum in Paris, 1795, by Anthony Robert Fleury (1838-1912), Location TBD.79921795A Man possibly Reverend Robert Walker ca. 1795 attributed to Henry Raeburn Scottish National Gallery NG211290571795Ann Garden and Children ca. 1795 by John Hoppner 1758-1810 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 15.30.4192541795Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuniga ca. 1795 by Francisco de Goya 1746-1828 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 49.7.4193671795Madame Vigee Le Brun with Pupil possibly ca. 1795 by Marie Victoire Lemoine 1754-1820 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 57.10393681795Sir John Sinclair ca. 1795 by Henry Raeburn 1756-1823 National Galleries of Scotland Edinburgh 179593691795A Boy ca. 1795 by Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805) Sothebys Old Masters January 29 2015 Lot 366100321795Mrs Isabella Allen ca. 1795 by Sir Henry Raeburn (1756-1823) Bonhams Scottish Sale 22762 Lot 10100421795Robert Jenkinson 2nd Earl of Liverpool ca. 1795 by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery London NPG6307100451795Jean Baptist Isabey Miniaturist With His Daughter 1795 by Francois Gerard (1770-1837) Musee du Louvre Paris100481795Joachim Le Breton 1795 by Adelaide Labille-Guiard (1749-1803) Nelson-Atikins Museum100491795Joseph Farington 1794-1795 by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) Location TBD100501795Joseph Cange, 1795, by Pierre-Nicolas Legrand de Lérant (1758–1829),
Musée de la Révolution française, MRF 1989-11103371795134721796Marie Clementina, Archduchess of Austria, 1796 (Jospeh Hickel) (1736-1807) Reggia di Caserta, Campania 44841796John Quincy Adams, 1796 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 17.1077 44851796David Rittenhouse, 1796 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C., NPG.98.73 44861796Sarah McClean Bolton, ca. 1796 (Walter Robinson) (1750-1802) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 49:1949 44871796Albert Gallatin, ca. 1796 (James Sharples) (1751-1811) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 08.144 44881796Gustav IV Adolf, King of Sweden, ca. 1796 (Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder) (1751-1830) Location TBD 44891796George Washington, President of the United States, ca. 1796 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Sterling and Francine Clark Institute, Williamstown, MA 44901796Edward Shippen IV, 1796 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., 74.8 44911796Lawrence Reid Yates, ca. 1793-6 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Huntington, San Marino , CA44921796Madame George Anthony with children, 1795 (Pierre Paul Prudhon) (1758-1823) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon B493 44931796Self-Portrait, 1796 (Jean-Baptiste Jacques Augustin) (1759-1832) Musée Pierre Noël, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, Lorraine 44941796Warren Hastings, ca. 1796 (Lemuel Francis Abbott) (1760-1802) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1845 44951796Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, ca. 1795-1796 (James Earl) (1761-1796) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1921.86 44961796Self-Portrait, ca. 1796 (Jean-Baptiste Wicar) (1762-1834) Princeton University Art Museum y1992-63 44971796Madame Pasteur, ca. 1775-76 (Antoine-Jean Gros) (1771-1835) Musée du Louvre, Paris RF1948-4244981796Gaiänt’wakê, aka "Cornplanter", Seneca Chief, 1796 (Frederick Bartoli) (????-????) New York Historical Society, New York, NY44991796Archduke Maximilian Franz of Austria, ca. 1796 (Unknown Artist) Kunsthaus Lempertz, Köln 45001796Execution of Charette, March 26, 1796, by Julien le Blant (1851-1936) painted in 1883, Location TBD.79931796The Sackville Children 1796 by John Hoppner 1758-1810 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 53.59.392551796A Man possibly Henry Richard Vassall Fox 3rd Baron Holland 1796 by Louis Gauffier 1762-1801 National Portrait Gallery London NPG138293701796Colonel Richard Thomas 1796 by James Peale (1749-1831) The Metropolitan Museum of Art NY 31.118 Watercolor on Ivory100331796Thomas Reid, 1796, by Sir Henry Raeburn (1756-1823) Fyvie Castle, Aberdeenshire, National Trust of Scotland.105371796134711797Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant), 1797 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia, PA45011797Maria Ivanovna Lopukhina, 1797 (Vladimir Lukich Borovikovkiy) (1757-1825) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 45021797Paul I, Tsar of Russia, ca. 1797 (attributed to Jean-Louis Voille) (1744-1803) Location TBD 45031797Constance Pipelet, 1797 (Jean-Baptiste-François Desoria) (1758-1832) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1939.533 45041797Mrs. Munroe, ca. 1797 (after John Hoppner) (1758-1810) The Huntington, San Marino, CA45051797Mary Wollstonecraft, ca. 1797 (John Opie) (1761-1807) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1237 45061797Anne Flaxman (née Denman), ca. 1797 (Henry Howard) (1759-1847) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 675 45071797John Flaxman, ca. 1797 (Henry Howard) (1759-1847) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 674 45081797Princess Luisa of Naples and Sicily, 1797 (Joseph Dorffmeister) (1764-1814) Location TBD 45091797Jean-Baptiste Belley, 1797 (Anne Lóuis Girodet) (1767-1824) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 45101797Pierre Révoil, 1797 (Jean Michel Grobon) (1770-1853) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 1982-104 45111797John Smart, ca. 1797 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3817 45121797Paul I, Czar of Russia, ca. 1796-1797 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 45131797Sally Siddons ca. 1797 by Thomas Lawrence Sothebys N08712 90631797Marie Therese of France ca. 1797 by Heinrich Fuger (1751-1818) Hermaitage Museum St Petersburg100401797Mary Willing Clymer 1797 by Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828) Independence National Historic Park100411797134701798George Washington, ca. 1795-1798 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 74.29 45141798A Matador, ca. 1795-1798 (Francisco de Goya) (1746-1828) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1966.12 45151798A Young Woman, ca. 1798 (circle of Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1963.10.118 45161798Madame Hamelin, née Jeanne Geneviève Fortunée Lormier-Lagrave, 1798 (Andrea Appiani) (1754-1817) Musée Carnavalet, Paris, P168545171798Joseph Anthony, Jr., ca. 1795-1798 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 05.40.1 45181798Mrs Joseph Anthony (neé Hillegas), ca. 1795-1798 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 05.40.2 45191798Augustin Pajou, 1798 (Louis-Joseph Jay) (1755-1836) Musée de Grenoble 45201798Katherine Hamilton, Lady Suttie of Balgone, ca. 1798 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Sothebys auction House, Sale L1103545211798Robert Macqueen, Lord Braxfield, ca. 1798 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 1615 45221798Jacobina Copland, 1798(Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Location TBD 45231798Adam Duncan, 1st Viscount Duncan, ca. 1798 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1839 45241798Amelia Opie, ca. 1798 (John Opie) (1761-1807) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 765 45251798Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, ca. 1798 (Guy Head) (1762-1800) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 648 45261798A Woman and Child, ca. 1795-1798 (Unknown French Artist) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1983.264 45271798William Wordsworth, 1798 (William Shuter) (????-????) Cornell University Wordsworth Collection, NY 45281798Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1798 (Johann Heinrich Schmidt) (1749-1829) Kunsthaus Lempertz, Köln, 17.v.2014, Lot 1274 63461798Battle of the Pyramids, July 21st, 1798, by François-Louis-Joseph Watteau (1758-1823), Location TBD.79571798Death of Stanislaw August Poniatowski King of Poland, Februery 12th, by Marcello Bacciarelli (1731-1818) painted after 1798.79941798Mrs. Noah Smith and Children 1798 by Ralph Earl 1751-1801 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 64.309.192561798Henry Addington First Viscount Sidmouth ca. 1798 by John Singleton Copley 1738-1815 St. Louis Art Museum MO 26:192993711798Louis-Marie Vicomte de Noailles 1798 by Gilbert Stuart 1755-1828 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1970.26293721798Carl and Franz Xaver Mozart 1798 by Hans Hansen 1769-1828 Location TBD 100351798134691799 Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, 1799 (Jean-Laurent Mosnier) (1743-1808) Location TBD 45291799John Collins of Devizes, 1799 (John Russell) (1745-1806) Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, B1977.146261 45301799Richard Graves, ca. 1799 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5281 45311799A Young Girl, ca. 1798-1800 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Musée du Louvre, Paris 45321799Major Thomas Pechell, 1799 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 46.13.3 Major Thomas Pechell, 1799 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 46.13.3 45331799Charlotte Clavering (Pechell), 1799 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 46.13.4 45341799Henry Bone, ca. 1799 (John Opie) (1761-1807) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 869 45351799Maurice Quays, ca. 1799 (Henri-François Riesener) (1767-1806) Musée du Louvre, Paris 45361799Charles Dibdin, ca. 1799 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 10345371799Alan Gardner, 1st Baron Gardner, ca. 1799 (Theophilus Clarke) (1773-1832) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2103 45381799Self-Portrait, ca. 1799 (Joseph Mallord William Turner) (1775-1851) Tate Britain, London45391799John Schanck, ca. 1799 (John James Masquerier) (1778-1855) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1923 45401799Napoleon Bonaparte in the coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire in Saint-Cloud, by François Bouchot (1800-1842) Château de Versailles.799517992nd Battle of Zurich, September 25th, 1799, by Francois Bouchot (1800-1842) painted in 1837, Versailles, Galerie des Batailles.79961799Death of Tipu Sultan, May 4th, 1799, painted by Henry Singleton (1766-1839) Location TBD.79971799Bataille de Aboukir, July 25th, 1799, by Antoine-Jean Gros (1771-1835), painted in 1806, Château de Versailles103451799Napoleon Bonaparte visitant les pestiferes de Jaffa, 1799, March 11, by Antoine-Jean Gros103851799134681800Anne-Marie-Louise Thélusson, Comtesse de Sorcy, 1800 (Jacques-Louis David) (1748-1825) Neue Pinakothek, München 42351800Akimov Ivan Akimovich, ca. 1800 (Johann Baptist von Lampi the Younger) (1775-1837) Location TBD 45651800Archduke Charles of Austria, Duke of Teschen, 1800 (Johann Baptist Seele) (1774-1814) Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Wien45641800Isabella Seymour Conway, Lady Hertford, ca. 1800 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) Location TBD 45601800Self-Portrait, ca. 1800 (John Hoppner) (1858-1810) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5950 45611800Rear Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1800 (Lemuel Francis Abbott) (ca. 1760-1802) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, BHC2889 45621800Juan Francisco Ximénez del Rio, Archbishop of Valencia, ca. 1800 (Vicente Lopez y Portana) (1772-1850) Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao45631800Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, ca. 1800 (M. E. Vogel) (??-??) Location TBD 45761800Self-Portrait, ca. 1800 (John Vanderlyn) (1775-1852) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 18.118 45721800Robert Southey, 1800 (John James Masquerier) (1778-1855) Location TBD 45731800Thomas Jefferson, 1800 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) White House Art Collection, Washington, D.C., 962.395.1 45741800Self-Portrait, ca. 1800 (Washington Allston) (1779-1843) Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambrisge, MA45751800Horatio Nelson, Viscount Nelson, ca. 1800 (Friedrich Heinrich Füger) (1751-1818) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 7345541800Horatio Nelson, Viscount Nelson, ca. 1800 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 579845551800Elizabeth Charlotte Eden, Lady Godolphin, ca. 1800 (William Beechey) (1753-1839) Christie's Fine Art Auction House 45561800Mrs. MacDowall, ca. 1800 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 74.10045571800Frederick William Hervey, 1st Marquess of Bristol, ca. 1800 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) Ickworth House, National Trust, UK, 851733 45581800Miss Mary Linwood, ca. 1800 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1439-1874 45591800Anna Stepanovny Protassova, 1800 (Dmitri Levitsky) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 45411800George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer, ca. 1800 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1487 45421800John Codman, ca. 1800 (John Singleton Copley) (1738-1815) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 37.3845431800A Young Man, possibly Georges Rouget, ca. 1800 (Jacques-Louis David) (1748-1825) The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 45441800Self-Portrait, ca. 1800 (Marie-Victoire Jaquotot) (1772-1855) Sothebys Old Masters Sale, January 31 - February 1, 2013,62551800Self-Portrait, ca. 1800 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) Royal Academy Collection, London, 03/28368161800Assassination of Kleber in Cairo, June 14th, 1800, by Antoine-Jean Gros (1771-1835) Strasbourg Historical Museum, MH941.79991800Joseph Brett c1800 by William beechey 1753-1839 chrysler Museum.71.208490711800Maria Teresa de Bourbon y Vallabriga ca. 1800 by Goya90751800Madame Recamier 1800 Jacques Louis David 1748-1825 Musee du Louvre Paris INV. 370893731800Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand ca 1800 by Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy Trioson (1767-1824) Location TBD95861800John Randolph 1800 by John Wesley Jarvis (1780-1840) National Portrait Gallery DC 70.4695931800Self-Portrait 1800 by Hortense Haudebourt-Lescot (1784-1845) Location TBD96011800134671801Sarah Wentworth Apthorp, Mrs. Perez Morton, ca. 1801(Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 39.681 45911801Rubens Peale with a geranium, 1801 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., 1985.59.1 45861801Sophie Crouzet, ca. 1801 (Louis Hersent) (1777-1860) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1943.659 45851801Self-Portrait, ca. 1801 (Edward Dayes) (1763-1804) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2091 45841801Onofrio Boni, ca. 1801 (Gaspare Landi) (1756-1830) Private Collection 45831801Louis Charles Desaix, ca. 1800-1801 (Andrea Appiani) (1754-1817) Location TBD 45821801William Hamilton, ca. 1801 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) Sothebys Auction House, Sale L08122, Lot 82 45811801Mrs. Robert Shurlock and child, 1801 (John Russell) (1745-1806) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 67.132 45801801Robert Shurlock, 1801 (John Russell) (1745-1806) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 67.131 45791801Mrs. Shurlock, 1801 (John Russell) (1745-1806) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1975.217.2 45781801Self-Portrait, ca. 1801 (Joseph Duplessis) (1725-1802) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles45771801John Boydell 1801 after Sir William Beechey 1753-1839 National Portrait Gallery London 93490691801Self-Portrait 1801 by Henriette Lorimier 1775-185490761801Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck with his Wife and Children ca. 1801-1802 by Pierre Paul Prudhon 1758-1823 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam92571801A Young Woman 1801 Mather Brown 1761-1831 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 65.23593741801A Young Woman Drawing 1801 by Marie-Denise Villers 1774-1821 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 17.120.20493751801John Boydell 1801 after Sir William Beechey (1753-1839) National Portrait Gallery London NPG94395911801Manuel Godoy ca 1801-1803 by Antonio Carnicero (1748-1814) Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando95971801Battle of Copenhagen, 1801 April 2.103861801134661802A Young Woman, ca. 1802 (Gilbert Stuart) (1855-1828) Location TBD 45921802George Rose, ca. 1802 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 367 45901802Cooper Penrose, 1802 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Timken Museum 45891802William Godwin, ca. 1802 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 123645881802Self-Portrait, ca. 1802 (Thomas Beach) (1738-1806) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3143 45871802Don Jose Maria Gomez de Cervantes y Altamirano de Velasco, 1802 (Ignacio Ayala) (1786-1856) Brooklyn Museum, New York 52.166.7 46021802Heinrike Dannecker, ca. 1802 (Christian Gottlieb Schick) (1776-1812) Staatsgalerie Stuttgart 46011802Abraham Rees, ca. 1802 (James Lonsdale) (1777-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 564 46001802Aaron Burr, 1802 (John Vanderlyn) (1775-1852) Location TBD45991802Mrs. Marinus Willett and son, ca. 1802 (John Vanderlyn) (1775-1852) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 17.87.2 45981802Ann Ruthven Leven Bell, 1802 (attributed to Peter Paillou the Younger) (1757-1832) Tayside Medical History Museum, University of Dundee, Scotland 45931802Charles Abbott, 1st Baron Colchester, ca. 1802 (John Hoppner) (1758-1810) National Portrait Galery, London, NPG 141645941802John James Ruskin, 1802 (George Watson) (1767-1837) Location TBD 45951802Self-Portrait, 1802 (Pietro Benvenuti) (1769-1844) Palazzo Martelli, Firenze 45961802First Consul Bonaparte, ca. 1802 (Antoine-Jean Gros) (1771-1835) Location TBD 45971802Anee Montgomery Marchioness Townshend 1802 by George Romney 1734-1802 Location TBD 90661802Heinrike Dannecker 1802 by Christian Gottlieb Schick 1776-1812 Nationalgalerie Berlin93761802Wilhelmine Cotta 1802 by Christian Gottlieb Schick 1776-1812 Staatsgalerie Stuttgart93771802Madam Louis-Francois Bertin ca 1802-1803 by Francois-Xavier Fabre (1766-1837) Sothebys Sale 21 June 2012 Lot 9195961802Thomas Erskine 1st Baron Erskine 1802 by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) Lincolns Inn London96071802134651803Bella Ibbetson (née Thompson), ca. 1803 (Julius Caesar Ibbetson) (1759-1817) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6268 46091803A Member of the Lee Family, probably Charles Lee, ca.1794-1803 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.109.85 46081803Albert Gallatin, ca. 1803 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 08.90 46071803Thomas Morton, ca. 1803 (John Raphael Smith) (1752-1812) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1540 46061803John Walker, ca. 1803 (Henry Ashby) (fl. 1794-1855) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 549346201803Mrs. Cephas Smith, Jr. and Child, ca. 1803 (William Jennys) (1774-1858) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1974.135 46191803Cephas Smith, Jr. ca. 1803 (William Jennys) (1774-1858) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1974.136 46181803Edward Stanley, ca. 1803 (James Green) (1771-1834) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4242 46171803Self-Portrait, ca. 1803 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) Location TBD 46161803Napoleon Bonaparte as First Consul, 1803 (François Gérard) (1770-1834) Musée Condé, Chantilly, PE 425 46151803Sir Humphry Davy, Bt, ca. 1803 (Henry Howard) (1769-1847) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4591 46141803Jeanne Eglé Mourge, ca. 1802-1803 (Marie-Guillelmine Benoist) (1768-1826) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 53.61.4 46131803Ludwig von Beethoven, ca. 1803 (Christian Horneman) (1765-1844) Location TBD46121803Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, ca. 1803 (Charles Thévenin) (1764-1838) Location TBD 46111803William Huntington, ca. 1803 (Domenico Pellegrini) (1759-1840) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 141 46101803Sobkhotep I (Sekhemre Khutawy) I possibly, 1st ruler 13th Dynasty reigned ca. 1803-1800 BCE, Second Intermediate Period, Musee du Louvre E1292474071803The Last Flag Raising Ceremony - Cession of New Orleans, 1803 December 20th 103561803Edward Satchwell Fraser 1803 by Henry Raeburn (1756-1823) Location TBD95841803Louis-Francois Bertin 1803 by Francois-Xavier Fabre (1766-1837) Sothebys Sale 21 June 2012 Lot 9195951803Mary Anne Clarke nee Thompson 1803 by Adam Buck 1759-1833 National Portrait Gallery London NPG279395991803Tadeusz Kosciuszko ca. 1803 by Karl Gottlieb Schweikart (1772-1855) National Museum in Warsaw 12983596061804Florentius Josephus von Ertborn, 1804 (Jean-Baptiste Greuze) (1725-1805) Sothebys SN0871246211804Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Funck, 1804 (Anton Graff) (1736-1813) Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden 46221804Benjamin Henry Latrobe, ca. 1804 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Location TBD 46231804Ignacio Garcini y Queralt, ca. 1804 (Francisco de Goya) (1746-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 55.145.1 46241804Josefa de Castilla Portugal y van Asbrock de Garcini Francisco de Goya The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 55.145.2 seated sitting 1800s 19th century pendant pendants pair pairs portrait portraits woman women 46251804Edward Pellew, 1st Viscount Exmouth, ca. 1804 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 140 46261804Suzanne Le Peletier, 1804 (Jacques-Louis David) (1748-1825) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 97.PA.36 46271804James Neild, ca. 1804 (Samuel de Wilde) (1748-1832) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4160 46281804Manuel Godoy, ca. 1800-1808 (Agustin Esteve y Marqués) (1753-1820) Art Institute of Chicago, IL, 1954.31246291804Dolley Madison, 1804 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Location TBD 46301804Thomas Holcroft, ca. 1804 (John Opie) (1761-1807) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 512 46311804Gregor MacGregor, ca. 1804 (George Watson) (1767-1837) National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh 46321804Caroline Amelia Elizabeth of Brunswick, ca. 1804 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 244 46331804Arthur Wellesley 1st Duke of Wellington, ca. 1804 (Robert Home) (1769-1852) Location TBD 46341804Mary Nisbet, Countess of Elgin, ca. 1804 (François Gérard) (1770-1837) Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, NG 1496 46351804Charles Lamb, ca. 1804 (William Hazlitt) (1778-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 507 46361804Self-Portrait at 24 years old, ca. 1804 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Location TBD46371804Self-Portrait, 1804 (Michel Martin Drolling) (1789-1851) Location TBD 46381804Ludwig von Beethoven, ca. 1804 (W.J. Mahler) (??-??) Location TBD 46391804The Coronation of Napoleon at Notre Dame Paris, December 2nd, 1804, by George Rouget (1783-1869), painted 1805-1807, Musée du Louvre.800018043rd Duke of Portland 1804 by Benjamin West University of Oxford90651804Self-Portrait 1804 by Julius Caesar Ibbetson 1759-1817 National Portrait Gallery London NPG626793781804William Henry West Betty 1804 by John Opie 1761-1807 National Portrait Gallery London NPG139293791804Sir James Mackintosh ca. 1804 by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery London NPG4596051804Simeon De Witt ca 1804 by Ezra James (1768-1836) Jane Vorhees Zimmerli Art Museum Rutgers NJ96081804A Young Woman ca 1804-1805 by Cephas Thompson (1775-1856) Milwaukee Art Museum WI96091804First Remittance of the Legion of Honor in the Les Invalides, July 14th, 1804, by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) painted in 1812, Château de Versailles
103461804Samuel Parr, 1804, by William Artaud (1763-1804) Warwickshire Museum Service, UK.105221804134641805Pope Pius VII, 1805 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV. 3701 46411805Napoleon I, 1805 (Andrea Appiani) (1754-1817) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, GG_2346 46421805Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, Marshall of France, 1805 (Johann Jakob de Lose) (1755-1813) Location TBD 46431805Dr. Thomas Bartlett, ca. 1805 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 51.2360 46441805General Henry Knox, ca. 1805 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L-R 30.76b 46451805John Gray, ca. 1805 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 60.71.13 46461805William Robertson, 1805 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.145.32 46471805George Deuchar, 1800-1810 (Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 76.236 46481805Man, ca. 1805 (Henry Raeburn) (1856-1823) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 46491805A Woman, ca. 1800-1810 (after Jean-Baptiste Jacques Augustin) (1759-1832) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 95.14.50 46501805Captain Philip Beaver, ca. 1805 (John Opie) (1761-1807) Location TBD 46511805Michel Ney, Marshal of France, ca. 1805 (François Gerard) (1770-1837) Location TBD 46521805Napoleon, ca. 1805 (copy after François Gerard) (1770-1837) Sothebys Sale N08712 46531805George Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of Sutherland, ca. 1805 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 129846541805Nicolas Lupot, 1805 (Henriette Lorimier) (1775-1854) Location TBD 46551805Benjamin Jesty, 1805 (Michael William Sharp) (1776-1840) Location TBD 46561805William Findlay, 1805 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) Location TBD 46571805Self-Portrait at 20 years old, ca. 1805 (David Wilkie) (1785-1841) Location TBD46581805Thomas Moore, ca. 1805 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1340 46591805Johann Philipp von Stadion, 1805 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 46601805Catherine Starzenska ca. 1805 by Francois Pascal Simon Gerard 1770-1837 Lviv Art Gallery 90671805Children of Martin Anton Heckscher 1805 by Johann Tischbein 1751-1829 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 2002.56493801805Josephine Empress Consort of France 1805 by Pierre-Paul Prudhon 1758-1823 Musee du Louvre Paris R.F. 27093811805Edward and Sarah Rutter ca. 1805 by Joshua Johnson 1763-1824 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 65.254.393821805A Lady with a Boy 1805 by Joseph-Denis Odevaere 1775-1830 Private Collection93831805Francois Wynckelman Francois van der Donckt and Joseph Odevaere 1805 by Joseph-Denis Odevaere 1775-1830 Location TBD93841805Admiral Peter Rainier ca 1805 by Arthur Devis (1741-1808) College of Optometrists95811805James Madison ca 1805-1807 by Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828) Bowdoin College Museum of Art 1813.5495881805Lady Caroline Lamb ca 1805 by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) Location TBD95941805Self-Portrait ca 1805 by Constance Mayer (1775-1821) Bibliotheque Marmottan Boulogne-Billancourt96021805Portrait of a Gentleman, ca. 1805-1815, by an Unknown Artist ABINGTON AUCTION GALLERY FORT LAUDERDALE, FL MARCH 29th, 2018 SOLD 102721805Death of Admiral Horatio Nelson, October 21st, 1805, by Arthur William Devis (1762-1822) National Maritime Museum , Greenwich.103551805An Artist at Work (possibly Henri August?), ca. 1805, attributed to Martin Drolling (1752-1817) Sotheby's Paris, September 24, 2024, Lot 71. 105281805134631806Self-Portrait, ca. 1805-1806 (Anton Graff) (1736-1813) Von der Heydt Museum, Wuppertal, Nordrhein-Westfalen46611806Nicolas, comte Frochot, 1806 (Andrea Appiani) (1754-1817) Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, UK, 1976.P98 46641806William Eustis, ca. 1806 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 46.28 46651806John Amory, Jr., ca. 1806 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 37.40 46661806Mrs. John Amory, Jr., ca. 1806 (Catherine Willard) (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828)Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 37.39 46671806Elizabeth Bowdoin, Lady Temple, 1806 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Private Collection 46681806Self-Portrait, ca. 1806 (Gaspare Landi) (1756-1830) Galleria Borghese, Rome 46691806Canova, ca. 1806 (Gaspare Landi) (1756-1830) Galleria Borghese, Rome 46701806Alexander von Humboldt, 1806 (Friedrich Georg Weitsch) (1758-1828) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin 46711806Seymon Romanovich Vorontsov, ca. 1806 (Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Location TBD 46721806Jean-Nicolas Corvisart, ca. 1806 (François Gérard) (1770-1837) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 46731806Edward Thurlow, Baron Thurlow, ca. 1806 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1264 46741806Andrew Caldwell, ca. 1805-1806 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) Seattle Art Museum, WA 89.18446751806La Belle Zélie, ca. 1806 (Jean-August-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1767) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen Inv. 870.1.1 46761806Madame Riviere, ca. 1806 (Jean-August-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1767) Musée du Louvre, Paris 46771806Lorenzo Bartolini, 1806 (Jean-August-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1767) Musée Ingres, Montauban, Midi-Pyrénées46781806James Watt, 1806 (John Partridge, after Sir William Beechey) (1789-1872) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 2612 46791806Richard Pillips, ca. 1806 (James Saxon) (fl. 1795-1828) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 944 46801806Sobekhotep I (possibly), ruler of the 13th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1806-1804, Second Intermediate Period, Musée du Louvre, Paris, E 12924 (Photo: Juan R. Lazaro, 2007, 73811806The Marriage of Eugene de Beauharnais and Augusta of Bavaria, January 14th, 1806, by Francois-Guillaume Menageot (1744-1816) Location TBD.80011806Friedrich I von Wurttemberg im Kronungsornat ca. 1806-1808 by Johann Baptist Seele 1774-1814 Schlossverwaltung Ludwigsburg Inv-nr NN 125 90681806Madame Tallien 1806 by Jean-Bernard Duvivier 1762-1837 Brooklyn Museum 1989.2890731806Maria Cristina of Naples and Sicily Queen of Sardinia ca. 1806-1809 by Giacomo Berger 1779-1849 Castle of Aglie Hunting Room90741806Daniel Lambert ca. 1806 by Benjamin Marshall 1768-1835 Leicestershire Museums and Art Galleries93851806Napoleon I Bonaparte Emperor of France 1806 by Jean August Dominique Ingres 1780-1867 Musee de lArmee Paris93871806Lieutenant-General Sir Herbert Taylor, ca. 1806 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Sotheby's Old Masters Evening Sale, December 10, 2020 Lot 30.104861807William Clark, 1807 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Independence National Historical Park, MO46811807Self-Portrait, ca. 1807 (John Raphael Smith) (1752-1812) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 981 46821807Henry Phipps, 1st Earl of Mulgrave, ca. 1807 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5716 46831807Robert Findlay, 1807 (Peter Paillou the Younger) (1757-1832) The Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, Glasgow 46841807Mme. Desmarets, 1807 (Henriette Lorimier) (1775-1854) Location TBD 46851807Self-Portrait, 1807 (Henriette Lorimier) (1775-1854) Musée Magnin, Dijon 46861807Anna Powell Mason, ca. 1807 (Mrs. Patrick Grant) ca. (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1978.183 46871807Governor James Sullivan, 1807 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 19.760 O46881807Désirée Clary, future Queen Consort of Sweden ca. 1807 (Robert Lefèvre) (1755-1830) Drottningholms slott, Sverige 46891807Dominique Vivant, Baron de Denon, ca. 1807 (Robert Lefèvre) (1755-1830) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 46901807Hortense de Beauharnais, Queen consort of Holland, ca. 1807 (Anne-Louis Girodet) (1767-1824) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-4943 46911807William Blake, ca. 1807 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 212 46921807Artists Wife and Son, ca. 1807 (Philipp Otto Runge) (1777-1810) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin 46961807Joseph Grimaldi, ca. 1807 (John Cawse) (1779-1862) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 827 46971807Francois Marius Granet, 1807 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence 46981807Battle of Freidland June 14th, 1807, by Ernest Messonier (1815-1891,) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY between Napoleon and Alexander I of Russia at Tilsitt, July 9th, 1807, by Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848), Versailles.80031807The Persian Envoy Mirza Mohammed Reza Qazvini meets Napoleon at Finkenstein Castle, April 27th, 1807 by François Mulard (1769–1850), painted in 1810.80041807Stephanie de Beauharnais Grand Duchess of Baden ca. 1807 by Francois Gerard 1770-1837 Location TBD93861807Ardalion Petrovich Novosiltsev 1807 by Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky Sothebys Russian Pictures 2 June 2015 London Lot 2295821807Eleonore Denuelle de la Plaigne ca 1807 by Francois Gerard (1770-1837) Location TBD95851807John Codman 1807-1808 by John Singleton Copley (1738-1815) Harvard University Portrait Collection H66795921807Rubens Peale 1807 by Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860) Location TBD96001807Self-Portrait 1807 by Thomas Sully (1783-1872) Wadsworth Athenaeum 184896031807Sergei Savvich Yakovlev ca 1807 by Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky (1757-1825) Sothebys Russian Masterpiece Sale October 21 201496041807The Chesapeake-Leopold Affair - British ship fires on American frigate killing four, June 22, 1807, by an Unknown Artist, Location TBD104121807134621808George Clymer, ca. 1808 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia 46991808Mrs. James Swan (Hepzibah Clark), 1808 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, 27.539 47001808Mrs. John Clarke Howard (Hepzibah Swan), 1808 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, 27.540 47011808Ferenc Kazinczy, 1808 (Joseph Kreutzinger) (1757-1829) Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budape st 47021808Lucien Bonaparte, ca. 1808 (François Xavier Fabre) (1767-1837) Museo Napoleonico, Roma 47031808Michal Kleofas Oginski, ca. 1808 (François Xavier Fabre) (1767-1837) Location TBD 47041808Sir Alexander Croke, ca. 1808 (Robert Field) (1769-1819) National Gallery of Canada, no. 6082 47051808Jean-Dominique Fabry, ca. 1808 (Adèle Romany) (1769-1846) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 2009.34447061808Joachim Murat, King of Naples, ca. 1808 (François Gerard) (1770-1837) Location TBD 47071808Pierre Zimmerman, 1808 (Antoine-Jean Gros) (1771-1835) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 47081808Robert William Elliston, ca. 1808 (George Henry Harlow) (1787-1819) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 2136 47091808Josephine de Beauharnais ca. 1808 by Francois Gerard 1770-1837 Versailles or Fontainebleau90701808The Children of John Angerstein ca. 1808 by Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Musee du Louvre Paris92581808The Drummond Children ca. 1808-1809 Sir Henry Raeburn 1756-1823 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 50.145.3192591808Pauline Borghese ca. by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Musee National du Chateau et des Trianons Versailles93881808Noel Catherine Verlee ca. 1808 by Francois Gerard 1770-1837 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 2002.3193891808Felicite-Louise-Julie-Constance de Durfort by Merry-Joseph Blondel 1781-1853 Location TBD93901808Jean-Victor Bertin by ca 1808 by Robert Lefevre (1755-1830) Location TBD95891808Jean Antoine Houdon 1808 by Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860) Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts 1854.1.3 95901808A Man 1808 by Johann Heinrich Schmidt (1749-1829) Location TBD95981808Frederick Augustus I of Saxony, ca. 1808-1809, by Marcello Bacciarelli (1731-1818) Location TBD 105481808134611809Sir Henry Halford, 1st Bt, ca. 1809 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1068 47101809Alexander I, Tsar of Russia, 1809 (Stepan Shchukin) (1754-1828) Location TBD 47111809Marianne von Willemer, 1809 (Johann Jacob de Lose) (1755-1813) Goethe-Museum, Franfurt-am-Main 47121809William Forsyth, ca. 1809 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 96.30.5 O 47131809Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, ca. 1809 (Arthur William Devis) (1763-1822) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4265 47141809A Man, "M. Camille", 1809 (François-Xavier Fabre) (1766-1837) Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, NG 2548 47151809Hon. Emma (Crew) Cunliffe Offley, ca. 1809 (Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Huntington Library, CA 47161809Viktor Pavlovich Kochubey, ca. 1809 (François Gérard) (1770-1837) Location TBD 47171809Philip Hone, 1809 (John Wesley Jarvis) (1780-1840) De Young Museum, San Francisco 47181809Washington Irving, 1809 (John Wesley Jarvis) (1780-1840) Location TBD 47191809Julia Bonaparte with Children 1809 by Jean Baptiste Wicar 1762-1834 Capodimonte Napoli90721809George Harley Drummond ca. 1809 Sir Henry Raeburn 1756-1823 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 49.14293911809Charles August Crown Prince of Sweden 1809 by Per Krafft the Younger (1777-1863) Nationalmuseum Stockholm NMGrh 169295831809Harrison Gray Otis 1809 By Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828) Otis House Museum Boston95871809Adriaen Pieter Twent 1809 by Willem Bartel van der Kooi 1768-1836 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4139102241809Porvoon valtiopaivat, 1809, March 15th by Emanuel Thelning103571809134601810Comtesse Daru, 1810 (Jacques-Louis David) (1748-1825) The Frick Collection, 1937.1.140 47201810Maximilian I, King of Bavaria, ca. 1810 (Franz Xaver Kornock) (ca. 1751-1836) Salzburg Museum 47211810Self-Portrait, ca. 1810 (Robert Home) (1752-1834) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 316247221810Marcia Fox, ca. 1810 (Sir William Beechey) (1853-1839) Location TBD 47231810Eugène Rose de Beauharnais, 1810 (Andrea Appiani) (1754-1817) Location TBD 47241810Henry MacKenzie, ca. 1810 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 455 47251810Mrs. Anne Hart, ca. 1810 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 47261810Catherine Vorontsova, ca. 1810 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Pushkin Museum, Moscow 47271810Madame Fouler, Comtesse de Relingue, 1810 (Louis-Léopold Boilly) (1761-1845) Fondation Napoléon47281810Emma Jane Hodges, daughter of the artist, 1810 (Charles Howard Hodges) (1764-1837) Rijksmusuem Amsterdam 47291810A Man, ca. 1810 (attributed to Anne-Louis Girodet) (1767-1824) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA, 1986-26-35 47301810Philip Van Cortlandt, ca. 1810 (Ezra Ames) (1768-1836) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 40.94 47311810Charles Inglis, ca. 1810 (Robert Field) (1769-1819) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1023 47321810Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry, Lord Castlereagh, ca. 1810 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 891 47331810Madame de Stael, ca. 1810 (François Gerard) (1770-1837) Location TBD 47341810Désirée Clary, Queen Consort of Sweden and Norway ca. 1810 (François Gérard) (1770-1837) Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris 47351810Empress Consort Marie Louise, 1810(François Gérard) (1770-1837) Musée du Louvre, Paris 47361810Sir Joseph Banks, Bt, ca. 1810 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 885 47381810A Man, ca. 1810 (Joseph Bordes) (1773-1835) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 95.14.8347391810Absalom Jones, 1810 (Raphaelle Peale) (1774-1825) Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE 47401810William Eaton, ca. 1805-1810 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) Location TBD47411810Modesto Paroletti, 1810 (Benedetto Péchoux) (1779-1831) Sothebys MI0305 12/15/09 47421810Self-Portrait, ca. 1800-1810 (Ethan Allen Greenwood) (1779-1856) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1946.37 47431810Mrs. Robert Dickey, ca. 1807-1810 (John Wesley Jarvis) (1780-1840) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 69.22.2 47441810Joseph-Antoine Moltedo, ca. 1810 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.23 47451810Charles-Marie-Jean-Baptiste Marcotte, 1810 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Location TBD 47461810Self-Portrait, ca. 1810 (Sir Francis Legatt Chantrey) (1781-1841) Tate Britain, London N0159147471810Joseph de Maistre, ca. 1810 (Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein) (1788-1868) Musée de Art et de Histoire de Chambéry 47481810Isabella Ewing, Mrs. Smith of Jordanhill (Graham Gilbert) (??-??) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 3646 47491810Mirza Abu Hassan Khan Shirazi Ilchi Kabir, Persian Ambassador to England, 1810 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, MA, 1964.100 63431810Marriage of Napoleon and Marie Louise of Savoy, March 11, 1810, by Georges Rouget (1783-1869) painted in 1811, Château de Versailles, Inv. 1455.80051810Camille Borghese ca 1810 by Francois Gerard (1770-1837)80421810Emily Lamb ca 1810 by William Owen 1769-1825 Christies Sale 6053 Lot 4180471810Man possibly Edward Satchwell Fraser of Reelig ca 1810 by Henry Raeburn Van Ham Gallery80541810Rudolph Ackermann ca 1810-1814 attributed to Francois Nicholas Mouchet National Portrait Gallery London NPG 634280581810Konig Jerome and Katharina von Westfalen 1810 by Sebastian Weygandt 1760-1836 Private Collection91741810Jose Costa y Bonells ca. 1810 by Francisco de Goya y Lucientes 1746-1828 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 61.25993921810Portrait of a Gentleman, ca. 1810, by an Unknown Artist ***PORTRAIT AVAILABLE*** ***MAKE A BID*** ***CONTACT AUCTION HOUSE*** LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS PRICE EST.: $100-200102711810Portrait of a Gentleman Half Length ca 1810 attributed to John Hoppner 1758-1810 William Thuiller Fine Art, London Price on request102761810134591811Self-Portrait, 1811 (Alexei Gavrilovich Venetsianov) (1780-1847) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, No. 132, Room 14 47551811Mrs. Polly Hooper, 1811 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Maier Museum of Art, Randolph College, VA, M.1961.1 47501811Karl Theodor von Dalberg, ca. 1811 (Robert Lefevre) (1755-1830) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 47511811John Playfair, ca. 1811 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 840 47521811Warren Hastings, ca. 1811 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 390 47531811A Man from Aragon, ca. 1811 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University, MA 1920.8 47541811A Lady, ca. 1811 (Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein) (1788-1868) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg47561811Giacomo Quarenghi, 1811 (Unknown Artist) Private Collection 47571811James Henry Leigh Hunt ca 1811 by Benjamin Robert Haydon 1786-1846 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 29380501811Battle of Tippecanoe, November 7, 1811, Lithograph printed by Kurz and Allison104131811134581812Douglas James William Kinnaird, ca. 1812 (attributed to John Raphael Smith) Bishops Castle Town Council, Shropshire47581812Francis Horner, ca. 1812 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 48547591812Elizabeth Hamilton, 1812 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Location TBD 47601812Elizabeth Campbell Marchesa di Spineto, ca. 1812 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Location TBD 47611812George Miller Bligh, 1812 (Mather Brown) (1761-1831) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, BHC 256247621812Self-Portrait, 1812(Mather Brown) (1761-1831) Location TBD 47631812Spencer Perceval, ca. 1812 (George Francis Joseph) (1764-1846) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1031 47641812Spencer Perceval, ca. 1812 (George Francis Joseph) (1764-1846) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4 47651812Josephine, Empress of France, ca. 1812 (Firmin Massot) (1766-1849) Private Collection47661812Allan Meville, ca. 1812 (Ezra Ames) (1768-1836) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 47671812Frederikke Benedichte Dannemand Hans Hansen Frederiksborg Slot Hillerød Danish Denmark woman women young from of a an the mistress mistresses royal 1810s 19th century Empire style styles 47681812Charles William Vane-Stewart, 3rd Marquess Londonderry, ca. 1812 (Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 617147691812Doctor Dubois, ca. 1812 (François Gerard) (1770-1837) Christies Auction 47701812Self-Portrait, ca. 1812 (Thomas Stewardson) (1781-1859) Warrington Art Museum, Cheshire, UK, RD.2300 47711812John Etty, ca. 1812 (William Etty) (1787-1849) Merchant Adventurers Hall, York, UK 47721812Princess Praskovy Yusupova, 1812 (Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein) (1788-1868) Location TBD47731812John Norton, Teyoninhokovrawen, Mohawk Leader, ca. 1808-1812 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 47741812Annabella Byron 1812 by Charles Hayter National Portrait Gallery London80391812Charles John Gardiner 1st Earl of Blessington ca. 1812 by James Holmes (1777-1860) National Portrait Gallery London NPG152380441812Self-portrait 1812 by Cornelis Kruseman 1797-1857 Museum van Loon80591812Alexander Douglas-Hamilton 10th Duke of Hamilton and 7th Duke of Brandon 1767-1852 ca. 1812-1823 by Henry Raeburn 1756-1823 Christies90771812Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in His Study at the Tuileries 1812 by Jacques-Louis David National Gallery Washington DC90781812The Burning of Moscow as Napoleon's Army reached the Russian capitol, September 14th, 1812, by an unknown German artist, Location TBD104111812Brig. General William Hull surrenders Fort Detroit to the British, August 16th, 1812, by Augustus Robin (active mid 19th cent.), Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1997-56-1.104141812Louise-Adeone Drolling, the artist's daughter, 1812, by Martin Drolling (1752-1817) Musee des Beaux-Arts, Strasbourg, 2411.105301812134571813Marguerite-Charlotte David, ca. 1813 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Location TBD47751813Paul Revere, ca. 1813 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 30.782 47761813Mrs. Paul Revere (Rachel Walker), 1813 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 30.783 47771813Joseph Warren-Revere, ca. 1813 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1987.55 47781813Stephen Decatur, ca. 1806-1813 (style of Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.109.83 47791813Gerard van Spaendonck, ca. 1813 (Nicolas-Antoine Taunay) (1755-1830) Het Noordbrabants Museum, Hertogenbosch 47801813George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, ca. 1813 (Richard Westall) (1765-1836) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4243 47811813Ugo Foscolo, 1813 (François-Xavier Fabre) (1766-1837) Biblioteca nazionale Centrale di Firenze 47821813Folliott Herbert Walker Cornewall, ca. 1813 (William Owen) (1769-1825) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5324 47831813Daniel Terry, ca. 1813 (William Henry Pickersgill) (1782-1875) National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, PG 2594 47841813Mrs. Katherine Matthews, ca. 1812-1813 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.178 47851813Self-Portrait, ca. 1813 (David Wilkie) (1785-1841) National Portrait Gallery, London 47861813Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, ca. 1813 (attributed to Isaac Pocock) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 275 47871813Christian VIII future King of Denmark 1813 by JL Lund 1777-186780461813Michail Illarionovich Kutuzov 1813 by RM Volkov80551813A Family Portrait ca. 1813 by Merry Joseph Blondel 1781-1853 Kunshalle Bremen92601813134561814Joachim Murat, 1814 (Johann Heinrich Schmidt) (1749-1829) Reggia di Caserta, Napoli47881814Sir Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, 1814 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Location TBD 47891814Matvei Platov, ca. 1814 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 47901814Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ca. 1814 (Washington Allston) (1779-1843) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 184 47911814Madame de Senonnes, 1814 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes47921814Anna Maria Magnani, 1814 (Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg) (1783-1853) Hirschsprung Collection, Copenhagen 47931814John Myers, 1814 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 45.894 47941814John Varley, ca. 1814 (William Mulready) (1786-1863) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 152947951814Carabinier à Cheval, ca. 1814 (Théodore Géricault) (1791-1824) Musée du Louvre, Paris 47961814Self-Portrait, ca. 1814 (Charles Robert Leslie) (1794-1859) National Portrtait Gallery, London NPG 2618 47971814Signing of Treaty of Ghent, December 24th, 1814, by Amédée Forestier 1845-1930, Smithsonian American Art Museum.80061814Napoleon returns in defeat from the Battle of Laon, March 9th, 1814, by Jean-Louis Ernest Messonier (1815-1891) Location TBD.80071814Bertel Thorvaldsen 1814 possibly by Eckersberg Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts80411814Charles Louis Regnault 1814-1815 by Jean-Baptiste Regnault Yale University Art Gallery 1973.2380451814Prince Metternich 1814-1815 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien80571814A Gentleman with his daughter 1814 by Joseph-Denis Odevaere 1775-1830 Groeningemuseum Brugge93931814La Barriere de Clichy, 1814 March 30th, by Horace Vernet103871814134551815Jean-Pierre Delahaye, 1815 (Jacques-Louis David) (1748-1825) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, M.2006.63 47981815Jean-Baptiste Regnault, the artists son (Jean-Baptiste Baron Regnault) (1754-1829) Location TBD47991815David Sears, Jr., ca. 1815 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 81.12 48001815Henry Rice, ca. 1815 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 97.39 48011815Mrs. John Gore, ca. 1815 (Mary Babcock) ca. (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 21.106 48021815Mrs. Charles Stewart, ca. 1815 (Delia Tudor) (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 67.1159 48031815Judge Daniel Cony of Maine, ca. 1815 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Minneapolis Institute of Arts48041815Félix-Émile Taunay, ca. 1815 (Nicolas-Antoine Taunay) (1755-1830) Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro 48051815Alexander Maconochie, ca. 1815 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 60.94.1 48061815James Watt, 1815 (Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 48071815William Baillie, Lord Pokemmet (Lord of Session), 1815, March (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Christies Fine Art Auction, Sale 2710, Lot 47 48081815Margaret (MacDonald) Moncrieff, ca. 1815 (after Sir Henry Raeburn) (1856-1823) The Huntington, 78.20.33 48091815Leopoldina of Austria, Empress Consort of Brazil, 1815 (Joseph Kreutzinger) (1757-1829) Schloss Schönbrunn, Wien 48101815Auguste von Hessen-Kassel, ca. 1815 (Johann Friedrich Bury) (1763-1823) Schloss Elisabethenberg, Meiningen 48111815Francis I, King of the Two Sicilies, ca. 1815 (Guiseppe Cammarano) (1766-1850) Location TBD 48121815Joshua Brookes, ca. 1815 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5002 48131815Sir Henry Charles Englefield, 7th Bt, ca. 1815 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4659 48141815Count Honore de La Riboisiere, 1815 (Antoine-Jean Gros) (1771-1835) Location TBD 48151815Benjamin Engels, ca. 1815 (Heinrich Christoph Kolbe) (1771-1836) Location TBD 48161815Ida Louise Frederike Engels, geboren Noot, ca. 1815 (Heinrich Christoph Kolbe) (1771-1836) Location TBD 48171815Gioachino Antonio Rossini, ca. 1815 (Vincenzo Camuccini) (1771-1844) Museo del Teatro alla Scala, Milano 48181815Self-Portrait, ca. 1815 (George Chinnery) (1774-1852) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.132.4 48191815Lady Anne Hamilton, 1815 (James Lonsdale) (1777-1839) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 122-1877 48201815Alexander Anderson, 1815 (John Wesley Jarvis) (1780-1840) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 81.16 48211815Self-Portrait, ca. 1815 (Andrew Geddes) (1783-1844) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 577 48221815Self-Portrait, ca. 1815 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.217.148231815Catherine, The Artists Wife, 1815 (Christian Albrecht Jensen) (1792-1870) Location TBD 48241815Arthur Schopenhauer, 1815 (Ludwig Sigismund Ruhl) (1794-1887) Univeritäts Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main 48251815Self-Portrait, ca. 1815 (Leopold Kupelwieser) (1796-1862) Location TBD 48261815Louis XVIII, King of France, ca. 1815 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 48271815Mrs. Hutchinson, ca. 1815 (Unknown American Artist) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1987.543 48281815Amenemhat IV, 7th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1815-1804 B.C.E., The British Museum, London 73801815Self-Portrait ca 1815 by George Henry Harlow 1787-1819 Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC 95.27.280601815Self Portrait 1815 by Goya80611815John Scott 1st Earl of Eldon ca 1815 Lord High Chancellor of England 1801-1806 attributed to William Cowen University College Oxford
80621815Mme. H.and her Children 1815 by Louis Andre Gabriel Bouchet 1759-1842 Seattle Art Museum WA 62.7593941815The Artists Wife ca. 1815 by Cephas Thompson 1775-1856 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1985.2293951815Edward Hodges ca. 1815 by an artist of the English School TITAN FINE ART LONDON UK 102291815A Lady ca 1815 George Henry Harlow 1787-1819 TITAN FINE ART LONDON102301816Hannah Moore, The Artists Wife, 1816 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 65.611 48291816Marquesa de Belas, 1816 (Nicolas-Antoine Taunay) (1755-1830) Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo 48301816Self-Portrait, ca. 1816 (Henry Raeburn) (1856-1823) Location TBD 48311816Diana Sturt, Lady Milner, ca. 1815-1820 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 48321816John Julius Angerstein, copy after 1816 original(Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 65.181.9 48331816Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, ca. 1816 (after Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 48341816James Madison, President of the United States, 1816 (John Vanderlyn) (1775-1852) Location TBD 48351816An Officer of the 3rd Battalion, the 14th Regiment of Foot, 1816 (Jean-Pierre-Frédéric Barrois) (1786-1841) Regiment of Yorkshire Museum, York 48361816Christopher Colles, ca. 1812-1816 (James Frothingham, after John Wesley Jarvis) (1786-1864) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 17.160 48371816Madame Faber, 1816 (François-Joseph Navez) (1787-1869) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel, INV 3348 48381816William Hookham Carpenter, ca. 1816 (Margaret Sarah Carpenter nee Geddes) (1793-1872) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 570848391816Self-Portrait, 1816 (Philipp Veit) (1793-1877) Landesmuseum, Mainz 48401816Self-Portrait, ca. 1816 (Eugène Delacroix) (1798-1863) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen Inv. 893. 3 48411816Self-Portrait, ca. 1816 (Moritz Daniel Oppenheim) (1800-1882) The Jewish Museum, New York, NY, 2008-13748421816Charles and Catherine Darwin 1816 by Ellen Sharples80431816General etienne-Maurice Gerard 1816 by Jacques-Louis David 1748-1825 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 65.14.593961816William Scott-Elliot of Arkelton ca. 1816 by Sir Henry Raeburn 1756-1823 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 45.59.293971816Francis Henry Lincoln dated 1816 by Henry Williams (1787-1830) WILLIS HENRY AUCTIONS, INC. Marshfield, MA April 14th, 2018, Lot 0126B 102731816Bombardment of Algiers, August 27th, 1816, by George Chambers Senior (1803-1840), painted in 1836 , National Maritime Museum, London, BHC0617.
103471816La Balsa de la Medusa, 1816, July 5th, by JEAN LOUIS THEODORE GERICAULT - Museo del Louvre 1818-19 103581816134541817Dániel Berzsenyi, 1817 (János Donát) (1744-1830) Gábor Kovács Gyűjtemény, Budapest 48431817Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes (cropped version), 1817 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Location TBD48441817Self-Portrait, ca. 1817 (Joseph Roques) (1754-1847) Musée des Augustins, Toulouse 51.1.1 48451817Carlota Joaquina of Spain, Queen Consort of Portugal, wife of John VI (Nicolas-Antoine Taunay) (1755-1830) Location TBD 48461817Lady Maitland (Catherine Connor), ca. 1817 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 53.180 48471817Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley Raffles, ca. 1817 (George Francis Joseph) (1764-1846) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 84 48491817John William Egerton, 1817 (William Owen) (1769-1825) Ashridge Estate, Hertfordshire 48501817Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales, ca. 1817 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 51 48511817Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales, ca. 1817 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) British Government Art Collection 16182 48521817Richard le Poer Trench, 2nd Earl of Clancarty, ca. 1817 (Joseph Paelinck) (1781-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5252 48531817Self-Portrait, ca. 1817 (Paulin Jean-Baptiste Guérin) (1783-1855) Sothebys Sale L13033 48541817Self-Portrait, 1817 (Pierre van Hanselaere) (1786-1862) Location TBD 48551817Jacques-Louis David, ca. 1817 (Francois Joseph Navez) (1787-1869) Private collection 48561817A Man, possibly Franz Schubert, ca. 1817 (possibly by Josef Abel) (1764-1818) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. SAM_847 48571817Self-Portrait, ca. 1812 (Louis-Marie Autissier) (1772-1830) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, NMB 2456 48581817Hauptmann Joseph C. von Stierle Holzmeister, ca. 1817 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Staatliche Museeum Nationalgalerie, Berlin48591817Phillipine Bohmer, ca. 1817 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Private Collection48601817Henry Shrapnel, 1817 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 48611817Major General Charles Reynolds, ca. 1818 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 54.213 48671817Harriot Mellon Duchess of St Albans 1817-18 by Sir William Beechey NPGL 191580481817Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Augustus of Prussia ca. 1817 by Franz Kruger 1797-1857 Location TBD90801817Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord 1817 by Pierre-Paul Prudhon 1758-1823 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1994.19093981817Sir William Grant 1817 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 National Portrait Gallery London NPG67193991817134531818Rufus King, 1818 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia, PA 48621818John VI, King of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, ca. 1818 (José Leandro de Carvalho) (ca. 1750-1834) Location TBD 48631818Rudolf of Hapsburg, ca. 1818 (Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder) (1751-1830) Wien Museum 48641818Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, ca. 1818 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 647 48651818Reverend John Thornton Kirkland, 1818 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) William Vareika Fine Art, Ltd., Newport, RI 48661818Arnauld de Beaufort, ca. 1818 (Pierre Paul Prudhon) (1758-1853) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 2:193948681818Frances Anne Vane-Tempest, Marchioness of Londonderry, 1818 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Location TBD 48691818Count Nesselrode, 1818 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Royal Collection, UK, RICN 404945 48701818Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey, ca. 1818 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 86 48711818Frances Amys, Mrs. James Pulham Sr., ca. 1818 (John Constable) (1776-1837) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.127248721818Duke of Wellington, copy after Thomas Lawrence, ca. 1818 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 03.1078 48731818Sir Walter Scott, 1818 (Andrew Geddes) (1783-1844) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 572 48741818Major John Biddle, 1818 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.115.148751818Abraham Raimbach, ca. 1818 (David Wilkie) (1785-1841) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 775 48761818Catherine Charlotte Surget Bingham, 1818 (William Edward West) (1788-1857) Newcomb Art Gallery, Tulane University, LA 48771818Colonel August frederic Bon Amour, Marquis de Talhouet, 1818 (Horace Vernet) (1789-1863) Location TBD48781818Wife of the Artist, 1818 (Claude-Marie-Paul Dubufe) (1790-1864) Location TBD 48791818Self-Portrait, ca. 1818 (Léon Cogniet) (1794-1880) Musée des beaux-arts de Orléans 48801818Fougerat, ca. 1818 (Eugène Delacroix) (1798-1863) Christies Sale 254748811818Achille Etna Michallon ca 1818-1819 by Leon Cogniet80381818Augusta Duchess of Cambridge 1818 by Sir William Beechey 1753-1839 Royal Collection UK RCIN 40468080401818James Forten 1818 by Unknown-Artist Pennsylvania Historical Society80491818Ferdinand IV and I King of Two Sicilies ca. 1818-1819 San Gennaro90791818Anee and Mary Constable sisters of the artist ca. 1818 by John Constable 1776-1837 Huntington Library91731818Alexander Ivanovich Chernyshov 1818 by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) Waterloo Room Windsor Castle100521818Self-Portrait, 1818, by Sarah Miriam Peale (1800-1885) National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C., NPG 84.178.105241818134521819Yarrow Mamount, 1819 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA, 2011-87-148821819Rufus King, ca. 1819 (Gilbert Stuart) (1855-1828) National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C., NPG.88.1 48831819Klemens Wenzel von Metternich, ca. 1814-1819 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 48841819John Arthur Douglas, 2nd Baron Bloomfield, ca. 1819 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 140848851819Maria, Lady Callcott, 1819 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 954 48861819Sir Thomas Munro, 1st Bt, 1819 (Martin Archer Shee) (1769-1850) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3124 48871819Jane, Lady Munro, 1819 (Martin Archer Shee) (1769-1850) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3124a 48881819Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1819 (Amelia Curran) (1775-1847) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1234 48891819Antonio Canova, ca. 1819 (John Jacskon) (1778-1831) Location TBD 48901819Young Woman, 1819 (Marie-Nicole Ponce-Camus) (1778-1839) Location TBD 48911819General Andrew Jackson, ca. 1819 (John Wesley Jarvis) (1780-1840) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 64.8 48921819General Andrew Jackson, 1819 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.197 48931819George Crabbe, ca. 1819 (William Henry Pickersgill) (1782-1875) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1495 48941819Mrs James K. Bogert, Jr., 1819 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) Brooklyn Museum, New York 18.3948951819A Man, ca. 1819 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) New Britain Museum of American Art, CT 48961819A Young Woman, ca. 1819 (circle of George Henry Harlow) (1787-1819) Sothebys Auction House, Sale AU0728, Lot 122 48971819A Man, "An Artist", 1819 (Michel Martin Drolling) (1789-1851) Chi Mei Museum, Tainan 48981819A Man, ca. 1818-1819 (Théodore Géricault) (1791-1824) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 48991819James Monroe, ca. 1819 (Samuel Finley Breese Morse) (1791-1872) The White House Art Collection, Washington, D.C.49001819Hernann Ernst Freund, ca. 1819 (Christian Albrecht Jensen) (1792-1870) Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød 49011819Mother of Hauptmann Joseph C. von Stierle Holzmeister, 1819 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Wien Museum49021819John Keats, ca. 1819 (Joseph Severn) (1793-1879) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1604 49031819Caroline Bonaparte, 1819 (Leopold Kupelwieser) (1796-1862) Location TBD 49041819John Howard 1819 15th Earl of Suffolk by Henry Bone 1755-1834 after Thomas Lawrence Christies Sale May28 2002 Lot 880511819Joseph Grimaldi 1819 by J E T Robinson watercolor80531819Percy Blythe Shelley 1819 by Alfred Clint afer Amelia Curran and Edward Ellerker Williams National Portrait Gallery NPG 127180561819Pope Pius VII 1819 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Royal Collection UK94001819William Munnew and William Hickey 1819 by William Thomas National Portrait Gallery London NPG324994011819A Woman, presumed Anne-Ernestine Panckoucke, 1819 (Jacques-Augustine-Catherine Pajou) (1766-1828) Normandy Auctions, June 24, 2018, Lot 56105931819134511820Francis II (I), Emperor of Austria, ca. 1820 (Joseph Kreutzinger) (1857-1829) Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Wien 49111820Tiburcio Pérez y Cuervo, 1820 (Francisco Goya) (1746-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 30.95.242 49051820Dominique-Vincent Ramel de Nogaret, ca. 1820 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Location TBD49061820Ange-Pauline-Charlotte Ramel de Nogaret, née Panckoucke, ca. 1820 (Jacques Louis David) (1748-1825) Location TBD 49071820Helene Delius, geboren Schrader, ca. 1820 (Johann Friedrich Dieterich) (1787-1846) Private Collection, Germany 49081820Mrs. Andrew Sigourney, ca. 1820 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1978.380 49091820Governor John Brooks, ca. 1820 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Honolulu Museum of Art, HI49101820A Young Woman, 1820 (Louis-Léopold Boilly) (1761-1845) Private Collection 49121820C. F. Hansen, 1820 (Friedrich Carl Gröger) (1766-1838) Frederiksborg Slotskirke, Hillerød 49131820Field Marshall Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, ca. 1820 (after Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 49141820Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, ca. 1820 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4137 49151820Self-Portrait, ca. 1820 (Samuel William Reynolds) (1773-1835) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4989 49161820Sophie Fanny Lordon, 1820 (Constance Mayer) (1775-1821) Location TBD 49171820Caroline Amelia Elizabeth of Brunswick, Queen Consort of England, ca. 1820 (James Lonsdale) (1777-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 498 49181820Maria Josepha of Saxony, ca. 1820 (Francesco Lacoma y Fontanet) (1778-1849) Museo del Romanticismo Madrid 49191820Augustus Washington Clason, ca. 1820 (attributed to John Wesley Jarvis) (1780-1840) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 75.8 49201820Lorenzo Bartolini, 1820 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Musée du Louvre, Paris 49211820Ludwig von Beethoven, ca. 1820 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Beethoven-Haus Bonn 49221820Augusta of Bavaria, Duchess of Leuchtenberg, ca. 1820 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Location TBD 49231820Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, ca. 1820 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Location TBD 49241820John Arrowsmith, ca. 1820 (Henry William Pickersgill) (1782-1875) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 49251820Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey, ca. 1820 (Andrew Geddes) (1783-1844) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 162849261820The Reverend John Brodhead Romeyn, ca. 1817-1820 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.148.1 49271820Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, 1820 (Antoni Brodowski) (1784-1832) Location TBD 49281820Tenskwatawa, Shawnee Prophet, ca. 1820 (Charles Bird King) (1785-1862) Location TBD 49371820John Clare, ca. 1820 (William Hilton) (1786-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1469 49381820A Youth, ca. 1818-1820 (Théodore Géricault) (1790-1824) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1969.07 49391820An Old Woman, ca. 1819-1820 (Théodore Géricault) (1790-1824) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon B82549401820Alexander Calder, ca. 1820 (Samuel F.B. Morse) (1791-1872) Sothebys Sale N08684 49411820Mrs. Daniel DeSaussure Bacot, ca. 1820 (Samuel F.B. Morse) (1791-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 30.130 49421820Daniel Boone, 1820 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA 49431820Self-Portrait, ca. 1820 (George Hayter) (1792-1871) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3104 49441820Jozefa Maksymiliana Ossolinskiego, ca. 1820 (Jan Maszkowski) (1793-1865) Lviv Art Gallery 49451820Doctor Christoph Bonifazius Zang, ca. 1820 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Wien Museum49461820Self-Portrait, 1820 (Jean-Augustin Franquelin) (1798-1839) Location TBD 49471820Giacomo Leopardi, ca. 1820 (S. Ferrazzi) (????-????) Casa Leopardi, Recanati, Marche 49481820Carlo Rossi, ca. 1820 (B. S. Mityar) (????-????) Location TBD 49491820Isaac Nathan, ca. 1820 (Unknown Artist) National Library of Australia, Canberra 49501820Trial of Queen Caroline, 1820 by Sir George Hayter, NPGL 999.80081820The Dubufe Family in 1820 by Claude-Marie Dubufe 1790-1864 Musee du Louvre Paris RF 1982-291751820Anatole Demidoff ca. 1820 by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Private Collection94021820Alfred Dedreux ca. 1820 by Theodore Gericault 1791-1824 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 41.1794031820Henry Richard Vassall Fox 3rd Baron Holland ca. 1820 by George Hayter 1792-1871 National Portrait Gallery London NPG519294041820Philip Barker Webb ca. 1820 by Lalogero di Bernadis fl. 1820 National Portrait Gallery London NPG432794051820Antonio Salieri ca 1820 by Joseph Willibrod Mahler Sammlungen der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde96111820John Wauchope of Edmonstone (posthumous) ca 1820 by Sir Henry Raeburn (1756-1823) National Galleries of Scotland96301820Self-Portrait 1820 by Rolinda Sharples (1793?1838) Location TBD 96311820Thomas Campbell ca. 1820 by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery London 19896351820134501821Ann Britton Cook, 1820 (James Peale) (1746-1831) The Huntington, San Marino, CA49511821Sir Humphry Davy, Bt, ca. 1821 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2546 49521821Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, (copy?), ca. 1821 (James Lonsdale) (1777-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 361 49531821William Charles Macready, 1821 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1503 49541821Jeanne-Suzanne-Catherine Gonin, ca. 1821 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, OH49551821Count N.D. Guriev, 1821 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 49561821Charlotte van Lieven, 1821 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) Location TBD 49571821Ignacius Aurelius Fessler, ca. 1821 (János Rombauer) (1782-1849) Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest 49581821Hannah More, 1821 (Henry William Pickersgill) (1782-1875) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 412 49591821Self Portrait, ca. 1821 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1894 (94.23.3) 49601821William Gwynn, 1821 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 94.23.1 49611821John Finley, 1821 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 94.23.2 49621821Mrs. John Biddle, 1821 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 24.115.2 49631821Mrs. Joseph Warren Revere(Mary Robbins), ca. 1821 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1987.89 49641821Mary Kikina Ardalionovna, 1821 (Karl Briullov) (1799-1852) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 49651821Napoleon dies on Sainte Helene Island, May 5th, 1821, by Charles de Steuben (1788-1856), Location TBD.80341821Zenaide and Charlotte Bonaparte 1821 by Jacques Louis David 1748-1825 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA92611821David Ricardo ca. 1821 by Thomas Phillips (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery London NPG L24196151821134491822Self Portrait, ca. 1822 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) Location TBD49661822Joseph Nollekens, ca. 1822 (Sir William Beechey) (1753-1839) Sothebys Fine Art Auction, Sale N08952 49671822Frederick William Beechey, ca. 1822 (George Duncan Beechey) (1798-1852) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 49681822James Monroe, ca. 1820-1822 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.89 49691822Russell Sturgis, 1822 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1965.244 49701822Sir Walter Scott, ca. 1822 (Sir Henry Raeburn) (1756-1823) Location TBD 49711822Margaret, Countess of Blessington, ca. 1822 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Wallace Collection, London 49721822George IV, King of England, 1822 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth House, Derbyshire49731822George Canning, 1822 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Private Collection 49741822James Fenimore Cooper, 1822 (John Wesley Jarvis) (1780-1840) Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY49751822Captain Peter Heywood, 1822 (John Simpson) (1782-1847) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, UK, BHC 276649761822A Nobleman, ca. 1822 (János Rombauer) (1782-1849) Private Collection49771822George Gordon, 6th Lord Byron, 1822 (William Edward West) (1788-1857) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, PG 1561 49781822Petalesharro, "Generous Chief" of the Pawnee Nation, ca. 1822 (Charles Bird King) (1785-1862) White House Library, Washington D.C. 49791822The Eberhard Brothers, ca. 1822 (Johann Anton Alban Ramboux) (1790-1866) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln 49801822Eben Rollins, ca. 1822 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 59.959 49811822A Young Woman from Retuna, 1822 (Louis Léopold Robert) (1794-1835) Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Winterhur, Zürich 49821822George Peabody, ca. 1822 (John Neagle) (1796-1865) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 48.462 49831822Bernardine Eugénie Désirée Clary, Queen Consort of Sweden and Norway, 1822 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 49841822Charlotte Müller, 1822 (Carl Fielgraf) (1804-1865) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie 51801822Louis XVIII King of France 1822 by Robert Lefevre 1755-1830 Versailles90821822Victor Rifaut 1822 by Joseph Desire Court 1797-1865 Musee des Beaux Arts Rouen90831822John Ruskin 1822 James Northcote 1746-1831 National Portrait Gallery London NPG597394061822Charles Mathews ca 1822 by Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860) National Portrait Gallery London NPG 173496141822E. T. A. Hoffmann ca. 1822 by Unknown Artist Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Nationalgalerie A II 92096161822James Peal 1822 by Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827) Detroit Institute of Arts MI96221822John Keats ca. 1822 by William Hilton (1786-1839) after Joseph Severn National Portrait Gallery London NPG 19496251822134481823Bishop Jean-Louis Anne Magdelaine Lefebvre de Cheverus, 1823 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 21.9 49851823John Adams, 1823 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1999.590 49861823Madame Jacques-Louis-Étienne Reizet, 1823 (Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson) (1767-1824) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1999.101 49871823Samuel Prout, 1823 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1618 49881823Self-Portrait, ca. 1823 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) National Portrait Gallery, NPG 443 49891823Josephine of Leuchtenberg, future Queen Consort of Sweden and Norway, ca. 1823 (Fredric Westin) (1782-1862) Location TBD 49901823Dewitt Clinton, 1823 (Rembrandt Peale) (1788-1860) Christies Fine Art Auction 49911823Madame Jacques-Louis Leblanc, ca. 1823 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 19.77.249921823Jacques-Louis Leblanc, ca. 1823 (Jean Ingres) (1780-1867) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1918 (19.77.1) 49931823Matthew Clarkson, 1823 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) &(William Jewett) (1792-1874) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 23.80.80 49941823Thomas Bewick, 1823 (James Ramsay) (1786-1854) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 319 49951823Elizabeth Albree (Brooks), ca. 1823 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1918.3 50071823Jonathan Brooks, ca. 1823 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1918.2 50081823Jean-Louis-André Théodore Gericault, ca. 1823 (Horace Vernet) (1789-1863) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1998.84 50091823Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, 1823 (George Hayter) (1792-1871) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 525750101823A Young Man, 1823 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Dorotheum, Lot 32 50111823Ludwig von Beethoven, 1823 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Location TBD 50121823Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine, ca. 1823 (William Charles Ross) (1794-1860) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 96050131823A Young Man, 1823 (Wilhelm Bendz) (1804-1832) Location TBD 50141823A Lady, 1823 (Wilhelm Michaelsen) (??-??) Private Collection 50151823Thomas Johnson Matthews, ca. 1820-1826 (Aaron Haughton Corwine) (??-??) Cincinatti Art Museum 1965.268 50161823Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, ca. 1823 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) The White House Art Collection, Washington, D.C., 971.676.151841823Friedrich August I King of Saxony 1823 reigned 1806-1827 by Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein (1788-1868) Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden Galerie Neue Meister96191823Jan Sniadecki 1823 by Jan Rustem (1762-1835) Location TBD96231823John Neal, ca. 1823, by Sarah Miriam Peale (1800-1885) Portland Museum of Art, ME, 2013.13105231823134471824Charles Waterton, 1824 (Charles Willson Peale) (1741-1827) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2014 50171824Josiah Quincy, 1824 (Gilbert Stuart) (1755-1828) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 76.347 50181824Lady Elizabeth Conyngham, ca. 1824 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon 50191824Nicholas Vansittart, Baron Bexley, 1824 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Oklahoma City Museum of Art, OK 1976.040 50201824Frederick John Robinson, ca. 1824(Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4875 50211824Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, ca. 1824 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Location TBD 50221824Countess of Dyhrn with Child, 1824 (Josef Olezkiewicz) (1777-1830) Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine 50231824Jacques Louis David, ca. 1824 (Jerome Martin Langlois) (1779-1838) Musée du Louvre, Paris 50241824George Grote, 1824 (Thomas Stewardson) (1781-1859) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 365 50251824Marquise de Plessis-Belliere, ca. 1824 (Paulin Jean-Baptiste Guerin) (1783-1855) Seattle Art Museum, WA 69.92 50261824John Grimes, ca. 1824 (Matthew Harris Jouett) (1788-1827) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 95.23 50271824A Woman, ca. 1819-1824 (Théodore Géricault) (1791-1824) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 1938-51 50281824Mary Hone, 1824 (Samuel Finley Breese Morse) (1791-1872) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 48.455 50291824The Actress Theresa Krones, 1824 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Daxer & Marschall Kunsthandel, Munich
50301824A Young Lady in a Blue Dress, 1824 (1792-1870) (Christian Albrecht Jensen) (1792-1870) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia51811824Frances Wright 1824 by Henry Inman (1801-1846) Location TBD96171824James Northcote aged 78 1824 by James Ramsay (1786-1854) Royal Albert Memorial Museum Devon UK96211824A Lady wearing a Blue Dress 1824 by Christian Albrecht Jensen (1792-1870) Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg96261824Self-Portrait ca 1824-1828 by George Chinnery (1774-1852) National Galleries of Scotland96321824134461825Anna Claypoole Peale, ca. 1825 (James Peale) (1749-1831) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 2006.1926 50311825Charles Edward Horn, ca. 1825 (Peter Edward Stroehling) (1768-ca. 1826) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5189 50321825Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, 1825 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 313650331825Frederick H. Hemming, ca. 1824-1825 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1963.01 5034182550351825Francis Charles Seymour Conway, 3rd Marquess of Hertford, ca. 1825 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., 1968.6.2 50361825Marie Caroline de Bourbon, Duchesse of the Two Sicilies, ca. 1825 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 50371825Madame Juliette Recamier, ca. 1825 (Jean Antoine Gros) (1771-1835) Location TBD 50381825Juan Miguel de Grijalba, ca. 1825 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 1993.164 50391825Maria Amalie of Saxony, 1825 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Palacio Real de Madrid 50401825Franz Xavier Wolfgang Mozart, ca. 1825 (Carl Gottlieb Schweikart) (1772-1855) Location TBD 50411825Samuel Humes, ca. 1825 (Jacob Eichholtz) (1776-1842) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 59.163 50421825Richard James Lane, ca. 1825 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) Philip Mould Ltd., London 50431825Michael Angelo and Emma Clare Peale, ca. 1825 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2000.151 50441825The Marquis de Lafayette, ca. 1825 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 21.19 50451825Amédée-David, the Comte de Pastoret, ca. 1825 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Art Institute of Chicago, IL, 1971.452 50461825Maria Fedorovna, ca. 1825 (workshop of George Dawe) (1781-1829) Location TBD 50471825Ludwig I, King of Bavaria, ca. 1825 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Location TBD 50481825Maria Clarissa Leavitt, ca. 1820-1825 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1661) Brooklyn Museum, 1996.43.2 50491825John Pendleton Kennedy, ca. 1825 (Philip Tilyard) (1787-1827) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 50501825Benjamin Moore McVickar, ca. 1825 (Charles Cromwell Ingham) (1796-1863) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 37.161 50511825Gilbert Stuart, 1825 (John Neagle) (1796-1865) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1975.807 50521825Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere, 1825 (Mary Martha Pearson) (1799-1871) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 35150531825Count Leopoldo Cicognara, ca. 1825 (Ludovico Lipparini) (1800-1856) Galleria dell Accademia, Venezia 50541825Madam Powell (Elizabeth Willing), ca. 1825 (Francis Alexander) (1800-1880) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 22.7 50551825Benjamin Robert Haydon, 1825 (Georgiana Margaretta Zornlin) (1800-1881) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 510 50561825A Lady, ca. 1825 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Thomas Seir Cummings (1804-1894) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1996.562 50571825A Woman, ca. 1825 (Henry Inman) (1801-1845) Brooklyn Museum, NY 32.1680 50581825Self-Portrait, 1825 (Alexei Tyranov) (1808-1859) Location TBD 50591825Benjamin Marshall, 1825 (Lambert Marshall) (1810-1870) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2671 50601825Self-Portrait, ca. 1825 (Samuel Palmer) (1805-1881) Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 50611825Charles Felix, King of Sardinia, ca. 1825 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 50621825Karoline Seidler Wranitzky, 1825 (Karl Begas) (1794-1854) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie, A I 49751821825George Canning ca. 1825 Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 National Portrait Gallery London NPG183294071825David Lyon ca. 1825 Thomas Lawrence 1769-1830 Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Madrid94081825Janet Halleck Drake 1825 Henry Inman 1801-1846 Metropolitan Museumm of Art New York NY 1996.34894091825Adam Oehlenschlaeger 1825 by Christian Albrecht Jensen (1792-1870) Location TBD96101825Captain Hugh Clapperton 1825 by Gildon Manton National Galleries of Scotland PG111496121825Stable Boy with Lantern 1825 by Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller (1793-1865) Daxer and Marschall Kunsthandel Fine Art Inventory96331825A Woman ca. 1825 by Unknown American Artist Case Antiques Auction Nashville Oct 6 2012 Lot 2996361825134451826John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon, 1826 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 464 50631826Dixon Denham, 1826 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2441 50641826Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1826 (Heinrich Christoph Kolbe) (1771-1836) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln 50651826A Young Woman, 1826 (Heinrich Christoph Kolbe) (1771-1836) Location TBD 50661826Francisco de Goya, ca. 1826 (Vicente Lopez y Portana) (1772-1850) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 50671826P.I. Sapoznikova, ca. 1826 (Vasily Andreyevich Tropinin) (1776-1857) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg50681826Suzanne-Clarisse de Salvaing de Boissieu, Madame Marie Marcotte, 1826 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1770-1867) Location TBD 50691826Eugénie de Beauharnais, Princess of Hohenzollern-Hechingen, 1826 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Location TBD 50701826A Woman, ca. 1826 (János Rombauer) (1782-1849) Private Collection50711826The Artists Wife, ca. 1826 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.217.2 50721826Nathaniel West, Jr., ca. 1820-1826 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1984.879 50731826Mrs. Nathaniel West, Jr. (Mary White), ca. 1820-1826 (James Frothingham) (1786-1864) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1985.927 50741826John George Children, 1826 (Benjamin Rawlinson Faulkner) (1787-1849) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5151 50751826Self-Portrait, 1826 (François-Joseph Navez) (1787-1869) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel, Inv. 3790 50761826DeWitt Clinton, 1826 (Samuel F.B. Morse) (1791-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 09.18 50771826Self-Portrait, 1826 (Giuseppe Tominz) (1790-1866) Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana 50781826Mrs. John Ball Brown, ca. 1826 (Rebecca Warren) ca. (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 14.425 50791826Birgitte Sobotker Hohlenberg, 1826 (Christian Albrecht Jensen) (1792-1870) Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, KMS4617 50801826Self-Portrait, 1826 (Henry Wyatt) (1794-1840) Philip Mould Ltd., London 50811826John James Audubon, 1826 (John Syme) (1795-1861) The White House Art Collection, Washington, D.C.50821826John Moore, Jr., 1826 (William P. Codman) (ca. 1798-1831) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA, Hewes Number 8750831826Sir John Browning, 1826 (John King) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1113 50841826Robert Lindley, ca. 1826 (William Davison) (fl. 1813-1843) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1952 50851826Martha Jefferson, ca. 1826 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) Monticello, VA68201826A Man 1826 Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1796-1875 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 19.7994101826Charles Lamb 1826 after Henry Meyer (ca. 1782-1847) National Portrait Gallery London NPG131296131826An Italian White Carrara Marble bust of a Lady 1826 by Raimondo Trentanove (1792-1832) BURZIO LONDON 102491826A Hunter 1826 signed Joseph Gregoire Bernard Franco Antiquités102521826134441827Self-Portrait, 1827 (James Northcote) (1746-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 147 50871827Catherine Peabody Gardner, 1827 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) Private Callection 50881827Alexander II, future Tsar of Russia, 1827 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) Sothebys Sale N008826, Lot 577 50891827Marie Thérèse Charlotte de France, Duchesse d'Angoulême, 1827 (Alexandre-François Caminade) (1783-1862) Musée du Louvre, Paris R.F. 1996-5 50901827Mrs. Thomas Brewster Coolidge, ca. 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 20.75 50911827Edward Dillingham Bangs, 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA 1870 Weis 6 50921827Judge Edward Hutchinson Robbins, 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1984.502 50931827Mrs. Edward Hutchinson Robbins, 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1984.503 50941827Joshua Blake, ca. 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1992.43 50951827Sarah Stanton (Blake), ca. 1827 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1992.44 50961827Grafen Apponyi, 1827(Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Dorotheum Auction50971827Marie Taglioni, ca. 1827 (Ary Scheffer) (1795-1858) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles R.F. 1206 50981827N. A. Okhotnikov, 1827 (Karl Bryullov) (1799-1852) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 50991827Franz Schubert, ca. 1827 (attributed to Anton Depauly) (1801-1866) Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Wien 51001827Julia Floyd, Lady Peel, 1827 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Frick Collection, New York NY, 1904.1.8351831827Charles X King of France 1827 by Paulin Guerin Location TBD90811827Charles X King of France 1827 by Jean-Baptiste Paulin Guerin 1783-1855 Location TBD94111827Ira Aldridge as Captive Slave 1827 by John Philip Simpson (1782-1847) Art Institute of Chicago 2008.18896201827Thomas Bewick 1827 by Thomas Sword Good (1789-1872) The Natural History Society of Northumbria Great North Museum Hancock96341827134431828John Fawcett, 1828 (begun by Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 692 51011828Sir John Franklin, 1828 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 903 51021828Sir John Soane, 1828 (John Jackson) (1778-1831) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 701 51031828Self-Portrait, ca. 1828 (Rembrandt Peale) (1778-1860) Location TBD 51041828Ernest Augustus I of Hanover, 1828 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) National Portrait Gallery, London 51051828Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, ca. 1828 (Karl Joseph Stieler) (1781-1858) Neue Pinakothek, München51061828Alexander Macomb, 1828 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) West Point Museum Art Collection, NY 51071828John Weir Cunningham, 1828 (Sir John Watson Gordon) (1788-1864) Christies Auction House, Sale 7200, Lot 48951081828Charles Cunningham, ca. 1828 (Sir John Watson Gordon) (1788-1864) Christie's Auction House, Sale 7200, Lot 489 51091828Hannah Adams, ca. 1828 (after Chester Harding) (1792-1866) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA 1849 Weis 1 51101828Dr. Joseph Henshaw Flint, ca. 1828 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1994.29351111828Self-Portrait, 1828 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien51121828Countess Szechenyi, 1828 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH 51131828Wilhelmine, the Artists Wife, 1828 (Carl Begas) (1794-1854) Location TBD 51141828Archduke Johann of Austria, 1828 (Leopold Kupelwieser) (1796-1862) Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz 51151828John Kintzing Kane, ca. 1828 (John Neagle) (1796-1865) Princeton Universtiy Art Museum, NJ y1945-20751161828John Haviland, 1828 (John Neagle) (1796-1865) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 38.82 51171828John Inman, ca. 1828 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 03.1156 51181828Clara Fisher, 1828 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 63.1 51191828Antonina Czyszkowska, 1828 (Rafał Hadziewicz) (1803-1883) Location TBD51201828Self-Portrait, 1828 (Thomas Creswick) (1811-1869) Royal Academy of Arts, London 51211828Rowland Hill, 1828 (Samuel Mountjoy Smith) (fl. 1828-1857) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5397 51221828Giacomo Leopardi, ca. 1828 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 51231828Miguel I, King of Portugal, ca. 1828 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 51241828Marie-Amelie de Bourbon queen consort of the French ca 1828-1829 by Louis Hersent (1777-1860) Musee Conde Chantilly96271828134421829John Adams Conant, 1829 (William Dunlap) (1766-1839) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 13.217.251251829Mrs. John Adams Conant, 1829 (William Dunlap) (1766-1839) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 13.217.1 51261829George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen, 1829 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1869-1830) Private Collection 51271829Maria II, Queen Regnant of Portugal, 1829 (Sir Thomas Lawrence) (1769-1830) The Royal Collection, London 51281829Francis I, King of the Two Sicilies, ca. 1829 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid 51291829Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich of Russia, 1829 (George Dawe) (1781-1829) Location TBD 51301829Nanette Heine, née Kaula, ca. 1829 (Karl Joseph Stieler) (1781-1858) Schlöss Nymphenburg, München 51311829Mademoiselle Adele Sigoigne, ca. 1829 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 51321829John Wilson, 1829 (John Watson Gordon) (1788-1864) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 187 51331829Dr. Thomas Fuller at 63 years old, ca. 1829 (Samuel Finley Breese Morse) (1791-1872) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 57.767 51341829Stephen Salisbury II, ca. 1829 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1907.109 51351829Elizabeth Tuckerman Salisbury, ca. 1829 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Worcester Art Museum, MA 1907.32 51361829Sir Walter Scott (replica), 1829 (John Graham Gilbert) (1794-1866) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 240 51371829Johanna Borckenstein, 1829 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Private Collection51381829Marquise de Pastoret, 1829 (Hyppolyte Delaroche) (1797-1856) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 11.1449 51391829A Young Woman Reclining, possibly the artists wife, ca. 1829 (Joseph Desire Court) (1797-1865) Musée Fabre, Montpellier, Languedoc-Rousillon 51401829George Thomas Smart, 1829 (William Bradley) (1801-1857) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1326 51411829David Octavius Hill, 1829 (Robert Scott Lauder) (1803-1869) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5049 51421829Charles XIV John, King of Sweden and Norway, ca. 1829 (Carl Wilhelm Nordgren) (1804-1857) Musée des beaux-arts de Pau, Aquitaine 51431829'A Lady, ca. 1829 (Jan Adam Kruseman) (1804-1862) Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam 51441829Cecilia Margaret Købke, the artists mother, 1829 (Christian Købke) (1810-1848) Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, NG 2741 51451829Caroline Herschel, 1829 (Martin François Tielemans) (????-????) Location TBD 51461829Maria Theresa of Austria, Queen Consort of Sardinia, ca. 1829 (Unknown Artist) Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg 51471829Queen Maria Isabel de Braganza 1829 by Bernardo Lopez y Piquer 1801-1874 Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid94121829Francoise Simonnier and Daughter ca 1829 by Baron Antoine-Jean Gros (1771-1835) Sothebys Old Masters January 29 2015 Lot 10196181829Jeremy Bentham exhibited 1829 by Henry William Pickersgill (1782-1875) National Portrait Gallery London NPG41396241829Paganini ca 1829 by Georg Friedrich Kersting (1785-1847) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Galerie Neue Meister 2202B96281829Petar Stankovic 1829 by Luigi Gobatto Location TBD96291829Zinaida Volkonskaya 1829 by Orest Adamovich Kiprensky (1792-1836) Location TBD96371829134411830Joseph Anton Koch, ca. 1830 (Johann Michael Wittmer) (1802-1880) Private Collection 51481830Thomas Stothard, 1830 (James Green) (1771-1834) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2 51491830Maria Christina de Bourbon, Queen of Spain, 1830 (Vincente López y Portaña) (1772-1850) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P00865 51501830A Man, ca. 1830 (George Chinnery) (1775-1852) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 51511830John A. Sidell, ca. 1830 (John Vanderlyn) (1775-1852) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 02.25 51521830François-Charles-Hugues-Laurent Pouqueville, 1830 (Henriette Lorimier) (1775-1854) Nationalmuseum Stockholm 51531830James Heath, 1830 (James Lonsdale) (1777-1839) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 771 51541830William Godwin, 1830 (Henry William Pickersgill) (1782-1875) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 411 51551830Henry La Tourette de Groot, ca. 1825-1830 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 36.114 51561830Deliverance Mapes Waldo and Son, ca. 1830 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1783-1861) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 45.891 51571830Andrew Jackson, ca. 1830 (Ralph E. W. Earl) (1785-1838) The Huntington, San Marino, CA51581830A Boy, ca. 1830 (William Etty) (1787-1849) York Museums Trust, UK 51591830Felix Schadow, 1830 (Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow) (1788-1862) Palais Lichtenstein, Wien, GE2405 51601830Anna Motherbig aus Königsberg , 1830 (Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein) (1788-1868) Sothebys Sale L13101 51611830Frau Kritter Babics, 1830 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Von der Heydt Museum, Wuppertal 51621830Elisabeth Waldmüller, 1830 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien 51631830Self-Portrait, ca. 1830 (Ary Scheffer) (1795-1858) Musée de Grenoble, Rhône-Alps MG 1315 51641830Mrs. David Cadwallader Colden, ca. 1830 (Charles Cromwell Ingham) (1796-1863) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.45.2 51651830Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna of Russia, 1830 (Karl Briullov) (1799-1852) Location TBD 51661830Johan Christian Dahl, ca. 1830 (Hans Leganger Reusch) (1800-1854) Kunstmuseene Bergen, Norge 51671830Self-Portrait, ca. 1830 (Francis Alexander) (1800-1880) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 62.257 51691830Frederic Tudor, ca. 1830 (Francis Alexander) (1800-1880) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 67.1160 51701830Kaspar Hauser, 1830 (Johann Friedrich Carl Kreul) (18104-1867) Location TBD 51711830Catherine Brooks Hall, ca. 1830 (Shepard Alonzo Mount) (1804-1868) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1971.249 51721830Gideon Tucker, 1830 (William Sidney Mount) (1807-1868) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.10.1 51731830Mrs. Gideon Tucker, 1830 (William Sidney Mount) (1807-1868) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.10.2 51741830African Man, ca. 1830 (Jean-Paul Flandrin) (1811-1902) Seattle Art Musuem, WA 2005.112 51751830David Cox, 1830 (William Radclyffe) (1813-1846) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1403 51761830Elizabeth Batts Cook, 1830 (William Henderson) (????-????) State Library of New South Wales, Mitchell Wing, Sydney 51771830Ferdinand II, King of the Two Sicilies, ca. 1830 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD51781830A Young Woman, ca. 1830 (Unknown Artist) Private Collection, Germany51791830Battle for Town Hall, Paris, July 28th, 1830, by Jean-Victor Schnetz (1787-1870) Musée du Petit Palais Paris.80091830Episode from the September Days sur la place de l'Hotel de Ville de Bruxelles, 1830, by Egide Charles Gustave Wappers (1803-1874) Royal Museum of Fine Arts Belgium.80101830Marchesa Cunegonda Misciattelli ca. 1830 by Emile-Jean-Horace Vernet 1789-1863 University of Arizona Museum of Art 1961.013.027 Kress Collection92621830Margaret and Mary Colt 1830 by William James Hubard 1809-1862 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 2003.34892631830 Amelia Palmer ca. 1830 by Charles Cromwell Ingham 1796-1863 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 50.220.194131830Carolina Frederica Kerst 1830 by Charles Van Beveren (1809-1850) RMA SK-A-152496421830Louis Royer 1830 by Charles van Beveren (1809-1850) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-152396551830Pierre-Narcisse Guerin ca 1830 by Francois Bouchot Location TBD96621830Self-Portrait 1830-1835 by Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863) Location TBD96641830Self-Portrait 1830 by James Ward (1769-1859) Yale Center for-British Art YCBA-lido-TMS-112196651830Self-Portrait ca 1830 by Thomas Phillips (1770-1845) Royal Academy of Arts England96681830The Wife of Captain James Jones 1830 by W Brown New Walk Museum Leicester96711830Henri d'Artois inspecting royal troops, August 2nd, 1830, Musée de la Legion d'Honneur.103481830Gilbert du Motier, Marquis du Lafayette, 1830, by Louise-Adeone Drolling, Madame Joubert (1797-1834) Musee de l'Armee, Paris, 01849 105291830Louise Vernet, 1830 (Horace Vernet) (1789-1863) Location TBD105981830134401831 Alphonse de Lamartine, ca. 1830 (François Gérard) (1770-1837) Location TBD 51851831A Woman, possibly Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, 1831 (Samuel John Stump) (1778-1863) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1719 51861831Amalie von Schintling, ca. 1831 (Karl Joseph Stieler) (1781-1858) Schlöss Nymphenburg, München 51871831Mrs. Joseph Rotch (Anne Smith), 1831 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1993.159 51881831Sarah Rogers Gracie King, 1831 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO51891831A Lady, possibly Mrs. Patrick Campbell, née Fitzgerald (Émile Jean-Horace Vernet) (1789-1863) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, M.81.55.2 51901831Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton, ca. 1831 (Henry William Pickersgill) (1792-1875) National Portrait Gallery, NPG 1277 51911831William Cobbett, ca. 1831 (possibly by George Cooke) (1793-1849) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 154951921831Jean-François Champollion, 1831 (Léon Cogniet) (1794-1880) Musée du Louvre, Paris, INV 3294 51931831Tcha-káuk-o-ko-máugh, Great Chief, A Boy, 1831 (George Catlin) (1796-1872) Smithsonian American Art Museum, 1985.66.225 51941831Mrs. Winfield Scott, 1831 (Asher Brown Durand) (1796-1886) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 65.69 51951831Henriette Sontag, 1831 (Hippolye Delaroche) (1797-1856) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 51961831William Wordsworth, 1831 (William Boxall) (1800-1879) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4211 51971831Heinrich Heine, 1831 (Moritz Daniel Oppenheim) (1800-1882) Location TBD51981831Therese von Schenk, 1831 (August Riedel) (1799-1883) Location TBD63451831Abdication of Pedro I of Portugal, April 7th, 1831, by Aurelio de Figueiredo (1854-1916) painted in 1911, Location TBD.80111831Self-Portrait 1831 by George Arnald 1763-1841 National Portrait Gallery London NPG525494141831Sir Walter Scott 1st Bt 1831 by William Allan 1782-1850 National Portrait Gallery London NPG32194151831Christian VIII King of Denmark 1831 by L Aumont Rosenborgslot Location TBD96431831Jane Elizabeth Digby 1831 by Joseph Karl Stieler (1781-1858) Gallery of Beauties of Ludwig I96491831Marianna Marchesa Florenzi 1831 by Joseph Karl Stieler 1781-1858 Schonheitengalerie Munich96571831Maria Isabella of Spain Queen of the Two Sicilies 1831 by Vicente Lopez y Portana (1772-1850) Royal Palace of Madris96581831Marie-Louise Laure Sennegon 1831 by Camille Corot 1796-1875 Location TBD96591831Sarah Josepha Hale ca 1831 by James Reid Lambdin (1807-1889) Richards Free Library Newport NH96631831134391832Louis-Francois Bertin, ca. 1832 (Jean Ingres) (1780-1867) Location TBD 51991832Edward Kellog, ca. 1831-1832 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1782-1874) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 99.29.152001832Mrs. Edward Kellog, ca. 1831-1832 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1782-1874) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 99.29.2 52011832A Man, 1832 (Samuel Lovett Waldo) (1782-1874) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1947.206 52021832Aaron Bancroft, 1832 (Alvan Fisher) (1792-1863) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA 1863 Weis 5 52031832Peter King, 7th Baron King of Ockham, 1832 (John Linnell) (1792-1882) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4020 52041832Shón-ka-ki-he-ga, Horse Chief, Grand Pawnee Head Chief, 1832 (George Catlin) (1796-1832) Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington D.C., 1985.66.99 52051832John Frederick Lewis, 1832 (William Boxall) (1800-1879) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1470 52061832John Marshall, 1832 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA52071832No-Tin, "Wind", Chippewa Chief, ca. 1832 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, M.2008.58 52081832Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1832 (Friedrich von Amerling) (1803-1887) Schloß Schönbrunn, Wien 52091832Self-Portrait, 1832 (William Sidney Mount) (1807-1868) Location TBD52101832Franz Seraph Hanfstaengl, 1832 (Friedrich Dürck) (1809-1884) Location TBD 52111832Frederik Hansen Sødring, ca. 1832 (Christen Købke) (1810-1848) Den Hirschsprungske Samling, København 52121832Moses Pond, 1832 (George P. A. Healy) (1813-1894) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 39.37 52131832Maria Theresa of Austria Queen of Piedmont with Sons 1832 by Ferdinando Cavalleri 1794-1865 Castello di Racconigi Turin or Alexander Palace St. Petersburg91391832Frances Trollope ca 1832 by Auguste Hervieu National Portrait Gallery London 390696441832A Lady 1832 by Carl von Saar Location TBD96531832Self-Portrait 1832 by Thomas Sidney Cooper (1803-1902) Canterbury City Council Museums and Galleries96661832Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld 1832 by Richard Rothwell 1800-1868 Royal Collection UK RCIN 40248996741832Francois Arago, 1832, by Charles de Steuben (1788-1856) Location TBD105421832134381833Sir John Ross, 1833 (James Green) (1771-1834) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 314 52141833Miss Elizabeth Potts, 1833 (William Etty) (1787-1849) York Museums Trust, UK 52151833George Hyde Clarke, ca. 1833 (Samuel F.B. Morse) (1791-1872) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 17:1975 52161833William Mulready, 1833 (John Linnell) (1792-1882) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1690 52171833Innkeeper Thiery, 1833 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Palais Lichtenstein, Wien52181833Toussaint Lemaistre, 1833 (Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot) (1796-1875) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1976.201.13 52191833Octavie Sennegon, later Mme. Chamouillet, the artist's niece, 1833 (Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot) (1796-1875) Location TBD 52201833Dr. François-Marie Desmaisons, ca. 1833 (Eugène Delacroix) (1798-1863) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI 2001.63 52211833Felix Medelssohn Barholdy, 1833 (Eduard Magnus) (1799-1872) Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin 52221833Thomas Stothard, 1833 (John Wood) (1801-1870) Dulwich Picture Gallery, South London, Inv. 346 52231833Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, 1833 (Edwin Henry Landseer) (1802-1873) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3336 52241833Peter Fendi, 1833 (Friedrich von Amerling) (1803-1887) Lichtenstein Museum, Wien GE 2063 52251833Antoine Julien Meffre-Rouzan, 1833 (Eugène Devéria) (1805-1865) Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans 52261833Self-Portrait, ca. 1833 (Christen Købke) (1810-1848) Statens Museum for Kunst, København 52271833Clara Novello, 1833 (Edward Petre Novello) (1813-1836) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5685 52281833British House of Commons meets in St. Stephens Chapel for first session after Reform Bill passes, February 5th, 1833, by Sir George Hayter, National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG54.80121833The Knapp Children ca. 1833-1834 by Samuel Lovett Waldo 1783-1861 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 59.11492641833Jenny Winkler 1833 by Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein (1788-1868) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 2213A96501833Self-Portrait 1833 by Enrico Pollastrini (1817-1876) Museo civico Giovanni Fattori Livorno 96671833William-Lloyd-Garrison 1833 by Nathaniel Jocelyn (1796-1881) National Portrait Gallery DC96761833134371834Sir Francis Burdett, 5th Bt, 1834 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3452351834Self-Portrait, 1834 (James Ward) (1769-1859) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1684 52291834Robert Owen, 1834 (William Henry Brooke) (1772-1860) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 943 52361834Sir George Nicholls, 1834 (Ramsay Richard Reinagle) (1775-1862) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4807 52371834Comte Mathieu-Louis Molé, 1834 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Musée du Louvre, Paris 2009 52381834Dom Pedro I of Braganza, ca. 1834, possibly slightly posthumous (John Simpson) (1782-1847) Museu Nacional dos Doches, Lisbon 52391834Davy Crockett, 1834 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C., L/NPG.1.88 52401834Edward John Littleton, 1st Baron Hatherton, 1834 (George Hayter) (1792-1871) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4658 52411834Aloisa Eltz, 1834 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien 52421834François Haury, ca. 1834 Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien 52431834August Walter, 1834 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Dorotheum Auction House 52441834Josephine Schaumburg, 1834 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien 52451834Emilie Feustell, 1834 (Christian Tunica) (1795-1868) Sothebys Sale, 27 March 2007, Lot 191 52461834Frances Kemble Butler, ca. 1834 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Brooklyn Museum, NY 13.74 52471834Self-Portrait, 1834 (Friedrich von Amerling) (1803-1887) Museum Residenzgalerie Salzburg 52481834Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl Bathurst, 1834 (William Salter) (1804-1875) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3697 52491834Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, ca. 1834 (William Dyce) (1806-1864) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 946 52501834Mary Ann Garrits, 1834 (Frederick R. Spencer) (1806-1875) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 28.198.1 52511834Julie Mottez, 1834 (Victor Mottez) (1809-1897) Location TBD 52521834Johann Nestroy, 1834 (Franz Schrotzberg) (1811-1889) Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin 52531834Charles Nicholson,1834 (T. Bart) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5200 52541834Ambroise Thomas, 1834 (Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin) (1809-1864) Musée Ingres, Montauban 63441834Louis Philippe King of France 1834 by Francois Gerard 1770-1837 Versailles91381834Mary Lamb and Charles Lamb 1834 by Francis Stephen Cary 1808-1880 National Portrait Gallery London NPG101994161834James Clark Ross 1834 by John R Widman National Maritime Museum London BHC 298196481834A Lady ca 1834 by Alvin Clark MMA 38.146.396541834134361835Sir Edward Banks, 1835 (William Patten) (??-1843) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5504 52551835Charles Green, 1835 (Hilaire Ledru) (1769-1840) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2557 52561835John Dalton, 1835 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5963 52571835Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), 1835 (Louis Ducis) (1775-1847) Biblioteca Comunale, Palazzo Sormani, Milano52581835A Man with Glasses, 1835 (Merry-Joseph Blondel) (1781-1853) Private Collection 52591835Friedrich Wilhelm von Schelling, 1835 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Neue Pinakothek, München 52601835Frederick Maryatt “engraved 1826” (John Simpson) (1782-1847) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1239 52611835Louisa Vaughan, née Rolls, ca. 1835 (William Etty) (1787-1849) Amgueddfa Cymry, National Museum Wales 52621835Christopher Columbus Baldwin, 1835 (Sarah Goodridge) (1788-1853) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA 1907 Weis 4 52631835Fanny Herzog de Toppo, 1835 (Giuseppe Tominz) (1790-1866) Location TBD 52641835A Man, ca. 1835 (Giuseppe Tominz) (1790-1866) National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 52651835Catherine Anne Russell (Mrs. Samuel Nelson), ca. 1835 (Samuel F. B. Morse) (1791-1872) Location TBD 52661835James Planche, 1835 (Henry Perronet Briggs) (1793-1844) Location TBD 52671835A Young Woman, wife of Josef von Stadler, court official, 1835 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien, Inv.2120 52681835A Boy, ca. 1835 (Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot) (1796-1875) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.564 52691835Self-Portrait, ca. 1835 (Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot) (1796-1875) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 52701835Madame Henri François Riesener(Félicité Longrois), ca. 1835 (Asher Brown Durand) (1796-1886) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 63.36 52711835Daniel Webster, ca. 1835 (Francis Alexande) (1800-1881) Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth University, Hanover, NH 52721835Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, ca. 1835 (Moritz Daniel Oppenheim) (1800-1882) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3838 52731835Michala Wiszniewskiego, ca. 1835 (Rafał Hadziewicz) (1803-1883) Lviv Art Gallery, Ukraine 52741835Josef Weber, ca. 1835 (Johann Friedrich Dietler) (1804-1874) Private Collection 52751835William Henry Harrison, 1835 (James Lambdin) (1807-1889)The White House Art Collection, Washington D.C.52761835John Howard Payne, ca. 1835 (Cephas Giovanni Thompson) (1809-1888) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 52771835Self-Portrait, ca. 1835 (George Caleb Bingham) (1811-1879) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 57:1934 52781835Self-Portrait, 1835 (Théodore Chassériau)(1819-1856) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 3788 52791835Auguste Blanqui, ca. 1835 (Madame Blanqui??) (Unknown Artist) Location TBD52801835Ferdinand II, King of the Two Sicilies, ca. 1835 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 52811835John A. Sutter, ca. 1835 (Unknown Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA 52821835Eveline Hanska 1835 by Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller 1793-1865 Musee Bertrand Chateauroux91371835Children of Nathan Starr ca. 1835 by Ambrose Andrews 1801-1877 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1987.40492651835A Family of Four ca. 1835 by an unknown American artist The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY92661835Ann Cary Cooper Clarke 1835 by Charles Ingham (1797-1863) Hyde Hall Collection Lake Otsego96391835Hermann Ernst Freund 1835 by Christian Albrecht Jensen 1792-1870 Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Copenhagen DNMK96471835A Man 1835 by Julien Hudson (ca. 1811-1844) Location TBD96561835Self-Portrait ca 1835 by Vicente Lopez y Portana 1772-1850 Location TBD96691835Vincent Novello ca 1835 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 568496751835134351836Friedrich von Amerling, 1837 (Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein) (1788-1868) Location TBD 53061836Mrs. Robert Jenkins,(Catharine Carmichael), 1836 (Jacob Eichholtz) (1776-1842) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1981.150 52831836Mary Ann Paton, 1836 (Mrs. Wood) (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1351 52841836John James Chalon, 1836 (John Partridge) (1789-1872) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4230 52851836Elisebeth Ksaverevna Vorontsova, ca. 1836 (Moritz Michael Daffinger) (1790-1849) Sepherot Foudation, Vaduz, Liechtenstein 52861836Christopher Columbus Baldwin, 1836 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA 1836 Weis 3 52871836Hans Christian Anderson, 1836 (Christian Albrecht Jensen) (1792-1870) Location TBD 52881836N.V. Kukolnik, ca. 1836 (Karl Bruillov) (1799-1852) State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow52891836Prinzessin Aurora Demidov, née Stjernval (Karl Bruillov) (1799-1852) Location TBD 52901836Hortensja Sobanska, née Jelowicka, 1836 (Wojciech Stattler) (1800-1875) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 52911836John Allen, 1836 (Edwin Henry Landseer) (1802-1873) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 384 52921836William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, 1836 (Edwin Henry Landseer) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3050 52931836The Artists Wife, ca. 1836 (John Wood Dodge) (1807-1893) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2005.29 52941836Pyotr Pletnev, 1836 (Alexei Tyranov) (1808-1859) Pushkin Museum of Fine Art, Moscow 52951836Théodolinde von Leuchtenberg de Beauharnais, 1836(Friedrich Dürck) (1809-1884) Schloss Lichtenstein, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 52961836Wilhelm Marstrand, 1836 (Christian Købke) (1810-1848) Statens Museum for Kunst, København 52971836A Creole Gentleman, ca. 1836 (Julien Hudson) (ca. 1811-1844) Dallas Museum of Art, TX 52981836Niccolò Paganini, 1836 (John Whittle) (??-??) Location TBD 52991836Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Charlotte of Prussia, 1836 (A. Malyukov) (??-??) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 53001836George Cruikshank, 1836 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1385 53011836Otto von Bismarck, 1836 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD53021836King William IV, 1837 (David Wilkie) (1785-1841) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5917 53051836Edlen Managetta von Lerchenau, 1837 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Neue Pinakothek München53071836Coronation of Ferdinand V as King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia in Prague Cathedral, 1836, painted by Eduard Gurk (1801-1841)80131836A Consultation prior to the Aerial Voyage to Weilburgh 1836 painted ca 1836-1838 by John Hollins NPGL 471096401836Johannes Graaf van den Bosch 1836 by Raden Saleh (ca. 1811-1880) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-379896511836Surrender of Santa Anna to Sam Houston after Battle of San Jacinto, April 21st, 1836, by William Henry Huddle (1847-1892), painted in 1886, Location TBD .103491836134341837Francis Lucas Waddell, ca. 1836 (John Vanderlyn) (1775-1852) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 19.18 53031837Sir John Conroy 1st Bt, 1837 (Henry William Pickersgill) (1782-1875) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5315 53041837Madame Charmois, 1837 (Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot) (1796-1875) Musée du Louvre, Paris 53081837Self-Portrait, ca. 1837 (Eugène Delacroix) (1798-1863) Musée du Louvre, Paris, R.F. 2553091837Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein, 1837 (Friedrich von Amerling) (1803-1887) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin 53101837Georg Christian Hilker, 1837 (Christen Købke) (1810-1848) Statens Museum for Kunst, København 53111837Sally AveryOlds, 1837 (Jeptha Homer Wade) (1811-1890) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1991.134.1 53121837Nathaniel Olds, 1837 (Jeptha Homer Wade) (1811-1890) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1991.134.2 53131837Alexander Van Rensselaer, 1837 (George P. A. Healy) (1813-1894) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 61.7053141837Philip Bliss, ca. 1837 (John Bridges) (fl. 1818-1854) Oriel College, Oxford, UK 53151837Robert E. Lee, 1838 (William Edward West) (1788-1857) Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA53171837Louis-Philippe of France opening the Galerie des Batailles, June 10th, 1837, by François-Joseph Heim, Versailles.80141837Susan Walker Morse 1837 by Samuel F. B. Morse 1791-1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 45.62.194171837Barbara Lamadrid actress 1837 by Antonio Maria Esquivel (1806-1857) MCU 96411837Franz Liszt 1837 by Ary Scheffer (1795-1858) Location TBD96451837Marie d Orleans 1837 by Ary Scheffer 1795-1858 Musee Conde96601837Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov 1837 by Pyotr Zabolotsky Tretyakov Gallery Moscow96611837Vasily Zhukovsky 1837 by Karl Briullov (1799-1852) Location TBD 96721837A Woman 1837 by Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller (1793-1865) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 2467C96771837Self-Portrait ca. 1837 Eugene Delacroix Musee du Louvre Paris RF25100531837134331838Queen Victoria of England, 1838 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Wallace Collection, London 53161838Fanny Preinitsch, ca. 1838 (Giuseppe Tominz) (1790-1866) Location TBD 53181838William Martin Leake, 1838 (Christian Albrecht Jensen) (1792-1870) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6481 53191838Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Bt, 1838 (John Linnell) (1792-1882) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 772 53201838Martin van Buren, ca. 1837-1838 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 93.19.2 53211838Henry G. Stebbins, 1838 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2001.269 53221838Girl (“Spring”), 1838 (Cephas Giovanni Thompson) (1809-1888) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1971.244 53231838William Powell Frith, ca. 1838 (Douglas Cowper) (1817-1839) Sothebys Sale 53241838Self-Portrait, 1838 (William Powell Frith) (1819-1909) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2139 53251838John Ferneley,. 1838 (Henry Johnson) (??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2042 53261838Alfred Rose, 1838 (M.M. Manchester) (fl.1838-1843) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1981.110 53271838A Family Group 1838 by W. H. Browne The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1973.323.792671838Queen Victoria 1838 by Thomas Sully 1783-1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY L1993.4594181838The Raymond Children ca. 1838 by Robert Peckham 1785-1877 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 66.242.2794191838Hannah Fry 1838 by Andrew Geddes (1783-1844) Scottish National Gallery96461838Self-Portrait, ca. 1838, by Ary Scheffer (1795-1858) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, SK-A-4748105601838134321839Thomas Arnold, 1839 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1998 53281839Don Mateo Casado y Sirelo, ca. 1839 (Vicente Lopez y Portana (1772-1850) Private Collection 53291839The Student, 1839 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.126.4 53301839Henriette de Brouwer, 1839 (Pierre van Hanselaere) (1786-1862) Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent 53311839Elizabeth Steuart Calvert, ca. 1839 (William Edward West) (1788-1857) The Johnson Collection, Spartanburg, SC 53321839Alfred, Count D'Orsay, 1839 (George Hayter) (1792-1871) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5061 53331839William Rufus King, 1839 (George Cooke) (1793-1849) Philanthropic Society, Phi Hall, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 53341839Young Woman, 1839 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Wien Museum 53351839Franz Karl Joseph, Archduke of Austria at 37 years of age, 1839 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Galerie Martin Suppan, Wien 53361839François Guizot, ca. 1839 (Paul Hippolyte Delaroche) (1797-1856) Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, København, inv. nr. MIN 0963 53371839Horace Vernet, ca. 1839 (Ary Scheffer) (1797-1856) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 53381839A Young Woman, 1839 (Eduard Magnus) (1799-1872) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 53391839Anna Traphagen Buckham and Daughter, ca. 1839 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 19.137053401839Franz Liszt, 1839 (Henri Lehmann) (1814-1882) Location TBD 53411839Walter Savage Landor, 1839 (William Fisher) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 236 53421839A Woman, possibly Mary Ann Tritt Cassell, ca. 1839 (James Alexander Simpson) (1805-1880) Baltimore Art Museum.105121839The Alling Children ca. 1839 by Oliver Tarbell Eddy 1799-1868 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 66.242.2192681839Joseph Moore and His Family ca. 1839 by Erastus Salisbury Field 1805-1900 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 58.2592691839Arthur Wellesley 1st Duke of Wellington 1839 by Benjamin Robert Haydon 1786-1846 National Portrait Gallery London NPG626594201839Louis Phillipe King of France 1839 by Franz Xaver Winterhalter 1805-1873 Musee national du Chateau de Versailles94211839Charles Dickens 1839 by Daniel Maclise 1806-1870 National Portrait Gallery London NPG117294221839Alphonse de Lamartine ca 1839 by Henri Decaisne (1799-1852) Musee de Macon96381839Joseph Cinque 1839 by Nathaniel Jocelyn New Haven Colony Historical Society96521839Theophile Gautier 1839 by Auguste de Chatillon Musee de Ille de France96701839Verdi 1839-40 by Molentini Location TBD96731839134311840John Kentish, 1840 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 497153431840Maria II, Queen of Portugal, ca. 1840 (John Simpson) (1782-1847) Museu Imperial de Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro 53441840Leopold II Hapsburg-Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tuscany, ca. 1840 (Giuseppe Bezzuoli) (1784-1855) Palazzo della Carovana, Pisa 53451840Aleksandra Potocka, 1840 (Moritz Michael Daffinger) (1790-1849) Muzeum Naradowe w Warszawie, Min432 53461840Anne-Louise Alix de Montmorency with her daughter, ca. 1840 (Claude-Marie Dubufe) (1790-1864) Location TBD 53471840Sir George Cayley, 6th Bt, 1840 (Henry Perronet Briggs) (1791-1844) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3977 53481840Self-Portrait, 1840 (Sámuel Lányi) (1792-1860) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest, 8071 53491840Carl Friedrich Gauß, 1840 (Christian Albrecht Jensen) (1792-1870) Location TBD 53501840A Young Lady, 1840 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Wien Museum53511840John Walsh, ca. 1840 (John Neagle) (1796-1865) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 08.229 53521840A.N. Strugovshchikov, ca. 1840 (Karl Bruillov) (1799-1852) Tretyakov Gallery Moscow 53531840Mary Shelley, 1840 (Richard Rothwell) (1800-1868) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1235 53541840Cornelia Knott Miltenberger, ca. 1840 (Jacques Amans) (1801-1888) Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, LA, 1969.035.153551840A Woman, ca. 1840 (Jacques Amans) (1801-1888) The Historic New Orleans Collection, LA, 2010.0306 53561840Gentleman of the Wilkes Family, ca. 1838-1840 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.45.3 53571840Mrs. Robert Lowden, ca. 1840 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) Brooklyn Museum, NY 11.549 53581840Archduke Charles of Austria, Duke of Teschen, ca. 1840 (Anton Einsle) (1801-1871) Neumeister Kunstauktionen, München 53591840A Woman from New South Wales, ca. 1840 (Maurice Felton) (1803-1842) National Gallery of Australia, Canberra 53601840Charlotte Sophia Scott/John Gibson Lockhart, after 1838 (Robert Scott Lauder) (1803-1896) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PG 2672 53611840Claire de Bearn, Duchess of Vallombrosa, 1840 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Private Collection 53621840Self-Portrait with his brother (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Location TBD 53631840Heleny Matzel z Wroczynerów, ca. 1840 (Alojzy Reichan) (1807-1860) Lviv Art Gallery 53641840James Merrill Cook, 1840 (Nelson Cook) (1808-1892) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 31.29.153651840Mrs. James Merrill Cook, 1840 (Nelson Cook) (1808-1892) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 31.29.2 53661840Nathaniel Hawthorne, ca. 1840 (Charles Osgoode) (1809-1890) Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA 53671840Self-Portrait, 1840 (Taras Shevchenko) (1814-1861) Location TBD 53681840A Young Man, ca. 1840 (Jean-François Millet) (1814-1875) Tokyo Fuji Art Museum 53691840Frederic Chopin, ca. 1840 (Henri Lehmann) (1814-1882) Location TBD 53701840A Widow, 1840 (Thomas Couture) (1815-1879) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 23.499 53711840Self-Portrait, ca. 1840 (Thomas Couture) (1815-1879) New Orleans Museum of Art, LA53721840Constantine Ionides, ca. 1840 (George Frederic Watts) (1817-1904) (after portrait by Samuel Lane) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 53731840A Man, possibly the Count of Saint-Auffage, 1840 (Theodore Chassériau) (1819-1856) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 49.110 53741840Sophie de Ségur, ca. 1840 (Louis Gaston de Ségur) (1820-1881) Location TBD 53751840Leconte de Floris in Egyptian Army Uniform, 1840 (François-Leon Benouville) (1821-1859) Dahesh Museum of Art, New York, NY 53761840Henry Inman, ca. 1837-1840 (Jacob Hart Lazarus) (1822-1891) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 93.19.1 53771840Sir Robert Stopford, 1840 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1774 53781840Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin, ca. 1840 (Unknown Artist) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1404 53791840Eliza C. Ayres, ca. 1840 (Unknown American Artist) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 72.38.2 53801840World Anti-slavery Convention, June 12-23 1840 by Benjamin Robert Haydon (1786-1846) National Portrait Gallery, London, 599.80151840Self-Portrait ca. 1840 by George Chinnery 1774-1852 National Portrait Gallery London 77990881840A Mother and her son 1840 by Thomas Sully 1783-1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 14.126.594231840Mrs. Reverdy Johnson ca. 1840 by Thomas Sully 1783-1872 Princeton University Art Museum NJ y1949-10894241840Amelia of Leuchtenberg 1812-1873 ca 1840 after Friedrich Durck (1809-1884) Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo Brazil96781840David Roberts 1840 by Robert Scot Lauder (1803-1869) Scottish National Gallery96831840John Orlandoo Parry ca 1840 by Daniel Maclise (1806-1870) National Museum Wales NMW A 529 96891840La bailaora Josefa Vargas 1840 by Antonio Maria Esquivel (1806-1857) Coleccion Duque de Alba96921840A Man 1840 by Martin Johnson Heade (1819-1904) Museum of-Fine Arts Boston96951840A Man formerly known as Charles Mathews ca 1840 by Unknown-Artist National Portrait Gallery London96961840Nikolai Gogol 1840 by Unknown Artist Location TBD96991840Raden Saleh ca 1840 attrib Friedrich Carl Albert Schreuel (1773-1853) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam97001840Coronation of Christian VIII of Denmark and Caroline Amalie, June 28th, 1840, painted in 1841 by Joseph-Désiré Court (1797-1865) Statens Museum for Kunst KMS606. 103501840134301841George Bradshaw, 1841 (Richard Evans) (1784-1871) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2201 53811841Alessandro Manzoni, 1841 (Francesco Hayez) (1791-1882) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 53821841Emanuel Ritter von Neuwall, 1841 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Wein Museum53831841Anna Vorobyeva-Petrova, 1841 (Karl Briullov) (1799-1852) Location TBD 53841841John Burnet, 1841 (William Simson) (1800-1847) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 935 53851841John Richard Tindale, 1841 (Maurice Felton) (1803-????) National Portrait Gallery, Canberra 2003.124 53861841Mary Tinsdale, 1841 (Maurice Felton) (1803-????) National Portrait Gallery, Canberra 2003.123 53871841Marie Christine of the Two Sicilies, Queen of Spain, ca. 1841 (Franz Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 53881841Count Zech-Burkersroda, ca. 1841 (Ferdinand von Rayski) (1806-1890) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gemäldegalerie 53891841Ivan Aivazovsky, 1841 (Alexei Tyranov) (1808-1859) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 53901841The Comtesse of Valmont, ca. 1841 (Jean-François Millet) (1814-1875) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 76:1954 53911841Louise-Antoinette Feuardent, 1841 (Jean-François Millet) (1814-1875) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 95.PA.67 53921841Pauline-Virginie Ono, Artists Wife, 1841 (Jean-François Millet) (1814-1875) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 44.73 53931841Comtesse de la Tour-Maubourg, 1841 (Théodore Chassériau) (1819-1856) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2002.291 53941841Thomas Sidney Cooper, 1841 (Walter Scott) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3236 53951841Georges Bousquet 1841 by Isidore Pils Location TBD90861841Baldomero Espartero Prince of Vergara 1841 by Antonio Maria Esquivel Location TBD96791841Leon Ohnet ca 1841 by Thomas Couture (1815-1879) Musee du Petit Palais96931841Muhammad Ali Viceroy of Egypt 1841 by Auguste Couder 1790-1873 Versailles MV 4845 INV 3409 LP 460796971841Self-Portrait 1841 by Raden Saleh Tropenmuseum97031841134291842Michael Faraday, ca. 1842 (Thomas Phillips) (1770-1845) Location TBD53961842William Wordsworth, 1842 (Benjamin Robert Haydon) (1786-1846) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1857 53971842Elizabeth Prettejohn Pitts, née Harris at 30 years old, ca. 1842 (John Ponsford) (1790-1870) Location TBD 53981842Young Gentleman, 1842 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere 53991842Friedrich von Bartsch, 1842 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Wien Museum 54001842Frau von Bartsch, 1842 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Wien Museum 54011842György Gaál, 1842 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller) (1793-1865) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest54021842Prince Peter of Oldenburg, 1842 (Joseph Desire Court) (1797-1865)The State Hermitage: Museum of Guards, General Staff Building, St. Petersburg 54031842Charles Dickens, 1842 (Francis Alexander) (1800-1880) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 24.18 54041842Fanny Hensel, 1842 (Moritz Daniel Oppenheim) (1800-1882) Location TBD 54051842Angelica Singleton van Buren, 1842 (Henry Inman) (1801-1846) The White House Art Collection, Washington D.C.54061842Marie-Marguerite Foucher, Marquise de Circé, 1842 (Eugène Amaury-Duval) (1808-1885) Location TBD 54071842Julie Mottez, The Artists Wife, 1842 (Victor-Louis Mottez) (1809-1897) Location TBD 54081842Marie-Caroline Bourbon, Princess of the Two Sicilies, 1842 (Franz Schrotzberg) (1811-1889) Musée Conde, Chantilly 54091842Euphemia White Van Rensselaer, 1842 (George P.A. Healy) (1813-1894) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 23.102 54101842Faustine Léo, 1842 (Charles-Ernest-Rodolphe-Henri Lehmann) (1814-1882) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2004.24354111842Robert Moffat, 1842 (William Scott) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3774 54121842A King, ca. 1842-1795, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen (Photo: Museum Website) 73791842Queen Victoria and Prince Albert attend a costume ball, May 12th, 1842, by Edwin Henry Landseer (1802-1873) Royal Collection, Windsor.80161842Abbott Lawrence ca. 1842 by Chester Harding 1792-1866 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 61.23994251842Self-Portrait 1842 by Gustave Courbet 1819-1877 Location TBD94261842A Girl in Red ca. 1842 Unknown American Artist Museum of Fine Arts Boston 47.121594271842Jose de Espronceda 1842-1846 by Antonio Maria Esquivel Prado Museum Madrid96901842Self-Portrait with Black Bog 1842 by Gustave Courbet (1819-1877) Location TBD97021842Self-Portrait 1842 Alexander Cabanel (1823-1889) Trinity Fine Art Ltd.97041842Portrait of a Prefect, 1842, French School Galerie de Frise, Saint Julien de Crempse, France.102801843Sir Francis Burdett, 5th Bt, 1843 (Sir Martin Archer Shee) (1769-1850) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 432 54131843Alexander von Humboldt, 1843 (Joseph Karl Stieler) (1781-1858) Schloss Charlottenhof, Potsdam 54141843Sir Edward Codrington, 1843 (Henry Perronet Briggs) (1791-1844) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 721 54151843Benjamin Pickman Jr., ca. 1843 (Chester Harding) (1792-1866) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 54161843Charles de Rémusat, 1843 (Paul Delaroche) (1797-1856) Musée du Vieux -Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées54171843Maria Pavlovna Volkonskaia, ca. 1843 (Karl Briullov) (1799-1852) Location TBD 54181843Archduchess Dorothea, 1843 (Anton Einsle) (1801-1871) Dorotheum Auction House, Vienna 54191843Mme. Augustine Massicot Tanneret, ca. 1843 (Jacques Amans) (1801-1888) The Historic New Orleans Collection, LA 54201843Bertel Thorvaldsen, 1843 (Friedrich von Amerling) (1803--1887) Palais Liechtenstein, Wien54211843Catherine Augusta Wilmerding, 1843 (Henry Colton Shumway) (1807-1884) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2007.43754221843A Young Woman, 1843 (Miklós Barabás) (1810-1898) Location TBD54231843Empress Teresa Cristina of Brazil, ca. 1843 (Jose Correia de Lima) (1814-1857) Museu Imperial de Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro54241843Armand Ono, ca. 1843 (Jean François Millet) (1814-1875)Musée des beaux-arts Thomas Henry, Cherbourg-Octeville 54251843Marie de Agoult, 1843 (Henri Lehmann) (1814-1882) Location TBD54261843Field Marshal Don Nicolas Miniussir y Giorgeta, 1843 (Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz) (1815-1894) Dorotheum Lot 38454271843Two Sisters, 1843 (Théodore Chassériau) (1819-1856) Musée du Louvre, Paris54281843George Henry Borrow, 1843 (Henry Wyndham Phillips) (1820-1868) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1841 54291843John Quincy Adams, 1843 (Marchant) (??-??) New-York Historical Society, New York, NY 54301843Catherine Small Pitcairn, ca. 1843 (Unknown American Artist) The Huntington, San Marino, CA54311843John Alexander MacDonald at 27 years old, First Prime Minister of Canada, ca. 1843 (Unknown Artist) Portrait Gallery of Canada, Ottawa 54321843Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn 1843 by Franz Xaver Winterhalter 1805-1875 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 86.PA.53494281843Benoit Fould 1843 by Ary Scheffer (1795-1858) Musee Roybet Fould96801843Kurt von Schroeter 1843 by Ferdinand von Rayski (1806-1890) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden GGNM 316596911843134281844Edmond Cavé, 1844 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.85.2 Jacques François de Fongeray Hygin Edmond Ludovic Auguste 54331844William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, 1844 (John Partridge) (1789-1872) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 941 54341844Pope Gregory XVI, ca. 1844 (Paul Delaroche) (1797-1856) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles54351844Rigolette, 1844 (Joseph Desire Court) (1797-1865) Musee des Beaux Arts, Rouen54361844Self-Portrait, ca. 1844 (Giovanni Carnovali) (1804-1873) Museo della Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 54371844Count Alexei Bobrinsky, 1844 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Location TBD 54381844Self-Portrait, ca. 1844 (Katarina Ivanović ) (1817-1882) National Museum of Serbia, Belgrade 54391844Charles Baudelaire, 1844 (Emile Deroy) (1820-1846) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 54401844Edward Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby, 1844 (Frederick Richard Say) (1827-1860) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 180654411844Self-Portrait, ca. 1844 (Oswald Adalbert Sickert) (1828-1885) Location TBD 54421844John Oscar Kent and his sister Sarah Eliza 1844 by Samuel Lancaster Gerry 1813-1891 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 43.2992711844Emma Homan ca. 1844 by John Bradley fl. 1832-1847 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 66.242.23 cat94291844Charles Nodier 1844 by Jean-Baptiste Paulin Guerin (1783-1855) Versailles96811844Ernst Ferdinand Oehme 1844 by Karl Baehr (1801-1869) Kugelgenhaus Museum der Dresdner Romantik96851844Frances Adeline Miller Seward 1844 by Henry Inman (1801-1846) Seward House96861844134271845Louise de Broglie, Contesse de Haussonviile, 1845 (Jean-August-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) The Frick Collection, New York, NY, 1927.1.81 54431845Mrs. James Montgomery, Jr., ca. 1845 (Thomas Sully) (1783-1872) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 37.130 54441845Thomas de Quincey, ca. 1845 (Sir John Watson Gordon) (1788-1864) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 189 54451845John Johnson, Lord Mayor of London, ca. 1845 (Sir George Hayter) (1792-18771) Sothebys Old Masters Sale 6/5/09 Lot 24 54461845Lewis Cubitt, 1845 (Sir William Boxall) (1800-1879) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4099 54471845Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, 1845 (Alfred, Count De Orsay) (1801-1852) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 405 54481845Self-Portrait, ca. 1845 (Lam Qua) (1801-1860) Location TBD54491845John Britton, 1845 (John Wood) (1801-1870) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 667 54501845Self-Portrait, 1845 (Jacques Amans) (1801-1888) The Historic New Orleans Collection, LA, 1986.193 54511845Self-Portrait, ca. 1845 (Sir Francis Grant) (1803-1878) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1286 54521845Edgar Allen Poe, 1845 (Samuel Stillman Osgood) (1808-1885) New-York Historical Society, New York , NY, 1857.1 54531845Charles Babbage, 1845 (Samuel Laurence) (1812-1884) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 414 54541845Self-Portrait, ca. 1845 (Harry Hall) (ca. 1814-1882) Location TBD54551845A Marine Officer, ca. 1845 (François Millet) (1814-1875) Musée des Beaux-Arts Rouen Inv. 893.4 54561845Clementine, Mrs. Alphonse Karr, 1845 (Henri Lehmann) (1814-1882) Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, MN54571845Self-Portrait, 1845 (William Fettes Douglas) (1822-1891) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, PG 3111 54581845A Man, ca. 1845 (Ludwig Anton Maria Kriebel) (1823 – 1890) Muzeul Naţional de Artă al Moldovei, Chișinău 54591845Self-Portrait, 1845 (William Strutt) (1825-1915) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5527 54601845Self-Portrait, ca. 1845 (Anselm Feuerbach) (1829-1880) Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin 54611845A Woman, possibly Maria Adelaide of Austria, Queen of Sardinia, ca. 1845 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 54621845Donald MacKenzie, ca. 1845 (Unknown Artist) McClurg Museum, Chautauqua County Historical Society, Westfield, NY 54631845Jenny Lind 1845 by Louis Asher 1804-1878 Location TBD90871845Amos Lawrence ca. 1845 by Chester Harding 1792-1866 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 59.85794301845Henry Somerset 7th Duke of Beaufort 1845 by Henry Alken 1785-1851 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 280694311845A Boy ca. 1845 Unknown American Artist Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1973.323.594321845John C Fremont ca 1845 by George Peter Alexander Healy (1818-1894) Location TBD96881845William Morris Hunt ca. 1845 Emanuel Leutze (1816-1861) Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1988.21997061845Jan Jacob Rochussen 1845 Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies by Nicolaas Pieneman Museum Bronbeek Arnhem100551845134261846Doña Francisca de la Gándara, ca. 1846 (Vicente Lopez y Portana) (1772-1850) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 54641846Augustine-Modeste-Hortense Reiset, 1846 (Jean-August-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, MA, 1943.249 54651846Agnes Strickland, 1846 (John Hayes) (1786-1866) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 403 54661846Theobald Mathew, 1846 (Edward Daniel Leahy) (1797-1875) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 199 54671846Comte James-Alexandre de Pourtzalès-Gogier, 1846 (Paul Delaroche) (1797-1856) Location TBD 54681846Frederick James Lamb, 3rd Viscount Melbourne, 1846 (John Partridge) (1789-1872) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3894 54691846Cecile Mendelssohn Bartholdy, 1846 (Eduard Magnus) (1799-1872) Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin 54701846Augusta, Princess of Prussia, 1846 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Christies Fine Art Auctions, Sale 8039, Lot 43 54711846Madame Louis Antoine de Cambourg, 1846 (Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin) (1806-1864) Detroit Institute of the Arts 54721846Archduke Joseph Anton Johann of Austria, 1846 (Miklós Barabás) (1810-1898) Location TBD
54731846Sir Thomas Bourchier, 1846 (Samuel Laurence) (1812-1884) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 720 54741846Daniel Maclise, 1846 (Edward Matthew Ward) (1816-1879) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 616 54751846H. J. van Wisselingh, ca. 1846 (Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX 1984.04 54761846Jens Adolf Jerichau, ca. 1846 (Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann) (1819-1881) Ny Carlsberg Glyoptotek, København 54771846George Payne Rainsford James, 1846 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1259 54781846Don Francisco Ignacio de Monserrat ca. 1846 by Luis Lopez y Piquer 1802-1865 Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia94331846Dona Dolores Caldes de Monserrat ca. 1846 by Luis Lopez y Piquer 1802-1865 Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia94341846Frederick James Lamb 3rd Viscount Melbourne 1846 by John Partridge (1789-1872) National Portrait Gallery London 3894100541846134251847Anna Grafin Kinsky, 1846 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Winterhur, Zürich54791847Sir James Brooke, 1846 (Francis Grant) (1803-1878) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1559 554801847Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea, 1847 (Francis Grant) (1803-1878) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1639 54811847Carl Gustav Carus, 1847 (Julius Hübner) (1806-1882) Location TBD 54821847Antonia Festetics, Mrs. Count Janos Barkoszy, 1847 (Franz Schrotzberg) (1811-1889) Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Budapest 54831847Elizabeth Alexandrine de Ficqelmont, 1847 (Franz Schrotzberg) (1811-1889) Location TBD 54841847Jasper Francis Cropsey, 1847 (Edward L. Mooney) (1813-1887) Newington-Cropsey Foundation, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 54851847Alexandra Kutorga, 1847 (Yakov Fiordorovich Kapkov) (1816-1854) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 54861847Károly Markó, 1847 (Antal Ligeti) (1823-1890) Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Budapest 54871847James Ramsay 1st Marquess of Dalhousie 1847 by John Watson-Gordon 1788-1864 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 18894351847Ede Heinrich 1847 by Mihaly Kovaks Location TBD96841847Lola Montez 1847 by Joseph Karl Stieler (1781-1858) Schonheitengalerie Munich96941847Self-Portrait 1847 Antonio Maria Esquivel (1806-1857) Museum of Lazaro Galdiano97011847134241848Self-Portrait, 1848 (James Ward) (1769-1859) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 309 54881848Self-Portrait, 1848 (William Thomas Strutt) (1777-1850) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 6082 54891848Betty Salomon, Baronne von Rothschild, 1848 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Private Collection 54901848Self-Portrait, 1848 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien54911848The Flower Girl, 1830 (Charles Cromwell Ingham) (1796-1863) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 02.7.1 54921848Self-Portrait, 1848 (Karl Bruillov) (1799-1852) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 54931848Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1848 (David Scott) (1806-1849) Concord Free Public Library, MA 54941848Mary Francis Gleason Vandervoort, 1848 (Edward Dalton Merchant) (1806-1887) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1977.82754951848Ernst Meyer, 1848 (Wilhelm Marstrand) (1810-1873) Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød 54961848Adelaide of Austria, Queen-Consort of Sardinia, 1848 (Benoit Hermogaste Molin) (1810-1894) Alexander Palace, Tsarkoye Selo 54971848Dr. Oscar Fitzland Potter, 1848 (George Caleb Bingham) (1811-1879) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 18:1911 54981848Self-Portrait, 1848 (Thomas Jones Barker) (1815-1882) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 5857 54991848Self-Portrait, 1848 (Alfred Dehodencq) (1822-1882) Musée d'Orsay, Paris, RF 1278 55001848Armand Gérôme, 1848 (Jean-Léon Gérôme) (1824-1904) The National Gallery, London, NG3251 55011848Henry Pelham Fiennes 1st Duke Newcastle-under-Lyne, 1848 (Frederick Richard Say) (??-1860) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4576 55021848Battle at Soufflot Street, June 24th, 1848, by Horace Vernet (1789-1863), Location TBD.80171848Lamartine in front of Town Hall in Paris Rejects the Red Flag, February 25th, by Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux (1815-1884), Carnavalet Museum P.258.jpg80181848Charles Albert of Sardinia ca. 1848 Location TBD 90841848Clara Schmidt von Knobelsdorff 1848 by Adolph Menzel 1815-1905 Location TBD90851848The Williamson Family ca. 1841-1842 by John Mix Stanley 1814-1872 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1976.33892701848Family of Joseph Duke of Saxe-Altenburg ca. 1848 by Karl Joseph Stieler 1781-1858 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia92721848Robert Vernon 1848 by George Jones and Henry Collen 1786-1869 1797-1879 National Portrait Gallery London NPG 451394361848A Girl of the Bangs-Phelps Family ca. 1848 by Erastus Salisbury Field 1805-1900 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 63.201.4 book94371848134231849Princess Maria Amélia of Portugal, daughter of Dom Pedro I of Brazil, ca. 1849 (Friedrich Dürck) (1809-1884) Location TBD 55031849A Young Widow, 1849 (Carl Rahl) (1812-1865) Private Collection 55041849A Hawaiian Girl with dog, 1849 (John Mix Stanley) (1814-1872) Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI 55051849Self-Portrait, 1849 (Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877) Musée Fabre, Montpellier, Languedoc-Rousillon 55061849Self-Portrait, ca. 1849 (Walter Howell Deverell) (1827-1854) Location TBD 55071849The Battle of Novara, March 22-23rd, 1849, by Albrecht Adam (1786-1862), painted in 1858, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin.80191849The Battle of Novara, March 22-23rd, part of the First Italian War of Independence, Artist TBD, Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento, Torino.80201849Christian Jurgensen Thomsen 1849 by JV Gertner (1818-1871) Location TBD96821849George Catlin 1849 by William Fisk (1796-1872) National Portrait Gallery DC NPG 70.14 96871849Natalia Alexandrovna Pushkina daughter of Pushkin 1849 by Ivan Makarov Pushkin Museum St Petersburg96981849Thomas Bibington Macaulay Baron Macaulay ca. 1849-1853 by John Partridge (1789-1872) National Portrait Gallery London NPG156497051849134221850Self-Portrait, ca. 1850 (George Chinnery) (1774-1852) Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA55081850George Chinnery, 1850 (attributed to Li Pai) (????-????) Sothebys Sale 31 March, 1999, Lot 90 55091850Anna Bayer, the artists 2nd wife, 1850 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien 55101850Katarzyna Potocka, née Branicka, 1850 (Ary Scheffer) (1795-1858) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 55111850An Abbot, 1850 (Karl Briullov) (1799-1852) Location TBD 55121850A Girl, ca. 1850 (Constantin Hansen) (1804-1880) Location TBD55131850Self-Portrait, ca. 1850 (Charles Loring Elliott) (1812-1868) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 87.19 55141850Mrs. Adrian Baucker Holmes, ca. 1850 (Charles Wesley Jarvis) (1812-1868) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 13.21.8 55151850C. W. Eckersberg, 1850 (Johan Vilhelm Gertner) (1818-1871) Akademiraadet Copenhagenn 55161850Alexis de Tocqueville, 1850 (Theodore Chassériau) (1819-1856) Location TBD 55171850Joseph Radetsky von Radetz, ca. 1850 (George Decker) (1819-1894) Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Wien 55181850William Alexander Baillie Hamilton, 1850 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 908 55191850Sir William Edward Parry, 1850 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 912 55201850Sir Edward Sabine, 1850 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 907 55211850Sir John Richardson, 1850 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 909 55221850Frederick William Beechey, 1850 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 911 55231850Sir James Clark Ross, 1850 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 913 55241850Sir Francis Beaufort, 1850 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 91855251850Cornelia M. Walters, ca. 1850 (Mrs. William B. Richards) ca. (Thomas Ball) (1819-1911) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 12.424 55261850A Man, ca. 1850 (formerly attributed to Thomas Hicks) (1823-1890) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 55.73.355271850Monsieur M., 1850 (Willam-Adolphe Bouguereau) (1825-1905) Location TBD 55281850Self-Portrait, ca. 1850 (Gustave Moreau) (1826-1898) Le musée national Gustave-Moreau, Paris 55291850William Wilkie Collins, 1850 (John Everett Millais) (1829-1896) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 96755301850Self-Portrait, 1850 (Léon Bonnat) (1833-1922) Location TBD 55311850William Thompson, 1850 (Thomas Earl) (??-??) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 4191 55321850Nicholas Pitts, ca. 1850 (John Ponsford) (??-??) Location TBD 55331850Amalia of Saxe-Weimar Eisenach, ca. 1850 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 55341850August Wilhelm Ferdinand Schirmers, ca. 1850 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 55351850A Young Man, Monsieur Leman 1850 by William Bouguereau (1825-1905) Location TBD103011850La petite soer de lartiste ca. 1850 by Leon Bonnat 1833-1916 Musee Bonnat-Helleu Bayonne94381850Charles Nicholson chancellor of the University of Sydney ca 1850 by Unknown Artist Nicholson Museum97101850Ira Aldridge as Othello ca. 1850 by William Mulready (1786-1863) Walters Art Museum 37.262997141850Self-Portrait 1850 by Hendrik van de Sande Bakhuyzen (1795-1860) Rijksmsueum Amsterdam SK-A-416397161850A Woman ca. 1850 Wohl Russland Dusseldorf Aukion House97231850134211851Madame Moitessier, 1851 (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., 1946.7.18 55361851Sir Charles James Napier, ca. 1851 (George Jones) (1786-1869) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 333 55371851Prince Alexander Menshikov, 1851 (Franz Krüger) (1797-1857) Guards Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 55381851Ferdinand Freiligrath, 1851 (Johann Peter Hasenclever) (1810-1853) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin 55391851A Major of the Apsheron Infantry Regiment of the Caucasian Corps, ca. 1851 (Grigory Gagarin) (1810-1893) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 55401851Self-Portrait, 1851 (George P.A. Healy) (1813-1894) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 91.27.2 55411851Alphonse Promayet, ca. 1851 (Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.132 55421851Joseph Rene Bellot, 1851 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1227 55431851Lucie, Lady Duff-Gordon, 1851 (Henry Wyndham Phillips) (1820-1868) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 558455441851A Woman, 1851 (Jean-Léon Gérôme) (1824-1904) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL55451851Josephine of Leuchtenberg, Queen of Sweden, ca. 1851 (Axel Nordgen) (1828-1888) Location TBD 55461851Self-Portrait, 1851 (Arthur Hughes) (1832-1915) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2759 55471851Maria Carolina Augusta Princess of Two Sicilies wtih son Prince Louis Philippe of Orleans Prince of Conde 1851 by Victor Mottez 1809-1897 Musee Conde Inv 778 90921851The Arctic Council Planning a Search for Sir John Franklin ca. 1851 by Stephen Pearce 1819-1904 National Portrait Gallery London 120892731851Euphemia Chalmers Lady Millais ca. 1851 by Thomas Richmond 1802-1874 National Portrait Gallery London NPG516094391851Alexey Markov 1851 by Kirill Gorbunov (1822-1893) Location TBD97071851Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli 1851 by Francesco Hayez (1791-1882) Museo Poldi Pezzoli Inv 4897121851Franz Joseph I Habsburg-Lorraine Emperor of Austria King of Hungary and Bohemia 1851 by Eduard Klieber 1803-1879 Dorotheum Vienna97241851134201852Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Bt, 1852 (Charles Robert Leslie) (1794-1859) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1859 55481852Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, 1852 (Franz Krüger) (1797-1857) Location TBD 55491852Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, 1852 (Francis Grant) (1803-1878) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 834 55501852A Woman, 1852 (Georg Cornicelius) (1825-1898) Düsseldorfer Auktionhsaus 55511852Sophie Alfred-Emilien, Comte de Nieuwerkerke, 1852 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Location TBD 55521852John Charles Fremont, 1852 (William Smith Jewett) (1812-1873) Location TBD 55531852Jane Welsh (detail), 1852 (Samuel Laurence) (1812-1884) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1175 55541852Johan Rudolf Thorbeck, ca. 1852 (Johan Heinrich Neuman) (1819-1898) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-4120 55551852Oswald Achenbach, ca. 1852 (Ludwig des Coudres) (1820-1878) Sammlung Benno von Achenbach, Berlin 55561852Self-Portrait, ca. 1852 (Alexander Cabanel) (1823-1889) Location TBD55571852Fillette endormie, ca. 1852 (Leon Bonnat) (1833-1922) Location TBD55581852Self-Portrait, 1852 (Lawrence Alma-Tadema) (1836-1912) Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, S1957-848 55591852Isabella II Queen of Spain with Child 1852 by Frans Xaver Winterhaler 1805-1873 Palacio Real de Madrid94401852Bessie Grieve ca 1852 by Alfred Corbould Victoria and Albert Museum P.38-198197081852134191853Joséphine Eléonore Marie Pauline de Galard de Brassacede Béarn, Princesse de Broglie, ca. 1851–53 (Jean_Auguste-Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1975.1.186 55601853Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay, 1853 (Francis Grant) (1803-1878) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 453 55611853Douglas William Jerrold, 1853 (Daniel Macnee) (1806-1888) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 292 55621853Pauline Viardot ca. 1853 (Eugene Pluchart) (1809-1880) Location TBD 55631853Self-Portrait, 1853 (George Richmond) (1809-1896) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2509 55641853Daniel Webster, 1853 (George Peter Alexander Healy) (1813-1894) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA RES.17.10655651853Franklin Pierce, President of the U.S., 1853 (George Peter Alexander Healy) (1813-1894) National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C., NPG65.49 55661853Amalia de Llano y Dotres, Countess of Vilches, 1853 (Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz) (1815-1894) Museo del Prado, Madrid 55671853William Kennedy, 1853 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1225 55681853William Penny, 1853 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1209 55691853Self-Portrait, 1853 (Richard Caton Woodville) (1825-1855) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD 55701853Dante Gabriel Rosetti, 1853 (William Holman Hunt)(1827-1910) Birmingham Museums Trust55711853Woman with rosary, 1853 (Carl dUnker) (1828-1866) Uppsala Auktionskammare, Sweden 55721853Self-Portrait, ca. 1853 (Vasily Perov) (1833-1882) Location TBD 55731853John Ruskin 1853-4 by John Everett Millais 1829-1896 Location TBD90891853Leopold II of Belgium Duke of Brabant 1853 by Nicaise de Keyser 1813-1887 Belgian Royal Collection Palace of Brussels90911853John Russell 1st Earl Russell 1853 by Francis Grant 1803-1878 National Portrait Gallery London NPG112194411853Florence Nightingale ca 1850s by Augustus Egg (1816-1863) Location TBD97111853Harriet Beecher Stowe 1853 by Alanson Fisher (1807-1884) National Portrait Gallery Washington DC NPG.6897131853Self-Portrait 1853 by Martin Tovary Tovar (1827-1902) Location TBD97171853Self-Portrait 1853 by Henryk Rodakowski (1823-1894) Location TBD97191853134181854Sir William Molesworth, 8th Bt, 1854 (John Watson-Gordon) (1788-1864) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 810 55741854A Lady, sister of the Artists Wife, 1854 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865)Petit Palais, Musée des beaux-arts de la Ville de Paris55751854A Woman, 1854 (Ludwig Beyfuss) (1805-????) Jacksons Auctioneers, Cedar Falls, IA, 2013 55761854Katarzyna Potocka, née Branicka, 1854 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 55771854Joseph Hume, 1854 (John Whitehead Walton) (fl.1831-1885) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG713 55781854Bedrich Smetana, 1854 (Geskel Saloman) (1821-1902) Location TBD 55791854Alfred de Musset, 1854 (Charles Landelle) (1821-1908) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 55801854(John) Frederick Denison Maurice, 1854 (Jane Mary Hayward) (1825-1894) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 354 55811854Self-Portrait, 1854 (Giovanni Fattori) (1825-1908) Location TBD 55821854Annie_Miller, 1854 (Sir John Everett Millais) (1829-1896) Location TBD55831854Self-Portrait, ca. 1854 (Edgar Degas) (1834-1917) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 61.101.6 55841854Sir Charles Napier, 1854 (E.W. Gill) (fl. 1843-1868) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1460 55851854Florence Nightingale receiving the wounded at Scutari in October, 1857, by Jerry Barrett (1824-1906) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 6202.80211854Eugenie Empress Consort of the French 1854 by Franz Xaver Winterhalter 1805-1873 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1978.40394421854Blas Cerdena ca. 1854 by Francis Martin Drexel (1792-1863) Museo Nacional de Historia Lima97091854134171855Charles Dickens, 1855 (Ary Scheffer) (1795-1858) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 315 55861855General Winfield Scott, ca. 1855 (Robert Walter Weir) (1803-1889)The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 10.54 55871855Amalie von Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha, 1855 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Hampel Fine Art Auctions, München 55881855Emilie Saint-Germain, Mme. Charles Turgeon, 1855 (Théophile Hamel) (1817-1855) Joyner Fine Art Auctions, Toronto November 20, 2007, Lot 79 55891855Sir Richard Collinson, 1855 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1221 55901855Sir Robert McClure, 1855 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1210 55911855Arthur Schopenhauer, 1855 (Jules Landeschutz) (1822-1893) Location TBD55921855A Peruvian Man , 1855 (Francisco Laso) (1823-1869) Museo de Arte de Lima 55931855Akov Merkulov, 1855 (Nikolai Ge) (1831-1894) Location TBD 55941855Self-Portrait, ca. 1855 (Leon Bonnat) (1833-1922) Location TBD55951855Self-Portrait, 1855 (Edgar Degas) (1834-1917) Musée de Orsay, Paris, RF 2649 55961855Empress Elisabeth of Austria, 1855 (Amanda Bergstedt) (1841-1918) Hofburg Palace, Wien 55971855Hauptmann Joseph von Zentner, 1856 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Oberösterichische Landesmuseen, Linz55991855Queen Victoria's first visit to wounded soldiers at Brompton Hospital, Chatham, with Prince Albert and their sons, March 5th, 1855, by Jerry Barrett (1824-1906) painted in 1856, National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 6203.jpg80221855Mrs. Abbott Lawrence nee Katherine Bigelow ca. 1855 by Chester Harding 1792-1866 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 61.24094431855Alice Lyons ca. 1855 by John Jacob Hegler Indianapolis Museum of Art 51.4994441855Self-Portrait 1855 by Cornelius Krieghoff (1815-1872) National Gallery of Canada97181855William B. Ogden 1855 by George P. A. Healy (1813-1894) Chicago Historical Society97221855James Russell Lowell, 1819-1891, circa 1855, by Unknown Artist Location TBD101321855Portrait of a Seated Woman, ca. 1850-1855, by Thomas Couture (1815-1879) restituted to the heirs of Georges Mandel, from the Gurlitt trove, January 2019103401855134161856A Woman, 1855 (Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller) (1793-1865) Dorotheum, Wien55981856William Smith, 1856 Margaret Sarah Carpenter (née Geddes) (1793-1872) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1692 56001856David Cox, 1856 (William Boxall) (1800-1879) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1986 56011856Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia, Charlotte of Prussia, 1856 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg56021856Franz Liszt, 1854 (Wilhelm von Kaulbach) (1805-1874)Liszt Ferenc Emlékmúzeum, Budapest 56031856Man playing bones, 1856 (William Sidney Mount) (1807-1868) Location TBD 56041856Thomas Loraine McKenney, 1856 (Charles Loring Elliot) (1812-1868) Christies Sale 2335, Lot 18 56051856Clément Laurier, ca. 1856 (Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877) Milwaukee Art Museum, WI M1968.31 56061856Madame Clément Laurier, ca. 1856 (Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.59 56071856Sir (Francis) Leopold McClintock, 1856 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1226 56081856Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, 1st Bt, 1856 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 906 56091856William Rossetti, 1856 (Ford Maddox Brown) (1821-1893) Location TBD 56101856Owen Jones, 1856 (Henry Wyndham Phillips) (1820-1868) Location TBD 56111856A Girl with a Cat, 1856 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 00.504 56121856Hilaire de Gas, ca. 1856 (Edgar Degas) (1834-1917) Musée de Orsay, Paris 56131856Alphonse Legros, 1856 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Location TBD 56141856Self-Portrait, 1856 (Konstantin Makovsky) (1839-1915) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 56151856A Lady possibly Mrs Edmund Peel ca. 1856 by Sir Francis Grant 1803-1878 Tate Britain T0645690901856John Pascoe Fawkner founder of Melbourne 1856 by William Strutt National Library of Australia100561856134151857John Gibson, 1857 (Margaret Carpenter, née Geddes) (1793-1872) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 232 56161857Empress Maria Alexandrovna, 1857 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 56171857Mathew B. Brady, 1857 (Charles Loring Elliott) (1812-1868) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 96.24 56181857John Curwen, ca. 1857 (William Gush) (1813-1888) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1066 56191857Levi Hale Willard, 1857 (Samuel H. Sexton) (1813-1890) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 91.32 56201857Isambard Kingdom Brunel, 1857 (John Callcott Horsley) (1817-1903) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 979 56211857Mary Rebecca Clark, 1857 (Martin Johnson Heade) (1819-1904) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 48.426 56221857Rosa Bonheur with a bull, 1857 (Édouard Louis Dubufe) (1820-1883) Musée National du Château et des Trianons, Versailles 56231857Morris Hunt, 1857 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 2000.1220 56241857Edward Wheelwright, 1857 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, 51.556251857Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, ca. 1857 (Francis Cruikshank) (1825-1881) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3953 56261857Relief of Lucknow, November 17th, during of Indian Rebellion of 1857, by Thomas Jones Barker, National Portrait Gallery, London. NPG 5851.80231857Madame Auguste Cuoq ca. 1857 by Gustave Courbet 1819-1877 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 29.100.13094451857The Daughters of Daniel T. MacFarlan 1857 by Theodore E. Pine 1827-1905 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 50.155.294461857Major Whistler ca 1857-59 by James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) Freer and Sackler Galleries F1905.62a-b Washington D.C.97151857Sientje Nijkerk-Servaas op 90-jarige leeftijd 1857 by Jozef Israels (1824-1911) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-A-285597201857134141858James Wilson, 1858 (John Watson-Gordon) (1788-1864) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2189 56271858Marcel Maszkowskiego, ca. 1858 (Jan Maszkowski) (1793-1865) Lviv Art Gallery 56281858Varvara Korsakova, 1858 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Penza Savitsky Art Gallery, Russia 56291858Eggert Christopher Tryde, Provost of Copenhagen, 1858 (Wilhelm Marstrand) (1810-1873) Location TBD 56301858Madame de Brayer, 1858 (Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.118 56311858Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. MacFarlan, 1858 (Theodore E. Pine) (1827-1905) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.155.1 56321858Henry Clay, ca. 1858 (Henry F. Darby) (1829-1897) U.S. Senate Art Collection Cat. no. 32.00002.000 56331858Robert Browning, 1858 (Michele Gordigiani) (1830-1909) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1898 56341858Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1858 (Michele Gordigiani) (1830-1909) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1899 56351858Self Portrait (James McNeill Whistler) (1834-1903) Location TBD 56361858Self-Portrait, 1858 (Edgar Degas) (1834-1917) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 56371858Alphonse Legros, 1858 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Location TBD 56381858Self-Portrait, ca. 1858 (Marià Fortuny i Marsal) (1838-1874) Museu Nacional de Art de Catalunya, 008173-000 56391858Portrait of a Woman, dated 1858, by Edouard Masson (1881 - 1950) Antiquites Bouley Villeurbanne, France.102811858Lionel de Rothschild introduced in the House of Commons, July 26th, 1858, by Henry Barraud (1811-1874), painted in 1872, The Rothschild Archive.103511858134131859Delphine Ramel, Madame Ingres, 1859 (Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Winterhur 56401859Countess Alexander Nikolaevitch Lamsdorff, 1859 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 67.187.119 56411859Self-Portrait, 1859 (Julius Huebner) (1806-1882) Location TBD56421859Charles Benvignat, 1859 (Victor-Louis Mottez) (1809-1897) Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 56431859Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard, 1859 (Victor-Louis Mottez) (1809-1897) 56441859William Ewart Gladstone, 1859 (George Frederic Watts) (1817-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1126 56451859Sir (Francis) Leopold McClintock, 1859 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 121156461859Charles Dickens, 1859 (William Powell Frith) (1819-1909) Victoria and Albert Museum, Londo n 56471859Camillo Benso Cavour di Ciseri, ca. 1859 (Antonio Ciseri) (1821-1891) Location TBD 56481859Fanny Cornforth, 1859 (Dante Gabriel Rossetti) (1828-1882) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1980.261 56491859Self-Portrait, 1859 (Henri Fantin Latour) (1836-1904) Musée de Grenoble 56501859Four Wine Tasters 1859 by an unknown American artist Museum of Fine Arts Boston 62.25892741859Louisa Anne nee Stuart Marchioness of Waterford 1859 by Francis Grant 1803-1878 National Portrait Gallery London NPG317694471859Self-Portrait 1859 by John LaFarge 1835-1910 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 34.13494481859Sir Edward Belcher 1859 by Stephen Pearce 1819-1904 National Portrait Gallery London NPG1217 97211859134121860 Massimo di Azeglio, 1860 (Francesco Hayez) (1791-1882) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 56511860A Man, ca. 1860 (Robert Walter Weir) (1803-1889) Brigham Young Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 824000075 56521860Princess Pauline Sandor de Metternich, 1860 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Location TBD56531860Princess Amelia of Bavaria, 1860 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Location TBD 56541860George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll, ca. 1860 (George Frederic Watts) (1817-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1263 56551860Sir Horatio Thomas Austin, 1860 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1218 56561860Rochfort Maguire, 1860 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1214 56571860Thomas Edward Laws Moore, 1860 (Stephen Pearce) (1819-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1215 56581860Self-Portrait, ca. 1860 (Ford Maddox Brown) (1821-1893) Location TBD56591860Self-Portrait, ca. 1860 (Jules-Élie Delaunay) (1828-1891) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes 56601860Effie Gray, The Artists Wife, ca. 1860 (John Everett Millais) (1829-1896) Location TBD56611860John Quincy Adams Ward, ca. 1860 (Henry Augustus Loop) (1831-1895) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1992.407 56621860Self-Portrait, 1860 (Bertalan Székely) (1835-1910) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest 56631860Self-Portrait, 1860 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Tate Britain, London56641860Self-Portrait, 1860 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Location TBD 56651860The Artists Mother, ca. 1860 (Marceli Maszkowski) (1837-1862) Lviv Art Gallery 56661860Jules Barbey de Aurevilly, 1860 (Carolus-Duran) (1837-1917) Location TBD 56671860Amenemhat III, 6th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca 1860-1814 B.C.E., George Ortiz Collection, Genève 73581860Amenemhat III, 6th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca 1860-1814 B.C.E., Neues Museum, Berlin (Photo: kairoinfo4u)73591860Amenemhat III, 6th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca 1860-1814 B.C.E., The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia73761860Amenemhat III, 6th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca 1860-1814 B.C.E., Musee du Louvre, Paris73771860possibly Amenemhat III, 6th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca 1860-1814 B.C.E., Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien Inv.-Nr. AE_INV_673781860Lord Palmerston addressing the House of Commons during the debates on The Treaty Of France, February, 1860, by John Philip, painted in 1863, Location TBD.80241860Olivia Buckminster Lothrop Mrs. Lewis William Tappan Jr. ca. 1860 by William Morris Hunt 1824-1879 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.45794491860May Sartoris ca. 1860 by Frederic Leighton 1830-1896 Kimbell Art Museum Fort Worth TX 1964.0394501860Indian Sardar ca 1860 by Edwin Frederick Holt (1830-1912) Sothebys Old Masters January 29-2015 Lot 39097341860Nikolai Leskov ca 1860 by Anton Zakharovich Ledakov Location TBD97391860Self-Portrait 1860 Henri Fantin-Latour (1836-1904) Location TBD97411861Sanford Robinson Gifford, 1861 (Emanuel Leutze) (1816-1861) Private Collection 56681861Ármin Vámbéry, 1861 (Mihály Kovács) (1818-1892) Dobó István Vármúzeum, Eger, Hungary 56691861Charles Suisse, ca. 1861 (Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.120 56701861Countess Karoly, 1861(Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877) Private Collection 56711861Mrs. Robert C. Winthrop (Frances Pickering Adams), 1861 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 24.339 56721861Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1861 (Silvestro Lega) (1826-1895) Location TBD56731861Self-Portrait, 1861 (Silvestro Lega) (1826-1895) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 56741861Self-Portrait, 1861 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Location TBD 56751861134111862James A. Suydam, 1862, (Daniel Huntington) (1816-1906) National Academy Museum, New York56761862Anna Watson Stuart, ca. 1862 (Daniel Huntington) (1816-1906) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 43.55.2 56771862Edith Villiers, later the Countess of Lytton, 1862 (George Frederick Watts) (1817-1904) Sothebys Sale 56781862A Man, possibly the art dealer Luquet, ca. 1862 (Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.201 56791862John Thadeus Delane, 1862 (Heinrich August Georg Schiött) (1823-1895) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1593 56801862Self-Portrait, 1862 (George Elgar Hicks) (1824-1914) Maas Gallery, London 56811862Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione, 1862 (Michele Gordigiani) (1830-1909) Location TBD 56821862Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, the artists brother, 1862 (Valeriano Dominguez Bécquer) (1833-1870) Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla 56831862Illarion Pryanishnik, ca. 1862 (Wassilij Perov) (1833-1882) Location TBD 56841862Victorine Meurent 1862 by Edouard Manet 1832-1883 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 29.100.5394511862Symphony in White No. 1 James ca. 1862 by McNeill Whistler 1834-1903 Location TBD94521862Grand Duchess Aleksandra Petrovna of Russia nee Princess of Oldenburg ca 1862 by Carl Timoleon von Neff Location TBD97331862134101863Napoléon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte, ca. 1863 (Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin) (1806-1864) Location TBD 56851863Self-Portrait, ca. 1863 (Constant Dutilleux) (1807-1865) Musée des beaux-arts de Arras56861863Maharani Jind Kaur, wife of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, 1863 (George Richmond) (1809-1896) Location TBD 56871863A Man, 1863 (Charles Loring Elliot) (1812-1868) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, M.81.30 56881863Orestes A. Brownson, 1863 (George Peter Alexander Healy) (1813-1894) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 95.1368 56891863Mrs. William Loring Andrews, ca. 1861-1863 (George Augustus Baker, Jr.) (1821-1880) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 40.144 56901863Self-Portrait, 1863 (Eastman Johnson) (1824-1906) Art Institute of Chicago, IL, 1924.126 56911863Fortuné de Vergès, 1863 (Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry) (1828-1886) Sothebys Sale 56921863Self-Portrait with Franz von Lenbach, 1863 (Hans von Marées) (1837-1887) Neue Pinakothek, München 56931863Self-Portrait, 1863 (Henri Regnault) (1843-1871) Cleveland Museum of Art, 1980.279 56941863Self-Portrait, 1863 (Frank Holl) (1845-1888) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 2531 56951863The landing of Princess Alexandra at Gravesend, spouse of future Edward VII, March 7th, 1863 by Henry Nelson O'Neil (1817-1880) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, BHC1257.80251863Manets Brother as Majo 1863 by Edouard Manet 1832-1883 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 29.100.5494531863Adelina Patti 1863 by Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-1873) Location TBD97251863Grandmother and Child 1863 by Julius Scholtz (1825-1893) Galerie Neue Meister Dresden97321863134091864Self-Portrait, 1864 (Jean August Dominique Ingres) (1780-1867) Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen 56961864Empress Eugenie of France, 1864 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Château de Compiègne56971864Maximilian I, 1864 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) Location TBD56981864Alexandra of Denmark, Princess of Wales, 1864 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) The Royal Collection, London, RCIN 402351 56991864Princess Alexandrovna Sophia Radzivil, 1864 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) (1805-1873) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 57001864Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1864 (George Frederick Watts) (1817-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 101557011864Dr. Leclenche 1864 by Claude Monet 1840-1926 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 51.3294541864Giovan BAttista Niccolini 1864 by Stefano Ussi (1822-1901) Location TBD97311864134081865Self-Portrait, ca. 1865 (Robert Walter Weir) (1803-1889) Brigham Young Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 824000066 57021865Gauthier, 1865 (Jean-François Millet) (1814-1875) Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 57031865Pierre Joseph Proudhon, 1864 (Gustave Courbet) (1819-1877) Location TBD57041865Self-Portrait, ca. 1865 (Aleksander Raczynski) (1822-1889) Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine 57051865A Woman, ca. 1865 (Edgar Degas) (1834-1917) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 57.171 59391865Edmondo and Thérèse Morbilli, the artists sister, ca. 1865 (Edgar Degas) (1834-1917) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 31.33 59401865Self-Portrait, ca. 1865 (James Jacques Joseph Tissot) (1836-1902) Legion of Honor, San Francisco 59411865Madame Gaye, 1865 (Mariano Fortuny Marsal) (1838-1874) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 89.2260261865Colonel Howard Jenks, 1865 (Pierre August Renoir) (1841-1919) Sothebys Auction House, January 6-16, 2014, Hong Kong, Lot 4 60271865D. Pasqual Rubio, 1865 (Francisco Domingo Marquez) (1842-1920) Location TBD 60281865Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 1865 (Unknown Artist) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 60291865Giuseppe Abbati 1865 by Giovanni Boldini 1842-1931 Location TBD90931865Amory Sibley Carhart ca. 1865 by Thomas Le Clear 1818-1882 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 64.220.394551865Charles McNeill Whistler 1865 by Henri Fantin-Latour (1836-1904) Freer and Sackler Galleries Washington D.C. F1906.276a-b97291865Proudhon and his Children 1865 by Gustave Courbet (1819-1877) Petit Palais Paris97401865134071866Robert Browning, 1866 (George Frederick Watts) (1817-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1001 60301866Captain William Madigan, ca. 1866 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) Brigham Young Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 830000800 60311866Self-Portrait, 1866 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 60321866A Woman, ca. 1866 (Giovanni Fattori) (1825-1908) Gonelli Casa de Aste Auction House, Firenze60331866A Child, 1866 (Ludwig Knaus) (1829-1910) Düsseldorfer Auktionshaus 60341866Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert as Monk, 1866 (Paul Cézanne) (1839-1906) M The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1993.400.1 60451866The Collector of Prints, 1866 (Edgar Degas) (1834-1917) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.4460431866Self-Portrait, 1866 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Manchester Art Gallery, UK, 1919.8 60441866Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert, 1866 (Paul Cézanne) (1839-1906) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 53.140.1 60461866Self-Portrait, ca. 1865-1866 (Frédéric Bazille) (1841-1870) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1962.336 60471866A Young Lady 1866 by Edouard Manet 1832-1883 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 89.21.394561866Marquise de Miramon Jacques ca. 1866 by Joseph Tissot 1836-1902 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 2007.794571866Camille 1866 by Claude Monet (1840-1926) Kunsthalle Bremen97281866Dinah ca 1866-1869 by Eastman Johnson (1824-1906) Private Collection97301866John August Sutter 1866 by Frank Buchser 1828-1890 Kunstmuseum Solothurn97361866John William Colenso 1866 by Samuel Sidley National Portrait Gallery London 108097381866134061867Empress Elizabeth of Austria, 1867 (George Martin Ignaz Raab) (1821-1885) Hofburg Palace, Wien 60481867A Woman, 1867 (Alfred Stevens) (1823-1906) Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen 60491867Lt. Huntington Frothingham Wolcott, 1867 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 67.76 60551867Self-Portrait, 1867 (William Holman Hunt) (1827-1910) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 60561867Edouard Manet, ca. 1867 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL60571867Marie-Yolande de Fitz-James, 1867 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH60581867Self-Portrait, 1867 (Artur Grottger) (1837-1867) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 60591867Self-Portrait, 1867 (Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 60601867Claude Monet, 1867 (Carolus-Duran) (1837-1917) Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris60611867A Young Man, ca. 1867 (Giovanni Boldini) (1842-1931) Location TBD 60621867The execution of Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico, June 19th, 1867, by Edouard Manet (1832-1883), painted in 1868, Kunsthalle Mannheim.80261867Coronation of Franz Joseph and Elisabeth as King and Queen of Hungary, June 8th, 1867, by Eduard van Engerth (1818-1897) and Edmund Tull (1870-1911), Location TBD.80271867Cayetano Sanz y Pozas 1867 by Edouard Manet 1832-1883 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 29.100.5294581867James-Jacques-Joseph Tissot 1867-1868 by Edgar Degas 1834-1917 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 39.16194601867134051868Samuel Wilberforce, 1868 (George Richmond) (1809-1896) Royal Academy of Arts, UK 60631868Niels Lauritz Hoyen, 1867 (Wilhelm Marstrand) (1810-1873) Statens Museum for Kunst, København60661868Empress Elizabeth of Austria, 1868 (George Martin Ignaz Raab) (1821-1885) Lviv Art Gallery 60671868Charles Garnier, 1868 (Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry) (1828-1886) Musée de Orsay, Paris 60681868Vanessa, 1868 (John Everett Millais) (1829-1896) Location TBD60691868Mary Cadwalader Rawle, ca. 1868 (William Oliver Stone) (1830-1875) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 53.144 60701868Joseph-Henri Altès, ca. 1868 (Edgar Degas) (1834-1917) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.181 60711868A Man, ca. 1868 (Fritz Paulson) (1838-1898) Cream Gallery, Fullerton CA 60721868A Woman, ca. 1868 (Pierre August Renoir) (1841-1919) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin 60731868Penelope ca. 1868 by Charles-Francois Marchal 1825-1877 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 17.138.294591868The Morning Paper 1868 by Julian Alden Weir 1841-1926 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 60.7294611868Johannes Luden 1868 by August Allebe (1838-1927) Teylers Musueum Haarlem97351868John Means 1868 by Joseph Oriel Eaton Huntington Museum of Art West Viginia97371868134041869Charles Fox, 1868 (George Peter Alexander Healy) (1813-1894) The Huntington Museum, CA 60741869A Bashi Bazouk, ca. 1869 (Jean-Léon Gérôme) (1824-1904) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 60751869A Bashi Bazouk, ca. 1869 (Jean-Léon Gérôme) (1824-1904) Private Collection 60761869A Tuscan Girl, 1869 (William Holman Hunt) (1827-1910) Sothebys Auction House, December 4, 2013, Lot 49 60771869V. V. Beszonov, 1869 (Wassilij Perov) (1833-1882) Location TBD60781869Anthony Valabregue, 1869 (Paul Cezanne) (1839-1906) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 60791869Léonard Renoir, 1869 (Pierre-August Renoir) (1841-1919) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 37:1933 60801869Carl Heinrich Spitzner, ca. 1869 (Henry Mosler) (1841-1920) Princeton Universtoy Art Museum, NJ y1977-22 60811869Carmelita Requena, 1869 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1979.135.2 60821869William Gurley Munson, ca. 1869 (William Merritt Chase ) (1849-1916) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 57.101 60831869The Last Spike is Driven Home, completing the Transcontinental Railroad, Promontory, Utah, May 10th, 1869, by Thomas Hill, painted in 1881.80281869Mary Donegan ca. 1869 by Giovanni Boldini 1842-1931 Location TBD94621869Aleksei Pisemsky 1869 by Vasily Perov (1833-1882) BG Gallery97261869Alexander Dargomyzhsky 1869 by Konstantin Makovsky (1839-1915) Tretyakov Gallery Moscow97271869James McNeil Whistler on the Thames 1869 by Walter Greaves 1846-1930 WESCHLER'S AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS Rockville MD
Sale #1504 - Capital Collections Estate Auction
LOT 189
MARCH 2nd 2018
102431869134031870A Woman, 1868-1870 (Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot) (1796-1875) Musée du Louvre R.F. 2040 60841870A Woman, ca. 1870 (Jean Baptiste Camille Corot) (1796-1875) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1922.410 60851870Louise Josephine Eugenie of Sweden, future Queen consort of Denmark, ca. 1870 (Amalia Lindegren) (1814-1891) Location TBD 60901870Sir Charles Halle, ca. 1870 (George Frederick Watts) (1817-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1004 60911870John David Jenkins, ca. 1870 (William Holman Hunt) (1827-1910) Jesus College, Oxford, UK 60921870A Young Girl with a Bow, ca. 1870 (Jean-Jacques Henner) (1829-1905) Private Collection 60931870M. Kostomarov, ca. 1870 (Nikolai Ge) (1831-1894) Lviv Art Gallery 60941870Anton G. Rubinstein, 1870 (Wassily Perov) (1833-1882) Location TBD 60951870Albertie-Marguerite Carré, ca. 1870 (Berthe Morisot) (1841-1895) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2003.20.8 60961870Breton Fishermen and Their Families ca. 1870 by Augustin-Theodule Ribot 1823-1891 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 47.187.73692761870Frederick Gustavus Burnaby ca. 1870 by James Jacques Tissot Location TBD94631870A Musketeer ca. 1870 by Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 1815-1891 Hermitage St. Petersburg94641870A Young Woman leaning on a prie-Dieu, 1870 by Eugene Thirion (1839-1910) chez Osenat, Fontainebleau, April 1st, 2018, Lot 159. 102891870George Sand, ca. 1870, French School, Chez Osenat, Fontainebleau April 1st, 2018, Lot 170. 102881870Captured French Napoleon III with Otto von Bismarck after defeat at the Battle of Sedan September 2nd, 1870, by Wilhelm Camphausen (1818-1885), painted in 1878.104081870134021871Stephanie Bousset, 1871 (Jules-Élie Delaunay) (1828-1891) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes 60971871Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, 1870 (Wassily Perov) (1833-1882) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow60981871Gustave Boyer, ca. 1870-1871 (Paul Cézanne) (1839-1906) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 60991871Marie-Octavie-Stéphanie Laurens, 1871 (Auguste Renoir) (1841-1919) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 51.200 61001871Mathilde Therese Pannwitz Spitzner, 1871 (Henry Mosler) (1841-1920) Princeton University Art Museum y1977-2361011871Guurtje van de Stadt, 1871 (Claude Monet) (1840-1926) Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo 62291871Proclamation of Wilhelm I as German Emperor in the Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, January 18th, 1871 by Anton von Werner (1843-1915), Bismarck Museum, (3rd version 1885).80291871Arrangement in Grey and Black ca. 1871 by James McNeill Whistler 1834-1903 Location TBD94651871A Man 1871 by Carolus Duran (1838-1917) Private Collection 97501871134011872Judge John Lowell, 1872 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) Harvard University Portrait Collection, Cambridge, MA 61031872Self-Portrait, 1872 (Arnold Böcklin) (1827-1901) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin, A I 63361041872Herbert Spencer, 1872 (John Bagnold Burgess) (1829-1897) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1358 61051872Berthe Morisot, 1872 (Édouard Manet) (1832-1883) Musée d'Orsay, Paris 61061872Fyodor Dostoevsky, 1872 (Wassilij Perow) (1833-1882) Location TBD 61071872Appollon Maykov, 1872 (Wassily Perov) (1833-1882) Location TBD 61081872Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin, 1872 (Wassily Perov) (1833-1882) Location TBD 61151872Sergey Aksakov, 1872 (Wassily Perov) (1833-1882) Location TBD61231872A Woman, 1872 (James-Jacques-Joseph Tissot) (1836-1902) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1998.170 61241872Marquesa de Manzanedo ca. 1872 by Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 1815-1891 Prado Museum Madrid94661872A Bohemian Serb 1872 by Charles Landelle (1821-1908) Musee des Beaux-Arts de Nantes97431872Pedro II speaking at the opening of the General Assembly 1872 painted by Pedro Americao (1843-1903) Imperial Museum of Brazil97531872The Convalescent ca. 1872-1887 by Edgar Degas (1834-1917) J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 2002.5797561872 A Woman, 1872, by Armand Laroche (1826-1903) Dubinin's Antiques & Atelier Riga Latvia. 102561872134001873Charles Sumner, 1873 (Walter Ingalls) (1805-1874) The U.S. Senate Art Collection 61251873John Stuart Mill, 1873 (replica) (George Frederick Watts) (1817-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1009 61261873Self-Portrait, 1873 (Anselm Feuerbach) (1829-1880) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin Room, 2.05 61271873Alsatian Girl, 1873 (Jean-Jacques Henner) (1829-1905) National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 61281873Marguerite de Conflans, 1873 (Edouard Manet) (1832-1883) Sammlung Oskar Reinhart am Römerholz, Winterhur61291873A Gypsy Boy, 1873 (Franz Defregger) (1835-1921) Location TBD 61301873Leo Tolstoy, 1873 (Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 61311873A Lady, 1873 (Frank Duveneck) (1848-1919) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 66.19 61321873Self-Portrait, 1873 (Viktor Vasnetsov) (1848-1926) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 61331873A Man, 1873 (Wilhelm Trübner) (1851-1917) Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover 61341873A Man, 1873 (Wilhelm Trübner) (1851-1917) Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg 61351873A Boy "The Little Seminary", 1873 (Antonio Mancini) (1852-1930) Private Collection 61361873New Orleans Cotton Exchange 1873 by Edgar Degas 1834-1917 Location TBD92751873Ivan Shishkin ca. 1873 by Ivan Kramskoi 1837-1887 Location TBD94671873Camille Monet 1873 by Claude Monet 1840-1926 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 2002.62.194681873Lawrence Alma-Tadema This is our corner 1873 oil on wood Van Gogh Museum97471873133991874Carlo Pellegrini, 1874 (Sir Henry Thompson, 1st Bt) (1820-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3947 61371874Antonio Leocadio Guzman, 1874 (Martín Tovar y Tovar) (1827-1902) Location TBD 61381874Ernest Legouvé, 1874 (Jules-Élie Delaunay) (1828-1891) Musée de Orsay, Paris61391874Self-Portrait, 1874 (Peter Nicolai Arbo) (1831-1892) Location TBD 61401874Sarah Bernhardt, ca. 1874 (Gustave Doré) (1832-1883) Location TBD 61411874Miss Edith Crowe, ca. 1874 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA 61421874Self-Portrait, 1874 (Hans von Marées) (1837-1887) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Room 2.02 61431874An Ecclesiastic, ca. 1874 (Marià Fortuny) (1838-1874) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD, 37.150 61441874Madame Marie Clerc, 1874 (Charles Emile August Carolus-Duran) (1838-1917) Christies Sale 2547 Lot 58 61451874Grand Duchess Maria Fiodorovna, 1874 (Heinrich von Angeli) (1840-1825) The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg 61461874A Young Woman, 1874 (Abraham Archibald Anderson) (1847-1940) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1942.890 61471874Francisco Pradilla 1874 by Alejandro Ferrant y Fischermans Prado Museo Madrid97451874Marcelina Czartoryska 1874 by Jan Matejko (1838-1893) Museum Narodowe w Krakowie97511874Mrs. Jane Brand, 1874, by Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys (1829-1904) Sotheby's London, July 4, 2024, Lot 15.105261874133981875A Young Woman, 1875 (William Powell Frith) (1819-1909) Bonhams Auction House 61481875John F. Kensett, 1875 (George Augustus Baker, Jr.) (1821-1880) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 81.13 61491875Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria at 16 years old, 1875 (George Martin Ignaz Raab) (1821-1885) Location TBD 61501875Charles Sumner, ca. 1875 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 25.182 61511875Leon Gambetta, 1875 (Alphonse Legros) (1837-1911) Location TBD 61521875Claude Monet, 1875 (Pierre August Renoir) (1841-1919) Musée d'Orsay, Paris 61531875Federico de Madrazo, 1875 (Raimundo de Madrazo) (1841-1920) Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, 05/167 61541875A Banya Merchant from Mumbai, ca. 1875 (Vasily Vereshchagin) (1842-1904) Location TBD 61551875Self-Portrait, 1875 (Jules Bastien-Lepage) (1848-1884) Location TBD 61561875A French Country Girl, 1875 (Julian Alden Weir) (1852-1919) Brigham Young University Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 824000001 61571875John Singer Sargent, ca. 1875 (Neville Cain) (1855-1935) Tate Britain, London, N03993 61581875Self-Portrait, 1875 (Pierre August Renoir) (1841-1919) The Sterling and Francince Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, 1955.61162301875Victor de Choquet, ca. 1875 (Pierre August Renoir) (1841-1919) Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, MA, 1943.27462311875Leopold von Ranke 1875 copy by Adolf Jebens (1819-1888) of original by Julius Schrader (1815-1900) Markisches Museum Berlin97481875A Mother and Son 1875 by Leon Francois Comerre (1850-1916) Bonhams Auction 22294 Lot 1297521875133971876A Woman, 1876 (Thomas Couture) (1815-1879) Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY 1930-161591876William Cullen Bryan, ca. 1876 (Thomas Le Clear) (1818-1882) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.1323 61601876Wera Nikolajewna Tretjakowa, née Memontowa, 1876(Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 61611876Self Portrait, ca. 1876 (Jean Paul Laurens) (1838-1921) Location TBD 61621876Richard Creifelds, ca. 1876 (Frank Duvenek) (1848-1919) Brooklyn Museum, NY 18.4761631876Frank OMeara, 1876 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD 61641876Self-Portrait, ca. 1875-1877 (Paul Gauguin) (1848-1903) Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, MA, 1996.218 62321876Sarah Bernhardt 1876 by Georges Clairin Location TBD90941876Duchesa di Montejasi with Her Daughters Elena and Camilla ca. 1876 by Edgar Degas 1834-1917 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 2003.25092771876Henri Degas and His Niece Lucie ca. 1876 by Edgar Degas 1875-1876 by Edgar Degas 1834-1917 Art Institute of Chicago 1933.42992781876Catharine Lorillard Wolfe 1876 by Alexandre Cabanel 1823-1889 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 87.15.8294691876Alexei Potechin 1876 Nikolai Ge (1831-1894) Tretyakov Gallery Moscow97421876Ellen Terry 1876 by Sir Johnston Forbes Robertson National Portrait Gallery London NPG3789 UK97441876William Allingham 1876 by Helen Allingham (1848-1926) National Portrait Gallery London97581876133961877Bloomfield H. Moore, ca. 1877 (Adolphe Weisz) (1819-1878) Philadelphia Museum of Art 1882-210 61651877Joseph W. Drexel, 1877 (Jacob Hart Lazarus) (1822-1891) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 96.23 61661877Thomas Carlyle, 1877 (Sir John Everett Millais) (1829-1896) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 968 61671877Self-Portrait, 1877 (Jean-Jacques Henner) (1829-1905) Location TBD 61681877The Artists Sisters, 1877 (Henri Fantin Latour) (1836-1904) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon 61691877Eugène Murer, 1877 (Auguste Renoir) (1841-1919) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 2003.20.961701877William Holman Hunt, ca. 1877 (Sir William Blake Richmond) (1842-1921) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1901 61711877Self-Portrait, 1877 (Louise Janer Jopling) (1843-1933) Location TBD 61721877Arkhip Kuindzhi, 1877 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 61731877Girl Reading, 1877 (Frank Duveneck) (1848-1919) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 23.119 61741877Major Dillard H. Clark, 1877 (Frank Duveneck) (1848-1919) Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.61751877Self-Portrait, 1877 (Francesco Paolo Michetti) (1851-1929) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 94.GG.48 61761877Emily Sargent, ca. 1877 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD 61771877Frances Fanny Sherborne Ridley Watts, 1877 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1962-193-161781877Lady On A Pink Divan 1877 by Julius LeBlanc Stewart (1855-1919) Private Collection97461877Claude Antoine Charles Favre, 1877, by Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) Artcurial, Paris. 102821877Murder of Amenemhat II, third Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, ca. 1877 BCE (range=1895-1843 BCE) painted in 1913 by Winifred Brunton, from Hutchinson's Story of Nations, 1915, pg. 24.106031877133951878Miss Ida Mason, 1878 (William Morris Hunt) (1824-1879) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 32.12761791878Mary Sears, 1878 (Léon Bonnat) (1833-1922) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 30.766 61801878Alexander Litovchenko, 1878 (Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 61811878Self-Portrait, ca. 1878 (Mary Cassatt) (1844-1926) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1975.319.1 61821878Savva Ivanovich Mamontov, ca. 1878 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) Abrantcevo Museum-Reserve, Moscow Oblast 61831878Self-Portrait, ca. 1878 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) Location TBD 61841878Adolphe Franck, 1878 (Jules Bastien-Lepage) (1848-1884) Musée de Orsay, Paris61851878Rosina Ferrara, 1878 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD61861878Self-Portrait, 1878 (Émile Friant) (1863-1932) Musée de la Cour de Or, Metz 61871878Martin Tovar y Tovar, 1878 (Antonio Herrera Toro) (1857-1914) Galeria de Arte Nacional, Caracas 61891878Eugene Juillerat, 1878 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD 66631878Senusret III (Sesostris III) 5th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca.1878-1839, Luxor Museum, Egypt73731878Sesostris III as Sphinx, 5th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca.1878-1839, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, Inv AE_INV_5813 (Official Website Photo) 73741878Senusret III (Sesostris III), 5th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca.1878-1839, Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, MD 73751878A Nobleman (The Josephson Head), ca. 1878-1841 BCE (late XII Dynasty) possibly from Memphis, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, 2003.24473991878Senusret III (Sesostris III), 5th Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca.1878-1839, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 26.7.139474051878Crown Prince Frederick at the Court Ball, 1878, by Anton von Werner (1843-1915) Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin.80301878An Old Woman with Cat 1878 by Max Lieberman 1847-1935 J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles CA 87.PA.694701878The Quadroon Girl 1878 by Henry Mosler (1841-1920) Cincinnati Art Museum97571878Chief Joseph, 1878, by Cyrenius Hall (1830-1904) National Portrait Gallery, NPG.68.19105411879James Clerk Maxwell and spouse Katherine Mary Clerk Maxwell, née Dewar, ca. 1879, attributed to Jemima Blackburn (1823-1909) Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge.105101879Self-Portrait at 88 years old, ca. 1879 (Francesco Hayez) (1791-1882) Ca Pesaro, Galleria Internazionale d Arte Moderna, Venezia 61881879Self-Portrait, 1879 (Charles West Cope) (1811-1891) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 5321 61901879Tricoteuse, ca. 1879 (William Bouguereau) (1825-1905) Location TBD61911879Michael Wetli, 1879 (Frank Buchser) (1828-1890) Kunsthaus Zurich 61921879George Moore, ca. 1873-1879 (Édouard Manet) (1832-1883) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.55 61931879Self-Portrait, 1879 (Wassily Perov) (1833-1882) Location TBD61941879Victor Hugo, ca. 1879 (Leon Bonnat) (1833-1922) Location TBD 61951879Sir George Henschel, ca. 1879 (Lawrence Alma-Tadema) (1836-1912) Location TBD 61961879A Lady, 1879 (Pierre Auguste Cot) (1837-1883) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 61971879Sarah Bernhardt, 1879 (Jules Bastien-Lepage) (1848-1884) Location TBD 61981879Jeanne Samary, 1879 (Louise Abbéma) (1853-1927) Location TBD 61991879Carolus Duran, 1879 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD 62001879Madame François Buloz, 1879 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD 62011879Edward Pailleron, ca. 1879 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Musée National du Château de Versailles62021879Gitana, ca. 1879 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 10.64.10 62031879Louise Jane Jopling 1879 by Sir John Everett Millais 1st Bt (1829-1896) National Portrait Gallery London NPG661297491879Promenade hivernale 1879 Guiseppe de Nittis 1848-1884 Pinacoteca de Nittis Barletta97541879Self-Portrait 1879 by Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894) Location TBD97551879133941880Constantine Alexandre Ionides, 1880 (George Frederick Watts) (1817-1904) Victoria and Albert Museum, London 62041880Agathonike Ionides 1880 (George Frederick Watts) (1817-1904) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, CAI.1142 62091880Self-Portrait, ca. 1870-1880 (Jacob Hart Lazarus) (1822-1892) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 08.18 62101880Sanford Robinson Gifford, ca. 1880 (Eastman Johnson) (1824-1906) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 88.16 62111880Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli, 1880 (Giuseppe Bertini) (1825-1898) Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano, Inv. 1157 62121880Alfred Tennyson, ca. 1880 (Sir John Everett Millais) (1829-1896) Location TBD 62131880Jean Gigoux, 1880 (Leon Bonnat) (1833-1922) Musee de Beaux-Arts et de Archéologie de Besançon 62141880Julia Foster Ward, ca. 1880 (Jules Joseph Lefebvre) (1836-1911) Location TBD 62151880Ivan Shishkin, ca. 1880 (Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) Location TBD62161880Maria Feodorovna, Princess Dagmar of Denmark, future Empress of Russia, ca. 1880 (Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) Location TBD 62171880Aleksei Pisemsky, 1880 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 62181880Edouard Manet, ca. 1880 (Carolus-Duran) (1837-1917) Private Collection 62191880Self-Portrait, 1880 (Jules Bastien-Lepage) (1848-1884) Musée de Orsay, Paris 62201880A Woman, ca. 1880 (Édouard Joseph Dantan) (1848-1897) Location TBD 62211880Sir Henry Skirving, 1880 (Jules Bastien-Lepage) (1848-1884)National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 156062221880Alice Gerson Chase, ca. 1880 (William Merritt Chase) (1849-1916) Figge Art Museum, Davenport, Iowa 62231880A Man, ca. 1880 (William Merritt Chase) (1849-1916) Brigham Young Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 820006700 62241880A Young Woman, ca. 1880 (Julian Alden Weir) (1852-1919) Brigham Young Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 824000027 62251880Self-Portrait, 1880 (Henri Edmond Cross) (1856-1910) Private Collection 62261880Self-Portrait, 1880 (Antonio Herrera Toro) (1857-1914) Galería de Arte Nacional, Caracas 62271880Madeleine Lerolle and Her Daughter Yvonne ca1880 by Paul-Albert Besnard 1849-193491071880Ismail Pasha 1880 by Unknown Artist Location TBD97681880Savva Ivanovich Mamontov 1880 by Ilya Repin (1844-1930) Bakhrushin State Theater Museum Moscow RU97871880Self-Portrait 1880 by Odilon Redon (1840-1916) Musee d Orsay D.97-4-197881880Self-Portrait 1880 by Marie Bashkirtseff (1858-1884) Location TBD97991880The Violin Teacher ca 1880 by Federico Andreotti Glasgow Museums Scotland UK98021880Zsofia the Artists Wife 1880 by Pal Szinyei Merse Hungarian National Gallery 651198051880133931881Leland Stanford, 1880 (Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier) (1815-1891) Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA62281881Alexander Ramsay, US Secretary of War, ca. 1881 (Daniel Huntington) (1816-1906) Location TBD62381881Self-Portrait, 1881 (Francesco Saverio Altamura) (1822-1897) Location TBD 62391881Le Fille du Peintre, ca. 1881 (Charles Chaplin) (1825-1891) Location TBD 62401881William Sewell, 1881 (Barton Stone Hays) (1826-1914)Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 1999.47 62411881Eusebia Sewell, 1881 (Barton Stone Hays) (1826-1914) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 1999.46 62421881Sir Richard Owen, 1881 (William Holman Hunt) (1827-1910) Natural History Museum, London 62431881Sir Henry Thompson, 1st Baronet, 1881 (Sir John Everett Millais) (1829-1896) Tate Britain, London, N01941 62441881Marie Anker, 1881 (Albert Anker) (1831-1910) Kunstmuseum Bern 62451881Anna von Dervis, 1881 (Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine 62461881Albert Cahen de Anvers, 1881 (Pierre-August Renoir) (1841-1919) J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA 88.PA.13362471881Self-Portrait, 1881 (Mihály Munkácsy) (1844-1900) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest 62481881Modest Mussorgsky, 1881 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gall ery, Moscow 62491881Madame Leclanche, ca. 1881 (Giovanni Boldini) (1845-1931) Location TBD62501881Vernon Lee, 1881 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Tate Britain, London, N04787 62511881Hermann von Helmholtz 1881 by Ludwig Knaus 1829-1910 Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin91041881Lady Meux 1881 by James McNeill Whistler 1834-1903 The Frick Collection New York91061881Theodor Mommsen 1881 by Ludwig Knaus 1829 1910 Nationalgalerie Berlin A I 315 91101881A Woman from Papendecht 1881 by Julian Alden Weir 1852-1919 Brigham Young Museum of Art Inv 82400003891121881Jeanna Bauck 1881 by Bertha Wegman (1846-1926) Nationalmuseum Stockholm97701881Princess Maria Lubomirska 1881 by Henryk Siemiradzki (1843-1902) Location TBD97801881P. A. J. Dagnan-Bouveret 1881 by Albert Edelfelt Location TBD97811881Richard Gallo 1881 by Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894) Nelson-Atkins Museum 97831881The Student 1881 by Nikolai Yaroshenko (1846-1898) Tretrakov Gallery Moscow98011881A Woman and Girl Driving 1881 by Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) Philadelphia Museum of Art PA 98041881133921882A Woman from Egypt, ca. 1882 (Jean-Léon Gérôme) (1824-1904) Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawła II, Warszawa62521882Samuel W. Rouse, ca. 1882 (Eastman Johnson) (1824-1906) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, 1973.236 62531882Jules Barbey de Aurevilly, 1882 (Emile Levy) (1826-1890) Location TBD 62541882Leopold Ullstein, 1882 (Oscar Begas) (1828-1883) Location TBD 62611882Self-Portrait, 1882 (George Dunlop Leslie) (1835-1921) Aberdeen Art Museum & Galleries, Scotland 62621882Charity School Girl, 1882(George Dunlop Leslie) (1835-1921) City of Westminster Archives Center, London 62631882Charlotte Dubourg, ca. 1882 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Musée de Orsay, Paris62641882Madame Leon Maitre, 1882 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Brooklyn Museum, NY 06.6962651882Madame Lerolle, 1882 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Cleveland Museum of Art, OH 62661882La Japonaise, ca. 1882 (Jules Joseph Lefebvre) (1836-1911) Location TBD62671882Self-Portrait, 1882 (John Pettie) (1839-1893) Location TBD 62681882Arthur Graf Berchtold, 1882 (Eugene de Blaas) (1843-1932) Location TBD 62691882Benjamin Eakins, the artist's father, aka The Writing Master, ca. 1882 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 17.173 62701882Afanasievich Fet, 1882 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 62711882Ivan Kramskoi, 1882 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 62721882A Woman on a Sofa, 1882 (Gustave Caillebotte) (1848-1894) Seattle Art Museum, WA 91.12 62731882Henrietta Montalba, 1882 (Princess Louise of Argyll) (1848-1939) National Gallery of Canada, no. 144 62741882Charles Stuart Forbes, ca. 1882 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) The Huntington, San Marino CA 62751882Friedrich Nietzsche, ca. 1882 (Unknown Artist) Location TBD 62761882Portrait of Young Man, 1882, by Leon Comerre (1850-1916) VILLA NUOVA FINE ARTS, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA.102741882An Italian Woman with a Fan 1882 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Cincinatti Art Museum91051882William Merritt Chase 1882 by James Carroll Beckwith Indianapolis Museum of Art 10.8 91111882Daughters of Edward Darley Boit 1882 John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Museum of Fine Arts Boston91761882An Armenian Woman 1882 by Frederick Arthur Bridgman 1847-1928 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1977.71994721882A Woman 1882 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 32.15494731882James Prescott Joule 1882 by John Collier (1850-1834) Location TBD97691882Leo Tolstoy 1882 by Nikolai Ge (1831-1894) Tretyakov Gallery Moscow97731882Self-Portrait 1882 by Edvard Munch (1863-1944) Munch Museum M104997891882Poprishchin 1882 by Ilya Repin 1844-1830 Kyiv National Picture Gallery103021882Albert de Belleroche by John Singer Sargent ca. 1882 Private Collection100571882133911883Archbishop Gabriel Aivazyan, brother of the artist, 1883 (Ivan Aivazovsky) (1817-1900) National Art Gallery of Feodosiya, Ukraine 62771883Mathilde Begas, 1883 (Oscar Begas) (1828-1883) Begas Haus, Museum für Kunst und Regionalgeschichte Heinsberg62781883Fanny Guiard, née Goüin, 1883 (Jules-Élie Delaunay) (1828-1891) Musée des beaux-arts de Nantes 62791883Napoleon Lockett, 1883 (Nicola Marschall) (1829-1917) Neal Auction Company, New Orleans, LA 62801883Self-Portrait, 1883 (John Brett) (1830-1902) Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland 62811883Jean-Baptiste Faure, ca. 1883 (Édouard Manet) (1832-1883) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 59.129 62821883Anna Alma-Tadema, daughter of the artist, 1883 (Lawrence Alma-Tadema) (1836-1912) Royal Academy of Arts, London 62831883A Young Woman, ca. 1883 (Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) Location TBD 62841883Aline Charigot, 1883 (Auguste Renoir) (1841-1919) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.125 62851883Illarion Mikhailovich Pryanishikov, 1883 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 62861883Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov, 1883 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 62871883Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, 1883 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 62881883A Girl, 1883 (Nikolai Yaroshenko) (1846-1899) Location TBD62891883Dudley Williams, 1883 (Sir Hubert von Herkomer) (1849-1914) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 10.26962901883Marion Collier (née Huxley), ca. 1883 (John Collier) (1850-1934) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 6032 62911883Gaines Ruger Donoho, 1883 (John Lavery) (1856-1941) Location TBD 62921883A Girl, "The Umbrella" 1883 (Marie Bashkirtseff) (1858-1884) The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg62931883Self-Portrait, ca. 1883 (George Hendrik Breitner) (1857-1923) Dordrechts Museum 62941883Nils Kreuger, 1883 (Richard Bergh) (1858-1919) Statens Museum for Kunst, København 62951883John Collier, ca. 1883 (Marie Collier nee Huxley) (1859-1887) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 681162961883Mme. Petitjean, 1883 (Emile Friant) (1863-1932) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy62971883Self-Portrait as Flamenquero, 1883 (Ramon Casas i Carbó) (1866-1932) Location TBD 62981883Anna on the Balcony of Duveneks Studio 1883 by Julian Alden Weir BYU Museum of Art Inv 824000037 90961883Henry L. Fry 1883 by Kenyon Cox Cincinnati Art Museum 91031883Theodore Duret ca. 1883 by James McNeill Whistler 1834-1903 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 13.2094741883A Lady ca. 1883 by James McNeill Whistler 1834-1903 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 06.31294751883Miss Dora Wheeler 1883 by William Merritt Chase 1849-1916 Location TBD94761883Frederick Douglass 1883 by Sarah J Eddy Frederick Douglass National Historic Site97631883Painter Nils Kreuger 1883 by Richard Bergh (1858-1919) SMK97791883133901884Self-Portrait, 1884 (William Powell Frith) (1819-1909) Sothebys Sale 62991884The Artists Wife, ca. 1883 (Thomas Hicks) (1823-1890) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 17.67 63001884Self-Portrait, 1884 (Thomas Waterman Wood) (1823-1903) T.W. Wood Gallery and Arts Center, Montpelier, VT 63011884Self-Portrait, 1884 (John Bagnold Burgess) (1829-1897) Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland 63021884Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin at 29 years old, ca. 1884 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1972.145.263031884Tatjana a Mamontowa, 1884 (Victor Vasnetsov) (1848-1926) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 63041884A Woman, ca. 1879-1884 (Susan McDowell Eakins) (1851-1938) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1995.27 63051884 Musician, 1884 (Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret) (1852-1929) Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD, 37.28 63061884A Man, probably Antonius van Rooij, 1884 (Vincent van Gogh) (1853-1890) Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 63071884Edith Russell, Lady Playfair, 1884 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 33.53063081884A Man, 1884 (Lovis Corinth) (1858-1925) Sothebys Sale, 19th Century European Paintings, London, May 21, 2015 63091884Walter Griffin, 1884 (Dennis Miller Bunker) (1861-1890) Location TBD 63101884Madame Janet Monach Patey, 1884 (James Jebusa Shannon) (1862-1923) Tate Britain, N0426363111884Claude Debussy, 1884 (Marcel Baschet) (1862-1941) Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris 63121884Madame Pierre Gautreau Madame X 1884 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 16.5394771884Bret Harte 1884 by John Pettie (1839-1893) Location TBD97601884Gustave Courtois 1884 by Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret (1852-1929) Musee des Beaux-Arts de Besancon97671884Mademoiselle Suzanne Poirson 1884 by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) Private Collection Christies 2 December 200997741884Nadezhda Stasova, 1884, by Ilya Repin (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.105191884133891885Self-Portrait, 1885 (Antonio Ciseri) (1821-1891) Location TBD 63131885Self-Portrait, 1885 (Arnold Böcklin) (1827-1901) Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin 63141885A Young Woman, ca. 1885 (Edgar Degas) (1834-1917) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 29.100.183 63151885Vladimir Solovyov, 1885 (Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) Location TBD 63161885Self-Portrait, ca. 1885 (Anton Mauve) (1838-1888) Gemeentemuseum Den Haag 63171885William Morris, ca. 1885 (Sir William Blake Richmond) (1842-1921) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1938 63181885Self-Portrait, 1885 (Anton von Werner) (1843-1915) Location TBD 63191885A Woman, ca. 1885 (Mihály Munkácsy) (1844-1900) Private Collection 63201885A Lady at the Tea Table, 1885 (Mary Cassatt) (1844-1926) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 23.101 63211885Dimitry Mendeleev, 1885 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 63221885Vasily Surikov, ca. 1885 (Ilja Repin) (1844-1930) Location TBD 63231885Germain Pelouse, ca. 1885 (Fernand Cormon) (1845-1824) Location TBD 63241885Ella Brooks Carter, (Mrs. Charles Warren-Cram), 1885 (Giovanni Boldini) (1845-1931) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 59.78 63251885Japetus Steenstrup, 1885 (August Jerndorff) (1846-1906) Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød 63261885Alexander Moseley, ca. 1880’s (Frederick Porter Vinton) (1846-1911) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 00.373 63271885A Woman, "Meditation", 1885 (William Meritt Chase) (1849-1916) Location TBD 63281885A Woman, 1885 (Paul-Albert Besnard) (1849-1934) Location TBD 63291885Robert Walter Weir, ca. 1885 (Julian Alden Weir) (1852-1919) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, M.72.104.1 63301885Mrs. Robert Walter Weir, ca. 1885 (Julian Alden Weir) (1852-1919) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, M.72.104.263311885A Man, ca. 1885 (Julian Alden Weir) (1852-1919) Brigham Young Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 824000004 63321885The Artists Wife and daughter Suzanne, 1885 (Carl Larsson) (1853-1919) Nationalmuseum Stockholm63331885Thyra von Danemark with her daughter Olga, 1885 (Lauritz Tuxen) (1853-1919) State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 63341885Self-Portrait, 1885 (Ellen Day Hale) (1855-1940) Museum of Fine Arts Boston, MA 1986.64563351885A Woman, 1885 (William J. Forsyth) (1854-1935) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 20.194 63361885Mathilde Laetitia Wilhelmine Bonaparte, ca. 1885 (Henri Lucien Doucet) (1856-1895) Location TBD 63371885A Girl, ca. 1885 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, ME 63381885Elizabeth Crombie Duthie of Ruthrieston, 1885 (James Coutts Michie) (1859-1919) Location TBD63391885Lisen Lamm, 1885 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Uppsala Auktionskammare, Sweden 63401885Self-Portrait, ca. 1885 (Felix Vallotton) (1865-1925) Location TBD 63411885Aline Mason ca1885 by Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta 1841-1920 Museo Carmen Thyssen CTB.1998.7790951885Arsene Vigeant 1885 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Metz Museum No 3090971885Gustave Courtois in his Studio by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret 1852-1929 Sothebys91771885Marquise dHervey Saint Denys ca. 1885 by Raimundo Madrazo 1841-1920 Location TBD94781885James Abbott McNeil Whistler 1885 by William Merritt Chase 1849-1916 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 18.22.294791885Anna 1885 by Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939) Bukowskis Auction97591885Marguerite Garnier The Artists Wife 1885 by Edouard Debat-Ponsan Debat-Ponsan Musee d Orsay RF 1972 4097771885Reverie ca 1885 by Charles Joshua Chaplin (1825-1891) National Museum of Fine Arts Buenos Aires97821885Robert Nicholas Fowler 1st Bt 1885 by Frank Holl (1845-1888) Christies Auction97841885Rudolf Hapsburg 1885 by Heinrich von Angeli (1840-1925) Location TBD97851885Sarah Bernhardt 1885 by Alfred Stevens (1823-1906) Hammer Museum Los Angeles97861885Self-Portrait ca. 1885 by Alfred Philippe Roll (1846-1919) Location TBD97941885Self-Portrait ca. 1885 by Eastman Johnson (1824-1906) Museum of Fine Arts Boston97951885133881886Self-Portrait, ca. 1886 (William Bouguereau) (1825-1905) Location TBD63471886A Woman, ca. 1886 (Hannah Brown Skeele) (1829-1901) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 114:197663511886Colonel Guilford Wiley Wells, ca. 1886 (Albert Jenks) (1830-1901) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, 28.18.1 63521886Mrs. Guilford Wiley Wells, ca. 1886 (Albert Jenks) (1830-1901) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, 28.18.2 63531886Maria Gabayeva, 1886 (Nikolai Ge) (1831-1894) Location TBD 63541886Alexandre Dumas, fils, ca. 1886 (Leon Bonnat) (1833-1922) Location TBD 63551886Léon Maître, 1886 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA 63561886Giovanni Morelli, 1886 (Franz von Lenbach) (1836-1904) Museo dell’Accademia Carrara, Bergamo 63761886Alexander III, Tsar of Russia, 1886 (Ivan Kramskoi) (1837-1887) Location TBD 63771886Guiseppe Verdi, ca. 1886 (Giovanni Boldini) (1842-1931) Galleria Nazionale d Arte Moderna 63781886Grigoriy Myasoyedov, 1886 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 63791886Mitrofan Petrovich Balyayev, 1888 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 63801886A Gypsy Woman, 1886 (Nikolai Yaroshenko) (1846-1899) Locaton TBD 63811886J. C. Jacobsen, 1886 (August Jerndorff) (1846-1906) Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød 63821886A Young Woman preparing flowers, 1886 (Édouard Debat-Ponsan) (1847-1913) Location TBD 63861886Woman from Brittany, 1886 (Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan-Bouveret) (1852-1929) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 1922.44263871886Self-Portrait, 1886 (Vincent van Gogh) (1853-1890) Van Gogh Musuem, Amsterdam 63881886Self-Portrait, 1886 (Frederick McCubbin) (1855-1917) Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 63891886Self-Portrait, 1886 (Julius LeBlanc Stewart) (1855-1919) Location TBD 63901886Self-Portrait, 1886 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD 63911886Edmund Gosse, 1886 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) National Portrait Gallery, London 63921886Old Willie, 1886 (James Guthrie) (1859-1930) Glasgow City Council 63931886Ernest Cassel, ca. 1886 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 63941886Vincent van Gogh, 1886 (John Peter Russell) (1858-1930) Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 63951886A Man, ca. 1886 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 63961886Marguerite van Mons, 1886 (Théo van Rysselberghe) (1862-1926) Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 1979-C 63971886Unveiling The Statue of Liberty, 1886 by Edward Moran (1829-1901), painted in 1886, Museum of the City of New York.80311886Frances Frew Wade aka Mrs. Cecil Wade 1886 by John Singer Sargent 1556-1925 Nelson Atkins Museum Topeka KS F86-2391021886Adolf Nordenskiold exploring the Arctic 1886 by Georg von Rosen 1843-1923 Location TBD94801886Dmitri Mendeleev 1886 by Nikolai Yaroshenko (1846-1898) Museum Archive of D Mendeleev St Petersburg State University97611886Gabriel de Yturri 1886 by Antonio de La Gandara (1861-1917) Location TBD97641886Self Portrait 1886-7 by Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) Van Gogh Museum98001886133871887Elizabeth Allen Marquand, 1887 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Princeton University Museum of Art, NJ y1977-77 64191887Mrs. Charles E. Inches (Louise Pomeroy), 1887 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Museum of Fine Art, Boston, MA 1991.926 64201887General Émile Henry Mellinet, 1887 (Jules-Élie Delaunay) (1828-1891) Musée Dobrée, Nantes 63981887Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1887 (George Dunlop Leslie) (1835-1926) and (James Hayllar) (1829-1920) Wallingford Town Hall, Oxfordshire 63991887Jean Lucien Adolphe Julien, 1887 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) Musée d Orsay, Paris64001887Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov, 1887 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 64011887Leo Tolstoy, 1887 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 64021887Sophie Menter, 1887(Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 64031887Kate Field, ca. 1887 (Francis Davis Millet) (1846-1912) Location TBD 64041887Self-Portrait, 1887 (Eugène Carrière) (1849-1906) Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent 64051887A Girl "Angel", 1887 (Abbott Handerson Thayer) (1849-1921) Smithsonian American Art Museum, 1929.6.11264061887A Girl from Brittany, ca. 1887 (Pascal Dagnan Bouveret) (1852-1929) The Fred and Sherry Ross Collection, United States 64071887Woman from Bern, ca. 1887 (Pascal Dagnan Bouveret) (1852-1929) Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA 64081887Fanny Travis Cochran, 1887 (Cecilia Beaux) (1855-1942) Location TBD 64091887Vittore Grubicy, 1887 (Giovanni Segantini) (1858-1899) Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig 64211887François Nardi, 1887 (Lovis Corinth) (1858-1925) Private Collection 64221887Alice Miller, ca. 1887 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 64231887Emma Zorn, ca. 1887 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 64241887A Lady, possibly Mrs. Black or Mrs. Turner, Oct. 21 1887 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Christies Sale 2547 Lot 50 64251887Stéphane Mallarmé, 1887 (François Nardi) (1861-1936) Location TBD64261887A Young Girl from Nancy, 1887 (Émile Friant) (1863-1932) Musée des beaux-arts de Nancy 64461887Self-Portrait, 1887 (Émile Friant) (1863-1932) Location TBD 64471887Albert (René) Grenier, 1887 (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec) (1864-1901) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1979.135.14 64481887A Girl with Peaches, ca. 1887 (Valentin Serov) (1865-1911) Location TBD 64491887Francis Brooks, 1887 (J.P. Mc L. Watters) (??-??) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1982.324 64501887The Grandmother, 1889 (Walter Gilman Page) (1862-1934) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, M.77.57 64701887Augustus Saint-Gaudens, 1908, replica after 1887 original lost in 1904 studio fire (Kenyon Cox) (1856-1919) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 67521887Marguerite Khnopff 1887 by Fernand Khnopff 1858-1921 Royal Museum of Fine Art Brussels91081887Robert Louis Stevenson 1887 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Location TBD94811887Mrs. Edward Darley Boit Mary Louis Cushing ca. 1887 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 63.268894821887Felix Jasinsky 1887 by Felix Vallotton (1865-1925) Sothebys 3 December 2013 Zurich Lot 1997621887Girl with Peaches 1887 by Valentin Serov (1865-1911) Location TBD97661887Mary Victoria Leiter Lady Curzon of Kedleston 1887 by Alex Cabanel (1823-1889) Kedleston Hall Derbyshire97781887Self-Portrait 1887 by Francisco Pradilla (1848-1921) Location TBD97901887Self-Portrait 1887 by Ilya Repin (1844-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow 1055897911887Walt Whitman ca. 1887-1888 by Thomas Eakins (1844-1916) Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Philadelphia98031887Anton Rubinstein, 1887, by Ilya Repin (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.105201887Self-Portrait, ca. 1887-1890 (Albert Edelfelt) (1854-1905) Location TBD106021887133861888Miss Van Buren, ca. 1888 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) Location TBD 64511888Margaret Greene, ca. 1888 (Abbott Handerson Thayer) (1849-1921) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 40.19 64521888Self-Portrait, 1888 (Therese Schwartze) (1851-1918) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 64531888Olga Krohg, née Lasson, 1888 (Christian Krohg) (1852-1925) Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Oslo 64541888A Young Woman with a Fan, 1888 (Henri Gervex) (1852-1929) Location TBD 64551888Alice Vanderbilt Shephard, 1888 (John Singer Sargent) (1859-1925) Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, TX 1999.20 64561888George Augustus Gardner, 1888 (Dennis Miller Bunker) (1861-1890) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 44.622 64571888A Deacon, 1888 (Andrei Ryabushkin) (1861-1904) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg64581888Two Women Twilight Confidences 1888 by Cecilia Beaux (1855-1942)COLLISART LLC, NEW YORK CITY 102401888A Woman Blue Kimono 1888 by William Merritt Chase 1849-191690981888O. V. Surikova 1888 by Vasily Surikov 1848-1916 Tretyakov Gallery Moscow91091888Elizabeth Duveneck 1888 by Frank Duveneck 1848-1919 Location TBD94831888Johann Strauss the Younger 1888 by August Eisenmenger (1830-1907) Location TBD97711888Margaret Louisa Vanderbilt 1888 by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) Location TBD97761888Self-Portrait ca. 1888 by Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940) Location TBD97961888133851889Self-Portrait, 1889 (Jean-Louis Ernest Meissonier) (1815-1891) Location TBD 64591889Benjamin Davis Wilson, 1889 (Henry Augustus Loop) (1831-1895) The Huntington, San Marino CA64601889Douglas Morgan Hall, ca. 1889 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) Location TBD 64611889Samuel Murray, 1889 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) Location TBD 64621889Mrs. Robert S. Cassatt, ca. 1889 (Mary Cassatt) (1844-1926) San Francisco Museums of Fine Art, CA 1979.3564631889A Girl, 1889 (Lilla Cabot Perry) (1848-1933) Location TBD 64641889Martha Haskins, Lady George Darwin, 1889 (Cecilia Beaux) (1855-1942) Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford, CT64651889Walt Whitman, 1889 (John White Alexander) (1856-1915) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 91.18 64661889Miss Priestly, ca. 1889 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Tate Britain, London N04465 64671889Gabriel Fauré, ca. 1889 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Musée de la Musique, Paris 64681889Coquelin Cadet, 1889 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm NM6766 64691889George Brandes, 1889 (Harald Slott-Møller) (1864-1937) Detroit Institute of Arts, MI, 1991.1 64711889Marie Krøyer, 1889, October 17 (Peder S. Krøyer) (1851-1909) Location TBD68151889Baroness Varvara Ikskul von Hildenbandt 1889 by Ilya Repin State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow90991889Cecilia Tower 1889 by James J Shannon 1862-1923 Los Angeles COunty Museum of Art M.87.14291001889Elsie Palmer 1889 by John Singer Sargent Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center91011889The Artists Wife ca. 1889 by Thomas Eakins 1844-1916 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 23.13994841889Georges de Porto Riche 1889 by Jacques-Emile Blanche (1861-1942) Location TBD97651889A Lady 1889 by Carl Rudolph Sohn 1845-1908 Location TBD97721889Man ca. 1889 by William Henry Huddle (1847-1892) Dallas Museum of Art 1987.4397751889Self-Portrait 1889 by Peder Kroyer (1851-1909) Location TBD97921889Self-Portrait 1889 Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940) National Gallery of Art DC 1995.47.1597931889Self-portrait ca. 1889-1896 by Lilla Cabot Perry (1848-1933) Terra Foundation for American Art97971889Self-Portrait ca. 1889 by Pierre Bonnard (1867?1947) Location TBD97981889Clementina Ansruther Thomson, 1889, by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) Mary Ran Gallery, Cincinnati, OH.
103051889133841890 Gabrielle Cot, 1890 (William-Adolphe Bouguereau) (1825-1905) Location TBD 64721890A Young Woman, ca. 1890 (Franz Defregger) (1835-1921) Location TBD64731890Sonia, 1890 (Henri Fantin-Latour) (1836-1904) The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 64741890A Lady, ca. 1890 (Jules Joseph Lefebvre) (1836-1911) Location TBD 64751890A Woman, ca. 1890 (Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta) (1841-1920) Private Collection 64761890Marcella Sembrich, 1890 (Paul Meyerheim) (1842-1915) The Sembrich Museum, Bolton Landing, NY64771890The Artists Wife, 1890 (Mihály Munkácsy) (1844-1900) Private Collection 64781890Nikolai Ge, 1890 (Nikolai Yaroschenko) (1846-1899) Locaton TBD 64791890Thomas Alva Edison, 1890 (Abraham Archibald Anderson) (1847-1940) National Portrait Gallery., Washington, D.C., NPG.65.23 64801890A Sculptor, ca. 1890 (Édouard Joseph Dantan) (1848-1897) Location TBD 64811890Paul Verlaine, 1890 (Eugène Carrière) (1849-1906) Location TBD 64821890Worthington Wittredge, ca. 1890 (William Meritt Chase) (1849-1916) Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, AR 64831890A Woman, 1890 (Abbot H. Thayer) (1849-1921) Brigham Young University Museum of Art, Provo, UT, 830010500 64841890Paul Wayland Bartlett, ca. 1890 (Charles Sprague Pearce) (1851-1914) National Portrait Gallery, Wahington D.C., 65.20 64851890Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), 1890 (James Carroll Beckwith) (1852-1917) Location TBD 64861890A Young Woman, 1890 (Gustave-Claude-Etienne Courtois) (1852-1923) Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 64871890Self-Portrait, ca. 1890 (Thomas Cooper Gotch) (1854-1931) Location TBD 64881890A Lady, ca. 1890 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 64891890Jessica, 1890 (Dennis Miller Bunker) (1861-1890) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 91.13064901890André Gide, 1890 (Jacques-Émile Blanche) (1861-1942) Location TBD 64911890The Artists Wife, 1890 (Charles Courtney Curran) (1861-1942) Birmingham Museum of Art, AL64921890Ida Ilsted, later the artists wife (Vilhelm Hammershøi) (1864-1916) Statens Museum for Kunst, København 64931890Maurits van der Valk, ca. 1890 (Jan Veth) (1864-1925) Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht 64941890Angelo Masini, 1890 (Valentin Alexandrovich Serov) (1865-1911) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow64951890Otto Friedrich, 1890 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD 64961890Johann Gottfried Galle, ca. 1890 (Ogla Radomsky) Location TBD64971890A Woman ca. 1890 by Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta 1841-1920 Location TBD91131890Robert Andre Peel ca1890 by Paul Peel 1860-189291221890Caroline Webster Schermerhorn 1890 by Charles-Emile-Auguste Carolus-Duran 1837-1917 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 49.494851890Carmencita 1890 by William Merritt Chase 1849-1916 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 06.96994861890Carmencita ca. 1890 by John Singer-Sargent 1856-1925 Location TBD98061890Ida Draper ca 1890 by Herbert James Draper (1863-1920) Location TBD 98111890133831891Rev. James McCosh D.D., ca. 1891 (Alban Jasper Conant) (1821-1915) Princeton University Art Museum, NJ y1967-132 64981891Marii Wozniakowska, the Artist's Daughter, 1891 (Henryk Rodakowski) (1823-1894) Lviv National Art Gallery 64991891Ignacy Jan Paderewski, 1891 (Lawrence Alma-Tadema) (1836-1912) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie65001891Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1891 (Fernand Cormon) (1845-1924) Musée Georges-Garret, Vesoul 65011891Edvard Grieg, ca. 1891 (Eilif Peterssen) (1852-1928) Location TBD 65021891An Egyptian Woman, ca. 1890-1891 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.130.21 65031891Sir Arthur Ernest Streeton, 1891 (Tom Roberts) (1856-1931) Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 65041891Augusta Gran, ca. 1891 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 65051891Margit, ca. 1891 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 65061891Max Liebermann, ca. 1891 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 65071891John La Farge, 1891 (Robert Wilton Lockwood) (1861-1914) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 09.20865081891Alphonse Gallaud de la Pérouse, "Zo d'Ax" 1891 (Constant Montald) (1862-1944) Location TBD 65091891Konstantin Korovin, 1891 (Valentin Serov) (1865-1911) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 65161891A Woman from Tangiers, ca. 1891 (Josef Tapiro) (1836-1913) Dahesh Museum of Art, New York67881891The Marabout from Tangiers, ca. 1891 (Josef Tapiro) (1836-1913) Private Collection, Barcelona67891891Self-Portrait, 1891 (Louise Breslau) (1856-1927) Location TBD 67901891Erik Satie 1891 by Santiago Rusinol 1861-1931 Location TBD91151891Henry Liddell 1891 by Sir Hubert von Herkomer 1849-1914 Oxford UK98101891Marie Joseph Robert Anatole Comte de Montesquiou-Ferenzac ca. 1891-1892 by James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) Frick Collection New York NY98141891Rudyard Kipling 1891 by John Collier (1860-1915) Location TBD98181891Self-Portrait 1891 by George Desvallieres Private Collection98201891Self-Portrait 1891 by Theodor Kittelsens (1857-1914) Nationalmuseet NG M 0347898271891133821892Self-Portrait, 1892 (Jan Matejko) (1838-1893) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 65171892Vladimir Solovyov, 1892 (Nikolay Yaroshenko) (1846-1899) Location TBD 65181892The Artists Mother Sarah Swaim Chase, 1892 (William Merritt Chase) (1849-1916) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 49.65 65191892Self-Portrait, 1892 (Jacek Malczewski) (1854-1929) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie65201892Lady Agnew of Lochnaw, ca. 1893 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh NG 1656 65211892Miss Helen Duinham, 1892 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Private Collection65221892Paul Verlaine, 1892 (Edmund Aman-Jean) (1856-1936) Musées de Metz 65231892Ernest Wadsworth Longfellow, 1892 (Julian Russell Story) (1857-1919) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 23.503 65241892Benno Becker, 1892 (Lovis Corinth) (1858-1925) Von Der Heydt Museum, Wuppertal65251892Mrs. Florence Humphris, 1892 (Henry Scott Tuke) (1858-1929) Tate Britain, London, N04470 65261892A Man, (A Toast in the Idun Society), ca. 1892 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD65271892A Young Woman, "An American Friend", 1892 (Egisto Paolo Fabbri Jr.) (1866-1933) Location TBD Firenze? Palazzo Strozzi 65281892Giovinetta Errazuriz 1892 by Giovanni Boldini Sothebys 201091161892A Young Girl 1892 by Lilla Cabot Perry 1848-1943 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 13.290594871892Mrs. Hugh Hammersley at 29 1892 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1998.36594881892Marcel Proust 1892 Jacques-Emile Blanche (1861-1942) Location TBD98131892Self-Portrait 1892 by Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931) Uffizi Firenze Vasari Corridor98211892Sergey Korovin 1892 by Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) National Museum Warsaw M.Ob.116398281892133811893Harold Rathbone, 1893 (William Holman Hunt) (1823-1910) Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool 65291893Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, 1893 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 65301893Self-Portrait, ca. 1893 (Eugène Carrière) (1849-1906) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1979.97 65311893Self-Portrait, 1893 (Robert Harris) (1849-1919) Conferation Centre of the Arts, Charlottetown, PE 65321893Pyotr Tchaikovsky, 1893 (Nikolai Kuznetov) (1850-1929) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 65331893Gustav Pongratz, 1893 (Vlaho Bukovac) (1855-1922) Location TBD 65341893Louis Alexander Fagan, 1893 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD65351893Thomas Hardy, 1893 (William Strang) (1859-1921) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 2929 65361893Isaac Levitan, ca. 1893 (Valentin Serov) (1865-1911) Location TBD65371893Self-Portrait, 1893 (Léon Bakst) (1866-1924) Location TBD 65381893Mrs. Henry Galbraith Ward, ca. 1891-1894 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 30.26 65431893Mrs. Potter Palmer 1893 by Anders Zorn 1860-1920 Potter Palmer Collection Art Institute of Chicago91201893Eleanora Duse ca. 1893 by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925 Herta) and Paul Amir Collection98081893Louis Jacques Veltman 1893 by Jozef Israels (1824-1911) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam SK-C-57098121893A luncheon The artist his wife and the writer Otto Benzon 1893 by Peder Severin Kroyer (1851-1909) Den Hirschsprungske Samling98161893133801894A Woman, ca. 1894 (James McNeill Whistler) (1834-1903) Cleveland Museum of Art, 1942.1133 65391894A Woman reclining, "Jerusalem the Golden", ca. 1894 (Thomas Hovenden) (1840-1895) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 95.5 65401894Mona, 1894 (William Merritt Chase) (1849-1916) Christies Sale, December 2010 65411894Princess Zinaida Nikolajevna Yusupova, 1894 (François Flameng) (1856-1923) The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg65421894A Young Woman (Shahterka), 1894 (Nikolai Kasatkin) (1859-1930) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 65441894Emma Zorn, ca. 1894 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 65451894Frieda Schiff, 1894 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1988.72 65461894Nikolai Leskov, ca. 1894 (Valentin Serov) (1860-1920) Location TBD65471894Harold Lee-Dillon 17th Viscount Dillon, ca. 1894 (Georgina Agnes Brackenbury) (1866-1949) Location TBD65481894Ignaz Wechselmann, 1894 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest65491894Tsar Nicholas II's marriage to Princess Alix of Hesse Darmstadt, November 1893, by Laurits Tuxen (1853-1927), Buckingham Palace.80321894Meisje 1894 by George Hendrik Breitner 1857-1923 Location TBD91181894Ernesta 1894 by Cecilia Beaux 1855-1942 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 65.4994891894133791895Louise de Rohan Chabot, Comtesse de Cambacérès, 1895 (William-Adolphe Bouguereau) (1825-1905) Seattle Art Museum, WA, 88.16 65501895Rosie Rendall, ca. 1895 (James Abbott McNeill Whistler) (1834-1903) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 96.950 65511895Maud Cook, ca. 1895(Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) Location TBD 65521895Aleksander Valerianovich Wierzbillowicz, 1895 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 65531895George, future King of Saxony, 1895 (Franz Kops) (1846-1896) Schmidt Auktionen, Dresden 65541895Bessie Potter, ca. 1895 (William Merritt Chase) (1849-1916) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 55.118 65551895Edward Guthrie Kennedy, ca. 1895 (William Merritt Chase) (1849-1916) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1973.342 65561895The Artists Father, David H. Chase, ca. 1895 (William Merritt Chase) (1849-1916) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 49.66 65571895Josef Hlávka, 1895 (Václav Brožík) (1851-1901) Location TBD 65581895Self-Portrait, ca. 1895 (Louise Abbéma) (1853-1927) Location TBD65591895Farmer's Daughter from Uusimaa Porvoo, 1895 (Albert Edenfelt) (1854-1905) Malmö Konstmuseum65601895Self-Portrait, 1895 (Kasimir Pochwalski) (1855-1940) Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 65611895Jules Case, ca. 1895 (Edmund Aman Jean) (1856-1936) Musée de art moderne et de art contemporain, Nice 65621895Halsey Cooley Ives, ca. 1895 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD65631895William B. Ogden, 1895 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT65641895Zamorka, 1895 (Anton Ažbe) (1862-1905) Narodna galerija Slovenia 65651895Erik and Amalie Skram, 1895 (Harald Slott-Møller) (1864-1937) Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek 65821895Countess Varvara Musina-Pushkina, 1895 (Valentin Serov) (1865-1911) Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 65831895A Young Man, 1895 (Grace Hudson) (1865-1927) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, 75.4.8 65841895The Artists Wife, 1895 (John George Brown) (1831-1913) Heritage Auctions67911895J. B. S. Estrup 1895 by August Jerndorff 1846-1906 Frederiksborg Museum91171895A Woman 1895 by Julius Leblanc Stewart 1855-1919 Location TBD91231895A Young Woman 1895 by John White Alexander 1856-1915 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1980.22494921895Frederick Law Olmstead ca. 1895 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Location TBD94931895Ada Rehan ca. 1895 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 40.14694941895Helen Sears 1895 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 55.111694951895Darcawi Holy Man of Marrakech ca. 1895 by Josep Tapiro (1836-1913) Museu Nacional d Art de Catalunya Barcelona98071895Self-Portrait 1895 by Antonio Herrea Toro (1857-1914) Museo de Bellas Artes Caracas98221895Self-Portrait ca 1895 by Nikolay Yaroshenko (1846-1898) Location TBD98261895Vladimir Odoevsky Mily Balakirev and Mikhail Glinka ca. 1895 by Ilya Repin (1844-1930) Location TBD98311895A Young Woman ca. 1895 by Simon Willem Maris (1844-1910) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam98341895Joseph Chamberlain and Arthur Balfour, 1895, Sydney Prior Hall (1842-1922) National Portrait Gallery London, NPG 5114106231895133781896Herrn C. Schmidt, 1898 (Franz von Lenbach) (1836-1904) Hampel Fine Art Auctions, Munich 65851896Abraham Carel Wertheim, 1898 (Therese Schwartz) (1851-1918) Location TBD 65861896Nicolaas Beets, 1896 (Therese Schwartz) (1851-1918) Amsterdam Auctioneers Glerum 65871896Sir Alex Onslow, 1896 (Tom Roberts) (1856-????) National Portrait Gallery, Canberra 2006.80 65881896Self-Portrait with Skeleton, ca. 1896 (Lovis Corinth) (1858-1925) Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus65891896Martha Liebermann, ca. 1896 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD65901896Self-Portrait, 1896 (Frederick William MacMonnies) (1863-1937) Terra Foundation for American Art, Chicago, IL 65911896Carl Gustav Waldeck, 1896 (Robert Henri) (1865-1929) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 148-197665921896Coronation of Nicholas II in the Kremlin, May 14th, 1896, by Laurits Tuxen (1853-1927) Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.80331896Ellen Mary the artists niece ca. 1896 by Marry Cassatt 1844-1926 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1982.63094961896A Sailor uusmaalainen merimies 1896 by Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905) Emil Aaaltosen Museum98191896133771897Robert de Montesquiou, 1897 (Giovanni Boldini) (1845-1931) Location TBD 65931897Konstantin Artsybushev, ca. 1897 (Mikhail Vrubel) (1856-1910) State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 65941897Henry G. Marquand, 1897 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 97.43 65951897Catherine Vlasto, 1897 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C. 65961897Mabel Batten, ca. 1897 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD 65971897Self-Portrait, ca. 1897 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Nationalmuseum, Stockholm 65981897Edward R. Bacon, 1897 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 19.112 65991897Mrs. Lucy Turner Joy, January 1st 1897 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 97:1917 66001897Nikolai A. Yaroshenko, 1897 (Mikhail Nesterov) (1862-1942) Location TBD 66011897Luis Simarro, 1897 (Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida) (1863-1923) Legado Luis Simarr, Museos Universidad Complutense, Madrid 66021897Self-Portrait, ca. 1897 (Felix Vallotton) (1865-1925) Location TBD66031897Count Albert Apponyi, 1897 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD66041897Louise, 1897 (Henri Evenepoel) (1872-1899) Location TBD 66051897Elizaveta Martynova, 1897 (Filipp Malyavin) (1869-1940) Location TBD 66061897Albert Benois, 1897 (Nikolai Kuznetsov) (1850-1929) Dnepropetrovsk Fine Arts Museum, Ukraine67921897Mrs. Charles Thursby 1897-8 by John Singer Sargent Newark Museum NJ 85.4591191897Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Phelps Stokes 1897 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 38.10494971897A Woman 1897 by Anders Zorn 1860-1920 Location TBD94981897William McKinley 1897 by August Benzinger (1867-1955) White House Historical Association Washington D.C.98321897William McKinley 1897 by August Benzinger (1867-1955) National Portrait Gallery Washington D. C. NPG.69.34 USA98331897Portrait of a Woman, 1897 s.d., by Paul Desire Trouillebert (1829-1900) AuctionFr, Paris, France.102831897133761898Self-Portrait, 1898 (Eugene de Blaas) (1843-1932) Location TBD 66071898Billy Smith, 1898 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) Wichita Art Museum, KS 16.40 66081898Tevashova, 1898 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) Location TBD 66091898A Man, ca. 1898 (Frank Duveneck) (1848-1919) Cincinatti Art Museum, OH 2003.62 66101898Young Woman, ca. 1898 (Abbott H. Thayer) (1849-1921) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.1298 66111898Henry Sturgis Drinker, ca. 1898 (Cecilia Beaux) (1855-1942) Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C., 1952.10.166121898Mrs. Asher B. Wertheimer, 1898 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) New Orleans Museum of Art, 78.366131898Léon Delafosse, ca. 1895-1898 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Seattle Art Museum, WA 2001.17 66141898Octavia Hill, 1898 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD 66151898Antonio Mancini, ca. 1898 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Galleria Nazionale de Arte Moderna, Roma 66161898Rosa Bonheur, 1898 (Anna Elizabeth Klumpke) (1856-1942) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 22.22266201898A Smoking Man, 1898 (Peder Mørk Mønsted) (1859-1941) Christies Auction House, Sale 2035, Lot 23 66211898Oskar II, King of Sweden, ca. 1898 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD66221898Hendricus Gerardus van de Sande Bakhuyzen, 1898 (Pieter de Josselin de Jong) (1861-1906) Location TBD 66231898Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, 1898 (Sir Philip Burne-Jones) (1861-1926) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 1864 66241898William de Leftwich Dodge, ca. 1898 (Frederick William MacMonnies) (1863-1937) Location TBD 66251898Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov, ca. 1898 (Valentin Seratov) (1865-1911) Location TBD66261898Alexander Benois, 1898 (Léon Bakst) (1866-1924) Location TBD 66271898Daria Ivanovna Tatarinseva, 1898 (Filip Malyevin) (1869-1940) Location TBD 66281898Alfred Athis Natanson, 1898 (Felix Vallotton) (1865-1925) Location TBD67931898Catherine Amory Bennett Mrs. Robert Abbe 1898-9 by Cecelia Beaux 1855-1942 Brooklyn Museum.1999.11391141898Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes 1898 by Cecilia Beaux 1855-1942 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 65.25294991898Self-Portrait 1898 by Julio Romero de Torres (1874-1930) Christies98231898Self-Portrait 1898 by Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940) Christies Sale 1209 Lot 1698241898Self-Portrait 1898 by Istvan Reti Location TBD98251898Het Frederiksplein te Amsterdam tijdens de intocht van koningin Wilhelmina, 1898 September 5th Rijksmuseum SK-A-1849103881898133751899Barend Joseph Stokvis, 1899 (Josef Israëls) (1824-1911) Location TBD 66291899Self-Portrait, 1899 (Hans Thoma) (1839-1924) Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt am Main, 1370 66301899Self-Portrait, 1899 (Pierre-August Renoir) (1841-1919) The Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, 1955.611 66311899Maxim Gorky, 1899 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 66321899Marina Derviz, ca. 1899 (Jean-Joseph Benjamin Constant) (1845-1902) Location TBD 66331899Self-Portrait, ca. 1897-1899 (Peder Severin Krøyer) (1851-1909) Den Hirschsprungske Samling, København 2004 66341899Heinrich Hirschsprung, ca. 1899 (P.S. Krøyer) (1851-1909) Den Hirschsprungske Samling, København 66351899Erskine Wood, 1899 (Julian Alden Weir) (1852-1919) Portland Art Museum, OR 92.01866361899Grover Cleveland, ca. 1899 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 66371899Frances Cleveland, ca. 1899 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 66391899George Peabody Gardner, 1899 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 59.66 66401899Martha Dana, later Mrs. William R. Mercer, 1899 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 28.513 66411899Self-Portrait, 1899 (Jan Veth) (1864-1925) Location TBD 66421899Henriette au grand chapeau, 1899 (Henri Evenepoel) (1872-1899) Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België 66431899Joseph Randolph Coolidge, 1899 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, H663 67941899Mrs. Eben Richards 1899 by Anders Zorn 1860-1920 Location TBD91211899The Wyndham Sisters ca. 1899 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 27.6792791899S.M. Botkina 1899 by Valentin Serov 1860-1920 Location TBD95001899Henry Clay Pierce 1899 by Anders Zorn 1860-1920 Location TBD95011899Magnolia 1899 by James Jebusa Shannon 1862-1923 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 13.143.295021899A Young Woman ca. 1899 by Edmund Charles Tarbell 1862-1938 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 67.187.14195031899Serena Pulitzer Lederer 1899 by Gustav Klimt 1862-1943 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1980.41295041899Gertrude Schirmer at 10 years old 1899 by Frank Weston Benson 1862-1951 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 54.59695051899A Man, 1899, by Segundo Cabello Izarra Location TBD98091899A Man, 1899, by Anders Zorn (1860-1920) Location TBD98151899Queen Victoria 1899 by Bertha Muller after Heinrich von Angeli National Portrait Gallery London NPG125298171899A Spaniard in Paris 1899 by Henri Evenepoel (1872-1899) Museum of Fine Arts Ghent 1898-I98291899Theodor Herzl 1899 by Baron Joseph Arpad Koppay von Detroma Knessed Israel98301899A Girl, 1899, by Charles Spencelayh (1865-1958) Sotheby's Auction, December 5, 2024, London, Lot 344105581899133741900Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, 1900 (George Frederic Watts) (1817-1904) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 3959 66441900Jules Janssen, ca. 1900 (Jean-Jacques Henner) (1829-1905) Location TBD 66451900A Young Woman, 1900 (Eugene de Blaas) (1843-1932) Location TBD 66461900Mrs. Mary Arthur, 1900 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 65.83 66471900Margot Lux, ca. 1900 (Mary Cassatt) (1844-1926) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1982.119.2 66481900Charles Arthur Russell of Killowen, ca. 1900 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) National Portrait Gallery, London NPG 1907 66491900William Hood Dunwoody, ca. 1900 (Julian Story) (1857-1919) Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN 66501900Self-Portrait, 1900 (Lovis Corinth) (1858-1925) Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin 66511900Mrs. John Crosby Brown (Mary Elizabeth Adams), ca. 1900 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 60.85 66521900Fanny Hewitt Fearn, 1900 (Herman Herkomer) (1862-1935) Newcomb Art Gallery, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 66531900Elsa Gallafres, 1900 (Otto Friedrich) (1862-1937) Location TBD 66541900Self-Portrait, ca. 1900 (Floris Arntzenius) (1684-1925) Location TBD 66551900Self-Portrait, 1900 (Paul Raud) (1865-1930) Kumu Kunstimuuseum, Tallinn 66561900A Young Woman, ca. 1900 (Isaac Israëls) (1865-1934) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-4679 66571900Pope Leo XIII, 1900 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD 66581900Canopic Jars of the Lady Nepthys ca. 1900 BCE 12th Dynasty, Khashaba Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY 11.150.17e73691900A Young Woman The Shawl ca. 1900 by Charles Sprague Pearce 1851-1914 Chazen Museum of Art 1985.291241900Elizabeth Sherman Cameron 1900 by Anders Zorn 1860-1920 Location TBD91251900Louis N. Kenton 1900 by Thomas Eakins 1844-1916 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 17.17295061900Alexander Stewart ca. 1900 by Alfred Q. Collins 1855-1903 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 65.1995071900A Boy And His Two Sisters 1900 by Francois Fleming Location TBD miniature ivory100611900MARYA ANASTASIEVNA CHROUSTCHOVA ca. 1900 by Dmitry Kardovsky (1866-1943) Sothebys Impressionist and Modern Sale 28 May 2015 NYC Lot 86100671900Georg Brandes 1900 by Peder Severin Kroyer (1851-1909) Hirschsprungske Samling Copenhagen100841900Lydia Field Emmett 1900 by William Merrit Chase (1849-1916) Santa Barbara Museum of Art 1998.50.23100891901Self-Portrait, 1901 (Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta) (1841-1920) Meadows Museum, Dallas 73.01 66591901C. E. S. Wood, 1901 (Julian Alden Weir) (1852-1919) Portland Art Museum, OR 1992.8266601901Georges "Sem" Gourçat, 1901 (Giovanni Boldini) (1845-1931) Location TBD 66611901Mme. Lina Cavalieri, 1901 (Giovanni Boldini) (1845-1931) The Art Institute of Chicago, IL 2007.288 66621901Daniel Catlin, 1901 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 85:194266641901Cabbage Margit, 1901 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Nationalmuseum Stockholm, NM 3374 66651901A Lady, 1901 (Frank W. Benson) (1862-1951) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 06.122166661901Self-Portrait, ca. 1901 (George Washinton Lambert) (1873-1930) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 311566671901Self-Portrait, ca. 1901 (Richard Gerstl) (1883-1908) Location TBD 66681901Opening of the first parliament of Australia in Melbourne, 1901, by Tom Roberts (1856-1931), painted in 1903, Location TBD80351901Ena and Betty Daughters of Asher and Mrs. Wertheimer 1901 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Location TBD91281901Nicholas Benois 1901 by Viktor Dumitrashko Location TBD100711901Woman at the Door 1901 by Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905) Bukowskis100811901Georg Treu 1901 by Leon Pohle (1841-1908) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 2917100851901Julian Onderdonk 1901 by William Merritt Chase (1849-1916) Witte Museum San Antonio TX100871901133731902Elihu Vedder, 1902 (John Ferguson Weir) (1841-1926) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 23.162 66691902Self-Portrait, ca. 1902 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) Location TBD66701902Anatoly Konstantinovich Lyadov, 1902 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) Locaton TBD 66711902A Woman, 1902 (William Merritt Chase) (1849-1916) Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 45.24166721902Lizzie Ansingh, 1902 (Therese Schwartze) (1851-1918) Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-4700 66731902William Merritt Chase, 1902 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 05.33 66771902Emma Zorn and Mouche, ca. 1902 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD66781902Franz Heiss, 1902 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 66791902Claude Debussy, 1902 (Jacques-Émile Blanche) (1861-1942) Location TBD 66801902Phil May, 1902 (James Jebusa Shannon) (1862-1923) Location TBD 66811902Aureliano de Beruete, 1902 (Joaquín Sorolla) (1863-1923) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P04646 66821902Vasily Mathé, 1902 (Boris Kustodiev) (1878-1927) The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 66831902The Artists Wife ca. 1902 by Stephen Seymour Thomas 1868-1956 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 15.1595081902The Artists Wife and Her Sister 1902 by F. Louise Mora 1874-1940 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 65.23795091902Self-Portrait ca. 1902 attributed to Emile Galle (1846-1904) Miniature Ivory Location TBD100591902Countess Maria Eduardovna Kleinmichel nee Countess Keller 1902 by Unknown Artist Location TBD100621902Gattin des Kunstlers 1902 by Oskar Zwintscher (1870-1916) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 2335100701902Self-Portrait 1902 Xavier Martinez Location TBD100751902Willian Cazalet 1902 by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) Christies Sale 2007 Important American Paintings Sale 1838100821902A Woman 1902 by Lovis Corinth (1858-1925) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Galerie Neue Meister 2580D100831902Hugh Ramsay 1902 by George Washington Lambert (1873-1930) Art Gallery of New South Wales100861902Madame Alexandre Bernheim mother in law to the artist 1902 by Felix Vallotton (1865-1925) Musee de Orsay100901902133721903Mrs. Mary Hallock Greenewalt, 1903 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) Wichita Art Museum, KS M61.45 66841903Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostev, 1903 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 66851903Geraldine Marguerite van Hardenbroek, 1903 (Therese Schwartze) (1851-1918) Locatin TBD 66861903Stanisław Badeni, 1903 (Kasimierz Pochwalski) (1855-1940) Location TBD 66871903Edward Robinson, 1903 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 31.60 66881903Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, 1903 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) White House Art Collection, Washington, D.C. 66891903Agnes, 1903 (Alice Pike Barney) (1857-1931) Location TBD66901903Christian Franzen, 1903 (Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida) (1869-1923) Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Lorenzana Collection 66911903Jan Kubelík, 1903 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD 66921903Geraldine Russell 1903 by John White Alexander 1856-1915 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 64.11795101903Self-Portrait ca. 1903 by Paul Raud (1865-1930) KUMU EKM M 5765100601903Maurice Barres 1903 by Jacques-Emil Blanche Location TBD100681903133711904Leonid Andreev, 1904 (Ilya Repin) (1844-1930) Location TBD 66961904Wilhelm von Bode, 1904 (Max Liebermann) (1847-1935) Staatliche zu Museen Berlin 66971904General Charles J. Paine, 1904 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 54.1410 66981904Mrs. Walter Frith, 1904 (George Percy Jacomb-Hood) (1857-1929) Bonhams Auction House 66991904Girl from Mora, 1904 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 67001904Charles Conder, 1904 (Jacques-Emile Blanche) (1861-1942) Tate Britain, London, N05754 67011904Self-Portrait, 1904 (Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida) (1863-1923) Location TBD 67021904Self-Portrait, ca. 1904 (Frederick William MacMonnies) (1863-1937) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 67.72 67031904Max Liebermann, 1904 (Jan Veth) (1864-1925) Drents Museum Assen 1992 67061904Ethel Cochrane, Mrs. Howard Cushing, wife of the artist (Howard Gardiner Cushing) (1869-1916) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 17.317067141904Augustus Saint-Gaudens, ca. 1904 (Ellen Emmett Rand) (1875-1941) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 08.129 67151904Elsie daughter of H. W. Brooks Esquire 1904 by E Phillips Fox 1865-1915 National Gallery of Australia 91271904Ambrogio Raffele 1904 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Museum of Fine Arts Boston MA 05.5695111904Charles Stewart Sixth Marquess of Londonderry 1904 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Museum of Fine Arts Boston MA 2003.27495121904The Sisters 1904 by William Paxton 1869-1941 Location TBD95131904Edgar Vincent dAbernon ca. 1904 by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) Location TBD100651904Woman mit Cigarette 1904 by Oskar Zwintscher (1870-1916) Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal Nr 2690100791904Lady Helen Vincent Viscountess dAbernon 1904 by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) Birmingham Museum of Art AL100881904Marie Rochegrosse 1904 by George Rochegrosse 1859-1838M.S. RAU ANTIQUES NEW ORLEANS, LA.
102381904Soiree at the Studio, 1904, by Lucien Simon (1861-1945) Location TBD105511904133701905A Lady, 1905 (August Eiebakke) (1867-1938) Statens Museum for Kunst, København KMS200167551905Ellen Phillips, Mrs. John Endean, 1905 (Louis John Steele) (1842-1918) Aukland Art Gallery, New Zealand, 1957/8 67161905Self-Portrait, 1905 (Vladimir Makovsky) (1846-1920) Location TBD 67171905Self-Portrait, 1905 (Hugh Ramsay) (1877-1906) Private Collection 67181905Self-Portrait, 1905 (Umberto Boccioni) (1882-1916) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1990.38.4 67191905Queen Consort Alexandra of Denmark ca. 1905 by Sir Luke Fildes 1843-1927 Royal Collection UK 91291905Alan Harriman 1905 by George de Forest Brush 1855-1941 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 53.17795141905August Strindberg 1905 by Richard Bergh (1858-1919) Bonnier Collection Djurgarden Stockholm100631905Gabrielle Vallotton wife of the artist 1905 by Felix Vallotton (1865-1925) Musee des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux100691905133691906Master Douty, 1906 (Thomas Eakins) Santa Barbara Museum of Art, CA 1960.56 67201906Padre Sebastiano, ca. 1904-1906 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 11.30 67221906Self-Portrait, 1906 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze 67231906A Woman, ca. 1906 (John White Alexander) (1856-1915) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1995.483 67241906Henry Thurstan Holland , 1st Viscount Knutsford, 1906 (Arthur Stockdale Cope) (1857-1940) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 2947 67251906Bruno Liljefors, ca. 1906 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD67261906Erik Axel Karlfeldt, ca. 1906 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 67271906Edward Robinson, 1906 (Edmund Charles Tarbell) (1862-1938) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 06.1895 67281906Jozef Israëls, ca. 1906 (Jan Veth) (1864-1925) Palet het Tuindorp, Hengelo, Overijssel 67291906Sergei Diaghilev and his nanny, 1906 (Léon Bakst) (1866-1924) State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg 67301906Kronprinzessin Cecilie von Preussen, 1906 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD 67311906May Furstenberg, 1906 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD 67321906Self Portrait, ca. 1906 (Roger de la Fresnaye) (1885-1925) Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée national d'Arte Moderne, Paris 67331906Self-Portrait, 1906 (August Macke) (1887-1914)Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Münster 67341906Consuelo Vanderbilt and Ivor Spencer-Churchill 1906 by Giovanni Boldini 1845-1931 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 47.7195151906Miss Ella Carmichael 1906 by Edmond Francois Aman-Jean 1860-1935 Location TBD95161906Senora de Sorolla 1906 by Joaqu?n Sorolla y Bastilda 1863-1923 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 09.71.395171906Self-Portrait 1906 by Rudolf Tewes miniature ivory100581906Marthe Mellot wife of Louis-Alfred Natanson 1906 by Felix Valloton (1865-1925) Location TBD100661906Self-Portrait 1906 by Alice Pike Barney Location TBD100761906133681907Hugo Reisinger, 1907 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 67351907Self-Portrait, 1907 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Malmö konstmuseum 67361907Self-Portrait, 1907 (Alfonse Mucha) (1860-1939) Location TBD 67371907Dutch Girl, ca. 1907 (Robert Henri) (1865-1929) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 50.47 67381907Eva Green, December 25, 1907 (Robert Henri) (1865-1929)Wichita Art Museum, KS 59.45 67391907Sir Alfred East, 1907 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD 67401907Prinzessin Victoria Alice Elisabeth Julie Marie von Battenberg, 1907 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD67471907Self Portrait, ca. 1907 (František Kupka) (1871-1957) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX67481907Bernard Berenson, 1907 (Sir William Rothenstein) (1872-1945) Villa I Tatti, The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence 67491907Self-Portrait, 1907(William Orpen) (1878-1931) Mildura Arts Centre, Victoria 67501907Gertrude Stein, 1907 (Felix Valloton) (1865-1925) Baltimore Museum of Art, Cone Collection, Baltimore, MD 1950.30068221907Rebecca H. Whelan ca. 1907 by Thomas Anshutz 1851-1912 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 1993.32495181907Charles Sumner Bird and Edith Bird 1907 by Cecilia Beaux 1855-1942 Museum of Fine Arts Boston MA 1981.72095191907Christian Griepenkerl 1907 by Anton Faistauer (1887-1930) Location TBD100641907Selvportrett 1907 by H Simberg Nationalmuseet Location TBD100781907133671908Self-Portrait, 1908 (Albert Anker) (1831-1910) Kunstmuseum Bern 67511908Dr. Harvey Cushing, 1908 (Edmund Charles Tarbell) (1862-1938) Dittrick Medical History Center, Cleveland, OH 67531908Self-Portrait, 1908 (Glyn Warren Philpot) (1887-1931) National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 4681 67541908Marchesa Luisa Casati 1908 by Giovanni Boldini 1845-1931 Location TBD95201908Self-Portrait 1908 by Albert Weisgerber 1878-1915 Location TBD100771908133661909A Young Woman, "The Blue Cup", ca. 1909 (Joseph Decamp) (1858-1923) Location TBD67561909Queen Sophia, ca. 1909 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD67571909Margot Asquith, 1909 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD 67581909Self-Portrait, 1909(August Macke) (1887-1914) Kunstmuseum Bonn 67591909Elisabeth Gerhard, the artists wife, 1909 (August Macke) (1887-1914) Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Münster, NRW 67601909Elk-foot of the Taos tribe 1909 by E Irving Crouse 1866-1936 Smithsonian Museum of American Art 1910.9.5 1a91261909Olive Bagley Mrs Stedman Buttrick and son John 1909 Cecilia Beaux Milwaukee Art Museum100721909Self-Portrait 1909 by Zinaida Serebriakova 1884-1967 Tratyakov Gallery 3868100731909Self-Portrait December 1909 by Paul Gustav Fischer (1860-1934) Christies 18 November 2004 Lot 98100741909133651910 Mrs. Gilbert L. Parker, 1910 (Thomas Eakins) (1844-1916) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA RES.32.28 67611910Albertus Vinke, 1910 (Therese Schwartze) (1851-1918) Het Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam 67621910Mrs. James Henry Lancashire (Sarah Hale Wright), ca. 1910 (Ignaz Marcel Gaugengigl) (1855-1932) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 1983.37267631910Franz Joseph of Austria, 1910 (Kasimierz Pochwalski) (1855-1940) Location TBD 67641910Vita Sackville-West, 1910 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD67651910A Girl with a black cat, 1910 (Ellen Emmett Rand) (1875-1941) William Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, CT 67661910William Merritt Chase, ca. 1910 (Annie Traquair Long) (1885-1918) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1977.183.1 67671910Mrs. Lavery Sketching 1910 by John Lavery Location TBD91331910Raquel Meller 1910 by Julio Romero de Torres Location TBD100911910Polaire 1910 by Jean Sala 1869-1918 Location TBD100951910Prince Eugene 1910 by Anders Zorn Prince Eugens Waldemarsudde100961910Self-Portrait ca. 1910 by Janos Thorma (1870-1937) Hungarian National Gallery100981910Selbstportr?t mit Pinsel und Palette 1910 by Lesser Ury (1861-1931) Location TBD101021910A Lady ca. 1910 by Lilla Abcot Perry (1848-1933) Location TBD101081910Lola Braz 1910 by Zinaida Serebriakova 1884-1967 Location TBD101091910133641911 Self-Portrait, 1911 (Luke Fildes) (1843-1927) Royal Academy of Arts, London 67681911Charles Wellford Leavitt, 1911 (Cecilia Beaux) (1855-1942) The Huntington, San Marino, CA67691911William Henry Howell, 1911 (Cecilia Beaux) (1855-1942) The William H. Howell Collection Johns Hopkins University, MD67701911William Howard Taft, 27th President of the U.S., 1911 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1911) White House Collection, Washington D.C. 67711911John George Bartholomew, 1911 (Edward Arthur Walton) (1860-1922) National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh 67721911Albert Fischer at 20 years old, 1911 (Paul Gustave Fischer) (1860-1934) Location TBD67731911Harriet Sarah Jones Loyd, Lady Wantage, 1911 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD67741911Self-Portrait, 1911 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest 67751911David Lloyd George, 1911 (Christopher Williams) (1873-1934) National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth 67761911A Woman Reading, 1912 (E. Phillips Fox) (1865-1915) Location TBD 67771911King George V ca. 1911 by Luke Fildes 1843-1927 Royal Collection RCIN 40202391321911Jean Cocteau ca. 1911-1912 By Federico de Madrazo de Ochoa (1875-1935) Location TBD101071911A Woman wearing an Evening Dress, 1911, by Lilla Cabot Perry (1848-1933) National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C.103041911133631912A Spanish Gypsy, ca. 1912 (Robert Henri) (1865-1929) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 14.80 67781912Sir George Howard Darwin, 1912 (Mark Gertler) (1891-1939) National Portrait Gallery, London 67791912The Dominican 1912 by George Luks 1867-1933 The Phillips Collection 122191341912Mada Primavesi 1912 by Gustav Klimt 1862-1918 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 64.14895211912Lynn Fontanne 1912 by Wilfred de Glenh (1870-1951) Location TBD101041912133621913Henry James, ca. 1913 (John Singer Sargent) (1856-1925) Location TBD67801913Blue Lady, ca. 1913 (Joseph R. DeCamp) (1858-1923) Private Collection 67951913A Boy, 1913 (Edmund Charles Tarbell) (1862-1938) Pierce Galleries, Nantucket and Hingham, MA 67961913Mary ODonnel, 1913 (Robert Earle Henri) (1865-1929) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 48.562 67971913Countess Ferdinand Colloredo Mannsfeld, 1913 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD67981913Prince Andrew of Greece, 1913 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Private Collection of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 67991913Self-Portrait, ca. 1913 (William Orpen) (1878-1931) St. Louis Art Museum, MO 68001913A Woman 1913 Charles Courtney Curran 1861-1942 Brigham Young Museum of Art Inv 82003763891351913Mr. Haasen 1913 by Felix Vallotton (1865-1925) State Hermitage Museum St Petersburg Russia100931913The Green Hat 1913 by Lilla Cabot Perry (1848-1933) Location TBD101051913133611914A Woman, 1914 (Lilla Cabot Perry) (1848-1933) Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, NH 68011914Princess Mary, Princess Royal and Future Countess of Harewood, 1914 (James Jebusa Shannon) (1862-1923) Location TBD 68021914Mildred Clarke von Kienbusch,1914 (Robert Henri) (1865-1929) Princeton Universty Art Museum, NJ y1977-26 68031914Queen Olga of Greece, 1914 (Philip de László) (1869-1937) Location TBD 68041914Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston 1914 (Nikolai Bekker) (1877-????) The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg68051914Elizabeth "Lily" Haseltine Carstairs, 1914, July 15th (William Orpen) (1878-1931) Location TBD68061914Self-Portrait, 1914 (José Benlliure Ortiz) (1884-1916) Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia, España 68071914Ernesta 1914 by Cecilia Beaux 1855-1942 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 15.8295221914Peeping Potara 1914 by Charles Goldie Location TBD100941914George Nathaniel Curzon 1914 by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) Royal Geographic Society London101061914133601915Self-Portrait, ca. 1915 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD68081915Self-Portrait, ca. 1915 (Anders Zorn) (1860-1920) Location TBD 68091915Self-Portrait, 1915 (Edward Arthur Walton) (1860-1922) The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge 68101915Self-Portrait, ca. 1915 (Mikhail Nesterov) (1862-1942) Location TBD68111915Josephine, The Artist’s Daughter, 1915 (Edmund Charles Tarbell) (1862-1938) Adelson Galleries, New York, NY68121915Self-Portrait, ca. 1915 (Philip Leslie Hale) (1865-1931) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 68131915Self-Portrait ca. 1915 by Ignaz Gaugengigl 1853-1932 Location TBD100991915133591916Anita Ramirez 1916 by Ignacio Zuloaga 1870-1945 Location TBD91301916Self-Portrait 1916 by Simon Hollosy (1857-1918) Hungarian National Gallery 63.108T100971916Thea Proctor 1916 by George W Lambert (1873-1930) Art Gallery of New South Wales 9143101101916133581917Charles Deering 1917 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 Art Institute of Chicago91311917A Woman Green and Gold ca. 1917 by Thomas Wilmer Dewing 1851-1938 The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY 53.6995231917Self-Portrait ca. 1917 by Francesco Pradilla Ortiz Location TBD101001917Siegfried Sassoon 1917 by Glyn Warren Philpot 1884-1937 Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge101011917133571918Fanny Brate 1918 by Hildegard Thorell (1850-1930) Location TBD100921918Vita Sackville-West 1918 by William Strang (1859-1921) Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum 1470101031918133561919Signing of Treaty of Versailles in the Hall of Mirrors, June 28th, 1919, by William Orpen (1878-1931) Imperial War Museum, London.80361919133551920A Boy from New York ca 1920 George Bellows 1882-1925 BYU Museum of Art Inv 84004710081901920A Lady ca 1920 by Philip de Laszlo 1869-1937 Location TBD 82111920A Man ca 1920 by Glyn Philpot (1884-1937) Christies Sale 5530 Lot 10882141920Sir William McCormick 1920 August by William Orpen Tate Britain N03628 82271920The Rt Hon Sir Austen Chamberlain 1920 by Philip de Laszlo 1869-1937 Location TBD82281920A Young Woman 1920 by Harrington Mann 1864-1937 Maas Gallery London82321920Yvonne Aubicq as a nun aka Sister X ca. 1920 by Sir William Orpen 1878?1931 Location TBD101191920133541921A Boy 1921 by George Bellows Indianapolis Museum 34.581891921Alexander I of Yugoslavia ca1921 by vlaho bukovac 1855-1922 Location TBD81871921H Desbrowe Annear 1921 by William Beckwith WB McInnes 1889-1939 Art Gallery of New South Wales 4557 81951921A Boy 1921 by George Bellows Indianapolis Museum 34.581991921The Sisters 1921 BY Edmund Tarbell Gibbes Museum of Art Charleston SC82291921A Young Woman Leaving the Studio 1921 by William McGregor Paxton 1869-1941 Location TBD82351921Self-Portrait 1921 Rodolfo Amoedo (1857-1941) Museu Nacional de Belas Artes Brasil101111921133531922Betty Gallowhur, nee Newell, 1922, by Charles Courtney Curran (1861-1941) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY 1996.35682061922The Girl with White Fur, ca. 1920-1924, by Julie Kahle (1858-1931) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY 29.174.382071922Self-Portrait 1922 Jules Ernest Renoux 1863-1932 Location TBD82241922A Woman 1922 by Frederick George Swaish 1879-1931 Location TBD82301922A Lady in Black 1922 by George Spencer Watson Tate Britain101161922133521923Niels Bohr, 1923, by Julius Paulsen (1860-1940) Niels Bohr Library Archives College Park, MD.105111923Gustav Holst 1923 by Bernard Munns 1869-1942 Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museums Gloucestershire81941923Paul Valery 1923 by Jacques-Emile Blanche 1861-1942 Musee des Beaux-Arts Rouen82191923Sir Philip Sassoon 1923 by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 N0505282251923133511924Clive Bell ca 1924 by Roger Fry National Portrait Gallery DC 496781911924EK Somova 1924 by Konstantin Somov 1869-1939 Location TBD 81931924Andre Gide 1924 by Paul Albert Laurens 1870-1934 Musee dOrsay81881924James Joyce in Paris 1924 by Patrick Tuohy 1894-1930 Location TBD82081924Lady Frances Gresley daughter of 8th Duke of Marlborough 1924 by Philip de Laszlo 1869-1937 Location TBD82121924Miss Collins 1924 by W.B. Mcinnes 1889-1939 Art Gallery of South Australia Adelaide82161924Morris Clothier Maxwell 1924 by William McGregor Paxton 1869-1941 Location TBD82171924Sir Robert Gresley Eleventh Baronet 1924 by Philip de Laszlo 1869-1937 Location TBD82261924133501925Johanna van Gogh-Bonger 1925 by Isaac Israels Van Gogh Museum82091925Self-Portrait ca 1925 George Spencer Watson82231925Langston Hughes 1925 by Reinhold Weiss Location TBD98901925Self-Portrait ca. 1925 by W.B. McInnes 1889-1939 Art Gallery of New South Wales 950101141925Sir Edgar Vincent Viscount dAbernon 1925 by Augustus John Location TBD101151925Vladimir Aleksandrovich Somov nephew of the artist 1925 by Konstantin Somov (1869-1939) Christies Sale 29 November 2006101171925Marechal Petain 1925 by Marcel Baschet Location TBD101181925Pieter Zeeman, 1925 (1864-1925) Portrettcollectie Universiteit van Amsterdam105081925133491926Elizaveta Ivanovna Tal 1926 by Mikhail Nesterov 1862-194281921926Ailsa Mellon Bruce 1926 by philip de laszlo Location TBD81861926The opening of the Modern, Foreign, and Sargent Galleries at the Tate Gallery, June 26th, 1926, by Sir John Lavery (1856-1941), Tate Britain, London.80371926Luisa Morgan 1926 by Konstantin Somov 1869-1939 Location TBD82131926Mikhail Nesterov 1926 by Victor Vasnetsov 1848-1926 Location-TBD82151926Princess Beatrice 1926 by Philip de Laszlo 1869-1937 Sothebys Sale82201926A Young Woman 1926 by William McGregor Paxton 1869-1941 Location TBD82331926A Young Woman 1926 William McGregor Paxton 1869-1941 Location TBD82341926Ambassador Smirnoff 1926 by Filipp Malyavin 1869-1940 Museu Nacional de Belas Artes91361926Self-Portrait 1926 Geogios Roilos (1867-1928) Location TBD101121926133481927Self-Portrait 1927 by Ellen Emmett Rand 1875-1941 National Academy Museum82211927Self-Portrait 1927 by Filipp Maliavin 1869-1940 Christies Aale82221927133471928Self-Portrait 1928 by Roger Fry (1866-1934) Private Collection101131928133461929 Amenemhat II, 3rd Pharoah of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1929-1895 B.C.E., Neues Museum, Berlin 73601929Amenemhat II,3rd Pharoah of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1929-1895 B.C.E., Location TBD73611929Amenemhat II, 3rd Pharoah of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1929-1895 B.C.E., Musée du Louvre, Paris (Photo: Captmondo, 2005)73721929Kliment Voroshilov 1929 by Isaak Brodsky 1883-1939 Institute of Russian Realist Art82101929Neville Chamberlain 1929 by William Orpen 1878-1931 Sotheby's Sale L07132 Lot 7682181929A Woman 1929 by Alexander Kanoldt 1881-1939 Pinakothek der Moderne Munich82311930Evelyn Waugh, 1930, by Henry Lamb (1885-1960) Private Collection103031930Mary Spencer Watson 1930 by George Spencer Watson 1869-1934 Christie's82421930Self-Portrait 1930 by Sir William Rothenstein (1872-1945) National Portrait Gallery London101201930133451931Tom Whiskey (M Julien Zaire) 1931 by Glyn Warren Philpot 1887-1931 Sothebys82461931A Young Woman 1931 by Julio Moises Fernandez de Villasante (1888-1968) Surrey, UK.102611931133441932Hilda Spencer Watson 1932 by George Spencer Watson 1869-1934 Christies 532724682371932Mary the Artists Daughter 1932 by George Spencer Watson 1869-1934 Royal Academy of Arts London82431932Mrs Virginia Heckscher McFadden 1932 by Philip de Laszlo 1869-1937 Location TBD82441932A Woman 1932 by George Spencer Watson 1869-1934 Royal Academy of Arts London82471932133431933Mabell Ogilvy Countess of Airlie 1933 by Philip de Laszlo 1869-1937 Location TBD82411933133421934An Australian Man ca 1934 by Robert Kinnear 1851-1935 State Library of Victoria La Trobe Picture Collection82361934Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie 1934 by Philip de Laszlo 1869-1937 NPGL 400782451934133411935Sir George Coles, 1935, William Beckwith McInnes (1889-1939) National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, Australia, 2002.48.82381935James Joyce 1935 by Jacques Emile Blanche 1861-1942 Naional Portrait Gallery London 388382401935133401936Elizabeth Elfreth (Mrs. Lovering Hathaway), 1936, Edmund C. Tarbell (1862-1938) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 2007.384. 82391936Marguerite Kelsey, 1936, Alan Beeton (1880-1942) Location TBD104411936133391937133381938133371939133361940Alfie Bass, ca. 1939-1941, by Lawrence Gowing (1918-1991) Swindon Art Museum UK 105491940133351941133341942Louis Lacroix, 1942, by Augustins Rachou (1855-1944) Musée des Augustins, Toulouse, France, RO1713104431942133331943Em Thúy (Little Thuy), 1943, by Trần Văn Cẩn (1910-1994) Vietnam Museum of Fine Arts, Hanoi104421943133321944133311945133301946133291947133281948133271949133261950133251951133241952133231953133221954133211955133201956133191957133181958133171959133161960133151961133141962133131963133121964133111965133101966133091967133081968133071969133061970133051971Senusret I, 2nd Pharoah of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1971-1929, Altes Museum Berlin73711971Senusret I, 2nd Pharoah of the 12th Dynasty, reigned ca. 1971-1929, Agyptisches Museum der Universität Leipzig (Photo: Einsamer Schutz)74041972133041973133031974133021975133011976133001977132991978132981979132971980132961981132951982132941983132931984132921985132911986132901987132891988132881989132871990132861991132851992132841993132831994132821995132811996132801997132791998132781999132772000132762001132752002132742003132732004132722005132712006132702007132692008132682009132672010Mentuhotep III 11th Dynasty, 1st Intermediate, reigned ca. 2010-1998 B.C.E., Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA73452010Mentuhotep III 11th Dynasty, 1st Intermediate, reigned ca. 2010-1998 B.C.E., Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA73462011132662012132652013132642014132632015132622016132612017A Young Woman with Flip Phone ca 2017 by Amy Hill, FRONT ROOM GALLERY NEW YORK CITY 102602017132602018132592019132582020132572021132562022132552023132542024132532025132522026132512027132502028132492029132482030132472031132462032132452033132442034132432035132422036132412037132402038132392039132382040132372041132362042132352043132342044132332045132322046132312047132302048132292049132282050Mentuhotep II, 11th Dynasty, 1st Intermediate, reigned ca. 2046-2010 B.C.E., Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo (Photo: Jon Bodswworth, 2007)73442051132272052132262053132252054132242055132232056132222057132212058132202059132192060132182061132172062132162063132152064132142065132132066132122067132112068132102069132092070132082071132072072132062073132052074132042075132032076132022077132012078132002079131992080131982081131972082131962083131952084131942085131932086131922087131912088131902089131892090131882091131872092131862093131852094131842095131832096131822097131812098131802099131792100131782101131772102131762103131752104131742105131732106131722107131712108131702109131692110 Ur-Ningirsu, 2nd Dynasty of Lagash, son of Gudea, ca. 2110 B.C.E., Musée du Louvre, Paris, AO 9504 (Photo: Louvre Atlas Database)73552111131682112 Ur-Nammu, founder of 3rd Dynasty of Ur, reigned ca. 2112-1195 (Middle Chronology), detail from Stela of Ur-Nammu Location TBD73532112Ur-Nammu, founder of 3rd Dynasty of Ur, reigned ca. 2112-1195 (Middle Chronology), The British Museum, London, ME 113896 73542113131672114131662115131652116131642117131632118131622119131612120131602122131592123131582124131572125131562126131552127131542128131532129131522130131512131131502132131492133131482134131472135131462136131452137131442138131432139131422140131412141Gutian conquest of Akkad, ca. 2141 BCE (until ca. 2050 BCE) original painting from Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915, pg. 245.
106152141131402142131392143131382144131372145131362146131352147131342148131332149131322150131312151131302152131292153131282154131272155131262156131252157131242158131232159131222160131212161131202162131192163131182164131172165131162166131152167131142168131132169131122170131112171131102172131092173131082174131072175131062176131052177131042178131032179131022180131012181131002182130992183130982184130972185130962186130952187130942188130932189130922190130912191130902192130892193130882194130872195130862196130852197130842198130832199130822200The Divine Sharkalisharri Prince of Akkad Ibni-Sharrum the Scribe his servant, Akkadian Cylinder Seal, ca. 2200 BCE (2217-2193), Louvre, Paris, AO22303, Department of Oriental antiquities, Richelieu, ground floor.106252201130812202130802203130792204130782205130772206130762207130752208130742209130732210130722211130712212130702213130692214130682215130672216130662217130652218130642219130632220130622221130612222130602223130592224130582225130572226130562227130552228130542229130532230Naram Sin, RUler of Akkad, grandson of Sargon, ca. 2230 (2255-2218 BCE Middle Chronology), Istanbul Archaeology Museum.106272231130512232130502233130492234130482235130472236130462237130452238130442239130432240130422241130412242130402243130392244130382245130372246130362247130352248130342249130332250130322251130312252130302253130292254130282255130272256130262257130252258130242259130232260Manishtusu, Ruler of Akkad, ca. 2270-2255 BCE, Louvre. Photo by Shonagon, 2017, Wikimedia Commons106262261130222262130212263130202264130192265130182266130172267130162268130152269130142270130132271130122272130112273130102274130092275130082276130072277130062278130052279130042280130032281130022282130012283130002284Ankhnesmeryre II and Son Pepi II, 6th Dynasty ca. 2284-2184, Location TBD (Photo: Keith Schengili-Roberts)73432285129992286129982287129972288129962289129952290129942291129932292129922293129912294129902295129892296129882297129872298129862299129852300A Ruler, possibly Akkadian, ca. 2300-2000 BCE, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 47.100.80 (Photo: Met Database) 73492301129842302129832303129822304129812305129802306129792307129782308129772309129762310129752311129742312129732313129722314129712315129702316129692317129682318129672319129662320129652321129642322129632323129622324129612325Sargon of Akkad and his army reaches the Mediterranean Sea, ca. 2325 BCE (range=2334-2279 BCE) original painting for Hutchinson's Story of the Nations, 1915
106142325129602326129592327129542328129582329129572330129562331129552332Pepi I Meryre, 3rd Pharaoh of the 6th Dynasty, ca. 2332-2283, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo73422333129532334Sargon of Akkad, reigned ca. 2334-2215, Middle to Short Chronology, Baghdad Museum73502335129522336129512337129502338129492339129482340129472341129462342129452344129442345129432346129422347129412348129402349129392350129382351129372352129362353129352354129342355129332356129322357129312358129302359129292360129282361129272362129262363129252364129242365129232366129222367129212368129202369129192370129182371129172372129162373129152374129142375129132376129122377129112378129102379129092380129082381129072382129062383129052384129042385129032386129022387129012388129002389128992390128982391128972392128962393128952394128942395128932396128922397128912398128902399128892400128882401128872402128862403128852404128842405128832406128822407128812408128802409128792410128782411128772412128762413128752414128742415128732416128722417128712418128702419128692420128682421128672422128662423128652424128642425128632426128622427128612428128602429128592430128582431128572432128562433128552434128542435128532436128522437128512438128502439128492440128482441128472442128462443128452444128442445128432446128422447128412448128402449128392450Demedji and Hennutsen , from the early 5th Dynasty , The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 51.37 (Photo: Museum Website)73412451128382452128372453128362454128352455128342456128332457128322458128312459128302460128292461128282462128272463128262464128252465128242466128232467128222468128212469128202470128192471128182472128172473128162474128152475Menkaura, 5th or 6th Pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty, reigned ca. ca. 2475-2450, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA (Photo:Keith Schengili-Roberts)73402476128142477128132478128122479128112480128102481128092482128082483128072484128062485128052486128042487128032488128022489128012490128002491127992492127982493127972494127962495127952496127942497127932498127922499127912500 Khafra, 4th Pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty, Old Kingdom, reigned ca. 2500-2475, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo (Photo: Jon Bodsworth)73392500 Khafra, 4th Pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty, Old Kingdom, reigned ca. 2500-2475, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo (Photo: Jon Bodsworth)73482500Lugaldalu of Adab, ca. 2500, wearing a kanaukes, Museum of the Ancient Orient, Istanbul, Turkey. Photo by Mark Ahsmann, Wikimedia Commons. 106242501127902502127892503127882504127872505127862506127852507127842508127832509127822510127812511127802512127792513127782514127772515127762516127752517127742518127732519127722520Djedefre, 3rd Pharaoh of 4th Dynasty, Old Kingdom, ca. 2520-2500 Musée du Louvre, Paris (Photo: Sebi, 200773382521127712522127702523127692524127682525127672526127662527127652528127642529127632530127622531127612532127602533127592534127582535127572536127562537127552538127542539127532540127522541127512542127502543127492544127482545127472546127462547127452548127442549127432551127422552127412553127402554127392555127382556127372557127362558127352559127342560127332561127322562127312563127302564127292566127282567127272568127262569127252570127242571127232572127222573127212574127202576127192577127182578127172579127162580127152581127142582127132583127122584127112585127102586127092587127082588127072589Khufu, 2nd Pharoah of the 4th Dynasty, reigned ca. 2589-2566 BCE, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo 73372590127052591127042592127032593127022594127012595127002596126992597126982598126972599126962600Construction of the Great Pyramids at Giza, ca. 2600 BCE, painted by Heinrich Leutemann (1824-1905) Location TBD106172600Dudu of Lagash, Priest and Scribe, ca. 2600 BCE, Iraq Museum, Baghdad, Bridgeman Images106212601126952602126942603126932604126922605126912606126902607126892608126882609126872610126862611126852612126842613Sneferu, 1st Pharaoh of 4th Dynasty, reigned ca. 2613-2589 B.C.E., Location TBD (Photo: Snofru, 2002)73522614126832615126822616126812617126802618126792619126782620A Seated Scribe, possibly 4th Dynasty, 2620-2500 B.C.E., Musée du Louvre, Paris (Photo: soloegipto)73512621126772622126762623126752624126742625126732626126722627126712628126702629126692630126682631126672632126662633126652634126642635126632636126622637126612638126602639126592640126582641126572642126562643126552644126542645126532646126522647126512648126502649126492650126482651126472652126462653126452654126442655126432656126422657126412658126402659126392660126382661126372662126362663126352664126342665126332666126322667Djoser, 1st Pharaoh 3rd Dynasty, reigned ca. 2667-2648, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo (Photo: Jon Bodsworth, 2007)73332668126312669126302670126292671126282672126272673126262674126252675126242676126232677126222678126212679126202680126192681126182682126172683126162684126152685126142686126132687126122688126112689126102690Khasekhemwy, 5th and last pharaoh of 2nd Dynasty, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo106192690Khasekhemwy, 5th and last pharaoh of 2nd Dynasty, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, UK, Hierakonpolis, temple enclosure73472691126092692126082693126072694126062695126052696126042697126032698126022699126012700126002701125992702125982703125972704125962705125952706125942707125932708125922709125912710125902711125892712125882713125872714125862715125852716125842717125832718125822719125812720125802721125792722125782723125772724125762725125752726125742727125732728125722729125712730125702731125692732125682733125672734125662735125652736125642737125632738125622739125612740125602741125592742125582743125572744125562745125552746125542747125532748125522749125512750125502751125492752125482753125472754125462755125452756125442757125432758125422759125412760125402761125392762125382763125372764125362765125352766125342767125332768125322769125312770125302771125292772125282773125272774125262775125252776125242777125232778125222779125212780125202781125192782125182783125172784125162785125152786125142787125132788125122789125112790125102791125092792125082793125072794125062795125052796125042797125032798125022799125012800125002801124992802124982803124972804124962805124952806124942807124932808124922809124912810124902811124892812124882813124872814124862815124852816124842817124832818124822819124812820124802821124792822124782823124772824124762825124752826124742827124732828124722829124712830124702831124692832124682833124672834124662835124652836124642837124632838124622839124612840124602841124592842124582843124572844124562845124552846124542847124532848124522849124512850124502851124492852124482853124472854124462855124452856124442857124432858124422859124412860124402861124392862124382863124372864124362865124352866124342867124332868124322869124312870124302871124292872124282873124272874124262875124252876124242877124232878124222879124212880124202881124192882124182883124172884124162885124152886124142887124132888124122889124112890124102891124092892124082893124072894124062895124052896124042897124032898124022899124012900124002901123992902123982903123972904123962905123952906123942907123932908123922909123912910123902911123892912123882913123872914123862915123852916123842917123832918123822919123812920123802921123792922123782923123772924123762925123752926123742927123732928123722929123712930123702931123692932123682933123672934123662935123652936123642937123632938123622939123612940123602941123592942123582943123572944123562945123552946123542947123532948123522949123512950123502951123492952123482953123472954123462955123452956123442957123432958123422959123412960123402961123392962123382963123372964123362965123352966123342967123332968123322969123312970123302971123292972123282973123272974123262975123252976123242977123232978123222979123212980123202981123192982123182983123172984123162985123152986123142987123132988123122989123112990123102991123092992123082993123072994123062995123052996123042997123032998123022999123013100Narmer Palette, ca. 3100, 1st Dynasty, Egypt, Egyptian Museum, Cairo73313100Lady of Uruk ("The Warka Head"), ca. 3100, BCE, Iraq National Museum, Baghdad IM 45434 oldest "naturalistic" human portrait?73323100Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt - Narmer, ca. 3100 BCE, by Unknown Artist106183100Warka Vase, Top Register, ca. 3200-3000 BCE, Iraq Museum, Baghdad. Photo by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg), Wikimedia Commons, 2019.106283100Warka Vase Top Register, Uruk, ca. 3200-3000 BCE, Iraq Museum, Baghdad, Photo by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg), Wikimedia Commons, 2019.106293300Priest Kings of Uruk, ca. 3300 BCE (3500-3100 BCE) Louvre, Paris AO5718 and KLI1, Salle 236106226000Adam of Govrlevo, ca. 6000-5000 BCE Skopje City Museum Macedonia78526000Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük, ca. 6000 BCE, Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara78559000Urfa Man, "Balikligol Statue", ca. 9000 BCE, Şanlıurfa Museum, Turkey,
Photo by Cobija (Wikimedia Commons)106209000Karahan Tepe Man, ca. 9000 BCE, Turkey. Getty Images 1063015000Le bison se lechant, ca. 15000 BP, Musée d'Archéologie nationale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Photo: Museum Website)785324000Venus of Brassempouy, ca. 26,000-24,000 BP, Musée d'Archéologie Nationale at Saint-Germain-en-Laye785724000Venus of Willendorf, ca. 24,000-22,000 BP, Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien 785824000Venus XV, ca. 24000 BCE, Dolní Věstonice1063225000Venus de Laussel, ca. 25000 BP (Gravettian), Musée d'Aquitaine à Bordeaux (Photo: 120, 2008, Wikipedia)785129000Dolní Věstonice Venus ("Black Venus"), ca. 29000-25000 BCE, National Museum, Prague. Photo by Petr Novák, Wikipedia.1063129000Making the Dolni Vestonice Venus Ceramic Figurine, Gravettian Industry, ca. 29000 BCE.1063340000Lowenmenschen (Lion Man), 40,000 years BP, Ulmer Museum, Ulm785440000Venus of Hohle Fels ,ca. 40,000-35,000 BP(Aurignacian), found near Schelklingen, Germany
(Photo: H. Jensen, Universität Tübingen)7856